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F . . , ,71:.at'F'.. : ) 4,> •; 7 ?,. .1 . - 1•-] ' ' Y 44 / 4 :-',.:•;.• ' . '4' • ~: j,- l'ii' ••-• .'" 477\4 ..' - , -,* '' .. " . "' 7 'o .. - l'l -,- :1- 1 , m. -f--1'142-11:„.„4',-... - . 1 ."1.: 1 -', '-• '.,•'•• sc? . s' "' °' • --.'.";? -''', ' ~':'"- , -.;,'-•';:',.-. •: -• ...,-..- .-t" , '..'-', --'. :` '. • :::.="-...-",::". .'..., - ;."-::r.. , .:.-,:.,=;.:.. ' ,f:j!f , " . " - "..'2,;: -". ,%,.... ( .B,' :B. - .&. ,-E.-,;..t1J0E.-PR.Ont Z 93 V 0 C MUSE 11 . , • Tye liking for this 4strifsine: Uwe only do it-well; rum, defiant, - like. a giant. - _ — '+' mOre ; tho effort tell ; One a lotlieoi6.r.king Let usfreefOlow advise; ". for r talon, and Cortattiorr ' to make us -great and wise: . say the sages,, Go fore% er hand inland; - . Vic inotionof an ocean, • - . : The supply and the demand. adviee is, strike for prices, r• Noliler far than sordid' coin; _ Strike with terror; sin and error, • .And :et man and master, join. • In the heart orin the lima -6e no ciathor- - 7 take'the hammer=; brfire it. dciwn--and strike It iitiad;', Much th s e chopping, lopping, prepping, Carpenter, we gave t. 9 do, :; Ere toe \ pfutnmo A., front tholsunitUit, Mark our morartabrie tree.. :1 Take the ineasuto of false plensnr6, -- ri'ry each senor_ by' theoquare ; Strike a' ebalk-line , for 'yo4 walk-line ;. • Sulks io• keep your footsteps there ! The foundation of creation •Lt^s is trutlis unerring.daws, Man of mortar', there's no shorter . Way' to base a' riateona . cause. Every builder, painter; gilder,- --Neu of leather, men of clothes, .E:ath mechanic in a panic \VIVI tine 'y his labor goes. Let him 're On thus in season,- " Strike - the root of all Itisl. - tvrontr• Cease his quarrels, mond.his morals. • A el he happy, rich and'strong.: • Itaivest Bonie. ; '4;t: rrcoi*Qpkifandifar:iwai,: Souz2s the merry roundel - ay across Vat russet plain, ,S.awly moves the loaded'svain, • Greet the reapers as tneY tome,— • 113ppy, happy hamst home! liar the - wintry blast, Setrar . )-.lins will shine at last ; •_ •• -SJethelolden grain appear, : • . - protuee of the _Year,;•' Greet-the rapers as they eerne;:- , - .11apy, happy bc.itpe p hpy ha ! , • Children c .jolit-the joeund:rinl,r, _ Youngant old crime forth and - sing;,: •Stripl,ing Mithe, and maiden i tay, - -- • 111,11 - tSe rural holiday. , Gres.t. the relpers as they come s‘ . , ht , PaY harvest 'home l: What is Respectability? Tv judge from the 6:lndua 412 - 4 id6as 4orne persons among loth, sexes, reelieztubiii ty'eob.sists in driving, fast horsOoveming rip - h lav-.3; a:inking eh am pagne," p r iall# 2 .„ awaY,lite. To eut a finre in societp*ithe promenades cast a watering place, appears ite..soie of i nmilx ti-o9en, who slimly ,wern - lieTn f:Ticliet i terthingf To Cultivate a inetisfache, SPCT a Iwo fort . r . tiottei; - or , aet ns a:inodel .1,1111t0.r of coau-„for . some Batumi:de : tailor ! ! k.'.ent te the toneeritio . n Of.-a,dignifted and . r.npeetaLle . eareer formed by4LWaletdir tithe , • - • • , being respeetable,-' in either; m a ny' or iropari is, to our notion, iloing auty. 'flie.poorest peison,' gra Altillat i ssopsidtre# paltuLriy the har9llips* , voeitficirriliiiho' . pays EL dt: l otg, üb - es the. w; il and itialfds - 14,s4pr ..atigaiout. to society and to. his tures, is a thousand -times 'more, thatrthe wealthy idler, lb& 4 4thgtd_ L ', e PfL* l 7 I}4-ift, tbeieariou s' miser, or the k„ o#Dle; tool. So the thodeSt wket4t - kear!uh, ktss, hoolt.folder,-prods tender; storekeeper, orj ever house-serilnt4l4 in the true-$ ie ofthe; l w o l : :"...,:.infirtiteli . more iisii,eo4 l l,::#4 'the - extmagant wife who'liiainil4l.lll4li4ll44,l, the tbOng-btbniirc 4;1.1 itin,ileatitile butterfly itirt ., ..:l6:a*rd; w orth, l4 not woratt, eountitutest_ri**4ll4:' ea.l Ty eerns to t e , res Pee honQr\es sneh. - The - iatilionstirei'avhotisi O1). 1 Lined wealth by izitivistitis eei'sithqt;ighte -Isll' erOP through thOrgle4Ps .r u l et_ese9pe'thivindclUtiti„iirditd,a aiaboak Pitirti:,; he may give 'kuin&dinnefs, #l!*. kfilltPKY inbitbita aee'el&l ea 'tituFibt . pisc-3; 3-t;yith reeogcize the rotletutt4it suld;;,*ffin, the samanit Bplinalte*,lg:ffi;e -iglitur traet by which Ili,' ; 1 4 - * 1 1.41 let%itu th, whit ba.id ll :4;i*ei,;l4Al2* re bPteLt*4lde voit;?Oitvften_ DiFei !the, esteem of the good, - SP 4110;01-14*:f4‘"44 a ! 1 1 3 tbgie - ir4tOs their; tate, hiNieritea;Aernagagnettiioid‘44,oPeTS a nd sil othersa - a nimiltriVlti„l:;***** - speetabit Pina/biickiieViejit 14 ` gtlit thefA4-117°47044*-/5"1 t ' le uet 4unkn a silk pursevut- _5 As ' Pe° P le P 11°316 '4 344 //Olt ' 1011. e,,,t twit is for "06 Yufing itutt'A *KSPl* are m eant. "rui. olags=64*44 Ate gums upw.‘tisokthey,wiligeasytatc,:i mg'sisto 7 evtriiiikkir thtiif /la t he Yuung haVri44l:thihn*VAtilk thft take itairt ,kual"3 truly rei`peetat4 • EOM O i RB Dsm.L - G , al/ immense_ pa ,r, -. .eni._ *- " ar a li jO ns ' i l..? ri*ra l a ,• °! ? ar c :' -f r re /4,ll .V . lirlalll' ;Items, affeciing il....;Oniosa. - man .::only, d • the' blighted hopes,' thaWither n )tt S ou th intigt , in . - -,, a , th 4 i , etr ... ,t • t . • , -„i, . lies . compare : w ith of- Itome - friends; I 'Thai:l44mi ;tAddres 1 -t 1 4' - them., - to te Publlshed,4"Yonl think roper li , tbedebased propcniiities, the. bru -ide--s6;-' - - - • ~ •'•1•111 - - , • it. tp .. -_,P . ,P.i-, .. tal i a PPe. ll, t! ) .N•I'l delacllliae Ilaajaall', l lhe defil . ' -,, ' • 14 ' ivemot , , - i','l trial complete the ' riihtf a iil spectiacitree-a7souli -- 1,...... 1 .- F ,ll. '• 1 ei l, l e Pa sa len c ai•w4 all the saddr moral itemal • • - ' --' -I ._ • , ..'?T"'••• '• - ' - .I ' iir it fns; ii soul a l . .' . •fißtr:.*l ' s '-'".'' .' 6 w Orr • EltS:-*l l ' 41 - e l onsiiii from erte h i. 9. 1 c 4,1 PoBse.ssl4 bY 1 selll4!' and 661 4 - ... ' 5 4 ; 772 are bea tiful, insigi. 1 hie Araiter's'im W hi ch : h °!' i aF 43 " been; &ca,. a soul I leg, eloyating, suirgeStive. • • - .- il Is seathed and ' a .Ti... , broad extazit oi cultiv _ . , „ . comi i r i v i fortit frightful' tiven a that . .will 1 creafter stand' ivherill6eld;', and. - etehard, and 'woOdland lel wMtl ad amid Itg ruins ' a monument of stretched before Us;)Uill.the t goracona i'v l tt - But li if n individual 7artung to, the till 17r8°. I of summer, i e l,l•O' - "' - 'f - ' • .1 • ' I ', t • •-. ruin was al ,it 'might be. , s ,a , a rtuous aud a lia , 5RT endured. Wilt, shall 4 afire, Tito a . vitclerne;:,,of ' oi b i leftn, 00, ,er, liil,"ciai miseries? ltui7 hauP ' i realzrainull ' t%;°°ef i , and ,smaislune,,thail *0 onottsly Spina but ono happy.family , it • en - no• - .call out over hill,,led mountain, einii, valley, assure forth our lintel .- B u , i h m a 11 'b. : us that 'we are still cared- forly an Itriseen6 l it desafated . " . II llle - °w- anIYIIII4 :has 'jet' All-pr 'seathand. . '' `• ''• •.- , i I' 1 . 1 in all Our ;° i ; Ufa pleasantest word In , i4 - a' excitements of tif Th i4 b u ni lu o i t ex n p t r t - iti ,si i ia. i n a li tL.... tit ... 1 11 itb' s -.. i: 4.. i lift, it . kiia,44 i . liat l i g g e ;hts • of pe , ace to the wee-, o } . temperance, viriae ~ it, cultv Vie - freed . nid ry l b . eart i l it [pictures ,rest,-,-to ,the . disiiuleted , as the Op' ical, iplifral t, the' smil e Of.. ' 1 gone l on earth; it is th G e i ivilholltlhia, all .the pomp. of Natiut, is 1i I he; looks • toward ca‘ a- on a r r A ae ll r's livala as lia that earth's contrast and moekcirY:s With It, we harninnii' . l - Wlary pilgrire drew sof lieavent is toreshad- • _with*llillir-fr Firm, as the sentes bi 11.4, in 411 1 owed in the word , ' home." - I - • . 2 inoial'. trust ; . O -May still' : gi n our c ' ' Contentment, peace lent • ed hailing. thp i 3 firl and • the e'slin •as ,equl4l !rim mother, thechildr ' en p , they freetighe4,-7,-sthhearei..- corinnis!to4ei t . . 0 bl i es.siis.... o ar harvests qin I, I .4' rehitionship.' What -'confidet ' ice 41, be iiperd, ou k raist i es ldio ; tii t h ese t ee - Inessief tiust, in each other. . And thos e iaa l we look fur nurtrite,—fer proteCtion- to th I tile. children how ;fondly . l il • t broodinff•Wino • s of. the AI 'Pli - ' ' ' ' ' pr°uali theY ' . ,. i ,:, -,, . , mi .Ir.. . -.., ; I 1: 13p k to the father; What an influence he Here, beneath the clear stra,is At - fast ' ' -.., l ids over those little immortal's! What won , iterablage; i gthe t ed,.-0 111 thi s At e sit elsery . 9r that in that cliartucd circle was - all these , our Nation . 's F nedon, 'to *item ,a '• t i j) :littlO,COUld lineam of happi -, • - • ,,1 1 * A re44l 1 around.. , ir country's altar ;- atid; : i ak I !But - look again!, it ; is desolate . • Gaunt want the same tinie, t honor thoie high colt:mint .9d hanger.have_, entered that abode: Cold, / virtues which 10,.e . ran support the `.State,, . 'aTi sickness; and aarT l Fow ••have Eeitit4 upon ill zu r-.l d, , n r i N a y f h re e re n i i iii bli a a p tir preac er e n h :• . ail, without .• - hieb. ev ry_ form of. Libert4 its :l, m•rs, i , c ` se ith a : y e 7 l , 6ll -I ; d PPl er fae , de.esive. i .4lizi a, - _ibis bri gs us. to the subjects i t assigned to me. y your, ind partiality. , -.i f i T'tere is upon wifeiand children: 2 -, 0 In theinfancy of the Temperance entetpnst, P a .. • a scene i 3. a' hamer'llitade desolate 14 . the true : principle o .thia Refortn was not 'mi. 'a 1 -•- - . --- ••• . ~,, /- I ' .-, I - , -. l l i i.derstdott ~. Th e d et d et i ort i- of. Ram itt ..64i ,' T ere is another,gent `enact. ed in Spread- - ‘ tbiea4, b i . u lk thei 9ut - w4ra offeet u ; but ib , , ie leg iis wido . riin, to whom.pu lie, sentiment tivre hidden ca . were Dot ..., ec/2. They kiti. its ever assigned a proper pl ce. 71, 8 anti -The reason is,• • imnihhis - ctioncid that , ly looked to' i visi ruins; and ?Might ilt, Mit. D f R- ' igate,effects.'" - Fro these - means there •l, t ,-.4dd 4.l . ll) : Nblic : xciltid • • - nail . • , y_ tutus , up no. ray of hope. In that daik hour, ;.t ms itself tcr regard as right,. what: the' Div ed,apon the Alin . • epic mind, the Egli 61' la . , W.& ,- The: ffect °flaw" tip n pnblic i Ben- sb t o u! , .t ! . uti . 4., „„ ne i f , t i ,„bu s er b au ju i b ia r ,.., . 04; , .yssiery.: is 'never fully - entima. ed. - Legalize and yet . one,that - produCel Mere - o*. i sid:st.ealilw. robliery, - •elaveryii or any other crime, relieved . more ' evi l, any , , Other 6. fir m ii , : 1 .., 1 . and,.la time, the opinion 'That, gron.s . up under covOy. _lt wets t Ltbe MAY principle fit th, elnllnebee,of•auCh law, iwilt.regit&"titinks a e f t ik e le !'.'Tory ...iii . e = .' * ''i n i . ,.,•, ..ii s - Iti4 Mimes with respect ; gather - than abborrenie.: , -;- inimper4Oiodero, r -i , e. - iet i • ,hie a ..' ki h ,,, i t ' i ; i ;i s 412 d had. it not been lot law 'the making it ' I fr uf to to - insinuate. misery; and want; and • the great evil to e r emoved • • tho s e m k s came , a rmy o f ,d - 4 , - {b • t e i riirie•interamt ies and_ neighborhoods, by - a . . . . Y e ar Is „ 4 t 1 anaually.crowded- eigatee• of dea . - That 4" i 111 ° 4 ' would. eau; a ma n ' with the by .a necessity ..of atute i F T -not ' -mowierit, ,<larkeit reproach of infamy. , - , . _ but by.. a :slew, i' nsiblit proc e t . uto d el 4e- It is: a rule of and•morals, that• it man I driaillif Mails •4i i - i. :145. , ; :.. lo ot always; fur -i,5,-feaPaaalldefer all th e evil &reels upon etheri, Pr r Yi4ence nom 'es IC . y, ' the ~ d,,hi t. - ,of what Ae asii.its to spread . among them; if lic ir 1 Ile -.1*14 171 from tici emb rac e o ft c Destreicr• ' / novas--*ictlifects io-becril. ~ •_ i i' : _ . • —al . Morey ist-ltielt -'s •11 . rt v s ! t , te,d,' t t h e • rh iii 6 f 0.. whata measure of aceonatnbility rests autc44 , nut A ers. i ll wuumi tbatibii law, npon•the Vender : ' .Da . l after day t carelessiy, • uistiess „ u - s, l ibut which-10mi ,thu. Aunetri i i i ts ihi pours out the . red wine .to hii fellow h urb; tbe first 4,raiui assured a . 6 . 4k.ur . 41 , 4 if 5 , 4 1 4, e. I tears i ipass•nn i aDfho Yet _stands_ behind that at bar , Ile has. never cared •to trace the slow ‘44,Ur-13, hilt te.lrfora . alould :invest that iiiezi gtaisr-fr°P2 what la' b' 1. ea t Of in i' seir y.,i ho dit prOgree s of his vietims; or ..tb.look . into their crime, =id wrz i riwoida, this gro4 i iiilg eii : t ii i v . etcbcd homes.;... Can-It ber that hots rcisPon relieved ! - ,Noititaiterh w - . lage,:--the feettiii l a t ll' i le - Or all . the effects of ali, the Rim "he- sells ! , there:' •Slay,. lis 10.4 exception , to, g i ii, ii iii 4 1 .. n Eternity they will all, belgatinmcd•-into one on death, leadiyinith, and beauty and h -"-'-- L' I - 4 forte.4f g.hastly horror that sibllook'n u hapPluessiato, one totamon grave.,, ~,-, :i i bls,!arls'aad loare'its. iinage,Thero forevere , :-voice veiee *not, azil' heahl in -g e m s . lum, "slab ~ Au if re be degrees of ler tiUtit,,; -b n i i,t,b, , r - ° Jo t -• 611 ' - t um a te * , 07 .- - • h i i u teu i. i l t,i ; - , ' l r . ,atithe Judginenti d gradatioas , of :Lies us :4a i.. ,•alidiri l 3l: l4 .,a * l' i _ , II: , -**- • , -tell !us Ir ur a/aimg the damn , I eli bete, in:those lila miaerYAl aysitiout -from illsobe4e.e„ bli = .l , ld ti fielda, kefare all is.-Itstetting - Nature • toll* llr/ • ; ' ' l lillltieb lever it exls - ts4t,Tils '7 -tl fl la , sea.4- r reSIKIthSi 0 fa.CeS, .VO sue ; • ob. ' ,. er f s, ~ .% #, t iti,u- i iit b- 4 , • ' . 0 1 ;‘, 41,, - ,.. •-, b i. en •a tu i ,e g u kd i l give ae tunrbitt , _the Ru seller's acconat. , -. _1 i . and ileum **- f - 14 - p hisr ie sio - r ' - j eo i - a d. eit t il t • ,.. ..... Is there no , iremedy,T r - : Anhther great step : ( A we i keen7 pilit,,i4,, : , 7 : , ,,. , , ~. ~ „, . 7 List be. tilt% in this •Eleforte,—mero gavot.. I . 1 . - 2•. - -tet i., • , es ''' ' . tii t,t, - **n a int 4 6 - gni i_Na, i li n ' i . gpan W , LkettII,e3tIIIIIIE., -it Wl ll ilft human-. e - r:. - .4. iit ,i 14 iv.; , ,;k 1 ~-tair..-,-iisi islet -, , iii, 1,11 : ..ity . AP toward.,Goit ' li i iiiiii be the brighistsit t sponse retnr 7170 in ilia it#4'oo ~. ' ~- ic!. '' 1 s inc e : „, A; too k : L - ' . DP°2 ' 6” c°ut!ltrYl iinet—llle -es • ekt--ttni deck-44-64 ;, .r.lf"•--e uar allatiiuAlusfainily- of 'or visiniefeei'S' '-- ef,;•i'rmia ::kif .war -` .f ,rribe iluil.4. ' 4t Is *lea the 11"4418;11163uaibih93al ii poorhouse, Ifr • - n 'it' ..i.i . ,•:.t •. - 1,1.4 lot-ties., ptitify , th eir ,ostatute-Book - and!'inact gri cif _..._-.) - ~,. , .-- --• • •••., `'" - i., se, a -law prohibtung_ the sale •Air - initial t' =4 :t4e' ie.-1 1 4' I -EOM eFeryi . pliee , , 1,..:i3v- i rink • b - ita i . -- I ' ea mg cry part . 6: taincd:oripod;wheiti,tie,ili, inflict 2, „Y ties •-418 severe : es they now etir a u l tag-0 • jii-itie;d:ft,,iiiitiiiii l i n k. -,.itiiia.t. on larceny , robl,ery, and other crimes. it me e- , .....;..- t. ,-(..i,-'..:.• 1-*"-L .-.-' , ,„-4,F;:: - . , -,..,, , :AS irOthe State s :lof Maintostrile4, - 1 lielieVei the 4 4 Skin reaspn,- . to aeltre. • 1 . t h e . -,1- ect;tii • - I " 441 - idtii- '' - 'l4, th e . - IrEt tl i i r wilt ablior*Porkriaii -aad foss-,i i i r , ~,, . .,A i,,,_ . 4 _,..i ; _, .. * , ..__J i.,'. ..egltit , ieetbe , thwettod fors than; it" Will - vtiii'"`", J `" , "i'' It' eas `` zu vi. r e" - 3 4' • semi to , :otir litaterioitOrth - 'deep" toff - . th '' - l' ilin4 '' ' ' ''rewards 5 - 4 ?!' .4 # ledil" .'' - eat' iif ii "i4grObkati.i !'" !-'",'.. '-' -•- • pr,, , ,,are they ... in its, o k os s i n . i s temill e as •,.,• ~,, , ii. •,...,......7,•, , ,, ~ 1 .. • . --4-... t„.• ;..• ..-; ,- i. ii*44-!• „, " T Ait: 1 i t iiiiirtieliil74,•••-'7,4-ITllett .... '.141 . (3 7,4 ,13 : 4 4 1 7-F .915 g.i.*4 : tßenlatt - thi , ie „ : 1_,_„„,„.. ,. , : ‘,2,.., - ,;,L,„ : „.„,... i/t ; incthinbtleasialtriteia one -section of mitt mw'rf - I 4 P .."' -' l :'' w g''. ll C' ' the the Unio - • - f - • ' o,'' ' • - • -.., , in r . terence . ter „ lavery... • Bak . 'a , frown of the :. lis 'leen tolf • Salite;43.ll"ie iiii - SUditir' . 4ii.edeliiiiii - In Ihi o:1 vowlastonee ' 34 :9EP - ' to -- illin: AY* itcl -g- r ;V:t o. . , :-,, O°P ~ fl ttP,u l 7 o lle: - Thal,: Y *alWi!1 111 •-iifellittel,•,- - eMillarhaPa . Orrsf - , ' , al Lila tittie; , ime_ I the initind.' i of- the' peopW I blgOil**,lmi jigtiVn - tiii;iif4 4iii`eiiitriioid- i iii -- ' iii-' • ki•teo-(6x i . , l * : ::_ a iir• 411trpptoolokory., , iiiii,.1tli ili,giowii4id •,..70 . i. ' , 44. -*, It h #l P OVir: 7 :liiiiiivili feW,, - for, a to:: afarls•tur In -1 Ric,i'le. .. • Ul4l4llolitatifel!tiftedoil still laid. ill,# - itt e, , 2 ti t itigi ... :• oit - t rif-.0 . Y'11'' . :A . ... ,- -':: : ".. - - 5 -''''' I ,• , --til• -,.•••-et i . p , t," _2-...-n1.4 - 1,) , ,vi.... . .. -TI. *WM ,thlititlirt* tt , , , . - - - 7 '9S-, ',... ,;,•!r. 1,,r, ~., ~.*,:,;= , .„. , -, t-c , sebtikii oftgiillei. ti r 4 , - .•7,,,,,,..;,,, , ... - -v-e,' N-'- - $140,140 ilbek 3'4 }.:.; t mut. ering hn a grove ' ;. . . 1 7 -P" ,) .' , 1 40, 51 -..„ 4: .,... 1 . na l : ... .......•, c;. -,—,,,t-•,,,,,----- - , 47 - ;.4,10 . , - ,:v*,,.:A!il : . -- -i , ,,-4,64 0 .. . ~., , 1n0v.... -. ...... . ~.„t !•..1 I ,,„,••„ ..„‘„ A -. : -..„._:. ....14. ~..11401,0 1 41, Il .4.,4.1.-k k:,. ......; , ..f , -, • ~..i .i, 4 ,- 1',.. • " l' •! - . : .N.,.., c,,r. : , Vi i : ,, z., -, , 4:twpm—• .c,"-e,PP I I --- , - \-.41 - 1 , ,:,-, , ,44::: , •, 1 4.,, v ._...- , ,,...-y,..,- 1,. ‘,... .. „ Aix)..,,, i Iwo. .. —._,.,_...• .., 13 , 1.7 ':,,Aloyilif .-.- • • , •_i'. -• - 2 : - •"..'•.'..-: 7.• - ', soimov l• iIIEMBE litietzta to Selettilints :merits, the palsied head,, the glisk l aneei:an4 'aiPePtv7-411 IbUtlo9 Millttrattlit. MONTROn T Oise-. sad exparision,witl4 its present fatal and uotili in Pinnasylvania,- Abe treftle-in liq uors shall be .laid away amanr,Jhe.barbaraties PiPast. 2 ge 4 .4 111 ) : - My fellow_cithtene,,—those are blessings our country; comirred, with, *hid It, the bright eat woildeof Art, th e grandest, discoveries in Science, the - tnclit brilliant trophies of war; sink into nothing Let these Truths prevail, -gird our ,country with - this moral; power, and : she would. height 'of glory;that earth has never igen. • . - - • „FrornthiS hour• (Isead:the assurance in ev. ' pry countenanp.O.before mo,)-we mill is . t \ i• voi-ia all Or rnlations Art lift.,,to It Vance this' ild,--: and not- Wo icinly, Tor th e late history - , f _thi' tlistrick,,ass+es nti,tlietlio.great hear t f the Tr.ivr Lxcirox,”. beds, in strong. It' mony 1 with this s, purpotye... . • , '1 •Thepeople here,!have expressed t "r ha. teed ter slaveiy, by bestowing upon- orio/of her most - gifted sery'wliOso brightests•tlitinc tion was gained by Lisdiold aitackkuPon that system;- s ,-Judiebt). office, ,implying: as ir uch . Of confidenco and esteem as any sta 'thiet -ti ith iri thug gift, - -and thattoo Lv 'a popular ma `ority, of 2375; the largest, probably, ei•er I, , iv= en in:this- District. .- They also, with singular unanimity, ' \ eleeted our -present tiemioer. of Congress,. - under a pl . edge to proper means - to piqee -- the poiver andinflueneeuf this,Nation on the side of Freed9M; anti - avinet slavery. Ho Could hate been elected in no other' phitform,—and I rejoice that tho dat has fully einneh'Ure, that no one .an be ionored with therinblieersteein . . • • arid confiden w i hose heait s not fithly set Ameri u systein 'IV more impious, tows ing — r h and awful guilt, than any that ever lifte its defiant crest. toward God's • • Curiatig" ; . 's;asia'as . Dr. Carpent r is delivering a course' Of lec tures,rat. Manchester, on the physiolomi , of the - al** ,a.Meta• llnI In his Alih-lectaTe; .they 44- t6l ; :related' some vitriol* jnatances limisat mind.; HeY spoke .of learned tkciPia . .. years ittga, at Aberdue4; Robert Ilamilion; whose essay - on tha national -01.4. largely Contributed to . the; abblition of , the sinking fund.- in publicthis z mmt we's a shadow: lie pulled off -his to oivn wife in the streets, and' ,upologise4 forhot hay.- lug : the pleasure of ter ,acquaiutueee. Ir9mi - to wilorCcrths ... . . . . . itig„ Withoup,Ofhis.wife's-Whitentotthings . nri. . . . One leg, and a. 13 1 4. 4 .: one en the - 0t.4r.:-.:-..* 1 - nfiCia - sPeat-tit. ,:Kite time,. of the _class in 1 ino .. iiig from `the table : the „halii . : which his' sin - 401;4 Constantly rotarn . ed.. lie ilionie-- - iltnesinVited the'stlidents to call oiiiiii:him,• and - fined 'the* for insulting. titto, if tiey call-, ed.-.llinfran.akainst. a cow, : and b eamed heri .. ... , .. pardon stillingstillingher - Madameliopin she, had f mit.lii;enlitirt. : . lie would run again• ,'posts, and.chule them for not' getting - on' of e w-tv .1 i . etif any One w •as with him 'at the me, his 1, conversation s ould - be perfectly logie. L. ., ..4n.:,, .dither.instance of absence Of.mind Was quoted 4n the case-Of a aiiiteli • elergyinan,,, who .was • i invited •:to a party in . tdieberg,4 i tiipe;7l-46 1 it was' usual ' tnal - ixevotien.. xiith.:sciiiial in-, ferepiirse: - . Ho - .was regnested - qi conduct the l'.l3erVieiniiiefore.4lo ei - .)uipatiY broke- .nii;..and lie . I .ib,cielroF,3,l;olt . ..4o*ri'aniregi4o Ow - ixt:;T . , itgiro pri*: manner.:- . }3pt,„s4?oß po_.4,pa rv itly, I intii4lY forgot he Was, 'SO' :he centlia-= . ned his-prayer as -ilia the iluiil4de. of his own. el • ber...,-,lie •made refiectiods . Thi the prayer . 0n,t116 xao.diin :which.. he had spent t.lie eie ping, and on .tliii . i int:nide al ii lrenent.witnhi m. 'at. the party .r.NlThen..he -bad': 'Concladed his pMyer;fie rose up,look off his on at . .,ani... waist-- • 'coat; and . iiras . abent to proceed to ..fnrther.ex trPtl4o6,.- ,N.0941 : :hi5,-trieilds'..stOpped - ,:j11,Fm : 4- ' Ifoie'ficialiifr.liassies Of._.nliSenen. , Of pupa Werl me'ntieeed is occurring to more than! dnigantleLnan,, who have been ; know' in go' ilpxtrunt tor, an evening party, and bare 444 rlui itridreased a;zd got intn bed Al - thet a { I wives, PerhiPso were. waiting for. them below 111 F AfteligiTiVither-iases of t.l)944keous moi-I lel abstr;etien,the li c .4yrea _f,s k ote of the r'Atse 1 of indnied Keveric,,,.., commoply„, known 1 under 1 the iiiiiiid nail* of eleetrigdottogy.''Alt,the )ist*lt7oololiiin/eusi.4?f this state flaVeett -4 ,shown t - (seietid years t"4dnre'nitro' i biology was brought. before, the pnblil;) by itir. , Braid t in the person of s'gentlerni t tt, well triceaivii in Xatielrestir 'lt maii ell* t• toil .., i and uttPOY bicatio ,B ofdel. o l l lg, A I eat r e iseethidli pan ; au - 1 tbetpower of aponta f neous Astro:gout& , t , tolit tentj urit oli eb_ f t: ik degree, reri and ii Whnwhin fi nin , leeit. lo lX9 04 11 '4 hrste*Titart he is eitatitetal at th lei' , ,Y e - mercy : 0, a me, itiotawas his wbole t01a446--eoi the•tin) possessed with whateiet ideaiTtnat'46, eitin. i mnnieat iiiitliii by - This "bii:o3c l Clrioter,lietaliaemi tolie-thavaaential'Aii aetirotthia,state - .4;aiact4rsopatiaws - 1 *ll,ol l o 4 4 o wer - Pf fliii3-wilA l oite . i*lllOill 4if)tha'atliiiiiihtiiiititillifiti - 4 loth th - ro #l,oolAini *Pim' 6* .4* ir,. 4' -- ' logitt*i lit 4 ii. , ord4i4:ol:lo l 44odidi. ~ iiase - twoistatiiira6 - 0411*#;*w. ...-4 - • two, lir:...l'i lit-- .., v..4§"!--TvfoirOkato:oo 6 * - asltiikdsf -; 4 _,...,.....„-Iktiwifirtiwica-- t . _ it . i4l,l* ..', -11#,•i4 1 14 141.14* ;.t f I Vitho I,*bsitilitii.e4e OA /Oisi' - Alokiiiiet,t of it.POWP*Fililir - ' " I the 414 *-liefifitiaiit n i t .aimyti . 'D- t. -4 - . - •-,, '. " - . '-' '" -'" ' - 'l , 'lP,!thol ikieribo4 4 iti..r*Nif t 4elithilli ' l e. - . irreso4 - eia 64 0* • .. N . _. t ozAirv e , , ' glia. " '" 311 " 51w13.1 "7 iiii- ' --- audril46iniiiiii it's him,, .. - 1 4 ' fkr-q.ttt,OtiltTr URSDAY ~ ~ __, ~.I:~.: . i ___.___~7 _ '~ .. ~. enev, xttO 1141trotaviet art i . , 141:.1 53.1 • ' John'o.C 'he,' n.n. ' a - 1 -1 . Mr. Calhoun, in. respectl to:the prepaintir", d, finish of his works, enjoYed nOibcOnsai r ..- e able -advantage 6ver. 55.1-Clay„: Engaged, i ke' l liith . for ti. -gvaiater lxiri of his -10'4 in the' 1 11 a e u :bo tis uilar liti tb 9 its f o le f ad iii c s rs ts tii ifi P d i :fi llY abn e ati;:n Y- f it. reserTomo puro and 'coMpaet,- and. Cons .- 4 / ently mord lasting quatiftes of style. 1 The dissipations atdebate nciei-'pli3;vailed over hiil s ern intellectual. -integrity4 .lio read Ilittl,;,, u but reflected . muchintt whel p he spoko,.Which easmot - often, innsiderinibia•,'Multiplied , ofi. ' ' • from! - full • mind, l '1 • ortunities i h . spoke a l 1%1 1 treme pr ec ision , and dirClaresa; and ali'ays i .vie of spree Single an t important d r ud:-. 1 - 1 t i I is apeeches,. th erefore, arl,el'niodelstof , ; 6 ere-, chaste, and cogent reasoning,l and ATI no:les rnplete l as compOsitions than they *Crowd. d ns storehouses of , th0ii,414:•.-Ttie intense wilt that',:ptiriades them. Larriingitho:i.eader along with iMpetuous•f ore, as if -he were in the hands Of a giant: , stimip them with lan in-: dividual and peculiar life:i hit Mr. Calhoun . I .w.as:pdrmitWar also; in hiS latter 'days, o em- kody in the •. - perm anent. ft), rrn et- a tre atise On, gOvernmenti, -the mature,st, results if his lirf6- tang Stutliii. Those origiaat y te . Ws Of pOlitiCs, h hi r o e u h g . h a r I ° l is reports.scat tered i a n n and incomplete -ad r el, expositions s ondensed into an . elaborate , SYsteM,' '"perfect !ti i parts,'und fi nished as a whine.... `We, see in t • tho mother thoughts of ibis iklitical actions. t':explains:sl,•batover may i,hiwn been sitpposd o be inconsistent in thesei iinA e'shillitsibim to is - na ac u t e; and . profound inSitapkyst. 411 phi , I osopherias[ well-an orator r 4 slatlrallyi r 1 The char acteristics` uniformity Crept', &I ..f.O ' Mr Calhoun; by men of tillktliadeal • ofePinien, yarn a-. powerful and subtie analytical Intel ect, a subdued and, cha.stetkd bat !intense .n -..4ttsiasm, fearless relianc4port titec4selus ions or.Os',O•wii mind,.cliiirie httnori and iln 04;104 seraphic parit y: of . ' toeraonalcluiraet i er. I notherlinipression howei•et, iwas•tio lessuni 1, that hkearriod hi., if)gtcalTrocoi‘sies Ito ii , 068 7 o : 4 r:i ll,. a bstract e. s tio pec tit4 u . ta u t u it ym it iv tl i o giv_ 44 ,hthi v: o rri lt d it C o h o. i t s . o practica c onclusion snet ;al p on; narro ad h e pi b ee l an ,I. iir: r p i r4e: :cab: degree, o_ f : irT , Im inif t at l ; , l at . le l : ~ • 1 -1 . r .1 f I blinded - him to the broader intereatt of huu4.ti': ..rsil l• the f - ti- 1- tit m ih iimilin I ity.': - lle was Ann .. 7 . n,„ . e 1 _ mibitonsive senso:--of- his . rerTon t .suad slv_berii tha-•! ,:le4 - Ilin,,fig-inirsU 'ea - !,ts' iTg • ariltins o f otsequences. , ' '".a , . . . ,:11 . ' •- i-Two Curious, inconsisteneieil strike - Al F . , .. ateliectual, constitution qall i .. 9 2 1' 00 4 ' .l ft - regiodw.here the tiVpi4i soli!' apt ~ ..human passion into 1 tirstran -' nxti r liiiii it imparts to physics pin y i Is w e: severest dialeetitian I-in 1.6 ; .esest 1 .11'41 writer among all opifd• - iA.I THis-style, though inters 0' HA Fei) ' ,l l—pl •m, direct, cog4nt .l V It ri . r t n....: No flow& oil &ills) over biotualed (I ' -its path; it develr 'kali eied into rich In - 4 leafy woods; but' 1.1 and hot, lik6.a wu ac ross thadesert, it boo alui3g its b r... ilee of thought ,' without one cooling ()as' or: 18 1 a.; . nal& refreshing shade t , ITI4 volOptu us iift,l.haltuagnifieence an tp . oipiika 'ulle'r;.. leg. ant., fulffie*s and deep•toitif .. _. ales of the titheF i gnes , keVICA!.. I O: - teinie'ineTed..l .o'.lloll?..othitib,enig+lloerillade 10 h . &Was oiittnaladitia.lieilri s liatnr.poptry,.: welEinighi hi halo heaii 4 7 `.°F 3 .1 '.• kin; bla, or ' an . Ovhero abaci) ihio, 14 I 4: Perpo " Pixs 4 l "in the . 90 4t4+' f9g: ... . 4 A., 'oFi!isteed upon his pi , alAtifl . r .4 pn Ora Contrary, the mnihrlqn !. r.. 1 : 4! ;Of ii ;; ' of ! ifir 11413 6 4he ,c,ast-iron Alan; .lstii ... stk :::.. ' .f . he tame out _cif tha ;bow6IS oton rugged 1 °et .i.lieninioulntaiirkfOri like ipoh, he was icap. l bto, otint . ctised heat olio •a 1&1 glow, but o no . Ottillians'y or spAli••: . ... ' , idfied' arid ;p 7 . - 1 14 1 0t,hil was . at all:i . l4 : l4ficel.., eie u., i n the „ithS Orerit fileiiiifii. 1A*411462_04. 4. hit 6.44 t i• his iiieniii....iii(bi F tiiiiesees3 , 4 l. 4 "O .'o 1 6414 -- 1-... : rat stud& t surl a topr.: t ec ii . _ stk. or' 0, 1446 i einiiiit,': the .10 - ' -..- ii*'4 l ir mental ; oh- Aiiirratina. • It is - itabilhat . • the !bosoye l. of his * 2 i,.„. ,tam 4* C* f.C I W4 --." . '''ri . 4. _. f is tein atimelioraii.ialitt ... ire lid vi . l4 tn .: Ai St I tii . ii.#7freeikitrilniVwe who l . ir . ibliwri.liki ; .• l t deditteitai ii•ifill,'likiii k ; .. iiiiiiiit i.... th ii oi :4 lii i . ~/ 6 : 7 4 " 1:d::: : :• - i:othe7;44ind jietatinii• kit mir: .04 ,''. ; ly litii I lea 4111 1 f his :ttsai,,.. he, tiiiiOkli O t ; of 44 a 4 4 5,4 - ‘ ' O Ci' graP. •11 - ftsl:l2/1 ' /I F I • ' % sisseryr Ai iSi ii political . ex toot. or Alt 1 .0; 4 1# 46348 4r et - 6,1 44 11)114 ' • :',l4!?` t ir, 1411114 0 .4 r, _ iii.i.' br 1 4 fP l tii - ' •-• . .a. of,..itrifspe 4 PX , f,-,t - ; Y I :•• ',.1.- , '. , ': '. : 1 tliii 1 0;0* - =-0 6 iN:. 4 4 *. ..- -•<: : of. *RI:: E•Ar . #0424•9:111 444v.10..*4i.7 *.. i;,! . ikioegniefat* PA4r •.' , Oitigisoia *full*. 1, ..': - . -. .i i ii -:., , .* i l i i i : ilisiTYl'letWOOW„':=4.., -.13 **e l l Aniiido::::40111414j•-• and .114. 1 4'0 - .lbeiwfiut '. .'-'00#00:1( • its 011 . stitesi ind.ofirelel siktisink . "- a .. ii _. c ,.....1, 46.i ...., , ..77.7•••=1 - 2.5. , : 71, ,•!.114 - ii ,,,- , : i •-• • 149..rtif er- 2.. .;.. 4. -7— M 17 IrsibkillaWis,SPEOlfir *O., stasiftilkiltsaaatt4' ttp near aiiiiisiible ! .. ti 4 i l # 1 4:... ' '.:' ' SPA-1 1 'Roca of s , t ,: reyg • ouor-• . . • i ' Agla ;• ~if • 146 Warta ii*_ ,11 114440 "'tibia! ..4ilni':•„ :Wild* 1 _ thii,organizad - 4presaiOn of the will of tbe_ doritY,linit. - i' . . - refitibliiirin::::Wii - O - erinSarate4_, Lil days lO . tlie . 84 00( . 1i - rid': eztention:Orf.r.it, te.#ticetott foliniied . .anflitY,siiVii&tiolt:Of, race 14: iiiiOtlior :Nor..ikas . .ltlesa-wOttiiii r notenote ibat bi&ii.eritititryinet(iiiiiv,iiieeircit.bis rotidli Sinipli44 , i2rid-i'iriititinfrieas,:fOfirit c . :ineOnsikiiiii.:i ' a his`' opinions . i it: theli giaz' n . ration of. his...eharieter; - . 1:.-..:'- . ' ' . l3fr: Calliouh'ii7,.theOry „,r ,• g irienirffelit . Waif , tt ii pip, titts'i'Tititt 4;apeicti i 4 i [ t4: - rititiara. — a ii - ofinati,: - and'inan pref e rs his owirintereata to the !'-iiielf 7 beririe,...Of•.iit4era, :'gAirerrinictiti3 4 , nieepaiii , La proteA - gwarielit frOria ibe selfish propensity::'; i - 44 . ..-4 Ys . o*o B .tPillt beloari eil ba,:iliti bands `OKiii4iiifitiais . :w o. ilo . ,iirii , :eriiialli Ijr:;llroriii' . •l4 o'reftli .- :fiinir;:ciivik. , le:re,its(o..lli . i!. geder44644,WiiOniititntiOnls rieeeiaarytiii-O r strain ' trio - _oieriiirit: -. ow then -6 . that constitution to be . fram edl:' We ;iiiie that it can only bi'a4iiiiiii*teriid..by &on; ILId .- wp see. tots that thaiO: - -Men-will:ito 'teinried- - bir the- universal tenileneyOf 7 their tiaturea'tr,;.:te: : . iiii:. - - . Aiiilifiii tii . .„ thell-titysta'4, : lly No l it. contrivance .theiiiii/ 11 :ihi7tion610'.16inred .- 41,i4i4t.:€iii.i abose.4, itetr . iiOW6i, against ixto - itiOn, : , 4.: 7 1 ii r4..li)ii, *O. Wrone,i. 'Quii- a ii.e,z4 1 ,i4.,.10: 1 4 6 j l il a] if : jr . ikn - , .o,ay, by'_iniiierial ,i4ilfrage,'-sott only] substitute as iiiiininatut inejvrity for: vent fur. .inei..#uthcirity, .„ 'end which .- , . - ,Wiiiicll-, bay(' ' ...hel 1 iiiine i teMieriek ' An "the h , ii15.n414. - it*ppwoi AS giq oilier' iireaftonsible fuler.'_:*oiAir.(it.ll4:*, ' free . presii be 411-4 ,- restraint, i been nse, tir'44,..ii. 4'ninii at 'OliaiiiOthat principle of liiif4i4n: nature in which -.' the':necessity.. of "governments-and. CO6O iitiOns .;originates;. ang,' . seeqiiily,':bet c . aisi.4 '' press - 4N'aY4....k 0 . 11 i 4 i4eivig'zi `ride ot ifiri"tiniqe;ictbe airiiiireat - interest.* combination of interests, so that it exaaperatesi rather' than inrOss',Or::piillir.lea tn0.:0ii1; . ,..;, , .:'.... 1 'lli' .. " -- 'in:iii' .. •' -i, hiCh r -- , • is origuia . Angenious ny sm, o w 1 We iiril.k - alluile,.ript'pratendieg-ta,fofOinb4iVe9 the Meagrest 6401n6 of it, Mr.-. dev,el4- 11 ?Pea'•Yilth yamazing.??4ergy. 6l Fgli*ntOstil,.. his meniOntal remarks in. explanatton„ospeel i i ialli.On:the-tyram!4:4 - 3 i* ..44. ? .4 41 ”. ''' c ‘ 47ii °' - ' e i tion;of , ,goreziimatit,-...,ariktlia,odionklirdette . _ tioWn . in thia - nOtiatiit;as':,. 4 etliO . .iitiOils - ," - Arai". ' lilntri4iiiiithiPtq, 6 "undPst' . WW° l3l ; 1 44 -1111 . -systerni:nialitholeiio in Onr.f.itp,ipipit:OwSiii ig its,preiiiiejilan4impracticable in'Ataopliepi ! tions:i , _- 7 P.urarpa's::, agrraine.;: . r . . .: 2 - - : -:.; - -.:,2.. 2 - ... 1 2A , [ n the Bona in co ki§et i ..P, , t . l 4 l rattig4§Okiti-gis l ik : :oe 11kfoilics44iibire its is not i i Nr ~..-.; . I... !;(itietit.litoopoiti- to chate - :tbii-airig : j abi • : g - ':isiliAloctiirii' - aad-lrerreabiiaeliW ' 1 kir . gaeri ifilfstopped at a tavena:l? , ; gamed : iiikOelt i9elfertable'dariargloi 6 ` I iiiiliii-triat:iilOinjogr'entered :the ititifp: ';iith it :01resiOtte , )Catfor."•hie.neaomiu ~. Vont. - Thi.100441- ilifiei eftlilie - fuOiikig"l'ap to the etage:aiio.ll4! 6 -Thereillia‘t*iia - 0044:40 4 ' rliitiagitriall' I .laid thefiaiktkiiildia:pniaii*'*ho' that r lie uoderatoed he-sorer ebaritySiniiiiiiieis any 1 liiiitti : ' - 44iis ' tit “Whiit,'"**:stllll to Pet a . -•' • ..or God" •:lietliiii , . , ` , ailit,,fu 1 e.cinie to my 4 i ....• . f : :- - - ....sy ::. .. itait i 1 7 - ia the table wiiiiAitt'a •14 , '.'evilit Isit. i . ~, -..p. .--- . .4. 102 4 1 . . 44 . 06tt !'.. to: , fttgaiiikord'ylni - imit....-14 4 -:. . , . ..toty*thibiklift*gtAtio: if 'Ott iii(ied);ii i Fd re iidithe"o4ii. , c!. '' lisia,-010iiielditgag;4ittioat *lib* .... , r...:4..::: :: :...,.. :...,...„... , -;.„„....., 1 . -m a . 4 IMO* 1 0 1 1 Yr ne l S"4ll° t likrtatie itifraiiritieltitif tibiii.l.liir ... wiP l4l tit ti4gipticiaticiat 119'y...r.UVA tiii . '''''' '' ii JP% • • • .' ' • ~ U.4141044.1* #001.1014*!) , * !, 1 -, 'cothiforlkodtliiiick.lolo3l64o' -4 - - litt ri tood, fO;,. low '" . .0,0449(1 .. .45;100440kei I,i: , :f-, --- 7-- - , - cia*RiegkAw • toz ri',' rt.:7, - *e.' : ioliaiSkyOt t ia p ,1.4: , ..e;,--k7 , . ;,.„:, :, PlWalli' 4114 4 ,4 7 : gas '' to % iV- V't: , -44 t, :.0 .: //.:~ ~~'. ~,` ~. ~~,~. • -,- 1. ---, -- •••,-. -- —.— . tg. ~ .; ' 2.t tl . t--':• .-.‘',.: I:. 'rPr i tuP o is•l)4zi.. - 4,loartiA 4c4nn4 b2WhOisi veing_ it blipl! pilie I *e etc.' : If furtnne had ,e3r. 1 1 11 c? *mild ißk. 6 4 overfoolie4 so Inani. : l Qag year? of po 4 P#l-41!; I . ll roPir;‘ 4 1- °n4 ,. of ! I ;ui. e!tiz . e s. ' l'esii.d49_lllp•Autlea- is protab probably -:iiii righTit, roan in I- 0 4v0 It -is4 2 a.rdbt: necessarp,] - hi th is ykei, io_;sllTwho Brian Jolin =Butler 1 . 3 . u nity * i,.. o thp,P, farther;,Cgs We: riaTsaYihn t fa ,he ita tan old '.brok down 14orwegia.sail94 F. who' was atrandad ikh- '.and dry : in ....:V*Lon soinehli• dea rs: n o: .. The ."Comm9Aerer . lS t, and.. ..., ttz . -1- ..,-, • ~,- . • ...- .- -'1 infir , has eanied 'A praearieua, lavingq 'lofil -- tie-I . :chore:a' blaelhr; stoves und beat t wlk IcAslungttePPi:AP - 4 Pqiert4ght•-• 1 4 r.n7. 1 r PrPliitilY kli:P9t 11 4 money, , enough - tP aid) 01 - 01:t in all- , lie flat_ haAfor ihe last t e n. iara._ 'l4fs7r4nit'ls on tti? . weitP#? . .6a3t 4 : N) . F#4; 7 ert lr e n'-.7e4 a4/ P . :P ° o° ; ,- P l 4 alliid4 ll 11 4 4 4, FP74t.Y*iii- tIPP - 94tY:04-ittt°glitYittP4 kindness " .Of hiiiiii; have iernained. steadfast. r. rii - .,, these ... ... p ... ... . 'ltt tlf•f4 I P . t B ,lutdPubtegli. f !IPP.PrIPt•AP..auir iliiiii i ,.,b fliis**o 4 11 04e. PollnYY4'L l -oi, !Pitt* fierntifie - ,aviadiali.•Pc)pinii in 1Ne44., - ..Yerk,,Ve taiditiii - iific -- i:a. f ei. 4 tipi' in Sei a . iiileii'iiin:e;er i nii? fot iiieuaa;la 41- 4 th.: l6' #Pliedk-v: c°,oo,,Tl,**n-..4f- pi 1 Nab : : , 1. - -: ,- :','''::.g-:i',g,'.. : :;'.,:..,':i . ~-::',-.•..'k,;',.,;:...:-:,-,i.i:i..7-,•,ii,..;::::,,..::: •::-.', --; . -- - , .;',.-i ,''';' , . - 1,-. ,,,, : , (-ri , , ,, ' - ' VOINKKI. NUMBER-- Thal M. .: - ififus Tritivllor:' ite Inantient' mes, there:once , lived 1411,,t. beim, a ionng man called Otteoeho was tfiltil al,*( l intelligent , lint inF!Pabk of ' Willi - tie desires. AVhen he wiefied44 . ;'anythilsg,he spared no , effortio obtain it ;4* his peahen" were like the storin.windtreir" - ero s a river s , val!eya and mountains, crushing ireerything in !krilic.passage4 Tired of the - quiet4fe. be led at um, he ono day fon:lied 11Art to , set out on a 1014, journey, at!.**!**.witicli he hoped. to find tortene.and z " hapiliiiiie2L Con , segnently, be p i tit hislikkefetheitig - t bundle Placed in: hie gi 419,141.3 moneyhe Pollees , i v . .efis)and atarte wiilleetkbleYsieg whet! be .fatall going.; A r walking allieral da rtief' found' himself at the entrance. of V 'l' s 'r' Which extended'is far as the eye .". ' :as,:: ' '.. , Thee travellers bed stopped here, ' cd_like himself, be 'preparing to . :".' - it.,;:.; th Ie WD S a tell, ightf woman with a throng; Fitleglimin, tiel L : in her hand A jwrefitt; l i g tltaliecond; ayo r k'girl, half asleep, reclining 'lit*: 4;harlot dre aby four, oxen; azql the , I hird=t l o' ol 4:::7 ,4l Pen *suet in rags ;_ end witie l a higgaid itir* --- O s ia saluted them, and hliiiii.. 1- ring whether they were aixfilited with the forest; and on their r_eplying in the affinxtative asked permission.stentimnpany them, that he mightmot lege hiltiiii.`: - ;t11 three consented, and they - set out. The .. y)inbg Mau soon Fora -e 9 l lfilki i l il tt ia c°gWaM° l 's Paaseeeed "Per' .nut.al, .4 1 .4*1 I 114.` she ; was not;dowiaad co timed WC • - ;ilk;':eoititeridag t ulirtisetiiiree . „,, •,,,,- - ;,''.. ... i.....,. , - 'l r ri.R:Y:s - r stfiingers. • • -., •-. 7-. -...w. . ..,- - •-:-.., --4.;.,• - ;::., ... -• ~ ~..,.. -•••-• -; ••• - '7 -' • :tr .- ii• - 1:4- - i-kf , •,';`; :417 6 0,:K . ~ Y P urane 4 6 o 4 A* l 4# l , l " Indi.r.qt.7... out ; among - th!!.,4rl;4*.lirbe i s i iii!ientid:ief:' :borse's footatePli.Was heard :bellitiittho' Otto turned, andliviio: gnized a iitieirrif grtiate;ti;iki'ily, and whom he hated for mauy fears- The citizen ov.artook the feet-pas/ten. geis,smiked-inwolenpy,.aid Wenfjpif... Otto .." ,:, Mel: r ery angry.'rsSeitil , d . gliet - iti 1„ - p os . 'iliptihand - sarn °At all Ilgiii; eitieet. to possess, to rip : l p % , Mysial£ on the pride and hanghtiriese ofsthat , 'I can Satisfy thee,' said the tall lady with the javel n. '§hali I make ef • him a lane and 14inkbe1 gar. ',_iriklieve only to pay me the price -of this traziefOrtriation! , ' And - what is this price r asked Ottn,milirer.. ly,, 1 , , ‘` m g #gbk °TV -. " . - 1-4 -etrePallutft give iti to be rerea. g ' - The 1 0110 0i 3 7 11-1 4d:hSid 1 §-fislihea ilieuj4 i!li,..4o! l # , W§Stitrkiedeil -. Preliifeei c t !i,7l* idiStsgliimiteo4:o* r :end lie fet!ild/'-hWI4( _hind of l 'efe.;l:iii was at first -- &:littfi l ilt4 1 prised, bu :eonsoled himself with the:theitglit esittbe o pi was ` left, arldthr st-heetliki ailti : Z 4.- it ji see the le ell of his 0 0'06% : Bliellwhililihei i continued to Maie:h: several. boors without reaching the end' sf.'oo forest, tilts ieltd beo c ' azl ) i '!g''' t P ii jefilli°r‘cligri (l /C :3 * who hfisn te'hA'tig . .0, leelieeirdki*iy oi?. _ u the chariot in which tha young girl rm. half rolirking. , - at w se sirmfidif constructed e l il • iittllieileepest taseeiVillkfjoited it. -- ; .,'Alt .roads Auld seen ? verY l att" aisrielimath , in I iiiiichaFilt,' said he, approsehing,`atid-I shOuld ' Altaisucika one mysklf.." - , __, ; ..7,l • 44 : iluitaill 1' replied the second traveller ; `I iiiiilihie instant procure for yon what you 4. ~.§ite 014 with her feat i the,ctutriot ,in Which shifrode ni ; it seeecl'iV4iguitrie double arid Ottotweeived a second eipitipag%drawn lite couple of blade, eiiititeeevering from tri,.......1 1 519114, Ila-ent, he thehkeil the young lids .1011:31Alli: ii/OIV tO enter it when she detabusl iirii*liiiiii;‘?. 'I balk) fulfilled ss •liear do.: aktltditie ,'tit I can not make` a _iiiois• vir:t ii iii ... ..,_, ~__ zi . . y ott ti ave l ',' '.11111,-„te. ....,Y .ikier Law - maao. s , eyout i tou oryotir eyes; , I demand one of 4 - -- 1 3at first a little " diseenesjed s ; hitt, 1 1 4 0 , 07 t r y tired , the chariot valtsliet%lsfilo • , Otter rend, as have altrou4s-4the bad never knew 1 * lZll4r,F; liis =!)! i r" . i a r o tall pi 'i a aun l " fli ll4l C l o4 I o firisgs;lst d ß* 04:if - his right fl . Tn:.' the journeycoatis. ; , Altint for some titne. ?trea s.. , Ali. s „.: • ', _ and no outlet a "" . - ..While l tibeinM to suffer front''' . Wi er 4,1 * its. med to perceive it. .'`.< l :6l,.t"t;-P„:"- " - You are sad, my boy, said atm; 'when one l' uni g 9l° "l,4 ll ol7 lllwelt64 ' 4 ; hatilln‘ Ea a cettaitlirrimitkageinel failitnese% '_What i. it, risked the young Dula.* - You see tikhillaSk wtlichl liafi•ltt;rei hound ; and offeiilitrry to my lips444lW *idler 11rSittijns Soh forst of `4,Al#44l,t4hf*hOPet of of It ot*tiitZtexiii : "' ` ..lll A•at.: ,, ', fa - 51 in p i Itt6 e t MM;;1 vrt~'.. J•'~~~~.~ tl •• \\y PIMI ~". .? , ..fr'' ' 1 ? . 1>8i1e. ,. ....T , ~..-1 . ... 1 ..:.,..,.. 1ttA1ft,444„.ti.0.;::-r, -..ir.Ae-..t0k.....••4- ...i.v.4.64.:::,•. , .i:. vf. .0.-1,...:.-.2...;:•,f-1.:..i ~....,5...., ....,:.::.....„ - ...if 11e';'..t..". 1 : '' , b 4. o . v.le.!'=;'• . ....,- . ..eNA :.::P.:A'...Fik:s ,idike•.t':sog : i• z...' 9 , .. • 2.1-Vl. • .:••••5r. , i . ." ..,...:.t. , =:.• -` s'.7,-.;i ?.;''-.'47'::'.::' ,-, 7-.,..' . . - ;. , .;;':.' -, c,j; ''..S..'."'/,'7'71....-:; 4~ ~ u~~ r ~~. 4' . 4`.-~Ot ~4y,. - , , ~ ,,- , ;,r ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers