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Mnl lonely, I am weary, Would your hos! the reaso wby.? not that the day is dreary, ; • Not that elands oierhang the ski. No. The April ion is beaming . Warm and genial as %were -Key,* Earth and air in beauty teeming Woo my spirit to the,gay. this new home is very cheerful, ihiliaad, children—all' are here.; Yet my eyes 'are sometimes tearful, - Tearful for old memories dear; By my window I am sitting, Gazing out upon . the street ;- T4ousands to and fro are flitting, No familiar glance I meet. Ah! I miss the birds and flowers Of the home I've left behind-- Misi theilfill-tops and the bowers, Miss die odor-4afting This is not the . Same old carpet • Upoii which we ilanced•at night, ' , Theseitire not the time-worn curtains ' Which shut out the. suminer , light - • All is changed, e'en to_the table .. . Where I scribbled rhymes of old, ' ', That Ras cherry - , this is marble-- - Ah !Ais.marble,.hard and cold. This soft seat of yielding cushion p . . This is not . my worn - old chair --, Where-I rocked my babes to Slumber. With a . mother's patient care. - But I will not Sigh in sadness, .till not let-my heart grow cold, Soon 'twill throb again with gladnols, . Soon these new thingi Will.be Kind and genial hearts are ho - ering (ter life's pathway - . everYwhere ; _Tbey will cotne and render . Sacred,: \t'arpet,' eurtain, table, chair. Flowers of love will spring in beauty To tny'fancy. .on the stretf, If the dostrpaths are troddetx Daily by familiar feet. " • - • If I scatter Seeds ; Of kintinessi Here and 'there,. as best "may, Roses, fragrant as the old ones, Soon will bbeertbe lonely way. Home io , loced—Aold 'friends so treasured Half my heart I'll give to you ;: Half 111 keepin god condition. • ...Maim and lighted for the new. - ` - I dig - tear drop a of sorrow •• • • - For the past--the away, - • While I'm pilfering from to=morrow,' • Smiles tind snnshines' forto-day. - I . - • Ohio ezzitireacs?.. 2 -11;r I heard an incident connected with tbe history' of the North. Church; in your:City, the facts of which are not, .1 think, generally known, and it may prove intereiting to your readers. It appears that towai:ds the close of the revolution, the - good people of the North Church found it necessary-to •make' swim re. .pairs. They sent on to Boston, 'and parches ,ed some nails, which - in due cqkirse of time arrived; and upn opening the lags, 10,, and be-. -hold, one of -them was found t 4 contain Span. ish derail. 'This was It go r \ The Deacons • , assembled—heid a Consuitatimd the re= snit was, they *rote on to, Boston and hifotui- ed merchant, who made the;&ale that there was. ati errorin - shippi ng the good& The per-, • "chant acting uptin the principle lot our banks the present day, wrote back that he • could_ r rectify no 'miitakesthat the Dens -.were bought and soldns. they were. *He bought them of a prirsteersman, and must let . it stand as it was: The silver was matted np and,Made i;4f;o tservice 'r plate forilie -church and it .is, in *stence and use at the present day.: The . above Was related:to i lnue - by a gen tleman, in Whose family is a large goblet; made from the !lame silver, and you may rest assured that what, I . have stated '.. is a filet.— New Haven Register. . THE INGEIOTIT o r OF Tii.lo!.—The_ Boston . Heraldcun gives the fesslon 'of ti dealer in the *dent' of that city, who has been sending-off varietiesiiown east' sine the Maine law -pass. ile4sys he has packed kegs of lige& in tolaiess mks, headed third in -And • filled tip.' frith tdolasses ; he has Packed themin oil clinks tiled around with watery plaeii3g sponges**. tuatel, with. Oil over the bang and covered : with apiece of tin, so that when the • cask IS , tolled over, a Tittle is squeezed out, the,' Ceiving the most knoWing .he has tit3 is 1, cheese casks,laming a- hole in the - through which a theeee-44diecoak—was.-viii; . 1 . 11 . g.--Theie litters a e seen =in the csi!t., aic and Episcopal churches, and 14 Um Prey' . ethooks of these sects. .They - are abs:eaisth:As T of the Latin ph jeausliorninum SalvalOr s ' which stignifies, isaue;he Savioitr Of ides ? Stans,may ask . by the letterkisused instook -et 14 ! Because fOrtnerly-there wan - no fetter Jin the Roman Alphabet; "then' 1.. use used e `where I ncoi'is. Many of our ieaderi pyohably retnetriber • having 2baaa ill! , - sal! ) l . . 3 44 spelled lORIt. - ', 't,- i - ' t" Troth is a roet6aiatrea . 101161, .ent tO bear the universe; 'error, Ilk& milli 3i - which' *tea 'sink in Rroportion tortiAeirravi*' Eir We leek - aline her* TQR sataaLagstr, , if ; . _... 1 ,...".,...,... r ...„_.„ . .,„,„„..,.. t .„.„ . 146.„, arth.". Democrat. 1 - ' Qi., st ow c rOir el:Vat= _ • .1 '=-., -, -1 . $ -1 - ' 1 . , : , I “ Wlco's. to your bolt, ' i - ... Or to vietory." -. In an old• 4rinsustown t erkmay' be".elen,' une of the mst ancient - an neglected . of ,bisr.! ial places.' - „ vp.,-, dare, slope t _ it from .nearly eve !aide — 7 and old are, thickly matted with iwild dark vines th t drop their - , wealth of so 14.ej t int, 'nese upon , he and there'a fuie 'Antique Swim' nateut, Or a I nely grey 'slab.. ' - 1 1' ir ' 'Asemi-ci e, made by a few, .irregulailyj heaped moan s, and in the,farthist corner:l7f this I venerOle a+, ' iniarisibly . attracts ,t e: .strangers attention. ' There the wall is tl4lt of broken stone; now yellow with rust';:' sihd made klmisst illegible by the crumbly: ceolis; one nu 4 - yead this inscriPtion, -, • j . i ; ' "Tan C0w440,1 Coma." • • i -;.• i Not many, apparentlyi have here laid th, it miserable ~ nes to,snouider with •uncoti .2 ' , •.' 4 tel sisals ;- ut should one cheaCe to readzon a' tF sombreevening the little, old isextori, who lin his quaint red coat sits sometimes among the tomb stones as though %veld tauter ,wfs'' death for%;in 'tom (but f w - are buried in 'dint li grave i yarin w)—shoul yon ' win bit eonpi dente, by psing, his help 'and hearty age, he will tpl,yOu , ith. a rough but - kindli-tnea6t r i r familiarity, - a trange story about , the " cOiostrii cornet-Land n this wise will . l relate it "noir, , )1 Bisidatn % olfsten kin* a soldier's widor.l— -c . 1 !- • I ' She ~was bot h statel y and 'lteautifel, and Ills; :Sess . of aMple means. Her pride, Was nn ; lo , -comp ruia4; her attachment So tender : 1 tl j i., thou h young sumi lovely it the periodof r be' ement— never vi , ould she listen to vr A ? er a 'n.." She as most remarkable for : p 5 1 pa tie prineip e;* to` her, ,her country i *St The st, the 11 0 . lest in the world. She it 344 3: 1 ta i: Lt ir. lesi a ' a its ri er. me - =lll Etc st. ..: l e e. ;. at t° in the w, tles,.its ri era, its hoary steeps,• its Ivery name Was a_ ga tee of ":every thing good p i great and: iraper able.. 11 i H t tliusband. ad been a brave and hotioia . • 1 ble. an. So uch was he admired by Ilia govOnment that - on his death a Pension] wita - awn 1 "ed his beautiful con it, in coniiilerlf. dam Violfsten had-bi n Alta' moth `r lA . 1 ° ll * beit 643 ;P: '0 --?; - -11- rii 7 f*or , tilpilr e f v h e ls r ez then 4l" 'on ik° Ml l :n wi th : 'iri e6 lo: en s. t. h:us: The younger, a alig t, beautiful ihitti, 1 ai d ', was Icilesi.Elitano.. • e d da l rk locks mid eyes lilre_hia,mother—but ot,_ tier 'cal ,9- nab': temper. He was imp !sive as the , ouo. tain breeze „that -. goeth :where it - listkthir• and - . e neighhors said that when c years . came they: •ou d . wi?g.gre.sit honors , Or gra: V. milt fortu ;es or this thoughiless butbigh. laded .b o y. - . . I - n .. ", • i -I . '-I i l l - ' ' 'EI tii 6 was A , the — od of which I write' s n •- - 1 t! the - de and admiration of the l communily, and the; sole earthly .I:dace—nay,' the; VOrY •" - ily idol of his mother'il heartV .; ' l . l E taro was but eighteen when a serious haft!' was!int ntemplatioti bet*een -.Gernia ny- .. cut A strian foe. i : 1 ';, !".•, Ardent and rigerfor,glry.tha l young trian pantkd in fightrtlin. enemiof his conntry,and his brave - tucittier gave her; 1 consent with gist cala ness :Which makeo - afitother's , sacrife he r Ole. . • 1 1 . L"1 _ ,ftly thos uth wod lifted the curtitini o r .mer in e widliveslittle parlor. "[ The , ing was ne of unusual .14eauty: IFrom tree-top the birds piped j a merry *el. . etto the nu that tit' ged the mountains crimson log : , and left the rivereileitm ; Igoldi he aliotllia beams = Into. their i - - depthi d &ent•them forth to ,liSl.al4ing ) fresh:n - . ows after their daily bapti m. I ttosyers the birds, the clear bita . he:peace ni hi/la t ,thy spoki.not tiff S d blo ' I s te petit !Kunio 4 a pulse- hilt - t the anthem of joy . ! te ii '! 'lli* and nl ti t al tar ., slept e ' kill.' t l l e t to P- . I - / il, i ll :, ,--* If . was to bear a : I t t trial dity. , : . . h ad ;one eirly-froM home - .'- , e l o one to sharethe yet- nribu!ited r ` 1 . 43.1 : 44 , 11d ec0; 0 0 - ' ll ;elltieselrhe in 'id f, - tbir , little bright Itittittiithe d* ,7 , lig ilitilor i stid frontthem* to l ied' ' e ~ .... • beyond; , 'There- 4 - thitiot 4 1 ,40 1 . 1 i the L.ivtablit6 ice" th e the ream efitheffull ' ,'anditaitdingizr the centre, leolwiSiistelr - . 1 4 and &clip. ktw: zistan!'sr4m: - - - bed -110 SON,: . 41r9W.14 white Mitsiip. ' ' ld -. Me 'At* teise press . it, perh*Pit never • 7 , 1.,. :I*,f , ii! . . 4t kip_ strong,' fol ih , r lifLtl ii : .ba d: been liao o f ei- --biel;Fi -:ape euer - 111 ei it ' ill '' "Mimi :1 1 /0 le ltatria'aduriti or '• * • .. ~ the grlittotti. .5 .1 et'initt-tOlsei::oii' I ' ' in. - 1 cbild:',', - S I • A Picture : 4*r 1 , 1 ; 1 "grileitie , ' l beeg between the We. ' sight of which 'ilersed-her heSitito - thei ', .:. flaYs t rittight not eree'eiett":.:-/lie rye: ' it "lii4i4fP tii baf..katib,ilibli . gi : tapotiii.niiiioh 1 burst from her iiitiom as . - Sniveled its tOtir. atfar le 'iliel tik. 1,-,. .;,.., i ... - isit - timeie e wiy- 4 ireali-' [l /9 11ii *"; b 0• - - ',- :: : 144 * -h f r77 1"4 40 'in ~ bia-tbig leye la,/" ' '' Ilil'ila* l 4 B4 ,. I F chiek, .: .. .-- - -.., -.., . : -,--. ~ -,- .-' : ' ' ' . - -.- 4,.." - : .4*. , ... ;:. ',, ,i :-' 1 ), k ' 4 7 l iirelelbe w .be.ealli,', ; ifotliedi= 'lr Aisilili iber,4o l 4c-; , _., 9 r i ; 1,.. white , , 'lditall,..Striisr'ree thill alal .41100„ ' ... --.A . 161 , ..„,1 , i, ,.., ~,...t i sill ''*io OA ni.)**o Arli l oo:' , ' - I 4 Alingt me to ' , for $ 1 ! 1 ,4 11 90 11 4 ' 1 11 Pilt imultuly, is dread siiiiesb*r.l tootetf to Sellllobri, Ifiroussilifttrattin Sol all hi ready--tiovi dear mother your 'ing ; and he dropPed-on his knees before; r—while silentlyshe invoked Clod'a mercy d sustaining strength. i ,' ' "Noce I go mother-give me a word to ear. with tn - a--•for'lefore - the night's - Sinking i n s I 'shall be fighting for your libertyind I 11 isear'ilyself as if m my _ fetheeofyi wits up sllets on- me,—lss who kttows. but it may ber and be looked reverently upiltd. ' .' ''.. 1", - ' . - ":God be - with got] Elstamo, - my boy, my on ly. one," erelaitned the beantiftallnatron,iis,bee propd glance rested on her serf.' •" Go like your father to the field of 'battler-like him,! die bravely, ifyour country ealls-for the encri ficei• Surely,', freedom is better , than Many sons, eytt 1 than life itselfwithout liberty. ~ "your mother hlesses you. your father's spirit prompts yott-quick ! one kiss4God he with yout-firewell." ... - • - Messing hi lips' firo i ly together, that. they Might not ev ' tremble :with -the sorrow of parting he lboy strode' odic* from-, the 1 room. - out o : i the - house--sad hurried down the nirrowldreet; ' '.: . ,It.. , .. -.- 1 1- . 1. - mama rt.. . ',,,• __ . ' - " het weimain eateinar .. - - ' vie slated 'dans strums:" . -, - '. - 14 Whatoils the girl ri cried- the sour dale. loWeriog her features with a scowl;almost of deformity . - - • - . , "Is its lover going to th . , wars! and wlll it be married by and by to a great captiin, with shiny epanteits ? And' won't it earn :its salt because its going to be a lady r : . . The interrogotets. were too s t out, coarse-. &Cid' o•ometi; one elf - whom rested her great red arm on a tinge dish of suds, the-other was' busily employed shelling beans..' : l' 1 A Slight and extremely pretty girl, - the 010- leet- el their satire and mune° -sat near' the leaf shaded window, appparentlY atitching on something yery fine, and_ delicate: But every moment tears chased down hir cheek., andlier lips qUivered violently ' ‘ . "lull have this - no longer _miler eiplaimed , , - the oldest vimge,' springing up from her Work; "Just look at this linen—Naise—lnSt see hole the huzzy has spoilt hi ' Lid you walh _your fingers, jade! or are your tears dirty:, By my. truth!, I have a . Mind to box your ears. 'O l whiner! -Crying for the widOw's'bOy.- Child !" baby;!' go there and to hoil - potatoCa— He'lnrit not. you Wilt till you're - as old , neir-4tetithfc esraAnisiti-bumq.a,-- 3 - 1 E fo r •i'rin 1.14.0--.l• F tirre - you - gn dreaming af- . 1 ter hpabiil34 l - , j• Nanp l .What shall she del' set her t i e 'the dishesr:. r. ' ' ' • - - _, ~._ 1 - "NO no • think you I'll put SIP with 'her 1 spleihingr shouted the . .'other.. "A- likely thing to set her wishing . dishea r ot sweeping thabbuse—oi getting, dinner. . She ain't worth' her ealt—indeed-rnot she. TO beha ving a lover that's gotng to the wius, atter thiifash-' ion. 1 Mercy! when I Was: Young—that is, when I was a child-.-though never'a dolt like she-4 was houriekeePer to my • god-uncle (a , niceleld man_ too) and kept three: servants in order. - And as to a lover! I thought more of a loaf of bread. go. fhe! just watch her —4l'4 night i no, this morning it were, . how : . she Mixed the. salciattis • in. - vinegar 1 -yelt, as Poi iitanding here! and salted her flour with sugar—and 'there's the lunip of stuff that no. bOdY can.eat. I wouldn't give it to my_ pig— no !its 1-stand her tell'the truth. A-Iszy . huzsy. Let her gq spin; its all she can do.— My' i mind for it, she'll not pay for the. trouble of reisint." - - •_ . . the young girl sat( mote, looking at both through her tear filled ;eyes:, as hopeletep as thotigh•ahe really believed What they saut,and /. .wag about to give herself -up as / e good-for noting. She had got, heartsick at their barihneir, tired of their reproaches. • ... ' .Never call a Cur "good dog," and you will never get kood service. .110sa had • worn a • string of reproaches as long as ; her life; and 4 thetighshe passed them off aell devout catho : ' lic would his beads, yet they had a dallyintla. emit) that With . her lonely lot . sitecoold-not • Conntemcr- stifklongfid, tolivewholly in tha t' ittniesphere of loYesinceihe had Left.. some , . • gentle-beeezetipllying shout her desolate heart , . ~ in tbeaffection.of the-widow Wolfiten'sson.• - "Go to 'the' wheel r exclaimed _ller . angry aunt', binsting,ont like - a shock of t hunder: freii,e gni sky'.:," aloie•tbe wheel and there .sititiP fait you. ilty I had wit i secvmAt,to watt upon yon'there.- . --. ' , ~: - The girl walked melancholy oath*. a; large well ruinisigibioolor her 800 were weal: thy as_Siellsi 'itsigint ? sindeatdown ,listlessly do . tcOir tesk.- Still tearskept crowding to , her lesi,hee; and: .standing In great 'drops uu • her cheek. She danet wipe them:away, but int.;', ly lhook her' htekt- when ' they . Ml' glittering I uietther iitride, or et.9 o4 :lilte peer-is on the &A pOlished wood of the spinning wheel,. itadenly. a coming step flushed her:eheeh end fired-tier eye. The I .ooll2gietereStirOWing thickly over the lon: dopr-way. 'were_crowded atifde; and in hrtilleied lightly through the ap e ' • 'the -widow's tore soldier bey,-,Elsta neL4l- lythe figure-marvelously set' off-with -the bri . it color', etsl ll- riliteenL '.'139 . it'll ! lit Inlearet i "iii . Vithe '.... 4 1 04 heltruse fro, 4 1 mint=,- tills' in a.," o *ef - 1 ?0, Lena"--he wound his, Ina 104 4 1 graceful fs l " 3 l , 4 1 6 *50 1 4 to li4 I 11 4er iill4 upon -his, - 4 64 altra For -iAltrupeik : 140- ' _ licifa)T ll DY Wth.r•-•:.,_-_ . 1 "4 4 . 4 / *ln 4*. OW, ; .i," . .l*.ei teliletY WIN soy of 64 Ma**. - USA Me. _ Indeed I 1124i/tea MONTROSE; P 4., TH . . . . heiriWortql*C4 4 .tO:biebrave4.liut—but y , n are iv - 4;1'4000 3 ,§: . :4040;0: ,one Who - for s 1 . . Lehi Ytin i .fallebi. ft . mutt n t E bei • gbe E erelaiped -almost pr4sionately,r-wi , It' I 00k..4 likaiiiit4ble•angoisli.-• ..E E • " - : ' ...-:utift4iligibibi; sentence my dear SO " he Sald;:ivith,*rolie and Manner beautiful Y tender-;-". if Italt4id ''.Fie ... rhCis.l shall ;" e lidded, lnirinCiOmMiy:-,uyoi• must tei iii f sei`iiikiiid4t* - you . .inusi li4. . and . e t . the child Oftiiiii; ,livi(Slith her Away's, 10 . 0 - eoiiiiiii ! ** c ei afiliAv i:iiiii*ht e; she will asElitiiiiikr. - DOyeu*li E iiiiJihe fond.. lifaneiee Wel: alike f • Aist- so 7 . Sire i`i he Added, oratin g . A her rto ' Wataill. Mirror that i l a reflected Weir: fcci - Pair. of`twilit. eyes,. t o fair heids.'co with clustering . aide; tr o kinia of. . ,Srece and symmetry, only I - ataile's'Wikiii4littlet tbee . ber . P l l43 2 4 til. ..- tiiieteire..• ' ..:.::. ;-. '. ; • :_ .- --. il l , "tome 40 . /011)111111fi me, sacredly - as Y n proiniiedkbC"'y:Wife, that you, will I', re tbliadlii*h" ..,. •,.., bless my mother's iii ' " El 40 4 1 ..- "Butpink:, ciiii'dis;" she add: clasPi ..g hei E haedawltifit ;Wipe r rate, desptdring. de_ • in i entolti . : :wit What A cruel, : 4 el it It thing 1 .. i ire thoug h t ' of it often as 'a _ . .. • great monster , i .it pouring red . eyes; uring lb o . t ever the -fair - ~ and -.turning its atzlili g beantY to - blesk isolatioe ;". Andra COl2vlid .e . • hlidder thrilled. ber frame.' -. :;_1 . . ThS facd..of th young soldier lost' Its ' rs. I. "ant hopefulness : rU Ther; you would 4 c ...IC. stay by your a 1. .: " 7 44:said sadly, u Watch!, g 1 i9nr:whiti.finio . ..as they *pia ; : telling •y. it . romantic stori' ;. whispering..love.wortla . . Yon-; jesting till Yinc laugh.andWeep in.t .p iiryrweatotth ; 1' Of.mirth, :while. my bra e• comOnionsbl ' .and i die at the call of; ..y con try;: Lena! -...-,:- .__ • 1 r ' • u o--no . : E o ;.- not tor -1 world, '': on wor *;" she :- dalTmed, hurriedly... - '• i...oit . would be a' ie . - ,iO . thep 7 -tietter deathi-th: l' , . that—r.oh! how Mich. betteili and ' A . . e L litingon her • '. '''-' : E - :. -''''-..-.. - E'''''' '''' -' ;-... : -- -7 Nobly. spok :,...lteep Aig.'etelle." ... -li Will fieiiveet to 4* ii• its ennehine; - -Eut,l I have sifted - Y.l4i : '". ' beyond :the. - ti tit promise! Le n a 'ie 4l :3Poi give 4i %Ili y4t• fulfill it?' -. ... c . -.- ;'' .r. :- -: • : ' . 1" , : -1 „ "fl - leliisme . CO..* mina; if slti,wiii!!lf,. it:7mi PoOr-leme ~;- _ be tiher',..ia i6s4rorii schildrr she' repl ed . .lu a-broken:voice. .1 E. ' :-' , I • F, ' "God ideal's y , r . , i-•.. oWhave mad -...;,,,...•,..!..-..,..1. --tot ins. .Levi stood at! ly into the brig. hills - and sky o Suddenly a r , der,and indig again girl! salt." Arid so time. creature's' heed ed, as the dull the air, like 'the Troy heart he 4 one drop of coward blood - • I'd spill the whole, and so wash out the stab. .. , Before - rieon!be next day the bariner . o( i tory hupgatth entrance _'of ourlittle G erm; town. A few, eol4iers,duity .and hag r lagged alonithe highway—the, few reta i t from the gates krf.dilitir to tell the dark at of the many; w here buoyant hearts roe loi et beat high at thti sound of" father-land?' "RaFe you n . my soil. is : he:;liviiii .7- How did he fight' as his father fought?" I . (4 . a low tioft-t ned voice of a soldier all g. ti med.with pow. , whe was hurrying past hi &WL elling. • - ' - !;• ! ;• 1 ' s Ali! mada Wolfsten"- 1 7 said the ma ,st •luting the whiow with hat raised from ,IR brow; " yeir—i—l hare seen hire he re , • • i s ed slowly, and with hesitancy. I . The' widow cheek_ blanched to 'a fe I l id pallor. Wit h allher:,firmness she could ra control• ber strength,hut leanixl heavily a ini rt the door .: 1 1 1 piercing eyes still sought tt soldier's black peal face, and atl i last: she s ov ly repeated- " dead —rnnal I. realize ill, did not bear you say that he was desA" • l a uttered rapidly an : . with graph i yeiirning . co that the soldier , to ed l away .to errrice" 'iemotion. ." - . - Themb ...lir\ timid the . ottage;Stiti tottered', to her e. a t There she set loni 'Wild horiri—ai lh with ,her grief , 'in4tiiiig for pride— but i t throOth her pale lipa issued in harrow ing o n Simi at short. gasping intervals,' the one of "childless" Into thetwas erowdeil Iti latierythat she had ever f . chid Weald • "si joyless and a desert: . • ' - I 'Suddenly the deoitaiit Oa; and wi pitroty for her intrusion; 44a - sprang , ti Widow's feet; shrieking, urheee you oh! have you-heard terrible .. news!" - 1 "Yep,'saidt.he Widow :with - forced: b ness;"Ei4do 1 . “Not, that! net that.only,' • stricken with. a "fearful- ; shod& - flit there s h ould be belch . ' ao'base! s so..' 9! thitthei should ; lay of .Elstan OZClalled, 1" ; Fie Arbligit her .1)1 11 1Nak• I . _ hide bet brave lover." bi ) ' "And star do they rgAy my:girl * could give my bleedin g hold a Aron / l ash?, Wild. le this terrible tbingt e ."TbatEleteior—eobeirevemteii ber. a " I Say Oa Len* * -1. the - widow t I .l 'ard• - i th• a sow Ara r ainuma *riga , . asaba clepirmiiverbir to th* . 'A h as Not'quickerfloes the Itektikhwlearfr iei t i t t lair, thaw abibilesateotherep 1 thi i i, jaws( lateablisheatiata before metetiao sit'team Isimot ~..4100.-t,nli Oa' .._ when: we- $41•11 owl, say **Tr to, wept **k r-Pt loft - 1 tlsokigirti` Et?. Eveirtat BSDAY, Jib let those who love the law dotir, -gazipg t. distance, 'w:heri, field a - uty;bad no charm fo h ugh hand grieped, her he ant yoke cried ont-'!"dreti i In to yoUr . werk 40 ea 7! 1 . It that whole -dap the lalternately.boped and 'al nom of far ••offi ,naon echdcof death-hella.• , e • not an9ther:word—bu w said EittOtitic*; sinitil. 21, 1851 from their deeps. Her queenly - form t -.she stamped the floor fiertely ; "-and a look that nearly annihilat e `;pool ; Le exclaimed, hoarsely, "Yew dare - you"couple thttilbasciivo VI% the name of my son? girl 14ero Id you . driVe me mad I Urq m haeans' pier t ly coherent speech t Elatano I Oraver son), n eFentered eternity then , his i •rife was he son .of a patriot, girl The- son 1 :of one 'who fell pierced II hundred swords.lne never sonhe word .": coward . I taught thim - to abhor it when . he l ,_lnjd in 11 4-arms ; drank t#e hate of it with his milk. isA Eiabite sten,'a eoward , --stange news t to brin tnOtsi• girl,7 she added, , almost Softenini at the woebegone expression of , thiwretchail Lena. "Indeed] they do say :s4, i ; she exclaimed, bursting ntis t w -I ntn ,fresh' land more ilolint griek • • ,4 Who say so!" E • • "Amelia taunted Fe wlih i lt ; she told me her brother xew him whin hp turned tti fly the field; and that he" Ilea dee* ;With a gun -shot Wound in his_backi between. hle shoulders." - The- widow - sank down t 4s - ia frig htfully pale. , • "1.10, ne;" she : . gasted, press ng her fiends' forthas if she would ibanish some &fr. ful preienpa. The fire 'faded ; 'from tier e,ye her towering form aroopod4and" for he first time her lips trembled,nna thick corn' g tears' crowded from her burdened4art, - " Turne&—to fly the led in bra sentenees, - an4 then she 'and - wrung her bands; neyo, once glen i Lena, who, mute, terrified - ibis silence ;anguish of the-mother haft forgotten ti At fast she hid her face, no longer abl Eta. 'the sigh There was a stlit4 thou l agony in the widow's..Raub a pros , ante eve -in her woe that isli'e, with ..I 'ple u eeted heart-grief; I l eu t ild not 'i held.. - ; 'mtenis therea . MOOD ' I f- 'gat" , - Mg op - hastily, for:the gir l „ was startle husky tune, when to ! a ins sf f ortinitioi es - dirk sey Maze& again-- 1. form, Marble, sat Istpri,ght—the 'pi- had li parte4 'outline, and seen) ifehiselli stone-rnever to be opened. fi ..:: - 9 that voice 9 9! 9f,, . ' Mt pressed all a!ffe:et** , caz4s - as a 11v1 frpska_selPillehre— _ - - muter S"'l - - !That iswe - l - aad the witk tremor in her-soke„ I-Lease ie,now. l i ; ..be alone—but.itop t 'come- - here, podgy i d she added meernfullY;boldiniforth 1 3 .. as Lena fell upon her neck aid sob . ., d. "I - am - selfishforgire" i Me r ttena—i oyt re l. . young, : my poor fi lly, and this t fig, Ili ai eriasbea you down, dowe 1 4 tbe 7-1 - earth i t. had trials, tut, God linowl, nhne so itter al or all bittintess; as this. Still, My heir !ma ha .. its line .crushed : out many, tnany I mes / its ote strings are used to the damp indthe . ; ust,, l and ',. - the rude.touch that - snapsithleni in 'uncle .—• Yvnr heart is bleeding at tlie 'threshe d of its first great grief." Poor gid, bush! be cola or ted—there,_ my - darling ! i You shit I not go back to 'that rude h ' • ''' - le: at ome—eiay with me; it, as an kis wieb, and much - as I - d4spise the-leo:1m' r I rd, ,yearn-over the" memory ofitny son. l tl ! 1 tip,e e d . Go in the next room=4o and ' P I , . I too ito- t v 3i4 to pray. Leave pie AloilePo'iy: ' Ai r riine per we,. will seek together ;that 'terrible field—l must- have !root; tfiese , t oies Must -' iti ori - 1 - . cannot, cannot belieiv ii." i ' ' ' ' 11 I r t r , , "Must we go;ahnie," asked Line ; a. - • ",Yes, alone. ' \S l ime need e we fe, el. protects as 'f Bier! 1 tieter' : felt if; dishonor, dishonar,cectitd# e the tot? a. my heart.. Must I hear this I" its 1- Leila passed from) the *Pertinent. il !t .-I net witness .anothe 'partyain--4ini L 1 ow , alone with - : heilearfit =tlioug4 41' rain to raise her soul hemien i re.d. of see nothlig-but_ghastly I;4i:one dab' 4 bwod; and in the midst, . )iii,; - 'boy,i te and, cherished boy, bnuidiff :i.vith th" ir,. cowardice; at once the destroyer: of !I Mid his rife, " I 1- is - i' ' ,l 4e -. filer: brow : . was hllt .4 1 4 1 ', 44 IYith,.- .1 pi. pe, her eyeballs whed wi g thti . its withheld her.tear Toiand fra' i i with Step as if she could out ' !e. it! was dark without, but Heedless ii. c.okeged her door, and pmefed Above eg walk,into the street. 1.411 a;shedo.: 14 softly 00i no' 109tivca iinoliipgill ! r e, gained—praying for , I thl i t . J anaco , e" it which only death . * btalosr,and It ea itig as aiideas as r ate giro*, - iviaged w 1.0 h an ,t lts ium a a .. sed cottaguit as eiktingiifoldd g, l le etonds,_and out of 'their ration si ii ) the-reund•moon,seadinCher awiq, 1.: light. to chafe the atilt g'oom froll "' of the timitutaln acid' the bosom o f; a. : 0116). more - at' twine, .tki - . Milan knelt by. the" I*, lattice d ' sibitibig r le " gledluii i iiinlictiiio. T ''' i I II I ! , Like - marble atm littettilteid, et strained to e_ndinmee: (fee' : iron! ly ,her a bemitiful linage; sa l still 'MS ~. •, of her dreist, : . so Motion less' hen • head, add the full f roiled anti that her Minting fkeheatll . I ', ' '-'.'.- 4 i ''-i;•ldlowly:thoittioist Amnia tip; "AO ~ , - Like of' heaven. - 'Broadly its:Avld atiestheturaughlthinllttliglattr floadniritir. tha t riialitligifej Weigh:Wide eittlititt,f bidlo*ltig:''' Oran.Ahaillhir 10, 4 ' 0 4 - Wituti* jeMpleivitliiii-whieblilli thi - lestit! librsemsondlitibitteintraiii4l qui* litslarimillie s 4P l tiffil buibed fe7lfkll." - 144 st ood ,14 1 '..' from Eisie. i . fin Man le 7 .and hood thtoWn ihmell" on. . tO- find' , fiar "Weephig4blit no. melanChollfeyea wete as diy and glazed .. a ter . had never l sOfteried" them , Mid t he him' - /in Iccread " i frt fromti ' ' p..—. —u tioicom o . le .t, ,_ "!" Ittri.„ready=linother," she, woul live but she gland not ,. yearning as, she . VI , - considatiot2 tI , . • , . 1,1 "And I. will - liii; In al - moment: ' LegiN s thilf 1 innoi rieeins, agorch - of flame to light us to the.; ti ( ii id Of d i enth. Dean it not jooli strangely redd th night! rlt *elms to me as: if itwits - Olinlt "bloed "On the earth: •But ti" night ii,ia ) i t Sat with him, and how I fair and beautiful seethed., the -Moon -Ahem .. I 'cannot . hear' the - thought: that it Shines ia upon his empty pillo it l ,4 fasi tens Its curious gaze on the badge of Itta — dis T grace. - Are yen afraid of he, chila?" . ' .•• we' WI . .2, 8, Truth -Theta Is nothing in_ life''. so beautlfUl Truth:, - . There is-apthing powerfulia . its influences, and nothing *hose "presence: If withdrawn, would ferret; a caesium sack wirie.; To its - Pervadinipresence the , li-orltrawes what of ood is in it, and it is only when _ Truth crushed o earth,' That' the world be , :l comes a abitatiou of fieida: - Truth : tude in Om and kee. and G reli way re.. is n less,con fornt an , curds . . aloes% like charity, 'covers a multi. ns: ...If a than enthedylidw element.' ter, not only will'frts Influenee , at bay Many vcett, but will soften ve of their_ harshness, : miw : which 6t to be disguised, that there Is much ' ideration of the ithportanie of a culi-. undeViatiag.adherenee; under !as, to what is strictly true, thdn'.ood‘ urmftr• o.llllvu deg at by the to bear .:h ild d efi er faith-an good morals regnire.. Ehery pne ready to ariathtnetize the inati whci isginityof the 6etzr inptible practice - trlyini,- is the fact is , ere are ',kw, very. , few who are : not, guiltyo ikto greater or less -extent:. 'fish nesS the ptedumineut element in(inatite Charaete Andhe4yery aAto, Make everythingi' in 'Setae gree-inilisorvieht-to inierest The 1' cannot be moved`a hair's breadth. .frori..th truth by this potent tenipter, tp-' deed :axis.- -"the search of such a min would- 'alstiost as forlarn of hope as. a hunt for the hilcsopher's - stone; •We frkuentry meet w b persona who will not he guilty of oinpre- The 1 • •4' BS it their I . • urni lutod net. 1 *. lag ''t - wil : dun and i',l Inneno. , not only requi; not only ths'ex„ , ikf false - impression ; but tbeeapdare ii A 'atid-the tiliDt4 it of facts 7 Silence i I ften the' grosses .. 'falsehood . I- tviii , e :1 .ly it occurs in,, trad'ng .with - 'lli..Sf) , ;you allow• hie! to• deal under' - the ert idea, that his bargain has': merit : .n knout; it does n o t. possess: - - .Thileis: . intent with_.the Itrict and .tacred tied ' troth which eveohs should main i: out faience misl ead s lam: 'You that el : /in deceiving li self.; lilany, heir and this principle, as the life of trede,, to the cliirine, ihei-''nothilig .. can be y selling. an arti feiat :ts-real. , valtie. : teach. their bays such lessons—they . ari Evading, and. they ,imagine - ,that a I lijact luisb4.le'n ac omplished when . thel . ..., I learned., Bette ,had, child he to 1 of every sharpe , than that he should . I tnicesense of honor, Whieltcaristitutee ' . s Of all gielp,repec ---than that_he I. o violence to coi+cie e. He who ea t , ~. this rule the 'e ,affray ight -t, throws Ld'couipasS, and faun hes upon'an tin t sesj - The, Mariner; mho, without ventures from , ..he ahOre i cottialta hinit ‘ . Hi which he'doee not at firist,'apire: It is by gradual advances thatl i he ,v4n - - - t upon_the unexprred - expanse.: 1-,lis s to keet:iliut in sight of lan4but int gales spring up P -end lie is borne out s - ' falloal4Bil dep, there _ to. tvlsSainid. rid' darkness;' until his z bes-iidJii4:ii,thi .iiiivii'. by !ati • Tru frequent itself Li frequent exid.Soa, roneoui o y .not con g 0.61 fur tafn. 1 . assist h ergt. holding gained Paren esti it grand ,lessen the vie lose th the b shhuld rie,s fr. chat,. • I r God 14* . ,c4Navii .gtp des self to he defect dere o oblect exoct mto th storm vies • till: f it , - he could ledlvvith er brave m4k - of his tionoi t. - SCICATIn—SOIne wrie,er - hafi,virY be l'ot* idei elequ.etitly,ste .sat" thep), is, -116 —ting , opc i hesve ho:delielosis ai the palmation' or &re; freith, :mutable etfeetioti., - The tied fellei..! ei n tour_ °meet of ;alerts: itrergi*l mp!t, ecstatic.! 44.11 t •einetirini tind.syrepithiete - i ii=thei r ''hi *llivil kle.r?ci.gv.* lll o iV4W - sit 43. ageetioi! 40 the id I.'et:hio heert.- The springs(feelitig t. , '.a:heri ' thsir iciethtel itirity.-skfotiotaißlet r 4pse, i 0.4 .glohing -toodeFoottr4POlL that .d ads thew feith irk thit..,psy pkllig4:,9f_ 47 future. YFais,l 3 4, l4 4 l *,r,S ll ° 91.1 1 10.0 g I S in life is Po,Mire., 1, Pail -49V0i1 4 s l o l °liiiin ill: ' e r aliik .It;trietterit.ript, Whether i he for Viz $l3 i! '6k !3).Pr . el ; s4 pi igL4r. ' or 'broth r; 4' ii lie.. flame piiiil*Kvictniiiiiillel l l4me; t e.-.f,!gle;! -4 Pr. m i l,. etant and ii4iiiii 'elite ileii of I , l *llifitc' *4 1 9 8 , ? ... 7 tudeniehle t F o ..: stone isti,ill.- kind give '7'.. ifei Orctiikon, of love , one Atint!;wbrilc) - 9,1* gentl o l9. ol 4 -.0 . 4 7‘ It ,g..!4§ amid 4619110!li*dil death-lie . _ feel l l/ E-4 '01: faithful hearth - will gushiprth alk:itintel4o . llll•:4POPitq s ' cif esithiy.; 11bond : -,, ,, ,...A. V ,1 , . %, , .'? e l 1 • 1 , or, reeic,t,rlPeo - v..? 74 18! . '.,;,... , ~,: ~, 1 Or # :ICI #O ligin i i n ' h i ll aitl Yo3o oll .. 1 01 that gr a mmar: or emPhasie hint afirhinteofii;• lilt *ilia 411 4i . Ageli!:'1 :-.601 i . jay lii : r o o4 fis, OstaUtii Of liliihlijOriatea'-c* ? ?i** .;.„,:.-;',... : 1 1 ,*!ittd•- lie lipe iki6 hia',,shite;i • iiidditit46* * lrit Asa liiidii44llit iiteit.c:' '' - zi''' 4 . 7 - - - ,--- ) . f 4 .. I , 4ovsati*Tio: ,,, a i ti* :l 4i 4 :4 l 4 ; *? tlicalt:lFlfacirbieh lorPoriiiisODVAr t k# l t foialvatilliiiilaiiil# l thrWlilil i n tit *WOrt 411.4114 1 0di*Sile -10 / 4 Ak 4i r 67 PZ - : ,, ;;F.4 , ; 14 -OkitiVieilitia ' st a n4 l : disc 11 __• ' : 4.. ; _,' ,° : .„.".! ~.' , ! . , ..t. , .-- . .lt i t- tie+, ritedieS Feefcifiren ii.:., ,, ;=-•- • = 7 . . -, k ' -' • i '' ' 3, 1 1 .- -- -- 4 • - 1 _ . ever,.and are that .._ glided. thought. , that she ~.l 1, le:t;tirroit ab went tin object loneness wit r ,: h eit orrtt: led :10. otkri,n!i, xtio br wittet, pg_ 'roman P.nd 'strum. ram slu r - • !.: !owl, Y ' 914., ..: 7U11 F] - .. -1 ; I ' 1 ; ;;::::NIT -_ - i.' , .h , . ".16) .1;:';' )1:-.1 ;ii. r:,,::-,.,::;.:4":,;*:_r4.:•if-:;;;;',7:.5:::..---'-:- . .1 ....,., 0 A i ll ' ' tii . ... /k i e c d: . _ 7 -'' 0 eels e . -I T ,. ':-.:*:.. - .: - 0'1" ) ''', ,we ' lll ‘,2*hat..4: libig. -_- t. oldlti. 91 0 liars-% thought 3 ek` as - tw IN& :--,. heri•hawed f a fln aged eelßre4 laaa t"; ' , *a * 4 . liell4loWil tjiailii :nrnt4eiVli e iti i -- , 14:- .' - ' 'ia . . WI. ;'' ' the fireeideithele ma.f . ha i :f h'eini‘z : : -,- ,,.:,;-1.7::' Therelkaaiiiethiaila tkaaiYellee*W: 'Ajui magi* oillosemgel47lget Oit - witinik4: , more thai mere,neater: l oryeiiei - : :: :,:iiiii '- Y4iii! —4hat will make YatilZeo T td; for altlurti r , t ----- r l l e ij her e - 4 t io - ir# 41 : 6 4 0 ) . : -•; , - - :,....,..:-: - ;32.:, ~-_-. - Po d ' l i i i4 lll44 g4 6 u l .7 - fhart 14 4 ifthitt : r. , tz' Of naemorieli el tisterizi in hie - hoe° . -' '' i imat • - -1 oftener th e - teeri.thee the smile to tifa ale: f, He has faded Oahu to, Ms --- beiiniii4re ham :-- ti 4 dreamed over infant bean TUNA dream - *et -' hod:.....weaves in Ithe -soul- f i ve ;‘ ha kissed tha Nithite - liPa. and' 64 * l'ild " !*ita den frilled! round ilit";:hd!klleg44.'-‘,:,,-:f..,,f,z,.. illa hais felt that g h Wrptwilleirf - sonwte*;.: ~ i te4ra Ara heravi___hee . - th e r '"ille*htlP! fi* .- "' i T:. ealVrohe l %)- : ll4C P ia beat** l 4ol. l6 i4Wl . -;.:2-' ti : atitight; with: that - In:4lone hy,,his,:4; luta read in,lllalgireaaisin:ah , •nilesi s :;thhas : *Oval a Path-for the - tmeeneloutislettlerv-lliat , should be more'hrillientlhan diaMetidtkioltei ., than buda of-roses; for would:it not fhi*-With .' the radiance' of tifslove i T iotiailati;tik;viiitisi_ . i ,.. + ' 4 -o,f ' dari iint. aiet ,hkehhe 40ge.Wiiiitri,"' glaring: eyeballs and ' fi ery ehreath;eiuld'leß* .."` 51 !' i e tt or.'hhr- - hel.ike , e*e -4 01 4 .. f• --Atili,:ei.. :2 - weei ha has had.', 2 t.hia'a :.,; to`' -tepee -. bill*: the cold Angel, that With its liaming seytte,? - hir Alidid over these ivil 4 loviiinto,_* paih and: spoiled,the ; thnitili ' - iloia ,- Aiii:-- Hy has anthbhg hi the little;at Kiiniitir;[*ll aniteined I;y 'angels ; he has laid hishaiii ini L the throttles* bosem aid wanderedai Ibts*ii . in lovelinesbut bh, shell a. du''' apple . *ender ! e has altutout the sun ight ur - his home, •and-,,shFdered" to:behold- lkglerh!fi --., hill into the &irk grave, thatlongOalt;nai . ruar, - '- eradle for :hie _babe,., and the 'hin!.ifathadi! '' wouldee'er he ia a k ed'a . .wakeidnifi the very hirde`aang:their most ttgliervie dies by,.its very ‘ ea. -, •' : -,-. .- ... ~; ‘• p-thilbless the aged taut, Sorrow , : With ' 7:- fiildiabande Anidro`opinibiew haataitatiffig ali,iding-Vite : ti it the' very --tiiresheitt ~ni 14', heart; - . ' : --.•• 1 -..- - ..7 . - - - ' - :;' ,-- 7 -,- ''', -I There is a wreath . 'of hyssop" ttotinC 0 0 * --- her fotehead; and slak bolds' ii..orae.bailibia t V."--- 46 ok at - the Un t l hopes Ntings y l et Ii era hizmcq , t`3 l nt a* !tire y • ThiStilpiciove - ~- -, ~; `kind ot individuir Pa, tawaysi ‘ a . ..i f r : if s :. Ili *bid Thnridaaa ' , plati ' n°l2 , B line °:,.t..t.... ';3 : hiltinquisitorial :v -!ictici f of nig nelguuur;ll,l-Pr, .., ~.,..__:_._ • ' ed I me diaposition; inqe a.,tga . lar_ #nd !' . ti I, tie I:usiliikillictS' br r i o i t ruvii!nga en! , ‘„..-- .-.J.: ,- • ihorele `omethine in the iifk4;for ke- Wit !I° r I. ' - p e akin g - ldentiatil to iil 'ghbo Mr 8.. ',V Air°:B " . a , e, ( troth -- iiifeiiiift4ia, this II el 14. ii i i morning v • ery, .iir c!. . market. - Ifar,.. ~.. , tha nui t thi l ,„ .o._ err ..,,,, ~..,...., _._ 2 _ r ill 8 '• -- . • is,';„ . ' •ni ivi ' B ,: i iPe.ge°6,°' - , 'whisPeri g' i q`!'T P °rlll - - - h bartoint shOp,'setcie wee , , t in land he'4 -satisfied thit hi . aue . ig . h.., r , ;. , b r ~; 1' ...1 !, 1 0 ;,__ fldriM blisinala;Pf '# 6 , l -c9 24 7`.. -- . - er going _to . - - -,-. i i • - ...;.,. 4 -' ; eu t •tirg Aiciedii'ara:4l/9119C?7,..,:_` ' l--- . ''.. -gi In leilit: 11116 -1VUlaileat Obit' , Then,64 terri-, • . A .igi',.- that he places/au faitiru,i6°u,. !iiiiit,,, he d'ra"'vis hew biarai*e_ tkierl44ll,i_ , :at heidtat r e to: give .1°11)419= --l orh! 8 Flad - --aU4 ' fteiu OT -, - .-0144--a....l i ‘ iriagingab"t" a disaster • . , ha ihalibuiii7 l,- .') ~...-t- ----I;'..*-- ` s o l • ' '•- a 7ft elditc' haebeetrz an.. ' a h-PPX. , : re . ... ...-,0,5.p.t-' - •-,' ',,ii,. ~., ~, ~.. , .., 4 ' ` ...,Z,,Dir.4:M.!IROArr '. ''' I', 'rnan YA.Pr. °9o r 9lll4 Y"•-,-..-` ...- - - -'- - ~.., --.- ~,„ , „.-- a nds -, giditt: ' ~ . - . • maPYL-ulrtrti!!ll°'et.. tilidrittiaia- - - diivenite .4 eaPair,r-kr"_ ~,,,, , ,t , ' , ir-g-,.-c4t.-1,-- .. t th'A....ti-iiiireliis m a n: No , ipaai a?Ifl-, -.-_. -.--- ---. ..: ... ~ ..., , ,i i r •-' ~ lit neit:=-uit'llo!4%4 ‘VST ',: ; ide,n -- howeveripureAK ?...., hable-roo a .-*' ='" 4 * . ' neiglbo eed-''tettOLl,.llktaPl,,9l.,,..----, ' ' ii 'th 4 - iiii i hettrOt'Arielii` y - , ..has,a-.,,, ,,- ' , -f i c 4. 1 - of': - - t i t s li n o ni t iu- iiiii4 *4,R 41 ..,/, ...--..t 1 - -. "k 0,4 Lyric' ' ' layibt:lT4 l a:- ~,..,--,,:,.. ~ ~1- ..., titX ~,-_,, .• r t ; si l , 04 kiiio4ll. _r4 ' . is ev”,% 11 . ! '''', • i". '4l ic)iiiifigivi. iciiliii-isOie,of,ltililleol4l°l74:eii.." -,,,,.., .iii. 6 ik -, virtuir , ",W l Pl/: 11 -lit Q - - I 's- --- 7 77 i- .. hi ' .1141:14/ t eon tin ii ia' s l a° l oo tk l * 3- a -—P. ,4.i;,.,...iizeitiiiiiii,,,-ii.. 'an A'eatilie's gi-, "''' . l;Z:! i t,,--.1.-- ~.1 -' , -'. ''' at -the' ' at& siciir is, raUarigs ,he :does c i -fig76 7 4 1 -2 - ':-•=7,...j.7-'sf:-: , '. - -,:, i ..- - .,1,., - ..„ . ...f. Ps; -• - : , ''eth ,- - , ..::?: , "5: 7 ::•-? - z ? r,- . 1 - :1, ,, i'V4-'-f'. i , . 5 1 -.•-, ...,, , ...,.,,..,..,,: _ .: , ~. .:', ..,- , 4` , 01:V-'' , ":l' . ,f . .: - =l§P ' rfAYIATI- - */*4 ' 41061,11W .' , . . „I - , , -„,' - - .„ - • .7.- ' - v.' 4:: _.4:Z._-1....,, , 41 ,- ,-'14.;-' 4 , ,* 1-4, aiiiitbr gtiklkefor ar-the,uissgew ~ . - -.- ~,,,;., ~ , ,,4.-.4. Ifsit,' -,, 11‘ :***l4 A4 t a lacture- *Tut 4.4411k,' •:e. , : f . i t - -4-ti-4.-' - - l ego' 4 i iit 4p ,:c .,.?„, c ..,., ..„ , _,. in,e , O Wgivu ._ g,vn..,a• .., 4,11 414ky011t - Cr / i ft r i k-'•,e44mlifFre f .-"111."0.0.0P 4 , ~...,..1.,i4, 5 .w.Ur , -` 4...,%L. - .:;... 4 -, ' vt: -=-_-"..-- --- -.,....: ~ . 1101 07 ' * 62 4 441 4 4 ;t* Wite4*Titifelits4 .' a Tep)44 fire lej .ei i , ; -,, ~.:, ii* - . ...:-. - i . , . :::...1,-_ tia ri--i iii i i - i i.i & e, ''' t' . 14, 4. 3 . . l i die 1 : .-:': -i t41 . 01. .iii ' lta - WilatW - - '4: 5: ,-4-' ,' . .11,..7'.:4;:,,,... ''',. "• , . Ir -:',P l r l- ,.5: ,, , : 1 '.. ,,. . -0406gui&iiiii4itijOifi: 2 ' 4 -::52,. l g. .-- ..,- . - - -,X .- - r •• -WO :theli, : - rejOhns lo lE- -, , ~,,w0 , „„, .77,,, tivse:',;;',L -: . .-,-,- - -z. i i i i, , -- , `',.--4.iiiiiiiiiNiii.niffitifar ~.. .:. --7 - : - . 7 = l ! "l n i:octil:it ; - < : . , t-..----.!..;,:-.: , ,..L. -"liitiLalt ier thetaajaoffifepilifiliigli bottom. : i , ter 'kir - feet : lei itek.ife4 'angels :-. die - - prthis wor l 4.4bPtiO4kive loiti:theff;` ;" - ihey : are horleliteritub.literio*A*, a'a , hialwhoa! OW _theY h 51.61114,0- F forille'ahaala tha t .- j i rilk-n1ia1 4 1 7, -Ailli. - : Ital. And beyond,thevision of-that ol d •• iou e h - ,nbt-beyond the out,stretchhlg of "I' t "R iti -*- - guttenni veP that *tut T. , ) •- _ . tkil Allan ientiiiinder ; .and , i, ivfl i t:sbiii eveiiet,paintedini:gloi*. - vez 2 1 __*, <_,- 1- .--- 1- -: —,- " ---,-,- 'bli , sin tfiitliged L.CiairenLbiiiiiiiii- ttfieir approachi-hityprt liate!.mcce.nte, : .11‘‘0 themts-Y01f:',w46.1//ot*434'!;ii34;-'' st, Y, nih-O/L dearlb - ,afill' nev er -, .iiiiitilt - - s l' grei , naiii by one irreverent vireid,;,er - - - htl, - smile. . God bless , the ar4iN.•• u~.:.~ii'~::~~ MIE ::i .. ~~<;- } igttr '.. - :'''t!.' -,:.')-..'...:1,.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers