whom fate ba&,sent him, had 1 leftatitn source-hat to tick his bread until„im died. • Nvoma you knowthe names of these corn ' Th -• 41 with tilt) en Wig panning. • At jar Th.. • _ HATICID ; the young; girl feeliainkin 'the 'char lot, EIDOLENCE ; and the Wm:4ll . watt the tla k, Tlio'riesident in Baltbn9TP- . . • • B/LTIMORE, July II; •I§- 4 53,;--,.- President _Pierc , aceompanied by Secrete . riss, - Guthrie and Davis, Pustriaster•Glural, Camphell, and Attorneffpeueral Cashing; qui etly left .NVashington.at half past three o'clock ibis afterno'oo, and• arrived here at half-past .£lil3.The Preeident.,andsmito: were met at the railroad depotby an immense concourse - of cit izens tuid r ii large turn "oiit ofitio n4lit;ey, vibe • escortedr there to Barnum's 1-I,otel, ::Aillaraum'a a handaoraely.--I*oiateeltiand , Wasgrected, on . which'. the President - SAwul in . „ . , _,q9lloetti.by Mayor Hotline. Ho maii(la brief tyldre4!s, - in which ho 'thanked the pecipte for ;filo entbusWtie reeeption - iiven him. - The; 14:a-repcort,of TUE PRESIDENTS SPEECII. d fella • f the et'y yo., an to le- t Lens ef fialtimare :—My heart ; i3-full; and i t would. be'dillicult to - express the.drpth'of t:pling with Corileal reception hiisimpressedme. • Our . ,eititens, by, their partial' , frienilshipotri more 'than' generoul'eonfidence, previously int poseci, Alma rue a . debt. of gratitude ‘l4 . tielf ywa's . ..devoted to their service:ond to thit in - teret.-:ts and honor of our eotintry c:ua scarcely eaneel. To be thus surmundesf by a Poliula ' 'lion :not lesi distiag,ulslied for its chivalry than ,for its intelligence atK tried patriotism, is pe gfatif,ying, iiiid'anione ., the pleasant saggcsied by the occasion, who can tci'be 'reminded where , tlt banner of un- -drilled, . unqualified religioiii - toleration was first -(reds 'given. to the breeze_? "feu-cannot be iniucl.an attnosiltere witlwitt feeling its vivifying influence; every Man who has a/pat.: :riot's-Inn - , , s must feel, it, he-Cause-every man knows - - that - rel4.,yiletis„toleration lies at the • foUndation of. civil , I iberty. ' No, transient trav eller ean enter thiS city without being struck wait. the'' , e vi dencei of enterprfae and honest . thrift which everywhere . meets the eye. aii . '.. tinier° has, stood preitoineiny forth in that as ::toniShieg progress Of oar ',country, which' may 1 be s „truly said to hare ontiharehed prophecy.= tier t etr'eat advantages, in a Commercial point of alve, hare, :of course, lwaysbeen enurkedand _ _ r.pparerit; but , he.x-ttori\ rounding geographical A „ • - .-poSitiriti, so. far as internal corn tnereu is con ' cerned,-foiibly alluded to by Washington - as •early as 179 - 6 - , is only beginning to be' appreci :, tte c i cr t ,:it ki; v ourgeives. As the Great Weld . p• - )Ufs in its Qmndless resources at the bidding • of.lour enterprise, and thejudicious applica . Con oryOur 1:12V4111.3 - 0 these internal intprove nients,, the dOstiny Of -Rd:pi:gore as one of the gre_tt cities of the world, is no;matter ofdouht. But - after all it is not the increase of_yourpop i• u llition and Wealth,. the aniTtnentation,or your ' shipping- interest, •font. ernwded depots and m a rts . t eiming with rho products, agricultural and mineral, of the .interior; the erection of splendid edifice”; rising. s it were by magie— nor all these`enmbinedi which chiefly engross - : the thoughts of the. pntriotie'citiieri; and oive his, pulse a quicker - and a prou4cr_thrOb as he enters your environs & sees these ,naenu'rnents: - _ They_ May crumble, that, is,their destiny; may they -- kill moulder and mingle'with . the eoin I tuna -earth, but :the inspiration of tho'deeds of ' - Valor they - conetnemorate, , whiCh saved. you - , from' the presence of the shame - of the . iread -', of. a. foreign soldiery.,will perishnever. ' (Ai). planse.y *Who shall say what has been - ,•the \,: i extent or the 'power of the example of _silt: saerifieing heroism' which , signalized ' the'de fence-of North Point and, Fort 31e1 !miry, in l • 2 iiBl4 ? ApplauSe.), It %Yak 4 dark-and trying i - .honr-in our'histhry. Wc, were pinV)exed,,hut ' not in despair ; east, down.rbut not destroyed !.-when your example and-prowess re-anima - . ted countffe and confidence everfwhere, and it, • was•felt.that the shield of protection superior] i -to 'sill human power;-"always.recognized byi; . - our -fathers during their great . struggle, was "i: -still *veeruk - , Let us, remember it, and ever i ' acknowledge it". with httattile rand--"grateful I W i_ • hearts. ho shall.say how much 'yonr non -- t . iroents,for thiaie Who „survived the conflicts of, the, anxious days:and nights to which: I have _ _ adverted,. have had 'te 'do with thU Reis and gallant • libation 'of Maryland' blood upon sO i. many fielas of Mexico. The fathers of* the :1 ItevolutiOn taught their sons that.they' 'Owed; • '„ tlieir_fir,4 duty to their country—a duty neti le 1: ! 4 nVoided, lou.t to Le cheerfully fulfilled, in i .. the,- - fee of all consequeneeiciand Li every laz- 1 ' rod.- Has not the - Almighty bleed to us their deeeendants,-Their example, their exp'eri.. _ . • . ' • .ence; awl their lesson? Nobler praise cannot', le hestotved, than to sir that no State--in this confederacy ha. 4 furbished : a Moro intpressivej _ exetriplification of 'the prover of that • teaching: than, that, bef,,re - whose people, T haye now the; honor to stand., - Mr,' 34ter = A plwsztrit inci • der,i ut.this moment, comes, back to_ roymein • 'jory, - to'Whieh' I May not,be• censured for ad . -vertitip -soon - after the bark Kepler tinctured With a portion efile Niiith Infantry near the •-•.- .CvAtlc of ain ; Jimn de ,Uillo:x,., about the 30th - -of Soot!, 1847; another transport came tieninch-1 . • ,or -Withln)i cables length. ' We.eMild not ilia - • • cern the igiip;.butin a few triminerits we heatd Tealing forth 'from her ...sleek the.stirring notes ' - :of the -Star Spangled Banner'.'- 7 -the effect was 4 ketries& I thought, probably from .n.j.ioeia -..- t ion, ihaeOid Shipw4u from Baltimore,-and .: ,the4ait.Verified the-inipreasion. Boats . were . 11441 i -ed ., and - friendly greetings commenced - ' ' 'between the , sons of Maryland arid New - Blig- - , .. . . may . land, Which I trod may never be interrupted, Tut, borne on 1) f,ml Teel; figs, I 'are deteinini . yritytiiiiii-h -foci 'long. 'if 'already Yours were i - - not. til ingedihrunghout ill e lima as the inari..l • ' umertal_City, , l 'Would YentureslO - christen.it • as_pre-etninetitly.mititied-i to iho. nolo --.`The City fot the:•:Star - SPangled.`Banner.'l. While w you ill hail .withthe appwir-H. ticeloteVery . joy . - - new , stur," -, aAs -one after another' shall: , be . - - to e ronstellation„ you :will. alway,a,pioclaimi Apoit,the - _,hoitor •and - faith et itil.aryland, ,iituit :this Antalilei., Oat never he lesi. -- Sir;= . I thank , . ritmiair . .tt * iilly-4 t hank'' you ; - 411;* gentle: _ men, fer,ffiiihrliresencobere tedity,"tindi htipe - - 2 we may.,:-.n2o4.4indef Agreeable . eircuaistances, -long.yeauLte-isonoe.,_ , •_ ,i Bi.E*4,Siein '.PAgin• Oftbeen Victoria to -admit:', - th*atittitireas Uricle; Ti,teecebie: eed - -tbnideloit.Sttiftoid flottseil , _ Wei Om 4;3'4 Treat Doe; - appeep, .14. f hare been feliniv-ed liyltedie /%410e9 1 .. 1 -P Vue-llare7' thongbt 'prop (ir;opon his owiWripaita`Rati, to, liorrizgairs.-.'6'tOiee at bis.oisin - naidittiei. tult. #l,,,4TemiraFwaoe.urity pf the 'ene,Pn.W...; _ tha et - takipt our:atiotitifid heroine' a ridite.:ll4,:-.00-' ' n'deieent upo n ; - Bfr:P.Thand 'lathe ! Fame'lnnen 'in , bousA and sans -Wit, ought ta-aiiir 64_ j? huaajoropie l A dy ,the . proprie9r,a exPeditheY of IS POPy Europe is d - emit' ari- well would lIPTe been_ iind the A wtrrewiiorktudifitiironitini'toxoli.. --the'Anmefithtlos biinft 16410 *long with rhitn. 'lll4lmaiikese Sip tli iittdv, the socialist* in 4 tilo r ed"Of PAtte 101ketiCilays. 4444 A -ft ltrc -zotttiltat,4ol,tbeliniverse iro ggraisfriata , •itttopotod ArtiCUP AU th e,butitufions! that, air plipticirpu s home ~-Ifey-figt;experlepor ' befoiaiiiir4l4ooll4fll2o ,4 -; 1 , ti:;ll7' MOORAT ettlation' in northern, 11132 copietiMeirkly.---, Tko:1411. rire it V • reipairtveut ' • CHAS S.n::&i. ITEM EMS ocrat -CO3IMI homa :• B. ' Of 1 Phi ad el phis Q ED Eou GES Ephraim, Qf.Spt3lin C - 0 1:R.v#0._E : , G, li.-:TO.t.terEP Of Ciaivfotd to. 124 Blank: it. opposite t:ie ""At 4 Counly. CRAI done, co directly BEND, P 'bur. bfßee - for the mesa is removed from Ty . l w over the printingale°. do I %till' always find a aentleTan hoitra, at ilia lirtaini,r,oiDee, . . 1 Thp_ll4 , * ! - l.' i Preshlont Pi i reo and a p:t t of 'his Calt74, liesars:'Gu)miii, Davis, - Ca phell and o'..usip i lag, r6the BOtitr.ore• on nd:ty-oveniw,,-4n route to 'N WiYork. They were enthusiasti : cally weleofued;by dm' i}eop .of Baltimoi•e4 2 — In — another loblinn wo make orn for ilie"Preit idenr s Pee t eh ork, that ores bn. They. go to P,hiladelphia i Wa,Y, (Wed an esAnY,) ci,A ,l- arril;oat.Ni, )7orlt on Thu sday mirmiag, co assist at tlio inauguration fr , the-Crystal P4l - Illinois.arriyed at New Yorl: 4 ).n ' ace. The st Monday, I two weeksiater news, fro 91_ if - ornia,a d about $24b0,000 of Gold dast,r --.4.1 duel ha been fought between Senate aim i and Mr. 'Gothic, 3!: C:, but alter an ext i hsusge. 1 of fillet's t, e affair silas:settled. • • I" 1 -,l'ho-C 'lnns steruner Atlanticarrived at,Nfin i YOrk on .. unday morning last. The litisso • `l`urkith difikulty beains tourer a warlike is pec,t'in• good earnest. IA tcrrib e earl ilua e 'occurred lltely in Persil lkf t whi h 12 000 liits I were los s and the , people •otthat country were also suffering. te lay froni sestilence. j I 1 The vicinity of , eat. Yor was again l isiled • with a severe :Ito m on Sathrday evening last. i 1 Several lives . Wer last, and a large amount! of 1 preperty d g istrcly ~ ...s . lc, ' : ri L i i The islature . of New :Mork adjonrued,on i Wednes ay, 1 tls inst. PI : 1 ' I Gov: icier. W - .' at Pittshii - ,Hot '4• 1 4 c. Ils . . r Ito 1 7 * - k. r • _ r. i i ;- To Our Re t3ro. li i 1 ~For a veral weeks we h i ve meditated an'; 1 apology to our readers, listt 1 11/ now hare seen no this when we could s4tily make it. i That 13 7 the Democrat for the'pAst hionth has 5a1.4.13 . 6en what tit - DemociTtl used to be, and ought to , be, wo have beri as well inirare as any of its readers; butit lwas - m[A, in dur power to have it differently. Our business"engavmentshave been such as entirely to prevent us from: dvo-.1 Ling au hour per "week to itis cditorizitistiper vision; i It has,lin fail, edited itself; and as_we i tire:lto abovel we dare notftipt l ilogize until we h made arrangements fora l ifferent titaof t inns, which . e have &natty ucceetlei - fiti do . 1 s ' t 1. , i ld We believe ow that Oul• r§aders ad li d ll jtv fi i n t d h t o Democrat, as a farnil _itetiler, lo ~,i1 choien•readinwj all, and e hope more than it has ever. been. fieretofore Quite likel• its ed itortal clumps will not - 'nein so any la bored p liticullnrticles as ef'sometim shave, t i : • . for we liave•new come to kind of - 6 opping 1 place in, the ptilitical worh .; _No exciting and impurta , t general politica licampargalis ow + or likel •th be t u ''. nns for ong time to e. The 's e, or In clipf 'it, that those art; les have is,' tofore ' npied, can now li t e ; .l much ri ce more p q fitablyemployed for the disseinina , Lion of Aknera . ' 1 news, and intereatirm4re:neral reading I We do not wish to be tinderstoed as ciotimar 4 - that wo buiy now the „ l hate set politi ,for'that we 8101 never:do Mil hingns the tru . rincipicsi_of our government are as sailed, .r have .:assailants. Just so {noel as may se ' .•neeessaji" tli be said,- at • +Y• time I and, on y occasion, will be said, in the'same spirit, ', 'determined independence that hrus heretofo ‘' chat'acterized our piper. . the man, i or set of plea, do not' live:that can infi en ate Or awe us;in any way front this 'sofa ion.—;- The per etratam 0 tPublic abuses Semi most of', ell,_,'he d ' uneistiOns ot. in YidePend+i Press.' They ar . most restrained bV'alth t Aar dth . il m blic a e best guardml, in, their rights and in-1 terestN i . when their: 'press] maintains = such ground; and , hen, Trent any, reason! we can not us .ti , it, aye will Osigp (Mr pc to ot's -4 er han. . to the keePing or other d holder hearts - :' , I • 41. ! '. 110.1 r:time paet our s adv rtising itronage has_bee ~ Taining open os rapidly, so!miseh so , that! it '' -tresPassoSerieMslY upon ;the e°l- MIMS • should have been filled : W i th road. , i li g* ell'?Panow kg's' ' &Ulla 14 such a, system, to get , mom aps e o n tholinshie ofl our, . < .1. for readint sin et,. than; ‘re have been a. o pa.nige for that •' for the kast six pro. tbs.' Crer read I I•-dit,cover that; era w ,'we apes .otel a :good dial " war I t this week I comparing tbista ber witkiilifit pre ee ; 3 6E 0 ~ - A nd then, 'ire- ne n that etc; 6' weselector vote shall be ' milt tea4srag.;,-: - '•'..l+leler, - ' , wkseek efibui recide ' rlittiry t loving mute - espeehini:-:de not - ` ofteeiltheitori ;its rre ovq and Areiv-th4l* ' ilitilisill : a* Per ,- . \. , ~, , 4 4 , 4: •Oi i• T' *•••-.."-- • , -'1•1 4- 3/41 fr in • 9 / 1 -,l ll r 0 • 11 / 1 Wr_ a iw. 9! two,pfol '1 ill remem berb 13 read 11, and .ay - Ilk 0 rvr --, tr ~.,-,-,-.. ~.. -, -- - I , -__ ~ Tifk„ a , k thetairertirei , _did nr i . ~ vary 1, ;,,,,.. - „..: ,‘ ;:t ,,,..;•-• ..•-' - 1 ...-?" -.,• -' .. 1. .. `• . T , ~!W. trio. t 9tielP, ePR,s 4 : __ .:404 w -wrikte9 ' • ~,L . ',, ~ ,: t t";°f!' 104 1 : 0, A.!-To_ ,ralp. Aft,L,, 44 4 1 , ; .. 17 ;Ypi',1.5 1 ,514 9 .1t •1 11 .' 44 , -,' ; 4°,11°4- ton e 'tffir, _ ' ),indilleali ' 2 _ l -! k ikolFe °; Pict .. , ' ' , ' by Itypr , &i Co' ' vi - VO :i ---- lifiitptiitf ' ttitattit':for; 4abis c -"" *144744 ';-.461brii..4' m hit II ' ` 'priaone, - biflitti i:i ibilkiikiswi'bfloeint of =ied , 111141114 1 1111 " 11 0" ,„ , I 1 "74 1 7. 1 t la*, gar, ; Kr a ' 1r - -,,,i-ii , ! ...,-,. fr : . 7 ,.,,,.......,-..,4 .....;,--.., -,- ~ • -..t,...,i . .....:.•.- .4 7 ,1. .i - - "1 t' . 1- •.1 ; ‘,,..: • , •t 1- t • , iDenoition to write for ms. We shall - begin next week Isith a story. .which she' .has writ itch expreesly feithe belowciat, and aft& that ehalt:haYe lees publisised 'she will write choice eate r ies (ehi never writes any pther) statedly. )Id persei4 saltine iuiv*been so uninrsally cepa and . commended 4,the press, for the , 4. Isrl3. 11 - . lest 'three foam or so,tasrs. Dennison's ; and 1 aPPesliL - .----; _ . it has . 4 f romti beginning.. Alowev re when she writhe epistl e especially for our •. ~ • t . a 1 er, the plet thickens, nnd the elements o u reeders, we are sure they will appreciate tern , • the more. In ono ofd: herletters to us, speak- 1P i ' it Y • I' .' begin to show.themee . lves: The . ET. it . 4 d I peror of Ituroda still pertinaciously makes his mg of the difficulty, aside from her o the r ( du - 1 • demandsti' non the Sultan, and h as -obstin -1 ilea, of obtaining tin to Write for us, she eays i l = ate ac c e d e ; , ' F ran c o hi t s taken abut I like the Do l eocr I f —besidet voti l are ly refuses to " , lstrong ground against the ener. , liments of Pierce men, *so are hush nd—and 1!" Our i 1 readers, for the sameireas ~ et/gig iso, and no ; ... tln the rights of Turke, 'and will - 1 coosider t o occupation of Danubi n provinces.' dmibt will, like her. I • _ - •.: 1 _. - will_l make) by the ti d e ps of tho Czar as a just field° cause Now wo trust titan: on 'friends some liWeexertion ifet th ir part to sustain us I , s „i . . • • ' I , for wer •ir.nd consequently will su- lain to . the —tat. leiit be punctual x ith their pa . vin in ta, l utmost lite r ig hts of !Turkey. Iw e nlapoic that we may alsa be' abl •to be prompt with 1 , ~ ~ . . .. . 1 ' ' lon feels father inimical :towards Icholai, on I oure 'We Shall try !hard to make the Denial ace°Unt f• his not recognizing is titie in a . proper manner, and-there is a _fine opp?rtelnity crat the hes t orcoutitry opera for the future. ' t 4of payino; him o - ff. The French ais et the Our. New 17' ork cortex -pen • ent will al 'o i o. , i entrancei of the Dardanelles, awn ting fiiither ,uo tq gtvw us,a well dig tett column of the ; _ ~ . - , • ( . the Russian troops . Fee ftvcr I .• 0 current newsof the - day, .. , s ueeses s the borders of Turkey In Emile d the pope-, . l er we do I ' men " if. not believe that our pro - uses ,will f.ll short. ; .' c. , , ---.02,,..... tar feeling is in favor of Turkey, tit the Min -1 •:-.Whyr : It'll ili istry, as-usual, has been trying to-play a dou- T we weeks ago asielo ed man na ed nen- l ble game by working at Nieholas'..proceeding,s, ry Skinner broke, or. Wa helped out, of Jail 1 and leaving the Sultan to suppose that he in this Borough, - commit ed ott a charge of 1 might 'rely on 4heir eo-ope' tion in case Russia a tjfstealing some 20 or,; 680 front the safe of j ,,pushed.tliings too far; b; t the sOnky atti 31. S. Wilson. The Miiney w i s.. believe was' tudo of France has compelled them - to unlock ' l mostly found on him, and reco4ed. 1 lbw &signs:together wth the po pular pros- Lavin.* aside the very singular.* manner by Isure frOm within and tae aides with France. ,r • '' - -.1 leaving Nicholas to g ' e l 'which- Ids escape WAS effecteEoVe.have some- l et o t of the serape th 4 thingto sa •in ref .ren to subsequent mat ! best way he can The ern ror of Russia sup-' , ) t. - • , tea's..; No,,public oust notice. hai ever been I posipg, as the Rh an istry was re.l tights', given or hie .Ix.,—no rew rd O ff ered for his' he would received opt, . sition from France,' apprel; ..ton, and " no r earnest effort been made las Louis 'Napolecoii had. 'ut lately up foil' . t we can learn of, to app bend him. His lan Emperor,.he would n turally mirth to con escape wry) talked -of as a ve happy eircem:. ciliate the older ones,, be Louis is 4, net afraid' i s, stance -to save the county c and very ma- to resent 'a slight. ' Thu. having is, he pre- , 1 ny " glad-of-its" ejaculateN loomed, no interference, Ticholas thought he , Now, we confess no sad action at exhibi- 1 would soon bring thou an - to terms, and the dons of punishment inflict •d upon -criminals,' key of 'Bethlehem, inst. d of being in the but this case strikes us as -cry singular one _hand of the LatinPatria b, would be fund indeed. That a man shout commit a crime, grasped by the Greek - fa Cr. of the magmtude of tins on ,be tan out of 1 Turkey is actively cm toyed iri making p the custody of the law, and . erraitted quietly l y parations ta meet the It -shins, and. have au. to escape, with little or no c ort fur his arrest, la fdrmidable force read% to ---- take; tha eld. e t into us a very curious meth of vindicating t Whether the possession '.l a key "•' I be thz,. the law end protecting ,th rights, persons, cause of another revolt' ion in Europe, tint peace mA of comnity. II morbid sytopa. alone can solve. . , / thy for the catered man anything to do with FrourChina we learn ;that/the' rebels -hay such a state. Of thing:o_ l [ lH So, is this , not a taken Nairkin, aid are Mire/141g rapidly - precedent fraught I with rho no:4G dangerous wards the coast 'lt is, aid that American ;tendencies? lied a poor white man commit-1 idents favor the pre nt-Emperor. . ted sucli-a crime,thouglindght have been foil' From Wasttino on thelnews is not of mete ' 'Vie purpose of giving bread to his starving-,l'xipertance. A few apPpintmenta have be children, would not the corners of the street-5 1 made. E. 31Orrell, of Del. has been appoint I have blazed with•tand-billia,headed with a large! C onsul to Matanzas; and J. L. nelson, of 31 . reward And wonld not some stepS have been i as Co. ul to Turk'slsland, Coin. Shubri k 1 • taken, also, to discover the still moil() "danger- 1 has , een ap pointed to - the `command of t ei 1 ens criulinali free who opened his pri on doors -t s eadron bound for Abe, fishing grounds y I ei l se and-set him from the grasp e ' violated l i request of the Corniniidore, J. Seott Cumin law 1 And does' motor sanctify lor I n cii o 'ham is ap oiuted 0 jcretary of the Comm - i .. , in this community 1, peas it render the oss . dare. , , _ of our property more Sufferable be 9. se de-1 - - Polities 'move 134 slowly during the wa ~ spoiled by . a, colored man? Is!the teeunity of 1 days in our city. lA number or applican i i peeson andproperty, and the siquintacy of the I who have been wilting_ fur some time; and law for their protection, to be jsistintated by a! blaming theColleetsfor not hurrying up t i le , few dollars and cents?"' A strange, strange; Cakes, were rewarded for their servieeshy le i Worlil is this! / , 1 * ing politely requests dto accept a plice in I'm Once on alime, not xnany 3icaca ago, many custom House, vdllich they accordingly-d d, of our readers will 4ollect `that one of this without being asked, the second time. Th .re untortunate race of people was brought be- are about hundred names now before secre . fore our Court, charged with a grave crime ;l i ry Guthrie for cOnfirmatiOU, tho owners of and many too will . recollect hew careful the 'which on treeing their t friendS - Who were p 1 learned - Judge was to ask the witness's% atthe i pointed before tlimU feeding so well, at il 1 outset of tho trial, if the prisoner • was not • a public crib, begin to feel hungry; . and Vro' li 1 " pretty tccaWty negro ;" and then how coin- like to take their Places by the aide of th .1 I placently he seemed.lto lake an affirmative an- friends, and indulge a little theinselves. 'web as much as to any, of course, gentlemene Crystal Palace v. ill make a grand .1 1 173 lof the jury, such, a map cannot be guilty of pla on the day of opening. The Presid i this crime! Ile ehoeldpot be punished. Andl and his Cabinet will assist, in the cerernon so the world seems to wag yet,—if white,— 1 It is presumed the scene will be very imp . i of their own blo4d: trig, and one which will bo seldom wine '—Petty— thieves are hung, • . during a lifetime. The interior beipg ni i I While ho who'pros into• his o'ergorge'd pouch' ; nearly completed, we can form a correct i. e , I The wealth of Indian provinces, ' ‘ o f :t he 'ff. • '' ' lEii . . n po si f .7 . . , . - mac' c o te the }Alabama. . h ceilings ar e very tastefully anted in pan li We confess a dislike for such philanthropy., Whether white or black bond Or free, protect whiFh gives a light and finished apixtarane t the interior. The dome raises 140 feet a v society by the prompt pnnishine t of crime; The= co n I and above all, let no dais, or ra t ' of, people, :I - - ' ; have reason to think that their Offenees are I I the floor and has ri" grand effect Th I tera are so arranged as to give as much tt . !not as grave as oth erg ,' and wit not be met 'I% possible for the purposes Pf: exlithitio o goods, and 'to show them to the best ad n , with the' same penalty as • others, from those ~. - a The galleries will , be occupied wit) ! ; whose duty it is to administer ju lice between 1 t om' 'itte criminal and the Commonw - Ith. . light and faneygoods, and the columns 1 1 be hung,with shawls And other brilliant e: tile`fabrim i The Exhibition Will open oil' I - 15th. ' '. ations. l l - . • 1,..., - • A ER. SYthi tinty. ley i. i P • ntY; ' i MEZffrial the "P.O/01 get' Job IPA our Law __ol4 House," °tart eaction ,of I)nst i - Store, to a rooT own. Our friOndiA dpring busipt4 o wait on diebi. Book Notices. The knickerbpdir for JUly eo den' with choice' readinm, grave, g l severe.. Tho- editnr'kl table, at I literary repast, is more attractive the present number. Published ton, 139 Nassau street,. NOw ' 'rhoPertnigrania- Farm Jou contains : many excellent the cormideration of 'the Farmer; lent:PeritsiligAl, which we :are g Pretty extensively taken_ in this 7 At' %Vest - cheater, by Bo te. 'Co' at the low .prlee Of $1 • Wash' jl* 11, 1853. c "Walker goes 1.0 Nrw .. ....._ iget Macy,- of-risconsin,for troubles aro n t. over. Col 'loses as .ye to come to them, as the - President iul ze be . -may , . lose his> head. Sim lewitt - nn ; :bis way to but it is no "go.: . , L Skinner:l°f Plattsburg, New been'appointed'hief Cleric of , the liliee, t. Ppst - :Hee -Depart i,' , prat ;Cia Istrneior ; H art has : ariived,' 1 • and' L- ~ ,ipOlililidisc4argid of his *idea. • appointed Nerthi ofrCeoflertstoirti; hail been appointed iiipsVutlidtilTAgeni Int . .- New f Yoik, lutilVillialn. . :Murphy, :of-. MarvavilleiN.y., . 4 40044 Mail. gent l S large-fa. de Woke* 3 kTheff` ... ; iimiliedl6, .1 tjiili &gr . ......, :pr.-W)l Sh l ' im e I liwtitland,:. "' e W P14 m. 6" .....d. ' , I .Rilyn V;' Sc olds, iiw. 14 41 . 11 1 r, BM ort'give noticeih4tbey will ~lui,,iiijdyatiotis i n th s'next!, Ughilat nrii fair ., - ineemoration sof si.lrank,l In be nbarteisid, •Sirantonialis .Literne iniirdyi:vilth-ii iiiiitall etilnimoop, wlth lb/ ;priafte, of inerolobig gt 0.114 0 00". - fad- loi.*-P444 ,tho limb/. --.-. --- . ..:.:.,. ~:: 43 , - ' ili- - ' •:-..:. A 4. 0 . 41 '44. , 1 . 4 - • ' .L'‘• ..1 ..., _ :-,-,.-, ' 4. The teeter terms wised ffe' Seel intenigoicer of thiti morning AhA 4 e- - the- rumored migaittiOn toiseiloo ty, Mr. itdei4uan.• —_— New iork Corroopondeincp. NSw YORK, Saturday,-July 9,[14.53. Ilia. Ration—By iho foreign a4vieol,reeeiv red by the I-America at; :Boston, lestin.ffiat the Eastekri qpestion, like Aaron's Kol, tom -. thine* all the irest, and; from pres ent -.Aces is as farifrom.prn Anitment 1 to richly la. .y lively and 11:3 a a choiee than usual in by 5..11ae5, , ork-43 per . Business is dull, the greater . part °roll, habitants . aving left ,for; the Alifferent of the seasen. Saratoga, Newport and i. ire, will each receive - Bente of our:fa - Alen people, besides nrintbenk from the other of ;the : Onion.'Thing will continue in present state; until their return; Aihen B way will be again enlivened by their Pre wt nal for Ju ly.. ' f arliglos or . This excel .. .to hear is only, ui pub •• en.llerodith f nonuro. The - Lattmg Obsehrator3l • The' sexton "of lirinity , Church - wa well shit up his steeple. Alt has been a" et steeple to hini ;, , but. there is a rival in the;el acrd a his limginonopoly ofklie 'air, is at an ni Nay, "" be ll entdelletdoe9 l . by , a dred . feet:. of ,tower.: : '. and ie*tpl- ,hu .. feet of, • hill. - Not -to the ears of the, Pi tondo offrinity is. the name of 'Latting flu ' h The Latting Observatciry;bolt.knowu t tl remote reader, isa Weeden tower;. which lc climbed`from tlie base seteitty.firo feels ua tort'point three hundred feet above it, o tl ground opposite' I,tbe -re I r.seeorldl3 e trance of the ;Crystal's Palace. ; ' .To : tl trutb,'we have been in t e hibit of the building : of this tfiNe i, a :sonlewhe ' reci and Babel.like entertiii , But when;,' '\ ileac of aver , "het day t week, we lindhan, ted upitsenumeinble Wi ing 'utainhandittottd MI the highestef its P tierlest , ieletlhlf the i i lucid; delicions. of, :gee' i hreeselhl .ii* .r i roan ,th ed .J n o _ Jew • dat e - ari - It" d teens '- - raMa that laysprealt Oarlike an ltlltipagUri l lA - i.41 7 :f pet &tour feet,'we thitbleised-thei - slit lou r Lattlii& and-extellatoweisanwlike; *IN. ly and beneficantinatitution. 71 74 eat' _fp ography adios reglettiiell' th eislnete . - *Pi 11l -: The risers ; . wind ehe,lak • A ,way:lti broad nes 'of ; silvir.; TlIeli", 10, are deme ln e raid frill *gold:. Thli — el ,pa== , 4 New=Yeik, Bre klYrt and tberest=4re - Tudn, ted.in,with faulilees 2 49_i_eer.' l'hi- We is interesting and APIWd ilYthe WO 1411 richly repays 161144 Of loin up a elij. a multitude,of steps. ,Thetower we - ben Vii i 1.18 1 3 0 7 P.41F,1 to th#P 4 0 10 44 1 . 3 ,/41°,#,4140ea: IA Crgitlar**Tisiteyils3l s P , , .14a(ir audiutt-,.0.-kawvairritar-- 1 - -; .-- ..., PEKE - ~~~. i- I • - .. , 1 y ea lvirenint• . T. • • .....p. , t , il - Uttar front, ithelW, Bl3l,- i' '' i ~, I - laacalln, Illillaisii -- i 1 -: ' l -- ':- 1 Jails Sil3,la. .I t - . Dear Dengoerat:-,Yiq wocka this • Y 1 di'the capitalertbP`"K(7_Bo." State," :n.c.?, . 'filch time I have been in Oh i lo, 'Michig. .; , ?al. I him, Illinois, - 'Wkscrinsiiii and lawa,; b't sur; eti have; na found . '" this fat iNirist"' . ob. v . 4 let of My search. 011ie . r i s a ;vety.goad ing State, but for fermi g s far bthind II 1;04 his State, (III.) - is - oriel or ;theti most ertila it es 1 aver'saw,ltad i bethive.the 411 3' linclt far'distant when it will' l be secoull to 14 Po in the whole Union. i.'•] „'l '1 1.. Railroads arc now being niaele thrriglb va rious Portions of the Stote=riorrit alrcod'y com pleted—which give new Bre. arid vigor to every [branch Of Indust,rf. - Mendel and learning are marching, on with'" gi p tic; stides.i' ; ' Pelle gc* andl halls of learning arc statteied i l thro out'this great, glorious: Stati, which abound . ' s in ! rich rolling prairies with till vavingl l grass and inninnenible wild-Bower s' . 1 , 1 ; . 'Th' f grance ken the d6se it air" at waste their ra , !Fanners in various p ortions .of this ',State are nowin the midst of, harivoit..', 'IV eat its good, and morewill be raised this • year than for some years past. ' The iero4ect fo r 'cern isdecidedly good—almoste - 4 - iv - fart4r has an abundance of old corn i yet—and 1 have ' teeen told by the " knights ,of the plowl that it: milli belinpossibee tn sell cfornfor• mein - tl.tat I n.." bit" (Is.) p{.r bushel r Whet would perm- ! ' sylvania farm° .think'of this f.,i, yet' till farm-I i •eres hero "lice"' ndgroatfa i ii' ft.is ..., t - strange 4 see one ma have 61 aid eve , a 10iS acres., Of corn, and" if! bc, ra_. to leisi 4.itt•twenty, bol l iri • pointed out kgrt sand , . for the Lunatic . isyluni. . • / _I ll I Hories itre selling high Prics; no kind of a heerse , can be. •hased :for much errs than One hundred/dollei and considered eheap l lat that .' Cow 4 are selling Orin twenty-five I to thkity-fir;idollars, and other cattlell, in the *AMC ratio. , •,I, - - 11 IVb I. it at points along the Mississippi 'river is aelling from fi ft y to "seventy-five cents _ per bdshel. arts sell et• fifteen cents. ELigs fire i rterttS per dozen—butter tat per.lb. If 1 Il I wilystato here,,for i thelbenekt of n inny of I the citizens of your c linty, who, for i l'a long i time have entertained he belief that clover or I [',timothy could not be nisea in this country, 1 o . e , that I I never have seen = ' in ferinsylvania,:. ne a r 'as good clover or timothy 'tea I have [seen in the *tate oT Illinois. IA f riner informed .me . , '4 dt ili ' one piece l to -day that ho had rai e i mp 3, on f ground for the lash= fif tee n. years itl l`' I never, had beep manuri l etland that it'weiirld [yield the pr sent season lei* and a ktif tons per acre' •' 1 ' - . 1 ll ' 1 1 As rega s fruit, ',will fay that the early settlers neg ekted to calti4te it as it • should have' een o ne, bat of 'ale more attention is paid to it, a d young and Plli ft y o rc ii' a rds ar e i being_ raise on almost' every farm and that l, tonof the Best quality of fruit. I ,' I _ , While ai Nausrkua few days se p, I pall .ed at, a hot I kept by the; tau; Mrs. Smith, n4 e now lAlrs. iddlemen.l She is a ladyll of iota!: ligenee—p uesses - al noble mind and a hind disposition She informed me that!' shol was, 1 born in the t.ownshiP) of , Marmony, county of See.ituehana and State of Pennsylvre* and ifiosided the lo untillihe arrived at , the age of twenty.thnie, when•lthe lift. with UFO " piropb et Joe" for . the Stateilof Wistonsin.l She said that ; she, n er was a believer inthel Mormon . de l a:trine, -always took the ground of 'nee.: a t i trnaty. • l - - 1 , 1 1., i - The city of Nanvo‘ was once the' scene of war 'and Irleod-she - d4hre+ite, palaces arid, hav- i 1 elebave ' eir desert+l-4he great "Mormon l 3 I Temple" i all its magnificence andl - eriandein: t .lies in • great ass, of ruinsgrass is . ' spririging - pin the streets,, all,' all is ' fast go-, 1,.. i ing to d ey, and silence tired desolation nrie•rnsi • b .... i -.1 ~.. . d on every hiand.. This city once bo as te d . otits i twenty thciusand inhabitants;:now it.does not ,: number over three thousind. Therii. is not : _a le i Mormon Itft within its sacred border*. i All for' 'd a -' tli far. :- 1 havole ft a more weir e spot i t s' e 6 1 A - oistant \Meat: i , 1 _ 1 A few words about Macomb and I '.. submit . • 1 . ll .1 this to your numerous readers. , ?entomb, is -a I ;e l, delightful and beautiful ivillage, - caitaining a I ) f l population , of tw, elite hiandreeP inliabitints.—. 1 . 'healthy bacation'andisittrated in - one of : = the .. - ~ xi best farming cirtnnitinities in the whole[ west. I'l 'fbo villago.aboundsi in :ee:train! o rn amental'', . , shade trees which give to the strati er a geoa, r ', and wholesome. opinion_of tl t own,l le spmtks well of its enterpilsing mid iroblelbeart, t i .. ed citizens.' Person visiting this town will li , find the proprietor of t 6;"SlenonO 'gh 110 " is 1 a gentlemanly fellow and -well -Wilrth this , I T le 7 0 • .patrcinage of"„ the trail Bing' 'pablic. I ?there !is 1 one printing office_ he .. :.three ' 1' IH4 13 i houses, a female semtearyltall a C l e g e , and, ; le , , ± I several churches al! Ili prosper° conditio Yours, ike.- - ' ' 1 f' . Pii ; •i‘ Arreittof a tr. f;• 14 .. to.- - .:.v. . ~ „ la The Euftila.(Ala.laiiirg 440. _it , .. _ 'ci Id low some 'of iha peophi . lajo regi a, . . y I went in pursuit (Aix abizeildifs; .„;; 1 0 1 1 1 1 !. d. l only an U. S. Senntnt: tit Whid i : -,:4!'' :, : h - York. Alderman the fellot *AL et%,gs:l t_ NI Ike penitentiary, and no,'lritritithi . r . kno s 1, 1 0. the difference., .The Spirts - • 1•. r.-4 , : . 10. , For several clays pititt,, public attention` it ' vt. party lisibeersi iinsted by hand-bi Is ..........cse par t ~ 1 , ~ . ~'. boded , in ntailnlSllP*4 481°P j z 1 !" '"• r! in vihichiCimiiliuthat.th !ulye i ti ,i . fr. residing hi Pkiadt 4 waiiii!Siattl - 0 "?7,; . / 1 ,_?... been robbed of a horier , eta boggy ,' ' DT4 t DP whie4 together with this persons, oppea. r 1e of the supposed thief, tiara minatelydoscri , 3 NOW it so happened tkuit,'one • ds . ,'. shortly ! ter the annouoc.ernent,Onrissithk; - . ...: ea , to nlong through the went-04;0W . 111 axid° , 1 . county, Georr,in, har4;::W-fittiL .. , 't,tithei?c,. river, a horse, talyggy . .'llitkaftiiii‘"* ees aP i ch l ievii cues ~ ' liwith the liubl . ea aiscription.-.: , . .ridd*** , 2o , 4 4 o a • : .4, cirumetan*c iiiiilifigtuml iti l isilp .. r avoid the itsardl '. tiOfthr9rll -,..v.i,- ; ,-- tr(l'utvo near byway to str.ape4floii.4o, l o. - ,.. l' - . - .., ones agreed . b "Fn* kW; .'; ~ ii4!..71P1A . .'. that he coo l y b en9o,l=t44 .... - p ar ty, and a Chp§ol o oql,.. •••••• ;*•• iiii • " .Ibiligz•f , "s1 After a hot - pkOult . .4. o r-seYs -At ~... . p' , .... bot,rgy and litiekkikerefoitiiid'`tiriletly , „ ,cor...a . . and it was - stiaertlitedl th it thei4rilea 111 - -.- " . - n.-I.ltorri Was no lesski. ',than' hid; , - lii„' . Toombs, ibikbad itt id y I'S ' ' relit 1 tiii in Stiliwita:Coii I L A= , Y , , .., , h-St'her; inifiillitaTh etiUr P tili t i g t euk - did igigltlf.... iividt to *0 that ~,_batribissoi.iw, satisfied apr, uslrolint . es dee . "PilY4l,' 1 - ~-,- - , ,-* . ' -j• : YoS TifiDlMOll64.:' ' 1: - '''' ;' ..' 4 r' Thi.f.aris 11 a 2 _- 1 . -' i '-:: ''.;-:•-• utth%!..;,- . • -- ---..,--L -, -4174uItliihed... z. ""'sititiet 'entip ' fthe i. Yaw 6i' • '' annual,-. t.7lfer tite'.Eitiibitien Al the ' , lndustry of --'3VL'''l4l.4l.-- returned ,-' in c f e c t :i i m ra it. eo - . - r ~ w u -. 4 dV a j. ' N ation - e,''+‘l44.;', - eoloet foPwi !ig fan:uN not Bkiniffrill , l§9--Y- - ---- nierelylOr:their=oo'n ter.ent to mechanics, 1 had-iiprinsliCgitP+oo* The :l i tlOP l ,` cam ?: 'titiianitgiOpialrt it :iiii:aliting ifltrOdat. ~fil 3 intilliiliiiiis with banners and 1 41',.. 411 fa* Lionilo ihe regeoid - ',the exhibition - it'd(' I 'el nitiefethanWe expected. Tbigre.v9- 1 - r tiart.liirmhich** iini#4 - taftirtdish Otter/ad, 'grertt-r 0 11 777---; - _.l- . ___,„,- - -,_--... , ...4,ti re iffw , - - --.-_,,A.,,". ~ • well , ~ - ii ‘ Lby; the more; euntewnsing.-.lw•-4-‘ ~., • - .11- , „, - .... ,- 7 yet __a ~ _ IF4*, MM , ' , , T h •• l.!-Weedift VntirelY C! l lr?4' "1, 1 , 11 10 al, men or Lyniatiiiltel'-the - Yrlday! liefore., i e Ju u ltek ig • __ . tuid.tbe ," vor i txperit , ll4:4oi • - - the trove commenced with prayer iibelia of both architects ina engineers pl. by Rev. Mr. I ..an,...?!eibYtkr ll '!.l.'' • I' oliBte . r: i ' lr 1 4iti l t6 1 _.':;lleri°,lljL.lA:-.)6-_,tac...l.6EL-'; Joseph fan V - I k e *" . ' ' 'f* t address was deliVer.= 100 '- -. were onerea. ~enr- of singular Tinkj?annwk: Th e first ' i ' • t . -rbe rty itaunshed,one - of singular ed by E. W. sroith, , , Esq. of the eatnEiP'" ° • - ; ;-, .'citi,• - s ; Vet' the '; peenber_. 04 - p0 9f 'the liez succeeded well in uffeeting.'4 lB a 660 0/„. ground ' 4 o lo.* - tipied , rendered , it-ImPighle.. • • rellewi n g' t - future '. t --- A - m et . alien:le - deer Ici.this poinfreied sue ; : lag oureotintrfis prospects . '.. ~...m • of tine deer but thilkium _ idanett. we listened to ire4iolls l 4 ldr , i4b3i ‘ t '' .. r; deil'thithe ternis-of:thefiroo-- frcialr - the.cili Lope " tioned ' 110 -inc sated -the ' 'iie,h'' ii k ti ' - in`sal trinititiiiiif 04 . '''' as-be lir4l principles - 'Or i'iliilantli:ll. _ tvith much , tbi i ttbe bod ing ,. o wn _ ,exclusively ma , ' ' * c ir - could "oi do tUsi.thad, and . glass. - 2 Mi.ll ,o aPold-Eidllielientedil fore.i),o4 04Tt--: P -- - -- ''' iilaii-cvliti;i:siniffension roor, ititeu*d to 0 - 2 ' Prpncqific 4 i , i l- g9od *r-' li°_VAS - f° ll °l- 110 ,1 ,a t thecliffiCtlikr tir,OPOAnillegrati*iddill 1 by ;,It `Little ' ESti of ontrese. Mr.-Littleis e i e b ee - . lb.' j. inie n - -t egiir d na .e n bi n it t ed - them e wasn Teniperin ',' itii lol h l ;4- he: F-liva•i Oc a ekreiliii'-buiNfPt consisting . 9f ' 411 , 4 'al ' it I "tt of slavery - --NVe :colonnades filiiced Ana over - the ittier„ "omi t . in B °Pti i II" (1 0- a q 1 ' !' -' -. M -Al i. -- ' . ille-Colosseum itillimmiet '' d : :tt ii :al resi'delivered in:a T t 'i reseu '7 '"&-- 2- r . • ... , , ileer ' h!ltr -, 4 1 ., F , • -• 1 i involving a . new m01e. 01. .1 01111 .ng if, whie 3 / 4 119 . 'retire indePen 13!.,and_neniberrasscd -manner, l - Obtained - a -Piitiii g r eat J 01i aW. Aihaio All we b av e p e tiefi -- with, Isay „it ough( to be ; pos e :One ,4r:i: - :oetag 0. I, * * nit or 7 eoeorredby tibs , made or, fasces Of publiShe , end we.doubt 40t, thillits Pilb!r e t .3 ' - .r- - -y •-: 51,.. e .,h, siihnswi l tiori '' . ttit be betiii-hoboiable to the . writer . c o li e * r t:s s . ,: t . , ,T,a'r b e i 7 4 -i' l iT tind oil iiiiit :T n. i n and arse _ rut t s eemninaity.' .'2- -•.: - 1: - :' ' _;.;'' . 1 .task o 7 selection . -difeeitiv - 1 1, 411e*, I O - should have said in the commencement the itoaid,. hoWever,.afterrinupkiiOnailwiso, 1 t hat the bilgeconbouise - f men, women an . finally_ determined, ,ou one- .. bm teil IT ' cbildren 'assembled first the ch u rch ..% PFO .., . ~..., . • -.--, , es . tuu d Id metster has-" peen some um , iit they were formed ipto:sul i p,esing, Pre 0 ! 8 : 8 " ) ., r? among ali not- only - ei'siefibiteet i lietse 1. bylll.:%Villialial'aricinsi Marshal of the p#,, artist:: .: L.mr; Caoreoseb 11! _tb o ,#0 . i ne i., o f t h and' iienntionletti,ldi rigs atant; each : Sond4 -Tiveii - and Casino of t r apeniegekthe piaci n'-'' ' - - ''` - '‘; - It - its liaiinee rthe 0. 1 Outaie,:grotind*:ortho: cltyi 0 1 :4 01 81 - 1 sch??lmararil....liu-e!,--77,2•°711_ our • - . 7 ''' ;4' this. time recently - arrived hero ." ',. - .•- 1 national flat'tanato4; . 0 1 ?ricli.. 51 / civier IYF zI, ! 3 _-,,,, ' , the' Plan-ivies adePted Ori the* - - of is. 'r jesthefore'enlerillif the,O 4 re , !A (1 the: ! l i tll- aUet, and•• nOtiino - w 46 -1 0 - 8 k in utting go 1 one as .waitin g fel; the addresses at the work under. way., ~' , , ... , . l'- -. -'• 2.,.. I ' . - --. , -,, , e s e ek, - . - -.., - 1 . -,'. -The MaSo,Dary contracts were ied_with . ...,. earl idhour br gleeku - 1fe...... 'Ttie martial misie,w hi load atill animating., '' - ' Ar dor- , T Wthe'Yoeal mu s ic was o a high... ode, ; an d s , ieee_tiy - iheOtelr• I;tiks: - : ', iL , - ' ii . ttisri4 1. 04, .kiing I.iitti'p tine:, 4 ..cothe, eene, aw:ity.."-,- : The t seeend . was a SaiOay -- Sehnel hymn , Ot a rath 7 - 1 h -I `'•tei The third was an, Origin er g"e're e arac ,-. - .l -.- . --, al pieensuigeated :to the anther :hy the motto ot tie -gprinaiille ' banner s ;- . "The::1;lible; the . Na4n, and Tenverande." The 4.4 40 - qqkf'!il.#.* temPe• - ' paiodi on the - Old' - - t3fiestartail ranetr --'' ,: V•-- -' hyiai,7'-'illehel., c ommen c ing ,Willl,;, , Krop Greenland'irky' , rozdains."•,..--Tiii ,, l44Reo:l* of tefreshmenta as ander:tlie - idlieetion'inf C. Burr, ii .m and thaugh most ii_eitileaitikt:Tait i a iri .Ire, act perforniedilt . withrnach 'eraditiairjie„ big aswell Isatialied Ai could- be cl . p - ee!e4:'in such er ? w 4‘. - _ ' • It was , a good l occasten : - Thaaiek, arid";ols feeoed-Lveriltrisido to look, up cheCtful'aid vige'rous;:. and the heatthi and intelligent left th e ground, w e '4outit - not,,..with - roare'correct cleWri of. truth and"duts' Ahan I,thei -had ,'e v er before entertained'. gathering; lbw:l:Ugh. 'our lands Were, -possessed: - orlaihi g h rnbral and. liteinrir,ona aitthe i r*_ S. 'Oalebratien of SPringvillai*:wa Shall dauhti ied4 be, a, mine . v!ttuous Pe9 - 1) 16- .fieflOrOf*Iirit and lre wikk butc4 'Orth'er4.:to, shelter s iDd.ttkiii,the Whole 1 -.1- 2-• • -;• 1- . 11 , = ,- Th'o l:- .Cil e ttEtt:PdiCti; 1 . ititai i ibeil:;:; ol % - ia .tice7. much take& Of Crystal Palace are` thrown open te:th; Piihlie: i r In anet.her-eillumn we giye,`f ut .. thei,* l l=4, ti'' - i th - ' • •-' ''''l ell a ernen of I .; e-Associa ion, some its er it Eat ng'detaile - coimeeted•-with the bujitnivei Whatever may t heithe . popul a r opinien:.upeni i tti ineriUtot - the:.rahtbitien, he Palecicifielfli is o failure .. 'Ouirltew-Yo lt.eoireepenilent t wi 1-,prOhably. bei, hn hand ' at be .02'014, , afidl 'fro -week le Week. tire tii tl '-.' that ":„..ipiiiterJ eating - or'noteWorthy. - .:As• thexliibition - Atril' 11 re inopen dprtfig•the samnier'*nd aututnii,l our farmers Aid theihanies will have - iiiiapPori, tuUitt.of visiting it theinselies,and- - ferniii4 their own . ; °rani° i of`its_ , inerite. ,• Ilelavi are , . the retitiationi r the',ripening, - and.the;:iriee. .otiadmiision-:—, • '-• ".. . : .._ ; .•- - .- - '::.- {, ,• -. . rftoutism!aE ar, AREANGE-MEN . , : t .,, -,, !Iath:MOTS of : `season tickets` wi . 1,.. - reeeive With-Ahem:mites- of invitation , , admittingl , the: . lielder-titilit.,ii lady to attepd the . inaiigUrationt Theicipites" % Will ' , lnk of, feuvdiffercriVeekirS; 41i.i0atint-the l'our'sec "tuip:,,of the' teilliiirik:` i They`WitrfaZinit'qhq•hel era iota' dittreiiiimee' r , thins, iceordint .to. the - ler- of their motee.4 r i Persons,hphting-these:,li. Vi4t lo6 4 , "arif exil.eal,:l eft to _ remain initheir,re pective._sectiens pulp' , the 'tuella:4 ; las kl 4 - 06' . ; , 'the': kidders :oft t blue and - greettinvitatio Villl .l preient theiii.:l selves it:the entrance ' oil Fourth . letreet- thhief Pt red:d yell 4 wigii . Tr 4 tY7settold'-atr,ge.t. 6-11 } GAO* huhllai,iniitatiopa, prOvllite k oibeil *lilt enter on the Sittlilaienhei - Auid bi)thinitit C h •tc-theirplaiiii' hi iitteriaii4' • •'*-. ..',7 2 :::fi s.f-1,1 - Exhibitory , who . have ." 'pieviotailfhbtahiedi 1 41 . eir tickets,-will enter on'Forty-seeondi4eo.l thisa - eihiliithie - ikho hiti4Jailed:thloh6iß l [t ow tiglitiihethie the 14th :inae; iiilliiiiiio] 4 5ti H * eilj.reieluded::\ ~.*' ~- -:r ,:' -':-:' , '::"1.1 , : '..'. Pthibiliis wilt be. admitted at'B.-o'citsek-Al t 3 .„ and A,ill :remain in •thew . respective, courts d rintthe :ceremonies .`: ' 7 . ..- ,_,: ~;, ~ ,'..,-4,1 : ' the-dehia - iiittitai"Oiliiiedloi'all oilieia . ..eh+. j i tstled , tti'idadialon, a above ' at? ten e7Cleo3 - % '. f, At ~oiiii,d'elpek the . deelll , bes'ehriod '44 .1103 cere*(injw„il!, iqu)*nie.` - : .l i , :: ,,, ...,.f. - -Pa 4 :l: Particular ptefitiqh,jaWith,d, W., it/0 1 400c* intieiiiiiittoifil',il4 will etrietliVardieet' 1 'lTlOS_c•iiiiniiitteie - forifoingu*tiSa,:itiltile - 4 • iiiiiiiii . fonem.ini 7 iiider:" ; : - . i '' 7 ::' , ..,..Q,1', ; L:Opeidrigziirayer,,bithe "itiOkAe*Miati i i.. 14 ~- .. with i,„-- , ht -.. '.-2 .- . „--... .„ , 5,,0.. '.-_-r I. 11 . g -t. , , --t: ' `,. ,--_-. ''..!-' , ..!`,..t" 1,, L.ii.1 , ., , ' - Aiiil44fi t te*Pcielild foio63`*iiiiierialAtOg g - , iy;itioxtiiiiimitit ,, S46feiflViiiiiniteaqiiie*-1 I , :r 'iretiniPiqiiabiAtii' l64l46l. :*: l o- 10411 11 iheiliberik.pt ~ißt for il'Oetliiiitl,;i::::-,--";:q4l.t,;?i:AF tIANNA.M ;•: :i.-;,i e;,,':,,-,,P.1,!:',1' . e . sign Smith Stewart , and - Mr Linde. 4, on tho 4th of September,. =COO the f the same-month die priiiclpil.:Virt of on work was contracted the, foundation twes.tolo "red on XhO:2lst of Pet•Ooni , 4 g42-14. 1 6" greementelthe delivert of •-castinviin t (nenon-lit the same order ' to uniformity, a pattern-shop.:wu estab, , in ~thoity of New Yorig , 'ander tbs ti , of hiekire..'Sheptitd_ SD- linreic - lad to • wdispatOll,-ihe &et contraitalOr the a•.' of the iron -eastlnV were 'diiided amt. rs.. - laekeldniStil)mair,,..9,t`tert*CO:itogi Ater it e ekup - -&.:Pugh;-lind F. S. Mx.: t. New Nock Slate r , 4',§f ; er..l Jens!. ~''thc:Matte wan PoilipOV PooOsxlm bi, ~. iis7r. $e ; '-JailiflXlol;f: r-wii - alße , ni 3, ~ , , ~.,e .- . n.got tom Delawure ; and,llthlter dt.,Withatason i of 'Albany.: .. ' .1 .;,- , -__," -,;.:," ,_ ~--, 1 . 7 1,1, .We shall pow go „into" the !Aasiii of tbt site ' and .tiie7L: of the.:, building. `*: - Rier rte. :site On. i wtich it is ereptedi-llesitihe apt.' i l them extremity of the' ei .*. - of.Nevi York wok i , f the -Croi.Oistributi g,Reneriiol4 kos.' < tweerv: that 'mighty ,m' s- - , Of..stone tie Sixth evenue. , .The; pre. iiidiatance fr . dr Reservoir to the:Sixth • vi;iiiiels" 445 fee sat Attu atidth, ioi t riiha. l i - 0 'tli'',7frout - - Fortie to .p.4ity-secondi f street; is .. - - 55 feet. ,'_ .! , ,T. 1 ltyil: beeabserved :that this;pleen of ' 4.37 , nearik square- , ,ThOlithspe' .ielmfav( 4 3 0tra..hilveniral.PuTPAi,4 3 .. In. other r.el o better spot - for the: purpoin could .-be ,, in the elijv. The Sixth:Menne Railiiiad diveet i l i y- past.:it; the fonrth ;Avenue' , Rs 'AI as ear it; landit.lieri,inimedlsitelyAn t iioath r of the Fourth Fifth',.atur Sixth Ave he :Main ,tll'Ut:Unglithres . Of t that' part: i I' : ~ The main features 'of the -building 'I i n 1 ollows-- - -iii.6., hit tbe exception of thi 1 1 iiiely, eotiltrifteteil Of, On, nd gliusS.l 11. enjal Idertfthe'fidifice is" rt.'Greik, urthounted ya dome at - ,the intersect , aell,diametr,,of liie:cross7*iii b 6405 inches loni.l ' There will be 'three simill trigfee . :l - _,'" ofigi -. 011 the , Slxth. Avenee.7 ot Ifortlettr t -and - oie in ''Forty str Eae,h - entranee - iwill be.4l' , teitt ividei l an 'Oti . the Si,ithl Avenue., :wilt be approathe4 'Wit 91 4 ‘30tes.top*.; over front-101 z i semicireuhirfli i: n-0ght,':41...f et 'ntidir i 'feet-high, miseguring:t..!thu a h "Of the Mieh'irm'ofthe cross is; On he,grount 149'‘faet br'oad.;' Tidkissdivid ..d into a I nave' inid - . l tPro - , ais . les e .: one 'a 77 - eieli'sh aave,.4' . l feet, yride, - each - aisle 547:feet The centrallportinA or: which' : it is spnoned is 41 fhrfiroadillthiet high to the crown ciao areh - , - #iid36s reit - !Ong ; and on, each aide al these tiacms is an aisle 51 , feet broad, and 4$ feet higli. ;The exterior of tho idgealay of . tbe_nitettis 711 feet. 1 Each aisle is covered bl - 444111pbi:'efit4 own 'width, and 24 feet OM 4 1 thellbor: - The' Cen ral dome is 100 feel diiiiiiior,' 68 feet i di. froni th e flea tejtik I ,spehajtApt4hirarolif d 118 feet to thus imnekl . - An4orkillie,:oltktable.; . ith the , lantern, 149Siet'i .5 Tito' `extirjet nee' of the building aro inge. nieriall,filNd. up.. .Wi 1 a triangular. lean-to SI feeilleq*Och . e i 'me g ni iiiicoo... tdanial tower A - fee in diameter and 'l5 feet ht ti, ~..- i "z r -_. i , . ...., 2 1 '.Teit Ike and. e* ht witultatidninnisescco necilhOrincioal fl 'or •vith the gallery, whirl, )1(0tal;401,44, threetaleonies that are situated A..,*;:thk!iatiiesttie-lt Ils,and afford ample specs t ses f9 - ,rtjtiiiser,deCiforati s . ,statue,s, vases, dt, A c. T. ten principal stain:. consist of two flights ll . atT4 with two t'mlingridatmi to- each ; die . 7 , 'eight winding sta i. Araieilaitied in the oc [ tagonartowem - . 'leg plan to small Jul. l•ctiniesixtir the thas.i; ' feittrlthe towers and t• 1, - *Lii.oiti of the ' bal . Ow:: • - 1 - 4 1,:1M.,____Olotilding: ittairte on the-ground floc/ :11'titrq:Jaqnarefeii - 9f apace, and in its galler• re 4 ;-*bich aro 51 filet wide,62,000 square het eMiiifiriaking a total area of 173,000 Nati 1 0 t ‘ for tJte, .purp9 or.exhibition. Then a ' this; oh th e grnundifion4 , two acres and a b 14 orsolactly,2 51-l00; iri3Oe galleries, ow a ' and s 44490 ; `total, within an inconsi4lerfr e frietiOn;" four still.: _ _ !Ther9.(are,On - thei ground floor'l9o octavo -1 fstsiron cebtakfin, 21 feet above the flood ''?d Is inches'ktdiaineter,.caaL hollow, of dlr.- lctiii:ttlicltikelieis, :froth - half an inch to c? Theiiiiieltinatis'ivieelve the cut iron gtr 'Ws. Tit:4411 . 018 1-3 feet 'Jong mid 1 fret gh), 0 ,4 - sCrve to sustain the galleries and the rPagbtiton poiqtuction °Utile roof, as welt 'b''' ' -li ' 11 - r - itincttirei ' 4 ' dim ' rael t 1 u-w ° 9-, . ,1 1-e erY .-:. iideikiiejiMkiiksttii-ifecoDd stay Atiiiintrial*faiatenerthigteraolutnna in theifirit 4 441,f*riisid*OitiOaldithe mama 054 - ` 1 0 , :i0F'Illa catsmill l lo/0,4 luaus Nit fitprcgier fiangr4o4:lVlo. o - fast en al ' ;:14i;gt_1,111er' bys...-tMfes-'''..:rho. Du mber of LZ... 2', , On s ktidetai - 1482: besides IA wrougbt kliftitiitif the same height, and 41 Nt -0 ~.. 19.(. 1 ' .4atrt of , the nave. The second - , - 114" ' ' - .1 - 48 - lit ni of sameo 4 9. - Ft ,', ' ' , ind l l7 feet 4 iticheir<ligh• — ,4 eiijoilier tier of girders,- Maher. rq ,`,,z -.7tha-outiport of the roof of the I'l l eftl l ol.o l Ke being covered by" l6 cast Ina 1. .. ..,„,,,,,,ch, t eb, .. ~ 4 fib' , e!The , `Adsui - 131a_supporod by St 'Glum* biokrYppabevOlhotteeond story to &heti" . fe l, 49;Pen_AboTolho Noir and support a cc a '' V-FPYOkLOPJFir4rs—_,. .. "ltd. ffilde l . . it ; liVii:Oat 14)0 bor e ' I° c"" tei&itid ' Viiiiitt. f:tWAti'd ''-,q the dos* l ema o;,l4fbir.W4 4 Mitilittlaiii4 . ; *3P* ifi,r. 1 i 5 Pft h, " 1 0. 4 ,1 1 4 4 4 0 1, . 4 .'‘i 4101 4 1 ; i1 - • ' 14 .;17 2rkeit'itiliiiiiesl7o4,iii4T:VeloA and -' ' 4__-- .., ;^ . j ~,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers