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Crag& PROPRIETORS zpiro eat.AT.T • The Old Womine - -- --T 1 plate our oweyrouStry at . hea the dof the2oll woo* for ever" lance the lost war with Cifettt i Britain, -Brother Junathrut b e s placed hee :At the heed of the nations, declarinrthat aloe • could 4 whip` whole' billuff of 'cm; grid ' wasn ' t efear - 1 • 143 oatbao i a blagadocio oiiiir• t i e°l lone ate fast tuing tbe serious emodetions of the vorkl, folli the rapid growth df this country; ih pb ulsition,health and power, has bad no P i !lel in the world's history. ; : If bur l i rulers coati ete be Willi and our Reel)]* Or‘f 1 teens, this ion must, ere many years, taki the lean n he world's affairs. The new fadi ministrat on is just getting cleverly under sail' and is lamely popular: Si far, things their p led! n a p porous four years' voyage, and it la to'be he ed tnere may be no serious mistakJ to endaneeror injure the gee; old obiP• l'ioe,` ident Pierce, 8o far; has given evidence of Aril, ity, firmness d cool judgMent. In the fight between Old online • and Voting America,i, between cons rvatism and ibustering, as far i l as can Yet be seen, he at ra a safe middles, ! course, with no eye non rila had the otlell er on Charybdis, aware of the dangers of both. We bare some intileate and difficult 4uestbins , in our forciffo re ions; PorticulArlY l'iltbEriff-1 land, Spain, and mica, but there i# no ape.; cial reason to appbend at presentat thev th may not bd amically sidjuited. Reset.---Tho northern beae . is nerally consiit zed, and perhaph truly, the lea in pow riuer in rope. She undoubtedly h a .''{{ valid title to what Xossutli • calls' a power n berth' More hen twenty years ago a- nem, French writer and statesman' Ite Toqueville, predict d tbat the United States anie.Rwa4 a I were f become the two leading powers on the g 4) C. lave than.thirty years - Napii. i lo on ' ieted that in fifty Tears Ert would, beconal eithei Republican or Cos In the latter internalire, Enrope woirld of tine be aoverilied by trissia; in the former, Ruseiali is t despot sin wOuld receive a check, an the des tines of the Conti:mit - would be con fled hy some Powerful reputille. At pres en Russia, 'th her powerful armies and her terlyVt ph:army, is pursuing her steady pur °fee, ire dominion. The btavc e i rass o ue l in i v ei withst4od her assaulfor mirs3- years, 'lnd many times repulsed her power donates with areatAiersi„rter tiring - pen/Tempe° of Russia Will, Aoubtleis, at last he victofous. Having irtff ago eWeL A -Thrilling She eh. lowed and aige ted Poland, and obtained con- aof my father's brothers, residi gat Bois .l.ens W ' til e , Cabinets ; 1 f Austria and • I trolling po er i o ton t the time when the yellow fee r prevail [Prussia, she. is • ow bent upou devouring Tor-'1 ed such a frightful extent, bee' m a victim ;key, and would probably leak n meal or her :to o pestilence. When the fi t symptoms at once , if ritis ) lliee di net show bis 1 app red the wife t the child n into the teeth and Irian his .4 : e a I every deeb l e d' i ' • i tee try, and she re amed to ten to him. indication or su A _7 ' me '- . ller friends warned her agaiest s ch rashness. Old : England, glortrifis yid ngleed, i TI, told her that it would be , Bath Cipher, / a Whose flag b brged e a 'amna Years th e and o benefit to b in. These argUreents made battle ail the breeze [ i . . II er g . t . t heart. _ atilimoves : on I. her m a j_e a t i ame l e g, ' She accordingly staff and wit lied with un the nations , rick , fat, and ; h , itean ' 01111 i• This, however did rot avail T r • , , rem trg care. 1 foe - in her waY, and yet not inti lY ueem '''! 1 to ve him. Ile grew worse a worse, and of the blopd of i Yong Amerai She, is th world's c bier, bu she will team dea d that °Tic one of Xl' , . 1 her veil "' finally _died. Those who wen round with -; ta, had visited the cham er, and seen, to t° her daugh t er that the end was near. They now came to on this iii eof the ter, a fter we:get oar re - t a k e th e body His - wife refue to let it-go. 4 become the "' lila? . hotot cific tailr ad through " my She told me she never knew acconn half way use between Eur°Pe and the.q j oat for it, hut tho' he was perfectly old arid rigid i Indies. gland bide ;f .tO Present a Itmliec- . and to every .:appearance dead -there wm lo ° table ins nee of national looltelitY• 81 u 3 11 " powerful impression on her - Min tbat life was already 4e4 longer than i . ' and 'Yet 'not extinct. The men:were• eve borne by the shows not of decay. She; has bad her I strength of her conviction, thou ii'their• own mull been 1 it. \ faults, but her . character 4as ge-r 1 Y reason was opposed to hod, and the World is. . ely her debtor.— The halt hour saute me rod, an• again 1 She is ; a friend. of chi ' tion, freedom, 'end was heard the solemn eras--- 4 ring vitt your - e b r i s ib ie ety„ In the " , e !flitch seemto d ea d.' - The wife age' resisted , their. i groPer , be approaching ireEurq 3 between d e s l 4lt i aln itunities; but this • tim the men tieie more d freedom she WilLbe found on the right resolute. They said the duty assigned to side, an and wil l , make her: power felt.'-':..`;1. . thew fliri wriThful on but the 'health of the Feeneu,lgaY, fickle, *eirelutirarj e lraneiVet i tosra 7 imind-innetuidebedience to the order. a nati a l puzzle. Like 1 4:1tdrees seecbled Pitl they received; if they ever expected ilie•pesti -ttuitw Ilia , net ' hold Still long enough , to be lmmo el , abate, it mat be by a prompt Team. - I classification " de" r lf ti dead , sed se immediate fumigation open she almost ] defiee i , to co a ' 'pti n. . Her ,EMPerOT, Napoleon 1114 Rs : * 4- l of the erected apartments ... , - zzle.lnstead of the wear, IrairAirithr. s he lea d ed, and pleaded, and area 40itta ed er tare hi was th o ught to be, previous to •them i an agony o r team cont i en igi r i ay i nz 1 --. , • edwrithe is not deal., T he Inen,reprn7 his t ie lion to tiro PnisideocY, be Isis proved .- el em Dino ii . Ito be ` limn o f gnat nerve, shrewd. se the utter abstnifty of such are idea; 't l, / coot d &Win But :w e reallillu r t. 'but, fi ily overcome •by her tea gain o il in d ' ry see , nbo f iSin tell. Hd' i With trembling I),me - 441 , 0 rowed . eiples so Pn ° 1 . ~ If * She raised his t am Do to; pe ebu the World ytim- !head; 5 -to-restore alLe. - • lieves h . iro n ! It a me n ' Y r abet 24° m of ti r i " heed ' lied . bim ea li bi a mbe ir et l rAsb th r 4, lll ea dr ti ni P b la a c if mornings. bliillt and e t h lie will be found ' I hour h° °num 4 and ; .ana found 'him a* cold rolled pitching into Et , , 4 h av i ng a e i g hbor . i eour . gain , __ , „,.. . l i6o. downed! o his treat tend:rail ever. '; bilayella.9%Oweo el 1 Y fight to aven g e ti 1 4 ' 1 ssosn d a ' I "that the messengers b eg an to uncle: F t maybe f at be wilt 4111 b e - s°43 = Y. ' ;)d b o in tea dem o ~ upon Belgium 'rust to think .14ittle gentle force wou necessary. l ab -•-• elletri # l* ' ~,,;1 ••. I._ Th e y ac cordingly attempted', to remove the , i x t ep a the ~, eh okOIS e 3 PI • r "" 3 . h ; w iii , b u t s h e threw herself 14eiPequieV titil ' *l*M ie c°ll ena tinezi reedo= YaY *rut e if 'tit such: frantic it, and clung to Wt gra *ono* ' \ Ilr i "P c4 m f f upo n : di Id not easil y , loosen her witc limn te eta et the hottest of the lel streiTh that' ell' enem ~ _ I .... nwhich aidiehe g ra sp Impressed by - the remarkable but notwaY ow, ' ' °- I •' 1-eedtheir efforts. To - a ll „ . 4ii b e , 1 t of hoe wills the/ rep ~ H . - ' ' m ain vol. th e ir i sagoitil she antswereve al Yftl Intl" 11 ` ' Y sire lita 1 ' r !°l - 0 th blue At m i t= • And n are sta - b 'kWh you AO bur : lP I n • canoes, an& I . I K tbeir "s thl burstin ' fires lost urt by dui' t ofsewnsialtimilo case, they (4' mg l viv aT lll 11 1 I -1 tailed from her' a promlie, that if "lie : Nbo,woa, /s et ...arope hilt _ , ._.,, ii ,_ ~...t n cam mij un d AilereiAl Pa' ' sin Tuincerla" ' fil- DD 134r1° of jafer°°w° it Y C l ;:the removal. tore tido a n thill' re '' eiratiieneeir.,Orge she wo uld uudle'n" ,,,P °ll .2 s h e , h ung t he .upon_____ . . E ng I w o Ir io noe Raring edited Teiwit i rw' • . 41 h no g . 1 + : F .... . .. ; „ 1 1 ,, - A „,... an d r e n ewed or 1111 ~, , i beir imam''' . =lab 1 0 w e '''" r. '" anon 24681311 " th t , e fl i F,' lt 15 ° e ff or t s with redoubled nisb'• 424 .( o )KeP!ileg i , of i t e t t heir li P ardian !! 414t!a. 4thicsaitiii, hte - ilid, , broken fun, . war ms ,... the a g i tot i evastr it 4an d -----.......t.,......_•__7. isit „id - • wino of She lemon ' , - , ....-. - -1 . itiirthe .'. tfr If you woraa be tetinel t tls , le_ good .... :A e ., % ., 1 -4 46 /l iiii . - ° ',Utt e r- 4 11W Wail itela Cleite ‘ ,4tOnk t f illt i l° ? . ;k at i - t: -_,.. A :..... IVlCkefing ' tenaciousof life : wok; mid in zu• .4"*"• •.• '4 cr7.7 _, F I -,' , c 1 1 / 41 4 44 , 02 46 m a 9 ,42 SW leo ,awmiusuois4.• tan to more look a coffin in 'the feet .thee it W, - - , -'''-1 l ii `' ''''' 7 ly aeihe lentnh• 'lndia fwe Irftsliflo P r°4l * * i _ _, ...., , 4 thewinia i ller' 'soles ~, .&-• -'- _,,,, - Bo b* dr eouldn sheriff's officer. .‘. ' ' 1_,,,.. - . .4.11.-- v i iiiisair`peomimpum i ngi !ilea haf ban' I r ..t r ) ,- - ,_ •111:1 0 1348 ' 1 Wu 1 " 1-471 . • --: 1 i_„, i- i e .. • TM} 4,41 : 1Z4:144!):0 1 r 4 „ ..,, ' .Young ladies elieeld Dever - 4)l 4 o clit r inekieetmith Ithe lir ,7.70 r, .P.l.‘ , -..,.4 kee l . ' . 11 0 1 4 14,"iain4 over 4e ,- : oki, 4 'ng 11 15 , 44 h• te The,Y,sheid4 rea f i l ergiiit 0 16 $1 title 6 4 -4 Pl eeil 41 P'' '' ; - 411 d she bed be insteinl-og vvery allun nee for the freedom of the preis. And even newt it is li i old , 1 Graphaired and eery old :tilts She,: . : t , 2 With many Iv vryink.le`where .• .... ' ' -, \Thd rose and lify,sopee had bloomed • ' 4-- ; ~ When lifo's xortfig morn was:there ; i,, , And often from her dim old eyes . ...:•:" • kethotight there kit a•teat - \\ Upon her knitting yfoilt, that told Of memories tontantdear. • And oft her bosoin heared > i sight from the•opesii sloor She watched , the little ones at PlaY, %.• I . As she had played of yore. ; . • • §he knew that clinkering cares:would come - To-spoil the castles fair , • Their little he.rts were - - For they-were built in ~. • _ she had.been young—and children desr, She called her own, had crept 1 - .Behind her skair to 'hide :and seek," 7 — • • No wonder that ahe tvept, ; -.; • For they were dead, and these brought back - The memory of their tone, . And 4res , those tears to,, bathe the flowers In memory's.-garden some::- Modein /YU . chineTy• A writer on the binefite,machinery has eon fermd upon mlit, anticipates the day when it. will perform ail.the -domestic ..dru,dgery now tione by . ,hand. If will carry hot and cOld water toall parts of the house, bring coal iip _ stairs and carry dtist`down, answer the doer, make the beds, clean shoeti, attend to the cook -- ia..,and perform a thousand other Similar oti/- f ,ce,.• some. instipces, the writei suggests .fhow these things maybo ,accemplished. In la numerous businceses requiring polishin_ processes, circular brushes are tnade fast on a shaft,. revolving at a ,speed like\ a lathe.- -Slimes hell *against these brushes 'would: be, polished without labor. Coffee, ten; and situ ! il4r things, might, be prepared by gas jets. alone, - with little trouble, attd._lvithout ihe aid., of:servants. Aseendin,g the - Stairs, to answer: . . . . . , . the bells, .might be dispensed with,. by. ititek , , nal telegraphs. ~But increased', theilliles- fur .pebple to have all th,jags near *eta, „ , .criruld di. : _ minis!' this la bor ; tad moreover, iniing lifts; - such as are used tor 7orhmen 'in mills, would *move the toil altorrepk. ~. _ _Waiting nnlthe _ . table contd be performe& nutchine.7.ln fact, all kir.di of domestic 41rirdgery - whicii re qiito a large number of servants in a hOuse, will in time; the , writer (thinks, perfumed by contrivances requiring no. itnannal, and the' °lce ola domestic Servant ceased to be, and humardty become realty rmancipated , from slavery creded •by, these wants, as op-, pressive as 'negro servitude. The -foll Owing are - some of the changes produced by the steana. The potir hoe worked for Ile - rich * in all times, and not otherwise could it be. It was the law of nature to. win a firm platform for 'the thinkers to stand on, aid plan, the; eicape i of humanity from the hell of oppression, ', Thee! steam engine rime and'took on itself* man's drudgery-proceis after process' was turned I - ever to it—the emancipated slaves linae emal. gamated by their I b .drudgery,.4,lumbly- strivi r ng to it,•as a blind rostriwith' his:Mend, wheta he mistakes for a foe; frt.:Still went •on the. , strife; drudgery disaPpearing,anllisingth 1 em- :Belies in humariity—a - struggle that will go on till dridgery will he no more. :The 'remains re fast going. ' What then! There are less 4,eaVers; but no fewer:maxi.'' "'Chipper and filkis' - have, disappeared ;behind - Isar #cling' machine tools, but other men in great numb. era do more delicate sand of work Cotton. pillist4 start up witktosny floe* and Nr-orlon c T men are lifted up to. theni by nutaihles,.. to save the labor ofendicig,- . .theittika• -: gs:cr• iiithe engine on.th :watch, as theugh,to sal', ifc. 'what can Ido for on next r - - - • Beforp and aftet Naniagt. `Dearest Ellen, do pin loVe met 80;0 Dr. B,eswaz. of the pretty kisaWilien . ,a few weeksni before marriage::' , . 'Ay, better than life, better than bnine:4 7 You are my 'very' soul, partid,, yotc: should wither and decay lila"lhn .flowers, in autumn: Said the doctor in reply-4 stv*Ysll are to me an angel; none so ,heant,iitil_:as you.— . . May my 'tongue clout, to the roof of my month if it ever speaks crossly to yOti. After the docter had" beop:nWried - Mouths, the following confab la:tight bava been. heard between him-and ilia "Ellen, why don't you j 4):?..;" you. are. decidedly the, laziest woman Lever ` ) 51 T7, There's scarcely allit off4nrchil 133 :YA_ Pk tIt' but it's no use talkingto you. ; .: \l:don't beliPver you'd wash, our - hice,•;if it . wan% fora:hi:mos , . . , . . _ , . _ • "There you gO again - , yob creel b.rute. ! —, always flying-at we. =:I Tend the lifOof a dog; zna I will go home - te . -Pother.7 1, '...- " Go, end good riddance to tiad.-6. 3 titt 3l4 ' -::: 'Don't talk so to, Me , sir:' _,..W:on't Idand it .1 11 show you r:. And liii wife jeinpa out -oil bed, 1,21:1 caught up a ciikEtt to throw' at iliel., old gentlemaa's te4.l . the docter "ran - down. sulfa at 2: 40 pace:. - ;-,:` - -' -..•--: '' - 'i =ME , • Thi is-rEird's Eye, Vie. ,„ UNTY'ED STATES. It-li vmr q "proper to 4 .lti •I it her mine; M :-Souleifor, • coining ` . there,- ihilisPoetS; with theintentiou to coax it, ttli 411041 it away • hi: xzc o is atoll hOTerine between 'fits ' r ind_ I many She has: vat. - fc 3l ! I 11 # 11 1n:*41 . ho . iirtifingin'ieciiiiiint tntioti.isbroken The fered under - liiettigkilite&W , .Or. anti , Anna's :rare said"}re.grlta`:~is'itetifo~i►t'ttiesti U' S. '' - thO'NOrth enough to 'renti . ires on .a.'quarrel,:'iinles be makes fitiontrit once to reliCin r ..liePer. niffeiingi. Santa'nniis,npOwrfulA e nud make something of tier foot . ` At:m y :rate; possibly retf 4citato ." and `regulate old fexic`d t if he'_tinda'hit in: a'sinkin " g. condition , and'is' obliged to 4.011 . 1er isliore,lt will indoubtOdly , be ution'thC - co a st of 'the T.lnitCd.Btii.Ceit , -; . r and ho .will'innbahly - iiika: thlielr'atrangionerititO' snre his own peinonal - linOge' s niLlehi3: - knOicn, to be of of l eoffOe . nra bricien's anti - hering, imports of-shires dccrensin r: Tri4,lAnottiiic Itarrotlc is Btili•Stitiggling with - rgrOlutionn'ir.tioubles, count, whichl - cozine down to 'the . earltptirt of APriV - Genoral L rgniia was hi the Fiala ti.Of Buenos Ayres., endeavoring to negotiate ponce iullre , ;£i* arc df which,iniegn of the city would follow. . . • . . - - • \ is quiet and prosperous. Iler riches nes !lows:0 - her Gualio Islands. , PEP, Golden Z.L.Nnwicn Istons.—Their barinless e aborigines, are fadini Remy, dwin- . nnalbers, :and - probably die at Tug pebple, Mini 1. acie't~~a~'r~s~ `~ hist in 1 Cram the dry . tieltion .1 IFlMertg l • I Pas,.Wl the Br merit o —Thc;re is areq. - :ilia in g among ones of the eciestint 'Empire. A re las . bein - eating . its i'ay'thr6ugh . her pop4latienfoi two or three years stivialy etokens' thc; downfall of ithei Ail! the Sun,' -and the establish a .new.dythisty.... • • - • J.u..As.—Fat; and wise,utul active us an oYs . ter; shut clone in its shell, just pee ping out, and "aiting-foiethe'United Stta~t~us sqUadrim to iloyritoBE. l'A., THURSDAY JUL: hte - hpnci tzo6'l)44lQl64ljtLakid i the La r ta. ii i 'tn. 11 4 0 ' hldkwitti tiling was spilled oa th e Slid 'face , l . *"..iietaeita)iythe position . 'or - the head had teen slifidi tipped' 'oSeliivard, and' •the Swerful liptiC wod_mtehis nostnl.s.-, 4tetantly. there "wail $, iluiik . gasp—i 1 04.uggle--lii ey.e . i . :,..omied.l. and when . the I ;I-death man etarth: lßL lA goy. r (,tuad: him sitting.. up in bed! He is st)1) - aiiie,md enjoying un- 1 usually good viatill3tr; AI L. Child -- . ,_ WATI4NO TOI I . A • rtA:m.:; : -Cinit st , our -.coma , Puke* { IP!'?". 1 0, 'l 4 ; c. -1114- " Ya 'wai hal!er 4 1 nn let doWnwantiri ..U l No*frdeltri'! - ;• iron *Wady', standregt* si' eoilvet4nt ;landing. ; r r .i IV}to-gaie the tnieilAttndt r io ronnd'aiid.takel 'a. passenger. : The'44was accordingly hend:; , a'to shore, the &neinstopped, illeptink run imt, and the`' ruielotiitinaiden, ' 4ilitTsigns . .fef' : tatzpidation,tette,red aboard. 'Her' first query Was,: - i -.--, -, 1.- . '''- '• . ‘..ion hal e•en- seceanyt nog of the She hobbled toinitu*lttm, evAlkim a I detp - rai, okeithe l 4i=i'otlin4itilver.boiraki ; apeitacles,.andthe.fOilowingdinlef,rne'ensued yon - the cap e rro(this ' • .Ber you rgwine-to .Thit is out' present:intentioinonadaini • , ?Mani 'eap'n, (producing :alttnall• bupdle . front \under her shawl,):: there's sieving eggi, and want you-to tride 'em off for me - in leams . ond get me ono spool nt,thread, -one skein of silk, and the rest in heeioviii. 'And, Fit It would you. be kind enough to wait a lit tle minute. You see the old 'hen is oil the nest now, rind I wimt;orfally - to git anither of her to make , the dia.eti: - - . Maryland and P.ausylvania • , .Executiva.Cotrespondatica. DirAirrarENT. • " Annapolis, 4 lll4, May 2, 1853. To Illy E - 111ancy, • The Gortrnor PennsyZrania have maturely eonsidefed the reini sition•made•by year Eacellaitey, ftir the rip. prehension and - delivery of Thomas Il'eresry and John Merritt, charged' with,the erlmb of kidnapping - a certain Rachel, Parker.; 11. post respectfully decline to'comply with jtjor the following roaaons : _ :, • 1 • . ..-.:1 7 .0n n voill perceive bibcsta.ternept 0f.1...,..4. 14,toffewiiiiii. Cir. iiihicrlias nor , • been, and I presume, viiiknot be controverted,) that ThootasN'Ciemy went - to • Pennsylvania not ass kidnap Per., but for tho - sole, puri)ose of capturing_Rachael Parker, then sulipO.4ed to be, Eliza crocus, tho fugitive stae , of firs . Diekeyhut. •It is alSo certain that he carried with him the authority of a power of attorney frpm the oUrperof the alleged•fugitiVe, or her agent, designing to Set under it,:iii good faith It is like Wise well . ksown that he captured Re-. Chel Niter, behevin,g herto.beEliza Crwm— Neithec can it be denied that he ihad good rea lon for so. believing, not only fient,t,4 infer- It motion received ixf the neighbor 6od, but also from the extraordinary likeness whiCh. exists between Rachel Parker and Eliza Crocus,' and upon which some of the most respectable iciti zens of Baltimore were piepared to sweSr to ei, the fuet' t of identity - . From theic premis e the conclusion 'is irtotibly 41rawn, that ‘ '..Th . WCreiti , in not a criminal. The presitat on of. xnalieioni ' intent, neeessary to , cons crime, is' absolutely- rebnied by . the fae the cake:. -If guilty at all, under, th&la ~ guilt is purely tdebnical. lie ie . morally. coats. ber* . the °1144°-‘11: ', ofVa doubt .first'quvktion whicb.arises, therefore, is, it be. jut for• the lars of Fennsilv4iito ish a nian.rituder.loch..circumstances-1 . nest tines:lon in, can I.consept that a c ti, = I of Maryland shall be eiposed.-t4 the it ' s ot an•uninst r proseution I .It is -nnnecy for-Luelp aSSUre 3,11 that the people utliov ernatentOf this Sthte hold the crime Of kid-, nappingla the 'deepest abhorance, And that put laws visit it with the severestrptutisliments.l Put, That is not the inquiry here. The gees tion-is,, wl4th et.' or not,' being 7erfectly antis- &Ace, the moral , innoeeece of the: accused, I I shall *end him • to: another State for trial l' . It! is' eittemAly! u leasant to make anysllasjorial • -• _.. - w14 6 ,0v. - el wl ) ell qiny.:POsnlblY be-euP.Pod . ; i to reflect uo„ ,' ieusiy -von any. ot , ti4o- ci l ti 7 l zens of anoth' and a friendly - State , never- I the3essOtis in duty to remind yottr . laeel ; , l • .... . .• leney4hat very s trong and unreasonable prei,i, udiewtonchin the subject-Matter °fat Crear. y's - I:"allectgeil ff4 . l3.ce, prevail in the county, w4ere rie:lM ' 4 : Tail indicted,. Whieh . would rondar AIM result' ' (Nu trial exceedingly un- . certain.,,-. 1 cotild 01; therefore, consent to ex-_ pose ika to the i , units - is I felt 'constrained i li to do se by the in date of ' the Federal Con stitution.:._ Wittiontowtoritilno,anargumint I l upon this Point, 4 is , sullseleni:loi ,iii ., Yr-Illat - I 1 consider : the case nf wei v i m ,fully Within the • J ,eopo of that tli.scroilie,regard -tip ..requiai- ' liana, which : hae:xlwa t en Alitim4 and, ex-. ereised by ..ille:Exenutives of--the . different States i of ihe VIII() n.....N0t only. the .gro.. yersiii's 'hit the Courts .aisoPoti habeas :ceipui)iisivi; t:ilino6dlY.ifoir behind !Olulnitioux.'. xiili.tutie 0 4 112 hicl 1 .4 2141 and • deelded upon theintotittnt ittnAstaii tWtaelvef: : . - - ... . ',: ' ~ ;,.-,,-,- , I respectfully Ball yourettee : _ dr:: lit.',6, , - '-'-' • toe e lirthe Hoe ~ , „ _ . ..,,,.. m &t w it OtPenaq_,lvanja. ccisi' Dst4 ',-. 4 't7 i --- 4: : ." thA'. 'mil . e* 7 stoi, ased :ltaH'' Ths it iat. ibi, ":' f***l-100124653.11 1 0 1 41. Pitfif" dmaitCogrifail"tik, : _____,°4 l ~)• 1 . r.iiitho i lila:mm..si - . lit-***** . •.- *oda' ..° ' - after the retahol*w - Wirt . the -Wm! 7 1853, q.t. I laitn, t, respeetively, that. , o 'criminrillgrot 'ceding 'hnuld be instituted ii i tikel , 1 1. „.rt.ary, n .Penney vaniq,, if the claiminfAveutd abant ..on the".Cla i • , , ‘,,;and permitai :verdict to * ta; 1 •• nin favor the petitiolpei; , :iti4 that he thelateAttern_ • , Gerieral)thtdWitheni,anY , eaitatien,lbatio en‘ . ired a Iridli ptesequi Oh the' ' • , tiFientlalkli feu , againalbint(M'Creitry a Chister county ' 'h . . e the power to do so - ' ~rint thLi statemSzit of : - litliAttorney Gen ,- a must be,supposed I ,at .ll'Creary IWa s , f 4 regarded hy theicouri4el Morallizifity), . ft. - 01,9' . _!ii:'nit'' l ii - puotiline '.-" , t:tile•suinke:l : ~ ,#):_l;ti!-1! 1.40. - -biltWeeia 'e . .etusef, Ai ver-i' ;lerlnliVer Ofjpipetiliiine :was`' .• :-iatatbyi e,ltiri.rltialhot for:me t° , ittritifie , oiv fa , ,State* iit'lliriOs I • • ',iii' , yyant. i cow 1 CT - I F1i46.44.41314 'dentitiitt act of tbecou ,- sell ppoirited:lii-your Excellaniyi;• AV.i he - iettue - 4 i g thelkgifilatuie ß oryolir Stit4; I. ntiit re-, _ ~ t d• those' couns el, its th , et rep, esentattVes of cennsyl% ants, , anthoriz,ed til act - f i : .1 ..4 n her behalf I must, cirequolitly, osSomo t Penriaylvania'his-ed ' itfid the moral in ; iecence efXCreary; be' . ritte upon the ;pilo t 11 ° h YPO II °4 B, -! should ').' fijoil:t; tholcOn4 insiori '(Whih is wholly i n admissible) theta cF , cloity bad :been 'compounde4 in order;that lie fieedem of Rachel 'Parker; riiighttheiel.4.' • . seeared: Ititrinot... ..lie *doubted that the - .ouniel, ori bothsidea. acted ;from the higl •st and purest - "otives: and that, beifig satist •Il'of. the moral innecenro,ef lal'Creary, the ounsel ] ter, PoitinsYlvania considered that a • rosecution for kidnapping: tro' Oki riot only-lie 'njuSt tx t , ilftrt , ary.but.tuight Atria very strongt y to ax*.tritp)easant feelings betnfeen.twe t States, Which_ have alykts cliriShed, and sincerely trus4*l4-ays will.eontinue to cheri• sh the warmest; mutual respect- and:attach! eat: Here, then,"by the . .force -of the tapts hemselves, as *ell, as hy the admission of ennsylVstnin, clearly implied from the act of er acknowledged legal . repreSeritativesi I are • rouglit to the certain conetrision that Thomas; l'Creark is ail:innocent Inal4 ':, , .:: The case of John Merritt ',rests' upon' .th ~ e Let ;m a is governed hyl i the same print iples. Ho was but the assistant of ;ArCreat. ; and of ceurse should nut' be IteltfacCountaL le,' if M'Crearibe-deehried 197,1;P0U5-,.11.4 Under these cirenmstitees,ldeclirie tO Coin ily w i th the requisition of y,enr Exceilancy t thebay;,_,e honer..to .be ,with,' hre _ higke,i t t4el-, '• - ... l',,(Cui';:)Orlottflorr4 ';''!%'•":""-- !' -7- - I i --- , .- • - ''. •- , -,',- 7' '• • 1 . EXECUTIVE AMBERS - I . . • o . His Execliencp- E. L4tm . ..ti*E. - ; ,' ; I ' is . - - . . iGerJrn'er,,ef 11ar-911 . 0d," Your'Excelleney's cotninanictitien of the 2.'d nstani informing the that ) t..,q had declined 't4 . snug a warrant for the arre't ;and fdelivery,of Thomas ll'Creary and 144 I 4ferritt; alleged umitives from the justieal of thia. State, came - b hand by due coarse kif I mail. An unusual )ressrirelof other official clutiel . must plead ruY i . ipolegy to your Excellency fell,. having in locg leiaied to acknowledge ree its eipt. !. - I I have, examined with otii - iii solicitudeand ' - .".hu'e.-- .A to i' . .. tO- . : . , . , 'much care, the 'reasons thus l cbminunicat. havefled, and shall, moreliVer;predUce a copy tne by your Excellency, ifor your refus„ - 7 of the indictment-found, or -ad allidaFit triode I -comply with 'the , yequisitiOn of the pov4rAorbetere A magistrate ofanY Such State Or'l'er ? "' f this State fora warrant to 'srrest. the 'naid ' tiry, elmiging the person ugitives, arid regret that d'il i Muld feel rer l . having !cotnwkited treason , felony, : or otbei, i tru dto say, after all this inns:Lb:ration, that I !crime, c.ertihecru r eerrect by : the Governor - or ilea!, regard the reagens assigned AS:it.ulli4lep Chief Magistrate Of.: the State; or, Territory= need I feel constrained:Ll:lir' high - Bettie Ofi from . Whence ;the_ period inclurrge4: - tlo,:ft ifia' lAinty to dissent aitiest; entirely from 1- shall belthe tiuty - or,,the Executive au&rityid he doctrines promulgate/ hryour - ExerdketriL to cause him or her tdbelitrested and sceure4 , . • . - ;-. I. , d , ; -• . ,-..- i ctro ..- '." mad" y,, touching this unfortmanto Fair. „ and elivercu tdthe. utwe:authority Before preceeding to "discuss the Importan king the demand; or his , agent:'. . . _,, ,---- ' 7 caturee of this .unpleast 'controversy, it , In what feature of this - plainand Mandatory • • • -.- tlit tf tit; id least - t t i 1 l s - • dili - at i, iid- h record could seemproper a s n ata •awf f ondu nd °Jig o go- eto t 0 varpt - to remove 'Trent your 'Mind . appohen r And try! the - ease! 'n , o iinjunctionsto 'deliver ions, not•4liagnised in, Four ",,communhition . ;be fitgltiVe dmler the prescribed forma of the , hat the', prese.mtion - 011 the ! fugitiiiiii I,rniii r nisi:dim-is Positive. :'lfit had Went:onto:a.. , ace proceeded from prejudke or unfn ndly ,p 1 ted,that: the Governor upon . whom : the. eeling on part of certaikttitizena of rennf q isition is- should inquire into the mere .-..yly • ania. I:can, 1 ain:ICSOPI td say, asst nigh, it -or 'ol . e case; , why- did - not Congress !le:tie-- tie in the preliniiiiiries Of, case ' to warr an t el reillipreary:anirifeirittard-clidined7 -- du his impremion. - ,' .Thtliittation - "ofj .tht? iii indica:went of _di:Trawl jury , the- highcs. . avir and the punts : .j 4 ‘ ;l.l l * . ptiii, Lbeg to ttsi gr de o t f tilPrima, facia case , that can be made tire von ,, ere'' ~ - ..:, -. ?'lo4 :ll iiitiiht.: - llte o ;.. and still year Excellency , Las felt rignirg_ ery tur4abllvr;- eht** -- - 71 . 1141 i • • have long:,,,lelle-, 'e t 9 r it behindthia .. eharge and, inquire - _into bet I t inet.Feen:Merihnt4 l ,o:9#o4 l '4 Ea r t ol 111 ' l lac:tttr \tne case, And; into : the ft'elings'4 oestrielent, Wisioaiii - Htortoeito ..roßave • 1 3'°ur th -peeple who might be called upon \ tdact xcellency from apprehetisonis Ite'to the just jurors: --- -7, - --'- ' ' ' . . ''''' :.ittdeutious of the auth9ritiee cif this Statc.--7 - Mech.' controversy has bee held,betWeen There , is' surely nothing ,in 'f the history of th -.' Execitttieti - - of the reSpective States of "the loermsylinutiatdcxcite4iatr4t. in-:-the justice LI ton t iat to the . moaning of tho terms ...oth ! -, t her laws or the purity Oftheir adtninistra. e 4 6,i4 s ti, ias.: e xp re ii e d in the ‘ponetituttou (litiori. . Some excitement repltrtaturanY..,grecf - a dletiehing the:forms - 44f 'req:ulaitioni Int IV, out : of ciiCumsttincee' connected wilt?. thi s 6 ''. iistiince thail have been able to diseoVer aff.iir; but I cannot,coricciVe. hat itis o ;sue : ore the , resent, an ' XeCtktive 4:: aim ' h. -. to hazard tit - • '-- a_c , 'tractor as. o ,luPttacy_..„ tile , the right to go behind correct law„ or endanger Oe integrity prtoq, 4,1144; c ! d , and : .4i si ntii,:p* ii' c 'e t a e 4 o n ' t he f ue y.: o ll, and -Liegret ,eiceedinglyth4 : ,:yeir - gie#Ptint e . case..... No 'objection •is Made to.- iorm- Or ‘ cY Would hnie'forimi It I neeeasary . - to .'tusks i batatiedif„,:the I..tiiiiitiimp . and - the : crime any allusions whatever, AkfitithMaYpossibly;,lie I f ; aitedlii ' the latigdageef - 70AipxciiiiitA10, supposed' to-refl e ct ungezHct#Y . upon iiy. of is 0 '44, s iii - - 1 4 i a_p4 ir_u l- PeP,Mt . v.!'tPh, the citizens of ettOther arid `` al, friendly' State. ' 13 " i;_ l id#4, schnkftilgithe ; suipciermy ofthexe. , Excitement and rofsdlieaeklvedfla `:may, On Fq Sitidn ea tti,fitrui, , ,onaisume or- infer fr... Special occasions, piovail rttiieut,-bditi i te . aa- - saisuthorizedlb:qui 'illtd:.thilactS,ttkii , ,.. vied partaii of justice ; - ii'fttiii -- Ori erjk - Corn= ' F '6c6 - 044064417 - ntlit4en.i*l. ifikWould, 1 iiiiti - Wealtb, airs ieblOin i 'cl'i;,iiciii s iiultl by PoP7 b '-,riggt i ..fer thelaiyii i nt fi:enunilyaidatd,:ptin,;.). niar ; 61iiiOr: The' ell lk or -in* 46. t i !,f P. ,- . : 14 iiiniall - -utilior ;,' Ili* ;e l r. 64 in i s t a i lq,l < #4l 4 ties l . - bilah -- d`4i&R, in the itttelt i n thinild, ild - 4e , ,yein; conichtihai - -ticitirietrilr Ales:of the laW:-:' , 114 be ik'frir *ti , ga 41 11 p41 1 4 1 104 : ii , 4-_ , " ? ;" ! 4 .. f.0# 1 -- t in i\ri : s .7. ito'ttileicigntie liuVrtg4 o f Yil. l " E : ' eetittOOP;r a ll*s 6 .”YeT l 4 - 'o4'*#_" l / 7 *lst. - ir,.undnr the bieteit l inlei of oariith to 1441 te*a i l:4i,iiiltiik'n?Tot':_.!!! !i'irl rtOttilti`..litiontre36o aiiiii4' 6 ',oo.)o? - etifittii- - nintl4ci i ii4Opitoi .4 l lo- ?"Og!TO* . ite 7 40- i iiiiit*liir* might not. be' lisA , bY''A. 4 4 ‘6'4 , ,,,,1i i(iii0,1#, 1 444 1 - 0 - tpio7l'AAyi juri:4l.44 stl4iciii*X-iiie* 'With- Y r * l ' ' iiP,AP*444*4,:it - tillm4ott as A 4 gi f i D it, . , sliiiiviscaingoo44..the s ca of tive-tet;4o;l,'ibi**/'AL:ti1a,.:,,..‘11,1-: .' - :4 3 1, . t b s •-. 41 b e , and si iiit,... viiiilicliii4decrOir 'Arli:teatalo. 9 .!al : - :7 - , - 1 1 u se11 .- 4 , ... iiitcoit „ • 7 ....,,,,...:, w .., ibeiliti . L ...... . ,tiiiimiko if is,r it:44o 4 l :4o ,„ ~, i rain 'ofrftam their '' ilit 4 i:abitiiiii of 7itii - tartling . •Wiiiistra.,;:sinitd - ):: tift;titre I , his utT e • wild • 7 • - _____________- -- , , - ,-- • . ;••••--•"' - -- -•. --- •-.: , -, 7.7-1z : .• - - - " ,--- - . .. , , .. . - -----.-----------...: .' .-r I la‘v, anduld be- reganleil as . ''a very stron g bid- Executive athould piitend.4o7..,:indostia* .., ~. I unrtatiidna hie prejUdiee,•"por that - -"attela "a siatti fJetaot•ttineonsecittcnieii; her.. - iitiettidtitikai.-; '-:-*: ' 4 of feeling in a' cominity is.to render' the ;elide tent td elait the-idandititia.Oblieeiiii,iikil of juStiee 'exceedingly ;uucertain: - • ',. - 0 1 . 1 4. 4 343-- io.4's and ;intirmste4f- .. - .1._ -.' - 7 I .shaiii i not attempt io. answer at length the paths to theirJ peerearidfttielavkiOflai l laii i ltt/ . pie 4 of Innocence whhihiou . have been -pleas. 170ii'vieii:Of lha - Stibiief;`. , it ivill; ,-E----.'': i ed to intetpose for fug,itlves; for I tottt - Ideoy 'Seen; Aveutd, ititOinie tiAtV.,- iftiff' - 'f,i440,44,, , ... its legitimacy - etitire)i. One or`.tV:o points,- - MoStiOnerbMii.delieittel"iii44'44. ,. ' ii .' - tti bp*Oyer, would'aemn' Cu demand " nyssaing.nO. 1 Pliited. , ;,l4 , :the-a . :of ..cOiig t eart t . - %-ltit tie 4114 •-- i Lice. . you_silogo that 'Mr. 'll l Cresii.-ept to ' Tight ,ortho'kree , iil . pon' i i , j,)*ii .... iiiiit6g,:i. :-. Peeheitreein, nut as ,ft , 11 n 11111 PPer, --buffo , ' he ' th ili'i, ll 16' 4 'l'64i-itebb' d'Oir‘Jiiiii.kiiiiitli.ii'i 801 e o !! r ge s e of• k •a PY L Flni 4 3 dielFt" 1 0 ; ;then' 'ne:tici': -t4ii'fie*-•4, i---: i4:.0..0teiii 6 : 11 ...._4 : 41,4 - 44 .. ',- I 1iiP0 4. 4-4 to "! ) ,. : -.Pii*Pl'9eus the fuilltiv,o slave e - *( 1 ....41 4 o"ilt•Xiik!° - 4 0 ,:so.a kiwi- hilkAii;iftif*'- ~•,' of 4.llra.9l)Preihut.! The an s wer to this is; -te AO-stria ortee , iiiii:bei:&44ltoialtii4 ',, that thelswa:of Coniresti.pferribe a ModeOf .411, „'eri - ,:Ality*terly/itaptrietfeibie • ''. - A - 4 - :iiiii4e - *liinif!iii # , :tuiltii . a)from Itthatir; ilia 141.4' 44- - should V i- :#4 e1 00 0 -AbOli4lii ' ?*4414 bii - Werll 2 7;ms*Oted. ted-those formsthe • ii.; 0._4 - 4 e*Pete - ate reverseth*,‘ictilin of ilir2-121#iFft ';'-"- .it now beinolindicttnenf'sgainat' him . : Htict44 . k4iyilis,ehpe.ot. il too- tigosiiii , ~ 6ri..**:. ; i'l,- . . taken the Alleged Eliza Croeus,before an Urn. -iii*'*-4i=!ciit-4,,,litit,ttiti--4ifiiiiiitlSfiK:: "Si ted States Coruntisaioner, lie :establivte , her. liOki. - 1/4ond ii -.., Sho uld tstatity, as- the lea requires, the :fart would tried before ; arrest . Shoult;ljud,gmen -b e ~, t*eite.,•... - \ l\ bit ' been developed that-the persod4Oubo,deredjrrYthe, l :AbOuns of -be;tiillle'lo/feeu.o7F:_ wa s bcilt, to carry. - off', was-r-not-Eliza`43reeni • and•l.4eelised -. - '•l l 4.•::ineliftabre L :eirtift,litY*._ - biti-Itii ii,l Priiker. - At best,tlicrefore,,it,,A,'ill - EXCelleliers - ,prisi - oni' . 11)*(1 4ilto:':*::!0-1ii be seen ; at 31r;Iiktt r ieary. carried . .ofrAiteliti, - systm."*ds icnp 1 - qoiAli,te,aint. dangoroue. It- 'i;' Parker in viOntiort o f ;the lav .And, yOur Ex. , therffordl - Niardeatirelysatiti4ed oft thelttini=•.--• • 1 eellenei wili\certainly agrco . oltli'me,, that 'Cense Of therieettaed, , ke - oiblims eonsentitiv :, 1 h (441 ° 1 4 - & - bir le' 49 WeitiLli v eg ...- -, 's - , .- . lar.i4 i.,l ) ; ll , : te-, 14. t ite.i!skii li v it t: - .'i . f. ,- ',. 1 k,'1 1. ':,'- T 1 - ° ;' - j3lit,„ this wllol6 niViiiir. into tlin - iilitt :Orin: -4-eiti , . tio4*gbt'Avith-d, liget.OusOommattlitictit: i : tio:Mitceiof the acen e 4. parties , istinauthOri zed to,tl* - .044 .. .0(-tbe 6.0 atir;4l4:* **fit -: I anii-t6.thv mind in cli . .,r derogation iof the, let- luiqee - iit: 4- "iiequieSee . l , 6 - th6 - 4 , l4:o'itifEi;." - ' tor and spirit of:tiTednstitutinn and:Lin's of 01,1,t,tt.,°*gc, , =_beivpd- t 4 ' , ll4etoot - -..,9g-'104, : ; the - United, 5!.af . 44 . ..; npr c\n I ;Tree: ‘l , lt It Yipi, aiiika - ,, l v'lnl:Sition4iri ip . gatai (Mim i - fa. 4iell dei ' -._• that the " ease Of iii'grear'' . e.odis'ivithiu'ibe - AO sit ;its iiictiia c e ase -.-- -- ' - ' .•-•• 1- --••• 1-. \ _ - I ... '. - -,. --,•:.6.- ....---,--- :, • - '.- ' scope: of that t.liscretion iu regar d to , reqiuSi-. -'.., : .Fr i .,•provimotts of _the qem _ttitutir 'Aritrit- - -- • t 9, tlms-which has alwa y s bee n e • itned:Lind e ;.• :- bavir,the'psitinmi] t'effeit: OT'si:treitikit,lP*;‘- - r e lised ,IQ' the Executive of thedi rent,Stat ,„,, At - 0n'..1 - L . ,44v4 . lo,Ei s ,:kii vere k w., . '- - - ':- Dtr : Ot rtti v e:phipn.7 have •alo . seare 4- in . 41 ot a ig, j a ii i ti r i r iirili i .. o * ,l 44lo4 .. • ii ;ii i & '• _ e 0 ;Chi cases rn . which "not:only ti !t . %lie' i-.lory ill theieinquirerannte, litit - ,iMitiliii - tien4 -- e ' t but thecout tit 'ott habeas' cOrptis, -1 • vis ,e_ i64,l4tinaa' tiert:;i4 to thojitilitlicti4 0-the - 0f.... : p' - • tOdli,gene behind the requisition and e -rdne - 4 2 414.4., - .-- :it its had tiii4 (0043 *Nis f'• _ ex miti - e'd'into,andl- decided uPatitbe merits ;1 , .014;-,--iliOteilts- discretionary iiiiiiotli!;-' -, th• cas4,th+soireit., i . - This , OxliPlblation, .1-lu'iti47 - itiCtbfl ,Palii_' E 6 *hiFk - ib, l ' e - iiii . 4 -111 0V . :: It freni brintitipzin.tna,- 7 ooncnirOkia iti)-0 , :r - ko4ltiis Ea 1iey644:41 - 02rfOi--lAiii)itici*" ..., : E. c•e1103(17-'i views, has '''''' n q rllie4 - - -' 1 ! j!" I e l' ' 4` . a..-I',llle s •Pfra - .4 tg44 - 1 6 4- , ii- I:4_critlfi':# l .ii. - - be lef, 01A:ink° ~ i:- nothing .iffWo Ceo4t -. SLAW: lic.fierfs , Caitithittekt th#n ' the . ''' iiiitills4i ' -: tf, t i • ' f if Oa '4/1494 States, itkt6.. 1 4% .. , - of:C 0 1;' thet,hb-,Vr:Sh,ib,ietioied .tO,the-Stnfikt' gr as, or the IpiSetica of the Governors of the fiii - ,.-iis - elien'.. - wo . 'Oid•bt'sriperjfOuti-',.:; , -if,i4, re l'ecif°e- stl l 4's; 4' 'i vlr l" l !! v Yi .- !,...itit'ir 43 :ln, "iiikt i : l 4 4 . ll3 :: - - 1ii r ' .1 1.i ,018. :.• - •=ol.tier ,iroiti(l,l. ----, Piles L •gotng behind ti - e'orre4icec; o o - 1 '2'..i,0 - cleF.iii,.6.2upon .theper _ )f.'...prOteetion7:7eve*iii&-1,o?4,011- ' di f`4 l3 ; ... Every eliggee llo 4 .v4ich Au 4Y zerf OP: ih _,-.Stae ; 'cl' *4 l O 'lie'li"es'ite r d;4:i__ ol , 1 ; 1 dii iii !Ise co' pr he - FiligfAr mikaltutis, 'kiwi-A tit..feltio - tilthsfot itgti**trprittl-Ofee•-; -,•'. subject !matter for theeansiderathinof a !Nen:: -- iiiiiii_i *Lk,' „,I;,w=T-ihql!ai::PWi'o,tireii' 4 4 ` . -*i,., ,:-.' , ! 6. , 4...7';.ky44!.i).;1,p,fp t.4.,i.i...i41ifi1'..,: - .;-:' _1: 1 4 , "....z.1.9 , .., N ., - . ..o.: . potito. .04 , 4*..-: , . - --- , :- eir- filogien4, 'ill •4 ouldlio I; 1 17rpprotan ,: jnia 14 ;the ftnitidriginisti' , l6='-iirividt . e . " Inirliii;;;.'"?.' .„ have, attracted:- the notice Of the gikeu9ve- 1 ` i iee6p e of.,the stoeuied beirii-Teas-;f • i*laii-.- Ma' iland,4hen.'ernitiliing.lnte ' the - fortes ' i i4v, i i ittite. , non - :: '0 4f ,• oooiii** - -Piii4:ii:jii4i - - - file xeriaisition: r - •-.l''' .- - ~,-' -.. ... l''.. , thi i fife,pdti,wai h i'?ii t iaitid: - .-litai4:l - C44 - 04;1 .._ 1;e. lbonstitntion of the, United States pr !, ,ry'tt'f l'' vie :tha - -• Ileghilatiyi, jitria4iiiitij alert . :." , ri a " that a - NrSon:eharged.in tal"-State )Vi . h: this pii foot is - e,t.l g.401ik. - .4 eip* -- ifoiklit . 1. •t a r . on',•ielony, otrbther:erime,.ivlO . ..shall 11416 •",&,iiirt. a 9 ; .y . ' ',.. 1 - i . ..'-'' ''- ':'-'-',' . : - '':1? : 4 -:r.f . - - ,.. ro . j4stiko and be jfeund'in . ..,OnOthef ,8,1-a - ''''' '.: .This-POint has I been 'clefirly rtiair4driekii - - til 1 - on demar4ottheExeentiVO apthol:itY" f 1104, ; '•titourt ottha UaibiiiStitteittaiiiir s . o,o:from Avitiiii hdfled, be ;d e liv ere d u ~ :t ht 4 i vie i i ;' ,6 -. f .' 64 ; ,411 - 1 . e ,..,.., B ,, itiati s i: . :tigii ,, ::: It to I stat° :_ hain gP riadieli°l ",f , o ° . e ri-Te • eairtrlbitinifi,ltnO l to the. Inar`, - the ,paintiniii - f -- ' 1 law:Of:Cengrse declares,. " . that I.ynenty r. , feiin ' 6 t -44 - 1-. 0 ,141 3 ,, c ' i i- mrExe .& ,niy - d i iii i i - ii iii "xe l ,cutive authority of a ny , Pti4e , , 4 4.t 1 0'. itxtiii tioth a - is i iiiiesa...anaioitio tlieliip: - . i itiAit demand :any person At' si:fuoitiv -A l l :- - ' 1 . .-' - . ha b eas t - • , '-. - - i 6. . h- • - • ee,,, C ri d er a yfrO , of . a casc9rPriN...9_,!.,..e t i 1 justice, of ExegutYo f tlatb - cTitY , oiitil ; duqe - S re a coMMlttiPi inagisiPite.--lit..thise.• or Territory' te''iihielt - siteh person shall .I ,'. sl I' ' ii - ti --- d - - ea. ,,.-- , , t ra c i - a - t o 4h4 _ ... - -- • - -- - ----. m i cr o el.__ ePii'"ee torr .. .= . NES '';'. , ... ,- ;:.]:;::::- - :,.'''. - '_:1z:.' ,- -- , -.. , :,:,,,y-1.,'"'.1', , i, .;t1'1;'::L;N:ii:0$-.0''g ;V,OLIJ Ji/ifis' 1 IriOk. f rep- _-►- .... __ • 1 1 4' - .. 'l' tik , stiWor.'s, 001,..07 0 4 tutti ''lfth. -0 51 1 P f. ' and can iiio,lllf any -- ' - iliiiiiraiie, of the courts, .. -, under:;::. .; ' '''i'Ao - .ilie 116615 t and -4etent!pit . - . aaf#i_T_ Yf - -..':.,- ' '^ --ot --th44;iii--:iatarfaie ', ,ii;.9l') .-I.!_v-I'' affil ' ' -fihe,Oon!4*--: paramount 1160i P#V - "' - --- , ,lu t a', -_ '• ' ' 4 Acts rk : diiligii . . -, -; - .l%*wit!pge..,., .._ ;- I-I '' -II rci.liaa vaokno. , wi ~h .... , . 3 7 11F1 cPe- - '1- ' 'l - -. - I'ailiveiff - 4 13 4.. - -; E -.fAiiiikir,-1' la ft atlti rk . i/ r4 Y,St lin - --' ---- ~---'-, ' cf,'"' • f ' ' ' ltw siva ot-PannaYitinialivr -- 4;gibAccuse •,-.!•° -----.., • . o;•-.thew'` -84' -' - - tl . 6(Ft8 1 ,4 1 -iig,in ._, , 1„.; liii,'' I.ifor4'li ileialhiS ..F lf .:: -ii, . ,- *_.....4 ° t e 0 4 *--- 1 :-- ; ~..- - --.:-: ,- ' 4 ' - subject- ' .r. i4titilry,before thij9nl- :. P ” 'l,. , ' C . , : if in language 'I. !.the-Sqlreilie con a, _ ,• e - ,--.- ,---,:. - ,-.,,...-. . , readp - . ' ( t '‘l6l I, , State , e s at-m .l' - iiibi - -z-4:. 01 - 4 r, -,. licatioi , ro tei . .... . _ . ecobist#Y - ;i P --:-..- - ---, ,-- and' . - - .- c kw& zereise. P° 4 er can the Eananfive, 01 ' -- 7•7- - --- ;'ll.' I '' ' i ' - ' - vi - 64 - 4 - roni ., Thi, oa:t!iie;!q",_ , , 1 'Ew.?, r - , - T-, ,, -- -'- -- ":'• •-'' - ---- F4eicii- ' deia4ons.,. -. - -,- .- Vl Bl, fiiti.c:i#3o - 016C-'cansi .. ~,...„--t -. . _ aiiiiiiv.rit.'o. prop. iii.6l4 , . tiaiY. practice , ii.ii ~.., ... ,: ,, g i lt us 8',;;,), :8;11-110841t..:441-411.0-•(itilfriki44';-:,:. .. , b -2,lLe, higilitv---01-,..min-.. ' - '1 1 ' ' ' 6liable4pubt ! - - - . 1 - nr 31, -- - - ,a c cus ed - ilid. the-:-.-10i4)10*''... 4iitonii in arlhO i -.' -.- - *it - -_''' - - . I t - viiiield-"seetnkP9- ; . ,_-. • Lure of Ith*r ? 111.0.• - - - t - :, .. ' ' ' ' '' . ' r.tlia,zeannk-P inatted'An 41° behi n d ---• • '. -1' '..4 - li:2'il: ':', • 7 g, 1 7.,,-,. , „„iii,t itr4tei''AitA liiuitliii-wid: the co , ic9i, ..--... , „ ..-„,-: ..... , . „ K ,- - -. > - _ , } , ' , - , 4.a. : ,,, ' -oat '' " f-iirip - -1.6 . 6 .- Vilitor....,.u4icoT . ,§ll4 , I .v, - - - ,_.,...:tb-ii,:iitit pokk 1 _the4ee iicr-11!i-qiii41-1-IM?---.L, - ', i • B;etiit-,-;:iii Rim . itT -o **l. - 4rAluti*sii. „ t - 0th„ . ...! -. . : , 1 1 's ill: t o ...d.:.,_;'. It h o . nasal '1,..'16.hir4-'°l4.;_*ll4lli':.-11141;i1, ~a?r,„ ~...... ..- --,- •', •-=:- 6twootork. ---- , t -- 1 , - tibii.iii.iiie x4 , c14 1 ! . R. ..--, ~, ,-,--, k r o**F,''eii- -- -' ',tei-iiattial4lY4***-' - . aiti4.4o lifi , r , F o'!.!ke ... ~, ,-- ~.7...,- .„.yri.,... :: , :: , ' '!' i, '''' 'aiiiiiiitgYiol4.-*WMF 7- r T Airtil:ci :* P ,;,,,,, .-_ , ~ .4--am.thiii,4-.,::,K---- ii iii=.' 'fir iuitineArnt . -,ePi_, i . -.e • `.-' ----: -;-- l'- _c ourt - ' --: ;i*Adgil,JAl o r*, . - ..ei , abilisArrMrP:-1 t-,=-4i:rui4-,..-, Oixo'' - - iitlieprbonerq arrOte --, 4 t - ~ • ~....',., a!intig i•- , .. ~ , - ',-'';:/--iii ihit"At.;l:."--:-, : 1 '..iiiin'jtiatiat;'; bf***141t.:.r°,,,,?:.1i,v..---- 1 .....,,,. , ~ ,,2* , ~.111^i'l 'A I ,, &i_ ii , p - i;t4t 1 9 , , , t , 114 , -: `:-- -40 -. ,- ot'plqfaa , !!l?-i---,- --1.-- t iiii i iiiiiird--:. '.:l. .'..t , r-i- t - . - --- siii4 ii li s t: Coos ' tili,i4';: ~ '-7 '-:;:: , ' -.- pt." 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