Aii ime her, Richard Smith, Byron . • / G r een, Thomas Streeter, Lemuel I Gc,odsal Nathan- j Stephens, Miss,P. E. Gil mor e, William Scott = Mrs.. Maria C. G o ddard, Edward. Smlth, Miss Susairiudi, - ' ' Gann, Jacob Shemsda, Abel Harris Mrs.. Phebe Seaverson, Henry I ..- Hammond, Charles Smith, - Williani '- fro, Thomas ' Thompson John _ „i asar aan,llenry • Tuttle, At, . ni n es, ilacl Tay lor; George W. • Harris, Richu4 Tw in ing , . Chester • Ifollenback, Armina Thompsen, Elitabetli Hinds, David Tiffany, • E. J ac k s on, Thomas T. Vinosdall, Marena V i va, Bridget _ * Welch, Wm. W. . aa el, Phillip Wells, Mrs. Catharine. I, o orais, Miss It C. White, Ichabod las-mace, D., Heirs &eWoodhouse, Mrs. Sally 'Loll, Ellen Yeligtga, Israel Metter, Miss S. Youngs, Miss Lydia D. It. LATHROP 3 P. M . • Posi OfficZtld'ontrose, • • May 16, 1853. - - - - • Look to . 0_ t hose 1,.7 two months since gave notice to those 10 indebted to me, and to the public that I bad dissolved all my relationship with them as alder. e hautood asked them ;kindly, to call and Settle their accounts, and _their , notes. • ,Very_ few among the hnodteds thns.indebted haver:seen, 411 to do so. I would now say, in all sincerity and kiiiditeels,that while I feel under / very Many Ob.': ligations for past favors, to the public, and to • maity of y'ou ; vet I need the pay for. the proper ty you have had, mind I will devote two , or three ireeks,Nexclusiroly, to settle with theme who 'will call at my offiCe.iu the rear of Ateliers. Chase's - Lew'office, over my store, now occupied by Mr. Hawley, (entrance from outiqde.' op stairs) the's. Who neglect cannot well find fault, if, oh ! • - BL C. TYLER. Montrose, Ilfey !fi, '1853. " • • • , N. 13, WOolliCill be takenon accountsf or an nofcs - for one month from this' sAe. • M. C. TYLER. 1853.-7-21w2 `.NEW GOODS, Just .Arrivitig, iit : 1 TURRELL" tioutrotei lif# 26, 1953. B 1 f iE T. of . *On to I to his them al rethruet. large arso) found in bettatill ling : prig Macho! sl Vesting! Canirt ton and 1131:11eal„ and glaa.._, Sheeting' Shirtiiirs, and other ;kinds! or domestic Goods, Groceries,, - flardartre, Giockery. Medicines, Paints, o,ils, Glass, Nails, Lc.,, all of which will be sold ?Without reserve; the isubscribes does not boast of 'what he,will da p bui - respectfully so licits an examination of his Goods:Mid Prices by all. Call in at anytime apd, we will , attend to re yen with the gatest'pleasure as it is no trouble for ns to show. Goods.. . • I I. S. LITT4E. • New Milford, May 26;,1853. •. To 'Wool Growers, - • - !jam prepared to pay the bighetit market price laugh for any litantity of Wool delivered at. My stone in New Milford. Farmers of Susquehanna county hriug.alon your Wool. . • • • *- 1. S. LITTLE. . , . S. EI & D ., SAYBX:: '' - • WOCIA) iespetifci ly announce:to the pnblic .th at Vt. ihey are reeeming a large stock. of Goods st r their aeir.Store on the Burnt District; which have been seleet -44 with careand which they ave•determinod to sell. low tepenaPy for Ready Pay. Call anti judge for yoniselvca. •.' . : Dress. Goods. , - -• Anonsorposse.l assortment of Barerec,Barge Del/dui - 5, De Daze; - 8.,11. di P. SATRE. , . . •. ,'• . • • Bonnets:-'. Thry .• .. eon Fay that they cannel. be .unilerrold I:Bota tug.. They are selliz4 them at one-fourth the naval prints. . • • S. LL fa. D. SATRE ' Ilmntote, :gay 25,154: ' New Goods at the • . . Read QfNavigation l SPRING AND SUNIIIErk Quick Snick, Profits,. and Ppsit' irfly . - Lady Pay; is Motto. - GEd. P,. 4:W.LEY would herebyinform the •pUblic Flak he hss just received Irma •New Yorks haaBbloine'assortitiont • • ..• • • 21IER C/lAND/SA of all kinds and styles, Which having been. pur cbased at very low rates:he is enabled offer : to the public at . . " • • BARGAINS. -,. It would be almost impassible to enumerate the raspy articles comprising tbestOck or goods, but all are invited to call' nd see for themselves, as.; suriug them that they _ - . • More Goods for the\samt, Money : than at any other house In Ibtontrosei, The at tention of the i:onblic is 'called to 40 of. the leading articles of, the stock ".. • • Broadeloths,cassimeres,;satinets,vest . ings, alike, satins, bereges, lawns ginghams, - klotrea, elpaccas, delaiusiprinti, White" goods in large variety '-:;riiihons, bonnetsrhala, caps. um brellas, and parasols" i carpet bags - -fa, a good stock of .shee/ings, s kirtings, striped . and plain', blue drillings, denims; mixtures, plaids ,Kentucky jeans, cotton . and 'wool and all wool . tweeds;, A general assortment of fresh and sesimmab:e • GROCERIES. litm, steel. nails; filth; - shOvels, rakes; kiirks,and almost every other article to be found in Ir.-coun try storo—which will be sold cheap. \for : cash cia 'll To , render the• establishment at the head 'if navigation well worth a visit at all times, it will amnions to receive, as ibe season advances, new invoices of seasona ble 'pods for ladies, and gen.!' tiernen's wear; se as to be able:at -all glace to let the choiCe of the market. . • . 2 Raving *adopted the ;motto of Quick :Fialea,.. Small Profits, and ReadrPay; n liberal *hare of custom is respectfully solicited. • i - • ldontrese, 181.424, 1853. - - - Wanted. . THREE haidreidoz, all Wool" & White vi 4 Socks for which 25 cent* Per Pair wgl be ptid; in. gopcis,"a tlow rates lir - . • . • c- . Max .20th Positj, C celebrated eampaa+gletn;-i• Swim Bell Ringers, after basing tfuctiastlditr otough the &dithers sad itregioni sta;„. lectfully announce to Übe' citizens or k al] give one of their tabilldtt444ll44; usenovel musicarenterteinntentelikaasee on Saturday evening, MaylEttb, emitted by tht telebiatell Socalistilia :George Pregyia _ - °Pan at. i O'clock; -Comes& 131- cow a l 10ek. !i.. - Ecom.4losit• • • 1 . SOUND A I T H TOuSIN. Eaton''; Onie Piles Stares Cash -, and 'Rea Y Pay, - The Only Olve in 18usquehannct County'. All kinds of Goods for Elie Milli tent n l BEAT rentlikiloitin'the litercantlkir bileiness, bibs& judgmentmr•iii i,ti t(?: muse ot your wormer itijurieis. "Economy is them otwealth." Short credit mates ; long Mends. The eubscriberit would respeettleEY au- pounce to thelnhatiltants etiAlsqvehanna and 1400101_ et 1 Counties that they isavejast reived and are reellellifil the largest and rudest variegi of Goods am hart:minced JutoNeetheell PlaniTintda. OW entire Rock Is naukei at the else, lowest gush • figure.' and as such prices dud cannot nu to edit Emu purchasers why study sientinmy in buying. Wp intend to adhere Strictly to the One Pete* elites, believing it to be the 4 , impartial Daigle of do big business, andliope by conduitling meth seises upon Ildr and honorab a sin-4ples te met k as large= share p e pubilo patronage, We would particularly invite th hosts trance to =endue our mammoth stock of 4Tmeds reefing nfidett Vat the prices and qualities will their en re ap robation. AU kinds of produce 1 ea at its-cash value. I Quick salesand =mil prod(' h , mot to. It itervidelet to all ilia Ronan dobeg a`_,-• • t . nees necessarily dessandlargerprofits ho ;sea chaser Isk order to sustalntheit losses Uhl ' hi debts 'proldably contracted: I All p ' favor us With a call will be shown thro • ' 0- assurtmeht with pleasure. ' 1 I - Ldies, Are yon In want otan auks, Barariaistliollue Muslin*, times's; ltessinas, • 'Weeks, Bloch*, Silk! and Cashmere Shawls, Bonn bboni, Rich Parasols,: Fans,ln dl varieties, yr • 11 find tbem at 1 ___ - TONS' One Price Store. , _ ' i Gl en , omen; [ it Are yoi si: i n t rhn irwmt of a Cidthhqs, you will find she largest mit of ' i , , and Reiely Slade Clothing,, ' made n atter the briProec4 feehteue- at _. 1 EATONW On. Price sore. • ,L r . rme .:and Mecha nics; I Are yo in • of any Groceries. yep ended at 6. EATONS' One Price Store. 161 piet i st' Sugar tor $l.OO : 4 14. ,I ,' qe.ality Orleans for l.OO " i 10 4 , • • Rio Ooffee tor • r 11,00 I 20 1 . first qiiality Rice tor I ' 1,00 i , Codfish Sr lb.' II: Best Brand Cut Neils per Res, 5,00 i X eel otall numbers, and other piskled lish. E -• t qiiality of Laurence iteavi,_Sheetines per yd: Sdi at 1 EAT'ONS' One Price Store. t ASU paid for Wool at 1 I '• EATO'S' One Price Store I . Silt Itir • , • 100 quality of Firkins ' tor sale at - 1 1 . ... • EATONS' tine Price Store. Marton', Pa., May 28 1853,41 - ' , „• Sheriff's Sale. 14:w virtue of a • writ - of #sit. Es. issued :out el' *ihs ,Court of Commoti Pleas of SOquehan na cikunty.and to me- direeted, I will esp.", ta public side at the, Court Urines on Monday this loth day of June, at one o'Chick-P; M.— , • 1 . . All that certain piece Or pima Of land situata iiingland being in the township of ,AuhFrn, cOun - ty•of Susquehanna. and State of- Pennsylvania, and bounded and described aw follies% to wit':,+ On the north by .lands of Daniel Avery and T. man Baker. i or ' the • east by land of Nathiaruel Shelden and J hn Lyman, and on , the - wei by land of Martin' and George C. Baker, 'contai rt ning about 40 nerve', more or less. togrißier -With the aprwrtenanceS; acres improved. ,• .c Takeniidexecation at'the Stiitirt John F. btftl more vs - : Daiid L. . B. ELD Office, Illontrcure, ry 25 /8531 c, • shale put sea = its thanks otounce 'to hail kid receiving ,otxia usually in part of a -ILaines, Pop and swiss ints; Mae ery Bortnets, lassimerett, ' Summer , at or' Cot . - Ready Sheriff's . ~ . . Ifew-Dry G oo ' s 8 Store.. I; T 4E Proprietors of the Neitr- of* Store,lsTO: 7 Con t'street, Blnghamton l ikraorne Conn- ty, At. Y. t ket.unfeignod, plea= e in returiiing his sincere thanks' ` for the 'patronage bestowed ] upon hiM cells opening as hi" trade thus far i has surpa - his highest banicip tiolis. - He niters -takes rile re in :announcing, th t his arrange- - 1 k ments fo t e Summer Clospaig a're comp/efo , having a' his arrangements in - New York-to be suppli kith every' article at cost, which Sit ist ables hi b sell goods in any ',entity. by the case; piece r yard, at the same prices that thiy are "old in ew York ot Whole , lc.: This will I at once sat fy every mind that good . s tip bisold at this est liotunent IS to 20 per 'cent.i cheapisr than any . ° of houscin town eau "ell. i •Marcha in this- vicinity : •are. advertising 3 1 goOdschea ad at cost . Their old stocks , are f flooding tit mUrket at the very bigliest prices, even ati.., f illoo't be klunbuggeort*theni comi to tb ' .rf c w . York Store, 'where yea :Om get good sew"and freak from the Atlantic Medlin ers and'the manufactory'. I i beim just r c eetiat 20 cases Of the newest !Kyles or rich black. fan cy, brocade, Check arid changeable Silk", Baia gea, Chaflies, Liawni, Jaconets, Linens,-Damask . Table Spreads,' r. ntbrgifieries, Detni Veils. Peiip-i Pole,- Shawls, Viteties and Mantillas, Gloves, 1 Hosiery, • Mitts,' a 'large assortment - of Dregs Trimmings, trunks,Talices,Sotchebt,De Lanes,' Prints, bleach l ed and unbleached Shirtings aid Sheeting', 7' ks, Stripes and 'Denims. - - I- Tbe Nilo rrk Store is thk Banner storms We buy 'far -; sell for casitand charge 4 lag for show - gitnds: The Timmer co' is - open.. . li and see the battle altei' and buy ali pi of cheap .nevif .and I good". ROnt mber•the number - York Store O. 7, Court it. a Y the ChenangUßridge; Hiner' New - York. .1 I. sots, palm r, abd fine . Frrs Iv ,i I ~- • . .. 1 :EXTRACT 'IF • 4 asltzrag inx,Cra mil, •, d all; mt. A t) — i t. , '.• • . • • I bis slab; X PILEPTIC ILLS', Ter for ' Epld ietiOn: on the neiviins I __ - drepared espeiWfac. the puipshe idcurinilyiti,they will be found of especial . .betiefitlce ! .' persons afflicted with weak nersesq or', whop, n as system hashes* prostrated of flattered, front any . whateter . .• In chronic eomP tc,orilib•i' eases of . tilitbalitt Aurvinduald by B i ene thee are a *iodine,' beneficial, 1 = Pitt*. par box, two boxes far $5. P ' opt the city, enthusing& ' Ulnae, will hare Pilisi Sent{ them thiough t h e - ;tree of ptetare 'For sale 1:4 , 1 zi t SETH 8. HANCE, No 10i Ilaitimoire street, Eidtim ore,! 11d.,-tio idioms Orders in all parts of the Ilnian,#nea be adthassed,post Pid4; • • - Cash for Wool. - 09.0 1 7;riMaTtr°wch10waulArdMay 25,1853 rz. . _ . F LOUR, l'a4c, and rrieurrur SAID to; Bali by . • "Bioriptr i 4 Stit .*1 Susqueu. , iuu - nty Atten"l a i n i r t. A No) tra l s tieDry:Goodi Bu_sinegs. 4 .4 igpTicsnof BiramirOgave mallet sod are IKsrl 7 ‘ roostving Imo, yid, tottautre stock sr Off cioodsl sad Covets, so with' Um grossest etre from *el , I,Brotom Jaartnit - tiara boded. form* ozolmdro.' Iy, willbe add total side* defy sit 4xospotitios: moll alp. f„ o,m: Baagaa>a nna county and vicinity. s4ll'l And s asitat tram Wrote* *or amt. to ;Is* vs soak, Aloggion and a dock Opals dist will sass an alinsadi oar Dress Gay* aoudads input ettlehldsok allso: , Anisollable, 81 4 4 .1114 "az 1 4.; ;Li] Basks, quiltisk.l4lB•o6 de•likatab and APNEd-{ sea Itydisi, Uses ftsis 100 to is," IrreotAtlod ko , silos grosi two- ' 'd•Y -61 : .. 4 ~;00..... il.:. Slosh% and , Blatt Mk tress ,1141_ do re, Osolsoors, Ott, Elia'' Irelbrttiordo &*la, 4 /4, Iniume cambs 3 4 0 • 111 halske; . ',.' i - "•N GeSalettaied Hf. : -, Comets at thaw asiontagart at , bllsik sad; f o am Costimomm &diode, Niesell kin, aft Isidfar and atansilar Vindlimpasad de good-mkt/ af dli . e.. Acodstootunsettots to iskittios. - " , ': :r ,;; i -- I ', ‘ - t• This.departaast ' rdOlitiilat the- thiiiiiii ailksei' aandatiadJa part, pillialigida, and AlidPila its oo,Bl M C a o aa de s d ._ m At o A d M tto r m i a t o n tl e it t than 44.1 a 2a. dd. adDwa liis on a -b- l, W M • r Wp 2 1 i 0 .. , 11- t te 3 , I IMIgCa s UIT II II 4a r m e '-:" , f7 r ,:- i ,'-jasis lilba . ,gginglAirlarbillai'l . 161 !0 1 ; 4 , 1 , 111 0 41 , 61 0" 116 1 "0" 11 : 1147 1: :::-.:1: '-',t•.l - --' - r- , i l _ . 7ClarFeillar - , ri ' '' ' i ii ri :l Thra•Pl".. -0 0 6 taiaatiltsgtoOttia,mid s , dam Ada..;.beilt aaltaaoad wool, Drawl 4knillit 1 tar lam sad' dattlat, _Sada 47.1agaalagi-111.1. 411.• i 1 Ait Abtabars mfted sitledss Int "maga So larealiso , Addedly . asinuadtalatailaadassppity at -4' i ' -- ilr , 1 , 4.1* Year ficti'llioir*iod 'ileaortimei illisa biii it s:d weal of INVAlliontrit - _inirtity, if °Um Ofoola" „ „ yid* simiimil alpsaballt ;wade' lukAct- (a - ' -, Sat it ra I rim no a 44 VS WWI 1 , 4 , - Show you a s Iftelliiilllool4ll4ol* Cliapeesaa berftstadia,taniihnra• .T.- . • ~ , ~ ttiksl4ll.4l.4asoftta - tte . • ,t - ', • ''' . , . G. K. .e , begiul .13 Aishiontlikle Ooze New ar sows east, , of 3pt013, Broome Co.; .01.:STEIRTEITANT: • Shy 19 41:Tilietibt - at T -- D.R.L.k ! r. . Book Agents - • .ted n every Gayety in.the CV to - vasefor . i l, .follmoitvf wake, o.tokoei. - the t. ._ -.. 1 .. , eozensiosofteteial be paid. q .. /iietorial irtit4, 4 - thai.Warltkfrom 4 iest ages to 1105 present ti e. Theoiol3 I one; comprising Part 1. natant History.. "ad 2. .History . of the. 211' ht Ages. Part 1 •!' odein Hietery. -By John nest, 4L. D. AA. of ry .or Pictorial Histo of the United Stet ' icioriol/Life of Washington, 4.a., 4k.c. .Ne 'f: ditki, with , idditions and corrections by the r;n2tior. Indurated- with over 500 engravings, diming* tiy Croonto, Devon:mix, and other . tetinguished artists. This work contains. over 100 Stipa Royal octavo .pages, and over 500 net iliustrations than have ever been engraved or any Maori in this country , ; it is handsomely ;pd substantially - hound in embossed morocco. gilt tack. Price,-$3,75. , - Great Erefits in Modern [ History. By John Frost. Comprising the most Discor.., ries. Continents, 'Revolution'', Great Battles, and 1 ;.. inher Thrilling Incidantif; chiefly in Europe and ' America, 'from the commencement of the Six. ieenth century to the present time: - EMbellish hd with over 500 engravings by . W. Cr.oorne and. bthereminent artists. It contains over 800 . II octavo Page.. and *lgor& large colored y m of the• World 2045, with side maps of Califo ia. Oregon, Hungary. Anitri4t. Dominions, -- .IBound in embossed Morocco, fat back. P 'ce,' $3,00. 1 Thrillitw Adventures am ong the l l :dia l s, By J o hn Frost; 3,.1.1. D. Comprising the most remarkable personal Narratives of events in the early Indian. Wars, Its well its of Incidents in the_f ,'''scent Indian Hostilities in -Nettie° and Texas.— !Illustrated with over 300 Engravings, from de. lingua by W. Groom'', and other dietingnimed sr. fists. It containioVevsoo Pages , -Octavo. bound n morocco, gilt back. _ Pa rte, $1.75..- ' Sketches of Life and gummier. By T. S. Arthitr.l An' octavo volutne of over .400 pages f eatitiful y illustrated, and bound in thebest En rfish'mu lin, gilt back. Price, 82,00. - 1 Light and Shadows of Real Life, B'y T. S. !Arthur. With eka autobiography and portrait of t i the auth r. Over 500 pages octavo, with fine [tinted e gritvingeL Bound in the best English_ muslin. ilt bac Price, .82,00. - Gr, • Gra ins - front Life's Harvest Field f,By T' SI Arthur. I 14 ato. of 240 . page*. • Bound '.ln muslin, with a beautiful mezzotint Engraving. Price. 75 Cents.: • - - -ft wee& pin j tr, 2 4 Poor " Who oar extensive The 'Way to Prosper, and Other Tctics. By iT. S. 'Arthur: 12 mo. over '2OO pageo, with a !mezzotint engraving. Price, 0 Cents. The 'Home' Mission. By T. S. Arthur. - 12 ncs. otovet 200 page!, with an - engraving. Price, 150 Cents: • • . . w 1 .• True,R' or W ealth without -Wings. By T. S. Ast4tlr. - Over 2004.pages-12. mo. W'th a fine mezzoti nt graving Price 50 Cents Theiresi e Angel. -By T:S.Arthur 34 :pages,_ mo. with an engraving.. Bon .41 in :muslin, gllt edges. Price. 25' Cents Conluests. of the. Bibk. . By. Vineen ,- W. Oltilner. Comprising Important Events 1. the ED,: Sherif. I gistory, viour to 105v:tie. All o substan and the to the f Agents cannot the sole , section For ti New Spnnto , Goods: . CHEAP FOR GASH:/ ' 1' . w N. %FILSON returns bit li grateful e' knOwlealg n v .• meets to tbe public for past favors,' and invites &tient ion toe very large stock of S ' and Ewasmcr Goods Which be has received and offer or saie extreme ly low for Cash. • Having recently his store enlarged / and his' facilities for business/ire tly locresaed, be • is :prepared to exhibit et more ex ve and varied assort ' .anent than hatretofore,and tie. • 1.1 out.sumicer iniluee. lanais to cask purchasers. ' esnikinined mehedule will . •:. compare favorably with.. 2 ' tof any other aserchaut An this vieinity. - • , • • • •• • • . Ladi . -. .Diess GOods. .-.• . - A lirge stocito .. hack and. colored -Silks, of.varions grades and pat ./na, from 49t: • 64. to 141.. , per yaril.—, llara=e Del • . es, •Challf. DeLitioni. and blouselin De- Soigne', ha . diess variety and very ebeap. • - . . . •/.•••• Prints and Ginghams. • . 10,..< i yards of Merrimack, Fall River, Manchester, C . - ico, English and other.styies of Prints; at 16e. and per yard. One we of superior cloths and colors. Yard, wide, at the I ow•priee of Is. 1:000 Oat of Lanea*.: ter and Olaegow CI itagharos. new patterns, warranted fast ioiors.: Aban-licoteh and - French do. from 1.99. lid. to lis.• .• • • • Mounting Goods. • • Benninceinew AlpsW, Mohair Lintres,llanxed Canton Clothir, all wool DeLainas, Silt Tissues,' end all other goods used in mourning. White Goods. - -- Plain, plaid and striped J.eonet MurliniCamirric dn.,. plain and-dotted Swiss. Mull; tiainsook and. Tssiaton i Linen Cambrie,-llirars-Eye Linen, Linen Table Cleths, NapkitucSentch and Eras a Diapers. Linen Sbeetluite' and Shirdngs, fee., de., at suck mimes 'cannot fail to give entire satisfaction to customers.. . : • .'. 'relater - y and Gloves. • - . . '. An excellent- assiorttluent sad very cheap. Among them a large lot of White Cotten Mascoery•fair quality, einlytdi a pair. , • - :. • . - • - • l' 'Shaials. , ' - - A large-lot of Brodie, Casten. Crape and Cashmere Shawls, hheaper than ever before 'O ff ered. \* • / •'' •..'' - • • Handkerchitis. . . . Plain and Embroidered Linen ilandkerildefs of every grade, from 6d. to $4 each.. • • . ' : / - 1 - . Table and Piano Covers. . / - All Icovt. 'Embossed. * • 'and Linen, Brown Linen and. Colored Colton, from 4s. to $4 each. • , • / . , • .. • . : Goods for. en . and Boys. - - Broadcloths of every or sal quality, Ireem 1611. $5 9 black and fancy Cusien , frem 8.. to, 20da. - Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds and ;from ls. lidito 4s. Test-. ings of every . deseription. unity and pdee. • .. ' .. -..Domes is Goods/: -- • - ._- L • 6,000 yardi Sheet!: get and • 81drtints • from 6c. to De. peryard. - 4,-000 Yards bleached do. ft:lm Od. - to le.' per , l yards.; Ticidngs and litaditers'llildrlinp from fle. to Is: .Yankee Notions and/Pedlars'. Goods. Of irerydeseription, from *nation mid the cheapest rush botareshe N-If..wlty. -.lPeallaii will Medd greatly to their interest to call and look through hi: stock. - - I • .'Triuslak Valises' and Carpet : Bags. -, A•vaiiry large and rieff emerged stoetipurebased direct . from the largest:manufactory in this country and for sale at such prices as will admit of no competit ion.: . - •-`.• Straw` aid. Millinery -: '. • The subteen:aerie desirous"of dlreetingtbeattention of - thepub.le parlieligly . tnaleis. branch of hlibitaluess, as •• • 7 7-'• ••- _ . ... ~ . .. n ll e_Poume . greax r e e fflues rot V ul g tb ` igig " dsehe "• lie Benign, hanP ll * nwastalo l .) ' Annitillefilli W. Pro- . -.. - N :. ~ .o OD S . , ... " 0 1111 4° ' lto * * • °f S TAAW 8°"811_..... had at . At'D :. . Lathrop it Co 's.: . fitic 25 per:neut. pheaper , tban l the 7 5.9 i n pfe l e.yogie sly .. glieherwholende or • 11 customers - 1 TUDS' received a great quentity'4Diy Good, of every . will find It greatly. ta thiar ast=r ert to _:esarldnitils fi. style, . : ' . _ . 1• -, - , - • - i atock nekwe =AI Pluanin . ...„,.• - - •\ • ~ Cloths.: Prinis-, - ' .Carp e ting,; Sheetint.s. ilintbroidede.s,lti boss:had noss -Trhazwwwim• a: ft. I , 4 /I. .. cr u elta tt.l o yeigi es ..... .. , . • _,.. :., .-•.•-, .: ., . . Hats • and Capt.,- Bonnets,: • Grpeeries ; 1 • " . •,._:.• .__ .:. ......... • 11"5"113"51 ' • • .I • Vrockay, Hardware, iron:Nails,* Paints Corner uf Court am Wows- ......... in Trealddlls t • - . • :. ' • Slott, nearly - opposite the Agonies& pail. ~ aid Oils: at ... • .•:. ...- D.IL L. 4ii Co's. :-. Binions 710 Y 1( . 4 ; 151-41 i 7 r ..--- --- -.' = - ;,:- Apil.l/1, 1853: ' ' 1 ' , • . Ns*. Gultoods! ' ,. New ., Goode ll . • - -:-.. • ... _ . -- .J . - Ct:11 - --- - HAWLEY ' S Lel HEAP STORE. Reid ofirivigispi:in whic h N.J. ,risll:4oooid tozarjti-thori 'ever; ~ ..eall'.aad I ion fOryostoOkos .- : Ao Oargo-forobowiog,goods 10..6'6' steno. , .--,.---;.,•':...-. - -: -: •.1 . -7., '-- tiontiOili May 196; 1853. .. '7 • SHE' subscrrler wit! Ask at !fed!. orauctkori; • raideope is goirtrome. on 019:28th at 10recirrek-A,,,,1ty a. iiiimatiti bogie • • gook and uteresilmer,l" , l lig C 1,41114 714404 pod!.,C, l 7runp -' ' • eras 'V'. or 1.; Traurfr;;ol'" • r Lt ir'itti -ify•Lt sl"l"l4l V BB M - asepus'4 * y. •:'-j1G1112.4 - ' • IrAirrND A Ifivapyi raw , lattstaitsfatly. Ness X 3.. 'teed affir bat Awns& 'stork:low and Sas that Nitwit hts Itaastto etitistes; work it *sod. si 4:A t * Ala* irAlletikarpsiY ..114 ask 'as thsAssch'.isettai. JOHN GROVES. lissisoss, 1853.- , „ : -„ anizo*Afiegii. 4-4 4.e'llildbattes : Rili aittaid biCaititlot t'•g • lof Christianity, front the time of on Se epreeent thy. 336 pager', .12 am II- I with numerous engravings. Price, 'the.above Books are beautifully and tially bound, printed on fine 'White paper, r fublisber would especially call attention Mt that they are- said. exclusively ,by Bias giving theui /an advantage which had on most books,' as eacl,p Agent hal and exclusive Control of the scale in any [country he - spay agree to canvass. 'callus, address. post paid, . • •• • ,J. W. BRADLEY, No. 48 North:Pot:lkb st. Philuil. - / Neiw Goods: r 1 BENTLEY &READ, aro conehur y re ceiving additions to their genend rusuirtment or Dry Goode. Giracedes. Crockery , Haidieare.- Stone and Tin Ware. Drops; Medichses,Paints, i tir oitiand ,Dye si .. Jewelry:. GoM. and! Silver Watches. Silver Sports and shetacht.fa r iorhich are proper to Tenon the lastest terms for . Cas , • Produce r+ approved credit.' - '\ s i . Mon .. ....sM y }0.1853. ' ~ 13' .. AT 1 " 14 1 privies art= Ovi.ayi on liaid; 11!ay 10.." reader by the Keg- t aleo. a Ce powder and wanly (ma • • for ale by • - ENTLEY & RBAD CARPETING,'Illatting, lii Clbths, I..ooking 'Passes, Clocks, Trunk. ;cl.C;itrpet Raga, VinbrellasjlandboaCs &c. at - May 10 - 'BENTLEY- do t E4DS*. BOOTS and Shims, Soh: and UpPer thsr. Calf and Kip Skins. Hatt and Cap* 'is and . Tabsi; Kilda,: Fish. Nails. Iron- and Stee , nearly Imam size; constantly on'handa and for tale right.,by BENTLEY & READ., IDOPATENT MEDICINES, a full asa l iortment ombraeing Dr. Jayne'sT.broaes-Alcioflands, Christio's„ Fiteh's and thole of the Graffitumars Co: Aliso,. Cherry. Pectoral. Swains& panacea, Cod Liver • Dila, -Morebead's justly celebrated plaster,;Trucks and : Taumer's perman Dint- Meats, Braudieths, Brumetts,'Phioneys, Soulcs, Moffats,' Writht and Hoppers Pills, and a bun died otltsidifferent 7411Pdicines of thb most 'ap proved sind popular kin(fit, tor sale by, Mayillo • BENTLEY : 4 READ. . . ~ . 7 1 - NTANTED 10,000 doitim: ill .. 41411. Vas - mix , V red Socks. for *filch we• wll pay ...the highest prices iu Goods. ''- '- " ! - .. May 10 ' BENTLEY 4 READ, . ' ,1 : ' —::- MILLINER cr '' , • MRs.s.ii. CII.A.MBERLIN.-Iwisbe's to in fo'im the inhabits:its of . New Milford and its vicinity that she has just arrived, frihn Nei , York city with a: fall assortment of New and Poshiodabte Millinery Goods, Strawlind Shi red Hate, OAPs, Ribbons. Flowers. Lining, dr..c.,'+c. Straw Diets cleaned arid , all - repairing ;done in good .stYle coda!. moderate-prices. Your pat !'oriage iitespectfully solicited. ' !' t , New;Thlford, May 2, 18.53-483 1 1 1,1 MILLINERY .-AND .DRESS-MAKING. ATESS 311 EELS front Owego, has In:opened her Shop in the Odd Fellow .' up stairs opposite the pa g uir T ian.Roonis. where she will attend to Drels-niskiag'in all ita branch es. Alio, Millinery vTork done to 'order; and .all Manner of nest:sewing dorit'upon Short Mint - April .274 1853-17w3" •I , sires he tuts city, r or* - Crocks Boob; very All c Tht duce, /. lbw Sprink Goods At New Milford Depot. ~ TX ,ItCRRITT would invite the attention of hisfriendri II • .and all that want:Gatoli .04u:1p to hit Sew Stock,. which is now being opened , including_ a superior aisairt-, Maul, of Ladies Dress Goodell) ilek_Prissts. ..Deturstest.• Printed Tmsrns; ' extra- rum- touregeDelatea; Lanark'. Poplin* 31 uslin' and Gingham Robesoroloredßaregei,Silk Thome. BMA and Fancy Silica Ik.e Muslin Collars/ and Embroideries, Crap -, Brtirtie and other Sumnier Shawls. Silk Mantillas. Parasols. Straw, Fiend' Lace, and Silk Bonnets. Sonnet Silk, BUMS," and Flower's. J . / . • • Gentlemen and Boys Summer Dress.Catals'a full as ourtinP,l Pr listscCaF.i.DiassLOA Visalia, Villa es, Carpet, Bags. all wool. eottoteand w . , rand Cotton Carpeting' of splendid patterns,Gil CI for Floor End Tables, Painted and Printed windo ws des, wall paper, Domestic cottons of all kinds. /kn.• / - .- -Also,Ceockery, Ifardware. drin. steel Sprints, wails, stores. Grocerieg,'Fbl., Paints, 0 Ilsifirindstones. 'Tin dow Glass and sash, Etc., making In all: a universe as. Ailment, anidbeing . purchased 24titirfly for rash. will' enablepurclumer•s to secure beneltwitt priors,styles and terms not usually 'any ( other establishment.- ' • N B • Flour and Sokenns - . tly on band— • New Milford, Avil 24,1: .'. • '• • .. . • Apptentace Wanted!. • • . Ay; lTf Dboesubb Intel- ieulad‘asau4litaose and Sign Paintigtrade: A p pre ntice . • = / • •11IA RIC J.437141EN: . Montrose. April 13, -1853-153. • _ . .• 4ritfir's Notice. . . . w - crpcE is hereby given that the Undersigned .L' bpi been appointed. pAdmillistrator - of the. .Estate of ThCanas Eturdick,•lato,if the township of o:ifford,dee'd. All Persons. indebted to. the said Estate are requested to settle the same im, Mediaiely, and: all persons „hiving demands atainit said Estate Will please.present them duly attested for settlement, A. R. BURDICK, - Clifford, April 2, 1185k.=14w6, . , - New Arrangetent for 1853.' N - B. EISEVM a Co'sitwiircial 'er a stionT Livillhms • Great; Bond every Mosidijantalay, .ty'edwilkay . and Thursday. - - - • ; .- . - - -'Freight will be retrehred by Corvine* Milltmattph- oil the days above mentioned at their StOre or the Depot hi L.odermille, also on Tn•artay . midi twelve o'finek i k Montrose Station and-it Now Milford paid the arrival or the freight train frontnton, on the laine,day.. '- ' Prodnee entrusted t oo r care will be forwarded to New York vit& the atm dispatch and returns paid; current morieY at the p mentioned abase. No eF- Dirtiorill be spared to wecrire thsiWst prima for produce. and we will transact promptly all - business entrusted. to our earn. - .• .. . ", ,C, soap c I:. CORWIN.. . -. . Corwin. & Millspank- - . , sx - r iLL iepikom i tantlyfig isle's. full aasortmest of V' • aroceried.; Flour, Salt, Yiali., Pork, titiwa and Sbnio,.Roadpenolo Clothing . , Leather and Flidings,&-e. whit* On will still cheap for Cash or Countri-Prodara. iprillB, 11133.-16ni9 ' . • .. ' . t .. . Alittle of*erly every thin, lie wissi,l Ma . • Dee. 9, 1847. . • Noti . o to All Intone - ir TAILS this in4thod of informing these inter. 1 tilted, that I shill expect all who are Web'. ed =by look seConat to call at an eariptiey a nd , and also °es indebted by Note are expected to make i ediate payment, and to fa. enlists settlements, win be found durinS Cella WWII at reef (loose at th Old iStaid. _sow oceapiod toy Mr. rge IL Hawley, Med of Neergetiert wher e' Books 'riffle kept for the prearesa. , AL CTYLEIL. Mootroser April 7,1853, =- 14w3 1 - - - beautiful Helm and ti;t;l43l43.imielfitititi itiod on the Cheaiaige yids the eart ‘ooomktlearid bye Prince tor:. - bus 46 and My. ieibitii:Vonsi Yakilflree: -1 ' lt,scospirovzs:. = . , /1/446044mitisi . - 1 -/- • ' Clerk Viriuttedd A *istiire boy of (Amt. eereatoos or"e igbtiss It" remotes* weateikai Closfqii oßgo, boy "iblirdioserfsWwith a A.[OEQigusis# l, - ,tions or references, end olimeext tAr — soefol, 10. 11 fuLd -r x ) 4 • • Ifew Mir= , litay 18P. - - - • , iFO SA - L` - ---' i ft .iiiii . ean aiot, late the idea :. l ' MHZ , _ oe of .14 1 W. itayiefo 0 , Eli., : tieeetieeikeiltiate4 la the bOtotigh of M Moe. ' For, „tiime bt 40 / 4 alitily . Eto #ie 'nib* ber at Owego; Of. Ill s i ei. Ai H. ti.: - Fi z!er , ,F. .1, Montrose .:: :ill .1... 1 : ~ :; • . .1 - E. RVSSFORD,. - I ' • - . -...-- j; • -F. RAYSSfORD., it .44120, - 1853 .16w4 ' • lit •'. -..- • •• • . I i- , . ' . NEW GOOCtS ~ THE' i t § ri‘ . ttre just reeeiving a full slot A. snd i great , "bee v s a 'ortfof spring , 'ilia :Situate Goods Ci s raprilig • sexy tityiiss4ditspripthur desirable for this nviirket. bought e lusivily for cash andifor sale vitlt reference ictioni oldmotta - \ -; ~ Not obe under:oft/411 -1 • ' 1 -d •ISEN,TLEY *...READ. ' .. .AprilSii, 1853: • - . .. Ma .4 „ 241 4421 41211 - 110 . 60, \ ' - placed wit-bin'thkaiutn', The oreautlovin ' ' - - . Tuft Ty. but to Ire the crauku &wry, :. ...- - IThrit i ere you,are Ream had thabito utter "P ,pitot - C,kaai.44" bohold the Butter'_ - INso prose.sbriply,turning q!tfierink of lei . . N - 1 Xi Ont d C4iiii• ' . 1 , y- v ~o ,., .. ra.krewi mi . es . 4 7 ', 4t:c'hereb3r' the Iterii : dasher* -,, thereto litttehe at i -4 twit-aJtazifitelyispi t edi:. , ily mannfaeterinv .. r. creemintd 4 4lu . ttsr.-4.- ' -- very "difilirent thiplefr , 4 , the old;:taresurrie :maid 4 . 6 , - of buttei:rtialtitig4; -U r ' 111 --. Such - as desire to wiles the letipn, of this laber.saviiti-Glit-eas do . • eilihrg at the store . of 1,- 1,.-esit - } 7 -:Co ,et No. 'f4se. The strove Chutes win be iris . . firettired to .1 order by [ - - • R. * I , small. I .Eii, Montrose; A ' ... 2.• 1853—;-16tV - q :.. \ ' = ' - - - 4- - - '-1, , • llf • .•-•' . . Ike ~ , pring Geods-, int; TUAT rectived . 4 Oslo low for Co4litt the - stele of J-_ ___ , !At. J. IT*llll. I` it *ontrove,lApril 19,1853. EXTENSION. OF BIIS,INESSe i-th i i r ' 4 - 1 , .g; *I ' 11 a e ata dants ! • cp y vgitta. • ii, . NTICItis herehi - given that lit . .tlnsecinonce of the • ' treat inciesse In binnitess; the sabicribintas taken .: a part of thmtlent Store, next- or td the Port. Oflice where In conjunction with th / nhl one on Main street lie Nom be Most happy to Ott • f l the noMmands• cif his old atottkew ettstioners I . he , Witch /An: department Wheel. Fusee andS. ,- ' ' uttlenr,,ltosd. raisin.. gees's% tile. end Universal .. ruing. Callsaltl4 in dold snit. Silver done for the • ' e.„! • Wet& - noir, on "matrials.‘ A variety of new .. 1 recondlhand _Wii es Constantly. on hand. ; Sr 'tlescriptlon pt.llachilie repaint& . . : , 1 , thop,• Tarnpike Stir - -i / • 4 ....•.•M,,..ufactory, iliciih A,treet,l:3 ontroie. - *-+ orii 3or trusluess ROM TA •N. tn i f l'- 74 , i • lir, , 7- . 1 J. .. 1 1, Stkl Ggl"ps, : : ~,, 'pH! 2S I ; 85 3-1Gtf Watch Make ; Mr Repairer' ~ 7' , - 1 - -1 II II :': POPULAR , * R. I'l 4 s' v _ , T ax se,beeriber , rispeCinally temler,W, lir thanks to. his old friends *nut pert, as well as to the Public at. large, for tba kindness lid patrons**. so liberally be, *towed. np , Ssi hha In peas past ;I. anit begs to call , their attention to the lirge Sleek oft / :''l> - : • 1 - •: . - -iiimw l Goop - s 'il- - - , i . g . he. ii.noW receiving. which:he , fa he as lqw awl will sell as low as ally inland tr / deriean -o r ,iiiir. • .- • . _.... __ Ile offerean unusually arge *tack; o ''. Linies-Desss i .GOODS. MA kiTILLAS., SitAlir Ls, flows a .1 , , NIESIOXII.NOOTI 'AND S HOSB. 4 34. , . C/Ila If NIL , ADWAARE - "Wow AND NAILS, _PA I era Alirr OiCs."&e. &.e., at theta irt:poseible prices, with the aseuraned tha ilia motrhinat 'a of Lis stock will I Satisfy every reasonable mind that tlioO.ll slurs in. !UM- . mere rule IA the Mice to buy gro; Good 'al low prates. Others May talk of selling th vli t ilt ' he WO -do it; .. Call and see: • / .. 4 . '. • . • ,4: S. SIIITIILLS. • Summeraville, April 18, .1.353-16tfr. • - A grin Lll3. of thsfunsurpa6abl46 V.IJV/an4 . 3. 1 , 1000 11,rrerste, Fro.rrm. A It .. TRl.fb - nude hi this re, heed 511 ea for the'Firkins and 40.ete r for the count mash, to the trade: , .-) ? , P. ._.. Admunstrato_ d • AITILL be sold at publia verichi • Vlf ditties of Goo. L. - lretthetii, Monday IthO2,nd day of Alay ski Cleo'', PJ AL I 1 six year-old hot*, .3 - Yeatling caliesi 1 new two hli two home wagon, 1 two horse:Al flarnewl,i2 ploughs; 1 hark* Ste els, scythes, cooking • stoves, with pipe, Patent clock, Witch, Suid furniture, a quantity of potal: c , ryar on the ground. - ' i CHARLES 'A. ) ot .' . of G. - 1...1a N. - N. 11—Terms of sale made kil , of sale:L-April 20,1853. -: • • it . . . • , ~- filorse's•i'Compouad - •Syrup :Of 1 - , YELLOW - DOME" 00T: ~. mats li a Palely_ Vegetable ' Coming ' i, . scientifically; i prepared from dm hest - Ittiots iMI ilerbsof-the 31a, tads-Medico, mad fits 'gamed an twirl led reputation for the following effeci s, TM: Itegu*t g isail.Strength ening the-Lirer out Digestive Organs, t {end Cleansing the Stomach amt Dowels, and thus coats ;:all - Dilfious Din ' eases, - Liver Complaints, .DrapepOli,. dialgestlon, Col.; Direness, Fries, headache, Fever :add - .ogue, Jaundice, Nausea, Loki of Appetite, ate., and Moping the food ..tir nourish-and support every part; puttilying the Blood, and thus - *nein*. All humors, Cato eons Eruptions; . ficatifula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, a Head, , Canker. Pimples on the face, Ulcer ., ltiotches,• . axiom, Iletctlii- i al DMasse, Cancers; be. -• • . 1 . '" : ' - . ] i. ' • ' 1 -- •' • Regulating the - - Secretory Prgans, ' i I, ti and by emiblitic perform their roper functions Preventing and curingmany pain - Maxi t de-gerims Air' i .isaisii; StriagMening aistfyidefilig the 'raves S 9 swim, thusallaying Nervous Irritation , and e immt diseases of theNerrea, as hysteria, Nei:yak:la; • ramps be. *. ' . 1 , - ,li is oftied cure of iis the all' Female Com-, nti.... .... . • - s . - Orin's. .i. ' I I -. . ' ai'drciltheiso, general debility ; I • 'unity, Obstrue-- oas, Swelling of the Feet, Limbs ipl its, fie., caused by Werkuess; , t also, - Lung and Tiiiii ':Complitatits," at ' Colds Cotighs, 4:shuns, Consumption, c.,alsoi Dropsy. haring-Made u'e of, the Com:Mudd Trip of Yellow Doet 1104 prepared by C. liorstgrj - & 'Cil. either Car!. selves, or hi our families,and finding i to be a veiY, sal ntary and stfisetwal preparatiou„we:* , , most cbeftfaily Ait to the public as.a. mil liable medicine; 11 • 7 7=rne, Eon, castiler National: B' nk, rrortlcsee R=l.; - A. W. Spencer: Riot., Cashier?, .'e Roik -Dank 'do do do. - Rev . William Phillips, - Rev 4 .- Richmond, C S Jones, editor Provides , . e acti. davit; s Yto Field, N. w.: o*. Cyrus Fisher, St E II - P; OniM Ilutehins-mi, A I, • Dec.;lir J Matta, 'lrma Held Colby, and pile huildred . o . lh. ershf the Most respectiblefandiles'Of Fro - vide00e:.;•....: '' - . This certifies that I have!a Inbar' eir:Peari'bieli adridainted with Sidi compost a Mid: ode of minutiiii, t - tura Of Sliirmis Componild'S tap of it Dock:Eliot. Iliare also been adquaintel th it. rn ur - 'opriiiiiil hi, disease, guilt can say timed Mall resigic 'di 4* • *fiudrably . miciteditoromedy that elisrof-D for , whleh it 'WWI deplentd. ;It is attiothilly_.Taliiidi e: hi:'•hadeiltiois and all it '' attendant symptoni t at to bean hy te:. 1 0 0 6 th e .Livayi t i n i o rt* s'.rpor, : sad - . pledi t it s .: i* this'd stimulates health , act I aiLthe system. . - aKt a 114pFiator or putidix . of the B. It has - .. 110 Inipe- 1 riot.. ; 1 - ; - - ' DA.VTD ITO'LMI4*D. ' Providence, 1f...:1...1ait 4 11458. --i 1- - .- . ' ---,- i,- -..- -.-..' -:' bdy.Ps,iiia;Sid by C. Morse .041 N ..411 - B , iii4ray;" ir. N. Y. and sold bYDraggista hull coth . # lllll OO l . ll tk4 and 'other Canalltaa.. ' '.: ,„, . . -.-, • trSold in Montrose try -- , , - ,:', i my.Tmsalyzigi: - . i : . i - , .• 4 ; 41 / 1) - . . .....::'” It : ;-. --- :-:'.. -- '-' •:- Adin't. LiPAVO -- • ••- • Pork_ Flour and - pa:nu . . A FEW barrola• of Flour, Lf e tra. Alithigatt it: brands-' Also. Areas FOrk l ' .l aS. att; the bariel or. load. ' i '...t1. dLDW IN . Moamar, Feb: 16, "1853: ' . I AVEIIOIr i N, E! halm nnnovett: one 0 tii 6 Sic! lb. ronifointeil tliiketir, end tondi, Shop - on:7:n &Or welt 01 Pd. 2: Wiloon'o • : - LINES , * Alontevoe, Nov._ A 'Would:. WARigagkfrtgikt i t !..,,,httiimattidwallivi 'mogul' linal - Vishold Os woodersz'Aiii•lstb One I 11 :4;06 ,W• Wit loy•Sibtaiirg, MO' 7 _ m t. -,' ' `-`", i illi a l b ia ggi4 444411 4 /- ...:, '.'', - - 4. - - , Bettirithan - tb en# lbe :A n * li i tiettehleiterkeiVrroat 'bete/Jur ' taii:Ni g ek,el :we ereehtietil tatt'.otioffit , Willi lii otstriet:'Prci - -: ae inagraitef ' of thofe'bien . P ID, etypi, -- )Pi ii i r c i i are - rat ter . odalegilit sta or like& s'irowtt sielight* at the Artist. . ‘, t • - .1 ~.., 1 1... • "Beige .jesi nitiaveit-jroi4 his .heiti toil etkeeeeleagt4lll:ll hiteresliii ,ol ll4Y. of • Plitlirli#4 l *ted-locketth 11.314 et& :-)4110114 ofease Am** Medeuni **SO Shekendliedise krec- . :4lelitit4 ettraogiee petter 4 west Waif • , Pal tied 400 ,t . ', Agnfiritin r 4 4. ,. l iltentreee Nov 10 1052:t 1: \ , 11 -F tETUTtNING- - --1 1 . NOIO illii (Silialkji eiextitedY at 4 I P X. , a if. ln tame to take. the , all.. 'brains of , th Past and, West;' being -lha \ nest and murk it ridto to r eseh the Neer.ltark and gideltallioad..-I is lin* Intineeeta 'a irioireekiy ;Bee for. , Diwook, i ilie,lTunkhannoakilrronillitt.ina , Wskettres i ayes Melanin at 7A M eiterr Xosidar,,lVl, is.. n YrtilY: lAI 4, * Ibex, Mandeville., Lwaysenloi ood Team' and conifortableVerriages are iwovt; ' d the Proprietore will spareaii Oins to. sicconi-i it. the'Publio - , ' 1.. - ly: -IC/lIATOtt, I - . A 01.240352 ' . -'• "- .:- '-110X04*I'lls. - WWT. ''' Pas - hio nabld Silk Hats , . • - Spring Style: :f It At i ratt. s a l a t icr aved ... . •-i v - i • - • , . ozo. ru t. I ! • , i . i'Look at , this • . T ypts are a = party: :Foiicerned.. I liiistitw itettotuttsototes;.lca,ot the tat S. 11. Sayre*, CO.,*are now in the handa o .• settlement :: - . Neeeetilty.enstipela hint to •• • ate attention to them &swell an theiefxsf h • , t oon it4tited they wi4 be put isi.thp*nde o' • lOvil-p els, nnutinn. , ... - , , - ' pE.1.13A1 n, ----• 24,18534 , '' . . • - . , . , , • - „ ~, , k 4. :. . . ' RENILOV Milt -, Dibuimito 4 Tim lioams . are re ~' . ired : P i O :1 .61 1F th is- e N i 1 I v Bfi s Er si t/ Ci 1 1° 4 7 1 N : . 7 .1)i 7w FLOOR,_ii- e e tlis : ". - A rt i Csi . : I ' ' ill be 'pp to'yeixe iiiiii please, as beretofore.! - : , A : t. '`.- ' \',,..,_ " -- W. 11.3EANS. MoirttoseczAiril 1 2th;1853. -- - : . ' : - " - . - . .el, ''()VElt'SEED.iiiftlii,targo kilo!. for 113i.T kJ ;•• j.•- -..- .' : .. , 1': • - ;_,ll DURItiTT.., . ~ . N . 1" Milton!, m a rc h . 16,1853 .- ' - -.!• , :' ••:':•-- •• •• N., - - • - ' : ft l iynet . Shop in Sii6queltatim. - -. T ' cz b esratlsakliparLifittr i tra°..,daLZa . 11 1 .iis, r) n ag: i; s h._ l 2l: auH win D itior epo ß D :::ll: lo : . : s, ll: 2 :l .p . il::; . : 14. : 118, ed: zu!, s: grti Ily on Ural*: Alt auks. *int-lug furnlittre 'will ilo '61113:41 : caill "ilike-4. wniATreinvti:•olgoiliiiiin.:6l:lOOL:tillioatordleChrirehi:ltalhe:tioi'in:t. ‘--• NUT' GOODS :T arrrivicisc at ' • , . ,D. U. LitUUOR landThieothy. Phyter , Sae r d.:' .- 3;0,18 pure reaped MinuitirY •feetitatfo; (foyer . .or this 'Argo Lind,jtist, .io and for siutorby -•:]. -' rth ..y1.1.343. - . -",: ' • ' • BENTLE TA: READ., • • . -TLC, o. 013N' • - -YOU 'Want : a Sun efClothei that shill cein. hie coinfort with elegance end darehility, do . ' , t ail to . Call upon 301 IN GROVE .9, whose „at biished reputatiori as "a skillful qUtter piedke. to give entire' .atistactiOis ce Sdzar on . SUTPILLYS; . . THE:SPRING TASIIIONL , ' - • r on' hand, and you can ' . nelect Whaleyet- style: o ei i. I `Co. dress ; dies or - riot to dre, that is the goes.' io ; whether it, a better_to sdifer the patigaTiuld CI re - of :bad:fittink, girtnente,; or to employ a ki !NI and experienced - Tailor. and; by Oppotentti id - thern. 'Tie neonainrynatinn". divontly tit be rished.7 - , { . •• • - ' .. • - . .-S ; '1 rretitting (lana i as usuarfor ready;pay, aid all work done 'in the 9hop,' Warranted.' -! ,• ~' .... ' I .- ,-, -„L ..:, • 'JOHN' GROVES:.'_ Tautens., April 14, 1853. - - - .2ni . : '-'.,. ;.: " the best tinallty iuml for 'tile at Tulic • A' i. SUTPHIN.; . 11 ;lit the resi .'t- billlook, OD I. I at 12i I sorrel mare. nragon. l I Old igh, 1 dtulple - fit:imitate and sr, articles of to- 4 acres of ,- . , . . .. ~notice ,t 0 Ahe ., :r*b li CS '.. ' ',... : tiniiScrOS4Whaving Puridiased . . ._theen Ore : .:.SioediWi Otiodli of 'CV- rYtet, and'also a e* and -weir l aa' ad Stocked summer Goods , such- Prtuts, Poplins,. i nes..Ctaahrneres, Partoetta , Silk 51 dllas and ShaWls n; Ml:aline, Sheetinga.Litienit,Broltd Clotlut,, , Tweedi dinars, Satinetts, Summer Uothes,"Boota and Shoes' ~. Coffee• Sugar, Molasses; hinseed Oil, Burning ljuid. Ith, Itrickeielatardwirr, Crockery,- de: .. . Ir. Mont forget the Store, ; one door below notch's rn, at the head of PublicArehire. '.The subscriber petted tosell Ids Stock of Goods for Cuih or- Ready . as cheap and 'cheaper thap.cari he bought this side ( erVi Yerk..• • .. •. • : . 1 , : dzo . :. R.- I.IAWLZI% , ontroite; AP:2 ?Oft:. - ' ''.•›„„ ; - • ..., - - :-... -•.-.,. tcY, adin't,. • heap., dec i d. • Wu t heday ,i .~ _! 16-art . 11 . . - r.'-`;. . - 0. - ~ . E %ItDltst Seeds Baialg In u iti . • Linfili - iSta Tatamor C i kil, pia. . deßtriptiou, toga betwil , rIIZIL Siettialues: D.Ya:, stall% . - e W a sret wat isoute , ltaill7.7o! l)ry Ls, lad a goo4lsisortakent: or ontrose, April Ttb, 1 , 1 •• .. LP . , f - I r'. (IL , . ( : 4 f; I 1 , i ': 1.l I ' : ' .‘., XI 1. 1 4 ',- 1 . • I (- 1 . : NG SOIRODION - SAYS - ~ . i Er wisdom and with all your getting. get. 'r r 'nuderriandint, and also covering for year. an. erstruidings;. which last cominodity, - if. - yen '.. . .the.oiher'twor you will be aid'AP l i e ek .a n4 fin fiit...,;\ -'' , , ....- ' -.... : - ..,... , : fwier • a nd Sto - ddaid' Boot -in& : " ' • ' - .1. • ': - illhoie , Store:. - - ' -,, - ; ,i i ....., .... . ,_, For thorriti . a' certaitt_ilerrrnitiii - - -... -.lVir.e . A.dirrent - tale . his tOldi : 1 ..,.. .- .. I'. ._ :.' ; I .:' . " :. -e d have thkiarlitic,undorataimi .:;. :.. ' ".' ....We . wont ha undersOld..' . - '':• ' . -`:2 l -..'" :.;-.. ' J inisortiiribitt, iliOuet'nolgentrat .. mUiglifte:, 7 . PrOirhet goiah; to; • iFarilOthini-ot:i**io ll 2 l ?c!tifit; is ne v ithtdetiii : l =froLliiict SUE litalr:: very •itkuriie;" . aiod , [ '.:4tuir''Ava hope yet': to mike 2 it in:86410 - 'iitrinie if Ilili tissixprofits.:: - . - . ,:;-, ~!' ' '-'- , : . , .1.. `...: ~' ti 'O4 -.: .ork. - . Made tO curet . . oltil tOPailitig dons`:iieitty: '.. :: 4C E g "Et Si:'STODDAltry.;' - .. , - ( 1 jr . 1 • - ,w Drug 'r & Gro - eery - Se t odt.M:PiTRICK,-43.. would Tet:K.l4lollj hifinol. natuteront ola iltd wall:tried • friends; both ant ofthe ProferrietiPatig:the pubbehz geeing that tas if 44 embarked in the above nentrarbushroisotog, new on band and is Olt receiving a, fall 'end well, siasortztrat of eyety thing . the ilotGot Drugs, Mines. rimed*, d'e.", all ofwbieb. ill tell ftir emit or barter npon •the eheaperi And. .admintimeotta tering:to the pa echoic - Xit Wet- , tto his Drug* mid Medicine* be would .elloply.,statr , l they Were seiret.ed bk.iittiticr troni the establish:. it of?.. fildiffelin Hairier ihr.„ one of the moist In the City of Nett Torfc—ood far purity., and 'excel.- helielierer Were never rseelleg, if equalled by any ewer brought in toliusiktrebanna Cemity;: Iris suiek . toretiesisfoll and well betteht and eoimeilitently berold cheap.. Ile harcalco a tow choice 14quors,:for ptirpwer whieh.he ein afford MP lamer a more' riorarttele hai'materallybeen bought ler. IPletase• beam purchasing elsewhere.. at tho old standS'ef Warori s .% - tire b eildirrefentierly Icemen as the eitra'.Btorertiriporite thto.i . .llemoorat!*3lllli**,, , • Motives; V;b.'1,11151. ki'• Cii t k l subscribe 3 .ilt,tl,.lt j . 4 f Ot :C _ , S :- . . D f4I-l. * , :•:'.,. ~..;:!*,!-1,.1- -..E :. .: f**-of .! 'v : '',l P -em St* i i a l ilitVt ci* . '. 60 4 IA .Piilol-g_..''" $O ii: trockioi:alitaiite thiere4olPE:frOtit'lP, to, 118 13 i 7 Itintilliiiii Wibiliikii - ** r' Nefit*,.•:"±ti iiiiiiiol4:liiiii 10 ibilliiits talc giiiiNiikki ~ 114der;aliiiiirt.7 . -tilwit#p.rfint.44)o!i:.,c9P 1 1) 1 - :;:siik,4;!viirF4o,iii:cfier,oiryi. g s 4pp?44= , i:e , :'. - g''':': -. ': . :',. ogo inet ,:.:,I•6;.tAkisi;:r.siiiEptiii(Aifi , :isil'Olspe,-4solt . i I ' o4 fAiiioi.BY,CTie:qAket . :o9kairif. 4 :,.;.Likis . .. . . ;:d**ii. -Aniti'sfi*Fie.- . ;iiiirrit , :G014.; !regOieuatlillserhlie:r.Brauk • . :".i.. ..aAnk* 2. : Y ., ii.,iii .' 1141 4-tia:W•4oo l 4** ll 4o l Car*: ii 6 Ott t : ro k I I - iT kjipt0*ev.,...#4,1*144, .- ok i. ...,:. _oppilli:Y.4oo9kiito4o . Pot ' - 'ooo.o.iiiketintlisit*Wfilaiii;'". htir OE** .:. 7i;* lll 4".ok'-fitiiiiiii .4 iiiii , Oniskii4 , 4oo,w . • logi=fikwati.oool4:o"tri:o6*ktPiiifkOltiifik ',..71 - , 4 417.:49V41V. I l i* . t * ; i f-f e tO k it i r -41:113. r:-'-- - -. 'iiir - !--)*-..!vatitti:firilliktuetirapl ten:...,*(47-"1" s'i 7 :;, - -vi , :, - ......G Ft 94 4. .414 f 77 ir1ifittii444 , 11.T8524'. 1 : . ..;:'.' :-.. - ~ ~:::.:, . ' ring egilNilh :korsvea ;,ea the pike stositi ome YNOUM. ono§. t=M the , " • W.l,l.l3wini 11:- OfYi not with ith lei - timid kW IVO biski*tityles loigt-1 1 0 1 . 'e'rt -V 0*.e1 5 1:•1 : . • -.A At' o 1171-. 4 4 . a • - r aft-b a t h a l iag ore to " tau fot pet' *EOM .1111rarig ''4,-11.4"w411;7,N1Z,17- : • • i-:fc • ' ore itte peoiite,; ' the; th'e. Dail p air at. .;TritltEra; ERNIE Molltroso , Titoo; Marc:lnt: , buihel,9s lus. *Witt ! t 0.430 - Oats. 1 :4 - 44 Builtidiiifit Oat bliibel;44Blbs.„- - PhYdrPeTXhi;'- 80 0 0 01 6: 6 *00, 1 Potato _ft, per bushel t 9, 41 7, - White Biaa - • I,oo` Flax actien- , Wood _pet' eont - = W ° 4/ 8 . °6 1,P 9r ' Driederti per 2 2 lb.s., GlOvertTimoth_ •-• • Pegis 'tin° , dozen, ButWlPOr' k;#010 -"V. Ch.. e - 0 'it) Laid; .-1 , _N,.: ' ~-'' flaP),' 'q .--4. IL'' Pork peril) .4, .!., -„, , ' -, • Oresseo ii ‘lia-lier Ibn, ' .. - 1 'cficiekenipir lb. ' - -.4 -,... Tarkies• - .4. c ... - for the puts. ..114.timms, Cr Please - atilt and*trotioraire, - . . . • _ ofetritttw,.. OoOde to . ertdidtbe,ert#44 110* tii.e.sktkustow Moods eretietetass C - , arluts!callrYOut lay Ituttev,peilt, Rego,. end [lndeed - alsooetT„itiketlifte ixerupele yett-iwilLjtitt!Aloedge v y Dail, and' gee for_yoursolvel. gyps do, Suit teo. you need not buy, "a ' t'do not iNwp jAnvOlair. for 2,- Luna. Nevuldliort‘ Deo, 1etb,1852: -,-• firtn B. ek the Sin e 'seen* CODr/SIC Suertr i pTes; Ooffee., Mil::!.oo,f , #i :,... .-,,:,• $.:l---,::-..,:.::41.. BR"ST.l l lNS—Tht:eodozfinewitTess, 11-o * B eafirll l .9new Pat; Vali -.A...1.111VAT15:-.- . . - . . :-..- -U::::11iiii - 'it,-liiiiuti . - --P, -, Y14..._. -- f-::::'. A - 0 .. '" , .kt e netrlo g a lammed desirable Stoall , ille- ' . Miter O at ooda, cot - 44'01k r stsual-tiesortaiiiCseY' .Broad cloths' iliastateres, Veit:limp s ' iSlaigs:ll l lP W -cr : ..-. ~. Of patterns beautiful of blot:kill - 1?, 1611111_S , *id AMU* : -. Drabs Ciotitle!of different fabries, Blanket: etwithi...loWesa ''. al l . 'tic 0 0 (40; Groceries ; thuds's* .11idits;'D .- ' .1 . "tutsatent lifeAcilsei4 Boots; ' shoes,. Leather . Cloc k Ilea! and pips; Ilibboits . - Watches '-ilzid'.. Jeweby;-,,pahit ~..'_;,.: and Oila•andllsficte,4 l / 1 6St enTrihhig:timal_ ~__,,,' forikitht country , all = 'ot which we *Ker. oit :the slut: , ,_ . ~, tic coribill tend s;:for- Cash; 'Oraln - Buttery Tillow,:-diard.i;, - 1„ II -ws..W.,lleaua, libmieed, Iriatuiel..fiocka, Dried-A*les ":',: i or spOtaredieredlt; --- -.- -' - - •112=141C.411,p4D, • - Blutitesisi,ll?e. 8, 1852. - : ,-- 1 s.,' :, : ._;'•' :'s' . '". 1000 Aft.' all wool . tiqchs 4 : 1 0 , 064 l tjet = ' , 11tiriiiit -,:.. Waotetyunnedlataly by the subscribers : for wilaeleireydlX -4 pay th highect market pica. ' sitNriarra AZAD; ~ • . ... _Toacit: Asio Incas Gazaiit;:-4. lirsi.ribtartieta t . *dr-I aersallY tuett where_ it-lsknowo as insperiOi .to anythhic- - Cfthe kind. ''• - -'''--- " • - : -0?. 2 .in4;T k.-194P, '-r =- ''''. Blasting powder, linfetYlweei.fistalsSii--Viabilz.,' Tillie ltabbirs. Ohlo Orlidstenee,_Carimittslip n Olt,4211:0N- :W id* a. Will Paper, Whlp . c,- ClockstOtmforsiala br.... - - liiiiiti "ran, De c . Iti :1852. :', - . 2 ::11ENTLISTAREAD,3:'-' . . _, nitt - Blii Proot :_......., ..,...-. -.... . T.,,w;tirm s; ...tar o , - - ......twl--,i, - carviage.'ut.::,•For F . .- :•.: - -' 4.-1161t. ilitieleur°crentipnliu---,.,T14P41 Alr , ,-, price 3 T!s - :- • '- : - - I' m ~ -Deed . _ .• SIMIAN FLUID.. or ; the.llMk• cs. . Aare.. iverfect'quie for 'a certain. - -, ecnoplailit. 4 `- dlitivk streets Ouly the huroarffarolli... Per 134itthrii ritr irde ut .>:'% BELL &- - ....i:1:-' - i-Aik.AtusortitOesi ~,,- -,!-.., -.. ri t rip - niadrmade.conii 4 x 'alk - iii - o , ,,iiiii: . 16tii,:. - : :: , . vaioizio i v.iisa4: - A few,' , or the- 4 %mila !tits*, -; iresibiAdii new supply apeistO hor Any niAwii::: i:f . ',':,.: '-'--:--: - -- - . -- ,,llcOatU LEE. f i abiti p Otts; G l oad Aisertmen lorD M II , - ..„ ,, gumuuja. Gioceriesp 416 at • 'pee'l/852- eampiew" B aiiiicar.4l - ''' ll - # • "VO I iaaLLIL • VLAIM - L-Fine ainesseelletir of iamme -" faukilitlee eonetantly on bind e - M 24131, 3 °,114. - B 111/' forPaleb,_= I • - NEW ,g - ~toaa D -7- • aY• Turrelr rt. .7;.• Pr __ get. - yillinot be • Undeleold.- - ."o,trodli e,ov. 4,1832, , .15.6. -lac& limiting WM tiwatfine.of my . ;own importation , for odd EALFRED.LEVANS, - - 116. assortiti Plate ent. - stickli, Salries. ?rms. etc:, by- /: •1 , = Brathdinton: Pec=2(t;: - • ' 4C i.t.VANita _ . _ , . .. ......, . ..., ..,, ~..... , , _ 1 ArtinClP - k: WOODittilli entered'listatig' ititi. . g parttieradp; waif the time-end driit,rict , a)- -- 41.-- - , .14 lc C0..11/4 Otepa - ted:sitit , int extensive tiasaillarat4,. ' o ' tyres., Pipe,lltt War*, Japan - Wieei, 'Draw kOttiei'i.; ~,p et; and, all other mares In mit line tioniasto." - !: tion:-... We are prepared with a-lamalat of.Leedipipe*...'' ..tridell*e ran !kraut coning season as; alai* 'and=lts.'aik..; ttsp. tyla niesn ,Ipas.,olitained...: All - Inks ", tions .44:,;.01te-, 'at with tieutn4a - atist disputa'. _literal. tlfiliii - steiall is sntbinitit- will for your Intiinnii tine de seitilts..:',:: leiaVearla,!X n01ex... 11,14) 07 opposite 'Oa. 4 f laetiasiii4"`;-. i i ii, . _, I- .„, : - . , • - . : .: -- , CIE: lALTEKOP'g r_,.::' ontiose 1reb,..1.6 1,853. -- • . -.8. 4:WOODRUIT4 ,- 1-: • EugllifhliuldingiLiter - WatOlgirhis': - .. . : i. _ itift - ~, : ~';-:- si KR siilastilbeitiiiiiiii.gilessorii•' 1 :. . -I" :1 - iA.7: .2 ,- - • ": .-, - .- - .1::- in annnumilinia,olilsreinadin . 1 c ~.... _.• s'''' -L- -,... * tiiii: he lap,* f.bis dies : :=1 41 17-•, : 1 . , , : s .*74 r,e4-41/2° Yoicaofht imp Lever watch - - •'.. - es, !made- empress E. " 4 ,l k•hineedee-' %-. 1 t . - : in,: plitii .:brOtti...Jeasessatris, • --.\ ~.,' : -_: beavy;siiii!si,:suisiLliiViir ea,.011. , • <9 6 ,,,,,-- __. - nue fail jeweled- nifaesinsail et ia,_..4 - r . •,- be put - eases - 1.r . 441 ,-- ,.." ...,._ qufridistlie ind 4 1:4antr - - Ymt , - . : witti.bilr ;- - -:1-:' sleek..isisiciei an assortment ' of; Ws hoar nevini-lietiiiii r l: eqieileit ie. Siagberna_nn p. to t ialdeb,lin invitee; 044.iitemig?. :. ' , titan eirpueediesyme, .1 ,• - -ALFR 10:4- X1rA1gi...7;4,'::: -' _ , l: ' • .l l.. •- ' ?tia4 0 piowie - mag . ... - . -. ,--.'. ' Ringlike ton, March if .185,11;..., -- ."-. •- , ---... •••' - -:., .....-4 , : i .- . • .- . - _ - 7 Clfmev. , ant:.T - pqa - ,.sl4 . ,it r t '',,,.• :„.„. -. •••• ~ ._. • . ~, ~,,,:- k,„ • • ~.. -, ~‘,...;:..,-,.-:---,., • Zir,Bl4o;.' -Per for-ULF-1W vas: gatkilla vipkvakz ;4,-4km ism*: - ,:; er,;„,,,,,,,,,, ....;...., ~,--,.,.. i,„,,,, it is ..ri , viLoo,t-,:- :.:.,Fliiparstla- of Sitntbilirrat„. usiele:Took ,-k.,1,1,..,,,. ~1 tiAltitlittoiepaitn#4......,.4l%.*Zl4l4.yead":____„o—. 1461.11/1' tei3ol.lr4ilaerm-711104:_. . i;jko Alamitis7".,ll It lII.n-" - . !IC' rii` - DU lk,t_.' ,witts ~-, Z,-, ...-,-, pi4xit----ii.... propi.4----'nperuPg- fitalliVel :ilildirt Yitil.:** tragibthr.,.t'lo4-- of thit".""siki•-6°A-Y--'''''' 41 .4 12 7,,,,".114 ' the r--., -Betbl os *Feft..'Paitjtoii4,,,_._,.-,, • *IP, ,r•'lthe-11004 *, • iitoUP"ir."l::'Xilitlo44-:' CIP.4-': iiii MIIPCM. 40 sa7 D1"-01*- r .. I.IC Or'-' ::•7 -..,-.."74k!17i11°C.: *7:: iti*34ll.,.!l7o7btat t;:7,4 ,• , -;.-- : ~;._ m-ii -t*" ....RA_ ~_.' _: 1,#,7.11-1414111%,, ..,ega,;:f4;:,,'['. rent'''rigi"--k4 ":atablig*'-'T'l , e..;:seiett, ~- r- ' ' iii i i.-727-7,-, .- ittilit ,: yi,...-Ittaio”Kf„L--,-,,r-z-A:= ~.:-: ...,,..0. oror, -i t , - . .. - .yii," :-'). ''.. l 1411,4,144....... ' Oitrisitn.," l *:' - -: ditif,ll xivac.r.4_3,,,,,,..„.„,,,,,T,,,,.;:0mmrt, ligtirlitl°"wifeti:/*sl"L'''' 4, 3 _. • jr ... 1 , .y -, :--141.4., , liVV:x7 ,,, : - .-1 I Tun, , ‘i „, : ..,,,,, #., t,to',.ii.,*;-`5,,, `•,::: - .4 - f - fiii.,, : 3:, - - : : :,.;., - --44 - i iiiiiiiii , — k,::,- f,.;,:i., , ....k;i:, ..-... r i,,, , . tap , i , 0, ....,,, ~/.&,,,,,, iel l - .. o ,,,l.hottottk . , -...,r , •,• f.--' .-7"' . 1 1 -- 6' -Wiltili - JAIL1411114,„:1 . koto VP* - 'kythe M 04041 a - - - stoillor • 4 , -••',..;;;-:- •• kcilletitkiii4i - Rilititt o lltsV.zSitql Ilt. 7 1 - 7 - 70Llir ', - 1 / 4 , tfJ.T.-.3i-, qv_ . 4 ..._ m o ,f ! ma p, 141 - Ik k - il: ,„' . 4kWeipi•CoU . 44.N4P; 4 I _jitlf , , , ,' & VtiiLtrkfit . : it* - pRO _ .5, ak :- :: $ti•:` , ...., 4is*,-.riewstirrilghive _ -, - '-'-willOrtuti'lorgriOril:, ;- 1 ' ~! '::* *B , 4 7 _ , :4 1 !ritu g a -.. il, _ .... • , .. tq, 141 tl*iit , w ig '-,,,-. -"' 7 - -c.--2. triur- ...,..., ~ ~...,' 1 ,,,...„.., t p' ,- -,,..,' , f a , ( 7 :4 sof aft g gagalifniP9 ,"n,,- , ' -- -- 11.... - ':- _ '4 4 1:4 0 16 0.0 01 Olt, ~,.1 - v- .. ,,,, ii\;; . 1 - .-: 2.l*:`, ‘ ~'i:'- ' , -: ', - -, Y s'., `-: • ' : - ' - ,.,P4-... ..,.'9....' ' - '9. 1- ' , '• '.',1412i414; - iasv-,7. , , ' ,,-.,4- ....4:-J-,..„.--,,, , , : ,•,,..,,,, -..---;-= . - i - c -- " : - - : -1 - - ..,_. , .. , ... - '; :: '''' , 'C*l . 7 ' 3 -.:2-- `' d- `2 : ' ';:-:',.. ' .'i : `....i'.. -, ... z .-- . ;1 I'. ';', ' • ''' ,-, - , '',ll l/7 2 1! - $17,00 ^;_ ,' ` - - 07 t to ' • . ,fer-1%;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers