EMOCRAT. The "Largest Cieittistitetti• Aferihern ,-.lPeastrytiran :tai-1032 Copies , . „ - Is. 8..4 E. IL 911%.5E, &mous; _ , ItION'IMOSEs VIAY 641..1-8153. Lidi="Eloireio. ;'.The following is one , of- the'finest specimens. of Indian eloquence AvC,havereVer- - read. - It,is from the Memoirs lif tr. I,: McKenitybead-of the Bureau of Indian N Affairs in 1.842;_a-work -- ' published abont that pe4l, we believe.' It is' tone - 114g and beautiful ; and the Most eloquent: *OAS - of Kossut.h are hardly superior -in this - Owen speech of a North American Indian : • :•.; firpeeclt cf, Col. COW, - Heal 23.10g0 Of: the • Chgcistis ,-- East of the ; : Mississippi;;; in reply • -. to. the Agicat of the Unfied . -- States.' : Brother—We hive heard, your lel ic."its(from s ., the liPs of our fathqT, the great white chief Pt', Witshinitint; and t akt PeoPli have ,S 411.11" upon . Melo speak to. Yon; The, red.' man - has no Ixioks;'ind when- hetvialleti to •Maki;•4nown , - ,,his 'View - s„Fice his father I;efore him, he speaks 1 - • -trotrt'_ftis mouth. He is afraid-of writing r 't"tirhen - '-", :Its - speaks he kno*s what he says • the -Great' :.-"SPlrit /ears him.,i Writing is the. invention of palefaces ;- it gtve.s . place to error -, and to i feuds. Ti? 3 great Spilit-tallts---we *hear him - . -ii-the'thunder-4n the rushing winds and-the k.: mighty wat7rs—but he never *rites. :.. - Srather—When yoa 'were young we were 14rong2;wilt•-fought by, yotir side,,bit our :arms are me broken, You have grown large; my - I . . pesopl have beconie small.' - _ ..- ... , hea • l''Sre• Cr..--.31y voice is weak ; yin can scarce - ly. me'; it is not the alteut of_ :a warrior, •but_the wail_ of an infant. .-I. have - lost it in ' wtaltg over 'the :nisfortunei of. my ,peopl, e: .-• _Theiare their gravesi and in thqae aged pines • ~y.etthear the-ghosts of tho , departed. Their Thes are here, and -we.have been_ -left to pro - - teet them. Our:warriors are nll gone -to th c . , .., far ea untry- ~ west ; but bete. are _ ,- our.dead. -- Shall we go, toe, antliive their bones • to the wolves I Britther-Tvio sleeps hive:passed since we . • - beard you.talk,.and: , we have thought upen it: -- Yenitsk us to, our country and tell us it . is_ont:fittlieiti wish. We would not desire to displease our father. We respect him, nd yo u . • • tiliichiltiltut the Choctaw al*ays!thlnks • :- .- We want time te'answo- - • ' - - Brother—onr,heirts are full. Twelve' In- :tern ago o our cillefs sold our-country: • Every Warrior that you see here was oppoSeil te - the \treati. lithe Aped could have' been -Counted; at could, never 'have . beeri , made ; but. ,alas though they : stood around they could not be seen or beard. Their' . tears . . came the rain ' drops, and their yoice in- the wailing Wind ;. but the paie4el knew_ t not, and our land „was takes; aiv;y, - • . - Brother—We do' not now C\Complain.—The chOotaw suffers, bat never_' eeps.—Yen have.: jbestrinl arm, and we cannot resist but .the Ale &de worships the Great , - Spirit. , So does. 44 red Mari. , The Great, Spirit loves' truib. " took our country you promised us There is :your promise. "in the boolt.. • Tweive times have the - trees dropped their leaves, yet era have -received • ire land:, Our houses' haVe, been taken away': from us.. The white.man's plough turns Up the banes of our fathers.: We, dare not kindle our' fires,And yet yen said we might remain . , and. you would, • give us bind. • - - - Brother—is - ;this truth Bat we believe . now our - great father knows our condition , _ hewHl listen to us. We are as . mourning or • plans in our country ; but our father - will take the_band,. When be fulfills his.prom- V.V.,*trill answer his tallt He means Well. --We:knew it But - we canna( think • Grief his made children' . of When our • business is "settled, - we 'shall be mmi sigain.srld talk to our father about - what he has piopos . ed. ; ' " 1 - Brother-,ren stand in the. moccasins of a. great chiefi Ton spoke the woids of a anigh .4, nation, and your talk Was. long.—My .peo - - - pie ;:their shadow scarcely . readies, to your knee; ;they are scattered and , -gone when I about thear my - volee in ths, depth oft the woods, tnitlino - answering shout comeA back.: My wools, therefore, are few. I hare nothing mere to say, hut ' request= You-to tell what I have said to the tall chief of the pale faces, wheat) . brother* I .stands by 3-our side c '. * WOlism-Tvleri of Virginia,lnt;ther of the ''. - .",labiPtisidentnithe United States, one of the •- - • . ' .Quietsw COmmissioners;" ' ' l'S - ',4,.ct0i1.,ii , Pia.i4.: , = 1 41 +As ;alio f0r,.... ~ is reoPana Die_ Sg------ - - resided a family -.S :- ' • there f Hes. felieWl g flute of Oh i o ' tho man ° • -41 n ,# 1 !••• 7 ' 03d man IT , - horn fire' hard - . ire, qflln slier of.`-.whom . the ad ne thee.seat lau g hed la acorn -` eeen• eel' _ hatto II • -,,ti veil who 'Onio thneo -town. '..pets'.,__,A trea ties of are • the game . • vice:Erie, ...t, ;who resided In bitterly 11,, fill ter -- the dslye Well when the f iineou to- Tie, ir expected • haste.' Oa ' le - - - enii ' ls t , ~ ~ , -- sea for very pen itent ~ _ - Yo 3 . Tlie. Mituster tiriflld 11'1 '' -be Prl-IY dOWn an d P great ..,:iind'atalP.l!. iiin4y, - ' caniiii4)n the - , , rattlesnakes.; id ray in this-wise '. .i.. frait ' -- .. theeL„._,_,.•l4- ~hoolit I I .. ;0 Lord, :wei= it cpw6oup"' —to -, •,`" - h then •---..... -,_,...n.'".. a L'. rattl esnake on e *is 'gum , thei;.' -. .Pia!,=!-: ircua sen d"°n -..1-- W e - PM .2 tA)litc:-c 1 - "'- " bigent ' , Tim. 4 -. . seno one , „ilea the _ r t aite'!"l2,l :and 0 Lo rd' . 4:441_1-inans the ' f", 4.6..... ... anites,4u--491tr: i - - - AP1NE15r.,..,41 v-,-..teloP, ' - t r er - -.,-,•---, .-, Salk - - 7;,orityp*4s.lllwish p A ( 4 * 1 3. 7 Defer 111)11NthiMOglitaillelilienller;thoiagi* .1 ': , - 1 . .' :, ' '`' ' . "tiiiiiiiiV7:.•;.-.2 . 4, • _,,- -, , - ,':* - 0..3%. , ::' • %. - - 2 ..-,.., ._ .3;2A106,,4,- 1-- , _ 4 ,- , , - , : 7 ,- , .---,,-;'"..-- mitri g io ,:,,,,,,,,,,54,: :,•:.....,., '''-....e.-- ..---vv,,,,,:; :v-, , , i.- ',.-,:--,.„, V., is.! --c k i - 4111WMuillWakiIl, - ~, ,,f , •,,i'''''',,,l":''''..r.,4.4,--• 5-ri^ 4 . 41 %:" .44 ; -- V7-I.Pf.j'a.,--', AMOlNl.,:_tboi: %,,,: Intl*:.'l' 4 err — ' 1144,10 • Thi rouxviiii' '• • i° T: PROSPEC T dotei IllistentilietOt 01100 facility, is very - SAT Illitti IND INSTIT point' . -...A-tiav tor institired of a negro• the '-. , .. '. - -- - , ~- to , . - , . -- ... 131.NgliADITON, N: T. ; In t ,1,....--1.614 P.ollt.4l`Atits`-..rildeo? 4r - ..rrilifs nsiiiution is lOeated in • lifbell! emastlre,lo.ll, r,eR 14-.00, dtukey._ ,„ If . i you .1 te iiiic:troes. at - the hest of Me :s w i r in 9 ' tit r po tt ini t iki : 3 ,4 • ... : o wi t ,* 44 ; : If pent, au .within The corporation i of th yes iwOli inibti: stage for •hi:"lii.l,eitile4...,,,Y ol :' rater,w vantages-for e l s - a b un d ant eauxetractitfep)yrk of. 1:114e1# halfititiy ;but yen!. get in opoer pima' - carriage: , and foot. walk .up the nun= 'smoke !agop!;ytiu bi tainiiii4arlymt'° * 1 - '4•lr I •• • •, . '.: f• ~ .1 r.' • 3 grafidettr; , - and afree (rem the noise mid - '.W . lllyorvieletute - to pe ugt:a lady icri*.tiOY .b ill uilli: j e i l i P h nti exee t ilent t sailin f i t a h Oda this nen. roaid al:gentle atii to ...sat:Atter, the „ i :lookiTsg:lli'scebery utieurpsised. 14:..be ?Lie 'a 'e e a P frw stk o u f thin p e r n eee ' Utajon til l I otlmrtday,.ltttinilioad i. tlisbe an ,felvo- oilers to - he invalid.: - - , • _.. • .1 'ta to Or worner m s f r i • atts r as k e d the t .pp t o„ truto The ' else •Ifinew and Oornmodious who ---- ' T wos -- i;vii - edito ° iv ' ate.' . - 6 Sit; (afro- a f ppirl - I s exce"ent—well ventilated, 1, plied he 'iyhti WA stand*. - ' Well; thee,. lot ! The edical department 'in under he lentire [.' her IA •the bhefit of ;her doctriaea, and ii, car of Dr.•Theyre and 'wife , who . hav had large stan , du : . I . , 1 .. i 1 .. ~ experience in' livdropathic,-.oractice, a . d.rafe fat 4. . -' •' " •. - + • , 1 vorithly known as successful precuts:in re*. • rues of Lectures, with.full plate and abs There:itisitid to be a •giri somewhere tot ..Now tuitions, will be •giien throughout the . . - . h.., .... . ' 'Om aeon to EOglood vrhosel 1 heart Ives so wain -thiteit they Students and Patientif;upon Aneto y,Thysi imrni ihroughlier-13930m;•- . : -,. d . 4 i'• v ',. elegy, - t liydovithy and - Ifygieuc, for - bicli there • _ . ; . 24.. - ~ . - - • •I 1 I •-. wilt be no additional charge... ;-• . --I. , • - A•gnvemmeottiflicial in ..Bermut i al was in % elnateeto have been, etinfined t 'their beds ih o , h a tiit i , 80 Oi4 l y wt .& ago, . of a eo di o - ifo 'years, are. incited to,a4i., .7oorrespeoll: ":th de Oil give us ii-ca ll . Dar seccess in the tr atriteut et gee of avrowroitto the Duke _of . W iliegtont diseases . ' peculiar to females, his giV - n tit coati eut of kitidneSkandiespeet, for . Whi ti Used 'fleece, and" we say to .all such, erste i t e have is . in • g ..seffered much from many physicr s, it , make toreceivelnoteis "from the Duke. ackno l kied i ens moretrial. - • • i • .. the teceipts ttfitche packages, and rproseitig --, 7.„„" ,from s l. f to $8 pm ., week; ..64,,iyshh. tlumits•feythetai ' The : ; supply of tyrowrckot weekly.laccording iii room and mute trod ?egoi st li t ri)sleYMO must hat 4 exceeded - t e cert. red. Patients wiltprovide for personal use 2 corn. .. • 1 ,• - fortahles, 2 blankets; 3 linen arcoucin.shoets and sumptamil . and its . aecumula.tion, alp ars to 6.towels. .0. V.-T(1,1;11RO. M. D., .' have &lett ineon •eivably -large, for the ram. ''-' • - . gegfident tinisicittn. da °me:A, was „ torpr i se d to I ,, co i vo • '. o te, o f flail' ' D-A 1 67". & 11.11. RANNEY,rropriet or ~a.. s.•••, which the •foll Owing is a copy"; 4 .' N. the . * Duke of rrellirigtoti -presents his CO ' Pliments., . 'to---- 2 - 0 and begs to infcirm him thtt he now has arrotrogt enough' , . . 4 w Orleans Pica 13 -... -The i ., , imo "tells Aztec. , dote of iitentperance -m, in Louisvi lle , who. i Was vvy uniloun' to hay a neighbo sign the temperaitee Pledgo- r oai the, ,temPeraee-man to - the ether-L:: '. ,- : ' I - .. -. a '' ',I" , ~- I wish yell *Mild el . 'yournode io it.' ' 'l'll potisider it over. •It!'is i nt Itest .to be rash- - o f know and' to p• So suddenly.' ! ' ' qlut • rio - w; ii the very `me, and yolr' name will 'o no far,land great an 'etTiect:' F 'A ell;now . e act i,., lon stand it toler - -! ably - ell du ri g i e Sulinnet,.bot i 4 - ,the"l'% - in• r •, ter it no - 'uso...-I' not in ; -the habit of it: i :flow4vor,Seelnei s you ; and' o belt) you ixiay 1 ,put . e duu aor ix months.- • -1 : - A. erchant to - over , onnv - ersani, with. g' i ogra y, on bri .. g that"..olne of - his : vessel s e tivai . 1 l'e9Pa .I', - dlaimed;`.TeePard i ! leor;' i,a aroy It where's . t r • : I . ,I , Dr. I'olinso w - anicalby a lady what tie* work the „wits empoyed'uPon. ' I . 4.m t Writing nothing, just Int p - I onent; 'ilia replied.- ;I ' Welt, butDoetov,' said he,. i if , I could 1 white like , • y •• a l 4 - i - ...' , ; y0n,.1 should . s u te,... merely ;for, the Plensure;' of it.? - i , ray Madam,' - intorted - he,' •de you thir& tha Leandbr swam ilie 14114: ..pent'in4rely beca eheiw j an fond Of swim ming.-I'.'t , _l t ; . -'; you, omnibussei; start r :fit asked a . Jiactors. ary; ru to, and tar. A fel. All)any ecr.TOl4, Coat .. x`9: , 7 .__"-';' _,,. :. ~ . 111 hat tiab3 liondoner Intel yi,. of :of onot of the 1,011 . 'Our b ses; 'replied ,thEt 'function_ s a quart r arter, arf - artor, I quarter rAn E t 4sh this . means ru- ns 3vory gu g Wins Was - haulOd - up in lay for striking a man rum-, $5. He plea& inlextenun \t, it-no Offence io l' crime a'. ;ow name e other and fined he-thon _ oke: '' SmA h O'll t irteiti :- I: - - A le et - Rom t is 411u4risfas eFile, to the Dublin 'ration ea sto nuns his sadl;a, tid unmer ited fat. , He' A . ,ks - like 4 pia - 61;kis seal ment4; e still no .ln, patrlotif, subliine. , 'l'he vile s y tment, of is unwir y foe-has not in the I' -t tainted' , ii noble m ad. *priding -to ihe'rfiß , arleof - ti, tbati - 'none, of the perAons in w , +e be 'alf my tnierference lli is solicited, have -*press ! . ri/f4foi-their irim . el, or mmit . 11 any . ' e ofrrilatitnde or royal to the . . I,ous ' v eign_whota-they ham o grevfou lt i offer , and 'fto wirle _ 1 I ' l ; - clew ney some f em e deht4 for them lives, he says: , .1' ~ is . _tit itbe aen eto have 1, infilither.s with fantic . affi ainal._ If it. be a iritn tit4th welfare of that land 'a ting . tol, 'then I am a cri e.rirab to have-foregone for I ject 4 of : personal ambition, 'affil ore, the endearment atio in Pie happiest, of h i trinfinal. if lt, be a crime l ied flr its saki every sort of ger, hen I'sib a criminal.' have stooped for its s - ake t the iletish 1 3 ' meat galli and itional inide,iften I it a entnei;when I felle eei ~: i .iig,,...,,, en to --- .peal to, .thati n 1 1 e ve' , „ugh!. eau hr re arid " eri .saii.e.e 4 , ' If it be -It ri Me'to b LOM and i pendence st,possible amount kit ' . try., isiti fail ceases, preaenee, edge. as Bow, t e go' ly ' !m [:;'unt — T 010 E% Groat Bend kioders e STOVE", COPPEH L TIN & SHEET 'HOLES . - • TABLISHMENT: . PEE sultscriker .resciectfully infOrrno the pub . - - 1, Tic that he has 'received _largril addition to ilia for m stock of toves, consisting of a varietYl of the . most approved. kinds; among which are 'CLINTON AIR TIGHT . FOREST Q . I.TEHN, • STAR I WEST,: WESTERN QUEEN, • . all elevated Ovens . .. . Of Squareair tight Stoves are - I - • - • TX, PARING ON. . • , •711(E-N La., _4:.... Ai 'WESTERN- 7,M1 IRE; -•.— • -0 - RANGE AIR- MUT, •• :UNITED STAT . Ts,' '. ::_--, FARMERS. UTIGA - OAL'.STOVE. A variety of Prerninms..somi.Of new ityle;Alle. 4 wALKILL;,..AIII; TIG T,. FARMERS. • A good and variosi assort tut of Parlor and Hall Stoves for WOOd and 'C, :it' Box .S"tOres..9l intim:4 size* and Patterns lie ~ :is . cOntinnal ly ---iej ceiiitig; and intends to keep as great &variety , of tlie' most popular sicii , es is any dealer inthe eittnt try, .;Persons: *lolling' to purchase stoves will find it to theitintorest to call on 7hirii....Thvivill snd hie _ ... . : . .. - . . . Stove,rurnitufe. made of the Stronwest and hes materials and ae" cheap as.cau be bonght 'in thi or Broome eniihty and maah better than offered y. pedlars._ i (tr Stove - Pipe & Tin - Warkept for sale and made to order. ,: Farmers WI / I be • impplieti' with Pans, made . of strong material „at Wholesale pri• ees; all orders ter work -in his Unit *ill - be thank tully recesiveitand punctually at ended to. . JOIIN COLSTEN„ ( i3liotiv Bend; 'July . 1;:1852..... i • ' . - NEW DRY - ..00DS AT NEWT MlLFOitii ;DEPOT.7,` . T BURRITrs 'may be found:an exten• L'IL siva . and new astortment of Pry Googs pludiaga - great. variety'ol, • 1 . -Dress-GoOds i In tich Prints, frinted and Embroidered Litaiw, extra rith • Barege Delanes, I.Mstered • i Poplins, Gitighetris and .C4ambrays of new styles, black and •faney: silks, .6tc..i• Canton Crape, Brcene Caiihmere and . Derege Shawls, Montilla' Paraiots, plaint and figured Swiss Mullins; Strisw French Lace. and Silk Donnell, Bonnet. Silks, Ribbons and .Flowers:: GENTLEMEN- DRESS-AND SUMMER GOODS. A large essortmerit, Ilats,Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks Vortices, Carpet- ilrsgs; Carpeting, Oil Paths for floors .and trdiles; painted' and pri-nted Maiden, Shades, Wall Paper, Dciinestic Cottons of L ' all kinds etc. etc. - Which-, in couneetton with e • univenini Irisiortmenti in Other departments. of and being porchised entirely, for - cash wilt enable. - ptirobasers to'SiCure benefits iriprice,style arid terms not to be frond in any othetestabliftiL. . - N. B. Salt and Stoic Coaj constantly on - ' • New Milford; May • , red 'tile land of, etion, ' lthen I Am o to isitin devoted life of nnremit linal. #'• it In a Is Sue-even' °b and ivilatli prise , dordeitienssoci- Ines, - {then iI am a le hai4 ;: i l ers.43nnter. Obliq4 And dan 'it l l H ye,', a eriiie" to solic4tations-from alike toieraonal i fin' ""* 'nil If a epirrq 7 , 9y . e oa4 4ti l !Tf t , ii 49n-1 incited - n.- le r ed fitudi. i " itrament nor - in 114x1gal-ian,, thilteii:, 4 aeriin-, 076 7 tO win ')T nlielnuitrY_ 7 1111 t -biGkiiitio ,- irid '..?;1!':- l ,iv ' ' i '''' --‘ 4- • • - ------ 7 -44 itterto _ .-4 . - .9: 411 9 , i , • . rru E. Sn'aser Dere ate running 'artily lincif Rilligato . .I. ttmenCarlhondale and, llophottons S t ation - on Life a larkilwan"a .ill'e-c6intertilttlitilimiolim„l4antidiPeotanreect2:ll4! i t; I Leave Carbo - i earstrolog N ,h- Rettirtung, leave on the arrival ;al the mail train Trout the (Trent Bend: The nearest, most] direei aptitheispest root from Great net:it§ Caftmodele. Paste use bylthis lino always gethatellarliondaleearlier , iyitha evident than by any other rout. ,I • • , I Pare reap in Carbondale at tlatttire ofthe anti- i i scribers, Slain ttreet, a few We're below firknisoris ifotel. ' AnOn-t,18y.. . GEOW•& ii t ItOTIIEBS. ; Br Taut Renee - , Great Bend De - I . . tet, Pa.': lilS new and irate-ions bnildinc.".eltuated huttiFew Jt.. - Feet from the Depot at Great Bend, is - now tiptoed and furnished - Ina suitable style: for a ,Y , ubile' house, sad irlitiie .X,*.pt 0,-3en at all h0u.:44. (both duty mot night,' For the reception `et travellers; and esperintly - for the ac- c• °Messengers travelling on the 'N. -s,li.:& I jEria'at 1: & tr. Ballroads,•lieins at the Inaction athese two roads,and the most convenient point to.et4 iii ATM taktirofreihments and be off with the OrSt tain. as well ha the most 'convenient hfinse.to acCommOdate the pub ' lic, beraniait is NEW CLEAN and WOOLWOME : with room nuoti4 to agooriinicdate A LI, befog fitted' nil 1 with new furniture to correspond, and tables always set: with IVARAT it faLS and inett h riek ftunished at a mo ments warning. • . I . ,/,_ 1 V.,..-Passengers.deshopg reit and sleep', ran.by calling r here, avoid thy inronerdence Or raking an . orat 1 Buli to `end on inn. as well as he delay' and ulertainty et re turning to the depot at the aridralor d part nre of the ', trains ;as a porter wi i be inNralting to conduct them lattalleit hargagh to ihe Bryant Hoopes *. just across the Wiry:" awl con lnet.th ern back again Without fee" or reward, takittr spe . eial eare to wake them'. H' desired at t n iitits hour of the night ' 1 The location of the , ryant Home, wi h the nataral I ,siErthery anent it rein eto melee It silvery desirable 141.1111METrt RESORT II biasiness men and others In the 1 *ity who niay wish,to L cart cff rate" for l it few days to Ecernir trt thgcolpV. ~. A l s , l'i , .. _ , . . "lriliorrilitti C o mmodiou s Hail, is attached tri - thisbni ling for thecoriveo, fence of Pleas hro I a arias. whe,rney always find mstal riecirmmrels: I tionshere. - wit mint :Ogard. to numbers. with warm' , eta - i hies for their tealtir and reliable help to malt on them. I : Irr.Vor ftt,tberZparticulars inquire at the Bryant nonce Of the Proptietor. ADDLSON DRY.W.NT. ,Feli.&"l3l-70 : .. i = , !Lira! and ], , t Pros- . yintie; ' reit Oft .pie air, a I . - , , oier iaty. and nrinciii . of M, nit:nisi.. " Lanano.-.-; ttCu re" bathilig with 230 - - • . Altare_ g amp. . fTt sUbscriber In: emu.- - ...eitce of bealtb, offers toreale.biselegantlyturnisbed suit. Of , DAOO . l l t- ItE, : t'S 1030)1$0,0 , h, alt the furnitnicAistares, Chem': ugh. ant Stnekr: The.. tooms are ICas;•ti for four years. from ilje first Of Moils:reit L'Zrerythirnt IE. new. in the best orddn The - be sell ,upon reasonable terms. 'l'a- lay Petson.enstageti in tbei bust tells, 'wishing a piemalt ,ane permanent location. this presents one orthe birst-opOrtunblieisl for iriTesting a loldi ruPital tbiit catt,le i coundln - the 4 Cotintry; . • POrfurther particulars Waite at. - 1 . - • Trii)3lp:4o,.i.'S Dagnifiretuifielleig Ilingharaton,.3larcligi l St3. • .*-1 ••- . • - .- -. ,- Ancrur:-.,acooll) • :v- •-• • - • . i UST I". ZCSIV a 11. 41. Ti 1 . W. P. WYATPSIEVI CLVT NIG STORE, ~ .TERNPIkTf' STREET, No .OSE. r 1 "tv V. WTATT ha4juvt returned fre. 'en' Tart with: -.Yll a new and beatittifel aooftment other , CaPti-., meres;Vertinge, ste 'tte..„ all.of. which .he frets at the Icriveit living prieek for oash or pretineel 4 ..' The anbimetber ha, on 'Kam) the latelt On 4 Most in!pto , ved t‘tyle of Fashion, for Fall and Winter Clothing. . ' W. P. W. will mannfeeture - pn.ttri imevt remonehlo terms and In the most hpp,roved style',,Of- rashion, at the &fittest netlee:., ' .-I ) ' • . ' • ..- W. - P. W . wants . itt -tritle forco 'eels .900-bars ets of Ap ples of the beet quilitvarpt .40 . firkiev,fof Butter,..or which he will Allow 21 cents - per pennti.for the best qual, ity in iiaie.- , - - . -- ..1411, P. Wl' ATT.. [' -.. Store at Dimoelt's late Law; ofilet,'Lnrapike et rset. • 1 .". *ontroee, Ott 19,1852: , • - - , I - - • • :- 1 1 • - TII7 ROJO TO IIEALTiIi . i riZZlttlOW. l b e l iZ : ilc k li rl dlitil' a li - ••• ' CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER-AND BAD li r . Copy of a ;Lefler .fe,int - Alr. '/Z. Tr. trkus. Cheratrl, 'Pr cidg 'malt ijeerraad, dar.d cui.r..F., Jess. , , -To Professor IlolloWaY—Sir t—Noni PHU anti Oint ment have . too the highest on our salei.st of _Proprie i vary Idediel des for some years. A. mortomer, to whom I ten ;der fo any eoguiries, desires me to let yon know the paitic at. of her case. E , he bad been troubled for years_int' h disordered liver. met bad digestion. On the last octopi ii, bowevv- s the 'virulence Of the a ttaek•vms [ so alarmln . and the inflatnation Set in so severely, that doubts wer entertained of her not being able to hear up under it : •f rtuuatsly she; was induce 4 to try your Pill*, 1 •and she in minute that after the first. and emelt sac ceediiio do e, she had great relief IS.he continued to , i take them. and although she itusdonly three poxes, she it now in t e en:pymetit re- perteet health. I could have sent you ny more eases, but the abfre. from the se reritykof t. ottock,and the spetdy cure, I thlnk,speakf Much In fa *or of your attonishing Pills: I " (Signed) • ' 11. W. ittiltES. , AN . EXTItI.OIIDigAIIY CUBE OF RHEUMATIC _ , , • FEVER,. IN TAN.DIEMEN S LAND. • ,i Copy of a Late. in Terlar in tfze Hapari Town Connell ' ertilt Ist .1 raroh,l33l,by .: 1 4,sior ~ 1% Writ. •.- - - i' r , 'Mar ;fret ti`Conniirati, woolen amps e/ age, 'refaing atNew To n. had been suffering from a violent alien-1 r matte fea for Upward ' of two: months..which' bed en- tinely iliipr ved her of the use _of her,linibs, durine this 1 t I Prtiod she q under the care ef th . snort entinent• med. I Seal men i llohart Torin, roul,by thrin her cafelraseipt.: fidered bo. , ,selefs. - A .-w friend, erevaited urea her • to try Itellowny'ePillehi•lh she consented to do, and in an in Credible short space of time t hey eftec - ed a perfect cure. ICURE OF A PAIRANDI,TIGHTticSS 111 'IRE eiIEST AND. STOMACH OF A 'PERSON 844F.ARS OF AGE... I • , From Messrs . These 4. Salt, Proinletbr a cif the Lyhn A - f i e; liser, who ran eoechfor the firUorring statementy— . reuse 23-1551. _ , • . . iirProfossor Liollowayr:-,Virt—T deeire to beer testis many to thczaud effects of Holloways PHIL For soraril yearci.auffcred•veverety front- n ',nip and tightni.ss in i the etomach.which was Owl eecompenled hy, -01 Phrltte• t .nefe of breath, that Orevented me' from WalkitorAbout. 1 I ata a4.ye,ars of :m.o. and notwithstanding myssAvaneed state - of - life. these Pills huve an relieved me, tha- I_Atm desirous that °theta should- be made aequainted with therilietues.' I am how - rendered. by their swamp, corn. paratirely active, insticao.take exercise without Uwe lenience or palls. whi.lb I could not do before. •, ,- i - (Signed) LIEN'ItY COE, North ft., Lynn., Rerfolit. • . . WONDERFUL EFFECT OF 13OLLOWAY'S PILLS' IN . - T • CARE OF DROPSY. Personf enfferimi from Dropsy. either' about the turn of life r , di at other times. siniuld irnsnesliately hate tr , comae to them Pith!, its hinidredr of person, are ivinuai.-, ly eure4, by their use, of this direfulcomplainir fri it, 4lileren't stages's-when ail other means hadfitiled.l _ Theses e/ebraterl Pali are trondelfaliy efienciouri fn - the - follatzing ernapteintr I- , ' Arm, Afthmnillillionie Contra:tint. - filotehets 6n the Skin, Rowel Comptaints. Colice...Coustmation of thellmr- t eli, Consetantion, preps;, Dyrentery, Bryelpeio. gi. i malotrregulatillee.Perers'ofell ain*,Fitp„Oenemie,d. i ache.lnflanastion ,faindice, Liver Courpialnte t . Lambs ro. pil e s . akigiftrattgaf. RetentiOnlaf Urine, Su. rfritt, or F.oreThe!sets, St4ne and Gravel, Secondary Fyn:ntro:r, Tie Doutoureur.,) - Tnesora. Meets, Venereal .A Reath:ma, Worma era!! kintiFi Weakness front whatever eettae,lite. i Sold et the Est libilflunent of Profit/mot lioltnipy,_22l,l Shand,(near TeMplellter, 1. - rwalon.) and by allspecta-1 hie Drunif ta and Beaten in Ileaticiner •tbrotighont the Brittob ranpire t # of tho..et,f the rultell Slater,. In Box- i 44 at 37x e ..117 0 , and Si Ale, °Sett. Wteeteaele ;by the" prizeripet Brag hoaxes in the Union; hjr!Jklitort , „ A. II:, &b. sends, - New York; and by- Mr. C. D. Kilght, 7 Bout' 6st ,Philadelphia. ~, , nzrrhereds a crinslder.ablesaving , bytalling the lazier ilea. -.-- - • >:.., - 1 ",; _ ' -.- -1 fil.11::-Direettons for tat It tdikigueft of patient*ii, . every. disorder wean:red to each Box. .i : ~ I oft. "I _ , DL TURIN:IPA DOMESTID - iIEDICINR.. 31P013209.ff1[kut or p Loozizoot 'Tcpie itts t mitt' - Leonsepostoi; *car/Atli ! Ind ,u,epta, Cougho, 1 What'll* 00 2 0! all 4 Pinar. ' . Throopsiniant Preservative, and Mei ther'a Relief • dorpoilattleneo. Collo, Otilaw‘lharbes.P.ntoaterr and lObolosior 'abuts, or may of Um- 4.ogomork ifls of besot mop's Wprfri , Pmeop specktheeeitata tetzesers of the 4stown systeowit.lit " Ta l' dab ' erkiads.,r anntbara- - ;;;I: tuA " iii,f;l l / 1 . 001/ 1 )S ;Pali; • geolforro 41Isorger 0, Costivenoimiller, 'Heartburn, refer, lolloatuntion; Nontiesil Dfunteri. *kora ' a 'betili ',emu an th e Sian& - . Eye Water "te auccuparsed In cuts llesrsrtuss.for 107 fpfkomotato sy littoolloa of Uta;ort.inii - 1 7 * • , A)s3Throore`ai slYe , Tr' esseis ' amsett* etheseier re.. missiles eseeis., to- I wows auseekokesev prosieskok...l. Pentettiewasest•—neetor kaset.-peksees.:l ff*:Ofabger*llmiltnitl;-/ 1 0 ,3 1- 803 0. 1 ficanstes,fftddletolot ;41 elilidden; iresinot , Seltt. & Beaty Aulousp4 Et. 4 Little. Wow XII • Dx.:,,,8r00k5...... prof ...Send;. Jo.l lona L. Mer giNutimot.; "foxierli iy, oeosoltAllgoilyrolieloot.' l_tiv+oret.lif.A. m 1? Ofkiloka; Dr..r.(1;011:5,f A ; neraeltl l) : ll ost% Ti ii 4l , Aene Astots /4f)(- k -114 404' sa.' lee Ate 4444 Obese tilkes : • WHIPT . Icat* . watibla ,T 61014 1. Cfcit. Irs*:4; - - • NMIOR.ANDUId -------- , ::::-=I:F ~ ....xlittA. - ktiti, • ' g -- I.'. i e '- , ,I r • • •";i• -' - '1"-r• - , . - •• • - - 4 -'' '''' ' ... '5 . '-',. -• '---. A ati PINESSAND, ~ .- . Ciu, rm . 1 ,- , .., 7 ......,- .., ,wircturrt.- ,-.-... -.11-hiii. foicolationstin' i, i ' dkr serteiht thii • , ~... ._ i*str. ' -1 / 1 •""e' •bil• la a nentsplinatiteepp t. , 'laza meson. en s's% :beta oft twee, ka the. - -. aii, • anti at aa asts,lshere ,phislsal heslcli. booP4l4l' 0 Om • , and aerenitrofnuniteurtniagfrtna aeoaditlesaise4b. them rkistatassit. --. 1 - ' I r o IAaI.CONeI er,liet sa ffetilitaatlVaitspelesta. "berm peshvelliteildwiliond.Pa'lks.firalialas br =Kama- • r we i r Is th.if ( ! t1 g 1 •• , L , 94. 41 :.t••••••cea •••401•••••• . 1 rt..."4::,,i:AeriaiL i i:icice.s, ,, i .--,--,: , :_ - .:..-_ - _i•, fter di, II" Uxlaiship..he bonordwk by ens kocnibolfeilreiJoek al Chesty . ; .1, back and , utwo"••l'a legret th!'. fill!:• 1 •Plmet•m` ?t 4 car ti t c y l i s tit ash: IC cot be sal water t. • _ •' I--W e inald 'gene* ottitt *fie itt,passessi; in- eialyiiti,thil , tairoseathY •:i;.IX wecobothe Wafter years ! lila 'whet. •Ifeand ..- 31ralbre Taw- 1... ii,___4lllll•alntitlai .1!,,* 'nshilAt' mat hart _bane' ll.•if 3 s lmt. : is, or Nauss-, 1,•••••1 • r.••••• 40. Inuit Plat !t. IC- , ~,,, ~., .-_, ~. tp taiite. and 1-,, .4 ingir4m6tiorsir AND wirmt fra,-_ • .-„:„ nr_bo cannot 1 - 4 - ; ~N,, , , , - .- . ~. . • .-. -' - ..,. `..- tem.', Detrain a r t ! ; T o zair °4l bc c ia y -dwt earo fr go os kitem g uili oses ga i reli os_el it s e st. d d. " -e7e d t uFka• s eligl w ! k i upset!. Imitutionts., e e.....,..- a 1 )-Mg. ; - .'. '' ' 1 e4-ot hew stilE.--siaL amisizta " "ear ' .• - ^ Call 013 the 'Kent an ''et 'a Drigeriptlite 'circuitry 41 ~ , -.,A- • - i - • 4' • -. : ,-, :•-•• _, „ ' Pi_ )6A, r4 . a ani,re antoutirot _ entitle-sqlreo , rraa) I, :-.-_-, : 4 r - -% --, ;liar s ' Aq D /P E P TH/ T at I' '.: - " , 'gill A n i glial 'P lleM PV l) . A MI S . ' .4 M i'l' 1 , -', ) ,„i pad the inrointuoion contained in a Dula , a' l•••• 4 1 " lb igostion; in..; Pereira •• Fp a d . ' i- ‘;` '" G , -I liethi, • reiclt of ail) whili wimia 4 1"irt: ill beratifl. • • - - - per, .if ?dew York noiver ity; Prot: Olatietlean nr 2 - ~„ _ . _ . • I • r" • ' • r I Call ' • Dr. ear....! .• - - - • I NADDI OIhALISIDRY. • , -, , • 1 ~.., tol s oO• Prot Sllllrnatim et a e ege t _ _,, ;-- 411, A. . . -,-,. „., - ees Phrstokom; &T • - tdic. j etlit ll ',V ith re P °r ''''" cum : ) And t Vey IntsbatiA•thi! "eoientnt toil and amiss of liana , *Draft , * °TOO Utii ' 141 4 11.: _. a " • -• " ' , pre A.Vellilig UPO'n'higl.lfeln sieheme i vol the srik. _c (l aotroßs crumurs, n - tviy unt i e or mt . genuine' K w A ng l i a n , A t m oppontgan y o f Ler, lug . 41,, , , c 0.10.....„ , ~. 7 ~..4, ~.., ~.7 , , „..- .. _. , , :61 , iiy. 111 11;v:MIN, bows the 'written vulture of .T.' . S. DOISDIT-1 pe 'elchis..exertfora art eptitled. pnalthp_Poapennoal -'. 1.1 • _-!, , --- ,X., .- 1 TOI, M. To., - sole Preptineor Phitielelphis, Pa. CaPl- 1- - * h i. / hick ld'itecurstthe hapPaiess of hanisen, wiry ? limbs ~.•-•_•.,..,-• • ,- ,•:•••-,s- . .-...- 7 '' ' '- ' ''' ''.' '-' . 4 " '" KA•LERIN DRY aotais,e ri tu.. 4` a r o ll rn by l L m t D 'u t k- w7o:ro t ti palon ' An Medi ' , ejuel:— SE RIA E e MEANS OF . BA PEAR:RAP, . * ma"' es, Tiaware,"Pishi9 llB , , i 1 1 i 4 1 ~.41 4 .4 . ' •• -,;) Ita i payseashforalllthidaonttl prior , . ;31. per battle. , . I_, - . _. -_ . • ..• ming i ne ‘, Atsie Por sale by Aatt.TilttlVlLL'hibmiggist,mentro. e, RI el p a °Olin hanieleilte: the Teta •., low Ilse Cott% Uosiie,.- 4 ei him has e,aitmd sickles. and paren,fot thaninnan , ' • - • - l'a.,.erriolesate and fetal! 4grat I. i ; -„fp . , ~ ~) clew O r me % tvelOqiireCre. ne-W , R. Or n'ii'WhetiVe'inte ' '' . :11 7 . 19. 111 If si reSr Ut ll.7l4ll% . 'Wlif eae, ,. lr )Z -, ltth ' t - „,.,Th „,tt ir ..; _-„,. „,,.. „t 1 4. korner*. and rotppritp. to herlnisb zu, let r're tee es epeallerebilitreitthatblessi *above all vac lealliy, ' , bo4 es. with healthy ml ids „,That lutonledsnie ensiptineallD 11 a•li e vorkeutitled , F ....••••-.- _ , - ~..• . ~ , . 'T. E MAI:tiII:CD:WOMAN'S: ! .Private Medital Compaition. ---,- -.-- -DY DR. •A• ikt ' 's litAliffllCEA.l7, , . - '•• etafgenovor nteiXtiett or woitti. .., ',-, Dits lliottirtorth Edition . . lEtalo.,,,poZo. ' Prier. 50 ete. Eel Plat. PAPilt. VITRA ati1b1146.731 00.) ^ . • Fiat piddished In tal7. and itia not ~ ; - • svaPitrinsor, Oft Avosimuirtrir , , - Cetnalderinst that " ; YG . .V•lffat les itt m m A.T,m , WiaRTIIIRRISARRIED OR IWT• ear- here • "ire ll , ' ran' klt4velesiliga• - , ol ' i the nature, it orseter sod ersSuies of 'her . contPladAttlie ". "I ' til/..--yartirts aityagtploulli, - .ind:! Anal L et , 7' I 'l - :-, ' 4 , - •.. -- .- -, - -k, A 1 I HALF:. A• 302.10L10N COPyall: ./.; oat Lle of WY , 'f 1 '• . • , - L . Liver • pmplaint, ,, L.L Jaundice, Dyspepsia;. ChrlQuic•or - LATervcras. :De . Ifilit , .. - - • DiseaSes' i nfithc Irnineys, „ i A IND all illivases,aidid I : - 640 ,le - dia o.l . liver . 4r .443- itomach vue:i its con. Pation,lnward pil e s f i gigese or blatid to , the head., *el tyi . i,t the at omach, nausea, liearthorn: dieguatfor f ,fulness or weight'in the . stomach, - tour et-tided:nisi slnichig or Buttering at the. init•of the stomach; stairoraingLeille'hietaii'hurfied*„ difficult:breathingt flutterrglat Ahe heat t... choltitiror.l s tit foefiting sensations whe hilt lying; portUre, dirtiness 4i. Tialolll, dots' or .webs beferethe ', slight. fever and dull; .pain in the heal, tleflenet, Off. Perspiration, -yellowness i ,,,1e ofthe abileYes paimin the able, ack"; chest, limbs & c., atiddeii 111.sli othe;it.'bitraing . In the dealt. eon', :Alant imiginin ant evil, mid great Opresalow of Ile . ta:,, i s 1„ „, e ff ee ttiallecured byi .:i • 1 . " 1 - ,--.' •' - ' ..- .....1 i,.'llooila r vid , sfitelebrated . Geir . . . • • - - • *man illtters. . - . 'repared by * Dr .C. Ar,: --;T o cksalt i si g t..... t 1.1.7. . - .- • . • , L ? . - - etnzan .11redieinestiire,:- no Arch street .-. •:. • -11 ) . -L. ..-- . -..f - . , r Philtulelphia. - .. ' • t : i .Their power over the ablivi ~.,+"-eases Is not excelled, if -. ,Lafteil,.,by's iy other prepatatitin in the :United Mates ., s the cares attest, le rdl ll l, - pes - 4b..x. , skfir l l l PhYSI 1 .'aiis 1..41'211 .- :' . i-,, r .:. - •- .. ..' • - .- --, 1 .Theint'bitter are -worthy the• "attentioti of Juvands. .• ciaressing are t . t vitt tie4..iie the.reetincetina of .tibiekeea '-, 1 f the r,ivergand lesset glands,. exercising the - trivet , torching tio er in wee. neti4 and alfdetions of the di- . 1 , estive organ" they ace: 4tltt k a t . s44:,.e rtai, ! 2, 'mad piens- qt. , ' . -„..1 : : 11, -j.l .. ,' , ._. - : • " . ' Peal. andlt i Conviheed„ .',-_ .---- 2_ i, li t .---- ..- - The tditor f the Bost it Dec sahl,Dettonlier 22tr--,;„ i .„ . Dr. ITarvtlyltr a 61ebraIceiltimir.4 Billiesifoi 03eeire ,- ' t. Liver Corn idaint, Jaiit4iii..'Dyspepsia,' Ohrenic;mr .: 'ervisma iletilliitY, 15416 T el4y on eot the stioafprptilir • • ':"adecines 9f the day. T e4ti Bitters have been.used by • - 1.. housends. wad a friend ' t oar elbow says tieliitit e hi - -, elf received n 'eflectut arid • pervium oit cure on . . I. 3ouiplaint from the mi, of this, remedy. ..We•are',fleh _ ineed thaLin.tite,tise Of ttp;«3e bitters, tlie,..patienforto - ~;.- •,. -.., ..., ~ . I .. ~.. .._ _ _____ _ , tent ty gal ria , i st,reliffth aratagort-e fact. wertliy of great ~' ' ,lf lestettee rOr Iniscorance . 'iiriien - Tgaistrance. , onAderetlon, ' Tht..-Y ere,pl .santin taste arid - ansell,an ..ti' : tiiier ,,,, i ol ij inuie. Tv ;, li ma, u5 ,,,,,, , ,,, n di AU hp uled. by persons Witt, intr. Raid delicate stountqc ill,. ~,dear nii i - 4 1 wheectis diatiii our Afpieksiutt. 111. safetr Up,,ler any eic , ..,etz,ttiel-0. ISe are a-peal:leg ...: - Is within .. our l& efitib. . i , ..........:.....,... ~., rota experience, and th' lilintedr iidvise..tli4ir Lie, :r. .... Tc ....., , 4 l ;ib bi4 4 ., ei n i t e:. t0.. . de .4• 4 - ..- o f t .... th - i i ..i i iitii . ... :. 1 SiitA'fl Weeltiv;,.. ('TiO 'fit. i , ~,,! ~ ~ ~`, : , : ,lk ..! 1 ,,,,.„ . „ th fi. , 4 „ .k ,,,, ift y 4 pb .„,,,,,,,,, F ,,, g . girxiskr, diva illiC111) '. Isbdn*Li ` i 'l A P P"l:2l5 q 3 r - •! I • . t. ' : 7i.. . A \ ' . 4 ' .- '' '... • Vt., or mother , need .. romaim uninforrnettlipon , the : 41 wt.mojwilr.. Geeslin • !Bitters, manufactured . by .. - „ nriy,earisee, avhichl sooner or later, are destined . 10 ; .r. Jackson. arc now-red. ~ liserold.by , some . of the' make &arca ritage4'Uptin.lier health; uidessentriled L „ nit prominent metaliels e , the ;medical _fatuity ae ati' ' i itgainsti..- awl that, an:considerate :and . alf th ec a tionr... , 1 artlele of much etileacy "lii c • es'of female Weakni..as: - 4-S . '.l- hatband hare . ca e trths.fiiiirabi .hl i miteif. wi1 1..,. _,_,.._ ,x l ?, Istich Ls the case, am would a 'vise. all mothers tie obtain al .. or the j ,r,okraree, t Poll', V . ,%. PT 1 ._P_., 1e ;.' 4 1 1 ,.;_ i •, ° F.T . ,Y6,;,,,,, I bottle. and thins s ave 't tat -Iveitxnuch eirtmess. Per- -,. pages, erientiel r- if.-7.: , /,:g7 ,,,,. .!,, , ,1 . , % in , be ~. 1 FOTO Of ilebilitAied, c•nistitittktis - ,aill .tied the s e Bitters ~• to i . 8 . 14-14 0 44ee lvlth 7,7, 71 ,irt of that/Mimi S tates, ladvmitageoris to. their heatilt,.•• al, we knew itmn .eXpt*.,. , l een . .. , :rre It . enee the saiiitiiry•cffect ;they have ripen weak systemii." : by t w.1. . 4e- . s. r!F , P ik ` : - P 41 14" 1 "111ere.4:::. :-. ; ? 1, .. -..-...-- ; - .H.: . :' ' ..-...' - ' - - ' . " - Afore , ' Abilence.-1 -' - . ~, . . , . 0 ,g.P. - - _. „...-.. . --- - - - ;-, - . ..,,. ♦ -' . .. ..- : paltie , to be ignorant.- ... , ... -, . The Philadelphia Atiliiiity Gazette; lie' beat famify , _ , - rar.,On 'receelpt !Of 'One..-Doilar (for styes Env p.a. ' piper published iii - the •qniteil t.tites, says - of .Dx.uma , ~. tine. extra- bliblino - .) . 1"• TIM' IiVAP.BIT,D W.O.NIAN'S-- . ! LlUi l d'A CieillUal MI ter . V, l l-• ; . • '... .',.- '. ' -.- i ..".,- . PROTATE fiIEDICAL - COMPANION". is Sentimitik7; r ",11, is selooni that ; We ceeorenteuttienat.' AM t erme d ed.....r ,„„ 1 . ). to , any . pan o f t h e u n i te d &nu m . ~.,,a A f t_ ~...... , Patent Meiticint4. to the einititlenee - and 'patronage . . of .. ter!, mht. hue. post _ f oi. a nd ' e ddromed taliit:.,VlA. ,-; ', i-ouriraders; 'anti therilorei whist we. recommend. Br: -I . mAutfruEa„'Bovit% New York City,., ,- -ptihrOdi , . ; Boiifiand's German Bit r - .4..We; with to be distinctly-nu,' . . ,e t z °Moe, lin. '1 . 2? Lilierly §tr . e . et. New.. Torr. :. .q. , : 11 1 .. i.l' ll a elf ;, ' , u tl f ilit t ' h a i r irr e * fi e ida Sr ell ° 11 : n ili ntr for in it s' b f ri th ef e-na p;ri t od ru - inal and il,f tti th eit 1 ' P,o# Sa l t i. ttn . 7-:-.lllitrie r li& ... ..'era . pk.1.1....4 8- ! 1 ) . liilf„ . ..!. 11 : : ,.:Ewiti4„ . •'. forgettenefter they hale ti;their guilly raccof 'tniii;• 8 eum 3 blittf. :o, l'el f • P n e Ifft,!._ , --„,2 ll l l l °Fiiiii .i b ilts. 3l : .; taic , 1 1 cbiet..but of ame . l ins loci est ab lished; universally api. ,ti „ntowii ; .1.1 .; A, f..a. te„ . Bevan .r, Wilii ... " antiitt - W Via; t'prOved, an A. which has*iikt the hearty 'approrat of the e Irhettlelle. i., iddreCkik WriftN, • r. 1 .1 1..., • ~_, „_..... . , facility itself.' '- • IAI.- . .. • - - ' - , e. . ''. 1 , Dcw. 4 _ l3 lTre•itl.e o .• -T-E 4 Tle• • . aYtelolto:i ~!%- 7 i s mo . kal F - Look e'en fel Me 'afar* _F if,:the fireVrine. , They hivethe 1 A oraee; -X- .11- -;.Pel .34l3. :Pad.elPlPLi - ,1, -e11u. ..'.' ,.. 4 - ",.. 11 . - 'I: written signature of C. ti.4..itiKS.ON upon the weappeei ^ls ..Navr.,T4RK CITt". Air , I: 111 8cl' . PF"ev. i ..._.ap< [ and his name blown' in the ['bottle, witliontjwhieh they # ee, Sheruiait.'& . :.Cioi c Dewitt .4.haviimportillatio,r. sir gpurioua _ ; a :. For gate, Wholesale 'anti :',retaii, at the German • Meili , eine Store-No. 120 Arch Street, ,ocief door below Inith, • philadilphin. and by reifieltiable dealerkgenerall,Y.thro'- ent the countty. - ..- •I ~ . ,- 1 :,. .. . ' .• - ~.,- • . 'Prices re hicot..---To ettaiite - all - ,eleib , es of, invalids_ to enjoy the advantages' et' their great restorative; piiWbra . ..- SII4I3LTL BUTTLA 75 OEN iSi T . 3, - . , . , , . • bor A,Terside hy,.t.BEL TBRRBLL-Druggisi,Montrnee Penn'a. . . • : DOCTOII,[ OURSELF' ' .L . • • • . For ; '. cents:. . . ;.., 'IW MiANgil 'TIT* POPOCKETESCUL. I 11.- , _—J . ' Es, nr eetrY brie hie own -Physic:inn! hie-, ' ~........--, sixth editinni irith ofcatirde of—a bust A - alg. engrovinc".!aljOring private .Ihseal..e In ft eryl' `'' - • shape and 11 , in* up4fattnatlons o the 1: \ . 1 ::::2 11 - 'Renendtireil islit::•:: . .•; r: ' - •' -- - sly:Wilt SIM Vilillitlilte :in, D. ~. - F - The time hits now arrivr , that Person. wittleritig om • lecrit direaree need' riol inorebeeothe . tile' rieli • of' 1 quockeryos by the, preerititionsi contained in Thb. okl 1 any one may cure hinteelf,l3l;ithout hindrance of' Ind.- c.neos or the i: nowledge; of the meet intimate - friend, Mei i ' with one-tenth the usual dipease. Iti‘additlon't ihe • it 'general r intine of Priviti ' iptfplo, It fully explain the) t canoe of manhood's early feline, with obperyati ant I ausrriage—berides mat r thcr i deranuesnehrs whl hit '• would not be limper to:eaqmerate in the nubile pri to •• I . 11:7 - Any prelims. eendinglWZNTT-VIVE CT& e. clot -1j; t 1 la a letter. Rill retly. oats copy or this boo .b,f. mall. orfive conieewill , itr ent for one . dollar.. OW OR. W. YO WIG, Mi. IRS race atieet, I' um imtLtf , 11!A' ' • DrIrDa.TOICING eari consulted on any of tb gilt. tsars defonibed In his:4ll !lent yubliEations:o46 .e4l .152 Spr:Kt advt. eveiy , , day .botw eon 9 and '8 o'`' Ws Igsnlays.eztopted.) -;i }' ! • - • ~, 0': 0 y' ..:.:., The , Peep et Tnend;: - . is • T Pi . 9itii 411/t . diii"*r * . ii7=l ' . 1 . ..- ei•:and ilevint. Exinirp. : ~ -4.. : A N•latrset:from.titv ho .all s id !tit*. ;*I •JOIL purely frail thbt,lwit ;441 etitc.iitile4pritSl - *A 1 i *awl to preserve. it. ' 1%. ..,.i J, ' —.—• '-• • •''',...: 11. t . : **lt'.will corn ell local, ,te • tend hansisitiiideiCal ace, j fresh wcuni:a and tiruhe6e4 tires. and ially; o d z biediesbio th 1 bOweie of & chrnelo nature. toothombei ...bidet,' . , ALI rioallent remedy .for females, dtc. ,•,-... ....'c- , ': • :... ' ft is truly what lt prOtessas to be; II tear pas( raigNo." Providence tikui reattered idonethS. ipaths'of life many thinveltbkt contribute'vraatie comfort and bapninesil eQ,erybodv; hance'tbe 1 valise, ant well mayate ir loilledlailiriends'ot 4 s , . ~ .; .. • ..4.....v: fi•" ' '7" Plc!' - - . .— i One word here to Tient•iistilint' A, 4 I the namefof Spent...v. ee anted" iitiel',,offe sale' &spurious. article cab a "Cdryil ibibewit" eiroilhi beextraet from t . ietik el-nob—the milli • .white and pure ais waferr eibtli the spur' ou4 whittle Ored;which mutbles Mei eiblic to d ttliguish.' -: •.4 Noudgenulne bat at. marked P. • d!'si Pahl Deal .' r Mi•rsietAM 1{ -11.434 Ibiettnt ' red store-, no deflate' }mill's. . • : _.. _ 1... ii . 8. E. cRAIX,- GB WAN PuTsintast. at ettwd of infurnalete hit , Criendi and the Mtn* Until. haa recanitlYtratarand - ftc.osl.• atidionittnilli.the',llll4l. ofCrie46,- ekinat,' and haa established is pernism eat ofA i calf' m Lakt overT. P. Pittati's tietrlitiek'ortiite; Wed Is rest tend to.par.tss Immo In the i - tv.Of hitipeofettle ' .111/ sitilexpir nietti,A fit IV st a orracli.! 'in disease", and hi s ati pitrai lett Jalittens la Art tsarinas dive tykes 1 nei dental' tha:humit .s7l ineneciailr those of aiii aid ' 'entoititilthinstim t • petted thertater , are ill. it ittetingir_ ~' oder the Invalids and di? liaised ef evet7:iCalinsk title him to the confidence of a cilscrlnduatint For the benefit or those iftractleainted frith'hi , f practice be would say that he destrilieu Mt etismical and mlecos-.oealuaniinall in of tbi ' Persons may send tortrinic - their Uritie in a', Mast two ounce) SUN 4tla Ilrat la - the, RlOrtallt lid, and as strewed Is k eickb et:skit _the, eases , the naMe and age of the nUitlt io T ere toga 4iglit ,Marta is nude fat 'ter , latiai ' 3 Pb. -•- - 4...i.i. , ....t,..:: : , ,r. Ails medicine, azapflst 46143444 . 1 k ; Kingdom, and" mit niststell: ,, 'German EtOT•NIQPIL,II . ll o , lia would sdatilidil4 0 JIM' last discos aty la gala ' tik l!ef a t / laws mien, Or 11eiv.0,:.. a I*l saire6ncist iifertstal al but not distinctly elsol ISO' it.may cowls& I. _I . tab' tiiims,antleisiatl4 I Va. and appeal° CI ' ... n• p _ lion t intsli div e lyi n ii I , saistifin flanciretlops,whichia telaree Olin analinsive !fe4, :tbirrby INwinttlie ° i t " Referencia mallet at I T. ...Qllt,Wattelts_totheate Vat pannagivaaia; dinette Oscti, sgtdda by, the most IN/ , of' -sinidenMeintsgyest f i gooltbesith..lVltifriyi ' --- obitiMiationsi Wonstou t ... egpssogeilogy 1 ,1 81111 .3,1143A41.U.e .. 1 II:: '':V .• - '• : :..- j: '' .. ;::.. '.:7•;.'.,, MEM REM ; TIME DI , k, totasell: or the great. rhysto- WIREBERBEE M=M= .ota li . wro litittlioid: '',. .f• - • 1;... - :. --.:- -. ~.....-,, - 2 :,.......,,... t is .stoptietieotile. , to col?Tir_fOUT:AP . 'lisill".°l.bietfi' luta . of. as they are „of a Jammu sinew: tnetn 04 of ute „ d;•ur llicire touternplating mufti-Urea; 'but 'ilu . feYnte irons or ett:iyingt bral#:, and tinct beratty; tonne:limit upon . bit. whiatis to toridneire uthet otsn inippiutef; and that:. her husband; but either has orseilt obtain y.: aniursur yil:. y huninuldirho hest* lore antioiffiction of.,his wife a t - • i ;or that'ar tikatrii'Yetuuiinv al:is:rutin:mut , " • • -."' - ?- , - P WARPS 'Oil' f OICE HT,INDREE. TECO.; ~ .. ..... . . :t. • --:--• ._..!: - .' , 'l. , SAND • COPIES , .-, - ~ ..-f-- - - • .., ".. . . - . . .. .. . tebeen SEIVP lir : MAIL *iimii , ati tut re 4 ii.iitratm . . , . C AtIT O. THE Ii?. NOT ,DEFRAUDED:' , ' ' kanylee'an,l46 . - Ltheat§leget: N:lv in?, the pagei, enteMajhei,clitt`e ,Oftlee the "Aiwa of the tiite4 . Mr; artri,4intror .re . mextabie .041,,hetreable • cl;:lent.o sehkiirpatt;,an4 adttrese:to. inrringentenmnf,tepyliett.:',, , . , LET.. ETER RD IeONDEIL: ' ' - $5OO cluziaziGE - - ' ' - ht halt b antilloP all “ V "rr"ER entleerni" td , ahtetsieett . . • Voleis at lia-tttllea or tb! !Pos wife. ~.. ~ tad mipmrileges, , I.OP f I r o o ted that' evelT Pn'A°ll ZarMS, ..., itoke t or F. se elnldeen Irs.Tilletr pow e r to tlve-th° °lee to am Lots for S a le , 1 bierfber offers for sale the.° :d th u t vvury person...rill enl el est i o t r tc e l on tioalitt at all ticrllleev. Ile a, x rilßE,'Vn oneloral ly &sauc e ,you thit ll• m deco . 1 ( I. i'aittotta_torroioarrira , to wit , e pi kette ni. tll the a it ielottnited Pbrittans. oitr y in e i l a majority of dh(esuie t( lowi....allift ofAhr s titd coislstiliiliwgmnetsoixopey =t'o e lrodi e ttt e l are amble, It you havt an sPLoalaw_ 1 -boat lay of which . improved , rrobee o elly ehaireoblel7 oat one kind of BK4 I : .. k its ' 0; 11 4 '' o rib ial l, ,ke . ; thereon. i reid fa a of • Hatiord, ,adbreu4t,gala in the titan tell( t ta " ln g,..l l . k i L ot h,. `,,, ho d a half ftorn .the : 11 '..! r. ~,,i i, pi n k dFu nets of the belly. v 7.0- 0 , . ,,......„ ;., - f h 33.,,,b r050 an mar , knrdam en her that ail these glitno , se,y.iir - ,7044,0 tei •••• - :-..r. •-. • - w miseirreialas•reatem t the rgine d y . - ,-; ~t.. 1 .. t .. . " at i t if u t o w deafaoto location, m a youVhould at once aPp Y _, ....„!.....q. jSts! . .1. ...: • . , , \ 110BH4 s &Me a Wort I 'P r t itU • v a - ''' iiired ti•e- '' • . the .... .L 4 * n1414 ut. ortnettileirt tow ell ` glee one other fano iYilla tuk in 11 " '" tind up° !Z. c ee boor oksilletl9 a . '' '1 from Lanettotor a nth purely' 'FT a l e h t te ette g il ef i - titian all ' lie ell'ect s, attd: of "Tar:spike, four tni es, ._ _ when taken. ailt„.. t o 'liaise:task:condition 113 tikOZVa#, ( 74 N. ;Tvand Erie Ruslrod,.cob . la! n!_ng cni woell y s . treed vls4 noi ti trn " lna " to m e the'remaral . of if re c to Is e :, ac roralww, bat ed . es A . twenty or•nlere o 4. l o w . wlr m " l i a s: " 1 rw a ' 1 *u."l' as l ' weea r s ' l ' °II° 3 ' el tbe dyes hod*: Urn, orchard , . 1 h a . t t O t t l e l r t n ,' a i n ' ,•et ostont4hits curt. au tse '• d its lOCation, being we e the tooth Id anti Yonne 'who here been oco- piec e of his from , r ,, 1ntt , 11111., too 0 steal e oratne, by Plifsidalum -t , and watered; _ lio„, 10311 Ced hoPelo"`• iwe tot t of Ito. totem over 11 „ Al4:-. i Buildi o g . lots at the Irl k foll.mtng and becalms wave 1 ...: , .., artist °al". t "1 J Awit 13 1851 lk sOti tfte Nez t Y l o vi r r k ivi t t E io n t e ab ß oo t Thletis tooertiry /bat =yowl t nib cone ot e 111 R . l rum , N Mr': 14 Mibensuck- r three Yea" ituat. '' be; the scot of the ni 4.1.. - of age, luavinx been stet. or ~.,... ~.t, eauntry, an About 13001 it 4 " l tor a disease of the Mote bl Dm. Ularr.' "IT ' shrogelfaZ•oitalltbillos wow. a v , P i 41411;114461. fore h icni "me i willi"k e r i e tele illg t r Y Pilit. emote; nd itabusinels facilittet are nap Bt. After itlvlott h er ,up " zwlt T bl b es ' y o dei t ionwh e r 111 4 1411 a " " neniten °ll° of i 6 `t I.` 11 1- lime 1.W. 11 111 . . e.-61ail-ecation with the above-- i-- ito---til'iaurri,e four r t o el reeetlirgrowing wer ? - t ,„„:2;',, 0 " 0. .,,, i o nw,7l:p nfill-seatf in t h?Sa a laniTa n° u f f iete ;; l i me r il (liaised to rry "b ean " I s - ,„,„ i d --- ed" hrt• health : 4 e Snagoehanua riven with fu , looo nr4u n c ra alaa tAtes t s ,g4 x t l i t t l y ta clero l rme n thai l irit tli alibi WI 1 4 . . • , Ocofmantife h tti e riv id g ou dt t e by , T tl ii ie e a ni ta r ee bengal° pareute aloe. eh harettilire .. ,_.„ _ 04, ~. . i a,avaeata are mbark in au P. I ato Joon', re i, ' ..., ;la' '''.‘ I c titopitalistily A 6611 ' 141 in e • abl v. • ,z' - I ' •'' --r: 1: , , .0 taatilag,flowentigeti - 11.0BENSAC K . 'S LiArElt Pihria is e tt la n °ft r u m g' n u t he m os t eanitnod V o - ' at than * 21 0 1 Ra i a°4 thin irl the li 4 - Niiiiere 11"1*841.41 11= e ce et y . transPotti°°f°"`"eq rt ~. „,......., ~ it.. tA.purte aecretton to the bil . , ' Mho ahava,arapaftyi in wh ole or / pa I thePr°l4l :9l °Pstah atul rrectatbenther . 'l. 1 4 11- firsti the Moat advantageonslal les "P r YLtreir yl ti4e ttn 4 d 6 r et e k'n e. telli : i at a lt2 PlPS 4l4l 7 ll lt taa 44 drit. "61°- ' l 4 ll . id,a1 , 06- 8° mite.'ri will gtrovempgrettyastaaa,44llltercidng.freraC°arn ' l. %IT motet ever,' simPtowl ttif t ml u at 114 ‘ al 6 ° o . un P - f dell to prolacitlY• there it It or "bailees% Those 'Me helug eti r!aff an Calls Iles at en a ,,,, 4 ,,, r, GR isW6 Went lie a tt p i ano. ro n didi e d -by nature to heal it i, - • Ss% 11 . 0 . ' ' ,„„,, 33 ° gunne r ee rty let.= ltepectotant 'ittlehzo,inneilts, ei ._,.,,,. ~ $ , Dept Pa.. June 1. IlOaz - the uktnonetymocut aemorsalet or -7 , , rifil , ~ _ tlowfsolo ?et, s vero s o c inot t ev . ad, air : ilia, •••••••-•-• 4,1 1 111 1 ...- shinilit halt' a UOl/ . the ' db°ll " 7l-1- ' ' fne ticableandisacial a lose' . -4- - ~, Event in til , atat3 ettingestil laOwte 111 t th e A mtem - Vasa ;:i. - l book - only - 25 cis.'; p Ster.the certilontothlcLactlono 0 tt, 10 the ereau4 Ali individua T nic, wh4ch silo/ trryt/1334 a lt ot the t ' mar t krioto thyse lf trva' -e tettoonewlint health ' I/ g er t° ~r el yi ..........,..1‘ 5ti40 4 ,1 it net sitd titza 'body: , sib, atjatbstrtlo, ch arra tt7,l;--ontieto etalyi4_,„l.ol"`",,t.,- ntatntna e l :outline of illC t teit a h tha ma t i t u b s er th br wb tl o l i en t Tri tt ans tr 0 0 0111. P, ra ruraloct and. .1 , ..... ~,,,..,creet.,_Bo_(l,to.oo,llll orei,,,ylintifottorrourreord,te " I " -iris the toloodovhbal detertry.„4 awar.,___._ . lFentow • 1 , " ,is ... ell t d ~,.. lee, metier oat Ru.- x - -.,, i' togoosa ib i , ,ttittet b e a t "; oath gAV(9 O I , 4 ite A rt e. til ered rdi kt ft ff l °ben . 'e 1 6 4 : 1 : 1 .25 70"T ern a F y ht hr t", pi 0 , $ b : 4 4 "3 0 b,, I tti t i tltanB4_off . li p S zeri a M t : 1 : 1 1 . " tu d ip e C at el g o ti /. armor ith add 0 name at prles eral l thetter t, mtt i so li erica e toslll' o r mtielete uf L ijartutistaril M ahr P ri n ti a °l nr° .k te A ( L it°" nre 6 Ward Phrtadelphia. devoted to the cur rte •: mq inA°6nntlY• By -..,-, - . , soits , m oot . di t urestaael arid *a t _. ~..9 _, -,..r ititztifo. tusteeyestreo-81nielauti ° ENT(B...,ot t o palmetto's:l ItralloY ig 4-soolo• mo o t rric i .:fii s te n . t s zazlict . . SayinCnir, Hailbiat v it ! r tho f ver 4.9 tre.ttit rti td to o pt rose; Itayden & Little and Wet (I Ward, ,41...18 Pel Wall AL Chi utudelialite Ilt • Z: o3or ,' 41, dotter - 1- be AM', o . ~.. i ..-, . 9, ~.„, Abf ..._ “ „___ 1e ..Add' 0 /41,3511104 T", n ...I, '* A Untteil *MI' CbY la*"""!". 'E L Alatbarl ‘sartiaoo9loll. * t'ned koootoat ne ' ; I &t i er , pox, eeebig.,T o4 .t G4a Mlt. 4/ /- •NT: I. sllb^kl ef- g v uth street, estate** ‘ 11, "-. ileilla le , 8. T Havant Brolotrhst. , e e ..._..........„, ~ IbleValiC ~ ,- - - ' Ikl ftc ••''..`-'•"'4. , `:* - 4 " i11..y. 1 1- ~_, Milterilloltaro tirreit,ir i iitint ' if:i4 47. Igt 4 l cure An r e.A. or , 4 Itr will f0rt 611 4 50 •Illiaralit4Mao rt ii k r hoed shit may tome ftigaitiP,livri lli trti to : ri l i g a acill 44 niiMjug ' MVO* 011:141411040/Wmai 6 „„ acra=lias 48 *MA r __l446atemtir.4mt,..oo , ol ,, h. biz,!*4-44b -1 —o7rlP,cm...l44o.elaitician we= 1 1 11 _, ... 9t' , - i fteeidd '-.-P'4,44- 4 *, 1 4"11„. " iettlalzi4tib -- coMpa t .1.Z. 11 9r4 01 1VV: 1 0 0 t this l tn l4 stAitturolLlvit t-r ..t.. . ,4awirdetmi! ~.v4.. Vele •Tr* , 4 7 eV II ( Alter— N - w,m+ effidir ", • -: ,ic.,'..;t*'3•;'_,..3,.. _ „ v.: ... .... *. _' . . f 1 . 1 - ' isOmier . sier-oltilit, -I .ieits:7 ~,,,„,- , „tn., tot :C.r. 11 ! 14 . 1 .° "tr. C• 7 71 ! 1 , . 'Y'r , i .7_. . 1 , - -' '-, :" ^. - . . '2: . . of UN 131rf`HOTI Be g ot,.-, : „._ , „; , ,, k ii* 11 ,---4_,8 , 6 ,4.- - 4.4. , ~: , 1,-.rADDMD:r.sititt AN,Tr-,?Til mart oai*,let by J. It: Dthiocl4 • gad* tothing 3 / 4 3:10w1Car)c price .ott - AlfinrA . CM* W#01; 77- eorge tal • be ZAT4AI3 itOOKS,Rtlity r -ttiaat-Cl. b nk,II I Y •e.. 7;. 11.411:NO AND WI 'Ai' D RE;LRIN 41 4 t1.0 ON. $e b - B next. do or to the rottoei Afinitrom TTOIiNET AT LA*. - 241. 0alhalik;ra , oi , Staik7carick Roy. 7, ~.7•:::::,,..-:7-::.,:::?:;:1,:-.-:z..:.;;•1).:.i.i,',DA 8:1.... ••,:,. ,• • . Itilia ' '''''' rliv's-it, -- i•Actrttca . . N . 4 .t 0Z=0,1". 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers