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( 4. :.<-';.;//, "' '''), 2 ', 4 •••,;.,7; 7 ,,,,,, / ,,, ,, . , ."-„ 44 ••:' , -.'', v •- ~..:',,,,'" , ,',: ,-- •,....- ~, . ...4.:. .; ,, ~ ,•,-7,-...f ' ' •'.•,.., '''''.'', . - - 1 ,;' . ~e.,; . .„ ~•• ......:.,N , , i,r,N :., ~..- Ni• , ' ~,N:'' : ..:-.,' -..-,..-., ~,,,..:,-.:.;" '',„. ...., .:-„.::., ,' .• . _.- ,• s - .." .- .• - ~. ~,,- „ ~ t., „ ~. - ..1 , .•( i •;.., r, „..,.., ~ ..,,...,_, ' ..,..-„,!, '.•..... ~. -,:::' - L. :, 1 : ....".- ."' -,": •:,-:,....'," '!•...c.-.. . -- ;..1:;......; it:"..' - --•.'.-; [ .. • - ••• • ! . . . ... , ... _ ~.. ~ . „ .., '' '':'-'''' - ''' - -.-.'.' - - ',.. •'• .;:.:: .',-., ," ‘'-.,, ;:,,- ', ,- ,- ~..,•... 7.: ; : - • , .. . - „ . • ” 7 • 1 ::j•-••211r, " • s B E. B. CIELSEPROP,RIETORS , B. as10...•••••••--_ Tple°9l .I'o7 For the DeißOOtet. My Sii3tet I sit alone,,dear Lizzie- . - - , ~ ,•,:, , , Beside our window sect;: - '.._ . - ':,• . : And listen to .the trampling : ~ , • =-. : .:, \-Okbusy little feet ; 4 • ~. : ...,.. Oar petted householdAreasUrea ,_, „. With footsteps clad in light, --.. ;.••• .. Cani never guess Abe wretchedness -• : .That fills my heait to night. ' - --,,,,':,, For though your bounding Tootfaijii ..' Gladynot their'golden hoursi, They de - not always miss ycin,:; In this sad hamt, of ours. . '-. , The queen . of r o sy- s pring , time Along our path . h e r i sped , ..... ~ A wreath of sin' lg. og= •, --- Around her regal head, -. , ... , .The gushing Song; of May-liiidik . _ Are wafted gaily up And blossom spirits \ gliaten . In every Aural cup: - • ---, - 2 -- ~, _ Ah me, they all ScMocking __ , - r This dull,-cold,_lkeit t pnin, ... Mrlitird'ened heart can never - ' Bo light and glad again, . Wt i rknow. that yOu„:_are near , us: 'For sometimes in their play, _ , The children stop to listen • : ...- Your old, familiar lay; And when, we pause in wonder The angel notes to hear, ' • We half forget sweet Lizzie, - , .. The' coffin and the liter ;,- , - Bat then theibitter working:: • Tirana thl 4 vision fled, ' , i - And all these sad, mementoes: . • - To' tell tilyou. are deed 1 01r, sister, will you never • • . Conte at My slighted call, ',- ' To watch with me the trumpet-flower Creep up ttni garden w.alll • Ah strange that one so fond of earth So soon from life must part, - . ••, • It almost steals the faith from out, Ily wildly-beating heart; • - i Say darling, will you know us - Amid the Heavenly throng, _ And us how-to .warble;' . The imgeh• sweetest . song T' ' The world is far, too beautiful For. ne....50 young die ;• ' -Great dod;r6rgive, my anguish. And check each rising sigh, . Sweet bird.of mortal promis e,' Your sky cif life wni iiir, -- ',- And this rtonsuininff-sorrew • seems Morethan we can lnar. • Oh Fattier, teach US meekly - To kiss the chastening hand, :And clasp us i 4 kingdom kingdo A gathereii.mAiiined band. ' EAs.r. HlLL;r:jiarfoCd. 4 The,yli•ung.lady so excessively cross. --sy4 - lhat one e 4 her glances pro(!aces indiges: ha's been hired by the proprietor Of a cheap, boarding house to stand. At the front door and gaze of his customers they. come .to dinner. . . igr One of the heavlpt# gangs' lie"* the human mind, is,it . l* : s u per of cold pc* toes. • A Murder don't be l & *0 rEr Ten friends are - tietuky - "purchased at .thEt e xperise-of a single endiaii for, the - latter wilLtaki ten times more paips-to iOjturuyon_ than thelornier will take to yender , youEAU.; Tice. Eg" Sotto 146 s - will e fomiie ; 1:44 t he ill-manners .. And Weis*, but - .but feir sa p:!ble of jidging of )one loarniok,:ipa_getfitt blt-all of your behaviour. • 1- tar The tun AVIII ' -inindfl)4 s 4 1 0 ~ .ulll lBlll has got-a good steady- employment, r " =you' quarrel with 67 ir sad P, friend; and why? Do you not ilunk .%; ' God knows we do,' saiiiiiirtCaadlP coal . _ of is wants to be .n r: _ . . n'-The beet proof we base.seen of the 'o9Wardice attributed- to deu:. - 1 7 4erie r the whip, is the may be run at the remit elee. igr A, punster . sass, IV mt`• .-Somer net lam a miserable bachelor/ I : , I 'cannot marty; for kow.coaldj -lope to previa on young lady possessed of thosligl4ed 1104: tion of delicacy, to tarni ;_-`„ tar r ) l' P .e are 'li(/16 = : women AP° , 0 4 teem to liave iniendeol ffir *ivia iisid motheys7—wilo:haiciso coneept4on'• 'home bhonld be'aml•rip - Vesire to':11414 it, if ' Three 'men agreerto build=a atone well Two . can't Work, and 1 1 3 e. other won't. Walk led. to know 'when :they will get iksione,*, mitt how much . they provi ded goes up in the meantime, half, or two feet -2 - - • .67- ma n site llettipe.4%-ipake feuee pritof beegigaker, int!:101illioad a T r -Went for a machine 4 4 ! , takeiltaAiniki0Ot or pies -tail& 41 4 0- voted ig, arieilaatittAbl; late eleetiel, immignent lhe LiZyClub. . 139" John PhilicaCepabloietritilled,t,„ age of bis father 7314'14.130,*0443:0*:' tonthatene: Long lifini:sil******* tuouB.l4bits, arsithey. wile:4llmin/ - t144:. TEA, oizug. ffillat.stee Of Site West.. 4...., 4rir Il itaa. . DP* l 5 Oll4 CO BED. .... • - igaT 1. .., T , , _; i• - _ Rosa wins cair l3, *&*°ineui ' a l" ) lie " ith ` .heartrending alriekiik - her4n (minister sill, 'ter. - Shci:beggi4'ittd.l.pPlOredi'lti,be -ii4 away,;; Mien - ilb - o tigh tile eiyaictittfeired'ibiC herli9movarFiliihk•-)tait4aded.itit :aeifOrt Is!, ectruiequeitees,'he,y*.lo#l to!ter . sobeitatlenij" dreading the setting in'of fer h, '.., . . -I I',, 1 Willshereiorerr ssketilhechaneellor..l - .. ~ 'lVith great pare:- Was,-, l ,the solemn. replYij... ,i, but 1, fear she .wilt keep •get chamber. - lei; mentha, perhaps berl bed.' I- , - " • . -I ' '' g ly sO he life' Vita . " , t Care not fOrI Pia' eacept;p9OiOrocAoro, : will !)eSso te4 l t l 'pus fi. hei.":., i: .. ~, j. . - -,:.- I=. . `' 4 Tittly; thAngbt the phys iau, who Saw iS another., golded hsrvest in prosp ect, '' - ' storm that . d 6,1 . . vastates one region, fertilis another. Th rich fogners s aadiestheir vent his:prov ' — 1 to the , poor Judge,livill mak my fortune, 04 haPa.' ' I .: I - - I !An ugly sight-4 'tell yn, an ugly sigh:v muttered a little ill-farored Hew, who sto with a knot of laborers at e door of a tat . .. ' You see the spiteful t - 4ouldn t takefs straight inn, liat.went for l the world _like i r a'drunken man; so you see, ' that gave her two or three extra bruises. It, won't: a sight to make a pirtor of: thought g i rl is the bean. tifdieswenmu I ever laid . yes 'on.' - i t i ' gAy that she is„lnever-saw -anything li .. it;but f she ain't got one fiery temper i rn`never guess Iga4 - Mighty ! how. hor ey , , ilished-4parksand kindlin ' s woUldn't 'a heti? nothing to 'em—when the animal began to 44, she looked a tiger. 'l That heap - of shingihi , . the Deacon Graff left it r The house, sheered creature. I sall f i night, says . I dencod I ' reckon themt/hin e l do misehief, sartain ;VA he . is- tight you ; k ow, wonlda't hear—al4. couldn't fix 'em himself till morning. I 84t,, mighty I abed 'a sot him thro', right . straigh t out to the ear!. of the trumP, I reckon, plunkli as he niotight, ifthe girth ,hada't broken.' il . .Woll, what's your opinbitt..of the qaeer 4t tugs now I' . asked one of the company, taltio,,, from - his mouth 'e last remnant of a sego;.l .' Stanton's n'iire iy well used nil MAU • atittt hO r' ' - .. ' • 11 1 1 'Dotee3z - is Indian- girl is hia dolt ter 1 ' asked o - ter. - . ' , 4 Yes, the fa every thing ;_they say h a to - baltie . d ,1 . g 4112 3'.4 and f saY, he's aP c olons rascal.: ; -h I Well . these big folks t. found out,* the r Fasts' as well as 'the- slll I fry; that's 'one , onsolation. - ' Hero we h Ile: been setting hi up for a perfect specimenlof a man, a patte of a geritlemart, and he tundsi Out to be , a ' entlekrutn in horns.' i, .I . that ) datigh ; rof l bis,4 am sorry for bei..' , , W4Il you `nay: be' ; the young liWyer YO - nI 'see h desrted her iliead.y.'. k - . il i ..`ii ',i you don't ugh.' 1 ,A ens l; hasn't e. been here suteci the , ga , ii.' -I, -- ; „'. ' -,:-I I dif - , How do on kir* that he, has left. her, for, all that!' ' I I' .. . , - : Jr, ! 0 .:'th e onseieeper my gist censin, ailed; 2 . 011 . ared tlla'akaa winking. - .11 I spe 'Mei ylhat the Judge has.: bees ma _ '.e a As Many, as aix'corieven limes; Chimed in On t who had hsraofore beetta listener: :. 1 , N - ' 4 DOn't fib it," , Said Shelf dozen voices i at wee.- 'l r .::' -' - - '', -.-: 'l 'I ! ' e -Andz°Faethl4 ht!',wala I t ani tr:rwite put lenil.vouttof wh enthe-way f be wss titesi d of .4.' I- I' I . ' 1 11 • " : ' 4 0041111 . : " '':::: ''' : 1" i•i: ' 'i rai;f43,o iltiiii)i - dsadiei. bones /4 ' p ' i11%119 AVId-rattle out of hii-ve 1 - - 5 ‘VrietfOlT i'ir - iini of gii hid AIM, If eh 'thriiii; tdiike li:ktior ; wli* iiers3l4: . .gr\ ist - -- r 1 tlNyOul4. be-.ten gopd- . to'ridebirnosi ai - #4,' liosttOrta 2 JOotilel i i -41 th'i ' USW • OJAl''' . of' hilm ; - thi i-saa:,l ,:. ,-,;1 -...,. .. L _l . , - ,..:‘2 , 'ii,;; 7 l 7 'ilrei-Svith - I . frOniieik ;to 4t ' '' ' ' ''''-:L I v .°:;; - lo 'J:411 . 4164 17 : ,.-Of ~;.: ; ' ; ;-... ..-:_, 44 . 7. 1 • Ghia .% `otif.. 01 licr. d4a4, 1113 Pan-lier litoisitoodiiickii, , 4g'ir 4140-, ;0444 wOrd. sie - ' 1.1.i..1 . Irmo ,p, -: iliiii -1,.., liiiiis.*' to. hid.iterseu Efrosai hit : r?:'' She 4111 ,_Pe# Y . OtOoOrk:as*, ,a 4 alla ' l 4'.% . ** . Atte ... pri4f . 'on NtholliOilf as . Ell • 1 - liiiiiitf .'-iiiiiaia ituit i i ,„ . ~,, mbar. ad.: ..--,-,1- - . - 4rorig: --- : el 'igill4 ii orbeiroeig fiiir,' •, ... - , . ~ ~, li - ---0 -- . I,,thiriii**o-Prher., -, 1 _,. 1 ..„. : 100 . 1.** . :, . 1.. rat4llo - : 7' t ; :utitsii:ifiii ilea ...:-,t , . 4... ...= - - , , til ".__ .. Alibi to' ISTill ''' ' 41411' imit fkricir „ ' . .1 . 04 4' 1.-.:. ::14,:.:11 7 "- : ‘ ...,. s'..' ' f • ...,-. --,..41,v.....r..&:1 : . i.P.' 7 'i, - 7. , ::.1. - - - - ,, .:;•.: 4 ' - "',• - ct' . .f.;; . ff . .::.,- - , : . iiviimillegaeolooigdi 4riniee : '-' -,.. - ... -!-.- ~ -- 4 :. --- 7 .---..%- - -,,. - ,1 - ,;_i -'-',-.,!,"--•,;.. *gni oult 'm:WFx4l• , lmtthought;- '-:,:ii:•,. Ingini EMS 0 Kstrletilibrare I ; .6 1 01 +II 3 / 4 4 - tem w qi cati-7-thlr-9 Ni milos. atte ."1, ot,, of ,conisi, .becciroo hie iirifo now, it , o'Were willing to marry . her. .. He dts .'v 'her the yoattS 01 4 1111.- . l ,ett.eTs, ha Fin thina e.intionily e tellinkbyn that Orneo fsve. ace 16;MME ;retreat;.. . . . , ... n e a r : . . . 1 .- ... I ! - for-they.-werc- in.: their ,0 - homeoiailtOilicititatiftil.: ,. • 4 little honse-1 Ittt • ..On tiAight. dielitltY,- hear; a. tract - of 1 , . : woo_ _. ~,.apirelph . ~te! .x . ot . , . ,y, hy,.,, a I t oo paib. . .4%,i4 .. ..14141.- - theidWellieg ,•:iittiod , 11 1 reis;itf:inramerhofered with glorions-for ~, p o l - e.right t nitd:far :lici, lhe tieft.ilisheiee,n . ild '.. Y.:oo l ii.tltint.t;q; :yet. : 1 4 ? 1 4 -6 " ' 6llO .e , row Its - sha+ggy; suminit agalOt .the sky, and , A every hand were ithe sweetest rural spots , ; t- =sit very . t . - . .. . - ' ' . 'iettitirerAnheaiity - : . ',. ilneYht:tirranging;t4i,fainitere, piatc, - . ie, g times partially forgot her grief;.and . ios.as no t . till the - hurry tmdhustle of wi ' re9ver, and Oet4irittive 'quiet and - eider, rei ed,' , that the. old vision rainier-I; ilto!tgli...iicl;eilec*P , lAe4 .l'ith. such sad.ate; ts. -S. : -I:Ortet4. Often her father would walk with he the old gray woodi; or. mounting their fi they would ride a way: fo r miles togeti . , Every mome nt the erring furor devol __ his child; and surely if Win.ki Ouldexpis !!!ht, such devotion. Went not uOrewaided, One morning Judge Stanton':had tesion Ito visit the • town ; he set, out in Auln i ually geotl epirits; 'He lied heen miewing his life ali over, as bo Often did of late; buythiS l -time Thoughtshis took a more cheerful t u rn: u_ ' Stirely,' lie. thought, ..4 I. hare drained the cup'of affliction to its very dregs; the conse quences . of my sin - must now be arrested...My blessed child is not ,stolly unhappy,'her luna cy is harmless, and times she seems like her dear self again ; and mole—hless4boGed —I am not living in stn.. • ' . , - . - Thus he reasoned, - trusting , hq lutd o e slight'. hopes of happiness - again.. - i , l . -Entering the town by the most remote th r oughfares„ ho coacluded his purcha4learn that his imperious. child was slovif gaini g strength; heard, the . news, and set out cin is return quite nesr evening. ..- - t At the Poit-Office there was 11, letter fr m Horaie: lie broke the seal eagerly, and d l it slowly. .It abounded in teadernessi and tears Tilled his eyes as he cairn. to the follow -4 hare learned all; Grace ; learned it with sorrow; foryour sake. I Let me tell you t est, and do i l r not doubt the, 'that I never loved you to elras now ;'that -this: news makes not the least alteration-in any feelings. Dear, blessed Gface, I long to be near 'you so much the moreptral shield you by the sacred tie of wife from) the cruel and the thoughtless. As your husband then, lettne .the sooner have the right to prefect von ; - I shall fold you to rni„bosorn on uiy return With fourfOld of the 1 ; love with which' first belield -you. • The judge could "read no farther;.oh, utterly wretched, how guilty did he feel self then:- ''get Ho l. o/40 'fellow,' he, .exclaimed; Ho e—what shall "I say to ion! how e ? c tb sad intelligen el , Alas! he will ret, finherbroken v earted-;—he will' rett curse me. •Iftee Me heing that I am ' why do I live to light eiery. beautiful t r at-crosses.ray 'I •-. i , i• - • , --" When-he had 'ed - sufficient tomposure, Ite - reiTaid the litter . Iforice Was tnedita, wing a return titer 011 owing mOnili. - His father's Orates were;all settled, _and an unele . reeently deceased, hilleft, Mid a smith ,1 ., fortnn :most .f which he ehoild settle upon his m them •_, a slaters; the rest would su ffi ce him,. Air , " , k his profeSsion might- affolit ,! [ jle i ended lll assuring Grace.that his 'l#4 Was nimiterab ~' - . •:, .- ,-. •: , Sleiwly the. : tutted father jonrUeyed hoin - il t . wurchil not a stord had been saidabont hi i he ...wiii tiled i :'th fc,riebodings of gloom.' He sighed. as he , _ -. the geflet `,;grave=yard, ;Its 1 ihestiy. head tones so lade in the mooarigb , '"lie Oiled - 1h heloo, and-Grace, laid - beside 'the 'gentle , : ind mothei: ':, ' I l i ::- His the *h ' '''wore 'not 'ealni Jundsfiely as , suited the amino: betwabitn. t .• .' _of ailver-white light-laid ': upon , the • . 'fields, i ,und• lambed the 'Mows of the sw 1 big : hills, eid : l l oihtoO ' fid 'OP the uneven si: -. pr :Ake .1 - 3346 , )Icabilo's,' but. - the serene , ty of the tidietiiiindiicape hadlittleAsim 1 '' A.- .. kr . : iin.' '."' '' . '-; ' : -!'-. ' - '-- .1 - -- : 1 = rawly, 'yet :zioregfoirli, hi neared , his, . . , ho ~f -. 1144noided - t4:l See Grate ; .to - hear her -sweo.tonea l „ he felt, would at,fresent ;be-tor . tare r ,HeepUld seirealj? summon iourage to - Me on thei.ti weihald—he ineiLliot . why,— l a, 'AOiir.4 4 o sir, and` ` ilo'"OOteiei .4liotlY- Ap . lonelf it seemedlaisi there -:anit Nurse; ' Ingle I#ll6.Parlarr:lhercey4Jed: her : finished, her wholainsanerl.,dlitniied. - • -' : illdie gloO*4 l -oOiO!OliiitYi to* . h l ef. it list; but halt pereeliii4 Junnethingunstual in bet abpearaMiele - turnod and' gazed wit a 01040--leristiOY,-S1 w hich she *gan to weep. -.lwiai'iii - tho in atiir i'- he lag.. in alarm, looking round !al: Oisie• . _-: - -- .'— ' . •, : ''Don't ask:Meitiii. 7 itrusi-Giiiei•---d"- .. • "°:,Wintittlier he; abmibuii- .tismaiixed 44 1 .thilLvi ? r=,.'f, -- -';:":: - :'?.. r. '.,' ,: i ~ .! 84OVAO1-#4iiiilCk.', . 1 ,- . ) Y '-,'" .‘--11"*.etM musk: woinaut in Heaven's D i t i t .ic: l iiii4 - ---t*-I, 3 4itl'ineanrl4 - 2,4daeobadil 'l# l ol4 . **#4',.!s **fa pin : *goilooni, ' ..,7E7i*tt*J- 1 1 1 Osiliii‘ r *:* * tik1 . ..0 3 ?ii. l iisistailAtelinglitin to4he :$144::: - '''Just{ Ott; you vet s gor . l o , shelsentjoutfor a wan s :, as ilVei F iipit., . I `:ii 4l44is*: tor •-he ! it' et; ~"'• ' t , 10Y 0.4* 2..14*0 supper,. — Gitkimuir_thilflloo.i dear 4104 r— :-. .-; , . -' • '•: 4l ffivituftwerralaiiol 4 aililmiieulsely , , gaz i n g i: - '`ais t ind;,- am . lbstentni In rthi 'MONTROSE 11., num ,";•Witi i 'hush of ;UM jail.- evening. , ere'-ik. l ll child? where can my 'poet clol.' va der, at 'bi •thislioutl ~..- .:- ': 2 -. - Y- , : ,7 , ,` :,:,-' .1 : 's% ' 11 have been asking ' that utaloi ill - 67.4 11 Litt Jaqiice liai :been go 'Slime .Vii.iiiibil . ' - '6 andl don't know but he-hal gotlpst 400. 1 .. 1 , 4 ' get 4 :Winch way did she; • ' 'r•gioaned. tither' than spoke # lO ,vi:retellia .fit rv - -; ':: • , , . i Wheii Lliist:sii‘;bei'isife i4iii4;fieffititaie .up 4he 111 1 1 Y.rad.t° the'''. rig . Ctholii;,-t"Ot you knew,sir; - t4at ends •Iti ,the 'woods :-3 Whether • she etfatinue,d en, or Came *i' and' atitiek cif in another patli - I can't44l.'7 '''' ''',./•:- -:' '''-' '' 'hark 1 i his heart Herulatr i shrilly, e:Art , leaping,: '' Who ia there .0 :: •., . •-•:: 1.. 7i . • : l ltis I, sir,' said the Attie i'renehllaqt(es, Whose* a sort at errata loyin the-1'8.64. -, ' Then-You have mot found her.".: 4 . No,.sare ; I•no find anyting." ...-...,-. • i . . ' 014itymer he greened; then.turnini to the nurse, Said, 'There is an old lantern in the -house:somewhere. ' ''.-. - •••i, '' -',_ ' : ' Yes, among the rubbish in the spire ro I Will get it.' . ' - ~ .:- ..- ~.. ' - • • • •11 4 ;rv, in then; every ciment is pteciou Ja9,6 .' he added, turning: tothe boy, 'go Moire - and:get my hunting belt. .1 must c weapons W • ‘ i weapokh mil. Brit!g' d own •my don .barrelled gutit ,, that you - ca lk shoulder Qti boy." ' . _ ~ The lad's black eyes .flashed with pleas at the smallest prospect of an adVenture . me briSkly , on his mission and" eon ' retur, with the gun. •: . - - ' ' -- Everything Was in readinces, ' ~ the gun li ed, the lantern trimmed,. and ghi;edi in boy's bac& - ' ' • • ''.. . a c Are you ifrald.to stay :"alone I' asked judge, turning to the'rfurse. .. Illess.you;no,' she resolutely replied. ' On lyfind our poor darling. - . 4ave me; I am not afraid' . ' - • You may 19A.0 my- beads to tell,' said little fellow, who was a Catholic; and hi them from his neck: . • . . 'Keep youi . beads; I have Something , - ter than beads rt, sustain me: she replied. Crazed With la thousand fears, thelnwilder ed father hnriid from home, scarce conscious where, with -not the.'remotest idea , of which path his child had taken. ,-He toiled, up the steep rock-road, which the nurse had iiainted out, and, struck into the woods,. wi th, a harried • yet . bewildered air,. add.constantly muttering to . himself,' If she"is here, I will find hC anilously he ,ventured :144 the untried pa , peering through the underbrush. flint lo dly and repeatedly iper(the.,narne of his chi d. Iflorn cantle limning over the mountains, and the father, worn out and dispirited) sat cheer, insily down. No child yet! The dark Woo& had echoed and re-echoed with his passionate calls ; his strength, was failing hint,not so much withthe exertion . of walking as throughlthe departure of that fslso, energy , which the will spiritual, not ttho strength bodily,t had given him- - -• -• • I 'f, After one more hopeless , search he returned to the house, and found t enrse,lalthoughiV i Was late in the morning asleep o n : the • nofa, ivearied - With 'watch' weep ing; Crane had not returned, and/the paor father; without allowing himself a morsel of food;pciunted his I horse and galloped hack into tOwal There he called at, every plaee iwhere,his child: had been is the habit •ot visiting no!le' had seen or beard tidings' Ott e missing one.l -` • , —The ite-Wa nevi rapidly: • JiidiP*lntonb ati tost . hiset )o id; ihe had Wandered -I awayper-.• tali; been taken the Indians; rergebandsef whom/were ottiaa been in `t} :tri ll, a lather araPthised with Boar, ;ob n oxious as his name - hid becorne ; and forthwith . a par- l emons : rdnic , al to rn to why, thing . , ty was hurriedly f ormed to Swarth° million ding country and #nd !ier; if, inaa%bles deild- - - or a ~ ro,- ManY 4 P4d' the latter, and nat:nnehar= fie; itably they lilt life would be .te her one long - and heavy bladed ; 'and'ihe ;gentle erea turn was belov d. by' all: who'had kno*a her, father as meek tut her -was- execrated , and Oei.:. atiOd:,.. : , -- , .1..- :.. ...,. -- . , 2 •-. ' ~ ..r. ~ : ~ ,- -i : , Athesould 110.1,1 . tave travelled far intim toms° r bfa.:Skigla' day nbi - nig* , : tiiii.iiig#flail; so i determined. ..make Pie circuit id . ..twenii iles;noarebink sie -theroughlY. as they Wei • ahle, every place to whisk i human Yelp , 4 ild have roiosi, - - - ' - .- -, ,-, '-- I,- , :•-, , :-T,40 met ni4f no soecees:'ilintdat. Pi. - next thei came to a fittle.groUP 4 huts like ited by a fow iitsof emigrfatii 'Whe :speke baiiaMiee mixture or Pienelt-W,En2lish, !Ode woman contrived to zY ahie them edderatin . that a pretty erer4re' tali calle d: ; .4 06 : 4k . morning before,and. had , asked for Watery ~ . she liad r giVert her some dinner. h liar Cloth She eold, '., Were;torn, • but very I nice. Prett younglady—hair very bright- mid aurly;-ha very - ' ohontee: which -*as 16 taglisk fo -genteel .. :: .. ' - - .j:.. 1 ' '' ' - 'What way - did oho got' asked HirnuettWi renewed . _ _koPer . - ' . _ t': ; 1.-Eibe did not know; shewas tee 4sy to 100 but she called one, of the half-giewaho - - -, ' asked hint:-jibi pointed in- ti?fi direetimn the, lis4 - *4 lB , sating-akP had Passed tkne#ll of tlat. etretc44 to the east of -.. • - batted *returned again and atniek: -into thS depths,..; -,; " -- . ;:•:... ,, 2", .1, ,-- .. Herman Insathed:eseir-freeiy; =at , .iitio .to *to if wea l even'. them *ear; -, the was nor danger to e : *prebend f4i bar - - : fron 3 the irolYee, end,tkaY-,kad ; 1 ° Osioese Baskby'the-satthwa 'that! it'ivas, iprotadsle they. initiated thew ulual ffm , eti " lunaer ?! / Y• • I-. • --- 1 - ENE imir; 1 4 tY 19'1: ' , a attatisPhere Vas unusts ily soft - end . t, the sky clear and' , obinin4tlia'air'ifsirm ad: .., isrii,lloaded With thelnigrisacief spring ' - . - judg e r ` • iii ; " -- rt" f 0 , 0,,.r. Thei . therefore, . 4 t. s4: 1410 0 . u thaileihetild he egaidr i -01,0911, to'Grac e. le . ' at . 4i, if.:9o"ii*ouid :i i .r 9 tecillei:,hi44 l /, Ili. , g;iiii relissiee on:the iniiiity'Diati;tlis. Ore 'itheilca: _', -I - ' 1. :.. 4 ' . 11, ``• '' j '".. ' [`• e ing'thelr steeds' at lhe Utitalihti" of the ~`.. I w, , , - With two eh4esi , fnsarda4;the'PartY -ia tei., itsgleoMy pritsits,litiia, - dyver i ging from ; y 4 Other Peeform-the'e,ircuWs'iniiartiesof- in tw.. , : The ~w altst was - scarcely half - n nide in of ex . tr•thegronad,'y'dry and- rny craekled,ti wi yet - 'the. bound. freit - f in theae - aiii sof ides, '. Where the , heavy. add intertwined- a `bra, ehervfortried a iesSerdonstreverheisa; : the..ti w . rapt:of-the sitti - Could-brii sloWly gene- b or hours, and with unflagging...spirits; they 4 sot gliein,the', 4 4bu old eitilasil For - the gentle m ful:tiv .• Every ~ man , felt ss -- ...dep interest , ih' e di,* eof theenterprise,;. t4they Met agsdn ' to er. .. Aight ; still,unsuce fill. ; -- a en. it was the 'almost h "%roken fathei, -1 ti , ug way to his keen ango sill - ran k dpwn by- I i L rsslidlaide and wept.- ..• ti " `'• '' i : Mat have I , ta IWO for,'; ht l excbsim y ed, !if 1 s child . toss deserted me I -Ij,.lobven Pit si . pa , ' e ire grief! 'Would I teas • • mitt die .- ..-: Oh;•Strinton,- cheer up ; 'AC •r- tp: . raid en , 4, .friend E pitying his distres ‘.we bare no • L . oidened her yet; we' shall 44a.: hers yet. de • se • d upon ! -it She . has - -proiiiibly, • With the. :a ping Peculiar to her siluattr, hidden .ber- se f 'Shetravois, perhaps Ut u,T;ist. e will t again; this time by the ligiit. o t he moon 1 ;. , our lanterns. - Cheer -ni.'tt 1 4 thavo no doubt: - chimed ~Is arrother; Mix io s to beitow his mite of Onsolation,,‘ but t t she is somewhere in the iicinity,, or:even, sis, hrer home than we expect. it .I.et us wait till t,, a moonismp„ and - go at it akeir. . ',, • !.. t Till the thiS44! is up!' Cohezd one'.-'of ' the rty, why, man,uhe doom t. pow term of , h r -breastplate till nigh twefie. , We. aro •fa- . ti: , ed, to be sure; and it - milipiniors. that wo. o , ght to keep ootowards . h ' a, searching_ by - t s bath t a way.. We 'Save. now three days, and we should gi ~ sems:acccinuti 11 11 io ourselves - er the wives: a allittle Cones - will gin to feelularmed.. I tell ou'ahe's niglie hme than this. • • I've had-to i i• with mad peo p e before now,' he centinn , thoughtlessly -the, poor father stsuddeied !: and I isno, - 1 'hat freaks they.. take ; they itai, as cunning_ ~, % ildcats., Now; Tit be bounA she's not.: 1 ilea' &dm' tier ova : :11 1 - .' - .._.- ;_,-: ' And h owfar 'are 'ft4 is 0 1 " - , are we re I Ore 11 W - til l I t Thelve or fourteen lignites ; should judges„. 4 Well, we had _better go bails and getmore_ i 'uee4 of. rest. , By moritinglise,could Organ i, l _e i4 llflO ofilregir ii h : Party 7d,:he ar i n:d e i t ad i se i et f dtil P, l4 :T iP d li o d u th e: ell p tra l a e r aft eek gs .ill ; e must put our trust In- PreV.idencer - ' ' addressing the fa ''.That is :i t,': said another, - tag;her, 4 . ki d- y iit o v u e r n a ts bi tul id il is aided by, im, , . _. e in raz t4 y: 4 l!7ol li k , d s a. .ar Qf e: Y al G 7 9 a.y ° . d' s . "I tifo cw l i t h c : t h t:o rn be ell re ., i th vell is i pare it4 ‘ r °;n1151°3124.141) was neWftrust-and: ho had 1411 1 ; rto not known; he - prayed . . - 4inestly, humbly, n 'merely, that the Almighty-would direet:him `e the dear wanderer.. - j-1 1 . 1 . , I / - asTe .-'..--;: T.Ar, " .-.:;::, - y ~ , , i , . .1F:7,. 1F: 7 , ....:,'..,':-.'-‘ , lll, .-.:,:• . :.-•..' 7. , -,.. i.' , :..' ' - ''''-'i- -- ''1:: ' '. l4';'.• - " , : 7 - : ±•'!::!':i''.... i _'4.1, , :;,: a •:.:414;., - ::;.: , :' , t,'.. , ': • , 850 ••.••: • . , . . lihinte:hours*ftei;.by • ttire*LtWa; The .: Patty . g ot :nni, upon tjUile.trani:tiff4ipurso. Ilerria., laboring_sslie.**...iitadet Meuse excitant* * dookie44l, fini . olynidrOti:ibe: .. ' st ; but one of : 4rt*Vanille - it : 100:iri i im..old'.SqUiro: Ortiff, se he tins , Ueitnitotg -: lied, an' honest, •'; , titatt, - with a .. warm , unlitamki eint ... somewhat 1 etusoriors, but quick both!' forgive and.fer-' • get. , He had been - loudest in his dentniihitiona of the judge, yet firutigti , • • . nrid plan the -• search. -- • ''''',.?•••::-!•:. tgt : •''''' '' `• -'''.. Within <a few.rniiea-eilt •! ~ ' en tho moo , was hiiii•Fij.qminhig, !drip . ' . "'.,••• honied 'wb: .. ititiongth had been taxed: it I e utnioat, lieg,; ! . , t4. : 14i0w signs of fatiintkif 1 er paused' for moment to give the.pantitid l aninials rest.'- narrolr gorge between , tw. ! hills seemed t - . ' pen it new•path,Ot•loast it ..pil•eridetitly bee *Felled, for the; grasi•Wriii. . • ten doWii; an .st f fi t te l ee t p r o nr Ah n en .',. 1 . etne Niro' whit , . .60111461.1210 Iritliiielf)iliiii' I e-groundi ' r '•- - :iiitipitrii,' ciao:heed-HO ' , in,- pointing t. - liii*them, ' thero is someithing:providenti .. .htliihr;lie must strike off iiiet4, we can - Witl : etitiiire ! Grace ; boa' been he ••"; i . litiOrit%l feel it; I am confident the child •toomai hero too day:. - - . -,•. •ii - _ • -* ./r l o.6***n l Wo 4 7. 4 PrPsomm st. . aus i t ,iii, bit aOtiltia, barisealegan. .tantblinesitiO ! thWltiiii:**A4Vilik ''64*Viihilli %. itiaire4iiiitifiiiiiiiiiiikaW.l ' .-,; -•,;',. :'• 1 : ' • "-••‘" •• .'1 ." • ;Weini l osing path I • : • , - 1 i • 'Never mind,' said Stailt*'hurriedix, . Inglitie ho•ree: Still iiaidii, - kT : hivi'-iiiiiii ... . 'meat tba!, Genesis ter* - something draws... c onward; : • .. •- : • - .:. another lli ; . - •.:•,' -,. '... •••••-•,' , •In moment the • retie wet • •••••., tigithe turf* oVSolt - -- _ l'Oiri , :thse , _ iiii4oY . 4l . o*.thitiiiiinit: r, .:.fat rat .. 1440:elkei i iiit : S 11.0 41 1 i ta giWbei 1 sfibiitelestalong ttit( , ' . ii: .."...'":.' i lii i,.. i 4ii.kit,.•:i... : .M,.... - :. : ; 4; 3 ..f.1Tri1i is terrible=—te . '„,.• `;'• fitilittifid: l '' .-601ift..tn holloWjlo i leavi s :Tioiaiiii.'4o ~ :','' • 1:4110*-blesiped--di(ti*P ,b01f4'tf:1011! t , "114pik' iiierelalaiiii,...... r:: ... .., 7......- Ci Ifi'sliviioh, the the ~..., :.: .'.., f•.•,.:? . #* , . , ,, 4 Itto i "lho halk rri 4 h 44 ' . 1.....2.....#!ie. 311. t iitarved: tied a handl:1110 teal** '', -- ,f' . ~ r i • , .f.i , lkile't 0 " , t )- 0 00 1 1 . '1506841:-. ' it Vii.a4;fiusigligir . vk4oo -i.eillei. ' • • • ......1...... -•:, •• • ';.-..::-• • ; .r . 1..;-•••••• • •• .• .- .. ,•:•• . 't leelii fO ( I IP.P .4 4*.W e t* : :' lattaigt.lNMO-46 0, 1*4 1 4 W i g a teivlifelit , • 74piid,Witit of n vitil .- A fr ii*til, ni:'. 'ii:y - • : ..:* .1::•• :,' • ; r4 7',. . 1 ' .. : . i- ' 2 • : : .:- IriPe* 1 .. .:: . l i i ...':": ; . ilit .. ;::;:t ; ? . . : ii .. .1:31..:; ; 4 1 i41 4 : ‘ " tq - ikii ha riiii444 - .. .•,...,:,1 ::. ... 41 , 1 : • .... :... ': iit_ j __Ti kliPgr a. ,..:Ati%-4._ iT.I ;.1111...,. ‘ . ,;....5:*; ffilmix.l4 ~ ..c ~ ... .*934piwifti:. •a. ei-4- 40)diiiitliiiiiiito .... . , 6 , 'Om siatl444eark-;-tlu , . • ....... o •: , ... , ror.thatunfortiuinte: ii . 1 filf!s ll6 -if You 'm ' t ii t 4 : ~_, _ i .. f . :. `.. • .tiill' . . 41' , the vicinity 0f ..... 46 ...: ihatovorriFirk hp jil foriii• ! ftheilonConi:l - >frhe • •• • 144 . , - leiri.Thh:: l 9o l o aid; :Ifiiiiiiiiiii"-liviig44i r: e•Vi . . : 1 :J64;0400;ff:6 , , , ,t. alnitablii.ttinit -, ..•if M" -feitot.l-10ied-Aali. if•;.. ,' It . liatiofcitlx4oo . o"' a.; oati• . iieii.'::o 3 *;i4iidii*: I . , tiiin : thiiittilil4kilieW4 ; 00.: - r ind tiiii . 4 b 0 . 44 1 ** le . o l. . * *echoi lll thii:Oit. •-, ,* !, ..,.. 1 ,....; : , : r .,.: soli' 4: in. 4he diredthill: 1 ilig ildly fOrward and .. .. , . , .„. .• . .. o old squirt, panting with c) AratiOti atreatningpv,i,lia ~. g Well, Jadge,ljt!iCaitknla i;;;:i i iit 1 t is ~di • ;1444 `i 1311131211 MffM=l :fin-si good sized:'roitiiiio, ;bit make O.Oidder tifill am Jr!st4! +:. rhy , ll*, e• goiiti Lold ! the girl is est . 01 ) . sound,tmut .rti eigitiquiet as an" ffiriiit.: .1 A , monipr',4 •• ••* -. 1 ~:, _ • _ -•-• ; . ,-' IE. - ; iI %Parr Cif&alssisit ore oine i nt this : an. osirtit i st s er#l-li;goOpid'•iit sqotre's rims, orWoO.rather l ,led'itteng t • otherwise..llis :fifie#. '- thgli was li*DP!• - , .I'qi.4og i t' i ' n r.o:l; •• 4 .111#1 - a little:otiV al" . Ic . riii'oe, iiing; *Veil,' ben I held -... saSsi : . I': . ~:,... '• ilk: ife*, lei !nat of a Plaii1)40114; 140171:Iiiti4k. :NO ...Au see, I kind 'or * ; I ii1: 7 1 110d:1 i . 11ria , ,, ,;; 1 . 1iig; I telt , xon; it gat - 1 : . :0i...5.i8 - frin g 4 . 4' 1 lia,, Chill and awful like.' . 1:114114 .feli 1_ I . ehaii rise on my ,templ es ; .*ihialtii r ' it's ethipt mortaliti -- anyratc, and -twisting in i f ho - giiitid Lord, ritio M. :•= , in`l - •,Wen; cad hero lil i os your ditighter l sle•Og as prettily if Ora Wilt diisra...'' 'H eewe area—yes, he lanern butiktet." lefiitc: . o oasei—peo. to in that stiteare iiiillY : d bed.' - 1 , 1 In trtith the fir girl look Charmingly:— , .4 - I \ 41UP•14-.9449Au1ds tie 04" anias_._, _tithig bort: 'sir it,. : 'llle . uld.4 --- 14, , F-lia1:"•. - j, - 1 t ~,,,, Doi' , - Oliffii., ::: I . a . trg led smile , m#: _ e , f es !iir*hio ~ ; m ,;- heaving as i lf he were erdoyint ilea, ,QV 'pose. :: 1 - + '''llm little cave which: -round in her, ram- : feed apparently been vii tad marelAtiii •h . mos, or er *Jr, 4 O4/ . iliPa.4 l ' isask .....609.11,r work - box 1 1 44. 'ktet . '''u • 4wit : algid • • of rolai,ilitile.:lo - Oigit '', ' :in 1 iii§ti . it natural ,%vali, an 1410111:L i sa 'tie leilge. ay combs gid brusbe • - wt va,rasna at tleAt 9, en t lncles - iiitianging to:the tOiNt. A feytip 'ol*dt:ilia small remains of al loaf of Ill,lidi Niblili 1.00 had • PEP . P4Y 4-I.from hosili s near ; ; her, Msl, ea 6 , .wilt: , . item, e ll • form - late wreaths, wereloop4up.. : . ano there, as her fantasy had d'oti4;her,..ir.,, 1t Was evident that i her,.: liiiiitieui' . .,ie ue g. - g ~I . ; The discsa".oe must . hskvi:,, lte. Ea - . ti*iin thetttict: rench : !Ilea h a 4 Fitigiu4 4r- . : • • qh 'ow thankfal:w. :It ~ rt the ..ove.poyed father, kieli bookle - the.l4 . r •44,..pap,,whi10 'the 4 Rixi l ,b, .. 4, 1 ,_, , ~..t niir, = 1 !9.fikee:4v4o . : Aiii. , • on 1 0 1) w. Soft ton. 4,.,:.ip; ic.,,,5.: - r , --'4.-':i •VE.% O :j5,,,...v , •::; ::,'• , AgE4+: 'i A .44):eA . 1 # 11 +1, : 4: : 4;2?;:.:44 4‘' .' ; :` l l i::;: ' - '01: :% ;Z : L.7iiitiiii . SC 1 .. 41 . 004 be t ** . ;/Pr . • a#iielk I .1.4 .iii. '!".,;• . *west r un '* I' • ' *4:it i -:. ,-,-'r '4 - -t : It pit: ~,y , i , ,,.. iiwiiit .,,,, ~,i , ,, ..,... i. ,.. ii , „ „ :1514 ,„ ~,. , , , ea , , 1. ,.... :4aTi a.,.., e ,.&. !. . •,..”, 7.. t .1. 4 .4.44 r :/ ,-.414 - 7r' , 0ri...• 07: ..TA''.l..7=4:i. -•:,:. 4 1 . 44 ) ii i tAt 4 ;l'f4..:AM 4 f,4 o . l 414i' . 4!!si*. , 42: . ivkl *4#loo%** l6l ' 16 0*N '' • , : i .. ' 44. - - ..WiCAriki - Aifitr. ', 4144* :...... it at ha" atroprerP4 - 10 1,64 4 1 , 11,71°4 - 1 0 • -..: -.- :11, 1 1. i iir y lidc • c o. '.., , • Ilight,- ar-• , - Ark.,:44.:Tr., -., .--, .., .. 4-- - ... ..-- -I(oafigk'lilted :)10404..42,,ti1iT*. trkr39 ll ot ' . 8 4" ! 9 fT e. ,- 771 r! 1 ; i - 0 .- iiittian --, - -h6i)si 14ig eit--anal , ‘ A '' • beilial.- .4141.- , .. '• . - • • • nirl frobliPt..:kts.`'4t.%•4:ll3 .N:t • ~: : ''' .: U nd . . -,.z.. - Alt 11- :• - ' d - ' 4 ) ? :. fil • :if . : :liileilliWiltePt, sr' • '- . "piziati bisidenbte 9 )lifitoOkbeN 4 i , , 7.APtit: t*W'Aiiiiiiii,V4ltiiiiii,Vi -said,' I am not it ii!ime • Make. , •• ~.; '- :,•. T -'f ' '-' 4310W . paid her faihi I 46:1:r iielialiiit leave . * • ....,.fr .- • " 7- , --.' .4404.4.1*.1.* °ill l fOlikitheAdiddikee. o the• 14ti- ire , ie'er pletiiree,-1 r.k..., -o lIJ li - - I 4 1,... 11 0 tne, MI a.T,,_ :n s f o, - no ; I te1k..140..ni 014 4 t r r. r o let me .go 400,1c4 1 -12 * * 1 •;; lkeelliVitk* Me: _ • stiiiiiiii;r Riailiqireirs h •—, 1 • .....;. , . ~. %., ye you oral ~. ~. t 904 r ; ** 4 - • , •C; .Q • ••• s•-• . • .; ttiCk:.° • • ... , ... " :liV '. 5 ...: t 'P. .. r . 4 ).,** 44..4 • • ;it :':cl,llßlti . : 1, '.4, :::: . ...cr r • ~ ..": : %; . .A,....,... 3. :717' ; ',... •krt:::4 - 4... , ,..31.:::"... .:::.74.fiz•••,...5i.;• ,. ...:,! . .......-0: . " 5! t . • " ' .!&, - - , 3 , i 0 1 ,,. , .... - .;i4dl " . .tifFtr : .;: r:i.v.4.-:F..1 , i". l . ' 4 FY•ii , • , A.W: - :. .. 7 , •:,,,., Ni• . i r . 11 fY . ; ; flit. 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' aril I .rboihfirti ci tiei. fleficirilli s ii g to liiAl,,Voli -, - , , , ~... m . . v.......- ' _ • e meirie r ekea her. „..,,_, it*,Tt•g•t; ;"E t,gluu.l. l - :,.' , 401 1 coal po -recall her. re ,„ n ,h... - ,„., - 4 -•: , , ...,,, ~;. 4,, , .., , • f,' 1 a..... •., —1... - .1 4! 6- ,A' 11 ) 1 ;' ii•nti , Sliiiiir and with ii, most . , 41 . -• • -' 2, bOlOl. •• • .r. filther;illo‘ l o/ 111 ;1 ':' : 341 'y `2 ll -'''': ' • fi;eirsi''' . -'--- • - '', .;' ''', '., I 1104 . :aukit WAlr- z= ii: '1 •.. r ~,,, ... im pfl . 6 FtW, si"K•Staitillail..:, if X . 4 k 4 , ~,.-. liiii44riffor, ii...? ‘.t i l ”: f '' 4 "; ' l . '''. ''', ' • ... 1,- ,il4 .' ; iiiiPlall", i ' , 4.'" , ": , - t: .'4'2,*11 5 :7. ••• • - ... , ..-. ‘ ow ...,••• • • ..,b-..,- -- r.,,, 74 ,,,; ii .. ...,.f_..... ; ~., . ~. ~, oustia*' - .V .- - , n `...... I.: ... .p.1101us: he groaned 1414 44 ' 41 1 -••=:,_ -, 1 --......• • ..., ',..ii 5,4, ' .'.;' '": ''''..: -- ---•- -!:•-, ;'. -.. - ...- - ‘ ;':2, , i•g5.,. - i-r - t•' - 1 ,. .-- 4- • ' - : —l--; , ':: ' , ...1.'f r •-- - ' ,l -4.'- . 1. ,-, 3, - " 1 ::::i A-i-.;i4:1•:4: ' , P 4=-4::''‘.4-': . '•', 1 .: 1 , -- ~ -,, - 1,. ::.' ,",- . " ~. -•• 7w - . ..2., • -'-'. '''-:-...;;1'::!-- --,:.--, _•f-tisc- - : ,:A...'11:- - • . - 2,. '. -',' I - , ,•• •.,:‘,..- -: ''' -.". i' - ' 7-' : ': ' ",'' ..;-- - .•,, ,J.-'..:'''.-r.::',.',."'-''2.—•-::•--V. r,...' ..'" - .. ' . „... : i / ' I , Y0 1 1,1111DI , ; . NIIILTIEW At t'' . '...:-' - , ..-:g::-.:-:. -- .- --.- . .. ':::: . -.--. 7 ' 0 . 1 " - N.:4::,i1-101 . ,... --' . . .- • .... 7. .......,-...:.,-. e... , - -. .-- ~ ,..,...,,t i --, 1%-. 7 . ' l °".`r e. • b 4ne . 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Iditiis her JOlyntro . thtiefielionitopeket . .- - V• r tLiri-,: ' • 4, - - - .• r y -_,.. ,; -'.:4:oWiPoit.ii: t . ..".re,...... , n ' r l 'jiiiiiiiaiiiiiittly'hy hpi - ',iiitie: but -- 4.j.i, c.,,, ~...... r:i... ,. .; . .. :4 . 1. , uir .- .7. • I. "' ' - .. -` .."'i , 4lo,ria t ,f,::.T:Y spite „4Fk i .40,44T, 1 0* -i k,i V ie 8 20...., i. L. „.; ..Y.;: ' 1 4 ; 1;e I* 81 +0#.0 14 q 4 ##, Z11(t P 140 01 6l ::.: :1 4 t. 1 .*10 41 .4 0 : 01 .4, 14 . * f i C e. ... iii . - hoi:iii4ifili•nsibirsii....l4l4ol: ' ' • :`,'* , 47,;7,.'.ai51. fri k ei. iip4 s igaggestekW4l467td .. "' - 7.54 : 04F:': . 1 . :4i : 1.)4t151%.,4 1 110 - Ac9 1 .10 1 1100*,d1thr....,.. , 1: 1. : -. i.l'Atß. i4o3 *' , * 4l # o i )ol . ln4l4'- fr44 11-• : -,. . : .f. ateabge~ i r 4 4 5c441 1-- , : - .-- f`:'_ -- i'-' -- 2 ----I r . T}'?! ~:' -...l' , .;EifFy . :dnir..p*fatisek j*tititeyed-'..to sad fr o \: - -; : i;: , ... - . • ;. 14iiif'Ork - §4444 6 *=ii1ei0t 16 4 .* ::`::::4 7 : ; ;; poor dente one : , 2•: - :: '.- :--* .1 -- F,:; . the•:'-)...."-.. i .•;-7.... rd . ....,.• - x •., •-, -.,_-::- • „ •:: - .7. '..'. ; 1 : - .. 1 :- .7 ' .. ;• -'-;,';' .'?'-'-' =" " r" . , • ,--'' ''. F . : .:'^.-... '..-•:' 1-? ; 5 1. 17 :' :- ;•; . ::, • .. ';')' Hc,K%'; ;: ; ::.: qtyti-rpr.*ltt.' - ' - - ;--;t - ' - 1-. , ..-1:1'.•-i;„,: / .4.:•.:;-: .4n all inhifertit*ihi*idOntme liti, •-•.- -. .. 1 --.V. -:: - •Theymiftheits•hinisiii* and they juke' siii% T.- -woe • - -.—. .. ' . rlls. ,lia l ii : itiiii44;' - ti ' '7TVl4iiBu' .:. --' --"'"- ' . -- l t c! -1 50' 4- '-* l f thill.. 4 X*01itk.ff .. .1 5 5.. 4 4 iiifiii0:4 1 0,4:tiiii4i .' '..41 W 1 *- iielif,H ' '.' , .. 0 1 4 10 ii' 4411 #glii , liiiteLatiiioiiiiitiiiiicri. .. :flea or i. ce onousWorld,, ir Nsa,,_..-FivArfriie biiit..-Itiilo*`- -: *ne tn. ISi:4 *.ininvitotell;*e.lifir:: : . Ociiii\iiii*iiiiiiiyi not drea m ,--:- - nr desertinilsgt;:hp viewed the : crime, of ih. - -: tattier with - abhorrence; and ihnstsfr icittilito -•..-:- - the efihief nllying.his, interest_ with Min, bit :: -that she Elbe the inneeent, thild-like; - • iiiie creature . • :: .. was-I ,blatri a- in' nay dngreks the thickset - was. 1 sacrilege ; he felt.that..she , hnd great er`, claim to - :-.-.... Ins 't'urr, Lila innteen - nii;lintillsefere. - . - -- lie had ..-.: for long time received; no letters, •- and: - ha. -...,'. fenril her too 'sensitive spirit shrink from car 'fiy - lirig in hint as 11;rthili, nUW.thiti.:she:4llae- .-• ..: 1 ly imagined her situation debntrod her-j ~ .. conneeting with. the tinStieliaedi . -;::fil i*:??...t.cl:;•:. Alas ! - hour . laile hi drennted-'•oft ilia . * ''': alit}:• ,„.. i...: ''::'*•:•-•:.: - - - -yirig,his mother and, sister comfortably. = ted, he set out iiport hie 'journeY, and in time arrived at the town of L—. atly surprised at thexemoval of the jadr,et , ot carincr to interpet the peculiar glances he felt rather '•than atm; indiditeci that ' thing was wrt•rtg, he turned hia,Noitto)a -1 tho direction pointed outline', andiiige tici - Sjiiiff.prrige,..huryio into the little ho* : tid4 3 70.-w l 4!*Wain .. : . ... h rs. ....- - f..4 iigi:Siiintep Via' reading—a habit usual 1 , ; - 'l'ok wilds ' . • whr, h h' :N u t o ht " a t .„., ti..a,,..t. r, l onte„.all yon lilCS:i./tM"944EI / 6 ' 401 ii niiia-thtt'oomarr itimPizig i i i s i, ar ,d,,. s a kopir as r- abet tittered ..zi :winos -iiiniiii3inl ton!, ,wire her: eyes` 04' ;: o t i, telut•i 1 ' •." ' :' -- -1- , What doos she . %emir ilikoa the yo magi with a gesture'of alarm - , 4liegtlerret . allr WiielkSi4 Fonficaj*A#iudie.... . '.' - '-- -4*n. "ao oiiiiittedia,*&iiir=sued *OA. - . '-' • heavily' fortialli ' ‘kottliere.,.. -- - , ri ! .. ,VpPg . • t - Wl.l 5h0aki.4.14.4, - ..-YOu icnd‘irotitholititiVo cr . .... - ,ltlzet hrut betaltea oar deitr. I. ~ i ~ -Rs. cdriittly rfkOtti rt ill , It askeit , .....„..,,..,....,.. , _ ~„, . . ..,...... _,„ , the youtm tenni na TO ft g eenul- - -- DolLna satire, toakbri. ..1, 1 r regard it as c .-. that i 'it& that--nt -----.--,---;,-- A -..n. wev jPP , - livid upon nothin4 - int. nuns) • What fe it n btisr-th-0-110. ' ' S:l : ';'...;• ' 1 41 .- •:'•: 1- t ..- -;;• : " • ''- .... • ;..-:.4 -... , .0.tf - ; 41 1. , t•if :?..,i-jz," l7 1.,•44.0 'fi x ii.Ai- - .::. , ..': , .. - .z...:..: , _ . •-• 1:-z : .. • • !>:'...v.' , .. • - , . , .. 4 .• , .•,- . ,: - ..z2.1.11- - :4- 44"4• : !1 , .q•-. 1 , 4 0 ..F.,::7, , , , , , , - - 4 ,, , ,, p 1 ,i....L-: '- • •Ql ,- -51..5.......v: ..t...0,,1,...i.24.11i...:...:...tfi11...., ~ 4{{ {L.. ':t ~ ? 'i :.:.~Y ..~-,: S AY • }+ ,f+_`. Graist .mot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers