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': 1 - . :, : .1 * -' ' ' .' 1- " ',. - - ':: ‘"' ' - --, " '':' . ; ''',,'" *:-:- -' -- - ~',,Ci. ~ - '. - ' *; I - -*'• : !-- 'I . .' -; * 4.. .....--. .._ . 7 .--- .....-- - - ...0. 1 / 4 00......--- .0....0.~........., ..o. .......... ......-... broom • I , 1 04Dttfti to Stitttco- :Ile torAts' pltltera‘tttlirt - :: - ealst•letattiltir , _ _ • .... _ . _ • . ~ . . . r . 5.:13'..5i..E. -.. ...145E' . .:::..1tt51it4viv0it01i_:', : ii . ,i.....::". TPWstS I Wait for Thee. What a beautiful figure is thelello*lngt.—.• Ah, , it would almost mite One, th ow away , even the pen, and hurry home . to,ldismirife—if te•has one. - What shalt repay th e losC of such a welcome as this to the bailielOr Not even the luxuries of negative cares4..not the • silenthours of study—not the independence to a man! Fir withont the - lot*, of Woman in•the gentle corner of the heart, a u _ iivelcomes 'ere indeed cold. - _ . . _ . The hearth is swept, the keris i bright; The kettle sings for-teii.; 4 - - The elotii is spread, the lamp is light, The ninffins stnoke iii .rispi tui - And now I.wait for-thee: ' Come, love,come hornet thy 'Wit is done; The'elosieticks: listening!) , ; • _ The blinds are stint, this curtains down, The worth chid! toAbe fireside drawn, •-• The boy is °a wi k y knee. Ceriie home, 'love, come deep fond eye . Looks roundlidni • And when the whispering winds go by, As if thy welcome step were rug' : , •He crows exultingly. - • In vain—he \ finds the welcotne vain, And tarns his glance on mine - So earnestly that yet again • - His for unto my hearfl strain, His glance is so like thine l " Thy, task is done—we mi.s.s thee here Where'er, thy footsteps roam, , •. - No heart will spend such kindly eheer No 4- 4 'eating heart, no listening ear, ‘ • lie those who wait - thee home. • . Ah, now along the crisp walk fast' That w)11 -known step doth•Comel The bat' is drawn, the gate :is past, ' • The babe is \wild:with joy at last , ---i. A tlionsand ioelcomes hoinet From thipßanner of Sur 'Union. • 01 Think Me True. Say, if thou do'st not love,- - Say that thou Mmeat not feel • And that my heart would strive to. prove, • All that my words reveal-; Breathe not t S thought of blies to be : A sigh Inught construe.; AS . OIIII thou could'st have meant forme, But think, 0! think me true 4 Nay, do b t-doubt that .I have loved, .. _ . °I.-that I loin then now; Nor think iny heart has 'truant roved, • Or shrined•mother's vow ; . But coldly though thou . txtriest_aside, - Howergrl may sue:, - 11 4, 6 k• •0I do not ticorn,ote in - thy prkle,, But thin*, 02 1 . - think - me true. . If thou shalt find, in loves eSs.sts, : . The years glide-smoothly ; ' Nor grieve, 'midst all Thy happiness, '• `For moments that are gone; - • - r 45 ! mu, when purest bliss thine,,. ' And hopes thy heart renew, With joy which never min het mine; - 0! think, still think nie true; . -J B. 3iIIIiPHY. t Gratitude . is. the rpsie of the iteartilir4eq. Its cords are swept ty the breeze eflth -- Great cotatts, 'that Califorala=vegetation grows with' nch richnesiii, Alukt, all theirborae radishes have switch tails. • - . The:soul:of liberty is thelove. of law,, uts 'the de'rman A truly_ tientiinest. man_Wgeniaa,.by too much divging, his lateral .beedisei_diamixvi, dtu4 Inatead if, - , ,NatniQackee us - that we are id! dePendent that we are like cogwheels 'pushing each ,other along 'by fillipg:up.lnutnal voids. Marrying a gm you4lielike, in thehoPets o f loving him aftirwaide, is. like going - to eel in stormin the hops of fair winthec. Let. - youti *llia - words be ciltatartt actisitj , conkmplations or youniof :14141. - *, way of•Gktl: Therst4lll' guard--you 110111/0 1 every Islas step. While . we are reasoiern canonizing life;lilb is gone, end perluips ,tbeyr . teive hi mAgeosttl - ietlifatil,lac Akke- 4 .0 bud philosolguirlittese,: - - s ' Therenothing made ail gre4. IP° feik4 need ih e 1p and navvite• a Qt unkleaneas, even -a theineaTheit_ BSateen._* Dodge aa tint au - editot waiiiittiewstothig to throw hinuelf-aPOD the 1411 in of r eaders 4 4 wiek;Ten thrOughiia eas . -*Oi pp in a stupid agalitioir.- The lexpan(Ung paid town,T r i es - . . „aa .in thelovtion , • of mal , ;rli, leall 1 n that*vo7:4ll4-o*,- *,, *.digi** - Ir4ill4 **toicli ; I FAA7 0:4 -4 04tAkesi! . 0 0;17, 1 114,,L°11161-444511 ,*ittirlo.4k*';'ll-4*-04101A,: ---; . :-.,_ .. ~..:-•-, :- : , : y.f. - :;..,„ , - ~ y -e-,.- oniateh Aietatighf, siiil:#4ol4l#l!#l AY; ba on the . -*it ,iiiiilk="ol:lattg *IN tx*.i.4Abeiii4a4**4.Dgto it e i gtt4* , Atifk - Amli - k4O - 44,„ . .' tieg ia44.161066460iNv.40: 'o -^t . toluelle. _ . z .-- ---.- _47 • c a l k ill. "kin: York digii. eye to 1 i ,-, 311,4 0 _ sp ! : - • .. 2 42/4,1.4..4 . 24114 . 11. .il . ! - . . . 'r. - r. • 7 : . 1. : 1' } . .. I : ....,- - .Rosa:wee be AMI . ea soon : _le**.o3o - atolooll. from _ neon& wbtther *pore li r ' imat hoiiroelso . hadio oOodtim. ', 1 Y.i .. For some= yews' I dler:Aga - been' detretedly ittache4 to iaieti ~,• r. 0 . iprofed at - first sigh t - 110 made ":he 'am:. - , iiieO, lad inli iroi'oi lot time . she lure '! . : •biel. ol. ..the one -i*i§r*S. purpose of her *:i. ,and Its results tlitis.l'Ore=-.. She liad oltiady . , *dit4 ' iponvioiti ; :..k.ollr- n who so plessed In- fan the tahle. Rosa; and I there of abstraction )ind thelan. ilThe youpg to cy taday was at was-.such sin_ • .gor t tiu, could 1 for fo a . lb i . 81 vholy about It is dime,' mud Rosa, noltting, -'lief . , —via; '. ~ said ,I , • • '' . . -" comes - ihe peetinan: 'd. tl 'Se, eagerly; ' with letteis, perhaps; r; both f - ns. Yes,' she continued, as a iterran handed her thieeletters; ' tiv9 from Faig d; one ifioh.4 h i west ;tidies.. Tai are for on;' and she placed'the'pareel ' Roses hand. i '•. ' ' Thank God!" :" ei oxelaitnod, pernsit one with absorbed Atte L i on. - "It is e first 1 otter from home sin I have been h re, and Moth- , ....tits IC or is better; 'll cies,' poor cart, that be +ill come back to liter. He was not worth y, of yon, my mother,' she harshly lexelidinK ' asj indignatiOn usurped every . othert .c.elirie' , , • I ',The other is_from . my brothet, I tsapeet; said .illanehe:• - . • 1 i • I! • , • . ' l O,l was the reply. ' . • '..pk e following - day Horace : oC:but . . fair. the germitage; aii:,.ludga_Stiuitioi'S resident') was called. - .i . 4 - found '. gerrnirit:*earied and much die:, Minted: i. he- 1 1- 0 -. .keerliegiliHnir.: by hii-!• poor all night, an oa,, ': d aeom#a Mori . win, dering -Omit asigtll ..$ liSritly the tWo / ileuded • their. way to - 1-trts . lbriblir esire , 'ii:-...f;./::::- I 3' ._, '.- :I'. They , - -4 inteto 4 il..Tileiicik 04/. Ilia ..14nght * c . !0 11 ;.4d li)e*: • thorbeghly44loo4l*aa. • quietly aeleei:r - #er eibeka Were.i.liushed. high i ' with-tha.faierlor excitement;fteidelicatii lips parted, her jesiet: and Soh ;eitiunid,' AhrPigh. - 4 1-1 4fairaL::Ii';-. : ''''.': ''-..:', 1 ', -:-J ; . I fs iniai:l4,ooa transfixedUS lif haters w - divin , ity.::. •:' ...'t t1; -, •! -. • ::: -...,_'-.-: ':i : •::' ''. . 4 •i . L • • ..GtUca had grow very ..ilerattifil,, and his heart . heat=with . -.-a :Stratiger..ind ter - love'as . hs. timed on *a alighti'forin - : that ii repc4ed at: their fe#,L.J .:,1 ..:'_ ~:.! : •-•,,' • . ..-.lt - ,M . ..=. Phe'raaribired hilt 'audibly. „ Meade, bent loWer - a ow her i ..It was ruune.-. ,Sleeping Or . W, , log . 'l he -1 - WaS, -- not Übieut,' .ficii:: her thavg al t - !Yielding ''. thalenderui.iis -• that -will up iii his , timioritihetkO.it- Wilde , the sweetgirl .od,,,impriiitg a . burning kiss ~ upOn•hei,);reur".. Starting,l jabs : , - .eicilher . - epeis slo w ly and 41 TPIMOV=. 1 0 uP4 . 'the 'o l .o/Pg "iiioP of leer loier,:n : For' 4,50 . , eat ` they rested ; there i , -.., gleambiter. gleam . intelligence ( offer pssio: r i.e.. • her f ;-.o' 0* .., r ay:.,; ::thrilling. ::thrilling. Withi' t i iitiialibf bligh;a)sjei*ng o)**4.4' t ieo, ii4:ioi*iial - SYi4t l 4 l. iiffil, l o ' i his*r* l 4: -li,: : : i j : ,i -..-.:;-. With twhatit, : iat-love - did be - al4iip her there hole - e . eiittil!iith his Strout lasnly *iiiiii;'iiiii . olii)4' . 0 4. ...,-'44*i..o4*o•:#:hb . ul4 . tear her. theitie' ...-:.,- ••.. :',-; ~...!......., ' ...,:- . -:"1,1, - :.' : :,..., • , pli o i ng , )( i t iii- ,i; ~: 1 ..: p o i ; *i i -,tahiliidere, , .Gstols titreW r i:... ..,iher - . and , -, ; £1411" , her. izi, '; .. :hiss , :i?!3anlinee9 o4 oi t . e_,t!* ) ,o l : : :-1 1 4'1'conlialli :-16 #,1 4 Nb/1 hriayoli '• L'- , ; Mei ito:-long,i'.ll6iiiit-4h; *:,,hYr.ii-•,(4414-41 be 4:* he eO l 4 - -*N4350 Om*. #iotglii--.4ave; . ! ', 4prefs4lon of horicirilto;her, fairs; k iha - ; ire toreleaoaherary tree) . 4ii40 1 41 - . * l # ? i,: .: i. :_ilii.h.i*Z - t44 .l ti+Urti&. .ileialy,'.lifbit i 7:. , ..; , rad b -,ribt . „ ? ', h#4, ,c4inehittiei, „it4i i iiiii4lis . 4 7, ::- . .leaSeltriar„ ; inatiiiioi64, from; iiiiiiii'ithi*iici.vii'4:'bi4o'.' . :# : .f 4 ,4 ;; ' l . iilli'lif . '-'O4: - .tie 10,t0 4'2 4 1 1! ) .tiOi*i' ... ia:o enou g h ...!*.t4f 0 4 . 44.10a;,114 0 , 0. i:041 - i.:::,.. .', ' •lFilliiito:linlii 4 A ll . ..,, . _ _ : _ • „ • • 41. g e d& t .“ . 1111 r.rallW 4 , ' 171;170-9 / k 4. l **4l*}. ")* :44 4 11 . • • , 11 was tar from siveet:noivi she had enjoyed' it teityr.utnioit• TYV:pate raie was ever:bekore her; that taeurnfrilVepreving,sol emi•liglanie haunted .fier; and, do what she wo d, she could noti banish them from her memory 'She lon g id to know_ something more about Gram t was very strange that everything was kept so still and iseeret. • She had learned that her father:often inquired af ter, her, add it - somewhat softened, her heart towards him. 'As soon asSte phen erie s home , sheux elahned, *day, ‘l' mea nt to have a ride on. horseback lam dying or ell , • Trui) to her intention,.Resi p evened upon the ehjuieellor, after his4eturn, to accompany her on horseliack solar as her favorite resort. - - 'Away 'they stinted ; nor did Rosa perceive tie pale, stern am Of the young ArneriCan,:as ho stood with folded arms in the shadow, also gazing with the , crowd, but with hew Aifferent - - Over the smooth road, lived on each side with - towering oake,:mid away. I:;eyOnd, whire, the tops of the tree*Lleaned over against each •ather, whispered . their love in language of the leafes, they 'galloped on; and afar, where the woods sheltered the sweet - .Hide layineßo.- sa's 'first lofe,'.as,she termed it. 1 . Rosa, / implore you to be caieful,' exx claiimed the chancellor, as she dashed fprward, eager teibe the first to enterthe charnied pro eine* ';Do not go on at, isuch a Mad- 'iate;' and he Pliyfully his whip at her. 'I am bent on an idventiret,' She. - mer rily answered back:.' am free• once more, :and enjoy Myself, to my heart's content. Oh, this glorious_day ! this-warm, rich sky r 'But, my,deari pia-ere not strong. enough to bear this exertion,' he repOated. 'Aut,,iny dear, you must let me have my pvrti-Way, was the laughing. response;. 'you Iltrrioil wil' . . - . . ... Th.? brow of her Companion - grew . dark. . Her. resilance oceurred to orlon .that he some. ; times fotind himself doubting if, -after all, she' cared a tittle forany one's happinss besides her own. .1-1 e ceased to: expostulate ; it had not, the slightest . effect ; ihedid have her own way, and when ahout to return home,-was: as he ti Predicted shevotild be; Wit; "eddy andrid ervcins„ scarcely able to s 1 upright. Obliged to , rest frequently, their journey .-was 'from: alow, and when- but -a , few f .P iI M f TP l et, tkil, ' okariC",./t9VP2Rret*, nii6er'rOillic R a sa bilignidly turned her hiii ses haui in that direction, longing fora ter-, .mina n . of their tide. i Atter a few 101:lint* and windings, they reached .a dwelling-house, and Sem, coinplete ly exhatortect was lifted lenderlir and borne within,almost fainting with . the exertion. . . - A gentleman entered' the 'front teem imme criately alter, evidently annoyed at this intru . aim - - _ • ' . • 1 In the tali. gaunt. figure, with ifs mel ehoty forehesul and sunken eyes; both and the clusnzelior 'recognized Hermar S • Rosa hid her face in her lover's bbsom, \ 'Anywhere but tire! Oh, take me heap she.exclaimed, in a tone of entreaty. • i . 'Rosa, 41 yon yetlorgive not ? haie you yet no pity in our bosom? does the .. ‘dArk spirit of revenge et dwelrin th at woman's ',hwitr ' ached the j 'dgesternlY , and calmly. 'Dies not the ru , the wreck ,of my ch il d* pure mind, .;„ lessen your fierce resentment r .: , Theprond woman trembled, and clung still closer to the chanceller,l - whn whisperedto her Tear e m , daughter.' he sakihogain; in so - thrillkg to; "Cind 'will' have mercy pon you as you deal with those who have' lived yoi o . SPealc,;Rosa, murmured ' th e • chaieellnr, , . " =eying gently,back, that she might disengage herself from him; but h erh e adf ell for ward. She had fainted entirely' !rap et coat them inn* . t' ato a,limaa . : .1 .: • . Or, phiekOntlilll(lo , . frost! , • keirtr - : The • Rsc fl'. ',94*.iiit f ...: - ~ g o . sa's liait,-..A.-...,..1,. end : 4ourney— liamlieu;iiio.Platt isim, .. _ . ' The>wiad.eoft ~" `;breathing . an- - Eoli. enleip, lifted thea • • tttutabw that 'rude chamher;:aid..-fiiii the" iliai or - y_tielvem In, 01' 8, ?#1 4 **.: -54*alsiAWeitt : : ' 1. . .... ' : -.10: 1ir'•1 1 ,414 44Cfmaitr.,. - ': :-:ft c yr ; nrief f isiny, i - -,--f , Grace's 'aiiiiitioaet,;- fitted , isg with taste that li'avery TOW , - :Or - tie - tit told' that 10- alit i 66 !ted *lair : .' . k*fthatiii4 l6 'iiPitlih . _A;Rief4eili 0:444 hiiiiieckds called , angelic 'Agaheat . . 4heiehite,huaglittlit- pictures O , her owilii - . - , Iron)''f . Oet itereettoiy, but liter iiii#o 7 lC ' '- .!2 - : - a flOginiAt . 4 o hea o4 /1. ; OW" Ilia.. ' ''• ' ' _with h er: • , ,.. _ , 1 1 0?roide 1 7,..Dai . ' v 'Aable - ' ere and-lied -IPriadr:thad all . - - ' '.. - .hy her *Ade ! i .. n g e _ rs; - '._ : -'.. - •- :' ibiesll4k, - j,*•-: motionless _ o 4 h er : .iiita, face. tursedl 1 gMI4:„. . ;..m isidw._ : Al l over the 09Fit..,1*MAY ..- Thir .14** elo*ieetrous .*.idiri,4: . --‘01: - --dlititaillia 4oth; . 4 111:44111 . ' '''4' -- 10404:iiii . i9lveiciL their r - O r iiiid i jkii'f**j*p; *)Aif ' 3 o_ ;41.44-4' :.',.- . : iltlidso4 l: ii 4 l* o lo -,-.!--...- 7-riveryittitiffosif* ass eibii:::eidkotinW '01.4: 4 4.0 116- : - ' . *-Ibilt.o) - (th:P**iiii,i44 _ . 07, .000* ~ rOtPAPI , - -1,"4 1 1, ,,, '-. itiiiii4 ol4 o4 l . l4 ****Pet: 44ol6 : 'fiitel!idiidiki# ailiff'*iiik' l4l :loo'l,: : ;.. : ril*** 4 9 4l it it 4 ifEit*#** , f! l —r'r t-. .'* iptioev ! / .ok;figioiii*.lsidr montidia.l4l " ' -,4i.iiiiiir=i. MONTROSE. PA., THURSDAY; ltAir the hollow eyei—the'grey hair, ‘eare.n4 age., : the lips *bite and sod by painful thought; alt the for irearsitlialed at that Tenement: and yielding , to ans . impitisnls. trol,sbe lifted both arnis!teivrairdi inured, *MY fathde. first time _that ' tendetivis had worda,.with a Wild), throb of rowed brew silvered ever eompre: love - witheld in her heart, conhrnotio, him, and nin I :it WU the' hallowed th .; joy, the jade' bent above her, till his .white" locks ininkled With" the ban& of . her silken . hair._ Then she ,flung . -loci arms around • his I neck, and felt as he prosied - her to hie' breast, how sweet it was to forgive;'• .--j , • " I 'You are hetter, mY child,' he said, as soon as his emotions _ / Would allow, - 1 -thel flush has' l gone,lan&four hand - feels cool and healthy";- you are • thank God, bet/sr', - ‘Yl . m, father, better is 'body and iota; she anali/erea, in a subdued manner iluit seemed not- er own •,, arts • , always•l ve fel t '1); ' '1 • h • Pieuld I ' thuti; . and yet _ _ ,: ' ~ J I .And yet, how could yeur intempted the' I lia j'Odge . ; g you had much itanie'for what yen did, holt ,haye much, very much to fogiie in me my poor 'child! -'- ' -J- ---• I s I ''. i 0! forgive'ine, I peed most. he iiirgie -13 en, murmured Rossi'', hiding her thee in her hands:.' ' - - ' -'- - 1 - 'NO; poor child,' yen h a ve _been 'Ding , sufferert--yOuatid,that+-;-' , Father,' interrupted 11:ois, .. , almost wildly,.l 'I needed'not to be so vindictive--kshall nev er firgiie mrself—l 4yd - told you' the truth; but not the whole troth :- father , ho, long 'lT terlot left Cub * siid.you marry I? ' I had.been in the wiiderneas eV ' six 7ears when the first settlers cable, ' said Ju ge Stan ton, musingly.; ' Grace came the nelct . year— ijmt was seven and over—intivo years we were-2 he stopped with a .troubled. look, and then added; in a s manner sudden and 'painful, 'Nine years, my child.' , _ , '.Father,' said Rosa , so ft ly,' will yoti forgive me: that 1 di4_not telt s , you `before' It was - in my ` power to Save ,on so mush "sorrow and . psin ; you Itave not . i*edifter'mypoor moth-, er; she continued, deesy affected; then look. : trig at bhn etes4iir, - ihii added ,;' Toni first wife was laid In ite'Xlmve Owe I waselillit.seos of& ' : '----:'-' 2 : l ':-L-- , !. ' -;l4`.'-- - `—',- . , • Like one strict ea Into Marble sat-the indite , . He had to 'speakfeltthe, till he hke to in a dre4in; though his streSgth was. weakness, he lifted his arms high, -and with solemn emphasis.: uttered _a most Witching , prayer; then, - *lng to Relit; who "sat up in the bed, iwtstruek at his manner and'appear ince, he taid 2 - 4 Reproach .not . yOursa child, you have been but an instrument in , the hands of Him 'who humbled me—of .dod,then, ask forgiveness—but oh! my child r_And ha sank on his knees at the bedside,;' it is heaven Opened'to me. Lelia, if ply 'blessed spirithovers above ni now, witness these tears of jey‘tbat, through _the -mercy Ofithe thou wert not dishonored. . - racel, gentle an- gel ! if.thou didst suffer* for 'my \ real:, wit ness. my repentance., Almighty rather, eter .nity will be too short in which to thank Theo I for : that over=ruling: providence, j that mercy that kept" me Porn oin—Thou has clmstened in mercy. Nov' tell me of your mother, Ro sa; did she die of a broken heart,lt -'Your name - was hit- upon her lips--she blessed yonforgave you= z -itoplored me also to line you—but my; heart was not like berg ;1 from my earliest years I studied jferievenge. , I sa w her• fade and die, rementher ; say 'ne more,' she Oachimed, with a'andden. gesture; ' 'I am' hip - pier . now—buf I date not 'dwell up, on those patient days--tay heart l is still very' wayward., - ,' Where is Graee—Where my mt. -tea she asked, timidly. 141 !iyon do not know, thenf and the judge sighed heavily. _ - woman : spirted trim her pillaw . and , gar:ea :searehitxly _in his face;.l , what a:*4ful'n thing can you amen?' she faltered—a mxtpl eien of the reality crossing her Mind: Hereplied; q mean the harp 0,11 thowiand Strings Le irretrievably shattered,; we hat ; my 1 child has nd longet the light of reason tri guide c.And have been the wicked nause,labe crie4 wringing . berc,bands; -‘ why -:why . /tarot done. ,hOW had :she injured rai l ittlideisiand'ilit his . lui—oh! no wonder , no *ender"; bow - be - Ini4aiegi*Luke . - t . - !wwiescit is a Marie .`of:hopelesii Somehere said that if abe'conld be uridei.the Medical inin nilderstood diseases the 'brain, JIM might, ba,....tesfored k others, ti 4 her-haat - 00 bra' inarinfitire that Po bitnan skill' can avert' the dreadful -entire* Bat ho! c ould I : send hot froia .. ~`me,` perhaps fri f strangers for .I am advised new ___ _1 YL:fccaglltati. 26, row, eielaiwd putting bilck Ipod tho table: the untasted morsel,, and. Hs - ing'witb the tears in!her eyes: • Yottl i was not in your h i t mind dear.; you .kurl nurse-Isonth higly 'Think .. now for revarei sr . eta yon har i el `uttered those words with deliberate reason?' - I - - '1 knownot , Whit I said?' ' • - -i A th44bt so, dear.' 1 ••! i ' Cautioned by lier father tci A keep perfectly Silent, as, should Grace recognize her, *he might be violent, they set onttoiethet: for thee Mt n . , , • , bad expected- to behold in. Grace a waisted,i emaciated creattrt, with a Win . hope, less cotintenance. She sits lalmost startled to see her ' l gnite .eheerful, iind ' bumming sa . little, love.song.': She - gazed With !Surprise upon the books and sewing upon the iittlit stand. ; - The cave was scrupulously neat bid 'kinked `iiiiite. comfortable, *nigh' the 2 itMosphere felt chilly ' to ber, excited as wai, ;!Itlisisawrinind i. cations lureicy except itittel t When Grace : sud-• denly tinnedivith ontstritched arms, her inno cent.fae-shiniA. like a nerAp's through her golden [hair, and asked hei. gather if be did not know she was the: dear 3,;i4our ; then the im'. 1 pulse faded as'soon as spoken, ind.she - turned to•her glass again to restiMP her . riecnPation. - 1 The winds hive given me it carpet, father,' she said, pointing to . a' few 'leaves that' had bloWn in upon the re eky . tit ' I AM 'a wit: ling; I am myself, and yet not myself.: :I_ have lived two. liiei: one.was 6 'merry,' happy life,- when I never thonghfanieVil! 'thing, , w hen I lived and *as beloved; the other, when I crept in dark corners • and- hid ply - facewhin a dark Vision, with . fiery-.ey/s, came and - , laid these burning coals upon- 1 ,13v brain, and told" me I existed only by her favor, rind'so her malice bight be Poured Put upon. ine. ''' - I am in a strange tumult oftenl;i cannot_ press thrpi the thick clouds that fold about m e; and then again-they tie all 'lighted up with =with stars,. and I feel`an impulse:to sing nWitiot Music ;:•and then the stars.dielt slowly, slewAy,, and nothing re l. *Mains . but two . glaring 1 itteadfast ' efes, with 1 seven iittielrataoti4urrittian_an_Oisint.— lair angry: thei, and if I could I Weald teir. !them from tbeir - sciekets; tint My hands pass through - them; •. I think' - they :munt -be bad spirits,' btit why shoald they haunt ' , me' Father!'. -she- ezela'med, i With a -low;' `musical 4Otiilitair t.• OW ~ . :S- -- c i •. ;- 4 What, my darli gr. ,:• . , . 1 . 4 Why,- only- that \ I DM; happ y - sometimes, and as light as a bird. - )-want'wings—l lent Ifof i wints--Ind there in A 'good angel comes; to me then and lends me *alga. . I thin k mustha MY mother,' shit - Muttered to iirself,, twisting the ring, the pledie of her betrothal, 'round her finger. .- .. ; .1 . • - • ...-- - 4 yo, , I ink it. must be my ; mother. •I i lawn.' she wasbere one; dAy, and sting me al 'sweet song, and told me? when I was a little. bahe.she came from, henVen And sang - it to mc' '—foi I . ,was wive find rinthen But she-in traded'--a1!) sudden fury ' vtil her features • -'the dark woman cam and t Id-Cny moth er what I WAS. 0! h0W 1 ,.. cairn al;lipvi crtiel, to tell my 'angel mother;la 4 send her back AO heaven; Weeping . for, ;.b l r, Ilel child:' elfi Since then, she sobbed,: ' she ban; not been to' see me again. The darli' fiend itr ve ber . from n 16 . 1• • Judge . Stanton turnedia ay" to conceal -h is own 1 emotions. .It Wel the fi rst - time poor Grace had alluded to hiiflead wife.'. i . . ..- Itesa was weeping -Silently hidden by her , veill7 3l She could conirot, herselff-ne logger but Hurried froth the care: liinCii in ihe - :si , pen : mr„ she gave free vent to- her pont-tp grief in lipid gobs! -. Shp : was titittleil by the apktuaneo of' Minim, who asked i 4 ilit! _ma Leland' -': what '' ionesil, whit; 1 has-; happened ,' Madam ' _' Leland7hat ref Graiet--ia she worsen 1,:.. si' .. 'j'--' . 1 . i 'am- not Madame:lieland, l murmured P 4.,.. as, in =a subdued tone,-44itking het: teat:a-Yee she r ecognized Ilbitici;ll et Itoaa;the dattib ,l ter of.ludgegtontOit,—th, e whinerl - whom yoti must have knOwn, and learned, pet:13800o d 4 'apish. : .And• I . wonder n:§ h tif it iS.'llO . -41i11';'* Ear ;foitive you if lyout te - nie iretie:'thati the Vetriest reptile, in- yOursith; oh i 'biilinii; ithe,'l knew net of tins Ore ettiaMiti. tin Yes terdir and from!illy :)*iirkdoditnos,l 44 4 1, Ohio thutatt - 1 - have tak n 'in- .thisrmourtif , . The iv - mitmai iii°4 liinuk **liiiiii, more hrpity than Mt id ',la-hie - own d4e, ..- sorrow had ' tatight, hint l*mpatiry for ()the; She had.hiasted ail' his bokeinif-still hei` garde•flieritith'itnuigii thengh- net 'itegienil eatotione. 1 puieno heliwid , ishrunk fiOtt .6;41 her- , ',.:. '...' ....-', :1 ...-1 2. -.:'-,' -..,- 5' , ...-!. .. I. , `Lifiingille'OilliiirleßP*li fionx her 't , if .I,lboan thkainall;ll ' p*tittotitW and tit , itiittoveci chin; the.. ' aitircilwriniunif - , ned:: : : -- i-'.., -':.-..;-..-, .4 _ , ' .l 4. 1 ' ';', ': :, • , '',. ' '' ;6 :MI MY .We b#VOI teas aittlieited toto ' ' ' " . 'On on mylatair i l'li*lilt4 , "Tess;'whO; ;little-child, I WAS tan ted.hY other Chadic, With :'the s ;o4 4 .rthiliii)''..4 4 thliwildliel 1., ‘". :away anfileiti*t .', , ri;anal-rii; , iii - '`Do4 iidtii • &Fa! he di dn't 34 ? '5 ; l. ;f 41, .: 9 -- - w *: sa f e ): 10 7: 01 4 1 ,* 6 4 '111 ! 1 .4:004 /4 i ' , ._!,819 ,- 04hattrui-, ''ittloi!!4 ; iti,4.Wl.ol 7 f!hiPet4,..2*AinY-4. pinta Ind was baoclibt, silent tigiehibigi . ...,,..,.: ... : , I ,t,ey,ineelf:iili.Xroo.l . : goliik'ind bkhliiii ifai blmidli g i,- *"' 4 "l a tl tcs :WZ ai ;. -1 , 4 f -, '., liheitlfiltlit: 4 liiac.A . *liihi,natii - - i ' • A hies( ntosat: Uni t al6.l le l da l "04, Olt t; ;vow: . ' ' ••• ''.: ' .'!. , f ' • ` 1::: - '.':'. - -, ?:: - :' - ''! - ',,."-i':'' 'l. : '-':, E.-',.-f-, en I ' w her• stand befeiii his portrait and urmar,to liirt, r z l a `soft itiainti;e voice, then 1 k languid amflistless'epon. her much 'and :I s ep like an infant, as sbe felt that all hope d depiirted;when I heard my stern grand. titer M l arratir deep eureeS ujiekraffather as ~ itima above the corpse ``' of his orili 044 i a Oa - lir -despair, with the tears coursing, d wn hes timemstalned cheek, could I t nk of , fatissr and love him ? nay, rather co 141.1, fi ild, wa' ;With mr vriiint tippital , tier: 4 1 ent, 1f will'" the'spoileii,:pitted. child Air f one, one Who ha& never felt the ' - Pateilutl` sacelierisitiitherthan feelings_ of repugtianee a totalling, say hatred, if will, fo that happy man ? ' i '0! I set', I feel are beginnlnff th"pity , 1 : -, ' 1 ddilitYlic;U: whisPered the Yenhg nail violottly afflicted. I ' ' ', - i 'And that, at last ' MY Peer old grandfather 4i ed s 4nn un'lneer4 l 4reihaPPY .ehild- Over hbide - atthel , ahew, his coffin -iid,-..h614* h is.: , i n new ma e We, 'Yawed to feue* aft 4 r 2 ,4 " cruel;&flier; to pursue him.: relentily, to_ Make him imalltii)feel the . bitter bitter ,cerisquen. (L, ces or lus criMe,,tbough ofl forgive me for cherishing_ such feelings to :Ards his- innocent child. r , _, .. . Why are'you comb seearlyr asked Grace, AS orace entere er primitive little`borne ; 'and she bounded towards him with a ewes smile. i , 1 . 1 4 Because I am sad every moment th 4 Il am 1 away fr4e 3 Yes! ' You promised me you would tally n§ more in• that way; she aaid, hei• face instautti sob e r., tri ,«' ign hhPPY- • if rim only call me sister; I ou fin w,' she added niOurnfully, II can neF" - L r,.ne! r beright else to, you." as ; I Grari dear you tell me you love me as a h • certain you love me ' 2 ' rot er , are you , -P -The bright blood MAO 6 ber ehee si arid, ro+ a was so full : of sad;reproof ,, at iiis I/ sluts r °t° kin ' f°l ' " k ing the • ( Pesti IL' • ~. 'lt hi Almost cruel of yen to ask:Me that,' he m urmured, ' ' ion know—you must _know , and.tewlerlY~ I regard -Yeirt*dear rothe ; who else have I, to love but niy_latit er and ou. ,Come, to Please Yesi I "`wiltlive • where you-say, only istill, I implore-yin,- hil,a brothel ,to pool Grace.' `. kr- , , Herstee- caught eagerly at Ai l s oPPertn ' 4l/gfrajirilkils-- ,-,- Y eieplitia, still cautiously gtir•e4 - iyeti, the cas e "is too gloomy for • me; it cypresses my spi its ; but I have ; something ' to . propase to you be tter even than retu rn ing r A to youtli., i er'ii. am going home to NeuF York,but not ta stai r ' he added quickly, untieingfis n r -flash hig i. 'Now sister Grace; you shill, be a life long, a .dear a sweet sister to me, if you willloty con s ent to journey ( with me ~toy; native ity-for a while.' 1 ' ." 1. '1 '•• ~ '1 gb with you.??I whom every bodishrlnks •from,nd even ahhors ? You must bel crazy l' she e claimed with imperturbable gravity, 'I Igowit you to • New : York—and aliir?' i ii "Then you fear-:to.irtist - me,' murmured HOrace, chidingly. I _ , 0 ! /no, no, SO:she replied, with tinirgy,iie mY Iretheri I trust la Ged,and Yen.' 1 , Ov 'oYect at his success,Borace so ghtt..e j Age communicated.: . d comanicated, his filen of Moving 41 I Grace d ing her to the North. I All was soon 'Madam Leumd was teieursei with eat, a d to.remain with and lake the. sole 'c ante of Grace until she wast..penna.. nentl'il L lodgoi in the asylurii. - r ....' , :i" ' .: ,-'-• • .„,, l'.'• !:DrAge4f youkneyr....hoir:nial 60iti:4 - i f i . „ - .l ;e4 ll lbotit-itstl7.'e.idatileit Mettle, 0*641 Rees 'eildirjliirhy. kiii,;- r ivilit!.4.:sUs*.ril4- -, veptlim' yen Naive :- ,- - 7, , , :, .- , :' . : 4 4 . - ..-- 'r4t. - a -::11:ippf, ::thici. -ii•:; - Iriiinviitt .1312w6 fro , 63. , ....;; , ....-::',;! 43 1. 0 ;t01i5 1 2.pii;644-1 0 4 . ilifoini 1, the-r"iftePilliiiOntrand' , So.thrill, - : , m &ilia . 'ive.liei"-*lll*lllade:lite .; eit s IN; Id ii,:-, 1 iioi , ,lteri licit r t:: • :"lcti_ ledge! tanton'vlittle Gree.els , re:oi! /'..,':-;*±,'• .-. ~.-4 ! , ! S tr isiteriOleetity3,, „ 1 4 2 4,ipered . In 1 11 . Ibiliii 2 Cnianner-i - 04 :-i , : ,. ':'. , -)..': 4. i l ri.:w,l' l ;\ ._ ..... ~ . . _ • • . - . r• . it, ' l ti.enitAtropdeez•!tioritinuectk:Fto ,trotieg , poi141oila:-Ici*.iiiiiset,:' , $tio**vsliivip* ikeuf'i,om - . fiiniO4 -- .to:*ihir'finitkikrinfa . , -, 4,14 4840 1 1 / 5 1,nelip -id ul'or-llaog,--1 1 - , :t , :• -.., -3 ; ~,,R ';- : ; 4 ;.1 0 T. 4 .':: i fl , :*,G - 4d .soofVl4iiiii4: - 01. 6 - 1 40 1 i'g*Pii I her:hini*.tther Step 1 0 1 1. ' iiiol 6 ii .111341-get mewled hrlie!t r Y9r ll in:ro: P01 1 1,!_.• istiucii4.theiio 4l 4 l6-4 0 0; I, l*liit'i7l)4r*: i -:wedd Likilhi*-9 *01 41'. Sfi . '*` - ' . **. f .l . - n lng iiere erty444•tiliertheAh iiiiiviiii: uy ,144 . 4 .i 4, Se!. -i r iirki i li'linit 4 - . ." - Yiyi:i 4 -e" *4414 Ude : ) F'6 l lo ll 4 4l 4 ' ..* . iiiii'i'olit ' : ' 0404 ; . 4 0 - 4 4 • - trat.t.f.4.lo ,:r,-..' - - . .=i , :,r, .!r. I , i;:.:i.li:trAl .:,...1. a 'S.4tifii - 44:4inell'%ta WS* lit 414 1 -hei;:. 014tiiiiiii . . 1 thej:e, 411 0*ii 1 4:f s ' 1 0t Aiireal _,_ i ' th ii • eire*Of' s tint.ii-Oie , iiii.',* -- -4 1 1i.0v. - -_ irifitie4iiiPiditc* ~ '."ty -- ,-,kqx!i#oli# tkinri iplori,litiii 4110. - s iii*S . -4*o; -- tiOilia***iii 4 2 :iittii':' ''' 4 7 l of : , •i_.4:! , .? i i:t; ,- , -' 4 --* • - ' - '':'' s. *lni:;.fi*. - 4 6 . - ;',l,44itt *04 3 4i iittily 114,1 --0 4 4 - .410044**4.0./gew - ittr , 4lk4iiiiii!dislr F 4, 40 - 3, - 14**0#04:0;t 4 4 6 1140 ii b4 40 . 0- 44 04404 iiiii4l*4l4l** 4 .4* - . - : ,::::'' . ll;k: hit tsw it**it' 404111i.ii*:** '00 1 : tow Jos : .., ~ ..,.. hai5. , ....... ~,, ,, ..1 , "13,- ,; :i.• ---. ;1116---'eeli—eliti4iiiiiits,;„,.,.)- ~;.1, -7.-s7 • ' ,..e1 - ,-Irrifelli." .:.-:P.,:.i! ,. .: -, .. - :,(1..: , :v.: 7 7 C., - ::t-i;-, ! ,, -. , ... - fi ~ -, , T, --,:' :•:-..1 - ,.1;:n;, ',,,:.,- - 4 - ;„ :;,.: 7 4"-t . :C. ~,:,g SEM EMltifEl lEEE • ).‘• • - ". , • • - - ; !4 * - TOL, X;i: iiezertlobs, iiPlentit!/I,i-siAlittoAe44 `r.-7.?-7.7--- ; ' , 77-._,„,f' ' ' tit* 1 ?-4. , . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers