emphasis ; oh, now Indeed my - c up of sorrow I is far - -, • And the father relatia allt. the-Alibi* of her inanlacy, pham:. .11e, did not spare" himself probed the, thrice opened, woundii; he wept when' he spoke , of his child's desertion,but his, eye brightened with the olden fire:mile'-'exclaimed, ‘'Vet she .still love(me; thank God .And ins I' Murmured Horace, idOes she for get ma!' , , • Ah,- it is touching to hear her talk otyon; :exclaimed the nurse. 'l:know-she hives you poor darling; with her whore: son' ; but her mind, you know,' cannot . recencile your lore and respect . - Wilk her=her disgrace, as she . . For the fi rst tim e-the . lip of the youngpan uivered.,l fit ' r may at`least see her,. he exclainied'pass 'You shill, gladly, ripned-' Atka' Stanton. 'I *ill speak With.her about it nowinitnedi ' atelY. - - Whni,.knowe'...., —la MC countenance ..': brightened--*4 - knows but : your presence. may restori'llie poor Child to her right mind.' 'Oh, thatit might - Even shenid that fail, she may be incurably insane. -Have you _ tlidught_of our , institutions north: , where the - maladY of ibe trio is. made a subject_ of the deepest Ante, exidirOlicitOrtsly - attended to.by "•thei maitii Minds among the medical men? 4 leannot,-will not give her up; Ali , iigaili he f - paced -,the narrow length ofthe TOO I - - - I no' pauied abruptly in the Midst his walk v an, ' saying, I w I come- to morrow ; : . Mime her if possible, for a visit from-Ine; he left the -.house, mounted hie_ horse and' rode away. ~ The air was gentleand refreshing; he bared his hot brow and let the _soft wirid woo With; invisible - finest* the earls , of his glossy 'hair. . 'Passing Sillsbeo'a Hotel, he casua lly kline . ed up; and started:at`the ''beivatifol - mien that '... met his gaiels for Rosa,'now almost Convales cent, had been Wheeled •to the open window, and wasgazing with new. ;interest upon the Olden orchaidaand thentrPle hills in the soft distallio. ' Her wild' black eyes were larger , and brighter from sickness; her * midnight tres ses; curled in masses, floated around' her, and hope had crimsoned her dark cheek. - • • That instant their eyes wt. A deeper blush mounted to the.brow of tie West Indian; as they called thee-hi - dweller's gilder, exclaiming, '.Mark hhn, Blanche,.at the table; find out who he•is: Did you notice his 'distinguished - air, his graceful carriage _t' _ .- _. A Horace, in the mean time had made It like -.. inquiry- of the landlord, in subdued tones, for lite heart had forewarned him; but not with pleasure did he ask; and when he_ learnzd the naine of the lovely. stranger; his vfholo face grew dark with concentrated hat e. ~•,. Concluder] next Week.. . 7 Appropriation for -1853. The Gcneral...f.tppropriation bill, passed by cur State Legislature, just before its ejourn ment,-fills a pamphlet of 17 pages. The fol , „. .„ „ , sowing ts abstract of the' amounts appropri. - sited .for the various purposes which - constitute , the sPecialtharge of Government: Executive department r inc u mg. • . • ealaries'ef executive officers, - • • clerk hire; &C. .. 8'27,900 00 Centirigent 'expenses of Execn.' tiro and Stile departments,dre. 3,595 00 Contingent expenses of. Auditor • -- ' General's Office, - • 1,330 00 u State Treasurer's 1,550 00 4 Surveyor General's': Ism 00 Expenses of Legislature, • - 104:,1:00 00 . Public Printing, &e.,.. - • 2,5,000 00 Packing and distributing laws, - '7OO 00 lifiseellameous expenses,' 0,006'00 Water and gas; for 2,400;00 Support of ComsiseriSe.liools - , . 200,000 00 -Pensions and gratuities, , 20,000 00 Etpensei.of Indicsasy, 91,000 00 l'ayment of.guaran - ties of interest, 26,017 50 _lnterest On State Debt,- - • 8,000,000 oci Ordinary and -..extraordinary . • re- , pairs. of improvements, up to r 30th, • ' . • Ordinary repairsafter DeceMber _" Ist, 150,000 Expenice of motive ppwer to No. - • • _ vember 30th, 529,334 00 . Ordinary expenses Of Co !tibia - Itailroad,new Locomotives,&e., 270,119 0.0 Do-flilegheny'Portage 250,315 76 Expenses of motive power, after.. - • Dee. Ist, Payment of t`ollectore,' : Canal 'Commissioners, &c., Repairs &c., of, road - and farm _ bridges over - Priblie works, 15,000. 00 : Payment of debts contracted for, repairs, ' ' • Paynient of debts contracted pre- . , sious to Dm 37,886 83 . .:Motive power debts up to Nov. soul, • - • Incidental reinirs of damage by • fire;-&c. - 25,4100 00 Penitentiary salaries, • • 14,000`00 -Publication. of superintendent's.. - \ •-• Completion Of work on. Delaware -raw' . \ -- .. . tgr" 'Fre ' th e Easron ! 11,7u5, we. c lip' the 4.y following v pertinent : . rks relat7e. to the organlition of', the .. mocratie, party/ in that count?; where they, !, o been divided 'and repeatedly. Overthrown b • ,their dissnaropit.— _ We ' hope a totter day is dawning''• for-old Northampton De , oemicy, as'Meat ' the f as suredly it will if they bat inscribe 'allow , i ing opon their banner an never swerve from --- . its Sentiments. It strik, us, too, that every i s Democrat,who feats anxi ns for thd success of his party and thereby • principle!' as con. ! tradis "' isiteer from the Whig,s,'wil heartily tarl y endorse- e article: As says Mr. Dzi 'kiwi, upolitihe death for the traitors and ereatill .... be no mil treascin: . I:- . t , It is atiabsurdity that °lmpolitical Iponeets abOuld he reMtscpted-in a densicrat ponven.: lion. • They are not dour stripe and havi no business in our conventions: They ate not ex pected.to - support; bar. ticketi afterl.o4 l aret formed; why should . • have a voice ' ill the framin .of than -I It is .:fair and un just The delegaess 'Should beappo - ':oned anent the dif ferent, ti,Wishipx in pro ~, rtion to th`demo: . eratic vote;" and we hope The committee' will haveldifficnity in ttgri.' , g tit r ..rommead this one of ita ~ ,- of reform. It is sou i just, so Mai • fair end lemn" 42 *k:el/bat no weli - dia ' •'.- ' man. can object :to it. :1' • 1 , - •'„ - ; - • Anci th er i salotary :rule; Would be this; no °ant* ref sAgabistog smar t Oet,(whe the er he presmtted hiiitiameito the coeventinnor Enti) wbe iernnn'fle:4 l 4o/al 10 7 1i t ae in our orgn ' i on in any way/what:es - .•,,,k eWo . 'd I nn say to I diso iZers, re Sir if yen oppose the ticket Ur at ogainit: tie 'ticket, - we want . yen to know be ore band, that you w) I not be lo , th en ,to serve "on a ' 'ttoe,nor will oa r : p . ebe permitte d '. a eenven um ton either a delvate, conf ,of elkadi date' It ' allaWing little too m ` 'freedom to, : , - t - 'mast* toAntO a • em+‘tiisis; (as is a *mime mends herutoote,)Prosept , . Las candidates, pledge themselves , to a ". by its deeision,, violate theirpl j edgell job' g , e federalists, and the very next year Iv .ftav t , impudence to offer - themselvea as moth& hgam, for a regelar nomination i— 1 We 4 sgsa th is dcmeand it has iiftl. ti the bettem 4 all j We want finale rule lad' • te/1,41 Willa Men, hereaffer;- cienot divot • T. eswith'linputilfjr. - We want a Mark Pat U • •i• .thein,inci thataheY ain't- 1464 the i ? -I ' - • - - t_l - - -FAY mire fain' erti, - Voiesalve haie some As ArnesT.—,em Sdr"2,l - took' place yestm• rule of this the' by which, inners can be pet day 'ever.ing'ia illelfife* Halt Of Jahn A. Se. ,I tint of the harbtf l -alt-the re. - Iniatiotti we can r., kon iPsnikeyjs itaial ATiingef in the ad Elena opt, 'grip 1 faiestorebarmonyteint - ifinks. Ward, A number ef , = - Gforgeoini, ware ia.the We: have .known *lien Openly 4,0 • olposil lII* -:' hall, eiljOSing• th elASelifilitilheit na _nal man- , whale *gn arlyeaminandiketetdllia oda lier;Witell' a - crowd of commenced irt.Vi- bar. election and t4e veiy next _fall miderialte- P ing the house ; -the: Germans defended - them- to th reat theinseireit into ths conve n tion as .- acliyea, in-the best manner posstble,Titeeiul* delegatas 7 perhapi aisle a nomination-for ia In the 'in - 4dee, one - of the - Isla; stained Aamea inOrtant:, ' l '.,frhera isneith4 democracy ''Clinpbell;•Waa shot 'brio,l'y coeitthe GO- nor (mime bOnektr in thia_andwasee inata, end ,saientdy.if not fatally bajemdi , -.4 -. 'in- a stop ut ',it, lit.making . theiumimark#l,we ,othir,.l*4' liaised-Robert - Emit, was•Wlno. arid at ipteatia a tar ns - n - 4 o ld As e :ooo 3 . AzdirpoFro, MMus:l)am kit -on Wit*, Oni - Objea- s "-calf thgrelteitiOn'eflfle ilini-- F . with a:l%*d grooke... : 1 ,s . -- loft* sad pialti4ol-intiSting evlfs4 .not. - to • 'Two , Gesuons, -mined ''.lolet :Pricier ltak 7 in deatuisiOnss et the Men low Ario g atbl e Believers irrolled, Aim' lake 4 be. have ..t- • •'''' *Wet% - ,11 / 4 .1 4 10nr . nierAla,.. , Xte , ':.ifit ,ev-,;,,nfr charged With C _ W O. be:lif*AD .'' "444414e/int _ • , Ur9lody 'ea aur4";' . "., - a - PaY,.._.Pvn nit' 'ln ' I'l,nun! 'of by ' -: , '., ::` ,- *Mid-liindent -- '' : 14 :2,, ' esk t. `lttlaKetio'eliicar this ifiornine — -: .. Bu t -" , ' , ' , .. - ite - 4 sel 'ufrillsi - stobtai •ut Divisiok ' 20,000 00 House of . 11000`00 : Institution:for the:Blind, - 12,000 00 Do. do Deaf and. Dumb, • 15,000 00. State Lunatic Hospital,: 20.600 On Improvements, in the 1,850,00 .•- Registration- of = marriages,' tita, • (printing. ) ). - • 6445 00 , Pubr of Legislatirelleeord, , 1,200 00 V Para of sundry privideelaima p 1,525 48 ';'"Finny.lißerdion of Geoiogiimi report • 8,000 -0 0 • ' Damages on ColumbialLaßenati, =*-2,060 Clerk Mrs State Depertmkint, !AO° 00 Adjutatit tamend, f or-visefing Ar.. senidit - - 26& 00 Dunlap. a Digest; for Legislatrtre, ' \,938 00 00 Paymeat oreesta, lie., inConitsp . - counsel fees, Ste., .2,193 00 • State Agents on Pnpree:Raliroad, (for eanh,) • • 800 00 Ike4ring State Powder : Naga -500 00. 4 torth • 350p00 00 . oeNoktikTtack Columbli torten". Railroad; • ofPenterylvanza* Arch-, • - • 250.09 • Enclosing Arsenal Gronlida, mop 00 'Expenses of Comrnit.teelon'Poti. . - ageßailroad, - • - Repaira_ofitraisi&,r4 Expenses of - aim.; en Delaware & litidson Cinal; Totat'''' ENO S. B. Stc-E. PlOr i rn"! Domocia TOIL -Of Ph , . J. --- - --- , . , • E ir Perso#: the 4astein section of //A :C'oiniiy,' it44in!' ' 1 . 6 M. 6r -14 ..p.go?i i 81a nk5 , ' c.,,,,,,,,„ : ,,, . ie, Job' -Wini done, ,t ciifi do so cal ling 'our kato • • (o.'fe l. direefk 'c'Przite thl a lau -H,G 6si 's " Gial. Dove Ka crof, - formerly Columbia Piaui Snpienu; Belk Jud • GibSOT4 • pa 'mealy by Gra& . end Brass . f Ban , . 1 ' . A r ailisible W. tni_inli• r marks -th 4 !ill. iiiic is . a - • ion Airh eh! growswith what ii fe€ l3 t v on. , „And the tnii , ones alired Ibises ilitilic teen ty o r s once deVel ' a . in is- lirection4we hav a longing a lulled ; nor is the :: ten W ker for boinglless susceptible of ex intuttiOn any . ae-1 , , ,- aim- ' , ' . " , I,- fi • . Ili a few , We were ; H igh - gratirm e v e nings , , . since ,mear our , ,I.w 0 in the village, , of Great Bend,with tIM above ' II of music f. its teacher, Mr. ThoitUs T. , Bians is a gentleman who, has been engagsd itt;tlici Instrumental ; Department of musk for th e last tWenti t years and . in Europe a titv r eral of e States. lie 3n- forms us that ; he Band . iw organized, ab out; - ibree monthSsince.. Its a tuber of merrillrsi , . , is eleven • and they are pe nent and highly respectable citizens. The instruments 4 'ft the _very best that could be P rcha.sed in Pie...eity of NO, York and_ were r - .ntly imported i))3 , i 'Messrs flail ez.. - Son 239 II dway from Faris. The old fashioned .tromb no, which some of our, neighboring.county I vp hands now Use, is dispensed with mide Baritone, a€ mach i l superior instrume tit, is us e as . as a succedantim. 4 The music which this b, d play is of a high Order-Ithe Marches and P Ikea, many . t , being performed by Id. Do worileseollek4ed 1 Bras4'lland, N„.Y,; and n ', expense is spared ! 1 14.,-. i uviiitsarr tktCl .. .114Ci. 9Y0.7- wsy worthy Of pnblic patrOnage. - 1 . - .. I: 1 . Numberii of ,grass bankayo ,?ein lestab- Is lished in - various town siri have , ezpri enced•tai ephemeral, eidi no t e"; mainly titving, ti i to the transient persons . o r have enlisted. in them.; but a di&rent - clare engaged in this : band, and wo„ predici, shot, d 'ts tripmbeis Pro asl2 gress, is rapidly' as . 1 they re the' list three months. (and we are ;'no in .doribt on that point) in a few years they will excel any other band in Ihis;.Seetion of co ntry. ' / J . 1 is. " It their! intention_ to tire Concerts in a they frri eiv onths'; and arefeci hesitancy in ice ommendinnAlie.ni to ar= ieus'"Publiii. i 267,444 00 70 090 oo 0A,000.00 6,195 ".60 104,189 13 78,12 81 600 - 00 -187,000 00 413,000 00 506 $0 600 0 126 04 $5,501,597 - 54 OCR,A Inak Imo . ore copieswee ' , I Erirto • ''' • Er la 10. 18113.1.1 t ,c Nominat ions , I- ' I 6riilittSSlONFß' -_ " * I! Biji.PrBY44 itilelpl4.Coanty-: OR OERER?LL, ,Banks ) , Ir(mt G El r ' l 4 -19 er Brawley , 'do r & conilty. lho Cal. hisi appointed 410ge ila re:bplievit.rreasident oi,..tite , to fill -the'. truancy' ofi the occasioned -by the d th for, ,The , vacattai , will bp'.fiited I 1 melectibn tiext fall. i _ i 4nl■r•- ---lii-O. r.ri-. Will deal fairly . with idtiteeilons - of the county --niles that while(*) our : lairty `organizaation pare, by,ejectingpromptly,:and rearieesly,frem ititaakii : thee Who refuse, tO.k) goernecl • '••• .„ • • ! • ... il. : Book Notices. first number thea T., Th.. bfre f,intilstniciP6:7ln. jar Educator; the most comprehensive _educational periodical gular course of over issued from press;hqs been received by tut% !!lt will include" sayii the Prospectis, Pertinent of knowledge.', Each number at . this work will'contain articles .several of de. Partnients. The Lessinp,in' deography he* awnmpanied with ISlttpi- engraved on Cop. r, and the lessons in every I. other dePart . tni which can admit-. of it • Willlbe ted -piagram4,,Engravings and - Draw n] Educator, , fro ~•o cursory Px-. May numbfir, - Witl take a high - 'start4 Awn of:: the country. pub. fished Alorioldor. Montgom e ry, 17 Slitle St., 1 4 Y.\citY• '...Price r Ari etl• a tlt a . \ ar\ or 8.1,80 per year. - Petersao Megai" for June, iranearly on our : table, replete with hterest ani s ittraetions. We have so often cow ~ ‘ , de& Work to Our readelig . und espiletally ;. , ladies; that we deem a repetition , of our opine ,n superfluous: Mrs. Ann S. Ste aUe,lune Ofth ' Editors,who has a high repute 'an as a writer, ..,.ntributes largely to each 'nutilber. The June nuinber has several eini;elibibmente,and a great 'miety Of reading mattel. ..: The .next " number .: m-, mences a new yo uhio. 'Terms, $2 a year, 8 eerie% for $lO. 1 -, - " . • - 1 Addrp.4l cT. ihitersoi,.No. 10%. Chestiut I Street, PhiladelPhia. .Letter- from . Harrisburg. t ' ' • .'' ' IlAtunstinani May,l4, 185 . MESSRS. EDITORS I--.- '-• - - - . 'Since the adjourn out of the Legislature, things in , and aroundl . the be mo comparatively - quigt.— caPito!i :hare ,eQ • Timlay I visited thipitel JIM, and in silence and alone wanderedamong the beautiful trees and rick foliage that abound on either 'side, until I 'found myself veithin,those sacred Malls of Legislation ; where, but' a few days _since the.talunt and learning of this great Keystone . State mingled together in one eminent) family: ,No longer are seen men wig) hurried' step and anxius loo k within . these. sacred. Ihills; but -I 11 eve thing is solut solution and disthal ;yet beautiful. Ile the scene: with " fear and trembling," lest should meet' the glioits.. of. Legisintors. 11 that had sold their "biriii rigid- for a muss of Pollitgt. , The country- around this plate is Alio ,rnest I:•eaulifol that: I Kayo Seen in this Ptide.--= Large-and delightful farms are _seen in Crory direc.tion, which are well fenced and in aihigh •stateef cultivation, and are principally owned by wealthy Dutch farmers, who di) not pride theinseivet, like:our Susquehlunia farmers, in 1,4014 a. targe and beautiful house, but a most magnificent barn. Sustineltintia county is far ahead of this Dauphin , county,•in .having Halls of learning,. mud in educating the. rising gener ation. Prejudices ',that have, long - 'existed among the Dutch _lpertion,: are , fast- Waring away and the "Cciuntiy is becoming dottedwith schoOl houses',.. and isupplied with Competent 1 1 tiuUthers. - I - .:- 1-- An agtd and wealthy citizen , nuts. ELDER;. cf this Bo rnvgh, dela few days. - siinee who knew-the• place where Harrisburg now istands when it was only a farm, and almostavrentire wilderness. • Isis funeral Was 'attended by a naultitude, mid it it said-that there were near ly . thret3 thonsrd . . people at the cemetery, where ho - was laid in the cold and silent tomb. More lumber has been ran down the Sus-• quehanna river the present season than any former time, for weektthe river at. this place could be seen filled with rafts of boards and As Leeislatrue did not pass , the I-Wine Liquor Law," the Constables .of this Borough have determine& to put;s stop`to rum [selling by "shopping rum drinkers," thereby starving ( ts out tie ruin venders. I . a r mored highly to r day in seeing . ne of Ili - Constables taking a man to the "Dauphin en ty boarding House" who vas much trouble with a "brick in .bie r hat," insomuch that ho refused to walk, where upon Mr.-offieer tumbled the.l' old envy" on' a wheel- barn:* and after - laboring bard and ti n 'fr swettingeely he succeeded i .get ti ng' 'bbn ..•• • • . within the place where - many gone before. Truly this is an sgir,of improvement • Court has been in session here for the past tic, weeks, and - probably' will.. anstinue the most of the present Week. • Tie first week wz in . eases. 1118 1 iormasmed ' trying criminal 'T n roes *ere "convicted and sentenced to the Dauphin county pdsoi.: Three white people were, also ' convict/4, 1 and •a , young girl of "sweet'ftiltees" convicted of stealing - money and Imila/seed to the tionse of co rrection.. -,Governor /Aging'' , lust rece nt] paid. a visit, to President Pierciat %Wag it, and is'. now in tbe city of Philadel:Oia. I Octal& not be , surpr4edif the pmient Atte . ' General, ,F. W. Hunies, shosalibe app l inted. Supreme Judge, to fill the tiery -eetrioned‘,by the I death of Judge Gibson. -.. It would be a good appointnienti and m6et with ,- getwml_ fivor througbont the Cointeonwatith: 1 - Yours, * , ..r... . • •. *- • J Torribla',Diar at fsati—]Srear- • V2OO p I esLost . We lire under the painful 'ditty of - recording. another of those terrible castudticioaore.fatar is its coasegnencea human life than any. we have recorded dirring, the past year,- ' rife,aa it has been is adarnities.-. Oa iionday the brig Retiben Caner arrived.at,New Nark, with - the news of the less of the bark .Wllll4lO larsi Mari, on s. sunken rock in one of that* dangerous Chaaaels of,th Bahama'lel anda She had.Oaboardthe. : ftAm: first and second mates 7 .andaix of ..the ;ciaw Lot/the lost.fyis; 04, who ware picked ;It *few - -hottrir.afteri f 'their vessel foundered. ;pt.tyro.:fiundie4 *en fri! iv.4_o. LiyeniqoAlk, and Mary , for New 011eraus, net more than tbialt : yassis wed, the eeßiagdet 4Thir gait' down with 11'04— , . . . - • • • • • the Printe r's Namai * Union. . . This body,- - says' the `Pittsbuig ,I , ' t; ad joutfted on" Thursday. night; after a. se ion-of tour disyS. `We* caw sayin ill trutfil in&can- ; dor, that a more intellectual iiiiikilitimV.inl- ented delibirative .. body never m et in aOr city. Id. The business of the Union was transact :with a premptitudit Alit enr legislators ml ht. -em ulato with profit to the peopfe—yetn othing was done in a hurry. - The, questio n acted on, though not appearing of much lin :lance to the general reader at the first gfan e, will be found.,pf d e ep interest - on - a closer extinti adieu. iWe .ii - 0.., not believe we go too., far; wheri wii.stii lhat; iho aettoti and es!' ple of the printers,. to forming national and atilAr ir dinata U n ions, mill- eventually have it e ff ect in everyibranah of mechanical induitt in'the country.l Association is the only vra for 1110. bar, to contend successfully against ih' oppres siona of papital.,-41nd if societies this kind are:Conducted in a proper manner ; : .itbe good o i l effects -f l owing from 'them , will bit elt,- not only by Ahe- journeymen, but also by ha. em ployer. !, This is so in the printing usiness, and:we believe the rule will ; hold g i in re gaid to : very trade l in the.country, 1* . I The proceedings of the National U nion were presided> over with great - dignity by tr 'first and-seeded Vice Presidents,' Mess*: Greene of Louisville, and Fonster of St. Leto. ...The President elected nt,:the close et theisession,. for &e'en:ming year, Mr. Gerard Stith; of New . Osier* is a gentleman of ability ; he will pre side over the Union,. we feel ..sathified, , with. groat impartiality and dignity. The other, of ficers elet; are also worthy gentlemen. The; Goshen Whig is responsibt following exceedingly brilliint artlelti: - " 1 ' ' DIAMOND. - 11 . I Having recently bfttrd much of tholreported 1 - • good fortune of the. Rev.. Robert Armstrong, of Newburgh, in purchasing ainoni'ethee Min eralk.*hit he supposed waft a_t,oPai s but _ - ich iarned vat .toi be a'diamond, we baste tae ', l ke . 'mills to get at 'the real facts ot Pi caw and ;'a - -them to btitheser: _ '-i IlTr. . rrnatrong, he hay s , tor .some. time ' , past devated much f his leisure tilt tb min=i emlogical lariufts; purchased a lot 1 miner als,\\e.\,:, acme mo the nee, of an Engli hm'an in New York, am ng hich. was one en Poied to be a topaz . Up n an. examination of these minerals a conside Ado time a ft er, mit pur; c use, Mr: Arrest:. g was 'struck with the c oso :tsemblanee .Of this.suppesed topaz - to Vitt re diamond, and _ as led to subjact - it.to a test iif its qualities. his test CenfirMeti i n' eguaint- given in favor Of the vdlttabk cliaraete: \of tl e,g,etn. Mr. Armstrong haS been O ff ered %, 501,000 •f 6 one half the brilliant, but hes eclined ilf , proposition. Its Weight is twel'anctu half.oz. and if at relit .diamond, its 'valup will suer , than 42,000;000: Mr. Arinstrong 4; n w t. - king.. measures to have the character :o th mineral 'put measur es the severest scrutinj.,..and \ o: believe, he has but.little donbt_but that'scrut ny will result according to his Wislies:. If . diamond it is - the largest in -the, worlfl. - It. ha: passed in disgnisethrough - several hands, it. valuable qbanties not having been diseeverec by the person who Originally took itilrean th earth, nor by any into whose posseston it sub sequentiy passed until it . full benel the seru tiny ' of the present possessor . . If ' coffin°, i will put the - Rev..gentleorm in possession o immense wealth and thia *cal th, .we 'Wive fu .doubt, he will use in-a tommehdable way: Goshen Whig: T . Arrival of the Aktlantio. , The United States:mail steamship Atlanti says the - ,N. Y. iferald,:arrived fromitirerpo, at balf-past seven o'elock,Stiturday mornin 1! ixceedingly -quick passage enables. us t presentOuereaders with ,an extended resnin of thelatest Euiopean and other foreign urn. Our dates froth:England are .to the 1 3d inst. The .intelligeuca .from that quartq does n poisess any particular feafure Of interest. Th Jewish Relief 'bill had" been . rejected id. th _House of Lords, many warm negrOf etnancip• tors votin in the, Majority. Ttioj House „Common had approved of the .chancellor: Inuigeto hick was -becoming mere popul. daily. T le : Lord Mayor of London had e tertained he judges at dinner.- : :Airs. ILlleec er Stowe and,Charles Diekin were present, I also the' American Minister.. 'rho Hossu ' . rocket affair had caused a sharp debate in . Pa - figment, It was said that there Were one li - died thousand refugees in London, and' the r position and restlessness. caused lineasines not only to Prussia, Germany an: . Austri , but even to .-. the :Court of Eitglan Itself. tm. France remained perfectly quiet. he . dean l i tie happiness and Imperiallopes of yNapole. n .had been clouded, - and, temporarilY, ' &Imp' tir the promaturtraccouchmentol tbdEnap Eugenie. The attention of the great powe *al still tarried to the affairs of-t he Ottom n Ente. The contional tinecess .01 1 i:the re 1 part • in China, renders the Bill of t i le prey t Emperor's throne :probable.. It was conaid - 'ed that a foreign armed interim:fiefs ion 4 alone preservethe vide to the presont T r dynasty. . The' commercial, mercautile; d mining accounts from Australia, ere : satisfy tory. From the Cape of Grixid Heim; we I that the leading, Eiffir Chiefs ,had submi te'the conditions of Gene* Cathcart, and:e tit* peace was expected soon.- I :Matti* ' still encroaching en Switzerland,l where it. federal government and di ff erent Caton eon . ells did not seem to harmonize ion of. administrative policy. The`geeetal t, we of the Continent Was that of peace, but e, diseased state Of the politield System prev - l ing at litany courts,- was shown', by freetici t pett y outbreaks, either_ upon gni:ideas of ty orreligion. - -:' - - . ! : I ---..- The . Nair Mexican Bota . dary • , , :Thaideit acmes to - preinil ,t hat the . .ititsbin t, when it, shall come to -takeltip I toil consid lion the Now Mexican boimdiey, I will, in upon the litesilla,' or Little Valle 34 thrown : the Mexican alde.by :Commissioner- Bartlett, but 'claimed by Governor-Lane, in hin.proda.. 'nation, as part.of our territory of New Mei'. co. Veq well. _The treaty provides _the, , mode of settlement of all. slich questions,- and we - presume %the disputed temtory - will be submitted to the required arbitration. ... But we maintain the opinion that tiiemt satisfactorysettlement,,not only et this ba' n! ilis diiy dispute;but'of all nor frontier diffinl ,tiesi with Mexico; bo 'tii..‘pitrchijse all that pargin.ofopen country 'south of the line kir Guadalupe - .Hidalgo, which _bait been..depePti ha-0g decoiged, and_is now theTuiidispot I range of 'the Aptchei..r Let this be, done, a 4 i let a new line he established , admittint , of c l• . r .. onization and Military stations, eta it. will Iso n afford complete protection to the ftoatiers n bothsides of the boundary . Santa Anna ill, did ctly"find hiniself hard pressed for money . --. so hard that he must either matte al destent tip on the ,w4alth of thei.elmrch, or. Sell ir - another . strip Of-the, waste lands of . the Irepublie, l ie: pdse , theeineent- of.war. .We trust that - s retary Mer ti6cy; the zit jovotelit#- .old r ? ,i tit. will save tiro ctictiO Of Mexico by: itieh- . & ly overtures-to Santd - Anna as-will - relieve' the State We alustihOP BTie+ or, Ole b Pfie* Eir An editor'At a dinner tab , bang ` k - ... tau he wouldtaketisathe-plidditi , replied, in' 4 , fit, orobstizeitimln - Owing to , a 40Wd a O e r/": en;_ I r * l 4 .17061 P to : finis 'coo& for It , . - ENT.SQEPIAIML 2 fir A Shark we - recently kill near: Sari. yinu lc i s c o *601..141cm - liver. °ter three bestl4 . of oil: were Pivelred , / - z•-Ziet 'ride/ of le kody Bill barrel's." - • ' • - 1 - . - _ _ EN= - - 0. - 1 The Come -,pf 1856. • I, Tikkfolluiving Intere ' ting details 'respee ~. 1 ' , l444owMai i,vex ' pecteiTte make its*?, J.., one& about tlie"4*!l,:f ~ 180; areiplirea, y ...„ - h Lltahinet an::eminent i Frepih iAronorriei; .ad thensbili: of the 004erby of SeitinCesilii , iil-....1 0 . *.t,iy.;',liiibliwhesl,,- , This, ''Tibiil.o"!l2'j , ' ! iiiter translates froth the co:tiger det,Eids nu- 1 - 1 - : IV - 1 . ,'This comet is on6ofithe grandest of which istorians mak, ineritithi. It. riod of i ....'revo: - ' thin is about Piece Itiindred ; years. It' Was_ ; .epninithe'year,:lo4,' , 6814 , 975, - ',.1204*a. . helm tune In 1546.1 Astsionotruirs agreed!, ti its rotttini i 1848, butit failed - to Ppeart-intique an rift ez-vitts, accoiaing to e expression of lti. Italiinet-j-itnd continuos • 6 shine stall, unseenWns. tAlready the of ..ercatories begin to bei /4ingled for the Ode of liiiibentitifulwinderitig 4 tal. :, rs - dmiinii : I .himbelf had pitt 'a l cra*gpon , hiiteks‘ bpe;wli.*.i learned,ca 'enlister of,Middlebetirr M. Bombe, reasured tl; astrOnoinici:iliorld of, the Continued „exist v r,e jit the venerable irmi4nifieent comet - . ,1 i! ' -, ' Disezioted, as all dither "tronotners.-w.erep s'• the non-arrival - of the co rnet at the j'est,pee tad titno,3l:DOmnie,iided '.,, i theiireParato.., ri 'ahem of Mr. Hindbrithia' - patient* truly Detteh,lhas revised .alV,tim - ,ealccilations; 'and es 1 Wait* -- all the actions of all th6gant's *pod, the comet - for three litinisired! yiutrif tifl itwohf• Won. 'rlthe Tomtit of ihis' , patientiabcgi. gives the arrival of the comktjin Auglist, , Ml,.with, all uncertainty ef *I Ye** ,more ottielist Soj that from JBL6 to - ifiestf . we May eipect the , t t great comet : which w4s the cause of isAdif, cation 'of the'Emperof Charlegjy., in :.- .. ?'lt 'is known that; Ortakt of We genera l ad superstition, whichinteeprel.. ,:the isp , me of a comet as _ the - re.rurtner of„ genie:fatal event,'Charles . V. be li eved that this entaetad-' dressed its menaces ' jet:bully to him as hol ding the first rank itiongitovereigns..: 'Thel great-,and once wise, u l oee t no s wearied and aluit,:., tered 'monarch, had ' , 4 Or for • some time the 'victim ' of 'cruelireverfies., ' There were threatening' indicati ng in the political if not physieial horizon of , still gr eater tempeat: to come He site left to ely t,inidespair. ; , - - 'For: ; , tune a dons old Men.i .irtip appearanceof ' the hl g star seethed ,t6hiin an' admersition from li a Cli that he must ii.age to be a !cover: Agri ieh . would . avoid a' flitalitY, from which one with out authority , might be Spared., It is known that the Et,eperor anti/Yeti hia sibdiea ki66 but a little more 'than - two years:, 'Another comet iiehli:h .. .Pegged near' ns in. ~., 1 '1835, :and which lias.; appeared twenty-five, ,l y times since the. yearl ia`*ifore christian! era; Ins beeninssoCiatedthe tsiiperstitious a-4 'Many impOrtant events' which, !Miro deco red ;near the-,periods of its, visitation... • ' .1n . 1066 William the' Clonquerer" landed i i iEnaland, at - the ' hend of 4 numerous arm about the: time. that Ilse comet appeared, *hie! ti4t\ ' now bears.the natheiofAitley's comet. Th circumstances wao'regardcd by the. English a prOgnittic ofthe ifict-iitylof the Norman's. .It infuse universal 1 - terror; iti:jo the , minds the peorle, and cantribute4ristita litiic toward - ~ e submission' of the csiiiiitry a ft er the bail lastiriffs, 4 is it 11.0 served to discourarreth se! 'o rs of Harold before AIM , combat. Th 'conic <is represented apiasi the. famous, tapiste of Bayeux, executed by . p,neeki Matilda; ill . wife.' of tla Conqueior.,,,..The sameconset,i -1456, tlfro • terror among the'Turlis runic the Comman of Mahemet 11, and into ,th . ranks of, the *stiin'ssiiiring the terrible bat tie 'of Bfl,cle, *146 forty thousand Mus isulmarisl perished... The coretit.is.deseribed b histJorians otthe titite nsliinthense, terrible, 9 (ener64o6 iri' 6,length,'earqingt la!' its tradtiii which covered two c,ele - I signs, (60 degrees) and Producing universal t ' 0r.'.... Judgingfroru this portrait, comet‘ Mire . ' 'ngularly ilegener-1 it h I ' 7 a id ate& in 4ur.day.t. It-Will lie r membefed;,. o --71 ever, th in 181 - i there se ers - a otzjie t, o f. great ib illiancy, which inspire d a tile supersti tions.fr ra. Since-that epoch scie ceims no ted .ne iy: eighty comets, which, wi "-few cis • - cepticth *ere visible OnlY lik Abe, at Of tho teleseoPe. •Kepler w,he,rsj ' askeil :how. \ty comets: he thought,,there'*ere in the : hem .s, anstvered, , a4'inarsyj r es: there are fish in the igen.' i 1 'I j ::4 . - • ' for the ANTS'. t i 01 or -itiTl'iEbiren - alio hard , presse fig rippintmontel to office .ender the . new - ad .inistratinn:at Weshinfrton, . gives rise nil c .to so - amusing W et( eats. • I. he following Is ~. told us of the Secretary:of State: . - - ' , .. 'Am ng the host ,ofl*Siegere in'the p',liinit. -of place, was a Wercian'...Who. was •.remelt' - anxious that her' . husband shoeld 'be ynct4e postipaster in Somo country village. . Shelves mon, persevering in - her Aulicitations; in season: and nt of season.] She sitood at the Seereta. ry.s . oor when !lei came out.:. of 41$ - room - in the morning; she intercepted him:onlis lodg:.- inguUt night On li knei Occasion she _remained' there unusually late; .the Governor listen4il to her astong as ha laatil4,lwhei he, regeosted her4o excuse him, hat abelingered; ..At length every ,ientlemari; but one hail- goer, And the Secretary, took off_; his shocui: , Still ,sho stood her grc . kued,...quite f erinia,ved. Vircilwint des: pante, :the Secretary finally rose froin his . seat ancrpOceeded to strip:ofilhie coat ; then, tint ing to the woman, ho 'eclairciedi ilfadato,l I am ftoi g to bed , and if yen 'don't withdraw; I shill white to Mrs. lfarey. Tritenit.yoii„!_i The lady, iOmediately _retired from Ihi room: ' A - BEII I ACES OF Muinfaumslut 8UFFAL0. 7 ,... Jan ...40ler having beeti conv icted *Vibe prev.r eat term - of the wild of ;t : bo prirdeii - Of Itir.. it s tholomew Myers; on I &levelling of tko•tdlth of February last; and 11' counsel having taken exceptmns during. b, ir ' I, the, visa was Rip uediefcire the SuOrmi Court and a new tri.. 'al denied.' , Ths, Orli() .t. Was! brought' into court,' and being `' asked f his had-anythirg to reed that h ' lenderWei nd - f 11,y re 1 he wa s aence o liquor i''very lunch [excited int; the:' 'time be committedcommitted.theTde4 and 'that he vireeYnr Bor n': ,Irleler.ie sPeineeYlvenil Geimees appar i. I ends . about . tiverity.twp [ years of age; 'ea speak but little 'English; and: ha - very . fa . friends itithisiountry.,t,The : sentence-o> oi court - Was that ha ho htmg hylthe neck dead, between th 4 hogral o'clock' P. M . ; on rridaY thelilth day, of JOn At ,the. General term tl4 Surireme . roug on Saturday, the eissolotiWipism- Pettloslif wascopvieted last..winter ttf wife by beating andlickitig her brought before . the SOFireute counsel ; denied and' the priooktet srai i exeeeted hetitiew'the i ,hours Of . P. ht., _on Friday Oui - fin* d i lt.,; Derrj is an Irishimutifaisl- s lish.—Bstrolo-COurier:l far The Magi Glrette sftY l nesdayl the- 4th' ineLs about . s ;' 4 o'clonk,r - one of the ri44etit.in on, ia iu ed Isaac rallaiiiiinniiie gettiri uponli Vie of 14iriba, * been kaki°, and sealing . the, ,i then been employed: in ,Ity t , l i c rd, opportunity; whi?464 lentenln!in, duty, syd the keepent:Tere 'busy' operation the business o(the:cht3 s e." , hie 'ennironnienkin 0 1 4 0713 04 4 kw, one 4 4 610 4 1 ) . 21 4 4 41;mm hir i over the welitAtutOtheekh 'Or ciiiitelieoniiiiineed,'.o4 - :eorivii getting en An'tie l ean4t4teti,bet Odell; :.-Holfee:therf"Oeco* 4 1 e . h." fiv° years to !I9rint! A littio buried ,, rn whomrdig)th,"-n um turai exertl°..i. ~gatintivr% MEM s. ). • t. _ EC orJ, 1 for 1 ..1411: , I P of a ittoldia iatßutElo , r finit‘ein to twenty 'era** buried :in; 7 5 ,ttz , ". . .. e 'l , _yj Ole .4 cums. - .. . ''. '''' .....%`• "- ' t - %.,,, j a Beffalo May 101 - 13;31.,. . -*., ~.....,,.., ...,-,-..-:".4” Or pli . ll toreeord ono or ibolT;p4 , . c , 4, ,, , , t accidents that has ever.oe rredi iri ciur*., ;' It id - difficult t 6 a ' vent ythlitg like. elt ,t' the - particulars;in ease in• the midst . q.,f: t ~.. minediute excitement- o the hour, hut alililiat can be had wehOre pre. sent.:;- --",•-• - • -,--.-- ,---- •.- -,- - ---- ~ ~.. ~...i.. 1 , A short tired sinee, Mr. :•11., Glenny, pr.. chimidif the - building next a ' ie thz# in which Ihis , paper is-piiblised, and k nown as the old T.Ointriereitd•Banklbuilding.-•,-This helwasfitt il i a ting up in a r beautiful . styl _for a eroekeiy store. i 'The arrangements. ere halittfaineW wards cOmPletion; and it : w - his purpose :InaVeOto itla.abant,ten.3 •11.. Lest,evenin betvieen five - 03'0x o'cloe tbeback:wall Of. this builainif:enddeuly fell with a ealah.thnt • i was linard" at .a groatdistanie,' bu ink from fifteen. to twenty, persons beneath th ruins. The exac t, nirmbk. it -ito im ' 'blo give be. fore . our next. Beineso ewhat near the hour of euittlit Work, it is hOped at a per . te tion of the workmen -had 1 ft., B the best is bed enough. •Wiip (a list f the per- Alms knOwn to be engaged upon building as fiti, as could' ie , sicartia ~ .. ,- , ~,-,.. , ":,1 ~., -:There irerel.twelve me 'emplo y e d by Mr.. Tilden; Those Alwyn to _have' a saved, were :--- Warren Sawyer ... Ufa(' Deak.Genrie Nichelss,Giergenoacki tireace gitiniii%-- '' George.lanai hey,.leg ati3-arnk brokea..' l ed ,- ..George Pi: /Anson fore an fOrliii.Tilderr, killed- ' - - • ;.." _:.-2'; _Miebrel Hadley, laborar, kPled ' L. - ' e i h Henry Steinhuffe , sup to hekilled. ' There Wire thr others -whose niutieS vie could not learn, • in izemploy of , Mr,. , Tilden supposed to bo in : dm rat . '. - v.,-1.. ,.. --- 1, MessrS:Jehn rat4Tho Hefford had three Men and two boys ' miiloY 6/. the csOentr Fwork, three of whom were killed? , , - I _Henry Halthrop, and two German i 4 Whbie names we ..'weie unable ,16 -lea rn , l'ninklin Hoare, and Cluirles Hume, 1, and a hey named Philip were saved: 13 Mr. Glentifs - book keeper , tutd - a boy, Who were in the building esca p ed with hut slight ,injury. -, t :, .. ' - , f ) .- 1,.. , _ This. gives an at of twenty. th,ree"" _in ; i the building et • the tiru_e o the areident. ' Six"- i dead - hodies l fiave ben.,takeri.i.fion the ruins, mill (licit)is preha ly . _ _three:Mere not . Yet found. -.-: .." 11 ". ' ' lr •---'''. H...' o -,r.r ible -M . , de -y ri. W ash i ng ton. x -A-W fe'i throM b haht4briul44llo . 4l s ledmid, 7(f /4: Afuriterer: , - & 1 -i-. Z .- :. '2. -.: ' •,- ' W'.l lint n 'Mail I 5 4s - 3 - ' Robert 'A: ilawlfc, Mese en (Tor of. the Gener, el 'Pest_i Office cut , :his .; wi 'o's - throat itt, teno 4 : clock, last..,night;...au,hsur ,afton,they,„retired coniiletery severingthe wind pipe; and 4ree res. :'.. He ' then' made -- two cuts at ." hie `;own throat,f but was, - -- as ' he` save; - privented , , , ,freni .killingthimSelf by; his wif‘knockingihe_razer out-of -hi s '_ hand. Their, datighter,' ..thirteen .. yeari a. a g e, oeci m y.ini i , , lio a4,loininozidem, was awakened bY "the sercatns - of her Mather . 'WhO jumped - Ont .- of- Lod et iid ran dOwn stair s, *bile itan4e rr.ised.theifiOnt - windaW,,,ioudly 'exclaiming, 114 ave cut ' , ,ir6 , , wife's throM,, and My , own, .ud lir tend . to , cut my'.ehil'd's:. The r ia Wife,in the ine. tii e , reached .thelick4:d,_eor and attempted Speak;' t `wife unible:' :The: neighbors; ala led; goin,, iri; found her on the floor in a - 4in4 condition, - the husband's - fund; iner.over. her, _with artuS:c.xtended. ekciaiming, - 'T '' ' ' •i - 1 havecot Tier ilk - t' ` 04, my w il e, my .. w ife e; . . on -. The Shil& - S vial screaming on the - SidOS:.-.' - `The WTS expired` in about twentY - - minutes.i - An' inquest was -held_this nisrning,.,and the - .jury returned a verdict zifaealli by, thS_hands of hef lufs'bind,-he being la i n deraniged',State:of fmind::. Hastke - h - US be4ii arrestediind Cannnit led. lie was honest and i ofrensive ordinUrily; but iiiiiimd timexcist liai been k anextteme' ly -depressed state of mind %,,Interidieg,.shicide he. had written aletterisaYing I '6e-world Was against titiri;'and.rti be1461(1 7 not live FIN4*. - 'here; he wanted ill hisifaniVY to gowitl' . ozu to heivon.''-'..;,'--12, '.: 1 , -` 1.,- MUrder ' o7iite tisclusion ...)11noach other intOestint mat*, says: the Pi/61;111n. Pei; we yiCid our actiaal to=day. to - WO,' ii_Uptitition . Of a'fall count' o the heartrendin PeatastraphO on' the New Hat Jtailread.:: NO person can re :411'6e I details of i ' terrible slaughter . eflheman witltO4lt bein hocked at; the ernel f leartlCsi and eruninalte)7,leet of the eneneerit atidcon rs () ductotithe train. -; things - I'4re 'an 'end.'l - : T i\ti hat is nestien' for the public -- to Settle, .We are rejOleed:4o„ notice the ,Legia t tature of PatitiOkatiti SPiri l 49 ,B l) - i POinterVilipeCiateommiticeto iiivestig!ite . tha causes - of this disaster. The committee CO sista Of Serattorliyattil/i. Beekwithl4i.l3isj, sell.and lir; Halsey. ::They are: ; Mali" at once to the Stein), of -disastia,to 'tett fatts;"and'mpbrt.'"OgeiallY.i A alsOritredite - eii," imPdainifit !be . of $lO,OOO on evert miliesd Compaoloi Pith Pump * theie-rpadt.inaL heavy pen alibis for `accidents proteil to have arisen; treat I Pareicalßeas• ;1 A heartYliisent froni - overk'Obiliitirperson in country s ILE respond - tof:aitat.the"Ni* [ - York[ilet i akt says in fegaid to the_diaistar rt says that it is to -belOpedthat ; {ills>whole sale - eacrificethis hecatomb or Alen; iteleet and childien-:—*ill at 144icenit iniataioft; n - SOont actioall - over the, , soon . ri T : 1,4 , of human' life.npon our ; ma. for l .such Pains Penalties4 l 6bl* 'tkc t :, l s / P r A l . ti . tient of incompetent men to thoiinanagetnetit:r. of the trains, : as *ill, for the fatire; l iffad guaranty to the: ntimiipeitini 'traveler,- strain of carp :full of passengers a trait Atha :lo° -important, and inAlAl , :a responsibility ton great t ito: be eselie: ol ' Chancealiedeitt*tiOnlalbellea a'ar. ikflOr= inti - thickheaded• or rechlest(enghicera:l7.4ll: hiw.citize* fait not time it length ta Consid: .criaal 'do whaitinni. be..-done for the p-oblie, ---110anintn' TZ—"lit-''nengrregft'Ass igst 'skin Ogee ,ini . 011 4 1 figid:: imiLsi be.** o.4** ono l alight folio* in :his 0 ,took p sMetio n match in-ordiita„dispetit.- . 16 - Ahe iirdot 1-of iversstiisiliS'wa.‘nnopaphiatln3introAncolith'e, nultinvois ; • the sogg;','RrOggeii am; dminyilinikif Wei ear 'aright. tire;'a onion of ttie': OniOni-iidlinintAtiAtin On* . aridliaint Ahern; on*lstentit: ::..They: sin .fmlTk4e-.44l#:4lsYsr .spoke Wen ;Air, fetOP wee 404ing,tkat his ton ue:be came:siid;irtni two s aiyOnrnic_nf. an& intivailit*feffiiitiv-A Skis. -..-- ~, PPort-lonn .-04 1 q ER liiittid ‘iiniAdo; in th' 0 Altillieny City 1"9,9r Hottseiin ;' latiirdni , evenin g inet—' In : .the" - ear Atvaii-'ofittatsci4fet I.lol **Pribikta*Or?' ian i 14m-ixciAtotrie SoiLluMe'tiim!,-.-nlt4fattte4 ,1 ed, ad ele4f9r-ihi , Ayt - .oo*'Yi Ve. d retunra'grtle. NlniOd # Y' into intiOtioii - *:emdiii,m nFOA itillp `rOnuf,usediatifestilylkittivr thiltigarlOir .theTemPi''Svleci -took; Higrinnr . httiqfOndi*K ;tetradl..l l li. coOlitigau 0.47- afteeitgoPti,bkii* 1 i i 0 04421 111 k -, VW - 0#200, - ilf",,s,,,wl,#k t . 1 ihroitifie froth earWeitrtt/P - : : Jmulit i , .. f, teltliregiva*titlrelY4 M.? . ikstium6as ti;:zifi4alizita'wOn'ouvisenliiikg - 6 ' .11 r-gliidt,4°'?l'Yeltrit , ',: littCo4X- , her. L s itr.,fititdjuilnf/nnot,owi 4-N * nin,.dt' 1 &hi Y rillidliveiikt thirihe iaiiiitimidi 0 0 4iititAfil ' ileitti ' Vrotiiiit:Aks of ittiotOit, 4 134 4 0 0,P,400 1 0004010A -t 4 - ',5 1- 4, ,,- ' a~y t er ..* roa. • - - '-'6A.P.:.%14‘74q 6 3 411 4. 0 0t0Pjri.ciun.e befers. tkai gr. Lee,. . . 14,4*-Of ;:thknfigt . creel tifid:-riiist lost ' his wiTe;blitititit.With - tor Arteitisti he occupied it. car itttriehea**Mie - ofifmight 'One ictationi : thi train swat ' ladr ! eit fai"-the PurPose - `df;tackiing an an _ of er : loaded The 'ihriori:ort_meetint,wia' , so ?iiolent;ikita:.bieak .-,lifickikttif,..(66'llo4o4**;44taken4 of the estf ;Midlie:Wirsiiiiccodin ,Ablk.kokl)ntnot:solii;pi*.ei.d.hP,W.AMTAgi .He Canki;6o;NikAelinit*:.!Oek , Ort . get 'Off 860. to Hruniltori Ile - tOcidet.ti•-:.Utria,', Where 6e ritOpiiek::Bothe,4=434l#:.-lith-541* "brother,' Al& Richard pais • On sttemptingAat 44:',O14ileitiOi.Wte few days to go home, he found bg getting . the stn e . that he was liniblii.*4las an d` 'PuunV° hero. some days Innifife..;;H* - 04)**ent home bet the injirri vrab ;:, ne~et cared and - a'esultett the entire - .10**.limbi, - Ail* 21) seriously: 04tephi41044671deiluile. of 9PI*; - I . that - *se - remote o severit of the cone. .. qf..44 - "i.ipOri)itlis*iftvl 4 / 1 11 7 AO . * min of .B.oorils-eopietelikVisziniritaV The , espetva'4oolnOtid.l*,;;;;• - it,s,4o.i Eldridge'or Hamilton,andif9n:4:*Siteliger and;-ifi*C. -Widen of Cisialupdgc(iifor gnestiOn . oiMkaii!Ori damages *teltirlo4iio list evening; that the returned it'.verdict for. the::forri,tiintrinOilellriilk - It ire are corr ectly , :firfOniedi:thiimintitnY:ciffered to *Atli : i t 'b _ by- #l.pailpf;lit. Of 1116q00. Utica GayeUe The ande-of-Rail-- ":- Road - AClii• ;41entits'.. -- ,-.- :- - , ' . Thei 1411adelpItia'Regit*„ makes , the fol lowing statements ; with regard to one ,of the loinelPallitaiirelade riming out , - of. New YOrk .' CitY; but doei net Statewhich it".is: - '' . -- 1 '-A" few monthis.Since • e Ind the Priyilege 1, of iiaspeting-11 - diarikep by secondneter,who had bcenjor sometime; e ployed,en.the"road.- alindedio: Ile** a, _-... who never dank ; intoxicating _ drinks: Fro . thi s di ar y - we learn that at ,rie time he tic:astiding on aii - '. engine with an„lengineei Wife lizi charge of a train of fifteen leaded freight;ca - - .: l: ..Theas,gi/Fer was !di - ook; and; at one . time, , Yrltittf..loolOg en a , down grade - ,at more than double the,iyeed,pri scribed for the fraight train, aid' ..coming near a shert - eutve, he spoke to - the Mi,gineelt4 slacken the _speed, neeordingto- the. positive orders when rounding_a Curve, : Thii engineer did ;not ;Stif, ; and;ot .exaMination, he found ; him fa4t cr.s. e p lei& Ce ftill:Aead :c/ steam on! ,- Liiiir hint so'as to awalien-bii4 and She ply f.'the Angifip - er was, - 4.1 ilways; pall her °Pen att4 let , ;ber. 'sun:, ;This . was -a freight tiiin -but it was running at-this ter i rible , ~speed,ing ' : of me; - ,to a I°ng::itlli at tle.Statitle , ~..., . .. , • - where A the engineer, with r oth. r 'railroad opera tires, rook tiinne to drink'andbe - meiry: lad theNengine min of whengoirripat such lived ci-Ury car in the , train inust'h lie. beett ditrei'• ed; andiprobablyeierY:lifo: f "the: linilds on board. i Biz:6(lE4ll4s, et vi ..ant 'of time, t , and might have metn tip - -i. - ti; if the exit,. neer had, not, a Man- t awake -- him.' , The di. (gi jags' ' rs n *" Crl... art furtlier - shows (gl. ire 01 1 ,ithe::.0aRIC's an 4 dates)'that engineers n : tho:paanOnger :Airs iv ere in the hii - bitof rinidrig and :.getting at solutely . :drunk:; that lhev - 'ad- ittagiered tq , thik„engirin illicit - wac-to: - d ior ;the. loll& of hainanbein6i undeettin... ' e - 0f: 42 4 a M 124 Facts,. in regaratn . th'e &rink' eiiir itiort thrall 1 , of : one: PfigineP, i; . , running ' lit . 11 _I I A liiteu n g h n train (freight,) , 2 to' ttie'phe . jo l t: a n - Bad; jp s t, t ot fore leaving-a stator] bicanael; too -IlinniLami Aupid 'to attend itt I;inshasintas ; .of the tnee. tilig and drialsi g, by ei?nduciona t 7spending hi course .'Of Sun AY $ 3 9 .P 1 4,, s4o;' , Toti - anniedyxyr ifithiepi. and ke ping 4p such ilifiV ichenever. 'tp,,,,ey rdeil IC: IsOrsiiintlin:,..friet , „'-thlit, of all tha f - egnoThe mr,rind engineers: ontbn, road, thizi o' . aa n0t... - : "'ad 'Aier. one: : !i041d. v4.4tink . -- - • • d .: 5. , - . .` -*- .. i--- • -114,13x1eatmg , ,,.. 111 , , - ._, k:iitsti:ket• Yor 31`16th• test business . ,in _ and_ state " flour ; In. FLICRL'I western aam• if• deFeSBe4:6ll wAvicotit Mitrket fhoer Atlantic= k ik f l : o - i s a cair esby,:t thn abatalnent=ln mitikit. mai datand- Win and / _ till:midi:in iii - olidet it: 4 - 75 ; : -¢ '-The,. sales of w --tern alma 4400_ bbls at 4 . 56 14 for mou rn Ai - 14, straight, state ; 4. 75 ti 4' 94 _for- _mixed 141 fanny -Ittiehigan and Indivia common to f 4 ao g :64::0hi0:,_ - - .. - ''' -.-- IliberlifiCar is in better demand- and the Faiths firm for the better grailesOnit heaty ' the IoW. - Sales of 2,000 bbts at 115 1214 _' a - 61 I=4 for compon.to goad brands. Bat , ti onwAhoriuldria aid Geargalairai , and 85 4 4111662 1.2 for fancy. Bpi, flour,., jo ' it 14:Sidec Offirso sit.s3,B7 1-2.,Vern me e t tr, a itieleila tt for !Jersey::: • I . .'•' '-1- in6llAlN=The Market tor wheat! is las ka dettettiim*hY the - Role* . of 7800 '.4niniti white Ohio at $1 - 20 i .1 - iwit 'eleliTtr. ' e allii'llt*-ei")., an d 10thlbtlei fair 'Ca. ' Itr l'' 12, closing hesvy. • Rye' is searei . ' d" Wanted! ;Fairkieor scia, 1 9 411- at 87 'aill'at. s 1 ip.-r Barley is Whir , . , and if 64a7 4X; Oats are:n good dem= . - at 46648 , f0i stOir .'. -611/011) aid. 44 it'46 (or Jersey; corn. ir - ei7 , end more freelY °frit y aw le gat sad wanted at 10'; Mies of 30,000 balk' a :60, 1,2 a 61 for ipsourid ; 63 1-2 a 641.3 'rlialllt4taniralied'; 64 a - .65 : 1 -2 ?for --- white r+'- allOneialid'67:"o ll wealellf- - Illiiedl7 the lat: , hot - : .', • ',,. le i..i' 1 - 4 ; ',. `---- tiiird ' -Wen eitive thao liaise as rem', -"Wt. A goods, but the: .humneas is, 11 ,'/, 1 it rinu i:jurtY o 4,.f if -, 0 - 0 1 0,1t i i h :4 1 _ 1 t l ie lar • atttei i: , • !- 6 , ' real ere m . ere _ g, a oe, 8 ate no ~, "_. , •'' arsa there ta tio3sliterthsilelepression. - :'l 6 Iseit,dio for 401 !inde there is mom 1 '- !Itt'Ozi4l*,..eetultrY,mterettantti , :e o lXth me - 16 1 - pay _welkiusdisserchsuite*eie aftvef-eitetrt . ' 1 eilYthteh ifirioneY,=o:iviribri to:el - grea t p un t' I naStY,oripaysieetaespealasly frem-the neer. , Msitiele'l stain ision , oliing., heft 'Osi 7Weiterrs ~ 2 -,..-iand-N.---Y0 k 7 -fPads e llit'it --11 die-,'l ,:eeie,& l lltthe 4 ieetera - ene.Y4teiketel_;;:,:f.,,, I,_ ' 1 3.liesitaar: ket: for, lk &toga; favors = _Otly,erk I 01444141 - y ter eiliert, - all'-6W:larilai; rece ipts ' ' from -the Neat read° = itleee lower =and the ' ,i ,uPiYeitl tendency et e i&W499011004e0 in - Atieieaitia dititiolgtie ' " . .tsi the' ahiii` .ee - ePecu' . l at lic--,:- A q:.- ~.::- - -., , :,-....,, ....,_ , ~;,I) . i.flyieletlitate-tel3 l v 60044 recant: bean' 4eepae;;;;i4: -, *eliei',. pwaid,L - poiritateut,has . Iti,.e:Ustredi '4 i 00 .. 4 . Oniiii.f.-,Oger:,ilur amid'. I tei* - 14 ,1 Mk*A`lf ittatiiiiiYiehttlie - '... '. The - hee,!/*!esee - t • 'l44-44*.ast*ined by KleOlatem'itt provisi 4 are to forgotten, aotheifirlti . '. lifieWiseettat::at - seams , 7 .* 1 .;,i. .1-- - ,.. ' '-- '-; 'f , "'" ‘: 1 iC,"4ll;' ':` .... ''' ''• ' ' ' _ 'fllk*,a . t *Ogg: re-, • i : - UIiC"'?A S YPYInt WIO I . l :i ' '. , ' jet**le 1 of toint,it*id#ls and Akliti : ': ''',l.4lP6llolosif47.;Xiciii4lo, EA ,- 1440i*iontieletai:ii*parika. - tq,Agentii• .:. In- teli'ii.t::uillell.i,ioji*l4-:filli.!.;11:-Ppeetfift:1111:11;r1iittrioy44,:44iiia„, .-,i);,*,:ri7i'pfriiii:atilpriol4.l.76:4.: L._111.,-1,410r04***04 le° gl . Pi' Wciteit'itl‘4'f.,ge::li :. `feK',i'l' ., e-tla.--..:.'fin'Y''::.AV:.,,,,%, --- - MMEIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers