W . "Plis fallowing .as to the_. progress.ef NOMADISM in - the .ter ritory " of Utah' maybe ~. interesting to. some of our' readers, and start . _. ring to others.' - Theltior , mortir are makYlg it, told strike to build:up' their'lreculiar 'lnatittil. . flea,' and they appear to meetwith encourage . 'lent in theireffortsi ~ c. '," '''.. Fran Utah Territory,, ', . The N. Y. Tribunehaereceivedthe Deseret . Nevi's, being seven weeks later than previous advices. Letters to the News. from Pare wan ~ _and Codar,',cits give good accounts of _the progress . of things :there:, They-"appear'to have no lack of festivities or merry, makings in Utah. Obedient to a elaclamation of Gov. ' Yonn , fln NeW Years day was 'observed with - feasg, preYer, singing, dancing, etcetera. -=J .- Oa the-27th oelannary, Gov. 'Young gavern. 'splendid ,party; or , rather ball, 'to the general.' .- autherities of the Church, national . officers, . .'';.itierehants, and other disting'uishod, friends, :'.,and en the following day a siatilar, great par _.... ty was given 'to the public handa.' ' They have,, al in Salt Lake City a 'Social-Hall,' which a 46 ears ,to boa sort ` of the:Am:end a corps . .. -. :-elrantatirrui.,.as the now styles it. It was op .- ened for thafirst . time on Nevi Year's day and .' tharifermames • were peculiar. In the be enntng several songs - were sung t:among them one - called "I'M a Stint,' I'M a saint.' A dedi. cation prier was • offsqed,. - and' an' opening ad ' dross delifered, from .which we learn that it is -thafirst dramatic-,association. 'Aft“.r . ,the ad :dress, cotillions were danced, a ScOtett'song was.eung in costume, followed by a eongeall - eillThe Ittirmoir Creed: A band ,of negro . melodists performed; and a 'variety of fanny. : 7 Tern,,as was_ sung. The printers ot.tftah had a grand festival an the I.sthaf,February. • r A..... stringer Ira.s been, Wren into Salt Lake 1,.. City, and delivered over to the ' U. S. authori ties, ler havin,g killed ania) - The Legislative-Assemb , , after A session •of forty days, adjourned on the 21st of Jaen :: ary,.to meet again on the Ist of June next.-- = Itlippears to be full of business. . . The missionary: correspondence from Ea .. ; rope says that the-Mormon cause in Great ~,Britain is in'...ri very prosperous condition, hay. ~ • ~Ing recovered from the _disastrous effects of I • the rePort made by the returned U. S. Judge's The Mission in Denmark is flourishing. great: - ly, and meeting with pbrsecution. So, also, -in Leden where' the missionary, Elder Jails,- ) , van; had been arrested and sent overland 606 - miles,.to a. prison at , Tilalina. in Italy, the - Missionary is making proselytes, and the Mor mon publicatiens are circulated in: the eity'et Rome. The missionary his been twice ,sum ...moiled before the, magistrates for giving relig ions instruction in his own room. - - . . `..Elder Cairn in Germapy, Maihtains his posi . -tion yet at - Ilombur a fr, notwithstanding the -I Senate tried- so long to get him away, He . "t ,"=has been before them severahimes; once with' .. - Vl° American Consul, who `told them, in the „presence of_Pder cairn that he had as Much 1 -ters'Ey in garnburg is he himself; and ''Sat they could not ' force hid away legally-; coad with that they left the Senate. ' • ' . ' The ceremony of_ breaking': grened. for the erection eftaftew,' temple which is intended to be somethi* eitraordinary in the way of a publto building, tool; place on the 14th of Feb friary, -in the -presence of A great multitpde, President or Governor . Yonne, officiating. A 1 miricle.was gotten, op for the occasion, the performance of which is thurrarted by'the News The Presidency snon repaired to the smith-. east comer of the Temple site, where they soon succeeded in picking .around a piece of earth, about one feet square, assisted by the Twelve, J. M. Grant.. Mayor of the city, and others, but while doing this,; a one dollar sil ver piece-fell:an the square foot, no one kno*- leg from whence it came. , President Kimball Prophesied that it was- . a"goad.--ftoloim, _mol. means 'would net he wanted to build the Tem- On the same. d...ty_ the sugar company set' their i nQ in operation in the , city. _ A 311 . w. with 'Eight. WiTes: William' Wardle vv,is iedieted at the Oxford assizes .for intermarrying with ; :Sarah his fornier wife, Ellen Wornaley, being. still This was one of the' most .-extraordi= nary cases perhaps that, ever came befon'a court:nf Justice:" The pritioner was a most detennined -Beneilict, 'having married no leas thin.. eight Wives in different 'parts of the - cenitty. At the time ;of his committal six of. ;these had been discovered—namely,; Ellth litormsley, whom he had married 'at 'Chester . ; Sarah Martin, married ate Walsall:; Elizabeth' Pratt, married at \ Birming,ham; Mary . King nuriedin the IA of Man ; and Hannah King whom he married at Diymeelc„ . in Gloucester . shire. - resides.these two others have been . ' discovered since his comndttal—one of whom' has taVen another . husband. All the eight Wives (except the la_stlwerebrought to Glou cester for, the Purpo4, .confronting their faithlesi Don Juan, and the trial - was expected 1 with the deepest interia. The women were placed in a room by themselves" and formed quite; harem of every. complexion; from the tar 'blonde to the . dusky:brunette ; and so greativiut the curiosity ;'of the public to 'See ' them, thit - the officer might.have added some ' vthlngeonsiderable to iii; eteohunen . ta hili►tirig'them for money. HoWever;.the gos -I.lpiep :1413g-public were doomed to disappointment fertion theriSioner. being ' .arraigned:Wenn Tuesday mght,he pleadvi guilty. His lord - Ship:deferred:passing sentence lor the profs: A Li:CA.IMM Tsm.E;aThe foll Owing table will be found verj — lrlduabla.is bmor cf our readers: - A box 24 'inches by 16 'inches square, an d 28rineires deep, Will contain a. barrel, (6 bash- A•box. 24 inches by =l6 in. sqluul and 14 * t he ft deep, will., contain half a . , ' We 26 loabef.br :Ib - 8 .inches square, - deeP , will e°nte 6428 Arhoi =inches by 1.1;-2 . i nches innate, and 'i*ineheeldeepi contain•half a del. • • 4 %, - . x !l inches by 8-4 inches squarei and 8 inches de ep,= contain one Pefk. and 4-2 Al;02 8413403- 8 inche s- 2'r a * foe gosion. inches *A con tain, A taxi inches 'B'-inehoo :aquare, ' an d inches deep, :wm"caatainrl half gullon. A IA ittebas l l-4' ,l °°"F° inches eep,"yri6uroptaln\ one quart, Fir b Poland. theAaws - kat I shiider were vet' , severe in tbe,zai#teenth , and row, teettuributuries. The:parson - who - . 4lo4 ' 44 #E m P an g reC unfounded - tale ..of elaider,..autitating againaltthe character of on - ...heneitindividnal, was foittnOtli -iiiiiterieed 'hi elfpub ? icly under a Will in'the at- Stade of a dog—thereto birlt three - tries; and between . eR kin 9T barg i r declare aloud-that '1 -he 4 hli t hed,itks`o dog!! ' T.- \ : fitariCiiiiSTPADO th i a ra, known Judge o I ,Ohio, if Cteriami. On:thir :, 9th - .`inst., aged' ;66, ;.,14i61041**: *kin -:- ii, , Northampton, " !Maori *is rileocendent nrilie Rer;f3olomew 1 fitoddin.kersthat , ,"..naCieut ', ..ioyn.'," Deceased 11118.01300 f -, ibe -: oritinil Connecticut bind i :Onaliatiliailbe ;last iiiiCiine:tif thifeiritipii-_ .4Ari.# l . 1 4.1 4 itiberOrAgetConliecii . . - ;cut; ' . : : **;4.l4Osillesiiiiiimr!—And-- ~14enipuit iti-ttikaftuira. _ He *so ingiti'_;o4 aut . vilif.litPiitY , -*1' 0 44 0 ti1**C( 1 0440 3 4 ,10 - .. - ' " 'illit MidetAii • th6,'Atriskr "*itifiliff - -' , tlOred for .Ai ettliiii*- t imit : :: 164,41k4lkliiiiiinridsrorrtititikteseste ' • '''''':‘:', '. , % . : - --.- ';'.--,, - ..'.'_:l.'''r',.., Ig kj A THE liteiribeirta aft-ilo;2Ceplollffepkiri , _ _ onaityllv 4,- -;!! • CHASE, , Eutron4I • • B• & ,szAr t so,,,tBs . 3. f lOrc*JO ,ocrat,a iircOnOiations AT../olussicift' '• COMM raSIO fL ; • 1 ; limas H, Forsyth . t Of PhiJOelphia' . do , lA7rroß. cinitta.,- I il 1 1 phraim Banks, - iii .Of Mifflin Cputity. I 11 SURVEYOR. FEN RAin .lorter Brawey, lli ' Of:Crawford Coioltr.: I P the Eastrn section -,ti th e &MAIN hing to ;WY for, the' 4 1 D.E.00- CR47," t re BLlnks;pr. get . Jdb *nit dope, can o so'by ealli.ng at our Law we, directly ,opposite tze " tusk Irouse, " EAT Brain, PA. -* • • !d , : Li ,--- -1 - 7" ---- re dehtynd in 'our issu/ Itlds if paPoii in time.:- ! i 1..----4" ta ily i) ." --- " 7- , I j , i 47A-f Indians, seven in nUn?ner, t in visitedthis ace and entertained our, j eitOens, with LIS - 43f, the ulnos and ciAtrae fr teristim Of ' he poor i lndia " last Saturday, Monday aud , uesday evenigs., They I;ci l lfmg to the lislapiockhas ttibe, Zipper Clifernini. i,No exhibition) his: ever been so succe ul hki+ The ICOmin ssionera of e county it , IA.. , Navelappointed WTM: A. -CR S3IAN:a . young gentleman qtbis liiirough, theiCti,eric in place dB.; J, MirzilEsq., who is rn4W in business a Waibington. Mr.. Crorisnuiri !ala young ma - of !god habits, - a neat - isik p i dn i in t ;n,. and wn .t st will make the appointmet as fortunite f r the as it is , for.hin+lf.- , We were info:rifted by llezek* ..1 , ril. , l ,r sit' i 6 , B ol , ll i ridge: f at i r; il t k ha p t e b r e d. h y as a n C . : e 7 y ilt e qu titY, wei un i erstand, for this seasonfpie' ye . Dairym ,of-busquehanna, beat th, 4t 11 yo can! .. ' ~- -.- ' ii 1 f iI I. r lf We 4vl week by a r k Le North Ten th Legio4 `` -d, and owbrs that 8a.'1, 1- 11, 'When the 'Coemocra'ey of 'the 0141.704 Tooottrad.f)seenitiitati i r el at r g ht n ilg '3' 2a e r n r rsliu4ner The words tifjour text may, iouneol . closing para e li o€. an, article'•in the 1 rris but. Kept° repliiti i , to' the strict a oil l ir the Monroe I) _ _rat - n n the app l ent of Mr. Barrett, to the nch Made v a s t 1.4 j. the. reaignatie , of Jude Ei.naco. , Wli il. the, xi+ney . •.. , • . ;two gentlemen residing in 1 ti l l the District d eniinent . qualified , izii• the place were •• , ght Iforwa by their ' , iiiii:c- 1 Aiirli friends fo • uppointme Aby the G i •_,} i or, tilt - the electi , n next fall . -.These we i_the . Brthoio Dizt• of Wa si and Itioni*'ollo -ot4boin; there can no doubt, Will bisi ieho. , I . 1 , , seri by the people next flt The Governor disregarded t he voice of t o District,. and im parted Mr. Barrett . of 0 'field countylitn_ be e i ,their Juclgei - It-ia net epr intention id , enter Into- hat contest because It is one -_tli ,does not particularly. Aili concern ,- -but •we . 1 & ; pro- Ileac to given few indepe dent notioni:ienter- Mined in this section - of .e 'State, ail' Show Others that they have act . finite ,long Oieligh, for their own safety, inonsenance with the idea, enunciated by the . stone et th.thend of this article.. The politicians of . Penn riania `Mitre had timely - admoni on already iteM he korth, which has passed healed by l and it , iis not - likely that_ they will he adnirshed tich longer by 'words may. . Indeed, •we had long since 'conclud d for one, tti write nothing inOre;on•the rit ect of the cotitintuid and 'culpable neelect--th nnbluthing;i oft re: 'pet ted and shameless illgard of j+e, by Democratic Conventions ~ iind, Administ*t ions, teararis t 1 3 .15 whole sectiln of the COMmen wealth that made rind halt kfpt the Stith dem ocratie almost foi' all time past We iuid Made up our Mild toTdo so, because in thci, Veit we have entreated, demanded and thrateited in vain. We have isked . for justice andijnistiee only, and boon dnied, ,We have &Minded it -unheaill, and thieatened only to, .bel,',. r'eated with - *cule aid duplicitY. These tNi . ,gs treasured in the Memory of men whcl, I I not bold aid independent by nature , ha ven me I/ so bir . deep "110 itincerti'Convictio 4fi Oft-re peat/4 and long-continntid wrongs cndhied. '. imiluding the !' eld tiiiith legion," (leis are three Congressional D'- ta of . *lbitheiti, Penny reale, that y • ,• .! 4 year gills' to the Demo tie partyr, t:: %l i e or = fifteen thousand,' 113 3 / 1 7 tit - tril4 - 30fity, - . 24y424ing the g,t ii ie,, has pin , sifter time carried . ,iiiiil..it a metitill,o L' bating tha t has saied i 4l 7 l lJ l3- 4109 101140. , - 0 -mocnicy and evaded-14i di- dates` > th-'i'resideneto - return Atr, thiii, tn w - I . are:.: Ire *eked tOs e ;me. 4lower in ~ administration of the -g. vernmenty4when ire have_ presented know .:,dhow .' ' us, gee is order that we. night : know hew th , . . 4e idra4a - s" = 1 ' 1 1 1 44 3 k the & -..t t ieti of wrack we'eo . , Ili *a ebutrol÷erbee i we have asked e.s. •:. s o, • re w4at a g o n / ilm t li ev '," " " i hiT have. W4ef, 0 r a A few Years will .1' Ter. for thewho.. *hen 9f* W. 7 1 °°dWqd WU PrHeWelte . 0 dem , Oretie , . for the Boiwe': - Bre* 14. the . aiit.te ' Veiled We Syr Pr*Werkti • elk he ‘Wie ie. jected; when -tailee, .. . 1 - . t7terl ti)t.*Tr. S. Senate .° 110 ;s:' with , ' : - “ ' liOrisiriztiorit he Wondet-. test:', W. , - 1,•. ~ , , - ..ireliiiitas iiie,Pitect,ii-the .'. *- • .-, , itheilglielmo.. 1-tismitiz -.Supreme, ' Deli OA . the: State, he too was . ;' " - : : ' ar" l. ."_ . glim#: ieil e itte efee.i:* .- - .1 1 ' . oefilith k,. ' . teat t .beirli 4ll . . 1i.;,. ,. . , .,GL: Ibinloeir: :four .T . lereis e' l ,4 ' 'rihe know' 7. - '',,**lol,, .- - 'fisiiiica : JO atite -Itee.leits ! _be efleAdefled. '!P. tbeilwief *ter • Pit.nd di;liclialler , " - --', en . ' den Y k . Mikiiii* -XXI ; 1.)44 4 11 4 .1 : 4)1 t 6. ' agaik : ' ' :' : ' -f 6 f-the, 10 1 1614eleg, ' 1 :I!at htli ) ' i 11 : 90 # 0 1 4 4 4 frouclailaisidgiok ' 1 ,40 - P, *,l,o...Ag,p,*tlact-g*:Kisfifogr':(isOsiw , When thg , ;* 4 l l tenth`:.'':- 4 - - N lit f, . - ' ;= a .1:„.. \ ..,q-..1 1 : 'f t Sierard Col. Mott lor . etuntl.;!ounissioner, : **she; ; 4 . by," Wheri..theY had.•..plaCeid•.the pirsf-a - .Eecutivv iri,t4e..Ohaieiiiiiiis*ed but . all represen . P1t 15 , 11 I*)iii.:.l64millistraoo4l-again,:were . they epals4;l..and when ihei'dethanded, es-. they shad a right i toido, one oftheir, own good and IpnrOineiti for a local position, • - even that, via diinegaided and . an importation. ,resorted To the abeve but pattial list of instances that haio'ocenried in the past. fe*. years -nrernight add :one • still nearer 'hole.). and hiatikaliatelY concerning,: our own Cohgroesional District, but. forbear.' '. 1 . '1 Again to .our text, for it contains an idea that will beill, exposure, and which must be dismissed froin minds it has evidentlY too long controlled. • 1 he day of doom must bo near at hind, in tbe talon of the writer when this section `of wh . h we have been, speaking, de aer•bs the dein cultic standard In one - sense we =know!gc, 1 that he judges rightly, and eii t in doing so Ys us an unwitting compliment. We_will not . ..tine 'standard for the spoils * r .l"- 1:43, 10.1j1813 e h e ave higher and holier l i s 'eke of attsa h ment te the democratic party and e Democratic Principle. • But this we will do, and do it consistently with our princi ples and our party pdelity ;—we will rise in thestrength of our thirty thousand independ ent and tine-hearted .voiers, and denmnd Justice. If that; bo again denied ; us, we will teach" travelling politicians," heartless dema- I . gognes and, political platform-makers, a lesson] unpleasant for them to - learn. ; I We will do i this consistently ivith our attriclinient to; the Democratic school, - .:lbt. that- Democracy' is; preferable to , us whO recog,niien equality and fairness in goverment, purity in'f its adminis tration, and freedom from. the s corruptions of ambitious sand, designing intii. - We will cleanse the Augean stables of 71. he party, by driving from them the "stall-fed" tricksters who have so long occupied thetn, and placing in their stead men Who hold our ' i own notions of right. and Democrae,y. We will teach men that we an no longer bo trifled with. . No one*need ask us hew this is to , be done, • for "'where there is a will there is. a way," and that will is strong enough already. . . .; We will not desert the standard ! ; Ton are right, 4 4r.keystone on that: But %ye will de sert the men who essay to carry it; when they outrage all-our feelings of right and fairness, and'take the standard into oar 'own and bet, ter keeping; and we wi . also show those men tl&t when we hcire des cried theni, the "stan dard" very easily falls into our hands.. The* have acted long enough on the riles that awn! . . is.no danger of the North,;--that. bhe can .be cheated of her rights and-made -to elect meri to manage her affairs who. are a disgrace 'to to any paity;—loneeiwough. On the idea tgt we are so true and patient in-our fulelity i tf* we cannot be shaken s, off under any cireuer t 'stories. We cannot be shaken off into the Whig maks, at any time ner..for \ any Purpose, huryou will. very , sonn learn that v‘'e need no ‘mera'shalring to - relinquish our hold of imen *who love irs whei candidates and, insult us af terwards.. e have the feelings of men,and we hive some c onceptions of manliness and right, and we shal l set about to give 'some mefi to 'lltillefOlnal that ithey must be _respeeted. They must! Understand-and feel,' that we are not to be insulted by - importations, or by tak ing men froirt among us,,to' fill important Po ilitioi who co3rld'uot be eb3cted a. township delegate:4 honie4 when we present ,to .. ,them men'endorsed, and backed up br the , united voice of our Democracy. Whe4 such a man falls the , men who vote feel tho Aklow,l—and tken it is that the promotion o one in his stead inwlicim they kare.justly no confidence; poisons the wound i . . ' ' ~ - We have endea vored to Write plainly, for the pirrpOse of being - Understood. We'-want the powers that be toludersiand, ruidlo pr: y / .it - by understanding . us.' ..They _have, ith .strange stupidity, always'persisted ' unarm- . derstanding this - section - of the State, and Per iii,' shall net . being so, be satisfied inds, reap Lod 4 few ion to the ttate. The Avg& our Ay a high,. all _our po ; purge the party of theleeches that hang to and disgrace . it, and take the standard in our own hands. 'Let Preildetitial, Guhertuttorial, and all other candidates understand4ustinetly.that they hold 4 , no lock and key upon; our political consider'. cos, and that they eadiot have our votes save by . a fair and bold stand in defense of that We sustain no vviong and acknowledge no alleffienco save to dur principles., , , Let the whole north thui conAbine; and it c a nnot be .resisted. that shall we wield a power that will be felt and respected, and , then will no longer ,the doctrine be boldly advanced that we have chosen to head this artieleti -Let- us "01 up for. tiurselves,". .build our own - plat-- _fortaivaud show that we shall - stand_ upon them at ill hrzards, shall sooinnough { politician everywhere . greatly devoted to our inter Letns go Into all Convention's perfectly united, untpusunelled,by , any and all, Ailiianen- with inns,- eiggPlebilliAryises; and dem/ut our rightr. ' : above 'and heYoad giTeoPftigigve Politiciiin4-7. 14 -140 tlire slave - hate:efficient /Action in , their tale; and.eninliine-in'nue irnen7atable phalanx the steengtirotfeeeleaa : .DetnOcracy: actuated -if reason and iiight..;..:Thesi we will Prevall.---' Iffinit 'forciwhig Pointh3el4, 16r, Alpiter linpOuseed , tel,e4Pso+s, = • Irenx4nui Park _ Po4lll' itat— Atha*.pal co" - were Ur. M'Kia ey of theson,inif mot the tire l s r e l ElAtifir. 4: ot 41'54 r - At' !E. P. BU*. ' tot " . of - the MTEditoratboopieava mitzpaiser: - sopmue: Simon Tuitiyio piistclumtd, ninigi, kiiirial;Prtim. l4 4 =Tiox Witor of Nair i*ork difluiebeiiii Aped 0€411.p0 for inowiflit* et#Fakrie sieo.4l,ftoi'of rergi'afteeliouni. , ;'' ;,` • • 4 • rrAim t r L Friel d * ,- of Atm IVgomingl Ik i mccralf as 3oase jenki , would say, "Is Inv' cidedly an. original." Be urns everythingtu-, to poetry Ind fun. ~ T he f llgwipg , is trom his proceedings of Court last nek.. „., _ _ Oullth Indictment Lar . cosy of iiiivantity - of W Clinton,tp; Amos Urly. prosecutor.... The. Defendant, was in old woman, from the Kmerald Isle ' poss essed:like many of Gen. Stott,s friends, with a "Rich Irish Brogue," without the "Sweet German' accient," and the Prosecutor, was a kind of a compound' 'between an . Irish Native and a foreign .American ; who testified • that defendant caught in the act of taking:sun- - dry arms full. of wood, froni the railroad. That rainy other shanties' were . 'thereabouts..,. . • • 300 fires ware brightly r blaziig, , 300 wreaths of eurling smoke-r- • _ 300 pots of pmties . pOCisqttcali 5,.. .ng pigs and shoat . • And he Knew by the smoke that So ,gracefully curl- Aboire'the big Tunnel,- that a shanty was And lui 'said te himself, that lf,.wood was The owner may Seek for it here: . . - The jury looking upon the-case as Ditnini. tnif, and e,onsidering an °old women, in a fm ountry, lad a right to take a little firewood, i amooden country,' eturned a verdict of not silty. - - • .Tackson Times Revivet The New -Lisblind (0.) . Patriot says :.-Our country is now blessed with a good old-fash ioned Democratic Administration: of the Old Jackson stamp. The Democratic majoaity in Con,gress is fully - two iso i . one. 'Nearly levery State in the Union hest a - Democratic! Govern or.: The country is more ecimpleteiyAmder Demecratic rule than - it ever was before. Ev. cry article - of agricultural. prodUction brings good prices; and wherever a market is bad A t all, cash in hand: • • - - When Democracy rises, the . conotry rises with it. Four years of Galphin rule have not been'auftigient to seriously retardloar prosper ity, and one year of hpnest Democratic avray, will replenish the national treasury and retrieve our national honor for the slights it has_re-. ceived under Whig rule.. NO GoVernor Gen ' eial.of . pubi will dare to insult our flag while Frankh a • Pieree is President, and the insult go unredressed„ Foreigners knew t "%to • is who' in this, country just as well as we do. Our pro4perity, agriculturai - and j commerical, is a sub ect of congratulation.. The administration has the.confidence- of the people,i,and it 'com ma, ds respect abroad. - Aiiother 're.l • FRIDAY Moustsoi 3lay 20. Last night about half pasti eleven o'clock :a fire broke ouvin lite rear part of, the dwelling house of A: Moody, on the south side of Bridge St., and when first diseoVeied Ita`tr so far advaneed that all efforts to pre Vent it spntti ing prevedit uriavZilirig, We !lave no time or room..this week to• give any lititienlars. By 'confla„oration eight families have bee.n depnved of their homes, With more or* teas loss, and sit. Imildings burned. to the :ground. The following are the , names of the per Sons oeeupyinehe buildings destroyed On Bridge St., A. Broody -and .3lrs. Burke ; 1 and on Main St. A. J. Noble, Mrs. Thomas,' Col. Allen McKean; E. .M. Farrar and Cole -1 u ,,,,; : 44 Thihnio—the. to occupying one building- • , .: There are *ions opinions, as usual as to the ori,,,oin of thitfire,. some • re e ,mardiOg it • th ,, work Of design, ava: otherS accidental. .w far thi. loss upon Us buildings :and upo. per- Sonalitiatoerty defiltlYedji .covered b '- 'snee we aro at pritsint Unable to sa • ford %.' ' .- • - . • • AnOther Gross Au -Rent Out rage • Sidt I A IMV. LAwreneeP 'I Jacob L-Deitz on r poseof serving near his hong. took them if them on three DI corn* - I. • ' tieilfayl%lBs3. . Jeeeded ti the house •of k'uesitay huit for the pur ... summons. ' lilb found )1r..11 and handed'him the .ptpors.D Ad read them,- when h :threw .ie ground, seized Lawrenee, l :hy the falling him; a darned seroundrel .for ag to sense ixtpers on hun. lie then cal ,to his faniiir to blow "a horn; when a Man named lie] enbayk, who-was at work- for Deitz, ay a mason, interceeded for Lotwience, who managed to get away, and started off en a run, * Deitz,followed - i n n.: pursuit, knocked Lawrence down ' and liliehim, nntil four men" lin diguise made their appeamnee'; :they :then , tied his hands behind him and took .him-. to; 'a I small piece of brush nearby, then torel off his coat, vast and cravat, and with\ a jaekknife cut off.his.hairy - occasionl y eutting the' *alp, - and, remarking that they had a plaster that would heal it "up. they tarred his head, and! -body, and poured tar into his . boots. .After; exhausting „ail their ingenuity this way,, s etich cut a stick 'and Whipped tan _until they - got tired. They then tied his hands before him . and started-him for the honee, each Or them ledsing .him at every step. They made him Like the palters back, but took them away again ' when, after knocking hiulderin again, they left him; and he succeeded in, catching -•the . tesidence of, deorge Becker kit evening. llislegs, hiindii arms,and face, are badly braised. - • , . Douinx lioniCnn.—A very, dreadful homi cide was perpetrated near Mayhintoik on Fri day last, the particulars of wliieh are mearly as follows:—it appears that 4r. John D. Sims had on, his plantatiion.an . Overseer who had be cOme.objeetionablo to'him, and whose remov al from hil premises be sought to'eff&t. AC ter eoriyersation, an altercation ensued, when the wife ;of the oversees , being. armed with a pistol; threatened to. shoot - Mr Sims.' Being armed with A double - bari : li Sims diately shOt her down: Enraged at :this the overseer ordered hisoson to bring' his - gun to attack. Slum what . the lattir lev.eW'd his gtm and killed the overieer.--Coluraftiii. South Carolinian, Ma y IQ. - ' rfi t 4.tinsx TO 1 14 n.—Qin ISiatnrday,thii 30th nit., as Mr . • A undone of his workmen were engaged ' umiug stumps in a - field up. on his Lad in arion township , tiro of his - chijdren camp *tied by the fence, alma twenty-five ste pfrom .the '- fire. ;Towarilig' 3 .o'clock in the soon; the- children starved ` for home, and , bad gone _ about - one hundred yardi;irhen they; called theirifather ' _wholes mediatory' ran - after them,* and timid tat: the 4 eldest; Anna }Leine* was all in & ri me - - • fore he. Could 'extinguish the ` ,' fire, *e . et clothes. were burnt . clean ~ off; and 1 heee bodif liito tho,OlagilioraiJirmastaa... illitterin" gintimOlortirs for about fonihni `the tied: - -She -was litho Stliyeaer': 'Ober m It is net,knowi ' hoer her4o6E4oolwatt . .t . bit most mbobly *qv/irk,;mi . ,upou f" whilisbe wad at_ play ii:the eld. .~, Airo in Tact, vow. , Toi."rius, "'tie—"Vhe Whit coodiflati , for Coogreee In the Riehnitii4 Vi:; Dist*cit a _race' cit;pohllidti: Ouseloti - aidie—`.."4 insti , /iderwal letprovenieiti by . the General Goverainell4 and'ignapishibiaso * of-the.Pro ireiir.if rho whole:Whig platfOlur of hy:tiirie `d ys die carileilleablotted - ottt by i l le felt swPolViir_ *.monZiairoA4 of Ihe hiretethre_ 14ning Podia. - 4:lll4.Chib t gtwar. mange - not."Periaosyll* - • - . . North l'eniiisylViullik . Railroad -In another comm b it; will eifowad et:tidier.? tiseinent of , the Engineer of the Thiladelphie Easton'ta Water crap Raitiißead-Goitiony; ;to which we,wotildc : all. the attention of our readers. We understand that this COmPany is the same its- the'Noitti PermaylVimixt.gail liond Company' Ore , name : of =the corperetion having been dimmed, and its ; powers andpriv= _lieges enlarged at the last seSsum of our Leg islature. ';. -.' ' . .x. . ; ' - :The ulti mate -design of the North Pennsyl f. vanis Railroa .empany Seetits - to be, to push, a direct Nod ' and South rad from Philadel- Phis, up the alley of the Ilehigh or the Der- , &Wire - thenc over into %Vie - Ming; or Lean-. wane ' Valley 'thence liy the _valley of the', North Brant to, the - State line, to a tot/nee- 1 thin with tho'Now York &prie Itailroad. • .- By reference to the map, 0•. will be seen that . ; lir a ahortiroad from Waverly to Ithica,- - and 1 t ence the fa Onion°, üburn .an New York Railroad, lake Ontariii would be teach ed at Sodus 13*in a very direct line. - [ Alteadv altirps of -Engineers have COM.. Meucci:l tire sulveys itt Waverly, and are Pro- gressina don-it-the valley ofirthe Mirth Branch It is believed lhat a favonthie routo for a rail read - can.be obtained by which the. distance from this place Ito Philadel phi, ' will,rtot much exceed one hundred and Aqy. miles, and eiti iOTlS of Ttiwanda, could parks through ". Phila. dclphia to Ni3W York, id nehrlY the same dieti tance as it is from•bere.te ow: Yor k by the New York and 'Erie Itailrorid: . - - I 'fihe President of this ; toad is : the; Eon. tnoatAs FERIWN; who is iishably, -better_ a c -; ; .qtrainted -with.the'resoureetkiof the State; and I 1 'the necesities and the ailvantag,es of Railroads, 1 than any man pp - the Commtinwealth,and who we know, has peuelt at heat t: in the speedy _completion of i road, which will 'do much .to develop° ilia rheurces of this region, - Od at, ford a direct tirotanghfitro . bhtween. , the intbri er. 'of the tWO.Most • importhiai States in the Union.. We * assured dirt the- Company.is composed of the m o st : 'suhktantlal merchant. and capitalist4Of PhiladelpfAia, mho are &ter _ in , st. , t o 'urinated; if n '!"obitaeles ere' ' terpm .11 , . push, the cnte : rise . Sown:Orly conSumation. Weleolt n ;on the prt2qt as the ;Bost feas ible and adva tageOus of ai.if of the r ailroad'. - schein'es - of t'e present (Sy. . Starti ng On % l k i l 'frotn Philadel t oa, the roadliwill pass for man i miles, throu h a denselytirpopulated - regicra,l striking into he Lehigir GOI Valley.;and pas 4 single° th e e to the Wyoming Goal Val- - 1 ley, lit - i ii iite - r - 41c , Tlanda Biturainoui ',Goal an lie I,re e ,frion, and interlock at Waver] 11 tvitli oi. ew York an(iiErie toad, connec+ - tin , wit Central New Yosk. Already char ; if ters liar bee grinted, - anti roads are projec4 ted leadi gn, `rth. from Wierty to Lake On; -tario. y,th it , iproject, t `:;,'traveller,, instead of his pr sea Icircuitous 4ute, can proceed in 4 1' a direct i re c' in Phi lade ` to' the Great Likes, el -eel }}}}} gin his priigress through tiny States: • ,j. - ---; lit ' Of all 1 which one Lion, is CI ally docilt at; hive partal el that the ' thl. valleys In •t - ing even t lie Which has '..lr• over two, .t tre of a f ers. But litth 'of, ever react. ..,........ _spectlo its progrea. .`r some lima t :e. mist trustvforthy came' titre ' it it Mr/Gutzla_ the GLrroan4missiortary, wit dtent deit lis widely diiplared. Since .It s death the at actiountk have eiMie to s thraugh the English real nts atHong Ko 17. About aye , since %-ft pa 'lished news, rece v. [ed by the a riy. of Calif° a, to the Ofect t t I the rebel%) Ibad been atlleast partially; s p pressed, an itsprincipal leadeeexecuted. T h 1 1 ' however, w i pentMdicted [on the -next arr i a and now .w learn by te accounts receit .c from Euro yesterday that the revolutio is advancing w ith rapid strides; and - has alre. I become of t e most formidable character. • ft originally .c c o mmenced in Kwang,si and Kw' n gtung, the We most "'southerly -Trovincea al the empire; in tho latterlif which "the city o: il l , Canton is s' usted. Theltee it s has penetra • northward 4,1. seven hendred. miles • and p ward, tillit tas reached the Yatigotse; the 'a river of Ch' ;a, and, dowujitsvalley tow*. • n - near, to its, 'outh,tilhthellusurgent army, thousand s tong, has entered and taken ~1 session of t e great el o ty'4l Nankin, conta nt i above a hal milli!) or in bitants. The . els may the be, said, if dir . • accounts are ne to hold pos ession of thei 'cry heartof the •nt pire• • -1 1 11 i• _ - o Their en . - into the', gify of Nankin a made on th t, . 19th of Fe4nrtiy. it is very- VI dent from eprogress et the insurgent to , n and the ca . ture by it oil aof the three? *n cipal cities , . f the conritr g that it headed. commandi i k spirit;' and 'onsidering the I n time.it has been gather' ,= and its steady, p preach to t capital [P k a]'thiongi the ptp ulon.s -diht hits of the et4ire;•till it hasll4l .v ed-its pros t formidabidiposition, -we are •or ced to re rd its prospe4 of subvertieg, . existing 7d -nasty as eX4eedingly Preens' g We know lof whit wonid bit gained by b e seceess of he rebels andoverthrew of *sent go .ernment, bu cannot help fel . ing a sym . thy with eve thing that to kt like move. ent among th)ti Stagnant wale to Chinese h; 'tory: It cablbardly "be 'other 9a Minn that 'successful - repOintion.whicbw I. overturni l t ',O governme end stir the vast newitildly . ass ett lilt !Ibeitigs who inliubi the immen.:•' territory' l'iphina, wouldibe p dective of i t oa. Sam patch internal: contul sion seem' to he absolittly rieceSsary to e'en the rnephi ~ 0. ottircelphereiVhich Burro ands. ..4n ' ehrelepei , . nation 11 11 *-' -1 - _ - -.1 So 'far we can - ditaltiove,r 'the,4l.littio appears to hive bid Ital'fOundatiorrid a tient ilea erre mini- Ifbrii i ' - eeded ' upon il ••• 43e.1.1 1 ground • . t . theeinuttry t et Ataisgoiern or ,- tired, and generally opp sed, vol._' tionists th.saim:profes ly,"it .tiering th .' condition . r the. people. ' The,-head . of thee 'hibitien is own by :'th 1' name fof Ineratti. We are n. ' asiqtre"titati.•• ' ; or, - bill, folloie i t Ortteas P ' kiln seatimi ,b 4 'r -proPoie i .... - aizgarate •, e'ruleof the - 146 -21 , ..-the .cv 't of spec : - ' Vhis`Wout " .. - too much tole ' peel. Bu a changein[t lead !iif::t,tet eminent. '' !mono - Clain' ".ta-briAtiaii . '. :. r ,dii.„„..•:inutand -tbi , .. *tor Illio : M 1 to a man levided fiein . 'O . common, -, , t humanity .y- the" eierti tti''of Orel,ki4; •• ' ~and blood nd' Chisiii4V rit!''Orirti w ould; '' ' change . to . hiitg.inAlied thin Of rit*if b [AO rePul) It Boma* '',.11-( 11 0,12 ) 611 18 1 .', 1 / 1 despised. .1 n Vie who) i I we - eatife7-th fore, that ur HypPatge *PI With , thk - r 0 1 tionilti o thins... - --Ittit •• r i tifi4tse:** - 'f'.•'•" r • r • - . ..- • , ,r. ~ ~.,-..• •,.., , , ,, ,,.... ,,, .:-.. t .r ~,. i l m--NV terd3y fui the it*' .=-Brad, Effete - a:hi ipphitent aeres„ for for the healthful ;The terir Fand:Aidtol PIPTHNON And -7 ilea sola 4-14Plu. -, p t . , dr lissAynSrsni • had plessinn,st ;: l t the Cinsinniinlati ,st l - Dr.qiihini, ot,i; He - inisfoiola *P l L m i s s odWiiiiio*" o'4 or ; t, criu 111190,00%. .! :" done: - . is its rent 01..,; buildings ',0 4 1) <4 2 I ,TOP -04 ,•_,4* rat i! flikr f - 401 4,04411104; *' tithe grAtt ' it • 1. _ Jacisos,lgsylBuf. - :: has challi3nged all; his, cinspetk.; - fOCthe ;Senatorship fromAl4s:Statle,AtO tihiriOf the , L'helliolut4On, - convicted atlshiw Prlet. of ro will onboard the steam p Meite.oi - hal been sentenced to ten gears he -perd-entia . litat.t?xonz, MaY 19. .[a N G ov Orleans papers of Friday, ttiet l i3th it.,tate t.hand. , / . - ', - . '• - Cler ei3ntain news from ; exas, giving 'ad, - opal 'phrtieulara of the gold discoveries* .._ . ...1 , •,-,::.' here Were about-four hiiiidied itoracitis'efi. - t raged_iri_tminiag. ~initjorsty,,of, w homr-had oven ` ' very,, . Suet:earl I: `-Lumps,'were' found' brth froni ;Wile e 00.1 : Many ofike . Miners WOlO averaging $6 t i - day. .. ~ - 1 .• . frlie Vctoria- Ad eiiae, howeVer, re4etvis th sii,reOrts With d utd, and pronounces them its`biiMbßgs. It: 'ad `see people to.waitt-ferth= er deitelopernents.''before they _embark; for the' diggips.. 1 '-,, ---:- . -t - ' - -•. 1.. / • BALTIMoug, May .I.9th. The drithelie situated at' :White riff, the eldetit-in this stUte, ittas'destroied fire oe Surtday,lastOuiethet -with the' thug welling Uud,thei euntents., Cumberland Coal- - - -- ; Bat t uKota, Miq 540 u - he *pond of the Coat for‘Vzteded firitithe ouinbortind . wines:during 66 past weelt,; - was 'even thousand tons. ~-.. --.'-•,( ' , Hon. ,latnes Buchanan, the newly appointed, linisterito England, and SenatOr 'mason of Va. ! rived in Washinkton yestordaj., • ::, Destmeta,d) 144, Stor.pi , 31`-..ANN - AroLisi t 2•l4yE2Oth: . 11 ife - 4truitive 'hair storm - occurred In /ince I ocirgols,conuty, blarylced,. oi _Tuesday last, lnjUry to the. tebie. and r4iii crops - -1 . W.asumitrox May 20113. It is now - Confidently stated t int Senstor . Guinn, f reeeire the:appoint -Jima o Commissioner trot the ante S to the dwieh Islands.; • ;, • PETEESBUPG' Va. May .I,i3th. The tlnited -states; Court_ at New-Orleans, ins re in irdered a decisionthe ease of the heirs .f GaLitfaye.tte, to a 4laillil9l* a I_4l.oi:tract f ! id the., - city. of Orleans, adverse bi the -Theouth Carolina - papers reptesent Anch ufferi --igns existing, in copsequ'eneo. o se Tro drought which appears to be prevailing broughout the j erttire'stat Railkowkeominianitatien .between- Mtvitnah Coilunibus, Geprgia,lis now, complete.-- Thp 4enifig, vas ; eclebrata by in ituttiense add enthwiiasti; wooti at; . - t rA" •if . ere mg from .0 May 1853; - In the Cireuiti Court . to day,:_ Benjamin-T. Williams, of Taunton, was 'awarded $7,000 m daagies from the Pertsmoutlii §aco'and Port land-CoMpany, for injuries received by' at ac cidentl ; , In the Consti t tational 'Convention to day the Committee of the Wlio!e .repcirted in favor of forty iscri..tOriid districts,, bsied oft poti:da• _The-CaltforniaDrbp-Game:' This ~ . _ sort of robbery:, is,- put 'inti practice here. '4i is Manner totally__ different. frate . , What it is in 'other:places. :A. miner with .his dust , 1 is enticed into one of e numerous ow gam? d 'hlinitiselOons on one c tif the: Whairci; ',While' Is there,lunsu and- innocent; iti he: iiii, ,stiectin ie.ft dozen I ; rounded by. half a of the idlest_ and lOw- 1 1 i est of the human race.' Presently...._, one, near, 'eat to ; .him is taken 'With -a Sudden itching an I- ' 6 -.. h` - 1 '' h t d . the cal of the leg,-or; ome•ot er p aee on 1 a ,f 1 limb, 'close to. his feet . ; he lifts it te . scratch, it • d i .and when it comes . dOwnagain, deseendsaith -1 force ion the miner's; toes. lie naturally . hi& , t the 'fellow to be careffil,. and "gets a Ouch" iti id salting answer in return ildS:prciFiikes a -re._ ty PlY,..ij t d the firsttliingluiknoWs he has hini-_ s ' 4 self di'lliiged in-a...fighti'' without:•fairly _'knew.= ,i., I ing hi; it began.; - -During the melee, at' .54/kteli . 1 all take a part,. helsebbed: _ 'of ell Ire poeseas- .1 es, amid kicked oatof pails; and'as are;they'. 11-1 1 bend4d logethei; thii! ool,minei - can obtain,. no witness in "his'fily r. 'Bat , ' they- ,go even farthr, .-- than this. - Sonie '.. of. tliese.seoundrela preie dto be shoemakers,, and 0'12;14 open side. - 4 1 k .n ; n', # . otlelnon with' perhaps , A- - :fine' Waic , Or, a miner With ; gold dust; passes along and jnst• as his reaches them he is naliitedWith• the fall -of an enormous- lapstone‘olitis foot. The same scene nceurslhat- we have.deheyib ed aabapening in the . kambling honieiand he. is robbed: - ' , ,Sucti is.what 'in- called . 'ihii . 'Cali -fornia Drop Game:! .z - -.-. l' Ohio vs. TomisylVailio. i s. . The clairt se up papers tho- Cincinuati ,, pape in feiror of. Ohio, as - , beitto' .4 6 1111; ff est i wheat i 1 groviin siito in thothuod,-„the . ishiladelphig Nerth'AMerican'eaYs,la 'COntrarY:tii autkentic ) 'Mules, knd,ii abont as - absurd' int'the''c)aita , of 0 *o to take preeedence of PiumaYlvitiii in population. '., ; On AIM bials of statistics - gather . .., edlithe SMie age* ii"„ Year or .. .twp ifinO, 'the " O hio Opera claim;'the; wheat crop :,of Shit • State lie . over 'thirty .inilliOns of "tiiishetis`Por • 1010 . *"viliereiat the yriited Stateeiceolui of '• iBs,o,,,takeulnat ono year previous to_the Stati v i 'eel; eratieei mates itien1y ,1 1,1,4 8 7,4 5 . 1 .- 4 wai-. Ai. ' 4 mak esAk‘..inii. 6l wheat Top of -I"iiin• -, ' AA; , 106;167,09f fib-•'..th - 2 - lattek . us' . 13 cons considerably elefif4ina'Abe - torne e - 4 our iv ndel hia:corempcOry think s it tic ...„ . p ossible ter: bia.toinereasel64/heit - : Opiti - i , 1 g/eiB ( !ar, Cre44eurtOmi - Migte4. f -1 #45h 0 14. - 9'l thirty Millions . ; but it the erop of 9kie hit in leielisid_ WtreS4.4, - "whit,lie , laack:eitilit.. li..4 ( Aie. increase - in t!itinayiviinia; witiittho c , - iiVan,4ol - - r of, a er population, more : caPitelinearerpo. f!# o zikl!.FlV9 2 4* - IS,.9l o o44:!* l o.ri , PriMtle.e. ,- e s , w - ee n• , e rn . tir s ag s .m rc ~.' w'l .' , . l uid -' -1 augztthiipropriety ofnuiroadeompaiimiat. r s. ' "A#,;-their:ii4irelliSninento - 110tice:? , ,Ithat' s fll e a voltati ' ' r **iini , thk. ,- ,iiiiist,liberailflo4 1341 a r r . :kiii:of:r?tooleif '41111k:4011i zes -,. i frir 1 ori'l'Or - liieh "lii".'eitiy.i!ar -4 t*Vill atieMiesehltild*: , -:: -: ' frielia*W - Pitio, 6 'erl f Ili cliioi.iaii-iiPek. ezbodiel'afAthose F . 111 iieiar alrolaid . and coffitied.Witil A tiii i t atil it' sPeed;',4o 3, 10 11!ot " it th eir :l ° 6 o! 4 4'. saamtlAikwyjr-„exptsei;=,: -:-1...,,1;;;41.a"•Y .&14c 2.Zilin fxperilfeeij*lerta#o,l* 3.:,iesel* itehliif:Xltt4:'''' s- ' a :±Y! -= - , l'tf , ':'e f, ii,::411.- , =iA',-„ , :;•7 - *it ...w -- ~ ,fl-..'- , '-'• -.- , g,-,-;...t.1i5i4. r ..1---,-uz.,44 -iiiiiiillOi'atraritg''COo 4— ltle: 1 ' ' '' ?- ii iiiiiblar;ittlititititilijki 4 f*p.#l4ifiritir tat ,,,,,, . , ai ,, i , i i, ot pk r .._ Inr , t,,,t ro , , .. Ele,.! „. 1, PY!1r:11 4 , , 5 i t4 ,1 0,-1,10, 1 * f-' , *eitir-livezon4wier,T l * ( !stitii(*loo.4***6litTlitotiO .',`"—:': 1 W iie -14 t 1 4404**.frg***4 1440 .1:' .11 ; WI tii*o l 4.4lfreropt.;kyiNsAlkith.4 0 1 .1 i rtiktilia - g(friptfity44A2,oo,..,l iff- AttveK 4 tagatit:**ql::riT-•!'1047:1V , '-'%l . f-, ...:' ,-- - .44 =1 ,,, ' - ',17 11 :-'‘‘%...".' . ,PeT IFttilii24iiiii46iiik.' ' 04 1 .416 - +#444* \ Ea r i' l ltrAMCV - 04$00912;14tiokocgt 1 . - viitely. , ' trot 1 1 1.9 t ,, ' T! ,- 0 - .As - '4, ' . --,. s - ' ,- ;.c'. : : - ''ci,` - : .., :--j. . - . 4 ! 4..-. = - .;....,i.1j . - - , - Tit' 6 - Medical 'Society . orsiistrebanwcoupti..ilivit meet Ili New Ifilfool on .NrodoesdaY, the first Or of June uait...i#: loiee --- k* 34. - ,' ~., f . :,, • dut.viguifir 1 1 ,4etitialierti of Med icine a t l 3 ociiodly invit ta attended. . . \ . ;' : 3,'lit i litiia4f ,. ..C6il . ' oration; ,_.:: Astusiai - C onvention - 'to be;held in the * Baptist meet' lif hOusiiiii; '•• •.,- •,n , Ibis minty; on - tlie,,7th ofi :,Junes next, po continue g , iii ! ". '&si-under:tire direction Uhii:• . Edarard•C O. verse,,:assisted. by mi. Gat ell an& eonme t I , perfOrtainr.on the Sfelodien and other, i ' menta.:' Perform:niece - mostly in Sacred Bin , Seats l'4ll-bn - frOPvea - the Planarian • and I teriainmeni ii the oblOnt nought. to be- amid e t ; ''• ' with the mutual. itlE i rovem " M connections - ... , . ,. , en o the'4li#lb,rtherk, -L ThOublie in ' vited ki a - .. -r- ' ?---; _: . ::.::;•' , ..-: . :':i.'-'- - - -- „„ ~: :.'_•,:ttriatcpk",.. :..k.-.14 1:11! .. ... ! New - . Brunswick,. ' ' E. 1 4 . ..: .• . :, : ,_. ~. -- - : : . - G* 0 ..... . : Rev_ . `N ' Yirat9l,...„. .0 . , 1-ii:thp 'g.. ~_. f .__--- Aiy_ N . -,-- -t0.':,..:-::[ -- -it i14...!=_,.:,:_-_, RiitiAurF .,.. • ..: .....,, . -'-" 4; -t4' .9 Plitlit4/OTI'. ''' iCti'l4*- -:•.:,:tio.; ~..- ~66.1,;;:cit-.. .:-., .:, ilitiflikty!...,,i,__. -: , %,:,:z-, ,4::,‘.-!.„, , .-Aihiletcq-.. - , ..t., iiid.37,.., -=,=•-.F! tiiiiie.S•-, •,'d"iii'lw,-; • • :-'---t=,l. 0,1--!:;•• ~;:;fi.v84..i.141 you; = back_ 04443,,..„.., ~,:,...--i rib:!.:,,',..,0.-•• ,i-i-e!id:,1.,,1,..-iihiiii*Et.e' ~, ~.4i.inyr.:dp,.-..,,,i..,-,-,lll:*Fp!.?7kitirit;;qp, . of4lr. nextioilteri- -,----utifoi.:,,,,ti , ,-- 6.:-. ~.::-. f,,R1 1, . --1, • hope , gill, jab. _ - won ~.....,,,iiide, , o : -..-_-:-;.,*i:: 7.---:: :xw--.- e - 1 4i}4llg-71. r ii ,trust; ' ..'ii --1i0n.,.9f •;.,!•-••-•,- -..-:•• . . .- -,a447,0-0 7,..;iiiiik.7...; 4.:,-- i .O 4V!,_,be7, . bless ed ..:', ,--::'- :, .':..-:-.:, - ' in4' ' ' .-*, , ::: , -- - -z- '- - ' : .-„,,i,iid; _10,4s : : self V- . _ Iliarfor4t._on the 4th nist., 4 ; , MIA AA wife of George Whitne y, iged 29 years, B m6titEs, and ; 7 6 14' .1 / Mn. NVhithaiiy - -was Very eh beloied eta respected, by all -I.vho.knew*-he kir the foam!. ing testimonials allow At,a. tneeting of -"Brooki 313,.1. O. of.O. F, of Pa:, the _ ['canted- for the Purpose Ar Ade upon the death of oerfernethl sfst4 l , - Corriella ei,,AVhitinv submit the -following INVinizis,,lt has - pleased im All-Wise Cr tor and Rater of the Uniiersei - la remove f our midst; and . Fraternity Er - beloved. , : B* , Cornelia N. Whitney. _.- ence, while la ' e, prithe of life; and-without y visible wan* of her. dissolutionwhile we.:deem:it our digy to bow with stibmissioe-to the 'drag_ alas chastenina . .hand ; therefore. , . ' : .., ~---- . 'lReio!ra, That we - have'beard with unfeign. ea:regret Of thedenth of eur eiteeted Sister who, departed .this fifgon the Atitlmsf., in the ' cOmMenceMent'of usefulness an in- seared good health: . -, . , -.Resa ed, - That: we tender to: urlefeiveil // brother ur 'warmest sympathy i this his hour of affliction and 'lore ~.I)ere#o exit; hating With tab , the -consoling assn ' 'de : Alia our foss 'has been her infinite gain. [,.4 . . ..- ResolM That although' one% aster is deed, her i memory Will bie - eienslied'ilay its'fill the close of life, _ever - 'remotelierini "Old': wei -I ° o are travelhno• to that , bourn from whence to traveller feturni. '.: , , . . • • - Ifisolrect, :That_ as is olten 'of inspect\ foioir ,deceised - Pister, ivii Will, sUfai,ll3 practicable, at ;the-hour appointed,'Sttend her' funeral NA see ; that the n last slid riSeSare 0%i4 to, her with , due respect. -. .' ' ,- I- ''':- . ;._ . .. , - ~B.o\ l liti.i.s. i, - ) ~,-_ Li -_ ---, - ' '_-: E. S. KE:vil'"°°'• Brooklyn May - '5 1853. - ' - 7 '"- - 1 - - 1 - • t; At :,4 -recrular iineetiiier of the' truitetiarist eaingpircle, convened,at - the-hodsci - , S. S. Kent, May 1 1853, , Abe_ follotriq among other proceedings were bad i vtz : i. 'N'Vtituess, Iti his ',pleased Proibienei4o iiirininish us,of the tineeriMfnty of hrimai life by the sudden retro:we) front:our midst our ie.\ Speete3 Sister, Coinelia.A.•.Whitney,47 - hith ha ` cadged ifeeling,el heart -feltgrief tons; there. tore, -' - '-' ' .--- ' -'.' '-':'-- ' :' ' : - f. Rs,:iialre4v Thar we - intider -o.lfrotheiNViiii ney our wannest sbnpathy, :in- .- this .-. his: great, berea‘tement._\ , ..- ~, -,, --- . -', Resplted; That thesn'proenedifiglin'Snterei upon.the minutes of oar -jitiurrial; - and that a eopy.O i f the same be handed bziAlrother Whit , tier, signedilirthe °Seers of the 1_ --1' - -----. ~s RIIODA KENT,,Pm.. - • '" Y. E. PALMER, Sti%Y; . -... - ,1ii,1 ridgewatet, on the 19t1i. 'rut., Iffr. ?AMU . 1 B. 03Onsult,t,.aged - 47 y arn:'; , In Liberty on the 24th tilt.; - o Erysipelas, to. dinErra, daughter of:David and Ann,Bartit4 ;_aged 14,yeaus and 4 -ilaii!, . , i, - ....I , ' ...: - ..-ri ~Eneireled lit - the' arms of deatlii - .:ilf . .i - -A fond Yount - sisterlay t-,-,-:•; - : , -.' : 1 i n - "- In meekness she resigned - her , l;reatli 1.J., ;:..,,T4,:v the grim. viotiteeirei, , ~., . §4qiids found _ filFighter4h?m°t f . . .--, A b l issful , happier ell e; -- - ,4 -`.• ,- eyond4besifinl, peacqful tomb:, = ‘, - ‘.:Wheiv,;.dnialbii glory shines. bear Pare° > ou, • t bower _ 1 Jesus , b man '' tdoonm'M Arue ' - \1 I She lis pure and -- ' - , '- Where al ~ sheltered from the . ~ 1 , s we et ly -" There dark-andamyl Of serrew - ! , 1 ,, 6, f o rm 4 ajoy her ere In but if— ja dean • ,t • , k nuttier° pow. -..--, whlshou E . i mamro w - i ~ .1 grb, Susan Lociwomi In labe rt Y l ' ll 2 n kau akinal Caroline ' .-- ds -- "4h"-:r e' "1 ', I e lipi d rr', . {tomb. sil I/ LOt ," , i- /SlheriatAstOrt-'-', 'ire .a (4 4 ' ,- -vits" _, t . west .- _',. L . b . ''.- y *pin 111, ' I I --;°= Tb'.-, Now 8011 .... 1, ,... tar owsly , fl' vi o the - * 4° .., L. -, ,5, --_,- lb 'my ' I N - dwell WI .t. I , t w - -,, i eil iihe r ..03- , • P.,, part l'' ' -*-_. . t, , 14:4 - o l i, i!b l . - --- i 1 b,.4 4,*?11 n dii -- t ' P ' .. i ,- , -7•- 7:: -, :::?:' • '••• r• - •' - '.. -...,.• - !,- • • tsP3=-1. -.:.7:••-',--:',Isktitil • - - 1,- -'estelk- . . _, 14 114. 4 ,4 7 Ale- .skovers; 40;41 - 71800 1 4?'" thatitliv - *OM , • ,:. 1041, r•Pir7:11001". Ofiatakiir ANiii*Vii 14040).01dt , e:.:. ilk; 44,, ag,', - ;: r i:,:lKeit,OES4ll.4Al., 44 1 ,16,: : i';'!,3l l Wilitg-„tAngli*Vitit**,44 40404**einhill ...Thrq-'_: , -IYA.,-- , ....•- , ' ',. ~ , .. • - :1•4t:, , .: - .'' -', ..,--, -, '-:11-,,, - ,,•=1 - ,',. ' , ,:•+,i ,- 4;:q ,,, ,,::: , : - :.- - H..k.::';!;• - •';'::',.. , ': rie:.?,.:;:-'6',- -?..-''..-',`-s•-'-' Hn tide#4o44: : iti". • tintrisoiutions I f 2 A7g4 ( loPed', ;"10t:10.170.. - F •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers