From Paris the reports are repeated that I the rapture between the President of the': Republic, and his cousin M. Napoleon No neparta, is complete. A fierce quarrel, it is said, rages between them, which tends to increase the dangers which surround the bodkin of the armies, the privates and officers of which seem to be greatly wrought upon , by the Socialists. A serious riot bad taken place in the bar- racks of the 7th bight Infantry stationed at' the Hotel des lovalidea. The French General marched on the 27th' alt , from Cuvita Vecchia The account of his further progress is furnished by tele graph despatches den. Oiailinet bail not out on his march fir Rome, where, accord to every information, lie was called by the wish of the pimple, but having some more !serious r.istence than he expected, ho took up a position at a short distance from the' city of Rome and was waiting the arrival of, the rest of the expedition. No date is given, but it is probable that 'General Oudiuot was near Rome on the , Nth alt. Decants or Tile Route Assteat.r.—, On the 26th, the Roman Constitutional Assembly, made the following decree: The Arsembly, in consequence of the communi cation made by the Triumvirate tendered t o : them the safety of the Republic, urging to repeal foree'by force. During the sittings it was stated by Max- wine that the Treunners (1) had received, • deputation of officers from Oudinot, who, out being requested to ns.ign a reason for occupation of Caritas Vecchia by an armed foreign force, elated the first reason was to preserve the Roman States from an Austri an invasion, which hail already advanced The second was to ascertain precisely what the sentiment of the population were in regard to what form of government was most convenient, and to seek to put in train and promote a perfect reconciliation be tween Pies LX and the people. On the 17th, the Constitutional Assem bly resolved to adhere to their resolution of opposing the entrance of the French. Orders have been issued to undermine, Milan, on the approach of the French, on the side of the seaboard; cannon are pion ted on the rod., :tektite gates nod etreets that lead to Civita Vecchio. The covered gallery erected lo Pope Bimini, between the Cniit'e if cit Angelo and the Vaetiean Palace, has bee„ blown up with p miler, and the mato - rink timed to block up the mitt-ence+ to the • ity A deputation of the Central Cinnniittee had protested against the inva-iiin, and in formed Gen. Oudinot that Rome would re sist his entrance by force, and blow up the Quirinal. the Vacticatt, awl St. Peter which weitt already undermined. The French General replied that his in structions ucre impeyative, and that he would enter Rime by force if not quietly received. It is said that in the attack on Rome Gen, flmliimakwas nearly taken prisoner, the Italian eintilmtants having °might hold of him, and it was with great difficulty that he was reset. d by his men IZTribrlnht Fre... Mexico. CIIsIII.I.YTOV. May . 250, Isl 9. An arrival front Tampico bring. .oven days later 1141Vieea from the capital of Mew i n The acconnts of the sucecsses of the insurgents at Rio Verde were very contra dictory. The papers Nom the capital are silent in regard to the news from the seat of war. The rebels were tan Leis de Potosi It was thought tha near t the govern ment would he unable to stop the pr. ..cres% of the rebels. The Indians bad e ...arra- Lie mistrunt as to the good faith of the Gov of Vera erns who M. wingteriou • force toernor take the road Inca the tit, to 1.11 , • National Bridge. The Cholera was dimin• I letting at New Leon. Valuable mine., had been discovered in Jul wt. from some of which gold had been oldniaed A great robbery had been e , rnntitted at a church in Mexico, and the bovel4 of the Virgin, ' , g l u m a t 820,0011. were cwrie,' off The steamlonat Not ig:ktor, building near the capitol, would be launched at Lavega on the 27th. • EI Srierln has a letter from Alum s con firms the Intelligence previously received. of the sturiendous wealth of California. This has prodeeed such a thirst for gold, that whole towns are deserted by the men, who have set oil fhr the Innil of promise, leaving their wives and children to the mercy of the wild Indians. La Espana of the 20th says that the condition of San Luis de Potosi is a very critical one, with the army of rebel. from the Sierra no close to that city. If the Government do not oreinkly aban don its •pathy, it adds, and Gene. Basta- I meat* and Uraga do no act with more vigor, no owe knows how this insurrection will terminate. We infer that, unable to snap the progress of the insurgent., as a 11111 i re morse the Government had granted them . all they asked for. It .some, however, from the intelligence in the Nolicioso, thift, they still mistrusted the good faith of the latter, And were un sealing to glee up their wan and disperse. llama Fire. BALTIMORE, May 28-8 P. M. The Bt. Lonls Union (the only mot printed in English, left) of Fraley end Sat urday, nnwired by Mail to-night, contains a detailed nooonnt of the groat oonlagration. The scene is reported as awful ha the ex treme honk Danean's The lame extended, perhaps a heir or three-marten o a mile in • emanated' tine up the dear. The burning wrecks of boats met beam, and rolled their oohed Am& of deep bleak smoke and bold hem, is mild modems. 013 the Cabe, WOW, the law lefty Amp of Mores hooting the vie- I//t, lap • of ementia and shade of kw; midi, Mee and there mum eon f Ihnotie ma enemies la Imerilder mat hampoint q plot, or magimisi from their lesenhig haws lender • Veil el their meet prestets propirty, followed by limb when sad eldhirem imrp maw of buildlop win bkma by MA& Übe proem of tin Imam mi., lber pa, nes mire i l l =y Mins eziAlmiona ...BM ah V mui v Qmelms pit Twat the is pf the Alp Milk frau Ultuidt, Lake{ with tese beseed sad alone sadism& 81.• feud seed IN the I/wt. the Golf et IL Limns% NA all, me tint de wow, rehliell. Taisiermmktic Ellemaliclam. There are (maim and traitors both at MONT..., Monday, May 21. ; the North and South, who contemplate a On gaturday t h u questions whether itldissolution of the Union with more than lie expedient to move the seat of Oofern- 'eomplacency—with even alma,. Satanic de ment of the two Canada, from this city, and light. South Carolina and Massachusetts to hold the gs of the United Parlia- furnish them characters principally. At monk for the future, altermtely at Tomato the Anti-Slavery Anniversary in this city, and Quebec, four years W in oath place, were endell Phillips of B oston,• man of talent debated in Ammbly. at kast, contested that he and his creed men An address woe voted to the Governor- intended to trample 55,000 the emmtirwrica. General by a majority of five, in favor of To get rid of what they regard as • heinous removal to Toronto and Quebec. evil, they are willing to do a hundred-fold At a fire on Friday the mob manifested, greater evil; they would sell the Union to violence towards the police—no serious in- anarchy and civil war to force slavery on jury woe done. The city is perfectly trim. tho moment nut of existence. To meet the /fanaticism of the Phillips and Garrisons, !John C. Calhoun would go equal lengths. What to thole raving men is the Union, compared with the triumph of their jaun diced comb/lions and savage spite? Hap pily the faetions that seek narrow and sel fish ends through such treasonable and fearful means, are contemptible for their weakness and malevolence. Good men stand by the Union. hoping for the cure of 'all national evils, without resorting to the greatest of all evils, the destruction of the nation.—N. Y. Sun. 3lny 2'4d The Rev Mr. Borreughe, on trial at Soew Hill, Maryland, for the murder of James B. Bishop on the 23d of March lest, has been acquitted. BOBTON, Mity 22d. ISO The Quincy Stone Bank situated at Quincy was rubbed this morning of $5OOO in bank bills. Before breakfast she Cash ier went to the bank and distributed the ' money in the drawers and left. On return ing a short time afterwards ho found that some one had entered the bank by removing • pane of glass and carried off the money. The bills were all of the Quincy Bank. E^. At Bridgewater, on the Fall River Rail Road hot night, the train u hen under full motion etruek a chaise 2 br.,th ern, named Henry and Ethan Leach, killing them both. One was dreadfully cut to 111,04 and died instantly, and the other, with both his and legs broken, lingered until 11 o'clock, when ho died. BOSTON. May 2:1, 2 P. M. The failure of the Burlington Woollen Mills Company at Burlington, has been an nounced. Capital $t60,01,0 ; and is said to be in debt for about an equal amount The failure, it is said, was brought about by the Stockholders It is believed that they will, however, eventually pay theit lia bilities l'arrearly w stpani..4l t„the steamship llibornia, ta, -day arc. , by hie frtends ; A 1111 1 .6 !IC to .k his departure for Ettrop. There was no ex..itertient exhibited or dent om.trat ion mock, of a:I) kind. By the aril, el or vessels at Binomial, N 8 , we learn that more vesseds have been wrcoked and sunk b 3 the lee. The erase of the Brion I . ..venial, front Sloaderlntol, were ',`eked up by a boat, their vessel having been cut through by the ice. Three other vessels were seen to go down A vessel was also seen to po down off New foundland. Tho fate of the crew was not known. Ctsetss.aTTr, 23-7 P. 31 The 13..ard of Health reports seventeen ena, and eight deaths 11 , 4 n Omleta for the Irtst f-. I boors ending inntt e..terday, and 4 deaths and 4 ea,s ending ',ion to•day.— Tho disease is de4reasing. WAenrstryrox, May 23d-111 P. NI. Tll,ll WWI no meeting .f the Cabinet tn .cl en.equentlyran appointments Ilenry 11. S3lvester, Chief Clerk in the Patent ether received notice of hi+ IliKniiu ,ul from o.llllllkßi ~,, er Ewbank.— Ilia auceto.s , .e has not )et been named. o=3 , The funeral of the 11. m. Daniel Dunenn, monk r at the lure enngre,s (ram (thin,t •k place to-day ft , m his Into residence, l'enns)lvanis Avenue A inr,ge contruny remains ku the Cengresstomd hnn insr vaned, among whom we noticed a ofether .d distinguished indiri,lunb, heads of department+, oke. Ilt I. :Amon:. May . 27—P. M. The New tirlean. Crescrot, of the 111th, has news front San Francisco, via Topic, to the . .:Wth of mm eh, 001,1 is as abundant as ever, and prices of provisions are exorbitant. The weather had become miLl : and un der the impression that winter was suer, thousand were moving towards Utopia re- gi So arrival of o number of expeditions from thin enuntry is mentinned. There was a great abundance of the pre mot„,„ in r c ulot nn , and gambling was carried on at an extensive rate. A letter from San Francisco says: It appears that in all the great extent of the place., theca is neareely • point where gold is not, found, and there are places where • timbal of earth yields • pound of gold. In thin port tho circulation of money ti aston ishing. All things are high, but princi pally transportation and manual labor." Later Faxes are Moak. ••ele Ten Wlll.lll lIATe OMCC—The Lake from he Fecceme— Web , * dill Bulletin of Thursday lent rays that there Rising—Later from Cliagres—Safe arc more than two thousand applications Arrival of Colonel Fremont and ferny for alined.oe in the Cantons house under in California. the new Whig head of that office. Gira ffes." mous, May 28th-10 P. M. dells goodness! two thousand applications The Southern snail he. arrived, bringing for ono hundred situations Why them !with it the Charleston Courier, which Whip hate office as sosseh as Genera Tay containa a despatch dated New Olean, for loathed proscription during the election !Moly 21. compaign.—Derr. Union. The Crevasse at grove's was still un- , checked. The Tunisburg Crocuses was full TRIM:Mb. Fran ten CH°l4.—News I one hundred feet wide. The water in the , has reached Canton of a groat are at 'Ural- Icily continues to rise rapidly, and Canal lam, the Capital of the K n ee. street, cm both sides, le overflowed to Du- It is mid that upwards of 4,000 houses and phis street. shops have been destroyed, isseluding . the The bark Florida hen arrived at New Ye-mum, or ehme , of the Pheee.Y. Mee, 'Orleans with late dates from Chaggm. Mr. people have perished.—Chios Mail, Feb. 0. Beale of the American Navy came maven lie has i n Li n pnnnnn i on i nnw or L,TINO Orr !—MC Levin, th e gold worth 412000, and says the amounts thiel member of Otfillmo from Ph 14.1 " 'of the abet of the precious metal era fit". Maly e"4"."". nos at a lt s e.t.a A..., explanation of the curse ho took la refer eed kb party re eared raoly le CJifer- ' ease" Cl/4410."41P of th " P. " H. els sold b• worked hurl mt Isom the ypolet bon, womb.. Is an American st eam. meal of Mr. Lurk, bosun It woad nun m was upon opiteate Mobile. sad ode mesa to the Ceehh Hear, lee " stay W ar d . Nativ e Americana r Tile It moms. is the reason for Taykrr's eoulenteg that appoint- Women to an Aawr Floormos—The meat en Mr. Lewis. late German paper' say that Hungarian le l dist are fighting with the same enthuslamal Pup, or one Bursae.—Levi Smith, for freedom as their oountrymen. Among pilot of the ettaroboat Empire, meetly teak use hundred and forinHuounlan aspires at Newburgh, was arrested 3reetarda_y by tau By Goo. filmonat there were nine- Deputy Marshall Smith, ado U.S. Overt, tree Heegarlan ladles, with muskets in oft a shame of emookinOtor in ousing, their sad dressed In military oalfarm. Rom want of oars In ading the matelot, m. Oeutem of the Meets rank, has mita Me death of the psalm drowsed, kA Him tat her own nu ts%sad ber tin- hall wee bed $lO,OOO, what ho pre trl i roffsanwaader of Ode nilmsel. and was aloaserfik—N. Y. dew The Cholera seems to be diminishing among the acclimated at the South and West. One hundred and twenty-threol deaths occurred at New Orleans during the week ending 14th instant. At Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Memphis, the ep idemic is abating The plague seems now! to feed iffineipally upon the emigrants sr-. vin at New Orleans. In many of the ; New Orleans boat. aseending the rivers.' the deaths are as high as ten per cent of the number of pa.sengtra on board ! This, , we believe. is a mortality unparalleled in any epidemic that has ever appeared in this cuntry. It is equal to the death of one-, tenth of the whole population of a city in a, single seek: Most of the victims being strangers—principally from Germany and, Ireland—the mortality may be ascribed to the climate, change of diet, and excitement, las much as to the Cholera. The epidemic I has invaded the State of Virginia, appear ing first in the little town of Charleston,. ; where, by the prompt application of reme , dies. of the patients have been cured. A Ilitose is Lova —Abbeville Conch nisi, tells the fennel:4r story: 'A few nights ntr. earthy (armor, living near Ts otok elm, has lately become a widower. was illllllBl.ll at midnight by the load barking of his dog. tin going to it the animal betray ed extreme terror whereupon the farmer took his gun and proceeded to an home, lion. All at once he saw a horrid phan tom, clothed in a white sheet, rise behind i the bodge. The farmer turned deadly pale, , and his limbs shook with dismay. Ile how- ever contrived to ejaculate, It you cone from Clod speak ; if from the devil vanish r —• Wretch r exclaimed the phantom, • I am your deceased wife, come from the grave to warn you not to moray Maria A—, to whom you are making love. The only we- I man to rimmed roc is Henrietta ll—, Marc) her us. ;persecution or eternal torment shall be your •Imm P This strange address irmitlin goblin, instead of dismaying the fanner, restored his courage. He accord ingly rushed on the ghostly Asher, and stripping off its sheet discovered the fair Henrietta It—herself, looking excessive ly foolish. It is said that the farmer admir iog the girl's trick, has had the bands pub lished for his marraige with her." A Pinner [M. 0/ nit wire.— The Rev. 3lr Cowle MAI y, a receut ambassa dor from the English Catholics to Rome, bad bees n Protgstant and married. lie and hie better-half resolved, not only to goof . ..tut to the Roman Catholic religion, hint also ti abandon " the world and the fish" With that intimation, Mr. Cowley took priest's orders, and 3lrs. Cowley en ten d a convent, of which she is now Moth er Abbess. In course of Onto Mr. Cowley's religious fervor cooled. while his oenjugal sRoeY wan renewed. Obeying the die- I totes of the latter, he has pitched the bre % iary aside, and is now in search of his wife. flew,' the question is, if Mn.. Cowley will not leave the convent, can he enforce Lis conjugal rights. It will be a rich subject for the big wigs.—Esgliiik paper. Avy- Newspapers in Europe are not as cheap en in this country. The London Times, • daily paper casts $45 • year.— The same rate is charged for the Morning Chronicle, Daily News, Globe, Herald and Post. The London Even'g Mull is pub lished three times a. week, at $25 • year. The London semi-weeklien $lO 50 per an num, at $l2 and $5 The French daily papers, the large ones, are about the nine price as the London prints; those about the size or our penny papor• cost $2O and $24 per annum. The German dailies cost from $22 to Pa per Greet, Drama Limed. We copy the following from the New York Correspondence of the Wuhinglon Union "Horton has dramatised neighbor Gree ley, and shows him up nightly to overflow ing house., "Mr. Founier Orislay," it; long white over-coated, abort-panted, dirty booted, old broad-brim hatted, white eye-I brewed, bald-headed, lank, middle-aged gentleman ' is introduced as Mr. (Maley. —; He preaabes Fourrierism to • convivial par- I ty of geoitlemen, two of whom fall asleep; , over their wine, and what follows purports ,to be the dream of one of them. 31r. Uric , ley is elected President; get. a law passed carrying out Fourrier's doctrine., and the 'gradual decay of estates and tho State, un- 1„, der o law forcing a man to haft his tooth es... dives. - ;yelled because a dentist has "a right to I fii„,„.,„,„ Pa ars her., esullnenl labnr;" (the tooth being sound ;) abolishing the use of money, and reducing business to :m sew son elisis . fi. Intro ses rianszrain the exchange of commodities; buying nip- ':,',Vg'.7,7;7:7j11::L0ng.11/41 o w pen and two dozen fried," paying in a ; feather bed, and getting for eliange a era- Fish! Fish! - dle and a straw bed for that—the porches- er being a bachelor. Greeley is done to the sista,,,,Vs, wvw a " . 't 'Latta.. life by Brougham. Ilia peculiarities mid follies era caricatured to the life, though', MORE NEW GOODS. the piece totter no iault to biro. It will; The Id Lel ter the leans Bipedal latonlay. make a little fortune for Burton, being sure I. ADM. AND 01INTL61111C4 I—Plweesll war try Me to havo a run hardly seeond to that of . Brougham's Dombey and Bon. A. played I here, this piece HI probably " borrowed INPV.I , „ , from the Freneb by this clever actor and I war J. Gwyn dramatist, Brougham, yam has swapped I RA A% % RAGA % ammo well-known French Fourrierite for ;p A pII fat RA Mr. Greeley. If Iterate bas seen it, ten to r.; oa t .? tun. rULL.. one, like the little girl in the nonce, l. Select School hook," a ft er the pedlar had cut her peni- ; coats all round about," be felt like bolting '1117f,,,T, 1 ,Va1n i ,==,=,", i ,, home to see if hi. little dog knew him ; for net.. 7 Brougham'. imperso n ation o f his peculiari- := raas. pee ODD. , of II W. 4. ties of drew, manner, conversation, walk.' Ar=l,ll,6oy.newawee.anenewee.... alt as &v., are striking as almost to deceive; =wa. , : . ..7, ,, r y itt5w . ..:=7:10, ,, .;:i , :„ ~,, one into Gin momentary ides that the .v4.—lmme Prln.-Iyal Ow Male 111. Witt. Phlitatiltta himself, atilt ' that • waggish counterfeit of an Irishman, was, I it. orasorottiaa sasaou raletblilext indeed, curdle stage." I was, tram. to,a. I. A Rost.Rowence.--At the grand and Dairy Salt. , brilliant ball given by Prince Sehwartsen-'vz:17:41%;72,...,,,,,,,, r ,.... it0rvv.p. ' berg, the Austrian Ambetweder at Paris,' se e in the year 11 4 10, in celebration of the mar- ! dare of Ner ulean with Maria I.nuisa, at Daguerrean Miniatures. which the }Armorer and many illuetrinue „ person. were present, it is well known that vrilAureworrorteo woe. , wt.... a most destructive fire broke out in one of , teetre . tt . ttg .. . t earrezr,rxl , the temporary buildings erected for the on- es, casion, by which the young and beautiful ;me, rmte hostees and several other . pernons were burnt to death, and many mnottely injured. Stray m One of the visitors at this ball, was the then Dowager Dm:brae( Savoy-Carignan, meth- , tsw. mo ” lite !er of Charles Albert, Ex-Kin of Sardinia.' '`" `" . . .. . . . This lody. prevented by the great corrosion 1 1/ .. 1 ., .2,r,n —. ;r ...... , .= . ..... , . , r;, ,,, rr . n .. 7.7,7 from petting out in time, found herself in us, lir " .".. ' 7. 1:1r10.14. rine of . the "100n e bundng nn all vides. lINTS & CAPS When in this ;tenet perilous sftuatoon, and almost suffocated, she Wen accidently die- . „,„„ n „ . ., , ,,,,.,... ~,r , ‘ „ ,.,:;,,,,,,,, covered by her courier, who resolutely rush- it ;:o. ..... ... 4 ...."1,.......... — ......r, ....... i,.... L . ,.. 'al through the flames into her room. took r,:',441;";=,!:=-1.:=1;L10C.4:7-v=s—Zi ' his mistress in his arms, and jumped from 0101.1 mi. in roo ....-11,....b0u 2...w...a will be r... 1.1 11. IN RIM, window on the floor to the ground. ET '" 17:4717,:i1i!T0 this heroic conduct he broke both his lees, I m „,,, %to; m o o, oom is t... 1 no per Ts . Colton but the Duchess was unhurt. Her life bay- I 'Mr . ~....... •• = ‘:,—,..,......,......i%"1 7 .- in g been thus miraculously saved through•...;1.......15T •e ISlMil.lArk ec ue. ' the courage of her courier, she, of worse,' ~. pc soon, m o ,„„„ m ;so co ...., 'v. ;., - rh7,;,, paid him all possible ears and attention du- • Id mc.......5• rommtmolu e s.,=! . .. ...k • ...- icing his Hines.; and when be had recover- I ror==cl4l:7= . tl7 . ... ed from bin occident, she married him. lie i ~.„_, ..i , .. ....,,, ,,,,, , , .„. received a ft erward, from some Italian Prince 1 Worm M... ro Imsc. amoo, immmo, mammon.; the title or Coma Montolart ; end ever 1 .. r7.:• . ..... -........ 5 ! ........, r g 0. ... 0 ir• 0 t . V . Z ...4 , since they have been living together in va- • u, ~ ~ ~ a, ..,•,,,,,, .... r... ... , minus parts of the continent, and are now in D'u,.,:e".....7 11:Ze.:0,11 ' !...11., 1.12.. sin.l TIN Wm, Paris. moo. cm Slone, a rull ononnhornt Insul ...end .111 be .a.....,.. in, else,. by ••am.. I 1 The Pm-Slavery Convention at Celan. his, South Carolina, has adopted resolutions directing the Governor to call a meeting of the Legislature, in the of the Wilmot , riviso being passed by Congress. The .(11,„,";74,..„,,,":1 w n ,,,,..,t„,, , , J ,'' 71 ,1 7, ; 73 P ,r" . .. 7.. ,: it. posit onof Virginia, which hasbeen recently I ne...eur condemned by Mr. Denten, in his letter to ~„,ft,g . e n w. 1 1 .0 the people of Missouri, was endorsed by the 2,7 . 11 . ..1:e 5 er......::,ete.wwrtt • Convention, with an expression of confidence Ittettett. robtellett, •handl:Me ete..'eate Ity that 'she honor and interest of the slave. ll.lthltlt - holding slates will he safe under her lead." Goon WON" hthhiltut Ate only --• A AARON NA attllnAltams. mut., Breed 111... oerL Mr irm•ily Mined by vim..amt. we suee,...,ree/wattetaceneve. the terrible results of the attic kon the An- • lay" s", for Place Open House, as a proof of his Auditor's Nionee. reßret , it is mid, Las mint to the Mayor of Irt,..4=l,t;rlr;=l:44ll=l-1 New York the sum of one thousand dollars, axe weeiewite.ww.e. tte awe!. awl tut.,_,le: to be divided among the innocent sufferers. ' r„ t tra;T74,17,Zi="...."" . .0:41":44ttg1il dee elJuse he at tett tielveht r l• the Anossem. where an Daniel Marble, the well known comedian, A.n. 01.0e1E, whose no ti ng in Yankee and Western meter. hae gained for hint a reputation both in England and the United State., died in lotinierille of cholera, lately. Tho parrots in the Weat Indies settle turn the sour orange trees, and are taken with nets, dozen or more at a time. The people eat them hi a stew as we do the pigeon. PanayAlbert, of Wanda, lately mad to be divorced from hie wife, the Princess' M"Y' of eh' N'"w k"" imi tb. 6 --4 0'GREAT BARGAINS! insuperable aversion ; and the divorce ores . era red by the tribunal of Berlin on the, emit seater at DM E I D tit. IA M sta ',AreZZlMWr=^:=:ll: - . gdtleb Poy O mni. Ts Hon. Thomas J. Henley, leas member of int 7. —.mair. amt.* Coven from Indiana, has Marled for Cal- ....7471,r,t,tmz..,:"..21=7,7=, roma. A Am* of en sarthqoake did eonsidens -612 damage at llimmaibo, m he 18th ult. ; , SECOND EDITION. yen melt • thin g ea • pi n hoeyen end dweld yen nee to experamn, im IBEDDLAIT & READ disethitien with yaw newel IW O yea eon do se, eon sew mei*. Ibele sent. rte. very """4 twenty Spring and Summer Goode iirt five vent. June etep into the eines et Den. De , via' Pale Kilter Aire.. 1849, •• Militiel...... co a rAAAA a a* .... I:::cratz..... , == StLisaTtellir : Sad ..011Vare.1, • . .r..... 110,.......= At ftriarßie re **Mk NM try OA MAJ. P. ::::jr:X. A .A.: rAr in.B=rai. A*. Morwril Mr. Gomm. LATIMII• Ile Mon Lmr AIIX i mArrse, rierr to, um Krern, on Milm farmer Mow IFirkiap -- o ' .:= `• n'arr.itn, Nanal. Jr.....11,1211w 14•••••••• • 1 Iftwisbuip, Shlk Y... . iimosamp bees, 60.1mber •• .111411 Wm. 1.0•11, olos row et /mop. 1 IP J. I.llom t. ea No Mier, Pima. Itaidds MM. ....... .........._ _ ~.. . .......•,.. = ~.= kale liglikertanneansto. 1 . 1 r .... ob.. r.d....... - - ---- ---- 14)44i --- ----: I . ...Mir MM.. &MIAMI mil E. ?Moo loidded le dr eaNde at Ad4l. yam ~,,,,. a5.....e.j...... 1 Me d, ladd Oa* ••• .....4 Ye nalad.l I mai ill=wd_eda "" :4 " rd4= h 4 =2: " ' Rawls and Dross wads ~...n r 0.... pr; •1110.0. n. to ad.. 11, ad bead rad* Mo. ", i ...".", d.da . V. 1101M011116 CO. I MI WINN bat paseivid t= I 11114111! 41141004. Notice to Volunteers W Ye 1••••Isslaer Y. alrea a. •trAW at tat bre to=sa JMII no te. Wel* ow.a 6:: ...« . 1.616=1=17.15:2"64=61 itle aaw to WI 1.11 nias *alba t W WatiaaaWald WW. TWO.* " Witt. ' areettr "*." =;;7:74 .7 l4,r.M ."" Brat i low, Mn W. IW. "' dministrato. al Om H r's Bale. Wlej l e sold .1 p.a. nodome er E. P.I. Lesno, ea Saturday. Jun. , . •1 =l. 11::! . .t:::; rta '' 'am" "L""'" - :="ll:e Jn b1i:nt1it':(741f"'71 4: 1 2 1 :7 4.74F. M one hen.. stem JOPEPII won, num:" corteit, r a t', NEW ARRANGEMENT, Ht.22.11=12,1=7,P1'.4:=7:7r. stoves, Tinware, Dry Gowen, Om ileirdware, Melts AND 1111110111$ Ow, 41. "z . "" - .lLnr4' ofive 34, yowl, 11011T.1,1.1,60,1. BONNETS, Z. LYONS, DZALIOt DI ///, o.l,ll*on,e.neiOny, Tim Wan, Omen.. If*, In. Ws* emnin on. Meek /•.Mk Are, or. Memo, A. Moro About 'Mow NEW GOODS! r . ma*,daYMltyr r z r: *ampubliegMl44 to hie we. Meek or Oa, .1.4.1.• MUM AS Lew •S Tp6 LOWRAT. Deem. /ern. wmJm WY = . 4l.,!leiltllalwri IX M. Wee TO lb. Msl, L=11.3=41 - 2',71f,';',..1:74Z=r4 w.• :rzt r ir.„ Sbne zr e, and 11..• 4.41. PalZ 1. reallbsTer pee Motor.. May 91, IBM NEV ARRANGEMENT! "." Batting Business, Einz=:= 4 , 5 rut: . ttlttr=l.• nem Arall XJ. NM I NEW GOODS, AND N•E W PRIDES. H MORIIZTAbso eztoi464=l , 0000lio of moo= or MM. re 1.. 14.1... on .ort= " g:teliraobtral:r4rotott= , " 117: . et T7r= r l.ltrr:;:e "" on . !Ms Mill. Mow Mit 1149 11107EVIIIICS• Lowe ete e....llnonet VolehtllTlnttV: 7? " 44.1.74,1171r1ai . r .. NEW GOODS. roeetml. • ....v. era.i.• 371=1;e11,117:10 . 7: "" 11.1 WE.. New Goods Again. ..,1 7 Inv, awl nrl Irrr 1,41.1.4 r, ...I on. Moir rur *ea 11rar.,14 " : 2 ?". ""."'" ......1t1:7 . 110.4. amp. Ussery. Toirp7 " " ' rol 11. NW. LATIIROVZ:raa sl,::=A4voa t r l lid per preetl. ~~ODIIP'I.w M.eY.M M ~~. y F R N E T I a Erie 7r Railroad E STEPHENS & THOMPSON'S FORWARDING LINE FROM GREAT BFND, (CAPT. J. W. lIIONNIIONJ i.ITNPONNS THOSMON hex womb arreeweemew. she . tortakolonevba to ens.a..., VALI". tWANl ' ""' ettleMl "*" lrresteVNewel "'"" every ' nee•l " lerstlll r , .do.. Wen. Peplw••• e*. Greg Nam t= T .r..=.1.,;,==... yl M. Now7www ' 771•;:e:= eeleee Yew = t re ,. setelmr la New r.. *bop yvanimme• a.m.* c.a., ow, raj= irgiVgat the olent. le=7 "" iTerrontr " Newl, 3.114/0 J. vr: Tiensaoir• C. 13., COTTEN, 4 RUM /1:211:1;loirINGO.111m.dbot . lel. ..11, woo mom of fie... 11 1 1., Po. OA. lo an. to Om Tn.. New To. pew.. idowoodoo odd. r owl. dr.... ha .11 dr.*. lo edwolly 0w... and 0n0n.14 COY. 1110 poor. 0. . a0 be 21 . 111 Packer. Relies (new T.) do Tram, embracing all the differs& grubs and varieties of Green & Black Tem. 100 da Mackerel. Mee, Who., Rerard Fik, Meer, B. Med. Pawls .ad u. 61., 100 de Na. 1 mad 2 Herrin. 20 do (.10.., 100 de lkeesd Nike. EMEMtEM!I r==!==Z! MaMM riENSESMI 115 els Menier• prmnPer:Amittell. DR. SKEEL'S ANTI-BILLIOUS FEVER PILLS. T"'" .rieY ig:7Tr.""`=""' "": ""' • ben mod 11. %tr.! rrereZt .'r tal ' i **: "."'" v!. "."'"" v= am. as.. okra, ==.7.l77:ktrjri=, tholi Yet- Z=r; .. " I: "' niri ".". Iti.r. now. eastivrie.ow cup ji..:VA " .47427Z .r:....:Varellrog " %mre law tit, la vat 1 .. 0.F. 117r1r=.111marle. Pap. I. ra. REMOVAL TIIII WINK OMR, lo mowed Iw.r Mon ION•orly or lo INoor 11.4111. lON o.lN•ouort, drove Om. I. Oa*, Nolok ..••• Ma Mo. •••••.../ on, 11.11, T. Val, 1.41 by Mob., T. Rome or 11. Ronautbm. Uplaskirel Daly, Mb ...••••11.—Mdt 0•11.66. IT* by Ms My. Name. by Modon. ....MlCome.• 11.0114. b., 11.14,111.1 • Me* IN*, Ivaueb ••••• On. ilvenror. Vempl.Oretry ni 111.1. d. ir4ai4e;;;;" Mligtriliargrat=ir4 moo le in DONVOgrI 11.9601,11.141.11, do &N. We*. of tli•Weridl. S. de '.em. Itomededr, HM.* Greek arr.. Ilowneo esd On. Plowreo Imp& ammernineedirr, metrianeol edlo&o. Pa.& NI. flew fl MM. 2911.1==i , & NM* et lke• Taft. iso. 01 owl , et .11.m=edlre& oftelhiper, .1.• eirl&rk 4811=4, damirtim *Me. •M. alrlmey MWMM mom* to nag, ,L~O~ •~Y ww.+~ r rrrr. r.. ~i►WM~f~ M~r~~MO CLAIM & COPS sumegaii, rielipit, as. COMMISSION LINE . . •••••••,S•rantmill.comm - 311 1•11kerilemi,mi 21. 1• 4.... 1 Taken. = . 11=4 . ........fiC h I.= 6ll= "r llg .. la 11e.1.1, gala els • , . . Bares imporahr , "" antiZg.' NEW GOODS - - - WV= 7 . 71•1•17,re mune. amerree w. bee et.* eel be mid at • mar ' ma. limb tot . east• .111.1J1 • KNAPP. May %UM M 231116 00099111. MiIMUMM New Arrangement! ,FREIGHT & COMMISSION , Wl N. M & O Pale Railroad. C , T. I. 0 'fa my owl W 010.014 *ft* • ,00- , "IT I lt! r ••="7; t" rod' as ogllot 411uP .1.0.1n00V%,00A alaln t illany who 6. 16w lay a ...bey yearn mi . ga., a• ilia para.,gale alarame Naar Vat markel..ll raw nu Y and dlaa Ma ammonia Wend non In Ow dlarnaol ni arm., coaled lo " 11;ZIT Ilgoltrrs . .l7l " =.o;.. L "" =Trill=4::rit ' ar . '""‘" reVl76llT7 ' Mk> 2, Mk, 1041.11 T. BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM, Nee * wridiam is &dew ar doubt N. mi. .1. owe pm. If *4 awl •so mm. e••••• ....r. •••pr cosi by gem medleM—eml wen •Itnig Pypies. •• "." by 'Aydin@ ma felea. le w.i TY. .11118. MMM;l== ANT•• INDIAN PDIIII/DINIS 111•Alikts tnat Dm Ursa IlAs Drumm prima.. Am :1:7;14 "" :7 ~ VeAre '"".. ".". "'" COUGHS & CONSUMPTIONS, mot *we of • oedema, off.ol, *a amen on nal, prove es NW udafe ofolloory Miolmes, Mrs door Mho. The Brad, Thrill, Lisp, aid Met. 11.1•••• loat• med w... ,e rz.7:•r ' 7 . a: =Wel Zlrt; 7ZA. Sat.. 1747.11 . Vele:i=r;el "‘ "" THOVIIIANINS OF COMO , OPTIONS •••I yin.. rep0...M.1 1 Wry al.ot M M. toulootoi r raw.... rallog. holy poem. lo Os 0... ompoloO N A Y • i rett rZ 74 . 4 tf ". 7, F•46mnise yam wan. Mono Foo.O. ..alts—rd • !UM minim Po mitray doe h. hem N. se Oa I N l ii loyf re.* NM rff.* la mg.. IL& INO dm. *row ma o. Flu aaaaa Mu lorOs se diOnee. 4.1610 =VE01.112417 gr;Zof rem: , mom.Nar,zrzirtltt OHANOE OF LIFE flow *a GM :az= :,:j7; Zt•••=1 to ttrtent N.. fetal dor. No Wood, Mr lot trottymeato t y , ttt at t u rn 011 A I CP I I I i tCNIU IPIII IV a I■ F IAr CURED ! . rim* to pm Or pt.?, mottle. yllt, ttto Yana le mot. ryes W... Wt." Otto* and ttietplo. he tit ttot ot.t.ey _ f .r = I ‘."' ."*" =hrit:tire le. two r•solmtro. TYR elm, woo .1..1 111,01111 , 12:111 . = AWN. ft. • dottl. maatc 0t=.1%;:// Ittostult ... t. eria or lase. ra. rotatentOrktat CLAIM whin protti me* • WIER 0111111MAINT. Ile• Am meat Ma. fhAdani. al Swab.. Cm, ma ".". IA —lArollmennt.? r. was. aware of I.e. I•• Ir• am nom b. MP hip* Pullunna wil: em :nr" :11 Pam eu naM ... .an eIPrINT . ossozsouk nirearran, .amen./ by W. Warm Tab bras.. Is the los *yr b. Ow ..Ad lame. •••I eno...lmbal ...Urea tot Mt, and room la me pray and yr. It are mg ram* .q OPIUM. Lamar bout or lamb.. art tbrreforb lam taproot WM* or a. n‘ Ch/hiva.lll became abeam marmot, el.d mum owe Owe ratddly by O. we Mw Wean.. am* nerd ever wwn w de.b. Iw" ebbe by • MANY AAA =1.... " % n0tb.. ' k WILT. ~ + ~]YIMIN.II~~~w t~lßm 6 ln Tw~tl~~L• N. X ll ~~~~. b 1 ~. D~~Y~, T~NbtN. T 11000.1.. Mmormommly me hood some !Mom ating DemmeMme Farm ...Malay IMMem Mb. may fmm Mook MIOM • st blo Amor mo• Pmg m • Vinkey Mom. NoMmet. M. Fashions, Fashions. et 'int. writ ix °V, 4;7 - "" . -1,111 r• .1.•=.•• r.r . 0 . 21=1 . P=4.7 . 71 , Ilemz . , Nese 1"» Tu.:a ANMIIITNf: ~ 'l iw IrN N —~ x ~ ~~~\~4~w • YMlebw ~! O. U. OOTTZJ I Wlliellemils Y.....i Dosisir SE Flt =r. NO. MN,* haw or 01 hi. .11 ill 111.1* I .1 doom elm 11.• o..lfte,—POß OMIT SPRING GOODS. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BOIRIETS, awl M. 11111kory Om. all Wei% .fieles7.4.lo•Mse aget Ns Or rat Onem Way aftleles.... No. In OW a. GREAT BARGAINS. maionlien V. sposaimull Ca NW, AO., lON. WM MONO tat .= "." ... '""&" ="r4 ..,..=.0711111 va• Mow d IeMMY :Ir MAXIM MMUS I rM W :moMSM A. WW=. "'=" NEW GOODS. s tP l z er , ••= NM se •• I. • 00.
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