- tittle "biltuaticirrt." I. L 11611PITELI, Ilditor aid Proprietor. IFI/Te aaaaa • yam •••• Is Myst.. me two Joli•e• If sot F•4l leattil 010 end at 11. 7••• or of•ulonigoloe. •: , :in=frastrat t =ll.= samivaloutle•• mut ba Pus, P•st to ••••••••••••• or Imo. Ono Sours. (Moly* Ilnea. or low., 3 ...Mos, .1:I M. M ... loser., 9 fel Or bigroe, 3 rni, Ile • 91orlverm Cwt.:Att.; liner or Ivo, ? 9! ' Yearly Adverflovr. 0d.....,, ..: over V Nally ,l _ ." . °* 1174 . 1 . 1% . .0ti11 r i M . olt K merely sae es oe/1910 3 ::•17 dove els favorable tenor IBSIGNATION There is no lied, however wntehed and tended, Dot one deed that, Is there ! Then'e no Maude, hen-Neese defended, Bat has one vacant chair Th. Mr in full of farowellslio the dying. Aml mourning. far the dead The ►.. rt of kmhel for her children crylog Will not A. mmforted t. Lei •be patient ! them severe •ffitliooo Bid C" lettUrge . re ' d ' ISZaa• Amine lbw dark devils,. We me but dimly through the meets and verde Amid them smelly damp. WWII mein m us but dim. funereal tapers. !limy bn Heaven's diluent lump.. Than Is so death ! wlnt seem. se is Dustmen Thi. hfe of Mortal Neagh /BIM • ...barb of the hfe elyaian, Mans portal. we call Death. p dead—the child of our Si..afreettoo -6 Ira gone unto that wheel W"..truratrlrott7otttlinT.P66'66' In that groat aoratar's online. end oeclusion tly gasohol. sooele led, Sao Own trnplanon, eels from ran'a pollution Mho doe., Witolll we call dead. Day alter day we think what *he n doing In Omen bnght realm. of nor; • Year after year her lender atilat ;waning. Behold her coven n.nn fair. Thin de we wsllc with her, end keep unbroken Tien !wed which Nntotre C. Thioinng thou nor rompluludne... diut, May work bet where she 1n... Na es • Hybl we again enfold her For When wore rapbere• wdd la ear embraces we anam enfold her. She will not b. a rhdal Bet • fair maiden, di L. r omen, elethrid withilma! End. ; Attid beritatifirl with all the Pool's expanition !than we behold her fade. AM Amadei al lime, impeinou• with emotion And angumh loneppremed. The welling heart heave. nmaneng like the Ocean That enenot be at ma; We will he patient' end orange the feeling We canner whelk play; By ilenee sinietifying. um reneenling The god' thin tinsel have way. l'iV:n?',;;;; - :7T.•, , Lacb, sue. r. a. o. The Italian rimy.« rm., Om returning, after an oboe.e of some year. from my native city, I ince, among other well remembered and cherished friends, my old schml-mate and college com panion, Herbert Belrose Most cordially did he grasp my hand, showing that the lire of early friendship still burned brightly in Lis bosom. You must coma homNool take tea with me," saikhe, as he stood ic,lding my lend tight ! behil. Theo p ! u . s7 . osarrie4l . ," l!ettirned. Oh yen I I belong to the sober tiny-m -ho.. clam of eitisenc SO you inuat ac• wept my limitation. I will call r you as I lam my counting-room Ibis afternoon It will he delightful to bare a good chat about old (bees " I assented, well pleased at the arrange-, meat, and, at the time :turtle.' upon, Belrose called for me. On being presented to his wife, I was surprised to meet a eoueg and exquisitely beautiful woman, with foreign recent and features. There was something very @Whin in her whole aspect. Owe men, you could never forget her ; you seemed to be gneing on wore pictured form, • painter's dream of lowliness But, if her bee was my instant admiration, how much more charmed was I, after the reserve of our int meeting wore away, to note the simple Wire. grace of every motion, and to listen I. the music of her voice, as she joined, with more than ordinary intelligence, in the sownwation that followed. " Where did you meet with this lovely wome r said I to Baines, at our neat meting. "To me, she .tood forth the em bodiment of some beautiful ideal, loo` dwel ling In the region. of fancy." , The story is a romentle one," replied my Mend, moiling. Will you relate it?" "Oh, ontalnly, it you think you will feel Ltenst enough to listen." " Let me hear it by all means," mid I. Way. Throe yam ago, I welt to Europe and pinned through Italy. On the day or my , snivel at Naples, an I wan pasting along ••• of the streets. • lovely prong girl, with a bubo of lowan en her arm, apprombing 'MI a mile, prenatal • bandsmen bno and in her nuked Italian sand ran to iteeept It. Snell a favor. from s fat= =lawaa not, of mares, to be g It I looked monody into her - he., and her eye. lhogerad far • no- meat wr two In Wei then the awned, and was lest la the email of yew* that filled the ellrests. " Is roiallog this Wiliam lo a meg ralliblama lb• boa. serer mob owprbowl. His mart was, 'On or lbw wwwwhog lower girio. How mesh did l e wait yes 1. n=ig i . Imbed. •Wby timid " I ponwire jos dos% wailrwitwwl these ha's eds. You ana liwwhabiww ram Mow, swg a Manger with plenty ill erwgb speed. You aro vault kw. Alll of bright Italian oyer an no at. . This girl waa simply • limy a gkf i rjby her little me *sq ua w is. We &rat tow Om ibr hie web' " • Ale r I, la Mora. itr, At *-,', lJ L Lirtd. they acne d, and 'apron them, than to nif r yla MM rya regard now but as need soli, o dove state, and we believe bar lands Iwoold bring more to-day, if slavery were oho:imbed web. her /mite, than their lands and slaves together. as she now is. The people of means Virginia, and one in some parts of the Nate east of the mountains, am - but little attached to .lever', tied would bu 'pleased if they were rid of st. The move _ Intent. iu Kentucky, are iudiunive of the u :feelin g there, and Illissouth it is well bourn, NUMBER ri, lin by no means a arena slam Asia. The ______:_____ a n ,s they ne n Aoppe;d o t r o cut hoz, ea lilrLar. _ __ j people there see how savory las retarded - - Iguilt. Trifles as light as sir become con- o He weithl have said more-b - ott the form th eir proen css , by a comparison with I ll inois ng oi it? I 'hi" / I." know " it he - CiRetTMSLiNTIAL EVIDENCE. • TALE FOLNUND ON FACT. iw 7 w o t ,Ln u l h O hoi t ng l; o. , l i I l L u. w firumtions Aro. es pro.; a Holy Writ to' that during tlds brief dialogue , bad mak in- l a t oth , ern e i g h h,",i"O free AA. • You will see her again.' populatson, what may we out expect in lees l'a'te,Toe circumstances whi ch I .... oi th d, to .0 for your friend. "'s hey atenlarete3lnn: r l o b c e z f ra i rlink ln e l d nd f l elno th i e b e e r u itri o . l ' o 'd eo l i ' ,l!/ , l e r o b t oo ,n,j ° ,,,,, wea e 10Y01"dg,,1T1e0°,,°,;."gt.,1,",,7,e0m,;; ortioiil;soln‘ind,l:initiltulnrnp.rensegnitnnetnotsanterec . • Think so ?' am romilliur to many now fin. In As Ihmilton was edin slowly bet.- eidenre, until the Main a corroborating; repeated he name -but she bend him not Without doubt .She will never lse . ward, engaged in thought, atod holding his :e.0.m.. seem e d irreshubly condo- 1 _ some partieulars r l . van d nom tit truth; but if : in then: co , fnn event labia: . bridle loosely, a deer sprang suddenly from !sive. His recent intimacy with the &- sight of you. Welk out to-morrow, s o d :to he upward of twenty mina., and s old no 1 r h e n r ,, i r t i e ,, z , i spirit t r e ll a a r d r. gently ohi n is n e r to r tg n ed hr i o ; . _ j den l a n r q b vt:r o tr a e o t la:ncilrn tausry,,,?,.Ti!enuppreranieent ere you are in the street twenty minutes, p hysu p it continue to increase according to th e put you ow , rude e another 0 ,,d ...j o u, h oo „ aired "'Y.. "ere " 1. 9°. of its ea • thicket , end la in tho "id Were hie' missed, and even the attention which friend. 1 hon. She Lad notched and ~,,,,,,, an d c .o. s . ° , I Mall seemed lii anpreamg oe- I. who maned and threw Wm to the 'ship and hospitality hed dictated, wmo nge- prayed, in ho•peless grief until the quet Prom her hands.' 3• one the deltoid, v' louneter et cin •ground In examining, the deer , width bad Aunty insisted upon es evidence of • delib-I, energies of a delicate tram° were exhausted; ' ratio, i " • ii " ever 1... ..7 Y ear° i• will I.° .. And . was tied: I meeived soorFtrf nrunto:ntiall end. lo• t will be A- ' wounded,. d . ' cc, le.) to pc been mortally . was still strug- Inane plan of oriekednes•-long formed and: and the excitement, of the host seene bad f. 5 ). ...in. " .. . .' d i " ..." forty-throe ter appearing Awned on t. nest merning, .7 . ° a; • gling, eonie of the blood was sprinkled on ',swum,' developed . The facto that he ' snapped the attenuate thread of life. another bunch of Sowers from the seen air,' " Pained. Beneath the magnificent symonorm .Lich his dress which bad been °antis° soiled b accompanied the deceased on his way-tlout I Hamilton did•not survive her long. long con- , this time, will, in the ordinary emirs. of years rrom this time, eighty millions. Many hand, and the gin was rewarded with a gold ' I ordered a lona stream ill the south-west Lis full. . Dayiog little ettention to these ! ibe lost th e path ite • country with which he health was airmsly shattered by Hi . , )dung men of twenty-one year. of age at d0i , , , , ,, ,00 ,, y ,,, own jand childree now hOr., will see it aimed coin. She took the t aw a m her eye " . , o 'art of Kentuoiy a party of emigrants load ,eircumstanee., he returned thme was supposed to be familier-bis conduct on 1 finement, and the eitefine or • Proud s w io k i i it .: i ln o tA e u . r , e „ , ,, l n ii , •° o to . :co.:I:: c:doenoighht:uiriellaio.o.ll,4 fell "Pen W .." ..he ...• " .. I. ° • " ee r itched their encampment for the night - Thou II i too had h b' f f a lu i sh ,a pa r szto n cr w i 1 e h r u f a u h e n r e n e d y o trn o r a p p i r n o g n zi , e l O p „,,, year. w,r, _, . ~. ~ r0 , , ,,,, 01: ,,, po na . g g r. ....' ed e 1 a. e; .r i nra i n t • e: r oo ko r n i , e n: m et n e n n y y 1 ta n r o i f og_ r ost 0 Ihneuhd_eantabonoofd then =oli o - w ! d h° /n o t , i o r A n dre _h o ld , : t: ; t a d . f.ar , jo h n itn ; wade feeding. ; t te meet.: r . eprt uas ove, ye iii men of the country were so imam- , the breestpin of Ihmilton, thankfulneu, the t".." ° " d ••• in • few it• gleam ..,„,,, i ,,,,, „j no ,.. i b o ~,,,s y urses eyes met hts own in love, for few of tbe ; el.. to trembl e for his fate. But when per i. sad truth, when he asked why h o :ixty millions. All pilule.. tan boom found mar the :who load loved him better then her own life "W h. ". .I ....wwwilY rise le vane, moments, lost, to tee view. On the day following, the next - and ale next, I loisked el° Pre1mh0tt . .. , 7 5 : r d „ . .. ,, , , ,,, r , :pr .7 , all behved end so much respected as, body of the tendon's' men was produced Thad forsaken hiel hi the hour of aMictimo_ and wherever the climate a. soil wth for toy heautio od flower girl, bon saw her .- ' oe party .% ~..,•, , I , of r . 1 , w o ~ ,t , r, l os ,st i ,lamina. But to none was his return BO I -and a pistol known to hove been that of, M too, had stook undo, is., dooodfai b lo w .; mit, the energies of free labor will edam. their teruillo . I h eme tor voy aecepjablu as to Atmore- Sim had where upon the streets the pi i iii nor, was preyed to have been pick- His cathodic ed a withered tOclancholy man, , It, . °ll.. ire e l e i."." of 7.1.1.. lands a ti... 4i...a mi..,thri.- been his playmate ill bola.' his I " One day, a week of tin arrival in Na- tont,: 0 :on' e• I ere the au. load left mot i n ehibibood 1, Abool- 'ed up near th e same spet-but little mom crushed in spirit ; and . his sitter bung ~...r di" g !elle natant r e g.. a thinP• lilies, I rode out to et joy the charming views • o 1 - '''' - ` e ' r w ' f , - 7, r , , , ;in into years their : / we. left nen for chanty to indulge a be- like a guardi. ang e l over hi. death-bed I. " certain .....) event le fetus*. , row human traces, where ot le 110 . trans 0 j Intimacy had ripened loto love, and the 3 ' novolent doubt. Nor w. this all-.-the ' and ho gazed . h I ' a llfit be asked, what le a become of the 1 evehYwhehe ro.-ting '1....eh- - . r human character visible. Accustomed were soon to be united in the holiest and ' or pa e, emaciate , nen , miles from tee city, I moored to look thro , ;: i ; "lan the ...kir. or ...i. lir_ lir r . .. , p rosecution had still another witioes•- th e j row-strickeu countenance, be caw that sloe s : O . '" ? we °flea. '" d " "" In.. ' When the grounds ettneited to en old and prince- " '" u I v " rac ed ln its Canna, and . little Lees- dearest co toes. But the vuons a hope , pale girl w. sat by hint, clasping his hones , t., would soon be numbere d among the' 'h.). become unprofitable and bur th ensonse fly re - rid...lee, the property of a decayed hal 'hi' le l l ll tto the restrainhof law im t. duties ' wte r re soon to; pea from tho s e, se the mirage ' on o ars, was unespeetedly coped ts p. to, alga. of this inelaneboly per...cutlets - Ito their owners, the emergency and nes.. ian nobleman. Hum Was upon every hand . f .. , , ~,, : wur , ~,_ „: ~, ;: . ~ of . im se t . a mocks he eye of the I rise and give teeth.. She ebrutth from 1 When with Lis last breath be suggi sled ,soty of the ease, may mount Mem equitable The fine portico of elaborately wrought mar- `'. .."."". ). h ) ` '',. ". "", er ~ h t irsty traveler and then leave. him • the unfahno eth, and buried her fate in that they would smon tent, sloe repbed, •• 1 and humane dispomoton of the quail.. , ble had suffered much foot time and vim covolnauen, ; ec r ause , Leif tram. woo ore- :death devoted wanderer on the arid waste., her brothers bunco That blow was not trust that Good will sp a n me to nee our , Be this as it may, the agate.. who A- I sest melt... ol hue. A va g ue re port was brought to t v* -1 • • Ilene, State. Isere overthrown and bro. ".". he . , .'` " " ,: , . . :. : :-, Ito II , annetputed-for none but the onyrtubbons of innocence established and then I will die, h !fll'" h. e.... hie henneh. •I thit. dee. be ken, (mantel. choked up, mid rank weed. ....•"`" 0 wg• Miro.. e il y air mum al. loge that the body of • murdered man was , party vengeance, who hed even violated t he ' contented." And her confide.. wee re- ' . 4 " . a the P re 1 . f" ... ... .. 1 . ead..". to Thins were not the fearless toodependenee, found near Scott.. •rer • ."..1"g over delicate g eed. ," d ,.." - , e , rw and hank demeanor which mark the helmet' It 1 Ica nctuary off ndly confidence, in search of warded- ftr God does not disappoint those ,elavery, is far behind the times and the I i hiding their ..ty ray ... h.., '"g h.0....dema1l a OUT country; but the ston le was where by • traveler, inlevidence, wren that any critninating chic who put their trust in hint. About a e „,. ; !pint of ll e age. Ho certainly does eat , .; pram.. w;;;Ir o.narrin.onaa Ihr.o , ;,,wi arra. and or trill i , I of, Lo f ib 1 1 1 ; il a ; 7 1 .. p r esent; are a cumeance in the possession of then afterward, a wretch who wns executed at ' . e..eng to tbe progreseive demoontey.- The fading evidences A former wealth and gran- • ' viOlent men, who lot eil not th r e n re:Zin in-14 e 'n l en •Y exclaimed , '''' f.. ... 0 ? o tit , st. , Os young lady. At the. mandate of the court, Natchez, ntJ who was one of the throe pen ' w `Y".. dear, ji rrono adder{ K n;y br0,, ,,,, a ...,,..ri.k. law, nor nn,„ ilea or 01 3.... I oeuvre ; I tow cu l Mope the[ I ten. she arose, laid nide her veil and disclosed mug mentiim e d in the emoomenet anent ofj ---- ,The Whig pros. are conahlembly d ''.r ffid• eine l' in g ''.... g .. " "..°' Ti. with the virtuousoof their own s mei s : tun l' anil : t ien retired .or great excite- • face haggard with anxiety and terror. In this narroti• , confessed that he bad noun I moneyed, bee.. a comparison is instituted nob.: or 'sly foet ow ahelleol .r, and Mel 2 ' A they stirred the ex i i • I fac e s - th - men. I is ; Ina.. and expressions meek- low tressed°. accetwo broken with sobs, dared 8 oleos, with a pistol which he had b o n us A n rad 0.,,,,,,, of ihe 1/,,,,iii..j . started up with ato,k of fear. In a mon ~ ° 3,. , , • 1 , ,' P o "h 1 • maken en" eutemon. whods was e•lmpp4 Mr- , she reluctantly deposed that the clothes ' found ot the elle° where the two frien.l previous to Ins election and the echo. of mod she receattis.d tne, .d recovered, in a "' "Mn ' ''' .... ....4 ..., .itn ... B roborated by a variety of coreutestanees, worn by her broil. . his return from had slept " I knew it would be etc" was Id o 0 d, 0 ,,,,,, 5u i.. 0 u ' 0 „,,,, 0 ,,,... o ' rend villa, 11 . • • on nos toward the clear sky id . which were cautiously intispered by • Inman, her st.ll-pos.ession. She nos mu. , ... S ., . . ... ,r. •, , ta. 'tiout fatal journev, uere torn, soiled with the only reply a the fast-departing Aster ;' b ' rr °I t he ) too catme a complaint on this t h e • I changed lief lace looked anxioen, and !,.......... -1..). .10 •? - K rr ! a , who intro not epetcly arraign a persun whose comb, and bleeds ! An audible murmur au' t and soon Witt. she was louried by the side' he) rimmed to be purer th. others; the; !there was a humidity about her eye+ .if " d m .. WPMe...." w 'e11 . .... ..need 00. , whole conduct through Isfe had been whose An t. crowd, who were listening in lof Dudley and Alm. Header, this is no 'eddy the votes sd th people with (so 1 a;;; ,ror. ;;:err reody nu goo; forth . 1 .I. Q morons of the nonehdrenm. O. ; wan • frznk and molly. He load Miami away, breathless eilence-the prisoner bowed m e t fitin nor aro the decisions of God utajost ; I soo s uo , ib oy ..,,o.neo.ay ...id u s j v.,. to her in iter owe language, and the ' laboriousae et tio r tr ;i y i ; :o se o s r e n, ra r l d v i : j a n r: rf o ld n it l s i 07 ' with Bundurs, ; who w. known to have bead in mute despidr--1 he witness was toe but bis ways are above our compreloonsons 'Ln thin administration to that of Washing : lendereal kindness and synipathy 1 felt, were I pPia destroyed . - ton ; th at no ern should be pinseribed for rs.. in an instant 1 soon learned chat ""`.• e ' he bad eat. to breathe t. braeme an et a, large amount . Ti m penknife et Waunders ' • opinion mike, and that In fact the golden that Me was nearly the hat mcmlmr of ail! 'annoy it brought in • verdict or nt ILTT ! The I At no peri o d of our binary Les the ex- oge should be restored Al. ! the pimple I the& The wins of health load -•- A e -' old end noble family reduced to poverty.- ..,, : . owo o . Gres 0 .,. , , "".• recd_ .. we- its die Londe - let none lima.° offroth wm r......... 1. In (MC of the apartments of this Renee( ru- lit a mg. tu ; notng t ill '. were aidi n g. en mere itemise, to Lazard a, ,i p. ...... 0 • _ _ . • . awl he Was now return ing to the !ionic of, dwelt areu-ation. r toad passed away. T.. counry hien some apparent and promising i falphoods, in • thoughtlems moment, elm in, she was lit ing withfier aged father ; and °'°l . Ids adeptien with a renovated frame. T., Ti ettc•t ifa ' I W II , band a autumn had blimo to tag° with than et this particular Oscan°. Ihe war! ted the Whig piffle to power, and now they she remained Li, sole somport cool comeort. 1 , ~,, ~,,,,, 0 ~,, uo , b , Vine sour of, koa „, ': 1 . m .° .17 " v on - ugue haw , do , , no nig ,. ounoeu of ow of I°l2, obi. has been very appropriately j are reaping the fruits of a high-headed.- 1 cr. A. a dower girl, AO Obtained the' i r ,: 0 ,,g„, ,, ', 0 koa - ~,,, ), „ op ' : 0,,,, oil, ~, u tr i . wes rennin . Tee aum en • oath of a forest. It ...r.; II , ga . liss oho ; n ,,„, n j called the neeond war of independenee, re-:compromising federal administration. We means of sustenaneto f.r her parent. But ' „ owe . • 1 ' L I • , ;'• door friend . in PP red; a , , 1 • • ' 1 ' ,-- - nulled a the complete establiellanern of our, dare net refer to the pledges that were made ottelooling Lim a s ion t didano eOH all sheet °toe oho is loved and esteemed is cot mem• 'h. e among t .null' th e go." " • , • 1 . im was Row very ill. For three days and ' . of , . . perney. le) had 1111,11.1 their into .d if by the distardly liana of t. assassioi, 1 th e prisoner'. cell. The unhappy pry , 0 . .. d. NI"; and the late war wi th ; against prescription without being assailed night,. load snitched ever him, unseen., w „,,,,,, 0 , , ,, „ ;wk ., o cotton ~,,,,,,,,,,,, „, •. d o the pang of bereavement is d ou bl y eat haggard. attenuated, and heart-brthen, wato , weawel has given to the wend, the meet 1 with the vdest denunciatione. Such • ref in spirits, th ough her boar bad teakwood from ; • ' - nen. is termed by the Whig prma Ns'. • . . a deem.. to shore their ee.ir se are, rat our and in this instanee the feelings of deep Pooh upon In wretchedpallet, re ening fatigue. Th o mone y , ~,,, g n en ner im / than wilder in the dark, through unknown unfit° whieh He telt toward hie 'alternately enabled her to remit her efforts to pocure, the mean. of sustenance for a few dam; hut foorests Hamilton, tile 3 °engem& the two, i' " '''. n'. ." g"n°. 'fla while "thnann i "I'" Perbni:l i"'"""" )°"""e'''"'''t"'"l'n with o '.7.I'IWPIII star j. ' ' - Alikgi . s7O - S`i . O' iiiVe kez'on ° s'otogrized: „'itio op . 0 oody soul; , hi .' nese to sustain them . Henceforth, we 13.0 1 most unscrupulous and reekless opposition 'az to •pprebend from (ureic 50w..., Ito IV ar dhet d ~,tymd..•,,,,,a..a. a .. "".."....• ea.. " hi. 1 ° ..... ever lir !';:g l gi t .lll:7 , Atk,,n,r,`4 f !Flt",l.'7..l l .".t!‘"•°:'" 4 ".` l ,?,ow. - • • - 1 - - '" ''' i • 1 , i id„ d „ ..,,,,,," ~,„ h. ! , but little reason w•p- i dentsoimito r titiA n tr ao ey o u i p r e ‘ion z a) w e . fi. , ,...... ror a nother vi.it ..., eh. sir 0.., ....1 uo.. g0....0.." " r e r ... "."g • Pl!` °' 1 ' ti0.0 ,, 0 1 . 1 u , ,;.., ~.,, robe. trouble In our forme° hitercourse. he life on the ,cco... ~ „, ... ~,,, o „ en ... noo; ~„•,.., ~ „ nee.,,0r,,,1t.v.,ttal lamb and of a eliival- 0r -••• • ..-••-• • • ~. a bnod and li.i.ii L what pride and joy had he looked ferward : P I Tull . our internal relations, we has been removed from office, wi th out cause, nsieep• ~ ere indi , tcl, dud h. ".i by "';'`''''' r g,v a Ti.' , • kot "'"," : 7 - - s a. - ,, - ; - , ';i s , -7 . „ to this hour! And now instead of the wed-, .„ " „„7 - e , e • ea to mar the har- Iwe re Milled with a old heartless .seer, o Atk.o o d by ber Awry, tio arties"ly h00.17a. 0 ,,,, w en t. owl il..inpitrV. ren. an teen. ten was a eannc , bn •c• -..- ZI - ta; rge di ng r e ,wi s i t t, s , th e lov e ly bride, and thole- par no Ile n° ope P rotions of our federative and this aged, benest o honorable man, thus I asked to se° h er e so b, and o b. took roc! front poverty, and pl a t t ed then ) in envy eir-' the progrew, of the convoys t a tot t " w i l b I . tram of congratulating friends, so often is ..."). °e l le rehrd . progress in OM MI- , dismissed by an unhallowed persecution for It o am apartment where l ay o sonoeoldo old' ,eminences. In one of Ida cottner,ial ex- was evenly up, n i ed propaga ; i . y o ; tn. in liptcy, he realized (cetera, and dun- .!.4 i.,"' m t . f its destin3 in dm extension of, opiniona's oho, is ranked among " tho old nm, but a few r ,„,, from 0, 0 end id: his , petlition• do. th q Minicampi, . had met remorseless spn it. o ; party 1 t e ""'" -• he sot goon, and a disgraceful death! T. well- ...... liberal n prin ciple . It in true that some, and corrupt horde of o ffi cial beggars." We Lentwon. • Whilh I 3.• iiiighred l e th e rwen • with Smolders, the pins... An intiin- toe heard it not, t unto coth.og,.. v., known tread of the jailor interrupted the. O k andl n tiutid mind. Caney that they ea e I are not surpzi.d at this, for it will geom. Lis spirit o i g h ev i u rn,, ossoy,o„d period to rip ened ioni. which, though bri e f, had already with Almtra in ier father ' s Lone 'bitter train of thought. 'rho a., opened, W. ° . .. ; , . .. out! all • be found that the. politicians who another and better world. ! int., Inane friendship. were eonversing on low accents, when the ' and as the light streamed from a lantern l• °P P eck in our onkel norm., among , 3 • which is to mag-lprotest and profess much, torn cwt to les " T.. then Al mooch and provide.„ 0d,,,,,0,, , ,,00,: , :, woof dear. nand of an aped - mbit% footstep lean., , • i across the .11, he saw a female form timidly j e . f the question of slzver3, f •d art :loud of dospeatio trouble ; Goner. and Reganein mate attiro-Dene. Molly in the way of this lovely .4 impound , 1. sante ion oto vroisi Mans ; , ted them, and the father of Ahem en en , . In A, • had .ni y into • ar e a preaching. a moment men, . . V u selves we part.- ' Union. grl, in a far 0 ff land . I would not turn fete.. Ttic lteart,,,,l.v iv. only H a n .o, 1 the rm. ° Mr. Hamilton," "111 he, nII k on her knees beside Wen. and 0.1 . " d......... • a ° r • _ hid inottm. ow ASionirs • 'am a frank man. I consented to your un- eon . were pate in no such apprehensions; and I A ..„.... ic ......, pinnuasa. her in her sleep Alien.. Oh. no ! flint I Lands were slimily clasped together. There, . tagitation kep t alive by ambitious wwildl have been 1,1 than tuna.. All in T. g ear,. tbey had lieuntV o m ychr ;on t , h , e ; :,,,, w ,,, , hey doup, , , be „ , ,, ,,. yonr nk.r. Leer are occasions when the heart mourns all co o - ...a" .. . I a y p ower to do, t,, ma p, ion noseoloilig the fl of no ham., and through . at .. . i . . ,k i d a t tar to lie unnamed; but I regret to ;o ter , b strain, and acts up to it own dictate., j PVT .° . " e ;;." 0 1 0 1.,„0,,,7,,,,, well : ( dislike for ell eon who beve.fought for the !sorrow that was prenhie mom low heart, , tiorooso. li! !heir indite siottc- r l rro d ea_hnd that a charge is made againetyo r u, ;roi l careless of tile puts. opinion, or proseribed L . ° .... to , V . y thww who would like country, if we may judge from not. of their was 11.111. I. •I. ode-. alter the lion' II of her the promo, cm mod swam tl , l e ., ° I h , eoe , true, must render you am noble n 'e awe f I n love becomes the absorbing IPethePe. Awy 50 . 01 ° . • to hone ow lemon movements. The Buffalo Courier, ab_ orlos-w ie tither, tl ot •lie was Ili , lad of tar line, and m o m . Ili., cavern .... .""°' . w °.°.._ .of your country. I believe it to hil . 4 passion-and when float 1 1 ° ...° the ...• abed, ,T order o, of 0 ,,,,,„,„„ . I alluding to the removal of Mr. Ihile,•war and overtulin that she shoed fo Pooh,. in the world, 1 was wmulerful o r ens p oos p o ;t oo_ p ion rication of your enema.; but, until a shat which under oiler eieennwthouo w „,,,,, b o eredit of polirlim Ilinui , , r , ° k 4 1 .1worie veteran-a retie of the war of 18. I her aNM Loran 11.0 in n hi g hly 05„,,,,,, ,Lem: sod bo th looked t•Ww."A be divproved, and your character as a num 1 i ., h wiw , i wwww .i w il ow . time and c.a.. , the little spec , b Ile bas portioned eery.. In the Bow l s" fr' • ' 1 ho rn I t oh'. I had eOh paha! feeling, to the tensional... et , ho , a don . 0 b,,,,,, 0u,,,,,,d0w you soul mere un he • hi 1 • lover i• r w'w ff i1w....1 "1l thre "A h the "e "" .l°-eee 'l behalf of his country . valuable relatively 1 rumen:Able Isloglislo 1111111 y . 1• • • t we.. which lad been pleasing mod ' d a „i„,., 00 ,,,,,,, ed, toluene. duty. 'I hat no e- le r would raduelly disappear. hem Mamba. Horn I saw her dui 3•au in c .he sensible that the propose : ; havoc' would lload believed to the last, that her lover Th g o.. of t he ultra abolitionist's, is ~. "we a 9..ehal Teel° , lii. ?Ann& ley were to separate lii j and you will not ho mo rp r is c ol a t th e result instrueliee. A. t .. ..” :,,,,_ take place. ; and that your vust. to my he honoribly nequitted. The oral- . e l -- 11 d' d ll' rd to the , . rh. A...? Lava incmeslined him for You have met the Italian flower girl. She the mono., the evenieg was po,sets 1 c or ; must lie discontinued. li once of bin condemnation, while it blight- • certain vl -a vise ,as we in rega • on• f „ li, 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, • the mere active duties of lee. Lk 0 ' ... " ...-i " .I. `" "I . "'" 4 """ 1 "" ) " what does my father mean?" ineuired 8 is um wife. d I r h es and withered her health, never . "... °hem" Yee. as ° ° , Shields, he was shot through the lunge end flow of kialness and mefliknee which the 00 rooms ! o h ...ay as her indignant e. oe °P • . .. u . . sog ht o a nd friends ' -•a' • ' &Mulled fur one monient lice mono ten IA dot. e laid. lye Dun tear fel- • left upon he field to die. But loosen/int/ I •1' lof the slave maim. They have, , n . d Ws notry rewarded him feeble 'Welk A Beautifttl Extract. heart pours out at the moment when • parent retire . • ion el hearts, ow'' ... 1 , b thi Never, when tho pint i s meal. j oI d o not brew," Atoll" she lover, "I I hie • lnnee • enees There is • nn • , not nay, riveted the chains of the slave . in „ a : s am o are to •m cause by civil euiplormilits, for bt which is .." 1 ""hie• ahwi... " . .....) . •I , but t. have prod.. an in- ,1 . ' . :111 ' l ' , - . " 0 1 A 1.:. ' 0 7:1 ‘ 1, 1 i . U.7e, 1 1 1- .1.0t 00 10l I m ve kol and the future anticipated,..ll frierl- , is on .. o , o. , innowing ..eney; nuduo ; ossu sanction and nourish, and hall"er, Out obit:li ......., P • 1.4• feeling they linen ~,,,,,,,g , Wil.oll Ids fellow-eh.. and himself were ght Yll alliance with that powertool inch- Ode, rear hi n g.. l.. " a " . " the. " a ? '." ' , Odd+ I erm ...di ) . ea r l "' I adY ' - jw l - se motion .nnot destroy-a l„ so ; h os ...itensity of an f , excitement, ~,,,,,„ e m s , equally gentile]. 'nu '' d w II h)which Oats itself hke the beauty of the ocean I thnos should give him or you • moment s I dnsees while life remain., or until its object I our "M 1.." hre. " re w a " ”' d . •• 1 1 I "It wan thou deliglot of Gen. Jacktem, te. (the Ulna . totes an . h'en's 1 A obvious at tho moment Such'' discussion and mama demean. Aal a a • livided empire. It wave, wn u ..0..; Uhl.. or moworthy. . Mr. Yen Buren, Om. Harrison, kb. Tyler. even now aspires to no I none " replied the •h•ll Pre'. f• ,cry '^ the states, where hi s zists, we have on . of ill dimolittions. i ° It shall eea.n Me 01 Mn,ollolk to rent nine • eational obi'. I hod been renal I should he" sold In " "II ' tilemorningthe two friends sos a ., " I can n o t i,e65.„,.„„, ar il was th e effeetion of Almira ; and sloe held : ;. , ,, , y norgo , eight to inte rfe re ; sine a . - ; , ~ ; ; s L. Is designs • had I preferred personal ' Early tn ; journey. 4a • ' ' rm.. "'" g--- I - citizens its the nun -holding BMW. not .."‘. h t re .Ai t um bim in office t . In ' 1 ' el y rd.. prepar e d to pursue rhea journe). 4 it) of ,ow „ single eirentestan. to Mew how Ildeltty was to him unenotteel, and whose!! .° •,,, Ibe recount • si '"""" In the ,refeemeeee mold m il e ln g m were about to dolma, one of rte emigrant. H o estud_ooson be not,. o f his , __,,___, 6,,,,,,,,,, I. L on e In guest faith, and in neeenlance we ' the people heretofore regardcd the mater. I I shout cease In . min...mot tows" th em. Ad remedied . I , char , and t o his inexpressible astonish- e1....... ........"`" . ..- or bit of the oonstitutims, who attate, from l wk ... eh . ; Homo.. ... nod wiww , lb . history of conquerors and usueper., neon, .; sacred es if they had Imets mute in mar ,, I reckon , of you °dew 10 campy Lent and horror, tonna that he was ae , When all th forsook, ho re.' ' en...l ' . o edceedn di ",a rb l et 'neare d' Chief Megistracy, a rumor being provide. in the fire of youth nor In the vigor ef man- , . ~...,,,, ;; .;,, cubed of the murder and robbery of Ids L A.14.• and relm" of 1". pen i n "' ' ' that Ida political friend. laid (LIMN to th e hood, could I find an attraction to lore tee at Serowe° ; CO : r „ o _ .0 solved never to forsake him. She had come Wee In this view ef tue eubject, , h h fd t • and now, I shall, " Ten: .. 4 •:"...T toil -1. i to viat him in his desolation, and to rids a11,.. 1 •ve • • , . d r tyro , °Moo, Geo Scott, under an impulse most I front e pat o uy , ' e Wed . thee • ' ` °o )-"" `'' a chalet lion he retired to Ws room, recalled with and i os ,„ we LEO sure nine o . , tent is an wore e , i , creditable to him as a man and a patriot, namely find an inolucement to commenee and that's • heap shorter than th e road you elk ailjul minuteness all the circumstances r° ..." one °eh° ...• dear .. -,": eyes .r people of roometle". .."...".' „ C ; ",,,, - o e f called up .n Gen. Harris., and spoke In the career of ambition, when grey ; hair s toil of le and at the forks of Resides tin l' acted with the melancholy catastrophe, her ranted., though guilty on e : other Lad , the en ..... gavot r ade " e--- ' . indi Mint terms of the attempt to deprive a deco od frame, instead of inviune to toil of tot log blue elay , et." the world nin regar to the hall- 8_ . . 3 I 1 the ...". "h. id e l .1..... a ""` .. , ',hen"; right ' and for the first time, saw the &tumorous The 'ailor , a blunt Almelo humane man ...A.° "We." • , under Mr. al. of lee station. In replGeo. HA end battle, oal me o P be h. " "dr., like,a" " r 'll"'' '''''Y crud-, ground 011 which be stood. But proud In .1, • plan , , . ;:: ~,,,,,,, of slavery, and its " no , _ non nr.”,. v., hat oh.. robe foi ha,. ! other worlds, whore ehnquerors maul to .„ i ~, a imb riefly disclosed a which he with A. t Innen 1 enn..einne innocence, he fell tha t a „, 01 , - • II • the estnstitution, into territenco where ill s . ~ . 1i.....r should 1... a I henered, and usurp°. expiate their mimeo -ring e • had deemed lor the escape of mil - a 1 excites the decided .wh• .... IThe ontly ambition I can feel, is to acquit Sumoming they 1.1 1 Cofew" • newer "a draw A thA stage of the --.."° 11". m in, He dI, i i o h s never hod existence, ; a. H. ton. had comma t o • ow le p lb ' OffiCO so lon as . nerupia the ew.' has o u, hostility of thous.ds of th e eitisens of ie. so . oon Harri.......ra sine. me. myself to Him, . whom 1 amt son reel.. latter mail. red one , l , ly , woo l lo n o n ( a , :age r n , o o tis j,„ w00 , , ,..,,,,,, 0 ,,,,,, , , , , a11fr00 ,,, 071 woropbt...._ ........._. .... 1.af.0. *bile ' free stet., who would shed their blood to..!''.! TCh a. and Sir. Polk retained his. It le lan Amnia of my stewardship, to nerveuy ford ffoulol be av jd o l• ;I li n y L r 15 .1 0 , 1 .: 1 n0 t y r . ,0,,,, • . Con the en first time , did lie feel the Wes to reseal; in hi. stead, mo that Mc ~,,,, „..,. 0.0...1 rth.. of the Java slow, kit to Geo Taylor to do that which every fII d live respected and honored lnformant and pro. so n ; 1 e,,, 5 , C o e ow men an mations, , amide. I I trivanee should c os to be has "°' tobeduess of • oondeenned sod degraded whole ...... , lent a - . • Id di the, I. ig., now d ' id . W in. "'" vi " g is citizen of aesthete will models as .in the history of my country. No, the am.' In some previous ; coove I ri ; ..; wu iof bii a t I a b a d own. "iam a piam man, emelt e 0, .. i th h .f ids I Waco which leads Me On. ia an anal°. de.' had learned that as Ira. Imo moon 1" . moo. The tribune pa • pn e o r jailer, t oo oright. It 'els' We enterain on orrice. unkind feel- ..d•••... 01 y mho.. a ed d t mination to return to r o manced some horny losses, and was at penu; , oo , nob , hi . oho women .. On reputation and even of Li idea sire, sod a x •er fele to bang man a, suspkion-ind more lsg a ___, _,_l,n, ,beta, , nony ,: o 'the people, unimpaired, the sacred orsttlo le time lamb pressed for money, and 1 ...lotion; end even his Mende, es the ex ' Itb that ) lam not go ing to mend In no I sew... r" '‘",, , ,,,,,,,, don • bolded be- an them that t oy are sue , 1. 0 they Imes *sodded to my sharp -to heal wishing . offer him assistants, bad hem duns . of ihopostioi .w as ood , leen'e "eePee-lel T c e Meni ore.. ebe l e 't. knitter that. their rook. We bane elm I ' the wound. of the constitution ;to pomade ' time to time deferral it, from the diMoulty I cam, cold In his &few*, sod we 2 . ° - .---- n id em me mom aa mu 0111r11. one tem.:el Atm of knowing many of them, person my eountrymeo so far . I alp, that it is of approaching Ito del.. • subject. A• Nothing short of a publle invostleatio lolem. Ilr. Hamilton, and the quicker you:Pr.: l no.b.e among ~,.., , nony of . owe not In • "Undid government, supported by the time of parting approathed, howeveol.,,,g ra.,,,,,, him Io h our. Tha vela p , psi a . , lb. arm... 'II .f. nn d believe them as goat Inela nrereation to that point, Badly /us man eerrendmd himself to the sia lmptodly I hns trend -••• " powerfel meoopolies and arieloonstical es- 'he drew the . , T lib rim the °I 8 •• h'w.dr" , d demanded a trial. Ah ! llt- A I.. • Pd.... PAO , in o n uouu, .. ~,, .4., of .... i . e .! tablishment, that they will find happiness, , was {teamed that the mu Pros ...; as ib u k y, . Ignite, of man Of .ruld th• . • 11 o. W.., therefore, feel that prejudice or their liberate protected ; but in • plain' denary would relieve hie friend f In dolt. t it gl a d ur e lln rie nll t he unoisThar dated. !-He "• am 1 """k" "bi Let " b " l would I : se .' 1..1. our judgment on this genii°. I smarm void of pomp, protecting all and bernoument. !hying a Imp mineognim the ' 1 - f ..° -of bit o l a d b, I. war a donna deaths rather than injere But we omen help bellnisp, that the mulled wan so .... • dispensing Its magnesia% he genermady 10--..- cobbled a b a a a i a , th. " a, mar .. a . fi._ a 111....„ _,., IhdM7„ . b.. 6.4 .. 0.0 4..bri ....4 a Wse i lnds like the dews of ' Hen.% 11111100 n &meet required, end Hossaltee, after MOO b u d w i t h pat.., or. tirs th t w ee.- •••„ 4 7 cz , ._ 4 .... g" . a a .tae C I way to the -- Idly earnendm . end unfelt, seat le the fresheem end Meaty ' hesitation, aeeepted the Ikon, and I" to b. I.t .T. M"".11."4 b Pll- sobbed 1 "be Z L -4 he the la° of Te°l.""bl pepu b CIA end foree n 2whlintabor,.. duty eontriboteho greases." bad ii• le 10* 1 . 1 ...." frie 11 . r•r•WM a rrhk l ,_ , to, and inn who, daring the amass ,___,_ _..___,, ..__ __ a da... ,„ ring llv of the fon.. sad ••••1 0 Ilk . Bounden declined. ma. , .... Ph....the. , , , ," Industriously obsoleted the report, my la- 7,...." !_ • 17.7._."17 •"7 err N a d u. I am ma w . . 4. be. lb. i... „ .r lb. Tin LEW AIM 3201121 . 82. -How many emboli tranuation son matter nrnenemp, w a il aa u su. amp. se i s wk. win "Do Ile ou r ehlh my n wager you .. i la,. 1 . 1... 1......, lb. lost nes all" hay. 1 . 1 . .....g. had be' and Oat ao nob formilty was ...public add ..b s a u rabb aa whi n &al a i .. white mop o meguse of to *MO to bat little adnappe. Ahmody, as helped to the inward mentor and mien" I When they was about to put. Mout.. 5... their rovious amnion. B a t es , a ob. • .06 ...m lg. . , Ina is arvaaelag la puree la the sneer. „. b a . adh a rip to Annie from the hay ,lowilimpni lib breset-pie, and tad it °cud la the 1 0 •"P l o i el la r wal % be . st"d *.. The wares In neharitabie war ty - path of methods. Sec in an ay before! to Ida bind. "lon lb*" be. '"eo- s ia a u ...dome seq. bd. y robe barn .. ...ha.; sad ben. oaf. of th...w....w.a... - sad ow slaw ade, dm ground whitened' idea you easeihne of Seat . i .... II had k .,.. o=o d- aa d ..„ d a y tbe lemomot mations i2/2 P.(176661 ... wh i t a harp Ing:' I with no bean and shows of million who ibis obi.. 1 eige ree pus yew, y of aria ,. Hi...ilk a a. of deliberate ellieley, will set nos 'sal .e tint's / then with white knot ; shi/ beton the neurn.terismig ihe lltaai . ..... ~ to m an ual a . pore sus, boot' tad middle stator, an any of the weir-, Inn wined ignobly In tbe mush of Ilk It adorning the penes of eon. floored a oat .4,p errelgeri culprit la , „ y.... . 3...bab. of a ..„ blooded ', _ _ _.__ a r ßis et these before whom be walked In mi. 'They toasted the spirit of truth, and fell. ow" . i bays so mob eenidemeor c a. r ,.... obildb.d. ' felon. Awl why abeeld Ibyl to live aI or Seglille, a ... 5.. dg . ,,, m 1....n,_ I They anted to themeless and wank ei the laugblnitly lemma the other I an 'swathed wanderer, with the lined of thaineallffetlett= f r: w 7 .77 den. of, oast. Tebe welded by them. Onni - bin • elinr.hafted peekelle, min.* A,„ a. t ug sosuo ug , ih a . a g wio. worm a hadaw, aad a awarara; mii.rd eunimmi 1. b., 6.1.,1.4..., sb..t. . their born lin, breaths sad speak, bow ese " g la. told " " Wm " d uo 1 1. ,,°_• to. mem& daii. - bin.t Weigand non • I win !" Pepper wpm* world they spoil le yrs. am ise solg ionotglige 1 000 . 1 "........ dabbed. beams seallested err rie/an s ztalr ,sREorr - lauT. - VOLUME VI. ',- MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1849, Sr. Loy is Nov B.—Mr. Andrews onset ' the sortivore of Fresnont's party. arrived here yeatordey from the phins. His sow perished from eold. He parted pampas, with Bent and Thatcher on who hare six thoneand buffalo robs.. Col. How ton and wife arrived be.. bet slew. Col. H. goes to the header is Salk to the Mil -1 totals emigrants. Tins Adders b but is mostly mon the emigrant& AA urn ion VIII P0T417011.-44r. Memo. or Arts hanky grown o now " ee l, onlkd Ma Miro, withal oan is thought mikes dm potato*. IS orldYoßy WIN 11.0 Nee, sod se... w w IN the op.. air I the gown. In very near dm mow as gat of On Forst.. 7the port &boys ground fiernisbon a very ogrsentilis mistabith something like the been in laver. Mow erops of the green part rap Ye oh- Mind Y tho same moss. Mgr Thns nobs. in anwillal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers