0. C. ID, Llitor :10.1 ['tau'. tor ElMil=l • I Abrut fear to ;at!,aarr Ili, of , • , rompativ ith 4111 . 1,/,' .11; I traverrfog, IV , •tetn 'l', t tat were tol , oo alor, • , • „ oclves itt omil,. tor, I ,I, trict we found A, laid, r sport—no, for bear-1.11i,, oi, ,•• buffalo-bonfire ka• Yo, 00l •,.. , • , mats is to he i mod 11 „„ and of (mune pa -to a I r in peculiar region, and am ,• •. ions to makeourrolie-;.1,1,4py all flee modes of life in the e nie trada it t IF n.. • •, tz point, in passing themall 1,, taoi• %Own-, . , 1., t'l it I. tho promise of onythin;.; e-m.e:,llv i•der,..- a I out, - dog offered itself Prairie-, nether a,l ,at I water mac bettertlisfaibuted Ir ma i„...!' any county no 111,1 -ugh— t I a timber predominatinc: on, the het/ d, though interlahl by it mever% do em too -- , This diversity of sart.tee te I a • .. or variety and Timothy Pi 1 .. afforded more perfmt rAih, 0.,• men. indeed it '4111 , 1i:1 , 4 :I I 1,, .1 Bunter's Paradise; and pi: log to remembers malt e had moved from hie tiati tied as ho had Imam st. inquired for I , and v hie , n. . . totes ••• Whatever else ma . , he said nr ...At thin, ,_o ar I i hi, i, of tho Tome. they ttre ota t ottional,l 3 la hil 4 daw man, n, lir 11,--, ,' • moat generously linspital.lo We a vrr • .lIA AA lA. lat. ,I i 1.4 r ala t, o , - :s. • :lists •Wla I ~ 'lt. , • •::. I 0 1••7,77 Oil I. .• ' , 7. .. II v, , a 14-• Ix now hat 1 lia:11 nal th.. . , :,.I 4 , .4. 7 17.1 Id 17 Mph d . O H+ A.. di lirlot. 1., t, I. bracing air, at il ganth frankly and kindiy rearired, and horses set , law ad LI t' •• , lit. •i i 1, t. L..: ...• t..• 1:, : L. , as.. 41 s • , tti :1 , t : i. 1.4. • .1:01: 1.,..na I r li= ~' s.. 1 4.- I t ___.: a aa. t ..I. N 111 4.: st man a the 1 ,,,,,.\,,;,;.,,,, ~,,, , ~, i ~, „, ~,„. •i „), ~,„. ~,„,,,i 11,.• ~,,-, yaws. If in splitting 55...1, Lth, , ••akt, gu..4 ,, g , .. ~,,,I1 whatever CNO Ara , ...I .IA 1 nit -IC 11.1,, ana ~ , 1,,,,,1 1•, , •,., ~,,,„. •,../ iI, ~.,,; ,L. ~,.. ~;,,, ~,,,,,„ I. ~,,„ r,, ~ :,,,,,,:" ~ , ..:,, ~,,,,., ;,. I. ~ .., 1 , ,,,' . Ti e ill w: 0 l oalnimal , ..., .:, . ~.. ; .gy a l ate.% El, a• s vatti4 ' , Oar. Oa t.Llittg `now. ar nothivff •t. ......7,t0en..m. ,,, eninv , ”? ., A or 11., c,...] k ',....,.., .....• .1 !.....I. . R.- 11 1 ho lad .1, .... .I 4 in ' r r: : ~ , tin, :' :it tllit - I ..- it: 1,. • 0 a .11.0. I. to th. rit ..as ,r,,, I:ll4ati. s ~, . „ I t , ...,„. a L ik., „.. r,,,. , ,-„I . A•r t, a s nt the pea sport. ot too country as ~,II e , the t i nt , „r .. 3 ,.„. : ~...,„„ ...,, L . I „ „.,.„. 1,,,,,,a 4, : d.1 the its 11,0 a aill• I. ..I. -It. it I:, , ~:at 14-.• : 1 , 0 . -., II:a , a i,• •. '., i t ,•, ' • ~ ; . .„ t a . 4 t ~• .1,, :, i uvra ., 4 .- situ. OW hoot ht 1111.011; ware twills, ith at tow , li'• Stink' , '' Tit - I. tt , tra tr. ,I t ~u wet, int 11. tor il' , 1 it. 011114 I:, t tit. at: 1i... =I • a a. :los I , ..d. 13 1,.. V 1,. 1.,.:1 Irl . r . 0 .1 ~. he 1...1'.,1 -trse,l ruuto I i il`i..4 ti,A ~, in atir I irinA. , , Ii . father alwa . , ,in his Costa: speed ii.e whale night h, the . ling -raj. M d.= I TY .. .o ,7 W . o r. n o n t r , h , ra o r t lo b e x a . n i: o h p ig e. a e n . il t t , :v . iat n i , . ‘ l4 . 4,;: t l4 1.., ,:5 i , e d ..:, , , , .... „ ...l wo ll::. , 1 , . 1 L 1;, , , :t t i i , , ,, , :r. It a , t ~..r rt hl 1 1 , 0 r ea dy t o , 4,10. : i co r ~,,,I l a r, at s' 0 , s , -, !tat 7 T. : ..,70.4 1 .tana al i o r tat tho l es. asi T s ti t t tho aairn . gs i lat Ord, : n tatv i I.:ilia:II. ....:•iir t iall ha t a . „ 1 , 1 1.1 . 2tt ,,,, , 1 . :: , .. 41 . , ff Yee.' ' Utt ' 'it 4 seam tintatam. and tired oat there ; con wight have fal- ing that night. Ile 1 111 " 0 3 10 1' 1 7 t d tho . n t 7aZ e rtr i e i e n r g ee °- - f:or ni e l :n l' in u' i l nat n i. "t atol ‘ lilt f n at t •t i l.i:il 'i t 'l l:st i s, " to l " lat t tt ' t " h ' is r a n t ' er ' e3 ' ' ' , " ft ,' •:Xt ' at ' h'i.‘ser'ens'::o‘.. look ,peen ' se . : earell:nt ‘ riln ' ili ' a ' r ' .' ! - ' lk careful of tits of anger. 0..0 ati . ..., 4 kY w.th t ad, sib !Word nut for a lowed it for hours nth tint horn more than turned. Th e y s o . got drunk and did not h r f oro a t.....y r d rat r h o a r h a d no deeply drool, id ; th e Litt e r :Might of P ur i, . o . l ,est f o r A fath e r o r o mother, tae is worse than • treeh . .,tooll•ri."!. turd t''' dam' ..__•-•••„. ,--.1 . ..n0t....hi0h dog, are "attic or so fr , nt the piano you started partir a h n ly t i, ti. hie oh mage unt il a r go , wan ...is,. ~..w thnt this ten ild o hsi ng i'„ .....,t,-,, 0. in Ma anxi.ty to ne-• no r o f the I, o st tram In the character o n o mmeannamhi)," th! . ..T,... n r i • ''.. , ••••....• .17•111 t••••••• not or the timber, from. That ghost of yaws, bv-the-way, tin. the ....• d o v when his f a r n il,, o l artn . . 0 .. war . an ...h et - wan Meath,. 4 ,thi, d a sh : r o ar IMO., he cM,fh, c ,l Ids .IT of. and ..on or a danghtar, "Honor thy lather ad A mva• 9'. • • • . 'Y rl t . ti• '• - •,,' mt.... t•• •••tr.• ••tY numb r they arc may les wane yr... fella, al a I•assatonlay. I, v 11, 0 v st a . o ..it hi a 1 0 ,, mai.... , m at, L a , 0.'1 0 ,. .h a o re o ri e t v of hi s k thr i tu . 7 ,0. A‘ dad o jt.,,,, . Id. g d 010 ...17 do .4 know. th, n atl.., that it way h o w e ll with thee. aish aoal ....,',..r . ," ... ... U.T .'•'• . .stationed M this different ° stands" •Idelt ~I oft into thew= role, with mist:hid in hint: ...die, se., tr , i,,,,uire Int, Mtn. :14it : :,,it. t0 .,1 lis 11 ,40.4 : 1 0 .1 0,01 t,,,¶l i ~,•,,,,„1 ~3 m e ds a ro ro rd ora l ~c e r o t, ,10 of their i s 'II., fi r .. r , ~,,, naa t, w ith 10 . ...,.••, mantel te %Pr". I ht.ttre et . tie.. art sometham talk. apart, to watch for the Did t une hear ..., goo .t - ot i0.,..it : 1,04 a.. to be NO Isigilili,lOlL la t.,, nil, a+ :tr. , 11A:in 4r x 111,41, that A. i nu. •••,perty, nod cleared cut durinF ten tri;;ht• ta,- s the met ed lan& and happy is the eldid Ili , kind, eheerfn . l, taniable, I.e . novol . Softer no aloud to linger . 31. blow, dear IMmlag eat ; for thin manna the party al, thought 1 did-aland . haur after Into, limt, t;irt ora i nb t uo tly 5 0 h..., an I ur e a,....1,1 0 h. tho=o :we...eav e s Thi= bat it Iran far Hinds lie had with p.:41..- . who act • nee:4.ll.ly. madam istrts together again until nitrite.- para., with th a t nun , .4r t h t'd-ar what- lOroodillg. or& 1.... on th. trail. \ rry produced a runt ...go in Ithlie fading I 'i ealattintiatt rett.iee. l tea .... 1 ..'..- revengr to Fining in 3aur harain We divided in this monnng, nod skirted up ever hg wrai -lad the ~,lad leY eit faint Ft. swarm .T Insuards mud timd,ell lit l fd . Ti o , b e tt or s a t Levan t a , ron ,li ve th a t O a ., se k a hl o .... vs . It o l oo t passmil t i at 1,„ 1 , a anal a.- Tharr Ins lately boon in Valle. these el.Ple rater, any hYt t °F.P.it• •idr• Yr ..idol.lt ^rho...tint- and di,t,,,,t, ihni. 1, 1', , ,,, i might L c oli,la- a g ee ...• ihi, t,..t . heel, .I....Uatej this un d urut ,,,,,l . th o w .1,1 t , matt. Th o I, „o,*. all llis at. wt.& gem after the other IM New York a goad deal of liana"‘ .i. " °. °I net/ 3 . "" hill seldom " " Mk h. 4 ' hit b., whit al." drivt'r." ." "g* Penn..- ken, I did not g, 0 it ;I‘,-,tl the road had „h a real, a o . o f th e o hj oot o f their search; t„, ,I m .h 1,. r „,iy,d wu ., f3. 0 .d, i n ' their atv„rk down : .1, 0 Lola and r„........ „f 5...1,., ~.,..n..g, and the Eve• Mat •••tt• gmff, •Italiv. n.vvr• r'r th° i1'.... 1 "'I it, broom the do., which ran out . tamed ea f.,,, tvn tly. I 0 0. 1 1,1' not tell and th, r , ,tee f o e ta l till b olOol 7 mo .p o i o ll, lo l G O , S Ol4 l,ll e d (1,1,t h. Art, ri- 1.1 crimes. IL. 11......1 him lo an, them , 0 .wow ir rimy ...., ..n either side by the steads, which were known whether it was in the direction Le went off mattered .., e ve ry 4 4. Tl *'•‘ l ' illkell Lin a dL. lli ' h.. "' I him w ith tit. ••rt•i• kaowl- sattee and now cider from worLieg an bun- I hours, morning Mllnyoot, toil ~,,) t. le . ). LI, awns - y hat /I ta nIA 104,171.1 ta ancv an ta tt la ii, t, le the healers. We were Immunity atte• .Or not."l'Yhth it elTie, which follow 11, the train of luxury, and 1.3 ittlulente. ,lad. The resided led aheek among ,lihn a utonoroanie, tail that the rii,ea, boil edge that the .rouging hate which slew , :rrr r ' 'My eamtetee.!' dc, \I 1. 1 !- t• tr .11,1. I IVir. .II \E INV), i ~. .t, I ~eroi prt.t new 1.. 11 . .1 11,111, .1 l• 11, 111.111.1 (.1.1,11, ; 1, 1.. /; •••ret- :141111 . , I .• r• 1:. 1.1., 1.• •h: •.•1 t. , 0”. I; r.rl. Nn. ]. t I tn.', • o•:, 11' 11 t, t 1 111 . •.!,t : p 11 I t •11 • 1..• t , .• t r.f thi• non, n ?I I.mtl all •• • •I A' 1..1 111.11,,,..11,t1..l /,.•/-11r rf 11. Minn ; %se: 11. , tl,ev 1,111 :I I:: : I. i.: v clir I i: • t, , II l', 11.• ,„ I ,j,,, ~ •' • I t \ 1,1 I:Jt , I:,!t` 1..1,114 ll,r trgil ti cc cl,n , 1,, , c c, tr t..,1 I.c had uccur •c r.11:11:1,111rnt •Il tl.o ,1 t alll,l It ~.1.• ;tll PI! 1.1, 1.11, I ii,lltrnto ior , It tl S 4 1.. , 1 IV , I n • it. n:„I It tl h .%11 ~I c hi, 1a. , / 1-'6l n•:r In, WI ~ • lt:to. l lh t t 11:- n.at, 1 :it 1,, ;.; .1 1 t ml ~nI of thr , ver to „ „r• i,•, h r and,: t t - 4.111,1 his :.11.1 ,tllBlll,l, u , tit r and ry.fh.inted. 1,•• rut fh. d. - : r . hr,,t and t „ „ t; ;, ,„ hr.;sh with hi, Oh , •11,111. i, ' 1,1 Inn, tnt, „, 'I! t , t • n:1 , 1 v •• • 1;i1 11,”•11,'. MM=l2l trot =EMI ..u,. ~ i i a.; F/0 loot n , it ram:, feel ot •I pay far grvnte, .1. ratolam, n,n` all al, tit, r 44' it mi u I 1 1 , • , LITER FROM CALIFOR Itrlial or the Ritamen Pima I, Cal FrightSul Shipwreck. Ca cantos leaning San Francisco far rl Minrs—Thc Alenldes dis and far city Americanized—area cmiry in trancportalian to the Mi ofare a the Cuictom liar, too p . of ol d G worth $l4OO. r the arrival at Mobile et the '4eamer Severna ea the 21st .1130 from Vera true, to have re , renular Met of Neatens palters nt Vera Cenn 1 17(1 ntt ot e neaten to the 12th Met. iv arrival vre have advises fro e -en t.• the I.Alt of April. Our I lune ! But ' Itl tt. thaa. at..lhtmi ta eta Cruz. "••,' $l , C. s arer .I. , ltained at San Fran. 1.' 1 3 Ili,; hri.4 1043 from Salt Mos, Sit r ap•l • 11111 i a crew of seven- for had 1., an teat ateen. The I. hom San Illa "P"l''`i". , It. Mira the 1.1.1 n, oft'rept having p •I r" , t t .„ et,lit.t t . thud bodice, and pine n i l a w, er ..t . .er a•••• sale report. r'' " t•• pa: tt. urn unto It in about the "t t-tal !..,, i la all tile eircutaatt ! nLI latt the Lola hue beet I",tat taa. foot. •' Iteut nra rta,tutons. "I I • LI , pa •• ~ ..!•alt per month •- , .1 P. at aul Pam yet ambit pay tt. r.a.uta ettuila 11,, 121 ill, am , 41.41 Ti nt l'rnn.inen thr kit) at l'lot. Ilom five to ' , ix 11le rr, s3t illl Ito oloon. I.i , eas are to be bail in plenty at the nnly td.iertien being ill, The ellnrge for an ..t. .7.7 en mita a Ilse ".‘lla I'nli;in nine thr h ~f Albin tlott the! • II 0 the In, rd theennt of unwil 'lhr satim nlitur I.i. ~r found 0.6.11 mvivlicti 7 , ..S name.ne.trly 1.01111. Lc ing San ' lie ' apingOt it was ',II, mai tho ann were tinu in aid to Ibv t. 41-11c reg ral•le 1,1 itument 11111'' ttirplit 10 II high awl I, 111111.1, that Crip in] Fmk! 31:e prounds mi people Alt Me I. n I let I/ r F.ll•Tr• sni en! 1111 I uru, 0 out 4.1 . lEve and plied 1.3 3uslit, of Peoe I ;th the lir elo t. vela in tl.e It I.r. Ot liars mere an gtl Nolen at Son Francisco lan, mat be'are long von,' tar meat %ill he inai. thin hlucknes. Fr. 4. °Fn.! :inint 11, ullhe a Calif torniern: i t spenki Ir Franei.en to the m here on nee hen now silkily p, oil,, r by rater. - ~~.~.. , r—nac I ,hat. I a, 1„,,,T• to t!,„ iha i igl.l. of ~,,,,. t o n,. Fan 1.11 111'110 It til,l bre2 '• I'll, t. Ilir e bnrr or San Jn•-e, mid • city of Sneramento. By 'rneekro, up the river Seer. Awl, Ineedres. The 'met pre ti• able, n =I=MMO Stol:too, lrt iolot or nolloq to the I I— It In Ile j 11 I 1 IP II 1 I 7 . ARI nl Inul running from Finn , nunnan would pny her met ri. air brig ray' 11, 1 nr , uitll r.r Frinei•rei. 1. l evrral nol I. 11 41. at p. 41, nII 1111011 11 ". 0 4 ti I I Snee the carve wav put in type we 1. molest .1 front Cop,. Reny, of the l. , ten 1,. sont horn,. the 1..110u log erns.rands l.icnr. Il.hval.l nney, .n... Vrn de Southerner, left At CI I lab. in O. erlitrol nt req.B9ll tittle Y. (loanr the end unit eol nt l'anann 3:33, et 9 o v elot.1; P. o En= n tbv 71 an ivcdot and left Cha kilo and anis rd Nu the :21,t. TAft in k..tt. nt l'n Ernnein , L, in ten tin)* or thereete LLI nail tLf woe also there Al lake pnetngt br.melLi by the (wa n e Lrnin i n the 1 , 11 tuns, uniting LI r r tkt •aw ;.1 Lie r tom ~Li; r hing rnr.ln .Ik,L; ft '4.1 Sun Flaw',,, —sun. MMM=II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers