leflier are the Presort pllonnts. Gloat Dreamla Or Pros Ise Ctn.. !so too. It hi but just to ay harem, that Blettlen ..limmeglignait. Iniost watching nenginy mto the diameter of thew The Gold Dollar. Our.." m om, b m hem beta meom m e d by nlamed by Gees. Taype in plate of these di. We have men, and actually poomeed ontmlfd, The Woshineen Union publish. the A g,OOl deal of attention bas reemitly ' some a them did . with much ratan:seek mi. l.P.tem duene.itmt, et. I. od. 4 .` 6 "c1 .d. l'. I. 1.... ' t'f 1t1.4....... .°° ' l. (P.n.. thou. o• Jer. ewe . her ........ 1 table below as an answer to the charge 1 been excited by an important Trial fdr and with many doubta es to the sinearity ...thigh... with ......., th . w th itho I men/. If any et the Mown famed. of pow., new mina It is •• trine mailer thou •a half dime 'thet the Demooratic party carried proserip respectable, and the eir- Ifv• Breach of Promise, now in progress. The 'with which the. vow* wore made. Aug.., m rather, petitem we ditoald my, with the 'neon endure the tear of the .ndard of " eat.- L on one side it the head of Itbeny. surrounded by - „ rm .... th . omm . m . 0 .„.. lion to loch • length r l to hurl from office " di " "r" highly Candor.-But in the belief that political priedpke. . euntattineel very entertaining Some of the these vows would be made good, they DOl very foxy gentlemen who den. Midden and ty, ...Orr nod MAW,. twee. by Omen' thirteen mars, ..... 0 , 0 mm ..„ The o em pried• which IToyler himeelf, lel Man ke rejected. If any of 1 10..0 and on the revolve the wards . United I all who bold oppoeite incident. are laughable in the extreme.- fled the bargain? he............ 0., em, i o , th e a „mo t e them Democrats dopiemd , have boon meowed for i • of A...," otth . ...dr eitel.ill the ' More change.,we doubt not, haveboen made , The fair lady is one of the most pop.. Pennsylvania -They did my, and by • pia of making it moody completiow af theologise ceutewbut their politic. tendons, the keowl- iietiption," i Dollar, 1d49." since tbe4th of March last, for political of. and agreeable daughters of a large fend ' decided majority ; and I solemnly repeat North Branch Canal," the Democrat. and Whip l edge of bu t fact ie doe,. well to them ea to their 1 1 7710 Philadelphia Ledger thiodispems of the oto- 0n1y, 1000,, . than were made during the ad. -poseeming iininenee landed estate., and that nothing would have resulted from the W Wys. etontrymen. And if the vehde is a men fraud., leen.. the , ere mmenmes urged ego.. din nret• . . . . " . great .al-flelil it and iron mines. Ilex fi- matter, it therm pledgee bad not hem made, of 8.f., Inverne, sod 0. m mintatratton of any Dam erotic President mach, me uoile to mediae ono itememotetin , blind the eye. of the p e opl e t o d o , dim.... by. i ty hide cu m b) the rag...envy Md.. . epee- ,. ,anus ore in m. exeollent carotid., mid Judge Pub. Opie i wt.-This seems to each from enh party, to omen. Legiaature, who poen. of th e prem. edminietration, • gmat public , tumor.. • from Mr Jelforreni In M, l'olk. in Ohio. the honor of a entineetion with her family Im a clear ene of dece salon and fraud, and •• It is c.tended t h a t, being no em II mid holt, ; nearly 6)1.0y. P.-11110,1 r 1,. felt the ea, has ulwa3s Imes Imo 21A after li,t the most. us. shall be glad to beat what the Defence win roe. Mat week their paramount etket, are..l wed veal be achieved by such • diecovery. The j mot with t em s o n m .o. o wiped.. ie taunted , Dentommerealiono Gan. ef the wi1etiegdywainy.'1!,:,...Y.b.,77:,V:.:,„:7,h0:1.1,,r,L....04.1.1.,t, end no it i s i n o th er S to l e , But p ew o f eloquent and learned 10 the land. Strange hoe to say upon the 80b... A. you the ivelnuation that the two cumin iv Bradford' It will matut proudly by in basest, defying the „,:r o .: D t' onderful w oop;1; in et axed for the , the changes. are noted in the Whig organ at to my, all these attractions, added to a ready to proceed, gentlemen 1 and Lireeme /wee atresdy entered into the to.- raw venge.ce of the powers that be, end mem- indoor...elm., who, 11 is predicted,. to mlfer, , m „. ‘ „•,„„, ~ •. the h oh, of bidin g , most winning sppearanee. agreeable man- Arr. Gammon.- The absettee Of Mane of ti0n,110106. 1 dine M.. dre. I. Men. to One of to comedian 0 every Den.. in the land re , min ftwo he lame a the now coin. It bee Wee' •• ee".".....' , t . °. f... , ners, and numerous necomplishmente, did , our important witneese make. tt IneeMary lon Wee. however, we may way that the Mali a offered up ii victim to the linet-f..M. el .r ic.......,10..,:a1ezzdr.a.0dy .op:is 10 . 1:fur zzcchw.oxito 1 from the people. not prevent the b.° wrong again. which" that we should ash for • • postponer.. of W is plumply! denied by the e. b e Renner aid •• moderate niters. 4 has abundantly and recent- A .„..... will m . ' the n .....„:1. 0 :. m ........... 1 Whiggery, before the election, was loud- she is seeking redress, from being gorge- the case for • few day.. Wilkesbami Fenner, . wee. be eepeeted And ly proved bean m i g h t y i t i e m t . ....done upon who handle emelt toper nose,windled by thee- , mouthed in its denuneistion of prowription; dated. The party against whom she has 1 Judge.-The ease is poetpooed for three . rm , .. em „ mmcm ,.. ememme . ,„ , „ „, e ,„, • , to om e n ., ono . r„.. gm t h e whi a 1 e ..., sande by depreciated and ..riot Lilly, and y e t' for opinion's mike, end Gen. Taylor in Ilia instituted proceedings captivated her first, days, when it shall proceed whethtir you are ........., with .;000 00.0. ;;; ;; ‘‘,..;;;;,, mew no ovr ,„„ new oh' . „ v0w ... 4 of ohe 0 , :tier are wo rd :i n t:oink.. ond d roz . ..o ; oreT.l , l lettere, gore dm p.Lig a gapet _emphatically ; because he haul fought gallantly in the bat- ready or not. . nh . „ „Th r , , a my ee • n m dnren to the ne cessity of c. ~ . • 1.. • . amt 'is hwth °rem ben woken, wed totem- I s o, in the d i e m o f g oo k ....ode, ... t ray to P rh; ' would not tolerate it, fir ho "1104 no friend. before she gave her ooneent, and then on ly emnaies for bran fm Rep.. , • r tor l• . , motio n t h e e m en d pray °rpm ail. chomo e d. pocket. of the...men Ito homded . the predie. to reelbrd, no enemies to nuclide," and io considered. a the fulfilment of certain • Iffina. 1 Week Enter. de. the.. 1,, h.,. god . dd. ~, .., ..,...... w . ..... ff ... ...... th . , i . td ne eiti: fol e low ntilitfrttelradol.l.7l,l.:ahat.tvazt, nob be the • President of the nation and promisee. Iler lover is man of eisty-1 Arrival of the Caledonia. your double. ' l Collemees ear, or the 'envie... dm. To3hed• ,em ,l De they prefer on; filthy, depreemed pour „'„'„,,'„ f 7,r, ,, ,1i': Soak i. !b..-- i..zh0... R Y e. "'" 4.21.• b y no " 1 " 111 "" 1 " 1 " 411° "'"' ' By the Steam s hip Caeldonie, (which an thew own, a. true friends (need dealing, G. lobes/ea frinde,) of the N. Bench mai.. B. there is le the ran. of the Demo- dollars to th e new gold Noon rwe mode not. And , :',;;. - a . . I nes s pros7nptom at i as. o th er coarse in los manners, defieient in ,_,__, at 8ar.... Thu.d.y too, who m, l I lo ,) true we ell other .runt 1.01 of th e eedee • 11170 denomination. the", . 1 1 . 1 . 1 h 0 : °' d ., ....1e' ef 1'!... e:,... M. ‘l.g., ni oons on , and or Nlolattng thew intelimtual nequirements, and the owner ear?".{tonin g, ) ow done-meal,,te a. m ... m mme ....,... ewe .... tmee . or t ‘ l i t , tdlidal.:, be foe um I. alleged, het noon 11 tres, far running thus counter to re- venous rice lands and cotton pl.tatione,; press and tale h, wo have one week la porn l oechorrod Mil not be very hke y - r batik notnembich ere net one, pea lced decluratinne the exalt. is, that the with the usual complement of negroes in • ' ter and important advice. from Europe. ter into • partnrrehm that will tali.. in th e Mt.". de !VP.. to Me. theb M...m. tenth ad,.. w mght of a g olit dollar. and win. mayDenovorats proscribed all who differed with far off southern State. He made in' 1 . 0 .1 " The commercial news presents no new c . A i i • election of it Wkig leerehrtore , the cheat of their , wid . )eddy tbea treachery by the black Calm- . o mink no, .s ay 1111 ta t.l .and sI, . a , t h em . . . , . in !opt... The ta11..0 of the Union P 114 ' 11111 ' 1 " of "f " fll for her; f f " " " 111 1.. ' feature. The money market ',continue. i m. cher.oloal principles, end the triamph of lO.O ,b, m e s oneem .1 o.. memt , 0. g,„, weight is the only ow or sonuinencen mid n 1160100 . - 1 .a • • non o g ainst foetid, han we a. 110011 1/01116 rl lo , gave' a list of the chief clerkships, and the beauty ; exalted ner character, and Komi.- ' Jd om entioninin Ice In. dn. withAbeiew to this, ' gm raw.. tr. It le this that Outwitted th e ~„,,,,,,,,,,, d „ ra ..„ e e „ erte , mu mmer , , \t. m ditirs or the incumbents, on the 30th of ed to do certain things important to justify easy, an i the heavy feeling which mffibiled loiter rm. that t i o .ow n mestken .. l. mo d e , wed in .....1 de...1 th. tonel.MY mo.. To ro. linen. me .. e h.. rt..... Ml . .' . . Ittelgelltbee. 104 i, with notes of changes to the match in the e 3 ye of many of her vela- in the grain trade per last advice., cootie- • it are temly dos-enable the finger-marks of that .. . roe viwitearlinftellt tent +room. determine by me, balancing in the liand. a no.' • t f e d , a 0 num of he. 4........._. the h om e h o f M eee l i , 1849. and .if the part -, lives and friends. Ili a emu ree recently- tees, widt no perceptible variation of prices. Death Of a 111 Worth. reek!. Wide Rounick., . The Deventer" lbs. m 1. At So to- Ort O . 1 con l ,• , . „ Indeed, wed... believe the eharimer of a bun, Idea of Lie amusements of said office. in lii. oddness to her-Lie de li berate neglect 1 The Caledonia brought 8300,000 in ape- The announcement. by Menne), ton cock, of organ 01 !gemstone lais uttered the ery fm "W hig ....... .„ 1„ _ „ ....., .. , .. e.... ....._ m. __, eagle con be m dmemoineik Aced y.• we or a te previous years, as fo llo w . ; of all hie vows-has fore. upon her the , , 1.01)10101160, end die. oe . rmooliaa hat that Mi., . .. , :: ,..,,... .. e .:, ...... .." . , .7 . ....7 , 11001 of . e.iit. end rool-106 WIC dollm to one . the death of kleimlienerd Wm 3.16011011.10)1V16 State Department-acting chief clerk ' painful conviction that. he is a mere fortune " 1. in one of the ......hteh • i. bend to Wag ... 1.0, 1 . 1 11., , 0 ._.c. ..n ..7. ....e . eeieo " .. .par on 1 . 1 7 ::d a ~ ,, f er . 0 .t. 0.,z, , , ~,...4 .7% .l 4 thiernor :::, , m i... Mar too mdly nevem. Ile died at t he A 0100 in do hunter, heeetlees as is his whole tribe end , American Colton has advanced lid p. lb. new. Teo.. from 611 wok er the cholera, 011 6 011011 1 . W 0 10r.... i , ....dr. plot gam eon- 141.1 „ ,. _ . 4 . _ " . :_ . . d ' at . , et. nod . _ ... ,. ... i l k ) ..... ' AN . 6 mom. A WA Y o,..i. ' l'i 1 . 1 1 0 447i,,,,,, f , Treasury Department-chief clerk, dem- e ntirel y reckless of Ida own honor. !laving' e I natal'' ease. the Otti ii.. Ills death et ill eau, tomemal re. trot a .h. I t.slature. th at Governae Johnston th e 7 . . 1., a • n ...ro ,_..,......_ ne• .. d i d o A RIII' M ENT Is FAVOR or SM A LI. 0: trf Es. ' natal. 'secured her endorsement of his 'not. and, Ego 1,. n e ,,-'rlie bill kr the modification .., wo „ „, ~f 11 , 0 1 may 1001 twat no olostmle. in he way to nm;"';' ',. '"` .. ' 0 4777 , _"' _ 7; e " '"" P.:, ,_ ' lb. •te who profit from popm money wolhof co., 1 War Department - chic( clerk, d t mentrat. his character, . now deliberately refuse e of the Navigation Law. h as been carried in L through°. the 00111101. veneer end how.. dile.. On OUr 111111 y, and at the tioa and plunder Should not the bare Illiim6lloll . . ... '. by • "'" 6 '.. ... rr 7 r tn. mg.' , abler , , mal de whet the, can to Pretest ote moms Navy Iteparttnent- chief clerk, demo- to make good his promises. She has , there- the !louse of I.onis by • mojority of tam in I . oi , non. v . , ii -,,,,,.. w0 .. oh . now .lholding office under th e lath ,4 ,0 . 1 4 mum, and a Loon; and while bank charter. soutanes 1 . 0 m , 00 . 1 cr ., : 1.1166 W. death I. but in.t long. to wear the of .mo .ta I e "s fore, acceded to the law for redress under' favor of the minietry. The. laws may now woo Mare 111611 Mo that they nhould hold them ad 1 010! loon!, the .0m0....t,, of g old , wt l . l . to c the laurels his sinew. and hos valor hod nun to toi.tive Idiot and precaution' With such de- First Comptroller'. office-dda clerk, circuit...en; not that the bargain l be considered . virtually repeakd The ' woe: . with.. quewieurim ol prnent the juna. v.. " ' ......" ... . ‘1d.... " • We Rod the following bead' and notertanim W og ., velopentents thuit early on the mos.. what der , . eau is intended wo be 1100 the lesson fat or of the , wing. t may be ratified, which she is anxious to !result. Las given the Whig ministry a new Instate memo may we not expect them tom. to d the 'et...et , . de d.. the P....• It , constitutional 01101.. y. 1 Second Comptro ll er . . .Moo-chief clerk, break o ff for over, but that dishonesty end, tenure of o ffi ce. why of hie life in the N. Y. Snit : we .... lie eIOT lee, by • long elnt, that no Whip held! o Gen. Worth wee b. in the my of 110.1..1 e.teY then P.M.' 8e.....! • " re. tt d ...rat. ; wrong may be punished. The trial, so far , Mr. 'Roebuck is about to bring before ;office under President Palk. Read en enieis ot , Li - The follethogen'que tooggadeethperegmeh ! Finn Auditor's office-oda clerk, dem- As it has gone, has developed many impror-IParliame. hie plan tor the Lotsgown dolandia county, New York. Ile ape... were ; I .esnoed" - omit ; but bad been held up to death of loot facts. meet of the oolonice, oleo to move for • Ines Derma., Dogteeth .ml .turd 111 11111104. .‘ Look to lb. Inmate Pr , . • • 1101110111' whieh nue hew it w. emn io the ,of lam w eek, in "II t h e nem . me h av e d r ear •• re- . the previous incumbent 30 3cars by a The Judge in the cane is a well known ' committee to a seertstin the adieu. a debt theoetts in 1642. .11. Gtr roil'" lath, 11°1100.d , We mrd tar 110 1160111Ify• we am sure, far giV. , oor , , of 00 .,,, 0 , 0 , 0pp , 0 , 0 . p . m .. , .„. mem . mm , t ...„ m . 0.... m o erm . ho me ., we ! wigs a /ion federalist. ' ' jurist, stern es Aristides, though sometimes .lue from foreign government. to .Brush the ma, be,. 0011 one bred to 1010 .ltd. , pur- ong the following murk fro m the Pennsylvania., that the Whin actuolly held none prominent ' Rowse the If ere, is now elated, for the par' St mind Audit., es an, 0- chief clerk,' i-et er-Ilon. Ptddie i tpinion The Jury sithjele. se. tb.gh he once nid to nn siemaintanee that' m ....moons a I da, 2n oes cob... it makes , officio of appoint.. 01 ;he different departments ant itt leafs. If in ile.goo. ...lir . a.' Ie" , .dennierat ; but lie been filkd for 25 yeam, is composed of twelve independent citizens The arguments on the Writ a E•nir by "be was urn born to be • merehant." ll.* nich• out • aro., meat' ea., nod an... the 6011110 - - ' Ol D onion.. than dd the pdiucal friend.. or nth snide th e Wyo.. g entlemen mim. eel iirtuMl, , mt In' $45. hy • m bi g , Ink. front as many different Slates in the W. S. O'Brien and Mr. Mc:l l ama. have main. Pa te th e emir. llii the dcel.ntemil . remedy. To onew meh s. imphconeow and es- I Admitionllllon. Ands ven in our ono MIMI, 00 ...I/km.l ool 6 o d the einio," thee we ere eid mon. Thirg Atolitnryx offiee-Chief Auk. o lig; Union i the toren]. being a eotd, well-bob ' been read Imfore the 11... of Le... and .w.. 1. 10 1 %be ...Med tim army m the age of Weeds. town the late odininistraiMn,atd he eh- kma , ... mee e nearly oil many Whig Pootmo, IMe of Judging • Iso held for last 30 eare. a need al ,fellow, f Oldo, called Mr. , without, bearing tbe edun.l for the Crown, eigh'... ... ' M.'. dec't.rp ' 14.1"' ""'"d "" I ""''' '' d . "' "d " ... " tour . t. '6 ' 4 ..d ... D . co. who d....• T.Y..... ILT Beth.. , tritimidoa.tlY and .eetsidelly Sixth Auditor's office-ehief clerk, dem- Western Reserve. The Attorney for tholthe law Lor. and Judge . , directed mud- L•wth w h o, funk. him nom ...mud . the fi eld unmixed peek of villain. end imbeciles, to no nn- . • power. And m Ch eer county, the Won 1 . 10 . 1 014 "T..° 0.... 1 ° W c 1".... Pee - ocrat. ' pros' . that favorably known adv. , " ntouslv thnt the Errors assigned by rho lb. to theilesk, coo hi him to Sem, who (naked. To be a &Meets n Mile has ferred In the Editor of the M.o. Inumero. wa. thon ot the heqd ,mbar beMede, on the Co. a- treason. .To dm Senate," the awakened ... Oh : ;C • heeler Do na declares . h at "on the .5111 of m ,. m e. 1. .. 0 em h . mem .... m ,,,,,, of , Register of Treseury's ogee - chief clerk oath, Courage.. Candor, 1 , ...q. The Al- ' plaintiff could ni4 be maintained by the - ano fn.., He. immedimei, o p I March 1. , when den. Taylor enteied open the the l eg idmine, we h o ve . dente to id., m em lilleig ;v o held for lost 2.1 jean.. torney for the defence to Oely Gammon, gunients, and that the judgment of rho ; d " 1 " 1 " n 1141 "' " " 1 of 1 " , N """" ..k ...11 644 ' idminof th e rtelelk.ey.thert WOOO 61 rot 016000 our render. a edfltiadel.... of th e emmovern with; Treasurrer's o ffi ce -diet clerk, whig ;so Jr., Esq , a veritable scion of the old Lon- Court of the Queen's Ben. in Ireland hi. aid end plated My on his Wolf I." *"." 4. " dn ' t " .. ing "" .". "' "" d ' l ' d ''' . oh. i Ch en 'aunty. Of them, 28 were held by . the th......de............,.... held for last II years. den bl.k. The proseeutrix. Vise PCIIII- 611161. 61.6114 uffirmed. Its our will. 8.." .d. latthe of 1. ..n0r. int...Hy and fair fame of them g their party who •', . •• . tit. We were commit dby a moo of deity and 1 Solicitor's office-chief clerk, whig. • !sylvan., tits at the side ~f her coun.l; It is now expected that the sentence of I d ken 26 by Donee..., 4 by 1 ree Sinters, sod „ en ., toe h. ...me of mob and mem ... do .. N... , ethem hod...tided hoendf . 0 were found lent... the sth of Match. It end Ih . i . m .„ what w bet, dorm to ilefeed 0 meet worthy and Comeniseioner of General Ling office- while the defendant, • dark, heavy-brewed, transportation vein be carried int.? effect be hoove .d pant mid., Ile two rev. aided by om n anal ten , e ,.. a . .„„ra.a , look i o . rain: 1 ~ „ a .... on . 0....... heo „ w o e ... he „ w „. h 00n . ;,. . m i lpromotMme from Da n fel. and woes at- chief clerk, democrat ; low held by a whig stony-freed man, General Znchary Taylor, fore the let pro:. the dmerounent in 1814 with • eariontey. Al .-e ; n amino hint. mato m•• dermal for 25 jean up to 1840. ecowla upon the jury from the opposite it is rooming that the proeeention of the battle of Niagara he received • severe 6011101, 0. Rembovals tar taine.tr I t. ' '" '''' h the .". dk , 7 "."' d ',..'"!'", ed We .00. 4 rarad.ra. ora .rt n g: . end we rii„ll ad- iteem m er of 11 .„. 0e m tme d o fe ee _ e bi e r f ro I I ' ii . I • aide IDIT• b d ed quent y oonsu ling Is ner3er-Int. i • oyisa an on from which he ever after wiffered. After 01e 0311, 1110 . o ' 6 14 16110.616 program with mesa. - I •""" 4, l'''''!" l l'" 1 ' . " .• ''' "'''''' '"c" . "' • .1 ' I .' o 1 here to it tenant.* of notwmenors. clerk, whip.; held fie the last 411 r ft 3.ears. ...any are twitchea of his countenance,. COSITIN n: rub 11..0..-The whole of w w e a r ..,,,,h, N ,„ ', wk ., w ..., to h i s . , State, and likewise ie the Delon. It certemly , ih. na. ....... 0. . 0 ye. )ten at wi. • imil • --• • ' t m e t ne Wt... . ' AllOll l AlOl,-The Register hos nominated IL Indian Bureau -chief clerk, down:rat. and wide frequent stuttering interropti....lContinental Europe- me.. ready to bunt . inst.., of tmlien As theist or ,thiothe,,lth ter) , hrw tmYthma h... onteemed Nue , lo it. b. 1 l'''"'` . ...,,, '' Oh.- "-- - ... h.hl '''''.r. R. Li .; E ., i .,,,, 11 ,,, ~,., f. ,,,, g , 5 ,,,,,, 0 ,,,. ~,,,,,, l'ension cflim-chief clerk, democrat, The lady littit thrown her veil eoide, and . into one general conflagration. The quer emomanded al Watervliet, mad ...a promoted to' edb"..e . . deP.n.e. gm thieg n der'. lenge , , ...le' e on , " .....kekee'd ..., 0 . 4 .... e. . N .1 a .„ ainco lode, when the fonner Whig ineueu- diegkeyea calm and placid brow, ....ion- ; eel between the Perliamente throughout all me ...., 0re ... m. . 3 m m0m ... the ..., ~,,.. 11, t, m, bet by Modred. Ewe, is midden this' and J ackal. of the moaning dye.). • little mode.- , , Me.. e bent died. ally auffined with an angry flush as the ev- the rations dominion. of Germany and meat den. W0n1e...1 In 1"... 1 . doime t h e l Peliey to a f rig htful e.0.m.,. elm. has de- ,ty et hub if no forticannee. But ouch 1e...! Ity. The chide...int comma.. 0 owogeon. 11. 71 1 Engineer's Department-ebb:fell, whig. Hance goes on, while her.lip, an sheilancee l their respective premincea, has reached the ..„ woe , wh . e ., „w e n , t „.„,„ ...,, . 1 , 4 , connoted them who have been saved through all 0. ...Or z7loss moo • mos h. , •" 0 . 1 ' 6,0. !eine.. along the Miedeidmi and Ohio rivers, hot in Topngraphieni Engineer's Department- upon her deceiver, involuntarily culls into; highest pitch, and in Saxony s frightful „...m. e .„ of t „,„,......a........„.,„..... e .„,' 0di0n0wn......., mammon the nor memenpre with letely Peri... .. 11 and se ra " the a d....8Y a ~..ty thdd t;0... it tuo.oot • . 0 , to to 0. tho • doter lark , w hi n , an exprension of uninitigatml scorn. The , conflict hoe already token place. The pen tomd upon hon. ...pendent Nintilteo. No twill, hoisrevyr m ores. I rioitit• 40 Gob. mlr in. IMMO . . 'no. thinm the ......,„ . Ordimoomt Department- --chief clerk, I wonder among the e pectator s every that is, t ple, or rather the Red Republican party On thomobreak of nth war with Mimic., A....bp...-. i t however esemMen- are tab Wlits.rr 401 at •: .. ...7 . ........ , _,........ - to w.h......, on a...my, Roo emon were w hi n. how it ever happened thnt so fresh and in- I long. with die troops during sever. henry jaired General Tag.. CM. Clung as twee., ed, ituverer 0rm.... wwwk et .anted the Pied ... 4 ........ r .... • ...ed..... .......^".6.1... by 11,. Subsistence Department-elder clerk, I telliient -so wealthy and charming a lade ,on the sth hod , and a great loss a life GO° i o ,I, oo d m m e h . me 1 .,,,, m ome d dm . ' tor.. administration of • dennt regard for its on a. .. a .. 11 . e ... ea A ... mi. Opticians. %chin. I -should over lame been attracted by such ,t • rant. The railways were displaseed be nat.. caters. the bank 0610660 Molar... I f..... Br. 1000 m, fm bop -lire ... th e .- .. „. __..._,..„..._. m mem m.....--„,...e.... Two On Illtell MOM c.c. hare mtewint hi emne Pay Department--chief clerk, whig for ' wooer. 1100 testimony, as delivered tolorder to prevent troops from Berlin from V ~..,,,,,e , of a m em . hem ... 010 „, W . h , von. and unexceptionable .41<,, otho mt. amnia .. ......L.7: f : h. a. '....., the „.... , filthy dtho mth• ilia rote Poini,..l Now tren. the lost 2., year.. 1° the clout, in a clear, dimittet and impassion- an lying but aufficient force of Prussians 1 Pb Ba l d Department-older clerk, whig. . mintier, created a profound impression,' having c . ome up, n momentary tranquility ad Cabinet Twig. . dd. Perml. eomemiris • . be e.t.a.!, by die feet OM his gallant see, ~..L ' f, ... . ~ .. ,..oh. .i . •-_ They, however, ea. litho dorm, aid .are only pointer etmeette, the tonne threw up his commie- the P.P Mkw old ale, died in hit ...on'. Cd• I th ........... Ic ...„.......1. man admonition to thme blll6llg !he health of the co...tiding Generars office-chief derk,laind NI ne f. Mows:- lerae secured by Abeer military Bor.. T. woo , It o h0 n.....,,, w . e h e aw n wn ow n oo w h en dean. who fought at Chaptflop•o. and received m iti. , by c......m............... coy in charm. 1. ig. 1 .. I leelong to a family of thirty sisters,lfight. hewover, was rer owed on the Illb, and _--__ Le m en d that ti ere T it yk o mm enemen d e d by t h e , the eneomialllllD 10( 110 Gene.. is removed in din I Adjtdant General'. Offiett--chict clerk, l a., though still young, one of the .ddiestlfrightful cannonading leaned all dey, untgl A . of slavery into. t0r.06.1 of Calibrate and New ST The Columbia A u nedum on the Tide•welet ao . -. o Mealeue and in imminent danger, when be with- ' gore, ....I the ....mg of th e nuntber. Pouring the last year I had i lligla grp.krated the .mbatants. ` .1 " . "" k..-r . Mel.. and directing ben to.rey ora, eo far. in Canal has OA been carried away by a freshet. It dm General's offtce-chief, malty offer ° of marriage, from part.. whose Ito the '7 th the bat do was again resumed drew hie migmatite end hanened to the • It. lining gone with hut family Wane. hie .eke' n , L ...._.......„, ..... .... a .., rho ~.... ~... I name. may occur to you. A steady friend at 4 o'clock in the morning, and the most Grande. At. wanting of Monterey, me a tr. dine. Califon.. 'Die poor men . Indiana wk.!" .7 -r 7_ . • "I '""ire ' - l'" --k• ' -7- 'L."- clerk, d.,......!. i mndisbe of Yogi. To Mem tremens., ions, age.. mat &mew . mme m e ., d o m e m e tem , t h. ner m 11. his ann at Buena Vista-the g allant Galles, a ...., i , . 0 . ~... ~....... 041.0 ..,,, • _ ___ __________ Bore.° of lords an] Docks- chief ork, lot our family, Lewis Coss, of Ilichigan, was l dmilly warfare wan going on in the etre.. . whig tong the first, and the most eloquent of ,by the latet advic. up .' et: o'eloa, of Weeth held en tudependent .. ... mid. end per. New York, who fought bravely in the late wail ..... they em ..,...„, mho . b y t h e ....i e .! if Thu Jewelry nom of N. Malmo., of! i ,....., a . . Ordinance 401 Hydrography ' all but 110 never forgot pmpriety; and .Ithat day. term p.n. a valor. Immetholoy or. Mali. Mob en... la el. war . M• 5.... Pent - ‘,....„......n0wanan„......., „.....„ I Owego, was robbed of 411.00 ma Friday eight. A i _,.00,4 clerk, . 10111 g. ' Irnitl,l oak 1111 rash prommee. 110 paid,' Ammon. from Berlin to the Sib, Blot. gamete of Monterey he 11111111 . 110.1 esti. Seidl., mu The guilledmi. P.P.Weg t. • "weep ott. m nee d immy. rr . , theme .. ... p .... Am .: t o en ai l . The thief le yet et large. llureau of Constitudion-chief clerk, oin.rds, • You know my ebaraeter-have that . in...erection had broken shat Got do) agfooo o f w him he nee oe d em a m mi n the C.. tleesee mid rin ark. of tilt t..... 1 h dee' or the I,guietem wthenv to the pets " mem . ....... y . m ,..., m , he , m a he y, I democrat. Got Be en, at V ete Con. cities. Renew has it that Nir. 100110 bent 0101 " "."' I read my letters-and have my addresses.-, Ilreelau on the oth. On the 7th, the troop. make • terrific romp. ie a 11.• 4.1.. Th e I de; (the way toe mom ,. of p eer ., 1., .ee fel . . i .e. e . e .„„e fir e e thr week o f the n or .. Th e Burnet, o rp eo , v ioromo elothin- chief I will make you a good potlier, will look' /11141 the pc , q•lo were fighting in the edgy. IL was e during the weer, and wee 1 aoa ...wk., ~,,,„,,a . re „,,.,, , he ,„ 0 .. taw New rerkano Dego moo. a list 14 fray- , - 7i : 1F ;. , ..,,,,,,,....7,...7,-,...7:1.7 , -,......110 , ;0 r h....h I work id raining 11 is far orelAy progreming clerk wing. I niter your interest. earefully. a n ttot It is oleo 11111101.N1 gat an ...motion had Bureau a 31edioine end Surgery- chief I . the injury a any of your gofers. and will broken out . Coble... Winn of Yen C. I. begat. wart in the hol• i ....v.. the . w ed... the , P., !7 ~:h f ,n , ..,;„“ .. „ A , :. y .....r . . .„.. .... Sin., tea it Tam x.-The Farmer and dusk ',hid . in all reepeen behave a. an nfreetionate , While these eonvukions am taking pls., tam e tho fight o 1 therm Gado. Immediately ...........0 iet the worio tin. that to e ratan.; „ 11 _, . 0. 1 . • . • tatter s ae victory. Gen. Went. captured the town ' , mole-. Whig., when . found le race wader ... . ... leddY lid the ..... n aoa moch..i., a paper whom object. are de- Thus it will be seen that out of thirty -; husband mod joint citizen should dn.' In a the Atietrian Empire i. in ...I damper thr. Chief Clerk..e in the Department. win humor, I demanded certain nther of dissolution by the continued mace.. of W moue of Penne, the stmegest in Menco.- the late prateninivellelblillletwatiox! Enry romer'll"..l°°•l. the 1 ' 1 .. 4 4 . 1 7 bnoll Pmhiled. nt noted hy its title, in an article on I" os „.„•h o . woo , „,e,„..., of I. ..... , ) . 1 . 1 .. _ 16 , 0 1 :7 6 ..... ..f m : 1 : ... % e .. 0 7:17 , :t h. . M i....„..., e likee.... I m ..... • ;.„ ,• A. , , ; 1 2' . Washinginn, twenty-one are Whige, and , pfofoolllollo, 600 he moiled and deelincd, and , the Ilungariane. They .4 in p.m.. o f Fdlowieg tide he gave batik to Saran Anna a t that wo el . and A. toter. ....b.. " sly twelve Dem.r.s-a prolong...if al- , retired. !oaring me,. laid . the influence Gran, and KRA, and It'd... Ilkeebta, of which Gin he took pooneiew From if tweeter odd; dimming viol.. of Gen. Taykres 1 ... 7'.: ' a ...with..eh pleasure. Ile lean out-and- ' makes the following singular statements: most two . olio sunlit... Ii m ..v.ey- 1 a Inv better judgment, and enured that', in the ma "time Ilueeia 6 mending • plat ie.. 4 ."! ...et' endeind in the .... 4 " .. ' M r " 4.14 ` ..- k ... 4 .1 . • • i n It •- • ....i •• A Th . t'tlldlh• " I ' s 11 would I 1 tf • I Lady Cl be Jo 1 Wand 11. Aug.. Chenibumu,lbortherc, bight howes-thariet Atonvies-Manhais-.1.1.1n.............. ht. oft doe_ _t atut ...en untie. loat toe „en. foga M. 0n.. , . iiat i• rin in nu, ,on . lost me the pelmets. jo am cp. , ergo y e tempi against t • tor on. the condition lif thiltge e the oho . of 3lr. dog iii. proposal... The neat was Mr. Van' Hungarians. But all lemmata manor in u.n. .. ... itry....... the 0 .„..... nc , . 4 .1 1„...,,,,,.... n . e nw , er whi ........ r ..... ow ., he will make a ...logo.. That the sane er which were .rtnerly gent obstruction to 0 ' . 00 . 0; ~,0 0......, .. 0. 0. . tu ....„, 0 „,..,..,,„„„„...,„.......,........... t h e 0w ,,,,..„„„, o r t h e .„.., h 0,..„ .mot „. Podia's adnifidstration-en 11 . timiniMmtion 'Buren. • very agreeable ; gentleman, and ;representing the excitement of {be Hasa- • len. of m me die ., ..„.„ , ......,.,...... 1 yew ,. m me p o w. . d .............. teem m mte. ten' to oar Nat West Comae, in which be tirely ; disappeared The omount. of drift- which ea. a into power, (unlike the loco- very plausible, looking and talking very dans.. raised to the highest pith, and that 1 hoe ewe ., .... mime .. em tememme • • pem .l moo d m 0 1. 0 memo g l om , ar ty per art . Ice. ens) without any pledges egainst pro.crip- , much like Mr. Oily Gammon over there ;Isomething morn don the united forces of idly, mod mew oentributed mare tersely to thelmany mooed. were nude es have already Men the per the l oam tamer.. yo u. , k en ne t t a te . n .. the •010111111 which formerly passed Lio n 01.1. its 1111°. ' but au he was quite too polite. And Ronnie and Alsattin,wffi be required. quell imam et sew an. than the brave end nallent , made ill 11. month. under lbe prem. eesperty, ' popular with our family, I made short worltlthis natural insurrection. • den. ! Wm.. Ile won the Wiliest mil.. of i antbritettirillt• spoile- shag Regency. - • By • long and e n sinks of esp.. To. Got, Dot.. is at toot out from of him and mint him R. The defendant , Active entioavorean being made to an ew CensmaNdon hi Chief, Tay. and Seat, arid, .We do not rireepi.bile 1401111 neon. doings in . - re the Pepe ef Musteri 1 moots, it has been an that the the Mint, and arme band. of the people ; Gen.. Taylor, was theme. snake. of ell. ato a revolution in Gall.* and in Mikan lemproise mem as the heoweesot an ...autumns, , romp.. dth.e. Timl ...tit ...• e. ' ' •Ilie den, nil A.. re d ef ear kite. at in late , Miagselppi .lly diseharges 14,888,- who bail the itutional currency as the Ito proud.. Me every thing I asked- Posen to Pe.th. the whole ofmatry .M -ine wmel one, Inch • caner, No brilliant and, MI eommentat) upon Den. Taylor!. 1.• .• • t ; ~ •, in on. adopted eon.. reeohnimee me hie menet. 304).(130.1,11107o . ble foot awed., From this harbinger 14 better times for labor and full' egrood . clear nut all my fish- pende-pay I mired, or on the brink of an insurtestimi. d a rodei, we worthy •km life of anew arena, unit.. They then la. Mime to ! . .'. . fOm ir,, ii.. ' nom In innuweilo. to obey them t hrow .... b o d y of rotor, „m e i... 0r .„.. 1 to wee. for industry. It i. • beautiful coin bounties to my Iron - wake -diattibute the; The important Mt mutated in the Loss eneyeitent ha Providence hasdmided eiberedite.lhis cabinet, se the deceiver ef his e.,. • , t ~.. I ....,..t.t.add.l app al ..... a ..- ' th° "" I N t .10 1 1 cubic ntilm• 20 , 000 , 000 , 000 cubic foa l and c orr.. 0 h o nesty" stamped ou IV , face; proceeds of li. own °elate ■ among my don men of the 11th inst., that a joint Oro We. lea awe, moo I n the nramery of hie They now that his plea t . were in„... .. .• eq,t '......, .. , ':',......7.1, - ;;!.. , -- i. c a e ca : 1 ell pre the '"a m ' an 'h e ' i-lof solid matter . aro annually deposited ail with no fall. promine "to pay," and no ' workmen-hinted even et a National Bank,' note, the production of tbs. Coen. 01 Great 1 h... Iffit-4.4 ` ... d.' Ile ' v.. 4. t h e .L4 ' itit a..., . 4.... Tkvl at.. '''' o , ' mein.) , .. fied ••• Nette. to carry Men will inte lb e mo nth o f th e deer, which vat d e it trams of ropudietion and b.k.ptdy about ' through mete of his Mende-end over- ; Britain undo euben hu bone addressed te id to antb. le the ally-sisth year of We.. lie', his edethentnthol h. Cando Iner. . he ...MI elf... l m.o. do on/ ... . ........._the hes in the mum of taini f orme d • „dm or I. It is the real ° relief iesue." What • I whelmed mo with love-letters. I (.11 mostlthe Court St. Petersburgh, Intl...ink hai wen do orsorder's rem. Meal/bade whom virulent and panydird le ne ae.la. Doi an ex-1id........ 0 . it. d • Mei. th e et,,,.. °*-- ,..b.' alluvial plain, ape nding into the CI ulf of bewail. tiontnat to tee rotten raga of the anxious for • number of exerelknt men on; their dkapproml of lb. ins...mum ho mew on thenthern .1, N. owl Nl* winds' p.m curios its two tare along. It will armee i . 1 .. 4 , r i."1 4.. 0 a r i nbed d ty tate. - e - e , for d. - Mention molainlng • euperiche • I area of State I Who could en, imagine that a my farm, who bad always preferred that I l ßuesia in the Amulet. Hangar'an ellemnies, dull beep it fr., watered we it will to by item e jni ream at isdig.tion &mann the pep. wed d1... . Mal:L t d, im e , ......"... 13.0 00 .i i ... country having • government empowered should accept Lewis Cam ; and I wanted ' and iodating that snob intgferenesebe with .. of latemostemane." ' 1.1. 1 . 1 ounnell ......... de. To.. , ............. fie • moody. to be preamibeit lib e es 0.. show that. the river de- to kg. • coin like this, would ever be to know whether, if I yielded to Zachary, 1 drawn. hio wend. W. 000 ...... 11 ......1, b 7 "ts " " est " t, n t." "'"fi m east U " r "." Wi 'v Pm i " • .1.11 h i....11° of lw 4 id otetter in i. years ensued by - Relief Notm," boned in den- and be my entails and fortunes in his Intelligence from Dresden to he Oth. the ellen.. he Moir had . B. 01 hen .......1 -. " y g .. -- - -i eh... ' ""." Wida d. " nod . 11 11 1 . 0 . 1 days , and has been eo engeged &nee of law ! Tho Oold Dollar it ands, be would pay woe attention to them !Matta that beetle mOl ramd between i rim of the rm.. which in.. a dire. .d 1 I thhth it pn ' ekile,tone what I abeam?. thin • at -he saute rate, and flowing in tho same the beauty of honesty and low. There it ,man, aid die more no, as I had in a; dm Roy... and himegamts, to tbe Read- Mersa defy op. the Denwomans party there an enemy ithene.-B.lblenth . the n.• mkt• and florin in the ... channel for • is-• payment in band ; sparkling and sub• eonsiderable number to forget their preju- I vantage of the latter, without .y heleoll ; The Whig leadres-the Gone. of thenem1...1„.............., R. d tho_ o d. l .-.... t. _.......,.... period of 14,203 or for 0,000 }cars *fore etantial. It never row. less in VIIIOO-it dices, and to agree to aid him in all hie un-I.to prospect of their terminstioe. Tay lerthe Itemmeya. need b. •'..,=: ".. t : ...-- r' - '"' - h r f went. no broker to sham it-it requires no dertakings. To this proposel be agreed; The menbline of the Sera Progaimi. ..... ~ oh ., ..,„ n , t a ores ion o man. •dis- . one nivocall . I bays hie letter. and the Government ham hem oat-heel and rem lit ........ thet thie ............. ra Is whlsh lt Is sees by when no b. mho The amount of matter Hu. depogled "Bank Note Detector"-it mils for no 0. , , Y... 1 011 001110•11)11b1 1 not Gamed by the m.o. gig.. and h. Yer Oa hderteaties er sorb eine. sot mow, bo s o dshm, b ,,dtbs, 1,,,, 1,,,,. (h.. th e count --It Is of universal urreney-re- 1 lettere ouns Ili oda in proof; &ma now wards offered for their • of them who e..; and the, . Tay. .. 66 . 6 . th• ...A= to th.......••. quantity excavated by the river in tenting naked in payment of everything as well ea , demand, in view of iat of his At Leigh, als, tr noes bad bre wme am. at: pledgee la •non.ing Mesa I It le whin " 1" " 1 " 61 ." ' I h1 " 1 " . " 1 "' l t* " its chatmel. • tame ; and referring to no doobtfol fat ' word and the neglect of bin premien the io• ken out, bet after • short Meng& harms cm, er at A.m. m lately =din tun for • possible redemption. It . the flielbm of lb. canon la mach came made the Wiliam and the poposhen Dory WOOS mieena dos theft mein. non h. ate pen that aninety al ffirgimi.. and kny ewe.. the - meet defteieeney se WWI fiekeeeefit el eke Sollesen thereiro, es the Nes el ON i Ore art Tit•elt.-esNallitOW Elloalti.- interest of all to eneourep the eirarlation I and provided. =seed. &vent of the rieMea wets D..... I . 4. 0 . 6 . k ... w . f ...., .. do eist rd. lb. nether he tbe pan. of The Boston Exprens Train orb.% left hen of • gold and silver eurreney; and we ran 1 Mr. Gammon for Omani Taylor: -You k • wad, net glory deeenet. re n nen sed :'....7.1=0 .. the ... w.tr .....r. , .., yesterday morni., mar Telmer bins not doubt but Om money of I. people, npoks of letters. To what thin do yow. ,In Italy the adrift* of he booth ea - st Ih.m nee to the spud- refer? lose towarde Roma hashers 'beaked by then non wbedly illemearbel It Ms mon as ins Mesoreasle=kehneeerpines : th " m "' 6 i.1 .,4. °1°.° a° No °°°' 1111°. .111 h° 4"lsba tr ib" Mnnstkaa4.- Mt. Made. met.. i thl t reeletrut."f lb. ilMoblood . 041 . 0 R•• ... wo e et eeteseeto ~.sitiw .0..... ye th do Oiler iserseasm. I enner the calmest Mem 10 an d •• o'eloalt the lammed. len mu eurreney of en, speonleem, job ta. el deer , er Inca nem iteee. t e th s. th ~.. la allinta the 11111.1.0 lentollos. of the Ina me the New 116 vas leldm, wed Imre awl sc aN n= gentry, who, jtz g a . pptl see me at Pthabmgh in behalf of Cenral was hates. mined. NM Me Mend ef Denser. la othr Is " th. "" g = w . . 6 " . ..1 " ibbh Wu will" two foot aO4 on.. . 10 . iu ..r. lad to pus of • all TO., pemiliell the fulMesset of the Is two meow nun the Rona mem him °.° . 16 = pewees me happily meet* and the lives as embrslent he • menseth/ft ;" that city promises made by Gemmel ' Meese I ea beak with great leen and ham. Oodlese. sone Os ea r ef vientel ale .1 nehmen an Omit be lereelkeeelly haw. by Se- • beak et the hewed our prieeme. Meer, the hen le inn; sad • bin h ea.,' nollente le lam. Irak= Inn Is err of Doe bwwli"td Pummin" ....... . Fonsmat- annestset mode ef am props., would arm to b y &dramas; se he Mensamer dos who hen. has iwieseL " " 416 " 1 II" " "" "* "I" 4 "" . "1" After a 4..l.wwila.ar the Without labor, eadrespi the hameM town reed same few New Yoh in order to IN- his . OwIMM, unmopered he sea a to drop Osee; sad ?menthe hee Ohdravon Ile Mow hie lin Illa Men MM. moo 0 es o soth e o wo - Oak elfite".. f .... ...SI name Do Illn. en Mew aware of amps by our edghbor whh fiat".- dummy Irish Owens. me is Es. ~.. cu,„,„ ha - 7e" 00prik.g .. .p.. knees Mr the day, and Ikea wake he tem el mobile .moans mormse-ere wedneeh Inemm I none is. them betneeeses te the peon of _m g" ' fi t..... / k ""il lheir """; 'a" Leifer ' beaded knee the pledgee of Me ItotT minforeeneeme and bedew lielmelhos ha as gm link sus.. he motet soon,. to., IllsoneHn ladle baby sr Go m ..... r0w.... .1 ••••• out of he ewe hie governmeat. The Freeeb-led lees 100 thq, o good tho so dy w ethth th th ......... On 040 MN g.l my neer he es II le it.. ......". =we. . dam the hall lorm. • Mr. Gander.-Arid what deed bad all M killed, and 400 wouadel. yy . b . di by si,,, p..., .1.111,11.. , ... . . ace a nese. ohms nay... a.• te the . ..: d b= wain tiny warm Prem.-N. F. Sen. hem plan. sad adak. 110 . 011 " tr. the l The Dealsh war MR emilimen ball It is • pl. In gest polst of dm at Aware --- -- pea. Olen loonse • dinet den nee m e peonle-aoi pomote onj I nail I deal de doe people et year faros, and the re.genta et madman se both gaol le • Saki nail he- Dserrete peter of he thanatry, Jed dear norm 'nit. I DO ND. Do clolooto it , the ... yen plesdatioest geleisieg manor. «m. 0.. a. ea. a.m. 4 a. the ma... MO°. tcld ac1ia1ti0n,....... Amtudennia.-Seehtg the& I was Mho- he el• yek.inm., m bb ,p regsb e, b .* Tbn day bi hooey way osh. It Iseb. • ----. 71c1it.• IL 11111131.0111. Ma hp them it wee easy Se pennive that ease" which the Dams inn emised.-, n.... ...di emu ar, ..4 wil. wawa' ir. N. toonNkn cl , MS One who where devoted to me wenn be In. 1„a im g lilmay ei,nb 1 0 b o daibi. THE - bEM6C - RAT i~oArsose PA iimulmear, Igo, al. ISIS _ ..---- —, ----- roe Csaaleolamirimase. COL. ASA DIMOCK. .....,...thetleelobeertneDenr2!.l_eTateenoveatios Take Steams Grist IHIL We wen amai agreeably adverbeed one Jay this smoothy the ?caption of a bag of sardinesa Wheat Clang, degilLm cram the Mens rou & Cud Mal the sew imam Grist Mill. recently e meted hi the upper paw of Mat Viilage, is 110 W com pleted, in successful operation. The wimple of its ewe oast on le certainly moot oplendol, fey amoebas my article of the kind we have seen utamsfawaredlo thiscoontey. 7 . lea mach. of es magnificent a Mai (iu one- nection with an emellent Saw Mill, which betel l been main fee mom menthe toast) ta we telana landalie esterprim on the part of the Messoultiali thaw an advantage to 0111 ra nd aye pdblie generally. The meehanical work of it. perfenural by sashimi& Jeremiah Baldwin, (heed Mariunits), sad Gee. W. sl..r,se de • them infilthe meet It will aim/lenge wasiiii4mia With that in any 'whew mill in ale country, and may be set down m one of Miele proudest achievements closely elk N. Y. # & R. R. le , iCud &vitalise Crew We •• C.lllllltn di Menomonie' al Owego woken that the N. Y. & LW Regneg w te be opened *lbw glow IM I. Soo. (lo.wwww) The elbara of Wu Wage ben .woe Ow now wwle awl wonibeeel semegeweole fee oeldweiag the day. awl haw io- Awl dee Aimee Woe' We Reed. et wighbwee Yaw. wed /he weateg awn& lo le pewee* and gortiaigele with then ea We jegfel swede. m. Prosiing W Illtesters sf the Compaq , . eye. letemasses stew w..e.dele.w We ally mew owl sewage dMeee lbe vicinity, we elwerbe eipe. #o# kneed es gents se the esertee. The we Fawns sr Jou.-11.wa. Wane & New Yeehowe elm* maim by Mk rm.& 4111 /Oh AWN. &Mb& JON. Or. It I. • beend&l viewed duel. entelsisi erhee el do lewd NW Am& ergrevispeer l ewd le &kr emogrk The ph& IN only 19 owe per my, er lea he me *Wm OW.ain MM &hied r Wbe• & eh, If Ihnhe SIMS• Ph. Yea.. Er TIM lowa el COOL Gewwiwkwele enemy le min al tam plebe. 1:11. New melee' ft Yeeler Wel. eel we we phew! be be Able owe dogleg. lowylwilee Meld. bee Wee peaty —N. .Y 0.1. antra yeeloniky 0111mow—Nswitetog x._. X.OIL Lau. FIRS is 011110•00.—CAicer. New ilmennikee ire broke roe ben Ma monde& _Web destreroi tke Toilers ea. Gelid& Ileum bei =rob Ober robeible repot,. IitATAL Hu Aooloore.-4111muay, Mow 14* 6 P. it —Tho Emma= of Ihalto mooloor sod &mow of OA took about woo =Hu this 816 of Bab*" 'woody Mimi Yr. Todd, lb. omenfor, sod noway %Julio' dm= mho osooot minim bollookli dug lie Y dosOk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers