Hiddleburg, Aug 25, 1880, emmas CnttsTT roOBTK. f Coart of Unyiter Count are held oo lha fnertk ston.layi t rebrunrv, Mar, en Mepteaaber, aa. Sweoad atoaiUy of btcenbar. -All coinrmiiiioations, btisinesa let ter Ac, for tit if office, to secure ii romp attention should be atltlressetl follows t Tub Port, Mitldleburjr, tmydor Omntv, Pa, Advertisements, eomniiniraiious Ac must be handed In by Monday noon, to secure inser tion in next lssu Ctmmitteo Meeting. The Republican Bunding Com mi tine will meet at the Court-house, in Middloburg, on Saturday , Aug. 2Sth at 1 o'clock p. in. ' A full attendance ia earneatly re quested. Df order (-c. I. II. HARTMAN, If. V. Wittnmyer, Chairman, fWretury. i -I - ' - -- - - 1-iLiau Don't forget to get rrgislereu. We learn that partridge are scarce In this county, this year. Hie Centreville campmeetiug was largely attouded on Sunday I an'. The colored campmeolitig at flora dovitle was a "big thing" on Sunday. The U. B- Campmeeting comment ed this day, Wednesday. What is the teason that during the tamprmeeting season it always rains. The farmers are rejoicing over the prospect of an unusually largo corn crop this fall. The State Sunday School Conven tion will be hold in Lancaster, on Oct. 12,13, and 14. C. . Dunkelberger has rebuilt hi tiratn aid Produco Cur and is ready for business, riitlia Aonodir.t and wife, of York county, are visiting Albright Swine ford. Bownrra and Curtin BaworsoK have purchase a new. Victor Clover uller and are ready for business. IHIlis Shanibach wn flxing the seat on a spring wagon, full oft" and broke Lis collar bone. John Mover had 22 square inches of kin torn of! hi right hand amputa tion will not be necessary. Short dresses are now all the go among the India, and are a decided Improvement on the "street sweepers." The Ctiineso are getting muro 'and more refined. Theyare learning torhew and spit likoan American gentleman. Any person who hu a silver dollar coined in ISO 1, run get ono Ihottsiini! dollars for it- There are said to bo on ly twelve in existence. Dull time have overtaken Lcndvillo, and there U a yearning for home on the part of many who went thcro from the Eitst. Not long sinco potato hue took po session of a church at Sandoval, III., drove out the congregation and put an end to the service. If a young firmer goes out to plow and forgets to take his team along, is Tho absent-minded, or is ho thi liking of Jennie f lookout for mad dog thi weather, When you see one with froth dropping from his jaws, and making a bee line for you, climb a troe We observe that the Operntnr have advanced the price on coal fit) cent T"r ton fr the month of Heptemher. This won't suit our coal dealers who are complsimngtlial it is now too high. lis said that Tanner's fast ills borne down the price of wheat. It i expected one hundred thousand fools will be trying to aocotuplish what Tanner did. Doctor Barber preserved his equili brium, notwithstanding "Pet" took him around Wittenmyer'i corner at a, 2,40 rate and the front wheel, in the hapeof kindling, went into the air about SO feet. Rev. T A. Elliott, of Lewisburg, conducted the Wednesday evening prayer meeting next day visited cur office is quite a lively and inter eating talker. Joward Nipple, atCook'a saw mill. In Milford township, Juniata county, found three bee trees three days in succession. He got one hundred and ixty pounds of honey. Juniata TH ' bunt. TheShamokin Dam Harvest Zfome ricnic, of Saturday last, was rather a big affair. Everything went off 'gay and festive.' Two Bands of Shamokin Dam and the Sunbury Orchestra fur nished music The whole was conclud ed by a grand hop. Jo'in Zimmerman, from near Rich. Hold, wu put in jail, on Sunday morn Ing, charged with having broken into the store of Khine and Graybill, and the shop of John Jfiller, In Richfleld, en Saturday night Juniata Tribune. "Afore food and less medicine, more Of nourishment and strength, less of the debilitating influence of drags is what our feeble and exhausted con stitution require," said Baron Liebig when he perfected the composition of in -Malt fitters," ' - '' It has beeri predicted by a "reliable" - weather prophet of Chicago, that the iriih f September next will be hoU Lx thaii It k$m been knewo to be in r-plemhijTrcrtS.eEtSrt years. There V"" ' Vet. the-, ? - in a slock v - - Tlit President of the Garfield and Arthur Club went to New York, lust Thursday, itnd took tlie club-room key with him no meeting. D.T. Parks, Esq., will address the clab on Saturday evening 23th. How Times rave Changed A short time ago, when a neighbor died, the community mournl ; now, many rrjtttee life insurance is the ausw er and then, many of these old folks have livbd long enough ; they were no good anymore. The Salem Uni.in Sunday School had intended holding a celobration on Aug. 29tli, but as somo of the officer are called on to attend to some impor tend business on said d iy it has been agreed by the school to postpone it for a few weeks. Due notice will bo given as to the time of holding the Celebration. The Milton relief commttee fded an amicable answer to the bill in equity Thursday, and Judgo Kockafellur at once appointed ex-Judcos Gamble, Bently iwid Linn, of Williampnrt, a master in chancery who wilt, no doubt at once proceed to fulfill tho duties as signed them and speedily make dis tribution of the fund- Sunburn lkm ocrut The Huntingdon county Republi cans made a capital nomination for Assembly in the person of If. Clay Marshall. We have known him for nearly forty years -ho was an exem plary yonug man and a he grew old er never departed from the true path. Harry is an active, intelligent bui- ncs man and will make a firt-clns representative, is 'superb' social qualities ought to draw from the op posing elements a considerable vote. Tits Mi. Kki.ikk Fusd. The Millonian publishes a full list of the eoh contribution by individual, cit ies and boroughs for tho relief of the MufTerer by the groat firo of May It, 18), which is attested by R. F. Wilson. secretary, ilio total cash conlribu. lions and where deposited are -a fol low ; Deposited in Milton National Dank, f "itl.lSl ,11 ; First National flank. tai,7.ii,12. Total amount, S.1,. 917,!1. Philadelphia contribute HI,. 2W.U0. Pittsburgh fl.ti;J), Reading t-V Jlo, Wiikebarre 2,1'S, CI, Pottsvillo M,'Wl,5i, Lancaster $,U",2. Al- lentown $1,3)2,00. and so on down. As the Flowers in May. All thing have their appointed timo and season, from May flower to the sun spot which expert tell us are ac countable for the meteorological top-sy-turvinec of this year of grace, 1SSO Ami prompt to its fore-ordained dale, come tho new Premium List to A'Ar U-ht' Fiuliimt Unnrierly, full from end to end of tempting inducement to send your own subscription, and to per suado others to do likewise The premium list is issued by KUrU h Urn., Eighth Avenue, Xtnv York, and will be sent free to any mlJrvs. on application to tho publiiiliors. Herbert Spencer's latest and great est work, 'Tho Data of Ethic,' forms be ninth number of the Humboldt Library of Aiiiulitr Science, published by J. Fitzgerald A Co., 1 :i 4tb Av. X. , It essays to establish a basis for morality in the physical and psychical constitution of man, and in hi ncce nry sociological relations. The work is siriciiy constructive aim conservn live ; does not attempt to revolution, ize the world of Ethics, but to ration au.e ii ; nun to snow mat tlio sanc tions of morality are inherent in man's imturo and sufficient by themselves without lie intervention of extraneous precepts or prohibition, 'rice 15 cents. For sale by A. K. GIFT. Came Laws. The following list of the Game Laws of Pennsylvania is printed for our sportsmen so they may pasta it in their bats : Woodcock. July 4th to January 1st. Plover, July 15th to January 1st, Rail Jfirb, September 1st to Decern" ber 1st. Reed Bird, September 1st to Deo. 1st. Squirrel, September 1st to January 1st. Wild Fowl, September 1st to May 16th. Ruffed Grouse, October 1st to Jan. 1st. Pinnated Grouse. October 1st to Jan. 1st. Quail, October 15th to January 1st. Rabbit, October 15th to January 1st. Wild Turkey. October 16th to Jan. 1st. Deer, October 1st to January 1st. Surgical Operation. Doctor Deadl ier, of Paxtonville, was called on to extract a tooth. The cms was an un usually severe one the patient 'ran ted about' as if he had been bitten bv two mad dogs-something must be done immediately the Doctor hain't hi instruments with him luckily Swon- gle saw-mill was close by two boys were dispatched for a kanUhook and a jack-screw under the Doctor's di rections 2 men and 4 boys operated tue instrumoota and the tooth was successfully extracted. Doctor Eo. objects to the above nrocedura and gives hi method . The patient is low- ereu in to a 00 root well an iron wash kettle filled with old iron is tied to each leg ; the hook of the well-rope is fastened to the tooth ; four stout men at the windlass null un the natient ua ually when within cioht feet from th moutn or the well the tooth fl ea out and the patient flies down into the well, well pleased that the operation use been perinea tr1"- t I1- r An Indiana Letter. Ed Post : Having left Snyder coun ty a few months ago, and also bolng a native of that place I would like to have inserted, in your worthy paper, this article, although of little value it may be. Lagrange, the county seat of Lagrange county, is located in the nnrtbren part of the stale on the G. It. A I. R. R. There are many towns of similar size, and even smaller, that surpass it in beauty at fir as build ing Au. are concerned. ?ut it i sur rounded by a ferlilo farming region, contain about fourteen hundred in habitant and I noted for the intelli gence, morality and temperance of tho people. The sight and sound of drunken debauchery I not very com moil here, think. There are four churcho and also a many Sunday- schools in tin town. About the ino-t ooatly and excellent aro tho court and church building, n tho acluml build ing the normal is hel l, which I have been attending for the fo past week. rhero are about ovonty-livn student in attendant1, a great part of whom aro teacher, the school being held for the purpose ol training touchers, A is c unrolled by the County ri'ipcriu tend ant, Mr. Crane. Ila teaciie a few of the classes, tho rest aro under the instruction of four other ablo teacher They seem to bo working on good principle and eschew mechanical- operation in teaching tho diil'crcnt. branches. In comparing this to our nor mal shool of Sclinsgrove, Snyder coun ty I find that there i no great dill'er ence with regard to tho mode of leach ing, owever, I noticed that the students have had very little ex perience on map-drawing and f idl ing by sound. Thi, I understand, ha been mostly neglected in tho schools throughout the county yet so far. Nevertheless, prospect indicate that the teacher of thi county will by and by begin to "fice.o" to tlio "common scuso method , m a great measure. liko our Snyder county teachers have done for tho six or seven last yo.tr I could give you some more of tho advantages and disadvantage of (hi school Ac. but do not dccoi it neces sary. Very respectfully, W. . K. .Vr. Alitor u our friend II'. II. K. is nrutril, ho ha douo injustice to one subject, that i politics which is greatly agitated in tiii place (Lagrange). We were highly favored Aug "th, with it very eloquent speech from (Sen. Bald win of thi tate. Wo will also have the fa v or of two democratic speeches Anir. Ilth, to rebut the sayings of 11 m. itlilwin. Well may our Domocratic brethrrn send two of tiieir Orator to fill the place of ono Itcptihlican for they will have the need of two to every one of tho Garfield men to carry tho elec tion the coming fall. And well is it said that Gun. Imi liel l is nothing but a canal boy and not-fit for any other ollice. Ho fiint uiidcrMand enough about that occupation to rightly con duct the caual-boat li carry Hancock and hi follower up iH ri'ivr fur enough so that there i no danger of their returning hereafter, So Ittirmh , Uarftrbt ! K. O. S. - - -. The Slate Normul School at Blooms burg is surprising even ils friends by ils success. Although the Winter term was ono of tho most llourisliin in its history, tho number of Indie having doubled within a year, the Spring term completely eclipsed it, in the numlier both of bonnier nnd of day pupil. Tho Trustee were ob liged to enlarge the corps of teacher. The rumber of students in tho main school was larger than ever before, and although tho Senior clan was tho larg est in the history of the School the Slate Board of Examiners voted to graduate overy one of them. Tho prospect for the next year, that opens Sept. ilih., h most promising. Aug. 12, iw. A New Treatment. ThcGubUn Elixir of Life, womlerful turn. If you bsv Consumption, sod would know Ibat your sough oan ha maita looaa and aaay-llfnits Faavrr and Nigbla 8wels checked ii 'it hours loflsmtnation taken iut ot Luoga and air faesagaa at euoe : Ibat you eao bs mada to gaio 8 to C pounds or healthy Besb per week If you hat Catarrh, Dyspepaia, 8ick Htadaebs, Heart Dieeaaa, titer Complaint, Nsrvnui Debility, Seminal Weakness or Sperma torrhoea, loes of sexual power in sither sex from any esusa ; if you bar any form of aervoua weaknaas, loiing tlb or wauling away, and would know of so Ira medial relief and eerlain oura for many of lbs severest eases In a short lima, a nsw method witb new agsnts to fallen every body, Inviporals and make strong and bsaltby lbs moil bopeteee eases, eul tbia out and writs at one for partioulars lo B. 8- DISPENSARY, Berrtn Hpringa, Mioh. July rVHo.lj. While two of our youn f men war at tending Camp mealing lent Hun lay ibay bad ibeir bora unbilohedsnl fed before going lo Camp. On taking lb bores from lha etabl lbs fly net, which was a knit on, got faal eoiaewbere at the d tor, and com menced unraveling unlit a tin was strateh ed from lb stable door lo lbs Camp ground. This naturally oeueed sons ex oiiient( asms thought ii waa a telephone, other Ibougbl it was eomeihlrg ale and nobody know wbal ll waa, until Frank slrppsd up and explained. .a. i. S. Weis', Bolinsgrove, will soli for toe next 60 days a great many of his goods at below cost in order lo reduce bis large stock and make room for an early fall trade. Room is precions in his store, and he must have room for fall goods, A full line of Dry Good in stock yet. Call early and secure a bargain. ""bbsbw -aaaaaM.wM Strayed. 0 tihecp -2 ewes, and S lambs, nearly grown loft the premis es of the subscriber about three weeks ago. Any information concerning their whereabouts wili be properly re warded. J. CROUSB, : w ssi ejawawMawasaMajn a-! i i i It will pay ou I ke a .i'1 to ove and t' Great reduction iti price at S. Weis', Selinxgrove, ( For Carpets and oil clothes go to 8. We!', Bolinsgrove. Aug. 6, 4w, fhasY Dtdbntsrv CnMrotisn. When ttkn aas.trding lo rilreoi Ions, will In isntaneonsly euro Cramps, 9pen. ur dlomach. If eirihurn, HUrrlmn, l)aen- ery. Colio, and all other Bo wet Coin plaint. Trte1er ehntiM slways baas a small bonis of Pisaa' PrsssTaar Cteouii for Immeillaia relief from any Bowel font dlainta, guaranteed In lona up lha Stom ach al ones to a healthy condition. Mnlhrr don't fail I hive flisai lira eimar Ooxpoex on h tt I. for lb relief of ynni'l llnl bahy when attacked with any llnwtl CnmpUinl, II contains nn Vorphln. nor Opium, yet ll soothing ef fect will give lha til tie enflWrr " much relief, that ba will at one fall into a gentle sleep, sad give hi mot ber an op. pnrmnliy to rest, as well as every pro voked baohelur of lbs home. Itonrsr's lloass Town were formerly used amongst lha runners an I nih-r y. uahle hor-es. bill go eince the Price has been rediied lo 'i't Cent per Taeksga. all ohu alTurd lo us them. II' were gresity amused soma days since, by eeeitig ona of our venerable sit iens. whuhsl been bowel down with RAeiimalisin, llirj away bi cruli-b-s. end declare himself just as young as be used lo be. and now he Is rron'nmen ling Kohert's Kin! rocstiou t i sery uld la ) in town. Ureal linliiieut that. 8lss-, Dvssvtssv CoMrocsit I'm. durra a very warm and glowing srnssli .n. therel.y rvnneing all 8hsrp Pains an I by tie lraniiiihting proprrll's, alltya ihnsn eeere griping., nf Ilia Stomach and llowel, ocrastiined t-y eipn-ure ur ulhol causes only 115 Cents per llultla. RnnaaTS Pocltsy Pownaaa are giarin teed In cure I'miliry nf all diseases, if given before lha fowla rfua lo etl, Kurt cure for Cholera. H'j bars tried it, and advise I all to usa it. ll is very dieauraging lo lb in lustrlotia fsrmer'a wife( as well as funliah lo have her I'ouliry lo die from Cholera or other disease. When she can buy nf her druggi.t , ItontST's I'ot'LTSV I'ownas for 'ib ('ems a Package. And guarantee I lo cure. It Is ead but true that msny children have tilled untimely graves, by Iba neglect of their mothers to ha Sixa.' Svsff of Tas. IIosr-iiiii'SI) and Wii.n I'iikhrv on band Kvrry tb ioglitf-il niolbnr has a battle tbia Seasou of the year for imme diate ne. MAIMM i:i. A igiist lUth, at Adiiiustiiirg, by Ibe .'(v. !., C. Edmi.nde. Miss Maggie Scbwrnk and Mr. Isaac Welr.el. Atigntl rnb.nl Purl Treeorlon.br the Rev. J, w. II nuliler, Litii 8pntts, nf McKeea tlair 'alls, snl Paler Daulicrt, of fori Trrvortou. Augusl 12th, at fori Trevnrlon, at the resilience of Daniel Mulliner. by I). H. Thiir-hy, Ks,,, Mies t'nrdelln Cawell aai,d Mr. (ieorge I rw in lleicheiiback, both of Purl Xreeorton, Angit'i Hth. by Pev. John K. Snyder. Dnnirl Miltprling of West 'erry Twp uud Miss ll'lio M rnbi rger of Perry Twp ji i:i. Aiigu-t fitha In Mid llecreek towusliip J me. duughier of Jac di and Aiiii-Im Puck, aged tl years, li uiuuth and 'Js! day. Auguat 2d, In I'ninn township, lieorge Oliver, infunl sou uf tleorgo an! So. lu ll a Ililucr, aged 'i years, 2 urjnlbs nit I 1 1 d.iys. August fib. in I'nioti town-bip. Asnih, ifilaul .laughter of J titios llurns. sged 'I nioniiia an, I a .lays, A. mil. I 'III. I.. U'..I.S...I,.n In.n.l.l. . , ,', . .. . , , . 1 ' al IS o'.-I.Kk a. in. the following ilascrlb-d al Leah, wife of John Mcn-el age I &. tears. .... i. n ,i i.. .,. . I uiuuth and tl days. August ih. in J ickaon lown'tiip. Annie Nort. il'iughti-r of irvell no I Tiilic I'liich, aged I yetr, & inoilll.s all I 7 d iys. August '.'t'i. in Pi nn lownnhip, S alt to Sigfite l, aged about '.' years. Aitgu-t Mth, a' Port Trevorton , Snaan, Wife of lha lale Peter l.a.i b juid. aged ti) yctrs, :) mouths and M day. August I7lli. in I'liiiii lown.liip, t,t dropsy, Samuel Sliool. Kj , aged 76 yeira. 4 months and 2'ldaya, In Selio-grove. Xuint I'.lth. H ibrrl Swinrford, sged years, 0 mouth aud 'lu day. On the I-la of Que. Aug, I J, John Davis, iot'anl sun ol Ueo, IV. aud d. K, tiruybill, aged II days. In Lena. III. on ISih, Jos. the 8id year of bis age- M. Uuwss, iu MIDDLEBURG PRODUCE MARKET. C0VrTl WSBKLV BY a7. W. UreoHOi Onions psr bushel Potatoes do Ituttsr per pound Egg per doien Tallow perpound Lard Cherries Heeded Cbsrrlss Ulaokberrles Kssherriss Dried Apples l)i led Paaohee pars! Soap Ham atuoaldef Sides 75 lo to ti li ii 8 ; 4 1!5 4 lo U i 8 8 MI del I c'b urgr illiirkct, ooassuTsn wnii.r bv Simontcm, Ilarber So Co. GRA1S' ASEL'OS. Wheat perhttehsl (Old) Wheat pr bushel (N) Ry dt Cora do 01 old, do ' " scar do Cloveraeed par buabsl Timothy reed do Uuckwbeal do r'lsieeed do ntODVCK. Potstoes Apples Cherries, pltteJ. Cherries, unpiltad Ulachberrles Kaepbtrrie Dried applet Uuilsr, pritss Uuitsr, seoond -class Kkss Onions Peel Spring ohlolens Old Mam Shoulder Uacoa Lard 90 to 2 8o 80 So 1 8 6 24 08 10 lo n ib "4o o 7 It Is ' 8 0 3 So 4 0. Talloer COAL. Fsa Coal Chealoul float BlwokajnlibC .r ".4 NOTICE TO HEIRS. Tit the matin of tht tntle of tntV Mmj rr, tile of Ailumi towimhip, Snyihr county, inmW, To KHfstMlh Mnree, widow, raslillng In ASame lownihln, Snjoer aaty, Ha. ami flea ehlWr-o. tbe heirs Xlslllila Mo. er who w marrlei to .1. F. Hlnaaman l who illeil hot .re her father, the al I Daniel Mover, denM. Thvsa who enrvlva the sail ileo'il are as follow : Alary . Inlermarrle! wiih Abraham ll. Wanr r-sMlna near Airjr Oaie, Hnntlna.ion Co , P... t'atharlna A larinaThil wt'h Sunu.l Krilloh ranltllna In Allenrlile. X Ittlln i'b , v., H.rhsra A. Inter marrleit with l.aac Patera rtllns n. ar l.neka Mill,. Mlitlln !o , Fa , llaolol II. .Meyer re, 1. 1. In at Kulphnr Herman, Hha tin., ivnneiare, an.l Jacob V. Mof.-r rel Il ia at Kill Creek, 4 harnpulan- Co., tlhlo, an I thel'illo'vint nain 0 'sn.l rhllilren of Msiilili .1. Illnaiinan, ileo'.l. resbll-ig near Wal. nttarllla, Noula Do., lo. liana, to wit : Daniel II. Iili aanian, t-'r.'l-erica II. Illniritnan, tleoraa II lima. man Da vol II. Illnvsman ami et.irati K. Hliiaainio.il minors and have for Ihnlr auar.llin .laeod Hlnaainiin realilng In Ailams InwnaMp Nnv iler e iiioi) i. Pa , h-lr. aa I lea tl representa tives f iunlet Hover, ileneat -l. Von ara hrelr eltel Inia an.l arpeir herore the .In.lMea ol uiir a iitian Conn, el en or phans' I :.irt to he held at Mli.leniir on the 4th olomlay of pieiiteiniwr A. I. Isho t in o'clock In tl, e forenoon, then ami tlmre to ae ee(it or refuaa to l ike the Ileal Katita ol p tl I Hanlel Mover, il-eoaae.l, at Ilia apirsls-i r.,. nation put upon It l an In ioa-t .lulv a oar. I I iV the aa il i'ou t, an I raturne.l l the Mierill of aal l enonty. of ahow eau-a h tne aame hoiM not t a old: Ami her.ur l.il not: Wltne.a the lion. Io.(ih J. Il tclier. K. ., Pr. aiiient ot nr sabl t'ourt, al MiUilleiiura. Ihla l.tn Uaj ul tug A.l Hi i. J. CKtJt'NK.OIetk t. t,'. COIIKT IMJOCIa.VM V TION. Whereas tbe lion. J. C. Ilttther Praal lent Judge of Iht Judicial lii.irio compn-ed nf the counties of Mnyder, Uniot, and Milllin and llir.itn ll'Neil an I sm'!, II. Voder KsiS. Asociai Judge in and for Snyder county hive i-.ued Ihcir precept bearing, dots tbe '.'n-h day ol ay A. !. IfM.l, lo ma directed for the holding of an Orplinna' court, a court of Common Pleas, court of Oyer and Ter miner and tletiernl court of Quarter Ses sions of the peace at Middlcbiirg, for the counly nf Hnyder, on the lib Monday, (be ing lbs UTih day of Mept. HH).j a, cnniintie ono week. Notii e ia llierc'ore hereby given lo the Coroner, Justices uV tbe Peaoe and t'onsta bles in anil for the county of ."nyl r, to ap pear in Ibeir proper person with their rolls records, inquisitions, ettuiiiitiiona and other reniemhrmioes to dn those things which of their oliices and In Ibeir bcbulf pertain lo be done and witnesses and per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against nny person or persons nre required to be then and there attending and not departing without leave at their peril. Justicea art requested lo be punct ual in ibeir atii-'idntice l lbs appointed i lino agreeably lo notice. (liven under my hand sn l seat at the Sberitr ollice in Miildlebtirg, Ibe I'Jih Jay uf Aug A l., out thousand eight huudred atid eigbiy. DANICL UDLKSUEIl. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale ! HY virlnnof n rit nf Fi. Fa., ian. ed tat ol Ihel'ourtnl t'omin-n Pleas of sny.ler county, anil lu me lireiie-l will la ei-l-i.eil to l-oi'lm Sale, at that:uurt llou-e, In the Iiomuku .1 MlU HaimrK on Ntliir.l.tv, ."-ept. 11th. 1HS I, llo o'clock A. M , the tnllowltu dascrlbad eal K-lto. 1 1 nit : All that certain I, ot of Oroiinil altuala In t'rntre Inwtmhlp Miiy.l-r county. Pa. ' IiioiiiiI- i North ami We. I uy Itii'l ol ,ri'lorli)a I lilnu-aoian, t.a.l by lan.l ol hooa II .rmati, a'ul Soith iy I'ui'llc Itoail, lonialnina li.N'h- t ill It 1 11 At'K K, uwre or lu, wuoruuu ara a tecteil a goml l)wflling House, I an.l nulbutlillnaa. Salted, taken Is eieeutlon an I lu be ault as the proeriy ul It, A. Mark ley . D llill.CMlKli Slierllt. Shll'i . m-e, Mid llohirg. Pa., Am. lu, au. SHERIFF'S SALE. IV V virtun nf n writ nf Vim Kt. is- letl out ol til- C tort nf t!ru'iil Pl-aa of j Si.) I.r i-.-ooiv, to ine ilirei-le,l will ha etpoaa.t j ' .,f M ill ii,.i7.itv. ou " .Siitiinl ty Sept. 11th. 1SS ). Hi H I Ml. I-Mliiale iu A Ijl.ia t ... Sny. iter rouni), I'a., h-ini,iil Weal l.v ian.1 of l.aac Kli l.a, N .i-tb ht I'oo'lc lloait, l-Ii.t ty l.u.t of Uii-h.el ,M iei'a hoira, ail SuiiiU l.y lain! of 1'rviUrli k tiuwra.il,i:.iulaiulng T.v. Aero , in"re or leaa, wher.in ir.i era-ta1 a STA III.K. Iltai'l' No. S-situaia in t(e tap. an I . .,iin. t alifai4.. t)..il i.li- I S irlh tiV I. no ..f I'.r I Y a hy ImiI ,.f r ;e lt-in.3. M mth lijr U, i.l of Mi -ha- I M ' r'a loiire, anl rtVu u) ! lauil of Ju.iaih.il Ali)nr, C'luMiuiuj I Tifty Aci'os, I more or leea. I Neueil. t.k-n lii ei.'-otl hi and lu ha luM aa i the iroa. t uf I' rial. I . M .ver. II lllll.K.VIlKIt, SheillT. SUerlira li n o, Mi l lienor ., I'a., i. IOI. SHERIFFS SALE. v virtue) ot n writ nf fii. i-.j Isaued out ..I the tluurt of tloinuton Pleas ul Sny lr i'U nl ami to tua illrecte l win i e aiei.e-t to Puhllc fale. at tha Cullil Ituuao in ihe lioru. uf tliMleourg, un Hiitunluy Supt. litis. l.S'). at 10oVloo a. m.. tha follow! ig d. tcrlhej heal tstat. to wit : 1 It Atl I' Mi). I imun.lel Nurlh by land uf Ailaiu Kenloger, Kast ny lanil ut Mia-in rir.llv, S ulh by Unit oil! It ila n lar vol ulhers VYe-tby laud uf Manab Wlttenuijar, euu talntns Ftirty Acres, mora or less, whereupon l a.actet a mnl dwelling h iuaa, koimI Hank H.ra, an I other out buililloas. l it al I' u. situate In Ml,-lli'k two. Sn.iler i-ouotv Pa , h.tuuila I North by Innil of ,1 Jacob Holig l ast hy I mil ol Ant,a Ulrlcn Sou'Stiy lu, ul tie, stelnlnaar an I utksrs, V. oat by lau i ol Was. Ilra, ouutaolUK i'ifty-eiyLt Acrws, mora or less. Seita t ami lakea Into eiaeollna and lo ha tulj aa the or . party uf Saaoal ItnU It. HDI.KNDKKSnarllf. SherlrTt OUlo MMdleburK I'a. Aug. Ji, Itso. SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of n writ of Vn. Kx.. i r ited out of the Court nf Oommon I l-al nf Snyilar tiounty ami tu tna .llrant d will ba ei poaeil to Putilie Sale, at tha Cou.-I It.iuaa in the lluro. ol .Midillaoura: on Suturtlay Sopt. lltl), at 10 o'clock a. m., the followlaif deiarlhed heal btateto wtt : oarlal i tract of laod situ ta tn franklin two. Sny tar county bi t . I l North hy Ian.1 of H -nrv Si..r..r. Kat by land of Ali-a. William Uowarsui. S ath by lan I ol Adaia Walter aad ulkers, Wast by Poo lio KoaJ euutalulus , 140 Aoros. mora or lax, whereon are era te l a (nod dwalliaf bouse tltok Mara and oUr out builillnai. Sa sa l, taseo In etecutlon and I 0 ba eold a. lha uruperv of Joha t'rarner. Ii. IIDLrNIIRR Sherlrf. 8hsria I OOti) Xlddiebur;. P. A. M, 1MU- Grai B9oH Hil. Comer 50 St. Broadway, NEW YORK. On both American & v'uropeau plans. Fronilns on Oentr.t Park, lha Iran "Inula, var-t, Hnwilwarasl Pidy-Nlutli HI,, thla Hotel occupies the eutlra aquara, and waa hnlll an.l fiiniletied al an aipenae of uvar t.ai,0(sl. It la one of the moat eletal as wall aa friiita- lha Su es! looeted lu lha oily has a paaaena.r K leva tor an.l allnioelaen liupruvnmanta, aud Is within oue square of lha deavaa of Iba SixHi aud Kbjhth Avenue fclaean.S U. R aava au4 still nearer to tlw Uroadway ear aeevenlenl a d aoraealbla frooi all parte of Uie ally. Room with boar, tj pard.y. pBclal ralea fa baatUae an iiiiui aul sueala. E. HASKELL. Aa(. t,n if. . irsoPBisToa. , Dtwks, Jfoveil- He. S lor k . . . i aWMa i iaw tiat. ' alaall.rM.i'a.', . ltaVas, eewaria ttt . vt ta all aarta x . a ..a. an Cwaa. I It. U. I.Ul" tMh. teaporl r.alaataw, iewaris fbl, aU.h ORPHANS' COURT SALE Of RealJSstate. BY vlrin sf so alia order teener nut f the Orphans" Conrt of Snyder Co.. I'a , lb nn leraigned Administrator nf lb taials of George tfchnae, lata nf Perry township drs seed, will txpon lo Pub. Male In Fremont, on fSaturday, 8opl. l8lh. 1880. Th following property, to wil . A cer tain tract of land aituatt In Perry town, ship, rottnly and slat already meuliuned. conisiuing 82 Acres, mors nr Irsa, boon led east by lands nf Oeorge fteichenbach and others, south by landa of Kunch Suiiili, Wesl by lands of John Ilatgrr niid otbrts and north by bind uf Philip clit, lis iuiprove. insula are a Friimo D Celling IIouho JfiX'.'H feel, new HANK I1AIIN and other iifOesanry out building-, never-falling veil of w.Ver nene the door COOIIOU. I'll Attn and an I 7 AC UK -J CLK H! 1 ile in e i ii'iieune at l ( o'clook A M of ssi I di whtii irr.ua will bs male known by M I.I.I M it A it HIND, PIIILIl'rlCIINKK. Aug. Ill, Mo. Aduiiuistralnra mm COURT SALE ! fPH!1' undoraineii. A .1 tiiiunt r'lturK I oftheeatala nf l.aala K er.le'ler. late ot Ch'pinm t'wn.tiln, .sovle- e.oiotv. Pa. hv virtue ni an iiMernt -ale l.niel loitultla tiri han.' court of said county, wlil eipose'to I'ui.llc Sile. on Wolnosiltiy, September 15th, 1S8', on the promt..-. In tha town. hip alora.alil, the billowing .i.-riii.. Hoil t; ttte, to wit: ail that certain Tract of tan I aruaie In the town- hlpof t!h ipoian i' ni.itv an l Htata atnre. i M, h uo'l-il North t y Ian 01 IUH I Ker.t-tier. I ! ht lan.l. of J II llt'l ami l.ihn Prln... South ! laa.la of Anau.to. Arnol.t. Jonathan ami .lae h M ei.er ami Ai.raliain Wltnier, aa I West by lamia ul li-ury lnei.l, cont.ilnlog 1 - Aero, ami ninety -eight erJie lha n.oal nooihsr ol aerea helrig re ire.l. un lar goo.i t.nce ami la a "i I .ma f cult, , all ,iwa I n-r. oalleul trull-an.l tN. ie.in ar.-cted I' A'ii ii.) hwclliiii; lliiusea, ami neneary null nil ling.. io another t raet altoate a. itora. ill, I. mn l I ' N .r t li l.v liinls.. Mm. m 11 il-. I at l,y lanla ol lla dl Kar.leter. Ili.l h( UuK of Henry lu. hl, a.i l uiu uj tract .. l atova ilescrl'iel euntaln. lug 21 Aerew, neat incnsuro, Sale tn Commence at loo'ch clc t. M. nlxl l day when term, ol a , la wilt l.aun.la known h r K r lit Itli'K K 1 ItsfKriKlt. t'Aril AIU.NK KKUM KI I'l It, JolyW Is-o. A Imliil.tfaior.. S66s WKKK In vour own town. mint tree. No rl.k. H.er. It mi waul a tiii.lne.a at wlilch tier. na i.l either mit . an mk.. gr. at pay ail the time thoy work, write for par. iij ui.ra iu ii. llAl.ur.i l k I'll.. P.irilam . At .1 In a. lune '.'4 '.il.lv. OPIUM B I PIT r"r' 1 hv tiiiv tlllDll 1'ltl'KCure In le.a time an.l al I'-, eu.l Ihao hv laaakaaar log r I w any oit,er ttteans. No .utter loi-'Miv enienee. Treatnieni ahu.i.e.t to an y part ol ll,c I '. s. or I 'anailaa. Koll Punic- ulsr. tree. A-l tre... II. S, I-'K1 aih , t K.taiilnha.l ian.1.) Ilerrb n irlng., July ::,i). Iy. Mich. YOU I LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. -- Kvery man nr woman will buy (loads where they can do the best, ll ia tiaiiirnl ll is human ninire. The best giols for the least money RULE THE DAY, Tlmt is ju-i our Mono and if you wont to securo llargattts in II KliW n K. tiittici iti;-!. imt iirt. mil. sti.r. pi. fsii:i. LKl l IIKIl. SHUK HNIUSV.'S. TiiIIM'CU ASI' I'll) A If, lltuS, lltlltSK AND MLI.WSIIUKS. N ML ItnliS. STEKL. Ittli'K I'tl'VUKIt. S K I V FfSK 8, T Sflft Pl'ltB IIVE WIIMKKV MM)R KXI'ltKSI.V KDIl MLUU'VI. t'Si:. AT UNLV 81 ' ' l'KH I.LllN or f l.i o I'Dll gcutr. Til k nr.sr IIISKKY Vol! LV LU HKNK. c. i hy ir. I rcsieclfu lly ak of the cltiiens of Sny. Snyder tfouniy n.lnre nf llieir patr.u.afe II ivto iiircli ta d try Hood. f..r C VII I tm H l1.. In !! at very Lo H' PKK'KS. ' Country I'roiliti'f tnkfii in l'tchniuir fm l.oilis. Yours llerpetllully, S M. SHULER, Peli.S.'sit. Liverpool, ferry i n , Pa. Valuable Farm at PRIVATESALE ! PIIK nim df (i.4.inr M .i,it as, th. I oa-tpftit. iiftrtr vAliiB.hU Furm, nt riviti m, iltutt. mi inila s iutU4t ul .MlJJls bur, euuulnlfu fttMui 100 Acres, a hereon ara areola I a l,l(lt; TWOSTOHY Mouu Dwt-llin Ho use, Now Itiiuk Jtitrn and other nnt'.nll.linni. Tiila farm Ii In a l.lh late of cultivation, under a. out tence. and omprl.es ibe Im at and most Irrtila sill if tua Mlilillecreaa Valley. t-or further parlleulara cell on nr a ! Ireis JOHN A. MiiACX. Apr. a,'0.tia. MlildlebjrK, Pa. A DMlNISTIUTOns'NOTICH. XV Letters nf aillulnlatratlnann the. .latent Anna Mia.ni. late uf MuMlecreaa two.. n,la' county, Pa, dee'ii have bean Kra,.ia,l to' the umlereianed. All inr.ona tnuwlua- tiiem.elves loitehteil lo ealil e.tate will plena make lin. m-illate payment while thoaa havina claims aaalnat aalil osiata will i.reianl thein lur teltla went ta PKRtlY nPIM, . , joh.n s. Miasm. July It, ti-SO. Ailuilolrlralors. J. 0. KEMPFEK, Traill aid Hgulb Agent, for I'4iii.y iiiiii.r.st. it :.(.- lot s a.m i n:i iuc ItOOKni. I.iitnislinrir, SiiyJur county, Tund'a. JulyM.'so.sa. CAUTION. "JOTICE is hereby given that the fit I IM lowing articles have been porvhaeed hy th undersigned, el Cuiinnble Sale.ati.l left iii'ths poetcsrloo of Henry Hrnulnysr, dtirins ber pleasure. All persons are can tioiieii nut to meddle or luicrfere with the ams I Cow, Lalf. 8 Pica. Dune Pork. tlruhblng Hoe, U A.s. Bpaid, llake, Urind ttioB, Table, Cheat, llatrel. Clock. Uuo, Uulter Chum. 8oyibs, Maul and A'edge, Coal Btove aud pips, S3 Turkeys W Chickens. ElIIASSTS Ul'MMSb Aug. 19, 188o pd. , ASSfCNEENOriCL A Tsl Prvini inUn otl ara linna. at f sssy- last OeeraU Muakall .u.... awa l'wev. ' Oa., eaaua aa aeaUawat l all aai a .laa-ebjO' a 1 eawauna a- www twirai -."ft ol b. "SMerscea. 'smS. aa f aSlaaaavrflale vi ttaaa lu IU Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Trains leave t.elstflwn Jaaetloa a follows MAIM Llni-WWTWAHI Ptlt.linrgn Ktprees li a. m. I'aclfle kipraaa a Is a. m. Way I'a ten gar lotta.ea. stall SMp. Faat Lin t! p. aa. EASTWARD. TaetSe Eipreil 4T a. e. Mail ttp. aa, Phl aitelphla Kvpfese ll I" V- . JohnloD Cipreta llia.si. The Past In. War Passenger snS lha Paell le r spreas weal, and tha PaclSe sad Altaall Cvpre.a ea.t run aly. Wav tramt laavs Stallone la Mlltlts cosulf af loll" we : WrSTWARO. War Pa..'..r Mill, a. in. p. m. Amlareon'i lit" 4 n M'Veyiown 11 II 4 l 1snsvnhk II is 4 ?f VP eta.it H 1 4 l Hamilton It 11 4 vi Ml. Colon II 4 ilnno lngiloa li is ft ni Tyrone I U tl lioona lb 1 T Pinsiiurg I'm l:a The racist pa.. res. west c M etownat SSI a. in. sasTwan. E lorn aa. Mill. p. m. s ft ll 4 k-l IM 4 It If IT I 7 4 Irtt.J 10 II 10 J 111 t i 10 't pi os S M a ll LEW13T0WN DIVISION. ei -tiinv a ti-tnw nan. "n. I net r. arwil. tt. ITAIION Mall. Aeon. Viail Mall ,.i.ln.l.7 1 iu. I ti.ui lo 'la.m. IllfJ viai, o t :w III Ii to 4 ilaiil.nd V T tl Hi a'lltre : M HI t 4 M tiiin iei r s j-;t it 4 1 tiai.t, K. a ol V ll 4 U tei-lor- a IT t VI ' "S I'a Mil's P. s ' i n. 41 I 'S lamai.nrg III 1 1 -1 ' r lli-avert.i'n s 11 S 10 IS 1 H of r P. .V 4 111 t M 1 Mi.l.lti l 'rg ' S '4 1" I Mm... P. ') 11 4 VS 1 10 I" Kraoor I CI T 14 ' Pawling P. 0 IT 4 4 1 T ol s N..inorove 0 ,ia ft I S 41 t IT S ll. .Ino. ill ft '0 iiiibury lo ou 5o i R. IH'riMIIN"IN,S ipt. Philadelpnta and Readins Rail Road. Arranrjcmcnl of Passenger Trains MAY mill, Imho. 7'rl;i.s Irm'C llcrwbtn l fiics ( Smi liiid V''i';i'i'. ) For Miamokiti, lu, In ll.l'i n ro sad 'I."! p m- For Ml Camiel, A.bUn l. Tsmaivii I'ottavil'.e, Heading, and t'hila Irlpbia, II I a in . Ti'iin fur Vnt'im. bin n noU', (.S'limfiita Kiiv; ilij.) heave Sh iinukiu. C.H", I ' m I. VI an I : l' in. Leave Philadelphia (Mo nt. Iteadinf 1 1 . ft.'i a m . Pdli.ville, p m. Tamaqna J. BO J tn Aahtan I i II p m Ml. Canuel .1:0 p in. 7Vii.i-s Un r ll.ii ri-li For New York, 6. Ui ir; ris '..W .' H 1 1.'. ui snJ 1 .4"i p. tn. Kor Philnlclphia M-'i. 'i.oOs. ni. I.4 ntd I.l"' p iu. S a ml I For New York n 2" a' nr Ktr l'biludvlihi t l.4.'f. In. H.C& and Toii is fur llnrrinliurri mi' its Mb-wn ! Leave Now York, H.4 a a tn 1 .00 and & 8d m. Leave l'liadi-llia, P.45 stn.ltlO aud b. iu 7 Ijp. ni. Sl,,i,t,l y$ Leave New York i.itu p m. Leavo 1'Lila Iflpbia T.L'i p ro: J.E. WOOTTKN, Ctu'l .Mut.agor o. H AN'coriv, tn ii'l 1'i-i'r.t licktt At. Pan a .- vit n "NORTHERN CENTir'PiilLWAY.' flu a it after Nov. loth. Is.'s, tralua nu thla r.-ad III run aa f.ill.iw. : LhAVK MIKrilW VHP. Leave : Nuelln ru up. S i p ni 11 M p III . i" p m V lo p in i li s 10 Mairara Pa.t I. ii..-. s b'i a in 1 ; if. a -u I" IT a ia 1 1 isi a in 3 3i p iu Pip. 4.V6 a ru 7. Jo a in T I" a'.'ili 10.40 a iu N-w York I'hilii. Wa.lilnntioi lltlll...re II irti.liiira ile-r.-i-iowii s..in.aruvu Sonloiry NollioiolieilaD, Arrive at : iiiiMn.p.irl Moilre H ni ,1 j l.r.. 6 fw a m e.Ci a in e tt' a m H I I A Ul A.o;i p iu .iu p in 12 14 u in h.W p m li.iwpui s aipin s H am 1J .0 p IU S 10 0 iu T 54 p m A. 14 p to I'i.'iS p ,u S. lo a lu s taj a ni s ; p 10 J 1 1 1 m i.y.w t. Mn riiwAini. l.-sve Pai-'tic li-vy Mail So them L1. I.l i'. lip. Nianara Kalis I uo a to I.Oia li'iilalo 4 -14 a iu i.luam WatkibS N.ooani Hie am t.wpw t'rtn l .Sua iu I. k Haven s. 40 a 111 oibpu, Win. tt. ??'iiu 1'i 1 1 p iu 1 1 p 01 r.'joam N'irtii'l v.a'.aui V 11.1 p 11. 1 1 is . in Kuoi.ory v.tuam 3.is p tu 1: 4 ia ni J.uu a ra S.'lli.anr.ive II ...1 a In It nip it. f'.u' a lu It-rii, I. ni o a iu u W p iu I i ft a in tli-orrf,-to'n lu..u a iu p ui 1..4aiu Arrive at : 1taertali.il aj II r. a ul 1. 10pm 5 IS a ri St am Piiila, i 40 p ru 7.-je ! m T.i,aui 7 Hani .-w York (. ii p ui l' o ii ui itn.ia pna m H.lilntore S p in r..1ip.n T.tiam 7 4'i a ia Waahmtun tf or in tt.o! p iu u.oj a ill '.u2 a ui Thoaa ruarke "T' atop ..litv when fla.veil. A. J. I Ass ri Hon. Manacar. PEl&YIMAlfFr Philadelphia & Erio R- R. Dlvisiov .vr.LT.li; A TIME TABL. tin an! atlerKI viV. M AV mih, fl, ihe tram. . n to Phlla ii-l' iiia h trie tt.u itoad lilviaioo will run a. foil ia 1 WKaTWAKU. IK1K MAIL leave. P'Hla l.lphta II 4 r, at " It trriah.tra 4 H4 a. la ' Wil laiii.iort a .1 a. in. ' J.-r.ey sh ua Vota.iu, ' I."- llam vt 'a. in. " " li-nua ll isia. aa, are. at l.rte I 4 p. in, MAD -IK A EXP. leave. Phlla lel'a e ou a. m. " Marri.tiurii 1 jo a. ai, " arr. at Wiiliani.p.t si)p. aa. " l.i Haven 4 Je p. ea. FAST LIN ti I. avea PhiUlelphla II to a. aa. ' ll.rrl.bur as a. aa. arr. at Wiliiiiio.u .rl T si a. m. lamkllaioa SMaa. EAST W Aim. PAUIF1C tXV. leaves l o. k llav " " J..... V ..h-tea S 4 a. ea T S a. aa M Wlllia uapft Ik a.. arr, av ii .rriatiura " " Pnila.l.l, :,la II 4 o. at 4.p. DAT EXP. IctvH f.ock Haven " " U'lllianisiurt ' arr, al rlarriBlura " PbilaUeUhlt, LK1E klAll, leavea Hanuva " " levk II avea " "A'llllaniapuft arr. al Itarrl.l.arw " ' i'blia.l.lpbia II laa, ra. ltSn.la. ' eo p. e. S .. ' " p. aa. . Step. uv. U ... taSs.aa. lata, UUaaa. FAST LINK leavea Williamsiwrl " arr. al Ham. bur . " 1'blla. Ipafa a. aaa Krla Mall Weal an liar Exr-reea Kaat aaaka. eliw coiinax-lt..aa at Northa.ulMrlauil with I.. 4 ' II II. K t.a.et for WlUeatiarre ami tVeauaa. tn. Mail Waal, Nianara lapraaa Wwal aa , t'aatUne Weal wiake ,a ruuBerlroa as a i i. lamaiwirt allh N. I', H. W. Iralne aortb. Nlaa-ara ttprea. Was an Hay fcspveaS Hha ni.kerloa) eoaacliuu al Luck Uavau wllb !,. Krla Mall fcaat end Wrateonmu al ff4e with tralaa aa U H a M. 0; M, M. I al (lorry .th . ', fc A V. K. H. 1 al kejporle wi.h t. M. V. 4V P. K. at, eeael Il.tnaiKHl ana A V. K a. partoe a.ra will rua UOwaea Btilal- 4la aad W illiaau.rairt wa Mlaeiara k'i4ara a liar Kiprwa t. S-aaplaw aara eat a, . t lraii. , v w. .... M A.AI Nov, r, I. a. terj on hat ,'i J JslyVM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers