Iiirm, Homo A:',. Tor the Household. ttLT PlCKt.R. Ingredients One gtllon of green tamatoea, TwcIm onion, RiX RroO ppppCTB, Tlirre qte, of chopped Cab bage, 7alf pint grated lorn rudish, Half pint of wbiU mtutArd seed, Pepper, C'otrea, . Chop the toimtwe fine, sprinkle with Btlt anl let then alan I twmy ftr hours ; drain off tha 1 qtor nnd throw it away, thvi al I tlm on! n, peppom and cnl bo ch'tppe I flue, hnrso-radish ni l m itau1-8iol, hlaek pepper, clofi'i t tile, cover Midi colli vinrK'iir, and cover tilillv. Tbi makes a lre tpntiitity ; hH the rulo can bo u o I. COR OYSTERS Ingredient r.ilitern ears of coro. t) 10 cup "t milk, Teasp.iutir.il of milt, TfAp.inful of p' pper, 0..e rm, Cut tlii. riw corn iron th. c ruix with it tlio milk, ealt, popper e4 wo!l bs ito ), in I tl Mr onoiili to make a mi'.Y tuittor ; ilop from h Jiiro up ton ioto bailing Urd, and Iry a otoe brown. I'KAIl miim ii.aiu:. IngrelitntVtmra, Kihoiico of clove. Titks tlio akin from tlie pears nn I boil them till Tcry tender ; woinl them ; tuko hair their weight in au par, put it in n attiieepari wit i a lit tle water, and b il it. fckiiiHuiur it well, boil till a thick aytup id mud then al,l ibo pulp of tho pears, au I u fotr drops of t'"cnoo of cluve i lien cold it i ready for uho, ami ia ftty nice fr lillitu tartleta. 1 F.tCil-CllMII.OTTF.. Ingrettivnf rm" ripe ptfichrit, Fn-li (runite rake, Una pint ot cream. Ijinc tho bottom and eules ot your dieb wiib slices of fre-h sponge cult or tlclii-nto eku ; pare ripo pCBch'i, Cut them in hiilvcH. ppriukle with f far, and fill jour lih with thou t hlRe tho cren'ii (awnetene.l) ; a the froth rie take it off, p i" it tho puiitlie-, and enJ to tho table before it In! Is l'l('KI.I:i) PAMt)N n.t M-t. Ingredients One peek 'f plum, oven poundt ol eiiijnr. One and it .hull' pts. ol vlno- Nine pi nonfuU w hole clove. Nile i-jiiuiiiIiiIb of ullNpice. Mke n hvrnp of ti e vineear anl Biit;:ir, add the Hpice, then put in tin plum, which linld bo pi'ii kii I wit1' a f1mw or cnctll liuod I'otk, hod neei a hot (ire cmo l'ur and a-rull, uul slit" cnnnliiLtly ; put iu cIobi ) j.covci cd jure. lMIFKltVKn riAl'IIFF. Ingredient. x pnonds of peaehe, Three p'liiniU ol i-iifi'ir Take the bi"t free stone penchr pare, etnne nn I i"nrtir ih'io ; a'r. w the otifir, which should Im the hrl coffee crinhcl, nvor the i "li", a'"l ret them away in u cvcr-'-l linh fm ievernl hour, th-n p-ii them in a Veservinj kettle, and bil very hIiuv ly for an hour or even ni're, kim- tut i ii it thom well. O'jtlg'n huhj liookjnr August. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curs. A ("tithii nrrnnrndun an ihf nl Mr remi H; in iff tv ri'l f r l:rlhl' I lnM'(c, tin4 ALL UWlMva Mrr( mmm I rtnnry IIim-... . i.ftitiiioiiiniNur tbf hlghrtlorJer in prtxf Of IhfHf tt ii-mont. . . ... IfrMl fh" tirv of Vlllr Mil f'ir WF Dfr Hntm IHutiftM rr. . . Kur tl i nrr of ltrlilit nn1 thrtht f1t-., r ill rr Wmrmrr m Hmi9 UHf Ma4 l.lvrr ( nrr. WARNER'S 8AFE SITTERS. 1i HttH'tx! lllrMtfl liirlflpr. nndPtimiilBtp Pvpry funrtu n to in'-r li- iiiiitul sctiuu, mtvj im Ihit A tfom-rlt In nil (IImimh. It rtire H rnilftu "fiTlilti Ppw tlnn unrt I)iima, niclutlilif urrst II err. mtl othiT pr. ai'll. WrittnMinftf omriffc, 'iilon. in t iriml iwhil If r.t ntf t'.irifl tiy tlif Mnr Miller. II i UMiinlo1 hi nti npiM'tir'Tnnit t ntr t'-nlf. Hotllftor two . t ; prtrp. 5r. him! ftl.INK WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quir kly tvtllOAl nntl ftlPrpt'tlhfPiitTprlnc ntri lintliif lit ii ml hilirivln rrvtit ft'pllrip t II. '! rrlifvt rVri ro trttitin hptiin tl vn liy rtti iv.- ilnuk, uvr-A-tirk, tnntal oii'-rki. ni it(ipf rnu-a. FnWPrlul i'i tl It M.n t nntl nwt'hnl inriM-! N-rv., it n v r IffurvH eh )fttui hthft iiK"ti In mall r 11' !'. Buttle ,f mi; itictk. fVrr. h1 (I.Ov WARNER S SAFE PILLS Ann ininifini fttift univn nitnutu f-f ft 1rvl4 tlvf. nn I curt' Cott'w'" DvrpiU. BU lontnM rin vr ff.T. Mslavrlft, 7tTT In iiv u hi'iifvt r Hmj Ixiwt-iN tlt irni tivlv ft 1 n eiiurly. It nltwr I ilk rriNlr Mae II tt rW r-Mik 'rfe. rHi 95 rta. v amrr' Mfr KMrilte ar anM k UrtiiiM ! HMla H. H.W3rncr&Co., Rocumta, n. T. Th8 Cheapest and Bost Grail Separator In I ho MurUet. Tbla Macbtua rea lm entir aailafaatloa bnih la TflRESUINQ i CLE.VN'INO, Munuftctiirel hr 0. A. HARVEY. Leek IUtii. Cliolon Co.. Pa. f or further lo formation call on tht im lrign4 DAVID WETZEL, July 15,2m.- Agt. fur Pnj ior Co. 1 B.rieM THRESHER ! l'lVU ZULU, 853. 71. 1873. H 111 5- "7 1I7TTT1 I rp I "a Tnr drill loU Willi A. . I OtHci'POblfllKI Hiir aatltnllr, and la.'aad ot ofdlriU mil Into ana-lnra row., .eauar ii , nn Unchr.. 1h .lnt. thaa vtaadlna wider 1 aeart. tiara nflra room ta ftaoi, dtrlva ainra nnnrl.nmanl ironi inaoM, mjom mo Tinr. on., and rrnnnca Men amnfmn hrdt. -II1otratM (Jlreuiar, ua imiiwi- alalt.rrna. Addra.a J. A. junra. wiiauai- toa, ll. ... the ltirtnd"tit' the motto of the 'Nmm.ii 4ii'M'K." the mli.. rli r wo.n.i rinino i. union t the put no to "'' " " 10H0 IUV ..i i...nr all I o . tntlrrlyi.rt; ill r I'HoK' i'K.liOln tl '' that It l.ti.e true. f-tr n ot d ilnn l.nlne. ne.-nniin.iio kwnoa hand a rei lull an i ell .eleotd atuck of ; l)UV GOODS, 0HOCKHIK3, crocki-.rv, noora 8 HUES, HARDWARE, CARTETS, OILCLOTHS, WALL lAl'Ell. vlIOK tUNUlNOS, I.KATII EU, f. l-tll ILH, I AINT.. '-. ' r .i. h hs nitiirp to the nul.llo at eri rll re. I red c tan riucr.M. has now filled up his Store again and ha3 Lareest Stock of IRlr GOODS, No TIONS 4& FANCY" OOOIJS, to select from that can bo found anywhere in thi3 or an adjoining county Our stock of DRE33 GOODS is complete. LAWS, CASHMERES, SILKS, SATINS SILK FUINGKNS, PRINTS, A largo variety of BUTTONS. HOSIERY and GLOVES in abundance. A full Una of CAHPET3 and OIL CLOTH. rieno cull and exniniiio our h took, 'as this column is too amall to enu tnui'Hte nil we Lnvu. With tnanle.tn my old nntnmrii fur tdlr n.nr.1 ntroniire for man? vr n( the imrt, I would eiillelt their eu.tnm for the fiilure. Ii 'i.a. thej will be benefitted by the ebanire, ellai .... I our DUInon .ervBTil, W. r. r.i'KlltllT. . Hellngrove,ert.i."i."7. SEL1HSGB0VE MARBLE WORKS. The un.Wmltf-ned havlna oirrtie.rd the Se nmr..re Mnrhlo W..rli., he In now fully uie pared to inaiiulaetare. Monuments A n 1 Hcafls'oiies. Oil. iutnmer at prlcee inerh lower lbn herelo lore, end lower than ba. ever been dooo In the county. llvlnlat reoelved a lre lot of Iir.iKn. of all the lntet ntyle. of .Motinntrnt hend- lone.. I atn at.ie 10 Kive villimnriirn in vyiPF end i.rloe., to all tlint wl'li tu da.'..rele the Krave ot a doioirmd friend with a urnl, li.n 3lolllliitr, I'oiiii -r nrniiiiiiir. I have aim mndo arrMlrufitirnt, .o a. to l.e aide to lornl.h on h rt ". r.'.ir'.le. .ln.l .tone, or ane eer kind ol doer end W indow ki".v nt iirire. to .Mlt the iniri'lt4er. I'er.on.ln n'i 01 any 01 ine anova anieie win .ave money if eninim in ine iin-iroi .Vnrl.le Work, helore nund'aslna elsewhere. I .lm kern KnU' I'Htenl i In I v.irm.l r ' tiierdr for eale. five dlllereot (tj le. t'oui. and .ee. ItiSTMr. J. H, Long, of Ailniii'lniri agent for the undersign" I l.er nil in er, will reeoiye rroinnl nm niioii. Mev4.70 tf. V I H WrNUt It ia utnlcThtooil tlint our pricca are nlwaya lower tbnn tbo lowest. a a a a , .Host oi our trno'ia iiivo nccn itonM nini oriicrcii iieime 1110 advancd iu piictt, tttiJ thcrcfote our ciibloiuurs "ill gtsl the Lieu lit of tLo tutuio Itoppcct fully, n. A'l:ls, Oppcaito Kcrotone Hotel, Oct. If!, '73. Sciiniigrovc, I "a. 'ZtTrtjAt eft Co' I A(tvertirmitr. CHOICE: ItEADIHO at I.W Figures. ' AOENTS WANTED to .ell the LtrKOr Gen Jas. A. Garfield. Rv Mi eomrade In arm. and pr.one1 Iriend. He. J. H. llHIttHIN.an author 1 wide rele- hrliy. J'hl wef a I. eomrlete, antneiiiie, low. if.e..1. Knllf llln.tretel. I.ttiy the ne.l n nil cn ' eiPl oooe . nnn. miier .'iiii-ui. jot. at nne lor oaiflt. eive ihe ht term. ii mi rk v. n een emu mnnev. n n BARIi BIUIM., Fb.,7i tMe.ieetSt. fblla. Mall . a. a VoM I with ioiir aditra-e. It will iny you A JoaTi k ta, .'I romnwB. eu, i-une., ri , BOOK AGENTS I a NTiitmn WA iiVrJCill AO the new and be.ntllully II nlratril work. GRANT .'.-TROPICS An miihfrtUf motA nfMn t -or Ihrmuh Hnuth rn Stntei. I o'-ii nnd Mexlro, with nmpi( M-tor? or mil onnirtf in i 1 rlei n t en tfil nntl f mh Atnerli t "Inn fntl irrountnl tl. lfitf t rtr.n1 Vlliitriit.l with mr ami llitKr-'tn. "no" IHi ftiiltil ?kth of KnKiiitAin tR lnir. For lrnl trn nn. l-rm-.-wM H. W. Kfe.LL.tii it C'H FItU 1lplll, l ft. riin.il iritft Wiinlnl tn fti'H UippHthV HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES An Anl In Mriliir"'t. Vnn , oM 10 fnn. ! . "fl toniwMl t nnnihar A nt w ftntnnt 'l I Hi" :iini lnta, wii m I I '.Ml (iiftK. ntid he ffniiiirtl ; n th" "ii"lnf) I nnntliftf Ai"nt who Li noM, onto ttnt VOl ipl ftll In lh City rtl llrl'1iiiior. If 1 lti b t ruiToinmp Hl-uny hi th- t'ntil .tfttrn r " l h d - Plant) til Terrltnrv lltnpftu. A'Mrf lor Vcrr tl f. r.rcul -r fnl 1rrr, lii 1 1. Id lfJ II TN f SnnfrrlpMAQ Hook )Artmiit, Hft lirtiftilwaf rstw ion. K rue H'ru tnnn THE NEW FOOD Greal w a.T as Reduction in N I T 5J E ! n"t eonfoiind tl.l. M.itrh'e. Kenoentnr d Ko'ble and r nuiiinl.il I'on.tliatl.'O. with 'loieni eti.aitlc, e..enp ileo ction. ol vile Iruii. and rnhioiH Intoxicant. Innorentt I.. lell l.ltl.-r.. i MALI III T I'tvio i.i.nal t Miioilar ri'i.fl iene broeure iirrni-ed Iroio I'si. rKiiMKATKii .Ma it. III. re, eud Uriaiaa. am! Iher rriloii. Ihyr. dlenl.. armrdlou tothr ToeeM er l.lide, and ara rlrlier In the ele. oierii. that restore to ermiinent health the .", . ..ii.Hi.riit, . eitpeoipiive. tiver. workrd. Ne.iou.. Mueide... Ivl4.tle. llltiont .u.d Kl le In Appetite, thin allotiierloroi.nl wan or .neui. ine. I he uaiii'me ara iininl .lined hr flie rnnmanr. S.dd evervwl.... V ALT UITICR.S i:t , Ho. ton, Ma... AU tNTS take your choice and .all the Lite ol GARFIELD or HANCOCK And pi In ou neT. t'lreulere nd term, fr r ui hi :o ennu. f.. M. TKtAT, lull, ;6; thai we; , pi w I i.rk. For Hrninn l tnim l'o cr. The UeHt. IU lit iVll- thli', hiilipl' I'lin a'li-r uu 1 S -im at ji1 evef tuitiui n; llll'od. Read This. H will pay goJ bouuekeei'er. t cut tins out uti I paste it Ui iu the THE Farmers' Friend ! Tim lieBl.tuobt C )iii)li to Drill cvi i oll'm cd th Aun t itMii Fiiimiurf l'uli lie, ui'il ovcry kooiI f;tnii'r b.ivh k Tim lust ver tlio aulea f thi- A ootcd curt fur oeuralglu ia hot . wlo.fjir "apiriiod Uaat a flaHroo . afflolBtI bo t vaporlta the Tin. gar, eoter thi with anaa Woolen ,'. iciar!alr wbirh la , moi.looet with ' Visgar, i V A apparatui ia at one jliadf paiolol ap' 7 kitcht'D. Clmrc'ial, l ii I fiat while 1 di ill iiuinitn'ed t it xuni ciiul to tin Cold on a hiiro, ouusea tho puin t.. of "U tho othur diills fuUibiuod. abito iminadUtely j by leaini it on fur an hour thu turn gi'eti.a nlinui h"t e I when iln w iuii 1 id ii)"iTi''i tl . Teintuil meat, f iirimiL' led willi ii, i Bwecteued. S'rew ovi r tienps of do COmpoHod pel', or over dead uni- nui', cliatdul prevent' any iiiple nut odor. Foul wtter in p irti. d by it. It ia a great ili-infeclitnt. utid BweeU'tm olfeuivu uir if pluced io liul low triiya urounl ap.rtmi utd. It in Bu very piii'i.m tin! it a'i'ioi'bd uo 1 eoodanaea ptm rapidly. Out eu'iie loch of fresh cuiiC 'ul will uiduit nearly ono libnilreil melitx of aeoii amtuuoia. Charcoal Inrmn un excell ent poulllcs for tualU'iiiint wuilil U nod rores. Io ca-ea of what la culled proud fli'eh it ia iiivuhiuhlo. It give ' no tJiantcrecahlu odor, corrodua no . metal, hurt do texture, injure, im Color, i a inip! aod aafii aweotner antldislufectaot A teaapoonful o' oVarCal, Io half a Klaa of water( of. ten rolieees a a'ck headache. It oh jrb tba gasea and relieves the di teoded atotsaoli pro8eiog airaiuxt the serves which exteod from the ft'iui . acb to the bead. It oftoo rolievca ewoatipation, puiu or braiiburo. 'guaaj.iii.evi.WJ . aui ajii lau HUNT'S REMEDY Bulling all my good atthoYF.KV LOW f.:st I'luci:, ii nlijfL-J ,ucl c"L'",t'r u",, w,'",r j,- rv'fflitlii) aaine grade o tootiH can uu pin if- II Tin: ;ici:at Kidney and Liver tTltr.tt nil Dlf.- of Ilii Kill in-) JJtr, Itttnlili-r, himI rlii.ti- Hrt;.iiNt i lniHy. OrAvi'l, IllalM'tcii, llriulit'ti ' lUfM. I'llllltt hi I hi- l..uk J.dlim.or Sltlf i It' I nl Ion u Nonrt'li'Ttiloii nf I rliit. lSirouti lltHHait( I t iii.tlfl Vi.kni'MiM, t-rtni, aitttin cllrr, llllloiiaiicaii, llfiialaili, rour PI uiimili, l tpl, CuiikI 1 1 iu I tun cV I 'ilrft. HUNT'S REMEDY enu: wiu:n ai.i. otiikk MKiutiNKS KAIL, n. It .i t illi-i i-lly mid lit nni'i i.o the Klilnoye, l.lver, luid IIoh.-U. r. .li.ntiK Ihim to u iK-.iliby ajll.m. MI NI H l(l-:Ml;lV I. a .if, airi and .ni i-dy t-urr, nod tiun.ln-di. have tt'i-l ritri-d by It wh.oi ihviil''liin. and frli-nde luid i;iv.-n th.-oi up lo d!. Iu uot Ui-luy, try at iiku lies r a KKMicnv. fi. .ti.1 for paniphl.'t In H'M. K. I.Alt KK. rroelilenre, Tt. I. I'rlii... 75 rent uiul tl.'t.t. I.'ni(i. l;e tl... . lirii.t, Ak your druKKl't for llt.M'll llfcMfcm". Toko no utbir. 6. il. IH, 'Til. ly. "best in the world t 1 would take ills pp ii tnnity of nn noiiiicin lo thu pnlilic, thiil I Mill .'oiitinuo in the I'llllUtlllli I'lilsitiet H nd that toy t..c! x full mid coo ;i!eU', niil Unit i ! tn rt'ti it Suit m I )ii!!iiiir ki Kill 1 14 Cull nil 1 .n.-:i:c nit .r,i.i l willi thuRO tif ullnT de:il. l lu foio pur i dui.i-ii.'i:; I... ol. for the 15i'- .Si::n. mi I'inc .uln ct, l'.ui-t of IC liber t Blolu lltepi'C! filllv. li.vi jsi-:ii.i:ic, July 10. '70 .If. . S-liin-uiovi, Tn. t""-"" '-"'I ' 1 iri - U'l ttotidn can bo pm 1 'inn '.':7,ClJj "lwc'1 ' 'nJ'w,ie " 'L'ri'.-Bf. . 'jr,ac- SntdcrCo Seo tl.i f.llitvitf pi ices t JjViO:nil 17vnrtl. H:I(iiiiI I'pwnrd. fe. MEDICINE imB T7 ' I 'BUFflNaTOiV, i ol KriVnV ;"J J. tin, liielnr teenrril the etency for the fnllowlnfi yalaaiile Heeka will roauaenee t eaee to mum warder eounty. The t!omnlete warder eounty. The Complete l)()3li;sTIC IHKLlV manatee wrawilaenl fearwrea at wbleh ere HiKtnrewrait Hnl"ii ieneminaiKn. i morT. rarthl.-a nf the laf.lre.l Writer. (telleif of lllulr.ted .Hrrlntiire In.-Ulenl. It. areat auaikaf-af llla.ir.tlon. i Iu riuperlor Typoi. raehf IU KiDlil.matie illnJlBg and Reaiooa blaPlce. . ... , TUB ACD18YE132tS CI IM an ether Alrleaa Fd.er he J. T. Ileadley, theuiot hrlili mt dMorlptlve Auttuir la Amer- :a. nielli, r.i s ANIMAL KINGIlOIiI, : a .plendld yolume or UTI pea.l 10M llla.tra. lion.. . 1 he.e are the mn.l hlahiy iniere.tina rnnit. Ilnn.eew oftaret the Amerle.a pel. Ik and ,' Ihe price, hare been reduced to ae lo brlna . them wlihln the mean, nf tba m..e, and be. ' aide. Mr Hofnnatnn I. realdeal in nareennt nd wholly reliable. '. . . . , Out. S, '79. Manhood : How Lost, Huw Restored I J ii el piililleh.J, a new e.liilon af , lr. 'ulcrcll'a t'rlcltra-. . Icil I'mmmT on Ihe raJical cure (wnhoiii me.lioine) of tpaawAToiaHniA -or Hrmloal Weaanewa, Involuntary SamU aal Lna.ea, tMroTtsiT. Meatle and I'bya .ie il Inoapacilr. Impnimenl. to Marriana, e'o. i al.ii, Or..riTinn, Krn.ir.T and riT, In luoed by aelMndiilgeDO or aea ual ei'raTa'ance, Ao. akTl'rluw, iaa aealed .nrelope, ooly ei, cenie. The eelphrieJ auihor, ta I his admire ihle K.aay. olearly 'lemon.tratee, from a ihirfy yeara' .iirotaaful praoiloe. that the alarming enn.eo,neneea of .elf abu.e nay he radically cured wlihotit Ihe danger, nua ue ol Internal medicine or Ihe ap pliraiion of the knife; poinling out a ' mule of enre al nnee eimpie, certain, and etfeeinal, he, ma. cure bimaclf oheaply, privaiely, and muirALLT. ttirVii Isrtitr irilt prove a boon to 'Amin'ima ami thnntuiwi. Belli uatlrr real, In a plain envelope, le any ailreea, fotl-poiit, ou reteiptof tiX oenla or two pcslajre .lamp.. Ai! Ire.e the Piit tiehera. TUB Cl'LVERWKLL MEOTrAt CO. I Ai.n 81., New York ; Toal otTie lOODot Sept. 7. INTH. ly. 14 stool. Hook h Mti.le ill IlltO. boxed and ehl..iid r. i v .;. Now 1'nmo. aiot to tl tm a .1 nniiner.iller Ithi.tritd free, Addra.. uAN. lib r . IIKATV, Ma.ulOKloii, N. J. a nt vVnnte I In.-Sv rir. HmL hit'Tiex vay and HDI..U AN a . tW Pictorial Iibles. Addie-f, Inr i ircul.ir, A. J. Uulmak A Co., I'bllailelpbla. I'lll-: IUAV I'lllt f IODIC AiKTI I. a. 11 a eur iwo ai I. mil. Ill lliu.liated book., I.lve. uf HANCOCK mil GARFIELD le II' t r it. n I v Mp IH-l'ni' Irlnd, lion. .1 W . I fiiiUKV u nu'tiur l nt.'Mtl in, iml in ri fiit ;tiirr tl.ft ut t t t pr ic rt'n,.l w it tn lv til ft tinrmle-tn- irtnf nail e r i j 4 1 tflen le Okn. JAS. . I K WHIN, an uili'ir nf wl.l pltTty. litiili i in.'l.i!, low. , rli I. limn "'v p"'MUr. nl "el lti beynnil jrttt Ayftnt tii: r.ini ty mil 'mi., tJilltttf fcihi. M b A il no'rtk ni l f tin. in)". llliit.jHtl K l.-J., t'eU CbfthiDUt iit I'lillftilelj.liu. IU. aMaaWaRUMataa TOIIN LAUDENSLAfJliR.' tt BUGGY MAKER. HKi.iissonovK, ftf YntfR vn., pa. Ilaviiik rurcliitne I I lie well know etand n 8elin''roTC, fot-mwrly owned h Philip U ecker, I am prepared lo neeotnmoJnie all who may deaire anylhin' in rr.j I tie, and warrant eat iafaclion In all el ' I keep eonrtantly on band, and am i.repeied ta rianurauturo al the ennrteat noiioc, IJUGGIKS, SULK IKS. SLKIOFIS.Ao. lieinc experienced in Ibe buaioeat, I fl sl ier mypelf that 1 nm fully prepared to meet I lie want, of my cuetomera. Tbo bands employed are anioujr Hit brat mechanic, ia Hie oounly, and ttioir worn win not rail la iive univeriinl tat iHfiieflon. Itritpeaial attention paid to repairing in all It. branchoa.-rjl Bhop on Market alrcet, a few doori aouik of tbe German Kefnrmed Church. JOHN LAUDuNSLAGER. Selin. (trove, April 7, '70-1 f I'M.rtr il i i . AvrirtiMtntut 1Trr'7i"l Morihlna llii.lt i ure i In VliUllA lo.iiuav.. Noiaitlll ure 1'ii.J . 1 1. 1' ii i-.ae, l.viao-.u , 1 1. A pr i.iy ina jonirsTON euffleb IS THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR BEWINQ MACHISE ATTACH MEBT tver luventinl. Trice I'J.UO THE JOffiSoiI TUCKER, No Prwluf Machine AUvhinent exrept the HuUlvr ia to imirh nmt aa tbe 1'm-kur. 1'rlce fr: no. A Valuable took Free, "A I't-ftlleit ett: -riinli lllae,,.!!,11 lllhrHV irn.i nt nt'i I liKinl, l.tiiiK, Iiattri. Sioumt-b lelf r. hl'inrjp, I iinmy mill Ktm ) I'lf". il l, ajo ; ainl littd lo H1 mill ftfti. uii 'itT ' ttit io ill " ma ii curptl "t nil ur 'lit ui-k in iii rii.iiriMoel, a i-by elfin ill im (to a- j firnt'e, cnilorao i iv liuul ii itiiiiiinM cuiftn uo ttiiy tu ui -kin nu iftin i to it) uBiftat m " I t' V ill ,d lilt1-, uporlir bt.t iylvJu.tiUiu, The Dir.l.i-ll Clover H oller la Lull I I i wo different aiylee, I l.e .loniirr Mr. and Monitor Jr and ia built io two iliir ren ue. The eoia Iret mae'iine ia 8d in t-'yl emler and ihe other iltl. TUi. midline l fully warranted and ia pit in eutnpeii lion wild any oilier. RIEHL BROS . Agents. May 2D. Lowiitboig. I'a. best; biiloe.e now before the pit lie. You ran makeuvin.k Later at work for ue tbaa at aimblna alee. I'atdia ai re.iulre l. We will alert m. Ill a dity and epwerde made at aiaa ey lue lauu.triou. klea. woman, trove aad alrla. waatad every where to work lor . Now lithe uroa. Ifoa aaw detoto vour ekote time te lli work, er oa le euiir an. re wiaiaenu. Ne etkar bullae.. A aearly a. well. No oee wtlilna to til im mae'' eooiwieua pwy uv ..xai lev Tite air uiaklner taoaey .a'elly . , All iwork auarauieed fwr sea year aallf tor ioa.'na - "' u. WalNae .aka but a trial La wiuta that ba IFfv BTOMACH a lux autl Wbolviaulft A'ricft LUt to JOHNSTON EiJrPLEB CO., OTTUMWA, IOWA. THE JOHNSTON CORDCR PI AT IJiS ct . "i!d' .CZoui Prlre 11.00. Thrne .1 ore the irally io prlr" Il 'at line' Honor. M irntenntl iirariirut aitariinii'iii. mat every, r ih lil'.n. iiii'.u.Ui-k Miale lor N l.mly wanta, and no aewlug nia II i and., Klm at I pilitlii. In .1 inerlea, U.iwn Cllllie la ronil.li'ie witnnui ineiu, hi llee. t.tnl.voif paean Ir.e 'Jhiy are k.pt hy all .rwlng .11 nil OUil lK, ihe hem tu the world mai iune aiiema. i win iurno . an .ti.pma in i i ly & : in nop., tl.;! 'Ire eiihor of lli. in at he prlre naturd. ar I.e.'. A II til on .ii ila. tr al-irelubt In AKnit. write lor iiiuiirairn cireu. r,f un.all'l intory . eaeiory. Mill t. and imh vvr. nni,ti ul i.i).-llutil pile SALERATUS VLlvU la tho aamo tUiifr Impare Itl-Cwrb Pnda or Paleratwa iwbli'ta IrftbeawmelhlnKftanru .llrlll. y llrt y white color. It tn.y iiewr avltlle, eiamlnol I'y ll.elr, liut a, lMIAKlHtS Willi till lit II t O'H AHM AIDII tNMEU" UUANU will allow tho difference. Bee that year ftmleratae and JBak Ins Hocta la whll and I'l ltR, aa anould be AI.I. HI MIL All BtJUaTAN ti:a uaul fur (oud. Tfouaakeepera who prcfVr liroad made wtta yean!, will Improve Ha quality, robke It rtae liolti. rand preveutlt from aourinx, by adding onii-halftoaiipiHiiiful nrchurrh A Co.'a Noda or Naleratua. Iloaurnandnm uaetooninrh. Tbe n.o of tlila with a.oir milk, tn prnferem-e to VakliiR Powdnr. aavm twenty tlmea llic l. Moo one poind .v ki(u for valuable tuforma. Uoa aud read carolully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR OROCER. Ia aTerrllile rtlaeaae. It f.arfol tttertt are eornrptlna ni.miui Juw . the tl.roai. weV .. d'jin".. low of .., luMt.tn.il, :oitina odor., nal dtlermilU, and Anally L .r. ii it ever tutaretaive. Vlrul. nary Irealmenit w r. . tajl uwle... II Llcc.d hile a uu.e n po.t,ble, r. I? ' j"..i.. ii.i. k cntumuiiun. I he meat thoronwn. too- ff ceu,l j'.e .U.I trcetont I. Ir. M W. CASK1 FopuUr H.iely- 1fSARKOLATE OF I N H A L A N T S ri tao . ; . "v- War fa. mmrwt eava.a -t - . ISAAC ii:.avi.ii . iurirooii Dentist ! Midtilcburg. Snyder County, Pa. tiretra tit FaaaiLia waaa taa uaroT ?vrvthinu beloniying to the pro fe-.iou done In the beat maimer. All work warranted Tartn. inmlerute. He will aNo .ttend tn Uo.lne.. every two week! at lientrevllle, Tnoelvine, u.av.r- lowu, Adaa.bura and I'axiouvitii;. reu. le, ioou. alteol D Will M For AIL rtNirX f. nr.linTtrKSSKI? rte-iiirrttilf. an n. lutti.ii of Mir KititM.f lfpri!'tMNi'T-i 1'lrich oa :tif sl ! Artti hf lima otioiicd lu l.i imw Itittlit ;ii( III Srliilw llmvl.fiii V.'jt'ur Htrt'fl,HUo PtUft, iiut)li .1 . . iiviiuirtsj't Mnrr, ft - Leather Store and Fin ishing Shop, !.( ! will hr f'.ntifl lit all Miurptjn nrtmnt ill klii'U ur l'i)ilt!u (I Stuck, irtiml tliiai tif Uftr !. !ila I Mr. h l ftuU ( tlf isMiiK, nliirrtMa o'is, l.ii.ii.ivr., l.iitlni: !., uf l i rt ntiitikliiloft nrt pck'i. 'I ltf mI'hI'(ii til NSu-'liietlitrii, rftrni er. aul ll otlnTo U luvltutj, bl tc viUtbaHiuf In.' hrrc. Tlilriy-flvi y.ir ft prtctK-nl Tnnpr fiHftllfiftal hltu In ml n t tit rpaUtti-i of iSlnrk. Utile iftkftU Ineivhaiutiiur LiiiM'f Juut 7'T&) ' SHIiiwKrovr.Niiyrt.r Co.. Pft I ii.V- iti It iitr t,r Mouth, iivrlnit i li r ' K fti-l tiimiinf. For full ) rl Irnlnri .iliimM J.U. MflCI KUV ftv i I Ulit.atl.iliU, ' - MA BUTT? M LKWIhUUKO. PA. ITALIAN AMD AMERICAN MARBLE M0HUMENT3, TtimliKtnnua, Sti tuna, Urna, Vases LA MIW. lor Children Oraves, ; IWt, Lintel. TiiAiWdpa, ilurbU and Mate Mn.,liU, K'C All tho.e who de.lre tnpnreba.e I .robatonea anytlilnv el-a inai.ola. Hired at tblve mea faialonueof a.Ow elo Ice tdecea .atit lor il rri.t tiuue.l o.ariile work., .boitl.l uunault tbe under tan. p. .io. .re-, m r..v iiii. ftonTiiQ ' .laoed auent, before pnrelia.ma amewnere. ..,.1. i mnu i o. I'.i New York. Apr. 1, am. J" KVI KK FLIC It, Mary Pnlilic Sipeyor. Conycyanccr Rptil Estate anl Josnranfie Ascnt. Hee l.. Honda and Mortaaaaa pr.par.d and a iinda of eonvayanoloa atunded o prouiptli) aitb uo.ii no., and acourrary. Np.i-lal attention alien to buvln and aelllny Kaal t .ttte. Itittoo In I'raeuiuiit, rSnydert'o. a., P. O. Addrea., Alt. iMe.-eut Hill., emv.le lo., fena'a. . Aua. JJF.NRY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harness . Ilaker Ceilrvlle, Snyder County, Penna. K-ev.oa head, and oiaki. taerde all kind. oflitraeaa, hud.ilvi, Hrl.llee, Wblpe, tli.lar. mm, "A i-r-iicrf kefcf.-',- ia7i.f r TiiawaWiifl MAkllM. I'll W K.N. July 1 '76 tr.l Mlddl.t.uru, Snyder Co.P ifl .Jo B INSTITUTE Ktalli.hi'dlnlHTfirthnnnrt -1 of . aui'er, 'iuiiHa. li'ra, Al i.'r.tiili- anil hkiu Plhtmaoa. Witliuut llioliHH.if kliifonr loaiiot lilnuil and IKtle Htui. rur iul.iruiati. oi, circular, ami r.-ii'reui-e., aUdreaalhr. A A'OMli, Aiuora,luuio Clo., 111. epi. in, 18IH.lv. THIS HCW ELASTIC TKUSS Hy Tlai flCw-tajr from nil Mhwrt. m CtallMla, Willi IWlf tltrf Hall U CMWf , aUU 'Uatlf tu ll lailna ml the t !. wW tk DAll i" V Ski iHflfia W.t-V Uht fl-aaW tka Hjrik la Iwid siAlfrrI 4a ai1 auabi. auirl a. rvrtVuaU aisrw mt Uta U ! . sT-rBliW ,i Tchr-ap, heiU Bail. Ctnularaj agaiGatoa iru&a to., toioa.a, 111, Hept. In.'iv.iy, tlNIISLtS U Dclenslvo Medication Iaa prre aulion a bicb .liotild never be nralerled when ile.rmur.la pre.ent, and ibcrefore a eour.e of ihe Hitler, al Ibia eraeon ia particularly de.irable, epeoial' ly tor the feeble and kit'lily. Aa a re rue dv for billou.ne... tly.pepaia, nervou. nera, el d t oe el run plaliita, there 1. itotliina coiuparalile lotbi. wboeeotne re aioralive. For eale tj a'.l Prucal.tt and Pealera generally. Auclorienr. Georpe H. llackeo burir. nf Mltlillwrcrilt. 1. ).. would an. nouuro ta tha people nf Hnytlur conn iv. tiiit hs will orv anlee fur real and rim-aiinul nronorlv. at ahort tiiiUoe and nn tha tnoel ratujonuble lenna. He NION PeiANINO MILL SELINSOROVK.SNVUEU OO., PA Kccly fc Wngncr leiiinncr ilea I irs aau MAauraoTfaaa of Uoorn, Dour Uoxt a. M littlowi. Kbuttcr wiihIuw llitxcs, Ullnila, Haah, Klalr HihiSit, llaml Kallliiua. Brnrk ct. Motildlnta, Fltinrlit", SUROI.L 8 A WIN.J a U A BIN tT TURN1NU Sbingles, Lath, &.O., Sio. Orders aolloll.d and filled with prompt n... aad deapatib. I ieaae oall and eiam loeour stoek before purobaaiog el.ewber JOHN F, ZECU MAN, . UNDERTAKER, Troxeloill6,iinyltr eounty, Pa, lladertaklnt la all lu ureoobn proraptly aL. leaded to - auareii ia,'iv ....'! 1 - rAir aitit e, HARDWARE Iron, Nails, : Steel, Leather, . Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANVFACTURKK OK ; Stoves & Tinware, MARKET 8TREKT, . . LnwiNioirn, l'enn'a. Nevember 2. IHII-lf i I 'iri W,"rrivsTfa)i.llti4J P""a i lieM-' f" U:,.t) ' !-'a.-e0lv"t'eoii3 3 .1 IV i.i . 5 rr aj.fi.rji : ft f it v JWt. A'ej7VVv" -'-.Ti. u J. . i. i. ..... .... M.O.M ef a.e im. Mew ltl w.t rH.ua. 'It .! nuuuit ia'. '"" a.u.l rLr.Ml. r.ir. le In a. tl t le lk. rr., Ilnw. 0 ... I i.il. ion ..rr M ei.i.n...p.... " V , I wt all . a.k I. a oiei, it "' i " a"" i... (.Hi. k.ia til o.t.a. la weaiwiata, ,.l, u.M niillfrrwiarii..r"w SKLll KIMElt ' ' ' DEAf.Kn in QEOllGE B, ISESFtC . . ;-j Ootmtv Surveyor- 4 Kratierville, Snyder County Penn'a. Biirweyini and ConveyaholaR promptly and ekillfully aileadedta. . A,Uar of lb. publio't palroqaj. lolioUed. July 2uth, 'ja, pd . GOLD Oreal ehaaee le make aioaay. . We need a p r aoa la every Iowa lo lake aublerllillon for Ibe Ur. teat, rlieep..! and Hal iiiu.ireuM fatally puta. leatlon In the world. Anron. caa baeeate a ueoealul atieat. Kla eleaant work, ol ara Tiv.a tree lo .aneeriuara. l na prie. 11 e low bat alinuai evarylaHly .ahatrlbe., line aaenl l.porll tak Inn 1.0 .ubaerlbere lo a day. A lady ea.nl report, making ever B-00 clear profit la lea daye. All who ana. a. wake money feat. You can devnt. all your time to Ihe bualneee or oaly your ap.re time. Veu peod aot a awav trotn boae over nlakt. yutt en delta well aa other., roll tfireetloae and leetaa rrea Klaant ead r.uen.lve Uutat tree. If yon waat prottakle work aead ae year addrea. al oaoe. It eote aotblna lo try Ike buaiaeaa. M one who eoaaaea tall, lo make gieet pay AddraaatiEUn libNTlNBUN )O..I'oetlan Maioe, . Jaoeil.'tw.ly. On UO Days Trial. We will aead our Ki.auTao.Vul.TAIO BaLT. e ..... L..,.., lnnll...n..... Irl.l I... SO A. . nitUWUH.wrneralarealfarll.B aaSCsaalai ,c ,ho a;1fi,,a from MaMvone Daau- , tao Krwukllti Kt llHllluiiira, MO". Utbeiiinatbm, fir.lnl or any diMnat im . .. u..uu.a j aw' l.ivaeor Kldaeta. and tuaaa olkr dumae kiueaeiere . ' " kLt 1. iW..' 'BuajraulewA f fclioo. J M.r.l5.77U. , 1 - ae.ot. ib.tb.i I ' ' -jr t. 3 1 ' '-- e pvi. annvi.wift mm
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