I I i k i I i ' r i i. . ; the Post Elddleturg, Aug. 26, 1880. J. CROUSE, Editor 6 Propretor. r'OH I HKSIOr; r OBN. JAMKiA GARFIELD, of Oliio. run vh:k PHMtoKxr. OEM. CUB4TI.Il A. arthur, of New York. PBEinr.xrih ti.rornfis. Ill TM IT Ltltll, BJvIa M. Beano Jlary W OWer. UtriU't KL'TOH. l-0)amiielO rarhlue, .IS-M. O. KINhire, -fcdle H, Kilkr. l 1-M. Hall plant-in, IT W, lx-tirnne. M. Ha id... 4Jam l.il.u, ill l. H.W. W. i.um li-ll. K-liu. T C-liavid P. Ilonalon. JO W. W. Amaa, f-Mara-en R. Walla, i--l. T-rnn, iJ .f II. Hume, tt-lvalauii P. K-ed, e Nl Appd-ii-d. ,iJ-A. Painter. 1 S. M v-r :4-r I'.M. l. Kinim ilt lar i'iimiH.iI, Ji William b. Put, 1 John Mltch-ll, l W. IMIamal-r, le t:..nrad P. Hl.in.M, !27 OalTla W. Uilullau M Uberlae U. Forney, I JIJIKIK UP SUPREME COURT. HENRY UKKKSK.orNortliamplori Co ron auuitokTiexf.ral, JOHN A. LEMON, of fll.tir Cuiity. COUNTY TICKET. roK UONURGS3 Ho. HORATIO O. PlillF.R, of Huntingdon. POII BtiNATOIl Hoi. JOIIS U. PACKER, of Northumberland, abject le tleoltloo ol ftenet-irlal Dhtrlol Ooo. ferenaa. ) FOR AMHKMHI, Y L. N. MYERrJ, of Middlebur. POR OOUNTY SUKVKYOK OBOROE n. BKNFER. of Jeokaon. . . Oenacratio Testimony on Garfield. 'As to the credit raobilior rrjatrors, vitb which Oen. Garfield ban bteo charged, I bolieve be was altogothor innocent of then). It will not do for tbe Djiuocrntic party to throw mad at Ujo. Garfield, because if they do tlioy will elect him, Hon. Alt.. A. Stephen, of Georgia. "I am proud to call Garfield ray friend, and I would not cull any man my fi inod whom I even sus pected o! dishonesty.'' Hon. Henry Jt, Payne, of Ohio. 'No living American in my esti matiou stands higher for integrity and purity than Junos A. Qui fluid." Hon. AlUn (I Thurman, of Ohio. "Garfiuld's boneHty and integrity re beyond question.'' Judge Jerry Jilactt, of J'ennsyloania. "Oarfiald in one of tbe most sin core and honorable men I ever koow in pabli i life and hi record is with out a tbuv." Hon, Randolph Tack er, of Wrii'iiit. (Ion. (turtiol I porsonnlly consid ered is bin nil.iilv puroand upright." Dm i'ia't, of' the Washington Capital. EnlinU manufacturers and the Oobdon CI. ib f jI lei tboir armi and with cold in liljreuce looked at Ire land 8tirvin thousands whilst American citizens contributed tuilU ions to relieve the sufferers. Tbey didn't coutiibuto a dollar to poor Ireland, but now tbey bave money and circulars to scatter among tbe laboriog men of tbis country to mis lead them to poverty and rain. The Uol moots and tbe Sobella of New York are tbe agents of the English manufa 'turers and are dis tributing English gold for the pur pose of reducing tbe laboring men of tbis country to tbe level of tbe white slaves of England think of it laboring men 10 to 15 cunts a Tbe English Free Trade Cobdon Club is flooding tbe western states with free trade circulars, with a view to showing our farmers bow a pro tective tariff injures their business. Our western farmers are too in telligent however to be caught with chair. Besides, CobJcn is a misnomer, it should be cohru club. We all know quite well that Lngland claims a largo amount of torritory in India, called Indian possessions, and ap purtenant to these possessions is a pedes of suake called the tohra tvbose stint; is certain death, Re oently, English manufacturers and tbe Cobra Club sent to Cincinna ti free trade plank which was in grafted into tbe Democratic Nation 1 1'latform. American laboring men, beware 1 Tbe English-American serpent is mora venomous than the reptile of the East ladies. Its sting is death to you, your wives and your children its poison paralyse every Auaeri can industry. Though both re hooded, tbe hn at bleat laboring man may distin guish the one from the otherthe ' former and most dangeroas is celled (i cobra da Revenue Tariff tbe lit'jir the eobra de eapello oever r'-$ the letter It Uawayio.be ' --;- bat tb former ii around Colonel Forney an! hancook. A (irre'pnfnt roi'i lfrenll the Colonel' Ituire of Uurjield Zen Year Ayo. From tb I'hiU. I'rrM. Colonel Forney in bis Democratic speocb on Thursday night lust said, in speakiog or tbe Kopnbliuan; Con vention, "They rushed in hot baste to confer the l'resiilealiiil purple up on an Ohio pulitiuiuu, who is so bur- naclodand blasted, and tabooed with offoncee sgninnt the law, that since he lies bncti pluoed upon their ticket for the i'lesideucy it is dnily lec(ifn in a qiWfttinn whether tlioy shnll not pull him olf us hiiBtilv as they put him on.' (In. I tho nlove bnnn sui t by our friend Colonel McUlure but little would buve been thought of it. but coming from the lips of Colonel Forney it seems out of place. From Colonel Forney's writing reffsrdina tbe merits of General OsrGuld, tip to within a few iinys niter Ins nomina tion, i had an idea that Gurnol J wus his ideal of a statesman. Chiistian anil a soldicrt but when be states that it is daily becoiiiio'f a question whether be shall not be taken off the ticket ss hastily ns be was put ou (Lionel rorney makes use of an as sol tii in that will do him no good and General Garfield no harm. I .venture the roinark there is not one, Repub lie. in Pennsylvania to-day who re grets Garfield's nomination, mid no person better knows it than rorney. May 1 ask. right bore. Mr. Editor, if the Colonel Forney who is nuking votes for Muneral Hancock is the same Colonel Forney who wrotoTiiK I urns from aahington, .May 3'), ISOS. and speaking of the ceremonies on Decoration Day, said ''General Garfield, the orator of the day, was in fine health and spirits. General Hancock, bandsomo. but hnnyhty, wus not in the procession to the ,.,,.. .1 . graves at all. tently haUn.j the at fair became it r,t not tntcnih.,1 to honor rtMsl Hancock is evidently beginning to discover that be cannot be ,tlie Democratic candidate for 1'iesidcut without turning bis back on all those who stood by him'' f Is he tho same Colonel Forney who wrote TnK 1'nrss April 17. iSfiS. speaking of General Hancock's eon duct while in command of the Fifth Military District, and said: ''The recent rebel administration of Geucr nl Hancock baa made treason bold and defiant throughout the State (Texas) T ' and that "in consequence of bis General Order No. 40, upward of sixty murders were committed within six mouths after ho took com mand' t. If what Colonel Forney has written regarding Cieuoral Gar field for tho past fifteen years, and up to within a few days after bis u m iuation, is true, and uo one doubts it, bo is certainly deserving of the support of tho people ; if what be has said of General Hancock is true, and no ono doubts it. the ".Superb'1 is certainly not tho man to fill tho high est offico in the gift of a free people. I he statements be now makes about uncock nod tlioso madu years ngo are so very different regarding his loyalty that it is an open question with muuy whether or oot tho Colo nel Forney in question in one and tho same person. lu conclusion let me add , A prominent Democrat said to to the writer to-day "that the tariff plank in our platform would cost us many votes in this State, but if 'Audy' Dill did not keep 'Sunset' Cox out of the St.ito with his free- trade speeches, and at once quiet dowo Senator Wallace and John For ney, that they had better sell out an I retire from the cumpaign.'' So it goes 1 Go on, gentlemen ; it is yonr fight, not ours. 1', I'hiUulelphia Aug. 13. 1880. Hancock Gets New Light. So General Hancock has received some light since 1K0S 1 He now de clares the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteontb Amendments to the Constitution inviolable. Not so when be first sought the Presidency ! e then proclaimed that they were "unconstitutional, revolutionary end void.' Mark the facts. The Dem ocratic Convention of 1808 contained this declaration . , W regard lbs recormiruollon acti, to called, si mob, s unurpaiiooa. an I uu- cooalilutiousl, revolutionary sad void. A declaration as monstrous in its spirit rs it is abominable in its syn tax. It carried with it a complete repudiation of tbe Constitutional Amendments. These Amendiuets were only secured and adopted through tbe Reconstruction Acts. The restoration of tbe rebellious States was made conditional upon their ratification of such Aiueud ments as bad then been proposed, and tbeir adoption wus depeudeut upon this ratification. Thus the Amendments were ioeeparably identified with the reconstruction acts. Starting with tbe premise of the Cooveution, the S'-quence wm ir resistible. Tbe Reconstruction Acts unconstitutional ; the ratification of the Amendments under them iu valid; tbeir adoption dependent upon that ratification unconstitutionally bro't about thence tbe Amendments them selves void given the first propusi- tion wnocun break tniscuain ' io, Ueneral Hancock was not ouly a candidate for tho Presidential nom ination on this rnonUrous platform, but, though defeated, be expressly indorsed and approved it. He wrote letter declaring ; Tbost wbo euppuas that I do ant ac auieioa io lbs work of tba National Ii.. uioeratia Cooftaitoo, or ibai I do not inotr1y detlre t ba eledloo of lit sooii oaa. knaa aarv lillla of si obaratalp. Were I lo boaitata Is lis candid sup. port I feol I (bould Dot ooljr fslaify mjr owa reoord, but commit a crime agaiDii my country Had I bees lbs t'reai- deolial aomlast 1 ikoald Aave eouti (tar ed Ii a trlbuu, sat la ma, but ta Iba prio. eiplea wbieb I bad proolsimed sad prac ticed. Bulahali I eeaie lo revere tbota principles becaeea by mutual politloal frleade eaotber baa bees appointed la pat tbeai talc siecutloa Msvsa I asvea ssvsa Here Is bis hearty approval of tba work or tbe Convention, loolodtog iU dadaratioa teat toa ttaoonattua SONGS, One iiiiiiis .liliAiilllllils . O-iiA illlbi!ili i iUiUh 'lll'iJi'tf 3SSl,!ifl!l!l.li!l m hi Hta ii n a?! m siin pi jp i! W, in w4 trt f tH Mt(,, fMr Wtl . fcf IA Ml. Oft, ht M ,M tO Ml,. frmt -,14. J fn,ll. Rrm.-n.Wr. -III t't 1 I... ih., f thw Nnn,. h, B.4II r--.4 w rnl vt iltrr -M t-.it, Ma,4. oinrwktiMM. World Munufnnturinii Co., Ill Nassau St., Now York, tion Acts ami with them tho Con- stitutional Ameu.lmeiitsaro "nn- constitutional, revolutionary en'l ! Void. MttC ho says tlioy aro inviol. able. Hut whv now more than then f Were they not then just as much a part of the Constitution T General H mock is now plaving for votes Itut the country will not accept the present professions of one j wuu w nn uikh; wiunjj tuuu nun without oxcuso. I'reni. South Carolina Bull-Dozing. loe the ii'pithlic'lni of Jlfnirell County tire IKiny J'ersecuted. From the PhtU. rrM. . Please allow me space enough in ....... .:.i..i i ....... ... your wiiiitij Liiuiiinian uiiimii ,j uitu , J , , , y u ,f ,..;, , ,. ,i. ........, Ijr (a Kiiu. Pnvii.il ui inn mh(.'( ft, treatment the colored Republicans are uow undergoing iu tin county since the graud iiurtield and Arthur ratification mooting. which took place here on the '27 1 li of July. Tho Dem ocrats tried in every way possible to prevent the colored peoplo from at tending the meeting I but they would uot be persuaded, aud so we had quite nn enthusiastic meeting, between five and fix thousand color od Republicans buiug present. .Yon notice and see tho gross, inhuman advantage taken of these poor, hurd woiking people. The County Com minsioners met on the l"lli of July and ordoied tho sub Commissioners to order out a suflieient number of men to work on and repair tho dif ferent public rouda for three days, work to commence on the 2Sth of July. Now, when the County Coui niisttiouers, or sub-CoiumisxionerH, Warners foiiud out there was to tie a Republican ratification meeting ou tho -7th of July they chunked the ordtr from the 'iSth to tho 2'ilh. I Mv which oue of these no culled jollicer's nuthoiily it was changed laiuuuabluto wiy ) Rut, however. it was changed, and about twenty live out of four or live hundred weio notified of th'j I'hange. The ollnus, who never knew of uny chungo tak ing place, prepared to begiu the woik on the -Sth iiislant. No no tice of uuy cliiiDKe uppeared in eitln r of tbe county D.m iuialin papiK. And now they aio arrt'stitig tliem ! y hundreds and lining thu.u fro u !10 to ff I") or putting them iu jiil from fifteen to tltiity days. Tliey liavo extolled out of thexupior people already from two to three hundred dollars. Resides this, many Imvo to reui'iin in piison, leaving their wives ami little suffciiug children at home. Aud God (.lily knows how many nre laying out iu the woods and swamps to prevent being arrested And again, after tho majority of these poor mon returned h xno.-they, the next morning (the 2Kth). went to tho several places of uppointinent to work the roads and the sub-Commissioners objected to their woiking, und on returning home to their fam ilies many were dischargod and driveu from off the farms ou which tbey were working. (Many of those peoplo wero also wot king for shares of the crop.) Other colored men who are farming on their own land were visited by a baud of these tinn ed miilniyht r'ulcn, and they cursed and abused and threatened and also warned them never to attend anoth er Garfield Republican meeting. And uow, Mr. h litor, wish you had been among us on Monday or 1'uesday to see the colored ministers traveling ucross the country tiying to raise money enough to release their church brothreu from imprison mcnt 1 could write you unudrods of pages, for every hour in tbe day I am receiving divers complaints from different sootious anl from tho offi cers of tbe different Garfield and Arthur Clubs iu tho county of the uulawful treatment they are receiv ing on account of their politics. Rut as I only anked for a small space I will close by saying that through all the treatmtut they bave or may re ceive they are determined to cast their votes for Garfield and Arthur. Very respectfully yours, 1'hEHKIIlCK Nix. Ju., Co Chair'n of the Republican I'ui ty of Hum well Co. MackoiUe. S. C, Aug 11, '80. Tbe offorts to make statesman out of IIocook are painful iu tbeir transparent failure. Democratic papers lo Missouri bave tbeir tickets thus: For President, Wintiuld S. Hancock, of Minnouri." Tbey claim tbat bis legal residence is io tbat State. Why don't tbe Democrats loaders eome ont squarely and say "we want a cbaoge because we want tbe offl ces." Tbat wonld be truthful, any way, if notbiojf more. TIIIO PAPER be IMbS mm WCIXAOOS Jawaearas Aavaanaiaa Bvaaa uaat), when advee- paawj-a sa rLajri'jl Boaaa lie a-j-acg Cent" Each n order to illuitrate tho infaro ,, onfTrl,0 i Alab iran, bv which Hi t Stato wa m.i la to civn 73.000 Hllww,rn(in i.mioritv. wt. will relnlo ono instance : At one voting place. the Republicans polled about C0) votes and llm Democrats CO. While tho votes wero being counted, tho caudlo was put out, the legal bullots wor tkeuout, nn 1 when, after somo confusion, the canillo was nmin re lighted, the box was filled up with some new ticket, and the old ballots wero scattered over tbe floor. The colored inspector protostod against the fraud and was drivon from the room with curses, nn 1 was not per nutted attain to enter and w.ttoli the count. The vote of that product was returned as giving 4 0 Democratic majority. 7 ho colored inspector refuted to sign the return, and made affidavit to tho facts. This is only ono illustration of many that could be given to show how Ala bama was made to givo 7,000 Dem oeratio majority, .Ind thin is tho full vote, free ballot aud fair count by which Hancock expects to be uleciod. Executor's Sale of Real Estate : nVIB tin.lora'ignod KXfii'or of the laat X will and Textitmont of Jacob Pile, lair nf Wral t'l-rry Inwn'bip, (iiydr oounly. I'a., decitdt by virtue of !feral Dr.lurs iauiJ out of the Orphan C juru nf May lrr no l liiuiat couatiee, will eXpaae lu I'ulilio alr, ou S ttuidity, Soptembor lltb, 1831, on llir pri-nilf. tbe following Jiacrib.-d rnliiil.l.' r-tl f-i'. I'i wit ' TUAOrNi t Sitinto in wal I'errj liinhip. Snyder e.iiiiil. I'a. hum let Niirili liy tint ot Din I IliayliiH, Kaal lij iilier I in I f Jt) ih I'iIj. d ' I H i'Ii hif I tn I of llotirr Narl, an I Weal by I m i ni Jndiih Mlirlly and nlln're, omiaiuinz T'.VKNVV Ai.'Ki:-, in ira nr Icj, ou wbiob U vroctcd ifory fit lii Grist Mill. In gnml running nrdrf", with n vr.fill nr wniiT pii.i.r. Al I'lirco ii-nurv KilMK UAKI.I.INI (U-iK-t, IIVSK lllilV S r It L.Kani I ci. ber n. o..jry outbuild ing. Ail i.f ihr aliora I'ract i clear au.i in ii g'Ki'l ainie nf imiIiiviiiIii u, TK T T No. .'Sim te In Weal IVrry t.iwn-lii. Cniiiily mil fK'c nMrunil, Imutided N'lrili liy Ian l or lltril tirv bill nnd J n-nh lUndrii-ka. Kit by l-tlldr of of I M. 'IV'iu, J K. Snvdor nil I nilur S.i'il Ii by I in I a nf I'. M I'nli anl mliora au l Weal by Truct No. I, oouiniuiiix Twenty two Acres, more nr tea, wiih I lie appiirlxnniiore, a', uf wliioli i W'jnd.lati I met wvll tltulirre.l TIIA'T N. ;i Snuve iu We-t IVrr tnwualiip foil my and Stale nforraii I hoiiuilnd Snrtll liy lul l of J'Uliia llulm-r Kiiai by I md uf l. M. Teata. Mourn h. land of Sievi-u .lille an I olhera. mi l We by land of J. M. Itouab, sud olbcra con tmuiug J welvo Acres, more nr Iraa, almul Iwn.ibirJj of wliic' ia ch-ar and lb' b'lUuoe wiill tiruhare I. Tlttvr No. I diiuatn in M.mr ie town liip. Jnui iii"iiiy. Ia, bo inde I Norc liy (ami or llimnna uroin, r.a-i i'i Irani No. 1 above deearihed, eoulU an Wrat by Uii U of Jaoob Slielly, eontaiu ing -. 40 Acres, mora nr laa. with tlm appiirt.-nanee, nearly 1 of wbu li la clear and lo a big', ('ate uf cu.tlv. tion. Tit At) r N . t Mltnal-in Monro Inwliani). .lui. Uu ronnty, Pa ., bounded Mnrtb by land. WiIIiaiu KivamAr, Kiai by land uf Htvun Mill H. mill li l,n J or Tun u W.tta, and Waat b laudauf Mkbaal Tr iler, ooulalning Sixty-two Acres, mora nr laaa, about on.'-lialf of wblcb II claar an the tialaiua iell I liulcr.'d. 81- inr.d.O'Ufiieo at 0 o'elnrv A. M.nfaal day wlM'ii trrma of aal- will h- mad- konwn by (I (IKUK HOOKtNUUUUOH, Aug P. U. Kimjutor VuYOL'TII and M IDDLE-GKD : Would you be reatored to Hnrsjl UtUnniTtO "end ttamp and von will aa InAntlUuU ! a.lrl.alnaaalalen.alop. A. die-a, I'HiiK. J. V. bUAN, Ogdeatburg, N. July i,'i).ly. Mom Poplar Tla Ever! The Genuine NEW SINGER FAMILY Sewing Machine O HE popular demand for tb- OKNUISE HINIIKH la l7 eieaede that of any prarlooa yar durlnx the quariai ol a century In which tlili "Old Kellaiila" Ua i-blna hae been before the publlo. In wi old a.VI, 1 44 inenhinei i In uu ei eold -t.il,-HIV maobluae 1 eioeae over aoy uravluue year la.t.'IV Our aMee laat year were at the rate f over Hie Newina Maehlnae a day for erery butl- nera oay in mo yaar. THK "111.0 KKL.IABLK' HINflKR la tbe troniieat, aliopiait, and inoit durabla Sew lav Maobloeaier coaetruelad. 8. DEIBERT, June 9t.tr Aieol fcr Hnyder eounty, J EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letter. -i teatamentary na the ea tale of John Hrnlth deneaaed, late ul Waabloaloa lowaahln,Hoydai county, Pi'DO'a.. have beea nraotad to th unoanlinao. All paraoni aoowinK tbemialve IndabirJ to eald ealala are requeued lo malti Immediate paymeat, while tboae bavlOf alalia' are requoaiad In preaeat lhaia duly autbeotlea ted lor eettleuienl to JOHN A. HUITH, Hay IT, 1M. BAHAH BUI i n, k.iecatore LIFE INSURANCE AGENT? WANTED, A Srat-elaae Life laanranae nompaay In Ifee Torh wania -K( IAL, UEHUII Al. anal lAh Ala AtaK.NTe), IB aaoceOpiad Urrllury In th kiala if PanuayUanla. Addraaa MtMA'IKII OP AIIKNt'ltS, Boa lov Hew York foet Oftlea. re. .Vrt. , . Atlonifi's-At-TAiic. II, O. DRITRICIf, ATroitxcv jtr.Mff. Marled St., !S(tinyrot'e. Pu. All profMdloaiti t.amntM prntnnMy attended to. OuniolutluDi la feoglliu aoil'leraitn WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Middliburg, Snytlrr C ,Pa. fas be enmaltrd In ecPruMtuU't eUluie Knelliin or Our u an. I .r l'nl"n, til .f Jan. 14,'fvl, L. N. MYERS, A ttom eu'At-ttt f. llilillbnrs;, Pmn's. All prifnil.inl ii'i.in eittrtiitel lo bit fare will restive prompt attention. UuBiuitativne lu t.agiuk aid Herman. ivt. lu.'TS. JACOB GILUEKT, . Attorney A t-Tjnvv, MIDuLt.lUilU), 1,. All tinl"i en'raitxl to kli eare wilt wmn proinptaUaull.nl. Julf M.'i. e.bov'eh", AriORNEY-AT-LAW, Midd, r,rg. Pa (Oflce In ofllce of t. P. tJromunler, Ei ) Cnllei-tioni made, and fleriuau. C'ooiultall'li, In rnvllnb Jui.e la. '7.if. M. L. SCH'JCIl, ATTOSNET-AT-LAW, Aeir lirriin, I'nitm Co. Pit. Pnifaaalnnal biiatnraa antrtiale1 tn hla earn will racrtlve irnmpt ellitiitlou. June au.Va. QIIA6 V t'LRICH, Attorney 4 Oonnsellor-At-Law, OHee In Ai'e llui I.IIdk una il.mi Nurth ol KaraTuxa lloraL. Ki'llimrovf. leun'u. f'nlleotlnna ami all ntliar pf' Mlnnal kul ni la aol nlta.l and will reo.'lra rnraiui and pruuiut sttantlua. AH.ll,'Ic.tl. Jr. cronmiMjKr, e Af XOllNEy AT LAW. Millliuburg, Pa., fllTrra hie professions eervicee to the pub lic. Colleilione and all otbrr profpaainnul htiaineaa enlrueted to bis enre will renoive prompt siteoliou. fjan 8, '07lf T J. SMITH. ATTORTVrr AT t. AW. MIII)I.KItl'Hi,.SN YtliH tin., PA irerr Ma I'roraaalunal Scrvlrea to ttie pebll ijooiuiutloni Is Knallfb and (laruian. J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Mifjlinhnrg, Union County, Pa. All bnalnnre animated tn hie rare will well and Ultlifully atten.lml to. Will nr llo at tlia aavaral enurta o Hny tar and ailinimnv .ountiea. Han In eunaulied lu the r.tiallali nf latmiD langiiauo Oct. 3i . "Tail CHARLES IIOWKR, ATTOtlNEV AT LAW. Solinngrove, Pu. ITera liia prnfeaaional aervieev to the ptit in. ('otlpolinna and all other JwnlVaaiona iinir f iilriiamil to bin rare will re rire prompt attention. Oftioe two ilnnr 'nut b nf tbe Normal Hohool. Jnn 6, '0 T M.LINN, A. II. DILL I a (ti (tiini-eMort t '. P.k .1. M. I. Inn.) AITOUNKVS AT I.AiV, LewUbiirz, V MIit their prnfoasinnat aenricee lo tbe oililic. Oollrctinii and all ollirr pro iaaiouat liii'itit'aa nutrur.tcd tn thrireare ill receiveprompt altenilon. f Jan. 147 if v. pjrrER, ATionxnrx AT .IIP. tiolinsgrovo. Pa , tTer tbi'ir prnfpaaional eervicee in llir . ihlic. Allleznl liin-ineaariilriiale'1 lo tlmir are will receive trnmpl allcnliun. Ollce it hie boinenn Miiu Street. July, 4ib '72. iNDiL aLLanaa. buhacs allkuam I ALLEMAN & SON. 1 T TOll N E YS AT LA IV. HoliiiMjyrovt, til profeaaiotml hiiaiiiuaa and eolleolini nl ruined lo their Tare will he promptly .itetiedto. Can b onnaulled in CukHvL r tierniun. Olfioe, Marke. Sijuare. I. H. fSrinim. Win. H Dill C3hllMMaDIT. IttorneyaS: Councellors AT-LA If. Ollli'o Near the Post Offico. i'reebui'sr. I'eim't. Oontullntiou In bolb Eoglleh and German .anguagaa. Ilea. I '7Jif. OHnTiT ARNOLD a-Vttornoiy nt liaAV, MiuuLeiiuoa, im 'rofeeelonal buetneee entrusted to bia care ".? ha promptly attended lo. (Fab THOMPSON BAKER, Attorno.v-at-Law. Lewlehurg, Unlou Co., Pa SkSrOsn be coneulted in ibc Engllab an lennan tangnagea.-jal OKflCE Market direct, oppoelle Wall oiiio s uo e otore a iviy VAN GEZEIt, AtTORNEY AT LAW. Lowitiburg Pa. ffere ble prnfeaalonal eervtoe to le pub io. Colleolione and all olber Piofeaaion- .1 buaineas entrusted lo bis care will re eivc prompt attention. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'HLIN50R0V1S, UNVDKH COUNTY. Pa sepi.16, '61tt A C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinarove, Pa. ifferc hla professional ccrvioes lo tba pub to. aii ousiuees entrusted lo bis osrc rill be promptly attended lo. f Jan. 17, '6711 .AMUEL H. ORWIO, ATTOnyEYATLAW, Nimiuburr, Vnlan Co.. m: Mftaa aeit ilwi lo Telegraph Prlntlns oBoe ara. av, iail.li. Physicians, Sic J. Y.8H1NDEL, 8URQEON AND PHYSICIAN. Middleburir. Pa ifler s bia profssslonsl sarvleec lo Ibc eii tans or Aliddlaourg and vicinity. JMaroh 21,'OT J eT. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, Fremont, Snyder Ottunly, Pa Offers bis profeaatossl services tatki pebllc Outve ea Mala stmt. ... isac U ,.. Fhiiftician i. c. J) J."0. WAGNER, I'liielrlnn and SurKon, Oif-ni M prnfMialonal Hnlm ea tha e'l't'nt of AiUinnburf and vlrlnltr. Aug. ,'WHf . J)U. J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. reiitretlle. fttiriler Ce., P OITers bis professional eervioet Is the pnMlo. .t8ir H. J. ECKHERT, SURGEON DENTIST. txKiiKirri m.toK, Srtin.ilrorr, Pfiin'tt. ProOoiilooat batleeei roaptlf ton. la I In, Mil .H-'je. )R. I. GRIER RAIIDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, haelnir Inralrd at M tt'Pt.FntlHd. PA., otfioa few il.'nra Waat of tbe I'mirthniiae. in IWaner'a Uriek bulliliog, ollara hie pro reaainhat rraiore In 1'ie public. lie puke Engliab sud Oermao , Orl.17 '7R. pERClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Kmtwrrillr, Snyder Co., Pa. onnre Ma p"faaHnal arlot lo Iheitltlin I ol KratMrvllle a I rHInltf . Kmj. 11.7 A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND S Una EON Olfrre bi profraalunnt arrTirca to the oili true of Ailainabiirg and vioiuity. flrp4. 7fl J K. VAN UUaKIItli, 9UR0I0AL k MKriMNtfAt. DENTIST Selmxrove, Petiii'n. Justic ft of th e I 'ear ft. D.VM SMITH, Jnsticc of 1113 PdacB & C-j iTCTaaccr Heaver Spring, Snyder Co., Pa. All nirtlrlnl ttlnMa -taklns depnaitlnne ae., promptly atta.i.lal in. Dolleotluna and remit taacea pruniptly nmda. Mayla 'in. yiLLlAM H. SNYDER. Jtitlrr of Hie I'rnrc Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All Collections sud remitnucoi, promptly made. Nov, II, '7 tf. JSAAO REAVER. justice oFtiie peace Htld Qenei'al Collector . Mldillehiiri, Hny.lrr Couiiiy. Ta. Pprel'il allor.unn paid In collrollona of all kiii'la. Keiiiittaiioej will be made promptly for all enl!utioua loiJe, Mar. :JM If. V II. WAGNER, En,,., le JUSTICE OF TUB PRAt'i?, .Incktmi Towntbip.t'nytlerC-'o. Pu., Willntlend to al) huaineaa pnlriinled 10 hie enre and on lbs rnnnt renaonnlilr l rio. Mitrnb I'J, 'titilf J) '.VID S. S HOLLY, Jutloo of tho Peace, i n oil jTohiikiii, Snyder Co., i'i(. Will nlir lid lo all hualnean rnlruaifd In bia care on moat reaanniihle lerma. 1'. O. nddreae, Uuudore, Snydi-rt'o , V Mar. I, 't0. J. II. llAltT.MAN ji i icr. u' run pekk. Convn.vniioer, CtN 1 KKVII.I.K, rtnyder County. Pn ('..llaftlnna and all borlneaa partnlnlnv tn tie nttr-a nr.hnllna ol tbe Peaoe will be u..n.ia I ic at abort nullee Apr-ii'7n s ETII MITCHELL, JiiHticn of tho Pence Si Conveyancer, Jark-ou Townlilp, Mnyder County, I'a. fJnlla.'lliiiia. INuiVfyaiiflritr, and all other hn alnraa pnrlallllne to tha oll.-a artll r-nalva prompt altrlllioi. foatoltloaaddreaa: ,N It .rlln, Unlou oounlj.Ha. Ann. in, IMJ. JOHN K. IIUQUES, Eh., 'J JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWARTH, uslico of the Peace & Conveyancer, Trozleville, Snydor Co., Pa. Will attend Dronintlr to all manner nl baal ne parUlnlna to Ibeomre. Ilollaetlone mate, lieade. Artlolaa Ae., written. I J uly in.Ta-tl. yiM. H. HARDING, JlrTICR OF TIIE Pfc tCIF. aSc Convoynncer, MltE.MIKNT. onyder county, Ta Collentloaa andal biialunae partalnlnc to the nlfloeof Juatlna of the Peaoe will be attended to atahurtootloe. Apr. tJ'7C A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, lieavertoten, esttyder ( o., I a. All kinds of oollenlione made on liberal I or me. I'romnlly alleuds to all biiHiDees Inlruated lo bis care. (June 2tt, '7Ht "ER B. M I D D LE8 W A RTH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ASP CONVEYANCER, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Pa, Dotteetlnos and all bnelnees partalnln to Ike oMreof Juatloeof tbe feaee w ill be attended lo al abort notloe. July n.'rell. A. UORNBERQER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ferry Towaablp,8nydorUounty,Pa. Collections. UooveyanelnK. and all other bue seas pervlnln lo the olfloe will be promptly enjau to. uiaoi near l rnotmosviiia A DMINIHTHATOItS' NOTICE X V Letters of administration on Ika aatata ef nl A H Y HT1 VbH, deoeaeed, lata ol Parr Tnwnibln. Hnvdar count. Can a' a.. bavlna; beea arantad to tha nadaraliiaad, all eraiius koowloar themselvee Indebted to aald I aatata are renueatad to make Immediate pay meat, wniie tunaa aaviov eiaitae win praaeai nets uuiy auiueaiieaian ior lauwnani w JOHN Hl'IVkin, June 1, 1H0, Administrator. The Ferquhar Separator Nana. , laatllwawaa RUPTURE Tbe . Imperial Truss la wkal yea waat Tkeireateal taventlcs al lk j V. kceaa l aaa ' seesukle! au aeai iraa. t. y. deli iAM.f iJA. OiCeaaeare-.R. 1:1 Hotels. 1 . ".' 111 -) BOARDING HOUSE. TflR Underlined would feapeolfutly la form Ibc trsvetllnf public, buelaeec awn, wltnaanae and Jnrore In attaadanre at one lionrta that mm aaa made emvla praparatlnna far nair aoantntno-lallon and will andaavor to an tartaln Ma patrona In eond atln at the ffnn-l raaa..nanie raiaa, unarninff Hnuaa s raw doore weal of IbaOcurt Hiaae. (I4UBICL DFWEK. Apr. tl Tt. I f. rroprlolor. HOUSE! Milll?lnn'c, JLn. JOHN LI M It E It T, Proprietor. The anna piriolar M.Xal haa baas raSttod an.l rrr.imuha I in the kat atvle. Ita central rHet!nn maS'e It ennfenlanl far bn-lneag iran i carxina in att-n.lanne al Onarl and all otheranho ara.ollel t Hll llaTirj. That Ma la 4.t I'tnidla I with Ilia im, la the mt art tiie ltr with fio I in nre o I the -t iiila attan.taii h rarn ho,tlaM. renal aioderata April, ists, CKNTItEVlM.E HOTEL, (t.ate Mra. Waarar'l.) Ceniervlle Hayder Ca Ps. PKTKR HARTMAN, Proprteta . Thle lnneatahllatied and wall known iota bavin heap pnrnnaaed by Ilia underalgoed, aaj licit a (bare ol the public pal rnnaae." PCTkK HAUTMAN April, e. IBTI. FA I It MOUNT HOHSr'. NEAK TIIE DEPOT, MtlWLElWna, PA., KlIi.M lOt, SI' H Z. Proprietor. This bnuae le In clone proilmlty to Ibc drpo and baa Inlcly hern rebuilt and re. filled. Ronma oommodioua tbe labia well eupplird wiib tbe heat tba market, affordg a.td lerme moderate. apr4if'r'o. rpiIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOnN B. FOCKIiER, Piop'r. RoliriKferi'ovo, Pa. Tlita flotat la nlnaaant'y Inratad tp tba "aqnera,' and ia a vary deal rubl-plart for travrlara turn p Ilia aaar i.f aL-cuiniuodatloiia at tow rata. Par annaMtitppiiijroiire will be aura lo vail attain. The brat nrlloiior In tliabai a-A flratolaaa itvataurant Ineonnortlnn w'll, Ihellotai. Apr.U.'7. r. a . a NOrtTfl THIRD PTRKKT. PHIL'A TA. Terms l-.OO per day. HENRY SPAIIN, I'rop'r. C. W. "PIIIV, Mrrk pr.l.'7. Ph ilariclf'hia. Cants. J. S. FARNSWOPvTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Soiscry, Nations, Vnite Goods, MrA- ienss Gents rnnnstmis Gooils u. No. 511 M trkot Street. PHILAPELrHIA. . II. fnnas, . It. II laa. I.M.ir. II '74. W. H. Nhalhlay. T. II. lielobtel. W. L. vci.Mitn. Willi It V BILL Jk t o., n U'uoi.aaAi.a naaiaae tt AND WILLOW WARE VOOD )il ClnlliN, Window dlnide.a, Broome, Mats llruabes Cotton I.npa, Grain Ila(S, f'j Vets, Itiiftkeie, Twines, Wirka, Ac. Vo. 4'Ji liirket Street, Philadelphia vfb. 7. '7 J ACOIJR. RIEUEI, & CO., yVUOI.E.SAI.k: IIKAI.ERS lit FOUEIUN A DOMESTIC No.:t:i:i t:irlcot SSt. Illil.. I, .1. kill-.. I, WM. MA HI. IlcrklcckKakcr Sta tioner, and Stcaiu Power PRINTER. WliooHtvIo aSc Tf.ettiil fio 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'romytne. One Price Selif Price Slaiked 0 All Good In fi gare. Apr. 18--".:. - - QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of ft Wholesale Dealer In Cllt, Mfihognnr, Walnut and Ronewood LOOKING GLASS Pioture St Photographlo jTramot Kos. 230 and 231 Arch Street Philadelphia Ta. Frames Repaired io Ilia best nanaer Also, Kegllding in all its branobes. L" YOU WILL BE SOM f you ropUee that old Pump with a new caC ad do uot Drat oarefully oiamlue tbe Buckeye Force Pump. The Buoaeya le tha vary laateal mprovaaieni luFumpa, It Is eunatruoiud with U-cbeuibera whleli make tt vr aaay lo open l. Iloaa oae te aiia. U.dt.i the Huuuaye Pump, idwatareaa balbrawn upon auy bulldlutf If taae oftlrt You can watr vonr Uardaa aud 'arc, waia windows, win U'liiniaa, and aat FIRE ENGINE vrredr on jrowr own prralaM M bo mort oA tlio u ordisarr pmup. II Cannot Freeze In sold weatbar. Durable beyond a denld. Tea varronmo for deep wells. Toe wurklwj P'w are Ineihar aoatloue and valvas wllhln I""' lain Hoed obauiber. Nothing la decay euvei -be Iron Turbino Wind Engine lealaoa great Improvement la Wind Eel'' Oallaud m thaae puuipa lu operation, o I parllculare addraaa W, O, BRATTOK. . Lawlaiuwa, cl.tilftt. ' ' eoonty, Pfc Auditor b Notice' h the Etlalt of Jo. I ir. Knight, Ia the Orphitni Court of Sny der Go. THE uaderelgoed Auditor appointed by Ibc said Court lo dlaielbute Ike (eHj' In ibc bands of gallic K.. Ksigbt adutX. of las. W. Knight, dooteseJ, to among those legaly cstlllcd to Ibc will sit for lbs pnrpiae of bis appii" mental bis OIBoe In lbs Boro. of Belli ' grove Ps. on Tuesday Hep. It. In) at ' -o'clock, A, M. al wiiloh time and pi" nil persona inlereelad are required sake known Ibulr dalaie, er be dbar frem participating la Ike .!sll' aioresaid. u.a. r ,il'' V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers