MIM=IiMMIM it*llioNsTreANCE. Dauchters of Eve! vo,trxot her did not well; She lald_the appl: diglir father's hand. And we (iaa:• read, ). Older! whnt betel-- The man was not it , evived, nor yet could etand • Ile chose toiose. for Itt% of her, his throne-- With her could die, hitt could not live alone. Daughters of Evtl he did übt fall so low, Nor fall so far, as that sweet woman fell; For something better, than as gods to know, Thathusband, in that home left off to dwell; For this, till love lie reckoned less than lore, Shall man be first and best forevermore. Daughters of Eve! it was for your dear sake • The world's first hero died an uncrown'd king Tut God's, great tdiy touched the grand mistake, And made his married loVe a sacred thing; " For yettis nobler sons, if aug,ht - he, true, Find the lost Eden in' their love to you.• - -Jean Ingelow. . TELMA RA Pli VC SI TMIIIULKY• THREE cases of Cholera were reported in New York yesterday. THERN were a large number of visitors at the "White House," yesterday. Tunny is strong talk in Washington of the pro 7 bable removal of Gen. Pope. THE prorogation of the lit.llan Parliament took place yesterday. Tor revolt in Catalonia, Spain, has failed, and the authority of the government is rapidly being re-established in the insurrectionary districts. nuurnx has been obliged to defer ,the Move- Ment on Borne, and the preparations of the party of action throughout Italy have been suspended. QUElni" VicrontA and the Emperor of Austria, it is reported, will visit Napoleon at Paris in Oc tober. THE Sultan of Turkey has resolved to form a new Connell, tote composed in equal numbers of Greek and Turkish members. TuE Paris semi-official papers declare that the Imperial Conference at Salzburg will insure a long term of peace throughout Europe. GOVERNOR GEARY was at Washington yester day, and had a bitsiness interview with General. Grant. - business. part_of_the _ of_ Plattsburg, N. Y., was burned on Tuesday night, ineluding Platt's block and Blake's block. SECRETARY BRO " ING is improving. in health, and it Is expected that he will be able to resume his work this week. GENERAL SIIERMAN'h last official act was the removal of the ex-rebel General Hayes; now Sheriff of New Orleans., Ax onotut has been issnpd to muster,out.ofthe service General Whittlesey, a prominent oflicerof the Freedmen's Bureau. ouomt for mustering out all the. additional paymasters in the army, on the Ist of October, was issued yesterday. THE submarine telegraph cable between Key West and Havana was successfully spliced on Sunday last, 18thinstant, and is working well., Juitorts of General Pope's department are here after to be selected exclusively from the lists of registered voters. Tin , . cabin of is negro named Franklin, near Gallatin. Tennessee, was entered yesterday and Franklin was killed and his son dangerously shot. GENERAL THOMAS having been notified of his appointment as General Sheridan's successor, left Louisville for New Orleans yesterday, to take tornmand of the department. THREE persona were drowned in the river near Rockford, M., on Saturday last, in an attempt to rescues ehilt who ka got beyond its deßth. The child was also drowned. PETER CON ER, the murderer, who escaped a few days ago from the New Albany jail. was cap tured at NashvEre, oa Tneschw, and sent back. to New Albany. ' PrLESIDENT 4701csON and General Grant both deny that there WO any elaborate official corres pondence'beraree.n them on the subject of General Sheridan 's rztuovaL TiE. State Department has been attempting to negotiate a treaty with-Juarez, by-vrhlch-Ameri eln citizens were to be exempted from forced roans and other military exactiond. Tire Roanoke river in North Carolina has risen twenty feet In consequence of the late heavy rains. The lowlands have been entirely submerged, and in eomle instances whole crops of the most prom ising corn have been destroyed. TIM New Orleans Aldermen have adopted re solutions asking for the removal of the various city officers, their longer retention in office being considered by the Aldermen inconsistent with the Reconstruction act. C. C Irlaux , , clerk of the Gosport navy-yard, who &dip I.nghaul u year ago, on account of frauds to the, amount of $20,000, has been re- cently wrested inNew Orleans, and has reached Norfolk for trial. T.;r:rrzu ST t!1 District Attorney . Lake, at San• FranPin°, has commenced suit against the own ers of the schooner Sarah, to recover $69,800 on a bond given for the exportation of a cargo to the Amoor river, which. it is alleged,was illegally and fraudulently loaded within the &tilts of the State. TIFF. English Parliament was prorogied yester day. The Queen was not present. but the speech from the throne was presented by a royal com 7 mission. The Queen says that there are no further apprehensions of,any war in Europe: states that the attempted insurrection in Ireland has been suppreissed, and congratulates the Eng lish people on the recent favorable postal treaty with the United States. AN assessor of internal revenue, of New York, having asked the Commissioner of Internal Reve-• ntte at 'Washington if the sales of drafts on foreign countries are to be considered as sales of securities, requiring a bill of memorandum of the same. upon which a stamp duty is imposed by the to.)th section of the internal revenue laws, at the rate of one cent for every $lOO of such sales. has been informed that a "bill of exchange is not regarded as a security within the meaning Of section Kt of the act requiring a stamp tax." Tor corner stone of the Cameron Railroad brldg,6 across the Missouri river at Kansas city, Missouri, was laid yesterday afternoon with Masonic ceremonies. under the immediate di rection of John D. Veneil, grand master, amid great enthusiasm. There were 5,000 , people t.resent, including delegates from Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Independence and other towns in the vicinity ' -who were assembled on the banks of the river to witness the ceremonies. Assurance is given by Mr. Chanuette, the chief engineer, that the structure will be completed In one year. An Important Law Suit Decided. LIVEP.I'OOI.,.. Aug. 21, Evening.—The import ant suit of the West India and Pacific Steamship Company vs. Williams & Guion, just tried..in the Liverpool Court of Assizes, has resulted in a judgment for the plaintiffs, with damages assessed at £13,000. This suit grew out of the nitro-glycerine explosion at Aspinwall, New Grenada on the 3d of Apx lt<aiebv which the steamship European, belonging to the plaintiffs, was totally destroyed while lying at her wharf, in the above named port fhe explosion also resultedlin the loss of sixty lives, including those of the captain and the 'Akers of the steamer. The steamship Caribbean, of the same line, being in at the time, also sustained serious damage. The ship was valued-41 from £36,000 to £40,000. Her cargo was insured for £BO,OOO. The damage to the Caribbean was estimated at nearly1;10,000. The owners Of several buildings on shore, which were demolished, put in their claims for damage to a considerable *Mount in addition. The un derwriters declined to make good the losses, and threw the responsibility upon the owners of the European, upon the ground that they were cul pable in carrying explosive material in their ship, and below deck. The plaintiffs in turn brought suit against Williams & Guion, as the shippers of the nitro-glycerine claiming that they were guilty of deception in shipping the article under the na me of “glonlon oil," a substance unknown to cosunerCe,und thus involved the plaintiffs in their great losses and liabilities. The defendants replied that they had acted In the matter only as forwarders; that the explosive material came to them from a Hamburg house, with instructions to forward to Bondmen, Neil ' bo n & co, San Francisco, by way of the plain tiffs' line; that they were themselves deceived by the decetive title of "glonion oil" In the mod fest, an had no knowledge of the dangerous character of the freight which thus passed through their hands In the usual course of their business. TheittagMent of the court is understood to deli.- . nitely ttettle the fact that the plaintiffs are entitled to damages, and that, they cannot recover their losses from the underwriters, but 'the question whether the defendants tire ultimately liable or whether the 'plaintiffs must look to the on shippers at Hamburg, the originators of the, fraud, -- zoes - tcr a h4zher tribunal for argument and decision. AthlOtioi A game of base la Athletics, of this city, al York, yesterday, at, 'I favor of the Athletics. lows: Klein, 3d b., 1 4 Swandell, c., 4 2 Ryan. c. f., 6 1 Fessler, 1. f., 5 1 Nelson, s. s., 1 4 Malone, p., .4 1 :Patterson, 2d b., 1 .3 Allistoni Ist b., 3 '2 Grum, r. f., , 3 1 27 19 Total INNINGS. muns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Eckford, , 5 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 0-49 Athletic, 9 4 1 0 0 4 0 0 5-23 'Umpire—Mr.' C. Mills, of the Atlantic Club. Forrest's Statue. Ball's Statue of Edwin Forrest, which has just arrived in Boston from Italy, was pri vately exhibited in that city on Saturday.' The Boston. Post says:—"The statue is six feet six inches in height, and represents Co riolanus replying to Virgilia his wife, Vo lumnia his mother, and Valeria, who beseech him to spare Rome:7 -- Perhaps no better atti tilde, could have been:Selected. The moment ‘itj one of power ? strength, dignity and pride, 'and these qualities the artist has evolved with remarkable•skill. The right foot is thrown forward. In the right hand is a scroll, and the left supports the drapery of the toga. A portion of the chest, the arms, and legs are superbly chis eled, and the marble seems alive with that muscular mightiness for which the great tra gedian is so noted. In fact, the posture of the figure, its detail of development, the dra pery,- the- fornranffinclination of -the- head, the expression of the features, even—for mar ble is capable of such when ouched by the quickening hand of genius—the entire work indicates very clearly that Mr. Ball studied his subject well, and has labored with equal zeal and success. The impression made on the visitor as he gazes upon the statue is that it is instinct with life, that there is grace, character and purpoge in every inch of the marble, and that it was committed to fortu nate hands. The statue rests upon a square pedestal,upon the front of which are the mask and numerous emblems of the tragic muse. The history of "the - statue is. this: In 1S(13 ten gentlemen, the majority of whom are Bos tonians, subscribed $l,OOO - each for a statue of Mr. Forrest. In the spring of t$G3, Mr. 'Ball spent some time in Philadelphia, where every facility for making the studies tbr his model was afforded him by Mr. Forrest. A year or more since he sailed for Italy for the purpOse of putting the statue in marble, and it reached this city in a complete state a: - few clays since. The future of the statue is not known other than it will be exhibited in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Inas much as a majority of the subscribers reside in Boston, may we not hope that here will be its resting place—here where the tragedian was first thoroughly recognized and his genius first pronounced upon. Coal Statements. The following is a atatement of the coal transported over the Delaware and Hudson Canal for the week and season eraling Aug. 17,and the same period last year: . Week. Season. Tons. Tons. Delaware and Hudson Canal.. 41,000 762,493 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 478 12,273 Total 31,475 774,711 For same period last year: Week. Season. Tons- Tone. Delaware and lindson &nal.. 37,623 118,035 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 1,06 S 14.186 Total - 38.991 792,291 The following is ill the amount of Coal transported over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, for the week ending Monday August 19 = 1867, and since January.l, ,together with corresponding period List year: ' , Week. PreylonFly. Total. Tone. Tons. Tone. 1867 ................4.427 142,25/ - 146,631 lOW ..... ....... ... .4,397 164,36-1 163,761 12a. b. Increase. Decrease. IMPODICTATI,, Reported for the rhnanelpma Evening pullettn. CARDENAS—Brie A Ii Curtis, Durgin-507 hhds 40 tcs molasses Geo C Carson & Co. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. MAIM FROM FOE DLTL New York....Southampton..New York., Aug 6 'Hibernian ........Liverpool.. Quebec.... ......Aug. 8 City of Mancheeter..Liverpt .New York Aug. 10 Union Southampton.. New York .......Aug. 13 Tripoli.... Y0rk........ Aug. 13 City of Antwerp..l.lverpool—New York Aug. 14 Pennsylvania ... .Liverpool—New York. Aug. 14 C uba....... ..Livcrpool —Boston Aug. 17 City of Boston....Livertml—New York .......Aug. 21 Persia—. Liverpool.. New York. Aug. 24 Edinburgh .......Liverpool..New York 24 Malta Liverpool.. New York ...... ..Aug. 27 TO DEPART. Juniata Philadelphia.. New Orleans ....Aug. ; Alliance Philadelphia..Charleston.......Aug. York..Liverpool.........Aug. Tarifa ....' .....New York.. Liverpool ........Aug. 24 Star of the Union. .Philada..New Orleans... .Ang. 24 Wyoming. .....Philadelphia..Savannak........Aug. 24 Ferenc , — New York, .Havre ...........Aug. 24 Hammonia • • New. York.. Hamburg. .......Aug. 24 Westernhletropolls. N York.. Bremen.. ...Aug. 24 Java... .... ... ....Boston..Liverpool ...Aug. 24 City of Paris.... New York.. Liverpool Aug. 24 Britannia........NOw York.. Glasgow Aug 24 Nebraska. ..... ..New York.. Liverpool Aug. 28 Pnlmyra.........New Yerk..Liverpool Aug. 28 Hibernia.. ..... .New York"..Glasgow.... ..... .Ang. 31 Fulton.... New York..Havre .. . .. ......Aug. 31 Erin . . .......New York.. Liverpool Aug. 81 H Havana.......... Sept. ,3 Pioneer... ....Philadelphia.. 5 Ville de Paris... New York..lUvre Sept. 7 Pennsylvania.... New York.. Liverpool... ...... Sept. 7 BQARD OF TRADE. wm. C. Ezr*, THOS E. ASIIMEAD, Motcrat,y Cow mis& CHARLES SPENCER. t v i ril ti Oa 3 au M m Dio 4 izil PORT OP PHILADELPHIA-Atm. 22 sun RIM, 5 20 (dint Ban. 6 40 I Huta Warn, 047 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Steamer C Comatock, Drake, 24 bourn from N. York, with nide° to W Baird & Co. . . Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to NV M Baird & Co. Steamer Beverly, Pierce. 24 hours from New York, NV with mdse to P Clyde & Co. Steamer S M. Felton, Davis, 6 hours from Cape May, with passengers to captain. Steamer Millville, Renear, 'I day from New York, with salt to A Kerr &Bro. Brig Clara (Br), Morgan, 8 days from New York, in ballast to Merchant & Co. Selz R R Townsend, Townsend, front Boston, in ballast to D S Stetson Co. Seta Mimilonette, Colber, from Baltimore, with him her to E. Bolton & Co. nchr Nuncio, Ellis, from Laurel. Del, with lumber to Bacon, Collins & Co. Behr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr J A Griffin, Foater Boston. Schr F G Smith, Lake, Boston. Schr W O Dearborn, Scull, Dorchester. Tug Clyde, Duncan, from Cheater River, Md, with peaches to W 1' Clyde & Co. Tug Commodore, Iderahon, from Delaware Bay,with peaches to W 1' Clyde & Co. Tug Thoa Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. Schr Sybil, arrived on Tuesday, was from Orchilla— not Nevaasa. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Chester, Jones, New York - , W P Clyde & Co. Steamer R Willing, Cundiff, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Schr R R Townsend, Townaend,Galveston, D S Stet son & Co. Behr N & 11 Gould, Crowell, Boston, J G & G S Rep.. niter. SelmNunelo, Ellis, Baltimore, Bacon, Collins & Co. Buhr S Costner, Robinson, Boston, Costner, Stick.usy & Wellington. Sthr Vicksburg, Kendall, Boston, E A Solider & CO. Tug Commodore, Mershon, Delaware Bay, Md, 4Y g Clyde & Co. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,-4847. gain - Victorious; 11, played between -the id the VekfOrd, of. New illiarasburg, resulted in The score was as fol- 0. R. Kleinfelder, let b., 5 2 Nicßride p., 2 3 Reach, id b., 4 2 s. s., :; Fisler, fid b., 1 4 Sensenderfer, 1. f.,. 1 4 Berty,.c. f., 3 3 Radcliff, n. , 3 1 Cuthbert, r. f., • • .5 1 Ty, Clyde, Duncan, Cheater River, Md. Wm P Clyde Tug Th;mnas Jefferson, Allen, for Baltimore, with tow of lirges,W P Clyde ..C0...::..,. MEMORANDA,— •• - Ship Lizzie Oaktord. Rocko,cleated at San Francisco 29th ult. for Howland'a Ship - Teniplar; - Rogers; from - BoStotrfor Chile or Cal cutta, was sppen Rh July. let 18 40 N, lon 37 80 W. Shin C B Hazeltine, Gilkey, from Baltimore for Montevidec and Buenos Ayres, was spoken 23d ult. let 2 06 5, lon 29. Ship Mount Washington, Dialing, cleared at Liver pool oth inst. for Calcutta. Ship Loreley,,Schenck, from Saigon. 'at Hong Kong June 19, with loss of sails, &c, having encountered a heavy gale. ....- Ship Coquette,Wogens,from Liverpool for San Frau cisco, was spoken 27th ult. let 9,N, lon 25, Ship City of Montreal, from Cardiff for Callao, was spoken Ist ult. let 10 N, lon 26. Steamer New York Marshall, hence at Georgetown, 20th inst. Steamer Dielita,`,Sumner, from Liverpool; at Boston 20th lust. Steamer Monterey, Edwards, cleared at New Orleans 16th inst. for New York. Steamer Cuba, Dukehart, sailed from New Orleans 19th lust,. for Baltimore via Havana. Steamer Rising Star, Seabury, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwall. Bark May E Libby, of Portland. put into St Thomas 4th inst. in distress, having encountered a hurricane at Sombrero Island on the 20th ult. She woald repair damages at once and proceed back to the Island to re ceive her cargo of guano for Philadelphia.' Bark Chalmette, Waite, at San Francisco 16th inst. from Baltimore. Bark Challenge, Weslake, from New York, at Syd hey 9th June and remained 29th, for Valparaiso. itifrk Louisa Cook, Cook, from London for this port, sailed from Gravesend 10th inst. Bark Eldorado, Haskell, from Cardiff for Singapore, was Spoken 26th ult. let 50 N, lon 7 W. Brig George Harris, French, cleared at Bangor 17th inst. for this port. Brig R C Wright, Warner, cleared at Savannah 17th inst. for Rio Janeiro, with lumber. Schr Di Farrow, Condor, hence at Portsmouth 16th Instant. Schr Wm Walton,Reeves, sailed from Wareham 19th Inst. for this port. Schr Salmon Washburn, Williams, at Dighton 18th inst. from Delaware City. • Schr Victoria, Kelly. cleared at -Baltimore 20th inst. for this port. Schr N'irginia (Br), Eden, hence at Kingston, Ja. 2d inst. via Barbados. • Schr Stephen Morris, Hewett, hence at Boston, 20th instant. Schr L S Levering, was below Boston 20th inst. Schr Wm B McShain, Christy, hence at Georgetown, DC. 19th.inst. and sailed ter Wilmington. -- SelrrAlltatrce, - Nort(roTsuiled• Georgetown; 19th inst. for this port. , Schr Maria Jane, Jones, hence at Dighton 18th inst. Schr E Fleuer, hence at London 18th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY Schr Emily Gifford, before reported ashore opposite Patchogue, LI, is being stripped of all material that can he saved from her by the wreckers, Messrs Rose & Miller, for the benefit of whom it may concern. The chains and anchors were saved 18th and taken to the beach. The hull will probably be sold, as she is not in a condition to be got off. Schr Sophie Ann, of Wilmington, Del. 195 tons,built at Brandywine in 1952, now at Providence. has been sold to Capt Allen B Baker, and others, of Yarmouth, Mass. and parties in Boston and Providence fur $9OOO, cash. She will hereafter hail from Yarmouth. under commend of Capt Baker, late of schr Chas H Schr Leader, which sailed from New London Dec 26 last, and encountered a terrific gale off Moatank the next day, has been given up as lost. There does not remain a doubt that the wreck reported off Nantucket by brig Geo Burnham, was that of the ill-fated schr. She was 57 tons, 6 years old, and had made two voy ages to Hudson Bay and Cumberland Inlet. She was owned by Williams & Haven, and was bound to the coast of Africa, under command of Capt Liaol S Bab cock, of New London. • I NSTKIICTION. r ORAVIAN cor,LEr; AT BETHLEHEM, PA. ill This institution. under the auspices of the 3loravian Church, whose schools have enjoyed a high reputation for more than three quarters of a century, is located at Bethlehem, Northiuripton county, Pa., the oldest and principal seat of the Moravian!, in this country. Having .been reorganized in 1864; with the, view to a more extended sphere of usefulness, it now give* a thorough collegiate education. similar to that afforded by other institutions of the same character. In connection with it is. a Grammar School, in which students are prepared to enter upon the course of study pursued at the college, and which, at the same time,offers an opportunity for such as do not design taking a Collegi ate course, to lay a Food foundation in those branches se 'rich will be of service in practical life. Students are admitted to the College after an examina tion by the Faculty. No student under fourteen years of age is received into the Grammar School. A' limited number of students may board in the College building. Ihe Christmas Term begins on the eleventh day of Sep. timber next. For further particulars apply to Rev. EDMUND DE SCHWEINITZ, President For circulars; apply to Jordan& Brother. No. W 9 North Third street, Philadelphia. aul7.oa tit th 180 I.4 I RIENDS' SCHOOLS, CORNER OF FOURTH AND Green, will open •on Second Day, the 2d of 4th ]tenth (Sept. the 2(1),1967, for the Fall and Winter terms. 'I hese schools are divided Into three departments. First, a 'Primary for Boys and Girls. Second, a Secondary for Boys and Girl., and a First Class Grammar school for Girls only. Entrance to the Grammar School from Dill. wyn street. west side, nrst door below Green. To the Pri mary and Secondary - , at the Gate on Fourth, te reel. For terms and admission apply to the Teacher at the schools, or to Spencer Roberts, 421 Not th Sixth street; or to Elisa beth W. Lippincott. 529 North Sixth street • or to Louisa J. ltobees, 421 North Sixth street; or to Samuel Gilling ham, 816 Poplar street—Members of the Committee. min s tv4t; • --' " TliE MISSES DE CHAR d ' ENGLISH AND French School for Young La •-.• No. 1616 FILBERT street, will be re-opened, on the third MONDAY in Sap. telpher. by Miss CARRIE S. BURNHAM. The Course of Study, in addition to the branches heretofore taught, will include Latin, German, Elocution and Vocal Music. A Mineralogical Cabinet has been secured, and frequent Lectures upon Mineralogy, Botany, Astronomy and other Natural Sciences will be given free of charge. See Circulars at T. B. PUGH'S Book Store. Bulletin jr..34n,e,tf4 ‘`.4,I.:LECT BOYS' SCHOOL, AT AUBUI{NDA_LE, HASS. , 1.3 Building, rooms, grounds, spacious and elegant .Locit tion and general arrangements unsurpassed. for the pur. pore, in N. ew England. Pupils will receive the most thorough English and Classical drill, and have the moat careful attention in regard to health, month!, general habits, and intellectual training. Number limited to twenty. School will open September 26, 1867. For refer. ewes and particulars, address (for the present) w fl2t CHAS. W. CESULNO: VRIENDS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR. GIRLS, COI- I' ncr of FOURTH and GREEN &wets, will open for the. Fall and Winter term, on SECOND I/AY, the 2d of Ninth Month (Sept. 2d), 1867. Entrance from Dilwyn street, west side. first door below Green. For terms and adults- Plan apply to the Teacher at the school, or to Spencer Roberts, 421. North Sixth street ,• Elizabeth W. Lippincott, 53(1 Nortlitfixth street ; Louisa J'. Roberts, 921 North Sixth street; Samuel Gillingham, 616 Poplar street, members of the committee. LABELL FEMALE SEMINARY, TEN ILES WEST of Boston, at Auburndale, Mass. Location, accommo. dations and advantages. all thatsan bo desired. Special attention paid to the rudiments of an English education. Music and French taught by ntasters in the profession. Pa fiiting and Drawing in the best style of the art. Four years Classical Course, Number limited to forty-eight. Next year will begin September 26, 1867. Address ' CHAS. W. CUSHING. jy29m w fl2t Auburndale, Maas, 1 will open Scptemher 1, 180'7. The bicoNIT.,'LE 12 " . part a thorough luminous and classical education, Young men are prepared for any class in College. Circulate at No. 51.2. Arch street, Philadelphia, or addreme. JNO. (MS:SIAN, a INI`KENZIE,s au26w.v.Bt• lindgeton, N. J. ---- S • CARS BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG .I‘.l. CARDS seven miles from Philadelphia. opposite the York Road Station North Pennsylvania Railroad. The twelfth session will commence September 20th. Circulars may he obtained at the office of Jay Cooke A: Co, 114 South Third street, or by addressing the Principal. Shoe makertown P. 0., Montgomery county, Pa. at2ltoc3l° A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL „CV Church, Locust and Juniper otreets.—The Autumnal Session will open on Monday, September 2. Applications for admission may be made at the Academy, during the preceding week, between 10 and 12 o'clock in the morn. Init., JAMES W. ROBINS. A. M., aulL4ll a tu24ti Head Master. ADAME CLEM ENT'S ERENCII PROTESTANT 111. SCHOOL FON YOUNG•LADIES, GERMANTOWN, Ps.—The Twenty-first Session will commence sErrEst. mut 11, 1067. French Is the language of the family; the pupils being required to speak it altogether. Particular . attention given to the English branches. For circulars apply to the Principal. aul7-Im4 CIATIL 4 HINE M. ;SHIPLEY WILL ItEZPEN HER School, No. 4 booth Merrick street on the Ninth of Ninth Nloutli, (Septembero kW, Cliieae in ifixtery. the Natural Sciencea. and Drawing will he teemed iudepeit• delitly of the regular 81.1100 i course; competent Professorli will attend to these branchee. anintocll IMHENDB'. SCHOOLS OBLEIi AVENUE, NORTH D from Noble, below Sixth.—New Term will commence 'Seconliglay; Ninth Month (September) 2d. For tarms,kc. apply' to SAMUEL ALLEN. Jr., Principal Mob, Depart ment, or HANNAH LLEWELLYN, Principal Female Department. analtu,thilt" tiIESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMINARY. PHIL/I- V deiphia.— Mfrs Bonney and Mice Dillayo will reopen their Boarding and Day School. at N 0.1615 Cheknut !greet,' on Wednesday, September, lath. Particulare from (Aron lore. c aup,tocl. PROFESSOR 11. JOBIE, FRENCH, LATIN. ti REEK and Spanish Languages, Literature and Mathematics, No. 233 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. Refeivuees—EN•liev. Coussirat, al Spruce rt., Pastor of French Evangelical Church, 7th and Spruce ste. au2OtiP SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, CORNER 1 of Filbert street and Northwest Penn Square, will re-open on MONDAY, September W. J. HORSTMANN, Vice President. nu17.3w1 1 • P. P. MORItII3, Secretary and Treasurer. --- A CADENY OF THE SACRED. .NO. 1334 ..1 Walnut areal—Parents and guardians are respect fully notified that the scholastic year reopens on MON DAY, September 2d. aulg.lm§ THE PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL, Fourth street, above ViClO,ll now open for the Fail and Winter Seasons. Ladles and 'dentlemon will fled every provision foremnfort and safety, so that a nor. ouch know side of thie beautiful accomplishment may be o btained by the most timid. Saddle horses traludd in the beet manner. Saddle horses and vehicles to hire Also earrheres for funerals, Wears, &e. nis i" THOMAS CRAM & BON. INSTRAUCTIONI. 110FORDENTO'WN FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN• BO town, N. institution for the careful and tiler. ough instruction of Young Ladies in all the branches of a complete education. Board and tuition in the Property tory_ and_Collegiatc Departments,. $2OB per year. _Washina, Ancient and Modern "Lantniagea and ornamental branches, extra. Winter Sessioh opens September lAth. For catalogues address Rev. JOHN 11. BRAKELEY. A. M. President. au6.tu,th,s-18t4 MESS SANFORD'3 DAY SUITOOL, FOR YOUNG Indles.".No, 1122 Walnut street, will be re-opened TUESDAY, September 17th. Miss Sanford will be at Lome, 18'312 Spruce street, on and after September 12th. aul4-w,t,mn,,lbt• IVI Li nd Day Rchool for Young l ies, at 1841 CIIES and French TN1.71 14 S a treet, on September 16th. For circulars, until the Ist of Soptom her, address Miss r niROPP, Valley Forgo, PR. nul44 - PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS IN THE.PIIILADEL. Phia City Institute. N. E. corner Chestnut and Midi. tenth etreeli entrance.on Eighteenth street, will re-open on MONDAY, September Pth. aid-boo L. BARROWS. Principal. A NABLE'S 'SCHOOL;Ie.ABBOrISP°4 " i EA"E SOrTIIEAsT CORNERF IiUAS AND PINE Stmete, will re•opou SeptentherlBt • au12.1.m. UWE ARCH STREET INkiTITUTE FOR YOUNG 1 Ladles; 124 Arch street, will mopen on MONDAY, September: l th. nut7-2int L. M. BROWN', Principal. f I , GB BON'S, NO. 1318 CHESTNUT !greet. SePgion begin? Sept P. For circolurs ttddrem atitttl.tp.th, CHASE S BUCKINGHAM, iiI:II.IENIF:T, FRENCH TEACH ER AND FItPiNCII .1 Circulating Librar.N.". '2:17 S. Ninth street. at`3o•lni. SPECIAL NOTICEfI. 201.• BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—THIS SPLENDID Hair Dye is the best in the world. The only true and Perfect Dve—llarmlose, Reliable, Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine is signed NVILLIAII A. BATCHELOR. All others aro intl. tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay street, New York. V. BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. de7f m cely. . IarTHE INDUSTRIAL HONE, CORNER OF Broad street and Columbia avenue, is open for the admission of Girls from twelve to eighteen year' of age who are neglected or deserted by their parents, and who need the shelter and instruction of a Christian home. If the public will eustain this Institution. many girls wom e n kept from evil, and made respectable and useful Contributions may be sent to JAMES T. SHINN, Treas. ewer. Broad and Spruce streets. noarptl DIVIDEND NOTICES. giQr. OFFICE OF TILE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON • COMPANY, PIIif...4,DEI.MILA, August 15th, 1867. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Com. pan v, held this (Inv, a Dividend of Four l'er Cent. ou the Tartal-stockTelea - rof-State-Tax,was.4l4l£l-8 4 '4 4 1 , -paptlde to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, ou and after the 26th inst. The Transfer Books will be closed until the 27th inst. EDWARD ELY, null I 2SI Treasurer. EXCURSIONS. FARE TO WILMINGTON 15. CTS. cuEsTER OK 1100 K, 10 CTS. d ri! thimur... S i t t ()Ti in a ie nd x a r itlr wi ll i ONY, July Bth, the leave Chestnu t 9treet Wharf r a ' t 9.15 - A. M., and 3.45 ' M. Re turning—leave 9Wilmingtan at 6.4 a A. M., and 15.45 P. M. Fare to Wilmington. 15 eta. ; Excursion Tickets, 25 rte. Fare to Chester or Hook, 10 eta. au21.1.60 EXCURS - lONS mington, Delaware. Steamer ELIZA HANCOX will leave Dock street wharf daily at 11l A. M. and 4P. M. Return. inf. , . leave Market street wharf, Wilmington, at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M. Fare for the round trip........ 50 cents. Single tickets..... ... Chester and Marcus Hook.. . ... " For further applyparticulars,, n hoard. Ev 22 L. W. BURNS, Captain. UP THE RIVER—DAILY EXCUR. storm to Burlington and Bristol—Touch ing each way at Riverton. Torresdale, Andalusia and Beverly. The splendid Steamboat JOHNA. WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chentnut street wharf. at 2 and 6 o'clock P. M. Returang. loaves Bristol at 6.50 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Ware 20 cfs. each way. Excursion. 40 cta. FOR SALE. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT 18 offered for a short time only, ton few hidividivila. in a tract of land in New-Jersey, within thirty tones of l'hiiiidelphis. and three of it railway station, in every re. *pert adapted to the cultivation of the CRANBERRY, STRAWBERRY. RASPBERRY AND BLACKBERRY. well a* other fruits. This la no "joint-ritock" specula tion. Box 1599 Philada. P. 0. aual-3t• d FIIiST-CIsASS DRY-GOODS STORE ON TIIE 31. most central business part of Eighth street for sale. - - In consequence of deelining health, the proprietor will oiler for auk: his stock. fixtures. good•will, k.c., now doing a cash trade of about one hundred thousand dollars Pgr-ausium....,ltent moderate. ... Apply - 61241w .remises,• • anli - i-liM . - -. E. cor. EIGIITII and CHEERY. FOR BALE—VA S A:ABLE BUSINESS PROPER tiet,, Fourth street, a llow . Vine.—One threatitory Building, 42 feet by lO,ex e .. • to Dlllw en street. Hasa cellar 14 feet deep. heavily arc. • Well adapted for manufacturing or other heavy hnsin • . Aho, large foul •atory Dwelling inijo Win . For p articti lam apply to JOHN G. J BON. aulo4o No. 708 Walni atreet. itELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOR SAL t CON. taining 8 acres of land, with large double pointed " atone Residence, containing 16 rooms and every city convenience' pointed stone stable and carriage-hou se. house, &c.; situate within 7 miles from the city, and miles from Oak Lane Station, on North Pennsylvania Raiboa& Handsome Lawn well shaded, fine vegetable garden, a f every kind. J. M. GUMWA' & ga rd e Walnuts 508 :t. FOR SALE—A MODERN STONE COTTAGE E Residence, with stable and carriage -house, and large " lot of ground, beautifully improved, with an abund ance of the choicest shrubbery• situate on Tioga etreet, one minute's walk from the Railroad Station, fifteen minutes from the city. Large vegetable garden, well stocked, and fruit of every kind. J. M. GUMMEY dt SONS, 608 Walnut street. rFOR BALE.—A RARE CHANCE FOR A GEN. tleman wishing a country residence, four acres,with " good buildings; well of excellent water; in the Borough of Doylestown, Bucks county, Pa. The location is very high end healthy, commanding an extended view over a beautiful and rich country. An abundance of fruit and shade; 10 minutes' walk from Railroad Depot. For P articulars address J. E, • tu th s ' 2 41 Market street, Philadelphia. " c FOR SALE-960 FRANKLIN . STREET. 25 x 112. :: • 818 North Seventh street, 23 x Hp. 1827 East Delancey Place. 24 x 75. 1834 Spruce Street. 21 x 70. 1914 Pine street. 18 x 105. 16:'A Summer street, 031 90. Apply to COPI'UCK & JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. L. FOR SALE.—THE HANDSOME THREE:STORY Brick Ref 'deuce, Da fer t front, with threevtory double " back buildingp, and aide yard, 7 feet wide, situate No. 2b7 North Twentieth street. Ham every modern conveni ence and improvement, and la in perfect order. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS. E_ WEST AftCll STREET.—FOR SALE—A MAND some fouratory brick Reeidenee, with threoatory " double back huildinge, situate on the south side of Arch street, near Twentieth. Has every modern cony°. Memo and improvement. Lot Mxl7o feet deep. J. M. f:I'MMEY & SONS, 5( Walnut street. agFOR SALE.—THE HANDSOME THREE STORY brick residence, 22 feet front, with attics, and three " story back buildings, and furnished with every modern convenience. Situate No. 902 lino street. Lot 116 eet deep. J. M. GUM MNY &SONS, fa Walnut street. inFOR SALE—THE VALUABLE STORE PROP ERTY. NO. CS Commerce street. Immediate pod session given. Is four stories in height, al feet front and lot 76 feet deep. J. M..OUMMEY. & SONS. 5( Walnut street. EFOR SALE—SPLENDID DWELLING, CLIEL. "ton avenue, Germantown, containing fifteen rooms— all modern imyrovementa. Lot 50x236, and hand. somely improved. - Several desirable 11011/308 to rent— FEWER, KRICKDAUId & PUItDY. atts GERMANTOWN.—SEVERAL DEBIRABLE SU r burbau Cottages for sale. Immediate possession. W. H. STORM, itoB Im• Insurance Office, Germantown. t FOR SALE—ELEGANT RESIDENCE. NO. MS SPRUCE STREET ISAULE, BROTHER dc , Je29-2m• N 0.2500 South street. 2. FOE BALE—TWO NEW HOUSES, WALNUT lane, filth ands txtli houses, west of Adams street, Germantown. Apply to A. W. RANDOM North Sixth street, Phila.:lBJ je27-tf4 'PON SALE OR TO LET—LOTS ON COLUMBIA AV., I' 18th, 20th and 21st eta. Also on Broad . 18th eta., and Montgomery 11XCIIIII.. Apply between 10 and 1 o'clock to M. C. LEA. 426 Walnut. atal.w f mlotf. TO RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE TO L rent, SI,MI per aunum. Addrem U. K., this office. au21,60' r:piTO LET A DESIRABLE DOUBLDOUBLE°FEICK Brat floor, with tun and heat, North Sixth Arcot, oPPonite Franklin square •, Mao the rootna in the third and fourth 'dories of Dm sumo building. Apply to W. MAYHEW. ou the prendeev. , au2l•att TO RENT-THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 1634 Summer street, opposite Church of Covenant. ' Also, three-story house 318 South Fifteenth street. All modern improvements. Apply to COPPUCK ti. JOR DAN. 433 Walnut street. A LARGE UPPER, ROOM, WELL VENTILATED it and tiarlt lighted, co-pia:table neighboehood, to offered for rent alro, a room on the ground floor, imitable for an office fora profeerional gentleman. Apply at the Dimg Store, corner Spruce and Seventh ate. an22-M4 (TANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, dto.-1,000 CASES ‘../ fresh Canned Peaches; 500 cases fresh Canned Pine Apples; MO cages fresh Pine Apples, in glass; 1.500 cases Green Corn and Green Peas; WO cases fresh Plums, in cans; 500 cases fresh Green Gages; 500 cases Cherries in li rre r ign 8 6 mrsto B lI c s b Pr r e l t s iPe Mug', ryr e n a p 4 P 9 4 3 27ll% Canned Tomatoes; 500 eases Oysters, Lobsters and Clams; 000 cases Roast' Beef, Glutton,VAL Nouns,Arc. -For sale by JOSEPhI B. BUSSIER ea. CO., 150 South Delaware avenue I\TEW TURKEY PRUNES, CURRANTS, dic.—New Turkey Prunes, quality very flue; New Crop Uun'aubl. Orange and Lemon Peel. New Malaga Lemons,, landing and for eels by JOS. BUSSTER Idd &nth D *Wen WebiStlri. OROCEHIEN LIQUORS, ADO. NEW NO, 1- MACKEREL,-IN-KITTS,- JEST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. SUPERIOR VINEGARS. French White Wtne, and Pure Old Cider Vinegars. For sale by JAMES R. WEBB, MS • WALNUT and EIGHTH STREET!". ` 4 '‘ COLGATE & CO.'S 0‘ 14 5 , c.) GERMAN ERASrirE SOAP yb Manufactured from PURE MA. TERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by aU Grocer.. my2l4mhtb47l NEW GRAHAM AND RYE FLOUR, WHEATEN Grits, Farina, Corn Starch and Maluns, Rice Flour, Rebinson's patent Barley and Groats,_ in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. HS South Becosul street. MEW CROP PRESERVED GINGER, DRY AND IN syrup ; assorted reserves, jedUee and jam away' to store and for sale at C OUST r 8 East Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. (MIOXCE TABLE CLARETS, P NT$ AND QUARTo— I-/ pure old medicinal brandy, wines, gine, &c., for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. US South Second street. (1110 ICE SWEET OIL, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, kJ boneless Sardines; genuine Stilten Cheese, Spiced An. chovie__,__s Durham Mustard, in 6 lb stone jars, for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocerv,No.llB South Second street GENUINE BENEDICIINOREM. CHARTREUSE, Aniseed, Curacoa and Maraschino Cordials, just re. - mired and for rain atINMAITY'S--East - End• Grocery, 116 South Second street. WRENCH WINE VINEGAR VERY SUPERIOR V Fr e nch White Wine Vinegar. In store and Ror tale by M. F. SPILLIN. R ENOB E WALNUTS.--6 BALES OFPrineeas _ r GRNOBLE Paper Shell ViLaln_libh...mii rti. monde for sale by hi. F. btu , Eighth streets. NIACCARONI AND VERMICELLL-100 DOXES OF choice Leghorn Maccaroni and Vermicelli, of the late Importation, in store and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN N. W. Cor. Arch and Eighth streets. RETAIL IMIlf GOOD . 1101 CHESTNUT STREET. LADIES Leaving for the . Country or Water* Places, will find • SPLENDID,ABBORTMENTS OF Materials for White Bodies. g Embr'd Breakfast Sets. Linen Collars and Cuffs. t. Linen lUndenieeves. Printed Linen Cambries. Plain and Printed Piques. )-4 AT E. M. NEEDLES & CO.'S, N.W. Cori 11th and Cteatnnt Sta. uaall.LS .LfIN.LCHHO lOU CAN MESH BLACK beet quality imported. Alsodhe ordinary qualities. S 4 White and Mitek . Barege. 8.4 White and Black Crape Mardis Rich Figured Grenadines and Organdies. Grenadine and Organdie Robes, reducedl Summer Silks and Poplins. Fred Linens, for Dreams.. , Materials for Traveling falls. Summer Dreas Goods, very much reduced invitee. EDWIN HALL is CO., 38 South Second at. I)LANKETS, FLANNELS. MCSLINS.— PERSONS .1.) about purchasing Blankets would do well to look through our stock before so doing. All the leading makes of Blankets. In and 12-4. and 4-4 Ballard Vale Blankets, in all numbers. White Flannels, all wool and Darnel, 31.37.54, 44 and 00. Bed, Grey and Green Twilled Flannels. all grades. Colored Flannels, of Middlesex and Washington makes. Bleached and. Unbleached Mutlins, 10. 12X. 14, 18 and 18. New York Mills, Wamsutta and VI illianaville Muslina. STOKES & WOOD, l'o2 Arch street. BLACE AND MUTE LACE POINTES AND SO. tundas. Sea4ide and Llama Shawls, . Shetland and Barege Shawls. Spring Cloaks, reduced. Gay. Plaid Cloths, for Cireidara. Scarlet and White Cloths. Brocho Shawls. open centres. Plaid and Stripe Woolen Shawls. EDWIN HALL & CO.. 28 South Second st. A`.II OM JOHN PENINGTON Si SON, FRENCH, ENGLISH, CLASSICAL BOOKS, 127 South Seventh Street. minim* . Oltlib.— itEINOLD,S'S GREAT W 01 ,- LONI)ON - SERIES." CIiI'UTEST BOOKS Mary Price........ ....... 1 Oa Eitstace Quentin.-- ... A 00 Joseph IA illuot. .........I 00 I Banker's Daugh ter 100 Kenneth. .....,.........1 IV The Ityeaouse Plot 1 00 !The N ecromancer .100 r. or in cloth, nt 3}s2 each. Queen Joanna, or the Court of Nitta,. ... 75 Lori., of the 1 laretr... .. 75 Ellen Percy 75 Agnes Eve1en............ 75 Pickwick Abroad 75 Parricide........ ........ . 75 Life in Paris...—. ...... 50 Countess and the Page.. 50 Edgar Montrose.— ..... 50 DiscardedSneen.. - ..... 75 The Ruined lamesier... 50 Ciprinn. or Secrets of a Picture Ga11ery........ 50 Court of London 1 001 Rose Folder.. .... ......... 100 Caroline Brunswick 1 00 Venetia Trelawney. ....1 001 Lord Saxondale.... ...... 1 00 Count Chri5t0va1.........1 00 Bora 001 Above are in paper cove 'I he Opera Dancer 75 Child of Waterloo 75' bohert Bruce ............ 75 1 C he Gipsy ilia 75 Mary Ste - wart, Queen of tieob. 75 nMice, Hero licotland.l IX] Irt.bello Vincent—. 75 Vivian 8ertram......... 75 Coonteoo of Laceiles..... 75 Doke of .11areInnont..... 75 'llw Soldler'm Wife 75 31Ity 3liddleton.... 75 Morottere of (Hencoe:.... 75 All hooks published are for sale by us the moment they are issued from the press, at Publishers' prices. Call in person, or send for whatever booksyou want, to T. B PETERS dt B ROTHERSdelphi; u4.14t 1106 Chestnut ON street. Philaa. Pa. T CST READY—BINGIIAM'S LATIN GRAMMA — R.- 0 New Edition. A Grammar of the Latin Language. For the use of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies. By William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bing hem School. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject. Copies will ho furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. ('rice *1 W. l'utAlthed by E. H. BUTLER & CO„ 131 south Fourth street. Philadelphia. tte2l And for oak by Books('Hero generally A LL THE NEW , ROOKIL xi BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA: TUBE. JAMES 8. CLAXTON. . . WeCloser toWm.S.Tii - K - liraFtieW,liiiiiiieanut street. WOOL GATHERING : BYy Gail Handkon. AN ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY: By Isaac I. Hayes, .D. A STORY OF DOOM and OTHER [MEMO: By Jean n tIVIVINGELOW , B POEMS; Complete in Two Vols. HARDWARE. Mi 7 l l ll DERMAN ENT BOARDING Waif FIRST-CLASS AC .I commodatione, on School Lano;sth home from Sta tion on Norristown Railroad. Good stabling. , aule•th,s,t" HANDBOME RESIDENCE 801 SOUTH EIGHTH 1 street, corner of Spruce, is now open to, receive bonrder& Suites,oi room!, with private table, if de eired. au6 tEGE.TILIa BMIMI ILVVIBER. KEELEY 87, BROaBACK, LUMBER_ YARD, SAW AND PLANING MILL, North Sixth - Street, above Jefferson, PHILADELPHIA. LUMBER FOR CARPENTERS, CAR BUILDERS. CABINET AND PATTERN MAKERS.' SEASONED PINE, ALL rIZES, ALL RINDS OF BUILDING LUMBER AND HARD WOOD. ALSO, TRUNK AND BOX BOARDS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WOOD MOULDINGS. LUMBER SAWED AND PLANED TO ORDER.. 3 0 2-tu th am§ F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. WALNUT . LUMBERt4 7916tu th e 2m6 "United States Builder's N 0.24,26 and 28 S. FifteenthSt.s, PILILADELPHLA. ESLER & BROTHER, 3tAITOY.&OTUZIEB Or WOOD MOM% DRACHM STAIR BALUSTIA Ems, GENERAL !TOM AND SCROLL WORE, k The largest assortment of Wood Mouldings la eMV constantly on hand. 1867.-B ELECT WHITE PINE.. BOARDS AND FLA 4-4, 15•4, 84, 2,2 M. 8 and 4. CHOICE PANEL. AND FIRST COMMON, 16 tad 14101 4-4, 6-4.6-4. 2. 2M. 8 and 4-inch. MAIILIi,BROTHER /8 CO.. No-,.--251.11.130UTE1 Wait 1867. - ENTEROVEMNLVINO"' CAROLINA VOIUNO. 6-4 CAROLINA ORIN, ' ' 4-4 DELAWARE LOORING 14 DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING, WALNUT FLO4)KIN9, SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP IRIAIIDS, RAIL PLANK, PLASTERING LATH MA CLE,BROTHER & No. ?AM SOUTH Streit: 1.867. - i% D A A R R A AAD ( V I r REV R HAVL ES. COOPER SHENGLE_ ~ti No.l CEDAR LOGS AND rOSTII. tio. 'CEDAR LOGS AND FUSES MAI:LE, BROTUBR al Mk 1867. - LEIRERFB4 I:ll3lMaligi CEDAR, WALNUT . AHOGA N CEDAR, WALN UT MA If OGA NY. MA . ULE, BROTH= a ca. 1867. AALBBAN MUIR 81'. SEASNNED WALNUT. REASONED WA LN UT. DRY POPLAR, CHERRY AND ASH. OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. ROSEWOOD AND WAJLNUT ENEERS. hUULE, BROTHER 00. 1867. -CIGAR BOX MA 4134VER L B. STAMM CEDAR BOX.BOARDB. No. 2600 BOUTTH Stria. IIT ...S O PRUCE JOIST.-BPRUCEJOIBT-41PRUCR .86 S. JIST. FROM 14 TO El FEET LONG. PROM 14 TO la FEET LON SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLINEL MAIZE BROTHER b No. MOD SOUTH baba. my 13 to LIUMBER.—THE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPAZED to:dumb& deeeritdon Men Me ',umbel tram St. Marrs MM. Georgia. on (average tartniLiOrra mo S Joist. Ac., from Maine. EDMUND A. SOLIDER Dock Street Wharf. QPRUCE LUMBER AFLOA .-13CANTLENO AND 1.7 Joist of length from 16 to 88 fed loegB axe to 8114. about 160 M. feet Far sets bIWORKMAW 00.. No. US WaLunt street. WATCHES* JEWELRY, ay. ENO & MANUFACTURERS OP Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Warts. An elegant and extensive stock always on hen& illesso, lecturers of atm dealers In Geo. Eno's celebrated Patna ICE PITCHER, which retains the solidity of the tee an► third longer than any other, and to by far the most gem. mice! ICE PITCHER ever Invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. 5n3 LEWIS LADOMUS Sr. CO:, Diamond Deiden and Jewelers, No. 802 Chestnut Street, Philada., Would Invite the attention of purchasers to their lane and handsome assortment of . DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELity, _ SILVERWARE %a. ICE PITCHERS, in great variety. A Large assortment of 11:0211il STUDS for Eyelet -1101110, Just received. GENTS' FIIRNISIIING GOODS* J. W. SCOTT !Si ,CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men's Furnishing Goods, 814 Chestnut Street, Four doors below the "Coutinenbd." 33A:dt.m.w.te PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orden for these. celebrated Shirts supplied pronspttp brief notice. Ge,ntlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full varied. WINCHESTER & CO., ja.„.c 706 CHESTNUT. GENTS' . PATENT-SPRING AND DDT / toned over Gaiters, Cloth. Leather, wide* . _:. and - brown. Linen ; Children's Clot D h and ,:: Velvet f i c i gno Alsemitado m o&l% • 4 7 b , .. -,of e ry description. very low, 908 • . • i . dreg, •corner of Ninth. The bostKlit Gloved for ladies and gents, at troffELDERFEIva 11 AZAAIL • tnytlemoill OPItN DI TEE EVENING. SADDLES. HARNESS. &c. OLIVES CAPERS, ese.—OLIVES FARO= (Stuffed Olives), Nonpareil and Superfine Capers Lich Olives ; fresh geode. landing ezNapoleon Ulront avra, and for sale by JO% H. BOSSIER di 100.,108 SeptS Ware Avenues VII Mfilt LOOKING OLAi9BES. A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING' GLASSES, PAINTINGS, Engravings and Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved,Walnut and Ebony Framer!. ON LAND Oft. MADE TO ORDER, LOOKING-GLASS AND FRAME WORKS. We are now fitted up with improved machingm and have a large etock of mahogany, walnut and fancy framed Looking•Glagece, at reduced prices. OItABFF dr CO., . 73 Laurel at., below Front. STOVES AND HEATERS. RE MO VAIL. W. 'A- Aitricordro mi. removed Me Depot for the pale of FURNACES, RAN01..13, ORATES, SLATE MANTLES, &a, from 210. 1010 CHESTNUT etreet to 1305 VHESTNUT STREET. 13-u.ov,_,ly 1110THOMSON41 LONDON }KITCHENER, OR European Ranges, for families, hotels or public fir atitutions. in twenty different sizes. Also, Phila delphia Portable 130sasis , v Psirt ra j a. A lltear e t e itOyes t Bath scam, tewnolo ° rostee, Broilent, ' king Stove s, etc.. wholesale and retail. by the manufacturers, fiIIARPE /a THOMSON, ImytTdot,W.LBll4 No. 209 North Second street 411 JOB BARTLETT di SON. Mantilartnrers of the CKILEIIHATED BARTLETT ifF.ATERI3, Aeon. A Oas Ovens and Sheet Iron of on splendid saaortment of R$ =GIS every RS AND VENTILATORS, and ..._, _SW:Ws Air , tiailt , ilnve4.o.l., - - ' --- ''' - %says on hand, at No. $02.4 Arch Stfeet. Philadelphia. THOMAS S. DIXON dt SONB, Late Andrews diDlzoi4 N 0.1224 eItF.STNUT tired, Philadelphia. of Oppolite United States Mint. Idagidaetarers LOW DOWN. PA RLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, And other GRATEEI,_ For Anthracite. Bituminotto and Wood Fires; Aie WARM-AIR'RACES, F o t, For Warming Public and Private Bonding:l. REGISTERS. VENTILATORS AND CIIIMNEY.CA ES, 000 KING-RANGES, BAT If-ROILERS. WHOLESALE end RETAIL AmmtLtsur. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON • • INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,271,876.. Invested in United States, $l,BOOlOOO ALL WBBEB PROMPTLY ADJIMRD WITROU REFERENCE TO ENOLAND. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. 01140 E. No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, PAILADELPHIA.: tad 4.4 ii -Itn TikruflustaNOTlfict OoStl , .kiq or FAIL adelptua. Incorporated in IML Charter Perpetual, Unice, No. 208 Walnut street. CAPITAL $300,000. Insures against lass or damage by FIRE. on Homes Storm and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture. Goods, Warm and Merchandise in town or Musl aISES 'PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Amid/. • - • • ... .165 invested in lOtiowiiWi .63E.1 M Firm Mortgage on City Property. well 5ecur0d..21120.600 00 United States Government L0an5................ IRMO OCI Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loa= .. —........ moan CO Pennsylvania $2,000,00,1 6 per cent Loan.- , 21,000 nil PmniTivania Mahood Bonds, diet and seco nd Modgages 26000 CI Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per .0000 W rent Loan Philadelphia ina Iteadfng R ailroad Company'. 6 per cent. Man.. . .. . .'- .. . ... ........ 6,000 oc linnUngdtm and Broad Top .7 per Cent morte ease bond,. . 4.590 00 Cofinty Pim Insurance Coinpany's 5t0ck........ 1.050 co Meehan/es` Bank Stock 4.001 a} Commercial hank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company°. Stock .8811 00 Reliance Insurance Company of illflOdefPhlea Stock Cash In /two: on 7.555 59 Worth this date at market price efile.o74 DIREG . TO Clem. Tingley. . W. Tingley. Wm, Mumer, • • • Mar hall Dili; Samuel Bispharn, Charles Leland, H. L. Camn, Thom'les IL Moore. Lase-F. Baker, Samuel Caßluer. Wm. Stevenson. Allred Engli.h, James. Young. CLEM. TLNGLEY. Preeldent. THOMAS C. Hitt, Secretary. Psousauctenza. December 1. 1566. INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN. Sylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated MS —Charter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street, opposite Dade. madame Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for ever forty years, continues to Insure against loss or dame by tire, on Public or Private Puildino, either permane ntly g or fora limited time,. Also, on Furniture, Stocks'of Goods and Merchandise generally on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund. IS in vested In a most cared] manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of I. DIRECTORS. . Daniel Smith, Jr.„ John Devereux.' Alexander Benson. Thomas Smith, Theines lsaao Hate nebine, lhurst, J ll . e G n i z Lewis,eghe Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jr.. President. Werrasas G. Caowxm., Secretary. ON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Ptil. Market ' = itr al a.—Office, No. 1441. North Fifth street , near beet. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania.' Char. tar Perpetual Capital and Assets, $150,000. Make luau. rime against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Furniture, Btocka,.Gooda and Merchandise. on Ils= terms. DIRECTORS. GOMM Eryp Frederick Doll, August C. Ser. Jacob Schandier. John F. Belsterling. I Sambel Miller, Hecuy_Troommer. Edward P. Moyer. Wm. McDaniel,_ Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. Miller. Israel Peterson, Frederick Staake. Frederick Ladner. Jana. Bowman. GEORG JOHN F. BEM' Ptrttxr E. COLTMAN, 13ec.rol ANTHRACITE INSWIANCECOMPANY.—CHARTEB PERPETUAL. office. No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third, Philad's. Will insure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on Dull& ill" either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Inland Marine o i li g Nr o e the liVlirgoes and Freights. DEW ' AITOII Wm. &her. D. Luther, Lewis Audenried, John R. Diakistott, Davie Pearson. WM. Wig. M. Smrru. Becretarr AA KERMAN FIRE INSURANCE 03/WAXY. OMR. porated IBM—Charter perpetual No. $lO WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid.up Capital Stock and Surplus in. Waited in mound and available Securitiee, continue to in. wire on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels gn Dort, and their cargoes, and other nenional propert. Agleam liberally and i unda3 adjusted. RS. Mi k te R. Marsh. , James R. Campbell, Welsh, Edmund G. Dutillt John T. Loomis.. Charkis W. roultnel. Israel Idorris.. John P. ethe THOMAS !l am MARIS. President. Ammar O. L. Onawroun. Seerstarv. MIRE RIATERPILISE INSURANCE COMPANY. South 1. west coiner Fourth and Walnut streets. Cash Cas h July Ist 1107......,.. ...... .......... m oot ao E HISIMANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Term and Pemetual Insurances. DT. F. Ratchford Stern J. li. Frringez. .. Bahr* Frazier. Geo. W , Fnestoeh, John IL Atwood, James L. claighorn. Trediok. Bou George EL Stuart, harles Wheeler , JedgfEL Brown. . a Montgomery. F. RATORFORD El ARE,_President THOS. IL MON .1: Y. Vice President. /EX. W. mama. seem , niliB62o 81396,196 69 ialtu.th.x.tt e E ERETY,_ _President Vice President. terry. Peter Sieger, J. E. Bantu, Win. F. Dean, John Ketcham. John B. Hoyt ESHER. President F. DEAN, Vice President. ifaltu,th,s-tf. ILTRANC E. 1829 .-4miRTER PERPETULL. FlEtzkNiaLlN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Noe. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street: Assets on January 1, 1867, $2,553,146 13; Qapital.... ...... Aocrued Burphir,, Premiums UNSETTLED. CLAIMS. $87.481 IS, Losses Paid Since 1829 Over *145,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Geo. Fades, Alfred Fitter. • Fres. W. Lewis, M. D.I Peter McCall. Thomas Sparks. f. BANCKER, President.. vice-President. Tetary pro tem. fell Chas. N. Baneker. Tobias Wagner, Samuel (Irant, LameL W.e a. Richard", Ch AMER N. OEO. FAZES, JAS. W. MoALLISTER, Be ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM D V an r si ngncornorated by the Legislature of Pennayl. Office. B. E. corner Third p and Walnut streets. Made& hia. MARINE INSURANCES, en vessels, cargo and freight. to all part y of the world. INLAND INSURANCR.S. cods, by river, canal, lake and land carriage. to all Darti of the Union. • FIRE INSURANCES on merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November 1, 1806. 111130,000 United States Five per cent. Loan, 127 L 111111000 00 120.003 United Stater Six per cent. Luan, 186 600 00 >foo,ooo Unit Iffi ed fiat:iv; e . eni:iZan; TreasuryNotee.— .. 211,600 00 126.000 City of Philadelph i a Six per cent. Loan (exempts). . • .. •-•.• • .. 126,608 60 64,00) State of Pennsylvania Slx . per . cent. Loan. . • . . •• • J 4,700,00. VAX) Stateofl'eiditeViviila'alt;u; Loan 44,6113 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six per cent. Loan.... . . 60.760 03 - 110,000 6 per cent. Bonds. _ . .. .. 2! .• •• 20,600 00 6.(2)0 Pennsylvania Railroad Second 'wort. gage 6 per cent. 80nd5.... .... 24.260 00 26,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six per cent. Bonds (Penna. 8.11. guar antee). 2a. no oo 0.000 State of Tennessee Five per cent Loan . IF,OOO 00 7,000 State of TennesseceSix per cent. Loam 6,010 IS 12,600 203 shares stock Germantown Gm Company, principal and Interest Guaranteed by the city of Philadea phia • - 15,M) 00 7,160 18 shares stock . I .; enia;ilVanta road Company.. ... • . ... _ . 8.268 26 VW 100 shares stock North Penns ylvania Railroad Company 2.1 , 60 00 40400 80 shares stock l'hiladelphia and Southern Mail Steamithip Company 21000 00 126.900 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, fe at Hew on city Property . • ........ • ••• •• • /KM ) It) Market va1ue........211.07a293 76 Cost. e 1.030.552 OS 1.046,(40 Par Real &tate. Bills Receivable for Insurances made..... ...... Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma. rine Tollefes—Accrued lateral and other debtallue the Company. — Ie,R.V Balp and Stock of sundry I nsu ra nce and other • Companies. WU. Eetuaated value. CO Cash in Bank.. . BAB eu 1,407.221 •Thia being a new enterprbe , the par Is summed as th em e market value. • Thomas C. Hand. John C. Davis, ' Edmund A. Bonder. Theophilua Paulding. ohnT. Penroae, Jame. Traqaair, Jenryes. C C. HHall andett. . Jr.. m m. Josep C h . IL Bea Lud wig, t George G. Leiper. Hugh Drain,, John D. Taylr, gamma E. Brok o en, THOM JOHN tizegsy Luzon:N. I.ROV7I)ENT LIVE' AND TRUST COMPANY OF Philadelphia. Ma ID Booth FOURTH street, INCORPORATED. ad MONTIL d.U866. CAPITAL. 0160.000 PAID IN. Insurance on Lives. by Yearly Premiums; or by 6.10 or 10•7 ea r premiums, Nontorteiture. Idowntente.PaYable at *future age,or on prior decease W. Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Pretniuma—both Non-forfeiture. Annuities granted on favcrratie terms. Term Policies. Children's Endowmtnts. This Company, while giving the insured the security° a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lift be =Ong WI Poi hOidelll. • paid • - Money, received at i ntorest, and on deniand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act Executor or Administrator. Assignee or Guardian, anti in other fiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. OLR.F.CTORS. T. er 'r - V7v I BT Wm. C. Umgctreth, William Hacker, F. Coffin. KOWLAND.PARRY. Actuary. THOMAS WISTA - ti J. B . c154-ta Medical Samuel R. Shipley, Joehua H. Morrta Richard Wood, . Richard Cadbury. Chutes SAMUEL & SaIThEY. ' IfFadden!. M. D„ za. p F h lii . E 80A1.1 4. Tll4O. Fifth e t; l e f e l t L Incor ;' , ffor'lliargAttre` alisrutel2,=, generally. from Lout by Fire (in the vity of philadelphla may) : tatement of theasseti of the Amociatf." - proton 'lll' ...pliance with thl. provisions of an Acrer — Asoembly of April sth. 1811 Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of-Philadelphia only. , —....... 17 Ground Rents (in Philidelpilia 0n1y;............ 20.148 31 Real Estate 28.03. 23 U. B. Government MOD 10an............. 46,000 00 Cub in banks . . . . . . 44,66258 TRUSTEES:\ _ Wm. H. Hamilton, Levi P.'loatr, John Solider, Samuel bparhawk. Peter A. Kepler. Charles P. Bower, John PUMA, Jevve Lightfoot, John Carrow,• Robert Shoemaker. goo 1e L Yoinh Peter Armbruster. Joseph IL Lind .H. HAMILTON President. SAMUEL SPARILAWR, Vice Provident, WM. T. BUTLER. Secretor' , - THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-OF. See, No. Ile South Fourth streetsbelow Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In ligLe. for indemnity against law or damage by tire. al choicely. CHARTER PERPETUAL. • Thii old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully Invested continues to insure buildinm furniture,merchandise, &c., either permanently or for a limited time, against loos or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of ita cur . tomere. Lessee adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS. cHARi t Chu. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Miller. Henry Budd. James M. Stone, John - Horn. Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. muses'. Jr.. George Mecke, Mark Devine. R 8 J. f3UTTE, President. Bialsalnat F. Hozomunt, Secretary and Treasurer. 104.11 ph ;ENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PEUIADEL' J. is. . INCORPORATED 1904—CHARTER PERPEUAL. No. 234 Walnut street, oppoeito the Exchange. In addition to Marine and Inland Insurance this Ccmr pang insures from lore or damage by Fire, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture, dm., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or_promiurn. The Company hail been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and pald. DIRECTORS. John L Madge. David Lewis, N. B. Mahon.y. Benjamin Etting. John T. Lewis, Thos. H. Powers, William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Lehman, Edmond CasMlon. D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, H Jr. It WUC , Louis C. Norris. JON B A Jfina, WiLoox, Secretary. HEREB, President. AMERICAN ML'TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.--;' Otlice Farquhar Building, No. 228 Walnut street, Ma rine and Inland Insurances. Rieke taken on Vessels, Oar. goes and Freights to all parte of the world, and on amend otherinland tra.ueportation on rivers, canals, railroads, and other conveyances throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President ROBERT J. KEE, • PETERSec C . F./ILEA, Vice President. retary, DIRECTORS. William Craig, Wm, T. Lowber, Peter Cullen, • J. Johnson Brown, John Dallet, Jr.,Samuel A. Rulon, William Merrick. Charles Conrad. - Mies Dallett, Henry L. Elder, Benj. W. Richards. S. Rodman Morgan. Wm. M, Baird, tt. Pearson &Trill. Henry Dalle FAME I t tifiIIRANCE COMPANY. NO. 406 CHESTNUT PHILDELPHA. FIRE AND INLAND INURANCE' DIRECTORS. FratIOIS N. Buck. John W. Everman. oried Richardson. • Robert eee B.ler Potter .J . Alem7 r:. pglert ? ewhs. on" Jno. K E. D. Woodruff. Judi Chas. Stoke/. deo. A. Z, Joe. D. • FRANCIS N. BCit o Preaideni. W. I. Ihrriau4sa. decrolnl a 114 Vice v...d TIIE DAILY EVENING BYLI ETIN.,--PEILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1867. * ei lt1 ) 111 ° I) i,m.44,a 15 r. , :coME.FOR 18671 satoo. 16,600 04 217,637 Z,-; Henry Sloan, William G.130u1t0n..., Edward Darlington, R. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcada. Jacob P. Jonas, James B. M'Parland. Joanna P. Eyre. ,Spencer M`llvaine. , Jacob Rie el, !George W. Ramadan, IJohn B. Semple, Pittsinzgh, A. B. Berger. Pitteburgh, D. T. Morgan, Plttabrugh. AS C. HAND President, C. DAVIS. Vice Preeident. deLSMoI SIFIIIPYEIHUS -9 For Bosion---Steatnship Line Direct. SAJLIN' FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM. PECE STREET,P-11-1-LA-DE,LPHIA. Lol4o— ROSTON. • daft-- Thle•--/Ine -coMpored •of the- f.,..ret.cl E!, - Steauirldor, ICOMAni. j , I,4tis tone, Captain 0. Baker. SAXON, 1,2b0 tone, Captain S. H. Mtnthewe. NORMAN, 1.20 S tone, Captain 1.. Crowell. The NORMAN il'ollll'hiln. cn Cintartlay,Aug.A. at 10 A. M. rho ROMAN froth Pt bleu on Th,irrday, Aug. :12, at 3 P. M. Thom theamehipe eat' punctually, and Freight will be received every day, a iitettliter being alwaya on the berth. Freight for poinie beyond Horton rent with derpatch. Por f'reight or 'Peerage trlip, rior necemitiodatiene). OPIaY tO LIEN it f WINSOR is CO.. m yal 338 South Delaware averrie. THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE • ' (SEMLMONTII Ll') • FOR NEW ORLEANS. LA.. THE UNION (1,076 tow), Cart. T. N. Cooksey. J 1 1 ),ZIATA, 1416 tom', TIOGA. LOM tons, Captain J. T. Morse. The STAR OF TII E UNION will leave for New Orleans ou naturday, August 'A, at 6A. M., from Pier 16 (second wharf below Spruce street.) Tho TIOGA will leave New Orleans for this port August l7th. Through bills lading signed for freight to Mobile, Gal veston. Natchez, Vicksburg, Memphis, Nashville, Cairo, St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati. Agents at New Orleans—Crecv9, Nickerson & Co. WM. L. JA.MES, General Agent, freZt 114 South Delaware avenue. THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE (SEMI-MONTHLY) FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. The eteamehip PIONEER (812 tons), ' Captain J. Bennett. %lit leave for the above port on Tburmlny, September tine, at b o'clock A. M. from Pier 18 (second wharf below Spruce etreet.) Bills of Lading signed atAhrongh and reduced rate* to all principal points in Noel( Carolina. Agent( at Wilmington—Worth di Daniel. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, mh7 214 South Delaware avenue. THE PIIIIAADELIHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR WEEKLY LINE FOR SAVANNAH, GA. TONAWANDA, 650 tons, Capt. Wm.:Jennings. WYOMING. 880 tone, Captain Jacob Teal. The steamship WYOMING will leave for the above port on Saturday, Auguet 34. at 8 o'clock A. M., from the second wharf below Spruce et:eet. Through passage tickets sold and freight taken for all Points in connection with the Georgia Central Railroad. Agents at Savannah—Hunter 4" Gammen. WM. L. JA.MEti r G'eneral Agent, te2B 814 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, AND NOR folk Steitmthip Live. ROI:GB AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH - "AND Wt.'l3T , 'ate:mei:dm leave every SATURDAY. at noon, from lint wharf above Market etreet. TEROUGIi RECEIPTS TO NEWBERN. Aloo,all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to Lynchburg, Va., 'Tennessee and the Wert, via Norfolk,Putereburg. and South Side Railroad, and Richmond and Danville Railroad. The regularity, safety and chenpneso of tide route corn. mend It to thepublic RS the most desirable medium for carrying every deteription of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of frontier. Steamships Mauro at lowest rate!. r , liteight received Daily. • WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. 14 North and South Wharree. W. P. PORTER. Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO.. Agents at Norfolk. apll-tt ht.. 14 ILeftESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA Georgetnwn and Waehingtco. D. C., vis Checuipenke and Delaware Canal, with con aectiona at Alexandria from the moat direct rubto fo? Lynchburg, Bt - letob Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton, and the 3buthwert. Steamert leave regularly from the Bra wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight reeeived daily. WM. P. CLYDE & i 4 North and South Wharvet. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M ELDRIDGE et CO., Agents at Alexandria. Vit. (Ids. a➢ll-tf FOR NEW YORK. VIA DELAWARE um Raman CanaL Stpambmit Company Steam Pro pato it , leave Daily from tint wharf below 31arket Etreet. Through tu eety.lour 11011 n. Goode forwarded to all gio , ntE. vortb. , ;'.t ,o- Want. fret. of commineion. Freight. received at the .loNyeetratee. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agent!, 14 South Wharves. spll4l JAMES RAND. /trent. Woliinoet. NPR York. un/L.l LAI" con. ii.xl:ll2lußß. Via Chesapeake and Delaware CanaL Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam boat Company, daily at 2 o'clock P. M. The Steamer! of this line are now plying regularly be tween this port and Baltimore, leaving- the second wharf below Arch street daily at 2 o'clock P. M. (Sundays excepted.) Carrying ell description of Freight as low as any other ans. Freight handled with great care, delivered promptly and forwarded to all points beyond the terminus free of eolnuneeiork. Particular 'attention paid to the transportation of a description of MerchanEse, Horses. Carriages, dtc., dm. For further information. apply to D. RtiO'FF, Agent. Kul Sari No. 15 North Delaware avenue - HAVANA STRAYERS. IVESIIIONTHLY L'NE. The Steamship* HENDRICK HEDSON. .Capt Hower STARS AND &IRIDES. ..... . . ... .Capt. Holum There eteamery will leave tide Yvv . rt for Havana every ether Tueßlay at 8 A. M The eteamehip HENDRICK HUDSON, Hower, master, will mall for HaVans on Tueeday morning, September 3, at 8 o'clock. Name to Havana. Sfe, currency. No freight received after Saturday. For freight or Paallag_,_e sEkl, Itio.mAS to WATTEION & SONS, 144) Nora) Delaware avenue. rUn vIrWYORK—SWIFTBURE Transportation Company—Despatch and Bwifteure Lines via Delaware and Rari tan Canal, on and after the 1 5 5th of March, leaving daily at la M. and I, P. M„ connecting with all Northern and Rad om lines For freight, which will be taken on ILCCOMMO• dating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO„ mblgly No. L 32 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM Tow-Boat Company.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore. Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City and intermediate pointy. Whi. P. CLYDE & CO., Ageate. Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN. Supt., Office, 1 , 1 S. Wharvee. Phila. apil-tdels OTICE.-ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU. N tinned against trusting any of the crew of the Belg. bark BRABO, Vander Heyden, master, from New Castle, as no debts of their contracting will be aid either by the , • SONS. 115 etnee.. -- - ' aul-tf I .AUTION.—ALL PER501.....,..411.E HEREBY UAL'- 11tioned against trusting any of the crew of the British ,brigJOHN OIVAN, from Urchins., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by either master Or consiinees. E. A. SOU )ERA CO.. Dock street wharf. sic either W L r 1 attsOZ, ARE HEREBY CAti tioned against trusting captain, officers, or any of the crew of the Amer. bark ALEXANDER MoSEILL, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by owners or con signee.. WOJOLMAN ,1.• CO.. Agents. , attl3 ult.nd C RUH thicatitr.--Coueigneel 13 of merchandise per above steamer will pleaee eend for their goode, now landing at Pine etreet wharf. an3O3t HENRY WINSOR & CO. fS. SHINDLER, zuce.ettor to JOILN SHINDLER & et Mt B. Makerv, No. duu Nurth Delaware amnia Philadelphia. v.r tame in the beat manner and an the lowest and moat favorable Uncle, and warranted to give perfect oath , . faction. ~ , aular attention given to repairing. DIACIIIINERY;IRON,&C. sat Rititat, vtf.u. u, M.Dititit.,.s -JOIDI E. COPE. SOrr"'s - ARtr t. is AND WASRENI TONSTREETS, PurransLymiA. MERRICK & SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, 46a4 11.14 I ot , ..“.taalidtl6ll4 tot Land, River and Marine Service. G”enn.otem, Tanks. Iron Ftnatr, Re. Castings of all kinds, eithex iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Itai) roan oiauw,,,, R.torts and Gas Machinery, of the latent and mod im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinely and Sugar, Saw and Grist lint% Vacuum Pans, ()Pen Steam Trams. •Defactators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. sole Agents for N. Wien X . P Patent Sugar Boiling Appa. ratua, Neernyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aepinival/ Wooleey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine AJ r L.l - No. 71g Clieetnut etreet, manufacturers of GrIA Fil tune, Lamps. ke.l &e.. would call the attention of the pub Uc to their large and elegant assortment of Gas (Mande .Sere, Pendant., ta.Clittg, ISLC. nay aloo introduce ga. pipe. into dwellinge and public buildings, and attend t. ..“...ndi"v altering and repairing gas pipe.. All worl warranted. DRUGS* vtin v. lizi.lll,l, A:. (ay. verLt. IAJ 111 E _.'l'44.l)te— tJ C. L. Oil—New made. duet received. Alcchol.— 95 per cent, in barrels, Ipeciec.—Pon dered, in 2, pound boxes. pound bpttles, U. S. A, Agents for Hon Malt Extract. Agents for the manufacturer of a superior article of Rochelle Salve and Seidlitz Mixture. JOHN C. BASER k Co., fell TIP M."let street, Philadelphia. 14 N. 10.. a .; r.A.11 - I.IIIA AREA./ IN zw..rr New Glop—eweet. pure, and of de-,ling white now directly from the gruwerr• Bold at etandard weight, and guaranteed in freehnear and purity. IIUBBELL. Apothecary. rnriutr 141041hestnut rtreet. IttitlitrenilsOli raTENT HARLEY AND (11t0A'q, Brtblehera Ost Mas, Bermuda Arrow Roo• Cox, #. til i parkiblOelatia, Taylor's liomceopathio Cra,too r ro elatio, c., married to Retail DroV h ta at west P aea ROBERT SHO Ma TrFR & CO., oleaale Dragglata nnrthnaaf ern*. Fourth and Race 'treaty. WRENCH ROBE WATER.—JUBT RECEIVED . X'• invoice of the Celebrated "China le distilled Roe • Orange, Flower and Cherry Laurel Water. For sale eau and bottles. ROBERT MOM KIM & CO.. Who • TARUGUICYII3. CONFESTIONERS AND PERFUMERS 11 are solicited to examine our stook of superior Exam.. tialolls. u Sanderson's Oil. Lemon and Hamad, ten's 011 Almonds. Wintees 011 of Oftronella. Elotchkda , oa r s `"Crattli N. E. for. FruA ani Raw stn. P 142. a. NEVITMBER ONE SCOTCH A PIsIRON-LOLENGAR nookpr and t glistore end lota to !Ira. kt PETER. WEIGUT 80N8.11fi Walnut street. Je74s TRAVELERS , GUIDIM. KgM, QUICKEST TIME' ON 26i Hours to Cincionatti via Perztylynnia Railroad & Pan Handle. 7 1-2 BOERS LESSTIME :,/tan by competing linen Fultz:were taking 7.30 P. M.. arrive in Cincinnati next evening at Dim P. M.; 26M houre. Only one night en o The Celebrated Palace State Room Sleeping Care run through from Philadelphia to Cincinnati. Pnaeengere taking the 12 M- and 11 P. M. trains reach Cincinnati and all points Weat and South one train• in ad vance of all otherroutce. . . , To secure the unequaled advantagee of this line be par. titular and su•k tor tickets "Via Pan Handle," at Ticket Office. N. W. corner Ninth and Cheetnut etreetv, and Depot, Weet Philadelphia. JNO. DURAND, General Superintendent, J. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, tte92ll JNO. H. MILLER, General Agent. READING RAILROAD GREAT TituNK LINE from Phila. delphia to the interior of Penneylva nia., the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Canadaa, Slimmer Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May 6, 1_ 501 leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlli streets, Philadelphia at the following hours: MORNING; ACCOMMODATIONS.-At 7.90 A. M. for Reading and all Intermediate Stations. Returning, leavee Reading at ti.W P. M., arriving in Philadehhia at 8.10 P. M. MOILIING EXPRESS.-At 6.15 A. hi., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara.Falle, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkeebarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, (Thernbersburg, Hagerstown, dm. stm. This train connects at Reading with the East Penn. utvania Railroad traimi for Allentown, etc.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrieburg, dm.; at Port Clinton with Catawissa it R. trains for Williamsport Lock Haven, Elmira, dre._,• at liaixisburg with Northern Central, Cum berland Valley. and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, WiWarasport, York, Chambersburg, Pi / e BrE v ADON EXPRESS-Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Ilarrieburgh, connect ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col umbia, Arc. POTTSTOWN ACCOMODATION.-Leaves Pottstown at 6.20 A. M., stopping at intermediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.40 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. ,• arrives In Pottstown at 8 45 P. M. READING ACCOMMODATION-Leaves Reading at 7.80 A. M. stopping at all way station;; arrives in Phila. s delphia at 10.15 A. 9i. ENLliirrivee in Reading at 7.45 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 1.10 A 51. and Pottsville at 8.40 A. .91.„ arriving in Philadelphia al 1.00 P. hi. Afternoon trams leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. hi., and Pottsville at 2.40 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 1.45 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A.M. and Harrisburg at 4.1 u P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 0.10 P. SL Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Pottaville and all Way Station, ; leavesPotteville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all Way Stations. AU the above train, rim uaily Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at KW A. 31., and Phila. delphia at 1.15 P. M. ,• leave Philadelphia, for Reading at Mk A. M.. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passenaera for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. 91. and 5.00 P M. train, from Philidelphia, returning from Downir.gtown at 6.10 A. 91.. and I.ool' M. NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBCRGFI AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9A. M, 5.0) and 8.00 P. M.. putting Reading at 1, A. M., L5ll and 10.06 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania., and North ern Central Railroad Egresil;l l `r i l l ins forg . 'ittaburgh, Ctu- Teirn i g, Eip ° r r s t .7se E l m rali } l l. leave, t A r ll 3 ..rrisburg. on arrival 7i Pennevlyania Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 8.40 A. M.,9.;;1' 01 .passing Reading at 4.49 and 10.30 A.IVL and UR anal 10.P.M.arrivulgail New York 10.10 A..9L.and 4.40 and 5.20 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change. - - . Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. • SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD.—Trains leave Pottsville at 7, 11,30 A. M., and 7.15 P.51._ returning from A Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and L4O and 4.15 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.— Frahm leave Auburn at 7.60 A. M. for Pinegrove and Her risburg, and at LOOP. M. for Pine&rove and Tremont; re: turning from Harrisburg at 3.22 P. M. and from Tremont of 7.26 A.. M. and 5.25 P. 3L TH4S.l.l . b.—Through first-claits tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and Weet and Canada,- _ . . Excunrion T ikete from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate tations, good for day onlyare sold by Stemming Accommodation, Market .- : rain, Reading and Pottstown Accotnmodation Trains at reduced rates. Excumion Tickets to Philadelphiagood foeffay only are sold at Reading and intermediate Stations by Reading and Pottstown Accomodation Traits at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 Sonth Fourth street, Ite Phßadelplala or of G. A. Nicoll?. General Superintendent. adizut. Commutation Tickets at 25 per cent. discount, between say points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,ool.llmiles, between all points, at $52 60 each, for fanatics and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six. rune or twelve monthsfor holders only, to all points at reduced rates. reeldhig_gn the line m .the road will be fur taii9 e ie r dWi cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick eta at half-fare. Excundon Tickets from Phnadelphia to principal eta. Sons, good for Saturday. Sunday and Monda , at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Oanowhill altreete. FREIGHT.—Goode of all deeeriptione forwuded to all the above points from the Company'e New Freight Depot. Broad and Willow etreete. . . . . _ Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. M., 18.45 noon. and 6 P. 3L. for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails clove at the Philadelphia Poet-Office for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— THE MIDDLE .ROUTE—Shorteet and moot direct line ro Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkosbarre,Mablenoy City,Mt. Carmel, and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal regions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berke and American Sfreera. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—NINE DAILY TRAINS— On and after WEDNESDAY,May 2,1267, Passenger trains leave the New Depot, corner of Berks and American Streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 7.46 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Prin cipal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connect ing at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allen town, Cataeauqua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weather ly, Josue:wine, Hazleton, _White Haven, Wilicesbarre, Kingston, Pittston,Asid all points In Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in canection with Lehigh and•Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanov City, and with Catawisea Railroad for Rupert,Danville, Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. M.; at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 2P. H. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 11E6 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Rail. road to New York. At 3.45 A.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.15 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, stopping at intermediate Stationa. At 120 P.M.—Express for Bethlehem,Aßttown, Mauch Chunk, White Have Wilkesbarre. Mah oy City, Cen tralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel and all points_ in Maho- We a fa d k V lrat mi L ng . G tgllu i llig.o n Wn. Passengers for Green villa 2.45 P. 51.—Accomomdation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Sum. ne wit. At 4.00 P.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stepping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abington; for Lumberyllie. at Doylestown. At 6.20 P. M.—Through accommodM . for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Landsat% stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.30 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M.. 2.05 and 8.40 P. M. 106 P. M. train makes direct connection - with Lehigh Valley trains from Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Easton at 11.20 A. M. wive in Philadelphia at 2.05 P.M. Passengers leavingWilkeebarre at 1.80 P. H. connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 F. 51.; and arrive at Philadelphia at 1.40 P. M. From Doylestown at 8.25 A. M.. 5.10 and 7.40 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.20 A. M. From Fort Waahington SUN at 11 DAYS.50 A. M. azd 3.05 UN . Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. 3L Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars convey Nissen era to and from the new Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at •the Ticket office, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare._ . . . . ELLIS CLARK, Agent Tickets eold and Baggage checked throug_h to principal points, at Manes North Penn. Baggage Bxpreee Office. N 0.106 doutliFifth etreet PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Summer Arrangements. On and after Saturday June let, 1807 the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West Chester Philadelphia Railroad.corner of Thirty-first and Cheetnutstreets,(Weet Philada.), at 7.15 A.M., and 4.50 P. M. Looee Rising Sun, at s.lsatd Oxford at 6.08 A. K. and leave Oxford at 8,25 P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached, will run on Tuesdays and Pridays, leaving the Rising Sun at 11.15 A. M., Oxford at 12.00. M., and Kennett at 1.00 P, con. necting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Phila. delphia. OnWedzwedays and Saturdays trains leave Pht. ladelphia at 2.80 P.M., run through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M, connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Aftcfnoon Train for p The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.E0 P. M. rune to Rising bun. lid. Passengers allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as e, and the company will not in any case be rewpo. !xl for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars. unless a medal contract be made for the same. mhla HENRY WOOD. General Sup% mmalm a otruitima-N FREUQH.F /I —Freight for BsMawr°, Washington, Norfolk. Portsmouth, I..wlen said an points south Mid southwest accessible by qbe receivedalaily =kW 6 o'clock. P. k., at the through at Station. moaa aluV ra tz h etreeta.., or babwmatiou rata, ige.. it% i lit the Depot, Nroadl g4_lThayy or at.the pear , OMAR Wu* itiM street. "mix a WILSON, Prefect Meat. C 11.418, M. IDA Mote wrinvonation, mita MgMMMIY RECORD, igrommi , WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. commencing SUNDAY June SRI, 1857. The MAIL . and PASSENGER TRAIL, will leave Philadelphia, foot of Market street, at I A. X: returning. will leave Cape May at 5 P. M., atopying principal stations orgy. and Pare train .fa Carat= Ticket% _Good for this day o . MJ. SEWELL, JCSKI 0039 Elaxsintedideit, TRAVELERS , GUIDE. GREAT SOUTHERN MAIL ROUTE, Via Washington and Lynchburg, Offers to travelers the shortest and moat expeditionsline to K NOXVILLE,ATTAN 00 LiA, DALTON, ATLANTA. NASHVILLE, MEMPHIS. MOBILE and NEW OR LEANS. Trains leave, depot of P., W. and B. R. R., BROAD and PRIME Streets, at 11.50 A. M. and 11 o'clock P. M.. making close connections through. PLEASE ASK FOR TICKETS via WASHINGTON and LYNCHBURG, to be had at WS Chestnut street, depot of P. W. and B. R. R., and at General Office, 625 Chestnut street. Baggage checked through. FREIGHT. A FAST FREIGHT. LINE has been established over the same route. by which shippers are aisured of QUICK TRANSIT, A SAVING OF 130 MILES IN. DISTANCE and LESS HANDLING than by any other. Through bills of lading with guaranteed rates to above and intermediate points. Mark pits. via"o. and A. R. P.." and Pend:to BROAD and CHERRY Streets. For information relative to Tickets or Freight; apply JAS. O. WILSON, GENERAL AGENT. IRS Chestnut street. FOR NEW YOB.K.—THE CAMDEN "AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANI."B LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way ple.cee, from Walnut street wharf. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy Accom. $2 Pa re. 25 At 8 A. M.,via Camden and Jersey City Express Mail, 3 00 At 2 P. hi., via Camden and Amboy Expr ess, 00 At 6.00 P.M. via Camden and Amboy, let, class, 226 AccOm. and Emigrant, 2d class. 1 80 At 8 A. 51.. 2, 6 and 6 P. K, for Mount Holly, Ewans. vllle Pemberton, Birmingham and Vlncentown. At 5 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 5, 8 and 10 A. 51., and 2,4 P. M. for Trenton. At b, 8 and 10 A. M. 1,2,4,6,6 and 11.80 P. M., for Borden. town, Burlington. ' Beverly and Delano. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1,2, 4. 6, 6 and 11,30 P. M. for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. M.. 1, 4,6, 6 and 11.30 P M. for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 5 and lu A. M., 1, 4.6 and 11.30 P. M (or Fish House. rlrThe 1 and 11.30 P. M. Lines will leave from fool of Market street, by upper ferry. Lines from Kensington Depot will leave as follows: At 11 A. M., 4.30 P. M. and 12 M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Lines $3 00 At 8,10.16 and 11.00 A. M. 2.80, 3.30, 4.30,6, P. M. and 12 51. for Trentorrand Bristol. At 8 and 10.16 A M., 2.30, 5 and 121'. M. for Morrisville and Tullertown. Attlee and 10.15 A. M. 2.30, 4.20, Sand 12P.M. for Schenck& At 10.15 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15 A. M.,2.30, 4,5.6 and 12 P.M. for Cornwells. Torresdale, Holmesburg, Tacony, Wiseinoming Brides. burg And . Frankford..andlik..sLior...llolumaburg and-. intermedlif. Stations. IIEiAUDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES— from Remington Depot. At PA A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Can. andalgua, Elmira, Ithaca. Owego, Rochester, Binghamp ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great 13end, Montrose, Wilkes. barre. Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. • At 8.00 A. M. and 3.3 i) P. M.. for Belvidere, Easton, Lam bertville Flemington ; &c. The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Eaaton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Betldehem. &c. At 6 P. M. for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From Went Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail way. At 1.30 A.M, 1.30 and 6.30 P.. , ..l.Wagfington and Now York Express Lines, via Jersey $3 25 The 1.30 A. M. nod 6.50 P. M. Linee run daily: All ahem. Sunday excepted. ' for Linee leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour befbre departure. The Cars ou Market Street Railway_ rune direct to West Philadelphia Depot. ChLlantit and Walnut within one square. On bunds.ye, the Market Street 'Cars will run to connect with the 1. A 2S A. M. and 6.3 UP. 51.. lines. Fifty Pounds of Itaggace only allowed each Passengor.• Passengers are prohibited from 'taking anything as bag. gage but their rweatjug appareL All baggage over tifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re. spoosibWty for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond eat)°, except by epe• dal contract Tickets sold and Baggnge checked direct, through to Boston, Worcester, Springfield. Hartford, 'New Haven. Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy - , Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Fall 3 and Suspension Bridge. Au additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chestnut street, where tickets to Now York, and all important points North and East, may be procured. Persona pun c.haming Tickets at this Office, can have 'their baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination, by Union Tranefer. Baggage Express. Lines from New. York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Conrtiand street at LOO and 4.30 P.M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.00 A. DI, BP. M. and lif•night, via Jersey City and Kensington. At 8.40 A. M. and 12 AL, via Jersey City and W. Phiadelphia. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 5 A. M.- and 2, 4 P. M.. via Amboy and Camden. June IPtb. 1867. GATZMER, Agent. I ANNE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL . Railroad.-Summer Time.-Taking effect June ild, 1837. ' The trains of krPennsylvaniaCentral Railroad leave the Depot, at -first and Market streets, which d directly by the_ ears of the Market Street Passenger ,Railway. _Those. of the - Chestnut and Walnu t Street -Ritliwayrun within one square of it. ON SUNDAYS-The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets 85 minutes before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets can be hadon application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner Of Ninth, and Chestnut Streets. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call far and - deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at No. 901 Chest• nut street. or No. 1 South Eleventh street, will receive at tention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ.: Mail Train . , at 8.00 A. M. .. Paoli Accom. No. 1 at 10.00 A. M. Fast Line & Erie Express.. .. at 12.10 P. M. Paoli Accmmodation No. 9 ...at LOU P. M. Harrisburg Acc0m........................ ...... at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster .Accom .. . ' .at 400 P. M. Parkaburg Train. ,_ . ..at 5.30 P. M. Western Accom. Train at 5.40 P. M. Cincinnati Express at 7.30P.M. ' Erie Mail . . .. at 7.80 PM. Philadelphia Express. ' .. .at 11.15 P. M. Paoli Accom. No 3 at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail leaves daily, except . Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full particulars as to faro and accommoda. liens. spay to FRANCIS FUNK, Agent. 137 Dock street. TRAINS ARRIVE. AT DEPOT. VIZ.: Cincinnati Express.. - ... X.......... , ......a . t. Ll 5 A. M. Philadelphia Express • . . 710 ' Erie Mail. .. .. . ..:.. . .. .... ............ .... " 7.10 " Paoli Accent. 0.. f......... ....... ............. " 0.20 " Parksburg Train. - 6. 9.20 61 Lancaster Uain " 12.40 P.,.1% Fast Line and Erie Expre5‘.................... " 1.10 ' Paoli Accom. No. 2 . " 4.10 " Day Express. ' . .66 6 . 20 60 Paoli Accom. No. 3.............................700 ~. ilarrisburg Accom . . .. ... - ... , _... - ..... r..... " 9.50 .. For further - information , apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, _Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. • SAMUEL li. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding tkat amount in value will be at the tak risk Of the owner, unless en by_speCial contract EDWARD il. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA. GEKMAN. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and after Wednesday, May L 1867. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelohia-6. 7 8, 9.06, le. 11, 12 A. M. ;1.2, alb. 2 1 4, 6, bag, CU, 7. 8,2, 12 11. 12 Y. St Leave enmastown-6,.7. 734,4 2.20, a 11:4 11. 12 A. M. ;1. 4%. 6, 63.4. 7. 2, 24201 P. M. wne 8.20 down train., and the 133 d and Man tram, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A.M. ; 2,7 and It% P.IL Leave Germantown-8.15 A. M. • , 1, 8 and if•X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, 10, 12 A. M. ;2, 831., SX, 7, 9 and IP. M. Leave Chestnut HUI-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40 and-11.40 A. 55. ; 1.40, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. IL • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. IL; 2 and 7 P. M.. Leave Leave Chestnut 11W—.7.50 minutes A. M.; 12.40, 8.40 and minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 734. 9. 11.115 A. Id.; IX, 8, 4.35, 5311, 5.14&05 and 1134 Y. M. Leave Norristowa-6,10. 7. 7.60, 9,11 A.M. lOC ik 434, &LS and 8 XT. IL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. IL, 2X and 7.16 P. IL Leave Norristvwn-7 A. M., 5,X' and 9 P. AL FOR MAIsIAYUNK. Leave Phßadelpbla-5,_736, 9.11.06 A. X; I.X , 8, 434, 534, us, aus, 936 and 11. X P. M. Leave Manayunk-8.10, 734, &SC, 934, 1134 A. AL; 2, 836. . et. 9 and 10% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. IL, 23 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Mana_yunk A. M. 6 and 9.4 i P. M. W. S. 1 0MSON, Geneml Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green kraal% PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD--BUMMER TIME TA lSLE.—Through and Direct Route he. tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. On end after MONDAY, April 2,9 th, H 67, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad will run as follows WESTWARD, Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.... • MUIR amaport.... " " arrives at Erie Erie Eurese leaves Philadelphia . -- Wi" " arrives at Erie., . .. leaves Elmira Mail Philadelphia . • ' " "arrives at Lock Haven..... EASTWARD , Mall Tr!inleayea Erie.. ..... . ...........10.25 A. M. ' Willininsport 10.10 P. M. err. at Philadelphia 7.00 A. M. Efle b,"p'ee leaves Erie. ....... 5.00 P.M. M. ...... • • ....... 4.311 A. 51, arr. at Phi1ade1phia............ ...... 1.00 P.M, ElpiriOttilleaves Lock Haven.................. 7.15 A. M. Wllllanu port ..... 8.35 A. M. err, at Philadelphia—. —.. Mail and Express connect with alltrains onWarren and Preuililin Railway, Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 1100 A M. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 A. M., and Oil City at ..ko A.. . • Leaving Philadelphia at 7.80 P. M., arrive at 011 City at 4.86 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make clots) connections at Oil City with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage chocked tbroulh. ALFRED L. TYLER, RAM General Superintendent. THE . 7.00 P. M. . 4.30 A. M. . 4.08 I'. M. 1.1.00 Noon. 8.41) P. M. 10.00 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 6.45 P. M. 8.10 P. M. T)111A1VEll, IF: BY -, RAILROAD. From Foot of Market Street (Upper Ferry), COMMENCING SATURDAY. JULY P.OO A. M. Morning Mall. Due 13.2611 E 2.000'. M. Capo Slay Passenger. Due 7.18 P. M. 4.00 P. M. Fast Expresif., Dee 7.05 P. M. • RETURNING, LEAVE CAPE ISLAND: 6.30 A. M. Morning Mall. DUO i 0.07 A. M 3.00 A. M. Feat Expreee, Due 12.07 M. 6.00 P. M. Cape May Passenger. Due &26 P. M. The SUNDAY,MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M.. retuniing leave Cape leland at .5.00 P. M. . Commutation 'tickets, good for ONE, THREE, or TWELVE months. can be proculcd st the Office of the Company in Camden, N. J. Through tickets can bo procured at No. 828 Chestnut street (under the Continental Hotel). Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have their baggage checked at t eirresidences. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES FROM [FOOT of Market street (Upper Ferry). Commencing SATURDAY, July 18,(867. • SA. AI. Morning Mail for Bridgeton, Salem. Miliville. Vineland and intermedlato points. 9.00 A. M. Cape May, Morning sfail. 9.00 P. M. Cape May Accommodation..: 8.30 P. M. Bridgeton and Salem Passenger. 4.00 P. M. Cape May ExPrees. 6.00 P.M.:Woodbury Accommodation. ' • , Cape May Freight leaves Camden at 9.20 A, M. West Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at 12 M. Noon). Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be low Walnut street, from 7A. M. until SP. M. Freight re• ceived before 9A. will go forward the same day. 31. Freight Delivery No. 21'18 South Delaware , avenue. WILLIAM J. SEWELL. SuFerthiendeut PEMADELPIIIA, WILMTNOWN' AND BALTIMORE TIME TABLE.--Commencing Mort. day. July Bth, 1867. Trains will, leave Depot, corner-of Brand street and Washington avenue, as follows Waymall Train, at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excvted), for Baatim ore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Ra il road at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate stations. , Express train at 11 . 60'A. M. (Sundays e x cepted ) for Bt , tiniore and Washington. • Express Train ar3.80 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal timore and Waehington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport._ Stanton. Newark, Elkton, North-East, Charleston,' Perryville, Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, PerrYman'a, Ed/omnd. Majonolify, Chase's and Stemmer 't Run. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex rented). with—Delaware -R.- New- -- Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Harrington,Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne and connecting at. Crield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. . _ Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Nor olk via Balti more will take the 11.50 A. M. Train. Via Criettield will take the 11.000 P. M. train. Wilmington Trains stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington • Leave Philadelphia at 12.80. 2.00,4.80,400 and 11.80 (daily) P.M. The 9.80 P.M.train connects with the Delaware Rsil, road for Milford and intermediate stational. The 6.00 P.M. train runs to New Castle. . Leave Wilmington 6.20, 7.15 and 8.00 A. BL, 4.00 and 6.80 P. M.,daily.- • The 7.15 A. M. will not atop at stations between Cheater and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphia:—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 9.86 A. M., Express. 2.15 P. M., Ex, press 6.86 P. M. Express. 8.55 P. M. Express, SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE, leave more at 8.55 P. M., stopping at Barre de Grace, leryril ti e and Wilmington. Also stops at North-East, Elkton, Newark to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Waahington or Baltimore, and at Cheater .to leave passengen3 from-Washington or Balti. more. Through tickets to all points West, South and Southwest may be procured at Ticket-office, 8 Chestnut streetunder Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Bertha iu Sleeping Cars can ho secured during the day. Persona purchasing tickets at this office can lhaye baggage checked at their residence by the Union' Transfer t.om . patty. IL F. KENNEY. Superintendent 01 WERT CHESTER. AND PHTLA.. D ELPIIIA RATidiA)An. VIA ME. DIA. BUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY. June 24th, 1867. Muria will Wave Depot Thirty-find and Chestnut streets, ea follow s: Trains leave Philadelphia for West Cher ter f at 7.15 A. M.. U.OO A. M., VA 4.15, 4.50. T.OO and 10.55 P. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia; from Depot on E ' Market street, 815. 7.15. 7.80 and 10.45 A. hi., L 55; dal and 450 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.80 A. M . and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 ,P. 51.. will stop at B. C. Junction ' and Media only. • Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and B. C. Junction going East, will take trpins leaving West Chester at 7.15 A. SL, and.going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Junction, . Leave Philadelphia for Media at 5.80 P. M. - Leave o Media for Philadelphia at 6.40 P. M.;-.stopping at Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 M. and , and leaving Wad Charter at 7.80 A. M. and 4.50 P. con. pact at B. C. Junction with Trains on the P. and . .R. .R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON 6UliDA.YB—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 5L and ' Leave West Chester 7.45 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market street line run ' within one square. The care of both lines connect With each train upon its arrival On Sundays the Market street care leave Front and Market streets thirty flue minutes before each Train leaves the depot, and will connect with each train on arrival. to earry passengers into city. • .1115 ,- Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggate,, and the . Company yvill uot..ittemY ean % be responsible for an amount exceedi n g one hundred dol lar% unless HENRY ract is made for the same. . HERY WOOD. General Superintendent. SHORTEST • ROUTE TO THZ SEA-SHORE I CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD I THROUGH IN TWO HOURS! ' Five trains daily to Atlantic City and one on Sunday. On and after SATURDAY, Juno 29t14 1687, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows: Special Excursion-- , din .7.130 A. M. Freight, with passenget l .ear attached............. 9.15 A. M. Express (through in two h0ur5)......, 2.00 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation. . .4.1.5 P. M. ' RETURNING-41:iiTE Special Excursion . . . 6.18 P.M. Mail. . . 4.40 P. 21, Freight............, 11 40 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. If. Accommodation.. . .•. . . ......... 5.45 A. M. Junction Accommodationi' to Jackson' ind inter. mediate stations. leaves Vine street... 5.80 P. M. Returning—leaves Jackson— 6.28 A. M. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Vine street.... ..........10.15 A. M. and 9.00 P. ''if Leaves Haddonfield 1.00 P. M. and 1115 P. M.. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO ATLANTIC Leaves Vine street at 730 A. M. 'and Atlantic at 4.40 P. H.. Fare to Atlantic, SI Round trip tickets good • only for • the day and train on which they are issued,_ss. Tickets for sale at the office of the Philadelphia Local. Express Company, No. 625 Chestnut street, and at No. at" Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 635 • Chestnut street, will call for baggage in any V of the , city and suburbs, and check to Hotel or Cot at At. lantic City. • D. IL MIIND , Agent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAT Railroad.— Resumption of Summer lialiggt 4 Travel to NEW YORE and LONG BRANCH. FARE TO NEW YORK. $2 00. FARE TO LONG BRANOIL $2 Oil EXCURSION TICKETS TO LONG BRANCH, good for one week, $3 00. Through, without change of care, to Long Branch, in FOUR AN A HALF HOURS. On and after Monday, May 18th, 1887, the Express line willleave Philadelphia from Vine Street Ferry at 7.46 A. If. Returning, leave New York from Pier 32, foot of Duane street, ut 11.15 A. 3d., and Long Branch at 12.56 P.M. On and after Saturday, July 6th, a train will leave Vine Street Ferry everytiaturday, only, at-4.15 P. sf. for Long Branch. Returning from Long Branch on Monday at 4.25 A. M., until further notice. FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK. Freigh before t the Warehouse, No. 820 North Delaware avenue, 5 o'clock P. M., will reach New York early next morning. Rates low and quick time uniformly made,. Way. Freight Train leaves Cooper's Point at 1100 M. Tickets for New York and Long Branch can be procured at the of fi ce of the Philadelphia Local Express Company. 45 Chestnut street. . . CIIIPMAN, dlen t 820 North Delaware avenue. myBtfo W. S., SNEEDEN di CO,. Lessees, .PAST FREIGHT. LINE, VIA NORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD, to Wllkesharre, Mahan°, City, Mount Carmel, Centralia, and all, points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By new arrangements,perfected , thin day, this road is enabled to give incretuled despatch to merchandise con. ;limed to the above named points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, S. E. cor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets, Before 6P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Cannel, Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoming alleys before 11 A. M. of the succeeding day ie26 ELLIS CLAIM. Aeont. COAL AND WOOD. , T M ROMMEL. COAL REALER HAS Emmy= thiatlaTre,ail a .w.f`:;:r n h e igh °l : u ng e w w t l ling e lt h . co 112 S. Second street. The beet qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill etd ert hhlte. tired in the heat order and at tho shortest notice. 111 Cr R. HUTCHINS. .A.L. B. E. CORNER GIRARD AVENUE AND NINTH STREET.. Keeps constantly on hand, at the lowert market rata% all the best qualities of LEHIGH. EAGLE VEIN, • ENWOL. Orders by mail promptlyO ltEt atended to.OD, &CI COAL. Jeld.ll/ Whir giftegozan INVITE a t T6Apppi "" (TM J. their stock of spning Mountain. Lehigh Loma IdoepWa._.= which, with the preparationriv e n hi us. we to beg k ee4H=T initi other 004 stree tut. ardidini ti No. 1$ t. B ES dr faintS Alm% street wheat &bay ' AIEititIOVLTVIUL4I TURNIP MD I TI N YRN,JIP SEED t! BY mail. at 10 amble r ' Grown on our Seed tui; trom selectee stoat s and war rental._ s e n a Weir Oat grata _ rari. . otaxtul COMES, ALDERSON di CO. Coat io AlxamOls. Seed Warehouse. ne idavo za 11114 1114 MAlULEmbtmeth. • (TIDE FOR CAPE MAY BM A. M.
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