rEMILI BOWIE. Dlsvturbances in the Papal States. [From the Giornale di Roma, Aug. 53 During the night of the 4th• inst. 200 peasants left Ve!lett . ' singly, and proceeded to a place called Clunpetto, with the object of taking pos- ECEBiOI2 of some land belonging to other persons, and of cultivating it for their own benefit. The government took energetic measures, by wince the assemblage was dispersed, and the leader of the band was arrested. The riot was, however. recommenced In spite of the presence of the troops,aud.rtine of the most turbulent individuals were taken prisoners. Order was thus restored, and the sinister intentions were defeated of those who had brought about the disturbances with per haps a mere serious aim. TILE HOLY LAND EXCURSIONISTS. More Trouble to the Party on the Quaker City—Paritied by Fan:ago. lion at Naples. NAMES, Aug. 2, 1867.—The American excur sionists on board the steamship Quaker City were worried enough at Leghorn by the vigilant sur veillance of government officials, who took them for Garibaldian conspirators, and now they have been "gobbled up" by the authorities here and quarantined on a lonely island in the harbor, and are undergoing purification, suffocation and fu migation through the medium of a combination of miraculous stinks and stenches such as only Italian ingenuity could contrive. If they have picked up any cholera at Civita Vecchia they might easily enough with a little care; but whether they can undergo Italian purification and live is another matter. They will be kept in quarantine four or five days. This is bad enough; but there can be no excuse for the refinement of cruelty which permits no profanity there. Interslesv Between the Queen of Bel. glum and the Empress Carlotta. Quoting from a Trieste letter, the Memorial Diploma:lime says that the physicians were unani mous in recommending the Queen of the Bel gians to spare her sister-in-law from any great excitement on the occasion of their first meeting affer - alting the sight of Her *Ma jesty the Empress appeared more surprised than moved. Her peculiar sagacity caused her instinctively to comprehend that some great event had occurred when she who had been so long kept in complete isolation was allowed once more to embrace a beloved relative, but fearing, doubtless, to learn too speedily the irreparable loss she had sustained, she made no inquiry at the first interview for information con cerning the Emperor Maximilian. She rather appeared to study the countenance of the Queen, in order to detect some ground for hope or alarm. The Queen was attired in half mourning only, with the object of occasioning as littleexcitement as possible in the mind of the august sufferer. But the latter the next morning per ceived. from the window of the apartment, that the Queen's attendants were in deep mourning, and immediately understood the extent of her misfortune, without, however, exhibiting her deep emotion further than by a melancholy, which was the more affecting that it was not ex pressed in words. It could not be doubted that the Empress no longer entertained any illusion as to the fatdiof her husband, although no one had ventured to reveal it to her. Her calm resig nation was sufficient proof of the knowledge of the sad event. FROM NEW YORK. r NEW YORK, _Aug. 22.—1 t was rumored last evening that Major-General Rousseau, the Com missioner appointed by President Johnson to receive the new possessions of - the United States in Russian America, left this Dort yesterday in the steamship Rising Star for San Francisco, accompanied the tiommi ' ssioner on the part of Russia. On Go:feral Rousseau's arrival at San Francisco be will continue his journey on a special government vessel. • Commissioner Rollins, Chief of the Internal Revenue-Department,•was present at the _secret meeting of the Metropolitan Board on Monday, and great excitement prevailed among the in spectors in consequence, as it wasgenerally sup posed that his presence warrfor the purpose of orderings, wholesale decapitation among them. Nothing of the sort Is known, however, to have been the result as yet. Thomas McCauley, who was arrested recently in Kings county on -a charge of being concerned in a series of burglaries at Coney Island, Bath and elsewhere, appears to have been a model burglar (If burglar ,at all). of. most exquisite tastes. He is a married man, end his residence has been fitted up with elegant furniture, paint ings of great merit, a library of the works of the best authors, and his cellars contained the choicest wines and liquors, all reputed to be the result .of daring midnight explorations. 'He is reported to be decidedly social and gentlemanly is his personal bearing. Several shopkeepers doing business, near the corner of Broadway and Fulton street have Just made an alliance for the purpose of initiating le gal proceedings against the Loew or Fulton street bridge, en the ground that it is unwieldy, im practicable for the purpose iutended,'and, on the whole, is a first-class nuisance. The leading gamblers of the City held a private meeting yesterday for the purpose of taking measures to protect themselves against the en croachments of the-Anti-Gamblingßociety. - It was finally agreed, after some preliminary dis cussion. to tux each establishment $lOO to raise a fund for the deployment of lawyers and other purposes. The school ship Sabine, that has been in this port for a week, giving our citizens an opportu nity to inspect her roomy quarters and observe the routine of education that has already pro duced many intelligent seamen for the naval ser vice, will leave her anchorage to-morrow at 12 o'clock. proceeding to New London via Hell Gate and the Sound. 1.. - p to yesterday great progress had been made in the preliminaries for the iorthcoming Exhibi tion of the American. Institute, to be opened on the 12th of September next, in the spacious Ar mory of the Twenty-second regiment, on Four teenth street, near Sixth avenue. The floor leg is finished, together with two ex tenSlre galleries, at a cost of ' $lO,OOO, and the applications for space are very numerous, more particularly in connection with machinery and manufactures. The groups of articles on exhibition are seven in number, viz.: Fine arts and education, dwellings. dress and handicraft, chemistry and mineralogy, engines and machi nery. intercommunication and agriculture, and horticulture. It is expected that the principal articles and products in the American depart ment of the Paris Exposition will be on view. THE NATIONAL LABOR LONGRESIe The Rights of 4 apical and Labor.-A Notion to Form a Political Party on the Basis of 'Workingmen's Rights.. Excitement In the Convention on the Subject. Critc.‘oo Aug. H.—The National Labor Con gress is. still in session in this city, but has ac complished little or rio actual business. A draft of a constitution has been presented, mainly taken froth Cushing's. Manual, but his not yet been adopted. The only important, Idea advo cated is in the preamble, which reads thus : Acknowledging the good already accomplished through the national or international Trade or ganizations, we feel that a perfect union of the whole into one body cannot but be productive of good, and is utterly necessary before we can expect to compete with the huge monopolies nvw senttercd broadcast over our land, compel them to acknowledge the rights of our claims, sisd have, labor meet Its just rewards. We admit that capital has its rights as labor, and arc willing to concede to it all that It is entitled tv, but at the same time we will oppose, with all our energies any eneroachnaents attempted to be made upon labor by it, and strive by all possible means to runmie the Inirdens we are 'nosy labor ing Committees have been appointed on sending a delegate to Europe: on the subject of taxation of United States bonds and uncultivated lands: on the disposition of the public domain; on sanitary measures; on the judiciary: on convict labor, aud on political measures, but no reports have been made: A - motion was made by Mr. Kelbs to throw to . the breeze a banner inscribed with the name of the "National Labor, Reform 'Union of the United States.” -- Ills costituents. in Pennsylvania had instructed him to work to' this end in the Con e Tess. Seieral gentlemen doubted the wisdom of j : 4,:ing a political step, and souse expressed their akonixhment , at the attempt to induce such a to,p. The motion sprung upon the Congress tint caUsed great excitement, and may occasion a AFFAIRS. Tun Refreshment Saloons where the soldiers from every part of the Union were fed'during the late war were an honor to Philadelphia, and there is a pa ddler propriety in the circumstance that Philadelphians should inaugurate a plan for the endowment of an in stitute where the orphans of these same heroes may have a home and receive an education. This is what the trustees of the Riverside Institute are aiming most successfully to accomplish.. Acting under the charter of the Washington Library Companyincorpo. 'rated by the State of Pennsylvania, they are offering stock at the low rate of onedollar per share, and will give to each subscribet a beautiful and valuable steel engraving worth stretch' more than the price of the stock, and as an alditional inducement will distribute among.the stockholders presents valued at $300,000. Who Can refuse to do a patriotic and benevolent action on these terms? Let every one call at the zflice, No. 1225 Chestnut street, and record his name. LIKE the Diamond which exceeds in value all other brilliants, so does the great American Sewing, Oyer-reaming and Button-hole Machine exceed all other inventions made for sewing purposes. We can say without any Pik of successful contradiction, that it is the only really peifect sewing machine ever offered to the public. For substantial proof of this, call at the exhibition rooms, southwest corner of Eleventh and Chestnut streets, and see the beautiful instrument in operation. A Cur of Coffee or Tea, such as you can get at Morse's Saloons, 902 Arch street, is very refreshing, especially for ladies out shopping. LACE and Muslin. Curtains, Window Shades and Upholstery, at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut Street. 33Auts, partied, suppers, plc-nice, ctc., fur nished with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by S. S. Fetherston .$ Co., 270 South Second street. BuY the Vienna Carpet Manufacturing Com pany's Carpets. GENERAL GaA sits in the Secretary_ of War's office and.pnffs his cigar, while we sit hi our editnrial Mike and puff Charles Stokes & Co.'s iirst-ehtss Clothing Souse under the Continental. The dic fsrenee in the two puffs is, that the first ends in coming down • with the smoke,' and the latter with coming "down with the dust." GLASS AND FARTHENWARH of all kinds; largest and best assorted stock In the city at Fetherston C .'s, 270 South Second street. very stormy time when it comes up for final action. Nearly the whole of to-day has been de- votedto discussing the propriety of admitting - Mr. Be , lager, a member of the German Arbetter Verein-ofthls-city. CITY NOTICES. WE ARE CLORING Out our large stock of Stindowns. Oakfords, Continental Hotel. WE ANEICLOSING OIIt 041:large stock of Sundownp. Oakfords, Continental Hotel. Marna AND FRECKLEB.—The only reliable rem edy for brown dfscoloratlotu3 called MOTH and Fasomars, le PERIIT'eI MOTU AND FBEOILLE LOTION. Prepared by Dr. B. C. PEWIT, Dermatologist, 49 Bond street, New York. Sold by all druggists. WE Arm CLOSING out our large stock of Sundown& Oakfords, Continental Hotel BrtottEN FURNITURE neatly repaired, re-uphol stered, and made to look equal to new, at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut street. PRESERVING JARS, Preserving Jars, Preserving Jars, Preserving Cans, Preserving Cans, Preserving Cans, Preserving Tumblers, Preserving Tumblers, Preserving Tumblers, Of every variety, on hand, Of every variety, on hand, Of every variety, on hand, At Fetherston's, 270 South Second. At Fetherston's, 270 South Second. At Fetherston's, WO South Second., SAMUEL 8. FETHERSTON & CO., . China and Slam Store, NO South Second street. CHINAWARE of every description at lowest cash prices at S. S. Fetherston & Co.'s, 270 South Second street. GLASS AND EARTI INN WARE Of all kinds; largest and beat assorted stock in the city at Fetherston & Co.'s, 270 South Second street. SAIMiEL S. 'ETIIERSTON & CO., China and Glass Store, 270 South Second street. BAms, ,parties, suppers, pie-nice, etc., fur nished with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by S. S. Fetherston Co., WO South Second street. HOUSEJUtEPERS in want of China and Glass Ware should not fail to visit the cheapest and best place of the kind iu the city. Fetheraton & Co., 270 South Second street Jomi R. DOWNING, John R. Downing, John It. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, 139 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. • r' 139 South Eighth street. Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books. • All the Publications, All the Publication, All the Publications, Catholic Books of ovary kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. . Call at 189 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street BuY the Vienna Carpet Manufacturing Coin pany'e Carpet& HOUSEKEEPERS .in want of China and Glass Ware should not fail to yieit the cheapest and beet place of the kind in the city. Fetheraton & Co., 270 South Second street._ SAMUEL S. FETHERSTON & CO., Samuel S. Fetherston & Co., Samuel S. Fetherston & Co., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Wholesale and Retail dealers in • Wholesale and Retail dealers in China, (41ass and Queensware. China, Glass and Queensware. • "China, Glass and Quethmware. ' No. 270 South Second street. ' No. 210 South Second street. No. 270 South Second street. Call and examine our Block. Call and examine our stock. Call and examine our stock. liousExEvrEns in want of China and. Glass Ware rhould not fail to visit the cheapest awl best place of the kind in the city. Fetherston & Co., 210 South Second street. ' Buy the Vienna Carpet Manufacturing Con pauy's titirpets. JONES' HOTEL, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. IN. Good lodgings for guests. LIMBO open all night. 13AmuEL B. FETJn & CO., • China and Glass Store, 2TO South Second street. BALLS, parties, suppers, ine-n&s, ete., fur nished with all kinds of Blase, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by S. S. Fetherston & Co., vo South Secondfdreet. BUY the Vienna Carpet Manufacturing Coin- Pauy'4 Carpet.. . THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,1.867. Buy the Vienna Carpet Manufacturing Com paay's Carpets. J. Isaacs, M. D., ProfCssor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to - the the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to ace company their _patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. JOHN R. DOWNING, John R. Downing, 'John B. Dowilll4, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller And Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, 139 South Eighth street. , 189 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL fsloo City 68 new 1013 100 sir Read R 61.0 52.81 6000 Pa It 1 mtg 6s 100 1200 sh do s3O 52.81 1000 Cam &Am 68'89 89 1 300 sh do 2 days 54% Ish Cam Am R 127 1 .41100 eh do 3ds 81.81 Ish do 127i41100 sh do b6O 51 , ; 200 sh Sch Navprf b6O 28341100 sh do b 5 51% The business at the Stock Board thls morning was indeed small, and there was less firmness in the market genersliy, with scarcely auy speculative move ment. Reading Railroad was remarkably feeble, and closed at 51.81-a decline of %. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred, which a few days ago was strong at 30, dropped down to 28%, and no large amount could be placed at this concession. Susquehanna Canal, the shares of which are concentrated in few hands,' was steady at 15% bid. Camden and Amboy Railroad closed at 127% bid; Pennsylvania Railroad at 53%; Lehigh Valley Railroad at 573(; Elmira Railroad at 41, and the Common stock at 29; Norristown Railroad at 65; Catawissa. Railroad Preferred at 23; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at 27%, and Northern Central Rait- road at 43%. Lehigh Navigation was firm at 46; Morris Canal Preferred at 110, and the Common stock at 45. Government Loans were not so firm, and in State and City Loans the transactions were nnitn portant. In Passenger . Railway shares the only change was in Ilestonville, which declined %. Smith, Randolph tla Co., - Bankers, 15 South. Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as follows: Gold, 140%; United States 1881 Bonds, 110%0111 ; United.. States 5-20's,' 1862, 112%0112%; 5-20's, 1864, 108%0109; 5.20'5,•- 1866, 409%0110; 5-20's, July, 1865, 107%4 107%; '5-20s, July, 1867, 107%@108; United States 10-40's, 102%0102%; United States 7-30's, Ist series, 106%0107; 7-38's; 9d series, 106%0107; 3d series, l06%@107; %Compounds, December, 1864, 117%. Jay Cooke Co. quote Government securities, ac., to-day, as follows: United States 6'5,1881, 1400 11 036; Old 5.20 Bonds, 112%0113; New 5-20 Bonds, 1664, I68%0109%; 5-20 Bonds. 1866, 109%0110%; 5.90 Bonds July, 1865, 107%0108;5-20 Bonds, 1887,107%0 108%; 10-40 Bonds, 102%0102%; 7 840 August, 106% @107%; 7 8-10, June, 106%0107%; 7 3-10, July, 100% 01073,1; Gold (at 19 o'clock), 141%0141%. . Messrs. De Haven Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, st 1 P.M: American Gold 1413,0041 U, Silver-Quarters and halves, 134®135%; Compound Interest Notes-June, 1864, 19.40; July, 1884, 19 40; August, 1864, 19 40; 1864, 18%; Dec. 1864, 17%; May, 1865, 16%; August, 1865, 15%; September, :865; 15%; October, 1865.14%. 'Dictum/Li - . August 22.—The continued unfavorable weather increases the unusual dullness, and the fall trade does not open with the spirit that was generally anticipated. There is very little Quereitron Bark here, and No. 1 is firm at $4339 ton. There is not rintel doing in Cotton, but with light receipts, and stockholders are firm in their views. Small sales of Middling Uplands at 2SX cents, and New Orleans at 29.i.$ cents. • The Flour market remains as last quoted, with light • receipts, light stock, a light demand, and steady, prices. Sales of 300 bushels choice Northwest Extra Family at $12012 25 4t barrel; 200 bushels new wheat, extra Ninny, at $ll Do@sl4; do., extras at $0 6ti4 to 60; old stock do.. at $S 2500 75, and superfine at Fr 2507 75. Rye Flour is steady at $O. In Meal nothing doing. • The offerings of Wheat are scarcer, and prime quality commands extreme figures. Sales of 2,000 bushels, Pennsylvania and Southern Red at $2 35(0 2.46, and 1,600 bushels common, at $2 24g2 26 "t•:? bushel, and 300 bushels Kentucky Whits at $2 77%. !lye is higher; sales. of I,2llP`bushels at $1 60 fOr new Pennsylvania, and $1 70 for old. Corn Is looking up: -ides of 3,500 bushels Yellow at $1 25; one tot at $1 27, and 2,100 bushels mixed Western at $1 22@1 24. Oats DEAF:gins, IifANDNEAB AND CAT ARRIL All the Publications, All the Publications, All the Publications. • Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. ROCKIIILL & WILSON, hlotning, Clothing, Clothing. 608 and 605 Chestnut street. White Linen Duck Pante. White Linen Duck Pants. White Linen Duck Vests. White Linen Duck Vesta. Genoege Linen Dusters. Genoese Linen Dusters. Boys' Ltnen Garibaldi& • Boy& Linen Garibaldis. A great variety of 744 colored linen clothing. SuunnerClothing of ription&-- Alpaca Coat& Rootrun.x. & Wixom, Clothing House, 603 and 606 Chestnut street Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, inaaT BOABD. F/lIIAMELPIIIA, Thursday, August 22. Philadelphia Markets. ale dull at 70c. Whirky—Prices are nominal AIOS. Reportedl P for the ORT M adelpnia hiyen N ng Biulletin. PORTO CABELLO—Brig A B Patterson, Wilkie -1200 baps coffee 271 hides J Dallett & Co. ST. JOHN, Nll.--Schr M Hunter, Orr-61.120 feet boards 20,208 feet deals 30,000 palings 323,600 laths D Trump, Son & Co. HILLSBOI(0, NS.—Behr Ralph Souder, Crosby -3419 bblit calcined plaster E A Sundcr&Co. 00 IrA Ma Di an el M Nii IZA PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Aua. 22 tir - See. Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. , • Brig A B Patterson,. Wilkie, from Porto Cabello 7th inst. with coffee and hides to 'John Dallett & Co. Lefc ut Lagutivra, bark White Wing, hence. arr 6th; at Porto Cabello, brig Adella. for. New York Bth. Brig American Union, Smith, from Salem, in ballast to D S Stetson & Co. Brig Scotland, Rose, ft days from Boston, in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. Schr Island Belle. Pierce, 4 days from Vinalhaveu, with stone to captain. Sehr Chris Loeser, Jameson, from Lauesville, with stone to captain. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrey, 8 days from Taunton, with mdse to Mershon & Cloud. .Schr M Hunter, 0rr,15 days from St John, NB. with lumber to D Trump, Son & Co. Schr Ralph Solider, Crosby, it days from Hilleborci, NS. with plaster to E A Soudnik& Co. Schr Datil 'Holmes. HawoodMoston. Sehr M Reinhart, Hand, Boston. Sehr Minute Repplier, Conover, Boston, Schr West Dennis, Crowell, Boston. Schr S L Simmons, Gandy, Boston. Schr Oraloo, Small, Boston. Schr .1 M Vance, Budge. Boston. Schrlittunah Little, Godfrey, Fair Haven. Schr L A udenried. Crawford, NeWbUrypOrt. heir Marietta Smith, Preston, Greenport. heir Reading RR No 49, Robinson, Pawtucket. Schr cerPs, 'holm hen, Dover, Nit. Seim C W Elwell, Giles, Salem, Mass. - Sear Hattie Page (new, 297 tuns), Haley, Bridgeton, New Jersey. Schr Village Queen, Tillotson, Ball River. CLEARED THIS DAY. sn.miter Diamond State, Robtuson, Baltimore,: J D Ruoff, • ak, • Steamer A Brearley7itullin, Baltimore, J D Rood' steamer Vineland, Borden, Sassafras River, J D Ruoff. Bat k Lock Lamar. Clifford, Montevideo for orders, wni ren, Gregg .t. , Morris. Bark Jei:ltY; Boole?, Bremen, L Westergaard & Co. (11r), llannitford, Loudon, [hi , RAIN, Forbes. Gibraltar for order, du Genrilanks, lietchnm, Providence, liatmuctt Neill. Schr IA Little, Godfrey, E Cambridge, do Behr Tau] Holmes, Haywood, Boston, Westmoreland evil Co. Sciii Westmoreland; Rice, Cambridge, do Seta S L Crocker, Preobrey, Taunton, Merebon&Clond Scbr.R Florence, Rich,Boston, Caldwell, Gordon&Co. Scbr L Audenrlid, Crativrord, - tiOdtoD, Wl3 Jblintlhb Bro. Behr A H Edwards, 'Bartlett, Boston, Dovey, Bulkley & Co. Bchr J M Vance, 'Mudge, Boston, do Schr M Reinhart, Hand, Boston, Rommel & Hunter. Schr Ceres, Trefethen Doer, NH. do Schr Village Queen, Tillotson, Stonington, do. Schr 8 L Simmons, Gandy, Fall River, Castner, Stick ney & Wellington. Schr Oraloo, Small, Rockport, L Audenried Sc Co. • •Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, DEL., Aug. 16 (back dale)-9 PM. Ship Arnold Boninger, for Bremen; barks Isabella C Jones, lbr St Thomas, and Roanoke, for Laguayra, all from Philadelphia, went to sea to.daf. Wind SW. Tours, &c. • JOSEPH LAFETRA. - MEMORANDA. Ship Surprise, Ranlett, cleared at New York yester day for Hong Kong Steamer Weser (Brem),Wenke, cleared at New York yesterday for Bremen. Bark Barlow, Dumas, hence at St. John, NB. 20th instant. Brig Ida M Comery; McLellan, hence at Queenstown 9th inst. and sailed for London. Brig L L Wadsworth, Benton, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Brig Ilertha (Hop, Warnaar, hence at Wilmington, NC. 18th inst. Brig'Birchard & Torrey, Friable, cleared at Bangor 19th inst. for this port. Schrs Marcia b Lewis (new), Lewis, of and from Centreville, Mass, for this port, and Mary E Rankin (new), Crosby, of and from do for do; Emma Bacon, Case, Salem for do; Golden Eagle, Howes, New Bed ford for do, and Jae Neilson, Hackett, from Taunton for do, sailed from Newport 20th inst. &bra M V Coon, Falkenbur m •,• Sarah Pnrvea. Jones; C E Paige, Prink ; H S Siner, untley • W B Thomas, Winamore; D M French, Jones; A S Brown, Fish; E L Smith, Smith; L S Levering, Corson; J T Weaver, Weaver; J Burley, Williams; A S Cannon, Cobb; M Riley, Riley; Admiral, Steelman, and M A McGahan, Call, hence at Boston 20th inst, Schr Sand Nash, hence at Bath 19th inst. Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books. RISLEY'S CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCHANGE, CHOICE SEATS To all places of amusement may ho had up to 0..1 o'clock any evening. mh29 tf NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. THE 'FAMILY RESORT* OPEN FOR THE SEASON, MONDAY E t 'VENING. AUGUST, 26, „. CARNCROSS & DIXEY'S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. ' IN Triune GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. For particulars sec future advertlacruenta. J. L. CARNCROSS, Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. aulstf ONCERT HALL. CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. The Great LINCOLN MEMORIAL TABLEAUX will open on THURSDAY EVENING, August 22d, for a short time only. These Paintings are from the pencil of GEO. WUNDERLICH, Esq.. and have been exhibited in the Eastern States and British Provinces with the most signal success. S. K. MURDOCH, -Esq., delivers the descriptive Lec ture, interspersed with choice Readings. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Doors open at 7. Commence at& MATINEE on SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. au2l-4t. 'WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. CORNER OF I NINTH and WALNUT streets. Begins at 8. THIS AND EVERY EVENING, Shakespeare's Fairy Spectacle, in five acts, of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. With its unrivaled Scenery. Panorama, Cottumes, Accou trements, TRIPLE TRANSFORMATION SCENE, dce. The whole censtatuting a UNIFORMITY OF EXCELLENCE Never equaled in the production of thia Play. Chains secured six days in advance. • p ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF VINE ARTS, CHESTNUT. above TENTH. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. Pd. ___ t _ _- Benjamin Weet'a great Picture of CHRIST RI:WELTED gill! ou exhibition. , 1044 f UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Will Remain Open this Season later than usual. IPrlee of Board will be 'reduced on and after the 20th August to $3 per diem Persons %idling to visit Cape Island will find it a very pleas. ant portion of the Sea Shore Selson, and have the benefit et a certainty in scenting good rooms. Address, NV EST 48r, 311 . 1.411-4 EFL, PROPRIETORS. aulittg. SIiORTLIDGE NULL, CONCORD, DELAWARE CO.. PA., One hour and ten minutes' ride from Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, now open for the reception of guests. Time nibt limited. The situation is elevated and healthy, in one of the most beautiful sections of Delaware county. Rooms comfortable and well - - ventilated. Two large parlors, "a capacious ball for amusement, two pianos; very desirable retreat for young ladies and gentlemen. . Beautiful lawn in front; conveniences for children ma surpassed. Plenty of fresh vegetables and milk. None hut first-class boarders need apply. Terms moderate. REFEayricrs--isaac fitarr,Esq., 116 Chestnut stria:ft; Mrs. John Beneath 1126 Girard street. Apply to JOSEPH BIIORTLIDGE, Concordville, aul9-6P Delaware Co., Pa. ``HERMAN HOUSE—CAPE ISLAND, NOW OPEN $...7 for reception of guests. Board from $l4 to $lB per week, according to rooms. No extras. THOS. CLIFFORD. Proprietor. LICIIT.HOUvdE COTTAGE ATLANTIC CITY. JONAH woorroN, Proprietor. The most desirable 11011}10 on the Maud, being the near. est house to the surf. No far. &aim* TREImoNT HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, IS NOW OPEN for Bounden!. Tulip! moderate. HUMPHREY HUGHES, jy2e..lin• • . Proprietor. • TROCHES, 1 ,011 ' 131 ' 14 .S. 0 CAMPHOR TROCHES, Positive Preventive of c "S-10 2_,MMLA_ , Diarriheq. Dysentery, and cheivralfurhas yld Sole Factor, C. 11. If eetlieg, Druggist, . es' ( :4 12th .tc Mice Ste., Phila. ce 1.,,,.. 4 . r . Av t 0 "/ YllailOul (JD rc'' PATENTED am MONTH, 1.868. rl4 '.lm.brt LII(.4tTIfI KENNE T Fox MA's.lNt; 3ti A FEW V.1151.7rES r 1,7= KEEP THEM. AT HAND! BLAIR'S WESSER EUBNEY C.. BLAIR'S SONS, MGM Alit , W4l,Ntit STEM THE _LARGEST FINE HENRY S. HANNIS & CO., pas and 220 SOUTH FRONT STREET,, Who offer the .same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantageous Terms. ° , Their Stock of Rye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises ail the favorite brand* wits taut, and runs through the various monthsuf 1806, 1 66, and of this year, up Id present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrl son Line Wharf, or at Bonded Waurehoi GROCERIES, Liquous, &O. TOMATO SOUP. JULIENNE SOUP. TERRAPIN SOUP. These Soups are put up in quart canisters, hermetical' sealed, and when wanted for the table only require to heated. FOR SALE BY THOMPSON BLACK & SON, _,..__BROADAND CHESTNUT WA,. s tu•lyrpil JUST RECEIVED, , 4001 CASES, _ VINTAGE, 1865, (Via Imperial. Green Seal CHAMPAGNE. H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, 1310 CHESTNUT STREET. jyll•th,..tu.3mb SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, This justly celebrated native Wine is made from the juice fd the OportoGrape raised in this country' Its in. valuable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPER , TIES are unsurpassed by any other native Wine. Beillf the pees juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Spoor'. own personal supervision, its purity and gAnuineness are guarantied. The youngest child may partake of its gene voila quelitiea, and the weakeet invalid may use it to ad. vantage. Die particularly beneficial to the aged and de biiitated, and stilted to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It fe iu every respect • A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Samples at the etore of • Johnson, Halloway k Cowden, No. 23 NoPth Sixth Street. Dyott brCo., • NO. Z 2 NOBTII SECOND. Invalids use Speer" Port Grape Wine. k'pm n lee use - lipein's Port Grape Wine. Weakly persons find a benefit by its use. Speer's Vines in ilospitabi are prefefred to other Wines Sold by Druggists end Grocery. 1r) el OW 01.01:11 .0 :00 4:0 : 0 ikiezerir )]1 THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM .IOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goixls, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man• ufacture of Fine Shirts, Coßays. &0., warranted to give satidaotioni lanai " ADMINISTRATOR'S BALK.. ESTATE OF JlW~Eleanor Fullerton, deceased.--James A. Freeman, " Auctioneer.—Dwelling , No. 2i Queen street, Third Ward. Under authority contained in the will of the late Eleanor Fullerton, deceased, on Wednesday, September 11th, 1167. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described 'real estate, Nl4. : All that certain three.story brick dwell. lug with two story hark buildings and lot of ground situate on the south side of Queen street, between Front and Swanson street., in the Third Ward of the city. Contain. ing in fr,,nt on Queen street 20 feet (Including an alley about three feet wide, the adjoining premises having the rice to build over as now built), and in depth IJO fee. Clear of all ineurnbranee.. . ItAniiloo to ho Pep at the time of - - :ItY order t Pile. Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. ,I . A. I 3VES A. FREEMAN, _AuCtioncer. au 1.91: se "Store, 4'"l Walnut street. raht , lt;/‘ 4tf r Itta3P4 Old Rye Ta,iskies. OLD IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED ,BY SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. FOUR YEARS OLD REAL. ESTATE SALES. AND BEST STOOK OF RYE WHISKIES veal Penney!Tanta S.ll. Depot, Ernes! .6, as parties may elect. HEAL ESTATE SALE. flit-DANS' COURT SALT;.—ESTA rE of rErvit Scull, Deceased. .Inmes A. Freeman. ATic " tioneer. Under authOrity of the Orphans' Court for the City and (hounty of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, September 11, 1E67, nt 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sole. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Renl Estate, late the property of Peter Ii Scull, deceased !binding lots in Fourth. Fifth and htfillin streets, First Ward, No. I.—All that lot of ground com posed of two contiguous lots, simsite on the east side og Fifth street and southerly side of Mifflin street, (lotto Canal street,) in the First Ward of the city. Containing in front 31 feet l', - ; inches. and in depth 61 feet; the north line hieing along Canal street, and in width in the rear end 21 feet 9 inclms. No. 2—All that lot of ground situate on the /motherly side of 'Mifflin (late Canal street, ) 61 feet east of Fifth St. Containing in front 16 feet 0 inches, and in depth 47 feet 73e, :A Inches. U. 3—All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Fourth Street. at r distance of 31 feet inches sonth of miniin Street. (late Canal street). Containing in front 15 feet 10 inches, and extending in depth 61 feet. No. 4--All that lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Fourth and Mifflin Streets. Containing In (runt on Fourth street. 31 feet 834 inches, and extendlngin depth along Canal street, CA feet to a certain 3 feet wide alley leading into Canal street, and in breadth on the rear cad thereof 31 feet 6 inches. :So. s—All those two contiguous lots of groond *Mute, on the southorly side of Mifflin (late Canal street," at the distance of Is: feet we'd of Fourth street. Containing In front 12 feet (each lot 16 feet,) and extending in depth 17 feet 6,'.; inches. No.- that:foto, grottnd.eitnate an thesersratdiS - Cor Fourth ' , tract, at the distance of 15 feet le': inches south of bllllllll street, Containing in front 15 - feet Ilr inehew and extending in depth 59 (vet to a 3 feet • alley lending into Mifflin rtract. No. 7--All thatlot of ground situate on the southerly' ride oeMillliuotreet, at the distance of 124 feet 6 inches eirstof Fifth street. Containing in front 16 feet and extending in length or depth on the west line thereof 47 feet 7', inciter. and on the east line thereof 4; feet 74 inches. eo. a—Thu undlsitted • motet); or half-part of A nd i n a tint lot of ground situate on the southerly shle of idhstia Chet.. Canal street), at the distance of 141 feet 6 inches east of Fifth street. Containing in trout 16 feet, and In depth on the west Sue thereof 47 feet V s inches, and on the east erly line Siena 47 feet 74; Inches. Sy the Court. E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O.C. MARGARET HUSSEY', AAministratrk. rlfreN to he paid ou each at the thew of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store, 4.= Walnut street 1111r..2.29.re5 L i R n:PA tX)ritT SAI.E --ES TATE OF Et;lii .- both W. Cox. deceased.—Jumes , Freeman, Au e. tioneer—r uderanthorite of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phlladelphia, on Wedneaeor. Sept. 11, 1567. at )2 o'cluck. noon. will be sold at gonna sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following des cribed Peel Ertate,late the In °perry of 131xabeth S. Cox. deceased: No. 1. Lot of Ground, Germantown avenue. be. tow 3ito.ter street: All that certain lot of ground situate on the se esterlv side of Germantown avenue. TM feet southward of Staster street. In the Seventeenth Ward of the city ; thence along the west side of Germantown avenue S. ID deg. 11 min. E. 20 feet; thence by lot of ground late of George hosier S, 54 dry. H min) W. He fret; thence northward on a line parallel with 6ernian town avenue 19 feet 3.ty inches; thence along - a lot of ground late of Therese (;baba, N. 51 deg. l mitt. E. lUe feet to the place of beginning. No. '.—LO't t.tutrlutte street below Mnatcr.—All that certain lot of ground on the easterly side of f;harlette streetcommencing at the distance of 225 ft. IPS in. south ward from sloster street,thence by a lot of ground fats of Therese Chat's, N. 84 deg. 1 win. E. le fret I/ inches. thence southward ou a line parallel with Germantown avenue 18 feet 3'. Inches, thence by a lot of ground tato of George Honer, S. 54 deg. /3 min.. W. P 6 feet 7,51 indicate the east side of Charlotte street, thence northward along Charlotte street It feet 8 inches to the place of hetnning No. 4.—Frame House , gen St. John street—All at Cer tain frame house and lot of 'ground. situate on the cast side of 13t. John street (No. 528% between Ilrown and I'op. far, in the Eleventh Ward of the city. Containing in front 2) feet, and In depth 54 feet. tit" (5100 to be paid ou each at the time of sale. By the Court, F A, MERRICK. Clerk 0: C. ABRAHAM NIPPES. Trustee. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, . Store. 4 Walnut street. STEES' SALE-ESTATE OF JAMES BERLE. deceased. James A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Valuable itosei prorerty, known no the - Sorrel nurse; and nine acres, Ridge road. itoxherough. On Wednesday. September Ilth. 1881. at 12 o'clock. noon , will be sold at public salt, at the Philadelphia Exchange the ((situating drecribed real estate, late the property or Jallall Haab. deceased, All that certain piece of land with the hyprove. Metal thereon. beginning at - a stone set for a comer all the southwesterly side of the Ridge turnpike road, it being islos a corner of John titan ford's land. Monte by the eame S. Et deg. 25 min- W. 11:23 'seethes too corner la the middle of lingy'e mill road. thence akanuthe lame 8. lid deg. id.tain... E. 13 perches to a corner of this and land of John Nicholas: thence by the name 8.54 deg. `Xi min..E. 78.. ti perches to the southwesterly side of the Ridge tuns' pike road, thence along the *slue N. 7 deg.. 30 ndas 14.7 perches to th e place of beginning. Containing 9 sena and iil retches of land. Itif The above is thr well-known Sorrell .flor.e Hotel property. The improvement* are a sob4antial tots.ard aJtatt story stuns hotel. four Laren' rocnna on the ltristltoor,, farce ball room and four other room* 011 the *'road .thorr, and torn tare 'ovum Oh the this'll slow, • Alto. Lowe stone barn, *rata env and Ahead to aerohnoodatr .1r0»1 30 to 40 (:ad ie,lnole, and throe wells of wee:Vatting water. 'the Mad is 000 d, beautiful/It situated. and Mfr. 'minded be ft ne tins rorelnentlf. It Is near the whim. brebm and Green 'free Marlon., on the ...Vorridutea Rail road. gWO to he paid at the time of rale. By order of Trurtee. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. au222 res Store. 422 Walnut rtreet. oittliANs , couirr SALE.—ESTATE • ::: (:liggett. deceased..—James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. • Plater authority of the Orphan,' Court for the City end County of Philadelphia, on Wednerday. September lith. 167, at 12 o'clock. noon, will he mold at public nate, at the PI iladcipbiu Exchange; the follouing dimerilied Real E,tnte, late the,properiy of John Cligsett. dereseed.—No. 1— No. 6in order Of Caort) Building Lot corner Thou*. ton and Birch strect,, Twenty.fiftit Ward.-Ali that ter. lain Lit or ground Ablate on the east corner of Thompuan. late Duke,.and birth streets, In the Twenty-fifth Ward of the containing in front on Duke' ntreet, di f eet and in depth 8. E. along birch street 124 feet and', an lath, and on the N. E. nide 127 feet Ilk, incite,. No.' So. 7 in order of (ourt.)—Lot, Thoinpron street. hove William .— All that certain lot of ground situate ma the S. E. aide of Thompncrt (late Duke) street, 42 feet north- CRAW ard from William street. In the Twenty-fifth Ward of the city. Containing in front 62 feet, and In depth 121 feet 7 incifer. No. 2--(No. Bin order of Courr.)—Lot. William street, ales, Thompson.--All that certain lot of ground &Mate on the N. E. aide of WIIIIam street, at thu distance of 105 feet not ti% eau ard from Thompnonlitreet. in the Tice°. ty.fif t h Ward of the city. Containing in front %) feet.awd in depth Igo feet. re - woo to be paid on each at the time of sale.• liy the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. MARGARET CLIGGETT, Adminietratrix. JAMES A. ,FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, N 0.422 Walnut street. aiI!?2,MP( 5 ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF TIM°. Ethy Sullivan• dkccased.---Jatues A. Freeman. Ane. tioneer. Threestory Brick Howie. , Fades' court thetm ern Race and Vine and Front and Second Arcata). micr authority contaixed in the will of the late Timothir minivan, deed., on Wednesday. September 11, 1887. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be fold at public rate, at the Philadel- Oda Exchange, the following described real-estate, all that certain thrte•story brick messuage and lot of ground. situate on the mouth side of Fifties' court (known ms No. 7 in the square), between Front and Second and Race and Vine streets, In the Sixth Ward of the city. Be ginning at the distance of 116 feet l) inches west of Front Otrect: containing in Irma 14 feet 1 inch, and in depth 16 feet I inches. Together with the free use , right, liberty and privilege of the said Eariea' court , and of ingress. egress, into, out of and along the same at all times for And together with the free and uninterrupted use of the privy , Had well am the same are now sunk and erectt d on the lot of ground to the westward of the house No. Ain said court as the same have heretofore been used by the several tenants and occupiers of the said propertiee on the eastward and westward. Subject to a proportion able part of the expenses of cleaning mud keeping the maid privy and Iv( II in good order and repair. Or Clear' of all IP , l'llibrillieeP. 21`"4;10 to he paid at the time of Hale.' By the Court. E. A. 111 EltitiCK, Clerk O. C. DENNIS SULLIVAN. Executor. JAMES A. FREE BAN. Aue tomer. Store, 4211 Walnut street. MIZE OlcPtiAl:l3 . COURT HALE.—TRUST ESTATE Gdlar of Mary June Carpenter.—James A. Freeman, Auc tioneer.—Dwellings, No, 807 Fallon street and No. 810 Essex street, Third Ward. Under authority .of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. on Wednesday, September 11, 1867, at 12 o'clock noon, will be old at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, follownM described Real Estate, the property of Mans Jane. Carpenter; All that lot of ground with thed three story brick houses thereon erected, situate on the east side of Fallon street, 87 fe frontches sootthward of Catha rine street ; containing in on Fallon Street 17 feet inches, and in depth on the north line thereof 61 feet, and on the south line thereof 57 feet, be the same more or less. Huh lect to *27 ground rent per unman. • A too, all that lot of ground with the three-story brick house thereon erected, situate on the we Christian Essex street, at the dletenee of 178 feet north of stret. Containing in front on Essex street 17 feet Kinetics, and in depth on the north line if feet 6 inches, and on the south line r.',3 feet, niore,lil lon.Stthjat ground rent per 1101211101. tiV The above will be sold as one lowperty. There are ereelea int thew a ,Ihree•sloru brick house frontifia on, sli'.eer (Su. 807). theee.story brie!: court houses fro)d bill nn Groftoo vlave: trod a three.story brick honor front illy On F.'e.ser etreet. Plan at the Auction Store. Cr - *lOO to he void at the time of sale. . • 11y. the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. ? 'JO I M A H R N G A L ET RINS. - Trustees. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.• att22, 6 _Store Walautsireet.. .14 OOF SKIRTS AND CONEIETS.—MRS: 41VAVIMAr, • . No 8121litio e Ma, is now MaUllfllettlrjur the ve . rietioN of hoopfilkirte. Comets. ate. she he . .ft 0 the. Real French CorAoh3 of new atyle . .. Hoop tWe, fared And repaired. - : nlll2titirP OY' BKIB,TB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers