fro* our Fourth Edition of Yesterday. THE LATEST CABLE HEWS. Surratt Arrested Without a Doubt. ABegimentof Troops has Left Home. OPENING OF THE SWISS ASSEMBLY Immediate Arming is Urged. WASHINGTON. Tiie French Minister and Mexico. j9L Senatorial Caucus. The National Finances. More About the Zanesville Acoideni By the Atlantic Cable. [To tiie New York Associated Press.] London, Dec, 4.— The steamship Nova Scotia, from Portland, has arrived here on her way for Liverpool, London, Dec. 4.— lt is now certain that ' the notorious John Surratthaa been arrested at Alexandria, Egypt. Pabis, Deo. 4.— One regiment of Frenoh troops left the city of Home yesterday. Coke,. Dec. 4. —At a large meeting of the citizens of Cork, the magistrates were re quested to memorialize the Government to enroll the loyal people, increase the num ber of troops and arrest all suspicions per sons. Bebne, Deo. 4. —The Swiss Assembly had 1 opened. In view of the state qf affairs in Europe, the President urged an immediate arming. Liverpool, Dec. 4, Noon.—The Cotton market opens at 14d. fqr Middling Uplands. The sales to-day will probably reach 8.000 bales. London,. Dec. 4th, Noon.—The firm of Abraham Troost & Son, at Manchester; has suspended. Themoney market is steady. Consols, 881. U. S. Five-Twenties, - - - 701 Erie R. R., - i - . 46J Illinois Central, - - ... 771 From Washington* [Bpedal Despatclittj the BuUetln/J Washington, Dec. 4.—The French Min-, later takes exception to the language of the President, in his Message, in speaking of the conduct of the Emperor Napoleon, in not complying with the agreement in re gard to the withdrawal of the French troops from Mexico; and he-is preparing a sharp letter ta Secretary Seward on the subject. The [Senatorial caucus to-day decided to depose from the leading committees of the Senate, Senators Doolittle, Dixon and Cowan. They have another meeting to morrow, when the question of making other changes will be discussed. There are many Senators who favor the ©lection of a new President of the Senate. If they agree to it, Mr. Wade will be the man! Secretary McCulloch has already com menced reduoing the quantity of gold in the treasury in anticipation of the action of Congress., It will be done gradually. The Accident at Zanesville, Ohio. SECOND DESPATCH. -Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 4.—;The accident at Zanesville, Ohio, is not as bad as first reported. One span of the bridge, only,was broken down. Two engines, two express cars, one baggage and one passenger car were precipitated into the river. The num ber of persons injured and killed not known yet. [By the N. Y. Associated Press.] , Cincinnati, Dec. 4.—One span of the bridge of the Central Ohio Railroad, over the Muskingum river, at Zanesville, Ohio, gave way about 9 o’clock this morning, as the Eastern bound express was crossing, precipitating the engine, tender, two Adams’s express and one baggage, and one passenger car a distance of sixty feet on to the rocks at the bottom of the river. It is not known yet that any person was killed, but many are seriously, and some, perhaps, fatally wounded. At the time Of the accident two empty engines were cross ing on the down track, one of which escaped With the loss of its tender. This train con tained passengers from St. Louis and Cin cinnati, destined for Baltimore and Wash ington, and was the regular connection of ithe Baltimore and Ohio road by the wav or Belair. The body of - Caldwell, of Sheridan’s staff, lately deceased,at New Orleans, was on the train, butwas recovered without damage. It is considered miraculous that no person was killed outright, and under the latest mews, alarm is subsiding. XXXUth Congress-Second Session. Washington, Deo. 4.' . Senate.— Mr. Sumner gave notice of his intention to introduce to-morrow a series of . resolutions declaring the entire control of Congress over the subject of reconstruction and the right to exclude the lately rebellious States from representation in Congress and from voting on amendments. A motion to take up Mr. Chandler’s reso lution offered yesterday, calling for infor mation about Mexican affairs, was lost. Mr. Chandler called up the bill passed by .the House yesterday, repealing the 13th section of an act of 1862, giving amnesty powers to the President. Mr. Chandler’s motion was lost, and the Senate then adjourned. House.—A resolution was adopted refer e bounty bill of the la3t session to the military committee for amendments and the increase of members pay to the Judiciary* Committee for repeal. * ' . Wentworth introduced a resolution insisting upon the adoption of the Constitu tional Amendment before the House will consider the propriety of givingtheSouthern Mates congressional representation, which was agreed to. ’ An additional rule was adopted for the anointment by each Congress of a standing committee on Freedmen’s affairs. S The Banking Currency act reported at the last session came.up in order and was c P ember ned the - l) a A resolution was adopted instructins the Committee on Territories toinquire into the propiie.y of providing territorial govern! for the late rebel States. s The joint committee on reconstruction was on motion'of Mr. Stevens, reconstruct ed. The New Tor fa. charter Election. New Yobk, Dec. 4. —The charter election is progressing without spirit, and the indi cations are that not over 7,500 votes will be cast. Arrival of the jsteamer Propontis at Boston, Dec. 4.—The steamship Propontis, from Uverpool, bound for Philadelphia arrived at this port to-day.' : ’ Financial and Commercial. e . foll s. wln ? ahows 016 receipts of the Delaware D vlaton Canal for the week and season, compared with same time last year: * Week ending Dec. , 1,1868 -410,313 14 Previously In 1868. ..... .SSoM 69' Week ending Dec. 2, nma....,,,, , ~ 344,500 10 Pwvlonslfl 1865......,,,. § ——257,620 90 Increase In - .taAjwa on *Th& lonowing Is a statement or the amount of “SJWJSfowtttt Lewgh VaUeyßaUroad, week ending Kov> 80, 1866* uno orevionsly sinca December l, 1864, compared with same time last year* „Week. Total! Tons. Cwt, Tons. Cwt, 757 00 20,388 10 205,914 44 182.790 12 44,949 02 47,291 17 56,205 16 139,494 04 17,935 07 .92,444 CM 56,615 15 67,424 15 124276 12 45,040 10 134.233 13 34,072 08 2,114 03 8,778 03 7,464 18 7461 11 64,809 04 24,158 16 7,464 10 37,688 15 23,162 13 10,946 07 29.066 03 9,770 05 2b3 05 19,617 0d 47412 16. 34,620 17 2402 12 19,744 04 14,967 (•! 18*31 01 9,131 07 6,457 09 55,760 14 6,739 18 21,963 10 3,859 16 1,486 0.5 3,098 12 12,989 09 Ashburton Mount 'fiif 09 Hazleton,. i k&k as BaatSngar Loa£...„ 1^2117 IfS n ,S“U“““ 599 oo Ebbervale.. ... 1,499 Jeddo 21887 12 Cox, Brother & C0.„^., v ... 644 ru Council Ridge, 1,65211 ; Back MonntidTi,, UJ , lino 17 New York and Lehigh...... 845 07 Honey .8r00k...- 1957 04 German Pennsylvania--.. 154 14 Spring w Coleraine,. ................... 538 02 5 Beaver Meadow 87 02 John Connery-.—............. .. . Lehigh Zinc —- T - IIM . x ,„ L J. B.Reber & C 0—...... 48 McNeal & Co.——, 275 04 Knickerb0cker.................. '•6B 18 Coal ; Bathbnn, Caldwell* C 0... 552*18 Glendon...— _ 7777.77 soTos H. M5era.........——. '237 11 irenTon-..- .. -... ......... J. A Q -RiYPTTnRTI - —,..*7 Sililman...... i,768 16 1 Baltimore-.-.-..—.... 650 10 5bam0kin........... ' Franklin-.—565 00 Audenrlpd..... ......... Lehigh and Soaqnehannal GeimaDia. Laudwesser’s..... Wilkesbarre... Warrior _ Parrish & Thomas.. ...... 577 17 is ew Jersey 120 OS Union-... ..... 96 C 5 Wyoming iu ie Other shlppera..22B 14 Total— lB Corresponding week last : year- ... 28,120 14 Increase™™.. 713 64 828.197 )7 The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, lackawanna and Western WaiiW™* f or tjje week ending Dec. l, compared with same time last season: Week. Tear. TonaCwt. Tons. Cwt. Shipped North 8,418 00 41>1.758 l>4 Shipped South 314,741 09 999,732 10 Total 83,157 09 1,401,490 14 For corresponding time last year: Week, Tear. Tons. Cwt. TonaCwt. Shipped North.™,. 9,701 02 231,483 18 Shipped South——..... .21288 11 6803110 02 Total .30 988 18 891,734 00 ,,,, kaqu ■The receipts of oil at Pittsburgh, last week were as follows: „ Elvers, Sail. Total fiSSS:fS?:&= as !g ,$$ Frlday/xiov. 30-..„...: Satnraay, Dec. L». - <liW2 '*Sa 6,610 2,605 £1.205 Total for week 33,223 ■ 9 geo 93.1*1 Since January 1.. J,141,067 -SS26SS 1^722 Eecelpta to Bee. 1 .1.174.290 372,615 1,566.905 Same time In 1365... 549,204 246.651 765;|64 Increase In 1866.—, .625J86 145.964 771 nso Amral OKI Steamer. _aiur# Ren vos sass Celia— ...London. ..New York Mov. 10 Kangaroo XlverpooL..New York .Nov 17 ra *2— ——.Havre—New York .Nov. 21 America —Southampton-New York jgov 2 City of Baltimore-Llverpool.. .New York Nov »i .Glasgow...New York !nov! 21 et. David Liverpool... Portland Nnv 22 Ear ope. ■ -Havre-New York ....Nov! 22 an omancheeter.Xlverp’l...New York ..-Nov 24 Asia . —. ——Liverpool—Boston . v™ 04 Wm Penn London New York. Nov 24 Hecla—„ Liverpool-New Yprk .Nov! 27 Bavaria..— Southampton... New York... Nov "" raty of Paris Liverpool-New York ....—Nov’ So Virginia.. -Liverpool-New York -..Nov! 2s Moravian. LlverpooL.-Portland .... jiuv S? TO DKPABT Tonawanda—Phlladelphla..Savannah ’ Dec « H Chonncey. New York—Asplnwall—- '"'.Dec' 1. Kangaroo— .New York-LlverpooL —r'Dec! is sootia.— New York—Liverpool ——...Dec. is Europe -New York... Havre!- Dec! 14 Denmark New York-Llverpool .Dec! n lews— .New York—Glasgow— —..Dec 15 Wm Penn.——. New York—London— oec' is Asia ——Boston—Liverpool —Dec! 10 Rising Star.——.. New Yoik—Asplnwall Dec 21 Guiding Star...—. New York—Rio Janeiro -Dec.' 2d JAMES DOUCJH °°**™***. AMJUWJiy. JtS&iAxJLt&'3-‘.SJSi,. PORT OT I'KfLAPBLPIUA-DECKMBBB 5. Spy Bibbs, 710 1 sen Bxts, 433 1 High Watbb, li 23 aKRIVEi) YKSTJERDAV Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings,7o hours from Sava nnah. with cotton. Ac. to Pbliade'phia and Soutneru Mall Steamship Co . Passed a targe bark .fhore on Beedy Island bar. . Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours from New York with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co * orK 8 FPhelps,Brown, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W W Baird & Co. Steamer Bufihlo, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde A Co. Bark Eliza (Br), Bouper, 22 days from Nevassa. with guano to J E Bazley A Co Bark Topeka, Blanchard. 15 days fromTurkß Island, with salt to Wxn Bumm A Son. Brig Margaret Hein (Hr), Wallace, from Boston. In ballast to L Westergaard. (Dau).Anderson,from Boston,ln ballast io L Westergaard. k ’ Bchr Mersey tßr), brnith, 49 dayhfrom Eowey, Eng, with china clay to Workman A Co. “ Schr Two Slaters. Bt»elman. 1 day from Townsend’s Inlet, with a portion of cargo of wrecked ship Merrl mac, consigned to Peter Wrlgbl ASons. Schr Thus Borden, Wrighungton, lrom Fall Klver in ballast to Castner, Stickney A Wellington. 1 Schr Abraham Lincoln, Bentley, from Troy, with lumber lo Penna BR Co. Schr W WMarcy, Bennett, from Washington, with lumber to S B Bailey A Son. r Schr Mabel, Conwell, from New York, with chalk to order. : Schr B Seaman, Neal, from A llyn’e Point. CLEARED XESTiUtD-. • Steamer Buffalo. Jones, New York, W P Clyde A Co. Steamer H L Gaw. Iler. Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Brig bavin la (Br), Douglas. Cork, for orders, O O Tan Horn. Brig M A Bead, Bead, Havana, Warren, Gregg A 'Morris. ■* Brig 8 Duncan, Tyler, Gibraltar for orders, Workman <2 CO. , Schr M A Newcomb, Hancock, Salem, in ballast to capta’n. Echr 8 T Garr&on, Chase, Roxbury, L Audenreid i<& Co. Schr J B Johnson, Smith, Norwich, do Schr W M Wilson, Brown, Salem, Mammoth Vein Consolidated Coal Co. veln Schr H Simmons, Godfrey, Salem,N York A Schuyl kill Coal Co Schr J H Gallsgher, Richmond, CaldwelL Gordon A Co. Schr M E Thompson. Warren, Boston, Westmoreland -Coal Co. Schr Jos P Cake, Endlcott, Georgetown, Van Dnseu LochmanACo. ' Schr c A Heokscher, Willetts, Boston, Preston Coal ,Lo. Spur S S Lee, Somers, Charlestown, J R A W Tom lies n« Schr Minerva. Jefferson, Georgetown, Castner, Stick ney& Wellington, - - • Blaklston. Graff A Co. Schr Mall, Merrill, Fort Delaware, Huntzlnger A Co BchrLady Emma, Snedtcor, Washington, W Hunter, gchr A Bunting, Bacon, Salem,W H Johns A Bro. Tng Hudsen, Carr, with 12 Barges for Baltimore. W P • , • memoranda. Pbtp Harvest Queen, Hutchinson, cleared at N York yesterday, for Ban Frenclßco. " lorK ship Island Home. lilswen from Liverpool for tbla port, was spoken 12lh nit. tat 50. long 13. bblp Jnventa. Bearse from Calcutta 25th July. at New xtq,k 3d Just. - .- * T 6 A lp ?S uvl SS* Pi'tveiß, from Attata, Mexico, lith July , at New York 31st Inst, with logwood. < Ship Golden Age. Hollis, from Cardiff fur n01i..- intoltle Janeiro, 20th Oct, for repairs. put Ship Ocean Express, Warsaw, from New York lor Ban rranclsco. was spoken 6th utt, lat 1 58 d.long 86 40 »SSt J iSPSaia? “H* HofyhVaa vUttF aUßueuoBAyresMthsept.^ lVerPool ’ 7l,l Monle _ Ship Magnet, Keating, from Maolmaln at Falmonth IIiVP Ult. Ship Gioriosa (Br), Sllery. from Valparaiso sth Sept, was beluw Balllrrore Sd Inst. 1 -* sie.nler hrtzlllan, Glover, from Queenstown, at Bcsiiij, yesterday. , sieamer Pn pontls, Hisglnson, from Liverpool, at Bomoii yest-iday momti g. * ‘ Steamer Celia (Br>. Gleadell, from London Nov It via Havj e 15th, with 277 passengers, at New York yes! teio&y. * ylimday fmt n hfe ElCllar,lß,Cle “ e<l at New York fHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, TONESDAT. DECEMBER’ fi. r»«« Boston. 1,730,474 12 1, 16 (Br), Price; from Liverpool 20th ?o' J r^rßr“ 2Utult '' Wlt * 1 442 passengers, at New ust. e *o?H»v^Sa , BStw« om New orleana lst l B fh”ftfo'r E ‘& n ?o“ l7 ' henCß - “ Ued *<>“ smooth po^fwihmt I*' 1 *' —* ,tason,ftomHong ■ Konß,at L‘ver ' Maryland, Steffens, from Baltimore via Monte Ayres soth Sept. Ocmmife^virt’^t 11 " 110 ® 1 a ‘ ® nen “ A y res «& th* a port aVaDnah ' HspeDny ' at Navassa 9lh nit, tor forMome?rJ.'o’ Tlaoy * ,aUeflftom 29thnit IoSd r lf^t a s t^o o f 7^ laUOn **" OXtoPOrt ’ W “ nI?m?StThJS.' Hacsom '““«» tom VOX B<s r m)f Jlla ’ I,ay ’ Bt wnmta * ton > NO,29th nit,from fromN?ws^t2d > ”ne“ DU ’ for I)elaware City, sailed Bo6ton to * tMB VOlt lsß^, Bernard, hence, at wickford MoSd£? 8 Shlndler, Lee, at Providence 3d mat, for sd f £ist ,olm B HenTy ' leaver, hence, at Providence K-fciAJL. jaS'A'AXJ^. FOR BENT, The Fourth Storv Bask Boohi, OF TBS NEW BULLETIN BUILDIN*, "With entrance by a spacious Hall on Cheetnnt street. _ »ud also an entrance on Jayne street. For {farther particulars apply nt the Tam Bulletin Building, 607 Chestnut Stxeet. OC22tf . , TO RENT. The Second Story Back Boom of Ho. 607 Chestnut Btreet. APPLY TO . MANDEBSON & WOBBKLL, nol9 « ONTHB PBEMIBEB. FOR BALE OR LEASE. * WHABF AND DOCKS, Lombard Street and Delaware Avenne This property begins wltbln 10 feet of the north line of Lombard street and extends southward 133 fteet on inch; has a pier 45 ln width by 134 feet In length and wide dock on either Ode. Terms—Half oncaort gasefoi five year*; remainder cash, with a dedactlou of about 111,000, lately received Xbr ground taken for i>eiaware avenue, as now open and paved. Appty to A. CUTffRERT “022, lit! 28 South EIGHTH Street, Sd Boor. For Sale op to Rent Furnished flou>e,l6Bo SpruceSi 22 Feet Front. Apply toC. H. MUIRHEID. 203 and 205 Sooth SIXTH Street. m FOR SALE, vo. . . Iwt . MaULK, BBOTaKB <* CO , de4;im* 25 OOSOUTH Street. JOB BENT. , : Besirablo OFFICES in Buildings, No. 325 Walnut No. 2C6 Walnut and No. 126 South tsecond, also Large and small Booms suitable tor mannffccturin? together with thecae of a ste&mengtue’,^ JACOB M. ELLIS, . Office No/2, No, 325 Walnal street ?OB SALE. • DESIRABLE WHARF PROPERTY, On the Delaware Elver, above Bhackamaxon stree deeii TwSpSsT^Vd^l room of 50 feet by 295 feet; good depth of v .ter. Car beaivideo and posteolon given March 1.1&7 LTIKEBB & MONTIiOMEKY, Oonvevancen. noiaeifcw.ini* 1 io3sßeachatreet, above J'BBT, ON MARK AT Street, FLftk t desirable moma on 2nd, 3rd and 4th: floors, from Januajy l, 1867. or „^ T . DICKSON BROa. nol4*wlm*if} 520 Wamut street. fgl f bmat.t. T?nT7QKq. E 3 No.9l9and 9?l Servean; Tltf a ih T e . a iJ ?i n !? “d Race streeta. Also. TWO *IN Dlt ELLINGb. Nos. 225 and 230 North Ninth street. F Si?sl2 by J H ' mobew, ' lt 233 North Tenth street, ; GERMANTOWN-FOR SALE.-a handsome double pointed STONfi KESiDENUiS, with ted stonestable and carriage acres o! proond, Biinatc- in or.e of the most desirable parts Germantown, and within Un-mlantes' wa k from the ?«»^ oad^ StaUon * J *GUHMEY & SONS, 5W \Vai nut street S,A hCH STREET.— FOR SALE—The handsome brlck B'»w>ence.S2 'eet front, situata ou uorihwert corner of Arch and Tw.ntletn street-. WaliutS Crter< J ‘ Q V MII “ Y * 30N8 6 , a^ Cu FOR SALE—A handsome fonr Btory brick Re pii sidence, with three-story double back buildings livery convenience, and In perfect order. Situate on the west side of Twentieth Btreet, below Race Loti* SI wSlnu/s^eu 61 J ’ “* GtlitM&Y * #» three story ■Hi brick Rtslderce, situate No. 227 Soath Twentieth rlilfi’si e l ow a)Dn f‘ 18 feet front by 88 feet deep. Immediate possession given. J. m. uumsiev % SONS, 508 Walnnt street!: uumuey A .IP? bale-a four-story dwelling JEtwlth 3-Btory Back Buildings, No. 422 S FIF TEENTH btreet. Lut 20il0b feet. Immediate PmsS street. j4ppli ' 10 °° PPDc:K * JORDAN, 433 Walnut t HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR BALE ”"“5 Sldeof Waßint street, between Twelfth and tt tnth streets. Possession at once. Terms easy. Apply to C. H. MUIRHE4.D. DQ3O-Iotj No. 205 south sixth. an SALE-The three-story brick Besldence, ■pjwlth double three Bioryback bulldluta, situate Ni sToNorth Elshth street Has every modern ranve ,'n T?,Ar - 1 m m od l a to possession given. J. M.IQUMMSY A SONS, 508 Walnnt Btreet. *9*. large brick Stable, with acoom ■Elmodatlons fbr seven horses and as many car risses. siiuate on Cherry afreet, near Twentieth. J. M GUMMBY & BONSt 508 Walnut street. M-.SSP BALE--A Valuable three-story DWELL. ING, suitable for store or hotel, 8. E. corner ox aD and COLUMBIA avenne. &9 by 92 feet deeo »pply to COPhPCK A JORDAN? 43T Walnm s?r“ t : £33 1 Desirable three story DWEL- ‘ ™il l Nor ; h sixteenth street. Price WBTOT V-VJ, 1 .J r S medlate Possession 6TOVISS A3Q> MEATiIBM&n jrfi&w THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER O EUROPEAN RANGES, fbr families, hotel* Jmrfh & r J>?b 1 »£l?J tltllfclonB i* l twenty differ EnT SLSES. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Ho FurnarM, Portable Heaters, Grates Bat ? Bt ©wholeplates, Broil SliSf«to B OT U)V ■ , wholeaale “ d retail by tbr SHARPE A THOMSON, No 209 North Second street. no2l»m,w,f t 6mo job Bartlett a son. fSFBB Mannlhctureiß of the iH CKLHRRATKD JeSkf 1 BARTLETT H E ATEBB. .9“ ovena ) * Sheet .Iron Wor> of every dracrlptlon. A splendid assortmant of BEQIBTKRS AN •' VENTILATORS, and Sllver’B Airtight Stoves, always on hand, at No. 924 Arch Street, Philadelphia. anBo-tf ™^Vdgr/»* XiOW-DOWNJ PARLOR, V * OPFIOE, And other GRATES. » Anihrftdts, Bltaminons ana Wood , AtfiO. WARM-AIR FURNACES, AKP 4U a WHOLESALE and BETArfff" 1 BOABBIMC T?fBMm?S- SO ¥lT E SSP KrroE 8 - ®- CORNER “JjSFBCOEandBL.HTH streets, has been opened BI’EIIS. Single rooms and suites. Private table, If desired. nol2lm* TTALIAN VER&fTOEti22L- 100 boxes fine quality, X-x?? 11 i?i 1 D inp . O J ,^ l, , and for Bole by JOS, B, BOSSIER « w.j lOSSenth Delaware avenne* MEW PTOIICATiniBII. DAVIS, POSTER & COATES, Publishers and Wholesale Dealers in Colored Toy Books and Juveniles, Offer to dealers the largest assortment of - JUVENILE BOOKS IN THE CITE, AT LOW PRICES, V " ; 21 SOUIQ SIXTH BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA* deS mvvf 6t G^SHDIMOTOKr I^^ STATE DIREU The necessity for a reliable - Directory in so large a “'““‘Ueeltym ihto Is apparent to everTb^fl,t i man, it is an actual warn, anannlees accurate is use SSg^gUSJSUSfi 1 '“ wl * bS Buffered.'item tiie'inaccuracies of for* I “pg“y“toS^*ra ,^SS" i work: "will contain a PULI. * city nniTm [. DrhW^Ti^ AIP P iT ? BUSINESS AND STBEflr vsuch useful miscellaneous in»or* • Shttu^'tSitSl 11 r rm 6 complete golds to the Mer i traS? otth^^ lMnr “ noe ' Beilgtoos, and-other in ®.SSS®to^»s3?S^igSS& ■ compiled Btreet and' avenoe directory la ap ! e JZ cI “» H >“2businessmis whohSri 5J5“¥ to tbe directory, and especially to the stranger : »»££&&&£ StSffiggg il % e bkd.wtthilaln! B £ l an<l numbers thereon to Us ; end. sod will form a featute of the work, exhibiting l sfirt« onl Z the extent aud number of the streets, trat , giving, from any stand point, dellnlte and comet In fojjostlen of any locality Bought. • reputation ofpast pobUeatlons. which have th£ r t?,S?i, peifc< ? f?* 18 ? - wilt be his aim to make this book equal if not superior, to any Issued by him »®2 u “ t tte canvassers tor this work will be :■ f?°lY,l a the necesssuy Information they require for It, £aued U * OUt * n ° ll al<l, * reliable directory cannot be „n, B n a il, a .‘l.T ertillDg medium, merchants and other. 2? excellent opportunity terms will be made known by the canvassers, and in no case will the payment be sanctioned till the book Is published ; ,S* cboanvasstr ts prepared to show his auth'-rlty Y?, De . 2. by lße compiler, setting loith his power to act All ethers are swindlers. ’ ' J ? < L{ o,lo 'S l l g a ’, o the prices for extras (which is In variably paid In advance), providing theagentgives a printed receipt, ana produces his authority: * Tutting Individual name In caps 0 K I double caps. .'. 3uo firm ‘ w rano' n ka I ‘‘ “ v ", " double caps._JZm soo Pnttlrg any number letters to toilow name not I exceedb g 25 letters », 1 Putting any nnmber letters over 25 and hot'ex- I ceedlng t0..._ „ .... e. I Putting any number letters over to and hot~ex* I ceding too- ......... 1 to I For each extra heading In business ulrectory.. ss I JAM.ES GOPSILL. Publisher. I , I-" AAC OOSTA, Compiler, I noloeifcw,9» 413 Chestnut street, Booms it and 18. I \ HKOPNCBMENT EXTBAOBDIft a wv~i I MB- C^ Rt F r P N 3 to Ihfbrm the trade that he .by*Mlss jgvanaf enutled <1 * ,B **** lon *' expecio<l Kovel : . , bt.eevo. ■ A splendid new novel by Miss Augusta J. Evans author 01 ••BfUl»h,” ‘ Macarla.’ etc. • • « Remark •“bleaa this author's previous novels were, the new *£?*■ ■St. ilmo” most be acknowledged not only her masterpiece bnt a masterpiece of English flbtloD. BrUll»nt with genius, magnificent to word-painting pio.snd Intense In Interest, • Btltlmiy' whl grove to be the finest American novel ever pub- Mr. Carleton's other works, recently published, are : „ BAUS VENERIS and other Poems and Ballads. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Filth edition now ready-. |J CUB ABTIST IN PEBU. . Anew comic o. W. Carle'.os, authorof “Our Artist lit Cuba. Fourth thousand.. n „ . THF CULPBIT FAY. . Holiday edltlon of this beautiful poem, wUI too Bins tratlons, by Lnmley, elecant quarto gtfVhooa u |5 00 These b'oksareaU beaaiifully bound in cloth—are sold everywhere—and will be sent by mail, voatara tree, on receipt of price, by 9 **uo**g6 CARLE TON, Publisher, • New no? 4 s&wtf MlSti McKK>YJER’fa HOLIDAY JK plain and gilt bindings. th^tk^Sno* 1 Harriet B. McKeever. One voJ EDITH’S MINISTRY, One vol, 12mo. SUNSHINE; OR,KATE VINTON. 16mo, cloth. iJsflS™ CHILDREN. With UlustrA 5 THE FT OTTNCED ROBE, AND WHAT IT co=rr With Frontispiece. Itmo, cloto. COST. Miss McKeever’s popularlly sa an authoress, and the elevated character of her writings, have given to equal io those of any lemate writer of LINDSAY &BLAKISTON, Publishers, Booksellers and importers, 25 South Sixth street, above uheatnut. M-*gBOOK.—SUNNI' J'S. By the Author of-Alone.” “Hidden ram. <&c. 12mo. Translated by Lad) iMi^^rcHa^^Whiy^. loti d Ulnstrations 12mo. !wv .9 1 ' THE CHURCH AND THE THE PINAL OUTBREAK OP EVIL AND REVcLATION OF AN HCHRIBT, his deeunc >P n m the second ccming of Christ, and the ushering In M By the Rev J. G. Gregory, M. aT, with an appendix by Mrs. A. P. Jollfle. , For sale by JAMES a CLAXTC^f, Successor to W. S. A A. Martian. 1214 Chestnnt street. HSSiStoSS: Sfle 0 /o|^»izl m c^k, M^ U n°drih^if diidge, Rofikin and others, with Portraits and Biogrn phles. in IHE ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL oF PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOGNOMY, foF ltef 20 cemß u or $2 a dozes. Address FOWLER & WELLS, 383 BROaJ)WAY, New York dL/hit CAPiN * Ko * 722 CHESTNUT steteZ ¥hi& utapflia. del-Jt A JLIFE OF r.Tvyi~ H TeU “ a ’ 1,5 I mratiß CAST OB ffHEEW, AHH STRENGTH USE CAPE WHEELS. * 00 - a PATENT GLASS CASTOR These wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads. Ac. We claim that they give to Pianos a greatly Increased S, 1 5 f L of ! 8 '} ari ' 1 ; without detracting from the harmonv ana melody of the instrument, rendering every nou more distinct to the e*r. This Is so apparent thatthej are now being applied by many to these vaihable mo sloUlnatrnments. Dr. Valentine Mott, previous to his Piononnced the Glass Castor wheels an in valuable invention for bedfest invalids, who are ftpai ded against the damp doors after undergoing the procesßof cleaning, or where dampness is praducod fr» many other cause. Aside from this. Housekeeper* are relieved from the dread of having their carpetscm or torn, as frequently happens from those now in use often caused by a rust, which adheres with glne-lih e tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor wheels, as we ail know thai glass is non corrosive. There are no rough or unfi... .A? ed Bfs to the Glass Wheel*, such as we often find } I V ll j 0Be ?.C iron » an<ltllo latter, though smoothly fin* isbed, will soon rust, from the dampness of the atmos phere, if nothing else, producing roughness on thesur* face, or edge, while ti<e former will always the Bmoothne*B of glass, just as they are finished. ♦ Blee P“»g ?Pon glass wheelß you retain all the eleo trtcity you had In your body on retiring, and you get up m the morning feeling as fresh and active as a Q S? B t b^ D f a fion-couductor, the eleo triclty gained wnile In bed cannot pass off 1 . Aakyoui totokß of the Glass Castor Wheels abb him if all diseases, with the exception of chronic diseases are not caused from the want of electricity, w e nave a man in our place whom the doctors pro nounced past curing, with the Inflammatory rheu matism. The .wheels cured him In less than four *•. He is to-day a stout healthy man. These are laciß which can be proven on application at our office, txt o, 4treet » Philadelphia, or at our Factory,at vvestvuje, Ne<v Jersey where we have some sixty pandB employed in the manufectctre of the Glass Cas tor Wheels. tioo will be paid to any one who will say they have not reci lyed any benefit or relief after using Oapewefl &F°\ a PateDt Glass Castors. A sample set (4) t)f the Wheels sent to any part of the United States, on re ceipt of 81 60. J. B. CAPEWELL & OO , _ Smg No. 205 Racestreet. ► Preston Steam Laundry. WASHING, STARCHING, SCOURING AND CLEANSING IN'ALL ITS BRANCHES, Best work;at lowest prices. : Office, 1309 Chestnut St. A PPLFS.—76 barrels Belle Fleurs, and lather choice and for sale by J. B. BUS BIER CO., 108 South Delaware avenue^ OTBPFOe i’OR NEW YORK. Vi* Delaware and Baritan OanaL Xlte FMladelpnia and lewTotk Sqm WwiPboat Company,. Stem DiH»Y tzoxn ThJaltaeoonnectawith mi Northern and Jhstors Freight reoetved at lowest rates. WM.PQLYDB! * Q&jFjjgggft. _mhl«4t - *W» BA FANNAH. 8A saßsaEa^^m s&£&sS£ an Cabin passage, jib; jjecfc to. U& .■ •' Qflnfe Albioy.fl^.|<fl* on pooga. HsahTHle.^emphir , tesJ^gy^ f S? att * or Wllsol lading dgnedSiaaD Agents at Savanimh. Hnnier i GaimnelL For ft eight or passage, apply to —; WM.L JaMBH General Agent. -is* ~ ' ■ »M Booth Wharves. » STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S ■The well-known first-class Steamship- ■■-••-"■ •mni— l-202 tons register, T. N. Cooksey, Master. & and BaU °n SATURDAY, Dec, it O^^onHATDB. 3Boo “ “ dBti “> «« Ceat do., 13#. Freight taken at tow rates. Inf day e! * ht recelvell “ bulB 01 lading signed on sail 1 r^* 6 ? 18 s \.?g? Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nlckeraon A JS. I 70 “f 6 ™ 1 attention to shlpmenigoi eilratai, Mobile, Vlekshurg,and InteSo. For freight or passage, apply to WM. L. JAMBS. ; General Agent, - Bes ~ tf 814 Bonth wßSvk. WiIMDsQTOB. will Minit.BnCT rec^m rau^AYDecem^^a^aS^U^ bATbßDAYtDeceember Isih. at 10 o’clock A. M. an. tto » Rer Decambe, beetMtenSnca 1 flna BDperlor “Commo<!aUona «n<- Cabin iaaaage, CO; Dealt do., CD. Freight earned at low rules. ta N ofrei«bi received °i bUls of ladln*signed on sell Agents st Wilmington, WORTH A DAJTEKL, who wof give especial attention to forwarding gooSs ad? dzessed to their care to and from the Iror freight or passage, apply to jAHSS. General Agent* 314 booth Wharves «ggggfr, jroaaogroa. ~~ gWKwa> ■ . BTBAMHHLP LCKB DIRECT HAILIVftI MaOM EACH \POJIF JC V xbp JfXV R n i pc : FROM PJHE ST. WHABF. FKIi^ELFHII AND LONG WHARF. BOSTON. Captain Crowell, will sail Bun rhliadelpma on Saturday, Dec. B.£l at 10A.M. The steamship SAXON Captain Mntthewß, will uU “tog Beaton on Wednesday, Dec. 6th, at 3 P. M. OcSMtftS"*” I™* l ***** “« Bcattm tanow i?ew)i Captain Baker.Ma tona bnrthtn. 7 Captain Matthews. ana hnrthim, ■ NORMAN, Captain Crowd!. Ijbb tons hnrtfceol : These gnhwtnntifti and well appointed iytpfm*htrn t? 11l sail pnngtosllymadvertraMdfWrtit £l SEgSJES&SSU!.*""" be * I nqueated toaandßlltaol Lading - * ForSeSht or panago having anperlar aecommoda dona, apply to HEBtBT WIHBOB i OU . ■ a OB 3B Booth Delaware avenge THROUGH AXR-UNB rOTHBBOTITTt «Wwk» ■• • • - AND WEST. - PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLF , STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ; THROUGH RECEIPTS TO HEW SKRN. _ Also, to all points In NORTH and SOUTH CABO fJJ'A. via Seaboard and Roanofce BaOtoad. and to LYSCHDUHO, VA.. TRNrtVRHffTg. and the WBdT Jia PETERSBURG AND sonTTrarny HAIIaBOAJ). -Tie regularity, safety and shortness ofthla route, to getherwith the moderate rates charged, commeud it to the public as the most desirable mediumibr carry Ibb every description of freight, * No charge for comiaimlon, drayago. nr my of transfer. •- Steamship) Insure at lowest rates, and leave revu larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received daily. . ' TOP. CLYDE <6 00., 14 Korth and 14 Sooth wiure-A. HAVANA STEAMERS. SBgtltfia. t SEMI-MONTHLY HUB, The Steamships HKNDBICS HUDSON.. n*pt Hown STABS AND STRIPES. ""riffi 1 rffjjgg These steamers wfll leave this port for Havant every other SATURDAY, at 8 A M. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes, master, will sail Ibr Havana on SATURDAY HORN 1N6,-Deeember 15th, atB o'clock. ' Passage to Havana fso. S o freight received-after Thursday. Per freight or passage, apply to THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, HO North Delaware avenge sxwHflsa line to alki gSgSa&.s ANDSIA, Georgetown and Washington via Chesapeake and Bclaware Canal, with cnnner-Tir,.,. »t - 4 i t -* tn<ll la, Ya., form the moat direct rents ftij Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton an the southwest. Steamers leave Bm 'Wharf above Market ttm every Wedneaday and Saturday at ISM. gor freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE A, 00., *s£&s%. FOB NEWBKRN, S. 0., VIA EL T Z V.- eSdmlkci' 11 City, edentoiV AND ply- Tbe steamer HANNAH SOPHIA. Tetf. master.wlll commence loading on MONDAY next loth lost,, and having) early all her cargo engaged, will be promptly despatched. For freight* apply to \ a e , ~r BISHOP, PON * 00., des dtf No» iQS Arcb street. is! SOB NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Btean ■HBoAqL Propeller Company—Despatch and Swliv sore Lines, via Delaware and Canal— Leavim dally at 12 H. and 5 P, 1L ctiimiyWHg with all tb< Northern and Eastern Idnea WAUW * m * WAfc “ ■“ w For flceight,which will '■f taken os terms, apply to “ . 1 • WM. No. IS2 South Delaware avenna 180 ieet long, 21R feet beam; depth ot hold s feet (i Inches; draws s feet 4 Inches water bnllt of live oak and red cedar. Apply to B. A. BOUDEB&ca sein-tf Dock Street Wharf, - - «** »■ -WW ■mg.m.T LIKE. and CBM&dI'JtAM SIKaSTOW-B OAT COMPANY, BARGIB towed to and from FHXLADELFHL. HAVRE-DKGBACE, BALTIMORE, WASHOP TON, and Intermediate points. i _ WM. P, CLYDE) A 00., Agentx. Captain £rht YOB ANTWERP.—Petrolenm.—The drat @6 class ship UNCLE JOE, Captain Bewail, will "f*™- have Immediate despatch fbr the above port. Sawl^NOTag 6l aPPI? .» WORKMAN &CO., AA. POB ANTWERP^-The A 1 bark: ESTHEB OTEm Captain Prince, la now loading fbr the above STs J’SSS- Forftelght or passage, apply to WORK MAN ACe„l23Walnut street; se2? WANTED TO PURCHASE.—A centre-board «S£ vessel, suitable lor grain trade; Not over thre years oid, and not over 28 fie* 14 Inches beam ■Apply to EDMUND A. SOUD£R <& CO.. No. 3 Dock street. - nos QCHOONER A. ROBERTSON, Merritt, master, from kj wreck or sblp Merrimec, will commence dlsch&rg iDg.uncer general order, at Sbippen street wharf oq Saturday. December Ist, at 1 P.JI. Consignees win please a,t end to tbe reception of their goods. PETER \yBIGH.T <ft SONS, 115 Walnntstreet.* dei-tt gTSAUSHir APIES. PROM BOSTON.—Con ilgnees of merchanalse per above steamer will please seed for their goods, now landing at Pine street wharf, (del 'Jt) HENRY WXNSOR * 00. CHIP J. G. BICH AJRPfiON, Eendall, master. 1& now Walcut'slrfetf 8 ' ***** ,??’ ano< ¥ ssor to JOHN SHI NDLER Avf ß neK>’ f f a a de“hto! rB ' i '°' m Nor '* l AH work done In the best manner and on the lowest fefclsatte'aSf ter “ 8 ' “ a warranted to give per iwnS? given to repairing. j lilPKfcte tiOMPAOTBiT - Al'AWB' EXtitißS COMPANY,—On and afta' *• tte NBHI&HT DEPART inrf HT or this Company will be REMOVED to tins Southeast corner at ELK VEls Tlf an d MARE ET atreeta. Entrance on Eleventh street ana on Market street. SSS- ALL MONET and COLLECTION BUSINESS will he transacted as heretofore at S2O CHESTNUT street. Small Parcels and Packages will be received at either ofoce. Call Books will be kept at each office, and any calls entered therein previous to 5 P. M. wm renews attention same day, lr within a reasonable distance ol onr office. Ingnlries for goods and settlements to made at S» CHESTNUT street. " JOHN BINGHAM, SupT, UMIAI NOTIfTRS. T COURT OPOOMMON PLFA R win T'lm* 1 CITY ABD COUSTYO*'PHii AnFIPmA In the matter of the petition of J amp Jacob Baelee and Taylor, aided March 2d*ln7' r ecorced fir Mortgage Book k ifo s“mm w to'i tS' onoertalo premises In tue Twenty rfm g WaidPhLtaT delphla; sltnate on rownshlp tine road'and-Were ,1* street, contalnlngi^^Ma^d^z^qaarapSohmSSanik _** » remembered that oh the twenty.fonrtb dii* or November, A. D. 1868, on motjrn of Edwards attorney for petitioner, the Court ordered thesheSfftrE give notice once a week ior four weeks In the ffaSi JnlfJUgenrcr and In one dally newspaper publishedln PillMelphto, reonlrtagthelegal reprraen&tlvmSrtha said Henry Uaglee, Jacob Naglee and James Taylor to appear In said Court on hatnrday, December aal next, at 10 A. M..toshowcaaaewhy theprajer of said petitioner should not be granted. • •••• . Certified by . T. O. WEBB, no2B-w,4t3 Pro Prothonotary, ; TN THE QBPHANB’ DOUBT FoB; THE; C'TY EBP BJA.—Estate of J;ObEEI BURTON. The Auditor appointed bythe i? SHSlf’ ,e *tle and adjust the account of K *• BpsiONe Administrator of BOBEBTiBUB ™N,dcc d.acdto report distribution of ihp balance oftheacconntant.wlllrheet tbepartles P°rpc»e orhlaappolnimeatonAt'iN- i7th. 1866 at f nr o'clock P. Mf.Shls- TmnS’rti^M 1 - Jtontfi, FOURTH «treet,in Ibeeltyof T»OBPHAUS’ COURT FOR THR oppy; interested-for«sS pprpcseS.ofbla *p p oto t m en Vo d MuJCTDaY. mhllfist.' IMI -THE ORPHANS’ COtTBT i ynft 'Ptrg .vFßo teieto given that the .enleS aad Bled,to the Bald. Coart, &Sd b£f pbtltiOD, ClftliSlDE to TBlfiiQ tha nß<*mtot property belcnglng wreald estate therein mentioned. Sf Ann?™ 0 o . f «f Bo o^ nderß6Fifti B 6Fifti eSSn of toela 2* .1851. and Botfplements thereto &nir tho uSs*!?™ ;PP™ ve t he same on Saturday “oec.^’ 1866, at 10A. M.., unless exceptions be filed thereto - , CHARLES M. WABKm,' Attorney for Widow. de3-m,* WES' -Id Coort,&n * ppnlsemeht and hor P®claiming toreudn the persoaal property ho_ thoPiftb Section of the Act of April 14. 1851, and supplements thereto, and the Court wUTao? prove the same on tJATU&DAY.December is 1 ism: at 10 A. M.,unless eicep. fo. a CHARLES M. WAGNER, -■■ Attorney for Widow. decz-m&tb.ll*' r* THE OEPHANb* COUBT FOR THE oITV* AKg,COONIY OP BICHAKM, dec’d.—-The auditor appointed by »^ e TT >^ r V>P SD d adjust the Account 5k ?*£»*!&%££ *ti -Aominiatratrlx of theJEState of dec’d and to report distribution of Hi 2 k&lapce in tke bauds of the accountant, ■will meet the parties interested for the purpose of hfs appoint* *«it» °PvT T ?J I)AY « Dect-moer n i s&s, stjrotaodfc: £• “ >« *0.128 south bixt! the TN THE ORPHANS* COTTRT. WTO tjj j-rr^rS aJ i »K? l £?..i. A , VIS ' IJeceased.—The Auditor aDpomted tie Courtto audit. settle and adjust the First Ar> count of GEOEGEP. LEE as a Ih Executor of and Tratee under, tbelast wffl of Thomas Da^Alec«»£d istrlbutlon of the balance in the hands iou-W. r^Ns, 0 to^uth 6 Ftlra street, in theCifo of Phliadelphla. no3o fm.wfitf OBPHAjKb I CQPitT W)r *pu t» nrrv AISD OOXJKTY OF deceased. The Auditor apf andlteettleand adjust the «> count of .I*EWis YOJSEEB Administrator of the Estate of said DANIEL TONE EReeceasedf and ti report distribution of the balance in the hands of tha sS?fw£H?rf>y i ® i,Be ?Js epairti ®'‘ lntPiet * ied *r the 5S??^? o ,c£J s “PPoJntmenJ. on TUESDAY, Decem £f£Jdj£a 1866. at 4 o’clock P. SL. at bis office. No. 411 CHESTNEx street, lu the city of Philadelphia. JAMES LYND, Auditor. Eoco-r,r0.w,51f rs TH» . OBPH'ANS' COURT FOB .THBnrrv' AND COUNTY OP ~Sj,rf~.V JAYLOB, <*®®*hsed. The Auditor ap pointed by the Conrt to audit, settle ana adjust the second account of GEORGE B?T\YIjOB Am In tat tor of the lEtate of GJOOaGB TAyLok of ?h? l o£BS of the balance in fiSS of the accountant, will meat Lb© parties latermtMi fcr the pnrpoee of his appolntment,on THURSDAY December is. 1866, at 3}* o’clock. P. M,, at hia oai«il 5J I .® WAMtUTstreet Boom N0.20,1n the OUyofc ■ HISNBY PHii,Lbs"jir. nog).fm,w,st« Auditor. r*T TEE ORPHAUB* COURT. FOR THE niw if»S *iDeceased—The Auditor appoint- Settle and adjust the Second HtJIiME and WILLIAM HENRY S^r o fS.' Of, and Trustees under the fist 5L J J! ®f Thomas Holme, deceased and to report dlstri -5£ e 5S*? 0 ® ! n .*k e bands of the Accountants* will meet the parties interested fir the purpose 01 his appointment, on MONDAY, December 605 SAW SOM Strefct,inthe City of Philadelphia, ino2S»gy,f,yn .?t* IN THEOBPHaNS’ COURT I OR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA- istite of SARAH A. EMERY, dec’d. The Auditor appointed by to andlf, setue and adjust thu amount of JOSEPH H. COMLY, administrator de bonis non. dc., of the Estate of. Sarah A, Emery late of too Twenty tnird Ward of the city of Philadelphia, dee’d and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for lhe purpose of his appointment, on THURSDa Y , the thirteenth day of December, ISSS, >t u o’clock A M.. at his office, No. 507 RACE street, in the city of Phllal J6S. ABRAMS. pots w,f,m-st» Auditor. CRPHANS’ COURT FOR THECITY COUNTY QP PHILADELPHIA-Batete SARAH STBDaBY, deceased. „Af‘ e A n l it .£ r aPPfloted by the Court to audit, settle andadjustthe acconntof JOHN G FOSTER, Erecu tor of lhe estate of SARAH ME a A RY, oec’n. fSi to report distribution of the balance In I he bands of the accountant,'will meet ’the parties interested for th* °f “'s.apijointmem, on MONDAY, Dece-n -~tr ° dock P. M.,at his office No 113, street. In the City of Phlladelph w U de3m,w.f,st« WM. L. DENNIS, Andltor. rN THE ORPHANB’ -COURT FOR THE fTTTV’ BOUNTY OF PHILADEXFRI JtiRKRY GRANGER, dec’d —Til® auditor appointed hst , Fß^Trtn? a irTiol' , AH an i' I . ad^nat ,he account or IC X? AUNE. Administrator of Bsld Estate, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands wl " “eeta>e paitles interested for the purpose of bis appointment, < n MONDAY. Dee fS€6, at 3 o’clock P. M., at his Office, No. 113 Couth FIFTH street, In the city of Philadelphia. 0 onCn WM. IT DENNIS, Auditor, no2B-w,f,* SPSJBBPjS £NB> court for the citf BHLLaDEJLPHIA.—Estate of' aLFbED C. BURR, Cec’d.—The petition of Margaret Burr, widow of said decedent, with appraisement of property eleetfd to be retained under Act of AoiU 14. 1851. has been filed and will be approved by'ihe"oonrt * Decembers, 1866, unless exceptions w hereas, letters op administration upon the Estate of GEORGE cjW i gentle* xntui.hite ofPhiladelphia, have been granted to the subscribers* all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to mahe immediate payment, and those having claims or demands t gainst the same will mavS fcnown the same wilhont delay to GEO. F.LEWCB. a& 8,3 bird street;. GEO. L. KELLER, 127 S Sixteenth B * reet> -—_ lno2l-w6tO'- IS, SAOHUESydfeo HOOP hMIRTS. A9Q hoop skirts. ' ano UitO. LATEST, STYLE, TOST OUT. OiaO.' PETITTB A IXj,for the Promenade, 2% yds.ronnd. CHAMPION TKaIL, Ibrthe DraSftng-BoMa; 3 yards round. I s S frtß . a T e ln every way the most desirable that we have heretoicre offered to the pnb io: also cim. ftete lines of Ladles’, Misses’ ana Childrens’ ffin and Trail Hoop Shirts, irom 2J£;to 4 yards ln clrcnm'er. ence,of every length,all,of **onr. own make.” wholesale and retail and warranted to give satisfaction. 6^ *1; so springs, *1 io, Sprlnzs ' Pbirta made to order, altered and repaired, 081 ttXnSSJ*”' Clre ? ,ar or - tyies. sizesand prices. Manufactory and Saesiooms. NO. 028 Arcb Street. -Ppl4-Bmj WH, T. HOPK-Twa B. AVERY, BKNTIBT. HAS REMOYK his office to 1733 ABCU street. nolfrf.m.tyij'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers