CITY B A Hough Customer.—Last evening Jere mfcb Eaton went to the house of Maggie Torrens, No IU7 South Tenth street, and got-tnto-A quarrel with Mrs* T. It Is alleg'd fba: he heat her badiyabout the head and face. She cried ••p6lica! n - whereupon Eaton 2eit, and after getting nhon the street he amused him self by flm*shingtbe witfdnwa o/'the house. Hetueu walked down to Wasbingtnii street, where he was arrested by Officer Cope. This morning Eaton had a hearing r.efcre Aid. Katz, and was h&d in 91,000 ball to answer. A Lumber Thief.—A lad named Francis Bradley was arrested for s eaUog lumber from a new bnlldlnsat Ninth.ahd Filbert subsets.■; He resides in Bed fora street, and belongs to a -ga&g of yomgsters who are In the habit of stealing lumber from new buildings and selling itto the occupants of tenement houses In Bedford street, to pntxip partitions. He had a hearing before Alderman Jones, this' morning, and was sent below to await trial* Sheffield Plated Ware.—The sale of this far-famed ware was commenced this morning, at Scott’s Art Gallery, 1010 Chestnut street, with a large* audience. The prices ranged and altogether It -was a success. The sale will be contlnued to-morrow theming, at 14 o’clock, at. the same place, when our Citizens will have ibe last opportunity to obtain a genuine article at auction rates. . Fire.—The alarm of fire last evenings about 9>4 o’clock, was ckused'by the Alight burning ef A. H. Stuwell’s blacksmith and machine shop, coraer of Parham’s alley and Swanson street, which was ex tinfulßbed through the;nfSß of the Niagara Hose Company, before any serious damage.was done. Anniversary.— The Second Anniversary of the literary Association of Philadel phia, will be held at Musical Fund Hall, on next Fri day evening. The exercises win consist of addresses, the Trading original poem, and a debate, to be participated In by four members. .. • " Caught in the Act.—A negro named Charles Johnson, was caught in the act of stealing a Hit of mackerel from Stroup’s store, on Delawareave above staiketstreet.. ;He was taken before’Aldl' .-WlUiams. and was held In *4OO ball. - , u ™' Another Arrest,—George Wyman was arrested yesterday upon the charge of having been concerned In tbeeßsaulton Daniel Shestz at Thomn. son and Ash streets..-Be was taken before Alderman Clouds aed was 1 eld in ,800 ball for trial, The Report of the Quartermaster-Gen eral of the Army for the present year Bhowsagreat xedpetion In all branches of business. Over 200,000 horBßB and mu es have been Bold since May 1, 1465' ag gregatlng the sum of »18,269,0t0. The sales In the same period, of medical and hospital property, amounted to about $4 G 14,200; of rivertransports, barges, steamers, Ac,,to about $1,150,000; of damaged.and not needed clothing, to $Ol2 800; and of barracks and other build ings to about $448000. In feet the sales have even ex ceeded in amount those of the great Coal dealer, W. W. Alter, whose offices are at 957 North Ninth street, and Sixth and Bpring Garden streets. Large Layer Raisins.— MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 Cheslnnt street, Mbs. Maria J. Keane, of the House of Hatalle, Tilman&Co., 147 E*st Ninth street, New York, in her lamination before the Commissionerof Pa tents, stamp that her customers all preferred the work .lone on the Grover & Baker Machine on acconnt ol the durability and beauty of the stitch. Popular New Winter Bonnet Durirg the la«t f<w flays the ladies of our city have been paying graceful homage to the latest novelty in bonnets, at Vr ood & Cary’s, 725 Chestnut street. The 7teu bonnet referred to Is a rich, full, bonnet for win ter—the yen/ latml French thane, with the American name of "Martha Washington,” and bids fair to be* —p e ffi?# e , mof theseason. Wood A Cary have greatly xednoed their prices, both of bonnets and bonnet mi terlals. of wluch their assortment (for cutting pur. poss) is the best In the eity, “ The “American Cow-Milker,” oh ex hibition at 413 Cues taut street, Is dally becominr more popular as one of the most ingenious and efficient labor-saving lnyenilons tf the age. Their mannfec- Jure and sale most very soon become one of oar most important Industrial interests We advise all oar readers to examine It. Frames and Pictures.—The Best place eetlrsmes for y our pictures and pictures for your frames—Walnut, Gilt, Velvet, frames: Engravings. Cbxomoa, PbOtOgrsphß, <fec • Fr&Oies mmln to nrrlcsT Sb j ®4. HO ® D - Phol °- £SSI A Tbuly Elegant Display of Con lj nowln full SSSf’.55. e ™ nial l <l^ al€lB, S e P'ocnring their supplies *s® ““o*°»n~rs in anticipation of an risk 'hßComlng or winter whets the Js«eet teeth” or consumers. Messrs. Beck ef eras & *Gbisb. No. 1203 Chestnut street, have all their im mense resources ia foil operation, producingan al variety of fancy and plain confections. Boasted Jordan almonds, cream fruits, caramels. 5wfiSSJ*Ki ,B lr? 1 S co * ateao< * B Qm preparations of aii kinds are among their iS.ock of dainties. JJ® cannot pretend to describe a\l the fancy good »ss m edTn?^|»r fi S? ssssraa, sr™ 1 What Shakspeabe Says “Some men are born great, some ach eve greatness’and some have greatness throat ep u n them.'’ Mr. Charted Eichelt nS artistic Bootmaker at No. 6M, North Efehth arilS? has achieved greatness in his vocation by furnlshiSe Fis_patrona with elegantly modeled Boots, that ift closely, yet comfortably, and are made of the ho«t ■“gSJH;. Gentlemen who A* sire n% boota Hi reasonable price are earnestly advised to call on M? >dm SL " to please all whopatronlza Yarmouth Bloaters,— Just received by IHOMPSON BLACK & BON, Broad and Chestnut streets. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company’s 5™J p . t^ n l lQ ? l , l0c ? Bt i! ch sewing machines incompa *jr family use. Highest premium (gold medal), Fate Maryland Institute, New York and Pennsylvania Stale Fairs, 1866. No. 923 ns«w Dr. I/eon’s Electric Hair Renewer. —Delightfully perfumed for the toilet. Pronounced V7,N*i< vll0 T?f Te nse 4,, it the ver V belt preparation for -the hair. Itis a positive cure lor baldness immedl ral ID S out of the hair, and restoriTgray : wmsap.^ e jon. SUialCOloraadluiadaace - One trial G. Byron Morse & Go., 902 and 904 take Pleasure in anoounciag to the public that they are no w prepared 10 tarnish to Par ties a full variety of Fine and Fancy Cafeea, Table Or narnems, Charlotte Be Russe, Marauques, Ice Creams, Ices, Jellies,-<cc M Chicken and Lobster Salads, Cro* Fried tosters. <tc. China, Glass and Sliver and a full corps of First Glass Walters on short notice Oub Candid Opinion.— lt is always a pleasure to patronize an accommodating artisan one "who not only possesses the ability, but the desire to please his patrons. Such amanisMr.CKAS.EICHEIi. the acconu lished bootmaker, No. 504 North EIGHT rff street, above Buttonwood. Sis boots are modeled •'•after the latest fashion, and are guaranteed to flt and wear well. Every gentleman who desires a handsome pair of boots at a very moderate figure would do well £0 call on GHABLRS JiJCHEL. Fift* Varieties of Oakes.—Fresh dally, at MORSE <fe CO’S,, 902 & 904 Arch street. Wheeler & Wilson Lock-stitch Family ■gSwlcK Machines are the Cheapest and the Best. Over .250,060 have been made and sold. The Philadelnhla agents, Messrs. Peterson & Little, 7<H Chestnut Street ■are prepared to do all kinds of family. aowW with neatness and despatch, and they have coiutantly on ■hand a large assortment of Laces and Embroideries “=dpay particnlar attention to the livaled 0 elr leput,lUoa in respect S P nS- feoipjG Tables, Step-ladders, Meat SJ® ®> taba, buckets. plaln and Japanned tinware, cut lery and tea taajß, at F ARSON <6 CO’S. Cheap Kitchen ®SalshlDg Rooms, 222 Hock street, below Walnut. Cheerful Pacts.—Not the least amone S , roS?nS U> li, ne, T a 18 the report of the Secretary of the ho w 1 1! gs uch a healthful state of the fi nances, which must place our financial reouiatinn Dr. Leon’s Infant Remedy. A mild ss°«sgs word grief, It gives immediate ease. B§db> £u dri£ C. C. Ditekioh & 00., Merchant Tailors Ktath street below Chestnut, arenow closing onttbetJ entire stock eof Imported CLOTHS^AND cami JhERES, MADE TO ORDER in the ®3 l' Superior French Confections maria ol piire loaf sugar, Trench Naugat, Chocolate Car “ lees, Roasted' Almonds. Chocolate Cream? manufactcrtd by a. LVansant, Ninth and Sweet Ameria Grapes, Havana, Oranges? Cnolce i received a snperb assortment of choice Pails Bon Ron boxes via late steamer. ‘ Silver Plated Ware.— Two hundred Tea. Si ts; like amount or Patent Spont lee Pitches lSnnentof otB t ° SUit| at tile tuanulaoturing estate FEED. LEIBFREID, 233 South Fifth street. F. C; MEYER, Supt, Misses’ Hats, -V Children’s Hats, OA2CFOBES’ Continental Hotel, Christmas. Presents. , Bride] Presents. Presents for your wife. Inthe MyiBofa reBe “ tBf " your DanBhter - Fine Bet of Fan . CHAR OAKFOED MSS? °' Under the Continental Hotel. , Brjjromaas am uatarii B ,_ m^'SSS taae, 84. No fKgrsSJ u!9ai woticbs. IN OdPfliS'-' COURT FOB THE CITY X A>l> CpUJVI Y OF PHIL,ADELPH rA.-Eslalo'o' JCS±iuA: BKpWI» The Auditor appolnte i audit settle and-adjast the accoan of W 1 lU*lt fcOt>TT and Oh YTON MILC,KR, erecu JOSHUA BBtaW-«jAeeeaied, and to report distribution of the balance lri'the hands ot the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for tbepnteose of. bis El potntment, on'IUKsDAY-the nffl‘ ® f ,?<‘S eln w e Ev4- ?t 18(!<i ''* t 8 o*cIocKVP. M.- at his Offlw. 134 South SIXTH street, in the City or Pni.a -dts w,f,m,st* . _ ---. . andltor. COUHT FOK 1 HE OITP K•£ ?JLSS° OPE ait- AD EL PHlA—Estate of..VALTKE >. NEW HALL, deceased.—-be Auditor appointed by .the -Court to audit, settle and adjust the aeeonnt of CLEMENT B. BARCLAY, Esq., Executor to the EEtate of WALTER S, NEWHALu deceased, *1“ >o report distribution of tt e Balance In thß hands oltheaccountant, will meet the parties iuterestect for tin purpose of tls appointment, on MO \DA Y. D» oi nil er I7ih. at eleven o clock A. M„ at hlsbfflen m South FIFTH, street, In the City of Philadelphia 08 ' D. P. BROWN, Ja . Auditor, deSWifm&t} ■ FSf THE ORPHANS’ C'Ol'llT JOB THE’OITV AND COUNT'S OP PHIUAJ?ELPHtAI -Vatata or jnHN,GEOBSE HEILIG dS’d.-TteAuaitorap •■ to « an ffl' 6 » settle and 'adjust the & crunt of ITA!RHY G; OIiA Y, Administrator of the es- 1 late.of >atd JOB2V GEOHGi I HEILIG, dec'd, and to dtotrlbution of the balance in the hands ofthe ™£? 1 iL ta %.4 fbe parties, interested for the mh P^lr° -tr appointment, on TUESDAY, December 55 oar ° clock P. M«, at his office. No. 28 N.' bEVfeNlH.street, in;the city of Philadelphia THOS, SPEAX&fAN, Auditor. des-w.f,m-st» D A «IS < 50T5 JDAVISON-a P., December Term ToBOBEBT A. DAVIBOST. Bwpondent-Siß: Tate granted to show cause why a divorce A . Y.iM r should not be decreed against ybu. said rule re turnable SaTCTRDaY December 22.1868. at 10 o’clock. A. M, service thereof haying failed on accoantof your HOBATIO N. WALKER, ProLibellant. AUCTION SAItEST |~AMEB A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, - . PAJi^gp^ r i^ N^^ra^.. ™a sale, on Wednesday Stmfclock noon, at the Exchange, will lncloa* the iCUowlna--^ ; • 'STOCKS. • • PartfcnJars to-morrow. 4 % T 7^-r4 lire ?' st ' ory house," Kates at, sSS£s°^£»S ai(l Jwby 4 feet. |3ogroandrent! ‘ otf>Jicww* Court Sets—JsUats of GaUcio/ier minors 'h»asii *£? ST—A three Btory'brick • bac * baDdlcg. above Coatee, 18 by esS ™k^4S. <1 ' veWllg - ln 800 d order - .«-**- • a v r teel three-story brick dweltrg. with back bnlldlcg, so by 04 feet deeo then rnEitffi f ?f t wi<l6ancl extending. 66 feet Further [ooj. Ope half may remain. Orpto*? Court Sale— Estatecfltiperminors. w ; NO, 207 M ARKET ttT—A valuable four*story brick store. Market et, between second and Third, l3 feet 3 /vSHSc™?* 011 * ffeet 5 inches, Clear. Orphan? .. 2 STBaWBSRKY ST—a valuable four-storv bve? fipt IH'™Stnl<leof 1 H'™ St nl <leof sc, M# feet front T^JfMoGu%a&d° rPW *" rt tole-Shtateof _ Jt&- CATADOQUBd ON FRIDAY. rpEACHER WANTED.—An examination will take J- Place at the_WeBtern School House, one mUe below on the Chester plank rosd, Delaware conntv AFTERNOON,the 6th iS. two o clock, for one lemale teacher, salary 135 oer montb rtSEUfSh 13 11 re< to hirn!*h testimonials of moral character. FRANK J. HOVER -- ~ President. COLQHRL) MAN a PITPa- TIO« as Coachman or Porter In a Store. Host of 10 1260 aifIBVINE street, below nol9t£rpjta Mlxuaju S FOB SAKE, BY M. THOMAB & SONS, on TUESDAY, the llth of December. 1666 the f lot of ground. No. 204 Nortli HRO^D atreet,havlng alrontof 22 feet 5 Inches. Fora coal yard, and for other business purposes, it has the ad* vantage of the railroad on Broad street. Hair the purchase money may remain on mortgage. t Ml. THOMAS dt SONS. Auctioneers, , de4-2trp» 139 and Ml South Fonith street. copabttobshipsT aty dissolved bj mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by B. FRANK Paris™ m PARB.: THja PHOIOmtAPHIFiBT. Loon; LOOKH LOOK!I!-T ELLWOOn~W»T:Tyi-g , No. 48N. BEDS B street, sells Looking Glasses! 5 Frames, Photograph Frames and Albums gßeaper than any store In the Union. Call and rae hi m, at N o. 48 N,SECOND Streetabo ve CbrjJt ChnrcS Pi.llafls. P.ti.—The trade snppUed. g 1 R E A T ASTD PBOMOTB •A" A LUXUBIAKT GKOWTH BY USING _ a : . London Hair Color Beatbrer The moat London naif Color Bestorer ! Sellable Hair gHffi' ggS'SSSS Bestorattve Ever London Ool'or Bestorer Introduced to the ffISS §£ gfflf igg™* . , XoDdon Hair Color Restorer American London Hair Color • Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Hair Color Restorer _ _ London Hat? Color RaatrrrAv Bor Restoring Inndon Hair Color Restorer London Hair' Color Reatorer- Gray Hair and London Hair Color Restorer £ on s oa 5* 1 * Color Restorer Preventing London Hair Color Restorer ,, London Haly Color Restorer Baldness* London Hair Color Restorer ___ _ London B~afr Color Restorer The Great Loudon Hair Color Restorer T „ London Hair Odor Restorer I*mry of London Hair Color Bestorer TW..I London Hair Color Restorer* London Hair Color Restorer , T . Boom. London Hair Color Bestorer b K SB hair to Its original cold? ~?5 ma ? e th® hair grow on bala beads, res l Qre the nataral secretions. i xJSH reia ove all dandruff and Itchings. «* rt SB hair ?oft» glossy and flexible, S* K SB P reBerve the original color to old age. «* I! P reveat the hair frord felling offi 85 S. It will core all diseases of the scalo. Only 75 cents a bottle, she bottles J 4. Sold at ti*» *l£* Sixth Street, above Vine' ArUrIJL 018 lea^g Druggists and Dealers In Toilft Arucira. ee22 a,m,ff,f,ttni BOILEB A SAFE STEAM _ ntw Steam venerator essential ad- BSo^'^ TE SAFETY FBOM EXP.LOSIOK In °/ re P a l j ra, durability, economy of Sy oSSboifer tra “P° ltall on, not pos? It Is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollnw e l sllt In external diameter, and three eighths of an inch thick, connected by curved necks,and rebatei machine made joints,held together b? wrought-Iron bolts with caps at the ends. form Is the strongest known; lis strength to resist lotSSs! SJ rilS el 2 h^?~ nnwca6ened “"i?b?pitching or riveting, which lessens the strength of the wrought: Iron boiler plate about forty per cent, Every bou£ i« tested by hydraulic pressure at 800 pounds tothesanlrn inch. It cannot bebpbst mm ” BLE STEAM EBESBUBE. JrjIACTIGA- .™^ d !f„ p ' eeaure yhich might cause rupture In ordln my billers, every joint In this becomes a safety val vp_ S,?iof 1 !, e Jrto t^pn i. seDerator^P°3ae3s6a Ihl* property V of relief ymder extreme pressure without Injury toltsflir ai d thus preventing disaster. "«ury toitseir, It Is not seriously air-cted by corrosion, which so Soon impairs the strength of the wrought iron boiler in ftiel. equal to the bist boil Ms. ’ It gets op steam quickly, at d with little fuel—nro- euperi eated steam without separate a Dparatns and is not liable to priming or foaming; ppararafl ’ ’tiif I SSSS£a I^ por F e S» laid| Wbe taken apart bo • we lghmore tnan eighty pounds. In difficult places of access, the largest boiler may be Dut through an opening one foot sqaare. Tt to rea£s ?} Ida and out. Under ordinary clrcomstdS’ea it la kept free from permanent deposit by blowlnc the water entirely outnnder foil pressure onoe a wee£ it requires no special ski lin its management. Injured parts can be renewed wi'h great facfllty, as they Se uniform. In shape and size. Wien renewed the entire h^nf r £^ aina * B *ood as new. The greater part of the boiler will never need renewal, unless uoiairJyused. 6 A boiler can be increased to any extent by aimniv adding to Us width, and being the multiplication ofa D £i« lt ? rm ' ita ?trengh remains the same for all sizes! !«< has less weight and tabes less than one-half the ie?Bg ?e creased b ° Uer * WlthoQt thtZ!^%^e m fJrS 0 n ardlU toboUer^m °.£kese b°^ ers are now In opera* tlon, some of them in the best establishments In tiSs city.. lor descriptive circulars or prices, apply to JOSEPH HABRtaON. Jr.. Boiler P Work£ aIiXL Ferr y road « adjoining U. S. Arsenal, Phlln aeipma. • . .. • nos-lmos STiICK & CO.’S PIANOS. ■— hainks bbos.’ pianos. ITT&TIiiAJsON <fc HA MIAN’S CABINET Ilf 4TI < • ORGaKB, Qply at J t E. flOULD’B.Seventh & Chestnut. nlO.tfßE THE FAVORITE STR S.MBOAT t OSN A. WARNER for BarilDgton tEW? 8 - PWladelphia, Chestnut street 5 «&st.?y£ H' Returning leaves Bristol at 7,iq a dAlnaift^S^oS? 1 ! way J? fc Overton, Torresdale, An Ste ““ Beverly * Fare » 25 cents. Excursion. 4i ■ _____ . CfISW-tfJ AALUCNT LOANifiL l'*'l 3??25 DIAMONDS, WATOHBS, JJSW> O 0 . 1 »t • OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE ■ ra^T°AM^^^°dm^^^ lliljßtree^‘ GTOre?&c.? lAiIOK:DS ’ wat OHES, JEWELS’?, FOB BALX AT REMARKABLY LOW PBIC^ ■ -U- ■ WRITTEN AND YERBAT. TimvmTP /£§&. t lons of character, with advice on basin has • health, education, etc., glveadaUy? by ’ at No. «2 Chestnut street, J ‘ °A P£ ® r > fjlMnVAli. -IX THE GIKABD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY Have REMOVED to their ~ , NEW OFFICE, Northeast corner CHKSTN UT and SEVENTH streets. Philadelphia. - de3 tf TgE_DAiLY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHIL AD EL PHI A, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6.1866. ✓ OPERA GLASSES. Just Received, A large ana well assorted stock of FINE OPBKA GLASSES made by 11. BABDGU, of Paris, far sate by O.Wt a.leumpleb, SEVENTH AND CHE&THTJT STS. oe3irrpj PEONOtTKGK: nd afpligab: SYBBY YA] ; DISH Ihe sncceas of this moot delicious and nßrlvaled onolmenc. having caused many unprincipled dealers jeepplythe name tofipurioiucoapounds, the Pbmjc »“}? e SS lesUs requested to see that the Manufactured by LEA & PERRINS, Worcester, JOHN DUNCAN’SJSONS, thOTplor U ye 2?, S andßE=§|i| |mTl ra teee«h 1 f o r 5 J^WW : Seventh antlOhQßtnnfc- A^^sas^s^sgasrow to interview, address MUSI&. at this §«&**« Pol6-w.g,m3mrpjj TO FAMILIES. GREAT REDUCTION. OWING TOJTHE GREAT DVCLTNETN GOLD WE ARB OFFERING OCR STOCK OF PURE OLD Sherry; W inies. IPortWixies, , Rye "Whiskies, Pi*i6 Old Madeiras 3 Choice Brandies, FULLY 20 PEE CENT. LOWER THAN ANY OTFT BS HOOSK IK THE TRADa^ H. & A. G VAN BEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, 1310 Chestnut Street. n022-ths.tu6mrp* ® MARKET NINTH. ■ % 4 8 fS?S.T FNFARaED-THE WORK BISTOBIJACKEIS ASTBAKHAN SACQUES. PBIMA DONNA SACQUES. eOBEDCffiOLES. Cloaks Mad© to Ordex', ARD ENGAGED TO PLEASE. nolSfmwlm GRAPES! GRAPES! ALMEBIA BfiAUD, IN LARGE GLUBTEBB, 75 cents per pound. DAVJS & RICHARDS, OCSttIJ ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, LEA & PERRINS’ CELEBBATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Connoissi TO BE THE OBIT BATTCB AGENTS FOE THE UNITED STATES. New York. oci7w«fealyBp BLANKETB, BEDDING AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH S'IREEr, ' _ BSHOW ARCH. Feather Beds. Bolsters, Pillows, Matreßses ot all kinds; Blankets, Comfort ables, Counterpanes Spring Beds, Spring Cots! Inn Bedsteads, Cushions! and all other articles In that line of .nslness. AMOS HILLBORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, - Below Arch. BLANKETS. [ KITCHEN & CO., Have opened their Newßtore, S. E. corner Tenth and Chestnut Sts., WITH A FULL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, * ilver and Silver Plated Ware, Fanoy Goods, 4e. Their stock being entirely new. ,nd selected with the °»pj fee 1 confident of being able to suit iba mate of those who wish In their iin» They solicit an Inspection of their Goods. laeg REXFCBES. * ,T. it OT.Trnn, ■ N. BULON,Salesman. “ScCsTlsJ. r?j NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN WRAPPERS WRAPPERS, WRAPPERS. The largMt and best Stock can be seen at JOHN 0. ARRISON’S, Nos. I and 3 N, Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. AISO, Hosiery. Gloves. 4 Underwear. And All the latest NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S Prices to suit the times* Ce3aai fMSENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. TIBS, : SCARFS, SINE BHIBTS, DRESSING robes, BREAKFAST OOAT3, SKATING JACKETS, CARRIAGE BUGS, SKATING BELTS, BLEEVE BUTTONS, SCARF BERGS, GLOVES. EXTRACT . a Letter firooaa MEDICAL GENTLE MAN MADRAS, to hit Brother at IBCESTES, May, ’5l “ieii Lea. & p«f.V -Ns that iheti aDQE fa highly iteemed in India, and i rcy opinion, tne ' palatable as well ie most whole ; f BAUdS that la WINCHESTER & CO., „ Chestnut St. des-lmrp * Wholesale Cotton Yarn Commission Warehouse. . R. T. WHITE &00„ Gtlllng Seine and Flax Twines _ Ez ‘^„ He . a P’ B1 ’ k Wadding «br Clotblera'use, Ac. Ro, 237 Maibev street, Philadelphia K. T. WHITE. lno7wsmSm rp3 J.E. DUBOIS THOMAS "WEB (Successor to Wm, F. Hughes,) ' Forbß of Second and Chrlatian Stu. Baled, Fresh, Salt ed Packing Hay. Baled Oat, Wheat and Bye Straw, for I SHIPPING AND CITY USE. no3s&w6mrp T RUN KS. BAGS , & c., Belling out at coat to close the business* n022-12trp| : No. 703 OHBSrNUT Street. WATfHIjB;,, A.wa /jngWCT.HTf- PLATED GOODS JAMES E. CALDWELL * CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths. 822 CHESTNUT STREET* Desire to call attention to their stock of E3GLISH AHD AMERICAN PLATED WARES, Which Jhaa been largely Increased by ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS ftomthe most reliable and expert encsd Manufacturers of this country as also of suet field and Birmingham, England, prepared expressly for their sales and guaranteed of SUPERIOR QUAL ITY In every respect. J. E. Ci & CO. refer with pride to the reputation their PLATED WARES B ave long sustained wherever Introduced, and ask an examination of their present large assortment by all In n ant of FIRST-CLASS GOODS at an honest prioe. Their assortment Includes, ln every variety of style TEA SETS. EOUP TUREENS, ■ . OYSTER TUREENS; COFFEE URNS, TEA KETTLES, VEGETABLE DISHES.: CASTERS, CAKE BASKETS, ICE PITCHERS, PUDDING DISHES, TERRAPIN DISHES, FRUIT STANDS.’ PRESERVE DISHES, EPERGNEB, FLOWER STANDS, FULL DINNER AND DESSERT SKIS, Also. a very Mi sapply of FORKS, BPOONS, LA DLES, KNIVES, .fee., Ac,, in either large or quantities and at greatly no*wf H educed Prices. 910 New and Choice Goods 910 4- AT MEAD & CO.’S, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST MANUFACTURERS OF . ocimwaXmJrp SILVER PLATED WARE. THE L&HQfi STOCK OF AX SO. 708 CIIESTSCT STREET, BtETAOi DBT GOODS. J. C. iTSAWBBIBGE ft CO. WILL NOW SELL Great Reductions The Entire Balance of their very Efe- «ant Stqck ; LADIES' CLOTHS SACKINGS. J. C.STRAWBMME&CO., N. W. COB. EIGHTH AND MABKET. TABLE LINENS, CHEAP SALE„ 250 PIECES POWER LOOM TABLE LINENS, Marked Down. ‘ Pezsoßa about bnyingTAßLß XJKEKti avmQ themselves of tills opportunity to ge£ Bargaina. MI L L I KEN’S LINEN STORE, ARCH ST. «el7mwftdeSrp EIRE & LANDELL, FOUBTH & ABCH STREETS, HAVE FIRST OVALITY Lyons Velvets. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Full Lino of Silks. Full Line of Dress Goods. TABU AND PIANO COVERS. • •'V We have now received directly flrom the tnrers,our FALL IMPORTATION OF EMBBOIDEBED CLOTH i TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Comprising & largo assortment, which we are At Reduced Prices. Bheppaifl, Van Harlingen Mmsos, ' Importers of House Furnishing Dry Goods, No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. cc2l wfro-tf rp2 . FURS. LADIES’ FANCY FURS A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, 41T Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN • A F-u.ll Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS I Also a great variety of V o Cl g& ia ? e and Sldghßobes. nARACAS.UOCOA.-12l Base Caracas OocQa In mwSijt n et^. sale bs ' ,ol ® dallett * CO., raSPBAECB. TCIFE '.INSDEANOBL religions duty,- because we are taught “if provide not for bis own, and espsc’ally for own house, he bath denied the lalth and il wS, an infidel”— l Timothy, v, 8. worse thm N OT I 08. T° .perootß ihsueanue upon THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAFIY, 921 Cheitsut Street; PMlad’a, Offeralndneements equal to any other Company, and " ' - - superior to many. or'ssssrsssr averaßed The Insured participate EVERY YEAR mt® am. slon of surplus, while In some C'ompaoles no a ever given for the first year’s premium. ALL THE SURPLUS - BELONGS TO Tinr, i - INSURED! : • there being no Stockholders to dslm a share. The Security is ample. The Assets are weU and Safely Invested, and In proportion to the amount of Liability. I NSU RE NOW! All policies Issued previous to Ist January will share In the January Division. ' wm aQar ® Assets. 5 1.500,OOOi OSSES PAID PROMPTLY, MEDICAL EXAMINERS. EASE ™ E ' M ’ D “ No- M3O Walnut EDWARD A. PAGE, M. D„ No. 1415 Walnut Street. In attendance at the Office of the Companyfiom ItoZ P, it. dally. • JAMES TBAQU AIR, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President. JOHN W. HORNOB, A. v. P. and Actuary. HORATIO S. STEPHENS, Bec’y. no2ts,w,Btrpl THE FUSE ABTS “THE (JHABITY PATIENT." ROGERS’ NEWEST GROUP, NOW READY. ALSO, “UNCUE NED’S SCHOOL.” “TAKING THE OATH” “THE WOUNDED SCOUT.” “ONE MOKE SHOT.” “THE BUSHWHACKER.” RETURNED VOLUNTEER.** “THE COUNTRY POST OEIYCE.” “UNION REFUGEES.® “THJJ HOME GUARD.” U 5 each. Boxing, 75 cents. “MAH, DAY.” $lO. "THE PICKET GUARD.” “SHARP SHOOTERS.” “THE TOWN PUMP.*’ htutker players.” WITH THE COOK.” “■1 HE SLAVE SALE.” “VILLAGE SCHOOLMASTER.” “THE CARD PLAYERS.” $6 each. Boxing, 50 cents. JAKES S. EAHT.b & SONS, SOLS AGENTS, desist ip® l6 c keatimt Street. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, with greatly Increased faculties, and a larva mm, nr first-class workmen, are now a LARGS STOCK OF LOOKING GLASSES, BEST FRENCH PLATES ONLY OR £%O SAUh, and would call attention to their daily an*, menting ASSORTMENT as UNEQUALfiD ancfat VBBY MODEEATS PRICES, EARLIs GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. FIRE PROOF SAFES. AS GOOD AS Niff. ssmeJa 2o 0150 yEars nse > rire-Proof ;Qnallty Is the MARVIN’S SAFES. ALUM AND DEI BLASTER. AT ALL TIME'S. AMPLE TESTIMONIALS. MARVIN & GO., 721 CHESTNUT St, Masonic Hail, Send for Illustrated Catalogue. ©AMPEOTSWea. NOTICE. CARPETINGS, AT REDUCED PRICES. LI EDOM & SHAW, eio AB- on ST„ se!2 am ips Between Ninth and Tenth. HATS, OAFS AND FUR GOODS, RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Bsrnes, Osterhoiit, Herron & Co., 8. B. cor. Fourth and Chestnut Ste., Have now opened their retail Branch Store and wUE sell their extensive stock of Hafs, Caps and Fur Goods AT RETAIL, At WholesalePfices, Those in want of Goods of this description caw 8A VF aUeaßt ONE PROFIT by purchasing hereT^ 265 BROADWAY, N.Y, se2iamw2mrp
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