©BSttir PEACOCK. EditoL VOLUME XS.°»Nb; 207, BYgMjjjGr BULLETIN. FUBUHHED E VifiaY Biv mig \wn ' • CBnnday>s exrepted.v .t* ‘ Mlaw BPlxetis BPiiJinrc, ea 7. Street, Philadelphia by THB j y wining Bulletin Association.” o. wallaob. THOS. J. WILLIAMSOJ#, »WBH«OTOER,Jr., IFHANOIS WELLS. The BWinmr Is served to subscribers in tne city 18 ootepu, week, payabletothe carriers, or tsoo per' awHw. . . lllHKim COOPER—OSTBAND ER.—in Brooklyn. Dec. 4bv e TiP* y* Johnson, D, D., Henry Cooper to bt&J isnerite, daughter of Dr P.Ostrander. * w &**- ACY—&'l-RANQBI.«—At Ing esiiJe, Hastings, iroon S& o Kr B •®ov. Dr. Francis Vinton, Wm. Harvey Merritt t? «&& jsb*? •na-.sas.figas. Sbany^ 1 - M,,danBllteror J,p - a Bryant, E»q?of Oi Dec. sth, at New York 1?^B®V» Thoroas Qallauiet, D. D, J, Franklin Sanfard ; •«f fhSrity.' <laßgllterot thelate Powe^an DENCKLA.—On the othinst.. Mahlon Williamfmn h£l&? “ d ye^Sf^o®£°*aSl'Sidaj6 EeV ‘ Joim Phayre ’ a^”6 n sgef sth ‘ DStant ’ lBaac Prince, In the «SK2? B C Jn w^£? ok, y n ' Deo - «b, of congestion of vf Dg ? 58 years. 01 -WlSmA^i : hnm»^ il i rd d , a J, mor “ in S.the 4 thlnstant, Pa ’ “ 18 leßl<lence ' l “ BeUefonte, iir V^S i ’7j3 Brooklyn, on Dec. sth, Mary,wile of Wm M wn£n B * l ? . d^H‘ er °£ the late laaa ® u^ell. WOOD.--A,t Williamsburg, -N. Y.. Dec sth. Ann An. a Wood,aged32years. MJ&S yo<g Ht«S>. a«k».:as : By BE & LAKDELL, Fonrth and Arch. SPECIAL, NOTICES. ’S GREAT PAINTING THE YOSEMITE VALLEY, NOW ON EXHIBITION j3TT THE PHILADELPHIA AET GALLERY CF. Gabbteewitz, Pbopbietob), so. ISOS CHESTNUT STREET ADMISSION 25 OPS. SUBSCRIBERS FREE. ■: Tills great work of art is tbesecond highest premium tin the “CROSBY OPERA-HOUSE ART DISTRIBUTION, 'to be made on the 21st of January. Owing to the very LIMITED PERIOD allotted to -the exhibition, and the MANY THOUSANDS OP SUBSCRIBERS in this city whom It is proposed shall see this glorious painting WITHOUT CHARGE it has been determined that the holders of shares shall be admitted ONCE on the presentation of their certifi cates. t- jTheiets also a FREE GALLERY OP PAINTINGS 3n connection with theabove Exhibition, embracing a number of PREMIUMS to be awarded to subscribers —including Works by Moran, Waugh, Lewis, Gifford Young, Hamilton and a number of other eminent ar tists. Subscriptions will be received at tbe Gallery,and also *t 607 CHESTNUT Street (New Bulletin Balld ings.) Gallery open from 9 A, M. to 10 P. it AGENT OF THE ASSOCIATION. N. B.—Theßooks are liable to close at any tbe awards take place without faither notice. it| Oy* PHILADELPHIA TJBMPEB<INGH 80CJIE will nold a pnblic meeting in JvF o 'Ri>h , tvi TJtBIA-N CHUBCH, corner T.JUCnjIer.D.D., of BroSk?ra, N. Bev Al&ed C<jOkman, Bbv. Alexander feed, D. iJ„ aad JJeorgAH. Stuart, hsi.are expected to address lie ■tobe present?' 18 ° f theTem P eranc e Cause are Invited M. NEWKIRK, 1 J • HGArrigues, /-Committee. JOHN F. CLINE, j frS» THE IHDUSTBIAL HOME, Comer "of JhS, BBOAD streetand oOLXJMBtA avenue, is open ■for the admission of Girls irom twelve to eighteen years of age, who are neglected or deserted by their ‘SKS 1 !! 8 ’*?? ”®64 the shelter and instruction of a Christian home. If the public will sustain this Instl- SSSAatf from evU and mad«e rOontribntiona may be sent to James T. Shinn Treasurer, Broad ami Sprnce atreeis, nomcS?’ sT^a-™^ L ’f K T, LL . J F BENEFICIAL assooia- A S^? ca i! B,w to MembS ship may be made to the undeißienea. ■ Terms of w lib-trance fee.,.. Z... 1 .'.'..'. 1 . 1 .*..'.'.,!.!. f oo WILLIAM A, ROLICf, Secretary, . 789 Martet street. tteo-Bt,rp} It'S* MOBTH PjjJTKaYf.VJigra mri.MiAn -.gfSTSPBING MT.XEHIGHFUBNAOE GOAL, DELIVERED, |7 BO; DO. STOVE, jg/• ®«6riDantown.Po»t Office. • '■■ ■ - «.85£ 8^:.JSSoutheE VEOT’H street, Franklin In j3tLl2£?sHil?ln&v. - BINES A SHEA. PE. noao atrp} North Penna. 8.8. and Green Dane. I'yfifJlHa, December 6th, at 71- o^clock. . , h v : T-B- Cuyler D D., of Brooklyn, N. v. Bev nl? e^ t 5P kn l a ?;„ Eev, „ Al S :ian<ier Betid, D. D.,and CjetblßStuait, Rsq„ will address the meeting, it* fTS* ST, ANDREW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH {M? A FAIB, lor thebenelit of thlTchSrch; mw ■'SSaSfAS, eW A-ffiSi H !* n, '' Bt northeast-corner of BROAD and. ARCS streets, Open from 10 A, M. to 10 -Jr. &£• ■ Beau, ;j£p» rrtrosvrt’h Beautiful atttnles fotaale, atxessonableprlcee. lt« THE MQ|3T = EiFFEOTUAI, BEA.TJTIFOII, AND aIGHIY PEEinniKD mPAEATION EX ?TANT. Jy2B-g,tn,th-tfrpl STS* HOWAEO i.iQSgITAIi, Bos. .1513 and 1520 Lombard street. Dispensary Department, Medl taJ treatment and ma Ucmea tarnished gratuitously 3o the poor. y ' . riOMPOUKD CHAROO. M-"ftISCtJIT, VA. -TOR D§, ‘0&P81A. These are composed of l Tne Willow Charcoal, Ac., “ta.the lorm of Bran Wat ns, by which medicines hitherto disagreeable arerfc ndered pleasant and pal atable. They win prove to', ,e a valuable remedy for Heartburn, Waterbrash. Acid. ty.Nansea.Eructatlona, Constipation aid other forms a ' Indigestion. Persons corrective!^ 111 fetU breaoi will 1. nd them an admirable JASnss.T. »\™rar. Apothecary, 0AI) 81111 SPBU <S'? ? 6reetB « -Pbllwla, ?• S 1^ 0 ’ and Cbestnmv'. ' Heeney,sixtoet)thanclA^tch* - Awbroseßmith, Broad and cbX'sfennt,- OeorgeC. Bower, fclxtli and VliaY^ 1 B. Thomas, wuo K wamnt « v Son £ Co, Seventh, and Johnatoß, Holloway & _ And drnggtata generally. \ WEAVER A 00., ~~ \ 80, a north Waterotrwt, an north = i£_*w*«e. «m»aeiphS, *w»w«r\ Facts and Fancies. 11,6 eff eot of the Chi policy for the Democratic party tothat of castor oil on the boy, who made a f, nd ,.sai<i to hxa mother, “I don’t ttank I quite like castor oil—if a a little too . “cotton is pouring tw i' are happy to announce that it is being rapidly baled out, Shakspeare went in for universal suffraee and approved of political preaching. Says *‘® to-the common pulpits, and crv nnt. Liberty t freedom and enfranchisement^” Idtrge stories are told of the proficiency, of Recorder Hackett of Y ,i k - of his friends, it is said, will hold a penny between their fingers and to hit g at ten paces, which he in variably dcM. He can knock the ashes off gentleman’s cigar while the cigar is in his t o h v7- lLb - n ? va rying accuracy, and one amusements is to imitate j ’ shooting apples off his friends headß. We know fifty men in Phiia orelphia who can do that cigar feat, but they always do it to their own cigars. ■■ paper characterizes horse' ss i sysisgss? « *£• „ -Patpck Kelley one thousand dollars D o osein r, Ne°wYork! ld ° f CoSteUo ’ s hot ” Wa rd of §5,000 is offered for the appre hension of Head Centre Stephens In Dublin. Hence we see that a head scenter in Dublin is worth five times as much as the same article in New York. .... V. B. PUGH, An advertisement in a cotemporary, vea ;® rd »y. began with the startling assertion that articles of real merit are worth their hSl'h! Bansb y forever! Hurrah, boys, Madame Anna Bishop is' giving concerts county m broken China. ~ astonishing fish story yet told is e £ t by Pfof «ssor Aghisiz, that in have a species of flah which can climb trees and bark. Fact! They ascend by a series of scales.’• ■ The Walnut—Mr. J. S. Clarke in “The Heir at Law” and “My Neighbor’s Wife.” To-morrow Clarke’s benefit. The Chestnut —“The Long Strike” and “The Lost Child.” To-morrow Mr. J. E. McDonough’s benefit The Arch—Mr. and Mrs. .Paul in a very di versified bilL. To-morrow evening for their joint farewell benefit a new and sparkling bill will be offered. The American—“ The Black Crook.” Assembly Building—Signor Blitz. One of Berdan’s Men.—a California paper says: “ Andy Westover, well known in this vicinity as a great hunter, arrived at his home in Sutter county the other day Irom the head waters of the Sacramento, in a small boat, just large enough to contain himself and ‘traps.’ He was five days in the trip to his door, distance one hundred and seventy-five miles, and part of his journey; was performed with great velo city, as he had to run, in his frail bark, s wift and dangerous rapids. Mr. Westover has followed hunting for many years. At the outbreak of the great rebellion he went East enlisted in -.the Union army, being one of Berdan’s celebrated sharpshooters.■■■ When peace was declared he returned to Califor ma, and again engaged in his old pursuits. He has returned to his home, at the tales, and is making preparations for an onslaught ducks and geese abounding in that HATE TONIC. ' /SPS"? F BEIBHT.-The Price Current, of Portland, censures the! Grand Trunk Railjway Company for its failure to provide adequate transportation for freight, and says that the flour and provision merchants of Portland, have thus suffered serious losses during the present season. Transfer— Professer Samuel G. Brown, a professor at Bartmouith College,and author of the valuable memoir of Buffa ; Choate has been unanimously elected President of Hamilton College. , FBOM SEW YOBK. in? nT £° B £’ Deeember 6th.—At the meet-' ln t>, °{, tt>® Commissioners of Emigration submitted the 1 that the number of emigrants ! makioe a th^, POrt '*Sk 1 2W^2o na^h er of since' 37?® bal-; „ti»e past ten days there has been unusual activity at the Brooklyn Navy; deroat^ ll^^l^ 1 ?. 688 for sea witfTall' Dnt^it?A n ™? l »9® t,yBbnr S was formally’ fo n ? l i SSi - 0n 1 y ?, 9 ‘ erda y» with orderaj Indla aquad^n 1181 Palmer ’ 0f the We3t; SS3‘£? : a l 8 omeof the polling places. $ of ifite a W K d t 1^ 00 ™ rth of gold coupons ; \ broker’s office in Wall street d f y,^ut on examination they were round to be counterfeit. The boy’s em ployer could not be discovered. r^i“,T €8 M on lnto ibe affairs of the teSSM'^ESgSS^ and ex-Corporation Counsel John E. Dave hn were examined, the testimony being mainly m defence of Mr. Brennan. The investigation will be resumed this moraine. lhe case of Demas Barnes and others was examined before Commissioner Osborne J^l e l day - defendants are charged with having shipped benzine to Milwaukee. Wisconsin, contrary to the law upon that, subject. The Deputy Collector of Customs at Milwaukee was sworn, and testified to receiving the benzine at that point. The case was then adjourned. K ae In August last, a man named Garrity, was robbed of a valuable gold watch while sitting in a wagon in Brooklyn. He swore **?.* . Ja “ 63 Hafioran wls thl ffiief, and on his testimony the accused was convicted and remanded for sentence. On Tuesday a young man named Henry Mackey appeared before the proper officer and confessed to having committed the rob an<i surrendered himself saying that he dffi not want another man to suffer for his offence. Halloran was released,and Mackey now occupies the cell vacated by him. 7 A? dMt ¥? m S Fair, in aid of the Hall BylDI ?h. FQnd > waa Inaugurated last .?P. pro P nate ceremonies, in the church building, corner of Grand and streets. Upward of 10,000 people were present during the evening. l lt is the. purpose of the Executive Committeetocon tinue the fair until after the holidays, when, unexpected, the sum of $150,000, ot more will have been realized. T ’ amusements. PHILADELPHIA, TH UfiS. MEXICO. General Sedgwick’s Occupation Matamoras. He Sustains Canales ESCOBEDO’S ATTACK ON THE CITY. rCorrespondence of the N. Y. Tribune J neu trality on the Mexican border has again fh?5 r l fi f ce r d, b,lt thls toe, inateadofon °5 , Jna f ez »Bd justice, as’ under gallant, but too impetuous Weitzel. it has been prostituted to serve a rebel and mafr neer, as Servanda Canales, the usurperof 18 *? ?. nr Government as much an outlaw as Mejia, the Imperialist. The f®™® lacks the personal claims that entitled the gentlemanly Commander and sober representative of Maximilian to re spect and consideration. The mistake of '• favor of Canales, is both a diplomatic a ®d “oral blunder. On Saturdav. . 24th inst, v - , Escobedo, w ito about 2,<00 men, being expected tn fir I,lata ™ oras i Canales expressed a de sire to surrender the place to CoLSedg wick alleging, as his excuse, that he could not control his own command, wMch he sMd un would resort to pillagt’. P, 1 ® I ? q , n *, st . and reasons for this having been stated in writing, General Sedgwick responded by immediately de tachment of the 4th Cayairy of “he lflfh United States Colored Infantry the former under Brevet Col. Mclntyre and under Col. Perkins. cKrWnsSth h£ colored troops, took station at Santa Cruz at tbeferiy and about two miSS city. Molntyre went into *J e neit Sunday morning pub lished an order assuming icommana of the surrendered city by virtue of rank, forbid any but United States soldiers to carry soldiers to pass or repass without authority; and requiring foreign citizens to register themselves at tlfeirseve ral consulates, and to pass goods, if subject to pass, frorn head qu artera of the a occupation. This order was countermanded hvrl ke £j ow ?£ y S° L Perkins .sustained by Gen. Sedgwick. Brevet Uieut-Col.. Ran were Canales’ troops permitted to retain their arms,but o£ui£ S {“£? ~®*? rtlficatiol V 8 “Sainst which EsCo ssaaraas; SEgssfSsasftSßS wbiph, of course, was impossible. Escobedo! offended at thenew attitude of affairs and the moderate support rendered by Americans to the cause of mutiny t ?' acc ®P t anything less than urn conditional surrender for Canales, at the demanding the withdra walof the United Slates troops except 50 men, to re main for the protection of American inter -3, b iS il i? en ? aD d was agreed to by Gen. Sedgwick, but he failed to comply with it. fn Americans were retained in the city, for which Gen. Sedgwick’s pre carious excuse is that it subswuentlvan peared the additional nnmbe^o?Americans were absolutely necessary as a defense against an uprising of the citizens so out «gflL.by* Bnc l Ul ~ tim ed intervention. Ota an American flag of truce sent out on the ofthe attack to inquire what would be the attitude of the assailants h'? erlca v n8 ’ Eicobedo'returnSa o? rt P5 ly J hat > 88 the stipulations had been h , a own c ° urse would be guided oy circumstances. At 5 o’clock on Tuesday “.ofu'og Escobedo attacked in full force and artillery. The attack was begun upon the left, the east or iowerside of tbe city, by Cortibas. whowas repulsed: next at Fort Morfterey, at the baok of the city, on the Monterey road. General Lonneganega assaulted, but his bridge preT pared for the trench proving too slfort?to refi,^n^Js eDS Ii llls the ,P° int of attack was reinforced and rescued. The final assault UP® ll *be usurper,;on the upper or West side °f ty by i 6 Uazz adores and two squad rons of cavalry under Colonel Flores* was r repelled b y the ill-timed ‘ at of Amencmis, Canales being 8 ?“ s bis whole force from side rear* 16 88 neede d> Without fear of a distracted Escobedo's loss is rumored to be about FWniJLo* 1 *?! 3, His ri Sbt bower. General Lspmosa, lies mortally wounded, shot rn roU §& bot £, thighs, a prisoner in Matamo ros. The gallant young chieftain, a native of San Luis Potosi, already has no less than a dozen scars. General Zenvando Canales, youngest brother of M. Canales, was killed wounded* 161 broUler ’ TriBta ne, seriously I . The American flag is reported by Browns ville papers of the 29th to be still floating !II M^ oraa ’ supported by agarrisonof I about 50 men. Canales, emboldened by success backing, stfll holds out, and, 1 doubtless to the increased irritation of Esoo | bedo, condescends to offer an arrangement I for peace. Meanwhile, the Amerioan com -1 mander and usurper in Mexico has an ele phant on band of moat eggregions propor | uons. It is fair to state thatßrevet Brig. Gen. is a. young man, and, doubtless j unduly influenced by representations from interested parlies in Matamoras, has partly l fl 1 ? ISe . 1 o acte<i S oo * faith * Canales’s Ad ||jutant-General is a Confederate (Major Fos i r „lT?/ e f w t . Yor A ker - who issaid to have re- ISledofthe 1 edofthe American flag raised over h Matamoras that be had fled 2,000 miles in | s vain to escape its shadow. : Bbownsviele, Nov.3o.—Tuesday’s strng- I *=‘ e lasted two bonrS, A pentoon was laid ; *? e £ lv «!j “ ear ‘be ferry on Sunday, and Col. Bandall, sensitive of his tioklish Ws two batteries drawn up on ihe Amirican side in readiness to cross. A I v ° ln D nteer militia was raised for the defence or Brownsville, and was com by ‘b® notorious filibuster: and Confederate, Col. Ford. . ■ o sai< * ‘bat Masshallj the new American agent, successor to Mr. Avery, Is now in Brownsville, afraid -to return to Ws office, jsnch is the danger from the loose soldiery of Canales, and from citizens enraged a t : Amerioan intervention, who cry on the streets, “Deathto the Gringos!” Escobedo, it is understood, as soon as reinforced by ■Trevino, will renew; the attack, probably -this week; but the hope of Ws troops mnat < again be compassed by the nrospect of the pag of a friend strangely supporting tbs foe. { Bkownsvidee, Deo. I,—Upon the demand =°f General Sejdgwiok; the City of • Mata .moras, with the fortifications and troops, „vti; w*;u- otm Traoi® cottntry, . !^Tr, X)ECjEfiIBER 6 1866. I *s nr !. end l red to • thOT United States ■ ™f s “> d property are fully cuaran- TT« £* ty WU f be turned over to Esco rt*o, He is reported in possession, ’■ ; The Pnrsnlt by c. is. Government Detec tives since Oetober tost. A telegram from Washington to thn Ttn*- s^W^sassawas; been supine in the matter of an t^r^ lD M olm a Snmtt. XoaU '. Whrandßtoti B^ 611 * 4 1110 MUMsters of i i . i iSt ?i?2* state ; The troth of the matter is 1 Siaphed fed™ 0 0 /, S l ar f at t 08 recently tele inaFn^’EnO„/4£ 0l ! ly to the efforts and ac : loai pursuit o t the detectives of the Wkr T>a WIO and it ; r .J? 1 a Power with whioh Sv ? h “ *? P ar > all events, ! !' f °P™rds of m°men, payTn^twf ■ the^serviM 10 1)0011 refined in . the service of the department durine the required to keep fhor in^^JPai 8 k DpOD P 10 antecedents of any SpiSf without made their advent bito the capital without any apparent calk The same surveillance was alko dhected to Go eminent clerks and army men of Iver?-de atmc^of^tlfeB^ 61111011 t b w ng S‘ ve °to the attac/ies of the Paymaster’s Department the real endeavor of the organi n U o a ba sb een to secure the person offohn through the co-operation of the State Department his whereabouts was hist made known to the Government early iu October last, when it was discovered ilfin thJ°p d d ? Q bt,that Snrratt was serv- j Papal Zouaves in Rome. With no more delay than transpired in getting instructions from Washington with enlarsSa fhftP^ Uv ® “thority to effect the cLptare, Imlto£ S th apl>robeDS,on of Surratt occarred «£^f^ eaUspi ?? 3 of onr own detectives about three weeks ago. Hfa subseauent es with whom we have bnt a modified extradition treaty, made his re capture doubtful until he sealed his own flight into Egypt, with which government we have afoU sav I f^iff f fh ltradltion ’ 1 atn autl torized to !* y “ atll,o government has been cogni zant of every step of this chase after the last of the conspirators, and that its own de tectives of the War Department force Admt*°?r' n ui ed AktP 41)0 SQoceasfol end. m d bri^ d *K <>ldBlmth I* 08 been telegraphed to to bring the captured and his cantors to thin ““try without delay. 8o fell!ME Bout! well s indictment of the Government in the otthe capture of John H. Snrraft eo ‘ sl —The conversation H u to the 08001 that John S S7^T. I H. be brought to Washington and his trial take place before a civil court. F ? .7, hU ” Bnr,ler e <l by the Bnalapals lD ~ T!. The M“>derers Followed, and the Whole Party, Twenty-one in Number, Killed, Ae. Washington, December 5th,1866-Special agent Sendge, under the date of La Paz Ari- Ociober 16th. informs ns the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that on the 23d of Sep- T.’? ber r- a .^ ostUe band of Hualapais killld John Ktdlion, a wagoner, and also four mules which he drove, and that on the 26th of the same month John Woodward. Jud ki»n.? a K er, TT Ul< ? a i M r Ben j am t“ were killed by Hnalapals Indians, while en gaged m mining near Fort Mohaive. a party of ten citizens from the vicinitv of the fort, accompanied by a number of Mo haive Indians, under the command of a captain or chief named Hamausickahante. wentm pursuit of the Hualapais, whom they overtook, surprised in their camp at daylight and killed the whole party, twenty one in number, losing but one man. The commanding officer of the fort was with the citizens in the pursuit* and speaks in the highest terms of the bravery and skill of Hamausickahante and his braves in the affair. The agent says that this band of Hualapais hate the Mohaives as much as the whites, on account of their refusal to join in a concerted attack on the settlement <ao^f A^? N S OET S? Ban Ba s» Deo- 5. 1866. Santa Fe, New Mexico, papers of'Novem f *® oeiv ® d * contain a proclamation lrcrn Acting Governor Army, calling on citizens to organize military companies for protection against murderous incursions of the Indians, a portion of whom, he repre sents, are on the war path, plundering and ‘be balance in such temper that they may commence hostilities at anv moment. San Fbancisco, Dec. 5,1866.-A telegram from Los Angeles states that reliable infor mation has been received there that the Apache Indians murdered Superintendent George and Ws clerk, W. H. Averts, on November 18, hear Prescott, on the Lopaz road. They cat the heart from Leihy’s body and beheaded Everts. THE NITBO-BEYCEBINE EXPLOSION AT ROCHESTER. Fortner Particulars— Force of the Ex plosion. [From the Rochester Union, Dec. -i.l About five o’clock this morning the in habitants in the northern part of the city on both sides of the river, were startled bv an explosion whioh shook their dwellings distinctly. Those residing in the vicinity of the railroad lines were of the impression that a locomotive boiler had exploded. The explosion was in the tunnel near the High Fallß. The tunnel has been excavated a distance of two hundred and seventy feet through the solid rock, and for the past week the new explosive comnonnd, nitro glycerine, has been used for blasting. The work has been prosecuted by two gangs ; of bands, each consisting of four men. The night gang were ini the tunnel at the time. The names of the men are James Reddington, Thomas McNorton, Alex. Mann, and James Dolan, At -five minutes fe five o’qlodfc a powder blast was fired, which was immediately followed by a terri fic; explosion of fifteen podnds of nitro-gly cerene, which was in a tin can, lined with plaster of Paris, situated in a chamber dug out . ‘b, e rook, some fifty feet from the blast. The men mentioned, with the ex ception of Dolan, who had just emerged from the tunnel, and who wgs standing idireotly over the entrance, were standing ; ®bont fifty feet from the month of the tunnel. ; Theconcussion lifted them bodily,and forced ;them toward the brink of the tunnel, where i they were found—McNorton and Red dington within a foot of. the brink, and an , n .e Jew few feet in the rear. The ladder by which the men descended Into '‘be tunnel was shattered and blown over the precipice, and some little time elapsed '-a'? ~1E CAPTURE OF SURRATT. INDIAN ROStIUUES. v "Vf * ' >1 - < -r' foU,ei, h nnn^^ nat<r S 1 * n 00111,1 besought with d M b S r Ve '. They^-were hauled up 7cloek P R P^w^ rt °^ Zp>red aboat nine I Keddington had oneor more ribs bru^seri i6 ¥iT de i br ° ken r Wa arm and face inSSffs.-.? 4 ? al ?° teared that ba sustained internalin/nnes, but is expected to recfhver Mann received not series I “ n ® B . rethought, and hisWdy for ' The wooden air trough and «tnmo^lviA W i Sil, r be tnnne l Were blown into oao Atom stainedthe^ycerine cart , h e t?®t> d - *t»e rock wasnoßOmened and J£foroeo el i7. as injured by the explosion, can be-no question but mat tn& gly- T? 8 ®JPi°ded by thejargrodueed by fcet§irtmt" bl^ ,ttnd it was fifty Charged with Robbery.— Joseph Lord oniarinri>iriii'sh 13e ® moralug,npan thbcharge f.Ptcke 4 fhopoeket ofa dooor oftsoo it a&ssss&ggßgiB 1 bolhiomSited^tr£v boofc Tta a:CQ = Bliw er & „ Al f E6E n B UBGLARYi—David Missell was w Bu ® st -a B Caught in the Act.—John ™ h cSu? Sg:2g , thief and h»U3 from New Vorl B^l “ be “ 014 TiLn Tapping.— James C. Cunningham Rev. Theodore L. Cutler, D. D of ssss&ess^^HSS3S n BBErAEIKG FoE Christmas.— Joseph W^d' £ ?orSeT a S'fy 1 o“l?^ I |^ T Sf^, fo “ b mined by Aid. Alien? geese. He was com. should bewlthmAiL teiAlrr Coadi*c.- No family BoSS’^e'^^ff^vafids, Bbneow’s Soaps,—B'der flower Tnrfi. Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Bnnfloirem Hmfc Bom T SNOWDEN & BkGrHKR: Importers,23southXlghthatS»t. ehJi*?? 8 ’ Trusses, Braces, and Ms- Ranmna’a. Rroc».E]as>ln BAndageAKtiKkim!. "i? 08- Caps. Aa, ofsaj«rior BKxaanca ’ *"<• ** lorsale at HNeealeb Ttraui7sw?ES SISS! street, first door below Race (Conjq&£fU Coughs and Colds are often ow r- Invariably hure and immediate relter’ * i7ln * ~ nioßt Sweet Opoponax!— Aaweet, pretty name. Sold ana aaed everywhere. E. T. Smith <fc Co , Sow York, Sole Proprietors. Mwayibo !—ls there a reader (esDeaiallv ! ssr BALKS OF STOCKS. FIRST BOARD. tlOCOPenna 63 95 ISo ah Read R ~r u City 6s new d bill tax £j ah Pema B Uf LV? A 3a Als»hStß2u SuOsh Ocean Oil bo £hh Hasleton Coal 57 . 10 0 ■4 * 5U ah Lerngh Nv SCI 100 ab HestonvlUe B if; PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (£]/ Ustcoraph,) American Gold. t SA?“ Aew York Centrtt ; !._L " 53 United States ss ’Bl UOJ4 bid Dnited states 6s, 6-20 a. bid SS ___ Unsettled. Finance and Business—-Dec. 6, 1868, The doubts,which existed in reference to the flituiw ] conn ’ e to be pursued by the Secretary of the Treasury! ‘and the action of Congress upon the Tariff and Beys’ nue bills, exercise a very depressing effect upon stocky and prices to day were again lower; Government Loans were inactive, and closed at U 3 bid for the Cou pon Sixes, 'si; 10S?£ lor the old Five-Twantlea: tosi< iba the ’fits; 1071 s Jot the ’ess; loofbr the Tea-Forties, and IK>> = lor the June and July Seven-Thirties, state Fives sold at 95, and the new city Loan at 99)£ Beading Railroad opened atss?i and closed at 55Ji@555&-a de dine of ?f. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 51«-n„ change, iso was bid for Camden and Amboy 121 for Philadelphia and Trenton Batlroad; 31/or Little fcchuylhlll Railroad; 58 for Mine Hill Railroad- 67*f tor Lehigh Valley Railroad; 28;* for Catawissa »-'■ road Preferred; sS>* tor Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad, and 21JJ for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad In Canal stocks the only Eale was of Lehigh Naviga lion at 56Jf, akdßchuylkillNavigatlmi Preferred closed at 34?,': Wyoming at 54.'*', and at is. Bank shares were held with the greatest confidence. was bid tor North Am erica; 150 for Philadelphia -125 tor Central; 139 for First National! 13) tor Second National; 106 tor Seventh National; 131 for Farmers’ and Mechanics’: 57 tor Girard: 90 for Western; 31 for Manufacturers’: 56 for City: «« for Consolidation; and 54 tor Commonwealth. inPasienger Railway shares thefonly sales were of Thirteenfh and Fifteenth Streets, at 20, and Bcatcnville at l,Jj. It Is stated that the sale of the new Northern Central Railroad bonds hasheen so rapid, that thewholemU, lion loan has been disposed of except about temW Messrs.Drexel<£Co., who are negotiators will continue to sell at 89 until the 2otb instant when* lfany at that time remalnon baud, the price will ha advanced, as in comparison wilh other ra'lroad and canal securities, the price is entirely too low of the character of these bonds, as an Investment, there can be no doubt, as there is nothing to the market that is at the Bame lime so cheap, so secure and so certain to 08 profitable. v ■ Smith, Baofiolpfi & Co*. Bankers, 15 soath Third street, quote at ll o’clock; as follows: > ... 1«A1/ ,b, mo, 1^2.......—.r:::r:::rr:.io8f| - 11 ' itS--"-* iyi..Jo6Jff r, p. IMS ll *®-—‘~ JjF?l@ —■ 8d 5erie5....:.....-... MO, July, 1865.........!”:....;,t:X - Compounds. Deo.. 1864 . , Meums. Be Haven Brother, Nor 40 Boatu • Tblr* 91x1 jßuiddfm. COMHEBtjrti. ~ t ■> ~ j^T F. L. FEIHERSTON. DOUBLE SHEET, THBEECENTS. ®^*r-Qnartera «2m» OomjMjma InteresCSotes; . ” Jtme.lsHi.. 16 ~ " July.lSMn. is« ; ’ , An*; 188SU 15 " ' Opt. MM™ 14 , » " gee., I88«._ J 3 „ .. ‘ .. , Ane ,IS«S_. 10* ; ;» “ #x. “ 0, a «•«, iBBi..„_ seiiaajaiS H - '•■ ■ x 5? —r —as* iSv, jjg-;. MOlaaelpiua Harbeu. I >,o* TßSßAV '® e *■ S - —Tlje d ownward turir In QoHTh *» I S“ C ?^ eeffeet “PO" tarßreaSSKS* acd holders ef Flour are firm In their yies*. Th*~|L supply P of^hr^^ dlWt 01618 k ™** B iat L*by for G&f soppiy of tbe Hbme consumers BiiMuroak.*-*. . t*i figures firaeiect lots—|9@io 75 i m extra* ' No change in Bye Mow or Com Meal. Smai - ofthe former at |7 25@7 so. ousau sales •v^f 16 ls ' ! ?. me tosnlry for WheatfceSat flenrea heini the view* of holders in the absence of saleawe annt*, ■ ,^ ed T, at * 2 ’ 60 ® ar9 °- “P Southern » Ss@3 K>. Eye ranges from I, so to ?r-to for Wes tarn Sw.aaTn'JS vel'Zttn^t-^uZ So change !o Barley orlfSt vaaaasi. co “®»«!s?3 20@3 25? bSSmi. Fiaasee* *S^l^‘SSBi£J! aIM - Stnau «A»UBJK gftlA.«,»yg-g ta. fOBT OB qT B** Jfarfaw jfaßfltfti o» 57Wrd „ ARRIVED THIS DAT [ X L ' Fotbeß - bcm Alexandria, InhaUaat to f 4SsS*sgEfc»K©i!& *"*»***»- f fg?g!a&SsKS&S£ffi£& - |p“BS^y?K r ft c t S^* n fto “^^ [**£ t rttat. Price, from CI,RARF,n THIS DAy BgfcWarrea. Avenll. Montevideo, Warrant Gregg A Schr Artist. coal aa*MaTO». ~ Cerrespoafenca of the ■a*»..*,n fMa FTr^lT|<|| - •*Bs?mssssa tttsaedTnlsjteTenlng. WlndWfwt:elea? ®° n ’ - xonrs, Ao. ' _ JCSSPH LAFBTBA. Oorrespondenceof theFhlla.Evenlnrßclietin. - Phiajaden andi^ljsida,^^? ooad *° ™to<W rSS§^?SftoD iTl&tgJgtFiSSJ^ B « - gCMfiSos; Mve ‘ S.' ehto Fannie LanS^Rl^lt^teare,,« torSS’gS’* 40 ’ .■ BOBe ™’ cte ” e *“ S 08 *" 3* hat Saooders- from- Cette Bth Oct at New ESSBI&SM«£3SS SchrsKEtlark, Clara; C S GAratairs Prtoa- r t u ghr Crisis, Rose, sailed atom Fall River Sddnst.fbr no&s!?'i?.?3!KJ nl, h lleDo ®' tor Boston, at Holmes’ ? a ,- v nf ’keen 1“ contact with schr Alvins A Conant (as before repined), dterintr whin£LSrhS» ssSSHaS .jaasisaasa smb“- while leavtosAer. HB ° r3r CAD K M Y OB AS BS I C P lUIGNET and C, DRrIVKT ! 'F^f^Sie^ c«nfc; Amphitheatre, 25 center mtcia.s® Doors open at 7; costain tfrrise atV?i pcecbtfy FBIDaY KVSNINS, Decembat 7th FBEb OH OPRKA. 1 __ zampajob, the mabbmi bride. if Opera in three acfoi Musicby HhrolA, 1 NAJDJ3IE 1— ns MT-r r ~ 5 MBs ABMAKD LE HAIXKE DBS CHAPtcr.r.y\ ' Opera In one net. KuaiobyPaer { iSg| r GRAND MATINEE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER sth, at » o’clock ONE DOLLAR to every part ch the house. By general request, a THE CROWN DIAMONDS. Opera in three acta. Music by Anlser. . jig T.A PATATtrwi’ M’LLK LADREMTIS.. ti CAT £P/S£- -—.aa. ■■...■ _;jx>N HENJUQUK The sale o£ Ticket* will commence en Wedneadav- December sth, from 3, to 4 o’ciodLatthe AeedMnVwSr Academy;***^ 8, °* A- BASEST BAM Thta new steam uenerator Jtomtalnea essential ; vantages nr issoLOTs hnt cost and cost of tatmllm rfnJ3K«*vsr pfi * >a * 015 ' *n lnel,facHl“ofctoi n | e S^toS^Si^, o „? ly ol " seaaed by any othwbouer not pos-. «&&£S£s2 SZB!?ti&&ffS£E three eighths ofan tahhthSfcTconns-tart?l^£’Ji3!?* 1? ®i2^s? 9 “SOOPOunds to thesonar®. ®“c® i .JS kmF„£l.' 08811,6 ?l>!ch might cause, rapture In ordta-t i thia becomes a safety valve * 1 generaic!; possesses ajlsproaero-oc i SdttSfpfeTO vrithoaSlnJn>ySiteel£ • orJJAj?«ii\2??i?. ns ! y s® cted by corrosion, which one ■: strengih of the wuonghc Iran, holler. ; aSa;r ta ;Kar ; sJl 18 easily transported, and may be taken anart m ! nopJeee need weigh more loan eighty iw«iSS? fS ' ?hS™K access, the largest : through an opening one: foot, saaare. It hr raadiiv oat - Under ordinary 4rcSn«£^£ : It la keptfreefrom permanent deposithrtdoisnr th»’ :water entirelyoatunderfallpreesareoncea vraaJ Tt i requires noTgeclal ski lln its K<® a,y <JS£ftißtfBSS2' SSSSSSffiSBEasaC Directors
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers