city :OTKKExrar, Tau, op i Bekwebt—A Mas Ktttffl) jkUD Foub Injured.'—The walls of Austin's. Belmont Brewery, on the river Sobuylkill, near the Columbia Bridge, fell with a tre mendous crash, yesterday afternoon. The Brewery was alarge stone edifice, ana was being built, as was supposed, in a most substantial manner, Yesterday'afternoon the western end, which was being built for a distillery,-&)1 in, and five workmen, who were employed on the masonry, were buried in the ruins. After sonae difficulty they ' were extricated, when it was discovered that three of them were very-seriously hurt, having their legs broken and severe bruises about the head. The other two were only , slightly injured. The wounded men were atonceconveyed to the residence of Mr. Aus? , .-tin, proprietor of the brewery, who : resides within a stone’s throw of the scene of the ac cident, and their injuries were properly at tended to. One portion of the brewery was three stories in height, and the other two stories, and a part of it was roofed in. The old brewery, on the same spot, was burned 1 on tbe 12th of October last, and was. being' rebuilt. Itis thought that the accident was: caused by a crack in the foundation. The: portion that fell Consisted of the entire' western eud and sides, while the remainder! of the structure remains intact. George Morris, one of the men, died shortly after! the occurrence, from wounds received. He was 67 years of age. The names of the others are George Yerker, aged 20, injured about the head and in the right leg; James! Hookaway, aged 45, injured in .the .spine:! Ralph McCollom, aged 33, injured in the: head and breast; John Monaghan, aged 27, ; injured in the head. " 1 . A Noble Institution,—A number of benevolent ladies of this city, impressed with (he importance of furnishing a place j of residence to respectable young girls, who,! while engaged in "stores in this city, were unable te pay the exorbitant rates charged at boarding-houses, determined to establish a Home, Where board could be obtained at a small cost, and where also young women arriving in the city could stay until they succeeded in obtaining employment. ;. It was designed as a “Boarding Home,” where those who could not pay ordinary boarding-house' rates could be accommo dated at a price, which suited their purses. The ladies who started the enterprise pur chased two handsome three-story brick dwellings. Nos. 1433 and 1435 Lombard street, which they furnished ‘ plainly, but * tastefully, with everything that could con tribute to the comfort of the inmates. Choice books were placed in the-library, and a melodeon was furnished for the parlor. Hpre quite a large number of the most re spectable y oung women have formed a plea sant and comfortable home, and the institu tion -has thus far proved of great benefit. Sale op Real Estate, Stocks, «tc.— James A. Freeman, auctioneer, sold yes ter* day at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, thefollowing: ' 19,000 shares Slocum Coal, Iron and City Improvement Company, §5. 19,000 shares Stafford Meadow Coal, Iron and City Improvement Company, §5, 5,000 coupon bonds Stafford Meadow Coal, Iron and City Improvemen Company, §6O Two story-brick house, No. 723 Lisle street, §1,250. Three-story brick house. No. 531 Wash ington street, subject to §32 ground rent. $2,000. brick dwelling,Rogers’ court, Two-story frame dwelling, No. 430 Mon roe street, subject to §lB ground rent, §1,200. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 1209 Ells worth street, subject to §62 ground rent. $1,425. ’ Stealing at the Navy Yabd.—Before U. S. Commissioner Sergeant, yesterday, William Nicholson, a workman at the Navy Yard, had a heariag on the charge of steal ing copper from the same. The testimony was to the effect that the defendant was stopped at the gate by (he sentinel on suspi cion that he had some Government property concealed about him, and a search brought forth about ten pounds of copper from under the waistband of his pantaloons. He was then handed over to Detective RusselL who delivered him into the castody of Mar shal Ellmaker. He was held to bail for trial at the next term of the Court. Serious Fall. —East evening, about half past five o’clock, William McFadden, re nidingon Sellers streets,driver for Mr. Leeds, fell from a wagon in which was a load of grain, at Market street wharf, and was so severely injured that his life is despaired of. He leaves a large family of children. When picked up he was so badly" injured that he was not able to give any information as to the cause of the accident. He was taken to the Sixth Ward Station House, and after wards to his home. Violent Assault.— Robert Barnes was charged before Alderman Lutz, yesterday, with committing an assault and battery on Matthew Gibson, with intent to kill. The allegation was that Barnes and Gibson craarreled at the tavern of the former, and that Gibson was beaten on the head with a blackjack, and cut severely. Barnes was held lor trial. i- Bair. —A fair for the benefit of St. Andrew’s Lutheran ,Church is no w being held at Broad and Arch streets. Useful and fancy articles gotten up by the ladies of the church, are offered in great variety, with suitable Christmas gifts. The proceeds are to be ap plied for current expenses, and furnishing the chapel, which is to be erected at Broad and Arch streets. Railroad Accident.— Yesterday after noon John Fritz was run over Ger mantown care, at Ninth and Brown streets, and seriously injured. The sufferer was removed to hiß home, No. 922 North Third street. ■ Grand Concert.— This evening, at Lib erty Hall, Lombard street below Eighth, the famous : “Black Swan” will give a con cert, for the benefit of a church. She will be ably assisted, as will be seen by the ad vertisement. Cttt Solicitor.— James Lynd, Esq.,Pre sident of Select Council, . was yesterday nominated by'the Republicans for City So of F • ° arrol l Brewster,Esq., resigned, .• ’ ®ew Jersey Matters. UEion League of AlUntlc Clty on woiid&y ©venlue gave a ramntnnna ftimßentln honor of the successful triumph of party In that city, and; the’r success eene i»l y- About one hundred and Dva, ty flve uerlous ladles and ggntl-meu, sat down to a taifie sprean wirti all klr els ol usuries. After the .loth hodbeanriv nioved homas K. Reed,President of the Leagae Sn a very ab’e and eloquent address, stated the obi era of the meeting. Hod. &. W.N, Ouatis member SfthS dSl e r U ! >l X ,ro) ? J ' < S mden ’ was t* lB next speaker, and 1 yasfelcitousinhts remarks. AfterheBatdown dr ‘ Iso- editor ofthe .South JerleyX&uMiiwi railed upon, and In one of I™'’ speeches, elicited We profound attention ofthe SS?.^ 08 ' wlellobe elucidated ihe great issues now «r Public .mind. Mr. Grier then read a fine SaLS. a £ 10lic poem, written expressly for the occasion, which Vi a 3 received with warm applause. D. w Bel £i®* tiVff 1 ? e ]?, ot ® d M »yor, was then ealled upon, ’ f , urged the - necessity of itnity vlrtoiv whlch f »?; in oJder >o preserve the fruits of Union- nafJLJf rchl ? B on th 6„ banners, of the Other as ., to secure ftltnru triumphs. were made and patrloHfeAones were ■nfC«^E U frR I n^?? 00LS ‘ —Tfae P ablie Schools thanCT<sbeforeanrt l a.^,s?’' r S^ r S aperonscon ' 1 l t!o “ efpnpto A nCTT Mtfi?| a ,SS n . b , ya larger number . erected at ah ekrTy d a y f Q w p ,s rp ,T B wl!1 bs ‘ L* I 'prosperous town .in At‘the I ]S erably ,advancing In its’lm lnS, i^Lf nee l lnt of lu ’ ouocil cue HMwSSMSonstmddnUm^? <i ,oad<ll3t ? !c3 a.idtne - dollars was appropriated for im- —The Decetb-: be J? t !?, l l U f““; ye A m , rtB Will commence |?bedW»2d“? Quite a large number Later from Mexico. Galveston, Dec. 4, by way of New Or leans, Dec.' s.—By the arrival of the steamer Black Bird, Captain Cole, and the steamer Elizabeth. Read, Captain• tit. Clair, we have Mexican dates to Saturday evening. The steamer Elizabeth Read left Brazos at SP. M., and the Black Bird at 6 P. M., on Sat urday. ■ . At 11 o’clock, on the 26th ult., a pontoon bridge was thrown from Brownsville to Matamoras, on which a detachment of United States forces, under Colonel J. G. Perkins, crossed, and took command of Matamoras. It was alleged that Canales’s forces were tonack the city, and Gem Sedg wick sent his troops to protect the lives and property of American oitizens. General Sedgwick then escorted Canales out for an interview with Escobedo, but no terms were agreed on; General Sedgwick then took Canales back to the city. At half paßt five o’clock the next-morning, Esco bedo opened on tho city. His forces then! charged Fort Monterey and were repulsed and -pursued by,-Canales. Escobedo lost: four hundred and. fifty in killed and! wounded, and three hundred: prisoners.! Canales lost twenty-five men killed, - In the, afternoon the American troops were with-! drawn outside of the city. M. Canales, a! brother of the General, was killed. ! _We are without information of the opera-! tionson Thursday, but we have private in-: formation that: a telegram was sent to; -Brazos tbatoniSaturday, at three o’clock P.! M., Escobedo, rand Canales - met as friends, j and that Escobedo; was not iff command of: the city. . . . ' . , : ‘ A special bearer of despatches was on the : Read, who arrived'at Plazos on the 30th 1 ult. It was rnmored there that the Ameri can troops were subsequently .withdrawn to! the American side of the river. On the morning after the battle, General Albina Esper-sea, who was fighting with Escobedo, died of his wounds. , '* A Washington letter to the American, o Matamoras, says—l have seen the instruc tions of Minister Campbell. They contaiu the following points—l. That the United States does not recognize, neither will it re cognize,-any other\government in Mexico, other than that of the Constitutional Presi dent, Juarez. 7 2. That they do not propose to acquire aDypartof the Mexican territory, and that they do not recognize in any manner the claims of France; and that they are willing to extend to Mexico any aid, with the ob ject to quell local disorders whenever re quired by the constitutional Government of Mexico or her authorities, without pro posing to interfere in any manuer whatever in the domestic differences of the country. Bbownsville, Nov. ,30 Matamoras was surrendered to General Sedgwick on the evening of Nov. 24th. Colonel L, G. Peakins, of the 19ih United States colored infantry, was placed in command. One hundred and eighteen men of the4th cavalry crossed over and occupied the city on that day. Uolonel Canales made an official state ment to General Sedgwick, that, owing to his inability to pay up his troops, he could no longer control them. Whereupon Gen eral Sedgwick immediately demanded the surrender of the place, which was granted. From Fortress ifonroe. Fortkkss Monboe, Dec. 4.—A regular wintry northeast storm sprung up iai-o yes terday afternoon, and daring the night pre vailed with great violence. In the Chesa peake bay vessels were hove to all night long, under double-reefed canvas,and many of them,caught iff the storffi, putinto Hamp ton Roads for a harbor. No carnage to ves sels has so far been reported, however. During the night the rain fell in torrents. Early this morning the Baltimore steamer George Leary arrived at the usual hour, but the sea was bo high she was unable to make a landing. While she lay drifting aooiii the harbor, endeavoring to make the wharf she came in collision with the bark Elea nore, from Rio, with a cargo of coffee, for Baltimore, lying at anchor, but (as is stated - with no lights up. The Leary struck the bark a glancing blow on the bow, staving in the bulwarks and doing other d»m»ee‘t’ the extent of §7OO. The steamer suffered very Blightly, but had to go into the dry dock at Norfolk for reptflrs this morning but will make her usual trip to Baltimore to-night. The bark sailed for Baltimore this morning. The sloop K. R. Parker and a crew of six persons, three being negroes, were seized in Norfolk to-day by the United States Marshal, having been libeled by W. J. Poole, Esq., agent for the Board of Under writers, for stealing goodsfrom the wrecked steamer Sheridan, on Body Island beech North Carolina. The parties were arraigned’ before the United States Commissioners’ Court in Norfolk for trial. The examina tion takes place to-morrow. Oneof the men has’ turned State’s evidence. The steam yacht Fanita has arrived at Norfolk from New York, bound to Florida The ship Electric Spark,from Callao, with a cargo of guano, has been ordered to pro ceed to Baltimore. The United States gunboats Yantic, Win nepec and Tacony, are undergoing repaits at the Norfolk navy yard. They have been pntont of commission, and their officers transferred to other vessels. By the Atlantic Telegraph. London, Decembersth, Noon.—The mes sage of President Johnson has had no effect, either to lower or raise the price of Ameri can securities, nor has it had anv appre ciable influence upon the general money market Alexandria, December sth,—John H. Surratt is now m the custody of Mr. Hale the American Consnlt at this .place, ’ Dublin, December sth.—Many, of the leaders of the Fenian .organization were ar rested in this city last night and.during yes- Flobence, Deo. s.—lt is asserted that the Pope has certainly agreed to receive the en voy ofthe Italian Government, Vegezzi, for the purposes of negotiation. Liverpool, Dec. s.—The steamship City of Boston, Captain Brooks, which left New York November 24th, has arrived oat. The ship Resolute has also arrived. Liverpool, Dec. 5, Noon.—Cotton, 14d. The sales of are estimated At 10,000 hales. London, Dee. 5, Noon.—Consols, .884 for money. U. S. Five-Twenties, - - - 70.1 Erie R. R., - - - - . 4.3 J Illinois Central, - - 7-^ The Bepnbllcun Cuncas. The caucus of the Republican members of the House, held at the Capitol, last even ing, was unusually large, nearly a hundred members being present. The following measures, reported from the Select Com mittee, were agreed upon ; \ -AlrsJ-To pass a bill regulating theorganization of Iw , t ?\ 3 . se ' hire, ting the Clerk- to place no names on : therollflrom States not represented in the preceding J^S»nrn?o 0 Tv 3 f olar entitled to representation, ana provtaingjbat no electoral votes Bhall be counted front any Statenot represented at the time lit Congrete i™ < S , ££vl£ paaa - * bl lremedving the defect in .the law vyhtcbhnky prevent any S ae from canvassing tbe votea for President and VlcaPrestdent ’ s law changSg the time ol' the St We fthUf hmS > . Be,eiB, W ‘* a VI6W * asaembu “ B 3 a "Pecialcommlttee for the rigid lS e Cleans riot t tbe number of burned, and tn what ex* itfinfcGove.nment tfHclblsweTeinvolved thereto. TJtie. ; crromltlee to have power ,to send for persons and pa ipers tob»aecoß -janie*by th* Bergeant-auArms,and tOTepoit appropriate kgioiailon. • ■F‘jfA,-lo orrer committee to investigate tbe jprocf€dinc> undf r ibe laws ior ihe collection of direct : taxestin tborfebe* States, and the seizure and sale of an(3a a »>d other property* ■ WarZA-rThfe Conpuiittee on Pensions to inoaire* i whetbrt.anv pentloners in the disloyal states, Ktru * from ibe peufiiohrolJß, havebeen restored in. violation ; Seventy—A special committee to invea the facts cont-ected with- the rel see of 6r ihe J .CpinußLidlera in booth Carolina, recently Bet at Jarge. Mr, .Ashley, ol Obio, said he noticed as present the gentleman who had drawn up the address of the Philadelphia Convection, THIS PAIL? EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, THUS SPAY, DECEMBER 6, 1866. WM. GRANGE & SON, > Have;opened their new and commodious building, No. 711 North Second Street, co*mpr£mg d theaame with » choice selection of goods,; Plain GpTd Band and Decorated French. Chinn. T’Tta f m?NFE, TOILET and T ™ ' |CH INA and GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLEIS [CHINA, PARIAN and LAVA VASES, [CHINA and CRYSTAL CARD RECEIVERS ■BOHEMIAN TOILET SETs, BTATUETTES, etc. f Constantly on hand, a fall assortment of tka hest •makes ofWHITE IRON STONE WARE. jSEmS} SEOTWELLI3WEET OIDEE, ■ Onr usual supply of this, celebrated CIDER, made [from Harrison Apples, lost received. Albert G. Roberts, j Dealer in Fine Groceries, [ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS MBB. ;&TBKL* OHESTUTTr STREET. ABOVF bitttenth, has received;Paris, Werlv and Kforio fiKIRTS and CohaETS Wto* and Children. Ues-6t« and asked if he was a member of the Union party, and had any right there. The, Chairman, Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, replied, amid mnch laughter— '-Whip tbe lamp hold? oat; to bnro. The vileet Biimex may return.” - Mr. Raymond,off being.asked whether be jflid npt participate in the Philadelphia Con ■ vention, replied that he had/but not in any spirit of hostility to the Union party; that he entered the Convention to strengthen that party, thinking it should be more ednsarva tive than it was, but when he found the Con vention likely to lead to the‘defeat of tbe Union party, he abandoned it, and had ever ' since done his utmost to maintain and sup port the Union party. He alsosaid that he approved of the measures! reported here thiß evening. . - Mr. Schofield moved that- thq gentleman be allowed to remain in the caucus or not! at his option,, and to: judge, for: himself .whether he was a member of the Union party or not. \ :’ ■ , ' Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, asked Mr. Ray mond whether he adhered to the dootrine of the Philadelphia address,. and particularly; to the clause that the rebel States could not! ratify the Constitutional Amendment with-! out dishonor? - - > Mr. Raymondwas understood to deny! 'that there was such a danse in' it, He ad-i bered to that address', according tohis own j construction of it, but not according to the* construction sometimes put upon it by ‘ others.- ■ "i W • Mr. Stevens conld not see how Mr. Ray-1 mond could pretend to any connection with 1 the Union party after his membership in > the Philadelphia Convention, and bis an-i thorship of the address put forth by that' body. • ' •• ' i Messrs. Darling and Hale,of Hew York, ’ and'Mr. Garfield, oi Ohis, spoke in favor of! Mr. Raymond remaining in the caucus; and Mr. Morris, of the same State, and Mt. Cook,! of Illinois, against his doihgso. ' ' '■ '»w w «/* Mr. Raymond made some farther expla nations with regard to the Philadelphia ad- j dress, when the canons adopted Mr. Scho field's resolution by a vote of sixty-six' against twenty-five. Mr. Schenoh, of Ohio, offered a resolution ! that no gentleman can honorably and con- 1 sistently be a member of the Union party, and act with Union members of Congress,:■ in canons, who adheres to the address of the Philadelphia Convention, held in August last. After considerable debate on the resolu tion between General Schenck and General Banks, Mr. Bingham and others, it was laid on the table on motion of Mr. Bingham, on the ground that it was entirely out of order, as it referred to the case of Mr, Raymond, which had been previously settled by the resolution of Mr. Schofield. The vote was close on laying on the table, being 38 to 36. It is proper to say that no press reporters were present, and that the whole was ob tained from the recollection of members. The caucus passed a resolution, unani mously, that the members of it were bound to sustain the propositions reported as party measures. Mr, Stevens moved that the injunction of secrecy he removed from the proceedings of the caucus, but it adjourned before a vote was taken on this motion. FINS ALHERIA GRAFS! 75 cents per pound. Havana Oranges, FRESH CANTELOUPES. PEACHES, TOMATOES, COEN, PEAS, MUSH BOOMS. ASPARAGUS. DATES; WHITE CLOVER HONEV, NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, FIGS IN BM-AT.T. BONES. ROBERT DONNELL A SON, 800 ‘Walnut Street. no24tr - F L O UR. attention of Shippers to South American Porta, and the Trade generally, la called to the following Cel lebrated Brands of FLOUR matte from NEW WHEAT and of which they are the sole receivers In this dty,_ IVORY SHEAF, ST. LOUIS, LANGLEY’S CHOICE. NED’S MILLS, RURAL, PASCAGOULA. ANTI-PANIC, ■ GRANITE. This Flour Is put np In the very beat round hoop packages and will be sold in lots to suit. v R. J. RIDDELL& CO M S. W. comer Broad and Vino itrests. Se2S>q .\ j • FBANKUIff MILLS - SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT. A new and very choice article. Every femJQy should UBelfc. Directions—When ready to commence bahinr, mix the batter to the usual consistency, for sale by aUGrocem. de4-i2t* IL WELL’S Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s !R E FE CTO R Y, ; 727 and 729 ARCH STREET, : .These spaclons Saloons have been elegantly fitted i op and re opened by EVAN ' Thirty Years’ Experience. - t»terer .1 BREAKFASTS. DINNERS and SUPPERS famished. : WEDDING, DINNER and SUPPER PARTIES sup plied at the shortest notice. ( French Confections of every variety. ■ Foot .spacious Sapper Rooms added for the accom modation of Societies. ■ noll-lmj JBErail. RBSMS®©.!*® ' HOLIDAY GIFTS. CDRWBN STODDART & BROTHER Have determined to offer their ENTIRE STOCK At such prices as will effect a RAPID SEDUCTION J And-iiTe purchasers ah' opportunity-oil selecting' a nsefoland acceptable ! _ i HOLIDAY* - CUBWENBTODDABT* BROTHER V . i Nos. 450,453 imd 454 N; SECOND ST., j • <le6-6t{ ABOVE WTLLOW. OHhBTNUT STBf-iET. B T. I '. |3 • I ID ANTICIPATION OF £ REMOVALTO p N. W. cor. 11th and Chestnut Sts., £ XiACES AKB GOODS. r. HDEFS —Ladles and «eots, every variety, £ 'VEILS. SOARFB, KECK TTfiß, Ac., ffl WHITE GOQD3, LCSTENCOLLARS A 9B < i . Cur >* . Embracing Novelties adapted for X HOLIDAY Pfc*eE*TB. at - REDUCED PRICES. E. M. NEEDLES. a stasis J CHAMBERS, 810 ABCH STREET. . HOLIDAY GOODS—BARGAIN Point© Lace Handkerchief. Valenciennes rdo. Pointe Lace Sets, from fs. Pointe Lace Collars, from $2. Valerclennea Collars and Sets. . . Prtnch Embroidered Handkerchiefs, from. 75 cents. Gents’French Bern Handkerchiefs, very cheap, Thread Vella at $2 60, worth gs. A choice stock of Trimming Laces, in old Point©. Pointe Applique, Valenciennes, Gnipore, asd Bl&f'k Thread Laces, In all widths, under regular prices. __ ___no24-lmj JF, IREPELI*. • Ka 117 KOBTH EIGHTH STREET, East side, above. Cherry street, has now on hand a ml :line of FALL and WINTKB QOOPS, at redoced_pricea. ladies’s Merino Vests and Drawers. Gents' 'White, Clouded, Grey and Bed Merino Shirts and Drawers. Boys’Merino Shirts and Drawers.^ Hosiery. Gloves. Suspenders, Ties, Scarfi, dto.l White bhirta on hand and made to order. A perfect fit guaranteed. ocfeam S r [TOBBS «fe WOOD, 702 ARCH STREET, AM KOW } cfTeiln* a fall assortment of Lnpin’a French Herinot s reduced to|L Dark Olive Herinoes, for Friends’ wear. Fine AJI-wool Poplins all colors, reduced to $l. Gay Plaid Poplins, Blade Alpaca*. Pore Mohairs. French Plaid Cloths, for Children's Coats* Blankets, all grades, Shaker, Ballard vale and Welth. All*wool and Domet Flannels, all reduced to the lowest market rates. k'DWJJS HA 111, et CO., ES SOUTH ttKOOND ~ are now openiDg tfceir .Fall and Winter I moor u tlons ofSJLKB, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, *c/^ vyCftl ored Silks. "m'a" Beal Irith Poplins, Frencliand German PopllDS, Black Goods in great variety. BrocheLong and Square fihawla PICTURE*, FRAMES, «&C GEORGE C. REUKATUT, Manufacturer of LOOKING-GLASSEST PORTRAIT, PHOTO GRAPH. PICTOhE FRAMES. GILT MOULD I KGS anil CORNICEB, • Ho. 953 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Chromo-Lithographs, Paintings, ana a great va riety of Engravings on hand. Frame-makers b implied •WHOLESALES AHD RETAIL. LOOKING GLASSES SILT «d WAI J. OOWPLAND; 53 South Fourth Street, near Chest nir ae7-4ml COOPS FOB liAJMES. LADIES’ CLOAKS, Now Open, A FINE ASSORTMENT IN ALT. THE BEST HA TEBIAIS AND NEWEST DESIGNS, AT AGNEW& ENGLISH’S, •' M gs t gputh.Nimai Street. BIMBS AMD SWAHiaa. B. J. WILLIAMS. Wo. 16 NOBTH SIXTH STEESS Bf ANUFAOTUREB OF VENETIAN B LIN'D I' AND - WmBOW SHADES. * I “1 flnest huoitment in the city at Store shades inade and lettered, nnS-tl CEK!i»»'Fni6an[^nmff6-doomß' GENT’S FUBHISHIHG GOODS. .Htua Mdsbn, SH IRTS made of WAMSUTTA MusHn, only (3 js. nsnalprlce 85. BOY'S • HIRTS on hand and made to order. A liberal reduction made to wholesa e buyers. A Mistook of Welsh, Shaker and Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers. AJeo, SiarlS. NeratiM Gloves, Suspenders, etc., In greatVnrlew. ' T. L. JACOBS no6-2ml No. 1226 CHESTNUT Street, Phllada. Pocket Boobs,); Portemonnales, : Cigar Cases, Portfolios, ■' Ms-. if a* $ 5:1 I pressing Caga,- I Bankers’ Cases. b] itfwUefl oil d Gents’ 'l' Saiohelfl and ®favelHu« Bags, WXITIKO < UE6KB,’ ( TOILET CASES,' k_BOOKfi. Iggg— CJ-lABT.EK PBKPBTDAL. ETRA3VSS:iL.-ll*¥ FIRE INSURAKOE OGNPATO PHILADELPEIAi Assets osi -Taaraary 1» 186fe : ; ..... C»P!t»l „„™. —»«o,Cto;< Accret'd Bnrplc3_ #M.£« 11 graninam. ™.__„ 1,162.6)8 LossesPaidSißeelB29 fiver yerpetailiija ieroixwary PoUciea on uac»l Taro- • *> * i DIKBOTOBS, assf^sssf : aeo.w.ajctairai, / Fnww.'iewS,,' • ■«-* ’ -*-* fl X4&,:iy;.; arr-ATJtTßTß^secK&ry.prty ten* testa?/. • ? LA:IVI> GLOBE' -■ 516,000,000. invested in United States, $1,500,000 Total Preminiu received by tbeCoiD pany in 1865, $4.947175. Total Loase* Paid in 1865, $4,018,250 Presolmns received In the U. 8. from January i tr July 1, J8e8.|737»557 32. 1 Losses In United States from January 1 to July 1393.188 fit , All leases promptly adjusted without reference t England* ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent Or Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No- 6 Merchants’ Exchange, fe??tn,th,ftl{ PHILADELPHIA. RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY Cl A PHILADELPHIA, Incorporated in 1841. Charter Parnetoai OFFICE, No. 80S WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,O», Insures against loos or damage by PEELE, or Houses, Stares and other Bnildings, lln-itcd or pgi petaal, and on Fnrnltare, Goods Wares and mercha-> olse in town or errantry. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS.. - ara w 7* Invested in the following Securities, vli First Mortgages on City Property, well se . cured ,124,1 a; a United States Government Team „ jssAitt« Pbiiadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans , 55,00 s c- Pennsylvania S 3, COO, OOO Bpftr cent Loan..™, aAW « Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, tot and se cond Mortgages...™™-™ . , ESACOK Camden ana Amboy Ballroad Company's € percept. Loan™-™ —™..u ~ sow or Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com pany's«per cent. Loam B.OCO « Huntingdon and Brood Top 7 percent, mort gage bonds.™. ; ™™™„ 4,560 6C County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock™ .1,053 a Mechanics’ Bank Stuck .. eoso E Commercial Bank oX Pennsylvania Stock™ 10,000 « Union Mutual Insurance Company’s stock. S£3 ec Reliance insurance Company, or Philadel phia’s Stock- LOCO 0C Cash In bankandnn hand... , SAII 71 Clem. Tlngley, Wb. Messer, Samuel Bispnam, H. L. Carson, Robert Steen, Wm. Stevenson, James T. - - - rrT.P-y THOMAS a HILL, Seen PHmADknnHx*. Decembe ryStTBAKCE OOMPAKY QgHORTH AMKRICi* -L—MARESTK. PT&E A2?D INZ<AHB TBAJTSPCB TATICN mSXTRAKCB. ThSatixeeiJ 3 * walnut street, to«& side, eu: cs ThsPropratlß* of this Company are waH tartars and famish an available fond for the ample taderonfc-v of “D -S?2SP s T S6S£. eilre *° be protected by Insureuci NARINE BISEft takes os Vessels, Fraishta emd c S!3nd TBAKBFOBTATION RTSTTrt oa Mer chandise per Ballroads, c,-,,;.. asd Steamhsxto. FEES RTF.KB on MPTCti APdtea, Fomltara ana Build teas In City and Ooonty. IN CORPORATEpjrg INjnCAPITAD, CtahE. AH 3 FAXD IN AND SKcLARLY INVi".-; r» ~, TOTAL PROPERTIES, Bi.7os.tcia. FEKPETPAI. OHABTEB. Armor e. Coffin, BlEE^BC:S^otnMssoß,' . Baranc! W. Jones, I George D. Harnss.' John A Brown, I Francis R. Cope, emrles Taylor, | Edward H.Tre3ei, Ambrose White, I E. 8. Oar Se. William Welsh, I William Cnromtas- SMchard D. Weed, | T.Charlton Henry." ! Alfred D. Jessup. T.ObarUtce Henry. . _■ ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President, tntaatas fffrAre. Becreary. se22-em« FIRE A8BOOIATIO&, RKSS .Incorporated March s. use. K§ss A OFFICE. No. St N. FIFTH street. In —f4aaaJ?T sere BUILDING 3. HOPSEHOT.D FDB- SgluSJgSsg.- NATURE and MEBGHANDISB gener. <ta toaoa7 ° STATEMENT of the Assets of the Assoclaudi January l, isss. Bonds and Mortgages on property In the city of Philadelphia —; „„..i___4sss,«s 1! Groandßenta 20, M3 t: Beal Estate (Office No St North Fifth street) 14A93 is U. s. Government 5-20 Ronds ..... 45.000 c-[ D, B. Treasury Notes.—. s,S*o «- City Warrants.— gtsoc Cash on hand....,...., „■... *7,122 4: Total ———_>™J9sl,4l3 M TBTT&rSSSk GEOHGKW. TETON, President WM. K.HAMH.TOH, JOSEPH B_ LTmur.l. JOHNBOUDEE. LEVIP.OOATS, .) PKTEB A. KHPBKB, SAM7TKT. SPABHAWK JOHN PHUiBXN, GHABLEB P.BOWKK. JOHN OAHEOW, JESSE LISHTPOOTT^ BEOEQE I. TOONS, ROBERT SHOEMAHER ■ • TO. T.BOTLEB, Secretary. COM 1! PM pgP'SlSgks SS PART—momrpantea lsss-obutet Perpetail-2Sa, nowAxmrTßtewt,opposi* OampjnjvaToiibSFlmorwn te tb* eomrasßits lot over CaSr nn oonUnnato Inxnre an&affSi ntomi by fit*. oa ftWki M WnJinlMta titbex permwienuy. ox Cor a limited Mma. ai»o, oS «a nnflonlrtea stsaritp a Derenmt,- £•» Hajlelumv j ■ Henry Lewis; 1 STlOmtuKobtas, .1 J. GUUnsljjtS w*n; Penlel Haddack. jr‘ ■ *”** JDAULEL BMPTH. Jr., PiaMmi, trnamt 8. Caowzij,. Becratsrr pBTOTOIaBUItAJKM.OOMgAISrg, OgPHgju jPHSUra protapilyEdjcitetf sndpahl 77 . SIBSOTOBS. JEfisSgr v iSfc:. aotertWVLssmta*. mmontfaS^oa Samuel Wilcox. t*wicncc Lqwltr Itonla c. Non la. ~1. __fltATh • HO WAIiNTJT BtreeLabovo THTRIJ Btrttl, Per^'ftpgtitrf IJoEa T.Krai*, ,; a 11 V l* I BUUCBIHHBKAircnBOOMPAHY." • ' = go. io« caagENOTigmimp.; _ TT , _ ~ , PHTT.AT>KT.PTrT^^*‘ : SIB* ARD rISLi s D INBUK A » Q ii r s^^rr , &si i sKf* ? SSi • jptsguev- P. B* JXUuIG&, 1 I : Cfctf v BtCICCS, S***^ 6 ”*'j L^Jcs.i>.BaiUs. gKANtiIaH. BUCK, PiMiams, • vßs»mss<a»K) Neoaieworh' j made into £ . .Satchels, a 1 {Pocket- t OOA& KII SR E mumn. a ■’ ■ ’ . £WSUBAWC®» tooomepob is»> , .. 3 -5 dOtOGO* tledclatmb. eu.«»? ; 68, . . , ttas^wn Benj. w.Tiiiilej, Marshall HW, Charles Man a, TfcomasH. llooro, Samuel Castner, Aiftoa English, . Young. President DIRECTORS. TJBOVTDBUT LI fit AMD TRTTOT nfiMPA -ary X „ OF PHIDADKLPHIA, FOCP.THStreet. ESCOBPOBATED 3d MONTH, 220,1366. : ’ CAPITAL, 3150.000 PAID to*. insnianceon ldTesJby Nearly Premiums: or by 5.10 or 20 year premtamaNon-forfelrare, . * £ns owmenta, payable at a future age, or ait prior <le* orlo ' yearlwm,nma - Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children’s Endowments tbeXire business among Its Policy holders.' Moneys received at interest, and demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act. sdErecptQr or Administrator.. Assignee or Guardian, and mother fiduciary capacities under' appointment °* & ny Court of thla Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies poiitio or corporate. • HEBEGTOBS. : Bai)Miel;B a r ßichard Cadbury, Hacker, Henry Haines, - ; &S n^Srllir^ rria » T. Wlstar Brown, Wood, __ Wm. C* Longstreth, •: Charles P. Coffin. SAMUEL K. SHIPLEY, HOWLAND PARKY, J '*■' towhb®^ Mfdical Examiner. • XegatAAvtopr^ Tlf UIUAL PIKE INSURANCE fiQMPAiry op ixl- . , PHILADELPHIA. 1 WJF OFFICE, NO. 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, • ;• _ - • $126,5123 39 MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. Caleb Clothier, - Benjamin Malone, ■ Thomas Mather; : T. EUwood Chapman, Simeon Matlack, Aaron W;.655k111, ■ CALEB'CEO’ ■ . ■ benjamin THOMAS M ATHER, T T. ELLWOOD OHAPiL issoaAjsoE oompajsts os V PHiTjAI>f^TiPHXA.— OFynjK. No, 24 NOBTff STFTH 6TBKET, ITEAB WABgfcT ' Incorporated by the Legislators of Pennsylvania. CHABTEB PEBHETUAt. CAPITAL ATOTyjoggiS' PSOjdGO, ■ Malte Insurance against .Loss of Saznaars fay Fire orPublic orPriyale Building!), FurnltareTssoctaL woods and Merchandise, on favorable terms, Frederick Doll, Jacob Scfcandßr, John FjEelsterllag, Runnel Miller, Henry Troomner, EdwarA P. Moya, William McDaniel. AdamJ;GlaezT a inner, Israel Peteraon, PredencfcStsaie, Frederict Ladner Jonas Bowman, . SEOBSE johim p. bblst: PHILIP E. COLIC?.!A N. Office. No. sn WAX.NOT street. abase Thirrt. p»n« i Will insure asalost loss or B&mase by iftre, on Es&iU less, ellher perpefciallr or ter a limited time, Horaah<'lfl Enmltnre aea fieschandlsa generally. Also—Marl ao Insurance co Vessels, Oxrfces ««j Freight, Inland Inmrance to ail parts of the Eisssroaa^ Wo. Biter.. J David Pearson, D. Bother; j Peter siever, lewis Andenriea, | j, Bum, J, E. Blakision, ! Wa F. Doan, Jo*. Kanti eld, i John Uetchem, WMi .E3HJSS, Bresi-ieni. —- -■ WH. E. DEAN, VTo-PnaffiasSj WM. K. gHTTH. Berrretarr \2& IK THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of •WILLIAM STEVENSON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to anrtit, settle and adjust the arcotmt of SAMUEL surviving executor of the Estate ef taid decedent, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes o # hia appointment, on MONDAY, the iTth day of Decem ber, 16£6, at 4 o’clock P. M., at bis office No. 529 VINE street, in the City of Philadelphia. 3£DW. 8. CAMPBELL, AUditjr. <?e4 tu.lh.s-ot* IN THE OB PHANS' COURT FOB THE CITE ANDCOUNTY OF PHLLiDELPHIA—E;ta;e of WILLIAM W.KNIGHT, Deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Pailadel pnla County, (tn lieu of JOHN B CHAPRON, Esq„> •to audit settle and adjust the account of HARRIET KNIGHT, Administratrix or aala decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment ond meet the parties Interested, at his Office No sa ARCH street, Philadelphia; on MONDAY, December 17, 16S0. at J o’clock, P. M. del st» HENRY C. TOWNSEND. rj THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of ELIZABETH MOBRKUL. deceased; The Audi tor appointed by the Court to andit set le and adjust the account of FREDERICK EL MORRELL and CATHARINE C. MOrKELL deceased and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for thei purpose of hia appointment, on MOSPsT, December seventeenth, ltsa at 4 o’clock, P.H., at his office. 614 CHESTNUT Street, In the City of Phila delphia, dsa> .uAta.l: '< EST ATEIOF JOHN|A. DOUGHEBTY7SK., decM.— Tetters Testamentary apcn the above .Estate Have been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons having claims against the Estate cf said decedent will make known the same without delay, and all parties In debted to said Estat* are r- quested to make payment to W. H. DOUG tiKRT Y. N E. comer FI STfiENTH and GIBABD avenue CHaBLES a. DOUGHER IT. >o. $79 North SIXTH, street; THOMAS H. GILL* No. MOJNorth SECOND street. Executors, or their At torney, JOHN E. XIATTA. No. 12S South Bixm street no2Mkct* LETTERS OF ADMJ NlsT rial lON having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of JAM ha* A. BURE, deceased, nil persons indebted to the tame will make payment, and thosehaviog claims presex.t ibem to ALFRED FIiTaER, No. 51 Portia SIXTH street. - nol-th,6t* fi=| WANTED.—To rent with the privilege of buy* Kg? ing, a|neat modern DWEL LJNCi, west of AKCff street, by a family without children. Address box 241S> Dost Office. noso-6t* ANTED.—Wanted an OFFIoE AND STORAGE Tv BOOM on either first or second floor, on Dels* ware avenue, between Arch aod Vine streets. Ad drgsaßox No, 127, Philadelphla-Post Office. ocigtf WANTEDTO WINTfiR— fHREEorFOUE HORSES. Good accommodation and attend ance. Apply to JOS. DAVISO .v, near Newton Station, west Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, or* at No. 28. Merrick street, west Penn square. noM-tft' EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams 1 express company,—on and mes __ TUESDAY, May 1, the FREIGHT DEPART MENT of thin Company will be REMOVED to tho Oompany’a New Building, SGntheast-comer of ELS. v'-Biv-iHanfIUARE tyrstreca. Entrance on Eleventh street and on Market street, _ _mr All. HONEYand COLLECTION BUSINESS wilt be. transacted a* heretoSaro at 820 CHESTNUT street. small Parcels and Packages will be received at either office. Call Books will be kept at each office, and any calls entered therein previous to 6 P. M. will receive attention same day, If within a reasonable distance o$ OUT office. 1 Inquiries thr goods and settlements to made at £2O CHESTNUT street.- ■ ■ T—JOHN BINGHAM. Bgpli CAJBPETJWGa.< J: STEWART DEPUYv at No. 253 South SECOND . street, above SPRUCE, Keeps constantly on hand A LABGB ASSORTMENT or CARPETS. Oil CLOTHS, MATTINGS, DRUG GE 1- 8, - . .. , WINDOW SHADES, Ac.i&cti to whlcffi we would Invite the attention of all who wish to purchase. i :> 'I'HEHANDSOME RESIDENCE S. E, CORNER A of SPBCCK and PI -iIITH streets, has been opened to receive BO sBDBBS. -single rooms and suites. Private table.lf aeelred. : noia-im* f COVERED WITH JOHNS’ ENGLISH ROOFING OIOTH, AND' coated with LIGUp GUTTA PERCHA PAINT,, making them perfectly water oroof LEAKY GRAVEL ROOFS repaired, with Gotta P?rcna Paint, and warranted for five years. - LflaßY SLATE ROOFS coated , with liquid, which, becomes as hard as slate/ V^. TIN, COPPER* ZtMV.or InOH coated with Ural® Gntta Percha atamaU;.exiwnsB; oost xangina from one to two cents per B(?oare foot Old Boardor Sblnsla Booth ten cents per spaareYbot, all complete. " - fStel ING COMPANY. GEOvHOBARfi^^ oc2o-6m. ■ • -230 North fourth street. PLOWMAN* gM/EWTERANDBUILte. »S 2 OART.KR ~BTESB r a - - » --4 SI W'Mof' WTawnr' , Mmbaa Work ana -x t - ftig SIMON OABTLAJ?fI TJNDEET4JJHB, EOJ&mf SOrTK THniTKBaSTH.BTitEBrr. ' " CHABTEB. PEB^ETXTAIu DIBECTOBS F 08.1,866. William P. Seeder. Joseph Chapman, Charles Evans, Edward M. Needles, Wilson Jenkins, Lnkens Webster, President. AXG.2JE, Vice President, easnrer. ■ -N Secretary. : BRETT, President. .EKLISG, ViccPresld««t. . Secretary. GEORGE H. EABLE. Anditor. SAMs. BOAftWltb.
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