„ ThK Gettystarg Battle-field.’ Gettysbubg, Deo, 4.—General Meade has addressed aß|iHtereeUDg letter,"fo . the com- r pxny ImviDg charge of the watering' place, : of establishment :on the' prie' tivti' 1 5 f »» (^ t u ysbur S- of, which the McPherson is President. The 10 “$WWS«o,extrttbt8Trcmit:' necessary for me to t : assure, j-on of the deep interest I take in,every pro jectyv-hich looks to preserving i the naemo .tfUSffie&fc-. battle, which daily grows toimpomnce from the momentous results* wmcb, it is now: seen, flowed directly from it, The plan of building a hotel’Where hot only viators to the battle-field canvbe pro perly cared for, but alsoTiavin| fhend van tage of themedicalspringftotnwhichthoae wounded in battle . may receive, back the health and strength they lost in their coun trysservice.seems tometobeaneminently proper one, and receives therefor my most cordial approbation. “The consideration that this hotel and groiioas will be monumental, and so con structed as to preserve the memories and in cidentsoft be battle, adds greatly to the in terest I take in the Success of'your plan, and I shall be very'glad to do anything in my. power, to advance your views and re commend your project to the loyal and patriotic.” -Appointments In the Sew: Regiments— Jrhe Military Peace Establishment. General Orders, No. 92, War Department, -A.. G. 0., November 23, 1866 (just issued), the designation and organiza of regiments by which the military peaoe establishment is increased and fixed bv the act of July 28,1866. The provisions of the order are in accordance with the condition of the army on, and are of effect from, the 21st day of December, 1866. , The two additional regiments of cavalry composed of white men, will be the 7th and the field officers of which are as follows: - ♦c.«t« C t Il r®i CaV i Sl^7"'Colonel ' Andrew k/- Smlth;l*ien tenant Colonel, George A. Cos tar; Major, Alfred Glhbq ( U, e e e MC ) iri Btatlon 0f 'Militaryjfwuion of Eightn Cavalry—Colonel, John I.Gregg; Lieutenant wm I n 1 ’^l5 10I ? a ' a ■ De y lll: Ma J° ra WffifhimWe “a JbfpSifil “ (SM E 0le) - station; .Military Divtaiono/ „The two additional regiments of cavalry, oomoosed •of colored men, will be the Nlnth and Tenth P ineiite, the field officers of which are as follows*' y —Colonel. Edward Hatch;lTeut“nant -1 Wesley Merritt; Majors A. J, Alexander ISlf. G6orge A ' FolBytb - StBtlon ' De! thellimo'ar/ fcee Djte) ' Slatlon ’ bivlaion of .’to-.ten oldxemments of infantry will retain their designation. The first battalions of the three battalion i3u ?' iitb > The following »re the field officers: - Eleventh Infantry-Colonel, Wm; S Eetchnm- HaBt^ lßnt ' Colonel ' ®° bert s * Granger; Major, Dantei Twelfth Infantry-Colonel, Christopher C. Anenr* E!MS t r£‘ one1 ’ Geo ‘ W.Wallace^hgjor.H^ _ Thirteenth Infantry-Colonel, Isaac V.D Beeve -CmSw?” Qeorg ® 4POWWS Major, Wml Fourteenth Infantry-Colonel, Chas, 8. Lovell* iten tenanbColonei, Henry D. Wailenrmjor. Le’wi c. Fifteenth Infantry—Colonel, O* L, Shepard- ijent«n- : ! ant-Colonel, Jnllos Hayden; Major w-m.V' w..—? Sixteenth Infantry—GolonelTcCßlblßW T -ant-colonel, G. B. Giddings- Major,T.G Pitched aipointedColonel 44thBegimentV.BC) C&Br( “ nce Seventeenth,Cnfkntry—oolonel. 8. p. Helhtzelman- Lieutenant-Colonel, A. Donbleday; MalorP Piyraptrm(sincedecased). - N°s--P* w. L., battalions of the same regiments will, unde* organization, become xeapectively the aith 2lat, 22d.23d i 24tM,>2J;1», 26tb, 27th and 28th reirimenta n$ infaHtyy , the field officers of which are as follows • Twentieth Infanirj—Oolonel,-Frederick Steele: ifon l* S/WatWns; T wenty&rst Trifentry—Colonel, George Stoneman • Lieutenant-Colonel (see note); MajorTo Wondr iff ’ Twenty-aecond lnfantry—Colonel, Diasmlfiev ftee not ®l*‘ Major, Hiram Dser. ‘ i Twenty-thirdJnfantry—CJolonel, J. C Davi* * n* n tentobColonel, G. Cootl MaJor. L. H. Wrahall’ ¥ eu ' lnfamry—Colonel. A. CJQlii*in* j A.Anies; Major, N. a. M.Dad- i Twenty-fifth Infantry—Colonel, Gordon Grsnver- Lleutenant-Colonel, E. Upson: Major. P.T SwavnS Twenty-sixth- Hffintry* CotaneßiJ. J. Beyiroldl; Lieutenant-ColODei, (see note,) Major, I. O Bootes Twenty-seventh Imantry-Colonel J.e?Smith lieutenant Colonel, (see note,) a B. Woods latnS appointed lieutenant-colonel Thiity-third lnfentrv? 06 Twenty elghth Infantry-Colonel, c. Bt Smith ahb%T ant Uolonel ' Bomeyn B. Ayres; M^ir/a.c* The 3d battalions of the same regiment will under the new organization, become the 29 th, soth, 31st teo " 33d, 34th, 35th, 86th and - 37th regiments, the field* ofil! -nerajof which ate as follows: ela om Twenty-ninth -Infantry—Colonel O. B.' 'Wilrov lieutenant Colonel (see note);Majer Lyman Bfaseii’ Thirtieth Infantry—Colonel J. ID, Stevenson lltu -tenant Colonel. Jfi, Potter, Major, B. iffi 1 *" i Thirty first Infentry-Ctolonel. Begis <ie Trobriand tlolpnel, B. N. Bowerman; Major IN. q! Ti irtyeecond Infiantry—Colonel, T. L. Crittenden 9®‘T n ten Major, Garden Chapin*. Tblftr-thnd Infantry Colonel, Thomas H. Ba wiikiM at€Dant ' Colo> e ', 0l *• Wools; Major j. d. Thirty-iourth Inihotry-Colonel (seenote), llenten- W. P. Carlin. Thirty-fifth Gbas. Griffin- lien. terantColonel, J. H WUson; Major J.S Mmo’o Tiuny slxtij Infantry—Colonel. John Gihhnn * r ion tens-nt-Colonel (sea note); Major, W. H. lewis? ’ 11611 T hirty-seventh Infantry—Colonel, George W. Gettv- Blent nant-Colonel, J, B. Brooke; Major, JT. H. Potter I • (since appointed lieutenant-colonel 30ih infantry) The lour regiments of Infantry to be comSbsednf color* ll te the 3sth, 39 th, loth and regh S^aMK:'™ 6 fi6li ofth^refl. Thirty-eighth Infantry-Colonel, W. B. Hazen °nel * Cnvler . Grover l Major, hS^C*. Thirty ninth Irifiantry—Col. J.A.Mower; lieutenant. -Colonel, F. Wheaton; Major (see note) - I Fortieth Infantry—Colonel, N. A. Mlles-Lientenant. I •Colo^^WzHinks: Major, C. E. Ctomp bn. . Forty-firat Infantry—Colonel (see note): lieutenant- I Colonel (see no e); Msjor, G. W. Schofield. ' “ I The four regiments of infantry to be officered bv wounded offlcers'and soldiers Of volonteersand of the army will be the Ferty second. Forty-third I Forty fourth and Sorty-fifih-Beglments of InfanSV Forty-third Infantry (V. B. C.)-Celonel, J.C. Bohln- I 3on: lieutenant Colonel, J. B. Klddo; Major; M. 3D. natOlDg. . • I latently (V: B. Thomas 1' Trotte? I,leutenalll - CoioD<;1 ' A. S. Webb; Major?!? I Forty-fifth In&ntry -(V/ Bi- Oj-Colohel* Wager I UVo?' B.F 1 Sb WlO " 1 * 060186 A * ,po^««»^r^ fttecoioß^H J t l?Dnv?i- J i'-> Ql ® on A 9 vi J ' Grlffln ; lo -G- Grange?' U, I !nris 12* Wi £> Hazen: 13. J,X Grafc 14 a n -1 HirV-u.’- Vjf* 4 ? owe G 16 , T. J. Crlttenffifn? 17,'ja*E I B!Clu(8t 38. JiiTiliGjDOlilß: 15, B< Hi Grierson* 9/1 w I Swayne; 21, N. A. MPes; 22,0. B. WficoiValj n‘aZ: - venson; 24, J. E. Smith; 25hT\ H.Boger M* p B r£ I Trobriand, 27. E Hatch; 28, C. H. SmSm* Pl E< De „Promotions Inthe-Nlnth and Tenth : Begiments nf I CavalrywiU be made asin other relimenufftoe ca?- f Ttofom regiments of Veteran Beserye Corns Infen I try wjll be rcgarded asa distinct arm.mdnrombStaS ! -therein regulated accordingly. promotions I ( Officers not receiving ordera with their letters nfVm. I I pointments will, with their acceptance, report bv letter I Adjutant General for lnstroctione? 5 7 J i LAofa.—ln the order ate recorded the appointment, J •of those neld officers mhj who have notified the I -Adjntant-General’spfflceol their acceptance.! 60 “ 6 J Arrival and Steamers empa rsoic. «o* u n ' o®>is- JJondon...New York Kangaroo -..JUverpooL..New York „"..Nov 17 AragtS?™.. .u..„....JEtavre..J!few Yort.„.rr..Nov 21 America.... York... jsrov.' 21 "Cityofßaltiniore.lilverx)OOl...New York. Nov 21 -G&gow-New York. Nov* 21 -fj- Ojvid -Liverpool—Portland.™ JSTov. 22 *“°P e -- --•■••—...-Havre-New York... „.Nov. 22 , 2;r Sou t l i ain P toll - :New York—. Nov. 27 -Liverpool-New York.... ..Nov. 28 MnSvfen -Liverpool-New Y0rk.™.......N0v. 28 Moravian.- .-LlveiTwoL.Fonlandr.—......JSov. 29 _ ■ • _ TODHPAHT. Tonawanda....PhiladelphS?.eavannah. _ Dee. 8 Stars and Btripes-PhUad'iljHavma^ 1 * ““"ffin Xgg-Llverpooi-JDe& 15 H ChannSy—.—New York—Asffinwffil.r "“"**"iDeS 18 I Kangaroo... .New YorkjSavSnSil “■"““SSS' fi Sootta.—... JSew YorfcTuvSSSl *"" '"-*nS* w Wm Penn——-New York-London? 1 o2?ii ■ Guiding star....« New York...m?SSX;-;-" t “g“- i Arago— —.......New York...Havre..—^? aS* i JAMIB TRADE—— o °w»- : BeportelS?to^S3’^ l £?E^mli i r Bulletin. ENG.—Bark Balta»ara, Wilsou— 4a ch Ejajona.gaa . coal .O GummV; 90 e&akßalk&li 40-do blcbgpowoers£ Morris Wain & C 6; 80 casis'' bicbe powders 56 do hydro sulphate BodaS&'W Welsh.; 2ou Kegs bi c*rb sooa 20 pfega-nadBß Powers & 'Weightuian: 5 magneßia W M witebb: 238 ck'S soda asb order; 500 kees bi carb soda Gready & Keefe. > M A LA GA—Brig.Xiafie 5A , Kate, 13,900 boxes bunch and layer raisins 34t0 h&lf boxes do SiOO Quarter do lfiCO frails do ICO frabs Ivica almonds 200 bxs Jordon do4oo bxslemons Isaac;Jeanes&.Poeslo nigs leads Morris wain & Co. ! POBT 02 RKILADZLPBIA-llecembeb 1. St7N Bises, 71011-un Skts, 481 | Hioh Watkb, 1 ll 'iKRfVEtIIJ VSSTEBDAT i Steamer Ann Elizaißlchards, 21 hourafrom’N'York. with W-P Clyde & Co. •* ... Ba»lTißaltabara, P WliBoDi 65days from Newcastle, s with coal and chemicals to E A loader & Vo. - : • , Brig Lizzie & Kate, Fali. 70 days from anAinW w H w frnit io le&ac Jeanes A Co. - • j - . 11,11 , * octoVc » lth BST' fr °“ Bammare ' with 11 barges ;’ ' . CLEARED YESTERDAY S & a Si er A C stirnere * Knox, Mow Ydrk, Wm P Clyde Steamer PPrainklin: Pierson,'Baiuinore.A Groves. Jr B Horn. tOE <Br^'Coffin ' Gibraltar for orders, C C Van S <feCX)?' hn S,roup ’ N ®well,Savannah, Blakltton.Graeff UK r 'Gloucester; " - - -- do IchJ Shi'PPard. Boston, JB Street. |55l bmlth, Grace. Boßton,-N V and Sch Coal Co. &'Co. n ! eal£ott * Rlchnlond, Va. ; Bathban,, lt?o V S I!^ n jF ow , <!U * Boston: Wanneinaoherico Mujford, Salem, E B Molford. A-’sSnd^S New York via WUmlngtop, Carr ‘ wltb 16 barges tor Baltlmoli^W p _ MEMOBaNDA r |£ p rS' h °“ I ?,f" E ' lrto °* bonce at Mobile Sd Inst. Ith laa ’ Crocker,from Calcatta 3d Ang,atßoston Sd S ln«.§J?New B Y^ aCob3 ' ClearBd at *** Francisco f.®yP N<»dly; cleared at Baltlmore'yesterday dents. 11 Eranclsc0 > with a supply of water for the Oar- ,=? h iP B i Thomaa Harward. Strickland. andPocahon ■“Celanc, were up at. M Orleans 28th nit, for Llver- Alexandria, Shields, hence at Blehmond iDstan? 61 Eant€r * Bogers, hence at Providence 4th J l^SSjS hlm ?"' deut4^Tort YtrtTe”er A I e S P? 0 ° r ffv r e , )p^ 1 Micten - oleare4at New ,„ a ‘ eßE ) er Mariposa, Quick, cleared at New York yes terday for New Orleans. " 23d a ult Shawmut ' f- 014 ! bence, remained at Aspinwall Bark Tamaya (Br), Wait, from Tome, 14th Sept, at New York yesterday, with copper ore and wood. Bark Nettle MVrryman. Bollina, cleared at N York yesterday for Callao- Brig Nameang, Leask, firom Jacksonville for ton tevldeo. was seen 29th ult. lat 29 45. lon 71 59. w Brig Wenonah. York, hence at Portland Ist Inst." Brigs Annandaie, Banker, and Abby Ellen, Gilmore, hence at Boston 4ih Inst. ' . Scbr Bacbel Vanaman, Vanaman. 22 days from Mo bile, at New York yesterday. Had heavy weather lust and spin sails, and is leaking badly. ' ealner ‘ Schr Trade Wind. Corson, hence at New York yes terday, with coal, While going np the lower bay la the morning was ion into by theschrE Edwards car rying away jlbboom. foretonmast, fore gaff and bnl- Edwards lost jlbboom, bulwarks, head- Schr Quickstep. Bichardson, hence for Gloucester. Eolelstlna s- an(l sailed again on the sd. ?hilrm,?? r T e P wm snnkby colUsion.off theHandkeS Shoal Lightship, with steamer Concordia, from SbSS’i Captain and crew saved and taken to New York by the steamer. The Q registered 135 tons,, new measurement, rated A 2-, was entlt at ani babed Dom'Boston. foram^en 0 Nj a ’ HOmer ' cleaie<,,lt Bangor Ist Inst from Taunton for this port, emied from Newport 4£b lust. Fniler, from Boston" for this port, at New Torn yesterday. „ ? Edwards, Biackmau, hence for Dorchester. a?Nei C Yo°i?S?^/ rom eWpot ‘ or UU3 P° rt -«. „ ? eDj P Beeves, before reported sunk, has been pumped out, andllee at the wharf, Holmes’HoS SPECIAL SOTICEB). ~ FIFTEENTH AND WALLACE BTBEKTA Branch of Natatorldm and Physical Instltuta The Central Skating Park wiu be open ibr . public Inspection on WEDNESDAY,. - THDBSDAY. FBIDAY AND „ ‘ " SATUBDAY, ofthepreeent week, ncdtle patrons of the park and the nubile are respectlully InvUed. . v ““ On Wednesday the ■ , ■ open! ng concerts. On Thursday *ihe*piS™wSl be lighted with the new Improved gaslight reflectors andbe open for evening visitors. d&3st^‘. • ''=s*. THE WOMEN’S FREEDMEtTS RELIEF *«SY ASSOCIATION have reorganized for their wln whL.w-m'.S?.? ft* en 10011111 »t 711 SANSOM street, excepteA* 66 daUy open 110,1110 UU 2 o’clock, Sunday wSSS 1 ?*! 0 ,? ?“®tly solicit contributions In “o?k of^lSSaon“ iOnS , ta money “ “**»■ “.ttSf the'toedmen' 01 tte “huahslon work especially for _Mib. AUBREY H. SMITH, President. FBAZBB, Mrs. VU, SriONfl ** rs * J 0& P-aBBISH, Jr , Vice Presidents. no3o €t ' ITS- OFFICE OF THE FBANKFORD AND PASSENGER RAILWAY Company, No. 2453 FRANKFoKD Road, Pam. delphia, December 4,1866. All persons who are subscribers to or holders of the of this Company, and wco haYe not yet paid the second Installment of FIVE DOLLARS tier SSSiS? m?* a l e bezeb Z notified that the said second installment-hag been called In, and that they are re vvmNteYSSsJ?B^! 07 " offica on or hetoM w iUjKiOBDA y , the 2d day of Janaary next, 1867. By Beaolntlon of the Board of Directors. d€o-Hts _ JACOB BINDKB, President W-" ~ OFFICE OF THE ptttt.a DELPHLA~AN n MAIL STEAMSHIP COM patcv > a 314 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE. ’ n^l?^ c Sf S S? leb . ,glve s {•“thy ■ resolution of the Board of Directors of the above-named Oomoanv adopted AueustM-h, 1866, the FOURTH and a potent ot the Capital Stock of eald Company, being fHIETY PEB CENTUM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOL Enable at thbfoffice. *» «« WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, Treasurer. OFFICE ,OF “THE KELIANCE INSUB ITOMPAKY OF PHILADELPHIA,” icth; a igfi6 VAiI ' UT alreet - PE n.iimr,mT>, November The•AnnimlMeetlng of the Stockholders or , ‘THls' INBCBSUCB tOMPAFY OF Pffrr.i. DELPHIA’ and the Annual Election ot tlilrteenfis) THOMaSC Se H^ r . V - CWbhIOE OF THE. PHILADELPHIA AND MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY 3U SOUTH DELAWaHE AVENUE. phia, November Bth, 1886. • .natum. : STOOKHOLDEBS* NOTHJE'.-Snbscrlbera to the of the Philadelphia and Sonthem Mall Steamtblp Company are hereby notified that certifl cates for.the same are how ready, and will be Issned from this office in exchaßee for the Installment re WILLIAM J. MALOOLM, no9-lmj Secretary and Treasurer* irs- THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK. 4.1868. - . : 'Tfc The Annual Election ibr Directors of this Bank will • at y*? Banking House on TUESDAY, ei *ri“ , d ? y of January, 1867, between 11 o'clock jL M. and 2 o’clock P, M. B B. COMEGYS. .Cashier PIVIPEBfP NOTICES. ~ ipg», PRNNBYi.yania baHjEoad company TBEAMJBER’S DEPARTMENT. November l, 1868. NOTICE TO STOCKHOT.TTORH, , Tbe Board of Directors have this day declared a S’ ooll PER CENT, on the Oipital Stock of the Company, clear of National and Smte taxes, payable on andafter November 80, 1866. Blank Powers of Attorney lor collecting dividends argfobe had at the office of theCtompSl, Xol m i mittii street. PQ2 30t ’ THOMAS T. FIBTH. Treasurer. . OFFICE OF THE XlCßinir mAT. xigf> *ov.aw«f GATION OOMPAISY ’ Philadelphia, The Board of Managers have this day declared a “ twcTdollaks ML?i^, HAI,F PE^.. Sila ? E ’ on the Capital Btocfe or this Company, payable on demand.dear of Nations 1 aed State taxes. \ SOLOMONBffEPHKRD, TreaaofPTl __, HOOP SKIRTS. 628. liATEST*STYxSfjDBT OtJT. 628. • s yards round* 1 w& s !&^offK 7 Sl» o “ls^ te «3« ft e «P°lfgS e fe^’S ia 4 enoeiOf every leDgth,aU of "our own make ” whoteS “d retail and warranted to give sutJafacHon 01a8 “ e RkSSf 0H low-priced ?New 'lorkinade Skirts. Plain and Trail, ao springs' flo cents: 2S snrlnn wirings, *l lO, and 4oeprlngv»l 26. wrings, Eklrta made to order, altered and repaired. Call er fiend for Circular ofstyles, sizes and Drlcoa. .- Manuactoryand BaWooms' ' ' K °. 828 Arch Street.' ' —: WM. T. HOPBTua M CAXIUS. siSft«nS^sto? *«>|* ' ; , fHE PAILV EVENING TiII.—PHILADELPHIA .THURSDAY. Smrasr. 6 1866 , ; JfiNTAi HBWB HJKJHAHa? TICKET OFFICE 630 CHESTNUT j REMEMBER THE LITTLE OEEB, The Destitute and Orphan Children ■ or ocb i COUNTRY’S DEFENDERS. ■Grand Charitable Fair and Prese»ta . Hon Festival • 'ln Aid of the Home and School for'the i Aaiut«pance audiklbcatlou of the Destitute Children of oar Sol* i (Iters and Sailors. An Appeal to the?‘American. People. ® nd Managers of “The Home and fw??\ £EA5 e Education and Maintenance of the 1 '-PifrVKJSHiHv* 611 ofx> nr Soldiers and Sailors, ear- sympathy ahd co-operation In oar ASP 9^^ 15 JfEESENT ATION FESTIVAL. b£w,i™?° vM r * e wiu ? ua to see “The Home and School enabled to receive and care for all needv ones who seek Us shelter and protection. oeoy =“]■£• Q p SEa 8. GRANT, President. M 1 P- BALY. Acting President. Mrs. Maj Gen. J, c. FREMONT. Ist Vice President Mrs. BOBEBTFORSTEa. 2d Vice President, hlrs* JOHNB.VOOBHIES, Treasurer Mrai DAVID HOYT, Secretary. . Mrs. .WE B.* H ILYiV rr Cor. SscretAnv Mre.HEBVEY GiIAWT Meiale? JyJ..VAN DALSEM. Manager. ■ 1 : FAIB will open‘on l the loth or 'December and continue two weeks, at the PUBLIC HALL corner of b §°£D WAY and T W ENTY-THIBD StlixtJfLY. ° To be concluded by the , ■ k ' GBAND PBESEHXATXOHFESTIVAL, TOBB HKUI.iT. , COn?®S.IHSTI (UTK, MEW YOKE, EVENING, December 221. TmwA« I Tr.i“'® al \,, d ir epaon . of theoiSobe atuUencetoaward 1 “ $lOO,OOO IN PRESENTS, Ie such lawful manner as they may determine. Bor the Festival tr ere will be lasned - x or 2WM»O TICBETS AT ONE BOLLAB EACH • . - • . ADJD 200.0C0 PBESESTS B2HNGONE TO SIGE TICKET ■ HtlLDfcn. ; LIST OF PBEBENTS TO BE AWABDED. G*eenbacks_;_„ lio.oco 1 Splendid Country Beale ence In Weatches ter county, near «ew York City- 12.000 l CornerHons.BndTot, Jamaica, Avenue 1 House and j^V’hdioining above .“"i.”™'" 1™ 1,.“ ■■ ■■•** In Jiroi klyn, H. Y. 3coo 1 Carrlagr.Horiea andHarne&s {Complete) 2500 1 Gruia Plano (Slelnwaj’s).. ... j'k™ ? lota to Harlem. City <rfM.Y.,ii,6oo each. 4.500 1 Betof Diamoada (Bing EarfilLgs.^d 1 Ellis a Patent Hot Water-Appara*us ” 1 011 Painting of eeoeratu.R. Grant So GeEtaflneOold Lever Watches, @ $m 3.000 1 Elegant Ist Premium Sewing 1,870 i 2oßilver 1500 100 Celebrated •■Empire" Sewing Machines ' nowonerhlblUonatthelr Warerooma, yip RfQAflWfly. tTi-i,inui»ti,. ll m l ni •_._ te nvt lOGO Copies (2 Vole, each) belcg acompleteii lastrated History of the War P 250 GO rd?fi£ eca ' peDcUs ’ “d Bleeve’Buttons* 600 T *d* le «“ a Tea SpJons'andNapwH'BtoS; lfi °° •1000 CallßeiiaaifdpiateaFiulsKaivea.’lßT'* ann? The balance to consist or the following articles! rta: instruments, Parlor and oaS Furniture, Writing Cases.Ladira Work Boxes, P^on'graphAlbnms,Breast Pins' t8 b 55?$®' G £s ts Fob Oalna.Ladles Gold Watch Chains, Opera Glasses, Black Walnnt - fashionable Silk Hats, Ladles Lewest style Dress Hats. Ammlnn Emblem Cards for Parlor Amnst mem.krgraylnga and Card Photographs of T?MiS En £, I l'7 1 Ladles and Gents BldlDg Whlp*. Bnffalo Bobea, Ladies Mink ‘•'ollara and Gloves. Moil? Boxes, &c., 4c., amonntlngot..™__.„; 24,000 . U nin%u ,hB * { * r * e * te a>3.000 Pf(Benta._ <£? e i? f l°£ to ea.ln a registered letter at oSrrUkvlth n Si, «i art v? o l£® e- Iju * er emounts should be sent in drafts or by Express. at the fallowing • CLUB BATfiB: . 5 Tickets to one addre55;...;.....,....... u v\ 20 •• » - r~ 1 » .to “ ■• ■• -!Z 2? 40 •* ** *i ——-as 45 On .. .. • AS 00 ioo —y. •••« » Address ail orders and mmmimiMti». to ~^s 2tta s*S*°S Directors • or to I«. H. DAVIS, Agent tor the Home and School. w taV ~ , SMCIA^S^-^ Bro.fSSfNewvSfk. M * CWnB Compans '' ot a °- 616 Address all orders and communications to N.H^^AleTtfo^e^o^^sSo^l, 10 d ®t to WM. T. WIUSOH, 630 Chestnut street. Phlla aeipnia. ■ . no3ol3t* OAD E M Y Q~F h'"u S I.c. .... ; FRENCH OPEBA. F 7A l irv? aVKNlNO.Decemoer7th, ISM, ZAMPA; OK. THE MARBLE BRIDE, unio To%f?ii n threo * cts - Music by HeioM. Mr ®» CA MILLE Mr. ARM AND. _.as .ZAMPA SATURDAY. December 8 th, .. r , grand matinee. aUpSwfee°h™S 01jl,AE (WiU * " w * a «**> ‘0 MU Mr. ANTHKLM. - MARIE f^ e o 8 , al ? 0 ?f lc 5 e “ ? lu commeneeon"Wednesday &?■ “■* o elock, at the Academy and at Trump tert »Siomi ore ' Bool “ ot 1116 Operas for .sale at the academy. ■ de3-8» , MEW CHESTNUT BTBKET THEATRIC, Doors open C a?v ESTSlrr ” tr “ t -& T S^ Y | ; ABd ih® GREAT SUCCESS OP THE PEABON the LONG STRIKE: OR, THE WORKMEN OP MANCHESTER / Pndnctd with MEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY ’, GBEAT telegraph SCENE.- rtSlVed by Hm ne ‘ newa from »“ P" 18 erthe world, mib e ,ffiS^ HTOE ' lo conclude with THE LOST CHILD. Friday Evening-Benefit of Mr J.E. MoDONOUGH ■ t-ATURDAY AFTERNOON December s U '“' SECOND ABRAH.NAJ>OGUfe MATrNR'ir SECOND ABBAH NA-POQuI; MATmf £ NEW ABGH BTREKI an ENTIRE NEW P^^Aj£^°’ oloofc Last week of the great Artists. **>***?> PAUL, . MR. AND MBS. HOWARD PAUL ’ 1“ Two New Pieces, Toconcla^^^S^fh hEVen,nS _ ... A GRAND DRAMA, I^AY-BENEFrfcSSRVpAUIo MONDAY NBXT-F. RnwaNTOfri^ STREET THEATRE, N. K. comer and WALHOTSta. Commence at 7itf, Fifth nfcht of the popnlar Comedian n arttr- «. MB - a OLABKE qHS “ —.......DR. PANGL9BS 38? w * Coleman e flveapa. mf ■DR. PAN(?1058,«.. m ,..,.. m ,.. i ’„„ 1 ,m> r a pT.A-Drir To concluae wlthjhe lanahable'cSedietta Tl^2?J^ii'.^r E -SrXI M^T? LABEK CLARKE m THREE PLAyS "O I 'S.TOJRX* —A.O A B BS£ Y OP WTraT nZ» DEBDT_OF MAtt ADELArDB fiISTOBI, - ME rvRA N MOJSDA £ EVENING. Dec. 10. WMK.BISTOBI as ln ■' W TnßSf*T?aiS r J l m?SJS , ' irew X«W** - TUESDAY, Second, WEDNESDAY; Third Nlzht E ar '>, n< * Circle and Sal- ODyjji, AOnjlasiOU, ll 60« Ffttulv CirClfl 7fi Mats J 3 roms s A s M e 2?4 v’m* h tte flra^*BtC»o?tah»d demy”otMnMg 4P ‘ M -' atthe g°* <>%»<* j»» M U |YEff HON Y OONOESre. BVIS * SCHMrrz ’ 8 i S?P.?* Tt will tftbft Plftng . CHASM RnSiMT?? erß wm <le .£ the dlrecUonof Mr. ffibjJtS' URSO. the SmsOd T?ekM U «dS’mVi^P£S Br at “>e Second Concert. Qhr!rsspCT,rs SfSete^fo^^hrSiiSfrt^Si CgScerta. $3 00: Bangle SSrS 8 SV To be had at Music Atoie? , y 3 c del*X3« CUTHEB KEMP'S OLD FOLKS. f_ t WITH EMMA J 4 NIOHOIft. T2?mh above at ftf^g^ 066 W^^dl y SatOTdffiaftCTno^ VTKW AMERICAN THEATRE. ; ~ THE BLACK CROOK. xaaßiukGK oa99Kc ,■•■•,. W'?.- - Z’-'<zL"£i:'^, .^y^MsW&SSJSt^. CHOICE BHATB AMjJ&BaTEJgTO. A 8l 'S“ by thocele- UTOHCF thebenpfltof the A.-*M. E. K^rvtPsea^t, belo "' E I OHTH. Tickets; 30 CPnt,.' ' ' '-*’ '• : -- noJTif ■• pSNHBYiVAHXA: AgAMMIOf HH E AKTS, « POWDERS HORSES AND OATTLK, BotaanilCollc ; > ‘ ’ rf EF«S! Colds. ConsJba andHids Bound, f■■; - n*» wnt!?* 6 alterative foi Horseo and Cattle now lx iSJSfL* re P ofJSG years’ standing, v p^t“ B 90X9 mofli: feieaSedLßiader. should os wtthontu oF'«eai?M,Ti^nwi“Ail“Pe,aorL0 F '«eai?M , Ti^nwi“Ai l “P e,aorL article.:. fin w*irh iSSSSaiS?-.!!! 6 ®* 111 Ideetroylng anlmalonla fnn a vlDE,one w the gums. andleay :hfi fr^ 8 ® 1 ? 1106 8011 perfect cleanliness li g&LsgSSSSBiES rSnHcl^^ft.S ool^ with the assistance of tht Suffiil “dMlCToaooplgt. it teconfidenUj wS “ tot the nnceruK ? cqt 2i nted wla » tie constituent , SSSVV^ “■£&££; JAUEffTt BHOTir Apothecary, F™ by Drogdst* g&«£is, !:a^» If2SSSS2S£? gMaESfe,. g-y^ m4fco - S 00 h;c, Blalr’B Bona, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & BroT^ BKLIABLE-HODGBOgTB Bmnfhw tOT ? 6 caiß of coughs, colds, hoarse PnhVir?J?sSl tUs •P* 5 cata,rh of the head and breast henifif?S e K Sel3 ' l Binse J B • na etoatenra vnll be greaUj ARCH and FtoSi, ewreKt& SOn ' HoUoway * Cowden, and DrelSti * SE2stf DBUHirS AND PULMDSI* ~ DBw DKOPB, ftp Ooocbs. and &n DlBA&ftmnfthi and Bronchial TaoSaS? ever y faonaeholcL Public djc, poMaiaga *We«* era celebrity, f tbe moot obstinate and almost nopelew P IOBKS, INVERTED ITATT#I_ T>» 7 o r£S Si og»»»«tgg£ *»• »■»£> J»EW PPBUCATIOSti. MJSS JlcKKk VER'a HOLIDAY BOOKS- IN PLAIN AND GELT BINDINGS. OalcS?Sno! IIT ' Harriet B. HcKeever. OnevoL EDITH’S MINISTRY. Onevol.,l2mo. SUN 8H INK; OK, KATE - VINTON. 16mo, cloth. oAi ® b^- TFH3SPI.OTJNGBD BOB£, AND WHAT IT COST With Frontispiece. letnoacfothT A Wsr * tbSpmnSdSv. 6904110111050 ° ,any ,emalß^iter S LINDBAT & BLAK2STON Publishers, Booksellers and Importers. <3 Booth sixth street, above Chestant. M A §PS?r SEW BOOK.—SUNNY Pstk.’Pficf^SnSr 0:0 AnUlorof "Alone." "Hidden Tian,aatoa bTl *** BIOWW PsPBSBt*. SscosdSsrla Ifimo ' u»duBstaS \S^^S JtmaD ‘ mth “»“*<» VKI ' A J ION . OP ANTICHKIBT, Ills deetnio i. 0 a e°°n a oc mln e or Christ. and the ushering lx of the Millennium. Ry the Rev J.G Grevnrv lif A wgb an Appendix, by ita aTp: JoliflA ”* ory * “* A - For sale by james s. clanton, Snccessor to W. S. & A. Marties. ; 12 n Cheatnnt street. A PHILIDOR.-THE LIFE OJ SS“ t -££ 84 5?i? re 5 Qer ; 1 vnL, octavo, a veltam, Si top. Price HSS. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER * 00.. lB7 Sooth Fourth. DBBBS. A ““f- No CHARGE FOB PACK ,"7 77..7r° J 7 G. L- OU. new made. Invoice tost re ceived and for sale In quantities suitable to the trade root and powder, In bulk and bottles ol Mb jhloroftrm orthebest quality In carboys and deml- J°£?A JOHN a BAKES *00.7^ 11 cole .< 718 Market street. FOB THE SEASON. x> Glycerin Lotion, for hands and face. Pectoral LorenKes.(ora,re throat, hoarseness, &u Camphor Ice, lsr chapped Haaok , Wild Cherry Compound lor cold, cough, Ac. Olein, for chapped hands, 4c. Potash, for ulcerated throat. HENRY C. BLAIR’S SONS, Eighth and Walnut sta WNTir GUM ARABla—For sale by WILLIAM aireet E ““ TH * C°-> Drugglsta, No. T2A MARKED H °^^^ TK^;~ I i onll! S Bose Water, con p. alantly on hand and for sale by WH.T.'taim ELLIS dCO., Druggists, No. 724 MARKET streeh” rjfcJANOF TARTAR.—Pure Cream of Tartar and V soda, for sale by WILLIAM ELUBAtn b™ gists. No. TC4 Mimigp »tTf°t <s , urn* it’ATiAACT OF BEEP tor beef tea or Ehsenoa c ta M«wB£K HUBBEL^SS« n3S?gg?Tg sundries. - eraduataa - Morttn " FuiTaef.Oomh®,Broshes,Mirrors. TwstsszzArt (Cotal Syrtnesi, Ac., aU at “Finit Hands” prices SNOWDEN * BROTHER, apS-tlj g South girhthstrta. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO-iN-E. OOBNgI ** FOURTH AND RACE STBEEIsT Whhtami Dfdteigts, Manntonturera and Dealers in Winder Dead, andPalnts ol every denrlpUto > • _ ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO,, 1 Northeast corner Fourth and Race street. RAY RUM.-Ju»t received, an lnvolca of earns ng Fonrth and streets. BTOYra ASP KEATEBte. -Jn JOB BARTLETT * 80JS. JBs 9 Mumlhctnrezs of the M OEIiBBBATXB BARTLETT HEATERS, wwttng Bangs®, Gas Ovens. & sheet Iron Wort ' ofe W^^°sNl B ?^ar to r. and Silver’s Airtight Stoves, " always on band, at No. *24-Arch Street, Philadelphia 5n3041 ak THOMAS B. DIXON * BOND, ~ Lata Andrews A Dixon. agl N 0.1824 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, ini ,, Opposite Unlted Btates kS~ n MW-DOWNi ' PARLOR. .' ' pjmosr For Anttiraolte, EHtomUiensanj WoMifl«»i ALSO, ForWaS^pSb l3 HTOESTHBB, VEimLAT^HI S *'. cHnfiniiY^iAPß, CpOXLRGhBANGES, BATH-ROILHBS,«« a WHOLSHALE and RETAIL. HTSIOAI T ESSGNS ON THE: FLUTEI—MR. ANTONINO AJ RALLO, Flnttßt at the Arch Street Theatre. Is prepared to give Lessons on his instrument, address “'““tthe.Mualo Store.of Mr. ANDRE. U(H OHEST NUT street, ; . - , noa>-tn,th^tj A B .TAYLOR. TEACHER OF BINOmo~ANT> HW FIIKKBT street. Binging classes nowtormlng,- . ocg-ta ine;qiiiity,i A S),CKS’&4iM-. iSAatYffija. - gseg^gasagiß^ i«w 4sot?»; sto« : m*Mr*i#»-. „BtoKBtOOES.4'c- ! ‘ 0» TUESDAY* »iCO.ii„, : Atli oclock noon.at the PhUaaelpaiW Exctanee -250 shares - “S .JgWH Horn -a merican Coal,Co. - wfwS Ifeaißeakei M filing Ooj of Michigan. ?? SESiS" Wurttoglon do ido , do ao !> 20abg|^d I Sl^ : b i f^“ t ?. <:k ?- ii . For other & ccounta— •- " ' sharps |i eQ {J e,lvil le ■ MoB ' laanon Coal co , S SortprisM' 'V! lists •' S; . JfS: 22 50 do •do 18M • ifSeOf. do do •! do * do - lftfiA 4o shares BeHance loaV Co? °- 1 - I , ,V„„. Administrator - ■3 shares Philadelphia yttamahia Dock f!o ,WJ. shares Ja amradcMlniDg Co. * 1000 shares iSntplre Copper <*o. 600 shares PhUa.aDd Boston hflnlßffCo 3S sSjj£J : s or tf 1 1 * extern Coal and Iron Co. tio shares -French Creek i.ubr!caiidg 01l Co. I „ BEAL ISTATit SALE. i>EO H. • I 2r^SSsiT?SS'J?Sj l&riEstataeir Biddle Beeves, dec’d I w^^ ne^?*rat e-2 THBEE-STORY BBimr t»wtptt I ®t'2 aud 6*4 Bntionwoodst. I D WFXLTNff^s” MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK I woodatA Q ' 8 ' *' corner cf beventh and Button- I DWlT e T.fl| t <? t^ J HBEE - ST °s ; s r BRICK I aHffeT l^ o’® 0 ’® 4,lNonh Seventhst-.adjolnlng the I lwTt 'ra»BEBTORY BRICK I BmtonwoSL’ 1,1 487 Hortll Seventh, at.,- south of I THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No ms I Carpeiiierst., west of 16th. jxo. 1316 I JbODBBN THBBE-STORY BBTfnr Ti arpr t twg I Lot 56* feet’’ 1 et_ha3 aU the modern conveniences I -f-ABGB and VALUABLE LOT. N. E. corner nf I S? d Wharton sts-106 feet front on Wharton fee^M^ ggp- B e s r S«<^t^i t^iS, t a^ r6enwood Station.on the | 7?ha s^h?, Q 8 SC - Jle ‘ ,reen auttODW ”S™' o^eP^n^K?^? h ™£E.SE. corner pnlllsi” :411 tte modern nA?& DaOMI i M y J £fL BN ' JBa IDENOE, south sld ««f,on ,t * e “ t 01 SiSS S BWELLM « 3 ’ ft-nttt. r E O, D^S£i3slg^ o “ 10 “‘g? S SSW with 8 Three-story Brick Dwel l\nzs in th«lLi?*• B *' : 2.FRAME DW^JngsTnoTsm“ r£%- „ handsome modern double there Qa “ n MOD£BN THBEfrSTOivY BRICK DWKTTrwn sgftSe D fflra»- MO-KEBN THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING and SHOP ug^«^ EEBTORY BRICK mehjence.no SSrsf^™®™ ts 2 ( W EI R-SECURED GROUND BENTS. H 2 a year e of*sno, ene of |l5OO, and one o' SALE OF A VAJ UABLE THEOLOGICAL AND „- T MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY. S ON WEDNESDAY and THUR-sDAT 1 AFTER 1 NOONS. Dec. siSv* AFTER At the paction store commencing at 4 o’clock th* fSIiSiSVF 010 **^ 1 MfeceUa£&hia Se D.D., lncindln*^^^. Sale Ko 1121 Girard street Ett&AKT POSKWOOD AND WALNUP yiiuMi TUBE, CBICSERINQ MANYEL. PIXR AND win? BROCAtSIIE CIJB.TAIBB B LKBaSt wRd ON FRIDAY MORNING. DEC 7. AtlOoclock,atho. 1124Oiliard fit-,by catalogue the entire Foroltare. Including suit eltiantuSrZ wwxl Drawing Room Furniture. handsome Walnnt Chamber »nf Dining Boom Fnrnimre, CUlc«S£?e seven cctave Piano Forte, Fine French Plate Mam2f Pier and Oval Mirrors, In rich gilt frames: elegant Brocatelle Window Carcalns, Pine Mantel Ornaments, handrome CbantfeUers. largo and elerant French China Dinner Service, Richly&t QlaSlgS Bandaome Medallion Velvet and English SnSSa carpets. Hair Matrestes, <6c. firusseis Ihe entire Furniture was made to order by Moore & Campion, and Is In exc-Hent order, * nxoore May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o’clocl E*KE AND VALUABLE BOOKB. ; Oh FRIDAY AFTnR MOON. Dec. ,, at the auction store. Rare and Valuable Boots from a Library, chiefly English editions. Mss ELEGANT CHRISTMAS STOCK __ L Sale of a Choice Selection of BOUND <fc ILLPaTRATien BOOKS From theExtenslve Stock of ±JJ3 ‘ Hgsra.D. A p PLETON & CO,.NewYork ON MONDAY, TUESDAY and W>DSE3DAY ip rKRSOOINB. Decmto 10 11™ AY ** At-Jo deck. including Waverley Novels. 25v015.. with proof plates; Dickens s ( Works. with over 500 Leaizaa Complete Works, mustrftS ky Fbix; Macauley's Works; New America* JSncvclo* P« dlfc * The Hoy Bible, new ediHon. iiiustr&tSuly oore: Milton & Peraaise Lost, lliust.'ated byDorp- Qau les of Berlin, Dresden, Munich and Vienna; Choice Editions. oJ'.the Poets, and many other Superb Gift Books, with the best Standard .Literature. Sale No 92S Locust street SUPEJMOB HOUSEHOLD PDRNITC7EE. BLAN- K£Ts,EHjEIB, BRUSSEL *. CaRPEK Ac. t, ,o On WEDNESDAY MORNING.’ . Dec. 12, at io ©"clock, at No. 523 Locust street, the sn. Eerier Wair ut P-rlor aDdChareSr Mauesfies, fine Blankets, Oonrortables. ahaeS* fir™ aels and Ingrain Carpets,’ May be seen early on the morning of sale. TO RENT—Several Offices Harmony Court BY B* SCOTT, Jfi., , AUCTIONEER. - POSTPONED sale w'llfma’mS'a l , he couictfen of Jama G. Simpson, will take place at SCOTT’S ART GALLERY, _ 1020 CHESTPJU r street ON FRIDAY MORNING NEXT, December 7, at 10 o’clock, Now open tor examination. PINE MODERN OIL PAINTINGS ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, Dec, 8 at d7,t»t7« o’clock, at ceott’a Art Gailerv.lo2o Chestnut Bt-eet, about 2M> fine Modern Oil PMnunra by some ofonr moat talented American artists. 1^1 amomr the Painters represented are— S’ ?• J® 118611 ' I • Rembrandt Peale, C, A.Sommers. I s.p.Dfke. J. B.HII, I V. Damman, ■■ Otto Sommers. I G.B. Atwood S. P. Carvalho, I H. Boeee, And many others of acknowledged ability. Open lor examination on Tnetday, . is^M^affl's'2s?assssssß Our location being in the centre of the moat Cm t lonablethoroughfare of onr clty makes it a dnaWKi. rerort for connoisseurs and lovers o" art in generaL x?. B.—Sales of merchandise in general solicited. • Personal attention given toouirdoor sales. i B.BOQTT.J&. PRmCIPAX. MQ3TB* _samk&Li}&*L*+m - !a K, comer of SIXTH and SACK streets. _Moaey advanced on Merchandise renerall' Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold andSltverPlsS articles of valne, ttu any length of tlra WAWOTCES AHD JBWBLRY AT FBIVATB HAT.it Fine Gold Hunting Case, Donhlo Bottom and Oddi American and Swiss Patent Lera Wat^esnneGold HuntingGsseand.Open FacieH pine Watches Fine Geld Dopier and other Watchca line Silver Hunan* Case and Open Jana nwi=> American and Strisi Patent Dover and Lento igfe » Pins; Finger Bings; Pencil Casea,and JewoWnni FOB BAL3Ee-A large and splendid Fireproof Chat snltable for a Jeweler, price tsse, ; rriftS&ffigS t** “ Bontt «**«■»; **» Mm A HOLLAND, AUCTIONEER, —l ~ I ‘ ' 1 ■’ ■ iwtt NVHBT |SX?»i%» sales at Private Beaf THEto>» CENTRAL ATTfITTON rrmraw : fl 7S «y .- Wty '“ a *«“* : [ D ««r H LF.urn^twr& SBPeriot aoco,:alllo,1 * ll on for Btottg« of ;lnj!a c emente--Veiy liberal terms cfferodWperebnj j Having Furnltoreand Merchandise foraale. • l I Beferettoefr-Ore* one hqnrtrfefl of thft rn<vgt promti neat slvi«M ot °T ™ wnpxvmx* ABTOffIOH- s A ■♦» f^^ eof ■« ■^to^MSsassafiaa!} SA|J»OF CoLHaynow nw n roa l palnSl™* l oUl ' c&w : ON THUBSJXIY EVENING. ’ December 6,-at half past seven: o’clock, at n n * *_* “J 0 Clieslnut street, wUI nesoia£”iftj£ ticli of tjolce Paintings,ollandwaterMloK'mnbrSniM ■'- fine specimens ot the works of ■■>-.'■ emDtactng Mey« Von Bremen,. ' Walnwrlght, ■ N fetter man, Broctart, • Xrayer W rmaa - : 'ssaa •■ : ; ; SaaSgS 1 ". the eventai oFsse! nOW ° Pen for «WWUon,fre9, ontffl ___ . Sale at No liio Oh estontß treat. HOCBEHOLDBTTBWT, CUB?UMfdta I ~ lio Po ' BT£a - KtCH WINDOW «V« 1., , .ON FEIDAY HORNING. ’ Mirrors, Chma,Gj >^eVV^pgied A^ l ia^ o ,oLe t^tQ^o&i? a4 | b>B ! r g fel ? ; j, •, clocks. V Kiglltl3ay SALE OP SIGH DIAMOND JBWHT.W ■ , ON MONDAY MOBNINQ DECL in Atlo o’cjoo*, a* the Auction Bton Hnii m'riiMi ~,■ itreet, wilt besoM— t“v\ f*m, no.ulo fwwttwt SAXE OP PINE GUNS, BOBBS, 4c. IgSH^-^ssa^asssnsSf i£b iStoT^ 118 °-' ? tberian Squirrel, 4ji°' ««iaemen’a Beaver Gloves and Collars, * WoU ' Pol “ Eenr - Coon'S* Prai- The Puis can beexamined on Monday. bod, Esgf 06 ’ b^ollslns *° ds late Charles A. Poul- At CN aptebnoon. DEC 19, f . At ® o clock, wfe will sell at public sale, by order or assSSS SN^n4^^SdM^ aa ' >le *“*' Shells and Books will be open for examination i Sidy? after Monday - Dec - 10 . when catalogues will te jT JOES B. H?£SB 4 00.. ADui * ueSS Tfl d lbM^ls«i On M w“°i nt^’ cieMM»M,eneU« *|n^ 0 25M.2 SS3&5 66 «»““•«£ 2SOTICE TO JOBBEBB, CLOTHZBBB, BET AIL _ , , ~ 880, <fec. *■■ ---.... be fonnd— s££ii l “**»«• IiSfSoW a farortte D^s P &^ ch Merinoa - H*lH Fancy aoaopnaamtttalandH op Skirts Tinea Gonda*r sif£ieu!“l 0 l Ca * aimer “' IXSHds. SWrt «- Bomeajic cotton and Woolen Goode. Also, aUneof Bonnet Bibbons and Belting* AJeo, an invoice of Faafai jnabia ‘ ■ n TiAKQB PObi'l'ivjc BAT.it 07 OASPBITKOA ««' ON FRIDAY MOBS™ 68, ** Dec. 7, at u o’clock, win be by rwtiTnme #» ftmx months 1 credit, about son nrA^!*^ 1 -^ bem> cottage and nc carpettna. mtofirfnTd i£*32- assortment of superior earjj nn the mornm* m ** *• e ™ a * B ** 2foo LBS. WOOL. 150 80llac k ARBB PBh KitfPTOBY SALE OF tbvkiiiu aot* SSt“ d^Sdl>^S?, 2M r^SS2^ woolens, usens and csttoni“ “ «fl*s. worsteds, arranged for examination and —— lognea ready early on ranming nr«»i» *“* r *" LIBBS POSITIVE: RAT.a (jy BtXTnL oimm SS£^*»«22 toramlnation wlttcatalwnea eaflj^tte^io^S ! JAMES A. AUCTIONEER. V SEVENTEENTH EAE^SAtE^iT^mM B^. CHiKOE DEC i*> ifififi 4 Aafi ** . ™» Pales on WEDNESDAY, at noon.nt the Exchange, will inclndethe nooo «* 6 fprnmra «**«»»**** Fartfcnlars tomorrow. dwelling, with bach buildtagfabhve w?y si? l gg Sf^Si 0 ?, 40 wMean * S 6 remain - orphav tounaait bf JOS feet s inches. Cl ? ar.'orpta£J Cwrf fete*—JUfort Qj* ifgrgqrei .gali dfie*<L w y**w** b I ?o»?M e SS>d O^W J>3~ CATALOGUES ON EBTDAY; r»AVIB A HABVEY, AUCTIONEERS. ' — U : a*tewffl»M.Tbomas*sss3 Store No. 11l Walnnt street, AS “taistratoia’ Sale No. 1021 Morgan street NR AT HOUSEHOLD FUBKITIJRE. wrnpnn VINE INGRaI* AND VENETIAN ‘ OaS r-j?* CARPENTERS' TOOLS, CARPETS, , , ON MONDAY MOBNING. , .At 10' o clocfc, at. No 1021 Morgan a tree t, order of, administrators tha Household and Kitchen Fnrnitnre, including fioejpiec I >; < ?S plet £: s^ t Tools.fine AgS” and other Carpets,Gas Consumers ie. May be examined early on the mnmieg nt PllßNl'i'uitE HSTiIS at the Stem rr r i y 1 Trim Tb a AT B®sn>ENCEB will -ecelve particular B j BAKKITT « Oa„ ADOTiQJSKICRH. —■ L.. OashAncaonHonse. /v. k l l?J B ®S tak6t, ‘? Be *-“wnaorßanl:«te*«i. _ ; ON FRIDAY MOUSING, Tea 7, commencing at 10 o’clock. Comprising 1200 105 fchlrta and Drawers aiomm Hosiery, Fancy Dry Goods 4c. ™. wove*. Also, ® °i ots Seasonable Dry Goods. Also 350 dtzen Hoop Skirts. ' With a large assortment of other desirable goods, q pHTItTP mXD * cO., „ ATOnomtagfl RAT IT aoto^S* 1 ’ ' I®OCASKS BOOTS AN D SHOES, i . ON MONDAY MQRSTWn, pgn ia fi???3f??isiF at we will Bell by aiialoo*. £?*ca«*Boofcs, Sboee. Bxogaiuf£twnon& d^ir3bl| l^^g?g|? o< sf ln f actare -' |\ *ft * tit>;, ADonoamßoT _l_BTo. 808 MABK gr street. above Blfth. TBIMMMQS. rjEAITOOPIMJNQ.-MBS. M. A.BIHDKB, “ . ■ no; M3i Cheetaut street, Philadelphia/ PAPEBHAJf6CyGS*Sg<n aas-lml f t:.ysy : ■ o'; CARRIAGES. >OWI UM ft&d Becbid-fcand cSrtSjS; ■nr au ,4«rr 11,1?*“
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