XXXIXth Congress—Second Session. fCLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] House. —Mr, Paine (Wis.) offered a reso lution directing' the Secretary of Warrt i communicate the names of all drafted men ■who failed to report to the proper authorities.' Laid over one day, under the rules. Mr.-Price (Iowa)-introduced'a biiPto re-' Cso much of section 61 of the Internal enue 'act of last session as imposes a license tax of §lOO on-retail grocers whogrind their own coffee and spices. ..Bead tyirioe, and referred to the Committee on Ways 1 and Meaiis. On motion of Mr. Ferryff Mioh.), the Com mittee on r Commerce was instructed to in-, quire into'the expediency of maklngjippro priations for such harbors on the western coast of Michigan as. were is.hrveyed this year by the general government. Mr. Ingersoll (Hi.) offered-the following: Resolved, That the President of the United. States is hereby respectfaliy requested to in form the House, if not incompatible with the publio interest, hownear “the verge of the government’.! the present.body,called & Con gress u;stpreseat l ahd l 4f it. is hot hearer the centrhthanhie formerly supposed. - [Laugh ter.] V(.. ... 7",V.V_'. Mr. Bldridge (Wis.) demanded the yeas' and nays.’ * ■ Thh-yeas and nays were refused, - and the resolution was rejected. . : Mr. -Ingersoll. asked ,to withdraw it, but the Speaker informed him that, the House had already rejected it. " Mr. Wentworth (111.) following: ln '.response to tnatipiruoa' the President’s message that relates to: those communities which claimed to be- the Con federate .States'of, America, that this House fiads in the many acts of disloyalty Which have transpired in those commodities since its lasfc adjournment, as well as in? the re cent elections in the loyal States, additional reasons for insistingon the adoption of the pendlng.constitutional amendment before it will boßsider the propriety of'glvlng them Congressionalrepresentatlon. cMr.-Ancona, (Pa.,) moved to lay the reso lution on the [table. Lost—yeas 37, nays 119, as follows: 1 bas—Messrs. Ancona, Bergen, Boyer, Campbell, Chanter, Dawson.-Eldridge. Flack, Glossbrenner. Goodyear, Hale, Harding (Ky.,) Hise. Hunter (N. Y.) Kerr, Latham, Le Blond, Niblackv Nicholson, Noell Phelpa, Randall (Pa..) Bitter. Bogari, Rousseau. Sbanklln. Sltgreavea, Strouse, Taber, Taylor (N. Y.. 1 Trimble, Ward (Ky.) Nays— Messrs, Alley, Allison, Ames, Anderson, Ar nell. Ashley (Ohio);Baker, Baldwin, Banks, Beaman, Bei jamln, BldweU, Bingham, Blaine. Blow, BantweU, Braudegee.-BromweU, BroomaU,’ Backland, Clarke (Ohio), Clarke (Kansas), Cobb, Cook, Callom; Darling: Danes, Decrees, Demine, Du on,Dodge,Donnelly. Eck ley, Eggleston, Eliot, Farnswonh, Farqnhar, Ferry, Garfielo, Grlnnell, urlswold, Harding (I1L). Hart Hayes, HendersoD. Hlgby, Hill, Holmes, Hooper Hubbard (W. Va.) Huboard (Conn.). Hubbell (Ohio), Hnlburd, Ingersoll, Jenckes, Kelley, Ketchnm.Koontz Kuykendall, Lafiln, Lawrence (Pa), Lawrence (Ohio)' Loan, Lynch, Maynard McC.urg, Molndoe, McKee Mcßner.Mercur, Miller, Moorhead, Morrill, Morris Moolton, My er>. Newell, O'Neill, Orth, Paine, Patter son, Perham, Pike. Plants, Pomeroy Price, Bandall (Ky.), Bice (Mass.), Klee (Ml), Rollins, sawyer, rcbenck, Scofield, shellabarger. Sloan. Spaulding ■ Starr, Stevent, stokes, Thayer, Francis Thomas (MdJ. John L. Thomas. Jr., (Md.), Trowbridge. Upson: Van Aernam. Van Horn, Ward (N. Y.), Warner, Wash bnrne (111), Washburn (lad.), Wentworth, Whaley. Will lama. Wiisou (Iowa), Wilson (Pa), Wlndom Woodbrldge—ll9. . ' ’ Tbe resolution was then adopted without a division. On motion of Mr. Orth (lud.), the Presi dent was requested to communicate any correspondence or information relating to the attempt of Santa Anna and Ortega to or ganize armed expeditions within the United States,for the purpose of overthrowing the national government of Mexico. On motion of Mr. Farqnhar (Ind.), the Sergeant-at-Arms was directed to pay to Mr. Washburne (Ind.) ; the difference he tween his pay as a member, and that re ceived by him as an army officer, from March 3,1865, to the date of his discharge. Mr. Julian introduced a bill to equalize 1 bounties; which was read, twice and referred to the Military Committee. f* Mr. Spaulding (Ohio) introduced bills, which were read twice, and referred as fol lows: For the protection of government piers, breakwaters and other harbor improve ments. Referred to the Committee on Com merce. To provide for a navy-yard and naval sta tion for the upper lakes, at Cleveland, Ohio. Referred to the Committeeon Naval Affairs. Mr. Lawrence (Ohio) introduced a bill to repeal so much of the Civil Appropriation bill of last session as increased' the com pensation of members, to which . Mr. Schenck offered an amendment pro viding for the refunding of the increased compensation received by members. Read twice and referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. Mr. Lawrence (Ohio) also introduced a "bill to reduce the mileage of members. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Mileage, Mr. Broomall (Pa.) offered the following: Resolved, That the Committee on Territo ries, be instructed to inquire into the expe diency of reporting a bill providing terri torial governments for the several districts of country within the jurisdiction of the United States formerly occupied by the once existing States of Virginia, North Carolina,- South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Missis sippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, and giving to all adult male inhabi tants born within the limits of the United States, ; or duly naturalized and not partici pants in the late rebellion, full, eaual po litical rights in such territorial govern ments, Adopted—Yeas 107, nays 37, as fol lows: Ybab—Messrs Alley, AUlson. Ames, Anderson Ar nold, AslUey (Ohio), Baldwin, Banks, Barker,Beaman, Bldwell, Brigham, Blow, Bontwell, Brandegee, Brom welh Broomall, Bnchland, Bandy Clarke TOaio) Clarke (Kansas), Cobb, Cook, CuUom.Darllng.Deffees’ DemU'B, Dixon, Drlggs, Kckley, Eggleaion, Eliot', Vamswor th, Farquhar! Eerry, GriZ wold-Harding (Uiy Hart, Hawkins. Hays, Hender- K n tFW&,?? i r.? uljßeB -. H 9 oper ' Hubbard (Conn,), Hubben (Ohlo).r Ingersoll, Jenckes, Julian. Kasson. Kelley, T K°omz, Laflln, Lawrence (Pa.), Lawrence (Ohio), Loan, Lynch, Maynard, McClnrg, McKee, Mc- Hoer, Mercur Miller. Moorhead, Morrill, Morris, Moulton, Myers, Newell, O’Neill, Orth, Paine, Patter son Perham, Pike, Plants, Pomeroy. Price Rice (Mass),Rice (Me.), Rollins, Schenck, ScSSeld,Bhe“ Hwon Van Aemam, Van Horn (Mo V Ward (k Yj> w arn er, Wash borne (111.), Washbnrnejlnd.). Washburn (Mass.), Wentworth, Williams, Wilson (Iowa), Wilson (Pa.),Wlndon, Woodbrldge.- . Hays—Messrs. Ancon%Baker,Barger7Boyer, Camp bell, Chanler, Dawson. Dodge, Eldrldge, Finck.Gle£- brenner, Goodyear, Hale, Hubbard (W. Va.k Kerr Kuykendall, Latham (W. Va), Le Blond. Niblack Nlcbolson NoeU, Phelps. Randall (Pa), Raymond! DJUer. Rogers, Shan kiln, Sltgreaves, Spaulding! Waid(K B ' ronse ' Tat>er * Taylor (N. Y.), Trimble Mr. Stevens (Pa.) offered a concurrent resolution for the re-appointment of the Joint Cwnmittee of (Reconstruction, and that all the documents and resolutions that ■were referred to it at the last sessionlbe oon adered as referred to it anew. Adopted. Stevens also offered & resolution for the appointment of a committee of five to report to the House, at next session, the past and present relations existing between the Federal government and the railroads in the States lately in rebellion, the amount of money expended by the United estates in constructing, repairing, equipping and managing such roads; the amount now due by each ofthemto thegovernmentjalso as to the proper course to be taken by thegovern ment in relation to such railroads. The -committee to have power to send for persons and papers, employ a clerk, and report pro gress at any time. Adopted. Mr. Stevens remarked that he did not de sire to be placed on the committee, as he feared the climate of the South would prove rather warm for him. [Laughter.] Mr. Briggs (Mich.) offered a resolution celling on the Postmaster General for infor mation in regard to the removal and ap pointment of postmasters, eto„ since the ad journment of last session. Laid over one day under the rule. Mr. Myers.(Pa.) offered a resolution cal lmg on the President for like, information m _ reference to all officers to whose ap pointments the Senate is required to con firm, which waa referred to toe same Com mittee. (N- Y .) offered a resolution that great frauds are alleged to be THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5,1866, daily practised in the payment and collec tion of internal revenue on distilled spirits, tobacco aDd cigars, and providing for a select committee of five to investigate tie facts, with, power to send for persons and papers. Adopted. r . -Mr. Darling also introduced a bill to pro ,vide'for,the:eiectioh of a, delegate in Con gress for the District of .Columbia. Read twice and referred to the Committee on ,thei District. The bill'provides for impartial [suffrage. .- ■ .■ i Mr. Warner (Conn.) introduced a hill to [increase the salary.,of' the United States Judge for the District of Connecticut to, §4,500. Read twice and referred totheJudi ciary Committee.. . ■ -Mr. Banks (Mass.) introdneed a bill to smend the act to incorporate the National Soldiers and Sailors’ Orphan Home. Read i twice and referred to-the Committee on ,the District of Columbia. 1 Sir. Blaine (Me.).offered a resolution in structing the Committee of Ways and [Means to inquire,whether the agricultural; [commercial and manufacturing interests of theeountry would not be promoted by a re' 'peal of tax On cotton. ; Adopted. I Mr. Rice (Me.) introduced a bill conferring jurisdiction on thfLCourt of Claims in cases ©rising out of treaties- with the Cherokee Indiahff 0f.1817 and l 819.: Read twice and referred to the Judiciary Committee. '■ he resolution offered yesterday by Mr. McKee((Ky.), calling (on the (President for' correspondence or information relative to the present condition of affair in Mexico, caine np.and was adopted. . , ~( :The Senate hill of last 'session, ■ making a grant of land for: a railroad from San Fran cisco to Humboldt’s Bay, came up and was postponed: for two: weeks. l Mr. Bodtwell (Mass.), having obtained unanimous (consent to: make a,personal statement,' said—l' have observed in some newspapers. what purports to be a report ol someremarks ipadeby me inacauous of Union members of the House last Saturday evening. The report to which I refer is in many particulars quite inoorreot: What I said I said very coolly, and will(repeat It substantially to the House. I gave-notice to the caucus that it was my purpose, at an early time, to introduce a resolution calling for the correspondence between the State Department and our Minister at Rome in reference to John H. Surratt, and I ex pressed a desire that my friends should support the passage of the resolution ii there should be any opposition or doubt aboutit. , I then said, I believe, as coolly as I am speaking now, that I had good reason to be lieve that the Executive. Department had bad knowledge for many months of the place where Surratt was; that he was em ployed in the army of the Pope of Rome; that it had for many months a knowledge of the regiment and company in which,and of the name under which he was serving; that it had observed a report of his arrest and escape, and that I thought under all the circumstances, it was time that tbe country should know whether these facts were so or not I therefore desired that the resolution which,l iatended to introduce, and which I did introduceryesterday,should be supported by the Union members of the House. Now, I will say for myself that I have good reason for believing, I believe J have the best reasons for thinking, that sh early as May last, the Executive Depart ment of the Government had knowledge of where Surratt was. I did not say on Satur day night last, nor do I say now, nor have I said anywhere, that the Government has been at fault in not procuring his arrest but when I left this city last July, I did ex pect that very soon the country would-have known that the arrest had been made, but week after week-transpired, and month after month passed away, and there was no public information that his arrest had been made. I did say in public speeches that I had good reason to believe that the Govern ment had knowledge of the whereabouts of Surratt. I have eow this to say— Further cor respondence has been called for. When it appears the House and the country will see whether or not the Executive Department had that knowledge. The <House and the country will also see whether the Govern ment has taken such means as were in its power to procure his early.arrest. On that point I have no knowledge whatever. If it shall appear (hat I have been mistaken as to the fact that the Government had know ledge, there is no person in the House or in the country who will more willinelv re tract than I shall. s y I have this to say further, that while I am opposed to the President of the United States, and to his policy, I shall make no warfare upon him which I do .not consider fair and legitimate. I shall not attempt, here or elsewhere, to misrepresent or abuse him. But what 1 do mean to undertake, and perform to the extent of my ability, is to ascertain whether he has been true in toe great office which he holds. I intend to bring to that inquiry, as one member of the House, a judicial mind. If it shall appear that he has been true, there is no citizen of toe couEtry who will more readily reoog nize the fact. If, on the other hand, it shall prove otherwise, then, as a citizen and as a representative, I shall perform my duty to the country. , Mr. Schenck (Ohio), on leave, introduced a joint resolution to appoint two managers for the National Asylum for Disabled Vol unteer Soldiers, to fill certain vacancies. Read three times and passed. Mr. Blaine (Maine) offered a resolution instructing the Secretary of War to furnish on application of toe Adjutant General of any State, certified copies of the muster-out rolls of any volunteer organization of such State serviDg m toe late war. Referred to toe Military Committee. The adjourned. From California and Vicinity. _ San Francisco, Ded 3.— The United States steamer Vanderbilt has arrived from Honolulu, The Hon. E. McCook, United States Min ister Resident at Hawaii, is a passenger. He returns on account of his wife’s health which is very feeble. _The gold deposits in the United States Branch Mint, in this city, for the past month were 117,401 ounces, and toe coinage for toe same period 1200,000. The new paid fire department goes into effect to-day, toe transition from toe- old volunteer system to the new being consum mated without disturbance. ' San Francisco, Deo. 4,— Da Seth Parker ford, a native of Connecticut, and a distin guished citizen, died at Honolulu, Novem ber 19th. The influenza is prevailing alarmingly a 3 an epidemic at toe Sandwich Islands.and toe natives are dying rapidly. Three hundred and seventeen meteors were observed at Honolulu on toe night of November 13th. A letter from Arizona states that toe In dians are prosecuting toe war against the people in that territory with unusnal vigor and many citizens are flying to General Mc- Dowell for protection against their incur sions. A despatch dated atNew Westmins ter December 3d, announces the arrival at Victoria of Colonel Buckley, chief officer of! the Russian American telegraph expedition. • interest is felt on this (toast regard • mg the pending negotiations between our Government and Mexico, relating to the cession of the adjacent Mexican' States of Chihuahua, Sonora, Sinaloa and Lower California. They are regarded-as magnifi cent fields for American enterprise. Mr. Brown has organized a scientific party, composed of members of the State Geolo gical Survey, to mafee.a geological and topographical reconnoiaaance of Lower Cali forma for the New York Land Company, whose grant of territory has recently been confirmed by toe Mexican Government. Censiderable American capital has been invested in that region, and it is important: that ite resources should be known. SPECIAL NOTICES. PKBBDMES’S BELIEF •y ASSOCIATION have reorganized for thelrwin rooms at 711 SANSOM street 'excepted llll6 daUy open lrom 1011112 O’clock, Sunday I Association earnestly solicit [contributions In Iclottlngand material to relieve thegreat destitution ;of the ireedpeoplecansed by the failure of their crops, ,ns well as contributions Hi money to~carry on their } work of education. . lthe^e^mem° f -“SjwMaaJEWkflffiSSiaJy. for j MrA AUBREY IT. SMITH, President, i„EBAZBB,--Mrs.-*- WM.'-BTR iNG, re. JO3. RaBBIBH, Jr , Vice Presidents. n 039 6t OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND ! Notice Is hereby given that by a 1 resolution of the [Board of Directors of the above-named Company [adopted August 291 h. 18fm,-Ihe_EQU,RTH and last ln stallment ot tbe Capital Stock of said Company, belnt [THIRTY PEB CENTUM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOi; UABgpeMMfehaß been called; in, andiipdae and pdyable at thlsomce. - --- m> : -> I WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, , I ssdtf Treasarcr, (Ts* i SSI. 1£ 25, 1 .9£ seliajiob insubt ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.’'i (No. 308 WALNUT street. PHir,T,Dgi,pmA, November x6tb, 180 S. I Tbe Annual Meeting ortße'StocHiolders of “THE RELIANCE INSUBaNCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, ”A»d the Annual Election or thirteen (13) [Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will he held at [their Office, on MONDAY.-Deuember 17th. 1868. at 12 O’clock, M. THOMAS O. HILL, I n026tde172 .... . .... Secretary. Obi?ICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMBHTP COMPANY, 314 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE. PHtLADEL pbia, November Bth, 1866. '■ - - i BTOCKHOLDEBS’ NOTlCE.—Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Pfalladelphisvtnd Sonthem Mail '.Steamship Company are hereby , notified that certlfi 'catss for the same are now ready , and wllTbe Issued lrom this office In exchaßge lor tbe Installment re icelpts. WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, : PO9-lm2 Secretary and Treasurer. IP'S* the ANNUAL MEETING of the Btock holders of the PETROLEUM MINING COM PANY OF. PBNNBYLVANIA -Will. be . held at the office of tbe Company, No. 164 Booth Fourth street: on THURSDAY, December 6,'bt 10 o’clock A. M. 1 deS-8t»; - .: .[B. O. McMURPHIE, Clerk. BIVIDESTDIfOTICEB. OFFICE OF THE BOHEMIAN MINING ILgr COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, JlB2 WALNUT STREET,— Philadelphia, Nov. uth, 1868. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tbe Assignees of this Company have this day de clared aDIVIDEND (being N 0.2) OF THIBT V - FIVE [PERCENT. (86) on the original amount of claims, properly adjusted, exclusive of Interest. Protests, Ba n.eges.&c.. PAYABLE AT. THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 132 WALNUT STREET, PHILADEL PHIA, ON AND AFTEB THE 28th DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT. To avoid delay, creditors will at once, present statement of their claims, In detail. When parties, who hold claims, “not their own,” an order, or Power Attorney from the owner will be required before dividend can be paid. - WJLLIAM H. BOYEB, SAMI*. P. DAKIXNGTON,/ assignees. soi7-s,£w ( tdec2ol PENNSYLVANIA RATLBOAD COMPANY TRKAbUHEB’S DEPAKI hi ENT. PHinAngT.PHiA,_Novgmber 1,1866. NOTICE lO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared i semi annual dividend of FOUR FEK CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November so, 1886. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting dividends are to be had at the office or the Company. No* 238 S THIRD street. no 2 30t THOM a r t. FIRTH. Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Philadelphia, Nov. 27,1866. The Board of Managers have this day declared & Dividend or FIVE PER CENT., or TWO DOLLARS AND-A HALF PER SHARE, on tbeCapiialStocko this Company, payable on demand, clear of Nation?] and State taxes. SOLOMON SHEPHERD, noZMfl Treasurer. ALCOHL 65 per cent. NO CHARGE FOR PACK AGES. C. L. Oil* new made. Invoice just re ceived and for sale in quantities suitable to the trade. Ipecac, root and powder, in bulk and bottles oi Sib each. (hlorofbrm of the beat quality in carboys and deml Johns. JOHN C. BAKER A 00., ano!9 \ 718 Mflrtrftt street. f>LAI FOR THE SEASON. Xj Glycerin Lotion, for hands and face. Pectoral Lozepges.for s#re throat, hoarsene? a, 4c Camphor Ice, for chapped Hands. WUd Cherry Compound tor cold, cough, <&c. Olein, for chapped hands, dbc. • ■ Troches Chlorate Potash,for ulcerated throat. HENRY C. BLAIR’S SONS* Eighth and Walnut tit WHITE GUM ARABIQ.—For sale by WILLIAb KT.T.IR <fc 00., Druggists, No. 724 MARKEI street. - . ROSE WATER.—Double Distilled Rose Water, con stantly on hand and for sale by WILLIA& ELLIS & CO., Drags lata, Ho. 724 MARgier street. /~U»EAM OF TARTAR.—Pore Cream of Tartar an-. U Soda, for sale byWILLLAM ELLIS dfc CO, Drn* gists,No. 724 MARKET street, L'XTSACT OF BEEF for beef tea or Essence i aj Beefin sickness or for soups for table o**. Mac nElgin, Hilnols, by Gall Borden, from the juices t choice beef and Is superior is t delicious flavor as quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full C rections,one dollar aaid| T HPHRitT.Tf. Apotfcecar 1410 Chestnut street. VYBUGGIa'is* SUNDRIES. Sraduaiu HorLL* Fill Tiles,Combs, Brushes, Mlcrbrs, Boxes, Horn Scoops, Burgles! Instrument*. Tmacr Hard and- Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glai3 pj Metal Syringea, Ac., all at "First Hnnfla” priest I _ SNOWDEN & BECWHSS, ftpfrtQ . £3 South JJishth street, Robert shoemaker a 00., n. b. corne FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholes Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers In Winds Siam, White Lead, and Paints ot every descrlptlc oiler to the trade, or consumers, a complex stoc: goods In their line, at the lowest market rates, ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00„ Northeast corner Pourth and Race straws BAY BUM.—Just received, an invoice ol Ganan Imported Say Rom, tor sale bytha gallon, t ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00,, Diszdit. N, E. oc par Fourth and Baca streets. TBA¥Egiiare apma, I PITTSBURGH. OOLUMBUf nulltvnt v J ASB CUNCaNNATI RAILROAr THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD, ■ Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUT the Government baa assigned to it the carrying of tl U. 8. MAIL to the Principal cities of the West as Southwest. [ THERE BEING RUT ONE CHANGE OP CAB PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNAT AND BUT TWO TO BT. LOUIS. PAB3ENGEBS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARBI Vj IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO AN' TRAIN IN ADVANCE OP AN 1 Fast line IZ.CO M. Passengers by this train tak •upper at Altoona, can take state-room sleeping car* Passengers are nos subject to change at .on hrergh to Coshoctoo, affording an unbroke. Blgut 8 reat. _N lght Express 11 P. M. Passengers can take sleeping <ars through to ClDOlnnaitl with but one change.thi llne ton. have the advantage of comfort and pleasure particularly tor lsdlea traveling alone, and famine with children by this rente between Philadelphia anu all the principal points Weet and South, Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUBEN YIJiTiK, at ; PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets, B.P.SOTLW 6I^ : JOHN H. I, L .,, LX ,, • . Broadway, New York. -JOHN DURAND, Gen'l Bop’S, fci4-ti Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 831 Chestnut street, and Thirtieth ani Market streets. Weet Philadelphia. CI.OTHB, CiBSIMEBES, &Q, / nASgiiMßßffs .Aj?i) ygarmab. . ■ V JAMBS & LEE Invite the attention of their friend and othera tothelxlanre and well assorted stock o adapted to men’s'and boys’ wear, comprialn. Black Blench CHotha, ' • Blue French Cloths, ? j Colored French Cloths. OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers, Black Esquimaux Beavers, . , Colored Esquimaux Beavers, Blue and Black Pilots, Blue and Black Paletots* ■ PANTALOON STUFFS, Black French Cassimerea. Black French Doeskins, Fancy Cassimerea, ■- Mixed and Striped Cassimerea, Plaid and SUk Mixed Cassimerea Satinets, all qualities, Cords, Beaverteana, <fco,. At whoJeaale ssd retail, by Beconilat.. Blgn of thaQniiton T.nmh ; COPABTJjTEBSHIPS. Bli-SOLUTION. OF COPARTNERSHCP.-The co partnership heretofore existing under the firm of ueorge B. Beese, Son & Co., la this day dissolved hv the dfath of Gcorse B, Beese. The business will hs settled by the surviving partners. - De ; M. MEHIER BEESE, ' ' W. HBHRT BEESE, JACOB B. BEESE, PHILADELPHIi, Dec. 1, 1886. CO-PSBTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned have associated themselves under the Firm of BEOBGE B. BEKSE'S SONS, and will continue the Importing and Commission business, at No 32i CHESTNUT Street. ’ M. MUSTER BEESE. i W HENBY BEESE, I • JACOB B. BEESE. del-12t| CARRIAGES. CgteS- 808 SALE.—A large assortment of new and second-hand Carriages, top and no ton Buggies, Bockaways and Germantowns, and Exnren Wagons. GEO. DO DD * SONS, No. 480 hAOEstroet. NPB. 2W and 233 OBOWN street, .. . goy-jjmj EeM&TlfiSlEfee PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO | - f parklingand Still Winss. |G. V, MIDDLETON, Sole Agent, I B “ k“ Philadelphia. ! “ • I, • > — r. J - -Sj&yA. y f": hr:’ r-jtC.- ']'sV_'E rl Jfc£/ 9 , . -.. , ?4. SBi.S?JuJa ao South, Sixth Stllhilad’x. - -FwffliStwi k - [r, ,-jA ;?> N^gg°jyfc r giri.(iT anaTteatoagSS^ r. wixmn%:: S \A/ fflSScrTh&attehtiQQ of the trade is'solicited to choice Wines, &c., fer sale by j MADEIR 8 yeanold.. i ife 'Qe., single, double and EgiSSTfiS^SSSTv.S iSMMCa?* 0 " “ d Cha i VBBMOt3tH—G. JenrdAß, BrivedkOo. i MUSCAT—deFrontignan. • CHAMPAGNES—Ernest Iriony, ‘‘Golden Star.” de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and other ffivorlie brands. OLD WHISKrEH—GOO Oases Pure Old Wheat, Bra y Bourbon and by = S North Front trMH Fine Coffees. , Old Government JAVA, Fine MOCHA. EAST IN DIA »nd JAMAICA. For Sale by JAMES R: WEBBj WALNUT mid EIGHTH Btre. pEIME HEW JERSEY LEAF LART> joat received X and ior sale by E. C. KNIGHT & CO.. nol6-lm B. K. comer Water and Chestnut streets. TTOX’S FARINA CRACKERS, r Fresh Crackers of this unrivaled Brand always on hand and for sale In bbls. and X bbis.. by ALDRICH, > EKKES & CART, 18,20 and 2s LetlUa aireet, Rtcluslve Agenta. innnn„ can i? REsH peaches, winslow iU.UUI/Com, Prefill Tomatoes. Green Peas, Straw berries Mushrooms, *c , In store and for sale, whole sale or retail, by M. i.SPLLLIN N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. TYBIED PBUIT.—Very handsome pared peaches. JJ urpared do. dried apples. In store and for sale by M F. bPILUN. N. W. comer Arch and Eighth. duckwheat, bock wuiifii'.- 5, w»j ibs.oi ha 11 celebrated Silver Flint Buckwheat, In store nd for sale by M. P. SPILEIN, Tea Healer and Grocer. H. W. corner Arch and Eighth. NEW RAIwIISB AhD tints —superior new er Balslns and choice Elma Figs, fbr sale by M_ F. SPILEIN, N. W.corner Arch andKlghth streets. QUEEN OLIVES.—3OO gallons choice large Queen Olives, In store and for sale by gallon or barrel, at & UsTY'S East End Grocery, No. us South SECOND street. VTEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT <fc WHITE la OoverHoney, In store and for sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. U 8 Bonth SECuND street. Nobth Carolina hominy gbits, new Bcminy, pared and unpared Peaches, Just re ceived and for sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocerv No. U 8 Sooth SECOND street. ' STUFFED MANGOES AND PKPPKBS, GENUINE Chutney Sauce. Boblnson’a patent Barley and Groats, always on hand at OOUBTY’S East End Gro eery. No. 118 Sonth SECOND street. t URaiITLJBJB AHI) BEDUiae JJUY FURNITURE OF gould & no.. ONION DEPOT, Si. K.Offlmfir NINTH and h&REffJ Streeu, and Nos. 87 and 89 North SECOND atreo*. The largest, cheapest and best stock of Furniture o: vejy description in the world. Furniture f*r Parlor {. rawing Hoorn, Chamber or Bed Room. Dining Boom Übr&r), Kitchen, Servants' Rooms, Offices, Schools Churches, Ocd-Fellows, Masonic or other Societies ships. Institutions, Clubs, Colleges, Public EaUdinz* Hotels, Boardirg Houses, Hospitals, Fain, or a ftingu Piece of Furniture. : Orders sent by post will be executed with despatcl And with liberality anc Justness or dealing Parties si a distance may remit thro nth onr Basher, the Par mer’s and Mechanics’ Nat. Bank, Chestnut street. O' *e Union National Bank,Third street, o', by Express Check or Post Office order; lms edlats attention wll ee given and satlsffict!c.n Insured. GOt?I.D*CO. N B. corner Ninth and Market anc it and S3N. Bacondatreet,Phlla. CHARLES E. CL 4RK. No, 11N, Eleventh Street Ibbdding AND COTTAGE FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, Heir and Husk Matresses, Feather Beda. Bolsters and Pillows. Best quality of Spring Matresses. Bureaus, washstands, Chairs, Towel Racks, Recking Chairs, etc. Pew Cushions, Feathers and Down. Blankets. cclSs&wl6ti SPRING MATRISS, BEST QUALITY AND STY^E, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DE3CBIPTION. J. 6. FUILEB, eelotlj » South SEVENTH Street HEISTS’ FUBNiasEU¥G J. W. SCOTT & C0..1 SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. AND DEALERS IN Men’s Famishing Roods, No. BX4L Chestnut Street Four doom below the “OonttnßntaV' . . PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIR? MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Bhlrta supplied proms) » brief notice, GENTLEMEN’S Furnishing Goods, : Of late styles in fall variety. WINCHESTER & GO. CHESTNUT. GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, YORK *n**Xn*n. asSti rice jif 18 ° f WAMSUTTA Muslin, only *3 re. BOTE'S - H3BTS on hand and made to order. A liberaVieducllcn made to wholesa'e buyers A ful! stock of Welsh, Shaker and Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers. Also, Ssarfi. NeSti™ Gloves, Suspenders, etc., in great variety. Kcau ™' J, ( J4QOBB no6-2m5 No. 1226 CHESTNUT Street, Phll’ada. PAPER: COLLARS VAN DEUSEN, BOEHM AN & CO., 627 Chestpat Street. ' A gents for Philadelphia, WAMOJTS AITO AiMONm-Kcw crop Oronow* WalnntaftndPftper, Rhell Aiiwnnflg,for solabs I A 99h Ira Oi k s«imit ay«hm. ■ NATIONAL ! EXCHANGE BANK CAPITAL $300,000, PULL PAID, jNewßanking House, ! Nos. 633 and 635 diestnnt Street fOTO. W. GUBOTJGH, Cashier. ‘ STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON, JR, HO. 223 DOCK STREET. iHavliiereenined business, I am prepared to make Dwh cr Time purchases and salesof stocks,Bonds" i Btocta carried at 6 per cent. Interest, wlthont any i Orders execnted In New York, Boston and Baltt, f l ”^ * OOT %; % fi SPECIALTY SMITH, EAKIIOLPH ft CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, £8 Booth Third b£» 9 j 3 Sfissan e&9£6< Philadelphia, | STOCKS ANIS 002^0 BOtJBHT AND BOLD ON COU2SH3IC nrmusr .allowed on deposits, & BANKING HOUSE JAY COOKE & 00., 113 and 11*1 S. Third 8t. t Philada. Dealers is all Government Securities. OLD 5 20’s WASTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. ALIBBS AT.DIFEBEBgOg AT.myTtt Compound Interest Notes Wauled INTEREST ALLOWED OE DEPOSIT. Collections made: Stocks Bought and Sold on Com mission. t special boalnea 5-30*8, y 3-io 9 s s 1881*8, 10-40*8, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES , BOUGHT AND SOLD, DE HAVEN & BBO* 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. S’ITIHO -<2 to loan on mortgaro, rJTO.UUI/. by J, H. MORRIS, 233 North TENTH de3-st» EDWIN SOHALL, SUCCESSOR TO JOS. EVANS, COAL YARD, ST. E. cor. Broad and Filbert Sts, ! PHILADELPHIA. Lehigh, Bchnyklll and Blacksmiths’ Ookl always on liana, of the best qualities and lowest prices. no2B’W-f-Tn2ml COAL. E. I>. ASHTON’S VERY SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. COMMUNITY’S DEPOT. nos-m.w.f-!2t| BBOAD AITD WOOD STREETS. COAL, COAL COAL JACKSON & TEMPLETON’S Family Coal Yard. First Yard on Ninth St,, bel. Jefferson. Lehigh, Schuylkill, Eagle Vein, Greenwood, White Ash and other brands at the lowest market prices can* slant Jy on hand and prepared expressly for family use. no3o lm? Si MISOS BIBTB!, JO'HW 7, wn»y. HHED INVITE ATTENTION 5® Back Mountain Company 5 * Co»L ; gSffi2SS» «"• “* which they «re prepared to sen at the lowot iaaika rates, and todeuver In the beat condition. Orders left with B. MABOH EINEa fraaillu IcaM rateßnlldlns,SEVENTH be promptlj attended to. Elites & BHEA3TI\ ” -rch Street Wftarf, BohnylMll, rtOAIaHSUSAH LOAF, BEATER MEADOW A3SE M Spring Monntoln, Lehigh Coal, and best Locnst Mtantaln from SohnyUtm, prepared erntanly a» N t.W. comer EIGHTHMdwEii LOWstreatt. OSoo, No. la senth SECOND street ”hS7 T. walton a at ■PER.HAjr«IIBCS & SHAKES f)SS ‘WALLPAPERS as low as 10, 123£ and 20 and Satin Papers cheap. .pine WINDOW SHADES manufactured, all sizes,at 1 JOHNSTON’S DEPOT, N 0.1093 ppringGarden Btreefc, Beiovr EieYeaNi* no27<lm? frarABKJIAB Has Removed To Its A. BOYD, President. Hew Yoarfit. reserved ten test COAla lumbeb. F. H. WILLIAMS, j lum be s, {Seventeenth and Spring Garden Street*, CHARLES ESTE, LUMBER, {Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. oc3i.Bm PHILADE UPHIA. CHOICE pas’el'ah’d’fibst'tommonjs aetton- WHITE 3 P^|“ nS ' LARGE AND SUPERIOR STC^ONHANB. 1866.Ttcilding! ! BDrLD ™ G! BmtDiHGj LUMBER’. LUMBER! LUMBER! 4 4 CAROLINA FLOORING™ 5-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4- DELAWARE FLOORING. 5- DELAWARE FLOORING. WHITE pink FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. •WALNUT FLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP BOAIV Jt RAIL PLANR PLASTEBQfO LATH. 1866 ♦“‘IONG*CEUkBBHIN^JIENa:LBa *Ho3&£igi&sr- FUSE ASSORTMENT, FORBALE LOW. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTs! 1 fififi -LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! •LOUD. LUMBER FOB UNDERTAKERS! BED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE. RED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINK I -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. -LOGO. ALEaNY LUMBER OB ALL KIND& SE.' SON ED WALNUT™ SEASONED WALNUT. DB Y POPLAR <HERBY AND ASTT, Oak plank and boards. , MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEEBS. I -CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. aODU. CIGAR BOX M4NDfACTORE-S SPANISH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. 1866."|pRUCE C JOI.S ? r Ola ' r - BPBIICE JOIST— SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO 82 FEET LONG. FROM H TO 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MAULE, BROTHKR <fc CO.. No. 2300 South Street OPBTJCEXtTMBEB AFLOAT.—Scantling and Joist P •!^i f « leD >? th f r“ l4 to 28 teet lor S. assorted Elzas. 2*4 to 3x14, aboot leo M. teet. For sale Dy WORKMAN & CO- No. 123 Walnntßlreet. •mjmic&M*, USESTARIN’SCONDITION POWDERS JfCB HORSES AND CATTUC. it cores Worms Beta and Colio It cores Colds, Conghs and Hide Bound, best alterative for Horses and Cattle now la use, having a reputation years’ standing. a sore preventive for the mnr t dreaded Binder go Farmer or Dairyman shonlc oa wlthontlt For sale In Philadelphia by DrOTTtfe CO. > rvnrtw Second street BOLDOwXy I sePSml : AYER’a PILLS.—Are yoa sick, feeble and com plaming? Are you out of order with your system deranged and your feel ings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious lllness teorne fit of sickness is creeping upon you. and should oe averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and cleanse oat the . v disordered humors-purify the blood, and let the fluids move on'uaob3trnc:ed in health again. They stimulate the fanctijns of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and deranges its natural func tors. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, prcduclig general aggra vation, suflerir g and derangement While in hh> con dition, take Ayer’s Pills, and see how directly they re store the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint Is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous (lis ten- pers. The same purgative effect expels them, Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidiv and many of them surely cured by the same means. 25 one who know the virtue of these neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure, such as Headache Foul Stomach. Dysen tery, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion. Derangement of the Liver, Ccsiiveness, Constipation. Heartburn, Rheumatism, l ropsy, worms and Suppression, when taken in large dcses They are Sugar Coated, so that the most sensitive can take them easily. and they are surely the best pur gative medicine yet discovered AYER’S AGUE CURE, For the speedy and certain Cure of Intermittent Fe ver, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, rami Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Bilious Headache, and BllidusFevers; indeed for the whole clars of diseases originating In biliary derangement, caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest cases of Chills and Fever, and It has this great advan tage over other Ague medicines, that it subdnes the complaint without!, jury to the puient. It contains no quinineor other deleterious substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever, shaking brothers of the army and the west, try it, and you will endorse these assertions. Prepared by J. a AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by J. M. MARIS <& CO., Philadelphia, and by all Druggists, no2-4-s,m,w-2m OPAL DENTALLINA.—A superior article flnr cleaning the Teeth, 'destroying animalcaiar which Infest them, giving lone to the gums. and leav ing a fueling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gams, while the roznaand deteralveness will recommend it to every one. ißelng composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microacopist, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute ibr the uncertain' washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituent# of the DENTALLINA. advocate Its use: it contains nothing to prerent its unrestrained employment* Made only by JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary, _ Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse, Hassard&Co., Robert C. Davis, Ci R. Keeny, Geo !0. Bower, Isaac H. Kay, .* Charles Shivers, O. H. Needles, S. M. McCollin, T. J. Husband, S.O. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Kberie. Ed ward Parrish. James N, Marks, William B. Webbi E, Bringhum<ft bo., James L. Blspham, Dyott&Co., Hughes & Coonabe, fI.C. Blair’s Sons, Henry A. Bower. Wyeth <fc Bro. ; T?NTTRELY RELIABLE—HODGSON’S Bronchial All TABLETS, for the core of coughs, colds, hoarse ness. bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast. Public speakers, singers and amateurs will be greatly benefited by using these Tablets. Prepared only by LAN CASTER & WILLS, Pharmaceutists. N. JS. Cor, ARCH and TENTH streets, Philadelphia. For sals by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, and Druggists generally. Be2stf TDRUBH’S BROL PHIAL AND PULMONIC D DEW DROPS, for Coughs, and all Diseases of tha Throat and Bronchial Tones. This in valuable prepa ration for every household. Public Speakers, Stagers, &c,, possesses a Wes* era celebrity, and basbeen known to relieve the most obstinate and almost nopelasa cases I; is agreeable, strengthening, and soothing. Prepared by K. C. BRUSH, No. 258 South Ninths street, Philadelphia. Je7-fcf CORNS. BUNIONS, INVERTED NAILS.— Dr. J* .DAVIDSON, Chiropodist, Operator on Corns, BnulODS. Inverted Nails and other diseases of ths fee f j Office, 924 CHESTNUT street ,Dr. Davidson will wait on patients at tkeir residences. __ •• • no3tfB TBIMMMGa. Grand opening.—mbs, m. a. binder, iso. 1031 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Importer of Ladles’ Dress and-. Cloak Trimmings. Also, an elegant stock of Imported Paper Patterns, lor Laches’ and Children’s Dress. Parisian Dress ‘and Cloak Making tn all its varieties.. 4 Ladies furnishing their rich and costly materials may roly on being or* tlstically fitted, and their work finished In the moefc and efficient manner, at . the lowest possible prices, in twenty-four hours’ notice. Cutting and bast ing, Patterns in Bets, or by the single niece Jbr mer* : mfri* '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers