SECOND EDITION. £8? TBLEGBAPH. FROM CANADA. FROM WASHINGTON, THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The Ste mer Scotland ; From Canada. [To the New York Associated Press.] Hamilton, Des. s, —The Provincial Go -vernment has purchased In this city, to be forwarded to the Paris Exhibition, a collec tion of native stuffed birds, said to be the "best on the continent. The government has also purchased a splendid set of furniture for the same destination. Extensive improvements are being made in the military buildings, to accommodate ihe new artillery equipments. In addition to guns and harness of the newest pattern, the field batteries have been supplied with the Spencer rifle. Mosteeal, Dec. 5.— A private letter states that the only surviving descendant of Columbus was shortly to visit Amerioa. A large number of French Canadians are returning from the States for the want of employment. It is reported here tbat a secret Fenian meeting has been held at St; Albans, but nothing serions is anticipated. Toronto, Dec. 5—A man named James McDevitt, hailing from New Brunswick, has been arrested here for using seditious language, daring the Government to hang the Fenians, &o. He will be examined to day. £> From Washington. [To the N. Y. Associated Press.] Washington, Dec. s.—General J. M. Thajer and T. W. Tipton, Senators elect from Nebraska, have arrived here. The former has brought with him the constitu tion of the new State. T. M. Marquette, the Representative elect, will arrive shortly. It is ascertained that the population of Ne braska is nearly 90,000. The memorial and constitution will scon be presented to Con gress. An act will have to be passed before these Senators and the Representative can be admitted to Congress.' The heads of the various bureaus of the Treasury Department have joined in a let ter to the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, urging the passage of the bill prepared at the last session for the re-organization of the Treas ury Department, or one similar. In this letter they recommend an iacrease of sala ries, owing to the fact thit experienced clerks, in consequence of the small salaries received, are forced to resign to accept po sitions with better pay, very much to the inconvenience of the Department, 91te Disaster to the Nteainshlp Scotland, [B; the United States Associated Press.] Sandy Hook, Dec. 5. —The steamship Scotland, which suffered from the late gale, has her stem under water, but her bow Is out; yet she is settled somewhat more than yesterday. Her main-topmast is gone, but it can’t be seen that she is broken up much. She has a list to starboard, “ The brig Wilhelmine, ashore on the Romer, did not entirely break up, but stood the blow quite well; she has lost her main mast. Shipping Intelligence. [To New York Associated Press J New Yore, Dec. s.— Arrived—The ships Temperanza, from Genoa, and Cultivator, from Liverpool; the barks Zingarella from Vera Cruz, the Kingbird from Giginta, the Charlotte Bnch from Havana, and the D. Blenkbora from Mansanilla; the schooners C. B. Warner from Sants Cruz, the R. C. Lane from Mayagnez, and the Phoebe Ann from Havana. Sailing; of the Africa. FBy tbe Hew York Associated Press.] New Yoke, Dec. 6 —The steamship Africa sailed for Europe this forenoon, tak ing 46 passengers for Liverpool and 18 for Halifax, and $12,000 in specie. markets. [By the N. Y. Associated Press.] i New Yoke Dec. 6tb.—Cotton quiet, at 33%@34c.; sales of '4.300 tibia, of flour; state, $7 50@U 15; Ohio, *i<<3}l3; ’Westera, (B fo@ll 8 ; Southern, fl 20i3K Wbeatdoll. Corn dDll; Western, 81 15@116 Bye dull and heavy. Bariev doll and drooping. Oats favor Ira era. .Beef dull. Pork steady. Lard aud whisky -dull. New Yoke, Dee. S.-Gold, 139; Sterling ercbanee, lC01,@l00d; atslghi. 110%; U. 6s. rive twenties of 1861, conpona li'B%; 0ri864.10%: of 1885.107%; or 1865 aew ttsne. 109%; lvn-fonles, 100%; Seven-twenties, first se ne -|U>5%7 second eeries, )05%; Virginia 6s, 60; Mis socrl ts. 91%. Stocks are lower, and somewhat flue Coating Money rates at f@7 per cent. Uaa'oaCoin- P“nr ‘.SH: Western Unl-n Telegraph ■ o. 46%: Erie R , 71%: Beading B. B, 1 1 1?,',; Michigan Boutne-n 80%; Pittsburgh and Cleveland, 84%; Chicago and Bock Island, 103%; (mmberland Preferred t>9%; N. Y. Cen. trel 111%; IBndscn Blver R, B, 120; Micblgan Central, 112%; Illinois Central 118%; Toledo.ll2si:Northwestern, 49%; Pittsburgh. Port Wavne and'ibicago 105%. | By the U. A Associated Press.] New Yobk. Dec. 6.—The following are the stock quotations. 11.80 o’clock call this morning: Pacific Mall, 17o%; Atlantic Mail. I1M1; I'anLon,4BK; Cnmbeiland, 69%; Quhksllver, 46%; Mariposa, 123%: N Y Central 111%: Erie B- 8.. 71%; Hudson, 12o: Beading, 111%; Michigan Central, 112%: Southern, 811%; Illinois Cent al 118%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh,B4%; Noithwest. 49%; Western Union Telegraph, 46%; Bos ton Water Power,® %; Bock Island B. R., 103% [To the Sew York Associated Press.! BitTiMtißE. Dec. s.—Grain Is quiet and prices un settled Corn, BS@93. Flour very dull. Spring Wheal l^I 1 r hi 25@U 75. Seeds are dnl ; Clover *9 50 @B*2%. Provision, heavy and transactions small Ct ffee s’eady Sngsrs dull, whisky nominal, Cotton tnactlve; Middling Uplands, 83%, . . Financial News. [To the U. S. Associated Press.] New Yobk, Dec. 5.-The following are the qnota- Moua 1.1 American securities at 10.30 o'clock call this TO otp if c: ■■ U, P. 6’h 81,113% hid, 113% asked; d r '.!'"2G'e 82 108% bid. IBB%askec; do, 6», 10*-% bid 106% ask'd: do. 65. 107% h'7% asked; do. 1040>a,10i% old, li>B% asked ;7-3iVs 1 I s- rl*-, lt's% b'd. 108 -Sked: do. 7 30’s 20 series, 105% Md,lis% atked; do. 7-83’s 3d serfs, 105% bid 105% asked. . Cotton in Mississippi,— The Woodville ,{Miss.) Republican, of the 24th, says: “Cot ton pk-kiog is near over. Crops have turned out wofully short, of course, as is indicated by the early end of the picking see son, as it began so late; much energy is being displayed in the preparations tor another crop, notwithstanding the many failures of the present year and the low price of cotton.” Scotch Emigration to Texas, i— The Galveston JSews announces the arrival, in mnC vJ m Pi'oved health of Samuel G. Pemott, an old and well-kuown Texan, who has just returned from Europe. Inconjunction with Mr. Dickinson, of Houston, Mr. Pe mott engaged in Scotland no less than three hundred families,all of the peasant or work ing classes, a large portion sailing from Liverpool direct for Galveston on the 6th Ootober, and now due. Negbo Mass Meeting.—The negroes about Bastrop, Texas, have called a grand mass meeting for tbe 6th December, for the purpose of establishing a regular system of labor, and adopting measures for the gene ral good of the race. CITT BUTXETIN. Thb Little Wandbbeb’s Home.— Some of the reaaers of the Bulletin will remember a cu i ions case of fraud that came to light In Philadelphia some twenty years or more ago.’ A man named Nicholson a book keeper in the establishment of a wealthy firm, availed himself of his confiaential re latiocs with the firm to plunder the concern by whole sale, and finally, to conceal his crime beset fire to the cuunting-bouseinthebopeof desiroTiog tbe books The five was extinguished, the evidences of Nlchoi* son’s double crime were discovered, and toe guilty man was sentenced to a term of imprisonment, and died of disease while in t onfinemen*. : While Nicholson was at liberty and free from suspi cion, he bad built /or his own use what was then deemed one of the finest mansions in thecitv; It was located at tbe somhwe't corner * t Tentn aad ShJppen streets, and a great deal of expense was lavished in tne embellishment of the spacious apartments. Th« property pssatdfatotfae possession of tbe creditors of its alsboiest builder, ana in tie revolution of events it has finally became a “Home for Little Wanderers,” iThe structure., ere. ted by tbe profit* of fraud, Is now applied to tbe pnrpcses of holy charity. During last winter the Buixstin took frequent op portunities to direct attention to this institution, which was then located in more contracted qaarters, In Ship pen street and although the o.gauiz&tion of tne concern was far from complete or satisfactory. It was them eans of accomplishing a great deal of good during the weather. Since that time tbe InsUtmion. ;bas been entirely remodelled: trustworthy officers have been secured (Mr G, B. Houghton having been chosen Superintendent,) and the: , Home”isinreadl ness tor the reception of the proper objects of its char flowing is a .brief summary of what the of the Institution contemplate: object of tbe Mission la to receive tbe perishing opnoren of the streets; but is not local in it* ooer&* ttons. Homeless children are invited and received from every quarter. The Mission is not sectariaa, for ine den * « laborers represent the several lead- The chtidrea received are classified as follows: ,7?P se up to the Icstitudon to be pro video with homes in Christian families. Second— hose received into the Day School,and who the benefits of bath and wardrobe, who have a substantial dinner, and go home at night. Third—' Those left in the Nursery by poor mothers, who go out to work duriog the day, taking their little ores nom.e at night. Quite a number of children who would be without home? were 1c not l'ortbis institution,: are now Inmate? of it. and upon its charity will tfa largely increased when the inc-emeßt season sets in,' The be nevnlent Managers are much in need of aid to enable themjo go onio the good work which they have on dertaken, and they confidently appeal to the public for fl ™P- On Thanksgiving * >ay a call that was made upon churches, Sunday-schools, storekeepers, and citizens generally, was most Überallj responded to, aud an al most ei dices variety of thiogß to eat. drlok or wear were sent in. Such contributions will be consta itly needed by the Mission, and, of course, will be always acceptable. The charitably disposed should make a note of it. Murderous AssAXjLT.-^Eaward O’Brien alias Fisher, was before Alderman Jones this morn ing, upon thecbi-rseof assanltand battery. On Mon day night several men went into alager beer saloon on Market street, west of Sixteenth, and after drinking, refused to pay the bill. They called for more beer, and the proprietor refused. ‘Jhe fellows then went behind the counter and helped themselves to liquor About s's was also abstracted from the money drawer. Tbe proprietor of the saloon remonstrate! against such co .duct, when he wss attacked, kn .eked dow.i. badly beaten and stamped m-on The assailants &U escaped (> Brien, who is alleged to have been engaged In the affair was a*-rfsted yesterday. He was placed under fS:o ball for trial. Misdemeanor,— Richard Vincent was before Alderman Hutchinson this morulog upon tbe charge o* misdemearor. It*saileg*d that heief.ised toaealst officer Newman in making an arrest when catt Fd on to do so. He was held h± $3OO b *ll to answer at Court. A Wife Beater. —A German named Max Erauskoff, residing In the neighborhood ofFront and Green streets, was arrested y. s erday and taken before Alderman Tolaud on the charge of assault and battery on hie wife. H. was held in f6io ball for trial. Temperance. —We call attention to an advertisement 1n another column of a public temper nice meeting at which Rev. Theodore L. Coyler, D D., o. Brooklyn, will deliver an address. The Great Remedy op the Age for teelhtiiC, pales, cramps, flatulency sleeplessness. Ac.' in children, is Bower’s Infant Cordiar. No lamlly should be wiihont it. ' “Liebig’s Food,” for infants and invalids. Bower. Sixthand Vine streets. Price $1 00. Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN*BROTHER,Importers, . y 23 South Eighth street. BejUbow’s Soaps.— Elder Flower, Tortle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Ruse, Ac. SNOWDEN * BUOTH&R. Importers, 23 South Eighth street. Ladtes 1 Trusses, Braces, and Me chanical Suprorts adjusted by competent females at Needles',’’Twelfth street, first door below Race Banning’S, Braces.Klastic Bandages, Stockings, Knee Caps, Ac., of superior quality. Dr. Fitleb advises gratis, from 10 to 1. al his office, 29 Son h Fourth street. The only in an II vine who can permanently cn<e Rheumatism. Neurelgla Gout, Asthma, Cure warranted or no charge, Elastic Supporting Bandages for Ladies’apd^nCapta’use. These incomparable Band? forsale at ! Neeoles ! russ and Brace Store ” Twelfth street, firafdoor below Race. (Conducted by SSies Mujavibo ! It is very seldom we meet with any description of perfume which so entirely erm-o up to the notion ol the pub lc. as does the per fume above mentioned.—lV O True Dc’la. * _ aw perfume for the handkerchief Is something pfcnlUrlv di llcate and delicious. Forsale by all the principal Druggists.— Biiladelphla Evening Bui'elin Bilious Disorders, Liver Complain? Costlyeness, Dyspepsia. &a, are speedily removed hv Dr. D Jayne’s Senattve Pil’s. Tbe test ot thirty years' ute has proved them superior to all o h- r remedies fir the cure ol the.various diseases for which thevarere ermmer ded. In their artion they are mild and csrtaln and mr.y le taken at any time without rise from ex posure. Prep&rtd only at 212 Chestnut street. Sweet Opoponax. Asihe precious flower known so charmingly aa the Sicret Oprpon x" robs others of all fragrance, ana sc-rcely breathes It forth even to the air. but gladly yields it to beauty’s taper flogers so dots E. T. Smith fa«°J,!^S OW Kf d , Mt . I ' act of *“'«< Opnponax" scant |S" handkerchief extravagantly powerful. Nothing prletors. ' h.MITH * CO., New York, solo pro- The Cable News!— JOHN H. SURRATT! fine suits for KSr™™ 1 DO. DO. FOB YOUTHS. DO. DO. Fi R BOVS. DO DO. FOR MILITARY KEN. / DO. ro. FOR OIVrUANS. BOCKHILL & BOB EVERYBODY. JBBOWIS STONE CLOTHING HALL, 603 and 605 Cbestnnt stract. COMMEBtML, BALES OF STOOKS, FIRST BOARD. |3fOO US 68 5-208 CO Jy109% 1(08h SchNv pf 84% Iwiocity usmnn CAP 99% 2sh do com 25 ‘S, 99% 15sh Cam*Am B 180 c °o 6s ’B4 92 85 sh Penna R 54% «'il D T B k 1 , u l u l- coa 100% 300 ah Phil* Erie ai% i eh^S. KT „ 5% ooosh do 830 31% 300 sh Bead B B3own 65% 49 sh Norristown B ■ 60 ? 2° b 5 55% 100 8b Heatonv’e B b*o 14% ICO eh do b 4 55 100 sh do 05 14% 9sh Minehlll B 68 10U sh do "* 14% FEMES OF STOCKS IN NEW YOBK. (81/ Telegraph.) American Gold. , < hM I " Heading Railroad;.—...„ ...... 5581-lki bid New York Central .... . - _jnv hid United States 6s, 6-2CB™™.™™.™..™..™™..„__ioBV hid Hudson Blver. ZZZZZZZZIIo* bid Steady. Finance and Business—Dec. 5, ises. There was very little life at the Stock Board this morning, except In Hestonvllle Passenger Railway, which sold largely at 11%@14%. Government Loans were again a fraction higher,but the speculative shares generally were weak and lower. The Coupon sixes ’Bl, closed at 113% bid; the "policy” Bonds at 109%; the old Five-Twenties at ios%; the ’6ls at 106%; the ’6ss at 107%, and the Ten-Fortl. 's atloo%, with sales at the lat. ter quotation. State Fives sold at 95, and the new City Loan at 99% Beading Railroad decline! %. closing at 55%, and Pennsylvania Railroad %, selling at tne close at 54%. Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at 131; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at 31%—a decline of %■ Mine Hill Ballroad at 68-a decline of %, and Norris town Bailroad at 60—a decline of 1. Catawissa Ball road Preferred was also a fraction off Canal stocks were very quiet. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred sold at 34%; the Commi n stock at 25, and Lehigh Navi gatl n at 56%. In Bank sharea there were no transactions and bat few offered. ’ Smith. Randolph & Co„ Bankers, 15 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as follows; ™ G01d,™....™.....™ no!/ B-g-igf SP**- " , :™U3 9^ U 3% U'S. HO, 1» 108% 3)1118% {52! m.-...106%®106% n ft 1!MI> —.107%i107% U( Hi lUnfr-SIiVU/ series. -7.ZT. ”~-lS%@ °° M “ •asg'Sios* MO. July, 1«S. ™. ...„....109%@109% Oomnoands. Deo,. 1804 „ ~ Basra, De Haven Brother, No, 40 Sooth Third £^^^*tiF^? aotaUOM ofthe «““:oi American Geld...™™„... m „ BeUlD *' Silver- Quarters and ha1ve5..—.434% Cona pound Interest Nous: “ “ JnneJB64.„Ts% * " July, 18«4.„ 15% M " Any 1864... 14% " " Oct., 1864™ 13% " " Dec. 1864... 12% M » May, 1865™ H% " " Ang.,1865™ 10% ** " 8em.4865™ 9% “ " OoL. 1865™ 9% THE DAILY EVENING BIJLLETI^J.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1866. JOS.T Ballsy, BsnJ. Bowlind, Jr„ Wen.’ H. Rhawn. Wm. Ervlen, Sami. A. Blspham. Nathan Hillea. Edw. B. Orne, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hoyt, 1865 5-20’S EXCHANGED FOR 1862’5, and market differmoa In price allowed.’a, SAfs, 1881’a, 10-40’S and Compound Interest Notes Bought and Bold, DREXEL & GO., 84 BOUZH THI&D STBEE7. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTOBY. The Uunst end best aasoibnentot loSP®*®',l*ongJEair Braidi and ' Onrte, Water-fall*, Vlotorines, Fri* a. for Ladi;s, Al prloea LOWita than eltewhon* [xah29-zy i 909 CHESTNUT STEEET. INDIA SHAWLS. INDIA CAMEL’B HAIR SHAWLS, INDIA SCARFS. GEO. FRYER, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST. ir of P° r <*B»ers to hh elegant stoek JhiUa Shawls and Bcarfi at very moderate Pi? o ®*. noM-l2trp UNITED STATES BOILDER’S MILL, No*. 24, 26 and 28 S FIFTEENTH ST„ PHn.ADKT.PHIA. PPT.FR & BROTHER. rsrlSS IW(SP*S£i*]iLH 1 W ( SP*S£i*]iL H K OKBJTB, BTAIR BAIp ?°3TH. QKNitRAi. TOBN«NG, fRn iV* Ptc * &HKLVXNG PUANRD 'TO « nr«t aworfment of Wood Mouldings B UuA city coDAlantly on hand* no!6 3m rp J»y Oooke* 00, qnote Government BeouritlQs, *c„ to-day, s. follows ' IBoylaii • MUna &ftS@cr====dJ@,:.,: Jgg : 6-20 Jllly. 1865 lift imo Bonds—— —...——..100 imk 7 8-10, August..... —— 106 K 206 July. T.JOSJS 106 Gold—at 12 i39X USX Philadelphia Arkett* Wecnfstdat, Deo. 6.—There Is a good demand lbr Cloverseeii and fhrther sale* are reported at t9|So®lo 600 bushels sold on secret terms. Timothy ranges from (3 26 to |8 SO, and there Is rather morejunqulry. Small Bales of Flaxseed at (3 20 9 bushel. •-£ . Thera Is b hatter fbellsg in the Flonl market and ra. ther more Inquiry for the supply of \be home oon sumers, but prices remain without quotable change. Sales of6oo barrels low grade and good Northwest ex tra family at |U@l2 ? barrel. 160 barrels at (12(3(13 lbr Fenna. and Ohio do. do., (U 60@16 fer fancy, (3(310 for extras, and (8@(8 60 for superfine. Bye Flour Is Bt S!? y SLi 7 * 5 ®J 111 CoTB Meal nothing doing. ’ The oflorings of Wheat continue small but there la yeryjittle demand. A lot of New York Amber sold at §3 and 2»000 bushels Chicago Spring at 12 28. fenna. Red may be quoted at (2 60@2 80, and Southern at (2 95@310. Bye Is Irery quiet vrtto small sales of Western and Penns, (l so to (1 40. Corn Is In better demand. Sales 0r2.000 bushels old yellow at (112@(l 14 and L2OO bushels new at 85 esuth toll, and some on the cobat 80 centa A lot of white sold at 98 cents. Oats are on s cent lower. Bales of 3,f00 bushels Delaware at 67 cents afloat. Price* of Barley and Malt axe nominal. „ Whisky la unsettled. We quote Fenna. (2 S6®2 3*. and Ohio at (2 42(33 48, L E. WALRAVEN, HAsene seal*. 719 Chestnut Streets A Fresh Impoitation of CHOICE LACE CURTAINS, Tapestry Bordered Terrys, SATINS AND SATIN DAMASK, Rob*, CtlmaoD, Bins, Green and Gold, all of the newest designs lbr CURTAINS FURNITUBR COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES COLORS AND STYLES WE OFFER FOR BALE, $250,000 7 Fer Gent. CONSOLIDATFD MORTGAGE BONOS OF THB HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOP MOUN TAIN RAILROAD AND GOAL COMPANY, AT VH. THESE RONDS AT THE ABOVE PRICE WILL YIELD THE HOLDER* NEARLY 9 PKR CENT. PER ANNUM AND AID TWKNRY-nNK PER C*NT. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT MATURITY. FOB FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO BAILER & STEVENSON, Bankers, No 131 South. Third Street, de4 6tJ 5p Opposite Girard Bank, NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC 809 and 81J. Cheitnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital $300,000. FtrU Paid. DIRECTORS, PRESIDENT, WULIAK He BSAWN. * CABHimt, JOBS PH P. 2TUMTORD. OCSOSoup THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. THE IMPEACHMENT QUESTION. THE SEARCH FOR BURRATT. RECREANT SENATORS j DEPOSED. Doolittle, Dixon and Gowan Take Back Seats. Kapid Declined iu Gold. Prom Wostalitgrton. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] j Washington, Bee. s.— Tbe Special. Com mittee of Ten, appointed by the Bepablican caucus to report a plan of business for the caucus to adopt to-night, are ready to report. Among other matters they unanimously recommend that a special committee he raised to inquire into the conduct of the President with a view of impeachment. It will appear by the official correspond ence that the Government have been vigi lantly inquiring into the whereabouts of Surratt for the last six -months. The action of the Senatorial caucus in deposing and reducing the four Senators who. betrayed their party, causes consider able fluttering in the Senate to-day. Secretary Seward is in conference with several Republican Senators, on the floor of the Senate, to-day. [By the N. Y. Associated Press.] Washington, lec; s.— The .Republican Senators to-day completed their re-arrange ment of the standingcommittees. Ou Com mittee of Foreign Relations, Doolittle, who was next to Sumner, chairman, has, been placed at tbe foot. Ramsey is bead of the Post Office Committee, vice Dixon dis placed, and Henderson is made chairman of Indian Affairs instead of Doolittle; while Cowan is transferred from the head to the foot of the Committee on Patents. Thus Doolittle,Cowan and Dixon, friends of Johnson, are deprived of their chairman ship Interesting; from St. Louis. fßy the United ttatas Associated Press.] St. Louis, Dec. s. —The polioe revelations disclose the fact that the fire at Kansas City, Nov. 2d, was the work of incendiaries, and that three members of the firm of Scott, Cutter & Co., are the guilty parties. John L. Scott, who was arrested here on Satur day, and G 1 A- Cutter on Monday, and 8.- Welder are under arrest at Kansas City. The fourth and junior member of the firm, is not implicated in the crime. Cutter, while being confronted by the In surance Agent, at the office of the Chief of Police, yesterday, attempted to kill himself by jumping from the second-story window, but was not Eeriously hurt. Excessive in surance is supposed to be the cause of the crime. Ihe Quincey and Palmyra Railroad was sold yesterday,to the Hanibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company, for a quarter of a mil lion of dollars. The latter Compauy, with the Wabash Valley, will immediately com mence bringing the Mississippi at Qaincey. Interesting from Canada. [By the United States press, j Ottatva, December sth.— A new weekly paper is to be published here, devoted to the interests of the volunteer service, military and naval establishments in British North America. It promises to give information respecting the movements of the impe rial volunteers and militia forces, reports of reviews, inspections, improvements in arms, drills, etc. Tobonto, Dec. s.—The Toronto Field Bat tery has received a complete set of new brass gnus from England. The Accident to the Steamer Scotland. [By the United States Associated Press ] Sandy Hook, • Deo. s.— The steamship Scotland has broken In two forward of the smoke stack. The body of an unknown man was picked up on the beach, this morning, quite dis figured from rolling in the surf and sand. From New York. I By the United States As 'oclated Press.] New Youk, Dec. s.—lt is contradicted that the Bteamship Concordia has been char ered for Vera Cruz. : XXXIK COHfißESS>§econd' Session. Washington, Deo. 5, 1868. .Senate.— Mr. Wade (Ohio) introduced a bill for the admission of Nebraska into the tlnirm. Ordered to lie on the table for the present. The committees for the session were an nounced. ' Mr. Williams (Oregon) offered a resolu tion instructing the Committee on Retrench ment to inquire to what extent the Presi dent has a right to restore confiscated pro perty under the laws of the United States. If such a law exists to what extent it can be executed, &c. Adopted. Mr. 'irumbull (111.) moved the refer ence of ,tbe bill to repeal the President’s Hmnesty power to the Committee on the Judiciary. This gave rise to a debate, at the conclusion of which the bill was re ferred. Mr. Sumner (Masß.) offered the ireaolu tiorison reconstruct on, of which he gave notice yesterday. They assert the right of Congress over the subject of reconstruction, and deny the right of lately rebellions States to pass upon the constitutional amendments. Read and ordered to be printed. The Senate adjourned at half-past one o’clock without transacting any otner busi ness. House.—Mr. Williams (Pa.) called up the bill of the last Bession for the regulation of appointments to and removals from of fice, and addressed the House in advocacy of its passage. The Speaker presented the laws of Dako ♦ah Territory for 1865-6. Referred to the Committee on Territories. On motion of Mr. Washbnrne (111.), the Secretary of War was directed to communi cate the report of the tour of inspection made by Brevet Brigadier-General Babcock during the pas’ year, orsuch portion as he may deem proper. Hew Yorli Financial Market. TBy the United states Associated Press.] Vobk, Dec. S.-Gold, 39%. Exchange, 9%, EUeks lower, 2:30 O’Oloafr. Phi la d Trr.-p.TT a MKB3ICB A SONS, i, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. £annfectnre High and Low Preesnre Steam wnrtom {hr Land, Blver and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanka. Iron Boats, As, Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofefor Gas Works, Workshops an! Railroad Stations, Ac, K Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and Improved construction, —«« _Every description of Plantation Machinery: and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans. Onen Steam Trains, Defecators, FUters, Pumping En gines, Ac. * * • Sole Agents for N. Billecx’s Patent Snrar Bollni Apparatus, Neamyth’s Patent Steam Hamraerund Asplnwdl A Woolsey'a Patent Oeatrifogal Socai Draining Machine. GAB FIBTPBBa-MIBKBY. MSimn.T. A ■raACKABA, NO. 718 CHESTNUT street Manufacturers of Gaa Fixtures, tjhm As,, Ac.. would call the attention of the public to their large ud elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers. Pendants Brackets, Ac, They also Introduce Gss pipes lnte Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend- and repairing Gaa pipes. All tolto, lAMXS a. WBISHT. TKORXTON PHTSL CLEXHNV : BtUBOQM. TmcQDOBK WnrQKT. wnmri. s»*t.x PETER WEIGHT A SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping aad Commission Merchant!, No. ns walnut street. Philadelphia; pßiyr WKLm-OWNEBS OF PROPERTY.—Tni IT only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Ditto fitted, at vary low prices. a. peybson, n Mannfectnrer of Pond-retis, Goldsmith's Hall. Library strati American mutual insurance company. —Office Farunhar Building. No. 11 ■llreet. MARINE AND INLAND XNBURANOS&- BI;ka taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parti of the world, and on goods on Island transportstlcSri? rivers, canals, railroads and other oonrjvs-Mxj Baonghosl the United Slataa. . v WTLLIAMGRAJG, President, PETER CULLEN, Vice PrmhW* ROBERT J. MKE. Secretary. _ wrsstso 83. Henry O.BaHtW. Peter Cnllen, Wm. 8. Lotvber. Daliett. Jy,> J. Jobiutos Wfillam H. Merries Samuel A. SuJou, Rf.bJ- W.. Rlchard-j. Mason Hut-hina, Gillies DaUatS, * Henry L. Elder. weu H, Bths, f 8. Rodman Ronto, Psareos Barr!!?, |?? oopnty gnas csstoanch company.* O&FICEB NO. UP SOTTTH FOUKTB STBFSX. , BKPOW (JHEv/n 11V. ' The Fir* Insurance Company of the Grraniv nf Philadelphia.” Incorporatedthe %S3Slo “ Pennsylvania in IS®. {by Indemnity BraJnat loss m damage by are. exclusively, J ssamy; ion> m OHABTEB PEKPHTUAI. Thli Oia anfl rellable Institution, with amnia capita] and CTBHMent fima caraftt'iy Invested contfnaee tote tore bnJlaißfs, rarnUore, merchandise', &a, either zz2> manentlv nr (hr a limited tlma. apalnei lo« or by are, at the lowest rates consistent with lbs nbrolcij safety of Its cnstomens. Xanaea adjnsted and paid with all nmmhia asjnatsft StBEOTOBS. ra>»«eaJ. Bntter, I Edwin L. Beakit, Henry CMUy, I John Horn, • BobertV. Massey, Js„ ' j Joseph Moore, Henry Bndd. | Goo rye Meet®, Andrew H. MUler. I James N. Stone. CHAHHES J. 6TJTTKB, ProKtlsrsa Beetjabzei If. Sonosnxv. Bec’y end Treasurer, Tfce Kew Yoi-fc Gold Market.) [By the TJ, B. Associated Preea,] * New Tobk, Cea S.—The prices of gold have been as follows to-day, showing a de cline from yesterday of If: '.Time. m»ie. [Opened, HOf 10.42- 139§ ,10.01A.M., 10.46 139 f [10.02 , 10.46 1398 ’10.03 10 47 1398 10.05 10.48 139 f *lO-66 10,51 v 1398 10.07 10.62- 189 J 10.08 10.64 1398 WJ2 10.85 1398 10.16 • 111.00 1398 j 10.26 1220 P.M. 1391 10.26 12.34 1898 10.27 A.M., 1235 189| 10 28 1237 139 f 10.29 1240 1398 10.30 1260 139 1130 1.10 139 10.40 146 1386 140} 1408 1 140} 1401 140} 140} ’ 1408 140} 140} 140 1398 139} 1398 13 9} 1898 139} ; 139| 139} Harken. [To the United states Associated Press.] NewTobk. Dec. 6,-Cotton Is quiet a*Bs%@36fi>r mldcllnjs. EJonrdoll and declining. Receipts 17 404 barrels. ’ Pales of 3,900 barrels Superfine State rt 17 so® ,9 30 lor extra: State 19 65@10 20 for choice do,; tio 25(3 » *»■ Weslern •? So@9 SO; extra Western i|B sf@lo «ot choice do. *lO 70®lt so; Bound Hood Ohio ill @il i6;T>adi Brand 111 bo@l3 00. Southern Piour 'ln rail erd drooping Pales 2Uobarrelscommonf'l 20 ;@l2 fs;Fanc7,<Sc.. |l2 70@16 00 Bye Flour doll: talcs of cq barrel* at s6@6 25 Com Heal is heavy. Wheat: •receipts HI7S7 boanela. The market i* dull and droop ing. >ye is dull; receipts 15519 bushels. Barley is scarcely to film. Beceipt* 14,©9 bushels. Barley malt ImJuII. Corn dull at slls@l is for shippiog mixed ;West»rn: receipts 13 900 buahela Oats are declining. Receipts 63 478 Emtbels, Bales of 20,000 bushels afc 62c. jior L'blcaao and Hdwaukie Pork quiet and steady. Pales c ffco barrels at |2O 25 f r new mess: $2O for old mess; |l9 for prime Beef dull. Sal»s of 200 barrels at iprew us prices. Lard dull and drooping. Pal°s of 175 barrels at llfti@3c Whisky qtdec at l r @lOftc. for Coba Eggs more steady at32@33c.for£ctsii. , Kiv 'Yiiix, Dec.s —Coal duiT for domestic and firm .for'Orelgu which i« ecarce. Leather, hemlock sales dull, ore-banged Wool more steady, lOO 000 lhs. at 45@60; domestic fleeee, 45@50 for palled, and 48 for fTexap. Petroleum dull andT drooping. 21c crude, and Si K@B3 for refined in bond. ■ bucks are lower. Money on call 6 per ct. Sterling Exrbarge doll 30:ft. Chicago «fcß. I,lo3ft;Reading, 115 ft; Mich. Poathern, 81; do, Central. 112 ft; Panama, 2*o; 311, Central t?crip.ll-ft; Cleveland <& Pittsburgh, K; Chicago <& N. W. f 49ft; do. Prefd. 7wft; Cleveland 4 Triedo It 3: Delaware <fc Lackawanna, 1443%; Toledo, Wabash & Western. 43ft: Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne& Chi cago, 10536; Indiaoapolfs tA Cincinnati,*?; Hltwankla &t*t. Paul Pref’d, 995*; Delaware & Hudson, 355 ft; western Union n elegrat)h46ft; QaicksUver,46ft; Marl pesa Preferred, 81ft; Adams Express, 75ft; .American Frcb*nse 81ft; Pacific Mall. 170; N*w York Central, ilift: Gold opened 340 ft And closed 139 ft; Frie Bonds. 97ft: Buffalo and Erie 95; Pittsburgh, Fort aj i e and Chicago. 103: Erie, 73ft; P eferred, 84; Hud son 32f ft: Chicego Burlington and Qumcy, 134; U, 8. fs. 81, Coupons. 113 ft; U S. 65.. registered tPBft; T 7. 8. 52i coupons.’£s. rew issue. 109 ft: u. B. 10 <0 conpoua, luft: lieaeury 7 310 s, 105 ft; lencesseeCs, 70ft; North Carolina*. 56ft: North C&rolinas, new, 55ft: Miaooiui 6a, a.: Ohio at c Hirsouri Certificates, 29ft. '■ Bal-tjmobx. December s.—FicDr all graded in very mediate cemand; trade buying only to supply im n edlate want*; prices rominaily good white. |2» @s 10; common to fair. r 2 6t@2 75: good to choice red,t2 7c@2 90, inferior to fair red, $2 25@2 79 he* white corn, ts@9o a« to condition and qialiry yellow do. 7*@9o. 0at5,53(5:55 *eight Bvefi tw@i 10! Batreled pork.lard aid bulk meatsarednlland nomi nal. Barm uUing in small lots at 14@l4ft for shoul ders, 14ft@ 5 forsfres. Busiuessst a stand in whisky, country 6ell rigatd»stUlerifBats2 20 Nothing doing in coffee bug&r and molames unchanged. Bald at Philadelphia stock Beardi BALES AFTER FIBST BOARD. $BOOO U 8 10-fCB con lOoft 100 sh HeBtonv’eß s4O 14ft i f «D do iroft 100 ah do b3ol4ft 3100 City 6* new C<fcP 99ft 10 sh Leb Nv 56ft HCahPennaß 2da 54ft l.Osh do 2dss6ft 44ah do 54ft 20sh* do 2ds 56ft 100 sh Keystone Zinc 1 100 sh Bch Nav pf b3O 34ft SECOND |3goo City 68 xew d Mil j 3000 do C<£P99H ..1000178 68’a coa 113 { BVSDnESS. fl»Rm M T. HJEWES & BROTHER, PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) ' PHILADELPHIA, [nov3-Smo»[ Bepslrlng of all kinds at short notice.- Orders through Post Office wDI receive prompt attention. tar OO LB TRY WORE ATTENDED TO. -jßfi a a liA-NCASTEB. GRASS STORB, SPRUCE STREET WHARF. S&TABXiISH2D IN lay. _OOBN, OATS and MILL-FKZD Bold Wholesale and Betail at lowest Market Bates, and delivered to all pan* of ibe City. LV U KNIGHT * 00, GROCERS EtS. E. Cor, WATER said CHESTNUT streets, PM! sdelphla. A rents for the sale of the Products of tht Bouthwark Sngar Refinery sad the Grocers’ Burn.’ Home, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr PENNSYLVANIA WORK&-ON THE DELS XT WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA. CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. _ HEANEY. SON & 00 Engineers and Iren Boat builders, Manufacturers of , All kindsol CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING KN QINBB, Iren Vessels ofaß descriptions, Boilers, Vats. Tank* _ . Propellers, Ac.,Ac. T. RF-ANKY, W. B. BKAKEKY. S, AROHIBOLB Late of 3ate Bsancy, Neafe A Co., Kngtneer 1b Chief. Peon Work*. Phna. u. 8. Navy! J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. VH. H. arEnuTruri JNO. K. COPE. SIFrH WASH - MOURNliya GOODS. * HaviDg made the Mourning Department of my eaiaollabment a specially, • am pro pared to rnrnifih at tbe shortest notice, evtrv description of Mourning Millinery, Particular attention Is dinrted to my fine and varied assortment of Widow*’ Bon nets. O-ns Veils, wibhons, Jst< ftc KEOGH, _ No. 904 WAI*NUr Street. nosmv>fßm rpf BOARD. 1 ah Pennaß 54% 17 sh do 54% Krle Mali Train TCtptprb Train, Elmira Mall«.....*.7.00 Aa fit. .1.21 P.M, .3.111 p. h. wie Brcrer-i Train ™ MM Elvira Mail Z.Zis'mT. «* Passenitex Hare ran through on me Erie Hall and. Exrreas Trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and-Erie. ways, oetween „SEW YORK OOSITSOTIOit. r«ave New Tort at 9.00 A.M.,arrive at Erie 10 00 A. St’ Leave New Tort at sto P Marrive a' Erie 7.15 P M - v.eave Ere at S.SUP.M, arrive at New Portniip m leave ! rie av 9.10 &. at; arrive at Ve« York 10 10P M- Baera-at Weeping Oars on all Night Trains I ot information respecting na.naeas:ereasiness annio dt“h?4 l THl * 1 ’ lETH Bad M^RKKTatSeto?!hFl£ Aid for Ftelgbtttslneaa'of »fce Company’s Anenta °°raer TWrtee “ u » “**§«& J. ffc. Kpynolds.Erie Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C.R. R„ Baltimore. General >e M ralT^e?^n t 8 «&^ , A. L TYLBB , J? A Geaferai iJupexLnteadeat,* FOURTH EDITION. BY TBLBGBAPH. TRIAL OF THE FENIAN PRISONERS. A Descendant of Columbus to Visit Canadas Fire at Providence. The Trial or the Fenian Prisoners. fEv the United states Associated Press.} ; Sweetsbubg, O. E., Dec. 6,10.30 A. M.— ; The Court has just opened and resumed, the murder trial. There are some circumstances connected with Madden’s attempt last nighfc to set fire to the jail which indicate the pre sence of confederates outride. The vessel which Maddenhad filled with live coalswas" not one of. file jail drinking cups, as pre viously telegraphed, bat in a tiut ; box with a cover, which could not possibly have been in thb possession of the prisoners when admitted to the jail, as all of them underwent a ml-: nnte search. It is certain that it most have been conveyed to them in jail. Another : circumstance also indicates outside con federates. On Monday, P. M., a person re-; siding in the district was discovered in the jail yard, conversing with the prisoners. The police allowed him to escape, but he is known. Guards are now posted at every point outside where it would he pos sible to hold communication with the pri soners. Madden is to bekept in his cell for 48 hours, on bread and water to allow him to meditate bn the failure of his incendiary scheme. Montreal, Dec. 5, — It is reported here’ that the Fenians are holding meetings in St. Albans, and subscribing funds and arms for seme special undertaking. The military authorities are fully advised of all their movements and proceedings, and are taking measures to prevent any serious trouble arising therefrom-. A large number of French Canadians are returning here from the States, for want oF employment.' The Victoria Rifles, of which the late Col- Coward had command, purpose raising a monument to his memory. . A private letter received here to-day states that the only surviving descendant of Co lumbus will shortly visit this country. A cavalry school of Instruction is to be established here, under the supervision of the officers of the 13th Hussars. A man named MoDevitt was arrested yes terday P. M. on a charge of using seditious language. He will be brought before Court this morning, lire as Providence. IBy the U. 8. Associated Press.] Pbovidenqe, R. 1., Dec. s.—The Wad ding Mills in Olneyville, adjoining this city, owned and occupied by Ludwick Brayton, were destroyed by fire this morning. Doss* 412,000. fflre In Bbode Island. [By the New York Associated Press. j Providence, Dec. s.— The Turner Wad ding Mill, owned and occupied by Lad wick. Bray ton, in Olneyaville, near the city line, was bnmed to-day. The loss is $12,000. A. slight fire occurred to-day ia one of the Col lege buildings, but little damage resulted. Congress.' [HorsK—Continued from Third Edition.] The bill relating to appointments and re movals from office was, "alter considerable discussion, made the special order ior to morrow, and with tbe various.amendments was ordered to be printed. The Honse proceeded to call the commit tees for reports, under which cal! a bill amendatory of the act regulating proceed ings in criminal cases was passed. Shipping Intelligence. New York, Deo. s. —Arrived,ship Young, America, from Liverpool, Martlets. [By the United States Associated Press.] New Yobs, Dec. 6,1.30 P. M.—Sreadsiu as—Flour’ maiketlsiaihermoieacilve.bat prices wituoutany decided change; sales of 7,300 barre's at 17 503(0 30 for super stat«;is 6:@110 for extra State, Ho i5(3|U is tot choice do. 17 5» so .or super Western,is suSsio tjt ex. Western ,1° 7.31115 for choice do ,310 00® 11 isfor Bound Hosp Ohio. 11l 2t@l3 00 for trade brands, the market dosing quiet. Southern flour Isdull »nd droon mg; sales of *5O barrels ot common at in 20@li 65 and fl>; fancy and extra,(l2 70©le 00. com meal ia dull sales of 60 bartels Jersey at >5 50. Bye flour ia aulet- Bales or 200 barrels at to@7o cents Wheat datet and prices rather more steady, with but little doing however; sales offi.tco bushels Common No, 2 Mill waokee, at |3 00. Rye Is dull; sales of suo bus., state at |1 25; sales of 6,500 bushels Canada Peas at It 4L Bariev la easier; sales ot 6,000 bushels at 90,321 c. tbr- Canada west in bond; $1 to fir Csdus West (nee). Corn la without a decided change: sales’ of 400 bnsbe's at »11R for mixed Western In store, and ?1 If @1 is; afloat, (1 igforohlte Western (afloat.) Oa‘s were heavy: sales of 63 000 bushrls at6l@33Ec. lotOhl. cago and Ullwaukie,and «214©63c. fornew Ohio. Whisky la quiet. Pork heavy, closing fleeter: sales 0 250 barrels at 120 25 ©125 50 (or new mess; 439 7531110 sa •. for old mess: closing at |2e. Regular, and 319 forPxime. Lard heavy; sales 2 810 lbs. at llls@i3 cents; BtFmo, Dea 5, IP. M. -B tads ufls quiet—Flour unchanged Wheat-Bales of 10 (00 bushels on private - 1 terms. Corn Inactive—No, 1 Illinois, held by cargo at 31. Oats quiet—About too. Barley—Bales. 36 bushels Btateatfl. Bye 95c 311. Mess Pork:, Ml 5 392. JLard 11c. Recelptflto da, —Flour, 140 bairels; Wh’at. 350- bushels. No canal exports. * - . The weather mild ana clear Receipts at t’-enorts of Chicago. Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit and Clea-Mand for the week ending December lst-F10nr,89129 bb'sl Wheat. Hr,785 bnsnelr; corn. 191161 busuela; Oats 93.0U8 bushels; Bane, «• 0-4 sn.h la; Ry 8 43,133 busil Tfie Kew Yorfe aioa. y Slarbet* New y ork, Dec. 5—2 SO P. hi. -Tne stock market Is unsettled. Governments are nrmer without much ac tivity. R&lixoade depremed by ruutors ol a ootslnin stringency and disinclination of the pub ic to operate ir. sucks. Goldbas sold down to 139% 01 remora or heavy sales maklngand to be made by Government Ihe loan market ts more ac ive at 6@7 cents-not so much easiness. Tbe change however Is not nssitiva. Disc nuts dull at 7 for chut e names at short dates! Longdate paper Is regarded with dislike and passes sowly. After the stock board the market was dull and creeping. ggjOHKßaggm 1866. AND RAILROAD. 1366. This great line traverses tbe Northern and North west counties of Penns, Ivan la to the city of Erie ea Lake Erie. . . It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. TIME OV PASSENGER TRAINS XT FHIDADBLPHI3. ARRIVE EASTWARD. WSST'WAXtD. 4:00 O’Oloote.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers