BUSINESS NOTIONS. ' WE ARE SELLING, •tbbogato at.~......|i2 00. Price last year .(so 00 “ *> 16 50. " 11 25 00 “ ■* 20 00. “ “ K)00 “ “ 25 00. “ •' •• 85 00 •• ; t’« ’3O 00. “ •' *> 45 00 ■■ “ 35 00. “ “ 50 00 BwukEes Coats 48 50. •• <• •> Jl2OO <> " 9 to. “ “ “ 14 00 It « 10 00. “ “ 15 00 .1 11 00. <• ‘ ‘I ' 15 09 “ •* 12 00. “ “ . UOO m i .■* 14 00. . “ “ “ 20 09 «• “ . 1600. “ “ “ 2100 *» “ * I 8 60. ** “ 44 25 00 ii u 500, 41 ' ll “ 750 u ••• . ."0 00, 44 . 44 44 - 850 »i - : 7 CO. 44 44 •** tt 00 • it . tt, 8 00. 44 44 .12 00 .. ;.r 9 GO. 44 44 “ MOO it it 10 00. 41 “ 11 15 00 •i . •> a 00. “ “ too .1 4 00. " “ “ 600 .. .. 5 00. 7 6 m i. 6,00. ■“ “ “ 0 * ■We have by far the hugest and beat aaaortmer <» ITutS- and Boy.- Clothing In PhllaOe wWdi Is' being replenished by large daily ad manufactored of goods purchased reoenUy 4ttona. un than cost, and laving reduced all stoc’ proportionate prices, are offering such axe atiovoT v n « TO IBE TIME TO BXJT-PBIC *OW i» ,f <B r ' iS ‘OA2J:be no . %OWEE.. X rETTj* co., BrXTH 6TS. J wmBSSF- ■*2S2Sf%fi&nl£» ,„HSSSSm Jta motto *at the Belipbgnariu n*m«l wSifeure/ “her Alplalmand systematic: »iSrSKniT no kirn" '™ a> other remedy, no LisiKfMT, jq . f fArN . Kn , LKR that will c € SS,^f^-nv B l4EiiKP *Pd so satisfactorily as kao- anrfa Ct has been thoroughly tested 1,1 .thefield,in thecountlng room £li<) , st the Jorge,mu r»gciviliansandsoldlers, In the sno'a „ _,j, «pl al, thioughont all the vorl-n ellmf soi uie ear ><Ul -„ verdict has come (aj adSadwayt Beady Belief i, applied txu tnauy.or i m inwardly accordirvj to directions, f >tevcr‘cotiie, reoses to extei/” Use no wj tr or BuENS,er ScAi*Ds,or Cots, CBAMrßtrg* itsses, or Strains. It Is excellent for CHiLBXAJ2.b 4 OSQUITO-Bites, also stings ofPoi »° >or tiv Jfcrs. IDs unparalleled tor bun strokes, A TSHEUMATIEM. 1 OOTHACHK, TIG DoiiOU* 1- .iFIiA'HEATION OP THE STOiIACH. BOWEUS. gKiBNET Si Good for almost everything. £to ‘ia® ll ?* thonld he without It. Fellow directions and » EP*' -dy cnie will be effected, bold by Drngglsts. -Tiice cents per bottle. . no2l-w f,m Ist •? GEO. BTEOK <6 CO.’9 PIANOS.— WjfmEyEhe&B beautiful instruments are asSESiS i F/f if Strongly recommended by the follow-* 11**1 2os among the leading artists in America as any Pianos made in tht» country or in Europe, ✓ Wo. s. b, hlllls, Xheo. Thomas, &. O. Timm, tttax Haretzes, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl Wolfeohn, Chas. K. Jarvis, M. H. Cross, Carl Gaert aer. H, 6.*, Thunder, J. 2f. Beck. Joseph Bizso, 3. &Oro&8. Ozbcgxaes of certiffcates as to their durability, and aee xaierences oi one thousand purchasers in Bhila ifaiphVfi and vicinity, to be bad on application. For sale in Philadelphia only, by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. CHICKEBUSG PIANOS XiS EUKOPfc.-HA.NS •?C*H JIULOW, the great German Pianist, by letters test received from Europe, propose* to play only the iiHICHERING PIANOS doriig his concert tour 1n l&a United at&tes, «c24-tf| PIANOS. > GEO. STECK & GO’S, cele- ( PIANOS. PIANOS.. >bxated Pianos. for sale only-} PIANOS. PIANCS. Jby J. E. GOULD, *(. PIANOS. Seventh and Chestnut. jeotp— A UHlCiv KTPiTKG GHANO PIANO— mWn. aßSSSpiayed by Scambatl, the great Pianls B3a£3 flilTfof Europe, at Florence, Italy, was HI til <?onsldtie<s foiperlcr In ail respects to the tastrumeaw Kti Eroao woca & Srard, hitherto zegardedas tbe best feifce world - Hew Booms ftl4 street, wlttf “ wmk- CHIOKIS&ING GRAND PIANOS,—- BaEVi—The New Scale rhirfrprinrGrandy!. n_ 1 HI I.l»Pianos are acknowledged the best inHllii Jutland, Gsmany and Italy, Notice the great teati aaonlalß received from Smope in Angnst last. Mag xoacent collection of these instrument*. ÜBICKBRING ROOMS, 914 CHESTNUT STREET QCS-tfg W. H. DUTTON. ’ METER’S NEWLY IMPROVED CRE3- fESI@CENT SCALE ITTaTI OVERSTRUNG, pianos. Acknowledged to be the beat. .London Prize Medal •sd Highest Awards in America received. MELD DEONb AND SECONDHAND PIANOS. qc2»w t ß,m-3m Warerooms, 722 Arch st M below Bth. KINDT. & MANZ'S (FORMERLY WITH w»i 1 iiiiStemw« y) uasorpaa>ed Pf ANOS, at mooe •111* »rate prices. Maxsoall & Mittaupr's powerful Pianos, others fors7s. A. BCHERZER, n023-f,m,w-13t3 525 Arch street. 1 CABINET ORGANS. Z) These beantlfal instruments CABINET ORGANS. Vare male only by Mason CABINET ORGANS. J HaMLIN. and for sale in Killadeiphia, only by J. E. GOUBD, - Seventh and Chest cut, c—THIS ■gaw^PIANOS possess quality of tone andESSssSS «l *1 » amount of power next to the Grand ITT Vfi JPiano, and aie partienlariy adaped to the Parlor the Boudoir or tbe Study. These ber.utifnl In«tra ments, in great-variety, at the Chickering Uooms. 914 CJfcestnnt street. ©c26-tf OBttikjJib, MKLODBOA'B, CTTBRV —_ B*ft*%=3 HTYLE.—The Gem Organ SHI *» » Immense assortment?veiy low prices. ITT S.TT eiAJSQ BOOMS. W. SL DTJTTON, No. 914 Chestnut street* «»■ WHT..w Taa UEWSTYiiJB HHEK ®BSfcs*r|=?feGN PIANOS, seven octaves; charming tone: »*• *■ 'guaranteed durability; very low price. 914 CHESTNUT BTiiSET\ PIANOS. I HAINES BEO’S. elegant lns'.rumejits FIANGS. J-and moderate m price, 1 have dealt In for PIANOS, J fourteen years, and give a Ive years’ guarantee with each. j. E. GOULD. nos-tf Seventh and Chestnut. SWING BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5,. 1868. THE SENATE. The action of the Senate yesterday, in refusing to take up the House bill which revokes the President’s power to grant a general amnesty, will provoke much animadversion on the part of Union men who desire to see prompt action in Con gress upon such legislation as is neces sary to put a stop to the President’s fla grant abuse of the power now in his hands. It is not pleasant to see nearly a dozen EepublicanSenators castingalmosf their first vote, on the re-assembling ol Congress, with the opposition, to defeat a proposition which was so patent to' the lower House as to be decided at once and hy an overwhelming vote. An impres sion was rapidly gaining ground, when Congress adjourned, that the Senate was controlled by a timid and vacillating policy, unequal to the responsibilities and the emergencies of the times. This feeling -is likely to be revived and strengthened by such action as that of yesterday. But it must be borne in mind, on the other hand, that the Senate has always been accustomed to move with slower .steps than those of the popular branch of Congress, and there are some of the Re publican Senators so wedded to the idea .of the necessity of debate, that it is quite impossible for them to act upon the most obvious propositions un til numerous arguments and speeches have been made upon the subject. The Democratic minority is always ready to move in flying column. Its compact tody is held in light marching order, and with its admirable drill and the superiority of its tactics, it is always pre pared to avail Itself of the temporary aid of thp heavily-loaded and slow-moving wing of the Republican Senate,.. There can be no doubt that in due time and % after solemn delate the Senate will eon j&clnde that the country requires the s hteb I, idgement of the powers of theßseen ev*| aD< *. loyal friends of CoDgress such patience and faith BpM atjpay be blessed with, until their shall see their way clear to proceed with business. T . 'v.-.- yesterday lasted just for* ses ? loa °* but there can be no dou BQiau^9 > members become mo .64 that when the the novelty of their accustomed to acquainted with th P oB ™* oll afi 4 better mentoof the peo’ * temper and require tbeir daily seßsi : they • will extend go oh to atten- an hour or two., and country. 4 to the buainesa of the ’M'pggnr AafTHEAy FAIXtVBE* the grer ,ca b y personal results, some of failur* characters in history were wor) Csesar, after conquering the leo -4> ‘fiied a dog’s death at last; Napo ti 4,’from being almost master of Con /Oental Europe, ended his own days a prisoner; and Cromwell left a barren I -sceptre, “no son of his succeeding.’’ , (Failures are by no means uncommon > events in history; but failures in high : places, where they are the result of the : wilful blindness or blundering self-oon ceit of the victims, are rare. Charles I. and James 11. were failures. The first tried an experiment with the temper of the masses, and he learned, to his heavy ■ cost, that he did not have the people of the time of the Plantagenets or the Tu dors to deal with, and that the impe rious rule of the Henrys or of Elizabeth would not suit the seventeenth century. James 11. was a failure, not so much because of the lack of natural parts, but because-he failed to keep pace with the spirit and the temper of his times, and because he foolishly attempted to restore what the people of England had long before most emphatically discarded. In our own time and country John Tyler was a failure, and before the days of An drew Johnson, he was the most pitiable failure in American history. Like Charles I. and James 11., John Tyler attempted not only to run counter to the spirit of the age, but to foil and defeat the will of the party to which alone he could look for support and encourage ment. Charles’s disregard for the voice of the Commons, James’s evasion of the laws of the realm, and John Tyler’s jealous opposition to Henry Clay, and his affiliation with his old political opponents, in the insane hope to create a new party in his own interest, were the snags upon which these distin tinguished failures went to wreck. But Andrew Johnson stands foremost in the order of great failures and the most pitiable of instances of going to pieces when the skies were bright and the Bailing was perfectly plain. Taking the prominent English failures a 3 par allels, he has not the excuse of Charley I, who, from the circumstances of birth and training, and the plea of the kingly prerogative, could not be expeeted to have much regard for the rights of the masses. H. DUTTON, No. 914 Chestnut street. W. H. DUTTON W. H. DUTTON. W. H. DUTTON. The Philadelphia Academy of Music is the noblest theatre in America. In some respects it is superior to any in Europe. It is meant to promote musical taste find encourage artists. But it fails to do this, and opera managers and opera artists dread a visit to Philadel phia. It rarely pays a manager, and ar tists are so chilled by the reception ac corded to them, that they can neither do justice to themselves or the music as signed to them. It has already been stated in these columns that one difficulty atthe Aca demy of Music arose from the reserva tion of the five hundred best seats for privileged persons who pay no entrance money. A few of these were original subscribers, who paid the par value for five shares each. The greater part, how ever, bought their five shares much below par, say from forty to sixty dol lars per share. A considerable number also acquire the privilege of these seats by paying a trifling sum to th<? actual owners ofshares and receiving a transfer' of free tickets for a seaLm or a year. Thus the best part of the .house is appropriated to persons who pay but little towards the annual ex penses, and who, in general, do nothing towardsoflering inducements to mana gers and artists to engage the Academy. In a day or two the excellent French opera company, that performed in a nearly empty house a short time ago, is coming on another experimental trip. the d ■rr James II had the plea of earnest re ligious convictions to excuse his failure to meet the expectations of his country men, and both himself and his hapless father drifted to their thrones by birth right, and although their subjects saw fit to oust them from their places, they did not have the mortification of know ing that they had first deliberately chosen them to fill the offices from which they afterwards ignominiously ejected them. John Tyler stands first in the list of American Presidential failures. James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce who came after him were more than his peers in respect to weakness and meanness; but they were both faithful to the in stinets of the party that elected them,and although they were superserviceable in their partisanship,they could scarcely be called treacherous, and to that extent they rank higher than the recreant Tyler. With most amazing blindness, or with a strange infatuation, Andrew Johnson has failed to profit by the examples that history sets before him, and he stands confessed before the world as the most distinguished of failures. He is power less against the Congress with which he has quarreled, and which he has grossly insulted; the people repudiate him anc i his principles, and he has no party ex cept foiled traitors at the South, and sympathizers with them at the North, who only espouse his cause because they believe that his treachery to the party which elected him will profit the ene mies of that party. How melancholy a record! f THE FIVE HENDEED. j(LY EVENING- fl fJLLETIN.— FHfLAI) E The managers have been liberal towards them, and the general public is disposed to be equally so. But the privileged stockholders, who monopolize the best seats, with few exceptions, show no in clination to spend a single dollar. It is estimated that not one-fifth of the stock holders buy any extra seats, or use any exertions to. induce others to assist in operatic enterprises. If this indifference continues there can be no more operas in the Philadelphia Academy. The five hundred gentlemen and ladies who have bought their privileges at a low price are ruining the fortunesof the Academy as an opera house. Cannot something be done to stir up a little liberality in them, or to relieve the establishment of the incubus of the Fatal Five Hundred? THE FIBE DEPABTXEJir. The convention of firemen called for the purpose of preventing, if possible, the passage of the ordinance providing for the better regulation of the Fire De partment, met again last evening. - The delegates talked complacently of getting the bill into the hands of the Committee on Fire and Trusts, where it would be Buffered to die a natural death. They expressed a disposition to hold the fear of the combined opposition of the fire men over independent members of city councils, and they protested their un willingness to be controlled by the regu larly constituted authorities. It seems extraordinary that a body of men should claim to hold a special mission to ex tinguish fires in their own way .whether the public like it or not, and to be su perior to the law while thus engaged. Common sense would say that there is no such prescriptive right to put out fires, any more than there is a right to force the volunteer performance of any other police business upon the commu nity. San Francisco has just setupapaid fire department; Cincinnati, Baltimore and New York have abolished their old irresponsible departments,and they have profited by the change. Philadelphia, though proverbially slow in following these examples, is nevertheless sure,and the action of the firemen themselves, in opposing wholesome restrictions upon their department, will tend to aid in ''ringing about the result to which they are so much opposed. On Monday evening next the great Italian actress, Mme. Adelaide Ristori. supported by a full dramatic troupe, will appear for the first time before a Phila delphia audience, at the Academy of Music. The opening drama is Medea , written in French originally, by Le govfi, for Rachel, who, in one of her caprices, refused to play in it. It was then translated into Italian, was played with Bplendid success by Ristori, and has, ever since, been one of the most attractive pieces of her repertoire. The old Greek legend has been admirably dramatized, and in the role of “Medea,” Mme. Ristori exhibits her extraordinary gifts to the greatest advantage. The sale of tickets for the Ristori nights has been so large already as to give assurance of full and fashionable audiences. Jo bn B. Uyen* & to., Auctioneers, Son, 232 and 231 Market street, will hold oa to-morroa- C'lhnnday) December 6, at 10 o’clock, a larva anti Important sale cf Foreign and Domestic Diy Goods on four mom! o' credit comprising 350 pieces 010 hs' Fancy Cassimeres »nd Coalings. French Doesxlos Tricots Pa tt ;is,E*qolmaux, Mi scow and Castor Ben vers. Pilots, French Ratines. Astrakhans. Chinchillas Italians, latln de ohones Ac. Fill lines Drees Oocds. Merinos, Popli s Eplnglines, all-wool Plaids, Impress Cloth Coburg). Ac Also, LI o i cords, ir v-riety, WbltPOonda. Balmoral and Hoop 6-kltls, '1 raveling and Under 6hlrts and drawer* .-evringa. hies, ccarfs, Umbrellas, Ac; 5 000 noz-n Gloves-, plain and lancy, In every variety, of a ceiet brared importation. A 1.0, 150 packages Cotton and Wooun Domestics, large Hats B-d Blankets, An. A leo, large Invoice Carriage and Sleigh Hob-a. tar city aalea. ALPACAS AND MOH4IR& Also, 20 cares black Alpacas and Mohairs, ot a five rlte lir roriatirn. toclosea consignm-nt. Ok Fbiday, December 7. by catalogue, on tour months’ credit, about 250 pbces rich lloy.l Dan-aak Venetian. Superfine and Fine Ingrain, Dutch Homo! Cottage, List, ano Bog Carpetings. In consequence of the great preparations requisite In the manufacture ol first-class Frameaforthe Palatines Imported by A, D’Huyyetier fctq of Antwerp, the be le which v e announced to take place m November baa been unavoidably postponed until the 19th soth arid ziet December, at which time It will pualtlvelv take place, atbcoti’a Art Gallery, 1020 Ct eatnnt street Nr. li’Huyvetter returnshla thanks to the public tor the high appreciation of his lmportaUon last season In consequence ef which he will offer at this 50!e260 Orlglnairalnllrgs, htsentire invoice, constituting the finest sale ever held In this cnontry. B. acoi’P. Jr., Auctioneer. Sale of Valaable Stores Harket and Strawberry streets, by James A. Free man, A nctioneer. '1 he by order of the Orphans’ Court, on Wed ue-day next, lntlndes the t states of Thamit Jfewutotm. deceased, and Bar car el Balt, ceceased, being valuable otMra, No. 207 Market street and No. 2 strawberry JH See James A. Fremm't auction advertUcmcnts Oil and Water Color Paintings. * The collection of Pain lings now oa exhibition at Meears. Birch ABon’s Gallery, No ills Chestnntstreer is well worth a visit. 2he sale takes place to morrow (Thursday) evening. We advise all to visit them pre vious t their being taken Irt m the w*Us, as they will well repay Ore trouble. The Gallery will be open nndl 10 o'clock this evening. Notice—Sane of Boots and Shoes. Phllin Ford A Co., Auctioneers. wIU eeU at their store, No._6o* Market street, to-morr w (Thursday) morning, December 6, commencing at ten o'clock* large and desirable assortment of Boots, ShoesTßro- To’which the attention of buyers is called. —'Mgr-. HAINES BEOS.’ PlANOS—Moderate In nTttlP rlce ’ and sold with five years’ guarantee. HI u t j pt QOtJLiD * nnln-tf.tpl SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. STATION Eat S -LLTl’Eina, GAP AND NUTK OPAPEBB. ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS and low§tBgureoai° too Staaoner y Une, selling atthe !• B. DOWNma’S Stationery Store, mal2-tflrp> Elgnth street, two doors above Walnut. JUiiN CBTJMPIBUILDEB, MBl CHESTNUT STREgTT, . , . And 213 LODGE BTafIKT. igEs^pgsgSigSiST* tot {sassy- OAJdUil.ii W. LhINAU,.No. ill Eolith eiJIVENTH ® *AM*to rt „ PLUUBE “- gabSS -iaam work done pr irantiv aad in the bea i,? a SF e f f°“Pa. Gas fliiurea, aid all n a°eria] •wed in th» ’ pbldpbb fnmlehed. o'”-" miui 4 WARBUBTON, PABHIONAELR hatter. , , . <3oCheatnntatreet Nert door tivPoat nfflwt ROCRHILL& WILSON Fine Clothing House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. Foreip and Domestic Fabrics Made to Order, Seasonable, Serviceable 31 MB;. BISTORI. and Fashionable. PHIA, f> T CIO T H ING g®* CHRISTMAS! .g* mZ»M w w OABSIDY, ’ Mt.M NO. 12 SOUTH SECOND STSEBT, Offers an entirely new and most carefully selected stock of AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWABEandFaNCY ARTICLESofEVERY DESCRIPTION; suitable for BBIDAB AND HOLIDAY PBE3ENT3. Ap examination will show my stock to be unsur passed In qualfy and cheapness. Putlcular attention paidto repairing. de>lm| '&TEWBPAPKB ADVERTISING.—JOY, COE & CO U. E. comer of FIFTH * CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia, and TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York, are agents for the Bulletin and fi>r the News papers of the whole country. Jyl7-Smrp} JOY, OOK A CO- 600 GB 6OO House Furnishing Goods. 600 AECH STEEET tkates, Skates, iIQ BOUSE FURNISHING ST. ER Tf\ fs. baM nos 3m rp? TBQ3 W.~ Y OST, Ageat. f \PKBA GLASSES, PKrlfl FlDe optra Glasse3 > made by M. BABDOO, o: Imported and Tor sale only by „ U- w. A. TSUMPLEB, Seventh and Cbealnoi streets. OC2Q~4p,tf Jl 1 -joS’tlm'plk & c»^ 0H *' Dic:kebso -‘ < «2t MANUFA^^I^MMEW flist store above Cheamni. hStf 1 n'HKBK IS A DESIRABLE PECrTLIARITY IN , *, b 5 Photograph* made at B. F.'REIMEB’S gS. Yfch 1 Arciotree:; that Is. the shadows are soft, and ?* T *i e ! ' rnip tln e t here isisufHclent strength to mite thefeatures In teller. ® c PAKLOB by which skating may be done n y'or bouse or cn your pierza at all seasons or the j e» r. and an assortment of Ice estates and Skate fix sale by TBU MAN & SHAW, No. SSS (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. Y Cn WKHT GOOD PHOTOOBAPETt AND DO L not desire to pay an extravagant price: you mu3t therefore, resort to RMMEE'S Gallery. Second sSml above Green. Six Card l£j.plom^oh'£!**■ s^&Mtb*' 0 ' 855 <***“ Thirty-five) °M»rket TtEEP FRAMES FUR NaiUßaß OS HvIR fri r on band and made to order, at BEX ai b r s Booking Glass and Picture Frame Emporium Arch street, east of Seventh. saiupurjom, rpo KEEP TOOK BOY FBOBf STREET e<sn 1 OATS SAND EVIL ElimSi Cam oflools or Boys' Turning Bathe. This will bung cor h’s mechanical and inventive talents and k*ep him at home A variety at TRDMaV a briowNlnUt 835 (El * ht Thlrty-flve) Market street, edding and visiting cards— Elegantly executed In tbs latest .-oreity of style. MASO' <& v-0.. 907 Cbsstnuts! OSEWOOD WRITING DESKS— TV BITING CASES- ! ~ * * \ Id English and French Calf, Russia leather and lurkey Morccco, At very law prices. mason & no., MTCbesmnt street. Fa ns.- ' A beautiful assortment, P-tlrued French Pan*, Jostm'eived direct. MASON A LO., 9tT Chcstuutatreet. jniUUQXJET D’oKIAANS- A most delightful toilet water, i mason & CO, v Sole Agents. 907 Chestunt street. A VARIETY of ELEGANT and USEFUL iB . TICLEB FOR TH> HOLIDAYS— in catvel end fecolrnwooc und I very, Pen-bo dere. Bookmarks Pa t er Knives. Inkßtanda, Match Boxe3 Ac., Ac. • , Mason a c_>.. de4 ist rpi 9-jT Chestnut street. “\T OCNTAIN” BUCKWHEAT SISAL of aapfr J.U rlor quality, warranted .qual to any in the mar ket—ln baes, one-fourth ami hall barrels. Also choice bt Louis. Ohio asd Virginia mmllj lionr at tha lowest cash prices. GEO. F. ZKHNDBR, Fourthand Vine. Poi.«-uotrp} (Successor to Allman A Zehnder.) Hour SKIitT MAXsUifaCTOKV.-aoop Stlxti and Ooraeta ready made and made to order: war . anted of the best material*. Also Skirts re paired. MBS. 22. B^YriKY, '> 812 Vine atreet, above Eighth iMS-smrpi «—-yt’-y mason & hamlin cabinet or ift'i ! T = i>?£JSsl.£9F 1 175 upwards. Only at GOULIs 8 111 41 'SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Dolo-tf,4p| ‘ IN iUUH LACE GOODS. Beal Black Thread Dace Polstesand Square Shawls Real Lace Parasols mounted wllh exquisitely carved Ivory handles; Beal Lace Parasol Onyera. Lace htets Po*ket Handkerchief, Bathes. Coiff-urs, Veils Ac.’ iwo_ cases of very choice, careikl selecilons. suitable lor first class appreciative trade just received and for sale at ve y close prices, by. GKO W. VOOeL de3-61tp* No. 1016 Chestnut street A I,ARMS FOB THE CHAMBER AND FOB a. Traveler’s use. Just imported by BABB <S BROTHER, 324 eheatoutstreet. CHICK ERING SQUARE PIANOS IfsWl 914 CHESTNUT STREET. 11l AI 1 pcs-tf4p W. H. DUTTON, ■ITOHOUSRRJtKPEi'JAfor cleaning silver anc IsQver-plated ware, e NEW POLISHING FOWDEJt. ibe beet ever mane. Parr A brother, r *l° lM Cheatnnt street. below Fourth. oargains ““ : D IN VERT FINE REAR BLACK GEO. W. VOGEL. CHA «TIILY LAOE VEILS. „ .A . No 1016 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites *be attention of his customers to thetio’inc 'utoi a stock of very fire dt-ai lace Veils,at the fo* ‘owlngtacrlnre: Vei•» worth ftom |lotof2B, for $7 si; Veils worth frrm S3O to A*s lor flo; some extra tine Veils woith from sto to f9o, for |IG; some cost v oils jutln ot tame reCucti d The reduction Is in eood mith, with a view ot cluing out the 1 t in a dpva no 2« ctro* CHIOKERmq GRAND PIANOS, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. 111 11 *ocs-tf4p W. H. BUTTON, \i j"W {j *NB l.bDd ng and t.r B*le * y JOd. B. BUdSI>R <fe Cu.,106 South Delaware avenue. ROCKHILL& WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Ceaehmen’s Coats. Coachmen's Coats. HUNTING COATS. HUNTING COATS, ! Esaaaai Cot tau» Best Styiee, nwle irttb cue uurele> mpce. Mtttahla fi>r the wardrobe of any Gentle* man. WANAMAKER Arm BROWN, Sixth Street—from Hv ket to Minor Street Skates, Skates. Plain and Inlaid. ir vsov & co M ft)7 Clieainat street. MARRING WITH UMJi., temwi..!.. tag, Braiding, Bumping, Ac. M, A.TOBREY. ' ' 1800 Filbert atreat. - CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANOS. „ »H CHESTNUT STREET. " » 11 ’OCS-tUp w. H. DUTTON. RDGKHILL& WILSOJf 603 and 60 5 Chestnut Street. LATEST STYLE SACK & WALKING HOLIDAY GIFTS. CURWEN BTODDABT & BROTHER Have determined to offer their ENTIRE STOOK At such prices as will effect a ’ BAPID SEDUCTION And give purchasers an opportunity of selecting a - useful and acceptable HOLIDAY GIFT. 1 CUBWEH STODSABT ft BBOTHBB, jNos. 400, 452 ana 454 N. SECOND ST., . X ' ~ . des-etj ABOVE -WILLOW. SALE OF A PRIVATE Collection of First Class European OIEAND WATER COEOB PAINTINGS. ON THURSDAY EVENING, December 6. at half r »st seven o’clock at nnrArt Gal ltry.Ro 1110 CHESTNUT Street, will be sold a collec tion oi choire Paintings oil aod water color, embrac ing fine specimens of tne work, of Meyer v on Bremen, Wslnwrfsht, Von fr*Bbln, Noturman. Piochßrc, Trayer, Zimmerman, barobn, Robbs. BeJzscb, Ltmmens, Junght-im, Leemputter, Boetlcher ?t! I T, .a < and ethers. j be Paintings are now open for exhibition, nee, until the tvenlngoi sale. .„ .a , BIBCH A SONS, de3 -tt-rpj Auctioneers. NEW JEagSS* FHEIGHT 3EiOXJX£J To lie Soaih and s oßthwest, VIA THE P&iladelpiie, Wiimirgton and Balti more and Delaware Railroad, To Crlsfield, Md„ thence by Steamers of the Great Southern Inland Navigation Company to Norfilk, Va. TTePhDadeiphia, WUmiigtonano Baltimore Bail rr>ad Crmjany o*e irepared to oner Inducements to shippers ft touthern *nd South wmtern freights which Haverotbfenaffordedberetofore hy any otherllue. TL»ugi Bills of Lading given to all prominent Boath hor further information apply to CHaBLHS B. WILLIS, Agent, Broad and Washington Avenue, CHARLES EL DILKJSS, Agent, No. 411 Chestnut street. CHARLES E. IDE, Master of Transportation, noi7-tfrpi P.. W. aadßaßuß. ‘Hardifg’s Boneless Mackerel.” In small Kitts for families. Bower’s Phiiad’a. Sugar Cured Hams, SMOKED, SPICED £ FRESH SALMON, BPIOF.D OYSTERS, &o. ROBERT BLACK, H. E. for Eighteenth ft Chestnut, pOOPRB & CONARD, NINTH AXD MARKET, Have completed tbe addition to their Store, which belos now nearly three times Us farmer size, with im, proved appearance and ranch better light, wiil take favorable rank with first cla-a houses for 1 HE.SALE OF FAMILY DRY 60033. They announce having just,purchased largely, at panic auction tales, of FRENCH AND OTHER DRESS FABRICS, And will sell il est. and their entire large STOCK OF DRESS S i UFF3, At a reduction of about FIFTY PER CiNT. from re cent prices, which makes the largest part of it AL MOST AS CBEA P as the old gold rates... They Invite attention to the follow ing: POPLINS AND MERINOES. "Lupins”’ fabrics, from recent sales. Plain aU-wcol Poplin Rena, Mode colors do do finer goods, at 25. £0 pieces Lupins' heaviest Poplin Reps. 5; 2% Plaid Poplin - *, all-wool, all new, |i, fi 25 and *1 50. Lupins’ French Merinces, $l, (1 10 and fl 25. 60 pieces French Merlcoes, all colors, medium to finer grades; prices $1 to fl 50. 01 for Lupins’ Velour Rep 3. fl for Lapins Silk Armure figured Reps. French Plain and Flaid Silk-fact d Poplins. BLACK DRESS GO Jib COUNTER. Black French Poplins fl ii 02 25, Black French Merinces, f 1 10 to fi 75, Black French Delaines, 50c to 6Sc. Black French Delaines, double width. stc. to 01 S. Black Frenca Tamise, at fl 25 up. Black Alpacas, 40 to 652. Black Lustrous Mohairs, 75c. to f 1 25. Black Shawls, Black Silks, Black Prints. DELAINES AND PRINT COUNTER. These gcods are all much reduced. Merrimack, Sprague, and OochecoPrints. French and English Wrapper Prints. Lupins’ Auction lots all-wool Delaines, 53 cents. Lupins’double wid h Delaines, 75c. to $i 25, Balmtral Skirts, |2 to f 10. LADIES’CLOAKINGS. ' Finest French Cloakh gs from Auction, Fancy Cloakings at low prices Staple Cloakings, mammoth stock. Cast orines, Astrakhans. Velonrs. Chinchillas, Frosted Reavers, etc. 6-4 Goods for Business Salts. "Harris' and other Casslmeres. 6*4 best French Black Doeskins. 6-4 best French Black Beavers, Tricots, etc. CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM. RjSTOBJ-SHAPE SACQUES. all the Kbw Shape Cloaks. Oidered Cloaks made promptly. Great Bargains in Broche shawls, 120 up.' Black Thibet Long Shawls, b»*fc goods, fS to $l7. r&gxnar Shawls, Zephyr Shawls. Middlesex i ong Shawls. BLANKET AND QUILT ROOM. Blankets by the pair or case. Marseilles Quilts, direct from importers. A lhaznbra Quilts, all the sizes, (3 to f 5. Honeyeomb and other Quilts. t COOP KB * CONARD, Ninth and Market, de3-m ,w-2t FINE CLOTHIRG HOUSE, COAT. BOYS* CLOTHING. 2050. J. ALCORN, 2050. DEALER IN Lebfgb, GieeawootVand Locust Mou ntain OOAJL., Taid, 2050 Maik t 8t„ Philadelphia. JSTSelerted from themost approved Mines. toe post offlc i e rg 3s bo ' HUGH McILVAIN s . 3401 Market Street. A foil assortment ef Building- Lumber. A superior lot of tboronehiv seasoned chestnut boards. CABOBINAFBOOBmGACABOUNASTEP 4:?■£ 84and8 biehMichigan plank r C Mg^^. B * aSOne<l * IUKO * y ’ =ui to P et£|lW JJORSE COVERS, BUFFALO bobes, BAP EUGP. _ - , ANGOLA MATS BELOW MARKET RAPE*, ’ KNEaB3&OO m Life size hoiae In the door. Come and^aee. UfilOE LEAGOE HODSE, PHILADA., Leo, 3,18G6. The Annua! Meeting of the UNION LEAGUB. oz Philadelphia, will be held at the . * LEAGUE HOUSE, Monday iveningj December »oth, At 8 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Board of Directors. - GKO. H. BOKSB, ae+6t .* BECEBETABY^ CfiOBBI OPERA HOUSE ART asiociation. - THE DATE DETERMINED. The day on which tbe final distribuflon will ptiei. fiveiy take place i 3 January 31, 1867. We, the undersigned, aCommlttee appointed to con duct the aw* rdirg of: remlnma to the members of the CBOSBY OPEBA BOUfcB ART AJS6OCTArJtt>N r have been authorized oy the management to announce MONDAY, January 21,1567, m the time when the FINAL AWARD of all the premiums thAi be made, without further postponement. In order that Mr. Crc.sty may lizethe fall benefit of hlB enterprise, and that theca caus may beheld by bona fide purchasers and not df him, It Is neces sary that the remaining ce tificates should be speedhy disposed ot Tht Committee assure all partes inter ested that every care will be taken to secure perfect fairness in awardirg the Premiums, WILLIAM P. COOLBaUGH, President Union Na tional Bank. AMOS T. HALL, Treasurer 0., B. & Q. B. R. E, G. HALL, Ball, K'mbark & Co. ULINTON BRIGGS. Ewicg, Br ggs <feo6. J. C DORK, Preeif ent of tbe Board of Trade. JAMESH. BOWaN, President Third National Bank. JAMPSFARGO,Snp’c American Express. Co. FRANCIS A.HOFFMAN, £x-I*i€Ut,«dOVernOr, I. Y, iIUSN, Monn & Scott, Elevator. J. A. ELLIS, President Second National ’Rantr, The Fubscriptir n Boots will be closed when the s*l©' of certificates shtll bav* been completed, WITHOUT FURTHER NOTIUE. A Christmas Present for jour Parent, Unac*r:;flc&te with u 'i h* apple Gatherers,” and the chance of a p« emium worth s6oo fiOO. A Christmas Present for jour Slater. Ore certificate, with ‘The i Wanderer,” ar d the chance of premiums worth from $5OO to SSOD,QO&- A Clnifitmas Present for your Brother. One certificate, with the new e: g- aviug ‘Westward.Ho»” and a chance of possessing the Crosby OperaHonse,- A Christmas Present for your Wife. Two certificates, with ’TrvirgaDd Ms i Friends.” and two chances cj premiums worth from focO to UfcO. ' A Christmas Presen t for your Daughter. Tbre*- certificates, with Huntingdon's ’‘iltrcy’s Dream,” and the chance oilecjmi'g worth more than half a million. A Chiistmss Presently yonr Son. Four certificates. with the chromograph, Toe American Autumn,” and four chances of prerr iams worth from SSCO to isoo - I>o. , A Christmas Present for the Pear One, One or twenty certificates, with one or twenty chances or mating her almost a xnUiionare. As well as a chancr of becoming the possessor of A BIFRSTAD**, worth $20,003 A CONSTANT MnYEG, worth $5,000. A LEU J ZB, worth?!,UCo. A CROTSEY, worth $6,000 A GiGNOUX, Wsiths3ooo. _ A HART, worth $5,000. ■ ■ A SCHUSSKLE, worth $5,C00.- A BEARD, wO-thfi.COO, VOLK’S BUST PF ABkaHAM LINOON, worihfiOOO Or hundreds of other pictures, by the leading Artists in America. CERTIFICATES Remit; if possible, by Draf&or Postoffice Order. fl®»Begister all Letters containing currency. Direct to U. H. CROSBY, Actuary. PRINCIPAL EASTERN AGENCY, THE ART INSTITUTE, No. 625 BROADWAY, N. "SV SOLE AOFNT IN PHILADELPHIA, T. B. BKW BULLETIN BUILDING. AND GALLERY, NO. 1305 CHESTNUT STREET,, del 8&w if JULIS JURGEN PEN’S—The finest Watches lm p',r t fi. An assortment for sale by FARR & EBuTHEK, Importer of Watchea.&c., 321 Chestnut street, below Fourth.. —wbp-< EMERSON PIANOS. BLHIGI The new style Cott*sre Square Plano, tall 111 1 1 1 Seven Octaves besntifhlCarvetl Cases, they most charming one, Low Price, g rsranteed durability KU CHESTNUT Street. Ocs-tf4p W, H. DUTTON, ROCRHII L& WILSOB FINE CLOTKWS HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Slyest, JF’AXAa & WINTES OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. .FIVE DOLLAR*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers