Fro® Our Third Edition of Yesterday. From Washington. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—A number of meteors were observed •throughout last night and early this morning, but not so many as during the preceding night. The proceedings of the subscribers to the stock of the proposed new steamship line between Washington and New York give promise of its early establishment. • The mortuary report shows four deaths from Asiatic cholera during thc i i month of October. Price of Gold In ;few York, [By the American Telegraph Cloa kinw Yonit, Nov. 14.—Gold has been quoted to-day as follows: 10,00 A. M., 1441111.80 10.15 1441111.45 10.0 145 112 M., 145 12-15 P. M., 145 ,12-30 145 ii New York Stack Markets. Nuw YOng., Nov. 14.—Stocks are irregular: Gold, 14434; Chicago and Bock Island. 707%; litchigan Southern, 8635. N. Y. Central.ll3: Reading, 114%; Can ton, 51%;81%; Cleveland and Toledo. 316; 'Michigan Sontbern Preferred, 1133&: Cleveland and Pitt+ burgb.BB%;' Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne 107%; U. S. Five-twenties, 110; Teu-torties, 10055: Treasury Erten-thirties, 107%; Sterling Exchange,lo934. COURTS. The Maguire Homicide. OyXll AND nurransme.—.Tudgee Allison and Ludlow. —The testimony in the case of William A. Maguire, charged with the murder of Maggie Baer, was con cluded yesterday , afternoon. and counsel -con minced the argument. As before stated, Maguire was violent di:ping:the morning. but after the recess he was very quiet, merely indulginin an occasional laugh. This quiet , demeanor Was the more noticeable during the argument. An explanation for this change may be foundbs a brief conversation held with the prisoner during the recess. Said an officer to him. "Bill. the doctor says you are not insane; you are playing it too much ! Beep it ap; it's all right but don't do it so rough, as you are spoiling the effect." Maguire looked at the officer,. made no reply, but during the afternoon he was quiet, although he still frequently gesticulated. Again, this morning, be was quiet, and nothing occurred to attract attention to the prisoner except that he at times groveled on the floor of the dock, or crouched in the corner. The argument was resumed by Mr. Cassidy. Mr. Mann concluded. ' The case is still before thejury. Sales at Militate , SAL AFTER 0001:113 5-203'65 reg 310 1100 eh Read B. c 57% 2000 do 2 62 con 1083: 310 ah do 574410 t• 1000 Pa Cia War La co 103 100811 do 0734 800 City Ss new ' 102% 100 eh do 57% 800 eh St Nicholas Coal 1% 200 eh do 57% 100 ih eatawis pf b3O 28 IWO Eh do 115 57% 100 eh Bch Nap 27%.100 eh do b 01) 57% 200 sh do - b6O 27% l pzont..OO,l2l:TIYA :4 IN 1100 II B 5-27:18 '65 c 107 X 100 eh Beading E awns? 2sh Cam dc Am scp (54 100 sh do e 5 57 ]OO sb. Germ Pas P., 323 600 sh do 57 300 Eh do b6O 32 100 sh do 2ds 57 100 sh Morris Canal*. 200 oh do b 5 57 boat loan 90 600 ah do b3o 57 anus' and Sailing of Ocean Steamers. TO A.PJUTIL EMUS =GM . 701 MLIZI Y0rk....--„Oct. 20 Mellta.----.LiverpooL-Boston 2t Erin-----.-LiverpooL-New Y0rk.....--.oct. 31 City - of New York...Liver#L-New York...--...0ct. 31 Nova Scollast........LiverpooL-Qttebec ----Nov. 1 Boaphorus.—......TAverpooL-Boston&Phills..—Nov. 8 City of Limerlck-Liverpool-New York. Nov. 3 ......-...LlverpooL-New York.---. .....Nov. Ty:monis- Tranonarg...New York ............Nov. 7 HreMen---Bouthampton....New York.----Nov. 7 Cilyofßoston..-.-Liverpool-New York ............Nov. 7 Cella- - . ....,...London.-New . York 10 City ofDublk.....LionWL.NßYork York...elasgow.--.........Nnv. 17 Stara and Stripes-Philad'a....llavana.. —Nov. 17 Whirlwind: Philadelphia-Charleston-- NOV./7 Pioneer.......—Philadelphia-Wilatington.Ne-Nov. 17 City of New York....N York...LiverpooL 17 .....New York.....l4verpoo/ ----Nov. 17 2eretre„ New York-Havre...".. .............Nay. 17 .New York... Bremen .......Nov. 17 Edinburgh:.....-..New Yorlr-laVerpeoL.----Nov. 17 Etna Yeirk.-LiverpoaL.----Nov. 21 lava ctoston...l4vervooL.-.-.....N0v. 'Using Star...—. New York-Aspinwall ............Nov. 21 Palmyra.-..- York.-Liverpool.----Nov. 21 South Amerio-a-New Y0rk...8.10 JanelroAtc—Ncrv. 22 8e110na.....--New York-London--.........-Nov. 24 Ftaton:.----New York...Havre .....------Nov. 2.4 Erin... --.—.... New York...LiverpooL.-.---.Nov. 21 " - -New York-LiverpooL.----Nov. Scotland-- New- York-LiverpooL.----Dee. BOARD OF 'TRADEI. G. MOBV.If3oN COATE% T. MODEM PEZROT, }KOzrzoim Oomm:rmice. DAVID FAUST, Of AIME B it4,l):4,ao:64:atfr.t.o,lfni:sf:/=1 : SUN RISEN 648 I Ems: Eirrs, 4 411 Klan WATER, 8 5 Steamer Alida Lenny, 24 hot= from Pew York, with mdse to W Clyde Co. Steamer S 0 Walker. Sherlu. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Ruggles, Chas e. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Brig Lavinia (Hr), Douglass. 14 days from Windsor. Es. with plaster to Van Horn. Schr E Atwood, Rich, 6 days from Boston, with linseed to order. Tug Hudson, CM, from Baltimore, with 10 barges to W P Clyde & Co. CILBARICD YESVERDAY. Ship NI Toroing• l Borten, Liverpool, via Mobile, Cope roe. Steamer Yerrivian, Sir Joseph GLOM, St, Liverpool, via New York, A R McHenry & Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles. New York, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer B. Willing. Ccmditr, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Selz Maggie Van Dozen. Corson, Beaton. D Cooper. Schr B Blew, Pettpson, Richmond, M'S Bulkley. Behr Gen Torbert. Johnson, Richmond, B Jones. Behr S P Hawes, Dawson, Alexandria, Caldwell, Gor don & Co. . • . Behr WW Marcy, Davis, Washington, DC. Davis & BehrSeventy-Six, Teel Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr 'Union, Williams, Westville, W H Johns d Co. Behr Morning Light. Lickerson. Bridgeport, do Bchr Old Zack. Lynch Norwalk, W ulster, Jr. &Co. Behr Dick Williamp, Carson, Boston, Mammoth Vein Consolidated Coal Co. Bohr J J Little; Little, Providence. do Behr T Lake Adams, East Cambridge, *. do schrEllaight. Avery Portsmouth, Vs. captain. Say Extra. Taylor, Richmond, captain. Steam-tug J ci Gillingham, Bowen, Norfolk, captain. Tug Loorront, Alexander, Baltimore, with b barges, VY P Clyde &Co. CorreePonderrae Of the The following boa from the Ualon Oarial n = into the Bchnvls - ra Canal. to-day, boUnd phia.lades an&corodigned as follows: Witman & Conrad, with grain to captain: Clara. Iron ere to 'Merano, Cook &Co; Butler Woodward, lumber to Norcross & Bb en* Cyrus Brown, do to Bruner, Wain & Co; Gen Pype, do toFegely & Co; B W Gould, do to Dodge & Co; New Hope, bark to Downing & Price, Wilmington; Martha& - Agnes. lumber to Pat terson & Lippincott; Lynn:ling, do to B Wolverton; .2 rafts; umber, to Bch Nay Co. F. MEMORANDA Steamer Tonawanda Jennings, hence at Savannah on Tuesday evening. On the passage, Mx Jos Taylor, a cabin passenger, died very suddenly. Steamer Columbia, Slocum, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. nteamens Erin. Cutting, and Etna. Tibbetts, sailed ' from Liverpool Slat inst. for New York, and both left Queenstownlat inst. Steamer Nova Scotian, Wylie, sailed from Liverpool 3st inst. for Quebec. - - - - Steamer Dellona, Dixon, sailed from HaVre nit ult. for Nem York. Steamer Norfolk, Vance, hence at Norfolk 12th Met and sailed for Itlchmood. Steamer Tybee, CanMins, cleared at Galveston sth inst. for New York. Steamers Geo Washington, Gager, Victor, Gates,and Huntsville, Ryder, at New Orleans 12th inst. from New York. Steamer Somerset, Baffle, at Liverpool 31st nit. from Battlmore. Steamer Hibernian, Dutton, at Liverpool 31st ult. from Quebec. Steamer Alice, Guard, sailed from Liverpool gist ult. for New Orleans. ' Ship Oscar I Overgaard, entered out at Liverpool 31st ult. for Ibis port. Ship Celestial Empire, Taylor, cleared at New York yesterday for Panama. • Ship Winfield Scott, Itand,from Callao. at Cuxhaven sink nit. Ship Rangoon. Murray, esalled from Sonrabaya 9th Eept. for 1 , ew York. h hip Portland (Br), Curtis, cleared at Sew York yeat....-day for Panama. Bark Wm Van Name, Cook, hence at Cuxhaven 29th Mk Dark Sandi A Dadman, Kimball, hence at Bremer havf n 29th ult. Bark Lots. Barber, sailed from Bbanglate 2d Sept for New York. Brig eilver Oar Haley, hence at Bremen Slit tilt. Brig Methihie, Sammie, hence at Belmonth 30th ult. Brig Prennitun. Crowell, hence for Ponce, which Put Into Bermuda, lost foremast, maintopmast and jib boom. Fehr Argue Eye, Towru3end, cleared at New York yesterday lox Key Walt. _ „...„.. „ • Captain Wmo Munday, late of the schooner-Sallie J Aiken, wrecked off Salt Cay. and Captain N .Nichol son,latetif the brig J How3ton, abandoned mesa, as before reported, desire to return their warmest thanks, to Captain: Theodore Julius, Jr, ofthe bark Sea Eagle, fur 1118 kind • hospitality to them on board of his vessel on the voyage. from Tarns Island to this (1.1.1VE21 BABINES. WIPERS, dx,—ouves rums JMuffed Olives),Nonparell and liapratine aspen, and Stench Olives; freSb goode, landing ex Na= lIL, tram flaws, and fbr sale by JO% B, BF aOO. 11/5 bouUi Delaware avenue. 145 k 145 k 145 i 145 k 1453- ma Block Board. FIRST BOAB,D. G. Nov. mow- PIITBLICAMONH. NEW BOOKEiI NEW BOOKS 4- -- PHBfirstrikii THIS DAY, AND FOR SALE BY , NO. SW CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY QUARTERS. A love story. By the Countess of Blessington. This work is having an enormous sale in Europe, and has never before been publlthed in this country. It wilt no doubt-prove to be one of the best and most popular works ever issued in America. Completein one large duodecimo volume. Price el to in paper, or F 2 00 in cloth (Ready next Saturday.) THE NAT7ONAL COOK BOOK. By a Lady of Phi , ladelphis, a Practical Housewife, author of the "Fa mily SaveAtL" The best and most Practical Cook Book for ggeenneral use ever Lamed. Complete in one le duodecimo volume, bound in cloth. Price Two SARATOGA. An Indian Tale of Frontier Life. A True Story of 17b7. Complete in onelarge duodecimo volume. Pri , e; SO in paper or $2 00 in cloth. EUCHRE AND 7 S L AWS. The Laws and Practice of the game of Euchre. By a Profet.sor, a memter of the Euchre Club of Washington, D C., which Club have adopted it as their text-book. One volume,cloth Price One Dollar THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. By Alexander Du. MM. author of " the Count of Monte Cristo,' "Tln ee Guardsmen." "Twenty Years - After " "Bragelonne," etc. Being Dumas' Great Dramatic Romance. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty Ceuta. tar Booksellers are solicited to order at once what they may want of each of the above Books, so that their orders can be filed in advance of the day of pub lication. Bend for Petersons' Descrip`ive Catalogue. All booke sent postage paid on receipt of retail price. Address all cash toilers, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. nOl4-2t WS Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., NEW MEDICAL AND piCIENTIFIC BOOKS.- PUBLISHED THIS DAY TROUSSEAU'S CLINI CAL MEDICINE.. Part 1. Lectures on Clinical Medicine delivered at the Hotel Dien Paris, by • . Trousa•au, Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine. PAYSICIEta to the Hotel Dien, &c. Translated and edited with Not and Appendices by P. Victor Bazire, M. D., London and Paris. Ophthalmoscope: ON THE OPILTHALMOSOOPE. The Ophthalmoscope Its varieties and Its use. Translated from the German of Dr. Adolph Ze nder by Robert Brundenell Carter,F. R. O. B. Eng. Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chintrgical Society, with notes and addi tions by the Translator. • COOLEY'S TOILET AND COSMETIC ABM. The Toilet and Cosmetic ;Arts in Ancient and Modern Times, with :a review of the Different Theories of Beauty, and copiously allied information social Hygienic and Medical. ac., by Arnold J. Cooley. LINDSAY & ELACRISTON, ' Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, 21 South Sixth street. above Chestnut. MARION HARLANIYS NEW BOWL—SUNNY ILL HANK. By the Author of " Alone." " Hidden Path." &c. 12uto. BEETHOVEN% LETTXIM Traaalated by Lady Wince 2 vats.. 16mo. BIOLOW PAREatia. Second Series lento. 2,1EL0D1112 FOR CHILDHOOD. With on - d illustrations. L=o. THE STATE OP THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD AT THE FINAL 011 ['BREAK OF EVIL, AND REVS LATION OF ANTICHRIST, his destrno. tion at th second oo ming of Christ. and the mshering In of the Millennium. By the Rev J. 0. Gregory, M. A. with an Appendix by MS. A. P. Jaffe. •For sale by JAMB S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. et A. Martian; 12t4 Chestnut street, A LISILWS LIPZI PEIXLUXIII.—THE Ll7/11 01 PHILIDOB., Musician and Mega Player. by Eliso Allen, Greek Professor In the Un'vanilla , of Penmen vanla, with a Supplementary :.ay on Phllldor, ite Chez Anthem land (Chew Player, by MaCle Von Ho; debrand and de Lam, Envoy lalasonlloary andHln later Plenipotentiary of the King of Prwsda, at the ()curt of Saxe-Well:nen 1 vol., octavo. 3i vellum, ell top. Price 1125. Lately Published by E. H. Birr.ukis 00. JOHN CAMPBELL, HAS BEHOVED TO BOO.I3SELLES, Db 740 SAMMIE' street. A. large assortment df Law and Stratctel news Books - constantly on band. non-64 INEGMIDAJAA. USE STARIN'S CONDIT!ON POWDERS HORSES AND CATTLE. At cures Worms- Bola and Oolic - It cares Mids. Ooaghs and Mat, Bound. It is the best al ter ative fbr HOMO! and Cattle new iz Use. having a reputation cCltyeara' standing. It Is & sure preventive Thy the mar h dreaded Binder NoHO Farmer or Dairyman should oe withoutit 'Fossale in Philadelphia by MOW & 00..212 Brant Second streeh JOHN M'ON, HOLLOWAY & COW DEN, t 3 North Sixth street. and by Druggists through out the country. Address all orders to ISTAILLIS & FLOYD. Strs Duane street.•PrgifM.' iThEta, DENTALLINA.—A superior article Ito 1.../ cleaning the Teeth, ;destroying animalcules which infest them, giving tone to the gums. and leav ing a feeling of ce and perfect cleanliness in the Month. It maybeused daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the .soma and detersiveness will recommend It to every one. tßeing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and lificroscoptst, It is confidently offered ss a BELL*, UT.Te substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. :Eminent Dentists, acquainted 'with the constituents of the DENTALLINA. advocate its use: it contains nothing to. prevent. its unrestrained employment. Made only by JA Ills 'l'. SHINN, ApothOcarY. • Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred, Brown, ID. L. Stackhotue. tt Haggard CO., Robert C. Davis, C. B. Xeeny, Geo ;0. Bower, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, S. M. McCollin, T. J. Husband. S. C. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Isherie, (Edward Parrish, James N , Marks, . Willlyau B. Webb. E. Bringhurstdt Co., /tines L. Bisphain, Dyott do Co., Hughes .4 Coombe, H. 0. Blair's Sons, Henry A. Hower, -- Wyeth do Bro. ENTIRELY Ttlkr.r a RT3C—HODEISON'EI Bronchia. TABLICTB, fur the care of coughs; colds. hoarse ness, bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Priblic speakers. singers and amateurs will be greatly benefited _by_using these: Tablets. Prepared only b, LAN & Pharmacy/I;lsta. N. B. Oor MICH. and TENTH streets. Philadelphia. For salt by Johnson, Rollaway * Oovrden, and Dragglett gen erally . mat DROPD AND PULMOND .D DEW ET Coughs. and all Diseases of Ur Throat and Bronchial Tams. This invainalil= ration fbr every household, Public Speakers, &c., poeeeesea a Wan ern celebrity, and has been knowi to relieve the most obstinate and almost impalas mires. It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by K. O 2ati South;int} street, Philadelphia. - tf COBNS. BUNIONS, INVERTED NAILS.— Dr. J. DAVI - DE.ON, Chiropodist. Operator on Corns, onsr - fliferted Nana and other diseases of the feet. Mae, 924 CHESTNUT street. Dr. 'Davidson will wait on patients at their residences. - nong 11.1Q,II088• A. M. Tiz - Suceeseot tc Geo. W. Elrty, ISRMW/E. R, 24, 28, 28 and 80 South. Sixth St.. Pi:lliad's* e. FineeldEttri far Ilik.: 2l Family and NottaP•-- HER MA JEST CH ACNE , 3_ P. IT 0 IT, SOUM ISOM 13 1 ", EOM AUNT. Wig.—The attention of tbe trade is solicited to rei ollowbig very choice Wines, dm., for sale by JOSEPH F BUNTON, N 0.151 South FRONT, street, above Walnut: . • _ RADEIRAS—OId Island, 8 years old. SHBRltnpbell & Ce., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crusoe & Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, Ring, Spanish, Crown and F. Vallette. FOR'/18—Vallette, Vinbo Velho Beal, Danton and Bebello Valente & Co, Vintages 1815 to 1858. CLARIVI'S--crste File Freres and St. Fatephe Cha teau Luminy.- VERSIOI7TIT—G. jourdan, Brive & Co. MUSCAT—de Frontignan s - CRAMPAGNES—IIImest Irrony, "Golden Star," fie Venoge, Herlitalesty and Royal Cabinet and other avarice brands. . 0LDWED3233323.-500 Cams Pare Old W3U34, 113 , e Bonsbon and Monongahela Whisktal, for sale by , -E. P. , IdIDDLISTON - b.Rorth Fans mem; LMI:IIEIS' TRIMGH: CLIRAPITIOPENINEN-31:813. M. A. BINDER, t3l - rig. los! Chest:ant street, Philadelphia, Importer of Ladies' , Drese and- 'll Also; an elegant stock of Imported Paper Patterns, 7 Ladies' :and Children's Dress.- Parisian Dress :and Cloak Making m all its varieties, Ladies tarnishing their rich and costly materials may 'rely on beingsr. tiaticallylittekead. their; work finished in the must prompt and edielent wanner, at _the lowest Possible price% in twenty-fopr boom' notipt.' Culling and bast. _Mg. Patterns in by the Single plecs ,l'ortner. chants arid dmaittiovr ready. - - sets-1y - VFW TURRET" PECONES, CUBBANT, &0.- 1:1 New Turkey Prrmes, quality yen, fine: New Crop Currants, Orargeand Lemon Peal, New Malaga - Le• mons:landing and for sale by JOS. B. RUSSEL% C0.,108 South Delaware avenue, THE lIKILYZEVENING BULLETIN2--PHILADEL.PHIA-,- TIIITRSDAt NOV 137 South Fourth steed. iratwaimit -eau= - • BKOBIEM, -141111101IfYLVANIA Z 21.-PEEEIII XEDDIJII ROIITZr• direct line to BethlehernAllentown! Manch Chunk. Baslettm, White Haven Mabanoy (My, ionsand all points in the Lehighbigg lung OW Reg _ leQ Passenger Depots in - PhiladelPhia,_THlßD -street,; above Thompson, and corner of_lswevre and &MMEU OAN streets.' _ _' . sIaIIiDERARRANGZIMMT, NINE DAILY TRAINS. On And afterldoday, a May,2lstige, Passenger Ifnins leave the Depot. t h ird tree& above Thampsen, dallY (Sundays excepted). as follows: --. AT 7.50 A. M.-Morning Exproa for Bethlehem and andPrincipaL , - Stations on North Pennaylvazda Bali mad: coMseCalig at 'Bethlehem with Lehigh= Railroad fte Allentown, ftgia Sbdington. Ohnicsrly,,Jeaneavii_b_s, Hiudgoni White Ha ve& llitnrrton, moon, and au, wino in Leila and WyomingYallegin I/Lo r in oonneWoxf with and Mahan__ ny Railroad fin Mahan: v :4llo with Pthiwissa Railroad, fbr Raped, Dan and, Williamaport. Arrive at Manch Chunk 1141.46 m. 4 t Wilke:a:arra at 2.45' P. at Mahanoy at 1 P. M. Passengers by this train aim take lani Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 1100 M. ihr Em& ton and ,pointson ew Seamy MAW RallrOad to New York. • AT Lae • A; M.-Amoomintoeitlon, for rioNeltotnl, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Page_ngers fir Willow Grove, Hatboro , and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. . AT 10 A. M.-Accommodation, for Port WAWA& tOri, y stall intermediate Stations. At LSO Accommodation faro D lostown, str u t ping at intermediate stations stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT &SO P. M.-Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Statieus on - the North lvania Bar road,maMntclose connection at em with Le. Itsish valley Tram for Esaton, reaching there at US P. M. Passengers Plainfield, Somerville and othro points on New Jersey Ventral R.R. take N. J.. O. Train at Easton, which arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Pa& Bangers foe Stanneytown take stage at North Wales. and tor leamiredi at Bethlehem , and far ,Greenvilla A Qualrenowe AT 4.15 MrAcoinsinuntation, for 'litcolettown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers fbr Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartaville take stage at Abington : Ibr Lumberville at Doylestown. , AT LIS P. • M.-Through 'Acamunodation, fin Beth lake= and all Sou main line of NOrth ,BannUl: Wadi Railroad. cocomuscting at Bethlehem with r , •to Valley Evening Train for Allentown. Mauch Ohmt ck. AT e. 15 P. It.-.l.eetennialatlon, :ter reutettele. stop ping at all Intermediate Stations At 11 P. M. ..Accommodationibr Bert Waabingten. TRAINS FOR PELLADELPBTA. . Leave Betldeliem at' 435 A. - 8f.,. and 124534., and LIS 32.15 tram nuked direct connection with Lehigh Val. Ley trains from Barton; Wilkeebarre, Mahonoy City. Hazleton, and arrives in Philadelphia at &SO P. M. r&Seellgeri leaving Wilkeabarre at Ll 5 P. litoronnect ati Bethlehem F. X, and salve in Madelphin 8.40 P. XL • - Leave Doyleatcrwn at 6.40 A. X. 1.15 and LEO P.IIL • Leave 'Lansdale at,6 A.M. Leave rent Washingum at 10.50 and LIS P. E. - ?- • ON 13IINDAVB. Philadelphia ftw Bethlehem at 9 A. 31. Philadelphia fbr Doylestown at 220 P. IL =l3= ftw Philadelphia aLL24I A.M. for PhiledelphlaW.LBo P. M. l'lfth and Sixth Streets Om cone 7 pea wilier" to audit= Berke Street, t. White Oars of Second and Third Line 091:0210 pamegners to Third Street Repot. Tickets moat be procured at the TicketCilose,TEDlD [treat or:WX :il street, in order to secure the lowed rates of fms. ELLIS MAAS., Arent, Militomfa Ba ts Express will call for and Biginat the pot. e .ilio., Us Soath THIRD street. znyEl IfOR NEW YORE.—The 0A.14 DEN AND AID= and PHILA • TRENTON RAILROAD 00311- pABryN LINEN, from Philadel hla to New York, and way places, from WALNUT EITRILIFP WEARS, will leave as follows, viz: Arra At 5 A. M., via Ounden and .Amboy, Amara. IN it At A. M., via Camden and .T= 3 47=preas, et At P. M. _via Camden and s es At 6.00 P. M., via Camden and Am.l cla4s. 225 bcy, Amain and Emigrant, .12.1 ohm 150 At 8 A. M., 4 and 5.00 P.M. Par Mount Holly, Emma ills _Pemberton and Yinoentown. At lA. M., and 3 P. M. for Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 4, 5,6, and IL3O P. N. L ibr Pleb Rouse, Palmyra, Riverton, Progress, D elano. Beverii. EArlwatero Earlintten, Florence. Borden town;=. 'lna 10 A. 3Lacal t P.M.. lines runs direct 'Mt to Trenton. FROM sErraiNerrox DEPOT will Haut+ as follows At 11 A. M., 4.35, 6.45 P. NADIA 12 P.M. (night)llll Kensington and Jersey City sun- The 6.45 P. M. Line will-run daay. AIL others Sun days excepted. - ALIA) and Min A. M. 3, 5.1% 4.80,5 and 6,45 P. IMO illifidnithr for BristoL Menton. ax., At 7 and 10.15, A. X., 12 M., 0 1 31 4i5, and 6P. 3L for Cornwells,Torrisdaleatatra Tacony,Wlssino. mint Bridesburg and Franklb and at 10..15 A. IL for RristoL Bet:sucks, Eddln,Mn and 8 P. M. 532 . Heim sebum and Intermediate MANona. BELVIDERE DRLAWASE RAILROAD, far the Delaware River Vali Northern Penwlvanla, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Remington De pot, as follow= At 7.20 A. M. audit.= Am Megan FaDs, Bed falo, Dunkirk, Canandalvia.ELmira /thus, Owego Rochester Ifingtuunpton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkeebarre Scranton, Stroudsburg Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Mean ngton, An. The AM P.M. Line connects direct witr he Train leaving Easton dir Manch Clnui.k.Allen town. Bethlehem. dix.. Ate. P. IL fbr Lambertville and intercsediateStallane Bar For New York, and Way Lines leaving - Zen sMiton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, about Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars rux into the Depot, ante on arrival Of each Tralu. run from the Depot. An aaditional Ticket Office is located at No. =Chew nut Street. Continental Hotel. ' , a bare tickets to New ork and all important points North and East, may be procured. - Persona purchasing Ticketa at this Odice, can, by leaving order% have their baggage checked at their z ealdenoce, - by Grab:wee Baggage M keti s il i a T ref°. der of Renege only each Purim ger. `ere are prohibited from taking attythins as Damage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over any pounds to be paid fur extra. The Company limit their responalbillty ibr baggage to One Dollar pe: ..und, and will not be liable fir any amount beyond ' " etoelat bY special contract. Ll2tas FRoarrnrwywur. FOR PHILADELPHIA Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 N. and 4F. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 1: A.M. o , 6P, M. and 12 Niyht via Jersey City and Kew glu ttn. rielm Pier No.l N. River,at 5 A, M. and 2, P.M. Via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATZIifER, Agent. WIPHILADELPHIA. GERNAN TOWN AND NORRIS tOWN O INF TABLE.—On and aver THURS DAY, November 1,1866,until further notice. FOR G 1 RBLB.N'TOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9, 10. 11,12 A. M; 1. 2, 3.15, .3*., 4,5, 5%. 6.10, 7,6, 9 10 11. 12 P. AL Leave Germantown-6, 7.7 8. 8.20, 9, 10, 11. 12,A. M.; 1, 2,3,4, 4%, 6,6%, 7.8, 9,10, 11 P.M. one B . m down train, and the 511 silt% up trains will not stop on the Germantown ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia--9.15 minutee A. M.; 2,7, and 10% P. M. Leave Germantown-415 A. M. 1 6, and 9% P. M. CHESTNUT - HILL RAILROAD. Leave PI Uadelphia-6, 8,10, 12. A. 244 2, SX, SU, 7, 9 and 11 P. M. Leave Chestnut-HM-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40, and 11,40_ A. M.; L4O, 8.40, 5.40 6.40 8.40 and 10.40 P. N. - 4581 dUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphla-9.15 minutes A. EL; 2 and 7 P. IL Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 minutes A. N.; 12.40,5.40, and 9.25 minutes P.M. 1011 CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia— 6, 8.3501.05, A. M.; 4%,5%, 6.15, 8.05 and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40, 7.7.50, 8,11 A. N.; 1%, 4%, 4% and 8 P. N. I he 5% P. M. train will atop at Falls, School Lane, Wireahickon, ManaFunk, Spring Mlis and Consho hocken stay. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia-9 A. NA 2% and 6.45 P. M. Leave Norristown n —7 A. MANA FL. YI7NIC.. 5 and 8% P. M. ra Leave Philadelphia-6, 8.85, 11.05 A. N.; 1%, S, 434, 5%, 6.15, 8.05 and 1134 Et M. Leave Ms.nyunk-41.10, 7%, 8.20, 936, 11% A. M.; 2,5, 6% and 8)6 P.ll. ON SDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -9 A. UN M4 it% and 6,45 P. M. Leave Mszaynnk-7% A M., 5% and 9P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, nol Depot, Ninth and Green streets. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, from foot of Market street iliftlienclng MONDAY, September 24, h4e. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem MI and all intermediate stations, at BA. 3L, Mail. 8.30 P. M., Passenger. For Weodbtury 8 .A. M., 8 30 P. M., and 6 P. M. For Cape May at 3.80 P. IL • RETURNING TEAIItB LigiVE Woodbury at 7.15 AL. Di., 840 A. M., and 4.84 P. M. Bridgeton at 7.05 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 620 P.! M. Salem at 650 A. M. and 305 F. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. biLllville at 6.55 A. M. and 3.06 F. M. Freight 6.10 P:34. Cape May at 1L45 A. M. Passenger and Frel,ght. • FRED:MT will be received at Second Covered Wharf below Walnut street, from 7 A. M. until i P. M. M. Freight received before 9A. M. will go forward the salve day. _ FRILIoRT DELIVERY, No. 228 SOUTH DELA WARE AVENUE. J. VAN RENSSIELAER,. Sup% WEIR 'WEST JERSEY wx PRESS COMPANY will attend to all the maul branches of express business. A Special Messeriger accomp. riles each through train. Office foot of Marketstreet, nadelphia. re24-tf7 J. H. IiARRIMPi General Agent. t-7 • - • p - R TT LP RiLLTI MORE • : RAILROAD.— ' iv- GEACIDI , AND AFTER • NDAY, Oct. IS, 1868, the - leave Phiia. d D phis, from the D epo t of the''' . - Chester &Phila. •Isiphla Railroad, corner Of Thirty-that and Market Btkeeta, Mast Philada), at 7.50 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. beave Dialog Sun, 'at 5.50, and Oxfbrd at 6.55 A. M., and leave Oxfbrd at &M P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Om attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving the Rising Sun at 11.15 A. ht., Oxford at 12.00 M„ suiiiennett at 1.00 P.M., connecting at West Cheater Junction with a Train for Philadelphia, On Wednesday and Satur days. trains leave- Philadelphia at 2.80 P. M., rim through to Oxford. +' The Train leing PhYladella at 7.50 A. M. con. newts at Oxford with a daily of Stages fOr Pesch BOttom, in Lam:aster comity. Returning leaves Pewit Bottom to connect OMMIVith the Afternoon Train for Philadelphia. SunTheMd Train laming Philadelphia at AG runs to Rising , . - are allowed to take Wearing App arel way. as and the Company will not any .cane be rape le for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a sputa. 1 contrast be made fbr the Mine Mbl9 MUIR , ••• Y WOOD. Gen% Bo" - 'I44W4AD-ra:aniv L.: - I l l i euts m t l int MIX= r • I "-I , . 4 A . 3 TO TEN TIMM= COT PUN* OTT:SIAN/A, TEN Kai • reirgag_TOßNAN. , ..LA.ND AND WYOO VADAINOI THOM NDit_l 4 • 4510 • read ila WIIQT: a 111 B: ,Oct. 8 'ISA " the Oent aDOHA TinaTWTH and I _ : 32 INN dabble at the Mowing boom MOPFLint ADODMODAMADES. -- 4 •• 4 At 1 • 21) ArMtmr atinYnnit IN/A lO 4 t4274tmate Pions. Returnin g. bilvet itetdiAg- 1 0 6 4 0 P• Zgo =thing in Philadelphia at e.lO P, M.• " MOBBING =PRIM At 6.15 A. SL, fir Beading, Lebanon, Marilitleg Potts=hus Grove, Tamaqua, fiunkmrY. WILLIams- CABOchester,_ Maims Palls_ ABen• b jkl train =manta at BEADING with UM Mid Pestualalsania. Railroadtra4 i for, OUlentowni ; *ea and with' the Lablion V train ir Harrish_ 8/Broad fsn at PORT MUSTON Ostaailiaa 8/Broad trains ir Williamsport. Lock Karen. Elmira. in, at Fr • PliwiilllttO with Northern Dental,Mmbuland Valley, and Schuylkill axift Szisquehanna trains for Northumberiand,WMirmsmt, York, Oluunhambig, Pintirove,4oo. Leaves Pbiladelphta at &SO P.M. fbrßeading, Mi sfile, Harrisburg, ikc., connecting with Beading and Muni& HlLtratouSibr Columbisolte. BEADING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Beading at 5.90 A. M., stopping at all Invite tin& arrives in Philadelphia at 9.40 Zeta:ming, leaves Philadelphia at Mil P. azdirm in Beading at 7.85 P. Id Transfer Philadelphia leave Thirdsburt i at MO A. If. and Pottsville at 8.45 A. IL: arriving Philadel phis at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave at 2.10 P. IL, and Pottsville at 4.45 P. M. I L lrriabizi lving a Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M. Harz= accommodatizt leaves Beading at 1.80 andarrisburg 44.4.10 P. M. Connecting at Beading with Afternoon Accommodation south at &SO P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P.M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached. leaves Philadelphia at. 14.45 noon ir Beading and all way station& leaves RAsul rz 1120 A, M.,and.lkzwningkswn 12,40 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way station& All the above trains ran daily, Sandia 113 j un" trains leave Pottsville at gar th 13 M.. and phia at 0.15 P. M-; leave Phlladelpials, for PBea dingDi, at &00 A. M.. returning Mtn Beading at 4.25. .CHISTER VALLEY ,BAILBOAD. for Downingtown and intennedlatepotato lAt a ra n r l 3 20 and 8.15 A. H. and 420 P. M. tralna from Philadelphia returning from Downingtown at 7.00 A. M. and 12 84 Now NSW YORK .11MH/M FOR HITTSEDRGH. AND Lewes New York et,7 A...llLand S.MP.M.pmebig Reading at 1.10,11.83 A . and 1.48 PM. and connect at Him 1 labs 7 11.3 , 1 th i Penzisyl va .Ma. and Northern Central Railroad Trains =gb., Ranumort. . fir &a. ChMago, ng, ress Train leaves Hanish= arrival of Pm Exp mylvania Xmas from On a and 9.05A.M.,8.15 P.M. passing Reeding at. Mg and BIM A. M. and 11.80 P. M. arriving at New York 10 A. M., and LC P. M. Bleepint accompanying these trains through between Musa Mir and YlWealugh. • Mail trtsi lai gNew York leaves .Harriaburg_at 210 P. IL . Mall train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 11 EICHITYLEMT. ITALLZYII/Thiirs T , Trains leave Poraimille at 7.11.30 A. M. and 7.13 P. H. rearming from Tamaqua at 7.115 A. M., - and 1.40 and LIS P. M. ElClZariplta.L AND tiItiSQUIZHANNA 71 ITainalit Trains leave Auburn at tee A. N. fir Pinegrave arul narrtsbarir, and at L . 3t.fir Pluegrove and Tr* u s, .• at 3.20P.M. and tram • • • •• . . _ • Through firet.class tickets and emigrant rickets to all the principal paints In the North and Wei and Cianadea. The Manring tickela are obtainable only tithe CM* of S. Bazdfurd, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, PkiLl= or of G. A. Nloolls, General Emperinteng- CONNIITATION Ticirxra. far t 25 r cent.. and f die t irma. _tcoun between au points desired Pyr?s[el.4oit(ii:•:tkzi Good for LOOD miles,between all potato, at SE 50 01424 tar taxaSits sad firma. BEASON TEXECIM. Par three, ea, nine or tweive maths, au hOldite only, to all points at reamed rates. 'Residing en the of win be turnithed. with cards, enlittllng t selv es llne hem ßead anti wives le Waits at hail fer% =cum= TI R 9. Prom Phibutelphts taLwinepal atatlcaug, good mr go:way. tla_yiknd rentodayat rotated We, to be WA only at the TM= Mies* Mtrteenth awl Mow. tat mem. TREIGHT. Goods of an desertpdons =warded to all the shows points il from streets. the Company's Heir llzaaTerraiato. irelght Depot, Broad and Leave Phlr te ns daily al IX A. M., MSS noon and 6P. for , Lebanon. Barr Barg. Pot ta's. Pori Clinton, and poralaord. Gone at the Phlladelphla Past Mee fox all Filson on the road and Ite branchee et 6A. K., and fez lluf prin. eyed Stations only at 3.15 P. IL ues. PHILADNLPHIA. AND ICRIE NA TTRnAII. 1566. great e verses the Northern and North west counties of rmanetlvanla to the My of Erie an Lake Ede. a has been leased and Is operated by the Pennayl yenta Railroad Company. rum 07 PA SS Qya.mWsA ramansmetaa. Jitge 2Sail Train.. .AZILIVX rAerwAau). Erie Iga*ze Triala Rae Mall Train— P. 31 Ktie Express Train 1 9 00 M. Passer=rt r u n throughll the Erie Mall and =tlplita and with out Change. both ways, between Erie. _ istSW YOB S 00.1MMON. Leave New York at AM A.M., arrive at Erie OXALIS ' Leave Erie at 4.43 P. IL, arrive at New York 4.,10 P. ES Iflegwat Sleeping Cars on all blight Trains. Wm information respecting passenger business apply at, corner THIRTIETH-and MARKET streets, Phila delphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Piiadelphia. J. vv. Beynolds,Ene. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. B. H. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia H. W. GWINNEB, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Erie. WEST CEEBBTEX AND PHILA. DXLPHIA 1 ItA/LititiLD, VIA • WINTMB AIOLSITIBEXECITS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. /51h. 1166, the trains will leave asibilowat WEST OXIUMB. Tom. Leave Philadelphia far West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.50 A. X.,11.00 d X.. 0.60,4.45 and 6.15 P.M. • Leave West Chester ibr Philadelphia. from Depot on If tl Market street. 6XL S.M. 10.45 A. M. 1.55, 440 P. X, leaving Wert Chester at S MA-IL and leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 P.not atop_ at Pennelton. and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS. Leavengladelfdda An Pennell= 4.15 and UM P. X. Leave Pennelton 60r Philadelphia La A 1..7.55 pm. These Trains stop at all inteemellate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,50 A. X sad S.OO P. ?IL Leave West aunt& tee A. 50 and 4.00 P ON StagnAm—The West Philadelhhia Passenger cars wil leave Bileventh and Market areas, haillan hOur belbrethe Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of easlitrainlxoonveypasten Into ipsm • the cltx. Trains iamb= Philldelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4.45 P 50., and leaseing Wert Chester at SAO A. If, and 4.50 P. connect at 8.0. Junction with Trolls on the P. and 0. R. B. She Osibrasnd intermediate points. agerTalmenters are allov to take woortag apparel se Bis and the Oo•Iny mai not, In- slay um.= -•10 ftwr an amount meedione hun dyad dailentees special contract is for the • ' Y WOOD. General Eisperhetexutent PITTSBURGH. , OOLUMBUF ....M. - 7' AHD OINGEBNATI. RATIARGCLI , I TEEM PAN H.ANDLBEZIPTIC WESTW.ARD. Owing to the gnat diatauce saved bi THIS ROTI PE the Government has visaed to It the carry i ng of the IT, S. MAIL to the Principal allies of the West ant: Scmthweet. TIMM BEIWG BUT ONE CoRANGE OP CARS BETWEEN PVITT•A'nELPECIA AND CiIITO/NNATI AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOU/S._ _ _ _ PASSENGERS BY THIS BOUTE WIL L ARRIVE IN GIN eIIINITATI, INDIANAPOLIS . CAIRO ANT Br. LOMB ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY crrExa Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 1150 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper_ where Woodruff 's Celebrated .- Palace State - Boom Sleeping Oars will be attached,, and ran through to Oolumbue, without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comibrt never before afforded tothe traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA rsTzusso• ViLLE,_ at :=INIYLVAITIA TIATT:TIOAD OFFICE Owner Thirtieth and Mar p ket hiladelp Streets hile B. F. SCULL, Oen'l Ticket Ag't. Steubenvwe, JOHN H. MILLER. Gera Eastern Pass. Ag't. 624 Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Oe n'l Sup' t. fe.l4-t!' Penmativanla Railroad Othoe, 631 Chestnut street; and Thirtieth, sal Market streets. West Philadelphia. FOR NEW YORK.—RARITAN _ AND DELAWARE . BAY ,RAIL om erry. foot of VINE at., Philadelphia. 9A. hi—Express for Long Branch, New York and intermediate points. - P. 151—Freight for New York and all points North. 11 A. M. Way Freight. Goods delivered at. Company's, Depot, 320-North IVhanres.Philadelphia,by aP. M., forwarded by this line, New Tork at 5 o'clock next morning. • • RETURNING. • • • - The Passenger Steamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier 32 North River foot of Duane street, N. Y., at 11 A. 2L, tor Philadelphia Express. Freight received at Pier 82 North River, N. Y., by 4.80 P. M, will be ready for delivery in Philadelphia early the following morning. FARM TO NEW YORE, $2 00. Ticket °ince Vine Street Ferry, For farther iniarmation apply to Company's agents. R. H. CITIPIIAN. Freight Offico and Depot, 320 North WHARVES, Philadelphia. _" J. B. BURT, Pier 82 North River, Mot -of -DUANE Street. New York. Or at General Freight and Passenger Office, Phila delphia, No. sn cazaTHoT Street. • W.N.CL4.TMN, Superintendent, Red . N. J. B. HASTY General Freight A nt, Red C. , N J. T. SWEARINGEN, General Agent, Philadelphia, MBE t. 15 1866. ntimtl=re lINWTOISI AND *l loll.ll BAlt TABLE.-comMenCins TUESDAY, Nov. GB, M. Trains will leave Depot, corns/ 01 Broad street and Train nista:l4ton avenne, as follow!: ibf r laltlinere arid a W ir, Cs =at Chester, 191mIngton, Newark, , ,lekton -Northesss,•Peruvi ll e, .e.Grace,,; Aberdeen, Magiudla. Chase's and Stexozner's B . Train. at Sad ' (Sundays =- bedded), Er allregular stations between P his anti - dmore. „ Delawarell.M. 9, AlL(Ginidays excepte)lbr Crisfield and Inter= stations. Express train at 11.45 M.(l3undityl exeePted) for Baltimore and Waahlnrton. i p Train at Sark. M.4kmdkrt mended), for ore and Washington, sto_pping at Chester, lalantiont,Wilmington, Newark, =Lion, Ngrth- East, Perryville, Ravredearace, Aberdeen, Parrvman'e, .Wgewood, Magnolia, Chases and Ettemmer'a Bun. , Night Ranee at UM P. M. for Baltimore and Wash• Maur- Connectaat "Wilmington with Delaware R.. 11. line (Saturday's ezbepted),..atopping at Middleton, Emyrna; Dover, Haningten, Seaford, SallsbarY. P, ince A nne and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Nazi olk. Portsmouth and the South. I Passengers by boat Mom Baltimore far Perinea Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and ltichmond will take the 1L45 A. M Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and /Rave Philadelphia at 9.00 A.M..itenAse, too and um P. M. The 4.101. M. train connive with the Dela. ware Ballroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave WM:nine= 6.80, 715 *ad shlo A. M., 4.00 any &BOP. M-. The 7.15 A.M. trabrwEd not atop at stationa between Chi ster and Philadelphia. • Trains for Newcastle leave l'hliadelphla at 9.00 A 4.80 and 6.00 P. IL • _ TRW:SOON TRAINS FROM BAI.TIMOBR Leave wilt,' silvan at ILOO A-BLABS sad 10.00 PAL CHESTER FINITHILADELPECGL , Leave Chester at 7.28,-7.55. 40.14 and--11.40 A. IL, 2 43. 5.10 7.26 and.. 4.84 P. _DL , , • ! „From 'Baltimore to PhUsulsthla.—Leive Baltimore 7.115 lif.., , WAthialL , Express. U 0 P. IL, Erproni, &SS ihrtaresa. 11.25 P. M., Express. Trains for Baltimore. leatre Chaster a& 4,49 azul 8,12 A. ISt .; and 8.98• P . -ISL ' - ' • - • ' Trains to Baltimore leave Wilmington at 5.63 and 9.113 A. N.. and 4.1 a P.M. . - _ - , ic=htttainkwith paassager cars attached will leave glen , for Perryville: azul internmaliste stattons at &66 p Leave iStatiouna for 'HavraderGrace and intennediategitatlons at 4.45 P. M.,- Leave Pea:o , ville for Wilmington and intermediate iStatiOns at 4.2 C N., =ti p = at Wilmington withthe' 7.1 a A. M. train forphis AY 'lll,tors. , • Morass Train at Us tar stammers and With inOan stopping at Cheater.. Wilmington. Newark, Slkto . Nerthaaat. PistrrYville, Maare•de-Grace, Aber deea Enz. , Perryman's, Magnolia, _alaBWlS and Ptemmera Night Pxnreoo 11.00 P. V. fta , :Italtinnore and Wash- Imam Connecting at Wilmington with DetaWare B. B. /be. . ' . Accommix4thitt Mita at 11.80 Wlllllingion Rnd in terraedlateaatt j o t: purr. A nwurrEcui. Leave Baltimore at ass_ ,P. stooping a t Havre 4* grace, Perrrrlile and wilonngtm Also gaps et Elk . San awl Newark (to take atesameen thy ronsaelPhla and leave paasenzera Cram wmabln italtlinneel and Cheater So leave palmy= a= Lattimore or Weaning= ahls and PENNSYLVARLS. CENTRAL RAILROAD. ARRANGK ENT. The trait's of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot. at Tnirty.fust and Market streets. which la reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pastel:We? Railway. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street B allway run within one snoare of It. ON SUNDAYB.—The Market Street. Cars leave Eleventh and Market Streets 45 minutes before the departure of each train. mANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders leftst the office, No. Sal Chestnut street will receive attentiorz. "TILSINIS LEAVE DEPOT. TIM: DAY... - .... at ROO A. M. PAOLI A OCOM.. Nos. 1 1 , 710.00A..1TL&1.L20 P. E. FAsT LINE & P:P.LE MOO M. PARKSBURG .at LOOP M. HARRISBURG .2.30 P. M. LANCASTER ACCOM. 4.00 P. X. PITT SBURGH & ERIE MATT. nt 900 P. M. PHILADEDPHLAREPRESS—.— 11.00 P. M it Erie Mail leaven ashy, except Bator. day- - Philadelphia Express Leaves daily. All other trains dally, except Sunday. Passengers by DAY EMPIRMS go to Willianssnort without aange of ears, and arrive at Lock Haven at &DE. M. Pat imagers by Der ExPICEI3 go to Carlisle and Chambersburg without a change of ears. Sleeping Ow 'Tickets can be bad on application at the Ticket Office, Wi Chestnut street. • TRAINS • ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ : CINCINNATI Fx• PRESS --.„.. at 1240 A. M. PHILADELPHIA EIPPIrs" " 710 " PA 011 ACCOM.. Nos.l A. M., t7IOP,M PABENTRING at 920 A. M. LAIsiCASTER " 12.40 P. M. FAST LIRE " DAY ELAREISBDEG AC. " 9.50 " Philadelphia Express arrivea daily, except Monday. Cincinnati Express arrives dady. All other trains daily except Sunday_ Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 700 A. M..and Williamsport at 8.40 A. M.. reach Philadelphia, with out change of cars, from Willie sport, by Day Ex prem., at a. 50 P. M. She Pennsylvania Bascom! Company will not as sume any for Baggage except for Wearing Appa rel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dol lars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk of LIM owner, maims taken by special contract. . For further ir formation, apply to - JOHN C. ALLEN. Ticket agent Cai o,..ertratt street. SAIIdrEL H. WALLACE:I icket Agentatthe Depot. AN EMIGRANT TEAL": runs daily ,- except Bun dy. For fill particulars as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRAECIs; PUNIC, 227 Dock treet. ---.....-.-. LOOP. M. &WpmTO PLEAsIIRE TRAVELERS. • MR SHORTEST ROUTE 'TO NIAGARA FALLS ISM ._. VIA ' - THE CATAWTSSA RAILROAD, Connectiorte immediate and sure, Scenery thisurpassed. No road so free from dust, Trains leave Philadelphia from PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD D EPOT. THIRTEENTH AS CALLOWHII.L. at 8.15 A. M., NLAGARA, FALLS' EIX.PRESS reaching Williamsport wtthont change of cars at 6.50 P. M. (supper), arriving at Niagara Fats at 5.55 A. M. Sleeplnglar amoughhrom WllliantsPort to Rochester without • Ifir Passengers reaudnhig over night at Williams port can reemmejonrney next morning at 725,resching Niagara Fills at 4.40 same evening. Ask for tickets via Catawbaa Railroad, which can be procured at the Company's office, CM ESTNUT staeet, under Philadel phia Bank . su C H te the Custom House, and at Depot, THIR TEENT H and e T HELL streets. N. VAN HORN, lyiNtf --- General Passenger Agent, TM?. FAVORITE BTE UIiBOAT JOHN A. WABNEat kir Burlington. an tool. Leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, at 2P. M. Retuning leaves Bristol at 7.10 A. M., stopplrg_ each way at Riverton, Torresdale, An dalusia and Beverly. Pare, M cent s. M ission, 40 cents. caz6..ta BLAIRIECSPECIALITESS FOR THR - SRASON. Glycerin 'Lotion. tor hands and face. Pectoral Lozeriges,larsore throat, . Camphor Ice. for chapped H andshoareenws, &c Wild Cherry Compound !brads', cough, dc. Oleic, for chapped hands, &c. Troches Chlorate Potash for ulcerated throat. . KERBY C. BLAIR'S SONS, - MOM and Walnut eta XI SITE GUM . ABABLO.—For sale by WILLIAM t. ELLIS dt CO., Druggists, No. 724 AtAILKET stree D OSE WATEIL—DoubIe Distilled Bose Water, con. COQn hand and ftir sia r le by wiy.r.TAIN visas & .. Druiraista, No. al s RIK= street. /MEAN OF TARTAR--Pnre Cream of Tartar and ki Soda, tbr sale by WILLIAM ELLIS& CO., Drag; Oda. No. Mt BIAIMAT street.— (OD LIVER OIL Mew made) rognlarlp recelven ttentities suitable to the trade. OL, 96 per cent, finest quality Labatt of pack VOWED CAMPHOR, in m crtirltici P.4 1 : 11 0 1 5. 4 1 1EottlVwdered P &Maya wd— k PecliA , Powdered Itlti barb P scared Janie. In bottles, fbr sale by JOEN C 00, No. 718 Market, street. EXTRACT OF BEEF for beef tea or Bbseccs Beef in lankness or for soups for table use. Nadi riElgin, Matas, by Gail Borden, from the juices c: choice beef and Is superior in delidous flavor an: quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full d' rectibns, - one dollar each. RUBBBLL, APcahvair: 100 Chestuntstreet. , TAMITGGIBIE' sarsdason pin T4ed6Oombs, Rmshiss, Mirrors, To'ac.-=s,f'r Boxes, 'Moro Szpo,' Samba Ins L Them. Hard and Soft bber Goods,Vlll asses, Miszi err Metal Byerviss,all at "Pint Irsinai• E MOIMMT 6044 • san t t& =tali Eutat ROBERT SERENA stßzt, oarma FOITRTR AND - RACE STREETS, Wholeral. Dragesta, ganufacturen , and, - Denim in AlirindOv Gina, White .Lead, and Pairde 01 every detordpUtio over to the trade, or conenraers, a complete MGR r. goode in &heir line at thelcrweet market ratan. „ "ASSERT 12010BIEMZEM a ()mg .' • Nerthealitatth and Bum Meant 11),ILY ILITAte-dase recetvad, , an tavolao at Mutat _Le Imputed B_ny tot , elde by the Mon, ea BARIEB.T SHOlurAlitint 1,30" Itrueztal,. DAL DV ex Fourth and Rene strata • • COMP.: A DAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY - On and ants 511112D.AY L - May 1, the FBEIGHT DEPAND latßirr of this comnany REMOVED to the com *Blew • Building, Boutheaskoorner of BLS and MARKET sWeetL Mamma on Bleventb street and on 'Market street. "IrALL - 111051BYssidt10111B1moN - stpasms. be transacted 'as IseretridlTf at Op ClEplifirin Sra an Pirbels and l'acitaCei will be received at either office. Call Books will be kept at each office. and any calls entered therein_ prtrcitips to ' is P.M. - wilt receive attention same dw. , Vaal. f coasohaffle distance 01 oar office. In_q__si4es for sodas and settleixtetna to made at lee CBDIEBTNIITstfeet. f' - • JOAN sorentem. saiet, - DO reo as_ ,&__WOSTMTHOL3rB POCKET RKnives, Rodgers & Wade's and Butchefaltaaors Table Cutlery, Ladles' Scissors in Oases. Razors, Scissors. and all kinds otOutlery_gronnd and polished atP. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 S. TENTH. Street, below hestnut. • train fromMtralactonitirPlifixdol• • Btatkuus at SAO P. M. H. F. 1331211513 M. Baperintakiii. DittitMb. SIDPPING/ FOR NEW YORK. Via De%arm and Raritan Canal. The Phibidelpwis and New York, PripreNl Ateamboat Company. „ • ,stesie Propellers leave Dial/T &ova 1 Minn WHARF below MILBSEPriIrI ertmlnallEODDS. nkisa t t un o ccmztawitle all,Northorn and imams n Companies. Goods ibrinardeddireclie all In tree of conarolaston. . received at lowest rates. WM. P. OLTDB ds OM, .daponln. Inonlll Wharv JAß wc, pbiladelphish . Anent, nibliti 317 Wall Wawa. Pfew Toric. RON SAVANNAH, GA. The Philadelphia and Southern Hall b p Company's Regular .LLuea, second wharf belowEipmce street. ' he ateamphip T ONA.WANDA, Captain J. tre p fo T r SAVANNAH, will commence receiving on THLTU3DAT , vovember 22. and nail nn SA .11 , DA.Y, liovember2nlt. at JO o'clock and (mem saternatessaurday thereat :December B.2:Ldku. This steamer` - has ane estate B.ooros and other-aO - for unasengere. '' Cabin ptentrure,j , .s:• Deck do- 05. - • . : Through tie* ets sold to the following pointiacon; Ga., 00; Columbue, Ga. 00; Augusta. Ga., Atlanta, G Ga., $3.4 Albany - . a:. 00; Montgomery, aU..Os !auto, Ala . 4cr, Mobile, New Orleans,46o. Freight taken at lowrates. Through - receipts given at through rates be' Maenns Abgoats, Coimbra, Atlanta, Gs.; llnorville,•Chatsa• nooga. Ziaville. Memphis, Term: Canton, Mies. No height received or bilis of lading' signed on - Ing • Agents at Havannah ~.Hunter do Giunraal. • For freight or pasaage, apply to • wAr_ jA, MIER, 'Clenerarlikenti - ' . 31.4 south Nuarvei. FOR NEW ORLEANS, DIREXPI. • .THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOITTH Li Nla - - STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S }3.EGODA.E -• t - The wellanownlirstclais Steamship _ _ STAR OF THE UNION 1..202 tons register,T. Cooksey:Haster. Will commence receiving-freight for the above port at second wharf below bprucestreet, on TUESDAY, No. vember _ • Mth, and sail, on SATURDAY. Dec. is!. att 12 o'clock M. - - - • • • Returning, will leave NEW ORT-PAD S on HATUR. DAY_ IlecemberlDth. This SteatittChas: strpon It I Rooms and ether accoroinodations for paaTi,gen.i. Cabin intaesyte. i6O: Deck do., PO. Freight.taken at low rates. No ereighted or bills of, lading signed on sallw , in g day. Agents as New Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, NickersOn & Co,who will give careftd attention to sktpme goods to Galveston, Hobile, 1 7Icksburg, and interfpr For freight or passage, apply to • ' _ WH. D. TAMES. General outhNiD Agent, M 4 Suirave. FOB BOSTON,• • . - • t` - - exmliegamp LI& Drawn .rpipt. • "ROM MACHPORTEV2CIa 7.11711.1141% sßoi PINE er. WHAM', AND LatirGt WHARF, .110M121, _ , The atauxiship • ROMAN; Captain Baker, - sall from pnuanannta Batextlay, Nov. 17 . , aria A. M.. 1 The steamship ABM, Captain Bort Bas from Boston on Thursday, Nov. Is, at 3 :X. The line tetween.rhliadelp.tda ertd,Astant nate aompolied Of tba , BIASIAIS (new), o= swz ßaker, INS WO banana, SAXON, Os 4 25 0 tons Intranet:l. NORMAN, WWl' 0rcia41,203 tons tnnthea. ' These uthstsuitial and a pobsteC will • sal punctually as and In i tga 4 r l :sinu 2l t received every day, a steamer betas • strays, , oa . the berth to receive car=e. - - thar &hippos are requested to send MU Of Inftlas salth lawn, - ForW slattlY jat Or Paraap) baying superior saantunorie. • HENRY WINI3OII' & 01. mt 522 South Delaware avows. • FOR WILKINGTON. N. C. , THE PHILADELPHIA AND 130DTII znl STEAMSHIP COII.2.ANY'S REGITLAit LINE, Tram Secon d Wharf below SPRUCE street. The firm-clans steamship PIONKEIt, tklptain P. P. Hods, for WII.MThGTON. will commence receiving freight on THURSDAY: November nth; and isall on bATUBDAY. November 17th. at lo o'clock A. M., and eve* , alternate Saturday Ilusreafter—viz.: December Ist. 15th, dsc. Passengers will find superior acannmodations and best attendance. Oabinpassage, at Deck do., $lO. Preiglst carried at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading Signed on stall ing day. Agents; ar Wilmington, WORTH dr DANDEL„I :wbrt will. give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior; For treust% or pause% spray to • • • L.. JAIGEII3. General Agent, 314 Eonth Wharves dgM,l4i_ i. T, THItOCOH AIRLINETIME SOCTM A • - STE-18.MP COMPA_NY, THROUGH PXOCIPTS TO NEW =BM , Also, to all points in NORTH and SOUTH OARS LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, - and to LYBICIISUBD, 0 1=41511m-mv . and the WEST, viaNOREOLIL,PETSESSI3IIIIO AND sotrupsum yeArtßoLD.i, The mulariW, safety tee shortness cif this route, to. gether with them oderaates charged, commend it to the ppblic as the most desirable medium for carry ing- every description of freight. ' No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. - • Steamships -insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received daily. - WIL P. CL - PDEA CO., Bele 14 North and 14 South Wharves. • • HAVANA. STEAMBILs. ECKEL-NONTHLY LIMES. s=riteaneships - HEEIDRJ.CE 1(101180N.—..-----. Cant. Howes STABS AND sTATEms Holmes . These steamers will leave Lute port for Havana every other SATURDAY. at 8 A. M. The Mesimship STABS AND STRIPES, Maltase, master will for Havana on SA.TURDAY MORN. MO. November 17111, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana $lO. No fteUht rece pa ived after Thursday. ' k p W For .&t or meeaply to ATTSON &SONS, an2o 140 North Delaware aveane. ot:FOR GALVESTOR„ _ . TEXAS. ,TEXAS LINE STEAMBRIPIL: STOP- A. KEY WEST. FLA. The Al Steamship GERERAL SEDGWIOR, Whitehnzst. commander, will receive freight at Pier V) East River, and sail with immediate despatch. Forfreirf o or passage, having superior acanimiodatiens , sten to • ,_ . . , BRIROP. Ndr.oo., No. lie Arch street. NEW =MUM LINE TO ALEX ANDRIA. Georgetown and W i =on Ana Delaware Venal, with obi at Aliouindtli4 fbrm the moat direct reutAfor Lynchburg, Brha I,Exuaretile,Nashv . illekDatton and the Southwest, = • Ehearozet leave - First Wharf above VW* steed every- W and Satorday a It M. to the a¢an ta ‘ 1701 r./ I ', "'PP MIME . Ca. Whanret. - • - - L a Davidson, Agent et Geoteetown: M. leiletege a Co„ Assets at Alementitta. • 411131 S rum YORlC—PhiLadelphis. - Stem Propellor Onupany—Dertpatch and Sol& anre via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaohni dr.115 , ad 12 M. and 5 P. 31.• connecting with all Via Northern and Eastern Una. _ . For freight, which will `e taken on accanintoll tectna, apply to WM. M. BALRD a co. Octant No. llta Booth Delaware toreros& STEAM= FOB SACS.—The _fad galling coppeed and, copper Jastened leaner GEV' Y (aide whtel), 408 tons 0. lit, 180 ieet long , 243 4 feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet 8 Masa draws 6 et.. 4 Inches water. both. of Ulla Oak aad red cedar. Apply to Z. A. SOUDHER 48 04., a g . 1 .12, Dock Street. WharC• 7 -- NNW TOW-80.LT LILT= W. 4.8.8 mutOI3:BBAPALBB -BOAT COMPANY. ____' 8 , .., lEURG/dii towed to -end from r..lead.. - HAITItrieDIE-GRA.CIB, RALTIXO.BB% w Tpx, and intanwatatepointa. - . .. i, _ • - WDE. Z. CLYDE & Cll:kAteinia, Nch 103onak Nirkarres, Flinailelphla, Captain zonei LAUGHlSN.Sueenotemdmit... FOR. l l.NTWEg.P.—Petroleum.—Tie first ~,, class thin 'ERWIN. JOE, Captain Sewall, will torte Immediate despatch. for the above port. Thor freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO., 133 wAusitrr street,. nos toFOR AMIN - ERE—The .A 1 bark EITHER Captain Prince, is now loading for the above pert. For freight or passage, apply to WOI3IC MAN & 08.,123 Walnut street. . ae24 jj WANTED TO PUBOEfASE.—A centre-board Vessel, suitable for grain trade. Not over three years old. and not over 26 feet 4 inches beam. Apply to EDDITYND A. SOIJDER dr. CO., N 0.3 Dock Apply • - 008 BARK IEMYEN SAYDS, Otis, mater, from Liver pool, is now discharging, nnder general order, at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will pleas. attend to the reception of their goods. PET e.B. WRIGHT dr SONS, 115 Walnut street. ' snal4tl SRUMECP ..EOMAN, FROM BOSTON:7I3°n , [dames of rnerchandise,' per above steamer„ will Please send for their goods. now landtng at Pine street wharf. (noIl4t) . HENRY WIN:8011'dt CO._ SIT UNCLE JOE, Sewall, master, Is, rimy Ms. charging under general order - at 'Shlppea' street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their - goods. PEI' F,B WRIGHT- & SONS, - tie Walnut street. . • nt2t.f • - JAS B. SHlNDLER,suocessor to JOIZEN 8131baDLER. & BONS, Sall Makers, hick. SOO 'North DELAWARE .a.venne,Philadeiptilst.' , All work done In the best manner and on the lowest and most favorable tern:lo,4nd warranted to give per feet sett/traction, • - - • Particular attention &Well to rePtdring• • r ;1:1411):1)M:1 _.... • T • IHSTRIIMHNT THAT science and skill have Invented to assist the near in every degree of Deafness, can be had at the Ear Instrument De of of P. MADEIBNo.IIS South Tenth street, below Chestnut. 0c26 =if
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