A young lady of PeterOturg,T,%stsangely, riamed'Aldreanna Barton,has written some wines _about Jefferson_Daviiski-t-ti Southern papers are busily circulating. The rhymes_ure.so. shighlarly_originaLthat eve - make room for the last three stanzas: The world kno;ws all our ahosin leader, And thy name reseunds-with praise; At thy treatment, nations wonder At the "Star Spangled" ititg's disgrace , • But they w li Vonder'rnore to see Thy glorious mind nnfahlitself, While all around was misery— yttit.Wble thyuiiiy comfort lecu-1, : , Thy noble views of thy conntry's Makes her more• illustrious still; Thy firm maintenance of her cause Will withour country's history live. Thy varied store of knowledge, too, So fitly decorates thy name— Thy zealous soul, lofty and true, A model 9hristianl model man! Thou art suffering for, ns still, • But it makes our love grow stronger, Watching our conqueroVs erne! will, Which would keep thee fettered longer. They may confine thy, feeble frame, Addnew troubles to'fify distress, But onnnot tarifish thyfairfame, Nor blight the love for oar Davis. . • Bars. B li fkins'a Aerente. • - mom the Boston gazette.] 4 lf you want to go to bed; wit t y , don't you go, and not keep bothering me," said I Mrs. Blifldns, as she looked over the top of her book at her husband. "well T • thought you might be re ady," re plied Blifkins , in a semi-apologe eat tone. "You are - generally the first to prono • se 're tiring, but togrightlleel kind of sleen,y." "'Yon always - do when you dine down town," suggested • - • "I onlyhad a frUgal repast at the Gape and Swallow," responded Blit ' ' "Does Mr. Smith keep - that place?" asks' Mrs. B. ' • • • , •-,- "Not exactly," said 'Blifkins us, who recalled his hist jolly good dinner at that establish ment.: : • "Well, well, don't talk; I've just reached a'very interesting'passage," said • ' ' "No, MO won't talk," - replied' Blifkine, "unless,Ltalk in my sleep; so, good-night." "Gobd-night; , there, go along—you would - t have kissed me if you hadn't been dining out," said the'worthy spousp, who appeared to be pleasantly irritated. Blifkins, who was really worn out by a hard day's work, beganto ascend the stairs, when Mrs. B. suggested that he bad'omit ted his• usual practice of seeing 'that the lower: part of the house was securely locked up. As 'the domestics .had not; retired, he contented himself with urging upon them extra vigilance, and the clock, struck nine as he pulled the drapery of .his conch (vul garly known'as mosquito netting). about him and tumbled into the land of , difiams. He slept as sweetly as an infant, and would have continued to knock out the slumbers no doubt till morning, h ad, not a' scream from the kitchen roused the whole house hold, there being a simultaneous jump en the part -of all the occupants and , a yell from the youngest in , the crib, who sat up and called. for its mother. Benjamin, Mrs. B:, Mary Jane B„ B. 8., Jr., and - Matilda "8., all rushed to the stairs and in different tones of voice demanded the cause of the alarm. ,No response was given, for the kitchen door was closed. " Why don't you go down and see what's the matter !" said. Mrs. B. "Mary may be killed!"- shouted one of the children on the second floor. • - PWli'v don't you go down - pa ?" screeched the Blif kins heir, who oc cupied the front attic. - -.- ~M ary, Jane, what's the matter?" shouted Blifkins at the top of his lungs. There was no reply. Neither Mary, the cook, (who agreed to take charge of the lower part of the house, but refused to con sider the furnace any part of her work), or Jane (engaged to do general housework. but rebellious at the idea of sweeping the front steps) made any sign of life. " Both murdered, probably, and I should be before yon would come down," said Mrs. 13. "Do you wish I should come down just as I am?" asked Blifkins. Mrs. B. didn't have time to reply, for the children up-stairs having very flatly inti mated that the father was afraid togo down, resolved to do so themselves, and as they didn't wait for crinoline, Blif. started, ac companied by his posse comitatus. The kitchen door was opened by Blifkins with a jerk,, and there sat the smiling cook and jubilant maid in perfect repose. "Who in the deuce gave that yell?" asked Blif. "Don't be standing there," said Mrs. Blif kins," who saw there was no trouble; 'you'll all get your death o' cold , on that canvas carpet." Instead of making any reply to this query, the cook pulled her apron over her face and Jane wrapped her head in the roller; and both began to laugh. Blifkins_ saw, the im propriety of his position .and retraced his steps, followed by the children, suggesting to Mrs. B. that 'she had better go and find out what the matter was, adding that he wouldn't,haVe been disturbed in that...way for all the girls' necks were worth. , Mrs; Bljfkins, after quieting the baby and giving each of the children six pilliiles of belladonna -to keep them from taking cold on account of their audden exit from their warm beds, proceeded to the kitchen. Mary said... it was Jane's fault, and Jane ,said it was Mary's fault. Mary told Jane an awfal story about ghosts, and, just as she reached a harrowing point, Jane pointed to the win dow and said there was a man looking in, and Mary yelled. Mrs. B. read them a les son, It is unfortunate that Yerrington was not present to take notes of the address then made. She pictured the sin of the proceed ing—the diseases which might come to the children, from being turned out of bed—the possibility that such a yell uttered in a quiet household might have turned-herliair while -"and," said she in conclusion, "Mary, never do such a thing again. - What would have been your feelings if, in coming down stairs hastily, Miss Mary Jane had fallen and remained a cripple for life?" Mary had lived with sixteen different families each year other sojourn in Boston, and ten years having passed since she , stepped ashore from the ship, her acquaint ance. with milkmen, grocer boys and city dirtmen was somewhat extensive. Never before had she been so upbraided fora sim ple yell, and though she said nothing to Mrs. B. (aware, no doubt, of the folly of such a proceeding), she at once gave Jane to understand that the next day she should give Mrs. B. "warning," for she had never lived more than a week with a nervous family, and never would. At ten o'clock the two girls ascended to their room. leaving Mrs. B. still engaged in her book, and as the clock struck eleven, that worthy woman rubbed her eyes and started irp, evidently surprised that she was not in bed. She approached the window and, pulling up the curtain, gazed out. It was a bright, clear, cold night, the first of those starry nights which we have in au tumn, and which are peculiarly attractive if one is securely housed and can .gaze - at the studded firmament without feeling the bite of the frosty atmosphere, • As Mrs. B. was looking at the stars, she gave a sudden exclamation' indicative of s uprise- and. wonderment, and immediately hastened to the bedside of Mr. B;, who was sleebine. soundly. • - "Benjamin, Benjamin," she said, gently • touching his arm. . Benjamin sat upright in an instant and exclaimed: "I tell you I held the,right bower " • "Nobody said you didn't," replied Urn. 8., "but wake up, and get out here to the I window atid.look at, this aerolite." Blif. tumbled 'Out and peered into the vacantiotin.the_rear_of bnnse,_ _ I "There, don't : you. flee it," said Mrs. 8., pointing eta; f all, and there it is." "Are yoursu.rd you saw itlall„"rinquired "I am certain. Don't you suppose , I knowr tr-4Snre you aren't tiecekied?" l ' . - .Plknow: I SAW it fall, i ‘ ancrll6lre it "Send 'Jane out'and' pick 'it up. It Will lose itwbrillUinoy is • a moment." "Both girls have been abed this hour or "Well, I'll go out and get it in the morn ing then." "Whyy, not go noir, BennY dear?" "Well, ;I will; it's a great:ouriosity, and I antlis Harvard College would be glad to get Mr. B. didn't wait to perfect his toilet. He got inside his tuiderolothes,pulled on an qld pair of pants, stieking the bottoms into-a 13air of India rabbet boots, which he leaped into, and covering ' himself with in antique • cloaka family relic which - came down to z him from a former generation—he Prepared to_make his exit. Mrs. B. had kept her eye ion the aerolite. . . • "Does it • still shine?" asked 'BM; as he jammed on a ICoiniuth hat. "Not quite sebrightly; bat I can see," re ported Mrs. B. '. • , "But • the Ohm will be hot, won't it?" querierißenjamin.• "Of course it will," replied Mrs..B., "but itere, take this dipper—be careful,. don't sill the ndlic,for it will do to cool the tterol- She handed her httsband a silvir,dipper ! which had,: like the cloak ; .. its conneetioa withher aricemifty,and was supposed to have ' been made in Faris and _brought to this ,country by Benjainifi "Franklin, after the Independence of this country 'had been ac knowledged. She kept it to: heat milk in , over the gas atove,and though somewhat tarnished,it was worth just its weight !nail • • Ver. Blifkins, in order to reach the open space, was obliged to go out of the front door. and passing down the street, enter through a passage way. Mrs. B. watched at the win dow"till site saw him on, the ground, and then rushing to the parlor, pulled the cur tain down; and, putting the gas out, stood in the entry, waitingptlip arrivarotthe trea sure. Five minutes elapsed' and there was no,report. She looked out atthe front door, but nobody; was in sight, and becoming a little alarmed, she went up stairs andgazed forth, but mach to her surprise it was dark ness visible. She , could not see even the spot. where the aerolite fell, but she heard voices, and recognized dienjamin's she, who appeared to be attempting to explain to some one that his name was Blifkins. Un mindful of the baby, she threw the window open and shouted out the name of her dear husband. "There," said Benjtunin, , "if you don' believe me now, just come roand to the fron door." " Well, I don't object -to that," was the reply. In a second of time Mrs. B. was on the front step, and in two' seconds more Blif. came up accompanied by a policeman. "There," said Blifkins, 'Jam you satisfied now ? I told you who I was and gave you my - name, but you wouldn't believe me; Are _you satisfied. now ?" "Well t Mr. Blifkins," said the policemen, "if you' d had your everyday harness on I should have recognized you,but with these fancy trimmings and - that silyer skillet in your hand, you wouldn't expect your beet friend to know you. I hope you'll excuse me, butpeeled in these times I have to keep my eyes . Bt do wish ou would tell me what the dev u il l you were doing in that open lot at this time of night with that sil yer dipper in your hands." "He went to- get-the aerollte," broke in Mrs. 8., who saw through the trouble. Blif. didn't say a word, but he wished from the bottom of his heart that his wife's tongue had been tied. "What sort of an animal is that," asked the policeman. "It is an animal," said Blif., jumping at the door which opened to him—"that is born at eleven o'clock at night and dies befOre midnight, during the month of No veinber, and my friend, Profeissor Agassiz, was very anxious to obtain a specimen pre served in milk, and so I tried to get a big one which I saw from my window." "I never heard of the animal before," said the policeman, who after again asking to be excused, went on his beat wondering what kind of an animal it could be that lived Only an hour. "You didn't find it, then," said Mrs. B. " Find it," reiterated Blifkins, "I saw it distinctly, but just as I reached the spot, it Suddenly became dark, and I could'nt see anything. I picked up an old piece of tin however.", n" Well, that is strange," said Mrs. 8., "I oticedt that it grew dark almost instanta neously." Blif, said no more, but as the cloak struck twelve he indulged in some remarks about the quiet night he had passed, and was just seeing things twist round before his eyes, which always preceded his sleep, when Mrs. Blifkins nudged him. " Well, what is it ?" he asked. "I've just thought, Benjamin, why it grew so dark. It was because I put out the gas in the parlor and ;pulled the curtain down." • "That's so, I guess," responded Blif., after a - moment's thought, "and being"so, think that bit of tin is the aerolite after Coal Statements. - The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, tmekawanna and Western Railroad for the week eminigNov./0, compared{: with same time last season; W4.k. Year. Tons.Owt, Tons.Owt. 9,614 05 373,632 '6 ...20,972 10 928,706 13 Shipped North Shipped South. iii . xol ... c .- 4i; . ,3i . t .....- _ .-, ..... ......30,616 16 1,302,330 09 ding time last ye Week ar: , Year. Tons. Cwt, Tons.Owt. .. 31,053 19 200,785 01 ..._ . . . .....,,v, 536 13 595,000 i 6 -- ------ ~ ...33 584 13 795,735 16 Slapped North Stripped Increase ...—. !. .„.... ..,.... .. ..506.603 12 The following statement ian . owW the business of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company for the week and season ending Nov. 10,1866: Week. _. Tons. Cwt. Total, TOns.Ctvt. Lehigh Coal and'Nay. C0...13.725.02 870,497 IA Pack.er, Spear & Co 2,209 14 79 527 _0 John Lanbach & Co 100 00 , , 1,287 10 - 16,64416 ... 905 09 W. T. Carter & Co Spring Mountain mines... Thomas Hull & Co New York and Lehigh }Riney Brook Coal Co.: ...... 1,1763 Ti G erman Penna. Coal CO 483 08 hie Neal 1,130 01 Knickerbockerl9l 00 North If ahanoy Delano Walters, Brother & Co Trenton Coal Co Glendon 1,278 06 Rathburn, Sturm & Co A. Pardee & Co G. Markle &Co W. S. Halsey & Co Sharpe, Weiss 44r, Co Ebervale Coal Co Harleigh mmes..... ... .. Stout Coal Company...... Buck Mountain mines Core, Brothers & Union Baltimore . .. . . Wakesbarre Franklin Andenried. - Germania . - .. • Lehigh and Susquehanna . ,_ Mount New JerseY Warrior Wyokning -- • • • • Other' Parrish NeWport Coal Co. 'nisi to 140.- _ 986 csi ..... 2 912 19 ..... 1,847 10 .... 548 08 .... 298 01 ... 450 19 ... 1.308 19 •••• 452 15 447 04 - 32703 Total todate . . . 'Oa Same tLme lags year 30,92944 Increase..:,: - • • t,. 6,331) 11. THE DAILY EVENING. BULLETIN.-PHILADELPRIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERIS,IB66 451,292 03 22,497 14 5.780 12 12,884 J 5 1,698 04 28,530 03 24,600 16 20,488 03 9,472 11 8,4 6 15 5,305 .4 12,755 1. 879 13 5,428 3 2 - . 71,606 2 51,709 1n 5,781 01 27,648 I t 24.105 I t 15,239 03 16,432 19 21,301 15 5,499 3,148 t 11,546 11 41,429 19 11,027 - 13 12,314 tit 9,607 03 1.037 02 1 170 06 722 12 958 17 920 11 5,801 15 6 310.18 358 10,801 981,033514 7901721-1.) - 190,6!4 68 IMANCLILIh Ttistriboo' r rft 7 PER CENT. MORTGAGE RAILROAD r BOITD We otter for gale $2.50,000 .of the Consolidated Mort. I gage Bonds of the Huntingdon, Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company" at - • Theynretoupon Ronda with privilege oi' reglatti te r I secktre them frona-theft,tear seven per cent. interesr; Iwhich is punctualiy paid Brat of April and October; secured by a mortgage of $1500,000 on , sixty, Railroad. inclpding sthe - Bedfoni Railroad, ten miles qc - eiquanAepots, real estate , ro ll ing stock and equip ments at evetylad.., . , One million °Mel. bemds were ` " set inde for the' I redemption of the Brat and second mortgage bonds. a large nnzober of whicirhave - aimady bean exchanged and the cossolidatioittedalirPrograseing. The Com pany have but 1250 000 for sale, and - offer them at the above low price in order to instire Immediate sale, The road is now in good 0rder. , 1,030-ton• new mile and 3o 000 crossties have recently been - pnt down, com plete machinery purchased for repair shops and two new collieries opened up Ohl Improved. By the proposed immediate • enlargement of the Pennsylvania (lanai to - Huntingdon.•the Company will have cheap water transportation witbout trans gganent to New York, Albany, ttc„ as well as by Theae bondiat Die above price wili yield abont 9 per cent. per annul:nand add twenty-one per cent. to the principal at t nit tptilff,4: SAILER- & STEVENSON , ‘ BABREBEi t No. 121. South Third Street, nol2-et; Opposite Girard Bank. 7 3-109 s; s 1434 cps, 0011 POUND DITEREST NOTES • BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN 65 BRO., 40 SOUTH TIMID STREET. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK, CAPITAL $300,000, FULL PAID, Bas Removed To Its New Banking House, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street. A. BOYD, Priaidont. JNO. W. 1311. BOUGH. Csahter. non STOCK BROKER; GEO. ITENDERSON, NO. 223 DOCK STREET. Hv o t r ouryl bus:Wese am p seise =4O make puzchaees Bondy dcc. Btocke carried at 6 per cent. interest, will:unit any extra ctuuire. Orders executed in New York, Batton and Belt!. More. - sel2.Bm, . l a%C -4r 1 01 / 4 . \;,„ SPECIALTY. T v SMMI, ILANDOLPII k CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, L$ Mouth Third elk; I sBremen atm* ElliNsulelphte. 1 ) New York. STOOKS AND GOLD NOUGHT. ABM, SOLD ON OONNINEms, rarnaunarr Azannto tiza,Dimna-re. BANKING HOUSE l op JAYCO ORE 4kGl4. 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD 5 20's WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW, A LIBERAL DIMIRENOE ALLOWIII Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT, Collections =de; Stooks Bought and Bold on Com mission. Special business acoomnaochttons relerved Ladles. se22 EDIICATIOXI. 10,1,013*. 7. HAROTEAR, 1 Teacher of the FRENCH LANGUAGE, „ . • Bonth TENTH street, No. 254 • :se As Dift• :if. :41i e : 1"01711TH street, above VINE, Is now open for e all and Winter Season. Ladles and Gentlemen • ill find every provision for comfort and safety. se hat a tborougqknowled of this beantilbl scco •• pew at eb byjer . matßa% . narft,n.M r . 01 : , tiCIIO"I4L y: s zs : g: . soN DENTISTRY D. - .ROLPEC LlCE:has administered Nitrotut Oxide, or I.lmM:dug Gas, to thousand with per fect succesa for Dental. Surgical and Medical pur poSes:and for amueement.Only fifty cents (lOc.)per tooth Olt extracting. No charge for extracting when artificial teeth are ordered. Office No. 256 West - Washington Square below Locustatreet. Seventh street cars pass the door. Don't be foolish enough to go elsewhere ant pay $2 and $s for the gas. N —I continue to give in structions to the Dental profession. . maim/ LNISITItAMVEi. I 8 29i-400tL8Tpl PlM)l=A3i. ~r EMICAPITECIATD4r FOIE INIIIITANCE7COPIPAY ~ 1 • ,4PratPAD EMPH/Al - 1866 9 V. . - - 9411,511 ..",••••••••••••!“.".....----ams,soa • Mauna= Losses PSid: Since 182 9 Over 015,000,000. perpetual azel 2 emparary Policies on:Liberal Timis ORS Baniker, DIBPOT ,d a Dab. Toplla Wagner, George Palm Samuel . Al fr ed Piller. - Gem W. Gicriarde, Free. W. Lewin, H, D, Peter McCall. 1141141 111 GRAJILEG . I4: isAicomeat Printout EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Itermant.' 4.414.Wp MWILLIGTEX oeorelary pro tem. .116 MG 'GIRARD , FIRE AND MAIM INSURANCE`COMOANY. OFFICE, CB weragur snatErr PBTLAtompsz& OAFITd7i PAID i t s h tO z write " arl ic A, pay. ma masa, s fillasciabss. o OAT lIIVESWIL be a n c epaulAnconeuu i ld l =o/3 =WU witrar past isw MW STRZIn g int within i l kmonths FRI remove 10 011 019* RIIILDING. ___ N. E. COIL DEVI-MTH AND 01331:8MaT t Pen, =mow, weistall be happy to . Dustin Dar pawn inch rates a: ate consistent. Val safety. . Tames DRA.VXN ALFRED s. emarrr. nnossisr.. smap.r.&sl3oD, N: B. LA . ,- THOB. HAwir-LAA DEARLEEI9..IMET • :IND. 61)1 , FLEWi. _ HENRY F. IMINEY, JNO: W."OLAGHORN, 708131 PH smerznt. H. &LAB ' : , Y3IREER. JR., .., . " • THOMmi CrAAVEN, Preeldenl._ ..' ALFRED B. GlLLR'FF.V:Preadeat end wreatmme. JAMBS IL ALVORD.Beeretary. ' .Dattif _ 00.1CPANY,Ok EfORTS Amnia& MAItIVE 4TZEtit TAT/ON Unisbasli "II ° g ull") T BMSIB}. " Third street Office, VW= WALNUT stra44, south slalr. San of The PropaUes of that Ocnn_pan7 ars willt_ttrreasa Ina mmso an svallabletand tor tba sn3i r t bf 2 :ildw a r who deare to beuroteotea Inman= BIWA :taken on • V e ssels, ' mai Pr Mialt TRAINSPOR ' TAT/ON MECKEI ciisnalsettg as ßaSlroaals, mum, and ateimbo al Nan , FMB on. SI ercaumusa, rarniturs ana Maid. 11wo In 13Ittan_¢ Ooan_lar. . MODRPOR.A.TED Let Mill IS AND szotniva n9"la g r MA" ia zarl TOTAL P mmxim Etop c = LL • • .110.1= G. Ooffin, .Tonn . Bazomel W. Joni& George L. : John A. Brown, Francis R. Etharbs =ward H. 'Brl Ck %nr nnrrose l M, I EL Oink% . WWI= Want. EL WlLltom 4 , Richard D. Wood, T. Charlton Hwy. EL Monts Winn. nitres D T. Chorltion .Bonry. D. aLiarain PrAnw a•ATEUlie• °DMZ'. P 111411.21. I)BOVIDIEN'T LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. NO. ill Etsuth FOURTH Street. INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, Yid, 1355. CAPITAL, 115a.030, PAID Re. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premium.% or by 5,10 or year premiums. Noin-Mrfelture. Enaowmenta paleat a future age. or on prior de cease, by Year li •.minccut, or 10-year Premiums— both cases Non °Mitt:ire. ' Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Patielea Children's Endowments. This Company- while giving the insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Prattle of the Lite business among its Policy holders. Moneys received at interest, and paid on demand. Authorised by charter to execute Trmts, and to act, as Executor or .Administrate} Aasignee or Guardian. and in other fiduciary capacities under appointment or any Court of this Cummonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies polls arcarporate. • Toss. Sal:noel R. Shipley, Dram: i p ßichard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Winter Brown, Richard Wood, Wm. C. Longstreth, Charles . Coffin. SAMUEL B. SIOPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY, Presient. Actuary. THOMAS WISTAIt, At D. J. B. TOWEBEB, ocf.tff Medical lcv.woner. Legal Adviser. FINN ABBOO.I.ATiON. . In • leeiiponued Much 5A,11150. A 071f1MN0.31 N. FIFTH street. to 4 • sore 131JUZILD 111:111. t• ` 74) NITITIOI and -- _ from Loin by Sire, (ha the Oily PMadelph.iii only.) STATISMITNT Of the Awns of the dasodattoz January It iSta• Band' and Mortgagee on property in the Jet 1) Ground 20,848 Si Beal Estion(Onloe No. North BUM street) KM it U. 8. Government 8-20 45.1= nn 11.13.-TronmryN City Warysani., GEORGE W. TRY.Preaddent. WM. R. HAKII.TON JOSILPH. B. iinsam.ta. JOHN BORDER. LEVI P. ODATS, pEntg, Exyluzg. 8..08L SPAILIKALWR. JOHN PHILBLN CELABIaR3 P. BOWER. JOHN OABBOW, TEBBE LIGHTFOOT GEORGE L YOUNG. ROBERT kulDEßAixa, - - %gm T • B Imam, seareupxy. DmELRBI 1 A 1411138,umml COMPANY CIS .PaLLA D. INOMPORATED lici—Coultmt isro. 524 Wiazrowitreet, commits the In addition toltrAlumr, laMt l e z thiaCompany insures flout ion or damage byBULB liberal terms, on toilielinjp. mexcluindise rarnitztn itch,for limited periods, Gad perznamEmtly cal handl= L 3_ldeposit of pram:ikon. The Company bas been in Wive averatian mort than -wrx A. 8.8, during which all Loma kart been promptly atonate and d. J o h n Houk David Lew% B. liatiOny Benjamin EWA:. - John T. Lewis, Timmaa H. William B. Grant,' A. R. Mat , Poweqm Robert W. Lamina. Rdznand oa D. Clark Wharton Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis. Louis C. Non's. JOHN B. GHIERICR, Preabliikt. Guru= iirmoox. Becretarr. INSURANCE! XXOLOSIVELY. Tait F I P M ENNSYLVANIA sum LaiSURAN_CIII Oat PANT—In lattS—Cliarter - rerpernah-lie ThisALNUT Streate Independence squ iiis Company, in known CO the 001111111113.114 far over for4r rears, con nes to - humreS la m of moans, by nrsi on Public or Prtvate richer pen:llene:oly- or for a Umited time. Also, to pamiture=s offloads and lierrhendise Dn liberal She!" Capital, together with aWV thlrgr t Pond Invested in the most careful manner, w ensbl& cheat to otter to the imuired an Ittuis INearhat the case Of look DIEMIFIVAh& Daniel Smith, Jr., - John Deveze ux . Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Dom Hallehrust, Henry Lewis, Thomas BMus, J. Gmlegham p Daniel Haddick„ir. DANEBL Wislanw 8. Jr" Preolasati Mamas. Secrelarv. A WanuesiS ZairrtieL reanritAßlXE cosizninl, —ollloe Pauhar Street.AND Risks taken on veareli, cargoes and frelehta to all part of theworld, and on Goode on Inland Milan OA canalli,_ll antrayamet, sbw - u aions aba united Stelae d other ocer • WILLIAM GRAM Plenum PET= mums, 4 Vios rnsolan2. *OBXRT Him Secretary. 31.1X110.20101. WSW= Omit, Henry 0. MOM, Peter Callen , Wm. 8 Lowber, Tat= Dalb3tt _.Tr., J..Tobnaton BroWal vnn ?A H. merrbst, Sazonel Italon, Benj:W. Ilkkards. Mason Hutchins, SLUM i Dalla r ka L:Elder, WM, PL ast Maros; Pearson Asitgiitcm6/Ebiww iml - 147 - 7 - ii.. 1110 WALNUT Ellireet ts t riaL nive MIERD liikroos t , PIXIMAD , EartiX su lla Paid UP (I 4 PIT A T. STOOK WW2, MB In sauna and available Eleclettnee, pow 11bne to Insure on DwellingliallOrelasitura Ma, obandlee, Vessels in p 0 and 'Mr and ou r Personal Property. -prcupssar ............., B. mmon,. . ohn,T4 Isewbi,_ - - s.our..v.rivaish--.7 , Jlo nin R. uun Samaellli.'BronoL •.: , Edmond G. Dalai, -•- Dual patenl93lll43l : 3 ".... "•-• • Gliarbo W. Ponlialayl - -) -. Morris. . . 4' - - • — I7KOMAIr it- mugs.- T re ga g i n riirk,O.o IllaaWnoark;Bol6a. , . , ianni F A" - MEMO= OOMPANY ria2 1 1::: 5 :1 4:113111"5rC LABC -- D 7II3IERT INliiii AZiO3l irrit'Wenselc • - .. . 1 Francis! N. Book, 'Merles Bialuirdium Robert B. Potters mem, Lewis, . /no. Hamlet. tlit. Samuel Wri , Z. D. W P. S. inetin • - - Ctur . Stokes. tied. A. Wen , , • Jos. D. EMI. "BANCIBEI Z. Mar, President. , caLAB. BICHARDwag. VISO Prillidelli Z & Aiiimposs•alasionr, LivEttrooL • AD. LONDON A. JD 54•LiC113.1EG ThlsmaAltiCE COMPAXY csoitaisind A55et8,146,000.000.- Ipvested to United States, $1;500 1 000 Total Nezoituns' received by the Coa -1 pany in 1865, 4947.176. ' Total Lossesin '1865; 64,018,256 iPremiums received in the - cr. B. from Jannaiy 1 to ILosses Unidd il ltit'nroTnTan al Ito Itl7 1. lel Imes pronsPHYZes BB ted 6l. without reference to ATWOOD SMITH, tieneral Agent An Pennsylvania. No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, fe27tn,th,ftfi PHILADELPHIA. 135100Z1331 Fos lam wo,ooo. irrLLLNICE LINSURAN(N7 COMPANY OR ECIT lIE ADELPEima • Incorporated in 1841. crafter Perpetual OFFICE. No. 808 WILLNDT ESTSNIT. _ CAP/TA.L, ;mom% ; =wee against lms or damage by :MK, os Homes, 13tores and other Bulldi_ngs umtt or , pee ipetual, and on Furniture, Gooda Waist mut merclum Abe in town or corm - • - , LOSalh3 PItOMTLP ADJUIrEMS AND PAID, 4.13/ans.:: •••• • -84mON II Invegted - rnfheitireinegtiliaG . :vak7 iFinst Mortgagee on City Property, well se. . . 1124,109 limited States GovernmenaLoana 185,000 N llldlatielphts City taper, cent. Lostrrt.:- 55,000 OC pennaylvanta 1,000, _OOO 6.r . cent. Loan.... Zion 01 Pennaylvania usuroad find and/se ' cend Zd 85,000 CC Camden ar °l l 9 =toy Italiroad: Company's epee cent. 5,000 Ot Philadelphia and Seseliter Itailmad Cam ~ppaanayy aper cent. 5,000 01 !Hallfingdpn and Broad Top 7 percent,more. LIMP, bonds'4,sl) et County Fire Insurance Companrs i„me oe Nwhanica' Bank 4,(0) CO Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania " — Stocir.. 10,000 et Union Mutual Intmrante Company's Stock. NO OC Reliance Insurance-Company or Phia's Stock- —. 1,000 OC Oa& in bank and 5,914 TI DIItECTOSS._ 0405,804 7171 Diem. Tingley. Bea. W . Wm. Nasser, Marshall li Samuel Blapham. Charles Leland, H. L. Carson, Thomas Moors. Robert Steen, 'Samuel Canner, Wm. Stevenson. Alfred .13logilah, CU . Preddell& xim racy. TILOBLAS 0. Secretary. PBMG&D=PIELL. December 1.1868. dap ....Moat ~IITOAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Olt PHILADELPIIIA. OFFICE. NO. 5 . SOUTH FIFTH STREET, AISSETS, - • • - 8126,522 21 CHARTER PERPETUAL.. Caleb Clothier. I William P. Reeder, Benjamin Malone, Joseph Chapman, Thomas Mather. Charles Evans, T. Ellwood Chapman, Edward M. Needles, Simeon 14 .21. ,1 r Wilson M. Jenkins, Aaron W. Gaskill, Lukens Webster. CALEB CLIDTTi BENJAMIN THOMAS MATHER. T. ELLWOOD CHAP TRH COUNTY YLIIR IMIIIRANCTO OORPAZIrom 078103 SO. no ROOTH SOUR= WHIM. =LO IMESIMInIy. "The Itrs Ineartutce W Oonaeny Of the Grnedi el PflOsdelplda." Lroarporated by the regbdeture ct dam In 7.8" Irw Intbwonta sabre% lose er "mill 4 _ _ lli aLAßTßa ethili MmenyAl b This al mow reliable Institution, with sun CROW and oistlneemt !turd earetany Invaded to b ore bolltUrree, it,. evercbe= tfr,.. .11 1 ., Vow m omenta or Ibr a by ina, at the lowest rats 7weat with She lII= mita of Ilit =Wows. Lome wOreted andzinak MRa I poesible daperics (taw j e Merles J. Satter , Edwin L. fit, Rena Cab, John Horn. Robert Val , Jr. JatePh Moan, Henry Budd, Ga Macke. Andrew H. ROM Jam es N. Stone. Reszartat R. RO Z. RUTTER, Hogs=. Seer and Treamirin. A 3ITHRACIIT/C....... . A. CH.A.IMES P1N1A%41.. No. ID WA.L.Nirr Jams* seam nard. a cts wut imam sinixsa Lan or Damage tar ail u: ; l2 t lents tap, ekhae pm , • _. at tars limited Urns, Bureltare end handln gesentlt. lIOTy Ahas—lisrlne Inatrorme an Vssels, Oarm a tai /height. Inland Imamate to all payof the WM. Esher. David Pearson, D. Lather L : Mager, Lewis Attaenzied. J i g Buren, J. B. Inaktexci, Wm. F. Dean. J. Monad. mac Jahn Ketelms. M' sPi-Lo , viooltawasai WILK MOTH. Beef • WM 2e FERE /32131TEANCIS COMPANY el P ELPHLlU—Orda r ro. 24 NORTE MTH STERIME, SEMI. corps by the of ItiVn tj yylisyyja CHART= PrrarErm. tPr against CAPITAL AND ASSETS fibig lusurance_ ar Hainan by Fireooo. Publlakeeoh Lossnite Auddinett. Furniture, Swam Goods acu klerasneVmvorable terms. D Ed 3. Gouge Frederick Dan, Aturturt C. • or, Jacob Schandies, John F. natural:is, Samuel Miller, Henry Trooraner, Edward P. Moyer. rri McDaniel, Adam 6hwa, Christopher H. Miller. Israel Peterson, Frederic.k Startke, • Frederick' Ladner Jonas Bowman, GEOEGIC MUM', President. JOHN F. BELSTFatLyme, Vice PreiDiam PICELIP E. COlvinr4re. Secremay, WILVA IA T. H.F.WES BROTHER, XLL'IIBERS AND GAS FITTERS. NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. (nov3.3mOsi "Repsiring- of-all—kinds at short notice. Orders through rest Office will receive prompt attention. Wir COUNTRY WORK ATTENDED TO. Li C. LANCASTER. 11 GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF ESTATILISEEBD bzes. CORN, OATS and .111_1Lir•P PRO sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Bates, and delivered to ar parts of the City. Be7-ly LI O. JECNIGHT di CO., Wiiiiltailismig GROCEPit sza.s..E.WATER and CiliiiiiSMTn. streets, Phi; Ldelphia. Silents for the sale of the Products of th Southwark Sugar 'Refinery and the Grocers' Saga ' - ouse. of Philadelphia. - DENICSYLVANIA worms,--ox THE DE LA WARE river below PRELADELPHLA., erni Delaware coon rn. sox & oo' engineers and Iro n n Boat bnildere. All Rinds OONDEMBING AND NONCORDNNEENiG EN GLNES, Ircn Vessels of all descriptions, Bolters, Vats, Tanki REANEV, W. B.Tlli el abrY ac " &c. , S. AROHLBOLT . Reaney Need) te of & 00., Penn Works. Phila. Eniltair. in Vale VAUGHAN TRIOS. WM. H. =MUCH .TNO. E. OOPS. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND W& MOTOR' EVTRHETS. Past.Anzumma. MERRdi SONS ZINGMBOmmi AND _MAOHINESTS. Asaufharm High and Low Pressure Stearn Ruins: ibr Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers. G asometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c, Castings f a kinds, either iron or brass. Iron on Boo& for Gas Works, Workshops ins Railroad Stations, dtc. Netorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and Mos. Unproved cOnstruction. Every description .of Plantation Machhumv; ant Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opel Steam Trains, Dedicators, Filters, Pumping Es— tates, dz. bole Agents for N. Billenz's Patent Sugar Banns Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Marhine. fl AS FETPDREEL—BLICEargy * ur NO. 718 tinzerrNErr street a tufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ike,' ilas. w rad call the attentiontbf the pnbilo to their lugs t assortment of Gas I:Chandeliers, Pendants . Bfacl e M in dat, They also introduce Gas pipes inte Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend. ,altering and repairing Gas pipes, A lam work war. ran, LUNN IVIINOTT. THORNTON PIXEL OLINCONR. • IitRISOON. THRODORN VTRIORT. PRAM& L. iiraaLL. RAMIE WEIGHT & BONS. Dapartehr of Earthenware, Shipping and Commhaddn Ideraturstia, 135 WAISTIPP Street, Philadelphia; I:4 • • •• •• • :4: 1 :.7: • :Ter :4: • 7T only plu:e to get Pe11,7 We ll s Glearused and:beds. • t at vas tow r: • A. PrESSON • Go . fanny VI e s • :IL , * •oi JCR and Mk.lßiscultaindlnit . a - No • and fornale by JOS. Be 'EU 00 Ammo mu &Sag. 108 8001 h l'Oelavran 11um. ixt4miumes. KIITLIAL SYSTEM EXCL aivir.tar. DIRECTORS FOR 1868. OM President. I NE, Vice President. Secreisu7. se22-am/ BITSIIiiESEI OAFnib. rEXECUTORS' PRI. rivE ElALE—Dstatent JOHN GEST. slecessed.--JAHESA. FREEMAN Auctioneer. FRAMs. HOUSES AND 4,9 T 2d23 and 20243 8 0rth-SEVENTH.- street. - Under - authority con-. tallied in tt e will of the let Soak. Gest, de , eased, on WELNESDAY ;November 21, - 11938.:at 12 o'clok.n o on. will be field atpublic sale, az - the P HIL ADEL SHLA. EXCHANGE, the follandeg,_desatibed Real Estate, viz: All those two frame messnages and lot of ground situate en.the east Md.) of North Seventh street, Nos. =Um f 2015; at the distant% ofabotit BSO feet north of Little Poplar (now lifeetler) street, in the Tw "intent Ward of the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventh street 10 feet. arid in depth 198. Marshall street, when opened, IA 11l take off aboat 20 feet f. om the rear , end of toe lot giving it two fronts; buildings . are now, erected on It arsliall street opposite Half Li:Repurchase money may renlain On 'mort gage, if desired by ate paw: t ime r. Air Sale peremptory. /lif3r Clear of incuorbrance. ,ra- $lOO to be paid at the time °reale. By order of the Executors. JAM.P.IB A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. _ it ORPHANS' COURT BA.LE.—Estate of MOH- B TOY. decsased.—JAMES A F.:HENAN.. Auctioneer —FRAME- -ROCS PA.RFIAIif street, :Third Ward,—Under anthority of the Orphans' Court, ter the city and county. of Philadelph'a._-_On WED NESDAY. Nov. 21,1866, at 12 o'clocir.ncria: will be sold at Public Sale.at the P II .IDADELPHIA EXC HANG E —Tbe following desctibed real estate, the property of Nicholas Toy. deceased: All that certain lot of ground with the frame messu.sge ;thereon erected, situate on ' the north si , :e of Parham street, in the Third Ward. I cOntaining in fro t 17 - feecbaid in depth 60 feet, more or less, the said lot widening at the distance of 40 feet from Parham street, to a width of 77 legit 6 inches, 'The southernmost 40 feet subject to' 133 S Spanish milled silver dollars, ground rent, per annum lir $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court, E.'A. EfERRICIC, clerk 0. C. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auct'r. _ . __BlOre...4= Walnut street. EXELTPTORS' POSITIVE S kLE.—Estate eof Xiur.thulosi S. -Iruvrogy.-76.31ES A.. FREE.- Auctioneer.—Two-story BRICK DWELLING, No. 813 Buttonwood street. Under authority contained In the will of the late William 8, Kinsey, deceased. on WEDNESDAY. Flofeinner - 21, lil6. at 12 o'clock, :Noon, will bp sold at Public Sale. at the PHILA DEL- P33IA EXCHANGE, - the foll Owing describedßear Estate, via: All that twastory brick dwelling boasts. and lot of ground, on the north side of Buttonwood street, 101 feet west of Eighth street (No. 813:) 17 feet front and 110 feet 9 in ch. a deep on -the east line, and 110 feet to inches on thewest line. 10T‘..goose has gas And back kitchen. Mr Clear ofevery incumbrance, ' • - War 8100 to be paid at the time of sale. By order of Executors. - JAN:IB A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. 1 noB 15 Store, 422.Wainat street... 43 ORPHANS' COURT SA.LEL.Estate of HEDWRI : BRANDSTETTER., deceased.—JULES td A. EE.AN, Auctioneer — TWO-STORY Rama mout.E.l l / 4 0. 123 CALLOWHELL street —Under au thority of the Orphans' Conn for the City and County . 'of -. .Fhtladelphla.- on WEGNEiDAY, November 23; 1866. at 1 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PH ILADELPHIA -- EX° tfAIN7GE, the following described Real Estate. the property of Hedwig Brand stetter. deceased: All that certain two and a half. story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north aide of Callowhill street. No. 123; containing in front 20 feet, and ID depth re feet Nal — Clear of Incumbrance. AEirsloo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court. E.* A. ICERRICK, BETTY HA SLE Admin4tratrix. JAMES AsPirtERBIAN. Auctioneer, n 08,15 Store No. .M Walnut street. 11.111. FOE SAL.E.—TheHandaomeThreostor7lhitk •mai— gysirEiscE, with attics and dnublr tar.e story back buildings, situate No. 1539 - Spruce Street. Am every modern coavenie ace. Lot 22 feet from by "AO feet deep, to a 40 feet wide sir Pet, on which it erected a stable al. d carriage 3 4 mum Immediate Possession given. J. M. GIIMMEY d: soNs, sob Walnut street, Eft FOR SALE—n. HANDsO3IE TECRERSTORY i klln ERICH BESIDENCE, with double three story' back-buildings, and having every modern convenience• Situate On Lot Side of TWENTIETH Street above Race. 2O feet front by 95 feet deep, to a2O feet wide street. Immediate possession given. J. M. CaThild.EY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. Mt MOROCCO FACTORY—FOR BALE,—A. large Mal lot orground with Factors , and alt other neces• vary out-buildings. including tubs, vats, .tc . suitable for the manufacture of Morocco, situate on bt. John street, above George and running through to Canal street. J. M. GIIM. -- Y dt SONS, SW Walnut street. FOR S L NEW AND ELEGANT EMICK AND BROWNSTONE DWIELLUEG. o. 40ffi SPRUCE STREET, WITH ALL T/SX. MODERN IN:PRO. APPLY TO MAIILE BRO. & Co., n08.1.a/ 2500 SOUTH STREET. pFOR SALE—The valuable properly No. 48 and 50 North Sixth streatknown as the PENN LVAMA HOTEL. lot 5oxtoo• term. eazy—apply to Hoismins DEHAVEN, • 617 Walnut Street. Coll.ll.[Eltet STRh.w.t volt SALE—The valuabte Store Preperty, sitaste 413 Commerce street, with lot feet front by 76 feet deep. Possession given December Ist, 1666. J. H. GITAIBLEY d &OHS, 548 Walnut street. filta rOR RENT--A three-story stone (rough cast) RESEW:Chit:E. with stable and canlng. e house. satiate on the south aide of Chestnut street, east of at!), West Philadelphia. Immediate possession given. J. M. GIIMMEP dr, EONS, .503 Walnut street. ETO LET.—The Large BM:GPM% 502 South PROM' Street, will be altered for business or marufactoring. Lot 42x156, with outlet on Lombard street 40xin. Apply at 1118 FOURTH at, nol4-20 COICPALIVre. FOR RENT.—A large 3-story store, situate on OS_ the loath side of Church alley, above Second at. Possession Riven March 15, 1867. J. M. GUMMRY EONS, 558 Wathut street. gni FOR SALR—A three-story brick DWIIELLING, with twoatory back buildings. Modem Improve ments. 432 LOMTtARD street., Apply to COPPUCK & JORDAN. Real Estate Brokers. 453 WALNUT at. FOR SALE DWELLUi ,IM A Sraitaet, I ; e lay s 7 U fZel, r t i oc back street. ApPIY t o COP t - lICE els JORDAN, Real Estate Btolzeza. 433 WALNUT street. - Ea FOR SALE.Houses N 0.242 Pine street, corner Ea Third and Pine streets and No, 4D3 South Third St. ,apply at 511 S. THIRD street. natal* Mu LET.—Two desirable ROOMS, second story front, 71s MARKET- ‘ - nol34te FW7.1 4 717TM7111 'IN THE COUR COUNTYansio PLEAS FOR THE 1 CITY AND OF PHILADELPHIA...— ASSIGNED ESTATE OF WORRELL COATES CO--The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit set. tie and adjust the third and final account of ALEX ANDER L iNIASSEY , Assignee for the benefit of Creditors of tbe Estate ofWORRELL CO s.TES C and to resort distribution of the balance in the hands of the A cconntans will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TITE:DA.Y, No. of mber 1565, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his °Mee. No. 22.6 South FOURTH. Street In the City of Philadel , phia. GEO, SERGEANT, noB,th,S,M,MI Audit- .A.LDEN BY HER NEXT FRIEND A OhuRGE RIC le, Rut ca. 8.1L.A13 A.. F R IEND In Divorce, September Terra, 1366 No. 16. TO SILAS A. -ALDEN, RESPONDENP—Hat.4 Take notice of a Rule this day granted by the C.ourt. onyou, returnable sATURDA.Y. November. 24th, 1866 at 10 o'clock, A. M., to show cause why a I ivorce vinculo ni atxlmonii should not be decreed in the above Casa. Yours, Bx, S. O. BRIEN, . • • Attorney for Libelant. PassUDELPILIA. Nov. 10, 1666. nol3-Mkth 4tl - THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COI'NTY OF PHIL ADELPHIA.— XIARGARETTA FRIES, by Term r. ext. friend, .xe., vs, ROBERT P. FRIES. March . 1866, No. 38. In Divorce. To ROBERT P. FRIES, Respondent : Take notice of a rule in above case returnable SATURDAY. November 21,1666. at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause why a divorce a vinenlo matrumonil should not be de. creed. - LEWIS O. CASSIDY. Attorney for Libelant. lis+ THE coma OF COMMON ?LP AR. FOR THE t 'IVY AND COUNTY DP PHILADELPITIA.— P.ORERT R. JOHNSTON va. S &RAH H. JOHN sTON ; "March Term, 1866, No. 54. allaa June Term :BE6, No. 53. in. Divorce. To'sarah E. Johnston, Re! soo n dent.—Take notice of a role in the above. return. khl e- SATURDAY, November 24th, at n o'clock A.M . ., to show cause why a divorce a vlncolo Matrimooll should not be decreed. ' nol3-tatti,4ti TN THE COURT OF COMEDIC PLEAS FOR TITH 1 CITY AND COITNTY OF PHLLIDELPHIA ItY 1. M. CO rlsiN. by her next friend, &c. vs. JAIIFS B. CORBIN. June T., 186 p, No. 33, In Divorce. ofto JAMES abovelN, Respondent—Take notice a rule In thase. returnable SATURDAY, why Novem Divorce 6, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause e a a vinculo Matrlmont should not be decreed. LEWIS C. CASSIDY. nol2rtn&th,4t* Attorney for Libelant. ATOTICE.—EST.ATIT, OF LEWIS RANH decessed.—Lelters ofAdministration te the Eittate of LEWIS RUSH PALES, dedd,having been granted to, the subscriber, all persons indebted thereto wilt please make payment, and those having demands present them to ALFRED G. BARER, Adraintars. tot, N 0.210 CHESNUT street. ocl l-thSto USTAT.IS OF MARY Ht , D.SON, deceived —Letters AU of Administration cn the Estate of MARY /lUD SON, single woman, deceased, ;have been granted by Register of Wills tor City of Philadelphia to the un dersigned. All:persons indebted to her will make ent to,and those having claims will prese ,, t them at,once to ISRAhI, H. JOHNSON, Administrator. NO. 119 MAItICE Cntreet 2d story. PHIL, BA., limo. 18,1866. oclB-th6Ve VOTl.CE.—Letters of -LI Late of- - 1` TCYrloE.—Letters of Administration upon the Es tate of THOMAS B. .1:013.BES, deed. having been granted to the subscriber, all persoos indebted to said kslate are requested to make payment,and those having claims to present them without delay to TealitAS LITTLE, 343 Month TWELFTH street, or. tohis Attorney. I.UOMAS J. DLEHL, 530 weLzurr street.` - ocas•nt St/ EWERS OF ADMJNISTRATION having been 11 granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of JAMES A. BUBK, deceased, all persona indebted to the same will make payment, and thosehavitut claims nrensi.t. them to ALFRED FIPLER, m Roma SIXTH street. not-U:460, s 01ST oR Mfb.LAID. T osr tut litlSLa Perpetual Polley of . In.. surance, 1 , 70. 469. issued by the Fire Association. Dec. 7, 1e23, for 114.00 on prentilses, M. W. corner Callow.• bill _street and York, avenue, to 38380 L. Stelwogon. and assigned to Clayton French ot Any in. fbrroation of setae will be received, by "PRENCEI. RIC)I4.I3DIiI & Co.. -; • , 0c27-a, rktbaatt COPPAIEr AND x.t.r.ow hiIVELL S.KNA.THLffIi Brassie:en Comer. Path, Zeit, *.ttl" Ingo' - comitsintly on band , and Ine sale b 7 =MU' ' ilLeo., riaush Nlibarven k . 143K,fM ESTATE. JOHN HANNA, Attorney for Libellant.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers