SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FEOR WASMTON. RUMORS ABOUT MAXIMUM. Prominent Southerners at the Federal City. Secretary MoMoil's Forthcoming Report. He Will Advocate a Reduction of the Internal Revenue Tax. LATER FROM MEXICO. Movement of French Troops. LIBERAL VICTORY CONFIRMED. Acapulco Threatened AFFAIRS IN KENTUCKY. From Washington. iSpectal Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.—A leading Mexi can general has just arrived here from Mexico, where he saw Maximilian. He sayS that Max has no idea of leaving Mexico for the present. - There are several leading Southern men who have just arrived here. They state that there is no possibility of any of the Southern States adopting the Constitutional Amendment. They are willing to adopt a measure looking to a qualified suffrage. Secretary McCulloch will recommend in his forthcoming report a consolidated five per cent. thirty (30) year loan. He will also recommend a large reduction of the in ternal revenue tax. Nexican News. Sex FRANCISCO, Nov. 14.—Letters from Generals Alvarez and Diaz, via Acapulco,to Nov.sth,state that four vessels of the French fleet bad left that port. The garrison con sists of 980 men. The news of the capture of Oaxaca by the Liberals has, been con firmed. Another account says: Three ves sels of the French fleet had proceeded from Acapulco to Mazatlan, to withdraw the French troops from the latter place and carry them to San Blas. General Alvarez has fixed his headgear tern three miles from Acapulco, which place he expected soon to capture, having received from San Francis - x• a battery of rifled can non, accompanied by 12 American veteran gunners. The schooner A. J. Weston, which left here on Sept. 29th, is said to have delivered a 'cargo of arms and ammunition at the Mexican port in Oaxaca. From Louisville. Locasvrrax, Nov. 14.—J. R. Lewis, Com missioner of the Freedmen's Bureau of Tennessee, reports that the cotton crop is one-half the average. The tobacco crop i s over the full crop and the quality superior. Corn is nearly the average. Oats, the fall average. The grain crop of East Tennessee is much better than usual. General Thomas and ex-Confederate General Hood dined together to-day at the Louisville Hotel. General Jeff. C. Davis denies that he was consulted in reference to military arrange ments relating to the obsequies of the ea- Confederate General Hansom. From San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13th.—Mining shares were sold to-day as follows : Crown Point, $750; Yellow Jacket, $120; Opkir, $7O; Chollar Potosi, $175; Imperial, $123; Savage, $l7 10; Legal Tenders, 70i. Markets. NEW Yorts,Nov. 15.—Cotton dull and nominal at 24%.@363366c. Flour firm; sales of 8,000 barrels of State at $9 Isl 2 50; Ohio, $ll 60@514; Western; (9 10@118; Southern Sit st@sl7 25. Wheat Is quiet; sales of 14.500 bushels NO. 2 Milwaukee at $2 45@r IL Western Corn ,rdan $1 8111@ill ESS,h isk7 Beef is doll. Pork dull: messr.4 75. Lad W SAN Fitswarsco, Nov. 14.—Wheat closed yesterday at $2 05; the market unsettled. The Bank. of Call fornia declared a dividend of one per cent for the month of October. Wheat was delivered on board ship $2 12%. A Seger, Cr, the present stock in the market being estimated at 1,000,01Xr lbs. Dry hides are EMining Stocks are improving; Chahar Potosi, 97; Savage, $1,710; Yellow Jacket, $750; Ophtr, $B7; perial, im.l2; Belcher. tn. Legal Tenders, Veg. ... • ...--- ANAIIGURATION.—The services inaugura ting the National Orphans' Homestead will take place at Gettysburg, on next Tuesday, 20th inst., at 1 o'clock P. M, Rev. Bishop Simpson, President of the Association, Rev. Alexander Reed, D. D., Rev. R. Heber Newton,Major-General Howard,and others, are expected to participate, and an occasion of deep interest is anticipated. Excursion tickets will be sold by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, on Monday, good until the close of Thursday. BRIDGE ACROSS, OHIO AT LOUISVILLE. —Gen. I. M. St. John and an able corps of engineers, Major P. Randolph, Chief Assist ant, have completed their surveys for the great railroad bridge over the Ohio River at Louisville. These surveys were made at the following places : One at the foot of Sand Island, opposite Portland; one across Rock Island, opposite the Cement Mills; one across the river, 'nearly opposite the Elm Tree Garden; and one across the Wil low Barton Towhead. Estimates of the cost of constructing the bridge will soon be pre pared, and the site determined upon. There is every probability that the building of the structure will be commenced in the spring. Cburier. Mmuts'FLßETs.—The St. Louie Despatch has news of the safe arrival at Omaha of two • miners' fleets; one of sixteen, the other of seven boats. The aggregate amount of gold dust was over $1,500,000, A party of three hundred Indians came to the banks. in a - threatening manner, a little above Fort Rice, bat became inti midated and hurried away. PARDON OF A SLAvETßa_ortt.--The Presi dent has directed the issue of a warrant for thepardon of Zeno Kelley. convicted at the October term, 18133, of the United States Cir cuit Court for the District of Massachusetts, of fitting out a vessel for the slave trade, and sentenced to four years' imorisonment and to pay a fmeof $l,OOO. twrir BTILIMML Mee Eecond pnd Laat pages for additional Lacsls.l CHANGED WITH REOIELVING STOLEN GOODS. —John Schroeder had a hearing this,'morn ing before . Alderman Toland charge d with receiving stolen goods. He has a second hand store on . Poplar street, below Beach. The schooner Wm. Walton, lying at Rich mond, was out adrift on the 13th, and about 120 fathome of new Manilla rope, valued at $lOO, with which she had been moored, was stolen. This rope was found in Sohraeder's place, he having purchased it for $3O. He was held in $BOO bail for trial. RIOTOUS Cormucz—Patrick McGlinehy was arrested yesterday at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. for fighting. A crowd interfered-and attempted to rescue the pri soner. Lieut. Spear went to the assistance of the officer, and, after great trouble, the two officers succeeded in getting MeGlinohy to the Fourteenth Ward Police Station. Pat was taken before Alderman Massey and was held in $BOO bail. LARCENY OF A HORSE AND WAGON.- Peter Curry, aged 17 years, was arrested yesterday by Officer Jorda n,of the Schuyl kill Harbor police, and taken before Aid. Pancoast for the larceny of a horse and wa gon belonging to Mr. Clark. The team was left in front of a tannery,. Twenty third street, above Cherry. and was driven away by Curry and another fellow. The accused was committed for a fnrther hearing. - NONE BIIT THE MOST INNOCENT, though m i crg t it c a o traesi=tr ry in the cel d er r ated Bower's , • SORE THROAT. COUGH, Coin, and s imilar troubles, ',suffered to progress, remit in serious put• monary affections, oftentimes incurable. "Brown's Bronchia/ 2roches" reach directly the seat of the dis ease, and give almost instant relief. They have been thoroughly tested, and maintain the good repntetion they have Justly acquired. As there are imitations, be :sure £0 OBTAI2t the OCAl4lrie. - • Tice SADDEST weepers are often the gayest smilers. Everybody smiles at the "sweetest thing" ever offered for the handkerchief. We refer to "Sweet Opoporwx, , a deUghtfal perfnme, and fresh as a rose in its richest of promise. E. T. mum & CO.. New York, Sole Proprietors. MinAvrao !—ls there a reader (especially the lady reader) of the Gazette who has not used this delightitd new perfume. It should be upon every toilet.—DrTe - Gaßelle. It will awn be a necessary companion In every Lady's Boudoir. For Bale by all the principal Drug gista.—Horristown Herald. "LIEBIG'S FOOD," for infants and Invalids Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. Price $1 00. I : e,e Zilus . Cy t sODS SNOWDEN & 8.13.01231 M, Importers, 23 Booth mighttt street. FITLRE'S GREAT RHEUMATIC RE 11=1%—a:wed Ald. Coady, Twenty-third Ward. who suffered eleven years with Rheumatism. No cure, no Pay. BENBOW'S ors.—Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettads, Sunflower, Musk, Bose, &c. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers. 23 South Eighth street. THE Pittsburgh and. Erie Railroad Com pany are erecting a large freight house at the railroad depot in West Newcastle, the increase of the business of the road having made it absolutely necessary. At each end of the building an extra story has been added, to be used for offices for the clerks and those connected with the roads: The building at the north end is intended for the transaction of the business of the Erie and Pittsburgh road, and that at the south end for the New Castle and Beaver Valley road. The transportation business at this point has become very heavy,far exceeding the expectation of those who projected the improvements. Extensive arrangements are now in progress for developing the mineral regions thereabouts, which will throw an enormous amount of oral on the road, to be transported next season. CONTRACTION or THE CIIRRENCY.—The Secretary of the Treasury is determined to contract the currency as fast as Congress will allow. The reserve fund of $50,000,000 which the law authorized to be issued to re deem temporary loans, and the $10,000,000 allowed by Congress to be withdrawn within six months from the 12th of April, have been retired, and also the first install ment of $40,000,000 which the law provided might hereafter be withdrawn monthly, leaving about $386,000,000 of government le gal tenders now in circulation. Bunran ALIVE.—Mrs. McClure, a far mer's wife, living near Quincy, Illinois, ap parently died on Sunday, and next day was buried in the family vault, near the house. On Wednesday groans were heard in the vault by some children; the coffin was opened, and the woman found alive. She had injured herself in attempting to force open the coffin, but is recovering. Lilo:, IL; • : it 'II SALES OF STOOKS. BEFORE MOO Susq 67 Cara Bds I 100 sh Bead R b 5 57}i I FIRST 84500 000 My do It 68 old Bo Say 9935 10000 do new 102% 200 do 16836 2900 do 102 X 200 Lehlgb 68 'B4 93% 100 Penna 68 'B2 84% 600 Bna Canl Bd." 6734 4000 II 8 Teas 7840 Notes July 2 da 145% 10 eh Ist Nat'l BY 14t 200 e h h Osta w pt ZS 200 h do b 5 28 200 sh Bch Nv pf -863 G 2sh Oam Amb R 1883( :PRIM OF STOOKS IN NEW YORE.: (Bit Mean:Th.) American CiolcL-- --.. 5.694400 bid _..----- ..... .—...—.41N bid New York Central. United States Ss '8L....—. United States 6s, _ Hudson Eiver..................-...„............. Finance and Bualneaallov. "15, 1866. The Stock Market continues dull, weak and irregu lar, and the "bears" continue indomitable in their effort to hammer down prices. There is no falling off in the supply of money, which is certainly plenty and cheap enough for all speculative purposes, and a little courage on the part of the 'bulls," aided by outside assistance, would cause a sharp rally. There was but little demand for Government Loans. The July Seven- Thirties sold at 105%. 114% was bid for the Coupon Sixes. '81; 110 for the old Plve-Twenties, 107% for the '64s; 107% for the '6ss, and 100% for the Ten-Forties. State Loans were inactive. There was more demand for City Loan, with sales of the new issues at 102%, and the old certificates at 95%. Reading Railroad fluctuated between 57@57 3-15, closing at 57 s 30. Cam den and Amboy Railroad sold at 138%—an advance of %; Pennsylvania Railroad at 55%—n0 change; Lehigh Valley Railroad at 67—an advance of %: North Penn sylvania Railroad at ash . , and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at tr...%. Catawissa Railroad Preferred closed at 28. Canal stocks were steady at yesterday's quota tions, There was a large movement in Ocean Oil, at 4%. In Passenger Railway securities the only sale was of llestonville, at 14%©14%. We call attention to the advertisement of the large dividend declared by the directors of the Delaware Mutual SafetY Innrance Company, payable on and atter December lat. Smith: Randolph & Co.. Bankers, 15 &kith Third street, quote at 11 o'clock. as follows: G0ia..........—_ .—................................—..... mg U. S. MI 80nda.............—.. ........110,5@a14U i Er,S. bro, En. . ......—...... - .M...-......„..n0 mg ~ um....................--........--.....i0N 107 X I. 1.965.................—...............«........107% 107 X 'U. S. 1040.. .......-..... -low low. 11. S. ,T4ces-Zri - eierieg=".::::- . .....-. .. _....-im 4 gig, • • ad ieriee.....-«—....:..."—....LaW lilEkra . 1 . id seriee.-.....—......................1091105% 540, MY, 1865. Dec.- ... ..n9k. 109 X Compatuans. pea 113ft,......-... p,...,--UaX Mews. De Haven Brother - , ..N0...e0 Bondi Third street, make the following quotations Of the rates 01 exchange radar, ac i P. 2E.: IMen American G01d...—. _....... ....14 AM 4• S to lli % g. Silver- Quarters anurn„ - ..aave5.........140 • • 001alffuld "lite iq ° Juneas64... 16% July. 1864... 16% •41 Aug. 1864...16% Is Oct., MM..; 14% Dec., 1864 18% 38,ay, 1866... 11% et Am,18615... 1 Ai 44 5e644865.- 41 084,,, 1865... 9, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHILIBURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1866. Ito AIMS. 100 ah Read IC b3O 57S BOARD HO sh Bead It 551 n 57% 100 eh do bswn 57 516 100 eh do isslnt 57% mo sh do 57 100 sh do 2 ds 57 NO eh do 57% 100 eh do 571-16 100 eh Phll dt Erie Itl% WO 511 Hestonville It 14% 100 eh do b 5 14% 100 511 do b6O 14% , s(x) ah Ocean 4% 100 eh do 011 b 5 456 400 ah Penns It 55% MO ah do 560 55% PEWIT CALL bid bid bid Zap Cooke et Co. quote eavernmens aeouratei, dio.l to-day, es Ibllowic BuYing. &Eft& U. 011,1 114.% Old S. 5,20 fel 11OY • _ __ --- - New 5.20 Bonds, N 5.2 D 0 0 18 0 6 35...... . 1 .8. 6 . 4 ... ......... ..... ... . ..407 . • IWIOOO7IN g 1940. 8d 65 ................ ....10; § 107 " June..—......t..... .105 g 106 " . 1121 7.—:-:--:.--------.......4CA% /08 - . - cd - d-BglB 1 - 434 The following is a statement of coal transported over the Delaware and Hudson Canal for the week and season ending Nov. 10. and the same periods last year. For the week For the ending Nov. 10. season. Tons. ns. Delaware and Hudson 1 T ,19 0 0,644 Pennsylvania Coal Company-- 718 23.960 TotaL...-. . . . . ... . . .-60.068 1,214,604 For the same period bat year. _ Week. • Beason. Delaware and Hudson CanaL.....27 810 683,107 Penna. Coal Company....... 2;176 35,805 ..... Pbßadelpbla Murketis. TB UREIDAY, Nov. 15 —The receipts of Cloverseed con• liana trilling and it Is wanted. Small sales at fa So® $9 50—the latter figure an advance. 150 bushels Time• thy sold at $8 25@)S 50. Flaxseed sells on arrival at 13 so. There's nothing doing in Quercitron Bark. The last sale of No. I was at $35 ift ton. The Flour market is firm but the demand is con fined entirely to the wants of the home consumers. Sales of 600 barrels Northwest extra family at $l2 me $lB 75 ift barrel, small lots of Penni. and Ohio do. do. 'at $14©15 50,fancy lots at $16(518 . 50, extras at $6OlO 50 and sB®lB 75 for superfine—as in quality. Bye Flour is steady at $B. In Corn Meal nothing doing. • There is a fair demand for Wheat and prices are well maintained. Sales of 1,500 broheis prime Penna. Bed at fa 20 to $3 25 slbathel. White may" be quoted at $3 40(4)3 45. The lastsale of Rye was at $1 33. Corn is scarce. Small sales of yyellow at $1 2.9@>1 80. Oats are steady at 63 cents for Southern and 64 cents far Penna. Prices of Barley and Malt are nominal. In Provisions there is scarcely anything doing and picas of all descriptions are droopisg. • • "Pi hisky—The demand is limited Small sales of :Penna. bbis. at $2 41@}2 42 and Oslo at $2 44. 1.-T.IF :1 10 4:IM PI 01 DI y Vo):1• gt.hb 4: ■ s 14.1).4 014: I f.M.:fa1t,i.,.:.7,*141 air See marine Bulletin on Seventh Page. ABBIVED THIS DAY. ~Brig Stephen Duncan, Tyler, 7 days from Warning ten. NC. with lumber, &c. to captain. BchrB L Crocker. Presbrey, from Tanntan. with midge to 'Mershon .k Cloud. Schr Clayton & Lowber. Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna. Del. with grain to Jae I. Bewley & 00. Behr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Jas L Beey & Co. Behr Cora, Tow wl nsend, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with floor and corn meal to Perot. Lea & Co. Behr H P Simmons. Corson. from New London. Schr Read BR No 93, Ireland. from Washington. Behr Read RR No 47, Reed, from Washington. Behr Polly Price. Yeats", from Providence. Behr J B Ford, Fenton. from Bridgeport, Ct. Behr C A Vaughn. Howell, from Plymouth. Behr B Peterson, English. from Boston. Behr L A Danenhower. Sheppard, from Boston. Schr Mary Haley. Haley. from Boston. Behr Edgewater, Fisher fromßoston. Behr Aid, Somers. trom Boston. Behr C W Locke, Huntley, from Neponset. Schr W Bement, Penny. from Fall River. Behr Eliza Neal. Weaver. from New York. Behr Jas S Watson. Houck. from Providence. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Viking (Br), Benson, Antwerp, L Weestergaard. Brig Le 3 Bigelow (Br), O'Brien, Antwerp, do Sear A H Edwards, Hughes. Savannah, Rathbun. Stearns S Co. Behr S L Crocker, Presbrey Taunton, Mershon & Cloud. Behr L P Smttb. Brown, Providence. do Behr Fran kltn S. Berry, Maurice River, T Rogers. Behr A Myrick, Stevens, Boston, D Cooper. Corn' spondence of the Philadelphia Btxuliangs. LEWES. Dar.., Nov. IS-6 PH. Brigs Zephyr. from Philadelphia for Antwerp: John Chr'stai, Co for Mayaguez. and schr Thos Holcomb. for Boston, went to sea yesterday. A ship_ is now off the Cape, standing In. Schrs Paugussett,W B Thomas and Mary 0 Farr. from Philade l phia for Boston: A Hammond and F St Clair Edwards, for Boston: Sarah Mills. F Merwin and Kato Scranton. for New Haven, are at the Breakwater. Wind N. Yours, (to. JOSEPH. LAFBTBa. liffeffif ORAN DA.. Ship Enoch Train, hence for San Francisco, at Hampton ;loads, in distress, has cutwater, wood ends and stern started. A,portion of her cargo was thrown overboard. • Steamer Etna (Br), Tibbetts. from Liverpool 31st ult. and Queenstown let lost. with 375 passengers at New York yesterday. Nov a lot 00 53, ion 83 06. passed steamer Scotia, from New York for Livfcrpool. 10th, 85 miles east of Cape Race, steamer China. fm Batton for do. Steamer Mayflower. Robinson. hence at New York yesterday via Georgetown. DC. Steamer Propsntis Higginson, entered out at Liver pool 80th ult. for Boston and this port. Steamer Norfolk, Vance, hence at Richmond 13t1s Steamer Hata, Hardie. from Liverpool for Boston (before reported), put back 3d inst. to Queenstown. When about 400 miles to the westward of Cape Clear she encountered a very heavy storm and was struck by a tremendous sea, which carried away a portion of her bulwarks and companions over the engine room. The same sea also washed the steward overboard. and caused considerable damage to the ship. The vessel remained at Queenstown 4th inst. awaiting arrival of steamer Brazilian which left Liverpool 2d last for Queenstown via Cardiff. to take the Meilta's cargo. Brig Wenona.b. York, from Portland Or this part. sailed from Holmes' Hole 12th inst. Sclir Chas McCarthy. Godfrey, from Swan Bland via Hampton Roads for Weymouth, at Holmes' Hole 18th instant. Scar .1 W Webster, McVay, hence at Gibraltar 24th nit. for Trieste. cleared. Schr I H Wainwright, Morris, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 12th lost. Schr J Truman, Gibbs. frow New Bedford for this port, at New York yesterday. Scar 11 B Bluer, A.ckley,hence for Boston, at Holrnes' Hole 13th inst. Schr Bd. S Corson, Corson, sailed from Fall River 12th inst for this port. Schr Lizzie D Small Tice. from Wilmington, NC. for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 18th inst. reports that the schr Sea Foam (of Ellsworth), Griffin. went ashore on Hatters, sth inst., and became a total loam crew saved REMOVAL. ISAAC NIXON, Watch Maker, having removed to No. 120 South Eleventh Street, • Below Chestnut has onened a new and cue- Slive fullyr and select Plated Ware ed stmk of fine Watches, Jewelry, t‘/:. N B.—Chronometen Durilex. Patent Lover. anu • sin 'Watches carefully repaired and warranted. note.= w Croll PLAJTION..&I4 BANK OF THE REPUBLIC 809 and 811 Ohestrat Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital $5OO 000. Full Paid. DERECTOIII3, Jos. T. Bailey, Ben), Rowland, Jr„ Wm. H. Rhawn. Wm. Ervien, SamL A. Bblpham, Nathan Hines, Rdw. B. Orne, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A Hoyt, PRIBIDENT, ll•asfitif.i.•:4l; 7 4:llA.,vol CASHIER, JOSEPH P. MIINFORD. ooSo 3mrp 1865 5-20'S EXCHANGED FOR 1862'5, and market difference in price allowed. s.2s il l i san taipailit - 131 : 1.EX - 01-1 & C 0.9 84 SOUTH THUD RUST. II&SPECIAL NOTICE.—The annual meeting of he stockholders of the NORTH PENNSY V COAL COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, No. 217 WALNUT street, 2d floor, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, December 3d,1886, at 3 o'clock P. M., at which time and place an election for office= and directors for the ensuing year will take place. WH. H. GORDON, nols.tb,s,tntits Secretary. $3O 000 mgt,ooo toinvest In one sum oe ettY • age. Abloom= of !rook 65,000 to 620.000. B. B .TOLW,O i t eLs ' 3ol P No. 522 'Mtn . nt Street. Trims. Emma stanza= BELTING WEAN • PANNING, HOSE, dto. - Byutneeis end dealers will End a PULL ABSORB MENT OP GOODPEANS PATENT 'VGLINANNZED BOBBER BELTING, PAM/NG, HOGE, 03.15 t iLe Henufectimee/Diedc uarters • 1 ut i tteet, _ South M. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP. ARTICL MP. E of GARDEN end PAVEMENT HOSE,. trta7 cheeP. fo which the Mention ofthe public le mind, hangmatiol of Low Prices, APT BETA.I3Lii; .T.AB. R. CAMPBELL & 13.0.1 ptrOBTBRS, .TOIIGERI3 And BETAIIEBI33 DRY NODS, No - 0 727 Chestnut St.; save made e irdICTION ER MUMS. • _ Their stock la unrivaled for extent. Mier! itfia general adaptation to the wants of buyers, SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, SHAWLS, VELVETS, CLOAKERGS, SILK POPLINS, WOOL. POPLINS, j CORDED • POPLINS, RICH PLAID POPLINS, RICH - PLAID MERINOES, COLORED MERINOES, PRINTED • MERINOES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, VELOUR BUSSE, BIARRITZ, EPINGLINES, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE, M. DE LAINES, BLACK ALPACAS, WHITE ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS, WHITE REPS, BLACK REPS, COLORED REPS, FRENCH CHINTZES, ' DAMASKS AND DIAPERS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, DOYLIES AND TABLE COVERS, COUNTERPANES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, MOURNING GOODS.- JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No 727 Chestnut Street. SILKS! BILES! BILKS! BALANCE OF STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTION J. C. STR&WERIDGE & 00 pthaccg itrintrtiOESS. CHOICE SHADES, 51; LUPIN'S, $1 25. J. O. STRAWBRIDGE & 00. PLAID POPLINS. FRENCH PLAID POPLINS. $1 M. J. C. STRAW/MIDGE & CO CtLOAH.LSO CLOTHS. LARGEST - - I J. C. STILAMBRIDGE & CO RICEARD6O23'B mss. OUR OWN DEPORTATION J. C. t3TEAWBRIDGE t CO SHAKER FLANIZEIR. • , HEAVY YARD-WIDE SHAKERS, at C. cts. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE 3 CO CANTON FLANNELS. GREAT BARGAINS at Z, Z 3 and 31 da. C. STRAWBRIDGE (t. CO MVP Itt At ACS CALICOER— CALICORB, FAST COLORS, 17 cia. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO SEUIVIMG AND SEBETEMBICEL/NS. - ALL THE LEADING EASES AT LOWEST Sai J. C. STBANATIOILDOIC ec CO BLit IC SETE, : BLAP KETS! HEST GOODS, LOVM, 'PHA AT ANY TIME THIS SEASON. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO. S COUNTERPANES, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. . J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO HONEYCOMB AND LANCASTER QUILTS. ALLENDALE QUILTS BY THE CASE. 3. C. 6TRAWERTIX3I2. & CO., .1.Y12-tf N. W. corner litgloth and Market streets. "DRACHIES, pared--t( 00 lbs. Ancoouncounqr in store and for sale by WM. MOLAND & SON. norl-St• Chestnut street wharf. ITCH TErmax. ALL SHIN UHOUSES. SALT DEEM SCALD HEAD, ALL ERUPTIONS. SWAMIES " ALLaI mularm OLNTIKENT." EriVAYNICES " AM-lITOLLING BWAYNII'B "A.LL-BEAIJ27Ct 013MlUIMT." Cures Ileh in from 12 o 48 Hours Cures the Nost Obstinate Cases Of rater. 144:41:Urg4.0J _ T. ItIITCHINSON B AY. Mayor's ctersr, B. W. corner Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, says: " I was troubled very much with an eruption on my face; toed= a great many remedies without finding relief; finally procured thaoltne's All.-Heating Ointment. After using it &short time a perfect cure was the result. I cheerfully recommend It as a cure for Tetter and all Skin Disease° as mine was an exceedingly obstinate ease." SWAYNE'S OINTMENT uTETTES: ' Orranll /UMW. KNOWN "MEP' "ITCH" TO RAIL, "WOW" • -••TETTKEI: "ITCH" IN CIMUNG THIS "TErrars. TO}M=]bie -now. COMPLAINT "ITCH" "IT(311" This valuable Ointment prepared only byTETTEEIV Dr. WAYNE & SON, No. 330 North BIRTH street, above Vine, Philads. Sold by drugglate. - se2o4n,th-tfrp COMPOUND CHARCOAL lIISCUIT, YO.B D FSP.I These are composed of Fine Willow Charcoal, &c., in the form of Bran Wafers, by which medicines hitherto disagreeable are rendered peasant and pal atable. They will prove to be a valuable remedy for Heartburn, Waterbrash. AcidityNansea, Eructations, Constipation and other forms of Indigestion. Persons suffering from fetid breath will dud them an admirable corrective. Pr. pared only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary,. S. W. corner BROAD and SPRUCE streets, .Phllada, Sold also by F. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut. C. It. Keeney, Sixteenth and Arch. Ambrose Smith, Broad and Chestnut. George C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. D. L. Stackhouse, Eighth and Green. C. Eblveza. Seventh and Sprace. Murphy &, Bro., 1700 Locust street, H. O. Blair's Sons, 800 Walnut. E. Thomas. 1900 Pine. Ellis, Son & Co , Seventh and Market. Johnston. Holloway & Cowden And druggists generally. 1100? SKIRT NANIIPACTORY.—Hoof Skirts JUL and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the beta materials. aim i tirs il ierred• selB-11mrp/ 812 Vine street. above RUM& peAONATHA. Atuisonear and Money Broker, N.E. corner ot .t'd and Spruce streetaonly ons Miiribelow the Illschange. NATMANWB ftlnotpal ze:ettablished for the - last (forty Yearn. Money el loan In large or small amounts, at the lowest rates On .Dlamonds, Sliver Plate, Watches,:lewelry, Clothing dd goods of deception. Once holes from If. till 7 P. N.everyde924trp filD HOTIORRKEP -eletuMm_ silver end .Lidtver-plated ware,aNEW POMBILIWG POWDKB, the beet ever made. FARR & BROTHER, tam , Chestnut street; below Bourtb. 111.ARNING WITH /NEC, /It Balding, Siaaildsg, 4ko. Bt. A. TORBXIra ISODZilbert street'. A PPLIEL-76 barrels Belle Blears, and other choice A varletles,tnst arrived and for sale by I. B. BM. 808 at 00.,108 eouth Delaware avenue.: THIRD KDITION. , , . A Ronoir. OusTomns.—John Ward wiws arrested yesterday by Officer Kurtz, at Frankford road and Laurel street, for drunkenness. He handled the officer very roughly,' and also assaulted a citizen who went to the relief of the policeman. Ward was held in $l,OOO bail by Alderman; Shoemaker,: for assault;and battery. • Om Jam lw..inalroonts—Sudges Allison and Ludlow. —ln the case of William A. Maguire, charged with the murder of Mabee Baer, thejury rendered averdict of guilty of murder in the second degree, at 63-.1 o'clock NM . evening. This morning Sallief Gibbs and Clara Snyder, the two absconding witnesses in this Clll3e, were brought from prison in order Wallow the Court to make some disposition of !he case. Officer Hritser testified that be served a sulapcena upon Hanle Gibbs, and that he saw her in attendancaupon tb a Coirt during the trial, and' told her that she must remain, or there would be Sallie Gibbs was then examined under oath, the Judge first Instructing her that she was not bound to criminate hervelf. She testified that she was coming down is the Court House on the day in question at about ten minutes of 3 o'rierk; when some one spoke to me and said that Clara Snyder wanted to see me at Sixth and South; I asked what for, they said they did not know; when Igot into the equals& man there said Clara wanted to see me at Sixth and South; I said it was near time for the Court to meet; be said never 'mind; I went down thinking Clara might be sick, and stood there a few minutes, when two gentlemen csme up: :Clara, said these men wanted us to go away; I objecteffithev mild we were only suppcenaed and were not under ball; but Uwe staid we need not have any care for our lives , for our evidence would hang Billy. I was very much frightened and they lot a carriage and drove us . to the Baltimore depot, then they took us to Clutter. where we staid all night; the next morning we thought we had better come back as they did not treat as well, and! I asked for money; they laughed at us and said if we • went to Philadelphia we would get two years; they then took us to Wilmington, and we were there about twenty minutes when the officers came • and arrested us; don't know the men; never saw them before; one was a middling dark complexion withlight moustache,' and not very tall; one was called George and the other William; at the ale hotel they gave the names of Wright and Hayes; the people at Wilming ton appeared to know them; we drove to the depot and then walked to the arsenaL Clara Snyder testified that wheat she went home at the recent, two men came to her house and asked her If she was a witness In is e Maguire case; told them yes; they said they wanted me to t a way; I said I did not warm to do anything like they said if you gave any evidence it will bang and then your I life will be worth nothing at a ll : that was not under bail, and nothing couldoccur: I was frightened, and I sent for Sallie Gibbs, and met her at Sixth and Beath; they told us the same thing them we got into a =rim them they took us JO the depot and then to Cnestet, that night I said to Sallie Jones. I am going home again and asked them for money, and they said they would not give It, for if we went to Philadelphia we would get two years; they took us the next morn !TAthe Grant House, at Wilmington; they would to give us anything to eatatWilmington leaked them for something to eat,and when they started out they told us not to move after they left I went to the door to see what time the Philadelphia Man passed and then saw the officers of the Court, and I was glad; these men were tight at Chester that night and 1 thought they Intended to kill us, but they got too drunk to do it, One gave the name of William Ha,yes. In answer to the Judge, both girls declared that they would not have left except they were frightened by the threats of these two men. _ . . . Judge /Orson, after referring to the grave nature of the offence and the punishment that wouldbelntlicted In apse of a wilful disobedience of the summons of the cow t. said that he was disposed tobeileve the story 113 told by the girls. If the parties who had Induced them to leave could be found no punishment author hed by the law would be considered too severe. Taking everything into consideration, he would deal leniently with the two girls. Each were sentenced to pay a line of 1100. . he Biala were in tears during most of the examina tion, and after the imposition of the fine remained in custody, still weeping. num:gong. November 15.—Flour steady. Spring wheat. extra flour. 112 50§131Z; auperfthe, rogal Corn quiet. old ISCIIITCP. Oata dull. tie@EL Seeds firm, clover &Duce. Provisions very dull and drooping. Sugar quiet and nominaL Cofrcedull: Rio 17@lett. th gold. NNialo , dnll and heavy. IN THE CITY. Nrw Tony— Nov. 15.—Stoclac lower: Chicago and Bock Cumberland Preferred. Gs: Mina's Central Scrip, 122; Michigan Southern, New Tort Central. llo"; 6's. 6S : Erie Ballioad. Cleveland, &milts and Cincinnati. Int Cleveland and Toledo, IE3C: Michigan Central. 113*: Cleveland and Pittsburgh. inii; Pittsburgh and Port Waynalt6;i: 11. S. Five-twenties. 110, 1 i: Ten-notion. lady{: Seven thittlee,fint Second zeriee,los3;;Cield,l433.ll.- Saks at Patinae' • MLLES AMR r BSuq r ß e & Del Ede 6675).; i 500 17 Tress 7 Blug .. Rotes June IOSU 100 eh Beading 13, 56%; 1000 Warren ch. Frank'n 155 eh do 56 94-100 7 per ct lids 85% 138 ah do 57 8100 My Ea cid -99 %,, 160 eh do 2ds 56 94-100 8009 2iJereey tie ISSIIIII/01 100 eh do Myna 56% $lOOOO 13 S 5 2Ce '65 25 sh Penns R 15 ali coup July - 100% 100 eh Sosque can toso 155( 5000 IT S 5-3D5 cp 107311 10D sh Sch Clay prf 1:03 36 2000 Cloy ea new 1023 i 100 OL do 36 50 sh Lehigh Val Et - 66%1100 ah North Centß db 50 L K WALRAVEN, 719 Chestnut Sties**, DIEING AND SLEEPING ROOMS, In Brocatea..'', Satin 'Damasks, Terry, /Wet ihvisa Lace Sad Nottingham Lace. WINDOW Xll i'iex~f~~~~i "TETTidi MU . gl Am now offering themost complete assortment of the above goods or my own importation. October 3,1866. NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. NORTHERN CENTRAL. RAILWAY AT Theseßonds bear 81X PER CENT. INTEREST payable semi• annually in this CITY. PREZ PROM ALL STATE TAX, And are Con Pen Bonds in amounts of $ 5O O and IL" each. The holder has the privilege of having them snide and registered at the office of the Company In this city, this being a great protection , in ante of loss. We will behappy to farnlah Aill information, on AP Oration In person, or by letter. ocaltl rpf 2:30 O'Clook. CITY BULLETIN. COURTS. Marßeta. New York Stock Market. a:4z 100 Eat Hostonville B 14X lue Eh do b6O 14% 100 eh Penns B. b 5 55. SECOND BOARD 111116, Elegant Curtains for Parlors, LIBRARIES, SHADES Of the Newest Designs. WE OFFER FOR SALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE BONDS OF THE Elit - EX.EL.s& CO., No. 34 South Third Street, FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH: LATER NEWS FROM, EUROPE, Dy tile Atlantic Cable NAPOLEON AND MAXIMILIAN. A French. Fleet to Bring Home Soldiers from Mexico.. Interesting from Baltimore Surepesa News by-Agent - 1e Telegraph. Nnw Minx, Nov. 15.—The following tele graph has been received at the Renter's Telegraph OffiCe, New York, per cable: • , LounoN, Nov. 14.—The French Govern-. meat have ordered a conscription of isallonze throughout the maritime provinces - foi'the purpose of manning the vessels Which , are-. to bring home the French troops from Mex ico. • - The steamships Hermann and City, of London have arrived ont, From Baltithore. BALTIMORE, November 15th.--Messrs. Hiudes and _Woods, the old Board of Commissioners, formally surrendered up everything thi s morning to the new Com-,. misaionem; who have fully entered on their duties at • the Commissioners' office, where they are to-day receiving nu merous applications for office. Bain from the southeast commenced here at noon. The Fenian TosOrrro, Nov. Is.—The Fenian trials, which have occupied the attention- of the court during the past eleven days, will close temporarily on Saturday next, as the court will not sit during the term. It wart at v ftrst supposed that such of the pris oners as had not been brought to trial before the Court rose would have to await their trials at the January assizes,but it is probable an arrangement will be made by which they will be brought before the Court sooner. A special commission is expected to issue in a few days for holding these trials immediately after the term closes, a fortnight from next Monday. It will be Mr. Justice Hagarty'S turn to take up the business at that time. Two Fenian were discharged from custody yesterday, sufficient eildence to place Them on trial not being forthcoming; and two more will be discharged to•day for siMilar reasons. The National Finances, eke. NEW YORE, Nov. 15.—The Post's special Washington despatch says Secretary Mc- Culloch, in his annual report, will simply, report his former recommendation so far as thelcurrency question is concerned. He will ask authority to issue long 5 per cent. bonds which shall be exempt from taxation and for discretionery power to reduce the volume of currency. It is understood that soon after the opening of Cnigress the House Judiciary Committee will renew the whole subject of the assassination plot and examine witnesses relative to Jeff. Davis's complicity in it. The National Wool•Growers' Convontion. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 15. The Na tional Wool Growers' Convention, now as sembled in this city, is very largely at tended, from every large wool-growink dis trict, and nearly every wool-growing State in the North. The discussion is very spi rited, unanimously pointing to the neces sity of the Senate immediately passing the tariff bill, as it left the House last summer. VANKIRK & ca. No. 012 dirch Street. 31UNUFACTORY AT YBAZIKPORD, PHILADA. We would respectfully call the attention of oar friends and the public generally, to our choice and elegant amortroest ofWILT and BRONZE MAN pyres Ivrea and OAS PIXTURES,;cor stantiy on band, all of them of the very latsst and BEST DESIGNS. ALI° a tine selection of PORTABLE. with FANCY CHINA, POBCCP LAIN and other SHADES, to snit purchaser& • A fine spd choice selection of IMPORTED BRONZE . STATUARY. CARD ItEOKIVEES, ANTIQUE VASES, INS STANDS, THERMOMETERS, Sc., always on hand at very mosonablemices. We would invite those who are desirousof procuring any of the above enumerated articles, to call at our Mors betbre purchasing elsewhere. and examine our assortment, feeling confident that they will be favora bly impressed with the character of our goods. • OUR PRIORS ARE 'REASONABLE, and the work in all CMS guaranteed to give satisfaction to the pur chaser. N. B.—Particular attention paid to the renewing of Old work. no 2 4m-rpt VANED= di 00. 313AJELIIEEE'S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. Thepatent and beet assortment et W - 14 Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Rasa,aterfalls, "Viotorines, settee, Illusive Beams for Ladies, At prices LOW/11211 than elsewhere. Inthte•rle 909 OREM ul! SMICT. A 1 tilUtt.Ells ALLNUItai rim andenels t uect a are now receiving into store, the above celebrated Minced Meat, put np In Firkins of 38 and 68 lba., also in Barrels and Glass Tars, and are prepared to furnish it to the trade at the lowest manufacturer's prices 309. B. RUFBIRS & CO., 108 South Delaware Avenue. Twenty-Five Barrels Prime Cranberries lan_dlng and ibr sale by 3. B. BUBBLES & CO.. 108 South Dela ware Avenue. CAIMED FRUIT, VEGETABLES , &C.-1.000 cases fresh Canned Peaches; 500 cases fresh Canned Pine Apples: 200 cases fresh Pine Apples In glass; 1,000 cases Green Cern and Green Peas; 500 cases fresh Plums, In cans; 200 Cases freab green Outs; 5,00 eases Cherries is ayrnp; 500 cases Blackberries In aMp; sul cases st zaw .. berries in syrup: 500 cases fresh Pears In sYrap; 2,000• cues canned TOIXIM003", 500 cases Oysters, Lobsters and Clams' 800 cases Boast Beef, Mutton t Veal, Soups, &c„ For sale by 70SEPEL BOSSIER & 00., 108 kloutli MiILAWABB avenue. 0020 WALNUTS ABB ALMONDS.—New Crop Sl*3lohhe Wabnite and Perm Shell Anteladicler ads try 18. RUPPOSIER nri ISt R rmilawara Avenue WNW PECAI3B.-10 bide. new crop Texas Pecans, .1‘ landing, ex steauisbip Star of thetrnion, and for sale by J, B. & CO ,108 booth Delaware, avenue. - ''„"' WHITE OASTILE 80AP.—lae:boxee genuinewn TV Castile Bow, landiag trona Br It from Genoa. anillbr sale by .108. BJ3I3BBIEE a Cu' lee Scrub Delaware avenue. 9:30 O'ol<xlk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers