BUSINESS NOTICES. FIGHTING WITH THE TURKS, Those Cancly'unr, as boys would say, The Turks are " licking" ev'ry day, Making them Badly melt away. Te Turks, indeed are daring fellows , Since one is Ws tongue can often quell us. - But they have four, as Wavle= tell as. Then awful figures they appear, With mealeack pants and turbans queer. And the same fashions, year from year— A plan that would not do at all For customers of Tower Hall. Wk BAVE Good style Oassintere suits to match as low as 1.15 00 Finest French Cassimere Suits to match up to And all the intervening grades. WS Haw. Good. alt-1000l Mack Sage, as tow as... $22. 00 Finest Black .51vnch Cloth and Oassi. • 'were Butts up to 55 00 dud all intervening grades. ;WE Havg .7he largest, best assorted, and most complete stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Ciothinv. to Philadelphia—equal to any in the city, in styles, s nake and fit, comprising all kinds, atiltes, taw and qualities, adapted to the wants of aU, and soldat lower prices than the lowest elsewhere, Or the money refunded. Sall way between BENNETT CO„ FIMEC AND TOWER HALL, STETS STS. En 'MASK= STREET. Sr .11.14 our prices are lower than for several years. CHICKENING PIANOS IN EUROPE.—HANG VON BIJLOW, the great German Pisatat, by letters .recetrad from proposes to play only the . MUCKMING PIANOS during Ms concert tour in tae 'fruited stases. . W. R. NEWTON, s e24-tr 1 No. 914 Chestnut street. !STEINWAY dt EANB' PL!..NOS Have ' been awarded thirty two remiums at the principal Fairtoin this ceuntry in the last seven years, and the first Prise Medals at the Oratal International Plabibititn, London, in 1862, In oo.etition with 269 Pianos from gall parts of the world. Every irustrument Is constructed with their Pathnt Agraffe arrargement. For saISIUSe only&s. BLA .Ro, 1006 Crtseatunt !street. ps. th 708. 1 OBO. , STEOK & WS. cele- PIANOS. PIANOS.PLANO bratedPituaos. for eale mum, PIANOS. PLANES. by T. R. GOULD, PIANOh. Seventh and eatnnt. sus sr4r4:4l •e e stit• • t's • Mplayed by 13camlastl, the gust ot Mmope, at Florence, Italy, was llM considered so for ID ell respects to the Instruments of Broadwood Shard, hitherto regarded as the beet la the woad. New Rooms9l4 WILIOSTE4 street. sel2IS W. H. DUTTON iwmas 0i:4:4:41^ e e :V.I • i •rIA • elm The New Scale °bickering Grand Pianos are acknowledged the beet In Anglarrd, Germany and Italy. Notice the great testi. ......._, ~ ,, ,,,H r noniale 'received from Europe In August Lea. Meg. on oftheee ins ahrlMMi 8.003113, 9147MMUT STREET. 0c5411 W. H. DUTTON. CABINET ORGANS.I These beautiful Instruments CABINET ORGANS. are made ONLY by MASON CABINET ORGANS. HaELIN, and for. Bale in rbiladelphla, only by 3 E. (MOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. TIM CrHICERRING UPRIGHT PIANOS possess quality of tone and amount of power next to the GrandWM PIS' Boudoir ate particularly adapted to the Parlor, the or the Study. These beautiful Instru ments, in great variety, at the Chickering Rooms, 914 Chestnut street. ochltf W. H. DUTTON. I :le !.1111 . 1fis •Ye IN MSTYLIE. — e oelenrated Gem Organ IAN Immense assortmeaAvery_low prices. eO W. H. DUTTON, ve28411 O. 914 Cheat - mit street. vokmTHE BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE EMER SON PIANOS, seven octaves; charming gene; guaranteed durability* verY low price, 914 ousniari MET. W. H. Di:PITON. PIANOS. l HAINES HBO'S. elegant instruments PIANOS.and moderate in price, I have dealt In for PIANOS, fourteen years, and give a eve years' guarantee with each. • J. E. GOULD no . 13-if Seventh and Chestnut. EVENING BULL ETIN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1866. THE PRESIDENT'S POSITION. The cunning pen of Mr. Seward will be Yietected in the extract from a letter addressed by "a member of the cabinet to a friend of the Administration in. New England," which appears in to day's paper. It is meant to smooth the way for a reconciliation between the President and Congress. It sets out, however, with a mis-statement, in de claring that "few men seem to be less understood than President Johnson.° This might have been said a year and a half ago; but now, few men are better understood. His "strong convictions and earnest purposes" would be re spected, if there were any truth or con sistency in them. But the convictions .expressed two years and more ago are totally opposite to those expressed now, and the "earnest purposes" then ex pressed to punish traitors and make treason odious, are now superseded by earnest purposes to pardon traitors and make loyalty odious. :Notwithstanding all that has occurred and the terrible condemnation which thepeople have given of Mr. - Johnson's policy, we are condescendingly told by 311 r. Seward that he "will violate no law,. nor fail to perform the duties that are legally devolved upon him." This if; seonueh beyond what has been ex pected of him, that the people should be grateful at being spared the trouble and annoyance of an impeachment. They ahould thank Mr. Seward, also, for the assurance that the President does not propose .a coup d'gtat,or todoanythingto disturb the public peace or derange the public credit; as, also, for the assurance that he would, under certain dream stancesaield much to affect a reconcilia tion with Congress. But, after all, the diplomatic letter of the Secretary of a very weak and lame apology for the President, and it might as well not have been written. Congress and the people are masters of the , situation. irRE NATIONAL UNION PARTY. The result of the late elections has had the effect of discouraging the Copperhead leaders in their hope of again making their party a power in the land with the aid of Johnsonism. The overwhelming rebuke administered through the ballot boa has convinced them of the hopeless nessof their efforts at party reconstrnc- tion., and it has taught them how to ap preeiate "the hybrid concern now floating upon the sea of public contempt into which it somttime since entered, and from which no power ' can rescue it," as the Democratic Chi cago Times styles Johnsonism. Crimi natione and recriminations are now in dulged in between Copperhead orators land newspaper organs, and the few cowboys of Republicans who have followed Andrew Johnson in the pursuit of bread and butter. The liopelessness of the effort to drive Con gress, from the stand it has.taken has caused the abandonment of every,pre fence Of principle in the question, and a grand:scramble for place is in progress, with the usual accompaniment ' of wrang ling and squabbling among the scram blers. M to "Andrew Johnson, he would be left to the scorn and silent con tempt he deserves, except for the fact that he has offices to dispense. But for this fact there would be "none so poor as to do him reverence." But the most amusing feature of the matter is the fact that , the squabblers assume that there is ;'a Johnson party in contra-distinction to the Democratic party. There area few holders of federal offices who have hot formerly acted jwith the Democratic party, who call themselVss "National Union" men, add who throw up their caps and shout for Andrew John son. If these disinterested patriots form a party, then there is a Johnson party; but a JOhnsonite, who is not either an office holder or a seeker after office, would be a rare curiosity. We have never yet met with one. If Congress at its coming session would exercise its constitutional right of taking away from the President the appointing power, the so-called National Union party would collapse with the suddenness of a pricked bladder, "and leave not a rack be hind." Congress is master of the situa tion, and the loyal people of the country expect it to use its constitutional power by putting all possible checks upon the bold and bad man who insults and defies the representatives of the people, and who sets up his own imperious will as the supreme law of the land. HOW THE "BOYS IN BLEW' ARE SERVED. The new federal officials in this city, with the conviction staring them in the face that the early meeting of Con gress will jeopardize their tenure of office, are plying the - axe briskly, and the heads of faithful Republicans are dropping into the basket by scores, daily. In the Custom House there are now very few left of the men who were placed there during the administration of Mr. Lincoln. There were some re movals made yesterday that bring a flush of indignation to the cheek of every loyal man. Lieutenant Austin, a gallant soldier, who served his country faithfully during the war, and who re ceived a wound which has permanently deprived him of the use of one of his arms, was turnedout of an inspectorship to which he was appointed by Col. Thomas. Mr. Daddy, a brave and faith ful soldier, who was disabled for life, during the war, and who also held an inspectorship, was another vic tim ; and yet another, Mr. John Mills, has but one arm. These men were all good, and faithful officers and conscientious men, and they were re moved because they stood bravely by the country in the hour of its extremity, and because they refused to barter away their principles for the sake of place. We know nothing as to who their suc- cessors are; but it is reasonable to assume that they are of the Copperhead tribs that are having most of the Federal offi ces of the country distributed among them. The President and his satellites are rapidly educating the people up to the point. of demanding of. Congress to use the power confided in it by the con. stitution, and deprive Andrew Johnson of the ability of shamefully misusing an authority confided to him. The sove reign remedy for many of the evils with which a bad man is afflicting the coun try, is a deprivation of the power of making appointments. LSinci3 the foregoing was in type we have learned that Mr. Griffy, a night in spector, who lost an arm in the service of, was also removed yester day. The removal of, three one-armed men from one department of the Custom House, in the same day, is doing enough towards making loyalty odious, to please even Andrew Johnson. A GRAVE. ERROR The Charleston .News takes very seri ously to heart the fact that the extra ordinary honors paid to the rebel dead in the South 'excite comment in the North and lead to inferences that are not favorable to a speedy restoration of the forfeited rights of foiled traitors. The News grows warm in - its praises of de parted Southern heroes, and urges with much force the propriety, decency and humanity of doing honor to their ashes. But it falls into the giave error of sup posing that the North objects to these displays of profound respect for the memory of dead rebels, and that it would compel Southern men and women to conceal their real feelings and stifle their natural emotions. No sensible man hi the. North expects anything so un reasonable, or demands anything that would be so impossible of accomplish ment. The North expects to see homage done to the memory of fallen soldiers in the rebel cause, because the faith of the survivors in that cause remains un changed, and it also expects to see the present generation of Southerners entertain the same feeling of hatred of free institutions and of genuine repub lieanism that prompte I the leaders of the rebellion to mai; e war upon the go vernment which they lived under. The North expects all this, and it is not un reasonable enough to look for impossi bilities south of Mason and Dixon's line. The North does not ask the South to re• frail' from bedecking the graves of dead rebels with flowers, nor would it have it conceal its honest sentiments. What the North does object to most deCidedly and unequivocally is the restoration of defeated rebels to the share in the go vernintnt which they have forfeited, until thf y show better signs or contrition and amendment than a constant reitera tioilof the right of secession, and re , . peated posthumous honors to the men 'who fell in the support of a bad cause. The North does not expect to "gather grapes.of thoins,,or figs of tbistles." It only desires that thorns be known as thorns and that thistles shall be called thistles. That is all. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBFR 15,1866. THE_ /METEORS A431113T We did not intend to say anything more on the subject of the- recent me teorie fiasco, but had intended to let these falling stars, drop, at least for this season. But the Atlantic cable 'comes to the rescue of the disgusted astrono- - mers and announces that the British star-gazers have had a very , respectable shower, while we have been trying hard to count up a few scattering drops. The patron constellation of (beat BrKain is, of course, Leo, amci Leo has favored his worshippers. At Greenwich Observatory, on Tuesday night, twelve thousand meteors were counted, many of them being of the first magnitude. This, to be sure, was "not much of a shower" compare's' with what was pro mised by the philosophers, but it is enoug "to swear by," and to vindicate the essential accuracy of their calcula tions. We, on this side of the Atlantic must have reach the meteoric region and gone "through by daylight," only catch ing glimpses of a few stragglers who stayed out over night. There may have been a magnificent display last night, for aught we know to the contrary, but the clouds were sufficiently dense to leave it vexata qucestio to 'the end of time. A correspondent apparently of an astrological turn of mind, sends us the following encouraging commtutica tion: "MESSRS. Enrrons : The non-appearance of the great celestial phenomenon of Nov. 13th, 1833, on the night of the 12th or 13th, should not lead us into decided incredulity of its recurrence, as the following extract fre m Humboldt's' Cosmos will confirm: " The acute mind of Olbere led him almost to predict that the next appearance of the phenomenon of shooting stars and fire-balls, intermixed, falling like flakes of snow, would not recur until between th e 12th and 14th of November, 1867." Harper's Edition, Page 127, Vol. 1. Humboldt witnessed a grand display of meteors and fire balls, in South America, Nov. 13th, 1799, which would make a period of thirtylour years between the sublime exhibitions. That their recurrence has not been periodically recorded in the past, maybe due to a cloudy sky. "Your bumble servant feels a deep in terest in these phenomena, as on the night of the display of the most sublime of all recorded in the History of Astronomy, Nov. 13th, 1833, be became that masterpiece of the Divine Artificer of the Universe, a human soul. "C. W. t atensive hale of Valuable business 1.0. ations, Handsome Hesidences, Very Desirable Irredeemable droned Hems, Travis of Lands, under direction of the Orphans' 001:111rt, Executors, Trustee., Heirs and Others, by James A. Free. man, Auctioneer. .a. number ul additional properties are advertised by James it Freeman, Auctioneer. to be sofa at his sale • f the 25th Inst. Included is the very desirable reel.' 2e: cec,l,Janacs ;fray, deceased . Tench street. below .Spruce. also, a valuable business location. _Vieille and 'Clarrt, sl .nd a number of I redeemable ground rents. belonging to the lion. Richard Peters's estate SALE DECI , IO3EIi bls :ale Includes the.F.stat , s e f Bernard J. ;locals. deceased.Ann.McGolp no, &cease°. and !deny Zenner (son, deceased. by order of the Or. bans' Court with oat! property. jrr Fur fun docriptsons set TOW'S A. 2Prems re's Been Estate odvertisevtents. en. (he inside and tail pages. Sale of the entire Eurnittire. Lease, A:e.„ of Ihn Viashluslon Mouse, Nos. 709 nun, 711 Chestnut street, by Jamee A. Free- wan, Auctioneer. James A, Freeman. Auctioneer, will sell under di rectien of the che,lff the entire Furniture of the Washington House, Nos 709 and 711 Chestnut stree:. a Inn evring on Tuesr ay morning ntzt The panic:, lar attrntlon of housekeepers Is directed to this sale n nth of the Furniture has been In use but a short time, are ever , article Is to be sold for what it roll bring. 2he catalogues trill be ready and Me JTatue open for :mina:ion on Saturvinv. t ale of Very Destrao.e Building Lots. Germantown, on naturday afternoon, by James A. e - reeman. Auctioneer. The Executors of Edward Royal, deceased. will sell on the premises, on Saturday afternoon. a number of very desirable boildtha. lota. Pulaski avenue. \VaYte avenue and Seymour atreet, Germantown. • The In d is high and Inviting for improvements. ilVsf Lithacraphic plans may be had at Janus 4. Freeman a (ruction slurs. John B. Myers rlt Co., Auctioneers, NON. 232 and =.l Market stree, will hold on tomorrow, ftriday)Hovember it, at lo o'clock: by catalog:2e. on four moral a' credit a large and important sale of Im ported and Domestic Dry Gooch inclucing-15svo cczen Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Mitts, Gauntlets, Scs.rts e uspenders, 1.11-en Cambric Handkerchiefs, ,tc..; Tra veling Shirts, bhirus and Drawers. Wool Scarfs et awls, Hoods and Nobles, Hoop Skirts, rk.c. cases Gingham Umbrellas. Sale. Valuable Real Estate. Messrs. Thomas & Sons' sale, on Tuesday next In eludes property 1311 Culrar.wrx street: lenge and veto able hol el property. known as the "Barley Sheaf ' North Second street. and other deetrable property See pamphlet catalokues and auction column. Real Estate Sale next Wednesday. Catalogues of Janus .4. Freeman's Sale next iVednes day trW be ready on Saturday. IMMASON & HAMLIN CABINET OR. GAP S. from 175 upwards. Only AZ GOULD'S. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. n01044p2 TATioNEILY—LEIT z OAP AND NOTE PUPA/TM& =TEM • :*.z, BLANK BOOKS, and every requisite In the sisticiners ealllll4 at the lowest figures at J. R. DOWNING'S Eitstioneggf Store, mil2oldirp; Eighth street, two doors abovis Walnut. JOHN ORDIdP BIILLDEB., deutenarr STRE___WS and 118 LODGE orriszwr. Lb echanies of every branch respired for bcnisebnild Mg and fitting promptly furnished. 3,113-dmrp Q.1.1111:1EL LA1.N.A.11,.N0. /11 South SEVENTH O. street, Philadelphia, PLIIISI_BEIs. GAB bnd 0111.Ahl PPITE.R. Work done promptly aad in the best manner. Pumps, Gas fixtures, and all material. used In the rustiness furnished. artl.f-Supl • BALL KTYLR, Heil% 47 TEM H. McCALLHmpoxiA.. Hamad Cap W a ge, 804 Callat-TNTITEIiceiBBET. A WARBURTON, RAzHIONABLIC HATTER, 430 Cheetnut street, tiel3-17,01 Next door to Post office. N ZWSPAPER ADVIESTISING.—JOY, 00E & CO N. E. corner of PIM& & CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia, and TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York, are agents for the Buntorrns and tbr the News papers of the whole country. ijyrMairpil JOY, 00E & CO. 600 ]RONWA/171,_ 5 TRIEET . • 600 T.LN wARE t _ BRACKETS, WOODENWADE, FAN CY BBOKZE MATCH SAFES. cc 23 GRIFFITH & PAGE, SIXTH AND ARCH. 49 HOUSE FURNI4HING FIT3RE, 49 49 NORTH NINTH STREET. IN. WOOD, WILLOW eND LhON WARE. ~A F.c..s, SETTLE TABLES and CLOTI{ZS WIUNGICR'S. HOLIDAY GOODS. no 9 2m rpl THOS W. YOST, Ageat. b. P JoNss, Wu. TEMP LE. JouN DICKEELION. JONES, ThIAPLE Br, co ., WHOLEF.ALE AND RETAIL AT MA NU FACTURRRS, 29 South NINTH. street, first Ptcre above Cbestnut. Go r,-t.r OO; PEEL& GT. ARRIne, v'the Olera Glasses, made by M. BARDOU, o k.arts. Imported and for sale only by U. W. A. TEUIIPLER, 002 e, Seventh and ebesLon• .tre4.4,r ow l CISKJEMBING UPRIGHT PIANOS. - 914 OREHTNIIT BTREET. 005-I,l' 4p W. H. DUTTON. gOCKHILL& WILSON Fine Clothing House, _ 603 and 605 Chesthut Street, Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to Order, Reasonable, Serviceable and Fashionable. IP'lltilueingruifili9:l3ltll), iN ,Ur.ltetl. CLOTHING U. S. CIRCUIT COURT. JUDGES GEIER AND OADWAIADER. Patent-Right Cases--Jenkine Crimped Wire Patent CHASE vs. M wArarma do sons. This was a suit to determine the title as to the ex• elusive right to the Wire Crimping Patent of Henry Jenkins for the Eastern part of-the State of Pennsil- Verde. Chase claimed, under an assignment granted after the extension of the Jenkins Patent, and B. siker dr. Bons claimed the exclusive right for the titate at. Pennsylvania under the extension, k. 4 virtue of en assignment made to them prior to the extension and recorded prior to Chase's assignment. The case was argued by Myers and. Longatreth for Chase. and by Harding and bhaw for M. -Walker & Sons. Judge Cadwalader stated that this was a very clear case in favor of the delendents, and that the as signment to B. Walker & Bons Ltiveeted them with the title and thatjndge Grier concurred with him in this opinion, and that he would file his opinion at length. nol3-6t 4pl WHOLESALE STOOK Watches, Jewelry and SilveriPlated TD BE CLOSED OUT AT RETAIL, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, main IVELY TO CLOSE BUSINESS. This will afford a rare opportunity for procuring fake 1100 d, in this line. at OBE&TLY BELOW THE USUAL PRICES. WOODWARD, LOVETT & CO., 712 Chestnut Streets, SECOND STORY. SECOND STORY, noun rp TBE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGA] east negotiating the following Securittee or the Coupons belonging thereto. missing or supposed to have been Stolen, on or about Nov. Ist, 1565. P. ease send any in. formation concerning them to Messrs. CHARLES R. MARVIN CO.. No. 17 'William street, New York: 1 U. B. 5.25, No. 27,2&i, of 11,00 0 7. - 1" " " 7=6, " 1,(00. I 1 " " "1,000. 1 „ too. r mature 1 " " 2SS. "- N ov.! 1, 1531 1 " " 27.?.59, 1.000. " " " 6 999, " 500. I 1 " 740 "12,395, " 100. 1- " " " 12,396.. , Itet. " " " 159 615, " SCO. 1 1 " " " 121 153. " 1.000. 1 mature 1 " " " 121354, " 30:o0. }Aug. 16, 1667. " " " 121 156, " 1,1100. 1 " " " 121,156. " 1,0(0. 1 " " " 1221.15:," 1.000. I 1 " " " 121.153, " 1,000. 1." " " 101,690, " 500. mature 1 " " " 416,247 " 100.. I July 15,1565. 1 Mich. cent. B. 6. i bond, Na 6,179. 11,4X0, MD tore Oct 1. 186.^.. Certificate of Stock of Penn. B.R Co., N 0.30,761, for ICO hbares. Cert Waite of Stock of Shetucket Co , No. 204, for M Stares. un the 61,000 6-20 Bonds the Coupons due May 1, 1867, had been cut off; and th e s e nix Bonds may he Identified by this fact.,e,m 3t/ T IFE-SIZI:t PEIOTOGRAPEL INF OIL. AS A LISA TOSS and a Picture, bas net Its equal, If made by skillful banes snob as you thud at B. F RELKER S Gallery, M 4 arch street. I elay not; Christmas Is near at hand. OURLING RODS, ?Inching Dons, Curling and trinppiat Tongs a vszlety of kinds wad st 7.-s. for Pale by TRUMAN fi SHAW, No. 535 (Eight Tarty fire) Market street. below Ninth. NTO OLD STOCK Ols: HAVD:. WE OFFER YOtr IN only the latest style Looking Glass and Picture Frarass, at lIELMER'S, Arch street, me of Seventh 40.atH WEIGHTS. cords and Pulleys. Saab Fasten 'o era. Lifts, Knobs and a general varlet, of Building Hardware. for sale by TRUMAN ct, SHAW, No. 83 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street. below Ninth. rfkki..k. REASON THAT REIMER, SECOND street, .1 above Green, leads the way in making Pho o graphs. is owing to long experience combined with sk ill. Six Card or one large Photograph only IL A CONVENIENT ARTICLE for Housekeepers. A Dealm or Manufacturers is the Patent Graduated Measure and Funnel. It dispenses with the use or several sizes of measures, and enables ene to poor Into narrow-mouthed vessels without a funnel Sold by rkeTRD!A ISLAN rea. & below N SHA in W. No. SW, (Eight Tlitty-flve) ot th. FRE CH, who have been asap point ft eoin ° lls i ts e . effects °I the Memorizing m-thotis will Hod the clearly-explained practice of Mr. DEL A CROIX'S Course amply sutdcleat In itself to Impress a rational habit of more 01 the Language, for their own ideas, than usually the result of double the time voted to the study of books In common use. Begin. nue enter at any time, 90 ELL street. it WRITING DESKS, TOURISTS' CASES, FINE Pocket Wallets and rower. Stereo'copes and 1. laws, Backgammon Boards, fine Pocket Cutlery awl Water Colors, all fresh goods, put In sock expressly fur Holiday sales, and selling at low cash prkes. W. a PJChRY. nolStb,s.ttl,fitxp Arch Street. F INE INK STANDS—a Beautiful Assortment for liaay Bales, W. G. PERRY, Stationer, 7sB arch etreet nols,th, WIDDINO AND CA RD PL&PIZ ErvattAITING Latest Styles. W. 0. PERBY, Stationer. nolketip A.• eh street. BOOKS FUR 011.1Lioltts;.4.1N.. 0 KNAT V Alit Mr), W. G. PERRI , Stationer, nols,th,s,ttt,6trp 7•.. Areh street W .— ALTON. T, 'ELLWOOD u r 00 1,00 K. K LOO OT, K T , L F O O O n Ii W aLTON. No. 48 N. SIaCOND street. above Christ i bomb, sells Looking Glasses, Pit tare Frames. Photo graph Frames anU Albums, ebeaper than any store In ! li tr e e tr et i a ° o l2 eve t' C a h li t a ls n t d gn e irth " . P a b t il N ad cl elp 4 ll B la, 24. '52en043155-81114 ..IUPERIOR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—For sale In and 12.ponnd bags at tl 50 per hunored. n• North WA'l ER etrt et. non•etrp. 1)1CH WIDE BLACK bIIIPULtIt LACKS FOB LL TterlilDfllcG CLOaKS.—GaI). W. OGEL No. .16 CHESTBUT street, has received an ass rtment of Wide Rack Guipure Daces, for trimming ()Wake ud Shawls: also a full ase:ortmint of Black Guipure Lacts of all the widths now in demand, nollt-Gtrit• 2 Mac MBROIIIEBER 11117SL IN AVE VI V(4 DRESSES,—tatKO. W. Vt..Gea., No 1016 CRUST NU'. street. has just received from Paris, a cas • mbroldeted Flvening Dress s. nol3.6trpt. .131h0EISON PIANOS. The new style Cottage Square Piano, toll Seven Octaves, beautiful Carved Cases, the most Charming tone, L4 6 w Price, guaranteed durability. 914 " uf Street. ocs-tf 4p GREAT A m TOUCAN CIUOR CANDY CROFT'S COLT'RFOOT "P OCK CANDY, old by all t pCTOßY rincipa , l Dugglats• MANUF he A pe18.1m414 st: a t :1:.2Ily: • I,: I Vg i 0C5434 • TITTON ROCKHILL &WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Coachmen's Coats, Coichnien's Coats, HUNTING COATS. HUNTING 00ATE6 Vat In the Beet Gentle war.o with:care and - ele• weed, robe or am! mutable lbr the . ELM EME112131:1 AND BROWN, Sixth Street—from Mar ket to Minor Street. W. H. DUTTON' 12.5 North Screvym at. , et CLOCKS. CLOCKS. CLOCKS. We Open This Day an Invoice of FINE FRENCH CLOCKS. CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and Silversmiths. 71.2 CIEITISTNITT STREET . 1 , 4 , STERLING SILVER, \rlecL. Manufactured expressly for BRIDAL Pr:aerate NEW JEWELRY, Of all the late Sty/es. WATOIIES of the most Celebrated Maker.. PEARLS. DIAMONDS. and other Precious Stone. Wedding and Engagement Binge. Old Sets of PEARL or DIAMOND JEWELRY re• mounted in modern style. Waukee and Clocks repaired and adjusted by cum. petent workmen. All goods warranted of filet quality. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. J. T. Gallagher, late of BAILEY di CO.. YORIMBLY EMERY & =CHM% 1900 CHEST NUT STREET. oc2o ato th-tf rp BAWL K. SMYTH. EDWARD F. ADAM SILVER-PLATED WARE. Smyth Sr- Adair, PRACTICAL MANUFACTURERS OF. FINE SILVER-PLATED WARE, - HARD AND SOFT METAL. 1834 Chestnut street, Opposite U. B. Mint s 2 floor. Factory, 34 south Third Street, north s W 2Strp/ Up Stairs. T ADIZIP FANCY CLOA.RIN'GS. A- 4 ASTRAKHANS, CASTORINFS, FRENCH BEAVERS, FANCY 'BEAVERS, FROSTED BEAVERS, CHINCELLLAS, VELOURS, Luau CLOARENGS, WHITE CLOAKINGS, BLACK CLOARIIS GS, WATERFBOOFS, Many of them ordered styles. expressly for our re tall sales. COOPER A CONARD, Ninth and Market. CLOAK AND SHAWL BOOM. ACCTION LOTS TIROL:nu, LONG SHAWLS. PILLED CENTRES BROOME LONG SHAWLS. BLACK THIRST LONG SHAWLS. WOOLMT LONG SHAWLS. DAILY OPENING NEW CLOAKS. ORDERED CLOAKS 'BLADE PROMPTLY. . COOPER A CONARD, Ninth and 'itArket. BLANKET AND Q'CrILT BOOM BLANKETS OF EVERT GRADE. mAgsFrr.T.TO5l QUILT*, EXTRA QUALITIES. LOW GRADES QULLTS. HORSE BLANKETS, FROM $ 50 TO $6 50. COOPER 6 OONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market LINEN GOODS COUNTER. _Barnsley Table Irish and Scotch Damasks. Power-loam Everlasting Table Diaper. Damask Table Cloths, extra qualities. Napkins and Doylies, finest to lowest. Best makes Linens for fronts, collars, <fre. Extra b eavy 'Diapers by the 3 and and piece, Buckaback Toweling, 25 to Towels. Burlaps, Baggldge, fio COOPER & CONARD, Ninth and Market, BBLACKDREES GOODS COUNTER. Black French Poplins, 41 12 to At 25. . Black French llierinoes,B 25 to 41 90. Black Delaines, 50 to 75 cen s. Wide French Delaines SS cents to $1 33. Black French Cashmeres 41 50. Black French Tamtse, 41 38 to 41 75. Black Canton Cloth, 41 10 and 41 25. Black Alpacas. 40 to 65 cents. Black Lustrous Mahal/Is. 75 cents to 41 25. Black Poplin Alpacas, 88 cents and 31. COOPER fi CONARD, Ninth and Market. 101.1 NT AND DELAINE COULTER, -a- Merrimack ane other good Prints. English and French Wrapper Prints, ' All-Wool De'sines, SD and 58 cts. Extra Good 6.4 De'aloes, fl. Balmoral Skirts, V 50 to $lO M. COOPER CONAB.D, Ninth and Market. 11)110PL11 4 / S AND MERLNOES.. -I- • Plain all-wool Reps. Plaid Poplins, low prices. Ellk-faced French Poplins. bilk-faced Plaid Poplins. Plaid Poplin Reps, bargains. Lupin's French Merinoes, cheap. Finest French Merinoes made. Low grades French Merinoes. COOPER & CONARD, Ninth and Market. TIOMESTIO GOODS COUNTER. - 1 - 7 White Flannels from acts. to #1 25. ROL blue, gray and white Twills cheaper, 6-4 wine fancy Shirtinga at low prices. Tick inga of every grade, Wide Eibeetlogs low by the piece. Bleached and Brown Muslins, do. COOPER & no9•f,a,tuth-4t4p Ninth and Market. - SCHOMACEER PIANOS. Those wishing to purchase one of these Mostly celebrated the sew new Agraphe Scale, will please call at the new and elegant Ware rooms, 1103 CHESTNUT sorest ,where they can ex amine s' nue stock, now selling at greatly reduced prices. A fell eearantee for tiveyearaglVen: nol4-6trpt ROCRHILL •Sz WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and .605 Chestnut Street. FAT 1 a & WINTE3EL OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. THE HARDING- MACKEREL" TIIIS FINE BB►RD OF MIL IS IN SMALL PACKAGES, Is 441101 DAVIS & RICHARDS, ARCH AND T.s.r.T.u. STREETS. MITCHELL FLETCHER' No. 1204 CHESTNUT STI Having disposed of their goods damned by the WO fixe, nivrtE THIS 1133PEGIAL AThsersiON of Mir and country buyers to their freak stock consisting in Dart of 2,000 cans and jars Fresh Peaches. 3,000 " " Tomatoes. 3,000 " " Green Corn. 1000 " " Fresh Pears. 1.000 " " Strawberries. 1000 " " Pine Apples. 1,000 " " Morella Cherries. 1,000 " French Peas. And all other Frnita by the can or dozen. Alan, s gen e era tu themel of FINE GIUXIERIEB. enc• IT7ToViWiTIN Have received in Store and in Hand Ee CAMS ,TITLES MUMM'S WINE, consisting of PRIVATE STOCK. CABINET. IMPIE AND DRY VERZENAY, Also, do CO.'S. 100 33asketa ED Cases Sparkling 25 Cases VETIVE CLIQUOT. 25 Cases GERMAN HOCKS. 130 Octaves (l 0 gals.) Superior CROWN SHERRY. 20 Casks YOUNGER'S SCOTCH ALE. ' 100 Caws NINE TABLE CLARET. For Sale at I ■ mpporters s' ' Prices. 8, W. COR. BROAD AND WALBUT.. ocao•a to th SUITE CDIF NINE ROOMS, Carpeted and Elegantly Furnished, COMPLETE AS PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. GEO, J. H.ENKELV, LAOY & 00. 5 . 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. I2olDam nit TO XL ENT' s , Orcond, Third, Fourth and Fifth Rorie& Of Warehouse 325 ClEEsTiqur tYPIUMET. BOWIE 175 PEEP DEEP. Possession January lat, Enquire on premises. nol 6t4a H. SDNDERMEIE R. IiLiITUFACTATHEIt OF Plain and Fancy 0 onfeetionely, WHOLESALE /MD RETAIL No. 13,2•9 Arch Stree‘ BELOW NINTH ST. PHIL ADELPHIA. no 3 s to th2Strp , STRAYEDFROM — THE — BICSIDENCE of Marks lan , a . Darby. Delaware county, email BLACK TERRIER DOG, cut Bars, tan colored, breast and legs, with a calla?. marked "Seel J. Bailey, me Arch street." A 11^eral reward will be given for his return to either party. Lola 2t , 01 WEBER'S PIANOS! There are more of these caleoratedlM Instrument& sold In New York City than any other make. They are used in the Conserva tories of New York and Brooklyn, and are recom mended by the leading lllusicians for Brilliancy and Durability. For Sale by J. A. GETZE,IIO2 Chestnut street, ocMsthn,tu,lml tOWIORGANS AND MELODEONS, From the celebrated Factories o Trrat, Linsley & Co., tiloninger Melt i lt Co., and Taylor and Farley. Wholesale and retail Agency. J. A. GETZ tr, oc2s,th.e.tu,im/ 11Ce Chestnut street. W I HAINF,B BROS.' PlANOS—Moderate in price, and sold with five years' guarantee. --- .T. E. GOULD N . 11. iu-trApt SEVENTH and uHESTIIT. A LA Trms FOR THE CHAMBER AND FOR- Ad. Traveler's use. Just Imported by - jrAiut er BROTHER, Chestant street. 10.411. BALK—To Shippers, Grocers. Rotel-Emepeze , and othere--.0. very superior lot of Champagne Older, by the barrel or dasen. P. J. JORDAN, ving-rPti . 220 Pear street. below Third and Walnut. s • .1 I:, 4I STREET. ocs.tf4p W. H. DUTTON to PORTED AND AMER CAN STATION ERY, New Styles. Our Initial Stamping is on turpam ed. W. G. PERRY. stationer, T1015.6t p 723 Arch street. ROCKHILL& WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street., LATEST STYLE SACK & WALKING COAT. BOYS' CLOTHING. :4..(I:1 n:i
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