negnlations to Prevent Snaugglini. The Treasury Department has just issued additional regulations in regard to the - cionP, merce and -Intercourse with foreiga. con tiguous territory, the object being to carry out the laws to prevent smuggling. Among the regulations are the following:—Trunks, traveling bags, boxes, and everything con taining articles of wearing apparel, or other personal -- effects purporting fo . be so, must be opened and their contents thoroughly in spected by the proper officerof the customs, who shall remove the seals from the car containing such baggage. No trunk, traveling bag, valiSe, or other envelope, to be delivered or taken away until thus inspected, and all baggage among which may be found secreted any articles liable to duty:upon which .duties-have not been paid, must be seized' and - retained. Steam or other vessels from any place in Canada destined for any port or place on Lake Michigan shall report at the port of -Mackinaw; and if the cargo of any such steamer or other vessel shall not have been sealed by a Consul or other United States officer, as required by the second section -of the act of 27th of Jane. 1864, a manifest.. of the _ cargo must be pre sented' to' the principal officer of the -customs at the port of Mackinaw, setting forth, clearly and distinbtly; a de scription (Wall the goods, wares ormerchan dise on board, from what port ,or place -shipped, and — at what ports destined to be landed, and that he has no other goods on board than those mentioned in said mani fest; to all 'of which facts the master of the vessel must make oath before the ColleCtor or Deputy Collector at the port ofMacki naw; the said oath to be inscribea on the manifest to be retained by the master of the vessel and on the manifest delivered to the collector, and signed by the captain in the presence of the collector or deputy collector of, the.port of Mackinaw, who, if satisfied with the correctness of the proceedings, shall certify the earns on both the manifests and issue a' permit:to the vessel to premed to the port of destination. Collectors at ports on Lake Michigan are instructed to regard any manifests of ves sels coming from Canadian ports as irrega= lar unless the, oath of the master is inscribed on it, and signed as required, in the pre sence of the Collector or Deputy Collector of Customs at the port of Mackinaw, and subject to, the penalties prescribed by the acts of June 27, 1864, and of July 18, 1866. With a view to prevent the smuggling of dutiable goods into the United States by means of concealment about the person or in the baggage of persons arriving from a foreign contiguous country, all such persons and their baggage shall be examined on their arrival in the United States by a proper officer or officers of customs, at Buf falo, Detroit, Port Huron, Ogdensburg, and - other ports in the United States, where con nections are made between. American and Provincial railways by means of ferry boats. Passengers and their baggage arriving from a foreign contiguous country shall be in spected and examined upon the boat, and passengers shall not be permitted to land nor their baggage to be landed until such inspection or examination shall have been concluded to the satisfaction of the officer making the same. - Cars crossing the Suspension Bridge into the United States will remain on the bridge until the examination of passengers and their baggage shall have been concluded to the satisfaction of the officer making the same. Passengers in cars coming to Rouse's Point, St. Albans and Island Pond must be examined while on the way letween the boundary line and their first stopping place —an inspector or inspectors going aboard for that purpose at the line. Passengers' baggage on these cars must be inspected before or after arriving at the first stopping place after entering the United States. All baggage of passengers in transit through Canada shall be planed in a car or cars by itself at the point of departure in the United States, and such car or ears shall be locked or sealed by an officer of customs prior to its leaving,and unlocked and tut sealed by a sirnilsr officer at the port of ar• All steamboats or propellers plying be tween and touching at intermediate Ameri can and foreign ports, shall set apart a room in which than be placed, under U. S. customs' locks and seals, all baggage of _passengers taken on board at one American port destined for another, and all baggage not so secured arriving at an American port - shall, before delivery, be inspected ,and ex amined as . if arriving from a_loreign port. Baggage taken on board of a steamer plying from the British Provinces to East port,and thence along the mast to Portland,, Boston and other ports in the United States, shall be placed in a-room by itself, under a United States customs' lock anctseal, either by to. United States consul at the port of de parture,or by a U. S. Customs' officer at the first port of arrival, to be examined on de. livery by the proper officer at the part of its destination. From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 13.—Captain Mane, of the ship Enoch Train, before re ported as putting into Hampton Roads, has telegraphed to her owners in Boston for in structions. The ship will probably have to return to Philadelphia for repairs: , Two of her crew, named Wilson and Reilly, de serted while in the Delaware bay. The schooner Mary Jane, from Jackson ville, Fla., bound to New York with lum ber, arrived here to-day in a leaky condi tion. She came in with her colors Union down, and assistance was sent her from se veral schooners lying in the harbor. The captain had been thrown over the wheel while steering the schooner, and received severe injuries. One of 'the crew had also been injured by the jib-boom striking him on the head.: The schooner was run ashore and efforts made to discover the cause of the leak. Quite a fleet of all bound North, are in the vessels harbor , , p awaitrinci in p y g a change in the weather. The wind is southeast. In anticipation of the expected meteoric shoiver, a gun is to be fired when the pro mised display commences, so as to rouse - the sleeping officers, soldiers and residents, and let them know that; if disposed, they can have a view. " FounaEss MorzpoE, Nov. 14.—The steamer Gulf Stream, Capt. Scandella, from West India ports, bound to New York, put into Norfolk to-day, short of coal. She encoun tered a rough passage, and has a number of sailors on board, belonging to vessels 'wrecked during the October hurricane. Her .cargo consists of sugar, deer-skins, •fee. She wiled for New 'York to-night. 0 ver four hundred white emigrants,mostly of the poorer classes, from North Carolina, bound to the Western States, went North to night on the Baltimore steamer. The weather is unsettled and blowing fresh from the northeast outside. The sky is clouded to night, and the indications are altogether in auspicious for favorable-observation of the stietporicishower, if it occurs. • Emigration to andqtrom Georgia. CHARLESTON,-Nov. 14.--The bark Ever -bard, Captain Delius, from Bremen, with 170 German emigrants, arrived to-day. These people intend settling in South Caro- Inn, being mostly connected with German families already residing there. The Colonization Society's ship Golconda will sail hence for Liberia next Saturday, carrying about 600 freedmen nearly all from Georgia and South Carolina. The Cotton Crop. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 14. Accounts from Texas and Upper Louisiana announce that the crops'are nearly all gathered, and that the rains which have now set in, general as they appear to be, will prevent saving much more. Cotton Is now coining in freely, and all will soon be in market, but business is small, owing to the knowledge that the crop will be small. Froth Eturopelfy ute LoNDoN, Nov.,l3.—The British Admiralty has resolved to keep a strong' force of gun boats in the Chinese waters; to suppress piracy. The Jamaica Committee has unani mously resolvfd to indict Governor Eyre for murder. ' London, Tuesday, 'Nov. 13.-1-No shower Of meteors hag yetfallen, butoue is expected fon Wednesday morning. "." It is said that the questions pending be lween the United States and Messrs. Fraser, Trenholm & Co. have been amica bly settled, whereby the steamers in dis pute now lying at Liverpool, and all the other property attached, have been re leased. The English , Goveinment and Y People seem inclined to settle the Alabama claims if the demand is made by the United States Government. - CoN sTerrnNorLE, Nov. 13.—The cholera has again broken out in this city. ST. PETEEsI3TTEG, Nov. 13.—The state ment that the Russian army was to be in et eased by a levy is tinfOunded. Bzn.tary Nov. 13.—1 t is positively as serted that negotiations are going on for an offensive and defensive alliance between Russia and , Finagle. Despatches from the East announce that the Turkish Government liasordered a gen eral amnesty to be granted to the insurgents of Candia. " • ' COPENHAGEN, Nov. 13. The King has formally opened the Danish Chambers. He laid he was convinced that Denmarlewould soon regainler natural' poiltion by a popu- Financial and Commercial. LIVERPOOL i Nov. 13.—Cotton is dull and drooping. Middling Uplands, 14id.; sales to-day of 6,000 bales. MANOHEsTER. ,Noy. 13.—W00l and yarns are heavy and lower. LONDoN,; Nov. 13.—Coneols, 89i for mo ney; United States 5-20 s, 69i;• Illinois Cen tralßailroad, 77i; Erie Railroad, 51i. Lortnox, Nov. 13.--.14 , spite of, the many denials, rumors of a Frtusso-Rnssian al liance continue to prevail. It is even said the treaty provides for the admission , of the. United• States into thealliance. with a sove reign establishment in the Mediterranean Sea, and guaranties that nation. highly fa; vorable commercial advantages... • ! LIVERPOOL, Nov. 13, Evening.—The Bre,adatuifs market' is firmer. Corn ad-' vaticed to 38s. 70 480 ibs for mixed Western. Provisions dull. PetroleunidB.7d.@ls.Bd.for refined LONDON, Nov. 14, Evening.—The Money market 18 steady. Consols for money. , 89i; United States 5-20 s, 69k; 111 'wis Central, 78; Erie, 52. Marine Intelligence. QUEENSTOWN, Nov. 13.—The steamer Marathon from New York Oct. 31st, arrived to-day, and proceeded to Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 13.—The steamer Peru vian, which left Glasgow on the Bth, became disabled, and was obliged to land her pas sengers at Ardrossan. BEEST, Nov. 13.—The steamer St. Lau rent, from New York, bound to Havre, touched here to-day, on her way to the lat ter port. Meeting of the Officers of the Army of the Tennessee. CINCINRA.TI 3 7Nov. 14.—The Society of the Army of Tennesee met this morning at Mo zart Hall, and was organized by the election of General Rawlings as President, who called the meeting to order, when, after prayer by the Rev. Mr. McCarty, CoL Day ton, the Secretary, read the proceedings of the preliminary meeting at Raleigh, N. C., Aprtl 14th, 1865, and also of a subsequent meeting, which were adopted. The resolution defines the object of the So ciety to be to preserve those kindly and candid feelings that distinguished the offi cers of the Army of Tennessee, and contri buted so largely to the success of its arms, and also to reciprocate fraternal affection in acts of brotherly love towards those of the Society or their families who may be in need of sympathy or aid. Any officer of the Army of Tennessee, who - has served honorably, is entitled to membership, and all officers of other armies can become ho norary members. The Society is to holdan annual re-union. Every officer is expected to be present at each re-union, or address a letter to the Secretary , comm unicatinganch facts about himself as may be interesting to the fraternity. On metion,Generals Belknap andiEfow'ard and Colonels Peckham, Kimber and Garber were appointed a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. -At the reqtfest of Colonel Peckham, the Secretary stated that the number of officers who were members of the Society thus far registered to-day, was 130; that the number at the last banquet was 250, all of whom were anxious to co-operate with the Society and he had no doubt there were 500 who would become active members. Generals Force, Wood and Giles A.Smith, were appointed a committee to , prepare amendments to the Constitution and form by laws, after which'the society adjourned till half-past 4 P. M. Mozart Hall is finely decorated for the occasion. Across the stage is the motto, "For God, our country and the right," while stretching from the ceiling to the floor, are names of all the battles participated in by the Army of Tennessee. All around the hall are numberless flags, including many of the old regimental colors borne in action. The business of the afternoon meeting was mainly confined to reading letters from c,fficers who could not be present, including those from Grant, Stoneman, Hancock, Meade, Sheridan, Schofield and others. After a - discussion as to the propriety of admitting private soldiers to membership, and appointment of a committee to report on the subject to-morrow, the meeting ad journed. To-night a public meeting was held at Mozart Hall. Generals Rawlingtfand Noyes delivered speeches. A poem written and delivered by Thomas Buchanan Read closed the proceedings. The Mississippi COmmissioners. Messrs. Hillyer and Lowery, the Missis sippi Commissioners, yesterday called upon the President by previous appointment, having yesterday sent to him the resolu tions of the Legislature of that State in rela tion to Jefferson Davis. They presented to him a letter from Governor Humphrey, who says, among other things, that those whom he represents do not seek to screen Mr. Davis from trial; that his imprisonment is not necessary to secure his presence when desired for trial; that his continued incar ceration threatens fatal results to his health, and that the ends of justice will be reach by admitting him to bail or parole, which they respectfully ask. ' The documents seem to assume that there will be no trial. The President received the Comnaissioners courteously, and infoimed them that he would give to the application die considera tion. Front the Rio Grande. NEW ORLEANS, Nov 24 =Rio Grande advices state that Ortega has decided to re main at Brazos. General Patrini, Governor of Durango, General Poricel and General Sedg wick. would meet him on the 9th for an interview. No business is being trans acted in Matstmoras, and the stores are closed. Canales has twenty-seven pieces of artillery and•nine hnndred men, five hun dred of whom may pronounce for Tapia upon the first attack. Cortinas, with nine hundred men and six guns, is before Mata mores. He has made an ineffectual attempt to false money from the Matamoros - mer chants. Juarez is expected shortly at Monterey. Escobedo has returned there from San Luis. , • PBUNIB.--10 Owe '7lb. Canister°, high .L grade, French exist Prcuiee, landing and sale by JOB. B. B sit 00008 South Liebman aYentle. THE DAILY EVENING. BULLETIN. = PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, INOVE OFF/CE nOF THE PHILADELPHIA. AND GRAY'S FERRY.,PASSENG EU RAILWAY COMPANY, TWENTY-SECOND STREET, BELOW (SPRUCE, PittLeDELREGIA, NOV. 6th, 1866. A bpecial Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila • delthia and Gray's Ferry Passenger Railway Com pany will be held at this Office on MOND 4.Y. Novem ber 19 at 3 P. M., for the purpose of considering-the propriety of entering into a contract with the Schuyl kill River Railway Company, for a lease of their Road to this Company. By order of the Board of Directors. _ JAMEi EicrADDEN, no 3 atu,th,tnol9/ Secretary. frOFFICE POURING-ROCK AND EAST - - ,? ' SANDY OIL COMPANY, 323 WALNUT street. ParrADELPHIA, NOV. sth t leee. Notice is hereby given tbat cermin‘ shares of the Capital Stock of the CompT. forfeited fur non oay mint of an" assessment - of Q E (I) CENT. per, will be sold at public auction t thaOtlice of the Coral- panyon the 21st day of November, 1866, at 12 o'clock, M. unless previously redeemed. By order of the Directors, wisr. ARTHUR, • noB-tmitih.4ti Treasurer, IUbOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN ?JAIL STEA MSHIP COMPANY, 314 SOUTH DELA WARE AVENUE. Notice le hereby given that by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the above-named CompanF, adop! ed Anent Zuh, 1868, the FOURTH and last In at ailment of the Capital Stock 'of said Cornpany, beteg THIRTY PER CENTIIM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOL LARS per share, has been called in, and is due and payable at this office. WILLIAM I. MALCOLM, Treasurer. 10 011. ICE OF THE rIiILA.DELPFITA AND SOUTHERN .151 - A IL STEAMSHIP COMPAN Y, 314 •SOUTH - DELAWARE AVENUE. PECELADEL• V 1.4, November Bth, 1888. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTlPE.—Subscribera to the. Capital Stock - of the Philiadelphh/ and Southern Mall Steamsblp.Company are hereby notified that certiff. Cates for the same are now ready, and will be issued from this office in exchange for the installmeat re ceipte. _! WILLIAM - J. MALCOLM, - noS-Lta/ bees ettpy and Treasurer. - WI; J08.F..P11.13'. CHUIPZIR —TO MORROW' WEVENING, O'clock, a LECTURE, on a hig ly interesting subjer.t.Will be delivered by the Rev. Da. MICHAEL O'CONNOR, P. J.: preceded and fol. lowed by • elect'pleces of Bacred Mule; sting loy most distinguished vocalists. - Tickets 25 cents. nOl4-26, LE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stookholdent of the DIINSARD CREEK OIL WANY:will be held at the Office of the Campos,. N 0.99 South SECOND street, on TURt3DAT, Nov. a1th0964. at 4 o' clock, noB-10to P.RTACIEHOITSK, in., Secretary. n— PENNIWI , VANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY U TREARDRER'S DEPARTMENT. PRix.Ansaantr.s. November 41886. NOTICE sTotariibLDEss.. _ The Board of Directors have this day___aemared a semt•annnal dividend of POUR PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 30,1868, Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting dividonds are, to be bad at the office of the Company, No. 1:38 S. THIRD street. , no 2 Set THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasnrer. Us OFFIC OIL CLARION ~AND ALLEGHENY RIVERCOMPANY. No. 146 8. FOURTH street, PeriessELMMlA, Nov. 5,1666. The Directors have this day declared the THIRD DIVIDIRD‘of FIVE CMITB per share. out of the net earnings of the Company. payable to stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th inst. By order of the Board. OFNATIONAL BANK OF COXICEBOE.— Patwammaza, November 6th, 1866. DIATend ar of d B o AVE DI T.VD ha .O this F a l'E d lV l a l T a payable on Demand — pear of United states tax. " J 0.1311 A. LEWIS. enabler. no6tu,th,s62l CLOTHS, CASSIHEKE@, &C. i !LOUIS. CASsIMERES AND l i r iamplab. JAMFB et. LEE invite the attention ofthelr friends and others to their large and well asserted neck 01 Goods, adapted to men% and boys' wear, comPriatnit Ine rt .ck French Cloths, Blue French Cloths, Colored French sloths. OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers. Black .Requimaux Reaves!, Colored Bberulmaux Beavers, Blue and Black PANTALOON , BI STUFFS.ue and Black Paletati. Black French Casalrneres. Black French Doeskins. Fancy m ia r salzu fixed an e r Ariped Cassimeres, Plaid and Silk Mired Curimeres. Satinets, all twelfths, Larda, .T.A Rea .AM- at L vertee al ns, Vesting!, l meg At wholesale and retail, by No. 11 North Second at,. Sign of the Golden Lamb. • : —to )..e .1, • .• : ::•• 1 : s • Apartments to Gentlemen, with every conveni ence, including BatltasTo, 904 WALNUT at. nol4-Yt• I.wo commusictemusra ROOMS, FURNISHED -1n a private family for Gentleman, at No. V,4 south NINTH street, third door from Spr uce. west aide. no733ts TIESIBAIILE 800 M.% wi th board. private parlor If 1-1 desired.•wiTNLlT street. Reference re. quired. nola47* '(SHE HANDSOME, RESIDENCE S. E. CORNER of SPRUCR and 819.11 TR atreeta, has been opened to receive 80&R.D.F.88. hingie rooms and suttee. Private table, it desired. nol2-Im.• TEACHER WANTED—To take charge of the Mathematical Department Including Book Keep. lag and Natural science, in a_Private school In this city. Salary X5OO. Address S. F. W., at this office. l4 ATANTHO.-AN EXPERIENCED MAN, TO Vlr purchase and superintend the White Goods Da. rerrment of a Hosiery and lirr bite Goods House, on ''BIRD street. Address Box 47, Poet Office. Phila delphia. nol4-sta A.NPED.—Wartted an OFFICE AND STORAGE BOOM on either dart or second door, on Dela. ware avenue, between Arch and Vine streets. Ad dress Box No. 127, Philadelphia Post Office. 0C193f. WANTED TO WLNTER—TRMEE or POUR HORSES. Good accommodation and attend .4Ce Apply to JOS. DAVISO near Newton Station. West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. or. at 110.28. Merrick street, west Penn square. note U. MAPOI7IeN ILME2I.. =DR I. UMW" DESSISki/ED arrllttmatit r st t their stock of BnckMonncsln Company's Coal. Lehigh leaviration Company's Coal, and Locust ltroarmin, thick they aro prepared to sell as the torah wake vies, and to deliver in the best condition. to Orders left with S. MASON Marano noitolna; SZVIINTIS stree_ below Mar vrif tte promptly attended to. annirs a see,tr ' rob Street whart.schunten. LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW .& USpr ing Mountain, Lehigh Coal, and beet Locar Emu:main front BchaIYELEL PreParod extol:oA axe, De t, N. W. C corner Er Eltia % ld luta ttlr streeti, 010. No. la South SECOND street. zeilarJ. WA LTITSf & Ori PROFESSOR C. ,ZOGB.4.IThi BEGS LE AXE TO ir his friends and the public, that and re turned to resume the Instruction of Plano Vocal al us lc. For further Information. an ply to • Messrs. 0. A RIME & CO., 1104 Chestnut street; or at his rest deuce, Mill street,Germantown. no&s,tu,th,lSts BALLAH SINGING,—T. BISHOP , 33 South NINE. TEENTIE street. oc4-th.5,tu.261.• - - - AAD TAYLOR, TICAORDR OP SENGING AND . 1207 MADE= street. Singing classes now forming. c02Z41/ STEWART DEPUT, at No. 253 South SECOND EY . street, above SPRUCE. Keeps constantly on band A LARGE ASSORTMENT CARPETS. OIL CLOTDS. MATTINGS, DRIjGGETS, WINDOW SHADES, dtc., &c., to which wewould invite the attention of all who wish to purchase.•2n PHOTOGUA PUS, dc WENDEROTH, TAYLOR de BROWN 914 el:mar/qui , smincr. MINIATITRIO3, OPALOTYPS IVGRYTYPES ON PORCELADT. PHOTOGRAPHIC LIR ENESSI , 8 ofEVERY RIND, ice MR. WENDEROTH MARES'. rrzEN G s IN THE OPERATLNG ROOM. ALSO. FINE ENGRAVINGS CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS, PlOl TIRE FRAMES, ETC. [nog•tu,thts,43cl JOHNS' ENGLISH ItOOFING CLOTH, AND coated with LIQUID GTITTA BERME& PAINT, match' them Perfectly water moor LEAB Y GRAVEL liCK:IFS repidreermith Gatti P ?rens Paint, and warranted for five years. LEARY SLATE:HOOFS coated with liquid which becomes as bard as elate. . - • - TIN, - COPPER, ZINC, or IRON coated with Liquid mitts Percha at small expense. Cost ranging' from one to two cents per square foot. Old Board or Shingle Rooth ten cents per square foot, all complete. Material constantly on hand and •ibr sale' ty__thei PHILADELPHIA. AND PENNSYLVANIA aoura LNG COMPANY. GEO. HOBART. 0c20•602. • _230 DiOrgi'rmitnic street. SPATim% DIVIDEND, NOTICES!. JACOB RIDG WAY Secre BOARDING. 11VALWIls. rtMIN MIJSICAL CA.RPETINGI9. COVERED WITH A '& J. J. WILLIAMS N. W. car. Eraad and Groan Lts, 1 .T'IANOSOIJNDINGBOARD3 i DRY. Walnut Butternut Chestnut" OAR and POPLAR, noz4la F. H. WILLIAMS ! LUMBER Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets PHILADELPHIA. cnAkirAms LUMBER, Seventeenth and Ca11(4E11 Streets PHILADELPHIA. 0r...31, 4m • . • 1866.7,KE.'ECT WRITE AND 330A.RDS AND 'PLANK, CHOICE PAN EL ".s.4.l l 4 dl 2 iP . AsT ana ntkit h N,l6 feet long 4_ ,4 5 4,6.4, .2. .and WHITE PINE, PANEL 'PATTERN PLANK. - , LARGE AND .SIIPIERIOR STOCK ON HAND. 1866 -21M:41N E W RITELDING! BUILD/NG , itrauntal vincexp.: LIMBER! 4 4 cautoLrNA FLOORING, CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELAWARS FLOORING, 5-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. WHITS PINE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP BOARDS. RAIL LANE. PLASTER P ING LATH. IE66__cEDAR AND CYPRESS SR:INGLES. LONG CEDAR SHINGLEs. SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES, COOPER SHNLES, FINE ASSORTMENT, I FO G AR IS_LE LOW. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CE.DAR LOGS AND POSTS. Qaa. —I_,BALDRR FOR UNIERTAKERS! ,LDNIR A E_ti part. UNDERTARR*! BEDDAB, WALNUT AND PINE. WALNUT AND PINE. 186 6 . —MEW L,Frisft ON ALL ALL Yospa. ea SONED wALN - Err. DRY PO SESONED - WALNUT. PLAAR. AND ASEL OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENKERS. 1866 CI G A R B B O O X X I M A AN NUA A CT TU ITRE M K S B . . N.PAXISH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. -S P IE 6 6• SPRUC RU E JO CE IST. JOIST-SPRUCE JOIST.- SPRUCE -TOM. FROM 14 TOM FEET LONG. FROM 34 TO = FRET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY scAffruakro. ILATILE, BROTEEVR et W.. Na Zoo SOUTH Street, f UMBEIL-Theanderebraelarepreparelcorxmisn LA orders for St. M ary s Georgia. !Amber, of any de .non which will be prons.t . ly execated. .it.p.; . 4IV .• 4.11 E ti4,l V ill 3v:1.3 IMPORTANT TO ALL. Great Reduction in Furniture. Persona man tint Furniture abould not purchase now they have looked In at the Great Western Furniture Depot, 1019 ItIAMT STRUT, ICEPT- BY GREENLY & NORTH And examine our large stock, which we are Er CLOSING OCT AT A ,GREAT =o BUY FURNITURE OF GOULD & O. UNION DEPOT, N. E.Oorner NINTH and leADargy Streets, and Hos. yr and Amor* SECOND Streak The largest, cheapest and best stock of Furniture of very descripeon In the world. Furniture fer Parlor, Drawing Boom. Chamber or Bed Boom. Dining Boom, Libral7, Eitcben, Servants' Booms, Ofhoes, Schools , Churches, Odd-Fellows, Masonic or other Societies ShiP4lnsdtatigns, Clubs, Colleges. Public Buildings, Hotels, Boarding Ronne, Hospitals, Fairs, or a Single Piece of Parnassus. Orders sent by post will be executed with despatch and with liberality sine justness of dealing. Parties ai a distance may remit through our Banker, the Far flier's and Mechanics' Nat. Bank, Chestnut street, or :he Union National Bank,Tbird street, cc by Express Check or Post Office order; Immediate attention wit be given and satisfaction insured. GOBLD a CO.. N E. corner Ninth and Market ant 'nand Ss N. Second street, Phila. SPRING MATRESS BEST QUALITY AND swim, AND BEDDING OF BITERY DESOBIPTIM J. G. FULLER. selOtfe 9 South BEIVENTH Street. G 3 IV S s OLD'S PATENT IMPROVED OAST IRON LOW STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING AP. PARA.TIIS. for Warming and Ventilating Public In. stituticns and Private Residences with Pure External Air, without contaminating it by over heating it, or the possitnity of dust or coal gas For sale by . JAMES P . WOOD 00.. B. M. Penwell, I3upt. 41.SouthBourth street. AMERICAN EITC.HENEB. on the European prin. clple of Substantial Construction and Neatness of Ap• pt arance, various sizes suitable for Hotels, Public In. stitutlons, and the better class of Private Residences with powerful Water Backs for heating large or mak quantities of water for Barbs or Culinary Purposes, For gale at AMP Altkitia.T.klirtitt- JAMB P. WOOD & CO.'S Warming and Ventilating Establishment, E. M. Feltweil, B•upt. 41 South Fourth street. IMPROVEMENT IN BATH BOILERS.--Stileatan & Ens' Patent Cast Iron Bath Boilers for sale at JAMES P. WOOD dt CO.'S Warming and Ventilating Establishment, B. Feltwell, Slug. 41 South Fourth street. RCEIMEDF •a 7 VENTILA.TORS for Smoky Chimneys, Forting Ventilation,Removing Steam from Drying Establishments, Breweries, Sugar 'Refineries, Piekerßooms, and all manufactories. JAMES P. WOOD & CO.. Sole Agents. B. M. FELTWELI., 41 South Fourth street. Puperintendent. au2fosa,tu,th.amj JOB it.e..ttrr LETT & BOR. Manufacturers of the CEL.EIMATED BARTLRTT HEATERS, lwo ng Ranges, Gas Ovens, & Sheet Iron Work of every description. A splendid assortment of REGISTERS ARE VENTILATORS, - and Silver's Aft tight Stoves, • always on hand, at No. 924 Arch Street, Phlhuielphia. 5m.3041 fat _.: TEMlLitc..tiJ3. IILSON illk 60.131d,' , - -,- 7,at4Y.6.lldrewit di' Dixon; ' • - ' . No; I.MCCIIIICEVI.Dita ntzeol• Pkw1V011713.,. ____ --___-_•0.—..... . -Ctitfarteitittirllta— ricklinZaVarurs of 133 I. • LOOWNi cavara i . PA-11 W-D Wit OFFICE, And other GRATER, Per Anthracße,llitarninonz and•7oolnalia wed-AliifkatiA' iior Warren Pnblic and Private Saltihrtm, REG VEIN T VLAOIE3 comaritKutirems,BATH-s6thEzeh "es.; WHOVIIIPATaG and-RETAIL guososxv ammo, '. MARTIN LEANS , -zia. es caszaltp2 i \ STREET. FAN. • First Premium awarded by Brualin Dual. `,-- tufa to MARTIN LEANS Manufacturer of MASONIC ELAREZik ,'' '• ~ - - r i PIM, maaamme,. - alr, ac. - ' New and original designs of Maionio Mar_ .113 Tem. plane Melilla, Army Medals: and . Corpa Badges w gyery deeckiption. -, • Lnoltmlb.4s.llzial LIIMIVER. MI ER 1866 ii•ctlt" Ib'ALES, AZO7:3 A. MERMAN, AUCTIONEER__ N o. 41 2 2 wox„Nupp stret.- TW ELFTH FALL . SAT .1t _Clsz • TELE REF/MA - • IJED.MANTOWN. This Sale. on the pretbints, Germantown. on SATLTE- D.o Y A FT - En - LS 00N, Nov. 17 at 5..4i o'clock. precisely, , includes -6 Ellt-IBLIC Br LT-DiNe LO, Pulaski avenue, Wayne avenneand SeVmOur at. The location of these Tract. of Land. high and inviting for improvements; elegant and substanttat rest dences surround them the Ca/nary Church is toilhin throA-Mearter a of a aqui., • - la. Only .onelubrth o f . the Asurchase money re , - qpited. - ~ 1 01. Lithographic plans at thestore. The sale will be without reserve, by direction of the axemitors of Edward Wye:, deed. FOURTENTM FALL SALE AT THE' . .EXCEANGF,, NOVEsi RATS 21. ''Fhls Sale, -on WEDNESDAY, at 14-o'clock • the Exchange, will includa the following— Share In the Mercantile Library. PATINAE ST—A-franie- house. 'Parham St., Third ' Ward, 17 by 60 feet. P 416 of lot subject to_ *l3 83groutici r.nt. Orphans' Court Sae-Estate of NichoLas .Toy, dead. :NO 818 BUTTONWOOD ST—A two story Brick Dwelling, 17 by 10e 1 , .et.9 inches deep. Clear. Exe,cu tors Sale—Bstate of Win S Kinsey deed,- PROPERTY N. V eNTH ST-= Frame Houses and large Lo a. Dios 2023 and 2t25 N. 7th et.. 50 by 198 feet. Clear. - .A.recatore ' Peremptory Sate—. Estate of John Gest, dee' THESberifFsSaleat the Washington House THE RETIRE FURNI. /CRS FIXTURES. LI QUOlitS. LY.ASE &c THE :WASHINGTON HOUSE, NOS, 709 AND 711 CHEST:VITT Street. . 0.01 TUESDAY MORNING. • INov. 20 , 1866 at 10 e will be sold at public sale, border of toe Sheriff, at 709 .nd 711 Chest ut st.. the entireFurnbure of the Vi r asbingt , n House. including elegant parlor Furniture; Piano, Chamber Furniture, ledsteads4Bureaus, Carpets, Looking Glasses Hair Matresser. large lot of very superior Feather Beds and Bedding, the entire Furniture or "About 1 00thambers. LINING. BOOM Fußiw , eiso, tile Silver Ware. China W Forke, Table Linen_ &c. LIQUORS 'Also. a choice col/ection of Wines. Brandies, Gins, Whiskies, agars, &..c FIXTURE& Also, the Ban Fixtures, Lhandellens, Awnings, lateps, Trifirl2 Utensils dsc . • • MARBLE BA B.' Also, the Marble bar and shelves,Firemilgofialaflgeo. L RASE . Also. the Goodwill and Lease front the let of Jam eV, /867 for three Peen.-- - - Va. May be examined with catalognesqltree days ben re the sale'. Bale without reserve or limit, by order of the THI ' C OMAis BERCH di no_ Atitymuntaasta O.blonEettoN ..amttoEtANTs,": No. UM CHESTNUT sue, • (Rear entran nov Stu soreet,) HOUEOrHOLD: FURN ce mcsa •OR EVER SCHIPTION RECEIVED ON coNEnolutz T tvT Di., SALES EVERT FRIDAY ZIONNING. • Balm of Furniture at Dwellincs attended to on St , most Reasonable Terms. BALE 07 REAL ESTATE. STOCKS, au, AT TTY. THOMAS BIBCH EX di NOR' respecthdly thai Mends and the public that they are prepared to =am to the tale of Real Estate brand:len and Montvale aal. _Sale at No. 1110 abeam= street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, MIRRORS. CARPEIB, BG ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 O'clock, at the auction store. No, 1110 etheetnui street, will be sold-- A large assortment of superior Parlor, Chamber and Dining-room Furniture from families declining house kee_ lob g. LitiANT EBONY AND GELT FURNMTHE. Also, r , ne elegant scritof black and gilt Parlor Fara Lure, consisting ofTete a-Tete and Chairs, satin broca Cabinot, tege.) e and Table - VASES AND PLATED WARE. Also, an invoice of elegant Italian Vases and Silver Plated Ware GOLD AND SILVER WATCITES, DIAMOND PENS AN a FINGRB. RINGS. ON FRID, At 1 o'clock, at the auction sto A r Y e, will be sold a num ber of surerior Gold and Silver Watches, Lever etches, Liamond Pins and Rh gs, Gold Chains, Sets of Jewelry. An. PROTOGRAPHIO APPARATUS. One 11 14 Troplet view Lens, box and holder com plete. One whole size View Box. with globe lens One pair 1-2 pleve Card Tubes. Match Tubes. &c. FARREL & BERRIZiIt* CAFE. One superior bete, nearly new. BALE OF THE MACHINERY OP A CO - ITON MILL. ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov- le. at I.lo'ciccic, at the Jea - MTh Tannery Bull& ing (Ild story) northwest cornerofjefferson and Mifflin !meta will be sold by order of the receiver. the Ma. tbinery belonging to the late firm of Farley & Welsh et mowing of Looma Temples, It- liming Machine, Btbbin Frame Power Press. Shating. Bolting, Bob. bins, BMWS: Pickers, Shuttles. Reed and Heddles, Yarn dm. Alm invent ory ease ..ftbe premise , . Copies of the can be had a m t the auction store. SALE OF AMBEICAN AND EUROPEAN Pa 'NIT:NOS. dte • ON TUESDAY EVENING. Nov. a), &ITS' o'clock, at our Art Gallet3', No. 1110 Mestnut street, will be , sold, a collection of over 100 Choice Paintings. of every variety of subject embrao Log fine specimens by Sheridan Young, E Moan. Mbsin. Hamilton, Itothermel, Von •Severdonk, - - Winner, ("boner, J. Wilson Jollard. Wall, ' Notterroan, Mob ards. 0 runewald, Bodo. . Nicholson, Hartwick, Von Elvin, Ramsey, and others. Th e Paintings are now open f , r exhibition. Catalogues will be ready on Thursday. DY JOSE B. lictlona de CO.. etUt - ri.ter es.: • • Fin& Stitt and tai MAMMY' atyamt. ernm‘a at Fan% LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF EUROPEAN ARMI DOMESTIC DRY GOODS A CARD.—We solicit an early examination of our Sale THIS and TO-MORROW !CORNING; commenc ing each day at le o'c ock. by catatonia on four months' credit and part for cash. embranin g 14(u a nd ta r valuable and &ac: ive Britisb park - manaFrench Of Domestic Dr m Goods, Worthy el aptclal attention. ON Wool dozen (Mores. Hoelery FßL , Wool Mitts, Chtuntleta Solute, Ties, Suspenders, Linen Hdkis . ,.4 c A IRO, Traveling Shirts, Shirts and Drawarg. WOO Searle, Shawls, Hood, and 'Nobles Hoop ditirtS, Also, 25 owlets Gingham Umbrellas LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF cleAriames, An ON FRIDAY MORNING, Nov. 16, at /1 o'clock, will be Bold, by Via't lbw months' credit, about 200 _pleas n and fine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian. Rat, /Intel belay cottage and rag carpeting embracing a choice aaaortment of emperior gooda, - whicle may be examlncd early on themorninr cat We. WOOLEN SHODDY. Also. 43 bags light blue dark and light bine mixed, extragood andamste Woolen Shoddy, LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF YRRNEER. AND OTHER RTtROPRAN DRY GOODS. dm ON MONDAY MORNING. 'c ov. 19. At 10 o'clock. wal be sold, by catalogue, ON IPODB MON'IMBCREDIT, about 700 lota °Mena, Indla.Ger man and Br:Mb Dry Goode, embracing a fall assort. meat of Limey and staple articles in ellb, worsteds, woolens, linens and cottons. N. R.—Goods arranged' for examination and cats ;ogees ready early on morning of sale. I. AWE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES Etßuel_ ,ANS TRAVELING Rd OS. an. ON TUESDAY MORNING, NOY. M. .&t 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. on low months , credit, about 1,390 packages Boota, Shoes, Bib morals, Sc., embracing ayrime and fresh aasortmani of tint-class City and pastern manufactrme. Oper for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. BY B. SCOTT, AUCTIO No. fezcn, street. Sale at 29 South blxth street. - STOCK OF A WHOLESALK AND RETAIL BLANK BOOK AND eTATIONRIty STORE. ON FRIDAY DIORNINI.4. Nov. 16, ent ir e 'clock on tbe premises. Jamesth Sixth street, the stack of Stationery of J. Mar tin, comprising Blank Books. Memorandum and Pass do.. Tooke, Note, Bill and Letter Paper, large and small Envelopes, Faber's I ead Pencils. David's ink, Ink Stands ft., comprising a fall and general assert- MUM. Also, Fixtures, Glees Show Case, Fireproof, and Lease of premises for three years. Now open for examination GREAT AUCTION BALE OF PICTURES. OIL PAINTINGS, PASTEL S AND CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS. Belonging to the American Art Gallery, N. Y,, to be sold atScott', Art Gallery, MO Chestnut street, On the evenings of WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Nov 21 2 and 22, At 714 o'clOck each evening. CIARD.—We are now prepared to make arrangement tor special sales of Oil Paintings or any other works o' art. Our location being In the centre of lie most !sib tenable thoroughfare of our city makes a destrablo resort for connoisseurs and lovers to: art Ine.ifi c i .it4z arl.r.ll. N. B.—Sales of merchandise in general so Personal attention given to out-door sales. . 4 . • B. SCXYPP. JR. 1 . 7 m- PRINCIPAL MONET JOTPAIDA._ S. E. corner cf SIXTH and RACE street s, Money advanced on Merchandise generallp Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plat and on all articles of value, for any length`of time ATCHZEB AND JEfeiBILRT' AT PRIVATE S A L „ age .11 , unting er ?ane, Doubl e Bottom and Opin Patent_ Level Watcheeue GoldHantine an Case and Open Pace La. pine Watches,* Pine Gold Duplex and otter !Natant Mne Silver ilunUng, Case and:Open Pace •Ingliati American and Swiss Patent , .L ever and Leplm Watch= Double Cue Quartler *and othe , Watches; Ladles' Fancy __Watches: Dhunond Bread, Ear Studs, Studs; el Scarf itLl:in,a2 ri n iTii nger Rings; 'Pencil Cues, and ,Iss roue riI ANGALE=-A l arge Ana didnarda 4/ 9 1 11 1NOot Chug imitable tor &Jeweler,price WA. Ala ohustn ,o ra ss itreeta veral Lola 'On, gip:psi. l mi Ini t h DA V/I3 4 HABVITEA.IIOT/ONICKH,B. (Late with at. Thomaa Sons.) Eitere 421' Walnut street. k • _ BTERP/TrEE , BALES at the Store evtalr =WWI SALTO AT 312213.1DRIfiCiii3 noeivelseitietuar attention. r, Atakengxis & vo.,Auvrioburzaw. zro. ios mum= streets As Tea:J.lON SALT:X.44. „ THOMAs. kiOHl3, i• *• No 3. 149 sea 141 Santis` RilumTil FOR STORRS ANDRHAL!.=I%.74 , .• Al tpe, mry•TlDlMEDAY.ASJadOitenrneest. Aar Eisndbllif of each pror,erry hulled eeparetelsr. Ind on the SatorasYprevioes to mit e Htw catie -lognee In vamphiet farm, Atvine roll Auto, BAAL' SALIII,.' Printed catalogues, stomp:Woo , eevaral tudred tt amend dollen, Malang every desert:4loo ,of"city and countryproperty, from' the sonelleor Owens , to the most 'elegant =nano, eleamos earmare: seats. 1 rmt, buswesa mansion, Aar FURNIT at the Ara.atos,isTre EVICILY THURSDAY. Ate - Particular ottenton riven to saps ak PrPinte Reablencaa. . . _ ON TUESDAY ! NC/V " At rz o'clock- noon. at the Pnuadelobla 1 hmm*4 Bor account of whom it May concern— ,ooo shares of the American Arm Co. Stock. For other acceunts—• Frw 93 north aisle Eecond Presbyterian Cleurch,Eki. Vebth street. below Arcb. share Paint Breeze Park Association., . REAL ESTATE SALE; NOV. 20. 'Trustees , Sale—Vary VaLtranr,a , Busteriess 'LOCA TION. No. 131 i Chestnut at, Wtllt of Thirteenth—two fronts. This is a very valuable business square. Trustees' .Feremotory Sale-By Order cf Court of 'Common PIeas—T r WO.STOBY BRICK DWELLING. N o. 1412 Beach et. • -' I/kneel:hers' Sale-Estate of Joseph ..Keyser, deu.d— LARNE and VALIiaBLE HOPEI,: known as "Bar ley Sheaff," Nos. 257 and 259 North Second sc.,'below Vine, Pour:story Brick Building. No.. 122 Vineat, and' 2 Tbree.story Brick Dwellings-42N feet front, 350 feet deep Plans at the auction rooms :WETLY VA LU ABLE Bum - rims Srawn—FIVESTORY OFFICE IitaLLING, No. 19 South Third at • below Orphans' (kart Bale—Estate of Horatio G. Worn!. deeIo—TEEBEEMIRY DEICE DWELLING, No. SOS 'North Twelfth at north of Brown, Brame Fatale — THßEE-STORY BRICE. DWELL ING, No. 1733 Heath 84 " •6' • Satre Pstate—THEOFE.BTORY BRICE DWZIATe LNG. No. 804 worth Twelfth st, north of Brown. Execcrt,rs' Bale—Estate of John R. Worrell, decrd— LOT. Price street Germantown. Same Fatate-2 - TWO-STORY PRAISER DWELD MOS, Ron, 82 and 93 Mercer street, Gloucester . , N. J. GET4...1.-THESEESTORY BEIM DWELL.Hge k •No 133 Congress street. 3 BDILDLNG LOTS, N. E. corner of Twenty-second and Vine streets. ' • Btl/LDLNG LOT, Twentysecond street, north of Vine. t, SET VALVAISLE. Brent STAND 9-3 FIVE STORY,BRICIE S CORES, N 05.134, 135 and 138 Market street, east of Second. 49 feet front. Clear of all be am brance. Possession of each Ist January, Ma. Peremptory Bale—By Ord DW EL L) —THREE. STORY BRICE STOELE ,t G, N. car. of Andreas and Lemon streets, between 12th and 131 ft and Mount Vernon and Wallace sta. Axecators' Peremptory Bale — Estate ... of Willful% Stnith,deceased—TßEESTOßY BRICK TAVERN' and DWELLING. N. E. corner of Second and Phcenis stratien eeta,with two Frame Dwellings In the rear on Party WEL.LSECURED GROUND RENT 4 I24 aN. THREESTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. Mt Log.n street. north of Wallace. ODERN To Trs'el-STOIIY MUCK RESIDEROI4. No. IM Mawr. Vernon street LARGE and VALITABLic LOT, Costello street, neat' Doe 'a lane; GERMANTOWN. GROUN RENT, 824 a year. Xrecntors ,D St:de—DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRICK RESLDRNCE,No. 6U Race street, opposite Franklin Square_ 2 THREE STORY BRICK STORES and D WELL ING:34 Nos. 2031 and 1033 Master street_ Trneteesiperemptoryeale,NEAT TR/Mg-STORY RRICX DWELLING. No. F 22 North Twenty-second at., north of Spring Garden at. Sale absolute. Administrators' Sato No. 919 Ridge avenue. HORSES, CARTS. Et aILNEsS, &c. ON ER a t N, Nov. 16, at 2 o'clock P. H, at NO 919 Ridge avenne, above Wood street, by order of adnunlatrator6, three Horses. three Carts, Sulkey, Harness, &c. May be seen on the morning of sale. SALE OP A VALUABLI3 LAW LIBRARY, ON ATERNN. Nov 16 at, the FRIDA auction sY tOre. F comme OO ndng at 4 Wolk.. the valuable Law Library - of the late Stephen Benton, Pm. including the Pennsylvania and otter Reports.* Also, a number Of hilsoelhuieons Books. A IiOLLAND, AUCTIO 1203 MAltline'r eg res s tales of Furniture at the Auction Store EVERY WEDNESDAY. at 9 Wolcott. Particular attention given to sales at Private Mel denote TEE NEW CENTRAL AUCFION ROUSE. Capacity—Four floors each M by 24 feet. Location—ln the very Centre of the City, and adjoht log the Farmers' Market. Advantages—Has been a first-clam Secondhond Fur niture Stand for over thirty years. Storage—Superior accomauximion for Storage or Furniture. Inducements—Very liberal terms offered to persona h eying Furniture and Merchandise forttale. Refererm—Over one hundred of the most promi nent citizens of Phlladelpt la. B 1 AsALLittn-r a W. au n trEONSlllus; No. MO Market street, conter7a l hauskstreet. sh savanond OD oonalcsmentswlthontegtrp Charm` PEREMPTORY SALE 855 LOTS STAPLE AND ON FR ID AY M FAN DRY O.RNING GOODS. . Nov. 18 commencing at 10 o'ciock. Also. 2(0 pieces Cloths and (I,..asimeres, 100 dozen LOW', Gents', Id Isms' and Ca ildren'e Hosiery, stock of Dry Goods, invoices Pocket Cutlery, Wool Hata, Notions An. Also. 51 LOT: GERMANroWN GOODS. MA IMEACTIJBEICB SALE OF HOOP SICRML 500 cozen Ladies', Misses' and Children's HoOp Skirts.with trails. PHILIP NORD dk ahs ADOTIONEZEM No. sle le..A.= . .RT street. &ALB OF 1800 CASES BOOTS, MORN SHOES., BROGAN% .gc. ON MONDAY ING, NOV. D. commencing at ten o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, for cash. ligo came prime Boots, Shoes. Brogans. Bib. moral &e.. of city and Eastern itranntactare, ernitnt cthg a fresh and desirable Resorts ent of goods. Canton Ginger. Freels Imports d Canton Preserved IGCIiGELS: dry and x In Erpru eale p, of the finest quality. Po by JAMES R WEBB; wens= and EIGHTH. Wee VOK , s FARINA CRACKERS. L Fresh Crackers of this unrivaled Brand shwa Oa hand and for sale fn bbls. and X bbls., by ALDRICH, IERKES & CART, 18, 51 and Letitia street, Exclusive Agents. no -3m} Fatima' TEAS—Ex Sea Serpe C. nt fbr sale by E. KNIGHT & S. E. cor . Water & CheatntTas; nnn oo Ca rri n t s PR 3.12 PEACHES, WINSLO* e; -tr rrres V ,Vlns lj bxoon3s, .tc .T it°eB ' Greell Pena ' 8"-avi. store and for sale, whole sale or retail, by AL F. ISPILLIN N.W and Eighth. W. corner Alai - riTtrrD Fltl7lT. Very handsome pared peaches. nr pared do. dried apples. in store and for wale by M F. SP.LLLUN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. rCIEWHE&T, BUCKWHEAT.-5,000 hrs. of the ND celebrated Silver Flint Buckwheat, in store and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN. Tea Dealer and Grocer. W. Lerner Arch and Eighth. • 'STEW me a nd AND FIGEI-4haperior new "AM I.‘ Raisins and choice Elms Figs. for sale by M. F. SPILL'iN, N. W. corner Arch andllighth streets. QUEEN 01.117 - ES.—MO gallons choice large Queen. Olives, in store and for sale by gallon or barrel. s$ et, lh"A'X'aiiiast End Grocery, No. us South f3ECIONIS street. 1 4 • • a :ins. l3 9iA : . • •• : CoyPr Honey, instore eau:ll°r sale at COUSTY'S sat E's d Grocery, No. 118 South SECuND street. NORTH CAMOLLNA. HOMINY OBITS, NEW I3ominp, Dared and nnpared Peaches, just re ceived and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grccery. No. 118 South SECOND street. . STUFFED II.TANGOES AND PEPPERS, GENUINE Chutney Sauce, Robinson ' s patent Barley ant Groats, always on, hand at COUSTY'S East End. Gro eery, No. 116 South SECOND street. Vila I li3lDFm, VOR HEALTH AND STRENGTH 'USE OAPD WELL & CO.'S PATENT GLASS CASTOR These wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads, &c. WE , claim that they,give to Pianos a greatly increased force ofsound. without detracting from the harmonr and melody of the instrument, rendering every note more distinct to the evr. This is EU) apparent that they nre now being applied by many to these sical instruments. Dr. Valentine Mott,previons Whig aeath, pronoauced the Glass Castor Wheels LI2- valuable invention for bedfast invalids, who are guarded against the damp floors after undergoing the process of cleaning, or where dampness is produced roc m any other cause: Aside from this, Housekeepers are relieved from the dread of having their carpets cot or torn, as frequently happens from. those now in use, often caused by a rust, which adheres with glne-like tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor Wheels, as we all know that glass is noncorrosive. There are no rough or unfin ished edges to the Glass Wheels, such as we often Bad in those of iron, and the latter, though smoothly fin, 'shed, will soon rust, from the dampness of the atmos phere, if nothing else, producing roughness on the sale. face, or edge, while the former will always -maintain the smoothness of glass, just as they are dabbed. By Bleeping upon glass wheels you retain'all the elea. trinity yen had in your body_on retiring, and you get up in the morning feeling as fresh and , active as a young . man, ,Glass being a nonconductor, the elea, trinity gained while in bed cannot pass off. Ask your , doctor ;what he" thinks of the Glass Castor Wheeler Ask him if all diseases, with the exception of chronie , -diseases, are not canned from the want of electricity, We have a man in our place whom the denten; pro nounced Peat .ctuing, with-the inflammatcurrhen matism._The wheels cured him in lase • than fops Weeks. He is today a stout healthy Man; These-111 e Ponta which can he proven - on application at ouroffice. No. 203 Race street, Philadelphia, or at our Factor ,at -Westville, New, ~ Tersey, -Where we have 801108 air hands employed in the manufacture of the Oh= OW, 1100 wfli be paid to any one who Will,,Sltythed',haVe not received any benefit or relief after uM,g.Caperseell & Co.'s Patent Ghee Cantors. A. SaMpie set (4) of the :Wheels Cent to any part of the United States on re. ce oo4 Bm iPt of figh.94P I FWELT. Aitik 0 1 =tineto ateNW 2Miargara2 Arnft iomt wnagionorMlL9Mtla 110.1911•UPPIWO110. y . ~::~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers