CITY BULLETIN. PALL OF A WALL-ONE-PERSON KILLED. —This morning about ten_ o'clock a portion of a rear wall of a building back of No. 29 South Second street fell down. The struc ture is four stories in height and is used as a tenement house. The staircase is at the rear. The wall was considered in an nn safe condition, and Mr. Peter Rittmeyer,the owner of the premises, was about topropit up. A part of the wall about five feet in width,. all the way to the fourth story, fell down at: the time stated. The staircase was so damaged that the egress of the occupants of the upper part of the building was cut off. Mr. Rittmeyer, at the time of the accident was In a small out-house but a few feet from the wall which fell. He was badly bruised about the head by being struck by some of the falling bricks. It.was thought that several others were buried beneath the ruins, and in the ex citement which the disaster created r it was impossible to get any satisfactory Intelli gence. Some said that there had been a man in the yard, and others insisted that the man was safe. Chief Engineer Lyle who was on the ground, went to work earnestly and remove the rubbish. Soon the body of a man appeared. With the assistance of some of the Fifth Ward po lice the man was got out. He was dead, although the body was yet quite warm. His skull had been fractured, and his back was broken. He was at the hydrant when the wall fell. The deceased was named Chas. Holman. He was 17 years of age, and resided at No. 1023 Parrish street. He was a barber, but went down to the place this morning to as sist his uncle, Mr. Rettmyer, in doing some work. Coroner Daniels was notified, and will at once investigate the accident. FIFE PEDOF SAFE BLVWII.OFIZT.-=rhe counting house at the lumberyard of Allen Gillingham & Co., on Thirtieth street, Wes Philadelphia, was entered last night a eleven o'clock. The thieves are supposed to have landed from a boat at the rear of the yard, which extends to the river. _ The fire proof safe was charged with powder and was blown open. The door was torn com pletely off. The windows of the building were all shattered. Officer Randall was within one hundred feet of the place when the explosion took place. He immediately got into the yard by scaling the fence, but, saw nothing of the thieves. The only thing missing is a half box of coins. MALICIOUS MLSCIEEET.—John Higgins keeps a tavern in the neighborhood of Thir teenth street and Columbia avenue. Close to him is a rival establishment. Both are contending for the patronage of a fire com pany, located in the vicinity. Higgins was arrested yesterday for malicious mischief, and it seems that he hah been annoying his neighbor by throwing stones through the window. He was caught in the act yester day. John was introduced to Alderman Massey. As the breaking of the windows was shown to have been done maliciously, he'was held in $BOO bail for his appearance at court. CHILD BURNED.-A little girl, named Mazy Reinisb, aged six years, was so badly burned, yesterday afternoon, that her life is despaired of. She was playing about a bon fire, on a lot, at Thirty-sixth and Market streets, close to the residence of her parents, when her clothes took fire from some of the burning shavings. The engineer of the West Philadelphia Steam Fire Engine ex tinguished the flames by throwing his coat around the child, but she was terribly in jured befo. e he got there. REQ.. ING STOLEN Goons.--James Seaton, the proprietor of a lager beer saloon, on Shippen street, below Third, was before Aldezman Tittermary, this morning, upon the charge of receiving some of the goodei stolen by Frank Chambers, a mes senger, whose arrest was noticed yesterday. Seaton was committed to answer. A BAD Boy.—A colored boy, named John Disbery,was committed by Alderman Allen this morning for assault and battery upon a lad named Farron. The latter had his head badly cut by a atone which was thrown at him by Disbery. The affair hap pened in Ludlow street,above Thirty-ninth. IN'TELBESTING LECTIDM-A lecture on an interesting topic will be delivered by Dr. O'Connor, at St. Joseph's Church, Fourth street above Spruce, this evening. There will also be given a fine selection of sacred music. DISORDERLY HOUSE.—Mary Tracy was before Recorder Enen, yesterday afternoons upon the charge of keeping a disorderly house, at No. 805 South Eighth street. She was held in $1,500 bail for trial. LEOTITRE ON SUPERSTITION.—Thomas M. Coleman, Esq., will deliver an interesting lecture this evening, at Mechanics' Hall, Fourth and George street,on "Superstition." LAbIES, GO TO G. BYRON MORSE & CO.'S, 902 and 904 Arch street, for your Fried Oysters, Chic Ken Salad, Coffee and Waffles. FINE FLAVORED BLACK. TEA. MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1281 Cheatunt street. A FINE DISPLAY OF CONFECTIONERY.— The demand for sweetmeats always increase as the holidays draw near. George W. Jenkins, :No. 1037 Spring Garden street, displays a choice assortment of Ron-Bons, Caramels, French Secrets, Candy Toys. &e., &c., which are exceedingly attractive. He has also, at all times, Foreign Fruits, lints, Almonds, Sardines, Preserved Ginger, Syrups, &c. Now OPEN,— RICH BLACK SILKS. DRAPE DE FRANCE. GROS GRAINS, LYONS TAFFETAS. And every other desirable styles far Dresses:and Mantles, This is a new department, and is Worthy the atten tion of buyers.' J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 920 Chestnut street, FURS OF ALL NATIONS.— RUSSIAN SABLE FURS. - HUDSON BAY SABLES, FINE DARK MINE SABLES. ROYAL ERMINE—CHINCHILLA. DARK SIBFKI AR SQUIRREL. PERSIAN LAMB—ASTRACAN, &C., AC. FOR LADIES, BLESSES 'AND CHILDRRN. I. W. PROCTOR & co.. 920 Chestnut street. RICH PARIS . CLOAKS, now open, in great Tlety. RICH VELVET CLOAKS. CHINCHILLA CLOAKS. VELVET BEAVER CLOAKS. ASTRAKHAN CLOAKS AND JACKETS. HANDSOME PLUSH JACKETS.: OPERA CLOAKS AND SWEETS.' J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Cneetnut street. SILVER PLATED WARE.—Two hundred Tea Sets; like amount of Patent Spout , lce Pitchers, for sale In lots to suit, at the manulacttuing estab lishment of FRED. rmIfI3FREID, 233 South Fifth street. F. Cr. MEYER, Supt, THEM STARS I— HIGHLY IMPORTANT THE METEORIC DISPLA.Y HAS BEEN, POST PONED 'UNTIL EVERY GENTLEMAN, • EVERY YOUTH ' EVERY Bolr,_ EVERY O FFICER AND EVE OTHER MAN PRODIIRIS A NEW PALL SU RY IT AT THE BROWN &lONE CLOTHING HALL. ItOCILIIILL & WILSON, Ms AND 60 . 5 CHEST/511ST STREET. • ABOVE SIXTH. C. C. DrrEnica de Co., Merchant Tailors, IsUnth street below Chestnut are now closing ont their entire Mock of Imported CLOTHS AND CASK. HEBES, MADE TO ORDER In the latest styles. tiFiglEa s Brainanmes earn . o.lersiuut.. 11. Dsaacs, Professor of th e Eye and Ear,, treatt all amain appertaining to the above members with the utmost succrea, timonials - froe mast re. name immas In the City can be seen a hisoffie, No. rinestreet. The medical faculty are Invited to sto• brimp y Vatienta. alike %ea bad no . secrete In his f or Mai eyes inset el. No .obarge made or anunina ou. _ Fuas'! Ft ras I rum` !--An the latest stylet • f ladics' and children's Burs, at _Britten ,* 00.'s, 9 2 : Particular attention givento altering "andrepiirlrig. Seta made to order at the -Shortest notice. CHILDREN'ErHATS Misses' Hats Gents' Hats all kinds. OAKFORDS' Continental Hotel. MRS. ELIZABETH , CADY STANT ON:, had eight 'votes for Congress—eight gallant tellow wife would rather have Elizabeth. familiarly known as • Betz," to rerresent them than John Morrissey. We do not know the physical proportion of Betay; butwe suppose she is of some size,:as the New York papers were Continually reiterating, before the election "that heavy _Betz would change hands in the 183110." -Lf Elizabeth would succeed- in the political arena, we would recommend a change of dress, such as sold at Charles Stokes ,t Co.'s -, kme•price, under the Conti- Frasli' The Laales of Philidelphia, arid those visiting eur city, are invited to examine the elegant stock of Pars for fall and winter wear now open at - our Store under the Continental Hotel. Charles ,Oakford & Son, COAL AT RETAIL'AT PORT RICHMOND PRl curs—at the Shipping Wharf, loot of Laurel street, Kensington. Gross ton (2,240 lbs.l always delivered, unless otherwise ordered. . J. K. & W. TOMLINSON. "lubricative steam engine packing.—for terrasame 636 arch, at.. phlla.. and 2 6 dey et , new york. HALLowELL & Sox, 534 Market street. Hallowell & Pori, 534 Market street, Hallowell &Son, 534 Market street, Boy s' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Splendid aesoriment. Reduced Prices. Splendid aasortment. Beduced Prices. Splendid assortment. Reduced Prices. Call before purchasing elsewhere. New Jersey Matters. THE WILLIADE3TOWN RAILBOAD.—The arrangements for commencing work on this new railroad are advancing quite satisfac torily, The route, it is said, has been fixed to connect at the . Jackson station, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, with the Raritan and Dela*are Bay Railroad, and thence by way of Williamstown and Glass boro, to Pennsville, on the Delaware river. This will be an important road to the local interests of the sections through which it will pass, as there is much highly improved and cultivated land all along its route, and the country is thickly populated. SENDAI' ;SCHOOL I.IA.Tr - Rus. Yesterday the Ninth Annual Meeting of the New Jer sey Sabbath School Association commenced at Newark, in the First Presbyterian Church. Pfenarations were made for ac commodating five hundred delegates. These conventions generally excite unusual inte rest, because they call out the highest and best talent of the church, and are produc tive of a vast amount of good. A large dele gation left Camden in the morning to attend the sessions of this convention, which will continue until the evening of the 16th inst. THE MARL BUSINESS.—The marl busi ness in West Jersey is rapidly increasing, and that valuable fertilizer is found in abun dance on the lands of the West Jersey Marl Company,and two or three trains of cars are daily engaged in-transporting it to different points on the railroad. Marl is found also in extensive beds in nearly every county in South Jersey. One of a very rich character is being worked on the Camden and Atlan tic Railroad, near White Horse, about seven miles from Haddonfield. BREAKWATER NEEDED.—The shore at the upper end of Atlantic City is gradually washing away, and considerable alarm has been felt for the safety of some of the houses at that point. Application will be made to the national legislature for the construction of a breakwater. Such an improvement is very much needed, and would be the means of protecting a large amount of property, as well as the Government 'Lighthouse REMARKABLY QlLust•--Since, the . large number of persons engaged in the business of keeping restaurants, hotels- and victual ing establishments in Camden were ar raigned before the Court for violations of the Sunday law, the Sabbaths have been more quiet and peaceful than previously. There seems to' be a determination on the part of the authorities to break up the illegal traffic in rum on Sunday, in order to pre serve the peace. HANDsoxs CEURCH EDIFICE.—The new Methcdist Episcopal Church edifice, which is now in process of construction, at Long a-coming, is to be one of the handsomest and most convenient of any of the new ones which are being built this centenary year. The members -of the Society to which it belongs are really proud of their house of worship. It will be completed in, a few months. Death of Col. HolUnhook. The Wilkesbarre (Pa.) Record records the sudden death of Col. Hollenback. It says: George is M. Hollenback was a'remarkable man. Pr early training made him a care ful and industrious business man, and in many particulars he 'might have been con sidered too close in small matters, but he was often most liberal where tire public was concerned, and his name is connected with all the charitable and useful enterprises of our county. Because he was rich, we should not overlook the magnificent subscription of a hundred thousand dollars to the Junction Canal, made because the Governor of Penn sylvania intended that an appropriation by the State to complete the North Branch Camil could not receive his sanction till the completion of the Junction was assured. The people of Northern Pennsylvania looked anxiously for the completion of our Northern outlet, and Col. Hollenback had labored for years to have the State resume operations on the abandoned line. He stepped forward and induced Mr. John Ar not, of Elmira,to join him.and each pledged $lOO,OOO, and all difficulty was removed. It was a magnificent act at that time. Mr. Hollenback had not grown rich by specula tions with thousands easily gained to be bp rashly squandered, By long labor and patient waiting his wealth had grown, and by that standard should his liberality be esthnated. The gift of the site of the Ceme tery was another princely gift to the public. A REMARKABLE CALCULATION.-LL the year 1815, Elkanah Watson, the friend of Benjamin Franklin, made public the re sults of a calculation as to the population of the United States for each decade up to the year 1900. The closeness with which his predictions tally with the census reports up to the year 1860 is somewhat wonderful.' Whether the rate of increase as estimated by him has been disturbed by the war remains to be seen. His estimates as compared with the actual results are as follows: Estimated Actual Year. Population, Results. 1820, - 9,025,735 9,638,151 1830, - 12,833,645 12,856,070 1840, - - - 17,116,526 17,062,565 1850, - - 23,135,363 23,191,876 1860, - - 31,753,824 31,49.5,080 1870, - - 42,328,432 1880 - - 56 , 150 , 241 • 1890, ' - - 77,526:989 1900, - - 100,350,955 'THE TENNESSEE CORN Onor.—The Chat tanooga American Union says: "The corn crop is turning out much better than was hoped for by the most sanguine. Up the river farmers are jubilant over splendid crops of corn, and the . hay crop has been large." • JaAINES BROS.' Pl.Al4loS.—l uir _misi Wrihave dealt in them for 14 years. and guarantee each Ilfor 5 , years. Price4 l 4l.l l from 1300 to 1500. -J. IL GOULD, nolo.ll,sp Seventh and Chestnut. 4 0% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED • UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES , JEW. BMW, PLATE CLOTHING, &0., at SO dES 44. CO 'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFPIOZ Corner of THIRD and GASH:ELL Streets, Below Lombard. GNS, N. B.— DIAMONDS, NITATOMES, JEWELU, 808 SALE AT 113 r , ir A niCABLY LOW PRICES. - 0022-Im3 r - r'rXELTAL 371,131 CH PRUNJOI—Iso (=Men an/Ulna boxes, I...monad and itglail by JOS. 8.,81188111111 & 00ta W l5 Muth Wilma THE DAILY. EVENIWKILLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA, THURS PAY, NOVEMBER 15.-1866.. Iq ESP LACE:CURTAI=N 4. innenvaltwarsratturlorarc, fe°3lv , NOTTINGHAM' LACE CURTAIN Irina Ordinary to rich style. FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From the lower i t i rdh i tyal i Z ettalltrieohtte of them ALSO, VESTIBULE LACE. ENIBROI'D MUSLIN CURTAINS, JACQUARD do., And Curtain lanoline in great variety Sheppard, Van Harlingen .& Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. oc2t-th ea tu-tf IT/ Just received per Steamer Manhattan, new and hand- some Patterrus of - OIIRTMNS. VAIISPETANIbM. LEEDOI4•& SHAW, Wholesale and Retail °MET WARMOUSE, 910 AAELCI-1 thely new. fbr this market. Also. a hill assortment of DRIIGOETS In allwidths. STOP ! LOOK AT Tll.lB !! THE GREAT EASTERN Detective Horse and Live Stock Insur ance Company, Chartered by the State of Penn!ylvanla. OAPITA.L-4100 Insures Borne Mules and Neat Cattle against Losses Feminine from Theft, and Death by Fire, Amt. dental cr .Nataral Causes. PRINCIPA_L OFFICE, • No. 108 South Fourth St., Phila. President—Ca CHAS. FEALEY. Vice Pi esident—DANlEL L ESTERLEY, Secretary and Treasury—Dr. B. BECK.ER. Assist. Secretary and Treasurer—F. 8. KAPPA. For City References, Bee Mealy& Ager. ts wanted In the City and every county in the S o a cS . -Isn ro Gene PAgent. HOSIERY GLOVES, UIU )ERWEARi GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, ETC., THE LARGE/3T VARIETY, AT JOHN C. ARRISON S, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, pitu..ammErA. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! J. C. A. Also continues to snake his "IMPROVED PATTERN 13HERT94 /01 , A peribct fit guaranteed. icir One trial is stillicient to establish their Impart only over all ethers. rp sLAII - Easm, BEDDING AND FELTNER WALBEHODBZ, TENTH STEEDS?, Feather Beds, Bolsters, Pillows, Entreaties of all kinds; Blankets, Oomfort ables, Counterpanes, Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Iron Bedsteads, Cushions, and all other articles in that line of ou.siness. AMOS BILLBOBN, No. 44 North TENTH Street Below Sad]. BLANKETS. THE HABBISON BOILER A SAFE STEAM BOILER.- - - - - This new Steam tienerator :combines essential ad vantages IN ABSOLUTE SAFETY FROM EXPLOSION. in first cost and cost of repairs, durability. economy of Mel, facility of cleaning and transportation, not pos. seared by any other boiler. It is formed of a combination of cast.lron hollow spheres—each eight inches In external diameter, and three eighths off, an Inch thick, connected by carved, necke,and rebate machine madejoints,held together by wrought-iron bolts with cape at the ends. The form Is the strongest known; its strength to resist internal pressure very great—unweakened as It Is bv panelling or riveting, which lessens the strength of the wrought- Iron boiler plate about forty per cent. Every boiler is tested by hydraulic premium at SOO pounds to the square inch. 711 . CANNOT BE BURST' UNDER ANY PRACT/CA BLIC STEAM PREPStralt. Under pleasure which might cause rupturein ordin ary boilers, every joint in this becomes a safety valve. Ito other steam generator possesses this property of relief under extreme pressure without injury to itself, and thus preventing disaster. It is . not seriously aff.cted by corrosion, which so soon impairs the strength of the wrought iron boiler, It has economy in fbel, equal to the best boilers. It gets up steam quickly, and with little fuel—pro. duces Ripen eated steam without separate apparatus, and is not liable to priming or foaming. It is easily transported, and may be taken apart so that no piece need weigh more than eighty pounds. In difficult places of access, the largest boiler may be put through an opening one !foot square. It Is readily cleaned inside and eat. under ordinary circumstances ft is kept free from permanent deposit by blowing the water entirely out under full pressure once a week. It requires no special skit in its management. Injured parts can be renewed wi' h great facility, as they are uniform in shape and size. Wt en renewed the entire boiler remains as good as new. The greater part of the boiler will never need renewal, unless unfairly used. A boiler can be Increased to any extent by simply adding to its width; and being the multiplication of a single form, its strengh remains the same for all sizes. It has less weight and takes less than one-half the ground area of the ordinary cylinder boiler, without being increased in height. - Any kind of fuel may be used under thin boiler, from the most expensive, to reinse coal dust. Over two hundred °Mese boilers are now in opera tion, some of them in the beat establishments in this city. For descriptive circulars or prices, apply to. JOSEPH HABBiroON Jr. Harrison Boller Works, Gray% Ferry road, adjoining U. S. Arsenal, Phila. delphia ST.P.Ojc& CO.'S PIANOS. ito _ rmoth, HAINXS BROS.' PIANO S, ON ON & HAMLIN'S OARUNTIVPIffaiI ' ,ORGA/5113. Only at J. B. GOULDl3,Beventh & Chestnut. nlo4lBp TORDAN'EI INELKBRATID TONIO ALE.—Ths IP truly healthrtd and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and othero—haa established a character for quality of material and purity of mama facture, which stands unrivaled. It, is recommended by ollins of tale and • other Otero, as a superior some:and requires but a trial to convince the most agog Of IR great merit. To be bad, wholesale and retail.of D. J. JORDAN. 220 Paw street. WEAVES' & 00" KARMA. AND TARIIED CORDAGE. Cards, %Vilma. eta, No. 12 North Water street and No. 92 North Delamer avenue, Philadelphia, Enwrir E. Przraia. Krona.= Watvaz OoMUD F. ergrnazint. --sZtroA For the benefit of those proposing to undertake Elec trical treatment for disease. we give in the following I , st a few of the more prominent and Most common complaints met with in our practice, in all of which we are most SUCCeBIIII2I. IN NEARLY ALL CASES OP CHRONIC DISEASE ELECTRICITY IS A SURE REMEDY AND 324 ALL. CASES BENEFICIAL, IF PROPERLY-AP PLIED. Those:therefore, afflicted with complaints not here enumerated need have no hesitation in ap plying, and whether only BELIEF on A nnme.orktor coax. can be effected; they will receive replies accord ingly. All consultations free. 1. Epilepsy, Chorea, or St. Vitas' Dance. Paralysis, (Remplegia). Neuralgia, Hysteda, Nervousness, Pal pitation of the Heart, Lock-Jam etc.. 2. Sore Throat, Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Ob sthmteConstiration, .morrholds. or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. S. Catarrh, Cough, Influenza. Asthma (when not caused by organic diseases of the heart). Bronchitis, Pleurisy; Plenrodynla, or Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption in the early stages. 4. GraveLtDiabetes. and Rhine) , Complaints, Impo tence and Seminal Weakness. The latter complaints never fail to yield rapidly to this treatment. S. Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal unvature, Hip Diseases. Cancers, Tumors (those last named always cured without pain, or cutting, oiplas ters, in any form.) 6. llterous Complaints. involving a mal-position, as Prolapses, Antroversion, Retroverslon,lnflarnmation. Ulceration, and various other affections of the Womb and Ovaries. RECEWITH hastheLadiee Department under her own care and 'supervision. Ittessaziwas —Gen. A. J. Pleasanton, 916 Spruce at; W. B. Smith. 1022 Hanover et.; Geo. Douglass, Fifth st., above Chestnut; I. W. Bradley, 68 North. Fourth at.; Robert Work,lsl N. Third at.; _Col. T. W. Sweeney, Walnut. below Eighth; Geo. Evans, Arch at.. below Fifth; Mr. Palouse, Third and Chestnut; Bd. McLane, all of this city. A. Pleasanton, St. Louis, alto ; Jacob Vandegaift, Odessa. Del,; R. A. Semple, Mount Holly, N.wi.b, very many others. Physicians or students desiring to have instruction in the correct application of Electricity for the cure of diseases can apply at the office Consultation free. Descriptive circulars' of cures effected,with numerous references, can be had oy sp . plication at the Office, or by letter. WE HAVE NO CONNECTION WHATEVER WITH ANY OTHER ELECTRICAL OFFICE IN THIS OR ANY OTHER CITY. All letters addressed to • 'S T4PEETRIES, en DR. LEON'S OELEBRATED • PREPARATIONS. THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCLENCE. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer. It is a positive cure for Baldness. It RESTORES (trey Hair to its original Color. It is a Tonic,Box A DYE, and acts upon the secretions It immediately arresta falling out of the Hair. It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache. It radically cures Dandruff and Humors. t kes the scalp health, clean and cooL tis a ep n elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Drees- I t restores, Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. It makes harsh Hair flexible and Lustrous. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer has enjoyed a high local reputation for many years. Its wonderful r. storat lye and invigorating properties are well-known to the Medical Faculty. Being hal y satisfied of the merits of Leon's Electric Bair Renewer we have procured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household in our land shall have epportunlty to reap its benefits. ZIEGLEIt & SMITH, BOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 137 North Third Street, Phila. nol2 Map 5812 3m rp} ELECTRICITY Will CURE the most obstinate, long standing diseases when administered by DRS. GALLOWAY, WHITE & BOLLES, MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS, S. E. eor. Walnut and Thirteenth Sts. Twenty Thousand persons have been successfully treated by us. Bead certificates of important cumin "Press" and "Telegraph." Mrs. ProL Bolles gives her special attention to the Female Department of the In• stitution. Cures guaranteed. Consultation free. N. B.—Physicians and Students can enter at any time fbr a full course of instruction In this Great Dis covery In the healing art. Our former Students, who now practice our old system, are especially invited to call and become instructed in our late and Important e ificoveries;so that they may learn how to cure more diseases, and in a much less time than by the old ays tern. Persona who have tried Electricity and failed in getting cured are especially invited to call, as we have cured many onstinate diseases after being treated electrically by others in this city, without any benefit tut Int westing pamphlet mailed free of charge. NO sEcaus GIVEN. no&th a tuSm Sol NEEDICAL. CHRONIC' DISEASES TREATED DB, s W. BECKWITH'S: ELECTRICAL INSTITITTE, 'No. 12E0 WALNUT STREET Dr. S. W. BECH WITH, vg. um WALNUT Eitzest. Philadelphia, oc2B-9,tu,th,3mro :011IFIFfIkU: 4 1A WOOD ?a °LEY • 725 Chestnut Street. BONNICTS J.ND - RATS. Laleet Styles Every variety of BONMEr MATERIALS AND TRIZEIKINGS. no2.lmrD THE OLD AND ONLY RELIABLE DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. A most delightful and efficacious cure for the variant, ills to which Infanta and Young Children are subject. Invaluable for Teething Children! It softens the gums, abates. Inflammation. invigorates the s tome ch and bowels, corrects acidity, and 14 Sears and speady cure for COLIC, ORAM.Ps AND WINDY pA_DNIS. A moat excellent preparation for children of a rest less and fretful habit and in all cases of LOOSE MitSS, GRIPING, VOMITING or other inward grief, it given immediate ease. Used for more than half a century in the private practice of one of oar most eminent physicians.- In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, we would remark that we know it to be & Remedy of unrivaled :excellence andl that it has proved in thousands of cases, as we are resolved it shall in millions, a priceless b00n.... For Sale by Druggists, Everywhere. Address all orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, - SOLE PROPRIETORS, • 137 North T t•its, Philadelphia. nol2 6trp. ';11 TITANTED—AS SPEOL&L OAPITA.L—from pogo Vl' to g50,000,t0 continue and es tend the manufso. toying interest of a Jobbing Home, well established. Sufficient evidence will be fbrnished to provethis • desirable investment Address, with real names, ,Boa 108, Philadelphia P. 0. • noehtf.rpf PERSONAL. E. GARRETT & SONS would hereby give no. ilea that they are in no Way' connected with parties assuming a similar name, and now under trial for defrauding the Internal Revenue DePartlaellt. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 14, 1886.- nol.l-21xpe e lk IflNit WATCHES, .TIEWKEatir, eta., a o=3 PIM amortamt st reoently & tiAt iumti:Ei g i otta os& MUIR _lmporters of Watches, Inc, 91:; UM mama Meek below norm FURS. LA DII;8' FANCY:W.IRO; JOHN:. FA.JELEIRA., No. 718'Aich st., above 701.2 At his established,Store, • IMPORTER, MANUFACTIOMMt and DEALFTH Ili - FANCY FURS NOE • Ladies and Children: My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Chit. dren is now complete, embracing every variety that will be worn during toe coming season. Remember the name and number. MEIN PA_REICRA., No. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any other store in tne city. oc2o s tuttani LADIES' FANCY FURS A. K. Ili F. K. WOMBAT% • 417 Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS I Also a great variety of FANCY Carriaze and Sleigh Robes, oasamtrp CLOTHING-. JONES' Old Established ONE PRICE FINE • Ready. Made Clothing flouse, 604 MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Now on hand one of the Issgest and beat assorted Stock* of Beadymade Clothing in the Couatry—at = s ir reato on M o l. rk. Also handsel:oath ... lf! of Piece EDWARD P. KELLY , TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT SMUT, Has now the FALL AIM WPETICEI STYLES aid complete assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTE332= ti r st=r to those of any othes First -Class lishment, at moderate prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pattern Clothes tc show the new and prevalent styles for the lospeotior of customers and public. P c ce w la wl :if 1,71 EARLES' GALLERIES, 810 Chestnut St. Looking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. . Picture Frames Rogers' Groupes OMMIONMIII A Large Free Gallery of Oil Paintings. KEEL EISITALTIg FOIL RENT,, The Third. and Fourth Stories Back, OP TH33I NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, With entrance by a spacious Hall on Chestnut street, and also an entrance on Sayne Street. Fer further particulars apply at the "New Bulletin Bailding, 607 Chestnut !Street. weer THE GIRARD HOUSE. THIS WELL-KNOWN HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SAWA ON EASY TERMS. ADP'S' to ISAAC C. PRICE, or T. JACKSON, n013.6t rpt No. 54 North SEVENTH Street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of BER NARD I. WOODS, Oeceased.—JAMES A.. AIRMAN, Auctioneer.—.TWO-STORY FRAME DOUSE. No. -ISO hiONEOE Street.—Under authority of the Orphare . Court for the City and County of Phila. delpbia.—On WEDNESDAY, December 5. 1866.—At 12 o'clock, lioOn,wlll be sold at publicsale, at the PHILA DELPhIA hXOH.4,NGE —The following described R~alEstate the property o MARNARD I. WOOD-, deceased. viz :—A two-I tory fratue nif maga and lot on the south side of Monroe street. (late. Plumb,) No. 433 ; curtaining in front 18 feet, and In depth 91 feet, more or late. Subject to $lB ground rent per annum. Ok" 11.100 to be raid at the tfme of sale. By the Court. B. A. MERRICK- elm*. 0. 0. SUSANNAH WOrWS. Administrates.- JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. n 015.22,29 ' Store, 422 Walnut street. L ORPHANS' COURT BALE.—Estate of ANN WGIIIIGAN, deceased,- f %BEES FREE bi A Auctioneers—DWELLlNG No. 1209 'Ellsworth street. tinder authority of the ' Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNE-DAY, December 15, 1066, at 12 o'clock, noon, ail be sold at Public Sale; at the PHILADELPHIA XCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, the property of Ann Ill'Oulean, decessetl.—A. three story brick house ano lot on Use north side of Ella orth street, 64 feet west of 'Twelfth street, Second Ward; 16 by 60 feet. Aar Clear of all Incumbrance. fay $lOO tort paid at the time of sale. By the Cu EDWIN A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. THOMAS J M'OIIIOAN, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. n 015.22,29 Store, 4.22 Walnut street. liirmaxao SALE.-3AMES A. PREEM.AN,Anu. tioneen—DWELLING. Rogers' court. between e, Peg and New Market streets, on WEDNES DAY. December SO, Ist% at 12 o'clock noon. will be sold at public sale. at the PRI uADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: A. three story brick [(manage and lot. on the east aide clan alley 16 feet 13 inches wide caned Rogers' wort, between Noble, ..Pegg and New Market streets ana Emlen's court, in the Northern Manure . being 12 feet 8 Inches front, (including the northernmost 1 foot of an alley of about 2 feet in width, and in depth 44 feet. W A policy of insurance for WO Wllll3B assigned to the ppurchaser. Clear of incumbrance. 106 $lOO to be Iplaid at the time of sale. JAMES A. PREEISIAN, Auctioneer, N 0.42 2 Walnut Street. riPTO VARRTERB.—A. STORE. on ARCH Street. with *showy front, will be vacated to a Farrier e few month& Address ff. A. WHITAKER Bur,- 7LETIN 0810 e. • nOirrZto WELL ESTATE. , - ADMINISTR AVMS' PREEMPT( St' &MR . • z JAM — ESA F R EE MAA N RB tio PeErT. E T E H s S d RDE a R se M d - ABLE GRuUte U. BENTS. On'WEDNRSD A.Y, Nov. t thP a H t I I L 2 A ' D l E ock P HNIqAon E. XwAiMll b Ae N so (4atth P e u f b o l n ic S w a n l g described Real Estate, 'late the property of the Hon. Richard Peters, deceased, viz: No. 1.-$73 50, PAR 111.225,—mn Irredeemable ground rent of seventy-three dollars and fifty cents per annum, payable May and November; ont of a 10; on the north side of Haver 62%sree, bt Maple tyfot Ward, 'beginning f, et east street 37% feet front on Haver ford street, by 180 deep to Ra spberry street. /W On the above lot are erected two brick houses and one stone house. No. 2 -475. Par .1250. An Irredeemable ground rent of seventy- fiv- dollars per annum payable April and October, leaning.out of a lot on the west side of birth or Block ley sljet, southerly aide of Mantua street, opened alor gth towpath of the Schuylkill Naviga tion Co.. and , side or a certain 10-ft court or alley laid oat by Etchard Peters. deceased. between S ?amyl kill street and Mat tua street, Twenty-fourtn Ward being 80 feet on 'Mantua street, and extending in deptn between lines parallel with Blockley street. on the east line along Blockley street 110 feet, and on the west line to the said ten-feet court ya- On this and the adjoining lot is erected a large, frame ice-house. No. 3.--175, PAP. $1,950.—An irredemiable ground rent of seventy-five dollars per annum, payable Feb ruary and uguat, out of a tut of ground on the (towh ee lv side of Mantua street, opened along the tow-path o fthe Schuylkill Navigation Co ,50 few.' west of sixth or Biockley Twenty-fourth Ward; beln,g 50 feet front on 1,1( nt m street, and extending in depth be tween lines ..srallel with Blockley street about 120 feet toe 10 alley. 'OS- On this and the adjoining lot is erected a large *sine ice-house. No. 4.—S9O,PAR $1,500.—A1l irredeemable ground rent of ninety dollars, payable;January and July, out of a lot on the southerly side, of Mantua street, opening along the tow-path of the Sclittylkl-1 gavigation Com pany, bt- tween ld aple street and ground late o ot welts, Twenty.fon-th Ward; 60 feet front onMa i nua street, and extending in depth of that width along the line bounding the lot late et' J. Got waits 11; feet, and on the ovpcsbe line thereto 113 teet lv ET& Upon this lot is erected a large frame ice - -house. o. 5- $75. PAR $1.225.—An irrectemable ground rent of seventy-five .dollars per annum, payable January and July, out atm lot on the southerly , side of Mantas sheet, opened along the tow path of the Schuylkill 2gavigatten 'Company, and on the easterly side of Naplestreet, thirty feet wide, Twenth-fourth Ward: 51 feet front on Mantua street, and extending in depth won't Maple street and o pposite the on Maple street, 96 feet, and on the line 99 feet 9 Inches to BED feet wide street. W Upon thus aad the adjoin ing lot is erected large frame ice -houses, No. 6.—L37 50, PAR SFM. An irredeemable gronnd rent of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, iyayable January and July, out of slot southerlyslde ofhlantna street, beginning 51 feet east from Maple street: thence on a line parallel with 'Maple street. smithwardly 99 met 9 inches toe 31 feet street called Quimby Street; thence along the same 42 feet to a point ; thence north wardly 104 to Mantua street, at a point 761:4 rest east ward from Maple lanai; and thence 25% feet to the place of begin d ning. Ear There is an ine.honse on this and the lot ang. No. 7.—5112,50. par $1,075.—An irredeemable ground rent of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents per annum payable January and July, out of a lot en the southwin dly side of Mantes street, 40 feet wide, running along the tow- path of the Schuylkill Naviga tion Con puny, and on the Weiterly adds of Maple street, Twenty-fourth Ward; 80 feet front on Mantas street. and extending in depth along Maple street 96 feet to a twenty-feet wide street, called Quimby street, and widening on the northwardly hoe of Quimby street to the width of 95 feet, the westwardly line thereof being about 96 feet. 0• Upon the above lot is erected a large frame Ice ome. sir The above Irredeemable ground rents are well ec nred and ptincMally paid. air They will be sold without reserve. sar $5O to be paid en each, at the time of sale ELI K. PRICE, Administrator, D JAMES A. FEEnhf.a.N", auctioneer, Store 4n Walnut street. PUBLIC S &LB.—JAMBS A. FR. EMAN, Ea Auctioneer.—On WEDNItSDAY, November 28, ltoti. at 12 o'clock, Noonu 11l he sold at Public Sale, at the. PHILADELPHIA:*IOKCHANGE, the fallovrirg descrtbed Beal Batate, ;—No. L—LOT. DELANO,. 26 a.W.JEBL.EY. A lot in Belau co, Burlington minty, New Jersey, beginning at a point on the northeast side of Viol ty street, 125 test southeast from Second street; 10G feetfrmt by 160 feet, deep. Clear of inecun bronco. No. 2.—BUILDING LOT. CHRISTIAN STREET.— A lotun the north side of Christian street. 272 feet west of Mullen street; 16 feet front by 116 feet deep on Riggs street.—Subject ENDer annum eround rent. No 3,—W AZT LAND COMPANY .1.A0T.—.A.. h t of ftround on the north side of Locust street. Twenty-fourth Ward. 60 feet west of Fifty-second street; being. 20 feet feet front, by 77 feet 53 inches deep.. Clear of incumbrance. 4.—c3 ACRES, CENTRE COIINTY, PA.—A tract of land in Rash township, Centre county, Penn sylvania; containing 433 acres and 133 perches. Title clear; Xi - Free of inciambrance. No. 5.-I.DT, SEVENTH .ST., ABOVE PASSER— A lot of sronnd:on the east side of Seventh street, 83 feet north of Taster street, First Ward: 15 feet front,by to feet deep. to a thirty met street. Ita.Clear of in combralace. o. GERMANTOWN ROAD.—A' lot of ground situate on the northeastfirly side of the Ger mantown road, 466 feet 8 inches from Angle stree4 26 feet 8 Inches front, by Me tea deep, to a thirty-feetwide street called Elder street. _ . No; 7.— EB ACRES. MONROE COUNTY, PA --A. tract of land in Tankhanncek township. Monroe county. Pennsylvania, near Pocono Station, on the Delaware and Lackawana Railroad; containing Ea Yana. Coal is supposed to be on this tract. It has a good mill site, Title perfect. Clear of incumbrance. sir 4,93 to be paid on each. at the Unto of sale. TAMES A. FREIMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street; dl l 4 - EXJSCUTOBS' • SoLLE.—Estate of 3' AMES — F. deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN Atm tiuneer.—Tinder authority contained in the will of the late James P. Ellis, deceased, on WEDNESDAY, No vember 26 , h,1866, at It, o clock noon, will be soldat public sale, at the PHILADELPHId EXCHANGE. the (glowing described Real Estate. vim No. L—GEN TEEL DW3tLLISG, 3836 LOCUST street. A.three story brick dwelling, with two-story brick back build ings and the lot cf ground, on the south side of Locust street, No. 2:136: containing in front .16 fee', and in depth SO feet to Steward street; saloon parlor. dining room and kitchen on first floor, gas, bath, range, Subject to sltB ground rent per annum. NO. St—GENTEEL DW.W....LENG. No. MS Locust street. A three story Brick Dwelling, with two-story Brick back 130111111)ga and the Lst of ground, on the south sine of Locust street, No. Z).3.% containing in front 16 feet, and In depth 80 feet to Stewart street; sa loon parlor, dining room and kitchen on same floor, gas. range, dm, Subject to $llB ground rent per an nual. Ivo. S.—BUSINESS LOCATION AND DWELLING, N. W. corner Seventh and Green streets. All that valuable twci-story brick store and dwelling house. at the northwest corner of Seventh and Green streets; it, feet on Green street, and 62 feet and a' of an inch OD Seventh street, being 2t34 feet wide on the rear. This is an excellent business location, the corner of Green street being used as a Plumber shop, a Paint shop on Feventh street, with dwelling Byer the whole. agr WO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By order of Executors. „lAMBS A. YBEEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 428 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Estate of DIARY E.F.2 ROBERTaON,deceased.—JAMESA.FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—Under mthority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on 'WEDNES DAY. December 5 b, 1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described. real estate, late the property of IttARY ROBERTSON, deceased.—No. I. Threeatory bflck HOUSE, No. 723 LISLE street —A lot of ground, with the two-story brick messuage. on the east side of Lisle street, 101 feet north of Fitzwater street, in the Fourth Wad- con' sluing in front VI feet, Including on the north the one-half of a two-feet six inch wide alley, and in depth 40 feet No. 2.--Twestory BRICK HOIISE, No. BI PRIME street.. A lot of ground with the threestory brick mes suage thereon erected, situate on the north aide of Prime street: Second Ward, 66 feet 9 inches west of P.rker street: being 16 feet front and 57 feet deep to a threefeet wide alley. • Subject to gss per annum ground rent. gar PO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court: E. A- MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. SAMUEL POWELL, Guardian. • JAMES A FREEMAN. Auctioneer, nols Store, 422 Walnut street. inRII , T .IQ3' SALE.—Estate of JAMES WRAY. deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, auctioneer.—Hat . dsome Pesidence. No 300 South Tenth street, Under authority contained in the will of the late James Wray, deceased on WEDNESDAY, November 28.1866, at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PIIrr.A I DELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following described Real 'testate viz:—A. messuage and lot on the west side of -'Math street, between Spruce and Pine streets at the distance of se feet north of Clinton street: being 20 feet front, by M'Co feet deep. (including the whole of a three feet wide alley on the westernmost side). air The above lila handsome three-story brick reel derce. with three-Mory back buildings, double parlors, high ceilings in the chambers. prlvaos stairway, large close s, pantries, conservatory, two, fornaces. rac.. and in good order. It was built by the former owner for his own occupancy. air Clear of incumbrance. Two- Olds may remain. Open for examination any time. Occupancy with the deed Zar j2OO to be paid at time of sale. J&M isS lifcr'VrelLllON G.HORGII JIINKItti, Js'} Trustees under the will SAME 3 A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, n 015,22 Store 4.. M Walnut street. _ . -inPUBLIC BALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN; Auctioneer. VALUABLE I'HOPERPY. S. E. Corner Ninth and Cherry streets. On WEDNESDAY. Nov. 28 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale. at the HTLADELPHLS. EXCHANGE, the fol lowing described Real astate, viz: A three story brick messuage and lot, at the southeast corner of Ninth and Cherry streets, Tenth Ward; being 18 feet 10 inches front on 'Ninth street. and extending in depth east ward 95 feet. to a four- feet wide alley, leading north ward into Cherry street. The house has all the necessary conveniences and is In excellent order. havirgjus: been improved atan er- Pense2of about 93,090. The location la very desirable' for almost any kind of business, being in one of the leading thoroughfares of the city. The property is well situated and adapted for a bank ing institution. which is much needed in thls pa,rticular business locality. Sold clear of locumbrance, title perfect, and posses sion given in 90 days after the sale. • Jar glo 000 may remain on mortgage ;forgo° to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FER'sws E, Auctioneer, Store. 422 Walnut street.'" — .II — THRFE STORY ROUSE FOR BALE, 20 feet jet fr.nt, No. 1105 Clallowhill street. in complete orcer; mooern conveniences. possession at once. Price low. Apply te GODINEY & SONS, NO. 508• Walnut street. Rleventh street cars pass near the doOr. nOl5-3t« PBERMIXITED TA M A R INDS.-20 kegs Martinique 1 marina In anger; landing' and for Bale by DUSKIER & CO.; lea South Delaware avenue. ol 4 Atict drinp.--Twoolrtlve barren Primo VI wiry need In Mare and for lab Its WOREILLI2 • Qp n .uo, us iiIraULUS axe&
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