From Our Tl FROM BROWNSVILLE, The Attempt to Capture EULL details. From Texas. New York, Oct. 17.—Brownsville, Texas, advices to Sept. 29th, give an account of an attempt made to capture the city of Mata moras by the American corps under com mand of Brigadier-General Ford, assisted by the gunboat Chinaco, Capfi B. O. Osborn, The object was to release Gen. Tapia, the le gally appointed Gov. of Tamaulipas, a pri soner in the hands of General Canales, the usurping command ant of the city and pre tending Governor. The troops were to seize the Treasury, and pay themselves the sums long since justly due them, and return the : balance to such- officers as General Tapia . might designate. The' command consisted of abont 175 Americans and 30 Mexicans, well armed; and the reinforcements from citizens and Texan volunteers should have swelled the force to 300, the whole to be sup ported by the gunboat Chinaco, mounting one twelve-pound rifle and a smooth bore ! howitzer, which had no crew except eight men detailed to work the guns. Though Captain Osford deemed the' vessel totally unfit for active service, he con sented to act with the party. - \ At the time of starting a fearful storm prevailed, and the gunboat was driven .against the bank, beooming immovable. She was finally gotten off and returned to her first position. In the meantime the troops advanced and seized the Plaza, the Department Headquar ters, the Custom House, and were storming Hie jail, whon, from some unaccountable cause, the order was given to fall back; when the troops retreated on the double quick fi>r the gunboat, where General Ford was lying ill. The troops were embarked, and the gun-boat steamed to a position di rectly opposite Brownsville. The shopkeepers at Santa Cruz furnished them with liquor and they became grossly intoxicated and uncontrollable. The enemy gathered on the shore and Captain Osborn castoff his lines and headed for the American bank. Canales sent word to the American com- ' mander, Gen. Brown, to have the Chinaco removed, as he might have to fire into her and Gen. Brown ordered Capt. Osborn to move his vessel above or below the town or into the American waters, saying that if she was not moved inside of fifteen minutes ' he would cut her adrift. The engineers refusing to work and the men being in the condition they were, Capt. Osborn sent word to General Brown that he would surrender the vessel as a Mexican gunboat, to the authorities of the United States, leaving those authorities to decide V who was justly entitled\to her—Canales, a usurper, or the Juarez government. The flag was hauled down and Capt. Os born walked ashore. Canales, on hearing of the surrender de manded the vessel, bnt General Brown re fused to give her up. The arms belonging io the troops were taken by the United States authorities and the men went into camp to await develop ments. Though the expedition failed, General Tapia was released. General Hinoposa also afterwards made an unsuccessful attempt on the town, and his force is bow encamped with General Ford’s. The Canadian Banks. Toronto, C. "W., Oct. 17.—1 n consequence of the rumor that the Commercial Bank had stopped payment, something of a run upon it took place yesterday. As the Bank kept open until a late hour to satisfy all demands against it, the excitement subsided. There is no truth in any of the reports as to the failure or stoppage of any Canadian bank since the suspension of the Bank of Upper Canada. • _ From St. Bonis. ot. Loots, Oct. 17. —James Stephens ar rived here last night and was cordially re ceived by a delegation of Fenians. He was escorted to the Southern Hotel, where he made a speech to a large crowd, in which he told them the battle for Irish indepen dence would commence before the close of the present year, and that new year’s dav 1867, would find them fighting on Irish soil’ The speech was loudly cheered. Ship News. _New_ York, . . Oct 17th.—The steamship Costa Kica, from this port for Hone Kong encountered a heavy gale on Sunday, re ceiving considerable damage, and has put back to repair.' -Tf 1 ? ship Miramon, which sailed on the lothinst, for San Francisco, has returned leaky and having her pumps choked. -^ From Baltimore. Baltimore, Oct, 17.—The committee ap-. pointed by the Conservative Convention, *° collect evidence against the police Commissioners, meet this afternoon, CSytoG^vern^Swam B the for ‘ . Railroad Accident. T>/Siß^ < ri N w oC rf, 17,—A - freight train from hui if tkr ° w ® off the track at Haver toll to-day, hy a broken rail, Isaac Horne kUle[l . a nd Andrew lfadl S y r6man,WaB SUpposed to „ From Norfolk. _ Norfolk, Oct. 17.—The steamer Louisa Moore, from Morehead City for New York, put in here to-day, short of coal. She ex perienced heavy north-east gales, and stopped much water. ’ The Cholera. ■ York, Oct. 17.'—Five new cases - of cholera and four deaths occurred yesterday ®n the Hospital Ship. , y _ . ' ... COURTS. t Sessions—Judge : Allison.'— MeArthur pleaded guilty to a charge of malicious mischief. He was drunk and broke the glass in a; window. Joseph Smith was convicted of a charge of a of flour valued at 50 cents; is a boy and took the flour from, the front of a store. 3®d Thomas Shear were ac quitted of acharge of larceny. .rS&SS “ w,Bd '«»***: Mpressman.dbaymg a trunk to deliver at Joplar sfreet, he stopped at 1022 Poplar afreet to inquire the number, the night be ing too dark to see dntside. It was a publio house where he stopped, and the defendant Rita three others, gamed the trunk »n.» c ; ng 1 of Yesterday. that it belonged to oneof them, but the check had been lost. White took part, saving that he lost the check. The next morning the owner of the trank applied to the Express Company for his property. Application was ; then made at 1022 Poplar street but the trnnk had disappeared. James McCartney was convicted of a charge of assault and battery. Lewis Much was acquitted of a charge of assault and battery. New YoBK ( Oct. 17.—Cotton Crm; quotations nomi nal. Fiour arm; sales of 3 SOO bbls.; state *8 oc®til Ohio, JlO 20@»13 60; Western, sB@{n; So U herl. tV»VJ, ®l6 50. Wheat, &m; Bales of 18,000 bus ats2 01®ts'uii for State. Corn advanced l@2ota. tor White- sfiS or 7 000 bus., at SB@9BJ| cts. leef steady. Pork tw. Wtfisky steady? “ Quiet at "gus S Sew Tork Stock Markets. Stocks better; Chicago and Rock Island loss;, berlaßd preferred, 69: Illinois Central: vt’e^Si Southern, 30%2»ewYork Hudson Fiver, 128% Clanton Company, 54% R"'- Western Union Telegraph Company 3-lOs, 106%Ten.Fortfes,99%l£IHraiityX 17 7 6s. 112% G01d, 148% V- a.hives, 113% Conpon 8aIe " Bto ok Board. 12000 Camd&^bSf™* mrt y KMOCamd & Atlantic 1000 do “ 69 7.1 ’ 300 City ta mnn 8 Ifx t£f? >, a S ?r prf 31 6300 ho new m 2 ,15 2? fe® h L g s. v 65 M 1000US78-IC3 July 105J4 ,2dss7^ UoooSusqCanl J^s%jS3£g? Uat It* ‘loo ° P C lm nh n t oS l i Cho,aa CQal 2 ?«' Caldwell OU^ Shipped North Shipped South. Forcorrcßpontiiiig 1,1/4,428 (9 Week, Year. Tona.Cwfc Tons. Cwt. .............186 06 • 167,787 09 2O 017 10 510,629 05 31153 16 668,416 14 Shipped North.™ ™ Shipped South..™ Total.. Increase. - The following is a statement or the - ainoont oi i»al over the Lehigh Valley Hallroad, for “he week ending Oct* la, 1866, and previously since December i, is&i, compared wsth same time last year- Week. Total.' Tons. Cwt, Tons. Cwt. 757 00 19,202 08 172,907 07 157,185 02 39,012 10 822)89 II 47,035 04 119,886 12 14,415 14 78,556 07 67.669 15 65,103 06 •106,818 U 42,387 t»9 116,426 10 27,5 a 00 1,812 €8 3,251 15 7,464 10 6,542 08 50,235 14 22,421 16 7,464 10 32,687 12 22,601 02 10,935 14 24.920 01 8,560 17 237 00 13,617 06 38.669 10 28,626 02 £202 12 16,668 Cy 14,084 02 16.G31 01 8,452 01 6,457 69 51,213 06 6,128 13 17,826 01 3,052 16 718 03 l7 10,353 09 Ashburton Kount Pleasant... 136*05 Harleton 5.567 03 East Sugar Loaf. ._ 3,396 13 g0ut....;. 975 oj Harleigh 3£5 04 Ebbervale ;.. 982 16 Jeddo 2,130 17 Coz, Brother * Co.„ 417 oj Councll Rldge yogi 6 Bock Mountain 1291 os New York and Lehigh 1,360 6s Honey 8r00k.... ....... 435 17 German Pennsylvania...... 275 0$ Spring Mountain..... -1,977 01 Coleraine 1 667 12 Beaver Meadow 46 12 John Connery.. is is Lehigh Zinc J. B.Reber * Co. ... McNeal«tCo Knickerbocker. Coal Run Bathbun, Caldwell* C 0... ©Glfendon-,.... _ Mahan ov.. Delano Colliery H. Myers Trenton' J. & O. Bowman. . Silliman 353'is Baltimore.... 950 m Bbamokin .. _ 154 10 Fnmklim. 153 17 Audenried...... 175 07 Lehigh and Susquehanna- 38 05 i* Germania.... .. ..... 13112 Landmesser*B..... . Wilkesbarre... 916 04 Warrior Run 137 iq Parrish & lOB 16 New Jersey - 490 17 ; Union 15 ®o Wyoming .. 78 04 Other shippers _ 415 Total— l4 Corresponding week last year—..™ -40,581 15 Increase— Decrease... CASTOR WHEELS. WHEELS. * CO - 8 latest glass castob ; • a £ h< ? ! 9 wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads, Ac. ,Weclaiin thatthey give to Pianos a greatly Increased wlthoat detracting from the harmony I and melody of the Idsu nment, rendering every note -more distinct to lie fear. Thlslssoapparentthatthey :^S. D ? w . belDB by many to these valuable rtu^ sical instruments, Dr. Valentine Mott, previous to his ,death. pronoHnoed the Glass Castor Wheels an hi: ivaluable Invention for bedfast invalids, who are IS?l£^? e ? inat , tlle<la7l ‘e flo Q ra after undergoing the process of cleaning, or where dampness is produced to m any other cause. Aside ftom this. Housekeepers lare relieved from the dread of having their carpets cut happens from those now 11 nsp often caused by a rust, which adheres with glue-like tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed £9“ P l ® Glass Castor Wheels, as we all know that bless la noti corrosive. There are no rough or unfiu ’? lbe Glass Wheels, snch as we often fl ad i?e l „ h , CBe ?U ro °. and lhe latter, though smoothly fl„. !E? B ra ? t ' a “ the dampness oftheatmos- Pt° dn ®lftK roughness on thesur. lace, or edge, while the former will always maintain Ute smoothness of glass, just as they are finished. t.K? npoh glass wheels you retain all the eleo v| cl . t y yoa had in your body on retiring, and you get JP m ll‘ e ntoraing feeling as fresh and active as a being a nonconductor, the elec tricity gained while in bed cannot pass off. Ask vour doctor what he thinks of the Glass Castor Wheels Ask him if all dlsessw, with the exception of chronic diseases, are not caused from the want of electricity ° ™ an °“r place whom the doctors pro curing, with the Inflammatory rhea matfcm iThe wheela cured him In less than four 18 t< !; <lay a stout healthy man. These are “p l ®, wldch can be proven on application at our office. vuc'.tKili 80 ?: ’ tre ®. t • Philadelphia, or at our Factory,at WestvlUe, New Jersey where we have some sixty tor n whreis loyea 1116 m *- Dufacture of the Glass Cas- 1100 will be paid to any one who will say they have not recclved any benefit or relief after using OaDewell A Co. s Patent Glass Castors. A sample set (t) of the 2&? e .SI? I 5. t 0 any P“f of tlle United States, on re CSlpt of $1 50. J. B. CAPE WELL A 65 , .JSSLiiSI 205 Race street. T X : Saecessoi toGeo.W Gray, Y o . B B B "W B B, 24,26, 28 and SO BouthEixth St, Philad’a. Fine Old Stott 4 Sit-Brown Aia, e > for TemiT y and ysedi HER MAJESTYji CHAMPAGNE, iJ*- D:tr-isra?o i>rJl i «318 opts may <T..«ots aobst. i| \V rNES.-Theattentlon ofthe trade is solicited to •rr£ owieg very choice Wines, Ac., /or sale bv Ib6v^\^tant? raT °" ,NO, UI3OXIOI island. 8 years old. ana teSfSi^f - ? 1 ' 080 FUs I ’ rerea aad St Estephe Cha - iSrnfgnan?’^ iCo ' - Irrony, “Golden Star” &s§£££& 4 Eo^ 1 , Cabinet and oth4r COMPAOTfa saaa&'saff.’sissi.'SSa LPKBBR,— The undersigned are prepared toreoeivA orders for fit. Georgia, £umber“oramTd? scrip lion, which .will bo promptly execnterliPTv MPNP i.SOPDER A 00. Boc£ st. Whg^„^P - "POND’S BOSTON BI£K)UiT.*-Asona'a Boston Slillr landing froia steamer Norman §. BXJSSIBB a Oa, Agenm f oa Bond, 108 Soutb Delaware avmme * M rov Martlets. ■ WeeS. Year. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. -vMWM 334.719 18 Ol 839,708 11 LUJUJUtlilfi. BXJLLETIW.-^PHILAi)EIPHIA t THURSDAY. PIiTORITB i fl , c « a FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Baritaa Canal. Xfc® Fblladelphia and Sew TeA £xpna Steamboat Company* Steam Propellera leave DAILY iron fflSffieSS. WTOl ™ ,tieel rpS£lis®*P oll ss ctB Northern and Sasten Sra^ n of^a e fon. eoodflttrW “ <,ed,llreC ‘*' Jmdftfct received at lowest rates. 108 SAVANNAH, GA. jSmrir*' The Philadelphia and Southern Mall bSowSprucomreet?^ * K ® enl “ IJnea - Be °° ndwhftri ass&ss; Samiday thereafter—Vi*.: November loth, steamer has . fine State Booms and other aor uoutrnodations for passengera. Cabm passage, *2O: Deck do.. *lO. ' n J BO J, d 40 L the following points—Maooa !*i: Columbus, Ga. *35; Angusta.Ga„ *27; itlaata, teul’a^Ala 1 K° y ’ Qa '’ * 33; Mon 'Somery, Ala., *11; Ea ; .Freight taken at low rates. *i.^i 8 7i r f ce,pt *-« d ?H n,lt through rates to Macon ihS£,o St s;.. c 2!E?? ou St Atlanta, Ga; Knoxville, Chatia n SS B Sh^s a ? llv l lle> Memphis. Tenn.: Canton, Miss, received or bills ol lading signed on bsU agents at Savannah, Hunter* Gammtfll. Por ftelght or passage, apply to WM.L, James: General Agent. Bel 2 314 Sonth Wharves. ; FOB NEW ORLEANS. DIRECT. PHTLADWLBHIA AND sOUTH- STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR The well known first-class Steamship STAB OP THE ONION, - 1.202 tons register; T. N. Cooksey, Master, Will commence receiving freight for the above port at second wharf below sprncestreet, on TUESDAY. Oc 'aherJM.and sail on SATURDAY - , Oct; 27th, at 12 O dOCK M. * ' DaSKSS 61 ™ ORLEANS on SATUB- This Steamer has superior State Rooms and other' accommodations for passengers. Cabin passage S6O; Deck do., *3O. Freight taken at low rates. received or blllaof lading signed on sail- Orleans, Mtssrs. Crevy, Nickerson A Co., who will give carenil attention to shlpmenttoi gojjJs to Galveston, Mobile. Vicksburg, and interior For fteigfct ox passage*, apply, to .. . .... WM. Xie JAMES. General Agent. jtt4 Soutn Wharves. k>b boston. : . , STRAWHHIP LOTH DISEOX FBOM PINE ST. WHABE, PHILADELPHIA AND LONG WHABF, BOSTON™ ’ AEJES, Captain Boggs, will sail bom Philadelphia on Tuesday, Oct. 2S, atlo A. M, i he steamship SAXON. Captain Matthews, will sail from Benton on Saturday evening, Oct. 20 composed ofthe™ 811 PMUdelptU * “ d Boß * on >*“°» NORMAN, Captain CroweU, 1,203 tons burthen, irhese substantial and well appointed steamships will BaU punctually aa advertised, and freight will be revived every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive carge. are requested to send Bills of Lading with H l^°t frelgfatorpassagehaving superler aecommoda EOK WILMINGTON, N. G SsULAte. TEB PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH ESTSSI STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S BEGULAJS UHN. from Second Wharf below SPBUCE street. The flrsKdass steamship PIONEER, cautaln p. F 110, 1 [e, lor WILMINGTON, will commence receiving freight on THURSDAY October Xfcth, and sail on SATURDAY, October 20th. at 10 o'clock A. SLTand SrJ e S,.* l . ternsUl Saturday thereafter—vise November 3a ltlQ,<£C. Passengers will find superior accommodations and best attendance. Cabin passage, $2O; Deck do., 110. Freight carried at low rates No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail Agents at Wilmington, WOBTH & DANIEL, who wM give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior .For freight or passage, apply to WILL. JAMES. General Agent. 314 South Wharves 1,495,713 09 ; THROUGH AIR-LINEro THE SOUTH PhTIADKLPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK __ STEAMSHIP COMPANY, THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW BERN. Also, to all points In NORTH and SOUTH CARO LIN AjVla Boaboaid and Roanoke Railroad, and to LUNCH BURG, WPt and tllß WKaT NORFOLK, PETERSBURG AND SOUTHSIdR ita 1 isRQAD, The regularity, safety and shortness of this rente to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend u to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. 3 Nn charge for commission, draysge, or any expense ot transfer. Steam ships Insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received dally., „„ W. CLYDE *CO„ 8810 14 N orth and 14 South Wharves. 1,168,941 12 328801 17 CRESCENT FOR NEW „ LOUISIANA LINE. To sail abont SATURDAY, October 23th, havtae been nnavtldably detained* The A 1 Iron ride-wheel steamship CRESCENT r •» commander will sail as above. ; Z or freight or passage, having Bpiendld State-Boom accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON & 00., 'r r» TT*T>T»ro n * * No. les Arch street. • I. C. HARRIS, Agent at New Orleans, will forward all goods to his core to the Interior or Texas. B*ank Bills lading can be obtained at our office, ocl 1 HAVANA 6TEAMEKta. nSwil'nii SEMI*MONTHLY LINS. 1 tie Meamshlps jQABBICE IiUDSON ...OnDL. Hown STABS AND STRIPES.™ dipt. HolmS jThese steamerswlll leave this port for Haviuii every other SATURDAY, at 8 A. M The Bteamship HENDRICK HUDSON, Howes Jgaßler, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY MORN’ ING, November 2d, at 8 o’clock. Passage to Havana $5O. i N o freight received after Thursday, For freight or passage, apply to THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, Ho North Delaware avenge. JPOB GALVESTON. TEXAS jMpßsiß. trxas xjne steamships, stop pTSGAT KEY WEST. FLA, The AlSieamßh 1 r GENERAL SEDGWICK, WUtehSSt. Will receive freight at Pier 20 East River and sail with immediate* despatch. I*r fKlrht or pSLZzi, haying superior accommodations, apDly to BISHOP, SON * CO., No. 105 Arch street. DClGtf STEAM TOLIVERPOOL. ■Wlrrilii The Steamship DELAWARE, Cant, homnson. will, sail October 27th. The Steamship MSBI/viAN. Capt. Salmon, will sail November 3d. The Steamship MELITA, Capt. Hardle, will sallNo vember loth. These Steamers are aU flrstclass Sat sailers. Por freight or passage; apply to a. b. McHenry & co , - v US Walnut street EXPRESS LINK TO AT.unt ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington *ll Ka^ e Bela ware Canal, with ooxmeouonj -the-most direct rente foi UW &ouLhwMt ° 1, “ 10XYllle ’ Dalton an? Steamers leave Jlrat Wharf above Market itrea every 1* and Saturday at liM. For freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE A Oa, B NEWYORK.-Phßadelphla Stem ®eM & P i*. to MOh Wm t>B U * el ? <m •awnunodatln, mhistf No.iB2B^tn t i^it^S,f^> w:—klfe STfiAMKE FOR SALE.—The last ■ jßalling - coppered and coddst fastened Biean «r HELEN G HOT* (aide wheel), 408 tons O M long, 24>£ feet beam; depth ofc hold 8 feet *6 in ‘s ie Si ( dr s wa 6 f f et i lnclle3 water bunt of llveoak anflredcedar. E. A.SOUDERACO., eel -' t< . Pock Street Wharf B SEW TOW-BOAT LINE. - <*&***** BAR&3S fcow6d to and from WTT.Artmtim.' SBpsss^sa.ass®?'*?™* tiAUQHLIK, Saoer^ptondftnt, TOR BOSTON, Masa.—Ezpress Lln.e—The TOt I C r5r 00 t ner ™OMAB HOLCOMBE, Captain jffif i WE ? P ' ~ ThB A 1 bark ESTHER aEEt Captain Frince,ia,now loading for the above m »ufeer ag8 ’ ttPPly t 0 *a ESSBS. &**' 190 * ona « 'twtaa B,ooobw£S: U “ ey ’ 288 to”? *««s* 210 tOM «*»“' EDMTrSft) A. BCftTBEB AOO., "8 Docfc atreet whuf. -rdfißrsHnsTDiiHii rr^rnoStVj-nji hi. 1 ?”** ana on to* loweffl ““SfiJtfan?* **"“* •“* ""““"W *C Ur* Mr TtiUcalsu attention Urea to lenairine, 1 henry WINBOR A CO., 532 Booth Delaware avenue. I - JTOBTH PENNSYLVANIA M anOMEyS OU and I ¥‘ 'if* RM.I at Mahanoy Citvatl t £*-7^l— PMaenyeiH by this train tavp ft»> rsu »_i? , Valley Train, passing Bethfohorw at i9.nq M, fbr Em! rta7me,by *l, . Accommodation lor Doyles town, sum. “I 5.“ Intermediate stations, ftuatmgera take *“ e a* Evenlng Express lbr Bethlehem anc MSPwmtw U ? nB 011 018 K Pvth Pennsylvania Bar- I ««n^?fe’r W KSS?r>^ VCfl YOTk at 10 ' P - ’ I ISS^STO^iSSga®?; aHatboro**andHartsvllle tav«> staee*ii I ioii^^SdfiiiorfP Ufon * ll Accommodation.Or Beta- I j^S^pSwJsS^£S°i?-£. n ““JnUneofNortirPeimayi. I mSS?? 11 *;. 1 # Bethlehem with Lehigh tmuey Evening Train &r Allentown. Mauch ChtSck, I &jt&%£££S3SZ32£S* *» '“^«W at ttss At l£„ mnd l5!35BLT»nae.Tl stakes direct connection with Lehigh Val wl^2? fto ? 1 5S' ,ton l WUkesbarre, MahSSSyOlty. Hazleton, and arrives In Philadelphia at 2.80 p M. a± f^^SgJ^?gyS^eßb V re “ Rhcloonnecl Sffia * tUtf,lt '“ a,rtf7e *“ Phlladelpbli Leave Fort Washington at l(XfO and 2.15 p. m Phlladelplda for Bethlehem at 9 A, M. Philadelphia lbr Doylestown at 158 p. M. Doyleetown ftr Philadelphia at 7.23 A. If. SftWdkgn lor Philadelphia at 4AO p. M, •5HP 1 y* BJ^th.Streets Passenger Cars cony V mu •motitojand ta Berks «roal>ei£t” T 7 White Cars of Second and Third streets Line convoy pusomers to Third Street Pepot. Bt f S‘-S??-teP r 9 c °U ed at the Ticket Offices, THIRD street, In order to secure the loweet KIiTiTS CLARK, Agent, B^fm“t&B^t, Ellnre “ wmcaUftr«.d®vß caflee. No. 1M South THIRD street, mya KtFgBSSSq qwbmak. uo^Siu^SlaN? DAT, Hay 16th, lseo. „ ,*P B OKEKAKTOWN. Leave PhOatolßhla—B,7,8,9,10. U, IS, A, M 4 1, s. *JO minuted, 83i,«, s, 8iC,*,7,8.8, iHijis, * Irfsave Germantown— 7, 7)2, & 8.20, 9. id. 11 I*. a it • k*. «.A, «». 7,8.9’, 10, lIP. It’ ' '** Al *" The ISO town train, and the 3* and S3* np trains an not etop on Germantown Branch! v “ OKSONDATH. Leave P 10X.P.M. Leave Ge mlnateftA. JC; *, s, 6,8 ana T 8, IS. IS, A. 1C; 1. «, «*, T, t, Le»v* casestnnt HHI—7JO minnte*. 5,8.10, *na ILtO A. H.; MO, 8.40, MO, 8.40, 8.40, *nd 10. MP. SI. t «MS SUNDAYS, FWl»4elplil»-9.i0 mania*, A. K.; 2 s, *na 8 ■n^SffiS^p.™ -7 - 40 mo, <uo FOB OONSHOHOCKEN AJTD KOBBIBTOWfI, "*»>*. A. Us 18. H_orrf«town-af ,7, 7JO, 9, u. A.M.; 18, Of, e* : TOe Of P.M. train will (top at School Lane. win*. Mekon, Kanaynnk, Sprtn* MHla and n>mi£a.;?-.>S?r only. ** ' , „„ . , OHSUHDAYH. leave Philadelphia-* A. M., Of, 4, and Of p.M. and », P . sx^aif^hL 1 ”* - **' **' uo ’*•***> A.IL; i.s, : Baave and Of P. M. DcpotiHiathmiQrßMitftr—n, Dh 1868. PHILADELPHIA AND ■B*SsB“*S!webik railroad, isea. 1 his great une traverses the Northern and North west counties 0 f Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on It has been leashd and Is operated by the Pennsyl van la Railroad Company. y Tims ox PAsansoKß mms at Philadelphia. Annrvis eastwaad. Erie Hkll Tr&ln 7 oo a. m Erie , , , ..• iffpS Lv w. sXtKAVX ■WESTWASJ). Erie Mali Train..., 1 ...tti, 11 ii,...,. 1 9.0Q P. M. E PaaSng^Craran"throti l ghon'thaSio - Stta o a^d ChaDfte ’ bOUI warSl betweBn . „ „OT' TOBE COHKBCTIOH. Leave New York at 9SO A.M., arrive at Erie 8.30 a M Leave Erieat 4.45 P. M,, arrive at New York 4.10 P. M . Elegant Sleeping Cars on" aHNlght Trains. ! Foi information respecting passenger ouslnessaunly dllph TB XBT ' LETH and MARKET 6treeS7PMla^ lor Freight bnstoees of the Company’s Agents: st^fiffifpifc coruer ThlrteeDUl “ d J. v». Reynolds, Ene, Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. 8.. BalUmore. „ , _ ; -H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Pnlladelphla. H. W. UWINNSR, General Ptola<delpni3 General Superintendent, Erie. ffttlnfeiaa£Y!.l AND PHI I. A. ffjjjyjWßP* Lp p DELPHI a RAILROAD, VIA WINTER' ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 15th, 1666, thi trains will leave as follows: > ■ WIST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave„ Philadelphia for West Chester, from Depot SISSSSspX 8 ' Btreet> 7 - M - nM A - Irfaive West Cheater for Philadelphia, from Depot on HI Market streehS.a). 8.00,10.48 A. tL, L 65, ASOP.w Trains leaving West Chaster at 8 00 AjkL and leavim pyiadelphla at 4.15 P. M., will not atop at Penneltmf and trill atop below B. O.JuncUonajMedlaoray. , FENNJELTON TRAINS, vs PMUAelpliU tor Pennelton 4.15 and uao P. m, F*M? V 0 Fennel ““ ®> r Philadelphia 8.47 A, M. 7 7S jgagpwsi?^saßßSssr'sm.» Leave West Chester 7.SS A M and 4.00 P M. to Bnm>AYe-Tha West ..Philadelbhla. Passenger J® r leave Eleventh and Market RtroeLa, hatfnii hour before theTrato leaves the depot, and will leave taSothfifcits? arr,val of 6aeb train tooonverpaasengers Trains,leavtagPhlladelphla at 7J50 A. M. and 4.15 t ■ Ml, and leaving West Cheater at 8.00 A. M, and 4JjO P ra jaw, be responsible Ibr an amount exceeding one hnn ?fS?J loJa 2*£siSss•Bp«3jh l contract la made for the lahie. hjcNBY WOOD, General Saperintsndent _WEBT JERSEY ' RAILROAD LINES, from foot of H&rhet street upper i?exi7, commencing MONDAY, September 24 186 Ba - • - - - - * I LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem, Millville. and all Interinediate stations, at BA. 11., Mail, 3.30 P. M.. Passenger For Woodbury 8 A.M.,3SOP. l For Cape May at 3 SO P. M.. - RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A. M., 840 AM., and 4.54 P M pLrldgelon at 7.05 AM. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 Sal-ro* at 660 A. M. and 305 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M pMlUviUe at 0.55 A M.and 308 P. M. Freight 6JO CapeMayat 1145 AM. Passenger and Freight. SH 1 be received at Second Covered S.®.“/. I>f!low ,^S l^ n s. st,e ® t > ft ' o m7 A..M. until 5 p. M saine d eC CV be^orfc 9 AM. will go forward the WAHE AvlnoE IVEHY '' N °- ' m 80UTHr DEEA - • J. VANRENSBELAER,Sup’L AlgSl&ng^ O fe CelootofMar r tß^t,W P h^ rai^Dt _ s?}s}?' ie P°‘ ofthAWestChfflto APhUA, delphla Railroad, corner of Thirty-flrst 'and Market' J. at 7.50 AM.75nd4745 pTm. andteav?Oxford at 8.25 bsl na ° xibt<l «e. 35 A. AMarket Train with Passenger Car attached , will. Dn p& a phS^n C »^dSy^ D dS^ar o ffifc&S&SSE' sSHS!?’*. 111 Lancaster county. Betornlngjeavee Peach sl ■ WMh ty> AftemooiiTpSn : g^jj leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 ranatoßlalng are allowed to take Wearing Apparel SP* 1 1116 Company will n otto any case m responsible for an amount exceeding one hum ~ ®""9"ars. cn^G6B a special contrast be made for the same - mhis £enry WOOD, Gen’l. anp’t. I *■— W— *g*joiHq_Ba ir.KoSpI —— I fltlpbfs at the Allowing honnc • Vkfili I tiona.*’ 80 M ‘ for , Eeadl he and all Intermediate Bta' I PWlld™ph^at B aSf^ lne at 6.MP.M., arrlTlngfn l at eiK i EXPRESS, Pwtewate^wSisSLi^S^ 111 *’ i«*>»noa, Harrttimri I&MMi UPtasaM FhiladelphlaSlißJMlcT T 46 , K " ««ylngni s'^S rr !fi ) i lr l-^ o ff J:nt><laaon leaves Beading at i so '&JSi'.¥2i.^oSF*'SV 4ilo - p ''Co^ctffig 7 '® -fraMßtinodation south at &so I at .9.10 P. M. “ ■ ( ,JJhßi, witha Passenger car attached, leaves I “wtSstaST p»pK e p. l> «Te &t^Slk!, g; 8.60 A* St.* returning; ftom Beadinjc at | € SS 3I S? VAiiMnr. KAHtBOAi). g»K^ ,ta . at 700 A,: rj*™* New YorkaiT. 9A.SCand Mnp. nr:.i»i..i NiSthLS,'olSSj 1 Ketamine, -Express Train-, leaves Tr«wt.ww-, m ; f sr???^'^ nI * Express frcraPittabiirgs,at3 : Beading at 4.19 ana hla s M. arriving at New- York, 10 A. IC, ; 55,,„_ 2, ?5 J - Blecplny (Stra accompanying thSe bet Ween Jea !* dtyaidjSttarargh, »f £ *£S?£L, J? e^ 1 55 i LL eaTe ® Harrisburg' at 200 P, bajs for Harrisburg leaves New York at 11 _ SORU VIRILE. VALLEY RATT.wnais Trains Itave Pottsvffle at 7,11.30 p w rotating ftom Tamaqna at 7.1 S A. IC, and L4fi a£3 Harrisburg, and at CSOP. M, fcrMnegrovifSdTS? Tremont at 7.SSA. ssss, 8 ® MS TICKETS. " ofQ - t*** «to®a tSSaSS: COMMUTATION TICKETS. lbfaj|£!^iffi ,mtße " reea "V POBtia desired MTLEAQE TICKETS, fiS betweeD -‘ upolna ' aita »«*. _ SEASON TICKETS. Pbr three, sir, nine or swerve months, lbr holders only, to all points at redooed rates. women ' Jeh££s! ot “? e wfflbe fnrnlshed entitling themselves and vrtves to tickets si _ „ EXCUBSION TICKETS, «/SSS/SsjS! lpl * l, , , ?^’?s cl P al stations,'good lbr ffi^aafeMsgsiS 7BEI6HT. Boodsol andescriptions forwarded to an tha aba vs n,,,UlJ '' ,lireW,reWlt:De »^^«S _ PBEISHT TRAINS. LaaTOPhßmdehphladaUyatMJ A. SC, 1X.15 noon and r n^Si’^b|S£ rUliai1 ' ?Mto7ni *- Slpal Stations only at 3.15 P. SC snepnn. Chase a and Btemmert Kan. * wjr “ u *» nagnoiia, Train* K &15 A. K. (Ban«ayi ex. press train at 11.15 A* SC (Sundays excentadi fh» Baltimore and Washington, w eroepied) Or Express Train at 3.00 jP. St. (Sundays excepted), tor Baltimore and Washington, stopping. at Chester gaymont, Wilmington, Newark, Effcton, North-Eart! Perrivllle, HavrSSeQrace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s Edgewood, Megnolla, Chase’s and stemmer’R am 1 , Night Exnren at 11 .on P. M~. fnr ane w,a. mjr»on> Passengers by boat Srom Baltimore Ibr Portress Vhe^lAM^^S! 7R,lnt BicitmondwlUteto WIpirNGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIKB. all stations between Philadelphia andwffi AJt-12-SOAM.MOanaiLSK Tbe LSOP. M. train connects with the Del*, ware Railroad for Harrington and Intermediate gta- , LOTve WUmlngton 6.30,7.15 and 0.50 A. M., 1.00 and QiSO «i Ja • Chmi l^d, S-isdSpwi notatoPat ataUoES between £STJSiS£ leave PhDa,lelpWa THROUGH TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE 10J1 “ a *•*« - ,£ r ? m ,? a JH Ino . r ? ,?> Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.85 A. M., WayMalL 8.20 A. hi., Express. Lie P hr Express. tssP. M„ Express. P. M?TfexpKOT. ' A^S^nd Lllp.^" 0 ieaT6 Cbe5!CT “ «-«“«8-a ns for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 544 and M.. and Al 5 P. M- freight trains with passenger can attached will leave Wjhnlngton Jer Perry vllle and Intermediate stations o. 6,fcsP. M. Leave Baltimore for HavredeOraee and Intermediate Stations at 4.45 P.SL LeavePerry vllle ar Wilmington and Intermediate stations at 4Jo o ?Phffl^“ Bll!lg * OnWltliaie 7 ' 15 L SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.15 A hLwr Baltimore and Wash, tagton, stopping at Chester, WHmlngton, Newark glkton. Northeast, Perryvffle, Havrede-Qraca, deen, Perryman’s, Magnolia, Chase’s and Stemmer’s oQQi , Night Express 11.00 P. H. fijr Baltimore and v?ash i>on. Accommodation Train at 11.S0 PM., tar Wllmlniton and Intermediate Stations. 1 J . BALTIMORE BOR KHTT.Angr.TOrt . Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P. If., stopping atHavre da £? ce ’/w rryTl tt 8 5? ld .^l u “ lngtol stops at Elk lon snd Newark (to take passengerp'for PhfladelplLla and leave passengers Item Wasklniton or BalUnmiS leave passensera Som Baltimore or Acoomodatlon train will leave Wilmington IbrPbl ladelphla and Intermediate Stations at t> at | H. F. KEHBar. Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL , A YRATvmrMTrarr, ttie iralnaofthePtiinsylYAnlACentral B. B. tears Depet at TMrty-tlrst and Market streets, which la reached by the care of the Market street iassenxer Batiw aj running to and from the Depot. Thelastcar leaves Front street about thirty minutes, prior to the departure of each Train. On Sundavb—Cora leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 mlnates before departure of each train. Mann’s Baggage ExpbesswlU call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at the office. No. 881 Chestnut street, will receive attention. TRAINS DBA YE AND AKSIYB AT DEPOT THDB: MAIL TRAPS - • «S 8.00 A. M, BAY EXPRESS - - - "10.00 " PAOLI ACCOM.. NO. 1 • » 1100 “ FAST IIKS«& ERIE EXPRESS t '* 12.0 Q & RARRTRBTIRft ACCOM., " " LANCABTER*AOCOM„ • ’■ 100 " PAOLI AOOOM.JNO. 2 * * - " 5.00 " PITTSBURGH ERIE MAIL, M " 0.00 " v* PAOLI ACCOM., NO. 8, - J •* 10.00 " ; pTTTT.ATHgT.PmA TCypRTGRHf . i «m* y - ■. ! ■ ARRVFB. CINCtnSNATI HXPBBBB, t • "I4M PHILADELPHIA KXPBJSa J • •> 7JO PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 . •• aSo » COLUMBIA TRAIN, • •• am u LANCASTER TRAIN • , . "14MP. M FAST LINE . . . , •* u* PAOLI ACCOM., No. 4 • . " •. BAY EXPRESS . . “ Ato " PAOLI ACCOM., NO. 8, . . . ■> 7go .1 HARRISBURG ACOOk., - •• .. wiiMie mad; Erie without change of cars. r-maaorgn Sojiday Accomodation Tbains fbr Paoll and In termediate stations leave Philadelphia at 0.00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M.. returning, leave PaofiatO.w A. M. and 4,60 * A TICKET OFFICE' Is located at No. Ml Chestnut otreeCwhere Tickets to all important polntemay be procnraLapd foil Informa tion’given OikJOHN C. ADLEnT Ticket Agent • Also at application to THOS. H. PARKfcTlcket Agent, at the Depot. Aq Emigrant Tram rnna daily, except Sunday.. Far JWI Information as to fere and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 187 Dock street. The Pennsylvania Railroad 00. will not momma any risk tbr Baggage, except fturWearing Apparel,and lfinn their reeponsUMlity toone Hnnrtrea Hollars In value. All luggage exceeding that amount In value, will he at tb e rift of the owner, unOn taken ftp (pedal ooniraol PANT’S UNPaftam^n^L^ig^qigOAP^DM* At2P. M.,via Camden andArffmSifeSS" B ** * M At6.00P.i1., via Camden jSajiZJSS***- ? Of boy, Accom and Emigrant, Am 1 o‘aas, AtB.A.M,,2anq 6.00 P.kTPot KoontH^ 1 v* 80 '■-■ SgSJSSSffiiffi - vlDcmtwn - sSX’£as ■&&sa^ss^B «ifc^^ MKE^GTON:DBTOt ™ u»v« At UA. K., 4^0,6.46 P. M. and 12 PJtf. (night) via Kensington and Jersey city „ „ - da^ 6 e!Spt^- LJnewlfi m Sbs-: jn’aas ££ 12 Midnight, for Bnstol.Ttenton. Ac. * " * aa • “d 10.16, A. M.,,122C,8, 4,6;andSpjlt Ihr £9s™ Tacony.wisalna. mlr.g, Brtdesbnrg ■ and Prantefora and at 10.15 a v gn Bristol. Schencks, Eddington and 8 P.MTftj? ' W^^mandlntermodlateßtatlons.-; ~0 1 'iSJTT 11 ® 1 ® EECAWAKE KA f BROAD, ftr tha £S2^? r 9_si ver Vallra r , Northern Pennsylvania, and d “ 8 Great Bnkea. Two-thronS} ! : L£*?•?»4-M. and3.2oP.M,* fir Niagara Rilin' Bn*. The 3^o P.M.,Line connects- i direct-with IXnt S P r°L^ e; 3L e ft&“ da l “bepStOTexS^^Oo^^l S3R£F» < &££S 'S^!^®sas«3sßeb ’»SSy er^d-aS r “ M -“ ia *' 4 *•*. ~ ' ~' J ' J WM, H. QAITMER, Agent. ISS HKBialga" .K9J£ _N£ w yobsl-ba-rttT^ AJtJD DELAWARE 3iY EAI r_ foot of VINE st.; Shi* I»!emJtoSr to! Branch, New York a y Mall and ■ Express from cbonop’R p t, i!? U Tß*f? , is r ? v^ e 111 New York at 9,30 o?;^“i?T, € J gllt / or . :N^ w Tork ***& Waycitetierta. <3owds delivered at Cobjdaqv’s Tjpnnt ■>vj wnrtv* Philadelphia,by 4i\hr., (Smarted by thta liiie, arrive in New York at 5 o'clock next morning. —_ BET UiiNING. ;The Passenger Bteamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier w North Biver t &ot of Duane street. If Y atn a nr for Philadelphia Express, andlor Way Mail and S* press at 4 p. AL, touching at Piw 3 Nortb*RiTO, pa&eDgers only, at 4 P. M. vur » ,or /■^ li ii trec ,? l J ed at Pier S 2 North Blver, N. Y„ by ForftirthexlniOTmaUpnapply to Company’s agents. “■» w?a Street! Yo?“ 52 North BJver ' &<“ Of DUANE V r i?i tt *= ne^ a l;SK!sil_ an<l Passenger Office, Fhlla. delphta, No. 411CHESTSUT Street ’ rJular __ W. N. CLAYTON, Superintendent, Bed Bank. N. J. General Agent, PhlladelpW. sees® THE PAW HAWPLB BOTJTB WESTWARD. I nP*ff ag 10 018 * l s Bt distance saved by THBBOUm 5? < k G S7f^ en . 1 L h * a^Ssi Sp ed l{ tte toe Plln ““ 1 Cltlee oftoewestanl I SUTOSB GHAIK6E' 09 GAm TRAIN IN ADVANCE OP ANY' | s^sssBft®&sS3i®: iSt 08 ®’ * V S2?°* Cara at Plttsbnrgh «®rded totg tit parciiass UcJtBla “VIA STEUBEN, PENNSYLVANIA BAHiBOAD OPPICEE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets, ■ ■■ ' B.V.B&Etf* 1 * 1 * JOHN H. JOHN DUBAND. Gen’l New^^ S?JBroad Office, 631 Cheetnnt Etaeee ■ and Thirtietr anl Market streets. West Phlladelohi.,' JjStyKE l ' l ". I TOPLKABUBE TBMSHOBTEST fiOCTfi^ NIAGARA PALLS IS VTA THE CATAWIBBA RAILROAD. Connections Immediate and sure. 80 PHILADELPHIA ANILRKADING Ran.pmn .t *is T F I ?F E3 §?£I ,4?. D ’ CALLOWHELL, St 8.15 A. M.i NIAGARA PALTfi’ tctpijuvo Williamsport to RoctoteS Passengers remaining over night at Williams can resume journey next morning at 7.3sjeachine Niagara Falla at 8.40 same '•’»*reacning Ask for tickets via C&tewissaßailro&d. which can ha procured at the Company’s wmcn can he onder Philadelphia Bank, and OTooei'te’thß ££!&• Depot, “iStf™ 18, VAN horn; W 'yiv-tr General Passenger Awmt. pleasant daily excursions #grr.T r %,°P to Beverly, Burlington tSa bnsul. torching at Riverton, Torresdale and Anda lnsla. by the splendid Steamer JOHN A. WiRNKR leaving Chestnut street wharf at2P, M? RjtSnW imoufsM. “ 4 ° ,clock - <«ivln^Sp3SdS» 1 5& rarp for the excarsion. 40 cents. lEREBB CABDa. HO. R&HGASTISB. • GRAmSTOM, SPRUCE STREET WHARF. • SgTlnusHßP i?f i«g«. 9 ats MUili-FKED sold Wholesale and *■*“■“* deuv “S^“ o^f^'ST^S o " WHOLBSAIB GBOCEsS SmS 00 ,¥ ul GHJHTmiT atreefa,i>S' SSS»ES!SVi.' 4 S? 1 * 8 ‘- T r>a^e of the Products of th* Se&oery and the Grocer*’ Bazar Philadelphia. Jal-lyr T>gyrnBYLVAKIA WORKS.—ON TWB! mir.." JL WABBrlver, below PTTTT. a t>wt.pttt a ‘ CHBSTHEU, Delaware county. Pa. Engineer, and Iron Boat wa£S?***’ SOS<SIOQi Hann&ctniens of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDJKBING%; Iren Vessels of an descriptions, Boilers. Vela. Tanka . Propellers, Ac,, Ac. - T, E liate of"’ W ‘ BE^-"EY > S- ABCHIBOLD, Bciaiiey. Neafe & Co., Engineer Penn Works. PhmL T. VAUGHAN H-IiKREICK! wash- !' M . ■ mornffi? lllo2 * SONB, »ri»„«,„^?S? ] ¥ EKS AHD MAOHiuiSTS. ftajlAnd, River andHar&te Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats. tfcc. Csstlna of all kinds,‘either iron or brass. Worta - WorMlopa “ a to ««c^ IBl7 - 0r “* e “ d JBvery description of Plantation Machinery: and §?***• . Ita&cators, Filters, Pomping fines, ecc*' Sole Agents for N. Billeux’s Patent Sugar Bolin* Apparatus, Nesmyth’B Patent Steam Hammer and Asplnwall & Woolsey’a Patent Centrifugal Sow Draining Machine, GAB FIXTTTBES.-MIHKKY. AfßßttrT.T. V I THACKAKA, HO. 718 CmS'llßl DT str«2 Bfantrtactnrera of Gas fixtures, lAmpa, An. AnT wodhtcall the attention of the pnbllc to their i»ni end elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers. PendanE? Brackets, Ac, They also Introdnoo Gaa Dwellings ai2 Pnbllc Buildings, andatteSi io e?tJsai fng.altering andrepalringGMplpea 'SSL- -■ lam ■ JAKES WEIGHT, THQKMTttg pnmi T‘ Importen of Bartheoinie, B sS p^4ftl TßS^ taann Menaumt*. yo.UgWAXiNOTBtre6t.wSKSSpAi«} i)AKHIACiEs7 rioa. 231 and 233 GROWN atreet* ocii-3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers