CITY BUTiIiETIW. Pat.f. of Real Estate, Stocks, &c.— James A. Ereeman, auctioneer, sold yes terday, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Philadel phia Exchange, the following: •;. . Three-story brick houße, with back buildings and lot, 1113 Poplar, street, , 17 feet front by 58 feet 4 inches deep, 4,350 Three-story brick house and lot, 905 . Kurtz street, 15 feet front and 44 feet \6l inches deep, - - ' ; - 1,450 Three-story brick house, 907 Kurtz j street, 16 feet front and 451 feet deep, 1,450 Three-story briok dwelling and lot of ground, 824 Geary street, 15 feet front and 57 feet deep, - - - 2,450 Two-story brick messuage and lot, 900 Charlotte street 15 feet 9 inches front. and 73 feet 31 inches deep, - - 2,425 Two-storv briok house and lot, Mar shallstreet, 17 feet front by 72 feet 4| inches deep, - * * " * Three-story brick messuage and lot, adioinißg the above, - 1,050 Three-story brick dwelling,with three story back buildings and lot, 18 Mayland street, 15 feet 6 inches front and 40 feet deep, - - - - 1,625 Two-and-a-half story frame messuage and lot of ground, 16 Mayland st., 15 feet 9 inches front and 16 ft. deep, 910 Three- story brick dwelling and lot, 1209 Ellsworth street, 16 feet front and 60 feet deep, - - - 1,000 Three-story brick house and lot,north east corner of Nineteenth and Tat low streets, 15 feet front and 58 feet 4 inches deep, - - - - - 3,000 Three-story brick messuage and lot, 469 North Ninth street, - 2,525 Lot of ground, Twenty-seventh street, . above Master, 18 feet 4 inches front and 100 feet deep, - 150 Tract of land Second and Cantrell sti6©ts ■ ■ _ ■» 520 Tract of \and, Moyamensing ave. and Cantrell street, ----- 1,100 Tract of land, Second, Cantrell and Winton streets, ----- 1,700 Tract of lahd, Moyamensing ave.,Can trell and Winton streets, - - - 875 Tract of land, with improvements, Second and Jackson streets, - - 1,675 Tract of land, Moyamensing ave, and Jackson street, ----- 950 Dwellings and tract of land, Moya mensing ave., - A Substantial Presentto tecs Newly- Flected Assistant Engineer of the Fourth Fire Division.— Last evening, at the public house of J. Maxwell, Edmund "Wright, Assistant Engineer, was presented ■with a handsome set of equipments by his friends belonging to the Germantown Hose Company. Theequipmenta were presented by M. C. Hong. Mr. Wright replied in a neat and appropriatespeech. The reception passed off in an orderly manner, and there was no protest entered. A Bright Specimen.— Joseph McFadden is a lad of fifteen years. Yesterday after noon he amused himself by throwing stones at the Beading Railroad cars, at Twenty fourth street and Pennsylvania avenue, and was arrested. Previously, he had_ gone into Murray’s coed yard, in that vicinity, and threatened to kill Mr. Murray. On his per son was found a large carving-knife. He had a hearing before Alderman Hutchinson, and was hernia $l,OOO bail for trial. An Expensive Shot.— A young man was arrested yesterday at Fairmount Park for firing off a pistol, thereby endangering the lives of the visitors to that place. He was taken before Alderman Hutchinson and was fined $2. Stealing Bigging. John Kenney, a boy, was arrested last night for cutting the lines from a vessel at Almond street wharf and stealing them. He was committed by Alderman Tittermary. An Article of True Merit.— “ Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are the most popular article in this counta y or Europe for Throat Disease and Coughs, and this popularity is based upon real merit, which cannot be said of many other preparations in the mar* tet which are really but weak imitations of the genu* ine Troches. French Cocoanut Cake, Original -with Herae & Co., M 2 and 804 Arch street. Superior French Confections made of pure loaf sugar, French Naugat, Jordan Roasted Al monds, Vanilla Chocolate Caramels. Cream Choco lates, Bon Bona, manufactured by A. L. Vans&nt, Ninth and Chestnut. Also, Hot-house Grapes, Duch ess Fears and other choice fruits. Now Open.— • HIGH BLACK SILKS. DRAPE DE PRANCE. GROS GRAINS, LYONS TAFFETAS. And every other desirable styles for Dresses and Mantles. This is a new department, and Is worthy the atten tion of buyers. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 920 Chestnut street. Cloaking Cloths by the yard in great variety. FANCY CLOAKINGS. WHITE CLOAKINGS. FROSTED BEAVERS. VELVET BEAVERS. ASTBACAN CLOAKINGS. BROWN FUR CLOAKINGS. ' POLAR CLOAKINGS. &C M &C., &C.„&C., AC. This is a new (department, and is worthy the notice of buyers. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Chestnut street. Furs of all Nations.— n RUSSIAN SABLE FURS. HUDSON BAY BABLES. - FINE DARK MINK SABLES. ROYAL ERMINE-CHINCHILLA. DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL. V PERSIAN LAMB—ASTBACAN, AC., AC. FOE LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. J. W. PROCTOR A CO., 920 Chestnnt street. Upholstery Store, where every work required by the most perfect housekeepers is done. Repairing, polishing, taking down and putting np of furniture. Meu and women, qualified by long expe rience at each branch of the basiness. No work per formed but in the most thorough manner, at Patten’s, No. 1408 Chestnut street. Another Letter from the President 1 s Private Secretary : “Executive Mansion, October 16th.—Dear Sir: Your letter received, with questions enclosed. The communication was immediately forwarded to the proper authorities, and the answer was returned that in reply to your inquiries, that the suit fits perfectly, and thematerial is of a beautlfol quality. The President is much pleased with them. “Robert, Private Secretary. “To Charles Stokes A Co., Clothiers, under the Con tinental Hotel, Philadelphia.” Furs !—Fall and Winter Stock. Be early purchasers. - You get the pick. Every ladyshonld have a set. Call at CHARLES OAKFOBS A SONS, Under the Continental Hotel. Window Shades one doUar— Gilt Shades only $l, at Patten's, 1408 ChestnuWßtreet. Cubtains.— See Patten’s Curtain Goods and Auction Curtains, bought low and will be sold low, at W. Henry Patten’s 1408, Chestnnt street, We have seen at the Clothing House of C, Somers & Bon, Fancy Cassimere for suits; Satin faced and Chinchilla Beaver Over Coats, which are made np In the most substantial way. Also magnifi cent stock of choice uncut goods to select from for measure. Every garment made by this House war ranted to fit, Beed'a Patent Bntton used, which prevents the disa greeable necessity of sewing on buttons. Elegant Fall Shits. ■•‘SSi "SSt SUITS FOB GENTLEMEN. -=®S -ffl& *©& bpitb fob boys. -@r -®o. bum FOB ■SOUTHS- -ffia “Ed “5a tostjit every bods. -®a SSOWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. - “SSL -ffifi BOOKHILL & WILSON. -=©& -ffia -ffig 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET, ■ -£3 O i.How Beautiful ....... , AreOAKFOBDS’ Hats for exclamation, stores under the v vr B ,? 1 BUJNDNESS AND CATARRH,— fc^?!SSkfflsßSSj!* , 9?°ltheßye and Ear, treats his office, No. aSxeS to hS ** No .charge mad, “lubricativa steam engine packing.—for terms, see 6 arch at.. pMla., and 2S4ey st, pew yprk, Coal at Retail Richmond Pbi- . OSS- at the Shipping Wharf,’ foet of Laurelstreet, Kensington. Gross lon (2,240 Bra.) always delivered, K & w tomLINSON. ' AMtJBEffiEBmS.I ThxatbicAlu—-At the Chestnut Mr. Owens repeats ‘Uncle Bolon Shingle” and “The Live Indian,” At tbe Arch Hr. Bandmann gives “Destiny” for the last time. The afterpiece will be “A Bay Well Spent.*’. To-morrow Mr. B. has a benefit. At the Walnut Mr, Booth appears in “Brutus,” supported by Mr. Hill, Miss Susan Desin, «fcc. To-morrow a splendid bill will be offered for Mr. Booth's benefit At the American “Mazeppa” Is still the attraction. On Saturday even ing the City Museum Theatre in Gallowhill street will reopen. It has been very handsomely fitted up; a goodcompany has been engaged, and light and attrac tive pieces will be played. As will be seen by the ad vertisement every effort has been made to constitute the theatre a charming place of family resort. Other Amusements.—At National Hall, the Lin coln Tableaux. At Assembly Building, Signor Blitz every evening and on Wednesday and Saturday after noons At the Eleventh Street Opera House, Carn roßS <& Dixey’s unsurpassed Minstrel company. Thonght and Expression. Upon the opening of the Statistical Section I of the British Association; Lord Stanley, the ] President', offered some excellent advice as to speaking': . 4 “You can say all you have got to say in very few words if you will think it over be forehand. It is not abundance of matter, it is want of preparation, want of exact thought, that makes diffuseness. A man gees round and round his meaning when he is not perfectly clear. Again, we don’t want preamble or perorations. We are not a | school of rhetoric; and in addressing an educated audience a good deal may be taken for granted. Lastly, we only wish to get at the truth of things.” Quintilian has written to the same effect, and goes even farther, for he says that a perfect thought will always clothe itself in' appropriate language, and that when people suppose that they are in want of words to express themselves they are really in want of thought, have only got hold of a part of a thought instead of the complete thought, and are in difficulty about the clothing of an unformed thing. De Betz says that strong emotions find their utterances in monosyllables,and the language of the poor in grief is often of an earnestness and sim plicity risiDg to eloquence. Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh. It was said of an ancient writer’s negligence that it was that of a man studying his matter more than his expression; but, if Quintilian be right, the author had not completely mastered his matter, and therefore fell into faults of manner. Quintilian may, perhaps, push tbe proposition a little too far, but it is a safer general rule to suspect the complete ness of thought when its delivery in words is difficult, and calls for help. As Lord Stanley well says, “ a man goes round and round his meaning when he is not perfectly clear.” —London Examiner. - 3,500 HABISEB FORT OF T>H TT. A ngLPHIA- October 18. Jg3~Bt4 Marin* Eullstin on Sixth Pap*. Steamer South Carolina, Mason, l day from N York, in ballaat to Philadelphia and Southern! Mail Steam ship Co. Steamer Black Diamond. Meredith. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Schr J W Drisco, Baton, 1 day from Wilmington, Del. in ballast to captain. Schr Annie, Johnson, firom Fall River. Rrhr C Merrick, Montgomery, firom Norwich. Schr W Donnelly. Hunter, from Washington. Schr John 9hay. Tilton, from Providence. h G Ely, McAllister, from Norwalk. Schr Mary Haley, Haley > from Bangor. sr-hr E Ewing, McDevitt. firom New Haven. Schr W H Dennis. Lake, from Boston. Schr Mary A Frances, McDonald, from Derby, Ct. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Jupiter, Bradherring. Hamburg. L Westergaard. Schr Georgia, Gilchrist. Boston, Van Dusen, Lochman A Co. Schr Convoy, Merrill, Boston, Mershon A Cloud. Steamer Zodiac. Rodgers, hence at Boston yesterday, steamer Norfolk, Vance, hence at Richmond i6th nstant. „ Steamer City of Cork (Br). Bridgman, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamer Montgomery. F&irclotb, firom New Orleans 7th Inst, via Delaware City 16th. at New York yester day. 10th Inst off Sombrero, saw a large shin with loss of foretopgallantmast, main and mlzen mast heads. Steamer Kensington, from New Orleans for Boston, put into Charleston yesterday, with loss of rudder. Steamer Virginia, Spencer, from New York, at Gal veston 16th insu Steamer Cumbria, for Mobile, before reported put back to Savannah with machinery disabled, cleared again 12th Inst, to resume her voyage,having repaired. Brig J Means, Wells, cleared at Calais Bth Inst, for this port. Brigs Orozimbo, J C York. Mary A Chase, Frank E Allen, C Matthews, 8 P Smith. Alftretta.;Matilda, and Harriet, remained at Holmes’ Hole 8 AM 16th last. Schr C Looser, Smith, cleared at Wilmington. NC. 15th inst. for this port, with 160,000 feet lumber, 8,000 juniper staves ana B,€oo oak staves. - schr Boston, Smithy from Providence for this port, at New York yesterday. Schr George Fales, Nickerson, sailed firom Provi dence 16th inst. for this port. Schr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, from Taunton for this port, wiled from Newport 13th Inst. Schr Geo Twlbell, Miller,sailed from Richmond l tb inst for this port via City Point. Bchrs Jesse X Leach (ashore), Mary H Banks, J P Cake, Sami Fish. BJ Vaughan, J S Hewett, Yankee Blade, Day Break, Annie May, C F Young, Bailie 4. 0 A Beckscner, Vashtl Sharp. White Sea, Pearl, B C Tyler, A H Edwards, J M Vance, Dauntless. P Bolce, Trade Wind, HK Vaughan, W G Auden ried, BAB Corson, J H Allen. W B Thomaa.Grace Clifton,Oneida, R J Mercer. Paugasset, O P Slickney, Franconia, A 8 Cannon,OßCarBtairs,M R Samson FEdwards.CS Edwards, ME Coyne, A Bartlett, S Cullen, W P Poll lips,LA Danenbower, J Williamson. Jr, MPSmltb, k a Hoffman, W H Wilson, S T Godfrey. Mary Ella, F A Sawyer. Nellie D, E Edwards. A M Flanagan. A. Townsend. Marla Roxana, D P Steeiman, Polly Price, Eliza A Rebecca, Edwin, Ocean Ranger, E Fowler, 8 R Hammond,and Louisa, were at Hoimes’ Hole 8 AM I6tb Inat. BB CALIFORNIA PURE WINES Ml) BRANDIES, From the celebrated Vineyards of B, D. WH£ON A SON, San Gabrlal, Los Angeles, California, ANGELICA, MOUND VINEYARD, HOOK, SPARKLING GRAM PORT PAGNE, GRAPE BRANDY, WINE BXTTER& SHERBY, j The above are guaranteed to be perfectly PURE as made from the Grape, and suited far SACRAMEN TAL and MEDICINAL purposes. We claim they are equal in richness, flavor and purity to Ihe best lm ported, at nearly hair the cost, Tor sale In wood or by the case. Carmick &. Co. BOLE AGENTS, IN. E» corner Front and Chestnut Sts, ■uZ7 rpj A MANUAL OF MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS. , A pamphlet of 112 pages, furnished gratis by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., 0010-rptf 924 CHESTNUT STREET. JqRDAN’BCELEBRAIKD TONIO ALE.—The truly healthful and zrateitions beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has established a character far quality or material and purity of. mann* facture, which stands unrivaled. It fi wnnninianii«i by physicians of this and other places, aa a superior ionic; and requires bnt a trial to convlnos the most skeptical of Its great merit. To be had, wholesale and retail,ol P, J. JORDAN, 220 Fear attest. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13,1866. THIS DAY. BLANKETS, BEDDING > Nl> FEATHER WAREHOUSE. TENTH STREET, BELOW ABCH. Feather Reds, Bolsters, Pillows, Matrasses of all / kinds; Blankets, Comiort ables, Counterpanes, Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Iron Bedstead., Cushions, and all other articles In that line of easiness. AMOS HXLLBORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, Below Arch. ■ blankets. CAItPETIJffGB. J; F.& E.B.QRNE, 004 » Chestnut Street, NOW OPENING \ . . FALL IMPORTATIONS. NEW CARPETINGS. t & J.F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut Street, BXCIiUSIVB KOVBXiSIBS " ■ m FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS j. F. & E. B. ORNE. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON, ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, NEW DESIGNS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. MBSBBB. JOHN CHOBLBY 4 SONS NEW STYLES 6-4 Velvet Carpets- J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. 800 Pcs. Eflglish Tapestry Carpets, Choice Style, Now Landing Steamer Melita. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, English and American 3-Ply Carpets. English and American Ingrain Carpets. 1 BORDERED DRUGGETS. 10-4,12-4,16-4 Druggets. STAIRS DRUGGETS, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Ch.estn.uLt Street* ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR HALLS AND STAIRS* WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. E. &E.B. ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. Fancy Engs and Sheepskin Mats. Cocoa Matting, all widths. English Oil Cloths, for Floors. Fnglish Oil Cloths, for Stairs. ws-thßfttaaarp - CARPETINGS. 7 JAMES H.ORNE&CO., 626 CHESTNUT, STREET, Between 6th and 7th streets. JUST RECEIVED FER STEAMER A LARGE IN VOICE OF French Chenille, and Axminster Carpets, HEW DESIGNS, i 904- OARPETDSGS. JAMES H. ORNE &CO, 626 CHEBTSUT STBEET, Between Sixth and Seventh streets. MESSRS. JOHN CROSSLEY& SON’S • New Styles ,64 Yelvet & Tapestry Carpets. JAMES H. ORNE '*oo,. 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh eta., English Royal Wilton. English Brussels. English Tapestries. JAMES H. ORNE & CO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh eta., NEW CARPETINGS Fall Importations, NOW OPENING. ocstnoiorpi HcCALLUMS, CREASE * SLOAN, No. 519 CHESTNUT STBEET, (Opposite Independaace Hall,) Harejust received an Invoice of ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS XSD COCOA MATTINGS. LEEDOM & SHAW, Wholesale and Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE, 910 ABCH, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. We are now opening our new Importations of For. elgn CARPETINGS, embracing all the new and lead lag patterns. Also a complete assortment of the best of American Manufactures. We are prepared and will sell at the lowest prices. sel2-sm rpi CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FALL AND WINTER BTYLBS and, complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHEE&equaI or superior to those of any other First-Class Tailoring Establishment, at moderate prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pattern Clothes to show the new and prevalent styles for the Inspection of customers and public. SHAW & JUSTICE’S Patent Dead Stroke Power Hammer, MERRICK & SONS. PHILADELPHIA, Sole Auignee* and Manufacturer! FOB THE State of Pennsylvania. address, UEEBICE & SONB, 430 Washington Avonue. »u25-3tath-2mrp! HOOF SKIRTS. 1866. THE NEW FALL STYLES J. W. BRADLEYS Celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Or Double Spring) SKIRT S HOW TJHIVEBSALLY ADOPTED BY OUR FASHION MAGAZINES AND ALL FASHION AUTHORITIES. THIS IMPROVED DUPLEX SKIRT Is now meeting with great Sale by J. M. HAFLEIGH, 902 Chestnut Street oeiowfmiat FIMSCIAIi. » NATIOSIALi . BANE CF THE REPUBLIC 809 and 811 CHESINPTST., 'PTTTT. ATYET.T*TTTA. having relinquished their entire control and Interest In this Bank, the bnslnees Is The lets now being candncwl under the Ibllowine entirely SEW HASAGEMEST. DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BAILEY. of Bailey A Co., Jewelenr. KDW*BB B. OBNE, \ OJ J. F. and E. B. Ozne, Seilers In CftroeOnci. KATHAW HTT.LKH. President of the Second Katiannl Bent. WILLIAM KBYTES, Of 3tyen & Errten, Konr facton. OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. and W. Welsh, BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Jr., Ofß. Rowland. Jr., & Bra, Coal Merchants, SAMUEL A. BIBPHAM. OI Samuel RKpnam & Sons, Wholesale Grocer*, m.T.TAM H. BHAWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. FB3BIBEHT, WILLIAM H. BHAWN. OABHHS. JOSEPH P. MDMFORD, u&tf rp Late of the PMla. National Bank, THE FUSE ABTB, EARLES’GALLERIES, @l6 Chestnut St. Looking G-laeses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. Picture Frames -is Rogers’ G-roupes A Large Free Gallery of Oil Paintings, LABOR WANTED. 500 Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors Are In want of 'WORK aa Laborers, Porters, Watch men, Drivers, Clerks, Mechanics, <£&, <6c. Apply at the Btnrean of Employment of the U. S' Sanitary Commission, 1397 CHESTNUT STREET. All Information free of charge. JOHN W. WILSON, Sec*y Bureau of Employment, 0c17.1t rpl A YOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUATION AS Teacher for small children In a private family. Reference given. Address Miss M. SMITH, Bur.- i-etin Office. oclS-St* WANTED— An experienced SAT.ES-LADY in a first-class Fancy Goods Store. Address, for two days, CBIBPINO, BuiJ-BTrs Office. ■ It* LEBiL ISOTIOES. ESTATE of MARY HUDSON, deceased.—Letters of Administration on the Estate of MARY HUD SON, single woman, deceased, Ihave been granted by Register of Wills lor City or Philadelphia to the un dersigned. All tpersons Indebted to her will make pays, ent to. and those having cl aims will present them at once to ISRAKL H. JOHNSON, Administrator, No. 119 MARKET street 3d story, fmiil)A„limO. 18,1866. oclB-th6t» NOTICE.— Letters of Administration upon tne Es tate of THOMAS H. FORBES, dec’d, having beengranted to the subscriber, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment,and those having claims to present them-without delay to THOMAS LITTLE, 343 Booth TWELFTH street, or to his Attorney, THOMAS J. DIEHL, 630 WALNUT street, 0018-lhot{ BOiBDISS. TO RENT.—Two fine LODGING ROOMS. Inquire ■1 at No. 126 Sooth SIXTH Street. oclS-3trp« TBAAO NATHANS. Auctioneer and Money Broker, AN. E corner of Third and Bpmce saeem.onUrona square below the Exchange. NATHANS’S Brlndpal Office, established for the last forty yean, ' Money to loan in large or small amounts, at the loweatrates on Diamonds, saver Plate, Watches,JJewelry, Cloadng, and goods of every description. Office hours, from 8 A. M. till 7 P.M. daffi-tfrp i&ssaa On IM Bonth DslawaießTonusi WE bint; THREE BOOMS IN The New Bulletin BsMmg. No. 607 Chestnut Stroot, The proprietors are prepared to receive sr-jpotalala* renting three rooms, era. THE SECOND STORY FRONT EOOSt, SO b 7 24 feet. Third and Fourth etorlea of thebaok oi Northern Snkd; lug, - with Entrance by > spacious hsli < n Chestnut street AndaFrontof 25 feet on Jayne street; * Snithblefor a Jobbing or Commtoa'.an House, a ;Bank or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at - tha NEW BUU lettN bullding. No- 607 OhsatnutSimt. FOR SALE.—A FARM of 41-; acres, la Radnor township, Delaware county, Ta„ on the Kooerta road, three-quarters of a mile from Rosemont station, Pennsylvania Railroad, iojs miles from Philadelphia! adjoining the country seat of Dr. E. Peace. The bo Ilfs excellent, In high cultivation, and well watered!. About six acres are met dow. Also, a good aoDla orchard and other fruits. . The buildings are a two-story DWELLING -well shrded: large stone bare, wagon house, ice house tprlng house, with never-failing spring, and other buildings, all in good repair^ This larm. from Its situation and many advantages is very desirable for any one wishing a country residence. . . - ■ For farther particulars apply to » ALEXANDER FT. SMITH. CHARLES H. METBHEID, No. 205 South Htxth streat, or JOHN o. HENDEBSON, poll' tb,s,tnlOtrp} West Hayerford. «=1 BEAL ESTATE. JAMES A. FREEMAN, K 3 Auciionfer. On WEDNESDAY, Octsber 31st, IB6s,'»t 12 o’clock: noon, will be sold at Public Sale, as -the PHTT.ATVBf.PHIA EXCHANGE, the followW described Beal Estate. viz: No. 1. DWELLING 1637 North THEBTEKIi') H street, below Colombia ave nue. A Brick Dwelling with two-story double back buildings, and lot situate on the east side of Thirteenth street. 128 ie« south ward from Colombia avenoe. Twentieth Ward; 16 by 116 feet to a street, flos ground rent, per »nnmn. No. 2 LOT —ELEVENTH street, Twenty-first Ward. A building Lot, Eleventh street, si feet s inches north or Decota street; IT feet wide by 90 feet No. 3. LOT-DEGOTA street. A bonding lot on the north side of Decota street, 90 feet east of Eleventh street, 1 ■'feet 9 Inches lront, by 60 feet deep. N 0.4. LOT—DAUPHIN street. A lot on the north side of Danphln street, 90 fe«t east of Eleventh street IS feet 9 inches front by 90 feet deep. No. 6. LOT-NEVADA street A lot on the north side of Nevada street. 289 feet 3 Inches west of Tenth street; 16 feet 9lnchesfrontby6o feet deep, 45T Clear of Incumbrance, |6O to be paid on each at time of sale. JAhiKB A. FREEMAN, Auctiooetr; Store, 122 Walnut street. EXECUTORS’ SALE.—Estate of JOHN wat, Bsg LACE, deceased. JaJIES A FREEMAN, Auc tioneer. Under authority contained in the \*m of the late JOHN WALLACE, deceased, on WEDNESDAY. Gcuober3l 1 85*. at 12o’clock. Noon, will be sold at PnblicSale. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following descrioed Real Estate, viz—No. 1. PRO PERTY 223 and 225 North Sixteenth street. All that certain Jot of ground with *he two story frame noose. No. 223 'and the story brick house No. 2*5 North Sixteenth street, and the frame slaughter house in the rear on Garden street; contalningin front on Sixteenth street 30 feet, and in depth 120 feet to Garden street. Subject to 175 ground rent per annmnr No. 2. FRAME HOUSE. Garden street ‘ All that lot ot ground with the two-story frame house thereon erected, situate on the west side of Garden street, (in The rear of 221 North Sixteenth street): containing m frontasieet, including ace tain 4-feet wide alley on the south, and in depth 5? feet Subject to SSO ground rent per annum. $S- SlOO to be paid oo each at the time of sale. GEORGE WALLACE, Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Stord -i22 Walnut street. Gzx ORPHANS’ CODBT sale.—Estate of NA EThAVIEL GORDON, deceased.-JIM£S A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—DWELLlNG, S. W. COR KER EIGHTEENTH AND NaUDAIX ST RESTS. —Under authority of the Orphans’ Conrt.fbr the City and County of Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAY, Nov.?. IS$6 at 12 tfclock, Noon, will be aoldatPablic Sale, at the PHTLADKLPHtA EXCHANGE, the fblli wing described Real Estate, late the property of Nathaniel Gordon, deceased, viz.:—A three-*tory brick House and Lot at the southwest corner of Eighteenth and Xandain streets: 16 feet front, and ia depth along Xandain street 67 feet, to a three feet alley with the use thereof, and the privilege of building over the same, leaving at least s feet headway in the clear. 4S r Clear of incumorance.. 6100 to be paid at the time of sale. By the Coart, E. A. HERRICK, Clerk O, C. MARGARET E- GORDON. Execut’x, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. 0c18.25.p01 Store 422 WaJnut street. Merehanta, *3’ ORPHANS’ COURT SALE —Estate of EMILY EA. BRUCE, deceased. JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer. DWELLING, Twenty-second street, be low Oxford. Twentieth Ward. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City and Couniy of Philadel phia, on WELNESDAY, November 7th, 1866, at it o’clock, noon, will be sold atpubllcsale, at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described real estate, the property of E*v ily A. Bruce, deceased, all that certain three-story brick messuage, and lot of ground situate on the west side of Twenty-second street, at the distance of 18 feet southward from Oxford street, In :the Twentieth Ward: containing in front 16 feet and in depth 57 feet to a three-feet wide alley, lead ing Into Oxford Btreet, and with the privilege cf said alley. gar Clfar of incumbrance. agg» sue to be paid atthe time of sale, Sv the Court, E A MERE ICE. Cierk O. C., JOHN B. FRUCE, Administrator. James a. 'FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store 122 walnut street. <95! ORPHANS’ COURT SALE-Pstate of RAM IEa ttft. nichoals, deceased:—jambs a . free* maJS. Auctioneer.—FßAME HOUSE, HESTON VILLjB.—Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the city and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY. November 7, 1666, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Poblic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE. the following described Real Estate, late the pit perty of Samuel A ichoals t deceased, vie All that certain lot of ground (being No. is on the plan of the land ofThomas J. Heston, deceased) and the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Paschall street, at thedistance of 10$ feet 6 Inches eastwaid from the middle of Pear street, ia the Twenty fourth Ward: containing in front 20 f-et, and in depth on the east line 151 feet, and on the west . liDe 167 feftl inch. ay |ioo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court: eTa. MERRICK Clerk O. O. L.M. SERVICE. Administrator. JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer. 0c18.25.n0l Store, 422 Walnut Btreet. <§” EXECUTORS* SALE.—Estate of ROBERT g§ ALLEN, deceased.—JAMhS A. FREEMAN, i\ uctioneer.—LOT, NINTH and REED streets, First Ward.' Under authority contained in the will of the late Robert Alien, eeceased, on WEDNESDAY. No vember 7.1868 at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Pub lic Sale. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE the following described Real Estate, viz: a lot of ground beginning at the northeast corner of Ninth ana Reed streets, thence esstwardly along the north side of Heed street 2is feet to land or Samuel R Rawle Assignee; thence along the same 112 feetSH inches toEarpstreet; tnence along the same 213 feet s inches to Ninta street; thence along Ninth street 144 feet to the place of be ginning. jeSTCiear of incumbrance. ' to be paid at the time of sale. By order of Es ecu tors. JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer* ociB 25 nol btore, 422 Walnut street. 153 PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, gjSfl Auctioneer.—Genteel tbree-stcry Brick DWELL ING. No, 815 South BEVENTH Street, On WEDNES DAY- October 31, 1566, at 12 o’clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: Allthat three-story-brick dwelling hsuseand lot of ground on the east side of Seven tn street. No. 315, belowtsprucestreet; containing in fronton Seventh street. 15feetliinches, audio depth eastward63feet; with the use and privilege of a three-feet wide alley extending loto Barclay street ASTThehonselsin good order; has furnace, gas, bath-room, drain into thesewer.<&c. yy immed’ate possession. Terms, half cash. Key at the Auction Store. J 3“ $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Storg. 42a Walnut street. gn PUBLIC BALE. JAMES -A.' FREEMAN. tta Auctioneer.—Four DWELLINGS,Nos. 1417.15?. 21 “23Nortb SIXTH street—On WEDNESDAY, Oc tober sist 1866, at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Pub lic Sale,at tie PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, tie following described Real Estate, vis; Four three-story brick bouses, Sixti street, above Master, each is by so feet. J6QS“ Clear of every incumbrance. aST They rent for |240 a year each. BSr Immediate co3'ession. j|®*slootobe.paid oh each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auct’r. 0C18.25 store 42a Walnnt Btreet. «ffe 808 aaLE.-ErQHT NEW aa BOOMED DWELIiiKGS, wim all £e e* o *™ improvements; lot 20 fvetifront by a £2? tIWO. dm Girard avenue, ab^eSeventeenfhjtreet. Beal Eatate Age <t3, No. 923 North Eighteen tn street^ km tvaT.I.ACE STREET.—Handsome three-story HI BRICK DWELLING. No. 1619 WALLACE 3tre«; SrSo net by ISO test to NOKTH attest, FOR SJU&E. Possession soon. J. WARNER ERWIN, No. 125 S. FIFTH street . - 2£i£jg_ T^oggSAMW s'*® 5 '*® . No. moCheatnnt Btreet. ntear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street.!. LABgTsaLE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. CARD.—The Bale TO-MORROW., ) MORN ING, at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, ciiniririses sbom 1.000 lots of Superior Furniture, In clodiDK Rosewood Drawing RoomFurnitufe. splendid rirne». Walnut and Rosewood Chamber Furniture, made by Moore ACamplont Oafe Carved 'Sideboard Sid Dining Boom Furniture. French Plate Mantel and pier Glasses, Warclrobes.Fino Plano Fortes. Soring. snd Hair Matresses. Feather Beds, China, Cut Glass, Plated Ware, Btegergs.EonsQl Tables. Elegant; Gaa Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures, Stoves,Kitchen Form ■ ■ : • “' ' ' 122 BEAL ESTATE. SALES.
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