I Fortress Monroe and Vicinity. Fobtbess. Monboe, Oot. 16.—Additional disclosures have recently been made in re gard to the late forgeries committed in Nor folk, by Mr. C. C. Flint, the proprietor of the Old Dominion newspaper office in that town, upon the several banks, and by means of hie position as chief accountant of the Norfolk Navy Yard. Several weeks ago Mr. Flint, who was then, it appears, in Quebec, wrote a letter purporting to come from Chicago, to one of the New York papers, in whioh he emphatically asserted his entire innocence of the charges made against him. Subsequently Mr. Charles Butz, acting on behalf of the Norfolk banks and other victimized individuals, proceeded to New York, and by means of a coup a Hot managed to secure many of his private letters and business papers. From these it was learned that Flint had sailed from Quebec for London,and was traveling under the assumed name of Cornwall Barry, ana that he had taken twenty-two thousand dol lars in gold with him. Information was given immediately to several deteotives, hnd offloers were sent in pursuit of him by the next steamer that sailed. : . The'steamer Colonel Rucker, which ar rived here yesterday evening from Rich mond,with a cargo of stores for the Govern ment, .reported having come through the Dutch. Gap Canal, drawing seven feet of It has been blowing very strong outside to-day, and a heavy sea has been running. Every, vessel which arrived in the harbor from outside speaks of the weather as being very stormy, and the wind blowing a gale, from the northeast. There are no signs of the storm abating at the present writing. The United States gunboat Lsnape, Com mander Thomas S. Phelps, which was sent out yesterday by Admiral Rowan, of the Gosport Navy Yard, in search of the dis abled schooner Sarah Ellen,.has returned, to Norfolk, after an unsuccessful cruise. The Lenapeleft Norfolk, towards noon of yesterday. and cruised twenty miles to the southward of Cape Henry, without seeing a vessel in,sight., She anchored last night, in side the capes, on account of the heavy wea ther, arid tUs morning again proceeded out side. An extended and careful search was made in, the vicinity of the position the Sarah Ellen was spoken by thesohooaer St. James, but no vessel could be discovered. About 12 O’clock to-day, the search, proving unavailing, was given up, and the Lanape returned to' the' Navy Yard. Her officers report the gale as still blowing Outside, and a tremendous sea running and breaking in six fathoms of water. Tne pilot of the La nape stated that it was the worst sea he had seen on the coast for twenty years. It is generally believed tnat tbe schooner Sarah Ellen, finding it impossible to make Hampton Roads, put into some Southern port, * Others’ again are disposed to think that her chances for making any port amidst the heavy storm are exceedingly doubtful. When last seen, which was on the 14th, at 9 A. H., she was withiri'fifteen miles of Cape Henry, in an E. S. E. direction, with both masts gone, and jnry mast rigged. The Fbkedmen in Louisiana. —Major General Sheridan, commanding the Depart ment of the. Gulf, has transmitted to General Howard, Commissioner of the Freedmen’s Bureau, a report of the condition of the freedmen in Louisiana for the quarter end ing 5ept.'30,1866. The General states that the prospects of the cotton crop are gloomy—the continued and heavy rains of August and the early part of September, together with appear ance of the army or cotton worm in many portions of the States, having seriously affected the interests not only of the freed men but the entire population of the State. Many employers, whose entire crop was de stroyed, will not be able to pay their em ployes, and there appears to be a general desire to get rid of the responsibility or any longer maintaining their employes—every pretext being sought for discharging them. Many of the freemen who engaged to work for a share of the crop, will be left not only destitute of tbe means of support during tbe coming winter, but will be left in debt to tbe owners of the lands for supplies ad vanced to .them'in tbe summer. Complaints are frequent that the freedmen, after having labored faithfully from the date of their con tracts, Jaanary Ist, 1866, until the crop was ready to harvest, are being discharged and driven away, ostensibly on the ground of -> having been insolent. There are frequent reports of cruelty to the freedmen, particu ’larly in the northwestern parishes. Men go through the country at night, disguised, and take the freedmen from their homes and whip and otherwise maltreat, them. Homicides are frequent in some lo calities. Sometimes they are investigated by coroner’s jury, which justifies the act in Borne instances and releases the perpetrator. In other cases, when the proof comes to the knowledge of the agent of the bnrean, the parties are held to bail in a nominal sum; but the trial of a white man for the killing of a ffeedman can, in tbe existing state of society,be nothing more or less than a farce. The total suspension of the issue of rations will cause much distress among a limited clasß of people in the State. The wives and children of those men who entered the service of the United States after the capture of New Orleans, and who were killed or have died, in all charitable appropriations by the parish authorities, these persons are excluded, and it is not seen how they can support themselves without aid from the Bureau. The location of homesteads by the freedmen is progress ing favorably.b.ut it is questionable whether the freedmen will be allowed to remain peaceably upon the lands. The contract system, as adopted by the Bureau in the State, has proved to be well adapted to the interests of both the planters and freedtnen. Moisten the Air.— lt is important to re member,atall times, when artificial warmth , is needed, that heating the air has the pecu liar and remarkable effect of causing it to take up and secrete a large amount of water. Air that at the freezing point is dampened when heated to 70 degrees, or a comnirtable condition, so hides away all the moisture,. that it is uncomfortably dry; it then absorbs - the moisture from our bodies and from our lungs, and produces a feeling of uneasiness. ■- It seeks out the moisture of the furniture, causing it to warp or crack, if not fall to ; pieces. When it comes in contact with the cold glass, and is reduced in temperature it gives up the hidden vapor, and thus cold windows and walls tend to still farther dry. out the air. To make the atmosphere healthful and agreeable, always keep upon stoves, or over the heating furnaces, a full supply of water in wide open top, of loosely covered vessel, to constantly eyaporate moisture to saturate the air. This is equally important for-all living organisms in a school-room, for plants as well as animals, and in churches tind - school-rooms as well as in private towellings. r Cold Wbathi®; Prognosticated.— On ' Thursday last, a large black bear was seen on the public road one mile west of Ebens burg. A day or two after, a pheasant was discovered in the Catholic Church,it having broken a pane of glass to effect its entrance thereto. Several deer havebeenseen inthe. neighborhood since the falling of the leaves. The near approach of the -Habitations of men of these wild birds and beasts, is held by many to .betoken a coming.' winter of £a^^l eveHtyi all quarters we k ea * j phenomena which aregeiierallvre- f P r 6 ofsevere winter. Hives nf tiansuaJ. thickness of corn husks, 1 mid the furs of wild beasts the migratioivofurata.) from the west to the east, and, as the season- advances, we sup pose there will beaddodto this list of signs ,* ihe extraordinary-atoresof nuts laid up W squirrels. However„muoh wo may be'dls . posed to smile at such omens, it would be well for even the most^incredulous to be prepared for a-seygra plater,—fl«r. Til, * From Georgia. Augusta, October 17th. —Four white men, charged with the murder of a freedman in Colombia county,on Tuesday morning, were arrested by the military to-day, and com mitted to jiil. It is understood the prison ers will have an examination to-morrow before the Jodge of the County Court, now in session. General Tiston will publish a communication to-morrow, stating that the civil authorities of Henry county having failed to protect the freed people and the agent of the Bureau, he will maintain a garrison in said county.until -the conduct of the people, and tbe action of the civil authorities warrant the belief that the laws will be enforced, and all classes of citizens protected in their rights of person and property. Augusta , Georgia, October 17th.—Dr.\R. W. Gibbes, a prominent citizen and journal ist of South Carolina, is dead. From Canada. Tobonto, Oct. 17.—The..London corre spondent of the Toronto Globe says it is con fidently reported that Lord Monok, Gover nor-General of Canada, is to he recalled, in consequence of the circamstances attend ing the abduction of ; the French refugee Lamirande. After this week until the delegates leave for England, Cabinet meetings, will be held at Qnebeo instead of Ottawa. The Minis ters are fully occupied with the final ar rangements for the confederation of the colonies, Arrival and Saillnjj of Ocean Steamers. . ' - TO ABBTV*, shim .. mat . loa ■ ■ sat* Kangaroo ilverpooL..New York „...Sept. 29 WmPenn Londoa...New York. Sept, 29 AUemanla. Sonthainpton...New' yorfc, ......Sept. 29 lowa Glasgow... New YorK. ..Oct. 6 Me1ita.„„„......_...Uven»001...805t0n A Phila. Oct. e City of Umericfc_lilverpool...New York„._ Oct. s Hermann .Southampton... New York..;..™ Oct. 8 City of Waahington..lJver : l...New York .Oct. U Peruvian.. .Liverpool... Quebec ™.._Oct. n Caledonia ........Glagow...New iork Oct. 19 TO DEPAST. The Queen -New York-JLiverpooL, Oct. 20 Hibernia.. .-New York—Glasgow,...,——.Oct. 20 Btars and Stripes...Philad’a..Jlavaiia .... Oct. 2i Pioneer. *-^Philadelphia,..Wllmlngton 1 N0.....0ct. 2o Celia,..., -New Y ork...London ............Oct, 2f Europe. New York...Havre. .......Oct. 20 America New York... Bremen .Oct, 20 Borussla -New York.; .Hamburg —.Get. 20 H Cbaimcey....—New York...AapinwalL._,.,.—..Oct. 20 North America-New York...Rfo Janeiro,<fcc-....0ct. 22 Afila ....0ct. 24 Delaware .......Philadelphia...Liverpool Oct, 27 Columbia .....New York... Havana. -..-.—Oct. 24 City of Washing!’n-N York... Liverpool!, Oct. 27 Denmark-.. -New York... Liverpoo- —Oct- 27 Wm Penn—. New Y0rk...L0nd0n........'-. Oct. 27 Arago. -New York...Havre .—..........0ct, 27 Star of the Union...Philad’a...New Orleans.. Oct. 27 16wa....-...~ New York... Glasgow ..... Oct, 27 Santiago de Coba..._N York-.Greytown, Nlc..—..Oct, 29 Crescent.—.Philadelphia...N Orleana..'.About Oct. 29 5c0tia....... -New York... Liverpool .....Oct. 31 Mora Castle —New York... Havana.-. -—...Oct, SI G.MORB B&NS&BF ***&*>■ 'J. MOR BIS PEROT, >MO2SXHX,T- COMMITTEE, DAVID FAUST. J MABUSE nirr^y/iTBs. POST OF PH7LADKT.PHIA-OcT.3BgB 18. 3ro Brass. 6141 Bun Bars, s is I Hish Warn*, 925 ARBIVED YESTERDAY Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 21 hours from N York,with mdse to WP Clyde <5: Co. Bchr Glengarry, Swetts, 7 days from Gardiner, Me. with Ice to Cold Spring Ice and Coal Co. Tog Hudson, Carr, from Baltimore, with 12 barges to W P Clyde * Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles. New York, W P Clyde & Co. steamer B Willing. Cundlff. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Schr J W Vanneman, Sharp, Barbados J B Bue & Son. Schr Foam of the Sea Johnson. Key West, captain. Schr Jane N Baker, Adams, Mobile, G C Morns. Schr J B Johnson, Smith, Newport, J J Slunlckson A Co. Schr Alice B, Parker, Boston, N Y and Sch Coal Co. Schr Mary Ann, Westcott, Hartford, BathbunStearns & Co. Schr Bottle, Higgins. Boston, do Schr I, Frazier, Steelman. Boston, do Schr American Eagle, Shaw, Providence, Castner, SUckney & Wellington. Schr Caleb stetson, Robinson, Braintree, do Schr J Dorrance, Bice. Boston, Westm’d Coal Co. Schr Josephns & Edwin, Bennett, Washington, J T Justus , ■ Schr C E Elmer, Haley, Boston, Mershon & Cloud. Tug Hudson, Carr, with 12 barges fax Baltimore,-W P Clyde & Co- - - Correspondence of the Phlla. Evening Bulletin. ■BEADING, Oct. 16. The following beats from the Union n»n„i passed into the Schnvlklll Canal. to4ay, bound to Phßadel phla,laden and consigned as Pillows: American Eagle, with lumber to Bechtel & Dick;' G B Allen, and Consolidated Coal Co. 68. do To D B Tay lor & Son: Sal ins Grove, do to Patterson & Llpplncott: Free and Easy, do to J HDeysher; Mt Ararat, Iron ore to Thomas, Cook &Co: Maj Anderson, grain to captain; I rail timber to Foos A Bingamon; ldnto Sch Nav Co. y. MEMORANDA, Steamer Chase, Crosaman, heDce at Providence 16th Instant. Bteamer Moneka, Libby, at Charleston 14th Instant from New York. Steamer Whirlwind, Fargo, for this port, went to sea Horn Charleston 13th lost. Steamer Minnetonka. Dubois, cleared at New York yesterday for New Orleans. Steamer Wilmington. Bpencer, cleared at New York yesterday for Oalvaaton, , Steamer Eagle, Greene, cleared at New York yester day lor Havana. steamer Costa Rica, Fnrber, from New York 14th Inst, for Hong Kong, put back yesterday, leaking having encountered the late severe gale on Sunuday.' from N NE. when 120 miles from the Hook. ™ stove guards on the port side. <kc. Steamer Cuba, Bain. Cleared at Baltimore 16th Inst, fbr New Orleans via Key West. Steamer Belief (TJ 8), from Batavia for New York, passed Anjter 2lst Ang. Steamer Washington, Peyn, sailed from Hamburg Ist and Cmthaven 2d Inst, lor New York. Ship Marmlon, Bearse. from New York 15th Inst, for San Francisco, pnt back yesterday In consequence of having discovered.the ship to be leaking, and the pomps choked. Bark Joseph Weir (Br), Fulton, cleared at N York yesterday for Buenos Ayres. . Bark Chattanooga, Freeman, cleared at Boston yes terday for Valparaiso. Bark Lapwing, Benthall. cleared at .Baltimore 16th Inst, for Bio Janeiro. Bark Alice Talnter (Br), Murray, cleared at New York yesterday for Buenos Ayrea. l . Brig Terpsichore (Dan),KandleO;hence at Baltimore 16th Inst. » Brig Joseph Baker, Nickerson, from Nevaasa for this port, in distress, remained atlnagua24th uli. Bchr Clara Bell, Amesbnry, cleared at Wilmington. NC. 13th inst. for this port, , ■ Scbrs Isaac Blch, and Clyde, -hence for Boston, at Bass Blver l§tb ipst. . . Schr Golden Eagle, Eelly, sailed from New Bedford 16th Inst, for this port, ' , . . . Schr J Truman. Slocum, from Dlghton for this port, at Newport 15tb Inst. Scbr Maggie Van DOsen, Corsonrcleared at Charles ton 13th Inst, for this port, with 170 tons Iron and 10,000 feet lumber. Schr Jonathan May, Corson, Cleared at Charleston 13th Inat. for this port,,with 27 bales cotton,! do rope cuttings, 4 bbls whiskyfd76 tops iron, 32.000 ft lumber. MARTTTgI'MTSrUIW.f.ATW- ‘ Brig Agnes (sr), Willar, 21 days from New York bound to Cardenas, put into Charleston lath Inst. On the sd. lat 31, lon 73, experienced a hurricane from BE to SW, lasting with great violence lor 20 hours, during which lost the jlbboom with all attached, Bpllt and lost sails, carried away bulwarks and sustained other damage, which forced her into port lor repairs. Bchr Elia (of Boston), Blchards. from Bangor for Mystic, with lnmber, at Eoli> es’ Holejyesterday, re ports sprung aleak off Cape Cod, 15th Inst, She suf fered some damage by the storm, and the mate, Hr. Collins, ol Philadelphia. . , 1 UfSUBAISCE. A NTHBAOITB INSURANCE COMPANY. r\ mrATgi’iist emkPgniAT.. Office. No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third, Fhlh. Inga, either perpetually or ftr a limited time, Hotashoi* Furniture and Mgjthandlse generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes am height. Inland Insnrance to all parts of the union DIBEOTOB& Wm. Esher, ; David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Auaenrledi J. K. Baum, J. B. Blaklston, Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Manff eld, John lratnham, WM, retHEK. President. WM. F. DEAN, Vlco-Pißßideat, WM, M. SMITE, Secretary us A MERIOAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP AH: Bisks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all pa? v ome-world, ana on goods on inland transportation c, StM-uSfete.? 0 * 00nTG7aKfr i WttLlAMCTAJajPrealdent, < BOBEBT J. ItA. wiHin-n-,. 1 WMoronat t . - l LJOlSstotolwni ‘ • %«5J e 5J ol,l ‘ 18amnei A« Bolosa 1 hmnon is? PBQVJUOEHT LDfR .tmiimmjiA.: -I Taut of DOi Incorporated by the Btam ld monti INBtIBEB Livsa, ALLQfWB 1 INTEREST oa .nr, and grants < 5 Samuel B« Shipley, [Richard Oadlmrv« Jeremiah Hacker, :. Henry-Haines. J) Joshua H. Morris, It. Wlgitar Brown, Bldmrdwooffif* JwtAO.Longs troth, 1 OVFICBaV : '~ ' J ••• - ;v - « '• * : Bftwsoaaftatassrai THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN —PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,OCTOBER 18,1866. CHARTER PERPETUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADEIiPHM Assets on January 1,1866. #8,506,86196. Capital —....— —ymJM m Aocrnedßarplns..„..__,„.,_.„.„.„._„ WfiU U Pr«mlnm»..„„._..„„. .....l|l>B.8)B u UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOB ISM I 111,467 M. (310,000, losses Paid Since 1829 Over #5,000,000. Perpetual and T emporary Policies on Liberal Tersn DIBFOTOBS, Chas, N. Bancker, ■ Edward C, Hals, Toplas Wagner, George Fales, Samnel Grant, Alfred Fltler, Geo. W. Richards, Fras, W. Lewis, H. D, Isaac Lea, Peter McCall. CHABLES N. BANCKEB. President, EDWARD C, DALE, Vice President, JAB. W. MCALLISTER. secretary pro tern. featMlU GIMBD FLRE AND MMIN£ INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 416 WALNUT STREET, PITTT.A DKLPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IN GASH, |200J»0. This company continues to write on Jsr. BUki onb Its capital, with > good surplus, Is aately invested. Losses by fire iraysbeengromgtlypalil.indinore «■»» Disbursed on this account wlthln the past low yssra, For the present the office of thl. company wfil n main at . -:--i • : ■. 415 WAXJFIJTSTREET, -- But within a tew months will remove to Its OWS BUILDING. j , * - • ■ . -■ N. K. COB. SEVENTH AND tIHKtfI'NUT, Then, as now, we Bhau be happy to Insure enr patrol at such rates as are consistent with safety, ‘ ' DLBJOOTOS3, ' THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED R BILLBCT. FURMAN SHEPPARD, N. S. LAWRENCE, THOR MAfTKKT.T.AR, CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPIEB, HENRY P. KENNEY, JNO. W, CLAQHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D, mT.AR YERKKR JR., -THOMAS CRAVEN, President. ALFRED R GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer, j A Mira B. ALVORD. Secretary. ' TaISM TVELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY EHHURAKC* UoQMPANY, ... INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE 3» PENNSYLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE 33. K. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT pTRTrtTTS, fTm.AUVT.WTTi, ■ MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS,') CARGO. 5-To all parts of the world, FREIGHT, ) - - INLAND INHl’mANfnm On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union, FIREINSURANCSS, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. 1100,OCO United States s per cent loan, *71..—. «ss,ooo ct 120,000 United States 6 per cent, loan, ’BL_ 123,100 K teoiooo United Btates 7 «-10 per cent, loan Treasury Notes. —__ . 164X5 a IOONO State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent, Loan SOJSSCI H.COO State of Pennsylvania Six Percent. Loan,..—2 6M5d tf 115,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent, Loan, : : , it 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Hot gageßlx Per Cent. Bonds —, to,ooo a 26,000 Pennsylvania BaQroad Second Mort gage Six Percent. Bonds._______ 2X760 a 0,000 western Penns. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 2J.750 or 11,000 soo Shares Stock Germantown Gaa Company, principal and - Interest gnaranteedby the City of Phlladel- Z—IZ. 11,517 h « Bban Block .Fenna,BaDrcad 1,000 loosEaresßtocicNartii Pennsylvania *’ ssBof Klltmafl OnmpAny. „ |ev) go 10,000 Deposit •wttbilie United States go vernment, sohlect to 10 days call _ <O,OOO 0( 10,000 (State of Tennessee Kve Per Cent. T.n«n ■ • , OC 170,700 Doans on Bonds and Mnrtsaee, first Demon City Property .......... 170,780(0 :soPar. Market valna, txno 0C Beal Rreate—. ___ 35,005 oc Bills receivable far lnsnrance made... i.lilon 10 Rnlanwn <Jq© *■ rfimr?!w-» , Pifmnrrm« rm Mw. rise Bolides.Accrued Interest.and outer* debts One the mmpany «AU'<4 Scrip andi Stock, of sundry lnsnrance and'. other Companies. (541*. Estimated value-. 1,910(0 Cash In Banks fSSJSI 89: Gash In Drawer #7B l* ■—154.8 g a 1.0S&8S0 Fix. Thomas O. Hand, John O. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, James Tiaqualr. Henry C. Ballou, Jr„ James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Lei per, Hugh Craig, Bobert Bnrten, John D. Taylor, THOHAf JOHN C. Hssbt Ltlbpbs, Secre TNSTJBANCK COMPANY OF NOBTH AMHBHU WALNDT strest, south glds, cast e The Properties of thUOompany ars wen Invest*., andfumlsn an available fund fbr the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by Insurance MARINE RISKS token on Vessels, mights an< °SSSin>: TBANSPOBTATION MOTH cm Me chandigapar Kallroada, flmiii and Steamboats. FIBS BXBKBon March an due, Fnraltora and BnQf Inn In City and Oonnty. ; TOTAL PBOPEBTZB9, , $1,780,000. FKEPSrUAIjGHABTEB, Arthur G. Coffin, John Mason,! Bamnel W. Jonas, George L. HarrUau, John A. Brown, Francis B. Oops, Charles Taylor, Edward a Trotur, AmbroseWhlto, K. a CEarke, William Welsh, William Qommlncs Blchard D. Wood, T. Charlton Henry, B. Morris Wain. Alfred D. Jessup. T.Charlston Henry, _ ABTHUB B. coffin, Frastdant. cnraniimi Pio-TT. secretary. PERM lbtbliHAJtOß BXOIiTJHXVJBXiY. THi S Piicns BYE VANIA PIBB ENSUBANCM CoS! PAS3toancarpor»ted 18S5—Charter Perpetual—a* noTVMIfOy Street, opposite Independence Scuan nhiscomsnj, fhveraluy known to the Mmimmit oontlnaes to Insure anlnstloe WeSnseß hriSfire, on PuhUo or Private ~Bniiein r either permaaißFUy or tot ■» limited dim* AlsoToi gnrnltnrej3tccki of Soodilend Merchandise tenoraE} • lares Burplns Pnnd i Invested In the most carefhl manner, winch enable them to oilhr to tbs Insured 'an andonhted security b the ease of loss, DHUHTTOBS. Daniel Smith, Jr., I John DeTerenx, Alexander Benson; I Thomas Smith, Inu Haalehant, I Henry Lewis, nomas BobUsa, ,•• I'■ J. onllngham Vail; '• Daniel Haddedt, Jr. ~ smith, Jr„ Praldaatl IULCT ' ■ Wnjjjjt e. Obovbll,. TBFFKBSON FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT Ol J PHILADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. a. NOBTB FIFTH STREET, NEAR MARKETIBTREET. Incorporated bp the Legislature or Pennsylvania Chabtkb Pkkpktualu CAPITAL AND ASSEIB, tiso.'ooo, Make Insurance against Loss or Damage bj Fire or Pnbllo brifrlvate Buildings, Furniture, Blocks Goods and terms, George Erety,l Frederick Doll, August O. Milter, Jacob Schandler. John F. Belsteyling, - Samuel Miller, Henry Troomnex, Edward P. Moyer* William McDaniel. Adani J. Glass. Christopher Hi Miller, Israel Peterson. Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner Jonasßowmam BGB . , . JOH TSt F. BEIHT] PHILIP & COLEMAH, tie , . EaTlns * laqta psldnp CAPITA!. STOCK ina SOB. FLTJSSnvestedln smradMia ramble BecarttOi, eo* unnetoinsare ion JWtiunn;meres; 'PnrnltarsTHsi. obAßdlse, Veesfliln port, «na their Ouna UM'otUt Person*! Property. All Locioi ilhsr»Hj*na proanMyi Adjnitefl, i ! KJaoroaa. T&omuß.Uuoi, , JJohnT.l*wl», John Welsh, | - I Junes R. Ownphsm Bsmoel O. Martpli I Bflmnnd g. DntHh, ' PMrldtßrsdj X J Ohsiles w. Posltntyl j SDMIHorrU. ~ ~ Aum o. i*:G»l?wjS^Bsorett^^'' P^nlrii T7AMJB ragBBAMOB OOMPABTY. -P T wo. tMCHjsiTtajT street. ; PTnT.inttT.Tmri. : VIB> ASP IHILAm;IH8PBA»01 sssjasfe. as®?!sa?': gssfssu ESffi&a- B. Jnsttpe; Oh*. Btokei, 1 em> ' A - HLpis • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November L U6S. 7TOB& SamnelH. stokes, J. F, Penlston. Henry Sloan, William 8. Boulton, " Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Dafonreade, Jacob P. Jonea, James B. McFarland, Jaabna P.Eyre, Spencer.Mutraltu, J. B. Semple Plttabnnb. A, B. Berger, Pittsburgh, D TJtorganJPlttsharglL SO. HAHD, Resident; DAVIB, Vloe President. stary. deiatnol BRETY, President. BRLINQ, vice Presldsiit. , Secretary, - HVERPOOIi AUD LOKOOS AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,000 Total Premium* received by the Com pany in 1865, $4,947175. Total Lotsei Paid in 1865, $4,018,250. Premiums received In the U. 8. from January 1 to July 1,1868, *787,697 32. Losses In United States from January 1 to July 1| *393,188 «L All leases promptly adjusted without relerenoe to England, •• , - - : ■ ATWOOD SMITH, f General Agent for PonnsylvanU. OFFICE, No- 6 Merchants' Exchange, fe27tu,th,ftlj PBXLADEIiPHIA* npHE BELIANGS IKSUHAfiGB COMPANY 01 1 PTTTT.ATMgLPTTTA, Incorporated In ISO.. ■ Charter Perpetual OFFICE, No. SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITA!, *300,000, Insures against* loss or damage by FIBB, os Houses, Stores and other Bnlldlnga, limited or per petual, and on Fnrnlture, Goods, wires and merchan dlse In town or country. BOSSES FBOMPTLYAUJUSTED AND PAID. ABSEIB. .*408,004 71 Invested In the following Securities, vis: First Mortgages on City Property, well se- cured———.—.—— . 1111,106 Ot United States Government Loans —. 185,000 00 Philadelphia City s per cent. L0an5...—......... 55,000 DC Pennsylvania *3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan—_ 21,000 01 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and so cend Mortgages ....—• BJIOOOf Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s ■ finer cent. Loan..—... —_ MOO Ot Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Com pany’s 6 per cent. Loan— —— 5,000 0C Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 percent, mort gage bonds—— —.. 1,560 fit. County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock—. 1,050 fit; Mechanics’ Bank Stock——..——l——. '4,000 fit Commercial Baafcof Pennsylvania Stock— 10,000 0C Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock. SBO Ot Eellance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's Btock ... ... 1,000 Ot Cash in bank and on hand SAM 71 ♦408,004 71 dibectobs. Clem. Tinsley, Ben]. W. Tinsley, Wm. Museer, Marshall Hill, Bamuel Blspnaro, Charles Leland, H. 1., Carson, Thomas H. Moors, Bobert Steen, Samnel Castner, Wm. Stevenson, Alfred v&osiish, James T. Tonne. OB£M. .TUIGLET, President. THOMAS C. HT1.1,, Secretary. . Perr.tsKJHiA. December 1,15G5. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY . OF PHILADELPHIA. NO. Ul South FOOP.TH Street. INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, 22d, 1853, CAPITAL, $150,000 PAXDIN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 5,10 or ‘JOyear premiums Non-forfeiture. Endowments, payable at a future age. or on prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Premiums— both cases Non forfeiture. 0 Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children's Endowments. This Company, while givlngthe Insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lfie business among Its Policy holders. Moneys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorised by charter to execute Trusts, and to act, as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and In other fiduciary capacities under appointment ol any Coart of this Commonwealth or of any person orpersons, or bodies poiltls or corporate. DIRECTORS. Samuel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wls tar Brown. Richard Wood, Wm. Cr Longsixeth, Charles P. Coffin. SAMUEL R SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY, President. Actuary. THOMAS WIST Alt. M D., J. B. TOWNSEND, octjQ Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser. JIBE ASSOCIATION, BWli Incorporated March 27. 1860. |? BMg A OFFICE. No. 84 S. FIFTH street. In- EBgfl — Bare BPfLDENQB. HOI7SKHQT.iI FOB aHSHBEB NOT3RJC and UKKOHAKDIKE jrener- from Boss by Fin, (in the City o ■MBB? Philadelphia only.) SXATBUEirr of the Assets of the AmoclaUas January l. isss. Bondi and Hortcaeee on property in Uta aty or Philadelphia. ......4sas,taa 11 Qrcnnrt Bang. -' ——lasts u Real BKal* (Office No St North Fifth street) U U. a. Government 6-20 Benda. 15,000 a O. & Treasury Botes.- ———— e,6to oc aty Warrants 64? 00 dash on hand—. 27,123 tl —lKlitlS 1C 1 TBUBTUB. • GEORGE W, TBYON, President WM. H. HAMILTON JOSEPH B. LYNDA T.T. JOHNBOUPER. LEVI P- OOATS. PETES A. KEY 3KB, SAMUEL BPABHAWK. JOHN PHTLBIN, CHARLES P. BOWKS. JOHN CARBOW. JEBBS LiaHTPOOTT SEORGEI.YOUNO, ROBERT SHOEMAKER, WM, T. BUTLER, Secretary. , HA6»u ATUTUAL FTRK INSURANCE COMPANY OP 111 PHTT.AngT.PHTA OFFICE, NO. 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, CHARTER PERPETUAL. MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. Caleb Clothier, William P. Reader, Benjamin Malone, Joseph Chapman, Thomas Mather, Charles Evans, T. Ell wood Chapman, Edward M. Needles, Simeon Matlaclr, Wilson M. Jenkins, Aaron W. Gaaklll, Lukens Webster. CALEB CLOT) BENJAMIN h THOMAS MATHER, T. KLLWOOD CHAP! JCHN COUNTY FIRE omas so. no booth jottbth btekhs. • _ BnLOW GHKnnff. "TM m Inromnce Dnmpany of -u® OconiT oj Pblladelplil*.'' Incorporated by Use liecteletnre el Pennsylvania In 1529, tax indemnity inisit iota ox nmm by fire, exdtmlvely. ra i CHARTKB PKRPBTDAIi. Tbla old end reliable Institution, with ample capital and centlntent ftmd carefully Invested contnnes to In rare bulldlnm, furniture, merchandise, *o„ either per manentiy or for e limited time, against loss or demem t>y die, eithe lowest ntse consistent with Uxe ebaalmt safety of Its cnstomcrs. Lossesadjusted passible donate* jherleeJ. Suiter, Edwin I* Beahit, Henry Otlllyv Johif Horn, Sobert V. Massey. Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry BnddJ - Seorse Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, James H, stone. : dHABISS J. SOTTKErFteeldtslJ Bsnetdß T. HOEngi.BY, Seo*v end Treasurer/^ 08MEAOT- CT gwrr.a - INCORPORATED 1804—CHARTER ggKPCTntr SO. SM WALNUT Street, opposite the V" »i4rtlHnTltnSrAßlNEAnirTOT.ATmTTJl^ifrefume this Company Insures ftom lessor dustn by ‘FIRjf ■an liberalterms, on bnlldlnw, merchandise, nunltois so., ibr limited periods, ana permanently onbulldinj ay deposit of premium. reen Promptly „„ John L. Hods*, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony Benjamin Enina, John T. Lewis, - Thomas H. Powers, WUllamß. Grant, A. B. McHenry, Robert W. DnamlßU. Edmond Oastlfion, D. dark Wharton, Samnel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr Pools 0. Norris. -. _> JOHN R. WUUHBBKB, President, m motelWilcox,secretary, - EDWARD DUFFY, For many, yeanrtKe well-known djief manager at “Guy's," In,Eeventh atreet. near Chestnut, ' Has Opened tjhe Tontine, Hotel. Their success la great, and deservedly so, oc6-im . i ■ v ihOYAIi VICTORIA HOTEL. NASSAU, il The undersigned late of the Stevens: House, N. Y„ and of the Hotel De Inglaterra, Havana, will open this Hotel, November Ist.,- The rooms In this house are large and. airy, and finely furnished. The climate delightful.’ All the laults of the tropics grow here In abundance. Thes teamet ..Corsica -Will - leave-New ■v orlcfar Nassau,"November 3d. —— ncll-th.a tu6tl' , J.M. STAPLES. MASONIC MARKS. - , MARTIN ,LKANS, NO. 402 OHBBTNin A STREET. waifVV/v First Premium awarded by BrankUn Instt )|»y tutoto MARTIN LEANS. Manafimtnrer oi /T/V i UASONIO'HAAkk J " —■' ' Y \ HNS, EMBLEMS, *c.,*o. u New and original designs of Hasonlo Marks,. Tem plars’ Medals. ArmyMedala and Corps Badges o> every description. ' auls-w.th.ta.sail MBSinß&gcaß. de2o-thAto,U • 8136,532 31 DIRECTORS FOB 1655. IKR. President. ALONE, Vice President. Secretary. COMPANY,* j MOTEUS. PERFUMERY. SPECIAL NOTICES, b'Tttrt, OCTOUBB, 4th, 1866, __ - . Notice is hereby gives that all stock of this Company, epos which assessments have bees called, and . the same ytt unpaid, will be sold at Fabllc tbe Office of the (Company (bb above), on TOMDAT, October 80th,'i866, at lo o’clock A.M., or bo macs, there of B 8 may be necessary to pay Baidassassments-jvwn the incidental expenses thereon, unless the amounts due npon said stock are paid to the Treasurer on or beiore that time. JTS* OFFICE OF f.AITR SUPERIOR, No. 324 W\aLiNTJT street.. . t v * NOTICE la hereby- given that an instalment of FOUR FOLLAES (S 4) on etch and every share of the CaplUQ Stock of the Amygdaloid Mining Company, will be due and payable at the office of the Company, N 0.824 WALNUT street, on or before SATURDAY, October 20tb iust, .with interest added after that date. By oider.oftfce Board ti K ; WOMBATH , Treasurer. oc9-toc2o IT'S* OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND tttjy SOUTHERN MATT. STEAMSHIP „OOM- PaNT. NO. 814 SOUTH DELAW ABE AVENUE. Philabelphia, Sept. 8,. 1868.—Notice Is. hereby given that by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the above-named company, adopted August 29, 1866. the FOUBTH and last Installment of the , capital stock ofaald company, being THIRTY PEBUENTUM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS per share, has been called In to be due and payable at this office oh MON DAY, the 17th Inst. WM. DENNIS, ses-tfl Secretary and Treasurer, NATIONAL BANK OF THE BEPUBLIO. !>>iy 80S and Btl CHESTNUT street, October!), IRS 6, The Stockholders of this Bank are hereby notified that the Capital Btock will be Increased to $500,000 by subscriptions, payable on or before the 25th Inst. A numberorunallotted shares still remain to bedia gosed of, application for which will be received from tockholdeiß and others. OClb-12t| »-3» HOTICB.—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BALLEOAD.—The annual election for TUlr leen Dlrectora of the Camden and Atlantic BaOroad Company. to serve for the ensuing year, wMbe held •t the office of the Company,Cooper’s Point, Camden, N. J., on..THURSDAY, the SSth lnafc, : between the hours of 11 A. M. and IP. M. - - ocllt2sj H. WMiIKtrAN, Secretary. USE STARIN’S CONDITION PO WDERS HORSES AND CATTLE. It coxes Worms Bote and Oolta.S It cores Colds, Coughs and Hide Bound. It Is the best alterative for Horses and Cattle new In use, having a reputation years’ standing/ It is a sure preventive for the much dreaded Binder* pest - Ho Farmer or Dairyman should be without it. For sale in Philadelphia by DTOTT <fc 00. 232 North Second street- JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COW* DEH, 23 North Sixth street, and by Druggists through out the country. Address all orders to BTARIN& FLOYD. Proprietors, set-6mi Duane street, Hew Vork. /"\PAL DKNTAJLLIHA.—A superior article for U cleaning the Teeth, ’destroying animalcule which infest them, giving tone to the sums, and leav ing a fueling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month, I; may be used dally, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deteraiveness will recommend it to every one, ABelng composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopest, it is confidentlv offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents OftheDKNTALT.TNA advocate its use: it con ains nothing to present its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse, Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, C. R. Keeny, Geo CO, Bower, Isaac H. Kay. Charles Shivers, C, H. Needles, S. M. McCollin., T. J. Husband. ' S.C.Bunting, .Ambrose Smith, Charles H. kJberle, Edward Parrish, James N, Marks, William B. Webb, &. BriughurstACo., James L.Bbpham, jDyott&Oo., Hughes & Ooombe, H. C. Blair’s Sons, Henry A 1 Bower, Wyeth <fc Brp^ Entirely reliable—hodgsosts Bronchia:- TABLETS, fbr the cure of coughs, colds, hoarse ness. bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Public speakers, singers and amateurs will be greatly oenefltedby using these Tablets. Prepared only bj LANCASTER * WILLS, Pharmaceutists. N. E. C?r. ARCH and TENTH streets. Philadelphia. For sal* by Johnson, Holloway * Oowden, and Druggist? generally. , • seassf BRXTBH’fI' T BROffCHTAL AND PULMONII DEW DROPS, fbr Coughs, and all Diseases of thi Throatand Bronchial Tunes. This invaluable prepa ration fbr every household. Public Speakers, Bingen &c., possesses a Western celebrity, ana has been knowi to relieve the most obstinate and almost hopelea* cs sea It fa agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by £. C.BBUSH, No. 258 Sooth Nina street, Philadelphia. ; Je7*tf pORNE, BT7NIOBB. INVESTED HAIM.-DR. J wDA VI-DSON, Chiropodist, Operator on Ooms, Box ions. Inverted Balls, and all other diseases of the teed Office, Northwest corner of NINTH and chesi BUT streets. DB. DAVIDSON wm wait on patients at their res! deuces. . less tq BEAK. ESTATE m FOR SALE, m A VERT DBBIRABLB HOUSE, 22ftet fronton Weat Spruce Street. Addreu. Box 2405, P. O odsmUiseti FOE BAJLK.—The lot or piece of ground situate Et.fS on the southeast corner Rachael end Laura streets, on which Is built a four-story brick building or store and several tenements, now let to monthly te nants; also a Smoke Bouse and Ice House, suitable for curingand smoking meats. \ For further particulars apply to McCUTCHJEON 4 COLLINS, 240 North Front street. OCI3-16t«* E GERMAN TOWN.—FOR SALE.—A handsome double pointed stone residence, parlor, libxarr. g-room, two kitchens, tea chambers and every city convenience, situate on Chelten avenue, within seven minutes walk of the Railroad .Depot; a large lot of ground well improved and enclosed with pointed stonewall and hedge. Immediate possession given. J.M.QUMMEY & SONS; 508 Walnnt street. seS-Smi FcR BALE—A .very desirable HOUSE, No. ■3 aai WALNUT Street; will be Bold with or wltb out the furniture. Possession at once. ALSO—Nos. 1818 and 1825 DELANOS? PLACE. . ALSO—No. 1124 WALHUTStreefc. By C. H. arOIBHETD. No. 205 Soatb Sixth street. OclT.lSt} G? 3 i XTRA VALUABLE BUSINESS PBOPKBTS Ba AT PKEVATK SALK.—Properties Nos 28 and 2a South THIRD street, between Market and Chestnut streets, to left front. IS3 Ibet 6 Inches In depth, widen ing to 79 feet on the rear end. Apply to l M. THOMAS 4 SONS, , IS9 and Hl.Sonth Fourth street. • fiß FOB SAXE—The handsomes a tor? brick dwell- Bta lng, with doable s-atory back buildings, situate iNo. 734 Pine street; has every modern convenient and improvement, and Is in good order, Xot 22 feet it inches front, by 134 feet deep. Immediate possession tivenu J. M. OUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut sL fife FOB SAXE.—A HANDSOME FOTJR-STORT Bw BRICK RESIDENCE 22 feet front, with thre story back buildings, situate on the south side of Pint: street west of Eighteenth. Has every modern conve niense, and is* in perfect order. J. M. GTJMMEY d SONS, 568 Walnut street. s . - ■ . • S EARCH STREET—FORSAUS.—The three-story BRICK RESIDENCE, with attics and double buildings. Every moaern convenience; and Dot 20 feet front oy 103 feet deep. Situate on the N. W corner of Arch and-Nlneteenth streets. JVM. GUM MAY &SONS, 508 Walnut street. fFOB SAXE—The Three-story Brick Residence, with two-story double-back buildings, situate No. VINE a Greet, has every modern convenience. Lot 16 feet firopt by 117 feet deep to a 20 feet wide stree. Immediate possession given. J. M» GUMMEY & SONS, bos walnut Btrset. ' , • KFAXNUT SrREET PROPERTY FOR SAXt ITLREE DWELLINGS in New Bow. wee nty-flrst street, at $lB,OOO, $22,000 and $23,000 Also, a superior medium size House; 2116 Arch street. . se2s-lm* « r FOR BALK-TMMEBIATB POSSESSION NEW AND ELEGANT BROWN STONE AND OK DWELLINGS, NO. 2020 SPRUCE STREET. &LATJLE, BROTHER, A CO., 2500 SOUTH STREET. oc2«Dnoj S GERMANTOWN HOUSE TO LET.—Partly furnished, good furnace, house; lined throughout embers, from Sec. Ito April 1, WOO. Stabling and pleasant grounds. Address “ALPHA," at th's office. ] ; , ooio-litj , fISS TOR BALE OR TO LET—HOUSE, NO. 415 Rii SouthFIPTEENTNStreet. -s™ 1 , E.' HUNN, jße, -, sis ARCHStreet. «», Etlß SALE.-SEVENTRKN ACRES- on'the' -ZETBelaovare, near the Reading Railroad! Wharves. Apply to | JOSEPH BA LT,, ocls-tt* ; -SlXorih Sixth street': *R FOB RENT.—Large and commodious HOUSE I-on Arch street, near Twelfth, to rent, furnished, .nne.or more years. O. H. MUIRHHTD. -r OCI3-1018 1 80S Bontfa Blxthatreet; M' #6b. KENT—The second, third and, fborth -FLOORS of BUILDING No. 136 North THIRD sgeet- Immediate possession given,, Jr -M. GUM MEY & SONS, 608 walnut street. ; ; : x ■ 'x - • SFOlt SALE—A three-story DWELLING and rTORE, with two-story back bandings. Stable erear. 13.11 Fassjunk-Roan. Lot 16 by HO foot. Apply to COPPPQK.dt-JORDAN 438 Walnnt street. TGLET.-THE SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS of the Store, 723 OHBSTNUT- atreet. de; slrable fhr Jobbing, Commission or other Mercantile cnrposes. -lnqnore at the Store of KKITYv CAB RINGTON &C 0... , , . , . . ■ OClfr.6t| TO LET—WELL LIGHTED ROOMS, IN SECOND street,, below Chestnut street, for manufacturing purposes; Apply ft CQPPUfJK# JAMES H. STEVENSON, Treasurer. WH. BHAWN, President, JBLEEVI&A&m BEAjL estate. OFFICES AMD LARGE ROOMS ' FOR BENI IN THE National Bank of the Republic Building 809 and 811, CHESTF4UT Strwf. The Building la supplied with Gaa, Water Wafa* fjoaeta.oiidfjteamHeafipgApparatus. Theroomsoa ..the third and fourth doors are large 130x601 lighted, and suitable for a Gemmed (MhjLTS business of a similar character. UOJe * B ® Apply at the Bank. . seWf IPO Ik- REN T , A VALUABLE STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, Inti.e National Bank of th® Eapufaiio Building, Apply on the Premises sestf TO CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS. FOB SALE—A large mass of unimproved ground opposite Girard College, and in the heart of German town. Both surrounded with improvements. Terms accommodating. Apply to B. A. MITCHELL, “ Be2s*imo2 . N/E. Cor, FIFTH and WALNUT a treets. £53 ORPHANS’ COURT SALE-ESTATE OF o*3 AMOS C. MARGERUM, deceased.—JAM tiS A« FKEFMaN, Auctioneer. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City And Connty oi Philadel pbia, on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24th. 1866. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the PHILA DELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the following described Real Astate, late the property of Amos C. Margerum. deceased, viz: Three story brick DWELLINGS. Nos. 3332 and 1334 Marshall street. No. I.—(No. 2 in the order of Court.) All that certain lot or ground with the 3-story brick dwelling, vuh 3-story buildings situate on the west side of Marshall street* No. 1332.276 feet inches north of Thompson street! containing in front is feet and in depth 74 feet io inch« . JSSTCIear of all incumbrances No. 2, (:so: 3in the order of Court.)—All that certain lot of ground, with the three-story brick dwelling, with three story back buildings, adjoining No. l on the north,'situate on the west side o:' Marshall street. No 1334. feet Vs inches * orth of Thompson street, con* raiDlng in front on Marshall street IS feet. and ia death 74 feet 10 inches. £&“ of all Incumbrance* . No. 3, (No. 4 in the order of court.) —Three storv brick DWELLING, 1337 North SEVENTH street— a*h tbat certain lot of gronnd f with the threestory brick dwell ing thereon ejected, on tne east side of Seventh street. 74ieet ir* inches southward from Master street, in the Twentieth Ward; coEtaininginfrontonSeventh street S 3 feet, and. in depth 174 ieet :o inches to street. Subject to $72 gronnd reat per annum. N05.*.4.5 and 6 (Nos, 5.6 and 7, in the order of Co amt -BUILDING L./rS, S&VENTH and MASTER streets.—:All that lot of gronnd situate on the east side of s-eventh street, at the distance oi 92 feet i*i inches southward from Master street, in the Twentieth Ward* comainiDg In front 18 feet and 174 feet 10 inches in depth. Subject to |9O gronnd rent per annum. No. 5.—A1l that certain lot of ground, situate on the ea&tsldeof Seventh street,at the d stance of 290 feet north ward from Thompson street containing in front is teet and in depth 1«0 feet. Subject to $53 groand rent per fttiimm. that certain lot of gronnd, situate on the east side of Seventh street, at tne distance of 272 fret northward from Thompson street, containing in front iflfr etand in depth 100 feet. Subject to s<s3 ground rent per annum. fioo to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. SARAH B. MARGKRUM, Executrix, JAMIES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. OC4IIIB A ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—Estate of ELIZA BETH BOLTON, deceased. JAMES A. FRrib. r, Auctioneer. PROPERTY, MANAYUNK. Under authority of the Orphans 1 Court ;or the city and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be said at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, late the property of > lizabelh Bolton, deceased, vizr All that certain stone tavern or messuage and piece of ground situate in the late borough of Hana?unit, now city of Philadelphia, beginning at the sonthwesternside of Main street, at the corner of a certain alley 2 feet 9 inches wide, and extending thence nor;hward!y akng Main street, 19 feet 6 inches to a corner, and 14 feet li inches to the southeastern side of Robeson street, thence along the same 43 feet finches to a corner of a Ist. now or late of James C. Kempton, thence by the same 75 feet 9 inches, to a certain 20 feet wide street, opened or in tended to be opened,thence alec g the said street 44 fee£ to the northwest side ox thesaia 2 feet 9 indies wide alley leading Into Main street, and thence along the said alley 123 feet s inches to the place of beginning. Together with the free and common use and privi lege of the said twenty feet wide street, and of the stud 2 fe*t 9 inches wide alley. E3UClear of all Incumbrances. Station to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, ' EDWARD A MERRICK, Clerk O. G. wuxiA^smra’} Admlmstrator3 * JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 422 Wabmt street. 004 41,18 « EXECUTOR'S SALE.—ESTATE of ANN 31. BRADY, dec’d.—JAMES A. FKEKMAN, Auc tioneer.—Under authority contained in the Will of the late Ann M. Brady, dec’d*, on WEDNESDAY. Octo ber 24tfc, 1566, at 12 o'clock soon, witl be sold at- public sale, at ihePHIaADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fol lowing desca ibed Beal Estate viz: No. I—GENTEEL DWELLING, No. 1624 CHERRY street. All thAt, certain three-story brick dwelling, with two-atoxy brick back building and lot of ground, situate on the south side oi Cherry street (No. 1624), containing in front is feet and in depth 108 feet to a 20 ft. wide street. No.2—PROPERTY. No. 552 SWANSON street. A frame messuage and lot, on the west aide of Swanson street and soath side of Union street, 17 feet front by 50 feet deep. Subject to $4O per annum. ALSO, a lot of ground on Union street. In the rear ot the above, Ift leet front on Union street, by 34 feet deep. No S.-DVIELLING. No. 618 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET. A LOT OF GROUND, with the improve ments thereon, situate on the west side of Seventh street, 40 feet south of Bedford, being 20 feet front by SSftetdetp.' $24 ground rent per annum. AS* There t* a ticostory frame house {No. 618) with ttro-story brick back buildings, and a three-story brick house an the rear erected on the above lot. tioo to be paid on each at the sale. M. V, EL COPES, Attorney in fact fbr Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, 04,11,18 - No. 4SS Walnut street. ORPHANS’ COURT PEREMPTORY- SALE.— Br 4 Estate of JAMES MARTIN. deceasetL-JAMES Auctioneer —Handsome RESIDENCE No. 525 Vine street.—Under authority of an alias order of sale of the Orphans’ Court for the city and count? - of Philadelphia; on WEDNESDAY, October 31.1566, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without re serve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described real estate, late the property of James Martin, deceased, viz: All that cat tain three story brickmesaoage or tenement, and lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Vine street, in lata* the District of the Northern Liberties, no w the Twelfth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, 95 feet 2 inches east-,. ward from Sixth street (No. 625), containing In front 19 feet and in depth 107 ffeet 1 inch. Bounded eastward partly by ground formerly of Thoma 3 Smith,deceased, and partly by the head of a four-feet alley leading hath Juharna street; northward, and westward by ground formerly of Thomas Smith, deceased, and southward by V ine street aforesaid—with the use of the said four feet alley leading into Julianna street, having all the modern conveniences. . ciparof incumbrance. . jS*Open for examination on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9 to 11 o’clock. jt£r&uo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court E. A. MERRICK, Clerk, O. C, EDWARD HOPPER. Administrator, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ocil,lB 25 Store No. 42i Walnut street* <gj§ EXECUTRIX’S ABSOLUTE SALE.—Estate- Bs§ of ELIZABETH PEARSON, deceased.—JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—Thxee-st-ory BRICK HOT)BE,No. 703 South FRONT street, under au thority contained in the will of the late Elizabeth Pearson deceased, on WEDNESDAY*.October 31, 1866, at 12 o’clock,noon, will be sold at Public hale, without reserve; at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the fbliowing described Real Estate, viz: All that certain lot of ground, with the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate ou the west side of Front street. No, 702; 'containing in front 18 feet and in depth 70 feet. Subject to a ground rent of $ll 25 per annum. AS* Sate peremptory*'- ' jcriioo to bfe paid afctbe time of sale. By order of the Executrix. JAMES A; FBEEMAN*Auctipneer, OCll ,18,25 ■ . : store. 422 Walnut Street. «f) PUBLIC SALE— JAMES A.FBJ^MACJ, I —GENTEEL DWELLING with. I THIRTEENTH Street, On WEDNESDAY. October2l,l^6, At 12.0 clook.xgon, wUI be sold as PublieSalei at the PHILADELPHIA. wroTTANflic ; the following described-Real Estate,- withtwO story brick back -building ,afcd lot on the east side of Thirteenth of Spring Garden street, being 27 ffeetf*ont,7>y-82feet 6inches deeP-L„ OT. Posaession with the deed. of sale., , * JAMES A. FREEMAN: • Auctioneer. - ,• ,• Store, 422 Walnut street. PUBLi r oaf.E.—J AiTESA.FREEM; AN",Auo- RM tlbneer.— T’our-story BRICJK.' BWEItLING, Wo. Sffeouth ELEVENTH Street; On WEDNESDAY. October Sist, 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILAJDMiPHIA the following described Beal Estate, viz; -Jill that lot of ground, with the four-story brick messuage thereon erected,situate on.the westsKe of Eleventh street, 5S •rert north of Bombard street, containing in front is feet and In depth Bt,feet to Henry street” Subject to ijacoo mortirsge. Tatteuton with the deed. $2OO to ba . uaid at the time of sale. - JAMESA, EBEEMAN, Auctioneer. ! f Store, 422 Walnut street. 0011.18,23 .= ms yOB S ALES—HOUSE U3SBPHUOE STREET.. WWi «, 0917 «»-
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