C - HESS COLUMN Ea= PILEILLBELPIEL4. EVENING, BULLETIN. FRIDAY, &arch 2,1866. AU communications for this column must be directed "Chess Editor of EvnxiNG BULLETIN," and should reach the office, at latest, on Thursday morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and name of the composer. Answers to Correspondents. " B. R."—Correct; as usual. REICHHELM-JELLETT MATCH. - This match has made no progress during the past week, on account of Mr. Reichhelm's inability to play. The match will be resumed next week. NEW YORK TOIIKNAMENT.-Mr. Macken zie has beaten Mr. Thompson three consecu tive games, and thus becomes the winner of the first class. He will now have to contend against Mr. Graves, the victor of the second class, giving him Knight and pawn and two moves alternately. The games in the match between the New York and Kingston Chess Clubs have proceeded far enough to determine the character of each opening, four moves hav ing been played on each side. In the first two games Kingston has the move, and has opened with te Giuoco Piano and the King's Gambit. In order to give variety to the series, the New Yorkers adopted the Queens Knight's y. Leader. Problem No. 426. BY MR. ALFRED KEMPE WIEITE. White to play and mate in six moves Solution to No. 425. WHITE. BLACK. I. B P Qxß 2. QtoQKt7 R to R 3 3. Qto Kt,sq (ch) Kt to Q 6 4. Q x Kt mate. CHESS IN p IFTLADELPHIA . Game No. 1257. Between Messrs. Warnerand Holstein. (Evans' Gambit.) WH. (MR. WARNER.) BL. (MR. HOLSTEIN.) .I.Pto-K 4 PtoK 4 2. KKttoß 3 QKttoß 3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. PtoQKt 4 BxQUIP S.PtoQB 3 Btoß4 . 6. PtoQ4 Px P 7. P x - P BtoKt3 8. B to Kt 2 (A, strong and perplexing method of at tack.) 8. 'K Kt to B 3 9. PtoQ 5 Kt to Q R 4 10. BtoQ 3 PtoQ3 11. Castles Castles 12. QtoQ2 BtoKKt 5 13. Ktto Q 4 RtoKsq ' 14. Qtoß4 QtoQ2 15. PtoKR 3 Btoß 4 16. Kt to B 5 BtoKt3 17. Kt x Kt P Kt x Q P 18. Kt x R R x Kt 19. P x Kt (19. Qto R 6 might have been played.) 19. B x B 20. Q to B 6 RtoK 4 21. B x R Ps B 22. RtoQsq QxP 23. KttoQß 3 QtoQ 5 24. R x B Q x R 25. R to Qsq B x B P (ch) 26. Ktoß sq • BID R 5 27. Q x B Q x Kt Mate in two moves. CHESS IN ALABAMA. Game No. 1288. Played between Mr. P. Moiphy and Mr C. Maurian, in 1855, when schoolfellows a Spring Rill, Alabama, the former giving the odds of his Queen's Rook. (Remove White's Queen's Book.) (King's Gambit.) Wa. (MR. 11.1oRpHY.) 81.. (MR. MAURIAk:.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2. PtoKB 4 PxP 3. Kt to K B 3 P to K. Kt 4 4. BtoQB4 B to K Kt 2 5. Castles P to K R 3 0. PtoQB3 PthQ 3 7. QtoQKt 3 Q to K 2 • 8. PtoQ4 P to Q B 3 9. Pto R 4 BtoK 3 • 10. Bx B P x 11. P to K 6 DtoQ4 12. P to K Kt 3 Kt to Q Ft 3 13. PxP PxP 14. B X P Castles (on Qside) 15. Q to Q B 2 QtoK sq (This is very well played on both sides; as specimen of schoolboy Chess, indeed, the game is altogether remarkable.) 16. PtoQKt 4 KttoK 2 17. Qto Q ICt 2 Kt toQKtsq 18. PtoQKt 5 RtoKKtsq 19. K to R sq Q to K Kt 3 20. Q Kt to Q 2 Q R to K B sq 21. B to K Kt 3 Kt to K B 4 22.PxQBP • Kt x B (ch) 23. P x Kt Kt x P 24. R to K Kt sq P to Q Kt 3 25. Q to QKt 5 KtoQKt2 • 26. PtoQB4 RxKt (Very good. Against such play as young Master Maurian's in thig contest it would he difficult for, the most experienced veteratilto give the Rook and hold his own. It is mar velous how a mere lad as Mr. Morphy was at the time could make so gallant a stand.) 27. Kt x R Q to K 5' 28. RtoKßsq KtxQP 29. Q to Q 7 (ch) K to Q Kt sq 30. PxQP (Foreseeing the danger attending Q to K 87. The result of which is worth a note. ibuppose-7. • 30. QtoKB7 RtoKßsq 31.Qx8 RxKt 32. R x R Q x R (ch) 33.:X to R 2 If K to Kt sq, Black cheeks at Q 8, and the conclusion is the same. ' 33. Q . to K B 7 (ch) 34. Kto R 3 (best) QtoK B 8 (eh) 35. K to Kat,4 • 1f to R 4 5 then Kt to K B 5 (ah), &c.e. .35. Q to K B 4 (eh) Kt to K B 6 mate.) 30. BxKP • 31:-QtoKB 7 EttoKKt 2 32. Q to K 8 (eh) K to Q. Kt 2 33:P to QR 5 - QxP 34.'PtaQR6(eh) Kx P 35. QtoQl3B(ch) KtoQR 4 36. QtoQB3 (ch) KtoQR 3 37. QtoQB 8 (ch) RtoQK62 38. QtoQB3 Rt 04132 36. IC to R 4 39. QtoQR3 (el) KtoQKt2 ' 40. K to K R 2 Kt x Kt (ch) 41. BxKt R to Q B 7 (oh) 42.Kt0R3 ' .. •8 toQ3 (An excellent move.) And White resigns,Chess World. C.14E38 IN LONDON. Game No, 1289. • Playea - some,thne ago, at the St. George's Chess Club, Mr. Lowenthal giving the odds of the pawn and two moves to Mr. Mann. (Remove Black's King's Bishop's Pawn..): Wu. (Mn. MANN.) BL. (MR. LOWED TRAL.) 1. P to K 4 2. PtoQ4 P ‘ to K 3 3. BtoQ 3 Ptoß4 4. PtoK 5 P to 11.,,Kt 3 S.PtoKR4 PxP 6. P to Q II 3 PxP 7. Kt x P P to Q 4 • S. Ptoß 5 PtoQ 5 O. Kt to Kt 5 KKttoß3 10. PxP Kttoß4 • 11. PxP QKttoß 3 12. Q to R 5 (ch) K to Q 2 13. B x Kt Q to Q R 4 (ch) 14. B to Q 2, Qx Kt _l5. Q to .1; 7 (ch) (White's attack, if properly followed up, would evidently be irresistible.) 15. B to K 2 16. Q x P (ch) (This pawn should have been taken with the Bishop.) 16. K to Q sq 17. Q to Kt 8 (ch) K to B 2 18. Q R Bx B (This resource enables Black to turn the tables on his oppnent.) 19. Q x R Kt x P 20. Kt to B 3 Kt to Q 6 (eh) 21. K to B sq Kt to B 5 (dis oh) 22. K to Kt sq Kt to K 7 (ch) 23. K to R 2 B x P 24. P to -K Kt 3 BtoK 5 25. K to Kt 2 Q to K B 4 26. B to B 4 (eh) Kt x B (oh) 27. P x Kt Q to K Kt 5 (eh) 2S. K to B sq B to Q 6 (ch) 29. K to K sq, and Black mates in thre43 moves.—London Era. Game No. 1290. Played between Mr. V. Green and Mr. Falk- beer. (Ray Lopez Knight's Game.) WH. (MR. GREEN.) BL. (MR. FALKBEER.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK4 2. Kt to K B 3 Kt to Q B 3 3. B to Q Kt 5 P to K B 4 'is defence is well known to be un sound.) 4. PtoQ3 B to Q, B 4 5. Kt to Q B 3 Kt to K B 3 6. Castles P to Q 3 7. BtoKKts P to K R 3 8. B a Kt Q a B 9. QKttoQs Q to Q sq 10. P to Q Kt 4 (This move is well timed, and renders it dangerous for Black to castle on the Queen's side.) 10. B to Q Kt 3 11. BtoQ B 4 P P • 12. P x P BtoKKts 13. Kt to K 3 B x Q Kt 14. P x B QtoK2 (Black would not have improved his game by taking the Queen's Knight's pawn.) 15. P to Q B 3 Castles (Q R) 16. PtoQR4 KRtoKßsq 17. PtoQR 5 RtoKB3 18. PtoQKt 5 Kt to Kt sq 19. PtoQR 6 PiP 20. Pa P QRtoKßsq 21. QtoQKt 3 PtoQB 3 22. QRtoQKtsq QtoQB2 23. QtoQ Kt 7 (ch) Qx Q 24. R x Q B x Kt 25. P,xß PtoQ4 (There appears to be no better resource.) 26. P x P PiP 27. B x P RxQRP 28. RxKtP KttoQ 2 29. K R to Q Kt sq R to Q Kt 3 (Badly played.) 30. R x R Kt x R 31. R x Kt P RtoKB3 32. BtoK 4 KttoQß 5 33. K to B 2 R to Q Kt 3 34. RtoQR2 RtoQKt 6 35. B to Q, 5 R x P 36. 13 x Kt R x B • 37. RtoQR6 RtoKRS 38. K to Kt 3 R to K R 4 39. P to K R 4 R to K B 4 40. R x P, and wins. re11A_4113,00.1.4._L0A G-13,,E.EN Green Co - rn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, &e, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. ITALIAN MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, PAILMPA:sI CHEESE, ,fresh Imported, FOE SALE EY JAMIER R. WEBB. WALNUT and EIGHTH Wateta 200 Syru BARRELS Fine, Medium and Low grade p. - 200 half chests Oolong, Young Hyson and Imperial Tea. 200 bags Rio. Lagnayra and Java Coffee. 500 barrels A. B. C. and Yellow Sugars. IGO hhdl ...Etna and Porto Rico do. Also, a a neral assortment of Groceries for sale by W. J. M't. AHAN & CO., 115 South WATER street, belov. Che • nut. fe3-Ims Al KIN' FRUlTS.—Princess Paper-shell and Lisbon Almonds; splendid London Layer Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes, choice Eieme fi small drums, in store and for sale by .LIL F, kiP Tea Dealer and Grocer, N. W.corner Arch and Eighth; 5,000 °A sar s e r i 'FV :a rEACHES, TOMATOFEL, satisfaction. For sale 'by IL' F. BY .W lLLlN arrar l ed N,W. gli co v i, Arch and Eighth streets. UETEA MACKEREL.—Extra choice large Macke rel In kitts. Also new Spiced and Pickled Sal mon. For sale by M .F. E3P.M , I, N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. TARY PRESERVED GINGER.—A small Invoice of _LI this delicious confection, in small lb. boxes, just received at COUSTY 'S East End Grocery,No.llB South Second street. tRESERVED GINGER.-300 cases choice Preserved Ginger, each jar guaranteed, in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No, DS South Second street. MINCE PLES.—Baisins, Currants; Citron Lemon and Orange reel, Pare Spices, Cooking Wines and Brandies, new Sweet Cider, all for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery Store, xo. 118 South Second street. 'MEW ,YARMOUTH BLOATERS,—A. small invoice I' of these delightful and choice delicacies, for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, NO.IIB South Second street. - • maux - EIsPA.NISB. OLlVES.—Spanish Queen Olives; Btafred Olives, East Ihdia Hot Pickles. Boneless Sardines, and all hinds of new Canned Fruits , Meats', Soups. Milk and"Cotfee, at COIJSTY'S East End Ciro. eery, No. US Sonth Second street. • ERRIES.-24) barrels Jersey cultivated Orna ivy• berries In - store - and' lor sale by M. SpILLIN N. W. tor. Arch and Eighth streets. • • ICOAL, S. MASOY.i* BINES. JOHN J. snitazi 9[ l E3 two ToNroznuo INVITE ATTENTION To, A ' their stook or. • . _ - , „ • Buck Mountain Company's Coal. • Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Mountain, , • _ whichc,they are .prepared to' sell ,sa. the loweatinarket , rates; and to deliver In the bestSondltton. Orders-left MASON .B.DlES;Franirlin Instti tote BaildlYig. SEVENTH street. below Market. will be promptly attended to. _ B/NES SEL.EAFF,. s e eg - • • -Arch Etreet:Wbarf;Betawlkial. nOIL.-817GAit LOAF. BEAVER ItI:F.A.IX)W AND s•-• SPting Mountain; 'Leingla COF/1;: and. best 'Locall Mountain from SobuYikill. prepared rragali cr for iarrin9 use, Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTHand /L. LOW etteete, Office, No. 112 South W SECOND Street CO . J. ALTON 44 THEIDAI.LYIEVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1866. TRAVELING EFITIDE: - READING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK MUM 1171:- :1 To THE INTERIOR nem. _nue scunriaxma r rwrEozem• v.A.,_uuev.o AND 'WY THE NORTH,_ NORTHWEST And the 2I OANADAS: NVINTKR ARRANGKMENE PMEOUGER TRAINS leavimae on raanre F.Demt, THIR TEENTH and Ehawdelphin it the following hot= • MORNING HAIL. At 8 A. M., . fbr Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williams. mrt, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls ,13nEalo, town, WiLkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle,Cluenbers• burg, Hagerstown, /km, &c. This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, dm: and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.• at PORT CLINTON with Catemissa Railroad trains for win twirn sport, Lock HEM MIL Elmira, &0.. at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland,Viimmsport, York, Gliambeisburg, Pinegrove, &c. AFTERNOON 3=30:88. Leaves Philadelphia at 43,80 P. M. for, Potts ville, Harrisburg, &c., connecting with ng and Columbia R.B. trains for Columbia &c., and with Cats wiesa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Buffalo. &c. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all waysta- Hone; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.30, A.M. Returning, leaves Phila+lelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 7.30 P. iii Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.85 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.30 A, M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M (2THRST.ER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepolnta take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.20 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from Downingtown at 7.C6 A. M. and 12 20 Noon_ ZEW YORE EmpßEsg, Pot. Prrrestrson AND Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. IL, prmang Beading at 1 A. M., and Z-48 P. M.. and connecting at Harrisbuzi/Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wil liamsport. Baltimoro. dx Returning Express Train leaves Harrisli i ;a4Ki arrival of PennsylvardaExpress from Pittsb at and 9.05 A. M., passing at 4.49 and 10.52 A. arriving at New York I 0 A. AL, and 2-45 P. M. Sleeping Car accomp these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburg , without Mnit train ibr New York leal ! e a .r Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at Noon. SILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45,11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.55 A. M., and L4O and 4.15 P. 111. SCHITYTXTLT A_NDSUbQUER.ANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. H. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00P.M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.00 H. Through 7that-clasa tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and t Canadas. The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 2.. T South Fourth s.reet, piffled his; or of G. A. Nicolls, General buperintend ent, ,4:21 - ItfUTATION TICKETS, At . 26 per cent., discount between any points desired for =lilies and __ Good for WO ruiles,between all ponds, at st 2 50 each, for f Tot' 'es and firma. 13F—ABON TICKETS. For three,..slx, nine or twelve =oaths, for holders Only, to all points at reduCL aced ratm RGYMEN Residing on the line of the Road 'will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, good Stir Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow hill atreens. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRALNG. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.80 A. AL, L 2.45 noon and 6 Y. 81., for R.A4ing, Lebanon, Harriabarg, PoUevllle, Port Canton, and an po=ond. - - - - Close at the Philadelphia Post Office ibr all places on the Station s int branches at 5 A. M., and do the prin• clpa only at WS P. M. PHILADELPHIA, WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE RAlL ABLE.—Oommencing MONDAY, January Bth, 1566. Trains will leave Depot. corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as fbllowa: Express Train, at 4.05 A. H. (Mondays excepted), ibr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-de-Grwe, Aberdeen, Perry man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. Delaware R.R. Train, Mb A.M.(Stuaday excepted), for Salisbury, Mllfcrd and intermediate stations. Way-mall Train, at 9.15 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, and all regular stations between Wilmington and Baltimore. Express Train at 245 P. M, (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington. Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville, Havretie Grace, Aberdeen, Perry/can't', Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. Night Express at ILIS P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark,Elkion, North-East. Perryville and Have—,:le-Gmce. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 9.15 A. H. Train. As an additional accommodation for three holding through tickets for Baltimore, Washington and Southern points, a special car Gave the Plniszelphia Depot at 11.30 A. M., connecting at limy Ferry with the Diorninx Express train trot:anew York WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TP.A_Liss, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 5.15,11.15 A.M.. 3.30.5 ((land 7.09 P. H. The 3.30 P. IL train connects with the Deis. were Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Wilmington 7.00, 5.10 and 1,10 A. M., 5,00 ana 5.00 P. M. Trains ter Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 915 A, IL, 3.n.) and 5.t0 P. M. TELROCUM TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 1200 M.. 4-0 l and 9.55 P.M. CIELEIiTEM, FOR PRIL-a DELPHIA_ Leave Chester at 5.01, 8;58 and 10.14 A. EL, 12.56, .3.43, 5 .0 i, 5.44 and 10.:9 P. M. From Baltimore to Philadelphia—Leave Baltimore 5.25 A.IL, Way Mail. . Lio P. M., Express. 6.55 P. M., Express. 9.25 P. M., xpress. An Accommodation Train for Havre-de-Orace and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 P. Id. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. .11.. 3.23 and 11.50 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12.27, 5.13 10.33 A. M., and 4.L0 P. AL ISUNTLIAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.03 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer 's Run. Night Express 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash lngton, stopping at Chester, Thuriow, Linwood, Clay mem, NV Una ington,Newark, Elkton, Sortit-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A special Train will leave Philadelphia for Wilming ton and Intermediate Stations at 9.00 P. M. BAL'In.LELORE FOR PHLLADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers frona • Baltimore or Washington. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.30 P. M. Freight train with passenger oar attached will leave Wilmington fin. Perryville and Intermediate stations at 6.01 P. M. B. F. RENNET, Superintendent. usd. r ERIE RAILROAD . 180.ttt AND great .a traverses the Northern and North• west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased and Is operated by the Pet:may'. Pulls Railroad Company. TIMIC OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT PECITADELPTELA. ARRITEEASTWAND. Erie Mail Train - - - - • • 100 P. M. Erie Express Train -' - • - - 11 io A. AL LEAVE WESTWARD. Erieffail Train -I • - - • 720 P. M. Erie Express Train - - - -72 SA. M. Passenger care run through on Erie Mall and h il l press Trains without change, both ways, between P el ptda and Erie. NEW YORE CONNECTION. Leave New York at 6 do P. M., arrive at Erie 337 A. M. Leave Erie at 165 P, M., arrive at New York 1.15 P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. Elegant Sleeping Care on all Night Trains. For information r .ecting Passenger business *MO at corner TBIRT and delphla. MAR= streets. And for Freight bosinees, of the Company's Agents: 8. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market lasi Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent, N. C. E. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent,B v i NEl lll W. G General Ticket Agent Philadelphia, L. TYLEF.,I* _ General Buret.. Wi lliamsport. _ WEST CHESTER AND " DELPHIA tr. rr.I3,OAD, PLS. an, WINTER ARRANGEMENT u Sl On and after WEDNESDAY, October , 1865, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia fer West Chester 8.t6, 11.00 A. M., 2.15, 4.80 and 8.00 P. - . , Leave West Chester for Philadelphia 6.45, • 8.15,10.45 A. M. 1.40, 4.86 P. M. TrainsleavingWest Chester at 8.15 AM. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.80 P. AL will not stop at Pennelton, and will stop below B. O. junction atikiedia only. PENNELTON TRAINS.: ' • P Leave Philadelphia far, Penuelton 4.00 and , MOO IL • ' Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 9.02 A. 6.20 Mete: Trains step at all intermediate Stations. ON SIINDAYS—x.eave Philadelphia at 8,30 "A. m. and 2.00 P. 31.• • • • - Leave West 'Chester 7.85 A. M and 4.06 P. M. _ P Trains leaving'Philadelphia at 8.05 'A. /eL ' and:4.6o P. IL,'andleaving - West Ohestetat 8.15 A. bf,"aad 4,65 P. connect at 13,0. - Sunctionwith Traintl on ttto P. and 'B. C R. 11: for Oxfbrd andinterMediate" point. % ' - n Passengensfareallowed - totadre'wearing apparel as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars. unless aspecial contract is made for the wane, DUMMY WOOD, Ocaseral B aperintendeni THE t WPST. TICKETS. Pii - Oixeoasuotwe)itg4 TRAVELING GUIDE: NORTH k'Aolcosx/AVABLS. B R.--TB :131 MIDDLE Bourn— ortes an most direct line to Bethlehern,AllentoWni March Chunk, Hazleton White Haven Wilkeebarre. hiabanoy City, and all points in the Lehigh and Wyol ming Coal ons. Passenger Depots in Philadel% t ta,_TlKEßD street above Thompson, and corner of IR - IzFl and CAN streets. WINTER A_RRAEGEMENT. NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and alter hionday,Nov.2oth,lB6s,Passenger trains leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted). as follows: AT 7.80 A. 31.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasaugua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly, Jeanerville, Mazleton, White Ra ven, Wilkesbarre, "rngetton, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh anti Itr ..knoy Railroad for hitthanoy City, anti with Catawissa Railroad, for Rupert, Danvftle, Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.45 A. M: at Wtikesbarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mel uoy City at 2 P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Eas ton end points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.35 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation. for Fort Washing- ton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At 2.80 P,M. Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage , I.loD.v.yltstown forNew —EveningEx pr ess Hope. for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Ball road, making close connection at nc.thlehem with Le+ high Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers for Plainfield, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, which arrives in New Yerk at 10 P. M. Pas sengers for Snmneytown take stage at North Wales. and /or Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville at .Quakertown AT 4.15 P. IL—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping.at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for WIIIOW Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington • for Ltunberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. 11L—Throng,h Accommodation, for Beth lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad. connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for_palpts. ^n 4elligh Valley Baliroad and for Danville. Wit._ __.-t=tand Critawissa Railroad. AT 6.15 P. M.—Accommodation, Tor Lorminle, stop• ping at all intermediate Stations. At 11P. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. MAINS FOR PTITT.AIIELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at LW and 10.132 A. 21. and &lb P N. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.30 A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelplda at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilkesbarre at In. M., connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive Philadelphia at 1L45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. 3.15 and 5.30 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 10.50 and 215 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony y paso angers to and from Berk!' Street Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street loepot. Tickets most be procured at the Ticket Offices, THIRD street At ByRRS street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare.ACt. v i — filli - aan'is - Beigsge Express will Can A and s '.ver Engage at the Depot. Office. No. 113 South THIRD street. nol4-tti FOR NEW YORE.—The ce..14.- DEN AND AMBOY and PITCLA- Li TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STRE:ET WHARF, will leave as follows, viz: At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acoom., ti 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, sDo At 2 P. hi., via Camden and Amboy Express, 225 At 12 M. (noon) and BP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas senger.) . . . . . . . . . •15 At 6 and 1120 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom- modation. (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, 2 25 2d Class Ticket, . 150 At 6 and 10A-AL,2 and SP.M. For MountMolly,Ewans l'emberion and Vlncentown. At 6A. M., and 2 P.M. fir Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 8.00, 5. 6 and IL) P. M. for Pal myra, Riverorin, Delano°, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Bordentown, chc. The 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM .I=SINGTON DEPOT 1011:leave us follows • At u. 15 A. M., 4.30 P. M and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey City Express .----- $3 00 At 12 P. M. (Night) via Kea ingum and Jersey City Express._—______------- 2 2.5 The 6.45 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days eXCepted. At 7...% and 11.15 A. M.,3, Menton. and 6,45 P. M.. and 12.111dnIght, for Bristo ,kc. 10•50, 3,5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwells, riedale, Rolmesburg, Tacony Wissinoming, Brides burg and FrankftM and at 6'P. M. for Hamesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVEDERE DELAWARE RAILROA_D, ibr the Delaware River Valley, Northers Pennaylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two throneh trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Keniagton De pot, as follows: At 7.50 A. M. and 3.30 P. M, for Niagara Falls, Elf- Rao, Dunkirk, Canandalgua.ELmira, /th eca, Owego, Rochester. Binghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrcee, Wilkestarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flem ngtonotc..- The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allen town. Bethlehem. ctn. At 5 P. bLior Lambertville and bitermedlareStations Sir For New York, and Way Lines leaving Hen sington Depot, take the ears on .01111 street, above Walnut, hall an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundap., tamnibusses will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6P. M. to connect with 6.45 P. M Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen- Passengers are prohibited fleas taking anything baggage but their wearing apparel. A.ll baggage over fifty - pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond VW. except by special contract. Rckair mid and tufrpags thfc;:cd dirca tArough to Ecaton. Graham'sßaTiagS, - Express will call fbr and deliver bafgait: at the Depote. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nu., street. LECKS FROM NEW YORK FOR PIAILADELPECIA; Will leave from fedi of Cortland street, at 12 M. and P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, 10 and 114; A. a(., P, M. and /2 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier 2 , 70. 1 N. River, at 6 A, M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. At 12 31., 3 and 6 P. 51. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. WU. R. GAIZIL" Eft, Agent. PKNINSYLVANIA (IMSTTRA.L RAILROAD. 1, ER ARRANGE=73. The trains ot the Pennsylvania B. R. will leave'd New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets, Ths cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hoar pre vious to the time of departure of each Train and allow about So minutes for a trip. Then cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers into the city, and connections are made with all roads crowi ng Market street. ON Sm....nets—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at S.'S P. M. to tr. nnect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mall, and at 11)..2.5 P. M. with Philadelphia Ex. dress. Mann'sßaggage Express will hereafter be located at No. Si South Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trairs, can have It done at reasonable rates apoa_epplication to him. TRAMS LEAVE AND ARDSVE AT DEPOT TECSi,` =Aril wins' EXPRESS - • • At 7.30 A. M. HAM TRAIN - at s.OO M. PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 • • ' 10.00 " FAST LINE - • • • " Moo M. P.A_REF_SBIJRO• • • " 1.00 P. M. HARRISBURG 'ACCOM., • • 2.30 LANCASTER ACCOM., • • " 4.00 PAOLI TRADI, No.. • • " 5.50 " P/TTSBURGH ~E.,FtIE MAIL • " 7.30 " PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • . 11.10 • " staarvz. CINCINNATI 1 TPRESS " LSO A. M. pl 4 TT . A DELPHIA wypitmds " 7.10 PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 - .6 8.20 PARKESBURG - " e. 30 " ERIE .EXPRESS - u. 20 LANCASTER 'MAIN - " 12.30 P. IL FAST LINE - - • " LlO " PAOLI ACCOM., NO. 2, • 0 CH) BAY EXPRESS • " 5.45 HARRISBURG ACCOM., 8.40 Philo.delplasleaves day. Pittebargh and Erie Mail leaves other exoePt SaturdaY). All Trains daily—except =day. ( The Pennsylvania Rammed 00. will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and li.W• their responsibility to One Efueu. Dollars in value, All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk_ the owner, unless taken by special contract. For Thither information, as to time and 0031110Cti0111, see bills and framed cards, or apply to. THO I a A 8 H. PARSE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full Mibrmation as to fare and accommodations, apply to YR9NCIE3,II;TNIK, No. 47 Dock street. ft • PELLADELPHTA AND BALTI • - MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. —•• I • A.B.R.A.N.L.iiENZENTS.—On and after WED NESDA.Y. October late, 1865, the trains will leave Phil adelphia from the depot of West Chester and Phil adelphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 6.05 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Leave Oxford at 6.50 A. 3L.. and3.lo P. M. A mar ket train will leave the. Rising Slm, on Tuesdays and Frula3 s, for. Philadelphia, at 10.45 A. M., sad returning will leave Philadelphia for Rising Suh,on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 2.15 P. M. The train leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., connects at Oxford witha daily line of stages from Peach Bot tom la Lancaster county. Retunsusgleaves Peach Bot tom to connectat Oxford with the afternoon train' fbr Philadelphia: Passengers are allowedto takeerearing apparel only as:baggage, and in no case will the Com, nany be responsible feral!' amount exceeding 5100, un- less a special contract is made for the same , ,‘; IcEpl).General Superintendent. EMI) ' , (inc. •-•.+- I, ..„•••A''''' • 4r-z-f WThaLU?GiTON BALTA.- .t. VIA. BALTIMORE AND OB:a} =tan:feta. FREIGHT DEPARTMENT DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE 011:EMAY. The midetainedl.ll c,ontlne 'the, Gc.neral Ereint Asenesi of 'the, Philsdelphia, , Wiimingion and 'Bala. emote Railroad, Ng Phi/adelPhda , by N° l43 ' or the;abon tante ,to the We.. 5:„ , Shippers'intd , the patine getimwiy are =sued' that aIIe toz p o i z at oo of throon had= , secures to Itreight IVltanwaitt• and wompt4e.l.Nory tO , llll Parth PhVe. tairOughVate3 and •MrMer intermation, apply to A.COWTONAOO., General Freight Agents, SOIEN B. WILSON, 'Freight Agent, lolt4l Office, BUM IMO. above Menton% 'll/46111LI1CE 4113/4111D.E. I T- A PHILADELPHIA GERMAN - : • TOWN AND NO 1 and. after WED. TABLE. BRIBT°WII NESDAY, November 1885 until m FOR GhussLANTOWN Leave Philadelnhia-6. 7,8, 9,10 11 19 -m -_ minutes, 8%, 4,5% 789 1, 2, 8.10 Leave Germantown-8. 8:20 11l A. M.; 1,2,8, 4,4%, 8,63i„7 8,91 10 11P 1 stop.2o dcrwir B ranch. l - k k andB4/nn de not on Germantown ON SUNDAYS: Leave PhiladelrldA-9,10 minutes, A. M.; I, 7 and 11) M. & , 7 1 %3 Germantown-8 A. ISL. 1, - 11 and 9X, P. M. clasTrruT HILL hall-LEGAL. Leave PillLieTlphla-6, 8, 10, 12, A. M.; 2,, SM, 7, :J, and 11, F. M. Leave Chestnut minutes, _9.10, and 11.10 A. O M.; 1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 6.40, NS 8.40, and 10.40 UNDAYS F. M. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 lolnatee, A. M.; I. •nd 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut Rlll-7.10 minutes, A. M.; 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSROHOCMEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phlladelphia-8, 8.85,11.05 minutes, A. M.; 1%. IC 4%. 5%, 5%, 8.05, and 11%, P. M. Leave Norristown-5%47, 7.50, 8, 11, A. M.; 1%, 4%, 6 and 8 P. M. The 5% P. M. train wll stop at School Lane, Wlssa hiekon, Mamayunk, Spring Mr , and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M., 2%, and 7P. M. Leave Norrlstown-7 A. M.. and 5 P. M. . FOR MANAYUNIC. • Leave Philadelphia-8, 8. - 35, - 1.1.65 A. M„ 1%, 3,5%. Of, 8.05, and 113, E. IL Leave and 8, P. Manayune-6%, 7%, 8.20, 9%,11%, A. M. 2,5, .63f, M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-0 A. M.; 2% and 7P. M. Leave Mana,.7% der 5% and 8 P. M.. W. T. -:ON,al Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green slaveta. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS A.ND CINCINNATI RAILROAD YA.I. p tnimiaxi..: 6110 PS A 39:01nt v Dal/ 3 , 1, waA:ll4 Owing to the great distance saved by THIS Win% the Government has assigned to it the carrying of the U. S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. THFRF BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN P TT. 4 nELPilitt. AND CINCINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY rii_LS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI; INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS, ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LINE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodrnff's Celebrated Palace istatelituom Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to the traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUBEN VILL.E," at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. F. SCULL, Gen'l ficket Agt.. Steubenville, 0. JOHN H. MIT T FR Gen'i Eastern Pam. Ag't_ 528 Broadway, New York. JOHN DtBAND, Gen'l Sup't. fel4-tf • WENT JERSEY LINEN-From foot ofilf ark - v - 71 34k Et am iclic a&omt Sundays. F a I Commenicng • WEDNESDA t Y, NOVEMBER 15th, 1565. For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jar sey and t-alena Railroads, at 9A. M. and 3.30 P. M. For 11.1ilville and all intermediate Stations, at 9A. AL and 3 P. 2d. For Ciiipe Ifay and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to Alilivllie connecting with freight train (I , s<ouger car attactud) for Cape Ifay due 3.45 P. M. and 8.00 P. M. through passenger, due 6.00 P. 321. For Glassboro' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. 3 and 3-30 P. Si. - For Woodbury. Gloucester, dx., .at 9 A. M., 3, and 5.= P. M. - train willleave Pniladelphia from Saudibrd's tCharf at 10 A. phi . and Camden, at 12 M. J. VAN RELNSSEL Superintendent, TM., WEST JERSEY I.I ,, I'RW•A COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Exsosims Bus- N-2235, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Expreas Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A Office,en ger accompanies each through train. No. 5 Walnut street. PHELADELPEUA AND ELlid/- - RA. THROUGH LINE TAWISSA RAILROAD. Short line to Will r aiam sport Sus , lEensi onLmirs,oll BBridg eegtons,Erie, Buffalo, N , and all places in the Western, North Western and South Wes tern States and the Canadas. Four throngs trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylva. Xtc.,‘A R.R. Depot.l nia R.R. Depot, X. 8 A. 7.30 A. AL LSO P. - AL 515 P. One train on Sunday &tan P. BL. M. By all these trains direct connection Is matte at El mira with Erie railway, at Salamanca with Atlantic with Great W ester railway; at Dunkirk and Buffalo Lake Shore RB. and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Faze always as low as by any other line, Bleeping cam on all night trains. Second class train. with cushioned seats accompany each express giving passengers the advantage of high speed with low fare. For through tickets and farther particulars concern lug the routes. apply at the. Ticket Office, 4.W Chestnut street. txM N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EX. PRESS COMPANY, MD CHEST 1' . SLIMA, January Vth.1662. The Adams 5.. - press ComT2frhave enittrMt m l &dailies at WasMngton, D. building a Depot, and having acquired additional capaci_o , for now transportation. are prepared to forward Heavy Exprees freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Mo sot ml y md Ottl ex erSCUl South, occupied by the army, at reds rates. Special agreements m e for Merchandise In large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at swisekctory grim+, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recelpted or at cur depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LO. MT streets. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. o. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD.—NO PICE.—On _ an atter , February 12th. the Express Train will be discontinued. The Freight Train leaves CAM DEN at a o'clock, P. M., daily, (Sunday excepted,) ar riving In N ew York next morning. Freight taken at low rates. fel2ll L. B. COLE. Agent. FITIT3I3TZZIXITMTMI HOOP SK;RTS, 628 NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY 628 of Hopkins' " own make," at No. e2B ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the manta of nrst-c, ass trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, fbr finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly oa hand, a fhll assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nois-suil EC. KNIGHT & CO., WHOLS_LE GROCERS, .S. E. Our. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. .sgents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark. Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. jai-Iyr, EORGE :q3ARP, Patentee c'd manufacturer of the BALL PATTERN SILVER WARE, No. 41, P: one street. ja=-3mo* JAMES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON P TEE. ar..E.WiT A bEISCOM. THEOPORE WRIGHT. FRAME I. Nv T r PETF_B. WRIGHT & hONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping aad Commission Merchants, o. 115 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. T. VAIIGRANITER,33.I4IIIK, WIC H. v - R - Rnica INO. E. COPE. • • QM:UR - WARR FOUNDRY, FD3TH ARD WAelp nCOTOINTSTREFIB, PHILLAMELPHX4I, SIEERRICIK & SONS. HORGINEERS AND MACELNISTB fdannfacture High and Low Pressure Steam "rnsra for Lau .1, Elver and Marine Service. .alq...,Gasonieters, Tanks Iron Bast, castings of all kinds, either inn or brass. troy kralna Boons for Gas Works, Workshop; a ggive.d.itations, &e. tcatons and Gas Machinery, of the bated and moat i mproved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; ant Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Cps; Steam Trains, Dehacators, Filters, Pumping . =. iLues, Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sow .F.oillnr &pparatris, Is7eamyth's Patent Steam Hammer and &sphiwall & Woolsey's Patent • Centrifugal sages Draining • vane. IGENNSYLVANIA. WORKS—on the DELAWARB 1 River. below PECCE,ABwr.pgiA, CHESTER, Dels.,'Pa. , 13,0 N Engineers and iron Boat Builders, ltiantdkelurers of All kinds of 00.NBERRI1QG AND NOIT-OGNBMTBELVEI EN• - GEN iron Vessels of all desmip Eß, tions, Boßeni, Vata, Tardial Propel.lext. eke. T. REABIEY, W. B. RRASTEI , B. ABCCECEBOX ,II . • Beaneyy Late of Late Neafte Co., Engineer In mum Penn Works, Phil:, rlylS-tfl U. B. TIRPIEISLADELPHIA BollooLor TIT.TH street, above Vine. will re•opea for-tht Fall and' Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. !nth. Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorutigt. knowledge of this accoMpliehment , will find every facility at this school. Tho horses are safe and . well • trained, so that the most timid • need no: fear., ISaddli hones' 'trained in the best manner. Saddle horsed horses and vehicles: to hire. :also mirrlaget for -firm rail, to, ci F 8.5454nb°145 '. 4°. T t:Ftd.IGE 6611, (2 --AS FIXTURES. MISKEY, _ MERRILL a _ 4 TRACRABA, NO. ns c - FFT'ATKEIT 'street, Manufacturers of Gro Fixtures, LamPa, would call the attention . of tbe public to their large and elegant assortment of GEIS Chandeliers,.FendanEs - Brackets,' !&..g. 'they also. introduce; 'Gas. pipes IMO Dwellings and Public Buildings; and attend to:extend- . lug, altering and rlatiring,Gals, Pipes.., All work fi war. -refirvy wEr.2.6 - .L-OW.NEROF PltoPEßTy„—The • r w oos to get Privy Wells' - ,Cleansed and DlEM fected, at very low prices. , , 0.1 ; fact AE I p ßSc e m ._ , Goldsmiths Ball r L f b s ld et tt ra " SoRolll7M.—Chinese Sugar tae Syrup, handsome article, for 'sale by JOS. B. BUSSI.E.R dt00..308 boutak Delawan avenue. 11111 PPINGf. FCIOII, 'MEW - y - c),ELIK.IS ' EXPRESS STEANISHII - LINE , ' , Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trlps. The NEW and first class Sterimsh . ark_ WASHINGTON, Captain Chich . c:4sP3' NORFOLIE, Captain Vance. '" • ALEXANDRIA, Captain Hattriel‘.... VERGINIA, Captain Snider..‘;`: • Leaving from each city on TUESDAYS, DAYS and SATURDAYS , from first wharf' Mir" Market street, Philadelphia, and Piers 14 andli-NAI River, New York.. . These step.mships Insnre at lowest rates.. • Freight received DAILY atom usual low rates.'•••:- . WIL P. CLYDE &. CO, /4 South Wharves, Prni=rl :ll nra JAS. ELAND; Agent, 117 Wall street, New voila— .17h STRATI TO IXT2III.PoOL. 8 & : ft, QUEENSTOWN, the Inman Line, sailing 11-WEEKLY, carrying the V. S. Malts. CITY OF LONDON -Saturday, March 2 CITY OF MANCRFSTESt Wednesday, March 7 RDINRURGH Saturday, March id At Noon. from — Pier 44 North River. RATES OF XASSAOR. • PAYABLE IN GOLD. First I Steerage•••••• First to L0nd0n......... 95 Steerage to Lon a! First to Steerage to Parls..„„, Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg bft _ - „.7•, men, etc., ac., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First Okblie $7O. Steerage, 135, payable In United States =new. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, fa gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought:here big, pm - sons sending for their friends. For further information, apply at the o=Si/errs OR Fees. JOBorT O. DA_LF,, Agent, fe2B RI Walnut street, Philadelph4il FOR BOSTON. ' STEAMSHIP LINE DrEctolU arm/ r @ FROM SAC .POBT.EVERY .EM'IM.I 7 4I FROM PINE ST. WA A RR, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. • The steamship Captain Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia on Monday, March 5, at DA. M. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will said from Boston on Saturday, Mar= a, at 12 M. Thepos line between Philadelphia and Boston is neVE com S A l ed ON, of Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen.: ARIES, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed ate will sail punctually as advertised, and frgig,htvrill. received every day, a steamer being always On berth to receive cargo. Ship go pers ! are requested to send Bills of Lading ilk their For freight or PaBSage, Elpply to • :114 - 1•ICY WINSOB & 00.; fe23 032 South Delaware avenue. 'PHIMADELPRIA. RICHMOND ANZIt NORFOLK. simelthica. COMPANY. The fine steamships of this Line insure at the lowesZ rates and sail regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Itichmond,Rorfolle mad City Point, forming the most direct ;outs ittr thg South and Southwest. For freight or passage, with excellent accomnitatai dons, apply to - - WM. P. CLYDE & 00., 14 North and South wharves; STFA !ASLEEP HARLAN FOR NEW, • 7 ' 4 ORLEANS, LA., DLREOT FROM PHILA-i ' RHEA. SAILS POSIII VELY on SATURDAY, March 10t14, at 10 A. IL The new Iron 11. S Mall Stes.mahip HARLAN; Forbes. master , 1,500 tons register, will be ready tCr receive freight at z,teatuznip Wharf above Vine street.: on TU.a-DAY text, and having nearly all of her call& engaged, r. ill sail es above. For freight or passago, having splendid state-rotigg accornrat.ostior.s, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., 105 Arch street. Cabin Steeraie Ps•.sage Agent at NEW Orl-ans, Mr.L C. Harris, Esq., who, will torward all goods addressed to his care for the inn tailor or Texas. • NEW EMPRESS DMZ TO ALEX 4. ANDRIA Georgetown and Wasthingtoro viiesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connectomi at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct relate fne Lynchburg, Bristol, Extoxville, Nashville, Dalton ana the Southwest. Steamers leafe First Wharf above Market stroll every W and Saturday at 12 N. For freight ap to the agents W. F. CLYDE & 011, 14es, J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; North 21. E/drld Wharv ge Co., Agents at Alexandria. p NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. _ DELI WARE and OHESAPIVSA trits.A.a. .BOAT COMPANY. ILITUDAS towed to and from PHILAD HAVRE-DRORAOE, BALTIMORE, W TON. and intermediate points. WM... P. CLYDE & CO. Agents, - No. 14 South Wkairves Philadelphia, Captain JOHN LAUGHLIJN, Superintendent. TEE OLD ESTAPLU4I:IFI) exp. DENT OUTSIDE LINE PORNEW YORK is receiving freight daily at low rates, second wharf below Spruce street, anti will Insure at low rates. P. R. CLARK, Agent, 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. RORINFsONS CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LILT& SAILING -REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight ter this Line sent to New York by Etwlari Sure Tine at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship • L CARET( 0 . Ho bin , Commander, _ tals now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River: This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Having a portion of her cargo on boartrwith large engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight apply to OP, SON & CO., 10i Arch street. FOR BOSTON—Express Line .—The tine schooner OWEN BEARSE, Parker, masted~ is now loading for the above nort at Willow street wharf, and will sail with despatch.. For ereigh% l b apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. A' • . . ." - "r‘TZ- TRINIDAD, Port Spain.—The fast . -- --r brig EldalA,Hiorth. .. . • •—nrid street. FOR TRINIDAD, Port Spain.—The fast , ing regular packet brig EMMA,Hiorth,ull will commence imling at Almond street,' on the 24 , th inst. and have prompt despatch as al. , For freight, apply to JOHN MASON & eldl,g.,_ fe26-St Lombard street What FOR PONCE, P. R.—The fast sailingsottooner TRADE WIND, Clark. master, fa now loading and will be despatched es above on Sit of March. For 'freight, apply to JOEL.N7 MASON & CO., feSS 6t Lombard street wharf. ooNsIGNF:Fs' NCITICE.—The brig. GERMANIA; G. Fleike, master, from Rotterdam, will commence discharging at Lombard street wharf, under Veneta! order, on Thursday morning, March Isl. nine all goads not permitted will be sent to the ymbllestitir t Consignees will please attend to the reception oft goods. ALPMW SE STEPEIA-Nartjellp • • ter 6t • 127 and 139 South 3'. rontatrett• 11 M OTICE—AII persona are hereby cantioneXag nn trusting any of the crew of the brig °ERA:- el. Fielke, master, from Rotterdam, as debts of .1.11 ,contracting will uut be paid by clptain or consignee& ALFRONsE STEPITANI & CO., Ir, and 139 South Front stret._ HIP NOTICE—AII persons are hereby cantidhOil against trusting any of the crew of the Br..ahip L. TILLY, whereof Cann is master, from eiLyi. , ..oiLa Va., as no debts of their contracting will be.paid'by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. BOUDER it. CO, Dock street wharf. QTEAMSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.--(A eignees of merchandise, per above ateamer,w please send for their goods, now landing at Pine Wharf. . HENRY WI:MO/I.& CO. lSTO'fl E .— All Tiet'sons are hereby cautioned against I barbering and trusting any 9f the crew of the Danish brig DENIS_A_RK, as no any of tnelr contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WOKR. MAN & CO., Consignees. Vs Walnut street. • TAB. S.SEI-ThIDLE.B,SI=9SBOT 10 10107 RAI ";1- DLER GP & SONS, Sell Makers, No. 300 North DRT.A WA_I3,E Avenue, Philadelphia. All work done In the beet roam:ter and on Lie Ictik - eBA and most favorable te=a, szr-u warranted t 0 qlv fect malefaction. Particular attention given to renalrfor • PIANO FORTE AND SINGING TAUq ,by JANE LEWF.RS, either at her pupils n y e o at her own, West side of THIRTY-SE VE Stteet, first house above Chestnut Street, WestppllaniaPhra. Terms, $l5 per quarter. ' Her pupils will - have the use of one Of Mr superior Pianos-' a *lost excellent instrumentc Miss L.. had for two years the entire charie the music class ' in Pleasant Hill Seminary. West id r dle. town Pa., and can refer besides to a very large g i lle of private pupils. . ja4 PERSONS DESIRING thoron,, instructiorMta Piano music are referred to No. 505 VlNEStr6et.„ where they can secure the services of a competen, male Teaclier. TEM FALL SESSION OF, i!LISS ABBOTT'® SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADTTN will' cora l:nem:a on Wednesday, September 13th, at her residence,. corner , of Poplar and. Sixteenth streetiii Philadelphia. • Parsmuorcice:—Rev. G. Fmlen. awe D. Eacf..Thorcas Brainerd ' , D. D., W. H. Alien, Dalt late President of Girard Collece.ll/ 7,1 7 9 . . IFOR - S.,kLE. 1011ANDSOBLE FURNITURE FOR SALE.—A. -Oen tlemart about, breaking up Housekeeping,lor the purpose of going to Europe, desires to sell his Strut ture. To any one wishing to take it stri,tneludfugnar• pets, oil cloth and matting, it will na .nold, a great bar. gain. This Furniture is of .X.oore ck Caoßion's..!Ys . r. make. For further particulars, inquire of • . fssrs. OplifffEY.& SOS Wfartut tit;ee;l. 4Q 'HORSE STE:101 tINGINE FOIt.§ALE. With' HORSE eyliiaier 'Boilers. Can be seen Nortli.laiONT street. ,mlll.Bts RARD MUCUS AND BACK , FRONTSTRSTCH . June. - an-Land and for sate:: .kanly Ice-John M. Buist's brick yard, Long 'Lane, ppeelln. 922,,35arke itoAiltraNct,;•-.:;.;,. , ..1!-,..1'. MBE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Southeast corner 1 of SPRUCE and EIGHTH streets. has been opened to receive BOARDERS. Rooms single, and suPs. and with or without private table.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers