CITY COITNIXUI. A stated meeting was held yesterday af terrtnon. 'SELECT Mr. Bumm presented a cominnieation from George Sinith, ,- No. 799 'Thompson street, who offers`to' cleaUthe streets ot the •• city for five-Years, for the sum of $O,OOO for • ....7thofirsethree Years, and $70,000 . tor the last „ • . two years of the said term. 'The party offers: • r e'ample - security to the city for the ~‘'tperfbrinance of his contract. 4 ,..• jar.Bumm another, signed George Han --11.on, the writer of which agrees to clean every, main paved street in the city once a '- 0 week, and every alley . once a month, for !tho sum of $BO,OOO a year, giving sufficient "....aeourity that 'the work shall be performed. ce :Mxlltitchle presented a petition asking for kr.o.lie compulsory removal of certain coal oil works in Belgrade street. Along petition, numerously signed, was offered, as.king for the removal of the rail road track Broad street. A series•of resolutions from the Board of Health; (printed in our issae of yester ,day,) relative to the had condition of the streets, were offered. • Mr. Spering and others pronounced the lesolutions disrespectful. e 4.4, Vae resolutions, by vote of the Chamber, tlo„,- were returned to te Board froia which they emanated. ` r . The bill from Common Council authoriz ': lug the Mayor to contract for the cleating - of the streets of the city, made • the special ,order of the day, was now taken up. Mr. Hopkins moved to amend by striking out the words, - "the Mayor of the city," and insert "Chief Engineer of streets" in the first section. Mr. Gray reminded the Chamber of the magnitude of the failure that has always attended the contract system. Mr. Barlow thought it behooved him, as chairman of the committee, to say some thing about the bill. His object was to „. 4 , benefit the tax payer and the health of the irk people. The speaker had framed a bill, eNO. , which was the bill passed by Common and now before this Chamber. • Now let the Mayor contract with the best mart who has made proposals to do this • work, and with the power that this bill gives him we shall soon have what we so much need. Mr. Gray still insisted that the bill he ad vocated does place the work under the supervision and control of the Mayor. Mr. Smith said.that he liked this bill as well as any other, barring that it authorized the Mayor to make the contract. A Mayor is not responsible to Councils; a head of department is. He would vote for the pro posed amendment because it seemed only. right. Mr. King said that after the contracts are once made the position of street inspector is a sinecure. Almost every member of the Chamber has had, this afternoon, a con tractor at his bow. They are all around . us. looking out for this immense job. In ' New York the speaker had heard a con • tractor say that he was called upon to put $lOO,OOO as a margin, and yet he didn't get . V.,. the job. The speaker had no desire to vote for a bill making the contract here. He felt perfectly willing to have Mayor Me l' Michael make the contract. He had in him the most entire confidence, and didn't in tend to compliment him either. He de served it, and the whole community, he doubted not, thought with him. Strike , out his name from the bill, and it is de feated. Colonel Page said likewise. Remove the name of Mayor McMichael and the bill IS inoperative. The difficulty. ; in all our matters is the absence of all responsibility. Here it is fixed upon the Mayor, and nowhere could it better be reposed. Mr. Freeman opposed the'bill. Hodgdon earnestly opposed the strik . out of, the name of Mayor McMichael In the bill. Give to Mr. Bickley the con lr'ttabt; and to-morrow morning he will begin the work. He has the wharves, the horses, 4 and the men. If he cannot clean the streets . f0r595,000 the city can lose nothing. Rather than see the name of the Mayor erased from the bill, he would see stricken off the name of the Street Inspector. On the motion to strike out the name of the Mayor, the vote was---16 nays to 8 yeas. The amendment therefore fell. Mr. Freeman then' moved as a further • amendment to the first section, to divide the city into four districts,instead of into ten. -• Mr. Gray" moved to go into Committee of . the Whole. This was lost by a large vote. Mr. Spring moved now to amend, by di minishing the time to one year, so that a trial might be given to the plan. This was oat. Mr. Gray moved a further amendment that before a contract shall be made the contractor shall make oath that he has made po promises to any member of Councils to , 1.704' t the contract. 1 1) 4 .4Mr. Hodgdon pronounced thi\an insult -•-?•• • tterthe Chamber. :the bill passed finally (every amendment „ing lost), as it came from - Common Council. The bill providing for the sale of certain superfluous real estate'belonging to the city, postponed at a previous meeting, was ta.ken up. Colonel Page stated that there were se .riohs objections against the sale of the To • Aco';'Warehouse, includel in the lot. en the tobacco trade is restored it will WO - use. Itlis now rented for $4,000, with a drawback of $1,500. It rented for $7,000 A .:.befilite the war began. The building ought to produce the interest of $lOO,OOO. • Mr.Spering thought that now of all others . was the time to sell real estate. The city .never can manage this property or get so much out of it as the interest of the money t.-1 is, will bring. :Mr. King desired the property to be sold. It doesn't pay 3 per cent. , The bill passed without amendment. The ts, Tobacco Warehouse, therefore, will, also be sold, but the bill passed with this under standing, that not less than $lOO,OOO will be accepted for it. •.t. Mr. King offered a resolution requesting the Board of Health to communicate to • __,..Councils in what manner the $20,000 appro , •-owitriated some months ago was'expended. The bill from Common Council appro .,- *biting $1,300 additional for the extension Yine streetwas then passed unanimously. ,the bill from Common Cduncil, intro it • istreing certain fire alarm boxes, ctc.,passed. Ad,&xned. COMMON BRANCH. • • ' TR - Mayor's clerk presented a communi tt.raltion from that officer, accompanied by the resolutions passed by the Board of Health, ."\=ing the streets of Philadelphitt nui- Mr. Harper moved to refer the communi cation to the Committee on Health. 'Q .A eed to. . i. Mr. Dillon presented a petition from the tilopthwark Hose Company and citizens of Sogthwark, asking for the removal of thet irabks on Broad street. Similar ones from the United States Hose Company, the Shinier Hose Company, the Hope Hose Company, the Vigilant Engine company; were also presented. - Petitions of corresponding import were tti_esented by every member of the Chamber, somemembers •• submitting three or four long strings - of signatures. They were all referred to the Committee on Law. "Mr. Ray presented a communication re . quesan' g the removal of a coal oil establish • rent, at York avenue and Belgrade street. The refuse from the works, is emptied into] Gunners' Run, and then is carried to the • Eighteenth Ward Water Works and pumped up into the reservoirs. Referred to • the Committee:on. Water. The Fairmbunt Park bill was then called up. • • ••":741r. Hancock's resolution to repeal the or dinance anthorizing the purchase , of ground • - Njacent to the. Park was declared the'sub sect of consideration. , Mr. Hancock said Ae.Wits 'in favor of let ting the people of‘the' city know that Coun. oils are right in one thing at least. It may be all right to pay $300,000 for the land, but the money does not go into the pockets of the property Owners.- There a margin of $lBO,OOO left for shysters, men who feed upon the public treasury and are nourished by the pap - . These are the men who secured the, removal of the markets, and now they are hfingrk for the pickings of the Park ap propriation. He knew them, he said, and if Select Council •refused concurrence in the bill of Common Council, he would name them and give their names to the public. Mr. Harper called upon Mr. Hancock to define his position more clearly. It is use less to repeal the ordinance, but if men are plundering or trying to plunder the city treasury, the people should know who they are. Mr. Simpson stigmatized the plan as a swindle, than which none greater has ever been presented to the people of the city. There are persons now trying to buy up the property at high rates, trusting to recover still higher prices from the city. There is a large margin in the purchase money. He believed the Court will set aside the verdict of the jury. Mr. Evans demanded of Mr. Hancock the revelation of the names of the persons who are to receive, the $lB,OOO. Mr. Wolbrt hoped the resolution of Mr. Hancock would pass. He did not be lieve that any sane man in Philadelphia to day will say that the property • had not been assessed at more than $200,000 more than it is worth, including all the damage: He gave an instance in which a piece of property had been assessed at $1,700 more than the owner rated it. The Chamber finally :voted on Mr. Han cock's resolution, and passed it. This re peals the ordinance authorizing the pur chase of the ground, as far as Common Council is interested. A communication was received from the City Solicitor stating that, in his opinion, Councils have no right to require the Board of Trustees of the city Gas Works to sub mit their books for inspection, beyond the monthly account of receipts and expendi tures, already obligatory upon the Board to furnish Councils. The telegraph alarm was extended to the machine shops of Matthew Baldwin & Co. Mr. Stanton, Chairman of the Committee on Port Wardens, reported an ordinance appropriating $1,357 to widen Vine street wharf. Passed. Mr. Harper offered a resolution requiring the city railroad companies to replace the stones displaced at the street crossings. Referred to Committee on Railroads. Mr. Marting offered a resolution instruct ing the Committee on Law when they report upon the legal right of the members from the First, Eighth, Ninth and Thirteenth Wards to their seats, to report what assess ment the Sheriff has made hitherto in his proclamation;whether the Courtot Common Pleas did not decide that the assessment made the year preceding the organization was to be taken, and what assessment the Supreme Court had before them when they acted upon the Meeser case. Agreed to. Mr. Derbyshire presented a resolution re questing the Legislature to pass a law pro hibiting the sale of meats in the streets of Philadelphia. Agreed to. A resolution to approve the sureties of George F. Gordon, Commissioner of Street Cleaning, was then agreed to. • Mr. Evans offered are solution that the regular meeting of Common Council on next Thursday be dispensed with, and:the Chamber meet on Friday at 3 o'clock. Agreed to. Mr. Evans offered a resolution instruct- ing the Committee on Law to inquire by what right the Reading Railroad paid into the city Treasury the sum of $l,OOO as car toll, on the City Railroad, instead of the regular tolls authorized• by law, the com mittee to have power to send for persons and papers. Agreed to. Adjourned. BOA R D OF TRADI; JOSEPH C. GIIBB, E. A. SOIIDER. }MONTELT Co .•. CEO. L. BIIZEIY• IMPO.I3TATIONS, Reported for thoPnusaenonin Evening „bulletin. PEILNAMBL'CO--Bark Cleo, Roskamp—Lloo bags coffee Jobn Mason ./ Co. krrival and m inx So rn Ar l Oceari.Steamers dELPH TROY Mt Louisiana .Liverpool... New York Edinburg Liverpool... New York North American-Liverpool...Portland Asia.. .... ___.—Liverpool...Boston Kangaroo ...... ---Liverpool...New York .. Erbs -Liverpool...New York - Nova Scotian. .Liverpool...PortlancL.. Borussia ' Southampton... New York Java -Tilverpool—New York. The Queen Liverpool... New York, TO DEPART. Evening Star New York... New Orleans March 3 City of London... New York-. Liverpool March a Allemanla ..New York... Hamburg ..... --March 3 England New York... Liverpool ..........March a Belgian .Portland...Llvernool March 3 Moravian . .Portland...Llverpool March 3 City Manchester-...N York... Liverpool March 7 Cuba New York... Liverpool March 7 Atalanta ...New York... London March s Fah Kee.... ........ _New York...St Jago March 10 H Chauncey ...New York...Aspinwall ----March ID Hermann .New York... Bremen March 10 Edinburg New York... Liverpool Marco iti North American.-Portland...Liverpool March 10 Caledonia .New York... Glasgow March 10 Asia .Boston... Liverpoo- March 14 ......NewYork...Bremen ... „..New York...Havre .....New York... Liverpool Vrti Ds rotiv y/ / :tt 1 :t : . i UN RIB :.:, 6 . .24 I BUN BETS, 586 I HIGH WATER, 2 ARRIVED 'YESTERDAY. Steamer Eastern City, Slaw, 24 hours from New York, with muse to P Clark.l bchr Henry Perkins, Borden, from Gloucester, with mdse to Holbrook & Hughes. SchrJ V Wellington, Atwood, from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Echr Ettle Ball, Maxsea, 1 day from Frederica, Del with corn to Jas L Bewley <St Co. Schr Clayton dr Lowber Jackson,l day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & CO. PUT BACK rs DisiztEss.—The bark La Plata, Capt. Crowell, hence for Buenos Ayres, arrived yesterday afternoon in distress. On the 23d ult. when in the southern edge of the Gulf, during a heavy gale from Sr :NE, carried away bowsprit, foretopmast, foretopgal- I antmast and maintopgallahtmest—had to return to the city for repairs. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship N Mosher, Anthony, Antwerp, Workman & Co. Bark Linda, Hewitt, Cienfuegos, 0 C Carson & Co. Schr S E Dunn, Fenton. Salem, captain. Schr Id Reinhart, Hand, Boston, Sinnickson & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Kennebec, Edmonds, cleared at New York esterday for this port. Stermer Westchester, Ingram, cleared at New York • esterday fcr Wilmington, Del. Steamer Bosphorus (Br), Alexander, for this port. leered at Boston 28th ult. Steamer City of Dublin (Br), Enyon, for Liverpool. eared at New York yesterday. Steamer City of Washington, Brooks, from N York or Liverpool, was spoken 22d ult. lat 95 53, ion 42 53. Steamer George B. Stout, Bird, hence at Richmond ,th ult. Steamer Moneka, Marsiunan, cleared at New York yesterday for Charleston. Steamer Yale. de Cuba (Sp), Rivero, from New York at Havana loth ult. . . Steamer Delaware, Thompsen, hence via New York for Liverpool,was seen 28th ult. 150 miles east of Sands Hook, Steamer Arizona, Maury, for Aspinwall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamer Worcester, Baird, from Liverpool via Hali fax, at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Vitula, Peck, cleared at New York yesterday 'for San Francisco. ' • Ship Eicano, Cheevet, from Calcutta lath Nov. at New York yesterday. Ship Young Mechanic, Grant, cleared at Boston lath ult. for Hong Kong. Ship Nonpareil, Smith, at Falmouth 16th ult. from San Francisco. Ship San Carlos, Strout, from Talcahuano, at Boston yesterday. • • Bark Wavelet (Br), Britton, hence at Liverpool lath Bark Jennie, Dencellin, sailed from Table Bay 14th ult. for New York. Bark Spirit of the Age. Richardson, 60 days from Buenos Ayres, at New York yesterday, with wool and hides. Bark Charles Brewer, from Goree, at Boston yester day. Brig Joseph Baker, Nickerson, at Cienfuegos 14th nit. from_ St. Jago. Brig James B Kirby, Outerbridge, hence at Trinidad 12th.ult. Brig Lila, Day, from Mobile, at Boston 28th ult. • Brig Lenoir (Br), Lenoir, hence at Marseilles 15th Schrs frey, for do, and H W Godtrey,tor Wllmington,cleared at N ew York yesterday. Bohr Wm S Donghton, Totem, Balled from New Bedford 28th ult. for this port. Behr W Carroll, Colson ence at Providence 28th alt, rHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. FRIDA.Y, MARCH 2 1866. Bars E G Willard, Parsons, from Portland, and .T . O Brooks, Burgess, from Boston; both for this port, at Newport 2-th ult. Schrs E Magee, Magee; C Morris, Artis, and S. B Wheeler,XcGlaughlin, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 27th - - Behr ' Sarah A Hammond. Paine, from Providence kir this port, sailed from Newport 27th tat.. Schrs Alexander Young, hence for Bo iton, and Ella F,Crowell, Freeman, do for Gloucester, at Holines' Hole 27th ult. -Sam Shooting Star, Marshall, from Delaware City for Portsmouth, at Holmes' Hole 27th ult. MARINE IffISOnILLANY. Among the marine losses month,the ship Glllert, from Philadelphia for Antwerp, is set down at 6174,000; Kepler, from Philadelphia for Bre men;.sl7o,ooo: schrs COnstitution, froin Kintaton, Ja. for Philadelphia, MOO% and Charlotte Williams, from Plymouth, NC. for Philadelphia, $1.2 CH:10 . Fears are entertained for_the safety of bark Charles Edwin, Capt Maddocks, which sailed from Portland San 26 for Cuba. PEULAD ELP OFFICE ECLL, OF THE2B. CITY TARA SURER, Feb. 1866. WTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF CITY WAR HANTS.—AII City Warrants issued prior to the year 1864, will be paid on and after March 10, 1866. at this t Dice. HENRY BUMS!, City Treasurer, OFFICE OF THE BRANDON ISLAND OIL CO7ILBAIs.TY—ROO3I No. 14, 524 WALNUT ! WERT. A meeting of be held on MONDAY, Stock March sth ers of ath 12 is C M Company will t . J. L. ED WARDS, fe2B-4t, Secretary. gFAN ADJOURNED MEETENG OE THE Stockholders of the OCEAN OLL COMPANY TEN IsTSYLVANIA, will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 411 CHESTNUT street, on WEDNES DAY, March 14th, at 12 o'clock, H. W.M.CARTER, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. IS, 1866. fe2B-6ti CqNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING OF ' t , lbe Stockholders Of the PETROLEUM STEAM BARREL C‘J.MPANY, will be held at their office, No. SOB Walnut street, Wednesday. March 7, 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., for the election of Directors, and the transaction of any other business. fe24 9t* P. F. HAGAR, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 230. 1866.—Tne Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MACCA OIL COMPANY, will be held at the Office of VEILLER & CARLE pON, No. 16 North 'FIFTH Street. on 'TUESDAY, March sth, at 12 o'clock, M., for the Election of Directors GEO. for the W ensuin l Fg yFearlN. . GR, fe24-6ti Secretary. PRESTON COAL AND LMPROVEMENI O COMPANY. NO. .As,}i' WALNUT STREET PIILLADELPH Li, Feb. 19, 1866. The annual meeting of stockholders and election for Directors of this Company, will be held at the office of the Company, on WEDNESDAY, March 7. 106, at 11 o'clock A. BE fees tm tat H. P. RUTTER, Secretary. HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL UNION CLUB, co. 1105 Cil FA I'NUT street, PHILAnkr,- PitlA, February 28th, 1866. special meeting of the NATIONAL UNION CLUB will be held at li eaoquarters, on FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, the 2d pros., at 7, 4 , o clock, on important busi ness in connection with the proposed visit to Harris burg. ROBERT P. KING. President. S. S.NYDER LElDY.Secretary. IU., OFFICE OF THE SI VERLY RUN OIL COMPANY, NO. 524 WALNUT ST RRPT, ROOM NO. IS. 'I he annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Company will be held on TUk›'DAY, March 13, at i 2 .'clock, noon, for tne election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting fe27tinhl3l J. Ft. WILKINS, Secretary. OFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. NOTICR TO STOCKHOLDERS. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. IM, 1866. The Annual election for Directors of this Company. ,vlll be held on mOINDAr , the Bth day of March, 1866, at the Office of the Company, 238 south THIRD street. The polls will be open from 10 o'clock, A. 51. until 6 o'clock, P. M. No share or shares transferred within ri - sty days preceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to Vote. lea txulas EDMUND SMITH, Sec'y. [1: - , ? , DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF 311(1110A-N.—Notice is hereby given, that all Stock in this Company on which the Tenth Instalment of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, called December 4t.b, isez, and due December isth, 1585, is not paid. is forfeited for said default. and that, according to the Charter and By-Laws of the Cbmpany, it will be sold at Public Auction, on TUDSDAY, March loth, ] 566, at 12 31., at the office of the Secretary of the Company, No. 320 wALN - Tr street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or before that time. By order of the Boar d of Directors. B. WYATT WLSTAR, Secretary. Dated Phila., Feb. 17, MS. fel7-24tw,f,m.trab3lf TICEOFFICE OF HE 3IcRA_E AND CHERRY RCN OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner of and Chestnut streets, PHILADELPHIA. February 16, 1866. Notice is hereby given to all delinquent Storkholders that unless the assessment of ten cents per share made by this Company, shall be paid on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 12th, 1666, so roach of the stock of said delinquents as will oe required to pay said assessment and necessary expenses as provided by law, will at that time be sold at the office of the Company at Public Auction. By order of the Board of Directors. feletmhl2/ M. BITZBY. Treasurer. CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY.—The Managers of "The Continental Hotel Corn pany" laave this day deolaral a dividend of THREE P.E.R CENT upon the Preferred Stock of said Com pany, dear of all taxes, payable at the office of the Txeasurer, No. 813 Arch street, on and after March Ist, 1566. J. SERGEANT PRICE, Treasurer. PIIII.ADELPITIA, Feb. 19, 1886. .1•4 t mh3 DIVIDEND NOTICE OFFICE OF THE 11. 7 OCEAN OIL COMPANY, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., being Fifty Cents per Share on the capital stock, payable on and after the Ist of March next, clear of State tax. Transfer Books wUI close on the 24th at 3 P. M , and open March Id. W. M. CARTER., Treasurer. PHILADELPHI A, Feb. W. 1868. fel4-61; ....-Feb. 1.1 -Feb. 14 ...Feb. 15 —.Feb. 17 Feb. 17 —.Feb 21 ....Feb. Zt .-.Feb. 24 .....Feb. 24 ...Feb. D; The following statement of the condition of the Thames Fire Insurance Company of Norwich, Conn., on the 31st December,lB6s, is published In accordance with an. Act of Ar•sembly. amount Capital Stock ........ 5200.000 00 Amount paid in full 200,1100 1.0 At sers. Cash on hand in Bank : $7,848 59 Cash In hands of Agents and In course of - - transmission 13,647 38 Amount loans secured by Bonds and Mort gages, the first lien on real estate on which there is less than onelyearal interest due and owing 98,350 00 $21,660 U. S. 5-20 Loan. market value 21,971 25 34,5511 do 7-30's 34,558 00 Bank Stocks, par $20,000. markat value 21.450 00 Loans on collateral security: Par value. Market value. U. B. Loans and Bank Stocks $36,860 639,321 Loan 30,500 00 Amount Premium Notes 12.232 12 Amount Accrwd Interest on Investments... 7,966 Ot All other assets Including °Mae furniture, U. S. stamps.. 1,174 62 ..March 15 ...March 17 ...March 21 - • Amount of losses unadjusted. $7,015 e Amount of claims tor losses In cult or con tested None. Amount Premiums Received $110,587 90 Amount, Interest Received on Investments 11,573 Su Amount Premiums Earned_ $53,593 59 ... _ . Amount of losses paid during year $63,163 78 Amount of losses paid during the year which accrued prior to the year 2,979 1.77 Amount at which the losses were estimated in former statement which were paid dur ing year $3,110 21 Amount return premiums and re-Insurance 14,999 30 Expenses Including commissions and fees to AgentrAalaries of calkers, &c.... 18,723 41 Amount paldfor taxes 5,643 07 Amount all other expenditures of Company. 5,701 84 Total expenditures 4111,21 27 AMOS W. PRENTICE, President B, B. WHITTEMORE, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. BRANCH OFFICE: North Penna. R. It. Building. 409 WALNUT St. WM. W. ALLEN & CO., fe23f&luet General Agents for Penna. GIRARD .FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PRILA DELPHI& CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CASH, 12.00,050 This company continues to write en Fire Risks only, Its capital, with a good surp l lus, is safely invested. 70 Losses by fire havebeeh promptly paid, and mere than • Ab p 0,0 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re• main at 415 WALNET STREET, But within a few months will remove, to Its OWN BUILDING. N. E DOR. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our pat rons at such rates as axe comdstent with safety. THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED ti. GILLETT, FURMAN SHEPPARD, N. S. LAWRENCE THOS. DIACERr.T.A Ft, CHARLES I. DUPONT, IND. SUPPLER HENRY F. KENNEY JNO. W. abacoloßN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. 33, BLLAS YERKES, JR" THOMAS AVEN, President. ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. Pre. Went and Treasurer. JAM ES B. ALVORD. Secretary. gtgALL, FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 406• CHEST ELNUTPHIA. TREET, PHILAD FIRE. AND INLAND /NSURAP/032 [ Francis N. Buck, Jan , W. Bverznan, Charles Richardson, ' Robert B. Potter, n e ,„.._ l am b s r Jack Hessler, Jr., - earalik Wright , . IL D. WoodzMr. P. B.' Justice, Cha . Stokes, Oto. A. ety ti za r i _Loa. D. KIEL CIE N. ru/S., PreeKent. CULOS. BionelanyaN, Moe Pre:WEIR N. I. H&ASEMARD. searnarr, .. SPECIAL Ai O'FIVES. DIVIDEND NOTICES. • IV!IVKALNUE. THAMES FIRE INSURANCE CO., NORWICH, CONN. Total Assets LIABILITIES Liam Total In com.e EXPENDITU BM 33151DICAN IbSITEE YOUR 1,1k1; N YOUR OWN 'HOME COMPANY, THE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cori Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers in this Company have the additional guar antee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, which, together with CASH ASSETS, now on hand amount to $1,143,874 14, Invested as follows 100,000 11. S. 5.20 Bonds ...... ... 100,000 City of Philadelphia Loan, ti's. new 70,050 U. S. Treasury Notes, 7-30 25,000 Allegheny County ........ 15,000 U. S. Loan of 1881...., 10,000 Wyoming Valley Canalßonds...._. 12.700 Compound Interest Treasury Notes 10,000 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Bonds.. 10,000 Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and China, go Railroad Bonds 16,500 City of Pittsburgh and other Bonds 9,000 Reading Railroad Bonds 1,000 Shares Pennsylvania .nallroad. 450 Shares Corn Exchange National Bank. 107 Shares Farmers' National Bank of Reading. • V. Shares Consolidation.Nationalßank 141 thares Williamsport Water Com pany Mortgages. Ground Rents and Real Estate... 147,309 89 Loans on collateral arm ly secarea-_-. ......... 169,481 91 Premium notes secured by policies. 217,504 58 Cash in hands of agents secured by bonds__ 52,469 16 C. sh on deposit with 11. S. Treasurer 20,000 03 Cash on hand and in banks_ .......... ...... 65,826 14 Accrued interest and rents due Jan. 1 10= 00 INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1885 $541,492 92. Losses paid during the year amounting to $87,636 31. DIVIDENDS MA DE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the lusured to pay premiums, The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force krember 31, 1865, WILS Fifty - Per Cent. Of the amount of PRFAfIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES arewell known citizens Moor midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilidin,i William J. Howard, J. Edgar Thompson, Samuel T. Bodine, tiroege Nugent, r John Aikman, Eon. James Pollck, Henry K. Bennett, Albert C. Roberta, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Mingle, L44^ Hazlehurst. Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, jogs c BTMS, ACM/try Jams S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer JOHN C. TABER, General Agent, No. '3)13 Green SL A few flmt rate canvassers wanted. 3 E - OPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO,, OF WORCESTER, MASS. The following Statement of the Condition of the Company on the 31st day of December, lsal. is published In accordance with an Act of -assembly CAPITAL. Paid up In Hill_. A.s.SET:s. I.%tsli on hand and In Bank. 926,519 49 Oisis in hands of Agents and incourse of transmission Vainest Ileal Estate held and owned by the Company ... - 51,5C0 CO A mount of Loans secured by Bonds and Mortgages, constituting the first lien on lteal - Eslate. ...... Amount of Loans se - c;iiiia . iW..TeCor7l Mort gages.. - Par Value. -ifarril -- Value. w U. S. Benda._. state stocks aniiiia — diea - 41 128 ' 3°° 614° Bondfr. Railroad mocks. Bank Stocks.--.- ' 257,= 00 Amount of Loam oliCol,lateral security 3.1,075 CO (Mice furniture. 1474 70 Revenue Stamps on hand.. V 2 07 Due from Rents ' 7"..;6 00 Amount of Interest due and unpaid on Invest ments of Company Amount of Interest ac. rued but not paid on Investments of Company_ otal amount of assets .44A109 INCOME FOR iszs. Amounts of Club premiums received 111•27,0 s 41 Amount of Interest received on Investments_ 2t,158 44 Total Income FXPENDITUILI'S. Amount of Losses paid during theyear 170,E33 35 Amount of Losses paid during the year which accrued prior to the year Amount paid for return premiums and In- suranne Amount of E xpenseo paid during the year, including commission and fees to Agents and Officers Amount of Taxes paid by the Company LIABILITIES, NONE. HENRY CIIA PIN, President. A UGUSTUS N. CURRIER, Steretary. Philadelphia Branch Office, North Pennsylvania Itailrose Building, 419 Walnut, street. tea-I WO. WM. W. ALLEN & CO., Agents. FIRE INSURANCE. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions, Invested Funds, over 16 Millions, Yearly Revenue, over S Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000 AO losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6,Merchants' Exchange. fed7tu,th,f6m PUTT , A TIELPRIA. 1, 1 '219,747 Wi $128,161 76 1829- CHARTER PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA; Assets on January - 1..1866, 020500,861. 96. ...:400,000400 ..... 944,543 15 -I,IMBOB 18 Capital. Accrued Burpkis Premiums UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 1868. $11,467 58. 1 5310,000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms •BIR.FOTORS, Chas. N. Bancker, Edward 0. Dale, Topics Wagner, Oeorge Fates, Samuel Grant, . .. Alfred Fitter, Geo. W. Richards, Eras. W. Lewis, M. D. I I Isaac Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. AMMER 'President. ED WARD C. DALE, Vice President. AS, W. HicALLISTER, SecretarY pro tern. fC2td3ll ci O . 2 0 '461,0ai 95 0 1 M ZAV,OOO 00 .W,OOO 24 EV 39,410 41.155 44,' 3 .1153,796 S 5 34,712 ha , 10,371 82 sl4a 30 I:r2 lILAWARE -MUTUAL -HAPETY INSURANCE D HICORPORA BY THE-xameomit.Turs or 1 - ENNSYLVANLA: V= - • OMOII O. E. CORNER THIEL -AND wraamsrr STREETS 'PHILADELPHIA. • MABHIE lIESIHIAHOH, OH O To all par VigSEEL.S3L_ pa r t e CIAZGte of the world. PZEI.OIIT, • mstatiorims_ ,_ . _ _ On Goode, by Blver,-Canal, Lake, and Lana Oarrlage, to amitarts of the Union. INBUBANOES, On Merchandise gene.rally, On Stores, Dwelling Howes, &c. AE,SEFB OF 'nix, COMPANY, November 1, 1865. 1100,000 United States sper cent. loan, '7l. 195,000 00 120,000 'United States 6 per cent, loan '81..... 128100 00 200,0u0 United States VB- - 10 per cent loan . Treasn. Notes.--- . - mom 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan .... 00,1%5 00 54,080 State of le - nigiga - idit Six Per Cent. 00 . . 53,250 00 125,000 City orlidlaa73lphia Six Per Cent. 312,812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds . 20,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad IlecsndMort gage Six Per Cent Bonds..„„. 23,750 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. 80nd523,750 00 11,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and Interest phia. guaranteed by the City of Philadel -.„ 13,537 50 7,150 143 Shares Stock Penna. — Ra . ia - srti. Company.— .... ......... -..„_ 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit with the United States GO: vernment, subject to 10 days call 40,000 00 30,000 State of Terusesaee Five -Per Cent. Loan —. 18,900 00 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on City Properu 170,700 00 1,038,850 Par. 996.560 0 Beal Estate. au® 0 0 Bills receivable for 1118101/WICO made --. 121.013 SO Balances due atAgencies.—Premiums on an rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other debta due the Company .. - . ....... ..-..-- 40,511 44 tocrfp and Stock of anndry ana - nranite and other Cora anise, 85,133. likaim.ated value:- 2,910 00 Cash in I P. .455,956 89 Cash inDrawer 678 48 . a 56,62.5 77 DIRE Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund EL Bonder, Theophilus Spa'dins, John R. Penrose, James Traquair. Henry C. liallett, Jr., James C Hand, William C. Llldwlg, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, Robert Burton, John D. Taylor, THOM _ . JOHN C HE. -- EiY LYLBUILN, Seer INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH A NI - PRICE I—y 4 A LINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOB TATION INSURANCE. Whim, No. 523 WALNUT street, south side, east of Third street. The Properties of this Company are well invested and furnish an available (and for the ample Indernr tty of all ppeerrssons who desireto be protected by Insurance. MAP,JNE FLTSVA taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. rb, LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on him. chandise per Railroads, Canals and Ste , mboats. PULE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Build. Lugs in City and County. EDIN PAID IN AND SEC TOTAL FI 111,71 PERPETU.' Axtbur G. Collin, Bananel W. Jonas, John A.:Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood. William WeLsh, William- E. Bowen, T. Charl ARTHUR PLATT. - FIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated March 27, 1860. ft OFFICE. No. 34 N. FIFTH street. - • .:,,Z4L!' In sure BUtLDMIS. HOUSEHOLD FUR ."? NITURE and MERCHANDISE genes • - - ally, from Loss by tire, (In the City o Philadelphia only.) SUATE.3thNT of the Assets of the Association January 1, I Ma. - Bonds and Mortgages on property In the tity of 17 Ground lients.-_, Z) 848 01 Real Estate (Onice - 34 North Ftfth street) 1a...W. 13 S. Government 5-R Benda__ 43.000 00 U. S. Treasury botes. —.......-.- 6,040 00 City Warrants.---- 646 00 Oath on ..... 27.420 41 Totel_.~..._.__ TBV6 GEORGE W. TRYON. President. . - - - WM. H. ELAMILTON, JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN SOU:IER. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, JOHN PHILBIN. CHARLES-P. BOWER. JOHN CARBOW, i JESSE LIGHTFOOT, 3EORGE I. YOUNG, ;ROBERT SHOEMAKEIR,I - WAL T.BUTLE.R, Secretary. DIEM= DELPHIA. INCORPORATED Iet4—CHARTER PERPETUAL DM. V. 4 WALNUT Street, oppatite_We Itschwage. In addition to MAL3MM3 and INSURANO3I this Company insures from loss or damage by FLIM, on liberal terms , on buildings, merchandise, ftWturs, gx. t ibr limited periods, and permanently ois indidlngs by deposit. &premium. The Comn in active operation Tor more than SlRduring which all lasso' have been prom ptlyand Paid. IRECORS. John L. Hodge, DTD avid Lewis, M. B. Hahony Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William S. Grant, A. B. McHenry, Robert W. Leamint. Edmond Caen, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lavrrence Lewis, J. C. Norns. JOHN 73. W IT H H:SEER, President. Sara= Wrcoox. Secretary. . TICE COUNTY FIRE OFFICE NO. 110 801= FOURTH EITRECECP "The Fire Insurance Company of the County CO Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in iSSa, for indemnity against loss Or damage by flre at mlusively. TER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capita] and contingent fund carefully invested coneinues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, dn., either par manently or fOr a limited time, against loss or by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the tilt= safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch D Edwin L. Rest:ll, John Horn, Joseph Moore, George_ gecko, James N. Stone. B J. SUPPER, President . Sec'v and Treasurer. Charles J. Butler, Henry Crtllr Robert V. BljhaseY, Henry Budd Andrew Brauer... Itics.TAxn% F. Ho scrsa..Fr rgrintasorr FIRE INERT/LANCE COMPANY 01 sf PHILADELPHIA.--Office Northeast corner a THDELD and BITFIVIMOOD streets(Late Tammany) Incorporated by the ,Legislature of Pennsylvania. CHAES2IB Pigancrtrar.. tbpital authorized by law, tioo,ooo. Make insurance nainst Loss or Damage te Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stock; Goods and Merchandise, oIRECTO n favorable term. DRS, George Ere_ty, Chri s Bredeh k 3 s ri p c he t e i* R. Icollar, August o. Mater, lohn F. Belsterling, Jonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, Williams McDaniel, Jacob Schandier, George Buta, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry Garter, Samuel Miller, Edward. Moyer, GEORGE EBETY, President. JOHN F. BELSTERLING, vice Prealdara, PHILIP B. COLEMAN a t KERMAN MUTUAL INSURANCE CONPANP LI. —Office Farquhar Building,__No. WALNITT Street. MAP,. AND =LAND INSUBNCII23. Maks taken on vessels, cargoes and freighta to all part. of the'world, and on goods on inland transportation os rivers, Canala railroads and other conveyance throughout the Vatted States. WILLIAM CRAIG President, rETEB. croLLWAnce Protasis*. ROBERT J. MEE. Secretary. DIELVIMRS. Remy O. Dane% Wm. S. Lowber, J. Johnston Brown, Samuel A. Raton, Mason Hutchins, Henry L. Elder, rnan Serrill Morgan,. lag WWl= Craig, Peter (Mien, John Dollar, Jr., William H. Merrick, Be 4. W. Richards, Mines Millen, Wm'M.Mairai POWS= MNEtIOAN FMB INSURANCE COMPANY. Jalt INOOBPORATBD AL. 1810.—OHAMTNII PKBPJI VI BO WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, PHTLAJYrer.PHIA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SIM PLUS inverted In sound and available Securities, Con. Mine to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Farnham Mex. abandlse, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU Leases liberallY and PrumPall adjusted. DILLIOMn 3 s. Thomas E. Marl, rohn T. Lewis, John Welsh, James B. Camptaidli Bameel 0. Morton, Edmund 13. DnUlh, Patent Brady, Marius W. roattnearl 'Sores. 13 B. MAIMS, Presider& Secretary. my!! ITHO ALBra. 0. L. caAwro PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST _O ENT _OF PHILADELPHIA. — IncorPuluded by the Sista of Penfusylvanla, 8d month. 224.1885, LW:MEE; LIVES AL L r OWS INTEREST ON DE , POSITS , loa CAPITAL. DIREOTORS. Samuel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jere-L.lllth Banner. Henry Baines , Joshua H. Herr% T. Winter Brown, Richard WOOd. W. O. LOngeiretat Chan. P Ooffin SAMUEL 18. aro:MET. Pfedank BOMA= PARRY, MUM 072. itu2447 No. Market value- $ 1 ,253,6N 18 IBS. Samuel E. Stokes, I. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G. Bannon, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, • James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mallvaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. T.lto•an, Pittsburgh. C. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President. delstnol s_ • al, . 6 5, , 53.000. AND t VES • PEHITES, CHASTER, • RS James N. Dickens, S. Morris Wain, John Mason George L. Harrison. Francis B. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, F. B. Glarke, William Onnurdnga, .: n . H OO Ct Fred enS. meir, _.....,4301,419 10 :COMPANY OP PIMA OE 001CPA.NY.- .....,pso,ooo s. ill Bouts Fourth areal INSITRANCE KIINSURANCE EXCLUELTVI.LY. TAM emm XNBURANGEO OM& PANY-11-. mated lsin—charter Perpetual—NO. 1510 "WALNUT Street, Otdepen te Indence Stelare. This Company, favorab known to the community tor over forty yous, con nes to miters a=1 :1 72 or damage by tire, on Public or Private either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on parniture,Stocks of Gaels and Nercluindise genemllyl on liberal Their Capi term tal, together Nifthit, largo s.urpini maid to inveated In the most careftd manner, w hic h enable. them to oifin to the insured an undoubted seourito• lii the Me of /OWL _ . _ DERI3X3TOHS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Deverettx, Alexander Benson, • ThOmea Smith, Dams Haalehnnit, Henry Lewis, Thomas - Robins, J. Gillingham Pell. Daniel Haddock, Jr. Wtrmiart G. DAN 1 *••• t. SMITH, Jr., President; IaIIOWELL. BeCTStary MIITIJAL FIRE INS' PHLIADELPHIA— Street—lnsnre Buildings, 1 chandise generally. ASSETS—SIO3.796 86. DIRECTORS FOR 1866. CALEB CLOTHIFR, WM. P. REEDER, BENJ. MALONE. JOSEPH. CHAPMAN, THOMAS MATHER, EDW. M. NEEDLES. T. ELLW'D CHAPMA_N, WILSON M. JENKINS, SIN EON MATLACK, LUKENS WEBS PER, AARON W. GASEI LL. CHARLES EVANS. CALEB CLOTHIER, President. T. FLLWOOD CHAPMAN, Secretary. IP/B,3aq . _ LEGAL NOTICrEb. MARIA LOUISA BUELAH, by her next friend, &c., vs. CHARLES W. BUELA H.— Court of enrCIMOD Pleas of the City and County of Philadel phia. In blvorce. December Term. 1865. No. 27. CHARLES W. ITUELAH. Respondent in above case—Sin: You will please take notice that interron, 14. tortes to be addressed to the witnesses to be produced in this ease on the part of the libelant. have been filed, and that ti , e said wits erses will be produced and ex amined by .1. 'HOWARD GENDELE, Esq., Examiner appointed by raid Court for that purpose, on the day of March, A. D. 1666, at 4 o'clock P. M. of that day; at his office, No. 40 2 2, Walnut street, Philadelphia, %obeli and wbereyon may attend; or in the meantime file cross interrogatories, as you may think proper. JOHN C. REDIIEFFER. Attorney for Libelant, TIC THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JACOB DAVID. deed. The auditor appoint ed by the Court to andit.settle and adjust the final ac count of WM. M. DAVID, WM. L. SPRINGS and THOS. W. WOODWARD. Survivi - g Executors of the last will and testament of Jacob David, decesse.d, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants,will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on M.ONDAY.I2tu day of March. 18.66, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at his office No. LS South SL'rth street, in the City of Philadelphia. fe2B wimst* • JOHN E. LATT A, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND t. OLIN TY OF PH naDELPHI A .- Estate of EV.A. bill-, TON, deceased.—Tbe Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Win. J. Kelly, A dministrator of Estate of Evans Brirdon, late of the City of Philadelphia and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the arrountant.will meetthe parties interested for the pur poses of his apps intment. on WEDNESDAY, March loth. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No, 123 u tb Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. fe2S-w• L mst. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE I CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA_ 'I rust Estate of JOH N F LEWlS,dec'd. The AuditJr arpolived by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account or Edwin M. Lewis and F. Mortimer Lewis, Trustees under a Deed of Trust dated February 22d, 11:25. and io report distribution of the balance in the hands of' the accountants. will meet the parties in tere,ted f. r the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, March 6th, 1666, at 11 o'clock. A. IL. at the office of Charles S. Pancoast, Esq . No. 416 WAL NUT street. in the city of Philadelphia. fe2.3-f,m.wsta LATHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY LAND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. —Es te.te of JOHN F. LEWIS, deceased.--". 1 he Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the third and final account of Edwin M. Len•is and others, Executors of the last will of John F Lexis. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the arceuntants will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, March 6th, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the otlie:e 01 Charles 5, Pancoast, Esq . No. 416 WALNUT Street, sn the city of Philadelphia. N THE ORPHANS COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COFNTY OF Pin I ADELPHIA.—Estate of FELI X TR.-k Is; ER. deceased.—The Auditor appointed be the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of ELIZA TRANER, Administratrix of Felix Traver, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on WED NEI,DAY, March 7, IS:6t';. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Of fice, No. 113 South FIFTH street, in the city of Phila delphia- from wsti WM. L. DENNIS, Auditor LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of JAMES GREER, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to JAMES F. GAYLEY, 31. D., 133 South EIGHIS,R TH, Executor. felSfSt T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been L granted to the subscriber upon She estate of VIN CENT GILPIN, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to GEORGE GELPIN, Administrator, No. •2:17 DOCK street. fel&-St DB.UQ:m. 111. .12 , 10ASEA—A perfect substitute for Breast milk, /IL for partial or entire infant nursing. Prepared by Thomas Barron Brook, London Hos pital Imported and supplied by R. C. BT. SONS. Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. COD LIVER OlL.—twenty-five barrels, new made, Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; 01213. Ammonia, just received, In jars also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted SIZ, percent.. In the best JO f packages, and for sale by Mi 0. BAKER & CO., No. 718 Market street. VNGLISH AND FOREIGN DRUGS.—English Va -1:a lerbm, Croton Oil, Taylor's Llnt, Willett of Colchi cum, C'omposition Mortara, 011 Neroll Petit grain Ott Tui Irish Geranium double distilled, 011 Nutill% , s, Allen's Extracts, 011 Sweet Almonds, Cream Tartar pure, Aconite Root, White Chamomile, French Rose Les yea, English Castor Oil quarter pints to quart sizes, Rio Tapioca, Fresh Fennel Seed, Cardamoms, in store and for sale by WILLIAM ET.T.TE4 & CO., 724 and M. Market street, Philadelphia, UODGSON'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS—TheAIIe viation of Bronchitis Catarrh, Hoarseness and Similar Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Voice. Public Sprakers, Singer and Amateurs have been greatly benetited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their intrinsic merit, particularly re. cut:emends them to persons afActed with BRON CHITIS, HOARSEN S, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sale by Druggists generally Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILLS, Apothe caries la northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, Phi delphia. •• :400 e s• e _• 1 •4: • I re.t •:- PLASTERS with the pliancy of silk, the strength and softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, pains. weakness, dc., &c. They are cleanlyand odorl,e comfortable and effective. Sold by RIOFERN I fors Ap tbecary, 1410 Chestnut street. atria r‘FSUGOZSTS' SUNDRIES. Gradusst3s Mortar', LI Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tyr,..ters,Ptio Boles, Horn Scoops, Surgical Instruments. Trussesi, hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Oases, Glass and Metal syilagrA. ac., all at "Pint Hands" plc la SNOWDEN dr BROTHER, 43 South Eighth street. OBEBT SHOE:MAIM?. & CO., N. E. CORNER iL FOIrRTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers in Window Glass, White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or coneumers, a complete stock Og good! In their 'me. at the lowest market rated. ROBERT SHORm A KKR & 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. itc dGNFCT A.—Jennings Calcined, in 1O J. round tins DUMagnesia p apers. and boxes, also In bottles. Tennin_E's Carbonateyi_Calcined of 2 os. and 4 oz. Hurt, lynding and fOr sale by MAM1...M 14 :, SON & CO., Druggists, Market and Seventh streets, Philadelphia, self! BAY RUM.-Just received, an invoice of Genuine Imported Bay Rum, for sale by the gallon, by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Druggist, N. E. cox , ner Fourth and Race streets. :1: ` • •• n • on. —A 7. tat. ft: ,l.:4:1' • and portable centilvance for the application of 1121 • ante to the internal surface of the rectum. Sold by SI. in.. 4,-. PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS.— Office, S. W. Corner WALNUT and FIFTH Streets. PHILADELY'RIA, Feb. 27, MOS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock, M., on MONDAY, March fOr Street con struction of a Sewer on the line of Market Streetfrom the West line of Wyoming Street,westward about three hundred feet and connect with the Sewer-now laid in said Market street, at that point, to be built of brick, two feet six inches inside Illameter, and circular in form, n ith such inlets and man holes as may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The understandin to be that the Contractor shall take the bills prepare d against the property fronting on said sewer as authorised by act of Assembly and without recourse to the city, as so much cash paid, and in full for all amount to be paid by the City for the construc tion of said Sewer. All Bidders are invited to be prf sent at the time and place of opening the said pro posals, Each proposal will be accompanied by a cer tificate that a Bond bas been filed in the Law Depart ment as directed by Ordinance of May 25, 1860. If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract within five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next higher bid. Specifications may be bad at the Department of Sur veys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SME Hi DLEY, Chief Commissioner of ghways': REMOVAL. TILL D . HARLOW has removed to No. ISt JLI ALUM Street. fb2S-6t* RTIMOVAL-3AAMS LYNN has removed his L OFFICIES to No. 411 OHEEITNUT St. fel9-Ma3 REMOVAL.—JAMES B. SHINDLER , Sslire...ker. may be Ibund for the present , at No. SOO North. Delaware Avenue. P—SECED HERBIIIO.--500 Darrell Bay of Island's Herring, In store and forsige by E. A. 130IIDED. & CO., Dock street 'Mart. • ANCE COMPANY OF I Mee No. 5 South FIFTH ousehold Goods and Mer- =gilMJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers