STTBTIMKSS WOTIOES ADVICE TO THE MISEBABLES. Those: who are afflicted with Scrofula, Fever Sores, Shin Eruptions, Salt Bhenm, Sore Head, Sere Legs, Swelling of the Glands, Venereal Sores, Pimples,. Blotches, Tetters, Chronic dis eases Humors of all kinds, and have spent large ramß Of money for medical attendance and adver- • tised remedies, and are still nncnred, we say use tTa-Kad way’s Cleansing Syrup, called BENO TATING EESOLVENT. One to six bottles of extraordinary medicine is warranted to curo_ von If six bottles of any remedy fflil to famish satisfactory evidence of care, stop it; opend no moTe money on it. Eadway’s BenovaUngßesplvent «reryw , g? maiden I&ne, New Yortt. STEINWAY& SONS’ Iffß ,n>.i SQUARE, UPRIGHT AMD GRANDS. mOST OEBEBBATED and POPUIIAB, ALL OVER THE WGRLB, AT *aß*m BBOS., nrfgSwß 0 I r 1008 Chestnirt street.. IV 8 I If LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND Black Heath, White ash Coal, carefully (elected and prepared lor family use, freafrom elate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction; at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Lump Coal for fonnd- r -~- and CBEsyNpx 9 0AI < for steam pmpoaes. at Vhciesaie Sillies, An assortment of -fficktotT,' CAKand piheWood,"kept -constantly on hand; Also, an excellent article or BLACKfiHiT'H’ B COAL, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secnre your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHTTiIi, Offices, 335 Walnut street. Bombird and Twenty-flflh street. North Pennsylvaniaßailroad and Master street Pine stree wharf, Schuylkill. THE COED SPBXNG ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as abOYe. Wagons Tim in all the payed limits of tbs Con solidated City and In tie Twenty-fourth Ward. G R E A TEST j|_IMPROVEMENT ,^f OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. METER’S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed t>y tbe Musical pnblic, to be the finest Pianos in America. Tie attention of the Musical pnblic Is called to recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained* without' any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos ars so celebrated* ; being lost, and which* with an Improved Touch and Action reu ser them Unequaled. . These Instruments received the Prize Medal at the World’B Fair, held in London* as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the Arst Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. ?:air dye! hair dyem hair Kin— BATORELOK’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the test in the World. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye re perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glosty Bloch or Natural with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving the hair soil and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of had Dyes. The genuine is signed William A. Batcheloe, all others are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold hyalt Drug gists, &c. FAOTCRY—BI BARCLAY street, N. Y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Bair. flflpfea sdHag^^av^ufouu^ m " that their Manufactory of First-Class Plano Fortes is now in full operation. The general tttisl&ction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are aot sur passed by any manufactured in the United States, xfcoy respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Room, Ho. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT. It is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. BTECKfc CO.’S MASON HAMLIN’S CABINET STEGK&cd.’S ORGANS. J. E. GO! Seventh NOW OP£N* Now Open, Now Opeji* Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Saint James. Saint James. I““‘ James. Saint Jam6B . f““* T® mes - Saint James. i ames- Saint James. ijHEi James. Samt James. J ames - Saint James. 1?}“* J ; ™ es - Saint James. J aa * ea - Saint James. KflSt James. . ■ Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Green ic Kelly, Green & Kelly. Green <fc Kelly. Green & Kelly. ,Green & Kelly. Green ic Kelly. Green ic Kelly. Green ic Kelly, Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. New Kestanrant. New .Kestanrant. New Restaurant, New Restaurant, • New Restaurant, 2New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New ‘ Restaurant. New Restaurant. . ■ • No. "421 Walnut street. No. 42t. Walnut etreet. No. .'421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. ' No: 421 Walnut street. EVpriNG BULLETIN TUESDAY, ’FEBRUARY 16, 1864. OUT. OF THE LIBBY. • Colonel Str eight, the * ’ effected his owh - v ' IJT . - for Uettefal jotln Morgan,; He has escaped from Libby. Prisob in a manner almost precisely similar to that by which Morgan escaped from the Columbus Penitentiary. Over a hundred other of our officers escaped in the same way,but a good many havebeen recaptured. Colonel Streight, however, with'several others,reached ths Union lines at Williams burg, and will doubtless come to Washing ton immediately. He has had a long and trying captivity, and lie did such bold ser rice before he was taken, that he deserves evcry honor that we can bestow on the he roes of th.e ■n'ar. -• ' • 08,11 :^ e doubt that the escaped prisoners were aided by persons in Ricli inond, and perhaps, by officers in the prison itself. Such an enterprise as digging a long, tunnel through which to crawl to freedom .could hardly be, accomplished' without such assistance. It is well known that there are hundreds of good Union men in Richmond, who have,done all they dared , to do. to help our., prisoners, and several plots to effect their escape have been dis *overed.. We have-seenanintelligent man who left Richmond two weeks ago, and “ fan the blockade” to escape the conscrip tion which now spares nobody. He was hiinself at one time a member of a se’iet Union organization, and he knows that there are now hundreds of good Union men in Richmond. It was, doubtless, with the aid of some of these that Golonel Straight and his comrades effected their escape. The partial success of this undertaking' of-the prisoners, and the panic created by the late advance of General AVistar towards Richmond, should encourage us to new ef forts for the rescue of our suffering com patriots... .A brigade of cavalry, moving rapidly, could go to Richmond without much difficulty. There they would be aided by many of the citizens, arid the released prisoners would themselves be able to do their share in the work. "VVe trust that the miscarriage of the late undertaking will not deter our generals from attempting a new one. Now that in these latter days we are put ting to a practical testthe declaration that we have made to sound throughout the world,. the first sentence in that great paper which yeirs ago gave our Independence birth, that all men are created equal,” it behooves all thoughtful patriots gravely to consider how best the boon of freedom, which through the wisdom of our chief magistrate has. been granted to some four millions of people, can be made something more than an empty name. Years of degradation, ' toil and hardship have deprived the African race of their birth right of equality, and rendered them inca pable of reaping the benefits of that freedom which has been thus suddenly bestowed. It is not enough to strike off the shackles of the slave and say “go free.” We must teach him how to go free. He has been a chattel; he is now to be raised to the dig nity of a responsible being. The care of providing for himself and his family de volves upon him for the first time. If we would not have the rising generation grow up as degraded us their parents, it is our duty now, in the. early years of their eman cipated life, to assist in their education up to the point of becoming law abiding, self supporting members of unreconstructed so ciety. They have been found not slow to lcam. Everywhere, where schools have been ■opened for their improvement* they have shown the greatest eagerness for instruction, and it is touching to observe the assiduity 'with which even old 'men of eighty have been seen topore over a spelling book, in •the joyful hope of being able to read their bibles. The young pesple and ch Idren ■flock to thosehools, eagor for the instruction hitherto denied them. We of the North, ■who have connived at their degradation and ■are only in-degree less guilty than their imasters, owe it to them that when they appeal to us.for assistance, the appeal shall be not in vain. FIANG& When we epnsider that of four millions ■of slaves there are probably three-fourths needing instruction in almost every branch, >we see what a gigantic undertaking the furnishing of an adequate number of 'teachers becomes. Not only do they need the instruction to be obtained from books ; but the women, many of them ignorant of eveiything beyond cotton picking or the baking of a corn cake, need to be taught habits of personal cleanliness, the care of their cabins, cooking, sewing, mending— in Short, everything that senders woman ■useful in her domestic relations. “pianos. rcj), and Cbesicut. Tlier« have not been wanting many devoted men and women, who have nobly responded to the eall of their .own hearts, before there was time for an appeal from the country, and who’have been working diligently and faithfully in the field for nearly- twoyears ; and now the country and the occasion demand hundreds mose. There can be few better objects for patriotic charity than this. The Copperhead press throughout the country is Koldisg the administration at Washington responsible.for tke detention-in Dixie of Union prisoners, because General Butler is retained in his place as commander of the Ifcpartment of Virginia and North Carolina, with power to manage the whole business of the exchange of prisoners. They nrge no serious objection to General Butler | upon the score of his unfitness for the post; but they base their principal objection to hijm upon the ground that he is unpopular in the South, and that the rebel Govern ment has" outlawed him ! Do these Cop perhead orif-les stop to reflect that the na now engaged in a gigantic war for the very principiV'- involved in this matter? Thankg ‘ to the mean.ncss of Northern dough faces in by-gone days, the Southerners gfevy! to consider e^nßr | tue masters oi the epuntry, and they persuaded themselves into the conviction that' there was no : difference between their slaves and Northern white men, except that the latter were considerably less entitled .to respect and consideration than the black chattels. The South was in the habit of making its own terms, and the North was, accustomed to how in submission, until 1860, when it elected a Republican; President. Had the election of Mr. Lincoln been nullified at Southern dictation, and had John C.Breckin ridge been substituted for the rail splitter, in the White House, there would have been no war, at least the South would not have commenced it at the time it did. .diaer, lias . Would any one With a particle of man-: hood in his composition desire to preserve the peace upon such terms as this ? And yet what is the difference in the principle involved, between keeping a legally elected President out of; his sea,t, because the South ■wills it and demands it, and removing from an important position a competent, faithful and energetic officer because a set of insolent rebeisy’ who are themselves out-' Jij'j. , ■\ ) ■ fBE DAILY EVEmm BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, TUEBi>Av, FEBRUARY 1 fi. i 86 4, THE FREEMEN. THE OLDSTQSY, lawed; choose to put him under the ban' of outlawry? /Insolence could:- scarcely go further upon the one side, or more abject upon the other side.' ANOTHER COAL OIL FIBS. The scene in Chestnut, Second, Third and Strawberry street's, yesterday -afternoon, constituted another warning against the storage, of quantities of coal oil within the city limits. Nor several hours powerful and efficient steam tire engines were worked ,to : their, utmost capacity, and a powerful deluge of water was poured into the burning building, either to evaporate or to sink into the neighboring cellars, there to do about as much damage as would be ac. complished by flic itself. No conflagration is so obstinate and difficult to quell as that caused by the ignition of petroleum, and to add to the difficulties of the matter, the water thrown upon the burning oil becomes greasy and bad-smelling, and as it flows away into neighboring stores, it ruins almost every kind cif goods with which it comes in contact.. Merely dirty water does riot do so. much harm; but water mingled with petroleum is very de structive to a}l sorts of The yast quantity of water required to prevent such conflagrations from spreading carries the damage into basements and cellars for entire blocks around the scene of conflagra tion, and it is almost impossible to tell the total loss thus occasioned. Our citizens have had warning enough on the subject, and it is to be hoped there will be no. delay whatever, on the part of the authorities, in prohibiting the storage of petroleum within the built-up portions of the city. WASHINGTON’S BIRTH-DAY. The twenty-second of February has been more generally and enthusiastically ob served, in the loyal States, since the rebel lion began, than it had been for half a cen tury before. We are glad to sec that this year it w*3 be celebrated with great spirit in Philadelphia. The chief feature of the celebration will be the parade of the mili tary, wader Brigadier-General Ferry, com mander of this post. In addition to our lo cal miatary organizations, Colonel McLean’s new regiment and a number of veteran regi ments, now here recruiting, will join in the parade. There can be no question that this will ■be the most imposing and interesting military display ever seen in Philadelphia. lASIGE BAEE _OF_ BEAL ESEATE, fiBOOHD BfcNTS, &o, TU-MOKBOW. On the inside pages will be found full descrip tions of the properties to be sold by Mr. Freeman, to-morrow, at the Exchange; also, of those,ln the sale Sd proximo. To-morrow's »ole Includes welt ssse-rtd i.rrdtemahU ground rzntt, riKK, JsTOEES, LWEILIShR, &c- , TVCRYTYPKS LIKE THOSE HADE BY B F. J. KEIMER, cannot fail to please the mmt criti cal; «of'nee», exquisite coloring, and Lile-like ex pcesaion characterize tin sn. Gil ARCH street. "DAYEALI.”-SHE'NG t)AN DLESTIUKS, 0 which keep the candle always at the top, and present it lrom dropping <m the carpet, together Trim the usual Brass and Tin Candlesticks, are for male at TBDHaN * SHAW'S, No. 805 (Eight Thirty-fleet Market street, below Ninth: REIMEK'S CARTES uEVisiTE evince great care and skill in execution and flnith: clear, distinct and accurate. SECOND street, shore Green, is the place to ret them. GENUINE FRENCH COCKS KNIVES, and ' various sizes or KreadaodßatchcT Knitey,Tor sale-ntTRUMAN & SHAW’S, No. 535 (Eight Thlrty-flvei Market meet, below Ninth mEE'VEBY BEST STYLES OFPORCRAITS. J br-atuea mat natural, are those Li&.slxe PHOTOGRAPHS, to or-d In oil. by B. F REI HER, at his Popnlnr Gallery, 624 ARCH street. fIHEAP FUEL.—Coke of a quality suitable for t 'firmly rise, innv be hiul at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS 'WORKS, at the price of 12 cents per but he], or six dollars a ton of 2. 000 pounds. - JOHN O. CRE'SON, fel6-12t{ f i Chief Engineer. A LARGE RoOM ON SECOND FLOOR, at tne Northeast cornerItGCUST and SIX. TEENTH Streets, will be Vaca' ■> on tb» ITth insu te:C.3l? , HRS. WYMAN. "VI OTH’E.—L-fors Testamentary to tbe It of-.IfcTOHN BROCK, deceased, having been gramed to the nndercjjiued, all persons Indebted to the Estate, are requested to malte payment, and 'hose ha vine claim- neatest said Estate to nresent them *o J P. BROCK. It. S. BROOK. Execu tors, No. -CSS South THIRD street. felC,tu-6W ’t 17 OBSTED YARN.—Nos. 12 anti loot stipe. VV rl r quality. for sale bv lelS-tf FROTH INGHAM Jc WELLS, Bethlehem oat meal, p W t received. Robinson’s Patent Barley, Bermuda Arrow root, Sago. Tapioca and other Dietetics. .*3 JAMES T. SHINN, feSt-OtrpJ Broad and Sprnoe streets. PURE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL—THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE.—The undersigned, having an experience of fifteen years in thedaeture of Cod Liver Oil, has recently, at a large cost, greatly improved the process of pro curing it, aod now offers to the public a prepara tion that for nndeviating purity, uniform fresh ness aud superiority of preparation is unmatched. These result* are maintained by the personal supervision of the praprietor, whose elforts have at once made this Oil the standard of excellence. Physicians and .others looking to the attainment of the greatest medicinal efficacy in the shortest time, and thereby obviating indigestion and nausea in tie patient, can secure ILeir purpose by the ad ministration of my Oil. CHARLES W. NOLEN, ' No. Jsi North Third street. Sold also by Messrs. JOHN WYETH ’ A BROTHER, Apothecaries, at their siors. No. 14IS Walnut street, above Broad, and by Druggists generally. ■■■ The Co-partnership existing between JOHN O. BAKER aid CHARLES W; NOLEN, under the arm name' Of JOHN O.- BAKER & CO., Was dissolved.on the 6th of Juiy, 1863, the business being continued, by. the nndereigned at the stand,’No. 331 North THIRD street. , del7-th,sa,tu,3ms CHARLES W. NOLEN. /iEOEGB ,1. HU 1 jo, , _ ' STOCK & EXCHANGE BROKE" No. IS StJUtb SteoKe and and sold MCumSl,. at •>« rirokers. ■..-.. Government securities, Specie and Uncdrrent money bought and sold.' U. S.. 5-20 Year Loa farntsbedatpaT. - . noa4-3mn>6 PURE PALM OIL SOAP.—.This, Soap is made of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vege table Soap; .'more suitable for Toilet use than those made from.anlnial fata. : In,boxes.el one dozen cakes for SI- 50 per box. -Manufactured br - .• GEO. M. ELIUNTON.&SON, Na. 116 Margaretta street, between Front one Second, above Callowhill street. <lal7-iyrp{ Marking with indelible xna, em* BBOIDERING; Braiding, St.mplng, *c. \ , M. A. TORREY, . VllHart «tFs*4t ICELAND MOSS OR LICHEN PASTE, AND MARSHMALLOW DROPS—Excellent Con fections for Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. STE PHEN F. WHITMAN, manufacturer. No. 1210 Market Street. ■ . ■ jstia.astrp Paper and envelopes— ; - - The best and cheapest In the City.' . .For saloby ■ DUXBURY & GLENN, i No. 117 North Sixth street. Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Military Offi cers, and all others, should call before purchasing elsewhere. : . . ._ ja27.lmrp* S O&^T?Fe:e family SOAP CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or OLAY, s >. an enMr l l y PIJ RE SOAP. nnd should be used by every family. BOXES; OF FIFTY POUNDS, full when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bare or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. ; ■ Manufactured by , - - 7 . . 1 . • , GEORGE M.'ELKINTON A SON, . • ,dew-iyrp} '1- . liG Margarettaatreet. TUVOLUWT&E^S The Treasurer of the Eighth Ward Bounty Fund, Will pay ALL Recruits Credited ta this Ward, at 1214 Locust Street • Between the hours of to so'clock, P.M., daily till its quota is filled. ’ "‘■••“any . ... . 1 BEN j ETTING, Chairman of- Executive Committee. PniXAD., Feb. 16, 1861. fel6-st§ TURNER & WAYNE, W, D. GLENN, Importers of Druggists’ Articles, No. 26 Foutl* Fourth Street, Offer for sale the following desirable goods : Lubin’s Toilet Powder, Eose and Violet. Coudray’s Bice Powder. - Coudray’s Pomade Dupuytren. Coudray a Creme DuchetEe. Coudrny ’ a Stick Pomades assorted colors. Finer’sStick Pomades. •• •• Society Hygienique Toil at Soaps, assorted odors. Pap er Fayard. Mahogany Hand Mirrors, assorted sizes. Mahogany Hand Mirrors, insets of 12. Tcotli Blushes in great variety. Bair Brushes in great variety, . Nail Brushes in great variety. fel#.l2ts FURNITURE. Those about to purchase Fnmitnre would do weillo tall at the NEW STOKE of ULRICH & WARD, Ho. 915 Arch Street, Aid examine their styles. fel6-lm} H' FOR SALE. H The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feat. BWOnly a small part of Cash required. : ISr INQUIRE ON THEPREMISES. fels-tf| l BESSON'& SON, -Have commenced receiving their . SPBIZTG AHD SUM ELBE STOCK OF MOUBNIK& GOODS. Aral have note in store: Black Byzantines, ; English Bombazines, *• Florentines, ; French Bombazines, •* 1 Barege Hernanl, Summer Bombazines. *« Crape Maretz, Chaly, . . “ Bareges, Monsselines, •» Kilk&.-eaadtnes, TamUes, Black and Black and White Foulards, ke. MOURNING STORE, No.flB Cftestimt Street, CLARKSON & 00, BARKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. •Government £eenri!ies of all Issue?, PURCHASED AND FOB SALE. Stocks, Bonds and Gold, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. aS-COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE, fet-lm rpf Rich laces.-geo. w. vogel. No. isis CHESTNUT Street, opened this morning, two ceres New Goods, *nc from Paris, the other from Brussels, containing Real BLACK ' LACE PARASOLS, mounted in new and elegent styles; also. Real Point Gaxe and Point Applique Lace Fans, beautiful goods for Bridal Presents; also, Real Black Lace Fans in very superb mountings; 1 “Ducbesse” Collars, in rich variety, all 0/ the prci.rr shape, the same exactly as sent to the Paris market, and very’ different from many in this mar ket; Bartes, Capes. A superb assortment of Real Black Lacc Points, received directly from ihe man n lecturers in. Brussels, the cheapest and haud eorocst to be, - tound anywhere; Lace Pocket Hatdkfs., new sixes and new styles; very fine veils; all widths of Point Application Laces by the yard, fresh new goods just finished; White Point Lace Shawls, Ac., Ac. Parties requiring rich goods in Laces, reliable in style an ' q ahtw, will find this stock worthy or attention. The -oods are imported direct and placed before the retail buyers With but one advance in price. fel-J-Gt* TTN KRKSSED KID GLOVES—GEORGE W. |J \OGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, has receiv. d per STEAMER ETNA, a - caso ot “GaNT DESWEDE” ot superior quality, manu factured with care “expressly for his sale ” and entirely free from the imperfections usual in n Swede Glove. These Gloves are realy good- . , feia-Gt* EMOVAL. ~ : . .IOHN C. BAKER has removed from 154'North Third street -to JIB MARKET street. Partlcu lar attention will be fiven to the manufacturing and boltliUß of his celebrated Cod Liver Oth Jot n C. Baker & 00. * 8 Medicinal Cod Liver Oil has for many years had a reputation for genuine ness* freshness purity and sweotnpss, which, has made the demand universal. In this house* 716 Market streht, the facilities for obtainme. mann. lacturlng and bottling arc greatly increased, and is all done under the most careful supervisiomof tbe original and sole proprietor. This* brand of Oil has, therefore, advantages overall otherefand recommends itself. -w utueis, .and JOHN O- BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, :jqteefa,s,tn.. ; No. 71b Market Street: . Roughs, colds, consumption., . . It. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLUS, CONSUMPTION. . COUGHS, COLDS, .t.ONSUMPTION COUGkS, COLDS, .CONSUMPTION. dr. SWAfYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, dr. SWAYNE’.S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHEERY, dr. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY,- • CURES ALL COMPLAINTS - CUKES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE THROAT,' BREAST AND LUNGS, OF THE THROAT. BREAST-AND LUNGS' OF THE THROAT; BREAST AND TUNGS OF .THE THROAT- BREAST AND LUNGS. OF THE AND LUNGS. A trial of many wfars has proved to the world that this remedy Is more efficacious: than ohv b itherto knowm temanklnd. F< r Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Atthma, it Is a sovereign remedy. "For the weak and debilitated, itactsas a strengthenins alterative. Prepared only by r - „ * . _ r - U DR. swAyne & son, ? 1 ' -.330 North Sixth street, Phll-idelphia.“ Sold bv dealers every where. jaSG-tn; S HARVEY THOMAS, . , >: STOCK BROKER, ’ No. 312 WALNUT Street,'. Stocks and Loansbought and sold oncominissiMn at the Board of-Brokers. ParticnJar attention glventoU. S.Govemment' loans.;': ; , / ~.f', v. : -''Jafi-amrpS' CIVIL AND MILITARY . CLO 111 HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, BERRV ? ECOND > and 23 STRAW-' ir> nn7A„ Stt£ ’ is ha Pi’y to state that he has I*‘id m an carton si ve stock of CHOICE GOODS, such as Blackggs& B Sky. Blue Cloths Elecan^Coiun f, k a^ B ‘ u « Billiard Cloths B ul B?^ 1113 ' f?Pmm i n e c? lothß> Pilo^! 3 ’ r , Scai let Cloths 6 E 1 aunels Se felGCms l3 Cheaper tha?l ' we can Parchasehow Lyon’s Katliairon. Kattairon is from tho Greek word “Kathro,” or / ‘Kathauo, ” signifying to cleanse; feiuvehnte and restore. Thls*sriicle is what its name-ikni ?K S u„ Fpr ? r ! Ber . T , in f> restortae. and beau if?ing ine human hair it is the most remarkable prepara- Xtte-world- It is again owned ana put up by ttboriginal proprietor, and is now made with l xf same care, skill and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum It is a most delightful hair dres«in" It ei adicates scurf end dandruff. It keeps head ?oo‘ gad clean. • It makes ihe hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning R»y. : It restores hair upon bald beads Any lady or gentleman who. values a beau-ifnl head of bajr should u-e Lyon's Kathairoa Lj 3 known and need throughonif the civilized world. Mold by ail respectable dealers. DEMAS S, BABATES & CO., Bew York. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. Ihls is ihe most delightful and extraordinary ar ticle ever discovered. It changes the son onrat face :and hands,to a pearly,satin >xture of ra. vishing beauty, imparting thi marble purity of youth, and the duiinfftte appearance so inviting in the city belie of fashion. It remares tan,:£ieckles, pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Pa tronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N-Y. Address all orders to Demas S. Barnes & Co., New York. HEIMSTREET’3 Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A DYE But Teetcres gray hair to its original color, by sup. plying the capillary tubes with na. uiulsuste nance, impaired by age or disease. All iitilait-- ceovs dyes are composed of lunar camiic. destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford or themselves no dressing. Heimstreefs Inimttab’e Coloilng not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beanty> promotes Its growth, prevents its faring off,eradi cates dandruff, and impart, health and pleasant ness to'the head. It has stood the teat of time, being theor gmal Eair Coloring, and is constantlv In creasing In faTor-U.ed by b th gentlemen and ladles. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commer. nil agen’e, D. S. BARNES A CO-, 202 Broadway, New York. Two sizer, SO cents and SI. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St Boms and Cincinnati, who haT. been Counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietorship, have beeutho roughly estopped by the Courts. To guard against farther imposition, I have procured from the U. S. Treasury, a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placedorer the top of each bottle. Each stamp hears thefcctimiU of my • ignatnre, and without which the article is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless inflation. ExamineeTery botile. This Liunnent has been In use and trow ing in favor lor minyyears. There hardly exists a hamlet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tain evidence of Us wonderful effects. It is the beet emollient in the world. 'With i s present im ■ proved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast axe perfectly remarkable. Sores are heated, pains relieved, lives saTed, valuable animals made nse lnl, and nntold ills assuaged. For cuts,, sprains, rheumatism, swellings,bites, cats,caked breads, strained horses, Ac, it is a Sovereign Re. mrdy that shonld never be dispensed with. It should bein every Jamliy. Sold by ail Drnggists. felG-tcth s6m) D. S. B ARNES, New York. 1864. 1864. NOVELTIES . AND - DESIRABLE STAPLES IN SilkSj Slia'wls, and JDress Goods BLACK SIIjKS, all ■widths and qualities. SILKS,' in great variety. £I<.H FOULAJsDfc, m new coloring; choice de signs. - buff, OUIR, and HAVANA MOHAIRS and ALPACAS, • ■ BLA< K ALPACAS and MOHAIRS, fine to sn , pcrfine. BICH BROCHT2 ORKN&.DINES and lleunaxis. 3-4 and 6 4 black and t-dored. FKENpII-pEROA:XiES*Pr-I2fTS and Organdies. LINENS and WHJ EGOO. S. A Iso, COtTRYOISIEB* S PARIS KIDGLOV ES.„ To ftU of which, together with our u*u\i assort ireir ot I)RY GOOBS, wo invite attention. JAS.B. CAMPBELL & CO., fc] No. 727 CHESTNUT ST, ■ <v Exchange on England, France and Germany, 7 8-10—5-20 loan and Cpupona, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS^ QUARTERMASTER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold. STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD, ■P’Orders bV Mail attended to. <l3-17 COUPONS OF 7 3-10 Treasury Notes due February 19.. ** 11 “ • April 1. - 5,2080:nda due-May l. Highest market rates paid by DREXEL & CO., 34 South Third street. . • - ■ fell-lot} ® HANDSOME GERMANTOWN RESI DENCE for sale or rent—containing modern conveniences;, situation CHELTON Avenue,near. Green Etreet, three minutes walk to the Railroad Depot: lot 80 by 160 feet. Lowfor ca=h, or mort gage, and part cash. Apply toB. L. Lanjstroth, 254 West Logan Square. ■ ,■ fel6-tn,th,6t* SUSPENSORIES.— Cavalry Officers, and men will And a rare'assortment of these indis pensable Bandages at;C. H. 'NEEDLES’, corner, of TWELFTH and RACE streets; A new stock of French patterns just received. fe9-10trp§ i TATEMEK-S: OF *THE cm T) IT lON OF THE CONIEGTICIjrir . -Mutual Life Insurance Company, ON THE 31et of December, 1863. Assets $5,903,891 59. Piopeity or Assets Bteld ly the Company, Tfce .value, or as neariv o B ■ th-r leal ♦“ita’e tiela by^tb? Arno-.n of € sh onhandCompany- sU2,<woos Amoni,: or Casti d,*ositei m Bants* 8 » 251 : 81 - • B P L, ‘ lf >ing in wllat Banka deimsi?..* Aci-0-t.u of Cufch in ha 3 übof Ageutsalia ~ 36 * 461 80 - m trao miesiom ? - . R „ Amo* ntoi loanssecure i byßoods and SBl 55 Mortage-, constituting the firstUea ou-’ho Keal Esta eon which there is t-an one ryesr s interest due and ov m*r, ■ r :* • . • i 44c nrr Amount of loodb cn whichint rest Has' * 3 no T Jtfeen paid iwilhin one year, * - - 201 4<u a«. Amt uiitoi Stoeks owned by the Com- * - psny, v. hether of any State or of the l*luted states, or of any incorporated Ciiy « f the V. S., or of any other de* 6cr»utiou, specifying the number of eLare? and the par and market value 01 uetame, - - At Market value 1,887 400 00 7 r V • Barval. ' Mak’tval. CS. coupon bonds, } Sl 400 o<o 450,000 ¥;*£ entered “ 41 400,000 450, oo;j T c* T *‘*B3-600,000 C06,0t0 I.S. Txea.Notes. 300,000 3*8,0,0 Bonds o: the State of . - - - 20,0C0 54,000 Mer.henisaud Mannf. tans ttbuk-iwishares 10,(00 10,800 Ciiy “ “ 100 “ lo.ouo 11,2_0 *< 25 ~ 2 500 Fiimnix „ 15 v* 1.500 1,740 Slate “ “ 10 *., 1,000 1.-2 SO Charier Cak 10 >• 1,000 1,000 Metchanta New Haven, 100 chared 5,000 5,000 New Haven,' Haitfoid . ana f-prn gfleld. Rail- . road, 8o shares,-:,-_ - 8,000 15,600 Cm: neeticnt River Rail r,aa. SOshates, ... 5,000 5,200 Bank of Rvaneville City Indiana, 15thares,-- 15,GC0 15,000 1,609,0001.887.400 - - - 1,813,51130 Coft, - Value above Coat, Amount of S ock held by the Company as collateral security for Loans, with the amount < aned on each kind of Stuck, its par and market value. Par val.Jlk’t val.Am’tlo’d ICO Bank of Ohio Val- . ley, at Cincinnati,-- 120 estate Bank otfiWis cod&u>, Tedtemed •Stock, - ■-■. - - - 12,000 12,000 20 Mechanics Bank' of St. Bonis, redeemed Stock - - - . . <W B arcfcrd Bank, re deemed Stock, - - . 25 Ea. change Bank re deemea Mock. . 1,250 I,£SO 1,000- 5 Central Bnilroadßds s,an 5,300 4, UK) ♦ *• " ** 4,000 4,000 2,000 Bank of Ohio ' - Valley al Oincin. ati 10,0001 100 chares Bechanics j having-, loan and I Trust Co., Chicago, 10,000 £ 37,708 30,000- 100 t hares- Exchan ga I - Eauk Lockport atd . | 2U Merchants St. Lo. 12,008) Amount of Premium Koiee not due and un- paid, ----- - Amount of interest on investments m*de bj tbe Company, due and unpaid, - - ... Amocntof Accrued In terest, - - - . Amount of losses unpaid, .... 110,150 OO Amount of the claims for losses which are in suit or contested by the Com pany, - ....... . . . Amount of losses during the yearwhieh have been paid, ....... 313,540 00 Amount ot losses during the year which have not been settled, - - - i 99,650 GO Amount of lusses during the year which arc contested, . - - . 7,500 00 Amount of ihe dividends declared, - 305,710 00 Amount of dividends (either cash ©r scrip, ) declared and not yet due, - Income. Amount of cash premiums received, - 697,362 55 Amount 61 Premium Notes token by tre Company, - - - ... . - 620,225 23 Amount cl Interest Money- received from the investments of the Com pany, « - Expenditures. Amount of losses paid during tlie year, 374.003 Amountoi losses p ud during tlie vea-, which accrued prior to the year, - 103,900 00 Amount-si which the losses were esti mated in former statement, whiwh were paid during 'he year, - -' - Amount of dividends paid during the year/ - - - Amount of expenses paid daring the year,, imlncing commissions and fe-s pa d to the Agents and officers of the C in pat y, - • - - - - 133,350 51 Amount ot taxes paid bj the Company, 22,41 d £7 Amount of promissory note a origiually . form ii‘g the capital of the Company, 50,000 00- [seal ] JAMES GOODWIN, President. State <f Connecticut County *»/ Hartford, ss. Be it remembered that on this llth day of Feb ruary, A. D 1564, before me, the subscriber, a Commissioner in and for the State of Connecticut* duly commissioned and authorized by the Gover nor of flic State Pennsylvania, to talte the acknow ledgment ot Peeds and other wri ings, to be used aim v- corded in said State of Pennsylvania,aad to admifcisier oatlis and affirmations, personally ap peared James Goodwin, president of the Connec ticut Mutual jLife Insurance Company, and made oath that the above and loh’going is a true State ment of the condition of said Company on the thirty- day of December, jSi>3. Aj d I further certily, that I have made personal examination of the condition of said Liielnsuranco :Compauy ou this day, and am satisfied they have assetseafely'rivcsicd to the amount of Two Million Dotiars That I have made such examinauon pi ihe securities now in fbe hands of the Company, as set forth in the (Oregon; Statement, toe ilmt the same are of the value, ropre-ented in- rhtitlam hot ihtetosted in the, < have hereunto set my:handi affixsd my official seal, the llth day of Feb- HEKRT P. W. 'WELSH, , > v A Commissioner *of the State-; of 5 seal. > pensylvania iu and lor the State of. Connecticut.' . • ' BOARD OF RKFERBNOB: s. S. -WHITE,' Esq , 538 Arch street. TFTDItiK, STOKES & CO., IS Sonth Front st. TOEL J BAILEY A: C°- , 219 Market stree.. MUEPHY * KOONS, Hemvureav. J. K INALDO SANK, Esq-, 311 North Water st. A CfiOBEKTS, Eleventh and A mi^streets. Eeq . «sinth q Foorth sW : el BENE GUILLOU, Esq*» 317 Market st^et. OFFICE, 404 WALNUT STi, PHIDADEI PnJA, as- Applioatirns Received and examinations form embei, h p made daily from 9A. M: to 5 P.l£. insuring now can drawon tneCom panyfor one half the "mount <f premium in aniic/pr of he next aividend. _ PROFITS D TIDED ANNUALLY. ■ the system so fuccessfally carried on by ihis Oompvny,pnriles.connectei with it get t; e ari l s' possible bri eflt to bn d rived from a Life Insurance Policy, by getting the lai gesx suit SEiUItEBKOKTHB LUABTBOSS 1U.3 OUTjuA.X IK MOMEY. V - ■ WADLEIGH & TILDEN, Agent?4ind AUornpys for the Company >or the City and County of . AilitdelpJtia;* : fei3-stnth t et - - <3;ESS 70* 5,000 6,0C0 4,000 2,009 1,700 6,500- 6,000 8,520 3,500 1,703,606 $7 39,426 38 95,846 43 $5,903,891 58 3,000 00 71,785-00 - 400,618 45 'los, 300 OO- 260, *E6 00-
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