JB .till! Qtatofi fuillctm. GIBSON PEACOCK, Editor. Egg. VOLUME xvn., NO. 263 EVENING BULLETIN TliCOd, CHAMBERS & CO., . PROPRIETORS, US PBIE TEEBD STEEETs PHILADELPHIA: ’S'XRHS or BUBSOHIPTIOM.! | The BCitSTia Is serrodto Subscribers In tbs eity as 13 cants per week, payable to the carriers, or 88 86 per annum. ' - SLS.TBE OP AriVBKTIfeIUG. Half Square, 1 time.B S3II Square, 2 weeks..B3 25 1 Square. 1 time..... 50)1 Square, 1 month.. 508 1 Square. S times..,. 75[1 Square, 2 months. 800 1 Square, 8 times...'.l 6611 Square, 3 months. 11 oe S. Square, 1 weak....l 7511 Square, 6months.26 Of Six lines constitute one square; three lines or loss hall a square. UPHOESTERY. Promptness, Purity of Materials, ? Good 'Worlimansliip Low Charges. 'W. HENRY PATTEN, 140 S Ohestnut street. DIED. ECKY—Of congestion of the brain, on the 13th instant, Edward Hagner, eon of John H. and Anna Ecky, aged 3 years. The relatives and friends of the family are in yited to attend the funeral from the residence of his grandmother, 604 South Ninth street, on Tues day afternoon, the 16th inst., at 2o’ clock. * EVANS—Suddenly, on the lath instant, Mary C., wife of Win, "H. Evans, in the 36th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re ■ spectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1317 North Tenth -street, on Tuesday afternoon, the 16 th instant, nt 2 o’clock, without further notice.- To proceed to Laurel Hill. _ - * : FOULKE—On the 13th instant, Henry Foulke, The funeral from his late residence, No. 985 North Seventh street, on Tuesday morning, atSo’ clock, fhe 16th-instant. To proceed toGwynedd. * LAWS—At Libby Prison, Richmond, Ya , January 23d, Lieut. William L. Laws, ISth i’a. •Cavalry. * MOSS—At Washington, D. C., on Thursday, 11th instant, of disease contracted in the service. Captain Wm. C. Moss, 119th Regt; P. V., aged 25 years. His friends and those of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral from theresi denoe of his mother,: No. 315 South Fifth street, on this (Monday) afternoon, 15th inst., at 2 o’clock, - without further notice. # TYTEW SPRING MOURNING GOODS daily .I\ opened by BESSON A SON. Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT street. N. B. Wholesale Rooms on second floor. S'2S.—FIFTH-WARD BOUNTY-FUND ItS HEADQUARTERS, 406 WALNUT street. Oflice Hours from 11 to 3. The Treasurer is now paying TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WARD BOUNTY, Gash in hand, to ALL VOLUNTEERS, duly credited to the Fifth Ward. Three hundred men will be taken at once. The Division Collecting Committees meet every MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, at 7# o’clock,-at 212 South FIFTH street, to make re turns to the Treasurer and transact business gen erally. E. O- KNIGHT, Treasurer. Attest—Johtt J. Fkaskli*, See’y. | lels-Bt rvr== PITTSBURGH, FORT 'WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY, Ofjjce or the Secretary, Pittsbubgh, Pa, Febrnaiy 32th, 1864. - 1 The annual meeting of the Stock and Bondhold ers of this Company, for the Election of Directors, and such other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of said Company, in the city ■of PITTSBURGH,on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of JSIAROH, A. D. ISM, at 10 A. 31. The Stock and Transfer Books of the Company, at trair Office in the city of Pittsburgh, and at their Transfer Agency in the city of New York, will be closed on the Ist day of March, at 3 o’ clock, P. M., and remain closed until the 17th day of March ■thereafter. * W. H. BARNES, felStmalT Secretary. » CALEB COPE, TREASURER OF THE [TB UNITED STATES SANITARY OOM- StsSION, (Philadelphia branch), office of the Philadelphia Saying Fnud Society, acknowledges 4he receipt of the following contributions since the dast report: Howell Brothers (additional)..; .Billings, Roop, Co., (additional) Transit Aid Association, connected with theN. L. Fire Co., No. 1 20 00 Lindsay& Blakiston 25 00 -Cash, per Betr. J. W. Robins 1L 25 Cash oo lehigti Crane Iron Company (additional). 300 W «J*reTiously rep0rted............ Total " 'MONDAY, Feb. 15th.—The 'Women’s Fexm. Branch U. S. Sanitary Commission also acknow ledges tbe receipt of the following donations in • hospital supplies, since the last report: School Lane; Circle, Mrs, W. F. Johnson, Sec., 2 packages; .Xadios’ _Aid, Doylestown, Julia Brock, Sec., 1 box, 3 barrel*. Ladies’Aid, Centre Square. Montgomery county, Miss S A. Conard, Sec., 1 box. .Ladies’ Aid, Lock HaTen, Clinton county, Mrs. H. D. Barton, Sec., 1 box', 1 keg of Pickled Cabbage. A Lady of Eupert, Columbia county, 1 box. industrial Branch, Miss E. H. Haren, Secretary, i package Soldiers’ Aid, St Clement’s Church, Mrs. Clapp, n, flannels 1 St. Peter’s Church, 4 packages'. . Dr. Brainerd’s Church, 1 package 1 package. is. flannel skirts. Aid Society, Gibson, Susquehanna county, Miss O. D." Suttle, Ihox. •Cliambersburg, 4 boxes.' Sewing Circle, Wool Shirts. A Gentleman, 54 handkerchiefs. Germantown Field Hospital Association, 2 pkg*. Xadies’ Aid, McConnelsburg, Fulton county, Mrs. M. A. McConnel, 1 box Ladies?’ Aid, Jacobstown, Miss Fidelia Platt. Aid, East Freedom, Mrs, O. G. Butler, Sec., 1 box, 1 keg. Ladies Aid Olaymont, Del., Mrs. Graeff. .Ladies’ Relief, First PresbyterianChurch* pkge. "Mrs.-G. D. K. 1 pkg. Dallas, Luzerne county—A. E. Kirkendale, Sec- retary, 1 DOX. Green Tree Army Aid, 2 boxes. Ladies’ Aid, Mainsburg. Tioga county, Mrs. R.K. Brundage, Secretary, 1 keg. Chiiisqnaque Ladles’ Aid, Mrs. H. J. Park, Sec retary, 1 box. Soldieis’ Aid* Laporte, Sullivan county, lbox. Lloomsburg, Columbia county—Mrs. H. J. John, Secretary, 1 box. Mrs. James Hill, Reading, Berks county, 1 box, • airs. audMissLeitzinger, Port Kennedy, lbox. iSonth Charleston Wellsboro’, Tioga county, 2 boxes. Attleboro, Bucks County, Ladies’ Aid, H. G. Ro land, Secretary, 2 bbis. Soldiers’ Relief, Ohm ch of the Holy Trinity, Mrs. Wm. Bucknell, Secretary, 2pkgs. Ladies Aid, Towanda, X bbl. Aid Society, Raisington, Bucks county, 2bbls. Mrs. Dr. Couper, New Castle, Del., l pkg. PENNSYLVANIA FREEDMEN’S RE US LIEF ASSOCIATION. A public meeting of the Association will te held in the ‘ ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On TUESDAY EVENING, February 16th, at half-past seven o’clock. Bishop SIMPSON will preside. The Eev. PHILLIPS BROOKS, Rev. Dr. BRAINERD, Kev. Dr. FURNESS; ? Of- J. WHEATON SMITH, and .T. M. McKIM, Esq., ’ twill take part in the proceedings. , Tickets can be obtained on and after Wednesday -the 10th, free of charge, at the office of the Asso ciation, No. 424 Walnut street' at the Union League House, 111 b Chestnut street, and at T.B. Pugh’s Book Store, southwest corner of Sixth and ■Chestnut streets. feS-Strni MSa> HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND tts 1528 LOMBARD Street DISPENSARY DEPARTMENT. Medical treatment andmedl eln«» furnished gratuitously to the poor. au!3r* ,Vt==* BELIEF ASSOCIATION FOE EAST os3 TENNESSEE—Caslißeceipts: • A. TFliitney & Sons.. James Graham & C 0.... CharlesP. Bayard. Mrs. G0rd0n...... Haddock, Keed & C 0...;.. Adams Express Co. I‘rexel & Co Jav Cooke ..V J. Sergeant Price. .......... James U. Hand A: C 0..... lieCoursey, Lafourcade, & C 0... 1). B. Cummins ...i., Charles Magarge & Co J. E. Kingsley ic Co Henry O. Lea *W. L. {*chairer..i.............. A. H. Denckla M .. M ... JohnP. Steiner Benjamin Marshall., George W. Childs George F. ......... "W. H. Stevens*. F. K- W E. W. Clark & Co A. E. Borie A. P. McKean..... m~. C. & H. Borie J. G. Fe 11......... T. W Evans...... r Joseph Jeanes J. A. & E. N. Wright.... JohnT. Lewis William Stevenson Prothingh'am & We 115...... ilh&m Harmar George D. Parrish A Co. Samuel B- Thomas James C. Fisher William P. Tatham Gibson Peacock George F. Tyler Georges. Gross Harris A Co C. N. Beach O. W. Poultney.. Saunders Lewis James T. Furness Captain Steedman. W. Keith. ChaxiesWells W. T. Lowbt r G. C. Carson. Cash George Trott Transit Aid Association, connected -with the N. L. Fire Co , No. 1, per John Mir kil Treasurer ............ Collection made by John Gorley, a Sunday school scholar of St. Andrew’s Church, aged S years ' 3 00 Henry K. Gilbert..... 25 00 J. B. Stone 50 00 PeTfrifer Fraaer. 20 00 Caspar Wistar, M. 1).*.... 20 00 M. H. Messcbert 10 00 KobertCase Clark 5 00 Daniel Smith, Jr 100 00 John Baseltinc 100 00 John B Budd... 100 00 -Horstman Brotherß ; 100 00 Joshua T. Jeanes - 100 00 S P. Fotterall 50 00 William H. Hart 50 0» Edward C. Knight 50 00 Alexander Benson 50 00 Brans Bogers.. 50 00 W. A. Blanchard. 50 00 Samuel C. llcrton 50 00 W’ard B. Haseltine 25 00 Henry Tilge , 25 00 Jesse Godley 25 00 Joseph B. Pry. 25 00 Thomas J. Megear 25 00 A. C. Barclay . 35 00 Williams. Smith.... 25 00 Edwardß. Grubb... » 25 00 William P. Smith ' 25 00 A. Bates Grubb 25 00 Joseph W. Lewis 25 00 Lewis T. Watson •... 20 00 B. B. S 20 00 J. S. S 20 00 S. B. Martin. A 20 00 A. B. Chambers 20 00 Jobn DeTerenx 20 03 Charles S. Peaslee.. 20 oo George Fales.. 20 00 Thomas H. M00re..... 20 00 William M- Clarke 10 UO George P. Loughead lu 00 A. A. Hurler 10 08 T. P. !H 18 80 William Cumm ng5...., 10 00 Sami. E. Slaymaker 10 00 Cash.. : 10 00 John B. lO 00 W. J- WainwTiiht., 10 00 Sami. H. Trotter 18 00 leaae Wright 10 09 C. M 5 08 C. S 5 #0 E. 5 • « Mary Annßettle *2j 00 Jesse Tyson (Baltimore) 100 00 Morris, Wheeler & Co., 100 00 Wm. D. Smith & Co 50 ou Bobert Gray 50 00 lungerich 5c Smith 50 08 Jacob P. Jones 50 00 Morgan 5c Orr 25 00 Stephen P. Morris 20 00 Insurance Company of If. America 59n ce Charles Taylor 100 88 I dward Lowber 100 08 Samuel Welsh.... 100 80 S. Morris Wain 160 89 Cope Brothers 180 80 Henry Cope ...» 100 80 Alfred Cope 180 oo American Fire Insurance Company 250 00 Thomas ESrp 30 00 M. W. Baldwin 5c Co 209 80 William Sellers A Co 200 OJ Hcoper A Townsend 100 0J H. Bel Held A Co 25 80 Philadelphia Bank 1,008 08 Brown, Hill A Co 100 00 James L. Ulaghom 100»00 James H. Orne». 100.88 Benjamin Franklin -50 89 Joseph H. Koatch 50 80 Teomas Bobins. t 25 00 Mrs. Anna B. Beynolds 50 00 James H0e..,.; a 5 09 B. B. Comogys... J 1» 00 Edward S. Clatke 100 ou Jacob W. Goff. 180 80 Goldman, Berg A Co 33 80 Isaac Barton . .50 00 W. S. G .1 25 00 J. Bmswauger A Co 25 80 Canby A Hughes 20 00 Wright Brothers A Co 05 00 Alexander Benson, Jr -Ji 00 Thomas K. Peterson 25 00 John Gilly . 1 00 E. W. Bailey 50 oo W. B. Thompson 50 88 William E. White 100 no Arthur G. CoSIn 20 00 John C. Daria 26 00 Delaware Mutual Insurance Company.... 580 08 Her ry Wharton 10 eo Williams. Vaux 10 0# Col. George H. Grosman 10 00 Bank of Germantown ion oo B. H. Downing... 60 00 Chailce Harmar 25 oo Mrs. Charles Harmar —25 00 S. C. Harman * 50 08 John Garrett 2300 George W. Steeycr 25 00 AlfredG. Baker 25 eo William Mueeer 25 00 F. Jenks smith . 25 08 Thors as Williamson 25 ou Charles H. Baker.. 25 00 Thomas H. Powers 25 00 Leon Berg . 25 88 Joseph Jones ; 25 00 Samuel C. Palmer 25 00 Jamesß. Campbell A C 0...., 100' 80 J,\F. Lippincott A Co 200 00 Wm. M Farr ;... 58 88 W.Whilden 50 00 John C. Fair 50 00 S. A. Herner 25 08 Mrs. B. J.' Biddle 25 00 E • 500 A Soldier 100 $ SO 00 . 25 00 SlO2 25 .$126,077 63 512',079 83 Bucks county, Mrs rv-~=» MR. EDITOR-Will you allow the MAN IL3 AGEHS of the ROSINE ASSOCIATION a little space for the following statement and appeal: 1. The Rosine Association of this city has don# and is doing a great and good work in arresting the steps of many an unfortunate girl just entering on the downward path of sin and shame, andbring ing her hack, by woman’s own voice and bands, to tbe path of virtue, teaching her how she may earn an honest living. Mr. Editor, shall such ah Institution hesitate to Previously reported. Sl3, 100 50 . ... CALEB COPE, Treasurer. It Office Philalelphia Saving Fund Society. mate known its wants to the public? We have felt for a long time that our present quarters were inadequate to our necessities; also,-the importance of having a place where the inmates of the Institu tion could breathe fresh air and? have more room for exercise and recreation. SLOO 00 lOO 00 lOO 00 5 00 lOO 00 lOO 00 lOO 00' ..... 100 00 ..... 50 00 .... 50 00 ... 50 00 50 00 . 50 00 . 50 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 We think we have found such a place, and we have ventured to purchase the property of Charles Magargee, Esq., on Germantown avenue. The bouse is capable of accommodating a large num ber, and has sufficient land well supplied with fruit trees and shrubbery. It is our intention to take possession in April, but a’ heavy debt will be upon us, unless those who have so kindly remem bered ns, as well a 3 others who have not hereto fore espoused our cause, assist us at once in li quidating the debt we have felt obliged to incur. Nothing would be m u*e grateful to our feelings, or help on the good work in which we are engaged more directly than to have the debt entirely wiped off before entering the house. ; 25 00 2O 00 2O 00 ........ 10 oo 5 00 2OO 00 lOO 00 lOO 00 ............. 100 00 •100 00 lOO 00 lOO 00 100 00' 50 00 5O 00 5O 00 . 50 00 ....... 50 00 ....... 50 00 25 00 25 00 •. 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 lO 00 ..... 10 00 10 00 10 60 10 00 50 00 25 00 We would also look for assistance in furnishing our house and will most gratefully receive do nations of any and all kinds of house furnishing, articles, or merchandise, new or second hand. As the season is approaching woen house changes are usually made, we wouldmost earnestly desire those who are refurnishing, to remember ns, assuring them that to those who/are in need of much, nothing can come amiss. And now need we urge the untold importance of this enterprise, the value of a single life reicued from immorality and shame; the interest the whole community ought to feel in a matter so vital to its own well-being } Need we press home upon any thoughtful mind these and such like considera tior s, as reasons why every one should feel a per sonal interest in and responsibility for the success of our cause and do something in the bestowment of liberal and seasonable aid to restore the fallen once more to the paths of rectitude and peace? Donations in money may be sent toourTreas urer, Mary B. Th&in, 1015 Cherry street. Furni ture or merchandise may be sent to No. 320 North Eighth street, or if notice is left there, the articles will be sent for. it* UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN OOM LLS Ml SSION. —Cash acknowledgments for two weeks ending February 12, 1804: Collection at anniversary meeting, Jan. 23, 1864 : General collection .....5725 31 Martin Nixon.' lot) GO Mrs. 'William Bucknell 100 00 J. LewisOroxer. 100 00 Mrs. John P. Croxer 100 00 Mrs. E Croxer Griffith 25 00 S&muelA. Croxer 100 00 James Graham 100 00 Morris Patterson 50 00 Geo. D. Wetherill... 50 00 William Mann.. 50 00 Alfred M&rlien 50 00 Mrs. B. H. Shoemaker 25 00 James W. Boyd ; 25 00 Mrs. E. Bockius. 5 00 James Bussell., 5 00 1). K> Grim 5 00 S. T 5 00 Mrs. Hollis , 5 00 P. O. 5 00 G. F. Krotel 5 00 W. F. Warburton 5 00 John S. Berks. 1 00 51,641 31 Handel and Haydn Society, proceeds of Oratorio of the Messiah, given in the Academy of Music 447 35 James McHenry, London, England 30c 00 DaTid Stewart, Colvraine Forges, Pa.... 00 Collection in Providence, R. I. per Vf. J. King 98*100 Union Meeting in H. E. Church, Dover, llel, perßev. C. P; Xyford... 134 35' Evening Bulletin Uiti (3 North America* and . I nited States / . Gaactte Ml€ The Frees /5U 25 Contributions received at Washington J JacobP J0ne5............. // 5V to Contributions received at Futtergnrh,/ 7 India, as follows: / Hev. J. L. Scott. $lO M Bev. J. Owen .. 10 00 Rev. R S. Fullerton™ ...10 00 Rev. A. Broadhcad 10 00 Rev; W. F. Johnson. 10 GO Rev. B. D. Wikoff. 10 00 Bev. E. H. Sager.... 10 to 7$ 00 Rev.b. Wella Williams, LL.D., Cor rrsponding Secretary Legation, Pekin, China 50 00 “A Lady of Philadelphia,” per Mrs. R. 20 00 L.W.H 10* GO W.H. F..... 2 50 X J 5 00 A (Walnutstreet) 5W Corporal cf Company C, 6th N. Y. Kegt. 5 0k Sundry contributions received from the country, and acknowledged in reli gious paper*......! 826 30 $1,359 81 Amount previously acknowledged 251,311 25 Tola! $255,070 06 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES UHISTIAN COM MISSION beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of the following Stores, Ac., up to Feb. Uth: • PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia—l parcel, Green Street M. S. Church; l package, “Mrs. F., ofW. P.;” 1 box. Fox Chase Ladiea* Aid Society; 1 parcel, (“Housewives”), Lizzie. L'aiaianqua—l box, 1 barrel, Ladies’ Aid Society. Upper and Lower Oxford—l box, Soldiers’ Aid Society. y New Bloomfield—lbox, Ladies* Aid Society. Centre Square—3 boxes, Whitpain Ladies’ Aid Society. Media—l package, Ladies’ Aid. Wrigfctctown—l box, Upper Makefleld Ladies* Aid Society. Hyde Par k—l box. Highland—l box, Ladies’ Aid Society. Scranton—l package. Ladies’ Aid Society. Towsnda —l barrel, Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society. MASSACHUSETTS, Boston—36 boxes, 10 parcels, 3 barrels, 1 bucket, Amy Committee Y. M. C. Association. Northampton—3 box. S. E. Bridgman. NEW JERSEY. Elizabeth—l barrel, Unton Aid Society Mount Holly—l box, Ladies’ Aid Association. Cranberry—7 barrels. Army Aid Association, Moorestown—l box, Ladies’ Aid Society. Farmingdale—l parcel. M. E. Ghnrch. North Branch—l box, D. K. Church. Princeton—l box, Ladies* Aid Society, NEW YORK. New York—37 parcels, Committee U. S. C. O.; 1 box (medicines), donor unknown. Buffalo—/parcels, Committee U. S. G. C.; 23 taxes, 2 barrels, Ladies’ Christian Commission. Dzyden—3 trunks, Ladies’ Aid Society. Troy—l box, Ladies’ Aid Society. Cohoes—l box, Ladiee’ Aid Society. Ccrtlandville—l box, Soldiers’ Aid Society. North Kortrlght— l box, per Rev. J. M. Sme&lUe. West Hebron—lbox, Ladies’Aid Society. Brockport— lbox. Ladies’ Christian Commission. Lima—3 boxes, Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society. OHIO. . Cincinnati—lo pareels, Committee U. S. C. C. Our friends deserve onr warmest thanks for their continued liberality and earnestness in the good work of sending their contributions to be for warded to the field, ike hospital and the camp. Onr soldiers need remembrance always. They are suffering, working, fighting, dying—some where— everj moment. The/r*ji«»l contributions of Christian friends all over the land are n«ms«ry to supply their urgent wants. The experience.of the past shows ihat the heart of Christian benevo lence is in the work. Wc can trust in it without a thought of being disappointed. GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman, 11 Ban* street, Philadelphia. TWENTY-FIRST WARD BOUNTY ULS FUND ASSOCIATION,—A meeting of the Executive and Colleciing Comialtiee of the Bounty Fund, will be held at Morris’s Hotel, Manayunk, on MONDAY Evening, 15th mst., at 7« o’clock. The Sub> committees of the several Preeinste .will report their subscriptions paid up. The Execu tive Committee guarantee exemption from Draft to any person in the Ward by paying to the Fund the sum of Thirty dollare, or if drafted the money to be returned. ' „ . „ A. CAMPBELL,President. Georg b A. Smith, Secretary. \ Fnnnn. FAinTnojtxn, Treasnrer. \ It* 510,576 08 ,/i. v . 2,680 58 ; IMPORTANT FROM NORTH CAROLINA. grCorrespondenco of the New York Tribune.]?! . Newbeke, N. C., Feb. 10, 1864 In my last nobs I informed yon that the rebels had ap parently left for other parts. Scarcely had the mail gone whenindications were seen of Their re turn. Monday they came again upon Newport Barracks and drove the -force a short distance. They remained, however, only a Bhort time, and then retired. On the same nightaforce came down on the front, toward Kingston, and shelled our pickets, but did no great barm. Some deserters baie said that they had retired toward Kingston, OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1864. and-were waiting for re-iaforcements. Thesemen also say that large numbers wish to come in, and are so guarded as to he unable to escape. By the last boat from Washington, N. C., we pet a rumor as follows. Aftev the boat started for New hern, a message was telegraphed down the nver and put aboard below that the enemy were outside, the pickets having been driven lit and that large numbers of them were seen in ail direc tions rear ihe town. The enemy is also reported ft Plymouth. What his plans arc does not yet appear.- : TBUBsrAY, Feb. 11, lo’ clock P. M—A rumor comes m from the front, by a Lieutenant in the cavalry, that the enemy was coming in upon us again. Whether it will amount to another attack w e cannot yet tell. All is ready. FROM WASHINGTON. The correspondent ol the Tribune writes as fol lows: The Provost Marshal General has decided that the towns in the various States shall each con stitute a sub-district. A draft, thtrelore, wil only be ordered in such towns in the various State as shall show a deficiency und.tr the variouscalls, while those towns which have an excess of quota will be credited the same, to apply to any futnre emergency. _ Through the intervention of Gen. Butler, the officers and men of Col. Streight’s commaLd have been released from close confinement and th-ir irons removed, which acts were done by the rebels as a retaliatory measure. Major-General Sickles, who arrived in town on Friday, has not received any orders as yet from the WaT Department, assigning him to duty in the West or elsewhere. Scott’s Nine Hundred have been relieved from duty in the Department of Washington and ordered to report to Major-General Banks, Department ol the Gulf. Gen. Meade and staff will leave for the front to morrow to reassume command of the' Army of the Potomac. CITY BULLETIN. &TATE OF THE THERMOMETER TdlS DAT AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 2 A. M.,31° 12 M., P. SL-^ Minimum Temperature during last 34 hour*, 26° Weather cloudy—Wind Southeast. The Last Night of the “Davenport Boys s ’ in Philadelphia. —The “Davenport Boys,” with their accomplice Fay, gave, on Saturday night, what they announced as .their last exhibi tion of the season in Philadelphia, and we sir cerely. trust that it will not onlyj.be the last of the season, but the last for all time. The room was well filled, free tickets having, been plentifully distributed among the Spiritualists in town for the purpose cf counteracting by their presence the in fiuence of the unbelievers whom it'was expected would be present. The exhibition was the same old routine of flum mery and toomfoolery which has been repeated night alter night ever since the “Bovs” have been performing here, and the scenes enacted elicited the applause of the faithful, and excited laughter and disgust among the skeptics who were present. There was much disorder in the public room,, but the confusion culminated in the dark ante room where the “Medium” Fay was per forming his share of the hocus-pocus. A party of persons attended this sitting with the de termination .to detect and expose the fraud, tf possible, and a dark lantern was Hashed and matches were struck at critical times, by the doubting ones. The latter claimed that they had detected the mediums in the act of untying them selves, when the spirits were supposed to be doing it and it waaalleged that the confederates who were manipulating the guitars, Ac., had been seen by tbe suddenly produced light. There was a con stant scene ol confusion from the time this part of . the stow commenced until it was ended, and the cause of religion, order, morals and common decency will be best served by the “Boys,” and Messrs. Fay and Lacey, retiring at once into private life. ' ■' . We find in & late number of the Aeons County (Wit.) Advertiser, the following notice of the * Beys’ ’ which will be redd with inter*** at this time,. The editor says:—“The following corres pondence speaks for itself, it being a reply to a question asked of Dr. WUUmoreby Dr. J. Philips, of this place, in regard to the performances of the ‘Davenport Boys.' ” “Kenosha, Jan. H, 1861. Dr. Whitapre —Sir: I should have complied with your request a long time ago, but I have been very bu«y and could or did not find time. I make the following state ment: *»The ‘Davenport Boys’ were in this city the last of June, 1863, and gave some two or three repre sentations at ‘Simmons Hall’ of wha’. they called Spiritual m *n\ftsiaHons. 1 attended one nf the meetings and was appointed with Harvey Durkee and Pro!. Stone as committee to investigate their performance: their mode of operating, I presume, U well known. Before the meeting Mr. Durkee had applied to his hair a mixture of oil and lamp black, so that a person applying his hand to his head would e&aily show the evidence of contact. • ‘Alter the ‘Boys had been securely tied in their cage, Mr. Durkee took his seat between them, and the door was closed. Soon the sounds commenced, the Instruments began to play, and, as Mr. Dnr kee states, a hand was felt moving over varioa* portions.of his body, taking his watch out of hi* pocket, Ac., and finally rested on the top of hi head. He then asked the spirl’s to part his hair a he used to when a boy, and they made the attempt the dpor was at last opened, amd upon takiue a light and examining the hands of the‘Boys* they weie found tied as at first, but the hand of one o them Was besmeared with oil and lampblack, de rived undoubtedly from its contact with the head cl Mr. Durkee. The besmeared hand 1 sew, and can positively testify to the same. After the im position was exposed the audience left the hall, and the ‘Boys’ got out of town as boon as possible. “Respectfully yours, A. H. THOMPSON. * ‘Mr. Phillips. I am in Ifoodstock, and hyre been confined to the house two months, which is (he reason that I did sot before. It they want any more proof they can have it. Ij. WHITMORE.” ‘ We have also heard a story of a Mr. lay, a traveling “Spiritual Medium,” which will bear repeating. It seems that a few yearn since the Fay relerred to was traveling professionally iu the southwestern States, and that in his “Manifesta tions” he would invoke the presence of the spitits of the departed fiiends of the believers among his audience. He would also eommuuicate the wants and desirceof these disembodied spirits, and the ghosts wer» in the habit of asking their surviving lriends for some token of remembrance. The gulled ones would then bring brooches, rings, bracelets and other valuables which would be placed in a hat and. laid upon a table beside the Medium, in the dark-room', and the Spirits were invited to help themselves. When light was re stored it was invariably found that they had availed themselves of the opportunity, for the hat was always empty. Perhaps “Mr." William Fay of Chicago” can inform us whether this jewelry admiring Fay was a relative of his own. or whether he was some pretender who assumed his name. For ourselves we are in utter ignorance upon the subject, and give the story as we hare heard it. The Aekiveesaet or AVasdujotos’s Bi*th. —The following organizations,will parade on the approaching anniversary of the birth-day of Washington, the 22d inst. In the absenco of Maj. General Cadwalader, the troops will he under the command of Brig. Gen O. S. Ferry, Military Commandant of Philadelphia. Organizations not named in thelist, who are desirous to unite, will report to Capt Haldeman, Assistant Adjutant General, before the 17th instant, at which time detailed orders and the route of the parade will be riven: Gray Reserves', Col. Cbarle* S. Smith; Bine Reserves, Col. Wiliam W. Taylor; 4th Union League Regiment, Col. George P. McLean; Provost Guard Battalion, Lieut. Col. H. A. Frink; Bridesburg Armory Guards, Col. Barton H Jenks ; Battalion of Navy lard Marines, Captain Stribling; Bth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Col. Chorman; . 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves; 8»h Pennsylvania Battalion, Capt. J. T. Piggott; S9ih Regiment Pa. Yds., Col. Asher S. Leioy; Seth Regiment Pa. Vole., Col. JohnF. Baliier; 91st Regiment Pa. Vole., Col. E. M. Gregory; 88th Regime!t Pa. Yds-> Capt. J. S. Staples; 73d Regiment Pa. Yds., Major Charles O. Cresson : 29th-Regiment Pa. Yds., Col. John K. Murphy; 23d Regiment Pa. Yols.,Cd. Glenn; Detachments of 24th, 28th and 95th Regiment Pa. Vols. ; Squadron of New-York Cavalry ; Squad ron of Cavalry, Capt. Bavington; lstOity Troop; Independence City Guards, Capt William Wil lard ; Henry Guards, Capt. Spear; Philadelphia Guards, Capt. William B, Maun; Mint Guards ; Arsenal Guards; Hospital Guards Battalion; West Chester Cadets, Col. Theodore Hyatt -.Court land Saunders Cadets; Hlasko’s Battalion of Cadets ; Keystone Battejy,No. 1. Capt Hastings; \Keystone Battery,No. 2, Captain Edward Fitzkie; Capt. E. Spencer Millers’ Battery; Capt Landis' Battery; Capt Markß John Biddle’s Battery. Tub Gee has Street Church.—lVa learn that Roy. Mr. De Witt late of Hoosac Falls, New York, hits received and accepted a call to the Ger man SlreetPreebyterian Church, in this city, and BULLETIN BUILDING 11.2 SOUTH THIRD ST enters upon his charge with an excellent prospect of success. The committee ©f laymen to whose noble and disinterested exertions, as well as to whose liberality, the purchase and completion of the church is due, have recently made the sub joined Report: ' “Philadelphia January 25th, 1864. - J?he nn derzlgned, having' assumes? the purchase and fin ishing of the German Street Presbyterian Church, deem it proper to tarnish to the Contributors, a statement- of the moneys received, amounting to fifteen thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars twenty-eight cents, and the expenditures made in ttfe furtherance of this object. “They think it also a matter for congratulation that by your aid and the blessing of a kind Provi dence, they have been enabled to restore to the Congregation, > their House of Worship complete in allits apjoihtnients, and free from debt or in cumbrance of any kind. ‘ ‘ The audience chamber is neatly finished, and the Sabbath School rooms’are large and commo dious. “The title to the property has been conveyed to the Trustees of the Presbyterian House, and we indulge the hopo that peace and prosperity may long continue to be the heritage of the people. ’ ’ The expenditures have been equal in amount to the receipts, viz: $15,533 28. They were for Sheriff’s sale, repurchase, ground rent, contract ors, insurance, tower bell, carpenter work and painting, conveyancing, recording deeds, Ac. The church is now entirely free from incumbrance and cannot fail to be a blessing to the vicinity in which it is located. The Galena— The iron-clad gunboat Galena, built on the Mystic, has been rtHmilt at our navy yard and will be again put in commission this week. Her armor has been stripped; the shot holes she received from the guns of Fort Darling plugged up, and she is now to all appearances a new boat. She measures ISO tons. Her hull’s length over all is 215 feet, beam 35 feet, draft 11 feet. She is driven by two engines of the Ericsson pattern, the same as those of the monitors, with the single exception that the monitors have a half trunk, while the Galena has a piston-rod. Her cylinders are 43 inches in diameto.-, 3 feet stroke of piston, and 4 feet crank. She has Sewell’s surface con dtnsers; her boilers, two in number, are horizon tal tubular, having six furnaces, with two blowing engines. She hits a true screw eleven feet in diameter, 22 feet pitch. With her armor in, she mads 11 knots per hour on her trial trip ; since her renewal, she has performed so admirably it is confidently expected the will make 15 knots per hour. Her list of officers is as follows : Lieutenant Commander, C. H. Wells; Acting Master and Executive Officer, R. F. Coffin; First Assistant Engineer, Acting Chief, W.G.Buehler; Acting Assistant Paymaster, Tkc-o. Kitchen; Acting Assistant SnTgeon, G. P. Wright: Acting Ensigns, D. W. C. Kells, J. Cullaton, H. Pease, Jr , S. S. Miner; Second Assistant Engineers, C. H. Greenleaf, J. A Scot; Acting Third As sistant Engineers, P. Burns, W. Welcker: Acting Master’s Mates, J. H. Delano, O. H. Robbins, F. Tattle: Captain’s Clerk, L. G. Morror; Pay master’s'Clerk, E. H. Hulls. Enlistments .— The number of men mustered into the United States service and credited to the city last week, was 848, divided among the Wards as follows—Fii>t Ward, 13; Second, 10; Third, 6; Fourth, 10; Fifth, 52; Sixth, 9; Seventh, 6; Eighth, 47; Ninth, 09: Tenth. 10; Eleventh, 23; Twelfth, 49: Thirteenth, 10; Fourteenth, 24; Fif teenth, 15; Sixteenth, 10; Seventeenth, 8: Eigh teenth, 15: Nineteenth, 1U1; Twentieth, 59; Twenty-first, l; Twenty-second, 71; Twenty third, 13; Twenty-fomth, 12S: Twenty-fifth, 4. From other places but credited to Philadelphia, 86. From the Ist of December to February 13th. the number muttered in was as follows: IFarrfj. Ward*. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twellth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Badßots. —Eight boys were arraigned before Aid. fceitler on Saturday afternoon. Ons of them vras charged with arson, and the others with being incorrigible vagabonds,committing various depre dations, Ac. On the Ist instant, it will be remem bered, a fire occurred at the S. E. Grammar Schcolhouse, on Front street, below Pine. The ficssei originated mysteriously in a closet fi led with old books. On the nigh tof the 6th inst. a sta ble on Lombard street, near Front,was set on fire, and upon invesiisation Fire Marshal Blackburn became satisfied that the mischief had been done by some of a gang of boys who infested that neigh borhood. On Friday the polite commenced arresting these boys, and the first one taken into custody* told who had fired the school-house. * When the latter was captured he made a full confession. He said that he had got tired of gome to school, and during the temporary absence of the janitor he went to the closet to* get a book which he had left. While there he was tempted to fire the place, thinking that the sebool would be locked up. He. imme diately tried to extinguish the fire, hut then thought that he Would let it burn. He was held iu 91, IVO bail to answer at CJurt, and the other boys were sent to the House of Refuge. City Mortality.— Th® number* of intor ments in the city during the past vreek’was 358, an increase of 5 over the previous week, and an in crease of 119 over the same period last year. Of the whole number 177 were adults and ltflchildren; 62 being under one year of age; 101 were males, 157 females; 102 boys aud 79 girls. The greatest num ber of deaths occurred in the Nineteenth Ward, being 31, and the smallest number in the Twenty third Ward, where only 5 were reported. The principal causes of death were, croup, 8; conges tion of the brain, 11: consumption, 45; convul sion?, 17; disease of ibe heart, 14; malignant typhus fever, 16; spotted .fever, 15; inflammation of the urain, 14; and inflammation of the lungs, 27 THEOLOOIfAT. Smuisauy op St. Charlus Bosuohko. —The annual meeting of this institu tion was heic la«t evening at St. John’s Cnurch, Thirteenth street above Ccestnut. Rev. John P. Dunn, pastor of John’s presided in the ab ccnce of Bithop Wood The entire receipts of the year have reached the large sum of $17,55* 35, ot which, 914 9?i 23 was obtained by voluntary con tributions fiom the Catho:i« s of this Diocese, given mostly in suras ot one dollar or less. The contributions from the churches withih,the limits of ihe city of Philadelphia amount to “5V.202 20, and from those in the country places, $5,769 03. RiotovB Conduct.— On Saturday night, officer Jones arrested a man named Barney Con low for disorderly conduct in front of the Masonic Hall in Manayunk, when he was immediately surrounded by a crowd who attacked him with stones. He vras *truck upen thehead with apiece of iron and received a frightful gash. Officers Stinson and Waters were aUo injured by the fly ing miEsilee. Conlow was secured, and also one of the assistants, who gave the name of Owen Dugan. The latter-was held in $5OO bail, and the former in to anewsr at Court. Slight Fires.— Tbo iron works of Fitzge rald A Co., N. W. corner Nineteenth street and Pci nsylvania Avenue, were slightly damaged by fire about eix o’ clock last evening. The flames were caused by sparks from the chimney falling upon the roof. Between twelve aud one o’clock this morning, the roof of a stable on Pearl street, bet wee a Six teenth and Seventeenth, was discovered to be on fire. A couple of Are companies were soon upon the ground and the flames were extinguished before, any serious damage hud been done. New Codjteefeits.—The American Bank Iftie KepvrUr informs us of two new counterfeits, put in circulation to-day. Being upon Pennsyl vania Banks, the publisshonld he careful, via: SO’s, Bank of Gettysburg, Pa. Well executed, the vignette being pasted on. The signatures on counterfeit are R. Smith, President, W. G. Mc- Pherson, Cashier, while the genuine are signed G. Swope, President; T. D. Carson, Cashier. 2’s, Stroudsburg Bank. Description not re ceived. Bettei refuse all V s for the present. Fatal Accidbnt.— On Saturday afternoon, James Spiers, aged twenty years, wasmn over by a wagon loaded with grain, on Market street, between Twenty.flrst and Twenty-second, and was Instantly killed. He was driving the wagon at the time of the accident, and wns in the employ of Jos. Alien; The deceased belonged to Darby. TweKty-Fimt Wash,—The Executive and Collecting Committees of the Bonnty Fund of tins ward will meet this evening at Morris’s Hotel, in Manaynnk. A f nil attendance is desired. Serious Burning.—Last evening beween seven and eight o’clock, Marg»ret_ponw y * , thirteen years, residing on Cuthbert stre ’ of Nineteenth, was burned uP a shocking manner P. 1. FETHEBSTON, Publisher. SS6 112 14S ms 15L 260 Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, ; Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, [Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth. .Twenty-fit tfc, in consennen, ' e of a coal oil lamp haYincbjen np aet npon her cR waa 30 badl y ln J al3 < i that her life is rie, of. The Fads' ONi^ 3 and “God’s best gift to man” are said to be . almost mad over a new preparation for the k tJair which has just been, brought ont in New To r)t - Ic 18 called Coleman’s Floriline, and has for ai lumber of years been the almost universal hair dre. ,,s * n £ tised by the ladies ot Pa Hi. The exclusive r. to sell in America has been transferred to an -and well known house in New York, \ B is said, paid one hundred thousand dollars }~ Q right. The gratuitous distribution of afew ootUeshas already caused a large demand. It is frt ' e alcohol or oils of any kind and can be used nt t s ? the bonnets o*r head-dress of theme, '“delicate kind. Pure "Wines and Liqugbs jo e Medicinal Purposes. —Messrs. Davis A; Biehar» If* 4 JC^L Tenth streets, have constantly on haL ft* of fine old Wines, Port, Sherry, andMa also fine Brandy, imported by themsel\ -'J highestexcellence,especially adaptedfon h®dicinai purposes. * Brown’s, Bronchial Troches, for C ? n S? u f» Colds, Pulmonary and Asthmatic Disorders, proved their efficacy hy a test of many years, • a dd have received testimonials from eminent men \ Vhj> have used them. 1 Furs ! Furs f!—The most splendid stock hibited this season hy any Feurrier, is now being closed out at cost prices, by that well known house C. Oakford & Sons, under the Continental Hotel. . The gbasdpabade on Feb. 22d, will need light Swords, Sabres, Beits, etc., which can be bad of O. Oakford & Sons, under the Continental Hotel. Fdbs at Cost.— Oakfords, Continental.,, Ladies in Whise*bs.— The French 'ladies after starting the fashion of carrying canes, azv about to start yet another new’ fashion. Tha little tuft which starts from the root of the hair nt the side, and which lormerly formed the little curl known as an accroche caur, is now to fall straight down the cheek in a thick mass, and to be frizzled, so as to look like whiskers. The fair Parisians also say that they would soon set the fashions ot wearing full masculine suits, if they could manage to procure their supplies from the Brown Ston& Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and GO5 Chestnut street above Sixth. The Trench ~ ladies have undoubted taste. Victory.— lce Cream and Water Ices, at 0 cents per quart, Morse’s 233 S. Eleventh street. D eatress, Blindness, and all diseases which the f> T or Eye is heir to, successfully treated by Prof. J.lsaacs, RL D.,Occnlist and Aurist, No. 511 Pine street. Testimonials from the mset re liable sources can be seen at his office. The medi cinal faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secret in his mode of fcuaW xnent- Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charges for examination. Best and Purest Coal in tho city ? cone better; please try it. Samuel W. Hess, Broad street, above Race, east side. Pound . Cake, Lady and Almond Sponge, 35 cent*, at Mon.’ e, 338 Senth El.TBn.tlt street. Coens, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarged Joints, and all Diseases ot the Feet cnied.withtrak pain or inconTenience to the patient, by Dr.' Zacharie, Surgeon Chiropodist, 931 Chestnnk. street. Sefers to Physicians and Surgeons of the city. Bablow’s Indigo Blnn Dealer, and Goo stimers of the aboT# will please take notice that the labels haT. been changed to read «‘lndigo Bine,” Pat np at Alfred .‘Wiltberger’s Drag Store, Kg. 333 North Second street, Philadelphia. Barlow’ s name will be left off the boxes from this date. The new label dees not reqnire a stamp. Excilumt SitotaiG Tobacco.— lf is.avery difficult matter to obtain, at anything iike-Etfair price, a good quality of Smoking Tobacco, bnt we hare recently tried an article sold by E~IL Hunt k. Co., No 511 Cbestnat street, 'which la equal to the rery best we hare erer placed in a pipe,- lb is the Kin-ue- no-E©-aw, originally prepared by tho Indians, Irons hue tobacco, mingled with roots and odoroua herbs. Its flavor is pungent yet tieliciou*. and floats through the air like incense. It lights easily and retains the fire a longtime without incessant drawing, and in every way it Is worthy of the reputation it has attained. . We commend it to ail who remember the departing glories of “Lynchburg” and and who with i© obtain an article of the first quality at a reasonable rate. - ACCIDENT AT A GUNBOAT LAUNCH, A large number of parsons collected at J. B. ? Eads’s ship yard at Carondelet, yesterday morn- • irg, to witness tbe lannchingol the iron gunboat ; Chickasaw upon the bosom of the Mississippi, and ; when the stays were let loose, between ten and eleven o’clock, nearly two hundred ladies and : gentlemen were on board. The anchor was at 1 the bow, ready to be oast off, the large rope to j which it was attached being coiled at the bow. Around this coil some ten or"ilft©©n persons were j permitted to collect, and when the anchor was i east, the rope, of court©, played out with great ; rapidity. As the boat touehed the water, Com- • modore Hull, who was oa board, cried out for all - who were forward to 4 ‘run aft and avoid the ropes,” but although a portion of the- crowd.! obeyed the warning, several were too slow. In. : its swiit descent the rope dragged into the water Ike following persons: Mr. and Mrs. 'William P. Bradley, Wi*s Jennie Esds, daughter of the owner of the yard, Miss Mary Maguire, daughter of. John Maguire, and Mr. O. B. iilley, son of ex- Mayor O. 1). Tilley. All, however, were saved except Mrs. Bradley, who disappeared beneath the water and was seen no more. Mr. Bradley i* a «leik for Eads.— St. Xevft Desicerat, 11th- - FLAIR TALK From Brovmlow* s Knoxville Wkis <u?d> RefotV TtnKlai cr, of January 35, we gather the fallowing, extracts: ' Surai t. Fox.—This loathsome disease is prevail ing in Richmond, and O. J. Bowdtny a rebel Senator from Virginia, has died. We hare in here, and find it rather on. the increase. It was brought here during the siege by Longs'roetfS’; army, aiid is a fixed institution in the 7©b9liasmy. : The personal filth and corruptions of the whole-1 gang, their lice, bed-bugs old clothes,, pooc diet i . and guilty consciences—mixed as they are with> mean whisxey,.and all that is mean,dirty asd un patriotic, are enough to flood the country whore they ge with every hateful disease known, to the* j human family! " ' TEmPAnSOX OX TEB NbOXO Q.tTBBTI‘O2f. —Th* 1 rebels of the South have used slaves in this war* and aimed them in battle, and where thay have been brought into aetion they have displayedgreat bravery. They brought on the war because of tho negro, and without any provocation. Bet them now be fought by the nigger, and made-sick of tho nigger. Had we the power, we would turn loose all the beasts of the forest the snakes and lizards o£ the swamp, and all the devils in heNy but wa would put down the rebellion. AMUSEMENTS. Moxuis Mixrtjusxb.—We again advise our rea ders to visit Concert Hall and enjoy the entertain ments given by the MomeMingtrels. The song, . the danee,. the burlesque alternate with jokes, provocative of hearty and innocent laughter. Tull and fashionable houses attend nightly. 1 Tex Chbbtxpt.—To-night w*h&ve Ht* ‘ ‘Ticket, of Leave Man.*’ It will soon bo withdrawn te. make way fer othex novelties. Thb Ahch.—Tho Richings* opera troupe this. = evening in that brilliantEngliahopors, ‘ tillion of Lonjumean.” Miss Richings, Mr. P- Etchings, Mr. SegninandMr. Hifl have no doabt the present engagement of this aa-^, mirable company will equal in popular their previous ore at this f as we need scarcely remind anybody was brUUanS. almost beyond preeendent. Tnx -Wainut It was quite a delightful sur» , nrise to see Mis Lucille Western at the Walnut Qfx ' Saturday evening, in-some other character tbehereme of ‘ ‘East Lynne.” Onthat • •he played .‘Lncretla Borgia” with a vigor, in _ tensity and grace which we have rarely seen.- BD r- • nassed, and she dressed the part most-superbly, In the afterpiece, “Don Cassar de Bazan' » s ha played the character of the reckless Don • In finite spirit The house was the large e t of the. season, and was particularly enthusiastic .. It was announced that Mrs. Waller had waive- j her claim to the next engagement, and that for * few nights : moie Miss Western would appear in ‘‘East Lynne” and other parts. Seats car. be secaredin . advance, and we may add that this, is an important 1 Soint, owing to the great crowds' which throng thb onse each night Jtti3s Western. is announced
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers