2XXVIHTH CONGRESS.—FIRS! SESSION. <JLOSB OF TKbTEUDAT’s peooke»;nc*«. . W-ashifoto>: : r\*b. 15 Senate.'—Mr. Wkde'YClilo/ iutroJacr;! potirion-: for repairs to the harbor oi A: : hlahni&, OL?*?. -Mr. -.Howe ‘(Wi?.*)offered... rusol ir i;;,w of the Chamber of Commerce of Milwviu:,- :_>c, r . ;om :nop- dr ill g the constructiori'of aship civ.'-i* .- : rou :d Pal e, on the American side, wax io/erc d to the Committee on Commerce. = : Mr. Sherman (Ohio) presented ttie pdt tides of -citizeos of the United-Stales pray in •. t.-.r a-, .in-m --cipailcnact. Befeiredto■theOommilteo on Shivery and Freemen, » ' i Mr. Hendricks presented a petition from eitlzms of Michigan!City,' Indiana, --prayins-for improve .anents to the harbor.ibf Michigan City. ‘ On motion of Mr. Anthony, the bill co leg.illzr? payments of paymaster E. U. Doran was taken ■up and passed. v . v . : >V. h ' Mr. Foster (Conn.) presented a bill to deflne'the xanlr, j)3y, duties and emoluments oi chaplains in the United States army; which was referred r o the Commjttte, on; Military'; Affairs;,-; This.bill gives them* the ’pay of a major 61 infantry. 'lt "allow* -their acceptance or relentioniof pastoral -charges, •requires them to preach once every wtek, to hold social religious-meetings twice a Week, leer p libra nes for soldiers’ use, and appoints a chaplain in . spector. to: each department. ;. - • _ Mr. Ramsey introduced a bill to promote the -efficiency; of Ike- army-chaplains. Referred to the iMiiitary Committee; Onmotion of Mr, Howe, the bill granting a .pension to JolmL. Burns, for patriotic services ■at Gettysburg, was considered and passed. On motion of dfir. Wilson,, the Seriate pro seeded to the co. sideration of the Senate bi.il for enrolling -and ;o.ut the national -forces, with- title -amendments of the House’ The Senate refused to repeqe from its provisions by a decided vote,°so -the bill goes back, to ,the House. . Mr. Sherman : introduced a bill relating to stamps. It provides for the ripht of appo 1 irom -■the decisions of:the Commissioners to tile Su •preme Court, and against a reversal of hh own decision or that of a predecessor; makes pro vision -.for : stampings inutruhients objected to in Court, uhenin certain cases they r.re not legally stamped. deferred-to’the Finance Committee. Cn motion of .Mr. Fessenden, theSeuate pro ceeded to tho consideration, of the ’Deficiency Bill. Mr. Hendricks offered an amendment increas *-iug the salary of the Assistant Secretary of the in terior to $4,000. ’ *" Mr. Hale moved to amend the' amendment, by .providing that after she close of the present fiscal .year -the salaries of ull the assistant secretaries shall be §3,010 ptr-aniium’. Mr. Bale’s amendment wss adopted by a vote ol'2o ayes to 18 hays. * * The amendment of Hr. Hendricks as amended, "was then adopted by a vote of 25-ro 15. Mr. Doolittle offered ah amendment to'etrik- 4 ‘Out ihe siim of 53,000 and insert -S3,as tho sa- J«iy cl assistant secretaries after the present year. This was adopted by a vote of 25 io 15. Mr. Howe ofTeied an amendment to include the first and second assistant Postmaster-General m the provisions of the amendments'iiicieasing the salaries of assistant • secretaries, which was adopted. - - The House hill was Ih^n.reported as amended, and nguea to,-after which the senate adjourned. HOUSE-Oy-EKPBKgKNT ATI VES glVIr. Arnold (111.) offered the following: Kesolvedi That the Constiint:on of the United St tes be sc amended as to abolish ‘slavery in the- U lited S ides vriierever it now exists, and to pro- W fit its existence -in ; e yery parUhereor. Mr. Holmes find.) moved to lay the resolution •on which was lost by.a vote of ‘9 to 58. Mr. Wilson (Iowa) suggested that vho resolution be referred * to the Committee on the J adiciiry, which has charge of that subject. Mr. Arnold objected to the suggestion. 1 The resolution was then passed by the following vote—yeas 79, nays G 2 : ' •-- Yeas—Messrs. Allison Anderson, Arnold, Ash ley, Bailey, Baldwin, (Mass ) Baxter, Boatnan: ‘Biair, (W. Ya.) Blow, Boutwell, Boyd, Biand 'Broomall, Cobb, -Cola,"Creswell, Davis, fMd.) Davis. (N, Y.) Dawes,' Dixon** Dbnelly, Diij-gsY" Dumont,’ Eckley,- Eliot,' Farnsworth,' Fraik; Garfield, Gcocli,Grinnell, Hlgby. Hooper, Hubbard, (Iowa) Hubbard, (Cbnn.j Hulburd, Jenokes, Julian, Kelley,Kellogg,‘ (Mich.) Doan, Xcngyear, Marvin, McOlurg, Miller, JN: Y.) Moorehead, Morrill, Morris, (N. Y.) Amos My- Leonard Myers, Norton, o*Neill,(Pa ; Orih,' Patterson, Perh3iu, Pike,-Pomeroy, Price, Rice, t(Mass.) Rice, (Me.): Rolling, (N. H.) Schenck, Schofield, Shannon, Smitkers, Spalding, Thayer, Thomas, Upson, Yaw 4 Yalkenburgb, Washburne, (111.) Washburn, (Mass.; Whaley, Williams, Wilder, Wilson and Wiudonv. Shays—Messrs. James O. Allen William J. Allen, Ancona, Baldwin, (Michi.) Blissyßrooks, Brown, (wis.) Clay, Conioth, Coxy Cravens,, ‘ Daw>onjlDenuison, Eden,. FdgeVt n, -EL ridge, Finciri'Garison, Grider, Hall, Hardiag Harring ton, .JSroris. (Ind.) Herrick, Holman, Johnson, (Ohio) 'Kellogg, (N. Y\) Kernan, King, Knapp; Xaw;':Xazcar, Long, Mallory. McAllister, lilc- Bride,.McDowell; McKinney, MiTer, (Pa.) Mor ris, (Ohio) Morrison, Kelson, Noble. Odell, Neiil, <Ohio) Pemlieton, Perry, Randall.(Pa.) Randall, (Ky.) Robinson, Rollins,(Mo. ) Ross,Scett,Steele, ,tN. Y.) Stiles. Stronse, Stuart, Sweat, Clinton A. White, Jos. W. White, Winfield, and Fernando 1 "Wood. . ‘ Mr. Arnold (!«:) reported a bill for the con struction of unship canal .around the Falls ,of Niagara. _ f- J _ ” * • Mr.* Stevefts (Fa.) from the Committee on Ways Means, reported the Indian Appropriation bill for the year ending with June, 19t>5. Mr. Jenckes (R.I ), from the special committee, h bill establ'sliing a uniform system of bankruptcy. Ordtied to be pnnted.nnd recom ■onitled. Mr. Stevens ah o reported back the senate s -aimndmcnts to tbe House bill for increasing the infernal revenue and forutherpurposes. Mr. btevens explained thedilfermce between the -bill as.it passed the House and theSenaie’s amend ment?, maintaining that the latter were preferable to wfiht had been agiet>d upon by the House, as to -thelax ou spirits, and the dates when it was to go • into effect. . . The House, he said, ought to accept the Senate’s amendment with the principle hercrotorj declared, by legislation, that taxes shouto be pros pective on all articles. The committee were of ooinioh that a pledge to this effect had been given ■to the country, and manufacturers .had aright to :jpply, upon runs a basis ol their .business. Asa revenu.e measure, the bill from the Senate was much better than that of the House. The amount •ol spirits cn hand which ihcHonse proposed to tax -did not amount to more than 2UO. (00 barrels, about 10,u00;ttl>oi gallons; ibi*, at 4U cents agallon, would-produce §4, WtJjUCO. But nobody, who had en the operation of tlm Tax law could suppose that not more than this quantity would be tax ' yielding. On the other hand tho Senate bill, after the Ist of January next, would yMd $14,1)93 WK). -Mr. Fernanda Wood (N. Y.) said the effect of the motion ot Mr. &trveiis,to coneur in iheSenate’s -amendme>ts, was' practically to restrict the rave nue'to be raised by the bill. Thiswasampst ex traordinajy proposi ioh. coming from the quarter vhat it. did. Those whose duty it is to protect the public-interests had hot button-holed the Commit tee ol Finance This was done by those who had Thronged the city looking after their own private interests- So far form their beihgonly 200,000 ba rrels of spirits oh hand, j.e (Mr. Wooo) kne>v three •gentllmcn of' New Y'prk, neither of whom was a speculative trader* who hadalmost half that quan tiiy c-h hand theuirelves. • Instead of the spirits on hand Siclding only 54,9005000, the lax would; pro -■duce SH‘,CCU,COO. • . - . The debate was continued until half-past four; but ho action was taken on the Senate amead mriits'. ' V Mr< Davis (Md.) from the Select Committee on Jnsuifeciionaxy States, reported a bill, which was erdeitd’ to ...be printed, giving to certiin, States where ihe Governments had been overthrown or usurped-,a republican lorn.of.government’ It,. ' among other other things, for the ap ' pointmeht of Provisional Governors,, charged.with the civil administration .of tlie. States .until such Slates can by means of elections be rii-establisbied. slaves -within the teeritories are declared, iree, and any person hereafter in the .jebeljjnblic service is declared not to be a citizen of the united -Staifs. • The House then adjourned. "’,*' : ~. ,PEBHSYLYANIA LEGISLATURE. - ' ' . \ llakribburg, Feb. 15. Senate.—The Senate met at 8 o’clock, P. hi. "There beinc no quotum, they adjourned. House.—The House met at ly 2 o'clock, P. M., and -was-called to order by hlr. Smith (Chester), in the absence of the Speaker. A number of petitions were presented, among them one by • Mr. Sbimer; for tbe.passage of a law making it competent for persons to testify in their own suits: Messrs. Watson, Qvugley, McManns, Seholield and Lee presented sixteen petitions from. citizens of Philadelphia.for the passage of a: law faroring the rnrning of the city railroad passenger cars on Snndays. •_ A _. ■ ' . i' Messrs. Watson, Pancoast, -SatpUin, Smith and X*ee presented/petltions ior the dismissal of .Frede rick C. Brightly from Select Council;- 4 ? ; ■-' /She Military Committee reported negatively on the bill giving pay tn Casper M; Berry for services as Brigade Inspector. J, . - A number of bills were introduced, araongthern . tbejfollowing: • - .. Mr. Watson, a supplement to an act for the set-" tlement Of certain military claims. ■; Mr. Sutphin,. an act incorporating * railroad, company, beginning at Saveuth and Morris streets, tbende along Morris'to Ninth,-thence along Ninth to Bfdge avonhei thence along Ridge avenue to ; Mount Vernon, thence along Mount Vernon to Twentyitbirdi thence on Twenty-third-to 'Coates, thence along Coatesto Fail-mount Park hnd.Twen. ty-second street, thence along Twinur-sccond street to Wallace, thence along Wallacetto Rid -e avenue, thcneO along Ridge avenuato Spring (jar. den, thence aloDg;,.Spring Garden, to Seventh, thence along fee-rent h, arqun.d.FraukUh ti'nd Wash ington Squares,"to the’placoof‘beginning; : Mr. Schofield introduced an act allowing the Le- high Coal and Navigation Company one addition U year to determine what portion of, their dams they will reconstrnct. The bill passed. Adjourned. A ; . BOARD OF TRADE. - S. W. DE COURSES, . i JAJVIES O. HAND, } Monthly GEORGE Lv BDZBYj V;; ; ’ ' \ ' v. IMPOETATIONS. Eeportedforthe Philadelphia Evening BuUetin. , ST. STEPHENS, NB. —csrig E A Bernard, Crow ell— 1800 hbla calcined plaster. 300 do land do 60,004 laths 14,000 pickets GaBkiU& Galvin.. • . ” SAIEIHG DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS.” ... TO ARRIVE. SHU’S YEOH POE ; E>ATSI Adriatic....... ;..Galway.«Boston 1 Viiginia.. Liverp6ol...New York.„....."Feb. 2' C,ofManchester.Liverp6oL~New Y0rk:.,...-Feb.' 8 Kamin6nia..Southftinpton...New York.... Feb.'. 9 Saxonia ..... Southampton...NewYork.........Feb. io Africa Liverpool. .New .York • Feb.,l3 Asia..... ....Liverpool..Boston Feb. 13 PennBvlvania....Liverpool...New Y'ork l*Vi). id Bremen..’. Soutbampton...New York Feb. 17 Canada LiverpooU.Boston Feb. 20 Bavariß Southampton. .New York Feb. 24 AustralsBian«...liiver))o York.;.....V.Feb. 27 ! , TO DEFART. Arabia ....Boston...Liverpool..; Feb. 17 Oof Washington..N York.. Liverp001....... Feb. 17 8e110na........ New York. -L0nd0n......... Feb. IS Belloria .New York . London ..Feb: 18 Morning’Star..New York.. Ha vafi a&N. 0... Feb2o Bavaria.,.. . .New York. .Hamburg....... Feb. 20 R0an0ke.,.... .New York. .Havana... ...... Feb. 20 Adriatic.,,;,. ..New York.. Galway,. Feb. 21 China New York.. Liverpool Feb. 24 Gov. Bayley.....New York... Nassau, NP-.i...Feb, 2i C of Manchester..N.York.,Liverpool......>Feb.*37 Corsica -New York.vHavana, &c.......tFcb. 29 •. LETTER BAGS * dV.TMB BtUCTANTS'EXOEANGS, PHII/AOSLTRIA Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Feb. 25 , Schr Henry Nutt, 8aker...........;..-Porfc Spain, soon POET 0y PHILADELPHIA. EEBEUAHY ,16 Ir> .Hi-ss 663 | SVB 617 |-g)qß ~W>-rK8,,830 ! ,-ABBIYED. YESXEBSA.Y “ Schr Packet, Trotiax, 1 day from' Lelp3ic, Del. With comto Jae Ii Bewley Sc-Go. . - ' Schr Georgiaima, Pretty man, 1 day from Lewes, Bel. with corn to Jaa L Bewley & Co. Schr Oakes -Ames, Smith,, from "Washington, in bsllaßt to Cantajn. .',/■ i ;> ■.■.i-'.-i; Schr Aid, Bunker, from Baltimore, in ballast to BA Sout'.cr ft Co. CLEABED YESTEBDAY. - Bark Eoanoke (Br) r Cooksey, Laguayra, DiUett & 'Son. Biig Anna D Torrey, Griffin,Sagua,- J E Bazley&Co Schr Albert, Staoy.NewOrleans,. D S Stetson 8c Oo Schr Lizzie Maul, Frambes, Port Boyal, TylericOo, Schr Spray, Adams, Key West, ' do Schr Jas Magee, Lynch, Piney Point, - do Srt:r HCt Ely, McAllister, Alexandria, " do Schr Active, Esher, Boston, Blakiston, Graff & Co Schr Diamond, Brown, NewLomlon, L Kothermel. St’r J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A O roveß, Jr, ‘ MEMOKAHDA. Steamship Fairbanks, Mershon, hence at N.York JX&terdav. Steamship Continental, Marshman, at New Or leans jib inet. froln'Brazoa Santiago.. Steamship Geo Washington, Gager, from New York, at New Orleans 7th inst.. _ - Ship Win Chamberlain, Carver, from New York for San Francisco, sailed from "Valparaiso 10th ult. having repaired. Ship Otis Norcross, Emerson, cleared at San Frsi\cisco EOth ult. for Callao. Ship Emerald Isle, Scott, eleared at New York yeste)day for San Francisco, • Ship Ocean Borer, Wilcomb, from Calcutta lor Beston, went to sea Bom Saugor 18th Dec, Ship Cromwell, Crocker, From Calcutta for Bos ton, went to eeafrom Saugor 19th Dec. •:■. : Bark Lucy Frances, Ferry, cleared at New York yeßterday for this port, ' Bark Kancagua (Br), sailed from Valparaiso Sd ult. for Iquique, to load nitrate for this port. Bark Champion, Tracey, hence, reported below Eosion on Eiday, was hot insight on Saturday. Bark Brothers, Means, at Matanzas 9th instant from Brownsville. ' Bark Harrlft'Stevenß, Corbett, Aom Key West, at Portland ISth inat. Bark Zingarella(Br), Stevenß, Cleared at N York yesterday for Vera Cruz. '" Bark Alondamin, Crowell, sailed from Baltimore ISth mat. for Bio Janeiro and a market. ' - - Brig Becsta (Hamh), Benninga, from Foochow lith Srpt. and Hong.Kbng, 19th, at New York yea tei day, tvith teas; . . _ Brig "Draha, Coombs, sailed from Messina 19th ult. for this port. Brig Argo (Br), for this port, sailed from Messina 19th ult. ■ Brig Sarah Crowell, Crowell, heaes at Halifax, ith inat ■ • Brig Neva (Br), Smith, sailed from Matanzas 9th in.t, for thiil port. " : Brig Nantasket, Bay, from Boston) at Bemedlos, fth Inst for this port. Brig leonaid Myers, Mundy, hence for New Or leans, was spoken in lat 33 40, lon 73 S3—no date. BiigGeo Burnham, Thornton) hence at Boston 13th inst. "' J " Brig H Hallock, Jordan, Cleared at Boston 13th inst. for New Orleans. Schr John S Lee, Corson; at New York yesterday from Norfolk. . Schr Althea, Godfrey, i£ days from New Orleans* at New York yesterday,with sugar and molasses. Schts Eliza 'Williams, Taylor; Trade Wind, Cor fob; Alert, Yates, hence, and Lammot Dupont, Orson, from at New York yesterday. Schr S V W Simmons,' Godfrey, sailed from Pro vidence latkinßt.-forthisport. - - Schr.Tbbmaa Borden, Wrightington, sailed from Bristol 13th inst. for this port. Schr-Samuel Colt, Hilliard, cleared at New York yesterday for this port,; .; .i. Schr Dtt A Bich, Hardy, hence at Boston 13 th Inst. SchrsEH Atwood, Bich,-and Mary Stewart, Smith, henco at Boston 14th inst, Schr W I." Montague, barren, lailed from Fall liiver 13th inst. for this port. ' ' , ~ Barii L D Carver, hence for Pensacola, wrecked : C n Palmer’s Beach, belonged toH B Brockman & Co, of New York. v_> ■■ - ■■■ ..i- ' : •}' r■■ '• .. CITY OBDINIANCB. CLERK’S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL— : Philabixthia, February 5, 18S4 _, In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY the4th hast, theanneiced bill entitled “An Otdiname to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers, ” is hereby published for public information. Clerk of Common Council. An ordinance . to authorize an ad- DITIONAEEOAN TO AID THE ENLIST MENT OF VOLUNTEERS. " i Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelohra, do ordain: That the May or he an d he is hereby authorized to borrow on the creditor the city from time to." time, as may be required by the City Treasurer, such sums of money as may be required to aid the.enlistment of Votnnteera for the servlceof the United States,,not exceeding in the whole the shut of Two Million, Dollars, for which interest, not to exceed at —the rate of six per tent, per annum, shall he paid half-yearly, .on the first days.of July and January, at the office of the City Tieasurer. The principal of said loan shall he pay able andpaidattheexplrationof thirty years from the date Of the same, and not before without the consent of holders thereof, and cer tificates therefor, in the nsnal form ef sheh certifl. -cates of City Loans, shall be issuedinsuchamount as the lenders may require, bnt not for any frac-, tional part of one hundred- dollars, for ixequired in amounts of fivaTmUdreflor. one thousand dol lars, and it rballbe expressed in said certificates toe said lean therein mentioned, and the interest thereof are pay able.freefrom all taxes. -Peo. 2. Whenever any; loan- shall be made-hit, viltaehereof, "there shall be, 1 -by force 1 of thf? draf- ’ nance, annually approprlateiont of too income of the corporate estates, and from the" sum raised by ‘taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the Interest on saia certificates;.and the further sum of three., tenths of onepjrpr cent: on the par value of such certificates SO issued"Shan be" appropriated quar . terly, out of the income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund drid its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and pay ment of said certificates;: : ' . RESOLUTION Authorizing the-Clerk to pubLishthe Ordinance. That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in tyro cKwy newspajers.of this City, daily for fohr weeks, the Ordinance pre sented to Common" Council at a stated meeting thereof, held on the 4th day of February,.l364, en titled “An Ordinance'to Authorize an Additional Loan to aidtbe Enlistment of Volunteers,” and toe said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils, .next after toe expiration, of four weeks from the said public ation, shall p resent to Councils one ol each uf said newspapers for every. day in which the sapae f hall have been" made. fes'-4w4 - LOST, 1 G?TOR MISLAID—A CERTIFI CATE OF FiyE shares OF THE STOCK of the LOGAN-LAND ASSOCIATION" issued in the" name of Robert Ruist. Notice is hereby’given . that application has, been made for the issue Oi a" Me\Y c-rtiJicate. • jcls-at* . ROBERT BUIST.' LOST-A CERTIFICATE of. 5 per Cent.: Loan ; of,State.of Pennsylvania, for 5318 05. dated ' , March 12 to, 1330, N0.,754, in named WILLIAM MEREDITH. ' Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cant." -Losn.of State of Rennsy lvnnitvfnr the sum of sitXV ated 'J-iine JOth, 1345, No. ;H52, in name' of ELL K. PRICE, Administrator of Willliun Meredith, , in Trust. "AppHcatioii ha? beenmado to the-Audli. tor-Generalfor a'rohewal of said Certificates.. ; - •*-' 1 ELT K-. "PRICE, J ''' le9-3m§ No 811 Arch street. kfENINGI BOLLETIN: PHILAmLPSFA, & Y FEBBTOEY I t g^'4 SHERIFF’S NOTICES. fIiHE SHEKIFF IS DIRBCTED TO PUB LISH IHE FOLI.OWiNO: .DiHN:Ti:OMPSON'. Sheriff. SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Piulada., Fcd. 8, Idoi. ■ SITUPCK.N'A. State of PenvshlvaviOf ‘ Ctfy and County of.Phil-adeljiKitt **• . Tfie Cornmbnweaiui <>T Pennsylv'tinia co } iiirULi i Aunßexj Hai rodon GiSterlingand Anna M. Sit-riing, bis wife, Albert Hackman, and Buckmiic, bis wife, Algernon Sboe mak* r-aud-^nsaa-C. hl ?; \vf‘«*, Miry C. R- x, Wiiliam Feiirnfo and-bumie Peur.)sPi wife, Ueorge Rex. and Jacob L. Rex.„EU«ibetli Rex, George H. Bergen, jr., an l R.aie -.Bergen, lus wife George T. Harvey and Mary Harvey, bis vrifi 1 ; .Tobn L.'Dul-Oib'inul Rmily DilbO ! s, bis 1 wife, L-vi Rex, Jobu Rex and Freciericx Rex,, by his puarcian DanielH;'MulvUny, Georgroß. Grali.un ami J.izzte Gruliam. bis wife, Mary Itockafeliovv, Charles' Sutan Snyder, bis wife, SamuelFryail'd Auti Fry,- Us wife, David Sbalinirc:and Elizabeth Sbelmire, his wiftt, Rex’Peters and Frank Peters, who have fo: ; tbeir guardian. David Shtlmire/S imuelComli', Emma Oomly'andFrank Comly,\vhob:tve for t.ieir gu:>rrii u Edwaid Armstrong, .Toshiia Comly aud Kate Comiy, bis wife, Charles Hcebnor and Mary L. Hetbutr, bis wife, Peter Sides; Harry who has for bis guardian Peter Sides, Robert Cressweli, Elizabeth Gresswell and Jobii Cress well, vvbo have for their guardian Robert Orcss .welJ, JTo biia Y. Jones arid Catharine'Jones, bis Wife, Mary Peters, Kate Peters, Emma pr-ters and \Villiam Peters, who are minors and bave-riognar diari. We command you, that you persorially be and appear before the Judges of our Gourt of Gom mr.o P.eas, for the City and county of Philadel phia, at a <tourt to bo hoicen atPhfiadelpbia, in and lor. said City and county, on the firstMooriay ot March next’, to answer to a Bill of Complaint exhibited agairistytou in' our seid. Pourt, .by Albert : Biicl man and Algernon.„jSbo?miker^ : Executors of Ithelast \Viil arid Testament ot G?orge Rex, Cr-risod, Charier liecbner, Franklin Deriveiler, S'limiel ,H. Austin and. John M. Hildeburri, andt do lurtber and toTeceive. what oar said Court sbal hive considered, in-th's behalf. And this you ar* not to omit under the.-penalty of, four hundred ■ -- V _ - . Witness the Honorable Oswald Thompson. "President of, our. S said Copxt at th* thhtieth day of jariuary; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, i T. O. WEBB, pro Prothono'ary. MEifo'ffANPirifi—The’ Defendants * are to ei.te tbeirtappearance in the su’te in ProthonotarY* Office,:on or before the day at which tbo writ i rivurriable : otherwise the Bill may be taken pr c ovfesso. T. O- WEBB, ' feg-tuSt" pro-Prothonotary. TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU- U RANCE COMPANY.— ; Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, T 835. OFFICERS. E. Corner THIRD anil WAL NUT Street?, Philadelphia. . _ MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CaARGO, >To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, S -INSURANCES On Goode, by Kiveiy Canal, Lake and- Land Cos '- ’JriahertoAlt parts of the Union. ' 1 - FIRE INSURANdES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. 1583 . United Statea 5 cent. Loan ,S9f,OCC 0C • 75,000 ** 6 per ct Loin 5-20 S 75,000 0G ' 20,bed ** “ : li 22,000 WI 50, p00 7 3-10 pr CtTr Nts 53,250 0C 100,000 StaidofFfemta. 5 percent Loan ic0.397.» 54.000 • Qpercent «* 5T,680 tX; Philadelphia City 6 per ct Loan 127,52 i? or; . 30,j(00 State of Tennessee 5 per ct Loan OO Pennsylvania Railroad first morigage 6*per .cent, bonds... 22,300 dO,OOO Pennsylvania Railroad second j mortgage 6-per cent.bonds.. - 53,350 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and .= interest guarantied by the city of Philadelphia....*..*...—. . 15,000 5,000100 shares Stock Pennsylvania ’ - RailroadCoxcipany.......... 7,235 5,006 lOOfihares Stock North Penh 'jpylvdnia Railroad 3,650 21,000 - ** “fleates jsfind&bteaness..':;;.w 2i;t2o J 23,700 Loans oa.Bonds and Mort- - > gage, amply secured;.,...., 123,700* f 791, 750 par. cost, 8766,737 12—market ▼nine 705,200 50 Real 36,363 35 Bills Receivable forint nrances - mans 107,947 16 Balances dnentAgenclgi—pro zninms on Marins Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company...... 23,919 67 Scrip and Stock of sundry In enrinca and mother Compa- . nies, 86,803. Estimated value 3,205 00 Cash, on deposit with United Slates Got. ernment, subject to ten days*.call. €BU,ono 00 Caslu in Banin ...... 35,58 b 39. Cash, in drawer 2CJ £0 116,769 19 DIRECTORS;. r Thomas O. Hand, Charles Kelley, John O. Day is, Robert Burton, Edmund A.: SoudeT, Samuel E. Stokes, Theophilus Paulding, J. F. Peuiston, John B. Penrose,.... .... Henry Sloan, . James Traquair,- William G. Boulton, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Edward Darlington, James C. Hand, - , H. Jones,Brooke, William O, Ludwig, James B. MFarland, Joseph K.' Seal, . Joshua P. Eyre, r Ur. R. M. Huston, Spencer M’llTalne. - George G. Leiper, John B. Semple, Pitts’bs Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, " THOMAS 0. HAND, president, JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. Hxuut LTLnona, Secretary. - [jalG-stath A NTHKACITE INSURANCE GOMPANY- Ai CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ollice, No. 311 Walnut St., aboye Third, Fhila. ‘ Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, oh Buildings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. - Also—MarineJnsnrance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight.- Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. tTm. Esher. D. Luther, Lewis Audereld, :J. R. Blakiston, 70s. Mazfleld, WM. WM.F. Wm. M. Sung, Scerel LIFE INSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Accumulation near1y........ ....82,000,C00. Total Losses Paid.. 850,000. Dividends made oyer. TOO, 000 PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, • No. Jl9 WALNUT Street, i JAMES B. OABR, Agent and Attorney. ; This Company offers superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an Insurance' upon their Uves, giving to those who desire the privilege oJ settling their premiums, annually, semi-annually or onarterly; 1 The'rates RTe lower than most Companies Offer, ani^the insured are participators In the profits. The business of the Company it devoted ezeta lively to the insnrance of'lives. It is prompt in the payment of its losses. .- Any information npon >' folly given by the AGE] cessary Books and Table! ! LOOALBOAKD < Kh ,Bev. Alonzo potter, d. d. Rt. Rev. W.B. SteVeus. D; d. 1 Hon. John M. Butler.' - Alfred Jenks A Son. . S. V. Merrick A Sons, Rich. Gamed 4 Bro. T. B.PetereonAßro. Hunsworth, Eakpns & : Naylor. l • Boswell. A Wilson. Walton & Tost. ■ E B. A J. F. Orne. MEDICAL EXAMIh M. D.; Wm. Gardener, MRS. JAMES BETTS'S CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the orJy Snpportera under Medical patronage,’ Ladies and Physicians are respsetfnliy requeetedto call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence,-1030 WALNUT street, Philadelphia; (to avoid counterfeits), thirty thousand inTaUds-havlns been; adyi sed by their Physicians to nse herapulinaceß. Those only are genmne-bearing the United States- Copy wright Labels on the box and signatures also on the-Snp . porters withlTesttrPonlals . rtntb j^ILITARYAN BST. Promptly collected and BOcNTIES, procured by 1 . BACKPAY, BIGELOW,' WXNKOOP * PBJZE MONET, Sr - r „ . J CIO., SUBSISTENCE - No. 115 S. Seventh street,- CZiAIMtS - BelowOhestnut street, PASSPORTS. deil-ani} • - Philadelphia. GANARY<; .SEED. —TWENTT-FITE BBLS Prime Canary Seed in store and for sale ly WORKMAN * (JO «Ko. U Wain itreel INSURANCE 81,1*9,425 59 DIRECTORS: iDaris Pearson, Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcham, . ■HER, President. DEAN, Vice-President ja:- the £ object will be chee*- UT, together with all ne i upon the subject. IF REFERENCE. ; | Keen. & Coates. . Ihos.-RoblnS, Esq. Clem, Tingloy, Esq. * A. W. Little; Esq. : Henry Simona, Esq. Alfred Day, Esq. Jacob D. Helj, Esq. Watson Malone, Esq. George Gilback, Esq. •Thos: B. Beck, Esq. Adam Warthmnn, Esq J. A. McAllister, Esq. J. Warner Erwin, Esq. ERS T. M. Drvsdale, M. D:; J. K. Knorr, M. delS-th,s,tn,tf ID NAVAL CLAIM AGENTS. NEW 1 PUBLICATIONS. In I>iC ' al, BuoKs JUST ; PUB- 1 ' ON ME ill CAL EDUCATION: ® r 9“ proper: Method 'Oftfetodying/iMedlcinel By fciftrnue .Chew, M, D., Profess’or of the Prac- Principles of Bledieme and of Clinical Medictoea in thq Uhiversity of Maryland. - 1 yol ume, 12mo; *. ■ ¥ • Or L ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. tbp Brookrin Medical and Surgical Instiinu, by Louis Bauer, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, &c., &c.» with numerous illustrations. , 1 octavo. ' 3. .A. MANUAL-OF ; EXTRACTING TEETH. Founded on the ALatomy of the parts involved in &c. - Abraham Robertson, D. U. m otc., with numerous illustrations. 1-vol uniP, 12mo. . Q,uarteriy Jour •sv J !?-2i^. ril ?ii5 all ' redlc l ne aud Surgery. London Ldinrin. price 8C CO per annum. v.* I LINDSAY: it BLaKInT* *N. Publishers, „ felt>'- " 25 South Sixth st ab. Chestnut. ' fpWO KEMA HiAbL#L SERiYIONS." ~ “ J- . • BY REV. DUDLEY A TYNG. OUR COUNTRY’ S TROUBLES. A Sermon prcacbej in the Church of the Eni phany, June 29, 1836. Price 15 cents. 11. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL RETRI. BUTION. A Sermon preached in ihe Church ot the Cove nant. - I nly 5, 1807. Price 15 cents. - Publiihed by ; r.,. - ~, war: s & alfreb martien, fe9 •. Chestnut strost. ALLLiN S 'Lifli ■ PHi-LiDuß.—i’i±£ LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and Chess Pmyer, by George Allen, Greek Professor in the University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple mentary Essay on philidor* as Chess Author and Ciiess Player, oy Tassile Von Heldebrand and dei LXsa, Envoy ExtiTiordmary and Mimster Pleni potentiary ei the King of Prussia, at the Court 1 Saxe-Y* eimar. 1 vol., octavo, it vellnm, t top. Price SI 25. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER & CO., uus 137 South Fourth street. Theological books pamphlet* and Nt.WbPAPERS bought and, sold at JAS. BABR/S, 1 io> Market st eet. Philadelphia. fe4 MUSIC AL SKETCHES. —By EUse poiiro.— Translated trom the sixth German edition, by Fai py Fuller, i vol. lGmo. On tinted paper. Cloth. Price, Sl 25. - -- * CONTENTS.—‘ * A Mighty Fortress is our God’ * i.Bach). Iphigenia in Anlis (Gluck). Violetta (Moxart). Midsummer Nigtivs Dream (Men arlssohn). Stabatl.Mator l)oicrcsa.(Pergolssi). The Master’s Grave (Sjchubert). - The Cat’s Fugus v (Scarlatti). Snowdrops (Weber). The PI ay mates . (Pagaiiiii). A Meeting (Gretry). The Guuvent of Saint Lucia (Catalau)i. Maria (2Vlalibran). The Angel*s Voice (Handel): An Amuti (Ander le). Fallen Stars (Fanny Hensel). ?V First Lr;y (Hnydh). Rue No, 5 (Garda). A Melody (BcMdieu). DomenieO Cl'-difOsh (Cirna resa). A Leonora (Beethoven). LiUle Jean sap tiste (Lully). A forgotten One (Berger). Just ready and for eale by all Booksellers. Sent postage tree, on receipt of price, by j: LEYPOLDT. Publisher, jalS 13v3 Chestnut stre^V BUSINESS CARDS. €<EORGE IK LT»IN, MICHAEL WARTMAN. T BOLDIN & WARTMAN, , TOBACCO and O ENERAL.COMISSION Merchants, No. North WATER street arid 108 North fels DELAWARE avenue, Philadelphia. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OE PHILA DELPHIA. PEAx^ICFOBD : Cafitai. SUO.utxi, -witatha prfritege of insrcas ihe iaSSCO.ooO. . . . : NATHAN RHAWN, Cashier,late of die Philadelphia Bank. DIEBCTOCS: Nathan Hllles, jLewis Shallcross, George W- Rnawu, Charles E Krem«r, idmon B. . Benjaraiu Rowland, Jr., Edvrard Ha>es, « (Benjamin H. Bunco a, -John Cooper.- j, . The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 Main street, Frankford, for the transaction of. a General Banking Business upon the Usual terms. Collection* upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. : « Respectfully, -W- H. BRAWN, f«3-3ra* Casher. CUKN KXUHANWK BAMK, PEtUDULTHii Nor-ember 23d,' 1963. . . .. At tne election fceld 16tn Inst the tollowlnj Stockholders were, duly elected Directors of tn* Corn Exchange Bank: , ■ ■ Alexander a. Oattell, John F. Gross, .Tames Steel. jtJhrisUan j. Hoffman, |UbA Robert ErriM. H. W. Oath«rorood, William F. Cox, - ; Edmund A. Sooner, Samuel T. Canbj, iiaarle* E. Wilkie-* Philip B. Mingle, David VaaderTeeV ip ... ... VtmderreaJf^ "Jonathan Knight. / And at thft meeting of the. Board this, day jkliSX Q. CATTELL, Esq.t vu unanimouslY re-elect* ed President; and AXjKX. WHIXiUHN* '-Esq., Vice resident; and JOHN W._TOiiHEX Casn. Itr. co-’t-Omo OZO. O. STAHDKAIMB*.' ;J. W.BV MULSH DIAKBBSIBOE * 00., 'BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. .49 South THIRD street, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Uncurrent Bask Notes and City Warrants bought atthe lowest rates of discount. ja2-2m PENNSYLVANIA WORKS—on the DELA WARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. REANKY, SON A ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Don Boat Builders, . Manufacturers of AU kinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES,' Don "Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water- Tanks, Propellers, Ac:, Ac. f.REANEY, W.B.REANEY, S. ARCHBOLE, Late of Lata Bcaney, Neafle A Co., Engineer in Chle* Penn Works. Phila. fiyltl-tfl, U. S. Nary Y ANS A WATSON’S ~ SALAMANDER SAFES, STORE No.- 1C South FOURTH street, P RiXADBLPHIA, PA. A Igrge variety of FIREPROOF SAFES always on hand, cheap for cash. myl9-ly PETER WRIGHT A SONS, IMPORTERS OF EARTHENWARE, SHIPPING AND COMMISSIONMEECHANTS NO. 114 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES AWElSfity PHOBKTON PIKE. GAS FIXTURES.—WARNER, MISKEY A CO.', No. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufactn- Ters of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac.,.Ac., would callitbe attention of the public to tbeir large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They also introduce Gaspipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work warranted, 3*30 J, VAUGHAN MERRICK. WM.tt MEKBIOK, ’ JNO. E. COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AN7> WASHINGTON STREETS,. PHUADELPHIA. - MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressnre'trteam En gines for Land, River and Marine Service: Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks; Iron Boats, Ao. Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame- ROofs for Gas Works, Workshops at Railroad Stations. Ac. .Retorts and Gas Machinery, ef the latest and most improved construction. Every description ofPlantation Machinery, such Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oner gtesm Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En. ciTiCBi : ‘&C. 6 Sole Agents for-N. Blllenx’s Patent Sugar Boil- Ink Apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Ham: mer, and Aeplnwall A Woolsey’ s patent Centri fugal Sugar Draining Machine. jagl fjmeis, : dr. SCOTT’S fiW ■WSS&i LIVERY STABLES, yWY iork-avenne; between Buttonwood and Nome : ’ : streets, Philadelphia. : No Horse that can injure 'another -will bo ad: mittcdi Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or is taken aw iy.-. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons aad Saddle Btyrses to hire. New customers for.these are mostrespect fnlit requested to bring a reference: Terms mod crate, bnt cash payments "-r fojo-3inftl IUVY WEULS.—OWNERS OF PKOi*EK TY.—-The only place to gat Prlyy 1 Well* . Cleansed and dlaLnfectedat very lowprices. ; ' KouT&rii' IiaR^EES^UBE, i-'S- - • of tn/l-ly Uoldsmilh'eHaU. Uhrary etre t ! AI,KINS, Wand 12 South DelawareATenue.\ia3 J. W. TORREY. Cashier. IOLsiiHOT a. emseoß, ITHEODOEH WRI9HT. fs AUCTION SAim ’ JAEU£S A. . rBEB3V!:A£i. ! iT AITOTIOPEEBi ' EEAXi IPTaTE SALE, I'EB. 17. Tbls sale \yill .ificlnge—- r - • > . • cTui'KS. -" BOHEMIA f' EIIHKG' FTCOES: ‘ 2 shsiessipf:.. Hob-miiro Kijiir-' CranuiiaT. • STEtTBEKVILEE _JCJs WanS.‘- KilL- ROAD STOCK. 10 scares Stock Steubenville ana' Indiana Rail road. V- - :*.• *•.. HS ACRES. MONTGOMERY CO-The vain ablefarm of 175 acres, with extensive improve ments, tenant-house and out-bnildinEs Montgo mery county, iDmiiesfrom Philad. lphin, 10miles Irom Norristown, a rmies trom two stations ou rtfa North Penn. Railioud. hale absolute, - by order ol s tbe Oiphsm*’'Court of Montgomery comity. Es tate of Peter Wager, dec* d. V • GRuUFD RENTS—One of 555 per annum, out of a lot 15th, alcove Parrish sts; by £-3leet, welFsecnypd* • N One ol sC f U pernnmim, out ot a lot Ogden st, east of is’hst r '-'iC ny 50i'eet.' .Weil.secured. ; ' : ' 4 DWELLINGS, COATES bT—Nos. 1329,iai1, I233tihd 3337 Coates st; each 37 Teet h inches front by to ft et deep to a4-Teet tlley, of which they have the privilege. Will be ; sold separately. Si,sDUto rtmam oa-each house. ' * f DRJ NKili*> ALLEY—Three story brickhouse and lot; .14 icet ?% inches by’37 feet deep. Sale positive. 3-»7 N v . 21) ST—Valuable store property 19 feet 2 inches trout, ii 9 feet deep fo an. (rieet a ley leading into EHreth’s alley, of which, it-has the privilege. Oiphant’ Coujt bale—hatate of Bankson Toylor, dec d. • ; hfcr ELPRjtTB’S AELEY-—A lot of ground and dwelling.thereon, 26 feet front and 40 fees 1% in. otep cc ihe’sluean 8 Let alley,-to be lelt open at least 12 feet high). Orphans’ Court kale—eaxne Estate. . P'2 -Ei*(.Er s-T —A -genteel dwelling and lot, 20 by 70£ feet, find u lot ou the rear .51 feet 2 inches by 33 reel 4 inches. Orpliaus’ Court Sale—Same Estate. . . 124 RACE ST —Three story brick dwelling and lot, 15 by ji>}4 ffet deep.' Orphans’Court pale— Same 1 tt-te. VALUABLE PI? r PERTY. DRINKER'S ALJ : E V—a stahb'j with three small houses, and lot, 87 Joet 3 inches fruiitand 37 f-et 5 inches deep; Ojpbais’ C<ur£S;Ue—Same Fstate. GhOl NDRLNT, Sl5O-A well secured irre deemable lent out of a-jot Ririce avenue and Wal lace sts,' so by 238 feet. Orphans’ Court Sale— fcMue Estate. HANAYUKK PROPERTY— Alot with7stone and Jrrimr.houses, Main street, )Ylanavn.-k. 115 7 mehes front, M feet deep o-tbe canal, being f»'K th’fp on the eas-t line. Sa e absolute. MANAYUNK PROPERTY’—Tae pro/erty ad joining the above On Mailt street wi hatvro-story frame bouse thereon; loii ? i>' by 50 f\e? to the caial. Sale ttbsoli fe. ‘ ' MaNAYUNK. PROPERTY—Aho, 'the pro perty adjoining the above, with a two story stone house; Jot2u feet 2 inches front byab jntsU, feel •dc«p 10 the Ciina). Sale ahsoiu:p. FIfANKFOitIJ KC)AI> a two-story brick house and about thro*, quarters of. an. .acre of land, on Frai Uford Toad. abOTH Atm sU UiO f-ei f:< nt QndSOO f*et depp to Waterloo st; ?i*uit trees, i. c., stable,. carii ge hotise, tenant-house, &c. may remain. FCK SALE—?!o,tvii atO-TOAOE At Private Sale—A mortgage o: $10,090, wdi s* wtired on property in tb? heart of the city, b’larini 5 p°r having several years to tun. Y> Y t'C H N B. MYE K f: A t O AUCTIONEERS, **ot 232 and*23, hiAREi-T strft''t,ccrnor t* LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EURO PI AN INDIA AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Ac. v¥e-*iil hold a large sale of British, Gasman, f reach and American Dry Goods, by catalogue, en FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT and part for cisfc, ON THURSDAY MORNING-,FEB. IS, commercing at precisely 10 o’clock comprising -.i« packages and lots « f Brhbh, German, French, India and American. Dry Gocdsp embracing a lar?e, lull had fresh as rcnineni Wccier,”** orsiea. Linen, Cotton and Silk Gccd*-. i©r ci > nnd cofm’ry sales. . N. B.—Samties ofthesame wni bearrangedfoi rxamination, with catalogues, early on the morn. of the ealf, when dealers will And it to their •Titarest to nTj»»uii . LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOlilE^’HO AND FOREIGN DRY’ GOODS, CARPETS. : Ac., Ac. Inc-ured in cuTsale of Thursday, February IP, will be found m part the following desirable arti cles. to be s.tild on lour months, credit and part for ca>h,"viz— - •• - . snd bahsbleacfced and brown muslins. v ’ Mid bales blue drills and flannels. madder print*. cases indigo blue tickings and stripes. cases i rntucky jetins and piratalooiiiag. casts Piucy and satinets. tnse* English hero)* cari>ets. cast* fctjii-r dress foods. cases silk siriped mohairs- csmm alpncns aurt coburrs cat*.*? cloths*. CLOTHS, CASSI.'IERS, SATINETS, Ac. ON THURSDAY, 1 cb. 58 will bo ssld, about :r’J pieces Frauph cloUas, casiimorj?, nndtons, toarngs, iinen ducks, ;ti:d drills, Idovs* vt siiogs. sergt-s* Ac. IiINEN GOODS.. ’ A full asforrmeut lmvn furnishing good*, in skirling >ii.ot»s, printed aud plain handker chiefs, woYsu >irirt fro ills, table' cloths and dia pers- ■ ; . JuAI?GE SAt/E OF COTTOX HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOF SKIRTS, Ac. Included n< our sale on THURSDAY, Feb 18,- rml b« Joniulaboil* 31UU. dozen eoUvn hosiery and • gloves of a cclebraied and favorite retire, in great -wor-ln the attention 6l ibettade. -'Alsu,doz-n fancy travelingshirts. 2i:n rtt«2t‘n nest quality hoop skirts. White goods, spool cotto>>, sewing silks, silk, ties, pearl buttons, rihmniiie*. hrir brash s, kid •lure?, eisbruiered. coUais and sleeres, v£at chains, v*alb ts pipes, Ac. Alto, a Mock of fancy and. staple drygoods, to hv sold for cash. LARGE ATTRACTIVE POSITIVE SPEOIAL SALE OF SOFT HitTS. OX FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 19, At K 1 o'clock. will V>erereinptorilT-sold by cata logue, on FOX'R MONTHS’ CREDIT, C»73 cases ir.ec’s.and keys’ soft including every va riety ot fbnpr, uualitv, colors aodrt'le, n»ceutlj manufactured lor spnng sales, to vrhich vre invi’e .ilie attention of dealers, as the sale vrid be pe remptory . N. B.—Samples vcith catalogues early on the morning of sale. . .. MOSES. NATHANS, AUtrnuNEJLJS AM COMMISSION MERCHANT, South east comer SIXTH yn«i RACE Rtresr* WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of ’JuiO gold and v*atobc«v at half the usual selling prices. Watch -makers, dealers and private purchasers will, d* well by calling at the S- I* cc-rner of SisUi a*k Race ttreele, M. AT PRIVATE SALE. 56 Potars’» Philadelphia cases English Paten; Lever "Watches, of the most appro\«l and bat* makers; some of them, have live pairs extra jewels, and vary fine aod high cost movements., If ap plied for immediately they can be had singly, o; the lot at sfca eaca. The cases -will wear equal It solid gold cases. "AT PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAN HAU - THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. - .EiliS gold magic case,' hunting case and donbl: bsfttos? patent-leycr watches, jail jeweler Arid plain, bi is.- Blest approved au? best makers; flue gold hunting case anti open v face Geneva pa, *eht lever —d leplne watches; ladles’ fin* gold cnafneled diamond watches; fine gold America! hunting ease, patent lever .watches, of the most anpioved styles; lice silver hunting case nr.doper face English' patent lever watches,; of the most approved and best, makers-, fine silver hnnfint case American patent lever watches, of the mo« Sbproved makers; lino silver hunting case and. open lace Swiss and French patent idver and •opine watcher; independent second and donblt iirna lever watches; Buyer qnartler English, Swiss and French watches; fine gold-plated wntchet: Peters's patent watches, fine English movements, and numerous other watches. Very fine English twist double barrel fowling pieces, barr and -back - action locks, come very COSUy ’ MONEY TO LOAN, m large, or small amounts, on goods of Iverj description, for anv length of time agreed on SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings; stores, or .elsewher*, and, wnen- required, two-thirds of the yalhe ol the goods will be advanced in anticipation of salt. CONSIGNMENTS ? of goods ol every description solicited for out public sales. Very line sewing machines; several superior. Hammocks; line gold chains; jewelry of every description: diamonds, and numerous otheT arti cles. . •- -■/ _■ Very fine double barrel dues guns; breech lead ing; 1 carbines; revolving rifles- fine English riflw: revolvers, led T\RAIN FIFE —Montgomery Terra Cotta gJ -Works: . Price List for 1864. 2 inch pipe per 3 feetrleiigtb cents, ■•' : 3 inch pipe per 3 feet length 3G cents. . 1. 4 inch jnpe per S feet length 48 cents. . sinch pipe pet3feetlength 60. cents. •>/■•• * 6 inch pipe per 3 feet length ; 75 cents,. We- are prepared to furnish stone-ware pipe, glazed inside and outside» from midiametor, inlargecr Small varieties of Traps,-Behdsj and other connections. Liberal discountl?°qoLLlN ARHOADS, . ;.**> J;::; Mk^trir^.-rblladelphia,, AUCTION' SALES. M SLUMS; AUUTXONEKaa ' Ml Soinh FnnrthL*JTBf , t I . , tbe assets of the Bantt of .■ pr'ii bJ lT 13 E o3l P°ostl to the first Tuesday'in. S STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE noon 6 tx^a B£ e > TUESDAY, at : of each property issued eeparatelv. 1 and on . the featijrdaj previous to uach sale uk»- catalpgnes, In pamphlet form, givingduUdescrlD. tions,-.. * t&~ Particnlcr attention given to sales at private residences, Ac. v , - FURNITURE SALES at thb AUCTION STUBEr LYEBY THDBSDAY .. ?• EXECUTOB’S.SALE OF STOCKS.' - - ON- TUESDAY', FEB. -21, Atli o’cioch noon. at the Exchange by orderof Executor— -5 ebares Pbiladelpbia Bank. 13 shares Corn Eicbange Ilanlr, ibtia t-s I’.jiiis} ]-\ anlii- Kiuiroad. : 4 tbaresEn'/.:e*on Coal Co. Satofl-y Ms ok. HEidTJONAL SALE OF STOCKS. Alto,, for other-uccouLis— •=’.'••• . - l - ICO shar.s Girard Lank, lthfihnres UiiioulVtutt.ci rhsuronco'COi BEAL,ESTATE SALE F58..21. Freci'tois’ .Sale-Estate ~f Charles Williams, tire d-r-vanpAßLn Bcsii-ess stiku-MODERN 1 FOUR-STORY- »RIOK- STORE, No. Sooth Second st, be - we»-n:Spruce.«Trd Dock sts. . • - THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0 .528 i crih Tliirteen»ii st, corner of Brandy Winn st, I\Yi -SIORY FRAME DWELLING, No. 108 Federal s’. • VALUABLE FARM, 285 ACRES nock tewuship, Monroe county,pa*, 15 milts west -bt Mroudsbusg. r V Valuauxu Busctesp 4 Stand—FlVE-STORY IRON -FROJL. BANKING HOUSE sooth abovew<iiuut st.- Executor’s peremptory SoIe—BUSINESS LO-' 1 CAIION, N 0.617 PatsyunU South st. tVALUABLL-FAHM, 372 ACRES Montgomery : com.t.v. Fa., 20 miit-s from Phi’adeipbia,2*£ mil-a from GwyDfdd station and I a 4 ' miles • rum North ■ Walts Station “on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. A WELL SECURED GROUND RENT OF S4B a venr. • .THiEE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LlN<4, No. 4i4ntrth Frontst. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,No,, ICC Kiargaxftta st, west of Fmntst - : v * BUILDING LOT, Montgomery avenue, 18th. Vard. Bl 11 DING LOT, Vienna st, 3S?h Ward. e’sSale—VALUa BLETHREE STORY_ FBIC KWA RIHOUSI, 2 5i ,» 251 and; i:OTth BK OAD st, 95 f-et front 1 lyo feet deep. PVrer.pfory Sale—TWO-STORY BR’CK . LWILLINC, No. THREE-STORY BRILK DWELLING, No. ?I7 Ewpi.ih st, s mill ofpgden st. ' * VAI.UABLE LOT OF GROUND, 40 by 20» Riehmohd st, KenMh> t. n. - " NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.524 south .Drib st, betweau liombard anil >outh sts. ' ; ’ * VALUABLE THKEI-STORY BRICK DW ELLING, No. 224 north Tenth st, between. Race aed Vine s*s. 1 v 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWETLINGS, Ncs 3537 and 1519 Vine ft; with 7 three story j rick.dwellimrs in the rear. THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, 3525 V in* st, with 3 three-story brick dwellings in the .ear on P*:ulic. '•" Ptr mptcn- SaIe—THREE STORY ERICK and DWtILING, No 1632 : Tf-iue, betv.een Girard st and Girard avenue, •J’ : h W; rd Mf BERN DOUBLE BRICK RFSTDENCE, and •. bout 2>i Acre?, Wyomtng avenue, east of the Nor h S- com* st*e--t Road. VALUABLE FARM, about 01 Acres- -East I’rarrU wine t»»wi ship. Chester countv, Pa. VALUABLE COUNTRY’ SEAT," JO - a fes. Bi tnleh* m Yurnpike,; Chestnut Hill, about* one j south of.’he Chestnut Hill l)et-o*.. LARfi V and VALUABLE RESIDENCE,- No. > 267South4th site t, between Walnut and Spruce sts».,vr th brick st-ble and cosoh bo»»ie in the rear. ’ THREE-STORY; BRICK DY, r ELLING, No: 172i> Mairice sireer, w©*t of 17th street. REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 1. - . - 'Trustee’s- S»l*»—Estaie of Joseph T. Bailey, dec’d—ELEGANT BRICK RESIDENOB. with all rsederti"-ronv«uivirces. No. 133 J CHESTNUT st,\rrst©f 13th st. oppu ilu the Mint Same Estate— MODERN FOUR STORY -BROWN STONE RKSIDENCS;' Noe, 1332 CHESTNUT st, adjoining the aboY* —has all; the rnotlern conTeuiences.. ■_ ' *; 4 IRRF3»EEMABLE GROUND RENTS Otpbant’ t'curt Sale—of vY. Patterson, old IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS Sue ea* h. Sate bv ©rc*r of Heirs— 2 cld IRREDEEMABLE GROUND BINTS, at-IUO each. SATE OF MIFCEULANEOUF, SCHOOL AND ' 31 EDIIAL BOOK-=. , ' ' ON WEDNESDAY Feb. " Tib, at' the aticivil c'tor , ad ss-iortment of cvlia;.eci.s, school ami nicd.cal books ' c rl a at "Nos. »J*9 anct U 1 south Fourth st. SIT Eli I OK FURNITURE, ELEGANT PIANOS, MELODI ON, MIRRORS. FIRE PROOF safes, bagatelle table, . FINE VELVET OAR! ETS, Ac.. .Vi ON THUBSTtAY MORNjNG, At it o’ * lock, at ihi* auction s or-', snpprtorfurni- Infe, .hpc. r.t rotev-oed v n.l. t'VC piano by libarahit & Gabler, A. w \ (rt: o m by Sc bo laotiier: one by Gilbert A-Co ; mantel mirror; 2 flrevreofs- fey by Hewirg, 11,.0 velvet carp to Arc. 31 o '.Swine and ir Bdv cl tf, giu and Port v i.ie pipes—s ilabb 1 mr '!ook ;iA ; nr.'. BY IdUiaac BlitO H a. Sv N- Auetioneers.and Commission Merchants. No. 914 CHESTNUT aßiw Ninth, Sale at No. 914 Chestnut Street. new and., secondhand household -FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, CAR PETS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At lc o'clock, at the auction store. ..No. did' Chestnut street, will be sold— A lerg- assortment ut jeonsehol-i fnraUnre' from . Jamiiira remoring. Tbomcs Btrcb A Son c.-dl, giro tfteir persotsaj attealioß to tie sale oi Farnimre at the residence of those about breaking no hourcireeping or re moving. Also, hold sales of furniture every FRIDAY HORNING, at 9 o’clock, at th.tr ipaeious Waierooms. No. 91C Chestnut strep' Furness, bkinley a *•>>. v.». cis CHESTNUT and (iid .T AYNE street Philip ford a cu., auctioneers. 5i5 Market and S2d Commerce streets. LARGE POSITIVE'SALE OF 1500 OASES BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS, Ac ' ON THURSDAY MORNING, FEB IS. ■Will be sold by catalogue, for easli, comnieneing at 10 o’clock precisely, 15tH) cases Boots, Shoes, Brc%aa?, Balmorals, <Ja!'ors, gllpctn, A?., em bittclbg a priine AiiSHihSat &lgss2!, •litevi fio.a maiinfactnrere,' adapted to sjfring sales. S3~ G oods open for examihation with catalogues early on the morning of the sale. • RT. HAZEL!, AUCTIONEER.— IMPOif . TANT POSITIVE SALE OF- OVER Siu.ttli avor.TH HARDWARE AND CUT LERY, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 94th,and following days, until the whole is sold, commencing at 10 o'clock each dav. at'No 3 PLAIT strert, Naw York, (by order of Messrs. C. W. SCoileraAc-eb.c who are declining the Hardware branch ia'their basinets). . The entire sto k of H»T)f and .Shelf Hardware, Cutlery Ac.. • coaiaiatA-iuJlid-shire^. comprising a large and general assortment of Uc- , sirable gcodsc all of which wi'l positively be soldv TtrmsAf sale. Cash,-in bankable fnnd3r ' iCntalogues will be'ready on Friday,lBth inst.» and. can:be liad on application to the auction* era. ■ ' :t*-uitte'JOEE & haze Li,, r>-3 I .lbcrvy. street, NewTortr.; > fetC-JOtt GEOSSE A BLACK WELS’ S ENGLISH PICK LES,'SAUCES, Ac.—loo casks of these cele brated gooes landing, comtirising Gherkins, Pica lilli, Chow Chow. Mixdd' Cauliflower,; OnionsJ Also Spanish Olives, Walnut andilushroom Cat sup,; Anchovies, Durham Mustard. Also Sauces, ■viz.: Worcestershire,: London Club, Prince-of Wales, Beading, Harvey, John Bull, Soho, An chovy, .Lobster, Koval Table, Soy, '&c. Imported and for sale Ly: JOS. B. BUSBIER& CO., 108 South Wharves.. ' ' US. B. „ . The Universal Spring Bed, easiest, cheap est and best in use. Hair, l’alm and Hush Ala'- tresses,.feather Beds. Comfort and Spreads, . , PIIILBE.OOK & CO. ,/359 - deel-hmo TCo. U Snath Seventh street. fiTiWH VEAKii >OAJ j j ft veiy superior S article for DEfIiRSIYE and WASHING purposes Put up in tin cans of one, flve,. ten and, nonlute. Liberal discount to the trade. Sr” /le P by GEOBGE ALKENB, Hi anllS Boutb Delaware Averne. .te11.., .- f-iUPONT’S GUNFOWDEH—SUPEBFUOI n sporting and all other ..kinds of' Ehgle (Jun- MWdsr. Gunpowder for blastingand, shipping ; also, Government Prooi for ordnaccaand military service; Gann on. Blusitet and EUfle Powder, to. . »a.'e bv WILLIAM S. JBANT. SIS South Del' r *'’••■”11;! ; J." 1 - 1 - . Yellowuetal sheathing.—cbook er Brothers it. Oa..‘s Taunton .Yellow Metal Sheathlng, 'Bolts, NaUs'and Spikes of aU'sire3, to store andtor saleby. WILLIAM 8 :GI6ANT» .19 "DICKMAN'S UNRIVALLED _vaMTJTLA- .. IE INGSWigslAito Hralde. TTelf Dip, nnrfa. - T ‘fitf *ai|P by B. U SOVSSBA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers