SECOID 10ITIOX 'B ¥ TE LE QJB AP H, LATE NEIS EAST TENNESSEE, Affairs Unchanged at Chattanooga andKiiczville. General Sherman’s Pro- gress in Mississippi. INTERESTING FKOM NORTH CAR- OLINA. TO-DAY’S WASHINGTON NEWS. Proceedings in Congress and Le- gislature. ~ FROM CHiTTAKOOGA. Cincinnati, Feb.: 16.—The Gazette’s latest Chattanooga despatch, of the 12th inst., says rain has bees falling furiously for the past 24 hours. The situation of Johnson’s rebel army was unchanged. ' ‘ / General S herman’s progress excites great consternation among the rebels. Eighty-four rebel deserters came in on Sa tnrdiy. The trains run regularly on all the railroads. FEOM KNOXVILLE. , Cincinnati, February 16.—General Foster 1 passed through here yesterday. .Generals Schofield and Stoneman arrived at Knoxville on the Dth inst; The situation, at Knoxville is unchanged. The Union citizens report that Longstreet had J the railroad in running order to Strawberry Plains; FROMNOSTH CAROLINA. Knur Tobk,' Feb. 16.—Newbern, (N. C.) advices of the 18tli have been received. Major-General Peck has returned and as sumed, the command. He bad issued an order fo r the troops to hold themselves in readiness for offensive or defensive action at a moment’s no tice, night or day. The Henderson <N. C.) Times, a fearless opposition paper, desires to know of President Lincoln how-fie can expect 'North Carolina to return to the Union, robbed .as she is, of her. own. and in the absence of a sufficient Federal force in the eastern part of the State; to render.the necessary. assistance in case'of emergency. : , The Ealeigh State Journal, a rebel print, has been suspended, for want of support; The Wilmington Journal thinks that ah at tempt will he made to take North Carolina out of the Confederacy. The Baleigh Standard opposes the taking of the principals of-substitutes out of the State without giving' them a hearing before the judges. ■ The Wilmington Journal announces the as sembling of the Home Guard of New Hanover, for three months’service. ’ , A meeting of the people , of .Wake county held on the 23d inst., to express the Tienjs of the county on the subject of holding a State Convention. The Newbera Times , suppressed by General Palmer, has resumed its publication. ; r General Peck has issued a general order returning thanks to' the oncers' and men for their gallant repulse of. the rebel General Pickett, with more than twice their numbers. ' FROM MISSOURI. Sr. Louis, Feb. 15.—The 15th Missouri, veteran volunteers, arriyed to-day from Chat tanooga, and were enthusiastically received by a large' concourse of. citizens, who i escorted: them through the streets. ' ‘ They were also escorted by several civic so cieties. to Hall, where refreshments weieprovided for them and a flag was pre sented. The streets were densely thronged with people and flags waved from.nearly every housetop. : General Eosecrans visited Jefferson City to-- day, and was formally received by Governor' Hall, General Brown, and a committee of.both Houses of the Legislature,-who escorted him to the Hall of the House of Representatives, = where he made a speech to the joint session of the Assembly, upon the condition of affairs in Missouri;. r . He said the great object to be attained in the State now is the restoration of law and order, and invited the members to give him informa tion of the condition of affairs in their respec tive. Sections, and their judgment as to the: bestineans for'accomplishing that end.' • j; The telegraph' is' completed to Little Rock, Arkansas, via S t. Louis and Fort : Smith. FROM WASHINGTON. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] "Washington, Feb. 16. —The increase of the salaries of the Assistant' Secretaries, and :the First, Second, and Third Assistant Post Master-Generals, in the Senate yesterday, will be vehemently opposed in the House. '■ - Th e -whiskey debat eis to 'be resumed again, in the House.. Both sides are confident of tri umph. The whole contest is upon the propo sition to tax whiskey on hand. : V 1; Gen. Sickles and Gen. Kilpatrick are'still in Washington. . .. Calebs. Wright, of Philadelphia, offers to charter the steamer Gen. Hooker to the gov ernmental the rate of forty-five dollars perday. •Murdoch’s reading last night in the Senate Chamber was qnite a success. . The. President, Vice President,-and a large and appreciative audience richly enjoyed the reading, and Mr. Jjafvier’s new poem on “Gettysburg.”: XXXVIIITH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION. „ Washington, Feb. IG. Senate.— The bin granting lands to the State of Oregon, to aid In the construction of military roads, was passed, v ■ .•> On motion ot Mr. Harris ( N. Y.) the bill repeal ing statutes ’of' limitation m certain cases-was eal’edvip and passed. . . The bill as amended pro vides that, during the existence 'of 'the' .rebellion, .the .tune- during which a- person shall be beyond the' reach ef legal process shall not be deemed or taken' a •' any’part of ihp time. Hmitrd'-'by law for tlie com- a-nation. \ " ‘ ' : ‘‘' ’ ) - On TOoiiun of Mr. Lane, Senate pro (“‘itrd to the .eon&ideration.oi' the bill setting' ajpitrt'ccre.tiii 1 ands'.ih Texas ,for the use, of. persons of African drove nt. • ■ • Mr. Lane proceeded to address tbe Senate at length on his bill. . ROUSE ok REPEESEXTATIVK3 ;Mr.: Dawes (Mas .) earuesily urged that the credentials of-lames M. \ Johnson, representative elect from Arkansas, should be referred' to the Committee on Elections.,' Colonel Johnson, he ssid,: brought with him the Constitution of; Arkansas as n Free State-the -first unwilling . . frnils- that., had' - been wrung from, the, rebellion. Mr. Dawes reg irding it ns extraordinary that Mr.-, Davis, of . Maryland, should bave.movrd, as lie had. done on a previous day,, to Thy thes-e credentials on ihe table without even giving the gentleman from Arkansas a fair hearing., . . Mr. Davis (Wd.) said his objection was that these credentials assumed the pre-existence of a Stale Government, which was not.irne in point of fact. They must first, ascertain whether there is'a State Governmen t there, before they enter ain the question of admitting a representative. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. hi . ■ • v._ Haruisbuiki, Feb.-16, The Senate met, but,no qnornm being present, jt adjourned at once. . . . House.— The Honse was engaged in the con sideration of about fifty private hills of no interest to Philadelphia. The following bills; passed the liret xosding and will be finally considered-this afternoon;. An act relative to party and parti tion walls; an act extending term oT office of con stables to flyeyears; an act incorporating the Ger mantown and Chestnut Hill Turnpike and an act incorporating the Hamilton Park-Association. " OLD VIRGINIA STATE CONVENTION. [By the People's Telegraph, fit Chestnut street, J Washington, Feb. 16.— A Convention to amend the State Convention of Virginia met at Alexandria on ’Saturday and again yesterday. Delegates have been elected from Alexandria, Fairfax, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Loudon counties. The district of York, Warwick and Accomac and Northampton. THE GOVERNMENT. GOLD. • "Washikgton, Feb. 16.— Thors is an evident disposition on the part of Congress to grant authority to Secretary Chase, to sell the sur plus gold in the Treasury. His friends assert that the receipts at the Custom Houses, be tween now and July : Ist,: will be more than sufficient to .meet the-specie demands at that time, - . and . that a judicious use of even-half? of the twenty-two' millions of gold now in the treasury .will put a stop to export ations in gold. Others fear that if this gold is taken, from the Treasury, it will be sent abroad and will have a disastrous effect upon finances. FROM KENTUCKY. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 15.—Geh. Burbridge is reported as the successor of Gen. Ammen, as Commander of the United States forces in Kentucky,. ■ FEOM COLORADO TERRITORY. Dekvik Cut, Colorado, Feb. 16.—Resolu tions recommending: the re-election of Pre sident Lincoln were passed- by both branches of the Legislature unanimously, to-day. James D. Clark, the Pay Clerk of the Branch Mint in this city, absconded on Saturday night with $30,600 in greenbacks and gold. „v. THS RECIPROCITY TREATY. St. John's N. F. Feb. 16.—A meeting of the Commercial Society was held yesterday, to consider the operation of the Reciprocity Treaty. A decided - expression of opinion, however, was postponed until.the setipn nf the neighborly CclOmes was known. Itis under stood that onr merchants are generally strongly against the continuance of the Treaty. The .weather is cold. The thermometer stands ten degrees above zero,, The,wind is northeast. There was a great easterly gale yesterday. THE WEATHER. " New York, Feb. 10, H o’clock. —The snow is falling fast. Montreal, Feb. 16. —The trains will prob ably be late to-day. A heavy snow storm fell on Sunday and .drifted considerably. It is snowing again this morning and drifting. The temperature is moderate. THE HAT-EODY PATENT CASS. Washington, Feb. 16. —The hat-body patent case is being continued to-day in the IT. S. Su preme Court. Elaborate specifications and plans of .machinery are to-day being explicitly explained to the Court.’ The attendance; of spectators is more than usually large. New YonK, Feb. . 10.--Cotton quiet at ‘jßlJfe." Flour quiet, rales of 5,000 bbls. at unchanged prices: uhio is quot“d at 7«f a7X, but holders are asking an advance of salUc. Wheat is lc. better, sales ot 03,001) bushels at SI SflaSl SO for Chicago Spring;. SI 57sSI 01 for Milwaukee Club and SI 7O for Red. Corn quiet and quotations ore irregular; sates 0f05,000 bushels at Si atlaSl 21 for New Yellow Jersey. Pork Arm. Bard buoy.-. antatl3al3S. Whiskey dull and nominal. " ]3,t>6S bbls; Wheat, 2,GU7bush. : Corn,t, 422 bushs. Baitihobe, Feb. 16 Flonr dull; Howard Street 875 Wheat arm: Kentucky White SI 05. Coffee steady at 33’fa34X- Whiskey dull; Ohio offered at Die. : , MAJOR-GENERAL HANCOCK AT THE NEW ’ YOBK FBODUCE EXCHANGE. Major. General:W. - S. : Hancock, Commandant of the 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, visited the New York produce Exchange, yester day. Atthe close of the regular business hoars, Mr. Archibald Baxter, President of the New York Commercial Association, forinally called the attention of the merchants to the fact that. General Hancock was present and would address them.ln -explanation el-the object of,his visit. As the gallant General made his eppearance at the Presidential desk, he was most enthusiastically cheered. ; * Gen. Hancock took his stand on the desk, and was again wamrly applauded. He expressed his inability to'thank themeeting for its friendly at tention to him ; bis voice be was afraid, was not strong enough to render his words audible all over tbe floor. However, they must take the will for . the.deed, and accept the assurance or bis most . sincere L thanks. Jle . was . authorized by his government to come. North to stimulate re cruiting lor.his'corps.-whichhad been; detailed for ’ special service, the importance of which would bo • made manifest in good season. The Spring cam paign he thegrea'estand to ail appear ances the last cimnalgn of the war. To makeita . decisive oneln vindication ofthenationalanthority .all over, the insurrectionary States, it was necessary ■■ thatonr armies should beprpmptly and generously reinforced. There were nineteen regiments from' this State in tbe f d Corps of the Array of the Poto mac. All of themhad achieved for themselves a glo rious name in history, aiid most substantial claims to the grateful-remembrance of their'fellow-citl ■zens. ’iThey’had never Tost’ a flßg, a gnn, or he mightadd, a fight. They had lost since the war began,-or since their organization Into a corps, as many as twenty-Ave thousand brave men, and to replace those fallen heroes, with a view to the per fection of the glorious ■ work in prosecution of Which they had eo intrepidly sacrificed their lives, would reqniie only an energetic patriotic effort on the part of the people of the Empire State. This effort should be promptly, made, and it was to stimulate his fellowtcitizens to make it thus, that be had called upon" them. To raiseafnndto en able those having charge of recruiting for the 2d Corps to. pay this preminm, was the main object of his visit to, the Produce Exchange. The General, on cohcluding his address, was again applauded.- The following resolution was then adopted: Whereat, The members of the Commercial Asso ciation of New York have heard the address of Major-General Hancock, and feel deeply inte rested m the great work in which he is engaged; • therefore, be it . ..... . ’ ' Resolved, That a Committee of- five be now ap pointed by the Chairman to procure funds, with the object of assisting in AlliDg nplall the old New York City regiments of the 2d Army Corps, for special service, to be commanded bv Maior-Gen. .Hancock. ■ J Clebks.— -As many as one thou sand additional'clerks and employ es of various grades are authorized ■in the different Depart ments at Washington, by the deficiency hill, to serve for a term-not exceeding one year after, the close of the present rebellion. Feniales (at a salary, of $6OO per annum), instead of males,are to be employed, as far as possible. - ‘ .tHJi l6. 1554. TEE QUOTA UF I’ll ILADELPHI4. IMEORTANT LETTER FROM- THE ; PROVOSf - The following: inipci iahfr :etterha3 been politely bonded to us.for publication: . ' War uii’ARTMKNT, Provost Marshal- Gkn e*al’s Oprice, W-ashixgion, D. 0., February 13, 16G4. ; * bon. F. Spbkcer Miller, Chairman, &c., /• Pennsylvania. • reply to your letter of tbo sth to the Kon. Secjetary ol War, I am directed to'say that the quotas to the Congressional under the President 1 s call for 600,060 men, are as follows:, , Ist bistiict, coirpri6ing 2d; 3d, 4tb, sth, 6th : and i 1 th Wardsl.... .3,3.17 2d District,. comprisiLg'lst, 7«h, Bth, oth and 10th W ards ..... ..3,961 3d District, comprising 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, Itith and \9tb Wards;,... 4,632 4th Diet comprising 14th, isth r 20th, 2lst and 21th Wards;.... V................ 1,527 sth List., comprising 22d, : 23d, 25th Wards, . and Backs. county..;. ..T;...................3,212 Fiom (heti* are to he, deducted for credit up to January 31st, tbe followingnumbers; Utl‘ist. 3 -to be deducted 1,2t s 5, leaving due 2,112 2d do. • do. 1,757, .do 2,201 3d do. ; do. ; 1.908, - do 2,724 41h do." do. 2,054, - do 2,473 sth do. . do. 1,740, do -•-1,472 Theeß lsst numbers are' snbjeot to still further deductiom- form*-" who en ist and are mustered fir credit to.the districts-to March Ist. .--; • : The distribution of these quotas among th» Wards is" done by the A cting Assistiut Provost- Warshal General in who has been, furnished with detailed instructions as to making Eaid distribution. Any information concerning quotas assigned to wards uiider the-, quota assigned by this office to the districts, can be obtained from Major Gilbert, A 7 A. Provost-Marshal General. , ’v Very TesivFctlullv, your obt. svt., ■ HENRV E. MAYNADIEB, < Capt; US. A., in charge of^Enrollment Bateau. to the above letter, the number of men requiied, up, to tbe Ist of January, from tbe five districts, was 10,985, but as about two-thirds ■ of the population of the fifth district belong to Bucks county, the whole deficiency of Philadel phia..was probably less than 10,000. From Jan. 31st to Feb. 13th the number of enlisted men credited to Philadelphia was only 1,525. This lelta deficiency on that day of -about 8,475, to be made up by volunteering between this acd March Ist, or by a draft afterwards. This statement should stimulate the ward bounty committees to new exertions. • Needles’ Tedss asd Brace Depabthent.— Xiadies* store on Twelfth street, Ist door below Kace, (Conducted by l*adies.) Gentlemen will apply to C. H. Keedles, on the corner. The most thorough assortment of best makes of every article in the line will be found here, and adjustment made with professional exactitude. W Hire Felt, Coeh asd Bdhioh Plasteb. —A small invoice just received. For sale by the dozen or single box, Bowxn, Sixth and Yine. Bowse’s Isfant Cobdial is the oldest, safest and best remedy for yielding relief to children teething. Sold by Bower, . Sixth and Green, and by all Druggists. “Glycebdie Lotioh,” from “Woods’,” of Boston, received and for .sale at Needles’ Drug Store. Twelltb and Race streets. BXZSS B. TELL It BON, STOCK BROKERS, Be. S3i WAL- BEFORE 606 sh Coulter Mining 4,V 300 sh do bio 4H loeeb do if( 300 lb do 4 a lOdihPennaß bo td 100 ih Seh Nay prfd bs&in 40 100 sh do . 40 . leoihSciNar svv 360 eh do S 3 200 sh Marquette Min fcS 4 100 sh Fulton Coal Co M 0 7*f 100 eh Mandan Mln’g ; blO 7X 200 sh Pa Oil Creek Mil 25 sh Richmond Gas 10K FIRST ] ,16009 DS 4s *-20s 107 sooo Pemna Ca MJU I too - do 9414 400 City Cs saw 195 U 3000 AlleghyCo £s 76 1000 Fa R 2d mtg 6s 108 6009 PhilkErieß 6s 105 170 NPa R Scrip 97 20 sh Lehigh Scrip 6> X 15shCamttAm 162 IS3 sh MlmehUl R 6S.!f 4 el) Chester Val R 414 5 sh do 6 200 eh Hunt & Broad Top R 22 100 sh do bso 22 ion sh 17th A 19th lSji 27G sh 13th k. 16th st 40 50sh Chest&WalnutOl 50 sh Arch St R S4R 6sh Little Sch B 49* 50 ih' do ' blo-50 50 sh do ■ bsoeoji 60 ah New Creek 1 % 200 sh Elmira R 37 6 sh Elmira R prfd 52X PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (By Telegraph.) nnsT CALL. SECOND dALL. American’Gold.. 160’f bid .... bid Chicago and R. Island.. .... bid ....sales Readingßailroad.. 61X bid .... sales mi nois Central.... .bid f .... sales Galena and Chicago.... .... bid .... sales New York Central 133 x bid ' .... sales U. S. 6s’Bl int off 11l bid .... sales Erie 115 bid ' ...‘. sales Harlem. ....101 bid .... sales Cleveland and Toledo bid ....sales Excited. ...... FINANCE AND BUSINESS—FEB. 16,1864. There was lets activity at the Stock Board this morning, and for some of the speculative shares priceß were less'firm. The upward tendency noted in Government Loans for some days past, still con tinues, and prices again rose X cent., the Five- Twenties and the Coupon Sixes selling at 107. State Fives were steady at 94Jf, and City Loans at 101 X and 105Jf. Pennsylvania Railroad advanced after the close of our report yesterday from 84 to 90, and this marning 70 was bid ex dividend. Little' ShuylkUl Railroad advanced to 50@50}f. Mine Hill Railroad was Arm at 61Jf. Reading, Railroad was unsettled, influenced by a sudden'decline in New York, and fluctuated between 62X063; with large sales. Catawlesa Railroad Preferred was steady a( 44. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad advanced J(. .Schuylkill Navigation Preferred was firm at 40@ '4(jx b. 30, at the latter figure. Susquehanna Canal closed at 26X bid, and 26 asked; '"Onion Canal was steady at 4 and'6jf. for the Common' and Preferred stbek. Lehigh Navigationwas firm at 60X,and the Scrip at 60X- Oil Creek sold to the extent of twelve :thousand shares. at 11X—an advance of The ‘other Mining Btockß-were rather irregular. Bank shares were held firmly. Passenger Railway Becu : rijies are advancing. Chestnut and Walnut Streets sold at 61—anadvance of X; Arch Street at 34X— an advance of !.(•, Green and Coates Streets at 44 an advance of Xi and Seventeenth and Nineteenth ’Streets at 18X—an advance of IX. ■ jay Cooke at Co. quote Government Secnrith a Ao,, M follows! Noon, Feb. 16,1861. Buying. Selling. U.S.6’b, 1861. ..100X' liox U;S.7B-1 Notes, Augu5t.......j..n0 111 ' “ . . Uctober..,lo9X 110 X Certificate of Indebtedness.... 103jJ 103 X “• .. “ew 99X 99X Quartennasters’ V0ucher5.......... 98jz • 99 U.S. DemandN0te5................ .. 6-20 Bonds, full coupons ’.V.V.V.V.V.V. XO6X IOTX Deliveries ofMO Bond's’Mebeing Utli, inclusive. At thePhlladelphlaGold Exchange,No.34South Third street, second story, Gold quotations'were at the following rates: «■- Mr Febeharv 16,1864. 9jf A. M., 160 X. 12X P. M., 160 X. 1 1XA.M.,160X . |IX P. M., 160 X. Market fluctuating. The official averages of the Banks In'the city of New York, for the week ending Saturday last, Feb. 13,1864, present in the aggregate the following changes from the previous weekly statement or Increase .of Boanß. • $*,013,483 Decrease of Speoie. 649.338 of Circulation......—i i - ~~ Decffidse of Circulation . ; 68J0M Increase of Undrawn Depoaltß 6,975,674 Including the Exchanges- between the Banks of Saturday afternoou’th§ CITY ’BULLETIN. MAREHAL-GES ERAL’S OFFICE, COMMERCIAL. • KUT 6TEXET. SALES OF STOCKS. BOARDS. 609 sh SusqCnl M Vis. MOih- to b3O 26 500 ah . - do bJidnt '3% 100 gh PhilaAEneS bls S3K toosh do 38’4 200 sh do - bl« tooshßeadß 62. I .' 100 ah do 2 days 62jl 290 sh d« t’S 209 Sh do bis 62J4 109 Sh do bX> (2% ftWsh do b2O 6214 100 sh do . sash 6214 IGO sh do bio 61 >5 100 sh do b10(2% 100 sh do b 5 62% 400 ah do 62X tOARD. 1209 tii FnltonCatlOo 7 V ; lot ah Green Mount 7 ; 160 eh to blO 7 ■ 10t th Girard Mining TH 300 sh to b 6 Hi I£o th HandanMlnl’g 7J i lOSah Phils, k ErieH iS* M 7 th Sch Not jrfd 40 ; 290 th do b 5 41) 150 th do WO 49 % • 59 th Catawiaaa pfd 44# 900 th do 44 740 th Oil Creek 11 200 th do b3O u,#' 100 th do 11 r 190 th do. bS 11 I 209 th .do bSO ll.v 4oc th Read R b3O 63 100 th do bio C2J£ 100 th do blo 92K 750 th do 2 days 61# 100 th do blO 61# 400 th do . J MO 62# 133 th do 6i% 100 th do blo 62« ; 100 th do b2O 62% cumtianson with the previ report, and hlho with- the movement..of tma tinie laat year: . ; : .; -.■, -; : "Feh.l4, ’ua.' l'cb.r.l >b-1. Fe’>:‘*G, mi. - ~69,128,0C0 09,722,6f!8 69,722,508 r“5, 175; IP3, £92 113,690.329 1d3,076,519 ****** 38,426,4(0 23,521tt53; 21,07*,791 Circulation....... 8,766,317 6,!;16,717 5|9717ti2 GroBS I.ejioßits.. .211,0: [),?:*i 218,-20,-;.;o 12(u,75L20G Exchanged 41,189,851 ; 77;9f8;624 yo “03 i 6; re'-tW.tSO.SSO. !4(1,4«;516 13.7,319,042 In SUD-Treasury.. 9,834,629 ; 33,210;663 35 233 715 # ' - ••' ■'rts, •- ■ . . • PHILADELPHIA MARgCTK Ttesdatt,—'There is'verj little Quercifcro Bark here, and No, lls firm., at; s37,ton. ■ ' There is not much Cioverseed uoming forward and it rangeß from 64 fts. for old and new crop., deluding too bags to gb outof the market at ‘. Timoth y ia lower; small sales ats3 6( @3 b 2y a bushel. Flaxseed has declined to |3 2S@3 bushel. ' The Flour market is dull and prices favor buyers. There is yery little;shipping demand and; only low barrels extra family and fancy sold at *7 37k@8 50 barrel; some low grade family at s7@r 25 and 600 bushels extraat ,6 75, Small sales to the retailers and bakers at ,6 26.t0 *6 60 barrel for super fine, 66 7E@7 25 for extras and A 7 50@3 for extra! family and $3 to ,10 for fancy lots—according to quality. The-offerlngs of Rye Flour and Corn Meal ■ aretrifling, and there is nothing doing in either. , The receipts of Wheat are small but there is very ; little demand. Sales of 3100 bushels good' and prime i « 63 @ 1 65 bushel and Kentucky While at,l 95 in store. Rye is scarce and coni tmaildß ,1 30. Com 1b active; sales of 15,000 bushels yellow at ,1 ll@l 12 In store and afioaf. The de mand for Oats has fallen off. Small sales at 85037 cents. _ ■ - . in Provisions the tendency is upward. New Mt SB Fork ats23@23 60, Hams id pickle at 13@l3>i cents and Lard at 14 cents, ctsh. - - Whiskey Is dull and nominal at 582859 cents in drudge and 9«@S2 cents in barrels. IMPOBTATIOHS. pl^.?sd elphlftEvenlng Bulletin. . BOSTON—Steamship Saxon; Capt. Matthews— -25 cs dry good® B W uhase & Sons; 77 pkgs do J S Barry & Co; 45 do Farnham* Kirkhim & Co; 20 do Frothlsgham & Wells; 53 eo A BL Fraaciecus; 52 do* .lamea, nent, Santee & Co: 13 do Little Sc Stokes; 29 <s° A S Lippincott & Co; 32 do Lewis, Boardman ,32 do Tbos Potter: 29 do Biegel. Wieat & Ervlhr39do ScouylkiU Arsenal; 37 cs boots and shoes Amery & Slate: 64 do J Bor den; 12 do Boker fit Bros; 48 do O S Olafiia: 10 do A M Conover; 76 do F L Fuller; 141 do P Ford fit Co: SodoLMFay;6o do.Grafi'fit Watkins; 72 do J B Banner; 35 do Haddock, Beecl fit Co; 69 do E A Bendry; CO do Hibbler, Keith fit Co; 62 F & J M Jonts; 60 do Jones fit Tindall; £9 do Jones & War rington; 36 do R R Levick fit Co; 13 .do Munroe fit Smallz; do J B Myers fit Co; 33 do Nickerson, Harris fit Morelej; 173 do Peiper & Marktey; 32 do E S Beeves; £8 do Shultz fit Gardner; 68 do A A Shumway A Co; 40 do .1 fit hi Saunders; 70 do Ster ling fit Frank; co do B Y Townsend; 74 do Thacher 5 43 do S fit G W Townsend; 15 ca 10 bbla3 kega J B Butsier & Co; 26 bags yarn J Blakeley; 60 bagß coffee S Barton A Co; 200 bdls pails Berger A Butts; 72 bxs 3 bales mdse H Cohen; 60 bdls baskets O W Deane; 63 bales rags J Dobson; 75 bags coffee Fea rens A Smith; 50 do J Flannagan A« o; 62 cs 50 bdls G&teß, Kilhurn A Co; 22 bales rags John Hey: 123 bale; wool Thoa Hilton fc Co; 80 bxa 26 kega 4 pk-» J C Hand & Co; 16 balea raga D Hey; 93* hidea J T K irk us) rick A Co; 319 obla fish 31 hf do 160 bdls 66 qr bbls 85 klta do Kennedy. Stairs A Co; 125 kits S 3 hrbbla fish S H Levin; 76 ’bags coffee H H Lippin cott A Trotter; 25 bbla dah Murphy A Koons; 73 bdls 16 bxa paper C Megarge A Co; 800 9-inch ahot 3 howitzers 1 box Ordnance Dep’t, U S N; 30 cs hats Pancost A Warnock; 412 bdls shovel handles Hotv °G Speare, Holbrook A Morse; 2- bdls hair W J Thorman; 10 bbls mackerel 6 sheets 13 bars copper H Winsor A bags coffee Water man, Son A Cope; 21 bbls apples J Warrington&Co; 40 sticks box wood N J Benner; 118 coils cordage Lee A Co; 75 bags seed O B Rogers; 75 bdls paper JH Longstreth; 120 bills iron R Leggett A Co; 75 bbis 125 hf do 712 qr do 194 kits fish 200 pknmdae Leech ACo. ■ FORT OF PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 16. 93* Set Marine Bulletin mi Third Base. , ARRIVED THIS DAY. - Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 48 hours from Bos ton, with mdse and passengers to H Wlnsor & Co. IF*w bark White Wing, rrom Porto Cabello, and brig Tbcs Waiter, from West Indies,leaving Break wstei at 11 AH. yesterday for PhUsdelphla. : Sehr Smith Tuttle, Bleb, 6 days from Province town, with mdse to Geb B Kerfoot. , . ScbrA J KotsM, Llodgcs 3 days ftoai New York with salt to W. Bonus A Son. ; Schr Josiah Acbom, Gregory 3 days lrom Bal timore with mdse to Crowell & Collin*. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Tubal Cain (Hr), Cann, Marseilles, J C Bazlsy (Br), Howes, Guantanamo, do Brig Sarah Larsen (Br), Hopkins, Havana,do Brig Wm Nickels, Giff, Boston, EA. Souder A Co. Schr J H French, Crosky, Portland, do Sehr W HeCobb. Chipman, New HaTcn, do Schr Wm H Tiers, Hoffman, Port Royal, D S Stet son A Co. Sehr Jane N Baker, Wilson, Port Royal, Hunter, Norton A Co.- Sehr J C Baxter, Stetson, Port Royal, do Schr M i Bromley, Muncy, Norfolk, do . i Corretpondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del. Feb. 15. . The baTk White Wing, from Lagnaira, and a schooner deeply laden, left tbe anchorage thtt roorningfor Philadelphia. Two ton boats with schooner* Wave, from New York for Alexandria; Belle, from Philadelphia for Newoern; Maria Pickup, from Philadelphia for Newbern; E. W. btak, Irom New York forNewbern; Hannah Mar lin,’ from New York for Newbern, and Buena Vista for New York for Newbern, went to sea this forenoon. Weather pleasant, with a light breeze from N. E. Yoon, Ac. . AAEON MARSHAL!* MEMORANDA. Steamship Norman, Baker, hence at Boston yes terdsy. Ship White Swallow, Prlnee, cleared at N. York yesterday for San Francisco. Ship Helen Clinton (new, of Providence, 121 t tons burthen), Sprague, at New York yesterday from Boston, to load for San Francisco. ; Bark Oak, Byder, cleared at Boston yesterday for this port. . Bark Ninneveh, Stackpole, cleared at Boston yes terday for new Orleans. Schr Hath Bleb,: BonholT. from New Orleans, at New York, yesterday, with coal tar. Ship Kate Prince, Libby, from Acapulco, at Cal lao 27 th ult. for Chinches, preparing to sail. Ship Theobold, Theobold, sailed from Callao 13th ult. for Chinches. Schr Anna Hicks, bom For tan Prlnee for Boaton went ashore on Presque Isle 10th inst. and will be a totalloßs. Her cargo consisted of salt, logwood and rags. GO PARTNERSHIP . NOTICE. —GEORGE ALIGNS, and JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, have formed a Co-partnership for the purpose of transacting business, ns Shipping and Commission Agents and General'Merchandise Brokers, under the style and firm of GEORGE ALIGNS & CO. felO.lbUt GEORGE ALIGNS * CO., 151 North Delaware Avenue. GEORGE ALIGNS, fel«-10tf ' JOSEPH H. THOMPSON. ' AIiTHUK H. MESSITEB, PianjS', from New York,’Will be happy ,to receive engagements lor PIANO. FORTE lessons. . - . Address, care of .Messrs. . ANDRE, 1104 Chest nntstreet. .. . felG-Otrp*.. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —J. B. MI rOH ELL is, from this date, admitted a member of our firm. ' X B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 1,1EG4. - lelG-st& WANTED-A FURNISHED HOUSE. Bla from May 15 to- September’ 15, atqrnear Qer-i niantown, Please address B-, at this office, giving locality, description and rent, fel6-3t* TJI7 OEMS. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. W WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. fe2-28trp NISKEY’s Worm Powders; Vegetable; sore core. RIDGE and GIRARD Avenues. Price 25c. —;i»——. THE. UNION .PIANO MAHU aHKLjasM faqturinq COMPANY have at IT | ||l their factory _and warerooms, 1611 WALNUT street, always a most beautiful assort ment of their unrivalled PIANOS, which the] ■ell at the lowest oasA prices or on Instalments, (jive ns a call before purchasing elsewhere, ant syery satisfaction and guarantee will be siren buyers. ' ' ' ' rafa—. CORRECT PIANO TUNING.- HEf£@3S|Mr. O. E. SARGENT'S orders foi. ffglT' Inning and Repairing Pianos are re ceired at Mason A Co. ’s Store, 967 CHESTNUT street, only. Mr. Sargeant baa bad Eleron Years' factory experience in Boston, and Fire Years’ cttj employments Philadelphia. SPECIAL—PIanoi je-Uatherei to sound as soft and ewwt-tened H new, without removing. \ . Terms for tunlnx. el. oclS-Wmrpt Sole Agent lor. v G. A. PRINCE * CO.’S ; World-Renowned Melodeons, harmoniums and drawing-room ORGANS. JEBNEST tJABLEE’S, HAVEN* BACON’S, . HALL£T, DAVIS & GO.*B, jaU-Smip}' ? v CEBEBBATED PIANOS. NOVELTIES LACE CURTAINS EUSIIN CDET4IMS ' AND WINDOW SHADES LKWAML4VEN, SUCCESSOR TO W. H. CABBYL, MASONIC HAXIi, 719 CHESTNUT ST SENAT, BROS. & CO. 214 CHESTNUT Street, opposite-Strawberry St.* Importers of WHITE GOODS. Offer a complete assortment of .Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Hook, India Mull and other Muslins of out usual make and finish. ' iaiff-tft FLOUR. FLOUR. Oi the ■ folio wing Choice .Brands “John Hnsselinan,” “^Etoa.” “Henry Museelman,” “Eagle” “D. “verholser,” - • “Union'” ‘ •Ktraf*ure Steam, v “Eclipse ” “Willow Grove,”' “SoaTcly,” “Lo-mt. Talley,” ”Metzgar,” “Lo-don Vale,” “Gish.” “New Providence,V “Zieler.” “Famnel Brua,” “Pequea.” ‘ ‘John Banck,” “Samnel Ranck.” And other Penna. and Western brands, for tale by BROOKE & PUGH, fell-lm} 17-31 4 17-33 Market Street. CHARLES STOKES & CO,’B riRST-CLABB “ONE-PRICE” READY MADE CLOTHING STORE, NO 824 CHESTNUT STREET, UN DElfamcBgff«?gra- /Rl Por Coat— /“v* a. issS. Lengthofback jfc %A from base of - cellar to waist -SS - andfrem waist t . im i.a \ to end of tall. f\ f - JJ? k Length of f | ? • ■ /yf' E Sleeve (with/ 1 8 . V jjL “tn crooked) | % 3 if Av Jgh from middle; -ft: f > J iMgSa? of back he-| JS A ?*F kS “'E?f tween , the; B A ft? Itr shoulders to; / j- \ f? £1 end of cod; I / 1 /) ' j| and around w ;] | /■ £§ the most pro- 7 M S •- si mlnenipartoll > a Tim ihs chert and ■ j y waist. State I I f !i § wtethererect \ 8 ivi • r r 3ft a tnsids seam, \ a, / ® 5 \ - and ontslda \ I*l seam from hip bone arond die waist and hip. Per Test, same as Coat. A good St guaranteed. ' All garments made from directions} sent In ae cord&nce with these instructions will be guaranteed satisfactory. If not so, 'the money will bo returned for them. onoen’ Unßcrnn* Reudy-msd*, always or Hand, er made to order In the host maimer and 01 the most reasonable terms. Having finished many hundred Uniforms the past year for Staff, Fin d, and Line Officers, as well as for the Navy, wt are prepared to execute all orders in tm« lms wit! correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock of Ready Mads Clothing in Philadelphia always oajmnd. THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON ALL OF THEGOODS. ' Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es timates sent .by mail to any address when re quested. - • • '.■’■■■ CHARLES STOKES k CO CHARLES STOKES, E. T, TAYLOR, W. J. STOKES. ALMERIA GRAPES Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by 31. F. SPILLIN, N. W-: corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee; alcoi .Maracaibo, La Guayra, Bio, Ac., for sale by 11. F. SPILLIN, N. W. comer Arch and Eighth streets. -- MACCAEONI AND VEEMIOELLI Italian Meccaroni and Vermicelli of snperior quality jnst landed and for sale by hi. F. SPILLIN, N. W. comer Arch and Eighth streets. : HALF PINTS CHAMPAGNE.—Cabiset Cnampagne in hal' pints, 18 bottles to the case. A iso Heidsieck A 00. ,Gieslor A Co. ,Grnpe Leaf, Pearl or the Rhine, qts and pts ; Widow Clicquot, pints, , the genuine article, for sate hy, SIM i N COLTON A SON, Broad and Walnut BETHI EHEM BUCKWHEAT.—The genuine Bethlehem Buckwheat Meal and Oat Meal,for ta e by MMOH COLTON A SON, Broad and Wal nut streets. CIN Cl C< N ATI. HaMS. —Just received aud for aaie by SIMON COLTON A SON, Broad and Walnut streets. GHOICE- HAMS.—Cincinnati covered Hams, jnst received and . for sale hy THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BBOAD and CHESTNUT streets; ; . . ' . - , . GRAPES -AND ORANGES.—Extra Almeria Grapes and sweet Havana Oranges, justlfe ceivedand for sale by’THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BBOAD and CHESTNUT streets. SPICED SALMON-—Fresh Spiced. Salmon in small cane.just received ana for • sale by TH OMPSON BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. . HEIDRIECK A CO’S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, Youuger's Scotch Ale and Guineas* s Brown Stout for sale by E.B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining B. B. depot, Germ an town. YERY CHEAP TEAS.—Finest Young Hyson, . Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, English Breakfast, Uhulans, Ac., for sale in original pack ages, or in small boxes, for family use, at JAMES R. WEBB’S, Walnut ’and Eighth streets. de23 RIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, .Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer In fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoiningßailroad Depot, Germantown. FRESH GEOOEBIES FOR CHRISTMAS— New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, . Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Just received fresh, for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer In fancy and staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of all grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for sals by E. O. KNIGHT A 00., Southeast comer Water and Chestnut street*. FRESH OLIVE OIL in whole, haif.und bottles; for sale by E. B. OLARKEjgtoM?’ Main street; adjoining Railroad Depot, German-, town. ' ■ BRlTS—Laver Raising Urn “® B £o«!s> 9 Nbw Sultanas; New Rigs, la |“eyJwxevN.ew Currants: Prunes; English WJPSSjwth stfl *' JAMES WEBt’S, Walnut and Elghth stS T STEWAR’E . ' AECaiONEERS, 622 alia (no Sansom Street; St.O . Tft ST I WART.. Auctioneers! will give ;ri oi:a] n iri.tion to. mus of MEBCH A.N -] I::E ai d u- Ali-e $ of all- descriptions'; kurni. 'rre < f j-.-iTiies mr.oiug or t-r-aaing tip Honse li.i rpim-, pi- tilt* p- ► nines of tbe owners,"or at their r.iri spa; ioiis&.l sroomt,,Nos. OH Chesto nut S-iTet-niH] tils Fansom ttroM.'t TO LET. Tie 2d, 3d and 4th Floors of the Large aid Spacious Budding;, THONT AND BACK, lately oc npiedby Messrs. Howell A Brother, No. 622 (iestnit and 615 Sansom sts. Applj on the Premises. fel6 5t5 TBIODOBE M. APPLE, I GAUGER AND COOPER, bfes. K26nd JOl OATZMERSTREET; (Between Front a .<4 Second and Walnut and ' Chestnut Streets.) / PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on hand. Casks. Barrels and Kegs, always*on hand or made to order. . fel2-ly - -& &■ ■§\ WPlGffr & SIDDALL % . iSTo; 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. ' O. W. WEIGHT. r. H. STDBAM. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS' Can find at onr establishment a full as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drags, popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Osai Oil, Window Glass, Prescription, Vials,- •tc., at as low prices as genuine first class goods can he sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS * for Confectioners, In full variety, arm 0 , the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot- Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil at Vitriol, Annatte. - Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., 808 ' DYERS’ use, always on hand at lowsst set cash prices. ° SULPHITE OF LIME, for Seeping cider sweet; a perfectly harm less preparation; put np, with foU direc tions for use, in packages, containing suf ficient for one harrel. Srders by mall, or city post, wHI matt with prompt attention, or special quota tions wiU be fnrnfthed when requested. WEIGHT A SIDDALL, ‘ Wholesale Drug Warshonss, no2l-lyrp4 No. 119 Market street above Fron LOST— Certificate No, cut, iou shares Preferred Stock or the Union. Canal Company, dated October 28 1863, in name of. John Thomley. . Ap pHcaiion w ill be; made to the Board of'.Directors for new certificates. JOHN THORNLEY, Dec. 1, 1863 [tn.Smrp*] ■ 311 Chestnntst. 4£*~ GOLD AND-SILVER WATCHES, OF |ni onr own importation, reliable in quality, SIS and at low prices. FARR A BROTHER, Imporrera, 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. . WATCHES! WATCHES!; /V\ WATCHES!—SOO fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, by the most ap ftF vi? proved makers, for sale at one-half the usnalprices at the Broker’s, corner of THIRD and GASKILL streets, below Lombard.. ja2B-lmrp VXTATCHiS, WATCHES, WATCHES, W WATCHES. —New and Second-hand WATCHES for sale at the Broker’s Office, corner of THIRD and streets. jais-lmrp MONET l—To any amount LOANED /V\ upon WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW- A- AELRT, GUNS, CLOTHING, Ad, a “ “ JONES A CO.’S old established Loan Office, corner THIRD and GASEQLL street* Office honrs from. 7 A. M. to7P RC ia2S-lta Robert shoemaker t oo.— Bobt. SHOrMAKZB, Be?>J. H. Shoexakhb, Wk. M. Shoemakee, Bichaeb M. Shoemaker. TO DRUGGISTS.—We offer*the following, o recent importation: Agaric, Aniseed, Star Anise, Caraway and Canary Seed, Altheas, Aconite and Calamus Boots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy-Heads, Tonqua Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings's Calcined and Garb. Magnesia,Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime quality,French. Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Fun nels, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists* Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corhs, Pallet Knives, Ac. . ROBERT SHOEMAKER. & CO., .Wholesale Druggists, . fe3 N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. TO DRUGGISTS.—We offer to the. Dispensing Trade a large fresh-stock of selected_J)rngs— comprising* among other articles,' . J-arsaparillavMexicanaud Honduras; Magnesia, Calcined, In tin cases and bottles; Castor Oil, E. I. and American; Prime Borax, Beflned, barrels and.lots: Bennucaacd St Yihcent Arrowroot: lodide potash, 250 lbs. in cases of 50 lbs., and lots; Armistead's Mustard, cans 10 lbs., fine quality; Tartaric Acid, Kidder?, 50 Uwcases; Ro r chelle Salts, do.; Cream of Tartar, English Medi cinal Extracts; Castile Soap, white and red; Ja maica Ginger; White Camphor; Essential,Qils, in, vnnety; Tapioca; Sago; Gum Tragacantb; Bi- Carbonate Soda, in kegs; Fine and Common Sponge; Yial Corks, taper and straight, extra quality. ForSaieby • * CHARLES ELLIS, SON A: CO,, Market street, K.E. cor Seventh. ja29-12t EBTHLEHEM OiTMEAL bv tie pound or keg—fresh every week. HUBBELL, Apothe cary, 1410 CHESTNUT street. . : fe!2 TTyHITE VIALS—For Prescription ,nse, of’jf V t to S Ounce sizes, on hand and for sale by WILLIAM ELLIS & CO , Druggists, No. 724 MABKET street. ja2o Flint glass prescription vials.—a full assortment of very fine quality Flint Vials, both Union Ovals and Hound Shouldered: also, Druggists’ Glass Ware of every description. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Wholesale Drug gists, Arch and Sixth streets. THE NEW “PILE PIPE.”—A SIMPLE, cleanly and portable contrivance for,the appli cation of ungnents to the internal. surface of the rectum. Sold by HUBBELL, Apothecary-, 1418 .Chestnut street- Earthenware jars of au sizes, from Ounce also Druggists’ Eartbbnware ■ generally, and White Glassware, ■ for mate by ' WILL*AM ELLIS A CO., Druggists,-No. 724 MARKET street. ,• Ja2o PILLS OF THE U. S. PHARMAOOPCEIA, Grannies of Aconita, Atropia, Di gitalin, Mor phia, Sulph: Strychnia, and manyothers, coated. , with shgar, ’ manufactured by BULLOCK ft ;-: CRENSHAW, Sixth and Arch streets. ■' t., Fine violet pomade.—an invoice of freshly imported Marrow Pomade sweetly scented with Violets, 1n.50 cent jars. Hii Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut street . INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOETH AMERICA.—MARINE, FERE AND IN3 LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 , WALNUT street, South side, East of Third street! The Properties of .this Company are well in vested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. ' . MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freight* “miAND ' TRANSPORTATION RISKS , on. Calais audSteambcaM FIRS RISKS on Furniturd &&c& mcSRPORATED n iN?7 U^CAPITAL* S OO,()6 e , “"AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN “vrj-SpjED. TOTAL PROFETIES, Y ei, 30ft000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. . .. CIBHOTOEB. Arthur G. Coffin, ‘ ; James"N. Dickens, Samnel W. Jones, .. S. Morris -Wain, - - John A: Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, , George L. Harrison, ' Ambrose White, Francis R. dope, Richard D.' Wood, , Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E. [Bowen, William Cummings...... T CharletOn Henry. _ ■ . , ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. Chablbb Platt. Secretary. T7\OR SALE. —3OO Tons Key West Stone, _exsM» I; New England. For terms »PPI7 to PETEpq WRIGHT A SONS USVfatoxa itwrt.
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