sburgh 6azette SATTRDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1865 TE Morning end EveGAZETrring Editio TERMS n, per Fear, ........... .A.torniug and Evening be! 6011th.. do do per week Otnivered. At Like counter y Gr bog. oa the S treet, eop ............. Weekly, to clubs, per goer ......... . do, stngLe copies do, RATES OF ADVERTISING ONE yras 2:0 D.UT 2 t esw't L a at Wily Oita time I Two times... a 215 Three tlmea .. a 73 10! i iv; Lir! n:a r ... . 2Eal ...1 ... ....; .t 3 fio One 'reek .... 9 7 7 1 5 i. 781 $ 1 20 1 751 75 270 2 al. 1 26, 125 Three weeks..., 6ro 4 261 2 701. 2 on' 1 78 One moniti...i a 251 850 400 3 561 210 Two soonths.l 12 00 8 00i 6OG 11 76 425 Three months' 16 00 10 00. 700.4 5 •25 Six mouths... 2/ 60' 11 75, 960. 650 12 Go Nina month*. 64 00, 17 70' 12 a), 8 00' 17 00 One Year 40 M 1 25 50 14 001 10 MI 20 00 pi e inserted cine year , L ,. r. .....„ advertiser • pleasure, et aoh eof26 e , per agnate, or 20 cents LL paid at time out Pun, be 00ahned to the Itainediete I:m.lnm , the adyarurer. • •• • . Advertisements contracted ler otherwirei than daily, will be many select . inserted on such days uthe office Trandaent advertiaing CASH. Death Notices, 6 eu , each inserticui Merria m notice; la Steamboat advertisements, per trip 2 03 Enemies' , or Adadejstraters' ffotraen JOO ...„ TEARY ADVERTISING BATES One sq onflned to tne unmedicte Quarries. of the advert, and not to include disaolutions, formation of m firms, wants. 166.--changeable owe a week. chat snattelq as Any armies to be charged [mo- Glmee'2 time time fe week.ta week..• week rkree Months... 1118 60 $l2 00 0,66 j $ 600 61111 months SO 01,- 19 00 If 001 10 Rine Geoatlia....! 42 00 'AI Ou, 22 Go; 16 GO One Year 62 01,i At 00, 20 WI IS Ot. - - ----- • • . . • air list Notices double the above ratee, Jr la maned one month or more. For aMu period t , ream a Hate. Lora/ notices at ouch rates as may b• agreed woo. equate to be co Id pied by tan lines of the r's er'd ""' Of the peter. ordinary advertising type /CID TO THE FREEDMEN To raise the millions suddenly set free by the war of the rebellion from artreme !mar). to a ...xmdition in which they can support thenasaly_ss 40 elevate theta frOm the aldret Iznorsces In vrhteh the ahomlnat • save e,,t!es and thingt,s of t he South Lad e.•rt.ned Sun- autl tai hem in social life, th. I,and.,!lon or ~b!ch '3 he family, a I .1. LLL Dow. 113 tb— Ot .2 r1 3 1 , 0k11 ROZA, .t . :h.: ..r istitit2ar,•` .]ad ,7.! 3 lap, • h„, cot!. ten, , a ' vi. 4,4e1 Ca:ICC: A li/1/14. Isa ~,rk shAt at•nr NC '. el 1 , C144G • ad i.fe e IrLicta, nl,l o 'dlo aLy •I. ;am,. rr ro• ral fa-cc mOlci, is only fon Were uiropp,SiLi,a overnorut; Wert the .ionalaaLl ir.36 at the &oath inclined tu leek With taic, npo• this icaLa ehrietllL eater,,: iac . :till. Unity of action well,: 0 0001..1.L-.. We 1 . 1 D1V,111.1v1"..V0r. that 'Ott .be ❑ Leal itUalrci =ME= and to OtEeX ~e.j.kota i Lei:Lieu require., and in u..l Li 01 Gt.:.„ ~ yc y. Happily In di. rrcetlebra'r Jissortatior. WO bat, ,Ltu, a,,,ccr,thoroughly rirmstitzed and rtgorck.tly at ir..rk.—re, iihmsoit gotertment aua aa c.peraticg wi.h the I/emirate', Bureau in the ktreut ears of protecung, guiding and educeht.Sh :beet people, and preparing too Tray tar the or. ..teriteallon of churches, &Ulf, If b. mast be so, of their ultimate etTlsion and' tIon013:11- paLloral. But MIS grea;y to be regretted that these de not .natiunoi eirieiuni ere taking place prnmn st,tly et already etc carts Late entered tae Held a ni• that wt.iLla can only be well done by the united p oor of [be government and peo ple of the notion. JD wan: way oan the Zplitoo pal, the Rapt!,: or the Presbyterian associations, an each, grapple with the mighty difficulties to anruionnted in the very beginning of the irOrk7 Row can a sea be reengtiaed by the government or co-operate with It in protecting. organising, elevating end educating these en franchised millions! Operating separately, they are weak and inefficient, and can carry with them I rat little moral force. Their efforts, however pure and benevolent, will be rewarded by the world at large, by other sects, by the whites of the South, if not by the blacks Liamselves, only aggresaive movements for the enlargement of their party; but let them maim, and, with them, all other cbristian seta, and the movement will &ammo power and grandma that will challenge universal respect, reverens• and applaass. The Writ of the divine Master will be felt and se knowledged, and the national atthorities will acknowledge and yield to the mighty moral over of such an organisation. No denomination Will ions by smith a amen relatively, while all will gain through the aem blued power of all. The 'denominition which shall send the most and best reapers lot• the held, will be sure to gather the moat eheares . while a spirit at Christian eoncord will result astead a spirit of rivalry, mistrmit and Jealous% , which we know to be mowing up eve. already. &pangs Corgi Vac.uicr.—soll•4l Mar_ X.LR.l), of Tennessee, who la thought not te be worthy of a seat In Correa', although he holds Iha certlacnie Is stippostd to hare LOS kit chance for •LA racaut seat on the Supreme Court beech. The vagaries of nsdlcadem would receive a curtoos illustration in snoll an appointment.—Coarrneeefol. Some Journals, if they have ho other faculty, byre at least thls, of gytting themselves law a log where no fog to. No Radical doubt. the Lhorouult loyalty of Holum. Mareann. If he is personally unacceptable to any body, at is he the Conservatives. Toe Radicals would come, .0 his elevation to the biach Local:l_4e of his utile e. end femme he lea citizen of thy halted Ste 'tilt the grouudi, Oa watch they ANDZEW JOILN6oN, 11.. name Stn.., act. an der :lir. Maw Preaulet Ti.a adm,aton of 31.truaa 7. to u seat in (2.... gr. • 1 ,- • Tut, to Galcrela 111L12 LO a .c.4t- Liov7 wat I aal vtlt. LltCh PLOfl er ets Is rtb., Cc,..zrew arc cot jet core; eed callow - - netgabor a. cuis gr saily an..ioua to get rn i i... Cie/1140U Of these reties: can only be effecter or. an eittutribic rule of keit, al application. 3Lar- HAILT.PS case falls within the rule, and It works hla eiclueion. The is tLc whine cite-. Tuz coasext,c7Ve3 1.-afma inclignauen at the freedom with which fi oaror Bravos spoke the other day of ?theft:cut aortarbox'a spec s. mra.n:•: Of the v . , ;2., tae ,p of Mr. p;. :a U xpr.. ;„ °plumb. but x Ow+. alum:; .., the fact tba: iebe:l ben . ..oar, Jelioneeial the then Freed. et u;.h a Ce ahoge3larr uumnte6. d t. v ' Wilt in :he present ease. Peu Mt - - . - yatlveg were dellivied with C.l . Jonns Llhitton of Seca„ tie; : ri so tcellget ed that on that seenUll eit.i) they v..ted for him for Vice Prescient. fits .ctSwnt u SOX - =Le as many rights and ti• y ator Joirtesox had 1 , Wass the 'Mimeo . July 4, 1776 , ?Used Lheiroralotne. ...telun, and set up new Go•• r. , cllon the Els 171., Brluah L. 1.1 J.11,1,011/4 :.,r,ned A part, thalle IVerfil,,l••llty of Conservatives, /o,4ar/Y.Of et. , lluusnallehe proleus /1 iota , W 0 61011;4 argued teat mould suttees COMILIL treason nor take itaelf out of the Empire. What was tho taut I The Colonies did commit treason and did take' themselves oat of the Empire. TheYhaYe kept thensselsea out • good while. $o arneh feet Bays In reply to quibble. • 'Paz Pillade!phis Prow hos a secelble entitle biassing tbat Penceylvitele, ead particularly its 'thief city. have been deprived of their itir Widlthf for many Tears ,put, .In the ecissalls of the nation,fellbOrl sr their own eaglets In not MOW 40.41gi11y selecting. tkelr ablest nen for Important oilielsl peewees, ua kinks," kIIIII2IIWVIMP, Brut tors INTELLIGENCE 1 It Ls very clearly demonstrated that how l eve- much the politicians and statesmen o f the South are making every reasonable ef_ P r. 'o secure admission to their old stand ing n the Union, the ministers and r 61.: 6 glow newspapers of the South are making ' no efforts toward reunion with the Church :es. It is claimed by some of the loyal min litters that tte !e0der,...0 rot represent the people; that there are multitudes who feel precisel3 ...s we do, and desire ardently to be one - -ith as again. The 'action or Free byterian bodies, and the view of the papers of that denomination In the South; the Pastoral Letter of the Southern 3lethodis t Church, and the course of the Episcopal Bishop of South Carolina, are referred to, al. g tug to prove that the charge made Is true. The New York Observer, speaking of the Church at the South, and the Union, nays: "But ws would deeply regret to convey the idea that we, or any others at the North desire the reunion of the Church. es, if the Southern Churches prefer to re• main by themselves. Union is undesirable, unless cemented by mutual Christian confi dence and love, If the sentiment prevails among Southern Christians that it is right, In the sight of God, to break up the Union of these States by war, why seek to have nnton with each other in th.earne Church? If it Is wrong, and they who have partaken of the wrong, now see and say that it is wrong, the way is clear for all to be united who wish to be one - .gain as we were before ! - l"rom an appeal ut!threned hr the I . :,,,y: vams Synod of the Cutuber'au t l Presbyterian church, it is stated the cir cumstances under which her pioneers were called from their Southern fields of labor to plant the standard of Cumberland Presby terianism in the North,—to root up ° , .r deeply implanted errors,—to radical y change the tone of the Calvanistic pulpit. and give anew and unexampled impulse I:. Mfgb is zeal in this country. — Recently ono of the lealers of tb , Deny to retell!) , he it eb.rmed Chor.:l l Ht land. has resinel I iz place a, a a. el, ;or, an. , 11:3- set forth a:, reasons 'et ti... tie, 1 t, 6,-' ! . lvd :La, t. , e!...0ti-ae of :i -...,. !.., r Fty.L , :..A,t,:, ~::, dr", ....:, .. pe 311..?diL Lan - 3,7, ,1; i -.- . 31 nDAy„Id!.u4::. 14 ?; a p - Led CO Le nil AL ri: -. nit: et; ilor3 ~f awnnied 1100! £5. IL Sowl.kk.ptcr., hlnaa , , beet etc y Mrd. R C Si...4ll(kurg. Vvreaurit f“- I' 21.19ry E. Ask air . t,c by daz.. en Chu; .12,6 :he Cie, ntst , for colleciioh (de sand doilara ter a Busi,..sig;• ~, L., pended the South and Wesi, In the put. chase and erection of house. ,r worship, under lite direction of the Awe:lean Cote gregationai Union. Ice independent coL tains a list of enurcti euntriblions hall a nolemn in length, which shows the spi - t ; with which the ; , rnlect ire ed. Her Henry Ward Be , cliei's rhureh way, by a ..den:r'i , ...'son ut w.e: ten thiic sand de..lars. Broadway Tabernacle, New York City, her. Dr, Tilut.j.suu, gave, shade over four thousand , Clinton Avenue, thirty-four hundred, and Dr. Storr's church two thousand—tx.sli Brooklyn churches. Other churches range from fifteen hundren down to a few dollars. the contribution=_ reported are mainly from the New England States. —Elder Knapp, the noted Baptist re is holding a protracted meeting at the Mariners' Church, in Philadelphia, with very gratifying results. More than fifty have been admitted to the church by baptism. —The N. Y. independent reports l'akt Rev. Geo, B. Whipple, one of the American Episcopalians sent to reconvert the Sand• with Islands, has returned in disgust. It says he thinks the natives can do without the "Reformed Catholic Church," which wars D ,t L' l .l.l'. t%••hler I the English missionaries are trying to in v„..l4 troduce. —The New York correspondent of the 1 k."". N Al r t. m r.:::x L s . 7.l , : 'r L P L'''''' '' 1 1 1 (-7'14.° :-- 4 BA li ER'S • ‘ A . 2 ,, , 1 ELE.C't leni FOR 'IN e, " D ' I SEC- Preaby.enan Bonner intimate, that siren nous efforts have been brought to bear I lb s , sts ' e lL' lte " u k Se .l . H e l' i 1 .. 1 1.. A - N ti K ai ' jaa" . ' i, '"4.l". 4 e ,.... .. t 7 , 1:4 ‘4 1, the hoLre .1 i , . •le •+.I ~ o 'Cr o c::...' ; ' e . ' 6E W INC MACHIN E 8 upon many lef the leading Presbyterian ' _ J 4' 1 1. 1,, iX,-},,4 ...,,,.. i ministers in that city and vicinity, to re. 1 .i " i tb,./ ,eae •a•rded the YlliNT Pant lt"s • CIA,' their assistance is tins attempt to be ! ' "‘"“'”. '' ''''''.....`..”'`'''''''''''' ''''''' ""s trio follcer.c./ Fare for th• year Is, . t .ride ae the next General Assembly to ~ b - I T B '' '. ANN ' A i l ' /'-"'" I ''-':'' i' ' ' ) " . /i'. i inns practical reTea: oi" the. deliveraz,ces ;tee l ei a .:n . i i ,' s „ h ;,„',::.. - 4 , h r ,• ; ', i n \ ••• a , etti ts• he::: at 1 ~. of the last four years on the State of h ' ''''''''''''-`"-''' ''''''''' '''' ' .:n:l • k! '. 7. : -. % ; ' , 1 ;5 9 - - . u. i :".orr'T'lril:',...',:::; fr:::::::::::::::::: t s. 1 ..esl4.. Country. The opponents of the Assembly • aim at something more than the repeal of i lu‘ l' '. r ,i', cs. ,', e -,:s . A.`.l" ...c 'A st 6 t, ^- isst. 6 • ,j, i ' ,.' 'i lr .rFt` P :;: mis' f o t""t F.'l:T 11"4"" ' ''' i iliiil ys, Nu 4... i.., ELL4.,..c r, ..,,, koi, Li • t Int ertrultaa, for bee: I,l •ettlaelimmig .'scan the action of the but Assembly . —The First Preabyterian Church tf T ,. }.: I; s. •‘-' L .rs e "! C s. '' ' H ''''''' ''''" "`' '• "..., i . . t ic-,, '" t"p'srs? ' Li ; 1 nt.. ~,,,,,,,,.,,,,r,..„4 4:4 ,... ,40,444..4n ,4.4.,44, nr. , ... michw," Lu,cl...or„,:vierel Ventlfseturtn‘ Ylaatsit, this city has given a unanimous call to the i , te i•Jrza •.. at .7; il.h.u.• liouee I J :J1.1.401 f - 1 ?. . us., 1.., J tire " '" '"'" t " r ' `""`"'''''' '" " Al ." ' 'F'lVrie.c't 4:l32thiuSna'f'oerrbe.'",:t Ilsotifeetoothe .S.:sel,,c, Re - v. Sylvester F. Scofield, of Springteld, ! I . . . , s\ I 13421 Z, , at ~, E ,,T IoN rtai NINE. Di it r.cir. ,0 4 . ' ,. , ..5t . ne1, 5. it::ch for beet Machine tor ge”ral 4, a 4 ranee I 0., Fair, ea Ohio. Rev. W. M. Paxton, D. D , recent- I Iv pae'or of this church, has been called to I A. ": , t,,, pr,eterate of the First P-e !byte -! i i ..;•' : ~ .:' ,I H - Tt- s ' t '",' ; s" ' ' " '" i'''''' ''' r"‘ Pr'''''''':. **l'''''P''''"). ~ 44, .4,44,44... n, ~,,,,,. , or , ,u, cay .4 I fuuar). 1,,, ee. t% , '•tr, P. 4 .. 4 ,,,, ~, , flat Prem. , rn VI . ' , VV. klant,g ...tunas liar, i 4. C:ILICI1 of New York Fly !. a", .4vir,,,, lt .", ''' 4 '' ''' ' "'" ' '4' : r . "1 . ' N ' r ' em ". 14. ' ...... " '0 . k r It 11 . ,, t4tat Linn: . :0 - 41: ' —The First Presbyterian Cbcrri, tr, - - - - r' • A , •-• ' ' 'F.l7.'thi•n/;i:.,',. ~ ' r i, : .' . .: ',r. ..' . ..t i se" C a; r t 'e s, sa I Fa: „stun:eau Territory, has Just t, , , . ,lr, au! r. , -i r.s. Mae . .-i..e •t t'a,,)• • /ea, le. 1' • t . et r• - tak,.. f.. :wet , lantasett, r..• and t eru ,., ,et :14 .n• ..,,,, Fati, I% Y ' ~,.• rex, ,n : . beat li.. -.1., t, ag a- .r Am 1. 1 +1.,,, at 'cut, ~er . o 1•1 \ Y 1 ~o rst:. Pa r•.:LCII ft,. 10.41 11,,, , ,. .ur1t, .lae.• 1.. 4, 4 : 01,0.1 lot,r P. I. , r - s , .•1•1 ',or Movable.. , ~,i, a, au. • ~..., . . Val.. Pm. 5.1.4 whs.'s... extlhaed Jlth I' Lt.g bee:: tbt 61 16: Or h, ?rot( >.ar. E,•Ltcs I. H S !stir io P t:ht,l7gb r • -Saco - ate, -A, 1. ;,..- ...„ , nine Metliodoi Ch.. , tii, i i . P it.fic•;:i i:legLeny and vicitil.y, :,,, wt„tl t.tio ton or made itaprove Wentz :0 tl, an ~,u,;: • I -:. -' - • . '." ' jRY &Willi:. 11 , 111 r,fty rune titotsand se-er hundred .1... ars —lt to reported by reliable autht :..t, theta: the last els suction at ntedectt, a t the Pr.mtigartde in Rome—npen t, tbe o a ~ Cents of all the wor iki- lhe large insiorry '''''''' of the ',rites mete horny rof `,), InAii.n. a le. Holy Scriptures, clovrintte , ne.loxv. r ,,, ,„,„,., . PoRIUPfi morel theology, rc'estavleal hitntory, piroot ! 4 • ~' n .. . !. i ... ..,'' , ': Y"r7'.k2n:,,P1'27f.4,,, ophy, physics, chr - nne , r - y, fit I, r. - r- , Creek ! nrne'n'e':ftil'ainn'int'.ini.'t.i7:lft4:!!‘:",'„4,':,Zl."4"L''" and Latin verse, the itrbt prizes all went I " , `" ,:1i t ,.. " , ' , ' ,',,,'',:,;;;'„f',','," e "",,,, i '' r , :. to the students of the Irisu Their I F 1 1" 41 ' . ' """ '''' - " - 4- success is said to have astonished the Pope I A-N .. 1 .r ',' 1.. n."- r ‘ ais i -: . `tir . ,i' m . 1;1_011 I- OR Tit r, ROLLING Ai IL , axed all others at Itome. I isoiJi . t i.ia rtlE arcuate, ... —... 40 1 of ear Church Etiquette • It is fashionable with many to come late to church leag after the services have began, to the edification of the curious in the congrege. ;,en and comfort of the nertee of the pulpit it Ito ately been decided on high flettlaur.ty, fuLoeina faits a 4 to La 0t+40 , 744 4 , 4 i occasions: • the lady advance one pace beyond the do , ...,f the pew she wishes to enter, halt, about fa,. and salute. The pew most then be race. teal by sneh gentlemen as are In It, by flank movement. The squad should rise slmnitsne. misty when the lady presents herself, and face by the right Hank, then deploy Into the Mete, the head men facing the lady, and the rest walking to We right and rear, the direction of the line being changed by • right eonntermareh, and forming again into llne, up and down the aisle, the (wed by the light flank. The lady, when the team Is clearf completes her salute and ad vancee to her poeltion In the pew. The gentle men break off by tire from the rear and resume their Piece.. Great care alould be taken, of d." whcouriet:Lu a ... b 7. o ther Parties, not to enter the alale 11011)141t ta Mimics , Trairllllll, until It to At "I'Lr 11. e ~ I y ~ 'Aefrter XONI(01..; Afp,p9 l'Ut up In all stylpe and It at v " . l low Prices. . tt.a dni e+ t ac- , ' , ee • t,ole Trill ha found eau ,„, jet e 1 , , orwi,4 ....I OA ll'EfiS, AMX L P.To, flu . i I, ',lo r tt o L,. l it F.,14 S •-• 0 , :i lot )t,liaa 01 Old, ka . : on 72 tocl 1:20JE:el-W5L7- 41-C) 4::13:01Eil kap.l.ll &LULLI.:I la OA/11141 to lama stock of Cheep Blookots, (Iticap Blanket.. Rona Uovers, Rune Outer., Urea. ‘:nc.ds, low, Drval Good., low, °hoop ta.....ltiw. (Jheltp [Mouth., Domes:lc*, Lkmaestles, Flannels, cheap, Flannels, cheap, Umbrellas Vbrellas Hoop Skirts, cos, Hoop Salitik, Shawls, Shawls, Shawls, Uall and so. tboso good, and you will below* pier etmerta. T. A. kIeOL.R.LLAND, dale:Star , Nos. 06 and IT nice • tr eel. _ IV, OUCH TO ILULROAD dND COAL COMPANLEs SA LE—One hundred NEW EIGHT V,' 1 11 , Es.E1, COAL 0 .A.71: 4 ., Iron Drop Bottoms, broad tread; been used for about taros months tho Ruled Top Coal Trade. Ap ply /1"P at 628 Wainot street, second story, frOa4 11/oitiladolidua. L DCTUR "VOL'NG MEN'S MEII('ANTILE LI 1312.1111" I.rl'Tl*Pf S XIBB ANNA /I% D ICKLNSON I.Er.i7-'lll. IN _ .. airrtyf'Ltq' TO V liti bG. DEC 26th : -L•111 'rno..n„r F•rn/olfr Do•”alab.r assn ESTNEBII boon open at t o'clock.; Leasure roma:mums at 13.4 o'dook. nnala tle , rts. Sol arum! Sesta Me cure Tke neat r.'hacas lasusd for 1,..e Last/ire of No. yenther be good for toe laeltue of Tuesday ereosug. Seat. (or y •eulos aoy be 00001,1 al tbb Library Wednesday. s orausene'llSit et lb o'clossr e. /4. ThiJSLAS ad.h.EWELL, J. W. B FJIWARDS,• MerLINToCK, .. A.S. J. DONNELL, • I. L. CLAM/ W ELL, .:.. &LiniEE, Leottuf. 00tratiltta. , SPECIAL NOTICES. fir-- IMPORTANT 10 OIL RRTINERIN he undersigned, titer many years of experb o total labor haring dimovered the only known Method of extracting coloring matter from the reoldutimof Petroleum nut trearlog the same with chemical magenta In Order to produce the wr4l a ell known sad beautiful dye colors itt made from i.. ma: rar shah as Ire Magenta,' 01•00111 n. fi !le, hi:lne. a ir anderbaied t n•r.e • • • ..c o %, • r,. . • . t•/, ”rt.) trta,t .s r_tt- • Cu Lie watt itottief of reoporto bt.tty In: lye tt6tit to toe btactbrc Lt., same to th.e Inc g 'rat rerair of Wburo, awl rosy b, 1 , 4,1 an•l c..n.ultet! Ai in • •oort t . iiiIiiIMIEIIII:IIZELtffM 01.1Z.,,N 111:1)L11:1 :11 ,) n. ou•LIIILS 11,1. 131.4 lattet 726 111..., a). I , e. 'Lodi 1.(1,), 'AA a ".• e rl. 1.1.1,1,11 ..revr. eve etr.. :1.1, l' . Jot, • • k.s. 11<11 ~ .H e k, ic.:.440t ENE= =Er La: ,re•t It. :et ll= 1...,)%Pc• :1,15 Nal! Jerk Pr • I ?aft ot,t ‘ 4, 1.01.$ IV.I. 11 feature lt., it ti • , ..I.2tke It retilKl'ev Lt.( liii=l3ll!l2tM =ISM _re, e .10 te0.11.0. e:, 1:.1-Loa ee wet,. poLsOno, rect. it pett..i/..e11.,:.te for toe nursery, le set. t..•. 14, 111 CO M] 1..- •I ow • H V 1.1.1 H , , H 1 , Art,. r Ara, Sec. .ante. , F . lttan , /rc. J0.; , ,.t for I .RC , !tStSLIO II ALC ‘l, I A :AL, En • 09 CTION,t , •I S TLC F. ---- SEW ING MACHINE.. e: N t,kt be Au ccttutu .•irt ark • t.a k u. i,-lAcurzu• U . A YA Tre,aurer Xl< Large 210(1 liebiruble ••tueli of 6.• olo.rr.oe' •r“3 6, 11, 6. / Pi rtror too, Drcember 1 , 11, 563. ELECTION for .Nir,e 11irertorl 33 . 111166 116./d .31 6,M,uL1e.116,66 HOLIDA Y GIFT.! ow. :N/PA J• 66,61, W.-, ho of rod . •re,ora. -11.4111[ET NTIEIEICT d.16,Jr,4 T. VAN DOFIEIN. Cortlor - ;0c0.66 NAT./. 16‘66 or Al.-Linor3r. an; oh.. Tow cr. porabaslni I i ta 101 e tor Presents ...3.1.1...11.1Z.31". 1.. C. t, 1863. GREAT kNsA.I.;K:tiLAI..), ELECT.Iu.N F,Ult veer, oe 1.14 A: tr. e /16616 , 136 Mouse, 1:14 the 313 est.. 1 Tril 1.6 1,36 ,e . [tr. • •S I A 16 t. 31 Z. delaulso J. N. ii{.lll-11N. Cutlet i 4 . 1 ..dai I. l *.eia,, _A NINE DIU I „, „„„„ I L... p l4et Matruri, A 11:;:.; Lot., u ..t.O :Le uzi A . r I RIG Csablir. Ft."' N 41. 11•,111., I . UAL ELM. TloN l or pin e 4 1 1:ectors of 121.ta Haat mu/ be VI hvitl at the 0.1/7 TT*" rrns Eir no a TUE, DA' rr Ithee, bet wee.. ae1212 de . t.laarlti I A. a a.. ft x r. a. 10:eta K., ; for Direct ; gro.•;. =MI Boot hoe Store (.t. 55 ' .5 7 VIPTiI VTRI,E.T 7. I,lc. h h tiute tioot LA.LIES AND MESSES' SHOES AMIISMITENTS. PITTbBURGH THEATRE. I ntsace and Manager........ W. EL +Nosy s . . Benefit of the Great Artiste. ELIDAILE CELESTE, Who will appear In two of her beet cloacae •ers. Made/fame and the French opy, aa orig.hally played by.^er (Vrialan EVENING the perf ormauce wift commence with the beauhilul play. entitled ST. MUST'S EVE., With the original dance La Normand, h edelatne Madame Celeste. To conclude with Iliad. Celeste's great origins/ Military Drama, ail lira produced by her to the Untied State., or THE FRENCH SPY. Aladan, , 2elegt.e lu three characters. Holi reherehi, Grand Fairy Spectacle for the days. ( )PERA BOLTS& " hlawageriss, DOSS AN NIE EDE ULF Farewell and po•ttlyeis last night of MIRK NA .11)11. PAULINE OUSIINA.N - ace Inn J M WARD. Last alibi of Joeetto, 0, W. Small and /Rpm Leon. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, Des. 13d. In the afternoon, will E• Preeyeted the beanufel dornestlo drama, entitled Dot or the Cricket on the Hearth. SATURDAY EVENING, will be presented, the grand atelltary drams, eatlOed TOE UNION SPY, Or Patinae of Oa • Cianoberlana, Polka Da Boileau, S Seeeretta Joreit .r. Smith. Yol g e h u i n ‘ :l d ua F e d eTitt, the highly Interesting 'cliiit'auon; HANDY ArißY. lin :gond ,y, the tilented young actor Mr, , rer rvc Dares,riort, au,/ appear, Perlornisiee allerno,•n and cecnthg. 114 LL 'll.(' !.I_4 11.: 4 OAi D 'll ll , V 4 tor. LININU. Leo. 23d, Lt. Well ",. populu. .I.ItFIRTTA PANTOMIME AND BALLET TROUPf 23 PERSONS Their ortletle went rie• celled forth eiteoolum I fi to both pre.. See public Ite rormarkee Lb, evening Wilt @cub..., oat, ili• i•uAllsbit, Pant unsna p • SIEHiII PASHA. cc I tilowcd by Deassn. /larkiiroldslierom—HorisolstAl Bar, Trews, .14e. re el., •1•Ic wit • d hearrsed CM. II --4/,51 ce.e.les hIUSACIIIL AND Z UO 11.1 HAto It) Nil =EMI A FEW RATS oNLY, Hi:1,1111G E,'sQUELe yd nud Intl fonds. . L • • /111LENSI e 1'11.13 ArfiNIALS H iIN •:I •ilf. N1 . .3 •f SCIO. SEWING MACHINES FLIERS IS NO INV.tBTM.X.ST will WEI PA I'S A. HETI EH INIT.RENr oh i DUINOS MURE UDAIP,D4I", HEALTH, 111•PPIN ENS AND KELILYTIII nth IIDUst:110/..D 11.1 AN A e.l -WHEELEF?&. WILSON /-"/".' I4i 'l 4, 4A11. a ia.r• s.ept•tols •al A. F. CrLa.TON E Y , Na. IN Fifth •t,. Pittsburgh SHAW & CLARK'S $26 and $33 SEWINC "•;AACHINEB. WITH TABLES COMPLETE. They Hem, Fell, stiCch, bind, Embroider ►Ad They du VEST, PANT ALt)(IN AND (10AY MAKING ANTI ALL KINDS 01 , FAMILY sEWIAw ON THE BANE MACHINE, AND tHE sr.wiNG WILL LAST LUNGEK THAN THE G AILMENT. EVER V MAURINE IS WARRANTED V)lt FIVE. YEARS. 111 Urigail Hreel, peg... Fink FOR RRRT, Two Offices oo 731 M Strom BUollatil • u I POE SALE, A Irr.m. Flobroi vitt IS airs. of feud, boa /Y.,12g0 of Troy HSI. for Kaao. MOMASTXR, GAZE/LK & 00.. dole__ _ Attorooys, No. OS Groot [Wood ____ H UGE FITZPATRICB, FlllB7 PREM IUM GOLD PEN MANINIOTIIIM. Phllo Hall, or. Third and Market stin Simond Story, sotto.' on Third stmt. Gold Yens and gold and Silver PosorS.Ounot wholomo and mall. ego Pam roNared. Porto.. laving Elms lo raper ego dam lry u• 11. owl they will be PrdisPUl undid ID 000 ! 13, ".• 1.".1 ! E• r ftrt• .E.13E1 COMING HOLIDAYS HOLIDAY SALE AT Gardner & Schleifer's, P, Pt F 1 • • /,1. ,111 .t.At I.A ) ,h., ,k4' t • ,• . 1, ' A lut., •. • f 1. r• I.>. II , I , li. ci. ',IL • I Y0 , I..Ac, 1:: vu.e.: 1, .1•te.1, b. 4,1, •0.. If err•tltsto..l 7 , ,,,..t.,, d A rA NCI' 1 ",•A11iS ~ ..f e%•:r Es•cr Nlntri. F 101.1" vii, , , r I.: 111 a ~.. I tA, 1 0 1 \I. E. P. CARPENTEII. P.:.1.• • attlp• Fin (ic/Od Sedkrts :lea. o -4 I not., of Vlf, , le•E. I II • H 0..., t ••••' iir_rustzto Lec snot lk "71 1A 4 44 : 1 ' : ! IS. I ' I' :on At • IL 1 o • • r, •'S ' A CA. it•l ao Is “At • • r... S 'Or 1,441: o• r• .... • E , 11 1 11.1" M ,1! 1 NEW (; , , , ,Ds Y.•:( nt 1101.11)AYS to, A f •11. rut,. of F• 11,1 (At •cd TRshIXIINO AL -1.•;:`• • "„-, ,t Flue Work Boxes, Bectlenles, Per. fume Boxes, Ladies' Companions, Satchels. llgareilaads, Cigar Ca Lea. ends, Albans, AUCTION SALES, Jewel Watch cases, la Fancy ointis. SILL 110:- PITAL PROPERTY AT th - ., of r xf. , Nfi,JE, VA. ete. BwrEL•Elt. nti Pit a N ora L. /OE 1 . -I , IN AND 1 ‘l , l , Ds, Ni,, W etrvot. [On Ilt.takromi • • ENELLAI. All EN T. I' : 5 X•DICAL. eur. e el 011 . 8 OVVV: a., 0 Wrsell 1 larrT"li, I) Cr. 1 o ton:ober IS, ISM Wll , 1 , 711 , WI ao , t. 51 toe I h 17'1 1..5TP .5 aitlf• ESAL. 1 - 10sPITA 1.. roar Fortress al ouroe, O a., ail the appliances pertnlarng to that estabass • moot, tor.alstirg of rervicesble articles of lied ding, els; filet, ke In SI. eta. Ree•ao{la, lisle Counter. panes, sle ?Wows and M al traseet, I' ors els, :shirts, Drawers. Iron Bedstead., and an Astor t went of 7 able r ...I futile,, Yoe.. t• ur ; also, bird. [Moen, Hoks, a t on 0 Ell IV ESLAY, toe 2'7,h rum , ... ri o'clock, •nd to conuone daily untll all the property Is disposed of. terms-4JAY 11. Purchasers Will be required to pay for an: re. Move proPerty 0 Ithln forty.elgtrt bourn from .er ru dell2,2tdaination of aale. C. hE I li 1 , 1“.AI1 li, Surgeon V. S. A„ med. Purveyor. CITY R. H. LONG, P IT Tt 4 hrl+ilh, YA 7 kiI'STEE'N SALL tht 211/1/A1 AFTEHNUtiN, Jen:awl 12th at t o'clock, on the erecetace, will be Sold by orJa of Truatee, TIIIIF.E. hiftll/1( 11(A'SEN, No.. 20, 22 end 14, on caee r7 0 ky. netween Second and Thl44 I , .reets. The Lots re 16 feat f and 60 feet In .t .t n. (turt each Term., one Laird each, balance an ona and two year*. d 1,15,2110.4.1 • . OLIDAY PREBENTS AT AUCTION —PIIATI'S MEAT ANN VAL HALF* r•I Ant Books, opleudld Photograpn Albums, Family and Pooket Bibles and Prayer Book., Juvenile Books, Latter Paper. (toll Pens , ea., 6,, :yid olinimeneo this evening, at ihe rglal Sales ' Booms, opportte the Pon Ulnae, nno pool/QUO OSVOIT evening during the week, and at Prlvate Bale every day,at auction prises A. kIeaLVVAINE AuotJoneeri PaArr Bans. Saleamen. deli CZOLD AND tiLLYER WATCHEb, so, ID uoLli 11FW 1..• litdiriks, V EN-PLATELI %Ana" .tn.—every evening Una weak, st,', ipolook, et No. LSO Penn street, 10Li he sold, to Giese out the entire large and valuer. .took very superl:a asSann eat of 5000.1000. 404 Me /LeWA.IIIB. durcioneer. DRY GOODS, TRIALICINGS,, DRY GOODS, TRDNIMEENGS, ezo _ . A MXItHY CH1; 1, 1'143.5 AND BAP NOTICE. HUAI Jos. Horne You Ff'ill Find N a tall the attention of tile eutalc I, our aa Atif e. mrsLtice. forme - sly Us., AAA at fortmant it.. ffna., formerly 4.5.1., and at Ma, moue NI said formerly at 55e., at fitiliXklft A 00.`1, 1111 Mundt n. GOODS SUILiELE FOR PRESENTS MEET ^ is..anclans•, L•111f. feLm.,l7 Novelty. Variety and Cheapness, Ai B.LILKSIS A At( '!.• %Stlar/uat at. IS UNEG.,:;...&ALD You Will Pi tad LAC®4 Groc>cl.a. All kinds uf !MESS IlfkleDai sass!, w Psn fonrtion, at THE INE.sT PIHNTT BAJMI.AIB. & Mutt& K. A PP Lit,trt. k kkt.:lllF F., .•El 1,1 01{11E. , , (JAI IF1:11.n. EA77 BROIDERIES Collars, Sets and Collarettes I•IITATI,,i VALE'',AY; 1.1.111 Pi o' •i • •pv, h s. 11.1: -.•A N 11,•-• NEE' .1. .; .. r'.l • % . 1•.• 4 t.,...;1ihi)11/E/lEn .11A1.1},E 1— Is 1.11.041. A SI P S AL.ILI, IS HANDKEHCHIEFfi rots Wilt Pdnd 131. A 1 KI,I Al ie per pmr, wort'L , 1 •:•: .•' 14.1% Hue et a :• , ,60. Ihe aLz, cheap at Orl. e‘n ha bu,;nl a 7 •• 314. - . ,• lar,eat AS: atat, as good as $ll4 ,00 at EARKEU & CO Market K. FANCY GOODS lc Core Ls lia•rf Pre,. I.ttnr. JO. ••qtly. at I ir - ou Frill Find BALki,:"RAL !.ICIRT,3. 0 I , H v ESP LlISo) SHA W 1..., ... HaStly ... r;,....., NI , v Ah 1 , -no, s , f.,/IICT prlcea. Wvt/L LOSH.I , , ~ !rI; • ,-. ,f I. Get unf,r• ',IA WUN rc.l ; .41 Iron $13,60 to 1.. 111.. a., •lleu, ti., .ort. e.,arl IS,litt k... 1/.. ()O.'S, ISS Mar cs‘f .1. : - .lCell IN./ -1•11.."1S, W. La Nl_ve -. a, 11,1 H NY FS • :EIE DCII.IIY 1.1,' ,r.• vat, r :a Pur, EIC M 1 4 {1 _ i , •le _ ? , / leg :!... Rt, r 6,41. :•cs ui •• I.AV I\;,ELS ,•ww.i:slit , IJS nek lee. ..34 rig, • Ur•vtl,fq ‘A. ,:n.• tl,l- • av e t man) tl.rt trl.l.ln. • ..o nue.". mes. 'lop AIN& (Ali JOS. HORNE, & GO,, 77 and 79 Markel Afreet i qI , MSTMAti A [ ) EATON'S, E. Ei r REIM ASPK I. is. S..EYN - 1 :106A1. lIONJ 111..1r. n's .s : btv . t H EA rON .1 1 '.. 17 El rris ot f R CET 1 ; , Markel .strert Alarkot Stroot .0 11 10 0 4 / 1 ( II 1 . ♦11.1. co.been mr - 1/1 n rd oar prile i lL , ;lllTHß Ty. THAN 'uT/UNEEIL. ANY OTIIHH HUI EH T A im'ILWAINE, Auctioneer. tails rou Prat Icland At le ' ctetazale PRINTS as .old forma. likRBRE I 045.11, 4 &trim at. & Co's l'ou inrifr re, u%NU 1 0 4 1 , 1 N tia. - rod :tilie'a"tfrd, T . 1 ,1, !A do. "A }`li 02 4'o Wialarket rou ;VW( nAl.m,ook,,NK,Hrs fr. 1•,1%. o, 4.11411 ' • st. . S'ou 111"111 oad o -tt r ik .t. 01 ou 15 - 1/1 Plnd 1.1 • KI ,ery cursi., :nu an t.,e them mane to vinler at cystic)) . BAK& f.R • CM '3. 65 !darn. t NI. Few. Find L. Alt/NJ, . trent v nel y ♦ety c BAL K RR a U 0.14 IS al•ritet st, rou srwt Piuti tlAN;tii NI ERE.. NA TTIINE.T. Fancy Articles and 'Notions. IV. hi JEA W., mod , ' kinds Mn... 1 e' and Aoya' Aver Linde), it•n lor.erly. at ~BA WI:LLB & , oUNT ,. ) 1,11,1, VIN BARGAIN?' ri.E., ,, rT r ot' E E'ER l'l'll 1.. r d IDS; ) J. W. LUKER Ca'S NEW DRY GOODS, Nos. 78 and so MarketStreet_ (4!6ftTIIIS GIFTS FOE Embroideries of #ll kinds. B.nt6 6.l>per and Ottoman Patterac: LINEN AND SILK NOKF S FOR LAMBS GENTS AND ChMLDREN• oulc Goods or all Doccriplioss !Hosiery and &Howes in Eiedisss Variety. Ci EST tFr P.ll /Z4EI/2‘. GOODS—,s py Linn tiD AL•11111 141 TO FANCY GOODS. rtfli,l:,:,l74artraut SPECIA NEW GOODS Ever) Day During Lbe Holiday Season I. is 1.111 S• ttoud • somprila• .u+tmsnt . fiILYE tlB A •LLL AT con. 78 and 80 Market Street MAORIIM, OLYDE tft 114 HOLIDA 1 BALES 81Lr. . SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS COODS, BATES & BELL, . 2 rirwa MITELLI Rich Jewel. wad Work Boxes. A Wotrb and Gin, Elorr... kleg,irt Pertnniery Wute!: and 41,111. and gasket., Broontren. Inr.tts, h rev.: Bt.,ion, Pearl Neeklanos. dear! Piot. Fine Party Fana—Nr.., pod Urrh Ifirh Belt. wad Belt I. lattp, , , Fine Pocket Wtok,r, these goods hal, Jun Teen miry M. weak. and are Joat the at tides for NEW YEARS GIFTS We are also opening a choice aatectaiont of Real and imitation Lace Goods Real Point Lace Collars, Lace Trimmed Handkerchief. }teal and Imitation Lace Veils, ?lain and Embroidered Handlierchtefs, Infants Rubes and Caps, Ladies French Scarfs, Neck 'liaisons Worked 6l:pper Patterns, Croquet and Balmoral Hose, Plain and Lined Kid Gloves, Bnapendi re, \t.1:1: Tlet, Snags, Under Starta, and DrawiteS, AND AN ELEGANT .►SSOY'PMENT OF ILadies and s &ntleman wishing tit make 7 7. El . S ! tr., will find many useful and suhlable a Fn.,- rticles .t Ailcacil,orestc, IvLACRUM & CARLISLE POSITIVE BALL NO. 92 MARKET STREET Russia Crash. WI plates •itr• Peary Cl 124 catall yara .nld avar, where (or .0 :eats, imery, a; One case at :0 cans nue case at ure can Ai 28 . •rni everywhere at ri cocas, except a s 60ILLEITER,S. 1-1 Bleactied Shining. Una cane yen nue D OMIDuly 1 cents per yarn .e 6.1 everylVEE eb•• Al rents, except a • 4-4 shirting ann Sheeting. Very extra enallt, for r exits . Cold e , e r r where at 6U and cents, except at OLIO, PIER 8011L.ELITLE'S. Printed Delaines. eo pieces for 23 crate per yard, ea. only be :tau at GA SDI,' EESORLEITER'S. 1-4 French Chintzes. Only eo outs per yard, so,d everywhere for Trov Sl;g sesta, except & iscumra• 7-8 and 4-4 Liiaeu Sheeting. 0019 1751 end 60 cents per yant . 7...e lA t i t;r E tt a: StaILE::ERV. 1,001 " Balmoral Skirts. Only $ 2 1134, sold evert wasps at Ss is Black and colored Silks, Otitaper two any G•utc west of New Vars. to DO coartneed, come and sea satin Plaid Poplins, • Double. Fonl Plan, •,4 Stet" 11-tat bat , Falua,• only 0 5 34 torus. Sold wrayywbere at Dl yet yard. Plaid Satin Empres, :look Void cunning goods; cusp at vo, I:hitt/NE& h st'•ll.: nth's knee only CA mate. ' French Merinos, Ileppa, Emma. Otetas, sines, Corded Alt linos and belaines, $ll5 Lustre.. French l'aida, Scotch Paid., Pataley Plaid, bleu a u time Plaits; all new goods. Oneaper Lean them all, for :AYE WEER, or during tees OR EAT &A IrE at GA klbri ER & SOILLEITEIPS Cloth Cloaks. Wilt you buy at Id 00, ea 1e 00, at CO on at 00, at, $l4 OD, at slt, at $ll 00, a: 016 o', at en 00. Ditty styles to select from. ' on • klloak, cheaper Casaeleurnem, at on /usi: and Sllamft ttn.,6a. yr: Market stru. Table I. / 1 / 1 . ,,,, 11134a70 cuts • it: m0te1,873.4 sesiu 0041 51' 1 4 ).....215 ske nta. Quan Everything clasp daring tke great ule one week, at GA HONE& &SOIILEITER'S Kid Gloves. no6lta Rest l•dtt Snooty, stitched or plat., 0017 in 00 SKATE , 13' 2.600 P A I it Lad/as, Ps la A 'l' /X ETXXY V-4.11 /sr If roa IiALLELLOW ..r.a.mrs no rp^.lt, d et. No. 186 DRY GOODS T R MMINGS, &e BOOTS AND SHOES MACR_ LI , M CARtaLE, 14`iitii e et MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY lI I RESENTS. Many New Novelties! J. A• CIoOLN a, CO., ENGLISD AND FRENCii FANCY GOODh ILECPLI YE D The Last European Steanasrs, h JA M ,)13 13 Ch~'ls~mda,~ BALMORAL SKIRTS 19 Firm trfRELT %V F:.. K IT PHICES BELOW, Si. % 'll &Zs: 'k 4'llCa!! Gonda and GASUgiren 3P- S - riteletOP-' dind % Iron. AT A „2.5,../1.3 PR.tOE.? P.M. manuraatuneg *O OfEse, r. ' Street ana %pea neWay rofttodur s Aft LOOE •+I7T-FO^ RtRGAINB AND SHOES. TRE.:--diis•NOOUS STOCK F;^l.0 -TER 400118, 741411:4ET STILEXI r. HIS 'S Dry Good. Slot. 800 Tm AND S Huis TO. 49 Mirk et A1tr9451 of of LAIN'T Nrith • 1.) , g, •u.. 1 ......,,orzvls zai-Ja 191.13CC)1111111. o . l n ITnu IERY l ERY • lirJPE r Si l% S I HOF .M ' ".'I. j? er e __. _ __ to etyles. m WORE of the fbre , ~e tt :hat te manufactured, from the toe ,rn , wee wrol Oslf Boots Obildrans* /Soot" 2,1 , • , 1.3 every style 21.4.11 variety. uu:. •r to ee.l euett geode 111 W7ll give tag • 21 22011,, •./ pr,raim.ser. etll and Cosmifft and kon Will be .3ttsticd ay-Y le with the ciCelialTY andirßlult.of geOde. Remember tee place. JAAILN HUBS, oce No. 71 Market Wert. ,EMINT3IAS 18. COMLIEIG, and friend fLeCLI.:I* , _,C6 la 00 band; ac UN Old Stand, No. 92 ieders. htreat, Allegheny, with • very iarge at.' of Onstom BLitt. Boots, Show( and Gaiter% rJ. THE WINTLH ArasON. - . /le /too{ al. Goo". sod sclls at lower ..E..3llalLlEH,t.t.o,Lr hoar, tho two ants& kt • g. hteIJUNTOOB, F.Aere/ etre.... Allegheny OTIC/.. ALL STYLES Of aoc•t& shoes 68 hi Al= KRT. STREET, A SUITABLE Pt4BENT For no y perron to receive or give la a pair ladies' Fine Kid Gallen or Babierals, GENTS' FINE SLIPPERS, A A FINE POUR or & BOYS, SODTHS' B OIr oIIILDRENS' BOOTS , fts AIISS es AND (1/3.II,DREPDs FINE BALKORAI4III And you eau lasi s nice an ortsn ant cheap at J. EL BORLAND'S, OS IdAItKET STREZT • • . H ()LIDA Y GIFTS. TEE MOST usgert, MOST DURABLE., MORE RELIED THAN ANYTHING ELS E. KEEP YOUR rEEr WARE AND DRY. GO T CA RNAIIAN eh CO.'S BOUT k *UDE STORY. Oorner of Merkel Street 81110 the Diamond,' 41 6 0/1 PITTSBURGH. PA. L ME rap GE/Tl3', ALD3B.IIB' AND . causui poetic .'hoes and Gatt,ers, Or every Style And Fenn, AS 4Jorner klftte a d COYLE'S, n Wylie EtreAt.. as- Pra,, tom ettli everpbcdy. AMA CALL AND SEE THE GENT'S PINE CALF BOOTS J. W. CIA2IVABIN 83 Ithirket •treat. PX/MRCIEL9irr TAIL 0813 HEUNTR7 G. aralz,-- lerchant Tailor, xuirre-tr.orr min ov ?UN a moms ITTTSI3I3ItGri, Pa., rail,. great pleasure to aanpultelag to Ws lITIZOOP unle customers and the paella or.erelVv, that his purchases rod to nta•for the Pe.L.l. SEA -005 are now ' =te ' d, haying beta Denozia/Ilf selected from the flrat.craaa tiletli boinea to the Euteru Litie Only Bach aii/ssa of goods as ean really be recommentinl, mill tit eTwq.4 Which enta traces tas ae west matt teo4 Approved teateudela . styles, the =Lire *coca othe eery large Parlet..... anu melevt. 11r. Etale h. Ou c h Wanda:ace to latia : :lag an early laspecnov.. • early E11...he.h., cOI4O.ItED CLOTH AST/ LW: SKINS, as wool, watrazate. hat 1 5, .11 ' colon, eau s, and texlttre. /. uLora„, rod other new coating new style tor entire Matta. s, . i A Yenta great variety of PINE U 21 .5.1137.ER.P.S foe i and Vesta, for Itemleketal Evening west. nun _i______________ FUR WINTER. 0 rER-00.11TIvras: Blue Black Chinchilla) Brown Chinchilla, Daliah Chinchilla, FINE FRENCH BEAVaa all colors biet, make up to ender is s elipsiget I y ammer emu etyie. POSBLELQ.EE&E. s , locestots to S. CIR&Y R BOA. . , won ma:Loa.," faous. S'O. 651 st 1.4 ASaIUiNIABLE IM 9 , • DE§IRA t.tiat..PDEL or l3s►wa et routh,* Clotleft* mAnz ro oanztt, THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. E. B. NORRIi • amitcauurr• rexiost. 80. 79 87., Bi/9889917. 1.1 vii DRESS AND SOROOL SUITS, tketr lot of ettoloo rods' For Fa,ll WeELr. suer REcraIVED ey GRAY & LOGAN. . .3 !V O. 47 ST. CLAIR SPIEAT. M:=M sear IadXITFACTURING IJOKZANY WILL BUY sat. and for Lie nnine °lda- teCei TW , rE/ZER ARElSattOlt eatast lEszka,4A4l . l l pit si t 1 'art toce-traLr a qotrrEi & ROBB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers