mite ghtsburgh t mite, F. E. PENNIMAN EUESELL EMMA', Flt.rmina -18. EUSTA.MAGNA. Ecamma MAAAozz. GAZIIITTES ASSOCIATION, JPN.;i3a7i•MilXoX`Ols NO. SS FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH SATURDAY, DECRY BER 23, 1868. aspulnacArr CITY TICKZT. FOR MAY( tli, WILLIAM C. aIeCARTIIY, Itti Ward. FOR I.IOI , TROLLER, JOHN MeCARGO. 9th Wail FOIL Tit EL:, 13REE, WILLIAM EICUILAUtI, 6th Ward Motive to AO v ..... ore.—Notles Is hereby grreettat tereatter all TILATIBIENT advertisements reo•iired at tab office most be paid for when boo, ed In, except in the ease of yearly advert late.. ~elose bill, will be rendered pcurearly. as usual . 11,4i*U.Orill will please make a note of this, as t hs role of cash payment. for advertWmests et the sliarseter stated will, from thie day fo and, be a/Sixthly tuiforewl. The price of spar Menthe and Evearij MN o ° . L ThlltiE CENTS at the counter et flea • • wt. qty. 4 iparyed b 7 wrier, at “Bta pt W COli 6 nE Bs has adjourned , over the %lost of the members have gone home to enjoy the festivities of the season with their families. In addition they will have come opportunities of coming in con tact . with their constituents, and of ascer taining their switiments on the great ques tions now under discussion. The people own the government; nay, they are the government. What they de sire Will be done, and onght to be done. It b highly important, therefore, that in all imitable ways they seek to give each el. pression to their ideas and feelings as will enable their respective representatives to understand what they would have done. A BANKRUPT LAW A. bill to establish a uniform system in Bankruptcy is before Gligress. It is sub stantially, if not identically,the same as the bill introduced at the last session. What chance It has of getting through it lanced less for us to predict. The experience of business men as to the operation of the for mer law-created a public sentiment that de winded its - repeal, and erected a powerful barrier in the way of the passage of any similar law. Vane the former law ena bled ten honest insolvent debtors to assign their estates for the benefit of their tespec tlye creditors and take a discharge from their liabilities, a hundred scoundre:s avail. ed themselves of the law to defraud the nien they were owing. No doubt a good deal of this sort of swindling wOuld be practiced under any law, even the most guarded, that might be framed. And this shows that the fault is not so much in a bankrupt law as is the dis honest purposes of a certain class of cred bore. - It ought further to be considered whether thietclass of man who would rea lize their dishonesties through the agency of a Bankrupt Law, would be any more honest in the absence of one. It strikes 11.5 that when involved, they are not likely to Ceske any serious efforts to sustain a repu tation for integrity, but are most likely to avoid the payment of their debts by any artifices to which it Is possible for them to resort. A uniform system In Bankruptcy is de sirable. In the absence of such a system thousands of the most active and energetic Men in the country arc tied up so that they can do nothing beyond the attainment of a bare subsistence for themselves and their families. Here is a large loss of productive Power to the nation. Clearly there ought to be some method by which these men can re liberated from their liabilities and restored to activity. Ibis often said that this esd can be ac .complished readily enough through a con promise with their creditors. Such Is not the fact. While it latrne that most Mud ;mesa are ready to compound with a debtor who makes a full and satisfactory state ment of his affairs, it is not tree that all are. Some business men make it an inflexible irule never to compromise a claim. When each a man Is included in the list of an in solvent's creditors. and for a considerable sum, an adjustment becomes difficult; often impossible. Why should not the laws come input there and compel a settlement ? Is it replied simply because the credi tot hers & valid claim, and is eatitled to his money? That would raise the previous questioa Of the right of creditors to de mand a law to enable them to collect debts. That right, not only in the purview of seas on, but in practice, is conventional. The Legislative powers of this country have es tablished such exemptions and-given such Modes of redress as on the whole they thought most. desirable, not to the creditor claws but tothe community. The tenden cy of legislation, following the humanising drift of the age, is to lenity. The right of a'exteditor to sell his debtor, and his debt - Gen wife and children as slaves; his right to imprison his debtor while living and to - hold his body when dead ; and his right to strip hits debtor and bib family bare o f per sonal effects ; have one by onea,been set aside. Property exemptions in behalf of the debtor, and, particularly, in behalf of wife and -little ones, are slowly but steadily augmenting. These are all preg nant indication of the future. Advanced thinkers and moralists question the advisability of having any :law far the collection of debts. Who,. two standards of action are maintained men who are not really conscientious are prone to accept the one that approaches neatest to their wishes. Hence, as the case - stands, there is often a a ide difference be tween lewd honesty and ....rat honesty. ,When the legal standard, to twat particu lar cases of hardship, is relareo or adopts tile general mural rule, many who In teal. 13' are not within the tele,count themselves there and take all she advantages of the position At best the system of collecting debts by law is expensive and vexatious. The dLect and Indirect cost the of system is a serious percentage on all the debts collected under It, and that would not be collected without it, If public sentiment had reached the point at which simplei Dishonesty—that is, the failure to pay a debt when the debtor • has the means of payment—could be se ; minuted a crime, deserving of punishment, 1 ,- ; all civil processes for the collection of debts "Would necessaril y be. abolielied, and greatly "to the benefit of lhai . wholp people. The tandency is lififivay; vor special digutett from Warhimrson giving an abstract of the blathers the war In the I'm master ()wares of -See It was etc: a that the defalcations daring v.mvrowd to are handred and linty sitili , ar. It ehonld read Eve lanadred aid forty —10164144* SAILED .AD RIVALRIES When the Ene Bailway was opened through to Dusdrlrk: theze was a formal celebration of the completion of the grand enterprise. Distingniahed gentlemen from the East and the West participated In the festivities. One of these was STEPIUM A. Donow. When the party reached Dun kirk, a dinner was given at the Loder House, and Douorses was called out for a speech. With that keenness of apprehen• elon which was his most marked chlrec 'castle, he exclaimed, "Gentlemen of the East' Cease your petty rivalries Open all the avenues from the West to the Allan us: sea-board; and I pledge the Great Weet to fill them all." Ea *aka as became a statesman whose compntheasion penetrated Into the future, and discerned the vast In crease of the republic. He spoke as a saga• clone business limn who saw the fact that so many avenues of intercommunication be- lateen the ELI; and Weat,eculd not be made, but the increase Of population would till thew all o their ntmeat capacity. Tire PELESIDENT says " Treason is a crime," and the House of Representatives has cordially endorsed the sentiment by • vote of 144, concerting most heartily in that other maxim of the President, that "it ought to be punished." And yet there are people who are continually urging upon hie`v4ry House of Representatives that it is its bounden duty to open its doors to teal tors-said give up the legislation end the government of the country into their hands! THE Erie people are urging the construe. tion of a new railroad from Erie to the OU region. They must be careful where they tread, however. It is not coruititutional to construct any railroad in Pennsylvania that does not lead, or is trot tributary, to Phi Indel phis, .1. M. BaNnirrt, late Auditor or Virginia drr Extra billy Smith's administration, ex plains what became of the $21,000 of specie b oeging to the State, upon the eeeeuation Rtchroond. The Governor, haying Cm helpe r himself to $5,000. elletrtbetrA the rematede aCIIVI g the State officers. R Ivirg each membe of the Legislature the patacce of twenty 001 The auditor publishes a Wag list of the • distributions. , trisswour throuno-sOUDEILS 11!1 7113 Boum.— A communication from the Betretary of the Treasury, in response to the &nate', resole, Uoa ot the 18th Inst., ■tats that the records of the department do not show that any person. hey, seen appointed to any °filen not asthcria ed by existing law, but admits that pers,ne have been appointed to office who hare not aid,- scrlbsd to the oath referred to under the and revenue laws In the Meal j Insurgent States, but that no salaries have been paid, with one excettion. The Secretary says he "matt tenons for sunk offices who could take the oath literally; but, falling to And them, to select those who gave no aid to the rebellion until the gov ernment of the United Bata red laden to give them the protean"' to which they woe entitled, Tan writer of the recent editorials in the N Y. Tioics,tirging Congress to surrender at 011 C ita opiniona and its perogativea, deflating to retentiau of th. test oath to be "s mere poin of dignity," and recommending me immettlat - . admission of t h e Southern •aoaae, lithe same timid politician who, at the cmamencement or the war, advocated eurreud r to the South, by ell manner of pusilanimous compromises, sea at the commencement of the last year of the war, declared the rebellion could "Dever be sac pressed under radical policies." The present advice for another surrender comes moot natio, ally from the same source.—Atroll Tribune. number of paupers In England oat the let of January last., was 074.778, exclusive of 111 inaane In the Gilbert's insurporations. Of the 971,772, as many as 42.487 were insane, and of that number 48,4643 were lunatics, end 10,- 021 Idiots. Thus tour per cent. of pauperism was ascribable to insanity. lAregard to the sexes, 16,828 were. males. and 21.0111 females, matting 28,4661 whilst of idlotr. 4,1567 were males, and 5,464 wore females, making 10 021. Or tnr :our per cent, of Insanity, the lunatics were 9.9 our cent., and the Idiots 1.1 per gent. In con, on the Ist January, there were 105.251 pauper, and of that number 2,1133 were Insane. A ras.s.ours has been traveling around, sta ting that A Dr. Blair, a quiet, peaceable citizen of Corinth, Hiss-, had been killed by negro sol diers. Capt. J. C. Cowin, of the 108th C. L, commanding that post, has currected the state merit. He says that on the day .f his death he was extremely noisy, and moat insulting to all soldiers whom he met, that he fr quewly ez pressed a desire to 1111 some of them, and med toward them moat offensive, diary and pro , nne language. He aas arrested tinder standing or ders, whereupon he drew a revolver sad at temptel,to shoot the guard, gild while in tee act of taking aim he wee shot- Taft Sandusky Register of yerarday says: • , John B. Harm. the great horse-tamer, was at tacked with paralysis last Saturday evening. at DM residence, near Groveport, in Franklin coun ty. He was out skating daring the afternoon, and, on returning home, met some friends, and after chatting with hie Usual modmilty for a short time, extorted himself on the plea of need mg fresh air, feeling GLIM, sc., and walked out toward the stables, w hen the disease manife.ree imelf, and he was cirried to bls home. At in t ACCOILDU he was somewhat better, but still one- Me to communicate intelligibly." On Ike 111th inst., a convention or wool Mow ers and wool mannfactiarers was held at Syra cuse, N. T,, at whisk the leading wool growers Of Ohio, Mtnols, New Ragland end New Tort. aid many prominent manufacturers from Inc East were pretext. besointione were unaoi• measly adopted declaring the meeting to be In laver of a tariff of protection for wool and wool en goods, and adopting a committee ,of trine from each body to present the matter before Congress. Le former years beareely any of the foreign emigrants Mediu at New York bake goes to theBoath. Since the close ca the war emigre am begins to take that din: Mimi, and amine thin year, up to the close of October, 8,905 ol the emigrauta Antall:agar. New York went to the reconstructed States, Of whom the large num ber, 3,657 want to Missouri. Thls la !be begin ning of a great movement, which la to have much to do with the remmatrnattou of Southern moor and society, TErs N. Y. News overwhelms the nmes with the warmest commendatioas for Its recent articles In (aver of the Immediate Bemis !non of the members from the Botithern States, and observes that •-the readers of the Daffy Nora will recognize In the reasoning of the Times, or gomeuta with which they are familiar, as they have already been expressed by as In oar repeated comments upon the same sable. t." The rm.. makes an elegant tail to the Nees kite. - . A enaviantaa connected with the Freedmen's Taurean at Charlestou writes es follows: "Tu.:re Wmo let-up In our affairs. The crops are gem erne% and eke planters in thatteands of Inateetws are reeking the laborers away, without a cent of rensuaereston for their toll. Our affice is deny thronged with theta poor victims or Mimetic. We are hemline their °voter:dors ever the coals weer) they are within possible reach." As English elna.4 years old, living near Del hi, India, was lately sold by her father, for 51500, 5, an Indian eider orhd wished to add her to Me harem. She wae, eam p e tt e d to renounce the Christian religion atla embrace Mshomenam bra. The affair caused giros; ceche...tit among the Europeans In India. FaLCDERA a Ittoatioan.--OniT 200 colore d pawle are receiving soy aid from the acme, recut, and they are all Infirm and helpless per sons. Not one able-bodbd person of color is re ceiving any sastsumee wbateVer from no. Tho r Is the official statement of the amistant-catrmor. Monet of freedmen. col. protro• Man Union ettlems of La Oningr, Tenn., have addressed a note to GOT. Brownlow, In to: ming him that their lives are threetened,thet they have been ordered to leave, teat town, and requesting protection. The men ware for mer') c.filcereln the loyal mail. A Neoax, Jut discharged from the Milted 13 , 0. a, army, was deliberately shot dead In Memphis oa the 14th not. by Policeman Malo ney. who bad a grudge against him. The po lio man was not wrneteri, tJaough the Memphis papers reprobate the act. Toe Britieh Boar] of Trade retinae show that for the month of Oembiir there was as lo the rattle of the ariaorts of nearly. £5, 600,000 stern. g over the came month last year. 2he exports for thyti tcni months of the pia ware only about £1,000,000 below the tome parted to A New YORE correspondeint Faye Mr. Greeley who of hue years has worn Mack clothes, with the trowsera legs somstfaare both down ever hie boot. hen donned the Whitel coat a popular su parathion. Tun Copperheads ate enraged at Webster's Dl''ll o llerf. The Latestedbioa contains the fol lowing de: Mahlon c "Coppelhead—A Northern empasidur will lionaira STATE NEWS A Nino PROJECT.—We learn that the Atlantic and Great Western Railway has bought the CiOISCill Canal, and Intead extending the Cleveland and Maboning Road from Youngs town to Pittsburgh. foliowirg the canal to Ma honingtowr, and thence across the country. It In thought that if Litis should be done, the Erie and Pittsburgh Road would form a inaction at Mohoningtown t.y extension of then track.— ...Veseedsde Guoettf. Mransu.—Felix Farrell stanbecl Antlaonv McLaughlin at the boarding house oh the Nan ticoke Railroad, In the old dlsilll4'y at the non, 11011enback mill, on Monday night. McLaughlin died, and F - 7.11, who it It nm the renal arms. was committed by Esq Lewi, It Is raid that Farrell had the ...teed 10 stab sorne:Axiy, and meeting his tim on the stairs executed the threat on him.— ill/t , •kccre Record. Tun Timely Ole and flthole railroad. , he Oil Creek. Lake and Titusville kilning and Trans• portatlon Company, and :the Westfield Railroad company have been cenaolidated into one com pany, to he d the Westfield, Titusville and Pdhole Railroad Company. This lice will include the proposed railroad from-Titusville to Union. ItasoOxnan.—Jamee H. Hilts, the constable of Conneantrillea Crawford county, absconded a few days ago, takinu 1. 'arcs sum of money belonging to toe lauroult, which he had collected ea taxes. Tun London Review tells the following anec dote of a member of a well-known publishing dna in Boston : "One day, at a dinner party, a would-be wit, thinking to puzzle Mr. Fluids, and make sport for the company, anrounced. prior to Mr. Yield.' arrival, that he nad him,rllwrlttet, .nme poetry, and Intended to submit It to M-. F. We, as BOULIIty'S. AL the proper moment, Lb , rr:.4.1. utter the guests were seated, he Levan . F.elds, I Lave been a good deal exercised eel trying ,o lied o• • in Southey's poems his wrc known lines, rut.alog thus. (rrpenting the hues he had composed.) Can you tell as 111,13L1L what time he wrote them 1' do not remember to have eeeu them before.' rep!iei Mr Fld, e. there ouly two }e•l..d, m S .uLt We tile wt., curb hut, could toveibly hate teen IV, him. 'Who thorn f' gl eaten at Witty que.i hr. *Aid Mr. Fi•:d, 'about the Lady period of Is en.' ear , he was having 11W muotri, and tut icd to, then teeth.; or near the end of Si, lii who: brain had bolt:Lica, and he had ea II c:. iuto idiocy. The yereiliaatt ,n bet ,age to tt, una:e . petted, but the exprcenion etenrly bet•u}e thr tdlotic Oat.' The queattouer :mt,ed ha: the company roar. d." RELIGIOUS NOTICES FISIST ItieiTlA t' It HUH. At. nautili/re erre, LI, 1 it la a turner of Federal ”,1 Latutu Peal°, JUSLPII KIND. Services 1 ni , a cc. p ca. Prayer Sleeting en W Lt.1).1.Y L Llt• ING. The public are cordially Invited to mien, atrA E 1.1 0 101' PI Pt Eli FIRST BAPTIST CHI' tit'li CuNti hlh lidaTlON mlrl hereafter bold their cht.rcl: se: .4••• la lAA:WNW HALL, on Pllta street Prescr oy Late Pastor. J AAI EIS 0. DICK Isstsa•o every LOHIPS DAY at loan acid Suu.lxy School at 2 o'clock e. u: Btrangers the ,abLe Sr. normally %netted to attend. her a tee. denaltd PUBLIC NOTICES CITSBEIR:ll GAZETTE A.SO CIA I 10N.... At: rt hLY :Af r IN.t of r.toGLlGtotte will el.l Ihr I. .1.-- HUR,II, I / 4 1. (41,4 t lANLAHL. oat , at t v'eloc•, S. at., at tare t ZL. I L Rtt )1:-. cel!raavvdtd Lt. SI klOl En, (Ink F 1 'SwF WARD, PITTABL PtiELIRLIN AR I Alt LI I , A tniszy Erseet,i, Lae pion tte,tlPhor.s, T,•,..• .0 t`te FIRST WARD. )0.. .00,,tOwtee f itrtt 01Ileerft, wbeof Y De. 21d, la the SCLIOUL 110USZ. •t 7 ~':luck, p. m , and the tkomitosttou• to be cusl.. tt.okt, SA7I7/t1 AY. Dot . lOth. betw..o 1 so.: 7 tel J AMR , It Lt . , AbRAM AR. Cooto.Ottee. •- arCITY 1.12' A1.14.4 , 11E3.1' CO? VEN• T 1031.-111.. t•alae the City vi A...ghat.). at c 0.• fo••e,1 I. at Hart! trataal blaces,l !lud • Or Whrste ...d Pree,hcte rreteect, y, on TI It DA) • December lath. 1866 k•ete,e.l the ht., • THIL ' EIE. and SLY r N 0,1,1 rote b allot. humtuate •M. .6 DI, h.t. 1 . • H 1 THE Ytro2l. araC WAho .F 11 The clDrer• oolalng sak• e.ect.o.. are 1..• roc t to confine the cotiirg to the I oton ii•pcb. voters Toe follotracg B••••ttrir O veaa elao ywre /Wafted That oriel oaadblata for at, a... 0 litty tbllcera a•rtaly the rtura.•c ul tae Lae ea tiv• I.lomllllo/.111. us. or retort ;Or usst Witty:mu ttt• •ttt t • t• • •-•••• :atop w twomply anti not countal .MM!!! POLITICAL y~PCDPLI.' 4 I. Di •Li JAiihs BLACIOiORt, Esq., WIII Le supported fur Sisyor by who ale 0, posed to bsllot fox stuffing and trawl—oho co der. the Malt !Lance! amiff.too I p•rty lerolm that derpfee the "rank •nd Ole," sod ref _ss t listen to their solemn protests on.. sethlsetts. Blaelmore has not frater“iseff with, nor soost the ftlendstflp of Intl tufbolen• of tl, eomnrcts,ty, %no, by the risotto° of another, ma how for lenmetutty from puntsLauent for the grimes. hie Is a law-abiding teputa•le earico, hip moral qualities, en ardent scpnorter of glorious Colon, who ass contrft , uted Is , nrll me means (perhaps more than any other sins citizen) for the suppression of the renel:ton. I will not tura • deaf eat to the cell. of ,tisti‘e., trio order. We 0113 Contide. In A to, end hope . GIO o.eolloo to el' , '1 ear al, al doisruae sod crime w..:. sre tureater.ed de23:tea•s VOX POPULI FOE. *ATOLL Leffo of [be 11,11 r. lf., offtlf b• •cmal f Mayor of flllooClorty (fay. rukfoot Le, I ca. 4001161ft10. FOg MAYOR Of t 6• Third Wvo, i!I EA Y. *tue a t 11. St. tor Lamy., aulajne.t tot v..ta 01 the f otrrt n. A.IIL6UCIaI 3110. St Lie eat prima taso3 rr.51,1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE.—THE UNI().4 itEPUBL OA N Voters of the Teetn o wtII Kure the ofD.e of J. Y. SI.AIIeE. Erg }lnn Wet!. ,ATlikiinLY EVENIN:I, Inc. L.3.,t0 ~Le sct LL reg•rd to V. are fi•Tutoa.loo• 0e23:1t BY C.. 1200 0• WARD COMMITTKAL OFFICE OF THE tJUN H .11 ALI-WHITT 1/Ora7 r, Pa., PlTroaCliau, P.a. 4', woo, PROPOI3A LS FUR IV It IT 1N G - 1. Proposal. will he recelvel at tat. oPlce out .1 January Sal, lard, Mutual% r, for urrl au. af.,l a ;1,- 114 trout cue ortgin•, toil et tu. ua by 11.0 respbelva asses.ors, 73 (//110. Duplicates, 73 School do., 73 Treasurer's Collection Dup;icate, the work to be done in the °thee of the floupti Llommlesi mem, and finist.ed 01.1 Or brfore Apt t. lit, MM. Bids to at made at so m r. ',Aar line complete, to lomude the calculalifft, sod Crateosluo of all taxes and the romparlor of al. the book. with the orleatals, beMOss • race pito lotion in each of the bo• be pro•ina the tut at. sal the different texas by the total • Lon. The our...alba.. of the aupilo‘tta mast la pce. rated before um - feint. are I.surff yelf MEW. (ample books eta be seen on application. By direction of County 1:4:11111i5.101.111, kihNHY L.AMHERT. cintieiMe.e i caßisTmA: , rues t FURS 1 ! II ! PRESEXTE For Ladles, Misses, Geets & 1 blidren GELEAT VAEtLETY, Suitable •to Every Taste HAT, OAP AND PUN !TORE OF M'CORD 4. CO 111 WOOD nT, PI T 5111.111.011 ALLEGHENY . CITY COMPROIIItIt. itt/EIDIS WANTED. tm p•., Taneatmes% Uraxua, Dee. eth, I_l 1860. ~. P . " l ""b ol4l tet Oemprobilee Berea of the • 07 Pe., are hereby outtbed that Stalling Peed ler 1864 will be broeted to Ito. tlOnd• at t.e7eweit rate. °Beret TT0P7:7777.1.... be retetvee the bedurefeu vatli MONDAY, January lot, MK D. XI ACIFEIIIIO.e, it t.Lrt.t t - t A Ile p 0 URTII WARD P l TTti BURG H.—The Union /lei/utk an Voiera of the Fourth Ward Pi'tsbanth, are legrtentnd w atteembie at the Schroi House, ma Saturday, between the boon of four and 010 4 ,, anti Vora by balto' to Dominate Ward 0121cei.. The reaol" elected election °Marra wilt !told 'he eleeeloo , and are inateucted to °finite the voting to the r,,„„ Republican voters of u.c Ward. By order .1 the WARD 00f/DRITTRat. FINGER RINGS, t4A.RNET SINOP. AMETIIIS I' II N GS, inerdoni. marmot', Pt AIN , IK.ILD RINGS J. lit. ILE.EI.I 0(1., Mo. 5$ Puce 111210. Pm sal. by 4in WANTS WANTED—TUBER OR FoUR Gk)np eaßtumb, Li/ CARR': THY AP/NNING IiAZErrE. Apply at MIS 1/FFICE INTANTED.-- A. Puranser for ever YOUR Etr'NUFIED I.ANO ti lOWA, or an exchange for city property.lrd is In Hamilton county, ,11111 A 'A ' inwa. floe owner can AZ E yr, office, every day, tram to A. bi ulii.l 4 r dotal lATANTED.—AUEN TS FUR "THE SFAlrik,7 TUE FIELI,, Tilt ..JUNGEON ANIJ TkLE r.SUAF E." HT 21.1.nahi O Itionstesion, New Y.:, Fibre ,orraclow.. In, The moat tntrtintinii a.,1 exciting Dots or, mibitahed, erubraewy Or. liJer, u orp„, n. :slew experience for fn.. - yr raveling [1.101,4 .110 tiouun In the "islet sem. of at One outbreak of the ir, dr, won out arm,. Ist, gasta both East and West, during the tint tw years of the isetwiliton; his thrilling capture, his atatkaargteat for a, montrisio seven itinerent rune: oisons: nl. escape and almost miraculous journey ey strait of nearly {On tulle, It will irbot.l,l zi dining event•, and contain mere of the fact, t e el tent s6l.lrinance of the tent than any other welt tat publigned. Teachers, ladles, loergi.l a young ineu, and tape returned seri dlssirt 4 °Ulcers sier grouter. ar want of prontet.e en, loymeot, will tint 11 ye "timely r •pted to lima conpurini. We La, Kant. clearing 016,1 per month, wt.!. we lot trove to any dountuliil u ripp , lniant. Senn tor c:: cu nn Address, NIL , Hllt /h. a N. F. corner sixth au, :11,ner cticrts, icalidizola Ploindso nia to. Wr A. /V T .-114ENTS.—EN1 pLi IT - NIENT 1.1)1( 111 ' ANEIISOLI.Pi ER, ALL Ur 11E1.6. .nie at ..leurdr), ware, SC, S. I't 10,111,02.1 aCo UHF,' GIFT DISTRIFICTrt ,- .tut agents are making (rain Five to Tulrly Cr.: aer da. , nI We nee, z' more. ....Wm tuvcd• • .• to Europe hero swa., o ur stoat to over Ir. ,Ulon Dollars. A Old assortment I, Range, Ladies' sn• Jew./' it aul lands, of ti e mos , Is., !,atteruS. or , !IL n eseh ,en :Ser. Lilt !or urn Meet, and • 1 VW; see what yin are r .41,r. 111.1].: if 11% r 1:1,1.111,11, 11. ot $6 to tnirty , orss.ol r , .• stszoi , for our rorme .seLln, I, •: • is your Ituie 1 'ouut y MIZEI h:ll—s I 400 I' . 1" La I T wau , 5p.... • • . . MS= .tin .p ..t [Lore e••,.. ILO L't re full y hren..ed Ly ti.par, /iturier 4- /3 0:0 0•••/3 y rarer mactaut, •', Ndalt..., 0. 0011 tO.Ol. ,31/1.0 ...It, 1/-1, .Inlne, or at NO. Y. 2.1 1{,1,11,fy, .1, 1 1, • t r talrt IN 1.. lat 'art., .1 .!. DALE 0 L Prum. : cnteLl on N'•: of el Xls,tferer 11," .n, 14fiion. 61, /11l of April. I) • .. 1. 9 fti tl. u.e hou.r sa.d :s o P.l! lu (.. e.n.11.E. a BALL. • : EIMEMEE N rt VA , f•ttst.c. tl prte, . ins n.n.inpnc. I. `•11{ SA LE—ii rr• 4 , f Lan,' t tud'an w.L • K lalJ, TO gel , ..• • ••• rrr • un I ir••...• bocr• •, •Noul. •O Prot.. •E •••'' al Aug • !Inflater az gad II go at. t. • 1,111. • 11.1 1.1 ke, ate, Aent• grit IWO 41 1.•.•; ,c,. A DI VI DEN Ds; .rtr• •i••• • ••,, rat I,l:ucto,, `s•IcaLII tue kAA St• a ~ pm; 11111. Haul. IL. ..•• NEW AL \jYratc. :NCR , t 1 ,t 36 FIFTH STREET 'RE ,4 NT, HO , I 4.. 20 F%)LlOt. GOLD. PEI AAARUM-i FANCY INK :_-.TANDS, PAPER W EIGH TS St 4.1 Rh&L Y7'lelt:L..l 1 . N <, N. Etoker in t.t.,.c , s and Rea, EsuEt e Aw• 1: d.liCle.! • , ••-y j,• 1, str, .treat. • .t. n;rlr, r sage ontTe s I In On Ire. , • te prop•rty 1104 , 14 en 1 - 1 n ••• r.lnht/ta nein %no/ I. n.. 1 s..,ut, can of 'aces*, n) f“..• lag l• plennnat ann r •tenniv A I . HOI , 'E t; T R R tie t!, New lirttltittna ttt ok,l ettcankt.• etAht t• okt g the ,•rtno, t, • Derr n •-• oti A • 4, AttPulte ttto 11,1tAt. :t tulAlesiv. a' tr. tr DWELLINt, NTUrILT.,I rt 1. I. I. ,•,111 A Owl. 4,11..„ on t rntral •trevt, sita tbe nw Foot,. c• • it corn .ear th•re trory IS ..• , civic 100211. C TMnh CEN7I3.:.L DbtO ES .flAt r tir F.. LirlNLr it It, . .4•Thnl' - HL' IN • IL jth. I'II F.. '3 Pulp 136 f . hs/X ';:ET FLA 'HS 0r.1,111.A. pll+'A 1 , 1 I ET 3- I IA Alt.', W. M &. he W• would •01/ pnrticul•r atWatioa to nor •• •crtm•at of Fl.-YE PEBFIII.IO9 , ft r, liihravly pat up In •nlall ti slr•tar rout' racloa severs. ulllevent styles, .1: rsearteel, any of wale., w 01114 enalsa a HANDSOME PRESENT MIZZCI IIU LIDAI I ;.F.Sk...trti !MOEN Pip KI INO ''P PCJUK .101 q,.t. •V! fiAUKGA..II' , JN BOA S. 4,1k1. , . HOAR I) 'ALEN?. LN, Oil ECK kt An Immenit Stock Now Road, DIA/tll9 ALMA blArsPt.l "3/0: JOHN P. kfTTY'r 6. CO IZ==nii PECAN NLTB.-10 bands South.), POW. Huta, recOrt.l day a... 41 lur tale BZUMAIL Filitia. NEW ADVER'VERFIBIENTS `111218TNIA: , MORNINU TIMIS To Make Your Wife . ~ a. N N•n Wheeler WilsoL NEE SEWING nrdas th!h A k 18111 •!. prompto teli:l, (t to, anti the lineh ill he vitt home ear) br ma% Morning. E. P. CARPENTER 27 Fl P 1 11 sT 64 0- ET I I - tt is 1:) ii r tig la. __Mt;N'l _SI‘S, HOLDERS ~ t...:. s.•i t~. E. • - • • " 1 =.- 0 Lo = F. PO .4-4' . ..! Cn ~,- H t.F.S.'E a E-4 ... __. 7. . 8L r !.. )CY YOVR i) 1404. , r. • VAN\ A.A.N D GRELX•IIIPLISEs. /Ms ♦ A. ILII ADGS. ~~ ~IEi:-.~~rt's A CHICEERING GiFT • : con, , ter et.iton to ' ;‘,9 ;.: . ' n[ff PLOW Elm . and BASIS Ern t PLOWINS AT Till NEW ROLID -.Y 001TJMN IMCCEMI MIMCIMI ll= tee. A lier• i 11. k: K =MEM • v••r Plar.Or tee. th • ~,urt• nLy I Si.! Ea •••• 'VI L. i_. L.O 14. lINIZIE r_ (.. It V 3 t. =SO A ‘, ortlecLe t I . r. 4 •••,•••• X: soo.• COBU RCS, ~T,•. E 3 1' • Howe Circle INNIEISIMI 6:,~e- CL Very NV.d, • 2 oc I,t 112 SLowFr P,.tr At: • r. , .• I).e. t. ry to, 41 7. 0-eratp , P tie "ct •Ining g•maa ITOC. tuc Gaill • Ft, t as, w lor WILL BE ta.u. .; 1 A' A TEILY GREAT 3e :.e of (derma:. Suzg l‘tal canter•t erca•ct Snags. , Eu.l Isonh !IS 00 tor MIERINIOE • ,••• • I' • ••Ito ca• ••• • . ,*.. 1 In Ono, • '° g••• t,:4-I.VS • . Lower than you can Bny them Illsawhere 1!1=1111EI *. 2 ?hc ; L • I Rood •Iree i A ere , . rarkety 01 .ty °Moro wit! be closed Present '0 orth 6.0 cep,. tormmly Kole M MASON & HAMLIN I .., lie., a.: Wow, at 33 Cent., 004 otter color. C.:WINET oaik .0 0. In proport.,a Atso. at; the , arartat makes La' P....A 111 FLA oi)r t., at Factory .81,-e VI., Tr,t,lett nt 37', seta .. MI . 00 teal. A , :; a's.. 11,1 t ai V , •J I . 6 Her 1•••• I/IAL /heir malllet Ile r•! . . tHt •13 H. 4 .OR as I 1,4 • Hi: $5 ii per p:dr. HP , '• r'.•••‘ •. I. H. A /, • , • Ltaimoral Skirts. 711r*. t .30E. ...a.+ I. Lc „, ,„ ;. ~, , u , t „.. ~, .. w ., „ ... ~, with r rorn • A o.:y. In. A• 1 Wo.. I llll•lkg.,xilt. tiara aclOre, that •.0e • rIA •• Is , Tv 0.. AI 0. la plices reak4 _mg •,, wtl: ... a • 82.00 a Matti, C., aUtr..• , ro. ; •ti ~, J • iku TN, are a/.0 ..aile to lt °, nt van ty ,11.L.,•1'.., 10 6 - 1., .t.) Iroval and IV.:lts, a. Salt ael 1 FORY , LUR FAML.Y : ;, Feney Colored SlirAiiig Skirls. A MUSICAL FRIEND. A SABBATH SCHOOL, OR A CHURCH ,f.n• re teeyerny ook tikes. rods, sod Mei at the k et. eta Pr.. 1:, gn0.0.1 NO MOUE .1fP1401 . 11.1.11E PIiEeENT only • SMALL 0051ans.iwri for =ZEI=MI!MI . . Heal y F - o.ted Beaver Cloth, full yard and Jti...iSfl).Ar .7 ILIA Ai IILA" L ,• a Lalf Vide, $2,25 yet yal,l, worth lanai $2,50. OLaSZNY]7'C3RG6- 416.7%.T. LULL aND SES THE A. , I a •ere luta 0,...,1 calial c Nevi - Stock' Just Receivied make., at 61.21 alter/Let r BY s? We call particular at Auatlue; to this cc., as rt, MIAi nDt Lavo OUCD *la oppOrtnaity to plc, Charles C. Mellor, ' • chums again for a lcurcinau .ro. 81 tre'ond Nfrees. rut. A., LN E A zsrtact peNriA 6041611” , waa • NEW Arvr -.7`:-ETIENTS ( j REA T HOLIDAY SALE.. t•t . : IT , E cials . Our •apu:aU Oi n .ezt w• m 05,30 to Curtl:r of t aurth flail Market Streeta, flay og ookl rotor , . 'boo double oe c,stly goods as ro,erled. tor obove reost a. tee feel under ei t.. g ov:Ixottoos to our cornett++. fr.eod• •oot - oe epeeerons public. end ere opeonng 'Al>Ncial Ltitrgaink4 P.lrrLs.aeut W :ta tad 1 teutluu ul aaatributing Lb. ~q au unr NU-S . r •rniirh hut boa maraal .0 ':11E kit') lIF LOW PRICES in. pt. laVors. a le w • aro" ',vol. hA n • we La'. .1 N, I greft ninny olhcc GAM' , ,A F n.icanr , u4 o q./Ot e e' MUSLINS estlltd - 11- .1 -- ...1154.7"7 71 1F1 , - Fa Cn.o ", ~C ~~ ~_.. s—yd owe: Bust Prt 2.5 C: H P.P. bond Dart. Goods, fist colors, a1,125c MOUS DE LAINES 150bG GwhVitt ',lark 0.,;‘,n a. MEE 'try But Quality, .arr , tyie. ai an ut , troArtL, 71. 4 kr• dPki ci . Elh l ll. ntlf IL) r. b..(11 ILaccsAr4• e,ow Mail • 6.11.10. AKolsrtll Mr .014 ex caltdirA', A targv lot do•ble Width ;act. rid r.. Co,ors Heavter ac , t Setter, all colors, at - 311 ALL-WOOL PLAIDS AT 6E{ CENTS Fine Dress Goods. MVO 710: , u I LoRXER P 8102.8. PLAN) F OH FLAIOTT.S P'l_..ll.lN - INT 3E17,0 . Burk and , i r Haw FlanaclG .2 , ,; A :'.? ; CI rse t' t. A / 4 .6 N i't. % '' .Akn, O. nnl Lc:n,actted at :;1; cents and S'LLLRED BLANKiTS irEal CHEAP brilITE 12=! ()RASH, Anortc►n, Scotch and BOSOM, at 41093 id EAT BEA TWAT WE 4Ftin NOW op, 111 I, • oRKEIt oF 41(11 anal it S'VIEETS. c. HANSON' LOVE.& BRO NEW ADI,rEP. I ISEIVIEN TS BIN• 5 EITE:C I ? tqAps L P NACHTS 6ltEltlq. sea„ tmi SOCIETE HYQIENIQUE'3 SOAPS AND HAIR OILS TOUTH. VI ODill 1313611111 be .hove, with other ehele• Gods, are ;I my acisotiou said ItaporAtton. Ii lON JOHNSTON' -Ft LT l:3•<Bir IfE)T Corner 141.2.1thflpld and Ftrarth Bts ddlo BLIC SALE OR RWNT IVALUABLE rUitIYACF Tuesday, December 28, 1865, Wlll be sold at Publie iitsle on the premises, sit.- ate la Yliffifn liensity, on the Penns, Vimiremi 03 miles west of fitrrisburgli. arta 80 ontlm out from !Latinos, Dear Alalgit Union, the folloathe do me/bed hEAI. ES r Arr., ecintainting LOOM moor or tees. cosigner with the Incr.,. •racted soma - sting of • Valuable Furnace ~Etas ord,, Ir[tik a firet- .lass Engine- Goal tad t,••tio• Ettniee, • 1:11... large HARSH... /,0 1 "hE ten liel-Paa • fat errrkesen, Store, Ble.ak sax: ha, a. We:on Shop, and alt the other not.- sVy to,proaerneate for tt e imansdlate un ol Ph: :.IET A L. There al 0 •1.. t. several Leases for Hematite the Land, within theta Olsen of to. Furnarei. No. 2, A Mineral Farm, 12 • Rod state of cul'.l2, 's.ros.atving ISO :1.• 0, Svl4 44 last., Pe,. -se, a good • 08.202. •120.2 •.r.he, 2rupt0.2e0”,... erruted tosses, • .rste . . :P•t•IllAri•-'21122LE • .21.1. a. ri 1.2 , 11 Lhe. vete ,s s e 'ro.4 ,0 • L.,. (Lutz •kr • s• c414,..1 : ssit,l4, Ins.:! a • • • Nu s. a :act 0!: I_,end MMTMEI r• .s 1 eleellent R Mar s• Lo C 1 1 .., • Ingo or N.,1 r, r. ). I 't c r _ busman, It it mi• at.4l. S. it Powlayl- I orostr. • :Anal. n LSO •t cue •u• pn• sad ;q.t.. ►• sold persoL.e. ',roper 7, IA rhno F z lade Teams, Horses Carta Smith loois. Fulnase Implements, Cora titutreonl, a Lot of Iron lire already tamed. dee ot.e t . .3el nearable propertlef aver plerod , I.e tale, are: wed.. verily tee Siege. I , • 'eon, .41,..uhe to eiew the p.operty, Ted'. .t.p .at h.., oc the Peoca ecollroadc and c lof .1 B. • men the p.•ea.Lecia. ' : tie to comence ac, to o'elewlc, A.. cu., On gall day IL ease the atmve t.roperty to act salt, It eV ba elm et: .F Els - T t 0 eam , •Ja • Term. ease and made ....tea ea Say of Asia 17 Immattate tmemtaaton gleam. PIIIIFira. 4d dIRDIa. EL:FIES LidirMit It a ti.TIN J. a tJaHTZEI. —. FROCLA-11ATION. 11=11:11 erTi OF Fri T3BCII/e2, es In ord .I scce with the ptavlslans of so Aal. .theernaty of the Commoaercaith cf vounir far the atearporstlon at la., ro so-lilt/no llarlatis reopla• taent• to said not, I. J BALES LOS BY, er of sail city, to issue this my proclamation. mat an the flif,T TU DAY 114 J aftUltii , tole, being tne S eCONID DAY OF THIS X.iNTIT, me freemen of each wart of geld city, qua iced to rOfe for members of the house of Lap. reesoiatit es of thi. Commidwrealte„will mat at the several olattea of hauling elections In their re spective vents and precincts, and elect., by ballot. under the . yrovision• of so Let of Assembly, pare. et the loth day of dlay, . D.„1161, Vas person to serge so Mayor of said glut One person to sere. so Controller of said MI. One person to serve as Treasurer of maid city, Eeah of whom Mall boll their elation for tire lid the same day, Lei eonformity to the above. cited authorities, sod also to the Ordinane• Of districting said ally, iatlferaoll.lil. rant Ward, will eirct by ballot. one pumas tq be IMISSIb. ache ,tie Council of mild bit tOr t too years sad tru servo. Le S aerobe ottlla Common COUriell. Setocd Ward—One. person to be • member of the Select and three persons to be atisober• of the Common Oor nail. Third Ward—One person to be a member of the Select., and two piteous to be members Si the . Common Council. Fourth Ward—One person Lobe • member of the .rites, idle. three p none to be members of she Common Council. Firth W .I.a—tine penal to so a member QI the Seta ci, and five persons to tie members of the Corn. mm Council. Sixth Weed—One pesos to be • member of the select, end five persons te be members of the Ohm. mon Colicied. eiceette , Ward—One person to be a member of the ISSIIOI, sod two persons (A be members of the . orianaoo Council. Eiabth Ward—One person to be a member of the 1 , 4.1005 and three parsons to be members of the Common Ninth Ward—Una 10reon ohe a et, IMMErI3 !..-e;t7t - ent.l7l;reter to be mewl Ooze al ,L Coattail. eats W —urge person to be sole Select. ,nd two persons to be timbers. mon C.ouncil. or vr,ra sle.‘ll be (ostler:4 Bert* ••• nembof of t he Itouse of ilvoreseatltlito of 1111 Cow tuouwevith At the elvctt, r. tr be bet ‘• afat.te.l4.t.2n Tll2llO day. tr •otoo •ny of Jeuu • 88665 Iry eloetote t. the trat vol will Tate at the ~, , i kt.tott - to fen and Tne va,tur. t.f he Sects : w ,rd WIII rate et the Pub..: o. :tout , It t.., - aid Tne <00.4 4.1 nt, ntl will vote at 4. hour 1.5 the corner of Vey •••• .na root, Put . e tvti It , 4 I Vs. &G UM!. Veu urmrd wit' vote at W . . :.• • . •ni u.e t. l•trt , . Wart, win VOL. at tad, mat .. ..tit.... Lit“...e tit ••l•.: War . d. The .. , .•..r. r. VOW 14 UM tr H• r 'ILI I r lt. Th• •1 1 . :.rd .l will 'Ott at the of with end mit .l y hot, .• • .eet.l ol t 1.1.• maid elty Sib I Fen. leth day of Deeltut• Mr ISu. , .OSN D.Y . 11 .7 0 r dea:tdms C 1 - :16111A!:; ANI NilVt , YEAR'S Ln Variety, 5 .rit I's Pi TT .•t;i1,3%, • •,e4., I V. tair.l3 "" n • intua.s„ ray' byolce. c Ladlyv Boos. rgeb• HOWL/. pi,tor • • pirrs,ci s beset • s a.! Lbe ' co , lioJlis ,•1 ssdn sir Publishers st the Satiler. dolls sib 13 - I,U LEA. t OIL 2.2111111.116 AXIL .14a We desire to call your attention to toe oirl7 ate Wrest paalltyi or Blue Lead ore are novo toanulae• turtog e:preelly for 5 , •Ir or,. It 'steely gvAlia, ant posuucli grew r and boo, salts always, In corot, the saanc Lutforni ,bade: MO tom rst ►tore and for sale , by • T. H. NEVIN & CO„ 1E . 1.0 33.4=' , C. .IE'PLI..VIi 32174ariiMPI Zei •• et. tt sehlomodr wP. JON Et- tel Nortb •••,13tag. o s and Bart told La IJORPAO LON WAS= 11Zajiatir. IRE= Ml= vote at the I=l • . rut. M tfc PI:1W. .Ls FILIAL wr.rd as Ihu •...c twa,g nut o,e a. 6.1. a Pubg 0A F , hold PrEocoLlor. Go o Pick.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers