ESTABLISHED IN 17stl PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, Di,, _... Zitelpittsburillt aasttte. CITY ITEMS. MORNING TELEGRA.IIB. Lovo'n Dec Gond. %tore •----- Is on tke N. E. eorocr vitro.", end aarket streets Our Speclai thspatches b.'..d . n''' "b''' " .^m• ." ' ' '' n. ' '' '' '' ''' I p ) az ry ITEMS. - Dry Goods 'of • var To our City iSubseriben. Christmas and New Tear. _ Ai we ere making • .me Laanges on oar routes! iety of kinds make very FROM WAHINGTON ....fui, . well as orminitatal presents. Say a A ri the two shies oti. ikum.y, a number of mil' to r subserib dress, a shawl, • pen of blankets, &a Rommaber .ugh wZe may tali " eact. the paper. I f say the oheepeht pthee to the ally to get eheh et tie,eg, ill k 3 4" 'Lb "14" at " l "'ffk*. the will '.."'" ls on the N k streets. corner of nth and Market eets. Tilt; FLNER.II, OF M. 1116.11 be regtdorly served threafter. AS CORWIN. LI lasioson Lena ta Bao Grover do Baker'. " -- ls the best In use. Dry Goods. American Privateers for Chili. - A very full end complete stock of Dram Doe.* - moot ~ A Grover At Baker Plannols, Blankets, Pinta, glagliams, em. U. —_ will make home cheerful * and halniy. SOO,OOO °Mem.. member the host alone to bul theta is on the N AEN. LOGAN DEO INES THE MEXICAN MISSION E. tomer of Tourth And Market streets. I Probably no simile, U Olen Misting Park. —.._- 0 Elsrn•en Love & Bre rt gardlng Ile himienetty or t.. __Paymaster Gener al , * ate:port and the ?Mall spin, In which It has i All who wish to enjoy the .sr limo aatielpated at this place on Chattmu day. should call on Grand Carnival et Central Park ' formed. I , hri• notot Is beneved,anv pare South and Rosa 113 Market street, and semire • To night. Music by the Great Western Bend.the history of The Paymaster General . pair of boats, shoes, bounoreis, gaiters, polish .he Park will be lit tad by Chinese Lantern& SOUTHERN MEMBERS GOING HOME highly compliments his corps of paymaster' , for Hire hire - on.'.. i. , " h booty fall or gum ove overshoes , overshoes , which are being sad . Adraiinica Ai eenteg their Industry and faittdult r 54 11l dlsbl:llArlit I d., , 0 , , ~1 et greatly reduced Floes. Now is lb. time sad tho D 611 Market street, ls the piece to secure bargains. Grand Carnival at Central Park Raymond's Reply to Thad, Stevens fund. to MU early, deallt !o-sigh.o Music by the Greet Western Bend The Dep army ' ilia, artment bas drawn on at VT, rz. ilindt rizg.. ~r :h. ri , n, 0 , 0r...0r . $30,000,000 per suck from the Tree•te.. A -,- Tne Perk Win be lit up by Opines. Lamm.. Spemal inspateb to the 1 - I“..httrigh Gamete Ada Delon Meanie. De You Intend Purchasing a Holiday Gilt For your lots. Nothing. ls mare appropriate than • nine dress pattern or a aloe shawl, which can be had at Sheßaby s Barclay's. u l Are YOU Loa . 1. g tor a Holiday GIR For -lout Irleods. you ate , buy them • Mee Urea. patent, a .tee anew , • beautiful bale:lora' skirt, or aoatethlog aloe the dry goals line, which you can have by caning at Shellaby k ..relay's. BiretemObr the tolgtasl Bea HIT. Stmtd. lio for the liolldayai A largo and beautiful aasortuun.l of plaid. long and Numb Woolen Shawls for Obristinaa and Pew Yeses present*. 4nat opened this day, nt Shallaby & Batelitra. Ladles smt.,Gestlemen YOU OM buy Clothe, Casalmerre, Chasinets, Jeans, Drees Gone., 'rawly, Cloak., BalmJrals, Blankets and Flannels cheap at Shellaby • Bar. clay'. Remember they commence in a !.w days to take atock. Now la the time. Dlxcase Kept at Bay Invalids tatken down in healzh and rpirite Chrenle Dystausia, or suffering from the tent i. exhauetioa which follows the at. .s of ae.te disease, the LtfflirbODy of thousands who have been raise] as by a inhume nom a similar note of prtietratloo, Liv Hostetter's totesch Bitters. is saute guarantee that by the lame MG,. VOS fro may be strengthened and rest°, rd. Bet to ose Who stand will of epidemics, to all who. hi r eason of exposure, pmeatl ins, std insongenia .4 imsjef unhealthy ',tomtit., may at nay wo eay ho eyelet,n down, this paragraph is m .t arfindarly aid emphatically addrmsed. to be are thee situated, a: e ed an abs Mule safe (said nestedt the 4.oger that menaces you. Tots and re u ate the sy • tens With tics harmless Died lee ins' Sunfish.: no.. Alterstive, aLI v. u will be kr, r sari agsiox ui clad tie whose sccd• host artnutt you tu tot it. urose.a. flea teat/tee S:om rtzlt 'fit:tors ore a.' cull etst.d.rt Took sod Al. b.reo be dunjus..e.t. ruticdr,tobt.,'. but t:.ey 3.114,131•33td C 131.1,313 .1 1,13 e Liic333, Cu the yeopio•.l 4 Ali trier locals. Ica Orrorar Aurbtroo• sod L. %Vett loc.. a . a thepla•e r.f All other .locunch cs, artol.her cot., or 13,3 r". sod Si .urea a. progree:lve a: demo.. strat.ou ovemk.roe• , euld, they w.ll crow u • ily euperee de every other lc rig..rant Med remor mit or employed Id - medicine! practice. Illosteltrr's Hitter. Are sold wholesale 554 retail at very low rete. et , Plerruntla liru• sod Pot ect Medicine Derv:, ho. 84 Meriert time; corner of the Linwood. :lour Fourth strut. Grand Carnival at Central Park To-nip ht. Music by the Great Wester, Bead The Yells will be lit up by lib. -se Ler. teroe. Atisthston 26 vents. Vail tind. W inter Gooile a u Watt. great ple.ssare we can the tate., r 12? Maderl tO the superb stock of F•it t. ; dotoln:ust received by Mr. Jose Wrier !ter ratter, !ire, rtreet, Allegheny. ti, Stoat embraces lone of the rarest and must beau tltul elotte,Gasktmerra, liver/mamas I and Vestint seer orMight to the western market. Rls assort. gent-oi Forrilaing Goode, comprising Bank .traweri, (Jolters, tieek-tles, klandkeretili lac, Anne: ta eumused' ant or west. A large etoel. al ready-y.2,a FA , ;,AZA I Vests sad Overcoats *Mello be found at his establishment. Parsing want Of an g to the clothing line should set tall to give wafer a sail. Ges a Grover & Baker G=E!! Great Rush for Leckie" Furs. Winter hse fairly set In, and the rush for ladies fun at the drat class house of Wm. Fleming No lig Wood street, to unprecedented. Bear in mind that at this establishment, you will find a cam The Res. Edward plate assortmect of all Le new styles of ospes, to Great Remedy for Consheaptloo sae be had wE ale genes, hsiihel. muffs, °DIM k rurtoo l s,ladle. sale and retail of the Agent, Joseph Fleming, rut hILIICAN etruntrc nketilig SAP.. gent. f" " d g love. I)ruggiss, No. SI Market street, Pittsburgh. Toe Prrn I,er, received elliela all of ostrich will be sold at less prices than at any 11:11,1i1gInce i'mfidPuL our Z. 0: Lb A 1 ,11: other hoium In the city. Don't forget the place -- giperni, dormanthf Chihuahua by air Fr. n , h fit re. Wm. Fletalors Rat, Clap am Laths 'Flu lions.. No. 119 Weal street, sign Of tee Leese Gilt liar Lard, Nests feet, Linseed and W hale tills, at the Tw‘ , n• of 11 , sloe. Ovtr door. s. co!d• • lowcst rates. at Flemings Drug Depot, No. :c E, Fill w.r , vat:, to. coy. In oiu of th• Market stored. banks t. re. to :he cr•da of thu Mexican to Neutral Surphite ut Lime preabrvlng cider. for gala by U.N. sayer tfrogglat, burner Yew and St.. , (la Wenu ✓6teb uryb. None but the Grover Sr. Baker A 111 aruioier for all family poi Po... fhamas Va. Parry to Co. , Pure Wh ite Lead are belig htird out at New York, a: prey upo: ,Oteeueal Slate Rooter•, and Dealer. tz, T h at saaaot N edeelied oolorhO. to /he ••stet /T. St an ish commerce, uo ler the ( h i.• o dal; State of. earl°. color.. (Mee at P.. 5., to Sold at low rates, at /matters DM( %., 11113 en. Ilm; tie n tent : , ,t1 cf . Luc Goy rem• at to L.611:11.1.1146 aces era Water Waste, / ut.m.r i. et Market street. t l .e mntter, the Spa. I I goveri room el peel.' Fe. Rah/haat, No. 3 Pt!• etreet. •a. • pr,,imptlyinum/doil Cr.. All WOO 11141 prio/I. +Repairing dnue 01 the Omit <et e:,a'ge FM repair., pr•oOlded the int tru•ed OyezlL t%DUI or, Fathers, Brothers and Sous Should act a (hover o llxl. r. 41leurtral sulphite el 10, preserving cuter. For sale by Charlto Sara, Druggist,. corner of Peno and SL Our scrws, Pteturila. The Grover et. Baker V the simplest, cheapest soil best in use, Catching a Tartar Pleglectsour teeth and. you wilt loon cat 'LI a tartar [note. nampulate' them daily %nth that tare vegegeole compound, Sozoden , , sad ncl , cr tartar nor canner, any other dental distal, cad Seer Minel or - Injure thcm c 'he red enables" to lablen they are Lour • 1. No t-. wine machine WI erhbrolder NI. the Grover a Bak. ter Jobbin2 -ti.up •./i MCI AD .•( ...1.14 “. oetveuu ,nut. 'Ol7 ” ' , '. •.W ien-,:un am. Skatiau at Cr ra•al Par h, Ninth WAN thin day Pir.d ttautag 'team. Central *titanic Pn Et At the strlcastlon of a dombcr cl Mon tbe Cheaters bf this aompany hot, decided to Issue Lawry titelets. Below we gls. a not aI "Mt. et edmltslonite tho park Family aleart, IU do .1 1:11111=!:1!!!!! how ~ n cer tt , o-c. • 1 .0 hays ettohlth moo.) it their 10 ,. . but ooze to 841:101.11C7 too Ibli, nrr car log ,thow for some gift at ono elegant and nrerste•l, let US Itaol3r mood a visit to the hour tut Wetting house sr our Mend ItUbley, 68 riders latreet, Allegheny, where they Wla land a fnll , t •ek of the useful- Lee elv oat, enc.* as noel hods atut,vartes, steel and bract. gee Iron; prase are Iron atomic with marble bass , parlor, dultng room, nursery and kitchen fender., complete toilet Lets, table, door sad floor male, fine table cutlery, Walters, tee and cores ccc, wear p Brlttartla.and is seta, wii tall Ite.uasheld THE BVlCllutock'., II federal atitel, L lite place to buy Beat. sod Shoe. 8 ,- 1 Federal strevt, eells the ebeepost Boots .0,3 Staees ie tle City. At rlctuelr's. A large stock ♦ tine lot, at Tittoek.a Tora Daily, Weekly or Moneta t oat ar00.4 me mall, or delivered at :cubilleire iirlee, at Piaoa... A fourth oupply, at Patock.6 For Young Folk., at P,uock•. To) Boon 1,31/ Juveullea 12112E1M sr Ladle. sod GeAtienica, at eittetk.. But rlace to Bad L.ul..' Furs At the eftte-stfc . I.opt.lor L 0.:.. I .rehlug, no. lat W , .dS t u oaf rtna of the lormet .rd ab, et ,a•t rth.• It. ut :Led hat •••••• Fun, tact °fife:. I to. • •le In tLt. t“) Coe...thug lo knit f et :Ls Itocaot, fe Sltok Sohle, tierthet.. rth, , 11,1a11 "lock sad 11“, ,, n 1-nd.e.' Lam.' Soatte, tert.'.' Ft..? Fun :J.,. extt S. 11,' et, es •Tehte• Hate . I oti: toe too . •. lhO N.Co. 11 flouLe, No. I/9 A Hint to the i.odlrs . . . re, ot.r net: en arr, e..:1,4Lt Is ;the n.,F.•n ==Zll ==i host:onto:. 4,1 fathers. 4 tt 15447 des,w nu ~r no. t.tlogs ciao, is . Whaetet l Wtlsoo Sc Meetatto, told at No 3I i 11th st.c.t. de./ t• ante 41.• Wh..1.4 t Wits°.lt Is uatver belly •Ottottad to he the Lea. How tc, ID kiauti.bome At.d Leap Cen• la . el:y like lb It. (ten . rel losing aue.gew alto Old p:alhetntc. wvuld tterofotc r5c05....1 :Le La,. of ..1 1 .11) CI • Barbers' Soap, which 1. poll 30 ercts . take. M'Cllntock'•, 92 Federal ritreel la erostset.l reery Us,. wltt customer, r• r tit ME= I'Cllntock's, 92 Fr dent' Strert, Is Use pl..e to buy your Obristmas Bo •ts, Oboes GAltont, Bal.:orals And Pollsh Boots. For Cl:tapped Hands And lips. the bow oisodratiaa no. In us* it Alit Pharaoh's Oithapitor Ice, sold is Pittsburgh. di Pierolag'. Drug Idiom No Al Market •tn.:. Kr =amt. Um piano. If You arc Su tfrrlog I roam roughs. Code, uthm•. • yasumptloo. r so., go to ■lemlag's Drug Sigma, No. &I Market et feet. aid trundles° the Rev. Wlleon'e great, la I. 'attuning. Sole agent foe Pittsburgh, Joseph rioting, No. 54 Market street. Genuine Patent 31edlelnes, cf 1111 gind•, ego br T •naing's Dr• g 6a,n. It reported to,,igltt ILn. the literettery o. No. GA Market stmet, gleoapar :Age glaawkere in s t . te he . tltgaity. :bat y end p me.biy two prie•teere For a Fore Article A. ametoo • ' Of table al, such ea carioca t bad eluwlere lu G..naral Logan bad r.oeltively declined the the cite, go to sl ."' " °‘ 'n ih'ir Store• N ' 64 ". rnif.a...l. L. Mexico, and Lae so notified the IS:ato bet street. 1l rr it For Fine Toilet uill he opp..l2ted Inamt,fietcly en po.p. at the tow ., , do to r ere-tern meu are Laa.a.; IL con Flemings Drag Store. N.. B. litorket stloot. ..rt on with th• poel, and among Wnm for. L..a I. D. Caul, bell, or Ohio, who has. bee. For Purr North 0 4.0/1121 ter, et the tswest rater, go to Pleating's Dng store, No. E 4 Market street. C:! L.a/, 6-aILL7r;; LLICLII.I,I mutt L.a, Dr. ( .htll to tocctrd, 10 u. :1110 00 to nLu olden.' for stc e Estraet• ttatr. h , , ,, oh . o Or , d,.tiel , of ,41,t in ft: tft.rn hog. toot dtekt, 11 Skitibg •t l'cutral Park Ninth Wald, this nay ••• 41. mint, A.,11..1n5a1X.115 A pet...l nt • • • dty th. Fos!. Office cants. Det , artment for the c•usblietudent of • Post• Office at. . pnlnt In the &at h where the lava- Skatlag at Central Park, laririn id a Coiocy of tome fire brtndrrd idearcall Ninth Ware, this day and aysalng. Adatiastos to 1102, 01 whom eat. res, or a rift; they say. bow seats. ever. thin It toc enter: is established they will KITEORII.—On the 13th of November there tnka 'l""""Pal'er''''' get the Fret Master, a tattier salti . IC our army, to read for wan a regular bunt turough the licaVocis roc• leo', Six observes were stationed at the On them. inerVaiOry at Greenwich, England. and the) ea ern !WWI ric DLIVET.Ii tic lairOalrm. to have Ottla amply rewarded. it decd it war, There at. li.alratioto, that ad trafonm dunes the most exciting sported the kiwi ever IN !Ili! NI dues sway I, i.e j rear:_t Congrt., ner rd there. About 250 were observed in an Lour. far as possible, are a eet lie tariff ensciod They were of various hues—red, stri whit h pn tee.: not only the Americas mat V blue. Each observer marked the dirretron of O'er] meteor at. d registered it, pith the per lecturer. hat al. that Government, as there will tie of the heavens where first obeervert and I he to totao , ,„ aolotr a specific oey by where it disappeared. The result sects eta satisfactory, The astronomers are now to .Is- I °'"'" 4, fled that they have got on the track of till. . _ "wreck of worlds" that we seem annaft..y to The follJering in en abstract of the report Of ♦felt, and to krocw how to calculate tut time the Pa) In Mg. r General ni the operatkon for tide when to expect the meteors and the point (runt Denartment for the fiscal year. t ndloirJune ath wt.latt ahoy come across onr or bit. An intereating girl of oteteee yearn or eon ri.,lrrued requisloots rn the Tres. ury as Iha cold it. the Rt.,' Talk court of special Brae n•Liti bnymnhg ul Li., Lift July 1, 1864, 8841, , or pooket-pleking at (anneal.. It appeared hom oev s, , vt , - the tweictirony at one witness that dealt. cc- " reasury, on. tarred In his house, and at the funeral the pets- clay thr Decal year, including nuisance Came ID, pretending to be a mowner, and . t on, In the Treasury, Cin June 80, 1805, r movements around the room led lalm boom- ; 6337,200,000. Received from Payeanou p.cli while all were engaged In prayer. he to• from other 1101:Irene V „ of Ingein .iced the primmer glide to the aide r.t who wee deeply affected. and learn her baud In trans erred smoirg thameelvris $8,813,737 fill the wromau'e pocket. The week previous a death To be accounted for, 6430,054,940 87. As. occurred In his brother-in-law's family, and I colleted for as follows: Disbursements to the taw the prisoner there, and after the funeral non over, $2OO woe found to have been stolen Regular Army, 67 830,220 47. Disbursal:team fr ,rn one c f the laiinUnT.M. to the 3111 tary Academy, 6153,099 11. D'ite humemente to th , Volontetro, 63.000.733.- te St aatesal *souk that the London now. ! 635 95. Total .liatousementa, 10308,739,960 50. which upheld the rebellion la this eclantry, , Amount of nuliatted requisitions In the Treaeu moat alone of the *lila press, defends the ; lateka ! lee. noa Jane &M. 1805, 366.900,000. Balsamic- DAIL I There was a largo attendance, eomprlsing many distinguished pereoarge•, at the Inners; or the late lion. Thos. Carol, which look place front the rooms it the Oh• • Stnta A. • ci. ycaterklat.. The T 1,,, , r 1 , , parttat 0: eluartl at Ita:t ;'..t t C . d , ck, la her of Ita former Secretary. The rema es wore suited in a tile black dress. Thu calla was silver moulted, covered with black cloth, arid bee a botimrt of fregrant flower, Mr.l6, el &. J.thhth ehhheh, ass tett t,a tt e R, r. B Moms eentteet,l the lEEE= vr,1,,, 01, Om or Which ,h.l Subscriba Drt.vcs , :o, L tinu.l nu.l naoro Cl LA, Bmitina :•e raliroarl depot in the :uPrine o•d C t. Willey J.. : I—Nl,nr, J C Wr:m i DArt, Wwil, C. P J N tqn :63 n;.,: J. ht 2 Serpent■ it r LL t r war,: 1. r L i, rr. k W. h.• a . ..t1.! a:, phy .n, ,a .. r. ra,d w.l hr I 41.1 a. I. l! • II .r I; r , e r. Ii 1; r; tt t:Ar ; lac Lau. MEIIIIME .....e ~c 61.• lIIMEMIE =MEM Of 1, , 1C a- u era. ol II o o:s acl••• t,p . /14 "Ea o: b• ): edvlph., d•,. vet Llt , arm by the y:ruktrit a•re,tlor!....ts ,•I ra,t 0 011: , rry e.4a 11:5EM!Ill Everybody tich;n3 .e S. • n•: a vu:t a c, 4%,..1 rt, Cue eidentie the tett At , ant.. a !art, knon . ,nic no faith, fte eValblted, tb rat., f case ,t.ff.l e i 4,.1 nue.) neap away Imm the polls. Some trouble is el peeled as dialst,i, al psocous of lee nrnoract Irish, a d all the Liner 'corn of II • ruletistion here tiren inflamed to the hlt,tlet: of 1111in:oily by be h t est. loilt.euits. ,bd ciur,l, • • . • :he near .s are almost certain io be Ito retail ite pct inn to p, ev,ul the palling of the vessel Department. A _Minister to La repo lie r bore fo-skmo tlan p Tic Vurtlyr-V., 0..11ff tic rou“L's m In lb• a. a / .0 11,85 Balance 1, the I:atll of Phymencrs .id WLIMINOTON, Dec. 21. 186.1 soy - wages conwrx'b T. t C : .ll.ll,i.tee to 4tterd ttc .ce 0%),, li : tLe Na, hlLvt- n ^ fa, KL.I,: K.. :u 1• • 13 J H..•. cat b A nata l , i!. Flappotkli;ig 11111 la :Lg In rt EIMMMI I==tilrl • ! f•• t'rnei the Eht e••• tact t, hete,hz tLe it, f 06. n, to, . .v •. C L ZSas G , ,C 11 , 11 r nrxis,. Tll.ll a .I.ID•TS Re;r,t.•:;ct:e , s n , I — ce sc,'. =MEE =ME Mill==11!!E2!El al-. I=l Ivtlrtk th,y Lod to- 'as IZIESEEI =MI PAYIIIBI,6Ii GENCIIAL'S IMPORT PITTS ...URGH taally on hands of pay•mas , ers on June 31)..h, XXXiXth (ONGPESS—FIRST i•ESsiON 1'465, $422,4155 $4. Total, $.55,443.054,146 37. -- Since the beett.nlog of the current ti.eal rar, besides the above sums it the handf masters and ;the nniasued ri.quieiti.ini, It is Mr. Hat ;.and, of CuLneeticut. (AT, r,ll a resoiu .tated $94,009,000 have been disbarsei at.d dis lion, tha . the ~,, , f IIIIO-C.L Of the 1.7“,-d ',i.e., Vitiated for disbursement, meilLim: n Iota: „. i ought et v r 1,.. i , eugLlLe any e"vrrnmeni ill, a p0ei. ,, ,1 upon any nation on this ci„,tinet, by v., penditure uf $524,054946 37 during the lant. , Of 151:e Err peen pow,. Reterriil io II seal year and the present 'one to this date. Of' CODIELIOO, ot. Ferri ,r. A trai,. .. . _ .......... . this large sum more than 0n...-aelf, V.:70,000. 1 Mr. Vorltirs. of Itirra a, offried a i o n 080 has lir t n paid to disbanded volunteer 1 5k. ' 1 ,1 . 1. 7 . ' . ' b ' P ' "''` l : ~:,-,, A B n 88 ' M"e , ar:.. and 1 troops muttered MIL of service from the early lion It .. ur . u ,, 6 l ‘ u 'l ,r, rr ni t. r' ... , Y . U,:,' ,,i . .Yl a u, h y . " rn ` ;- . days of June to the present time. The Depart ; Mr. Niblack, ..: '.. ._.lre. i r, a n . Inn •'n merit hat made deal payment to more than . dirroiri; kiluir; to hr mad , Into the exp... •m -500,000 of cer. and men. i cy ot adrulttlrg a deqa..• Irk I . . , 11.711 , E. to ;•• ~. ' resent the District D... '..• .. Passed. Probably no similar work of like meg - nitride, i D, it. Ashley, . • `," ... ..- -' p e er e d and I ris h regarding Its immensity as to men and money, i his seat. The Speaker anurni.ced the tr , [104.• wen';..and the small space in which it has ever been Per -1 8 m a c nil . h ' : , r s:l 4 a .:' n u 1 a " , n t I ' l u '', . , parti Pl i t l e h r ' sr . i n n '''''' r ' ,f ' I : :A L o h :C . . ' formed. It has not,it Is ImieVed,anv parallel In the history of armies. The Paymaster General [ Hat. pthirei F - art, trot ii, oi 111moi, Garth Id o ' ( ' highly compliments his corps of paymasters for I tht , ' • ' iiii. , -.'" , r` rir. N: M , ~, d Miele;. their industry and faittilulcis4 al disbursing i ' 1 %7'.• th ' r i t ';''. ' t Coll ''''' , " th 'Y• " r i'''' , ° - ‘ u t_orre, of 1%. ~..oni ia. hl rune, of Penne elr a fund. to tho army. - ' nia; budge. of M iculgan, Adele V. of finer, The Department bas drawn on at. 3 , r,reg ,, Flinch rt.,. or Ore_or.. ALiton, Cl /.),I, at,. $20,000,000 per vetch from toe Treasury during : Not ' .l \i''''"i the lent fiscal year. Blnee the 111/I tir ALL. e: re- : 1 . 5eu ;7 .3 .L,::.,.;;,::.._ j. i . ":„:,.. t 5 ' .. .',:sluetni,ou,, i .3 S ~,,: vim 447 contingent appointment. of Pay tole- i ap..ropr lat. it to rt., Neal A • a ,l, my,. „ L s A gL , ap - tees have been made, of which titre are but 210' wri . t , •r , ' , " ' . Ileeri r.: .5 • ,Ital. 1..), 11,t184.1:11, •,01 , 1Co of remaining In service. il.• all, ) riga atm tr , . printed for t • The r.iin. - tion of o.le. bi Cof 1 , 33,.•.....,P It i. the l House. ' • '... uses) s iiik 1111114 . , and the, whore services can be I Mr. I onkllng ask.d leave In f tTrr a Ire. lu i drape tired wilh. wilt he gradually mustered out. liPahmg (IC Prerlth.rtit snot w;., ,r,• .e ads .7,11 11, 1•1. dlvialon of referred enCms I . x.posee pe 1 v c i '', C , 1.3 T. '''l. ' '' L '" . I ,"' - ' ''' h ' id .. cobra and otwrous later on ale clerical force ; '-' ll . ‘ „,% s u " ,. ' ,.n i „ u ; '' i j a .- ;,: ' ; ' o “ . ,.':: i u :''' . " v". aonvtltuting the Bureau, and the and-'en seen 0th....- ..; .1.. ri .tt . t..... • mulstion of buniaers caused by rtlet,l 10 , 1 continued large payments of disbanded 11.. TE, render a rednetiou to that direstion at ;;, sot T..• ,to, of of t.t, rtgodar •r:or mod so:u: terr , o 1 te of • vcry d : ton r al, iloltalt.the i I, to. ord,•ra t, . t p-or, 'r I at t: tt. proltunt. t 1 113 tutu t 'n. car, LI, I.f Jt.ty 1,0 zl. o w L 9 tat 1 iJnEn• • a r ¢ thr putt four yen !- , :u Jul. IP:13, IIIMI!! deft. ntt.a: IL the Lkp atthe..: r 411.1 e c i mud it. i. brit•-red tams ne s • l• t: , •..7 r.. lE= C rzt.le. Gu ;:g r Fr dr .va ad id. a ,••• than lave, aor one ye - rev, a Et -1 ea the lair. al•bur,d 12M=1111111 I=ll.l 1:1MZIIIIIKIIIE2111;11 1 a ' n imnamm:r ammo let C,1 , t11111 • ~. e . t.. '.l a,o I=l Tbrre 1.11(•• ,11,1 Ktr, to :he 11 1111= MEE= p:y ~.., 7~~.a. o.: p~ .;; J•l4 , 1 , 4t14.1 V t,tIF.T.P4 iLc •:- .jaek.A.',.. and a 141, ,nalt 1. 8 DI s: •• fat t , . rn:srr,r. 11,111 e Mc • p. , e, h Ha 3 rn Ldorhich was stion: In it. eten,t, Stew en, one of :he S. ma den C.:Ort. H a IlVeCetl In 61.1 pp. PreeldenCe p Les PERO ALLIE, .1). at lishy (:hoJera in l'ari 60:41:11EB1T6 BOADS 15 TIIK Ana YORE, tl —A lest, irnw eau: IClfil n.locn arc 11..111:If OE Pc r❑ two terew .team !r,i,torre of forty let, I . ac h, iw row •1 very (set alreen gut screw c r bcnidss a few atca". atcatneca that can , •e •• wa t e , e iu aatvtatt ways. It t•,. .t..t would r nnta.l la to r One. Li, at nhc I' qtr t 41,1 tt.t, to.-- the t htchatc. ID I.Do natil 4 by IA • rukm l'. • I'.llC •:r n; t•I ID: 1,011.1. Polt kap It grrt. =IBM • ag,ln, (111:1. E, t In •.: r/ rt,una, pent' el, WWI, tic wiry I 1. , • • au, of It ;Ye visit of th. Ern,-,,s Char cat° Fran,: IA :welimir ~ Maxi:mom, i e. u: The Paris papers are stile l ',hidden 1./ Fp.: ol Meeleas atLllro. Tbere were on y six new reenter :holera, at nr diwtbs, in Paris • Oil November :10 on the 1-I I.: December four t ew r as:, ar : I,Ctil de .he t 0.3: uniu,ur of d. al hs 'roi ehoo•a, In f'eri-,inn the first out to the n &Mb of Noremberwasil,o77. A 1011. rt om %Var., In says Coo fEder.t..e rwruon atu hung up by 1 art..., wt., ar the draw o of their BRISIJITIptIou try it. UlalLla Stales. Advb,s f•• - re ~.t the discercery rich gold wises Is the eternity of Tom., end listbsdraes. Ante of Gauen, New Greyed,. hour 112011 is eight days ling out thirty p med.. lhedoitch es from Washington say Cionersl Lo gait's Rome for ruis.wiu to Maximo to not MA au list of appOiCo.ll/OLLOGOOt to the Sonata for 0.14- 1/tmalloo. A geed - mao living forty miles below Freder icksburg has lard before General Howard eel. dense, lost the plantera of that ntlehnorhond have adopted a sy.trut trader wh,:b th,. freed• me., are required to weft, for from three in sex dollars per month, or be driver from the planter tier. /, taunt sr of them have already h , driven trout their homer. Declalve orders have. bete elven In regard to the matter. A letter from Toronto raps prepars:lons being made (or tnrnwing up ,-ttong earthworks around area c 11). There has been a gala in the harbor lasiir g all day. Much damage was dorr to ohipping. The vied at 9 p. m. still continued, but with Iwo violence. The amount of cotton fisipmd from &.hle port 1;1' Ih.• ae.k n• s.:m hale.. Th, ck lu port O. kub.uou si Turk State Temperance Society' Porioukzreis, N. Y.. Dec. 3l.—The New York Stair Temperance Society wee organize yeet erdey, In this city, under the late set of the Leglsiwure. General Noultb, of New York. was elected President, with o list of Vice Presluents and a Board of Maim:chi. 11. F. Ives, of Au burn, was chosen Corresponding Secretary, and Bev. W. E. Knox. of Rome, Chairman of the Frieuttive Committee. Virginia Legislature Adjourned. PIIII.eDZI.I.IIIh, Dec. 21.-1 .ht et .11 llrg t he A treated a. P. Bradley, wee tried prosaenger way Lraii.. th, tln Puil.heil , lll+l uud ttelbre the gro•ort Mardis! IL t 4 avaniteh, for RIOUXOND, Dec. 21.—The Legislature hea ad- Tteurok Reilrond, trom nolareeburg, wee run in.erreatlonarY lanLeage. in advising the Snuined uotll the Bd of January. into when cresslog the Rending Railroad at the people to rot.lll the lands they held. At the special election to-day, Mr. J. Ettahe jpeet me by en ee,loo or the Istttr road. Both , beech ,her Led twee restored to former own wee elected to the Home of Delegates and N. • cOglnt, And trtiOrrs were dowitieul. Nobody . rot, so: set to site.' themselves to be eispae.. Btu:devil:a Com rt monwealth Attorney. wee nu. 11..111511d aleept al the point of the bayonet. 1,11/ le, .11, Mr. I,lniviro.ll , •Lb 1 j ter "pp upt,nii., 0 , I d sup,r—on i•t,1.111, r a f , 111,, Nir mni I, I Kt.r.11,..). 0 mil n .) i.•- 11 attn: ..1 Lei ~ ~..,~i•~r A.. yr zu l> fami 1 .. 1 c Pr a. . I =MEM .11 =ZEE 11 - watc 1 It. pr 1,4 , _ =MEI =RIM II .4, 1=!1:1:1!II!!1!!IMI =ME M 1,1 - DEES Mt t 1 . • 1321211511 r •t•• r f.• ..0 LL.I t ill . I , ; y ;.;•;toe or t.rrliorj, , ; ;) • • ;VII !tit, ; tics a olon..; ..011.. ti,. 0.; nail ;Lod void. ;sod mnkt 111,4. AUcl; ev.o.Ld ,„‘n.,„ :bat LL: f any State, ~Lou. ••• , L, 'non of c o l,. erw, h tu Lusk, Lut trat In, 1,13 rt. d Itt• ye. LII y.n ureltuett or et n 1 t eL4 r, tl halt equal •tr Olt of au: Intse for security , Ixnuu oud n o.rech. v. , la LIB K he 1.. ova, Le al et. tt . ,.1 h. 11, Ui l, l ,•( h mdclut dB kh. 41. d 1/1]...•11., 41. A! ...Lpr. o,llt. 7a. ..cet.h. ye ug.. e. h • t reeLl war., Si Ute.., b e I .a• COI L, aLth the [lv. .‘urle t. See'.ion heuth pro. We* Ur, .'.. •a I. any Put.. :h eh, ii. ht truc, I 11 C a =ME Me. Wilton spoke in favor of th • n 11. Ile tombrtivid the idea that 11eOlvt frOla party Is ( . 0111111g 111., ',nil . , en r. r• • 0.4 vi •if the iiii)haly • . iihm: recomitrthi...iii, tit. , and i•ra. iniata •I: belvnt II can hay , rn tuffs •• unity ti•ionvli maytioify. fl Led n I. ri• t levivil then, o blch he Is t.imi d by Loner, it . int i an interal. lie has iced, . 1111101 . with rog :, mast Coin:risen !ma made no lie, a• 011 I.lw. I .. L a. ~. ty ts 1. Pt 13/li. IV, Cel.Vlollf , 111,G LOVart anpje IL to 10. - . k. wllh hqw 0.•• , i o Vet,• • 1111111 , 1, a, 111114,101.- 0s aattO•V n , , lila, Ottptallik. n e ed 11111 Serail lila fl} n. 1..03'. At r, tlanh my ,rIO d that hn rai.l Den,, eIIVAL pet.. e,l 1.. 50..1. r1•11,1J .1.1 . 1.1L1e) 11“ (/' . Sail/ .1 tyrt ts• 810110 f Hotticl.bOO; aid dln m• i m the o• her aide of thi• Chamber. J named to Jaouaey 5. LI; 23. 1865 =MEM P • 11 a =SE Lk , I ' \ 1 -. , lIIIM lIMETIIII .11 - 1. 1. 1 11 ' , hal I ' ~ .111.11 R., I I er,T.01.,1-I.lob ittliruzd ccl(lettr. Minister to Japan Appointed APPREHENDED NEGRO OUTBREAK. The -Ith It ocat. and "lexica, PLTHAN flic JUL. DAIS' FARM NEW/ ri , HR Pe: . he NeraLd's .21014- t. • c . a . , , ent [A, iemt to the t —V m Vedkenburg, of New lark, na Alinister to J.., Th.- lirrairils Richoord ....ponaent says: TLe per.ple of Rtehmut.d are la a high state of t In app,eheni' la of an outbreak town': the nngtvt - S taring Lite apt:ll'o4 , o,l,Z, hod day,. It Is repotted that preparation. for a gi gawk inaurrect...a have beta made !.y the ez and nt,.retion of arms: tad 1.1 05 OW ;Hai ,;r••••6 will attack and rob ct the Richmond a. j lia,hoid has issued a notice that no w,I *„.l over the 21st nd the s:t. of January. The air ia. , •:.•eMissed V, Le kroundles, • The a„,greif ao lOrne :Acct.:lly ordered to bt mutterer. out I the [unitary cervice is 30.000 li• t re, r z\ a!L hae. hen j ur .• 11, Lt: Is a. ,;. •dLLca c, lure IV:, •11CatitiithSte. lut I LW., 11. e Lirralct'n SP, yeti nays tLere IS 1:10 Ofliafti i”1,111n11.11i !1,211 the F Gortrument. that I .1 . , to wltildra a the French Nit •• via it it ti_ticty given Oat .it It . , .1, ti dtrhanati, to t ,o. MaYttottion Crlthe t. e; tot Itit t t iti,trolu troops, Oath 0., sow to to. on their Wa) to J 14.1 'I. ••: tl ,r, r 11., I. Wr-retture of t 4,1 is. 1. • Ly.ceoov, mans,. ~t ee ay. an but n , It.. ma, r, plc 1 1 . a • by the Yrealdent. TEL COLE brl BIA ;\ COMMON 1 arious pponnewills and Orders btS:,: iht Sur rilA6c WASHINQ TON W st,l , Ps. i PCI ht Co uwnla.. Cum tol, h In, 4 h .1 Jena:try • • iin.l a.t, ! ha ,• ctn c•dvc and z • :y oltr,t.: to I .• • • ti EtItoo•-r, for Loa. ts ' .1, z ; • . - ::n.r t :•y • ' • : ,r 1 r , e ; .rn. :.; •!. • A•. - 1[111 , , , 11:11, I .F.• lye • •tl, Ur NIL, linixlrtut. If.llE=llll vou• • -• • ' 7 Dcw ey. ; •• ; ; Lrurt.,, ;•1 ‘,l - • ; •;r ;. i r;lr • y •• ..1 1i• n appnr..• . • .:1 nna 5f tun . • : 111111.-• 1 C.Lilforu..t .f N. vad... u• • I‘A a:. n ttn. 1.1 .r till. .1114 • 11,131 ,1 1 1 . .1, .4E llt • ir Mon . .811.. Mllll' , r•n•ar I.dut.r, l.c• .• r -.ken tc Am! Te:r% . end I he) art • ham ....•:,•Lrd ProYlt . P t., aMe z.• • r =ME A tit A ongt, a-I°,IAI dtt t is h i . ll . - )n•rA. Mr. J., I) • .. tu.l I.lm r ttluctialg M., h I '.. ,•I the r' Cui~tl 41 • .PvIIL .ovo a,; .al.l 75 to faaor fraLa - It la uFu.•• a' nt.ala• II aturt, to a puts; a.: pr-ivrrau: 15‘ a.f exprealing .Ic bratiolt t thr kuudteg ul the Pli 1 • 11.11. NL r v, d IJ• 11; t; tIIN 1i 14'h ei rr , E. The •••- ••/. •;' ma: krtl ml-r• •••35..maewr ha' fo roues° e.rtUril,latxca tO a h. I. trn; •pir Lg. . porn-no trill be pre • I.itiorro ev;;;,,, Hoc, H. Mcl o, It et.. Seer. 1,1 ot lite Tie p. Hon. Scott ho. N. ; , ; Lane, ;if iadtaila, lV:la El. Nlnardiella elbt; Rev. Drs. I) It r Elello riinerala Lo• Lan .1 II ;id . ; II; Mayor Ele wa; ct, Mr. , the. cot, Mayor McMichael, of !quirt delidoa, Hon W.. MrEvaria, r.! others. .1., pi. II t E 1 , a 1 I pt-Itte at the r. Lo•aal Ntte Eaalnad el. 0. .a. -to pu 0. I =yam plea, port: d , t ad ad libitum, In addition to the tteor naao e el.11,1:1. to a cactropoli -10), LAW, will rttru.ebed. Waautaoroa. D , c.•22 —There la no doubt of the fact tnst tIl.. Prtsident yesterday nominated to tot Senate Ex Contrre.sman Lewis D. ot Moo, to he N:lrl.nne, Extraordinary to the itcpublac of hit n lro, In Oleo of Oct. Lugar. 11, ” 1,0. The nom It a..or woo referred to lb , . C..nutolt e , -h Furrier. Relation e. lien. Iceoe. wbo MSS appOill Led as interwo Jl 4n-t. rn. ' ranee, Lae Miff Locrannin.: by t P n•pr•.nl I nereaxe haw Dar. 2.l.—Tbe Weal, moon s; ial aarc A bill belu4 prepared by House, to increase mto.t..f r , to double their present amount. The peed cider ibe present law h, /15,000. um It Is sow proposed by this bill to loorease u. ' • • • • (wrier eiss — ATsts ' Cnss that k V • 1/littill 01117Q.0 dried 1.811 arb lo the C; iced Stales tar bating Detaineda 1,!,t• of 1111. Pbebe wlttoto her convent, It at , ore.. D., ,/ Furls, exclehnrd '•Ltkr t., I will ..00este 100 noble cause to of Fr...Alin." "And what woulo on do there ru icsalred one of her lOLIMate Lisods. "Whet %Fly i would let the men Mon ute o • ;.• GAZE OUR PARIS LETTER apt-• "n-euec of the Pittahertt etetta Paula, Tuesday. Dec. Ott. 114/ The arrive] of General Schofieid in Peri./ hte served at 6. heals for all sorts of - men! , on :he part of L,e French pr-, brat sald,oi coarse, Chet the (hum,: tau .ii",inia sion;" then the mlsstorr was pwrilcular i n- ii !It' Gineral mutt., !start for Compeigt, immadiab to Invite the Empei Or to clear out of -forthwith; the Monroe docie.he was aMlal to br enforced practically. Another more ingrteinon report was :he effect that Pretodent .ioht.son being ' , about to say," in the ponLi4 , •post futtirnan tenon, something tiisagreeatrie In the 'means,: which lie is " about to deliver," had bat hole -the comical expedi,mt of studlnt• .ver the Get oral to apologize for it hefor - han:i. The Phlri and the Constitutional have been politic:, I,iti , each other the Ih in thin dispute fur th , i :...11 there or fits; days. All 1 use any is th it if! the honorable thicer.ll ha• ami . , Si . ' fact uncommonly, and behaves ig 4.. 6Ay which mast he enuakie to cane ace even todirdl that be Las Come to Paris nil) for b . , bars taint. 11,ent.. ILe Mostininar aa,urs.t, not that the ter.: o o Spair. In so otaichl.d.,ry re larding the Chuff that [lit% t ivory reason to hope Ilea the elbirts of Yristiog . Eggia.d arrange Mat ter, a e.e,foi. 1: is al-o soarrhted erg thatAm•cr .has td.f.Fret.i Ito m litO Altil,;,tLet Lpnr oenal.,as felt of Iserlohn ditlicalLos arising in ttia: gush 7, both ( . on/n107,...;.) and, hare ult. Witten.° France has ei•, or almost es caped the ne,mr s e id: :Le rattle pague. taste than len LI or il•ty head t.f r Ott e. hart died of the du.ease In LE, rionutey, while lu Eng - thud the 5 est.mattd at it:NI- a),(you f,r GO,OCO, an, Holland at S,OOO. Ey. hin 13 , Igh3in i a thousand animal. , hay , .lh - n ristints inalady. Stlii it , an ~ c army to said to lays. rear red o the Fr- net. boon I.rrt . T sim runt. lv mtet g, oat , rdO :o I,T 0.0 5..0h0riti.,,, Who Oni , ,,t I. . • ~i oufor,kl luto+torit..o or! I.••• tedok. ,kto - r day, howes, r, p • - C tlnts we, v a ,1 Tendon,: nturaloty by a cartons 1nen....L1.. 100 JarolP tle ••lluitation of the Boadc .Olololt. b or from England. anti as no nne, cl - ch Fannon sustouLt.ousc officers, 1.4.,13,, • at Fir Li,. ,fipc,[lo.., "fo Litt fist: c .; and taiiPt. eyed 11l lie Cr. . r Eat With d wL Li-at tkisy 10140, ev r, the p•or ar.rmnts roved not whe exed.p Jr, a, .I.• prova.llug dtte? l ttn• ruminati tip e o qandrevichi. Tint y f the maind,), and d ~ LI-Ora. She sierra W. 5.4 g,ven, 50..1 n cordon sant- Lairs dawn round he I , recited locally. TC.• cream., In•ie, howeVcr. hue t•te, • eulkc:u l y tap. Ttnnt drew torn,, a iws neer, tha tut joet. eat. Odlng the p . ob 000 411‘,..t it).p,t2t.i..o to "wild' a, .il " . ' or r. d ..21 quadrupe ei ds t • J.,n. • I.e t, rte, a-n rt•l , Tire imp , ritati..n of sheep ac:! goats .as L ti, , tint+ .I:ue :en it • "• t • r • ay • , 1,0, t h,ef r , s , in - ce of lc, r.• v .fA Lew newspaper alittig..rted I y ore of thi psi tor- s• r.• o• Lit Piga., If V . l:otorw ',ld cos N ota. zed i'6. II he :lit ro of it- re• • otos 'II, tots Leripo:ten: st.tifeet oral audit - tens pJbtle Cy ash 11 one gl van Et.c. , Oar lal 1a1.15t sasprrt that it hot tll/. the Emperor's cal, I and +he Empr.ii , ' jecrone-iii.clurrnbre v• 01 to, sent, s of rhea [nano Jun rata Lt art. 00,51 010 r _ :,a., o. .1. .1 r+ id 1 .11 ..5 IS paltot .:00 k enssit. LLI .CLI • o. UV . ; tin • h-,„ :bat be • and . a.ltcr they It him an.' hls w,l, elute in MEMO Ito A..l ir ru",, otigit u 0, u, , I e' a c.i . f.,: trod, se to :Dorf nit, great rt.tor. to ... Oaenitto, agit prev , tt o tint Lo , paxarid at whica trio; k , te nut ern eta eteLoghti her t C., I WO all ~.,oh a .! le. 'la 'a tilae a '466 v.l. r , nn tr.; • 1,...1 14, nay, n. ytt - 1 Sit. , , rt. vb, •In , In E. cl.e ,ettlilirt, 1;:y rntztr unr.11.1....i 3 !rose „f bet ow.] it int, 'nn ' Au-.'1.1n t , ' s. t , c tuna rd..) wearing tan bre.thee" pub!, ' The Price /CD iFtake *L.e, In Inter t... I ,i , L 72114 .t t ' what I.le fdare} would, n.s "nu.e, n.'• Roman Lan Tb. [nay wttta so,oly. and rn a •na4 to 411 Jon, nod LO o,tl R 4,4 G tota lEM=II is trrs L•g jav, 1/3 nu caner!, reach r rA, forge Lry an arti..,n a Lb 1, Gracie. Na As C re-t Ty. cf,,04 111.:01.,e- Ch V I—, d ..12 V. fl :An' rite a ,: . IFacc..t am. p ict for 311' A - 111.ez ruak.,c Item (.. the (Ic.ctau law vasaw, Lb ware ot~ea Fes .r - t lust, MIMI Before tL^ t a:. - tf the • tt4tu` Lco• • • • rque ! ! , .i. tang!trtO - cE 11. n. avho 1,15 a a •41 , I • ‘l . -t" trr o•e. t re Lt. ...• tiottn, $40.01X1 , r fee fir hot I trensle ! In rn. durn that 3 - tar •' , .1.1.111 , n hoer he 4 made at toe 'ar, but we ! tft,:nt • taw of M Liott :•er•-•ne, mrn .td fortune It -aid Lsea , tor, ratlloh.ts doltzrk. rood- of rewArtltrz -- I‘ocatr4 ny loharier eft o tottan oy .h• t . roe: tr., • Itpeir, t.t have r, rtl a 51, - rabl, I refit, ,and rreat c-fe, coed niKbly hottorsole tb• leKatei, t-theto boarktt that In that vat re bad rret le4d Ellillobc. of ....eaLcrt.,,, Mu, $60U0.1./0. fear that then". 4., liberal In their last 'tulle and t05t1.033.11, al Sac:, durum 141 C heat 03 1 5 , 1 i of Rom-, !MCC.aa al the bar was the rUr...l: 50,1111 larlty,,lif.titi: Luca aid iglu er. No won der. thou, het th, an of foren-ie epe. oat greatly tall rated. 140 aura succra., Prolm by to ate ha. prodn,l4 a band more el , queut men taan Cicero and;tua rontetn,r, flaa. of tin . Roman bar. Nor th • barristers of Romp diet o_l.l eh , .1 ly f oratory. )f our a them Ire, .11 • rudklon, ..f crate cl and of ru,al aCtia rCll.lclll., moat learned of Lad Q11:111.1,1nn, Snetut Ids, P •y •1 f Tat. oS earn alt adco: ante. I au lit Deal teetl mcny to Ins v.:n.1.114 ALAI p,.w er In Almon eyery dap, t at. bt of litmmture, Aa F.AoltAllthb Vast, —A dtitntet, flow Lott /W.. Franc, 01 , 13toUt ern Ott art.val oboe of :hi ship of wnrltt In. trt.tra Lithtch,o,ln tt e latent nl Cyhrutt, C the Cr,_, nutebn.rottth with Cleat Aar elty a- tak,..g tr httntro ten et obreonti of lanthotttt ' our 0. the Geh true of the Letup,. -.1 Venn% bent by ILc hhatt a letnon. Lanais., the aL.hic..t Athathontb, wain one at; the el: ice of to, o r I , thett most t thiarkettl- both .nr the • - •- • •-ollt• Anti theft n ran, t ilOrala t.ron¢bf to 1"1.11/Ota This • of ,rt wci,ths t4lneen tons, anti 1•11111.11,VC.t 6 es nsWer,.l Imporsibla. lizary Corm's MOVEllglill port,. :roll. Lt. port Oar. Ike, n:iy MOO , ' t 4.4 to 18. nm rapa,alit••g a rung n "ada. 1 8 3 . {711 a • rindni.l m it. n- • " . 12;(47 vniurci fiiii,()ls6.2p; •i men - 4Q • !a. 51091t54. kvt briskly ay l, all Aviiiranit p piOW and 'pinion: tifrn ratnala'.(hi 1 , 0l•ii of till kiudn, ~• •Ir , p, ri., 905.01/0 rr gut, 'Sr tlv. to ...I b..b.• 11,111) int; a:Douro.. to 77 01.0.1 t<:..5 nS.tnor tt.. r•va l stO' —N. Y. Tizeas. A ffpnwar.) P.1.1.`c to +A ter Lt.: tHISEI I,tolli. iha. I wax tmittartLa h,,,f t-tfolir min..,,.,' ' • belle. ...a DIED. E. W ATT - A& I .!.4.. , c1 , ck okorLice, A ftY o.rec Notice of fuocrel oloraitl rurn. . • inatAreffque DIA. • - 4 ~ .11t; c:e .• ;mak., • ti ;.; City. on 11, acv firtgh. • • 3.. tO select ittVlL /Wilt • • harmiecte VAJcP, the ; , ' l •` cicoits Awl u 1.1,3; pe ALL, LAO lira( Wart:zoom of %La nottera4.:l,l., of To•fer;ll.4 1.e1te , 41: .treat , .l. .101 ell• G4O. , bmowy e 444 Ttleetallivr. lIIIIE E LIVIII--NO. 319 I THY THEM THv Ez-st J PERIOR, RUBBER SOLZ BOO' Conct:rt Hall Aoe Store WEN THING FOR WINNE Worn Itubbers for lU nder the Opera House.. OAK ILALL CLOTH NG ESTABLISESEENT. I {icy 14th, we FIONY3TLY sad ; 4n rLtr from our 4 1: M CLOTH/NO at - u.cia Cost. SLIGHTLY' SOILI6II. G\ EkY q..l.llllEN'r wmii CAREFULLY made ul ' t ! I! , /nav.,ir CLOT 41:40 nude Raft ttsvc a full Una ut n Ci•T rER u ZiLaSTES of the Trade Fcr tLe pros , ut, we will make to onler, aal GC 1:1:1 T TM h So L TISFAXT/ari, at No 13E1...7, other hitt class Tailont u not favor us with your pat...WC .1 H. SMITH & 00. pleNos ELND ORGA.NB 1:EM11!13 0,1 0: I.Lr Kr, A; lorcee .chomacker & Co., Philadelphia artlk a/CAIS t , xtiAn, sae BEMIS •• • , :Teo ORGAN, sthaatted by dealen e u - Sa neve :watt; teem, t• be euperlezia ..1 of her thetrursests et the WWI In • Issthred to the Untts4 States. • AL:, pre,erv• to furnish, at the shoiest nncl tic:man Silver ; • • Wan and llormult Bandy ! ilharttVell catalogup azia r .• hu"nislle,l On application.. N.:coos-hand PliX.. for Hem. L L LATE SONGS AND PIECES Ter csolceet Inset of ;AND :ilk , / Kg WATCHES, ULoOK rce r. , .R t, ever 'Ea - ought to , I ghcuv y, ctn now' be seen Ir. the TORE of T. H. KLAGES. 170. ea ..ib - Noctex-e4. ISt.. W nen, 1W rt./I E, [1.4 cleat tamairs.rzwzr,‘ 01 0 l ue wrest asides, QVULULS airfoil' dam i -.i• • Aak,,icaa awl Franca =Zeta. j i• t: ../ etarpo GOO LIS, 1124 I •4 ~,owns Ware. laJaheadaA no FrOct,:ta.. ...1 V aISES of choicest I ..ttlrral. sad ail Articles belonging to cay_a_tres i If 14, 4' Lae r 1 Will WI • will at a vent .newol.). TioN ! ewe Watah oad JaWalry work eatatally aot r J 413/test : pr,cepalcl for 014 11 ..,•J 1,,e . the place, al radars' .treats•• ocaLlyd Tli 6 titt EAT PURIFIER ! uus;u.E.II.ARKA.BL6 ART/CLE 6.57) BO; I 'TOIL C9105.£011 acronna. Ethenniatinni, neuralgia, aoh j Lyapepsta and Pimples, o sl# ALL lab LASES OF THE WM. Al t roals, It revues tae appeute, porkessil 3.11 wholly restarts Ple payl2l/1/Strigalri r. it am. bat b VIC to pi nt 1 , , mat. by I, XI W • Z` ..,..t.. la ..a. Pl. 331 il E-19..A7 k.:Li WITH., SILVER. i 1 l' k :•• T.• 4, IEA SECS. ivaarEtcs. num s i It ai e i Tcll ES ~ — NVI7E:S. SPOONS, CA E E RA;JiLTS. ha., 1 lieu 411 I, r•e•pi•kted- and Made to LOOK Mli SiIEALO EL/U.I.L TO NEW [LTA. SMALL COST. 1 i viji Y YOUR TOYS " . AND . . 041ILDMLIPM PILESIBINTS, .., ; AT 4. (1 LAUER't6 Nre...rtvut- s r Lan cl. 1'Cr5". 1 310.241114 ' No sol =ARIL ET wrizEtr, "where ykui will find the ihrgett vanity sad the .. WI., rt 1 Ir.. dill - --t---.... _ , TM PORI'ANT NOTICE- TO LUMBER- Kt N A lib uraEus.-8t the lower end of MarborY iir.rf m, la the • Cheat Wrstera Phialzg .•f J. lilee:h S Clo., can be Steil theettnatar melting •Esced hAt, toekee twmaty•flye thousate se ire .uun btltak b*u can be COCO by, the Machisie is Mil:oaf &1:10 at the pnaaa prhe cf el:Waves 0111 evoa =sees asap olorturce."; toquOe e 4 the mill Office tot teriltfitytoariiie windll Uwe Won. 114 it le IGOOYallebblat.o be etc /gas rascELLANuods. E ,o lit; Al FOR 14 5;.) FA.III. ynC SVER RID OM YOUR 11111 No, 60 FlFril STREET. .Yo. 63 Fifth street. deal, rra hil per•om who want BARGAINS. h sve some tiarment4 Whlcl. we sell for the B oT OFFER CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, CtlE UELEBHATED aRADBORY, NEW YORE) PIANOS. C%•lnttaptly 13S baud. wiLtIELISI & 43A111, no. ea JL. CLAIR EiT2ISET. 4...) IL. I_, HEMAPANAKA I BLOOD CTIBJE.) SIMON JOB XSTOZN, •or..ter ScalcritteLl and ll'ocLi":= Y OCR MONEY, By havlog Fotir old JOHN JIL COB.N WELL, So. 7 8 t.0141r '''' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers