, < ESTAET,ISIIED IN 17St gthe pittsbargh o;aseite. CITY ITEMS To our Cliy Subscrlbore A r we aro rr akturs some chat it. on our r• rates to the two ollic• and vicinity, a number of cur •übsonb - e - re may fall to remit, the parer. 11 aro such will le•c e Maar:4lre. at this oillee, the Pape aril/ be regularly ...eel threat., Craver di Baker'• I=l Curry lust itut I he pest term of this I esti. otioo opens on the lint Tuesday In January. As now orgarosed a emNracer three eeptrate dep.rtneuts f• r th .. Acct.:num la. 1100 of three d r ifforeut cis./-a • f pupil.. Pinto Nollital Ibt.pa . ..Ca h..t the edUcallou an: troth log of [...h. t - of both soiLe/, ter ,0,1, a e• u,:n r out Delman , t for the ed,c•tion of you' ll gr i tic ono who tele h to qualify themselves ter t.: e i n business pure i ts el life, and third, a l'o.leglate Department f r the educe lop or youcg lathe s who wish to t h e a regular Seminary course. This Institution off re special indocerrents to persons Vbillhatig to q fy themselves for least log. as all poplin of verase &Milt). 'beginning now can cotao!ets a course before the summer relation, sad the Principal will guarantee good situations to all who stands Hest class examination at the close of the term. There is a soostant demand fife teachers from WI school, reining from thirty-toe to Ext - rdollars per zuol2lll. de2",:xs MT. - A Grover ea Baker Will make home cheerful •od happy friend showei us, a clay or two oft", a most elegant •nd beautiful present he ht.. tart ft , . rift° sueprl•e his wtre with ty rietteattag It to i hey en ..iteory Onristruse." It was beautiful and sutotantial, exceetilntly ornamental and •tx, er latively woeful, and caquititely .74 llca•.e and tub atantlally attoog. In short, tt combines all the excellencies and guyed .r qualification. that mike a suitable present to dlillcu t and wren well selected, so cortimlly welcome. 1: welt a Wheeler tr. Wilson Sewing Mao Rlne, end was pur chased at E. I. Carpenter's, NO. 77 Fifth street. Fathers, Brothers Mud Sone StkotlO get (Rover a Bailer. Neutral Sulphite of Lltue, • preserttott alder. For We fry Charles Super Oruggist, Dorner of l'wt sad St. Cis!: strrets ritLsburgh. OLuTIFIC•TEO San CrithErsra Itrlo . l 0z. , . ILe Treasury Des, toe nil during the we. k Disease Kept at Day. 0 ,d,0,; to day, red. e nt d rutt brutes of Ind ...fi d • Invalids broken down In health an chit oy 1 : ueas onnUnling to *t I$". to 0, end Intrrint bes t:brunt.: Pysi epsis, or niffertog from the ter. iole VAR 101:" ITE.ll.si, , lug net.. and current) to 0 o am , urn of rear.) exhaustion which follow. the alms" of saute , Tor: Sae:torah corns. pat dl,l. of the New So, 14 On 120.)„ dire..., the tntlmony of thousands who have rterwa r,..,,,,,, :list 1.:,,tt I. 0„ __,,, Ott it.,t .tet ~,, or,, nor - beau mini •• by • m I ' 6° i ''''''' a • '''''‘ r s"" , I.l' a hang o' 00 hoods c.d.., .i... ' :acerveE 'lt its „ Or p1.0.1..(1..1ikti1, by HJlltetter ' e :. toroseh Bitters: re i‘h 0 ,, , ,, ~ Who ~,,,. , h , Lo „, il 1 ... ~,..,,, .„ .) ~h , _tb e r e -u....,, , . , a sure guarantee that by tbe some mesh, 0.0 1,,, tuntitsico g <Ohl. .1. d tut tuos.on Lmor.., it eravr , i , n wt.. be off re : to 1 I "may be strengthened and rt.:used. Bat to 1'.. .. b's. kn. 'll c sir. Vti"g or e.ell Ling Up of ,owe., ~,,t ,I tt , e , IL, the t .,, h ,„,,,,,,,,.. , Irvin, stand a peril of epldemiu, to alhwho, bp , obstreOert Up 1, peer I.) tun I: 4.,10101510 a• , con- Lit 1. , e .;:u1 3..1 v. , t rent: 1.1 .fthe _o -r p ri cum. of exposure, pv ail one, and uocong , nlal mot. au creetartLl'e 1.1 . • It. I. t CILC Mille It Ina I. ~,, b sh,tit t.t, th,,t t ttti, t i 14 , , . , 1.40 or unhealthy pursuits, may at 0010.0- An 1.1.100 Italn.d.l bp 3L. tirbn, J....cl 0111, 1 .......11.allon. cot be Stricken down, this paragraph Is mat 1,. r,,1 out ..f it., 431 II:do .-. ter, mold. to ' y a Got I. 1.A. , to. arfirularfy std ernphci ically .oldretaed. los.. ho tau 0 Lam. dl h ttr3 5.1., , ,es- '• goo" , ts are lo: I. fr.i. ut y ma 'c . a• to are thus situated, are proffered an absoitite s tat: is, 1.1,1, 0. :1, so d ise heceme to .xa- p•re- ttLor sun reruns led de cal be ; , n•chso i: , . guard against the danger that menaces you_ TO. l.d that ; 3.3 irtmed:ate i ly : 1 1 , , , , e d :n , y h t t d t t l..e . •••.a•.t• lire a r It any ip e e ~1 warrants ,Ir re. I. and Ts ante the Wirral with this harmless me Ite" , gory asst • ' - ' d '''''' Leta, l b , ' . : P "I: '`'. r ;,,,,, ~,, .. ,t,,,rny or cortg ,t t the 6... . usc Lc not tut‘.l,4tecsp. , .. l.uhsr t,n... tic- .. " • Inal Stimulant and Alterative, and von sell. be 1 ._... • '-:•• of It, Int. r or Ens .'veiled that ec..l' ;and, forearmed arateut the ene/adiell whose needs 11 °eel •-• 'f• k Corrnt tom for , wozolilnum . en flea bean c • k be dispOsd of trt eer 11 cling taws. around you In the air unseen. Hostetter's Surma IAI r druid in t Illt ILIII,III 1 1 . , .1. You'L Niellb La.., soh Bitten axe net only a standard Sonic am - TUC WHO - CVO. 'Z. I.e. h ..‘,,,,:in1i. 1 .. it lc lard-11. - i e ..:: s I al: T . Locative throughout the United State. but they tt.h„ ~ ~ , ,d ch,o,„ at h „ ch. h , h ,., , hr , ~1 ,he e were very be. ;ono., at the Etneut ..• are accredited by the certificates of the most ails day ~.,,, -, 1„,, 1,. 11, ,rtc., Ole. that ~.:; , •• 41 d "3 0 t0......y. The fl tst l'resre.e. I .1 1 . ...ft I•I ..r. iinguisnedellizens of the 1.70100, to the people or ,n e eh.ers.. r a pia' eof not soup, ca'. be pr•e.ured .1 ' • Tea to Near yrale, I ”. le : , , ~ , all other lands. In Oarada, Australia and the I r then rush I use of rive eclair, • '''''•:. r until after Übe rec. , . t • an I e't, I. West thdy,,,, they are eradually taking the Vb.. A 11:1.1. is la. fre :Le 1. g grit:lee ..f Ala` rola e, •t, ..,, 1 ,, •, ~ ••; of s otherstomachtes, whether native or foreign, to 1h ,,,.,,, n o, an, •• Er,. L .., err I I, li u: e Ls:, h,. .., '' '••' '•• I ' . 'I, oat .I I ' . I , la' and as surely as truth is progressive Sod ••moo• Ag,ul3:' a bleb anal: Lave antlurtty to app, tut "•L•td, ec OI_Cl, Ir• c . stration °refract°wa enuht, they will erectus:ly ,{g, ~. n al tnc 0,.., of that I. tel eta re rth1. , .>... supersede every other lovtgorant and restorative .or rho iu• pose of torn,: al - et , la's,..' 1. r the 11 t 4,,, , o. t„ , , , ~. ‘‘ ow employed in medicinal lIIISCUCLI. !lantern .1 tie ha u It is Crslot e. u: h 'T.." , log , r ILL , • --- -_ . sit Or, 1.01. lisr I.: c... 1 ..he n_valv. ad / u (:eta Grovcr & Baker For eta istmas Fall and Miner Good, _ llt w with great pleasure ma can the attest:on sf . . e , s ,„, ~ ~. es . i ~, vs , s•ss ,„ . ear moderato the superb stock of Fell end W.tter 5 ~,,t r. I I I ea,„,,,,, .111. duel/last remiyed be :dr. Joan ;Vete, feletthant' ~,,,.. !uO .„. 1,,,, y , w ratios, tto. tat Federal street, Allegheny. tits lntl „„ v,:h lot. 1., node embreoes some of the rarest sod most beau- m ~,,,, we y, A 1.., „,,,,, sdultlloths,Casytmer.Uvercoannen.dVest.l3o ingtoerr t I toot lore. eyerbrought to the western market. Ills assort-: •• Inc ',:oil.rid Moon[,' toy the ts•eared Mho ... seat of Foemishnia Goods, comprising Shirt., i C., seas !telmaly ste,t,d, end br...ru,tht Coca the ars•Wers, Collars, Nook-tea, liandkerchig fa, az., I hour, to wends of al Sinn.,'' I..llieriara C.F seradin Or Fr Irvin r: r., - •acket Ds surpassed east or Meat. A mega stork I Tits Is ape m 1100112 the War to - tit: : re'sel. Lew, Clisscon as ...W.W.I. Pants, Coats, Vests and Overcoats lion, oD d o c ool . log ~s . L' r ,••. I jur . ..lon 1., resl "lb" bate it.; ... •111 also be found at his establishment. Peraol, 'Coe truct.'e betwe.in the. Pac.he cod Central ' th, , ,,h , i. ttt 1,0 in the ecrp,rat:oo of Is ash ~ , ~ . „.... want of an gin the clothing line would not , Rads ad routes Los h• c° o.t ea, at..l I stir a Td cit. •c,••• of .:.1 r;iii .1 ',.,, „,,,, t ~ m .... eleet,on bud on tall to glve aar. water a .11 In:lti Folsom ti , Lir .• In, Sal , w.ll a ou 5., 11 ll sin,. Toe lii lag or the ',lto la in.rn 1. ~,,,,i, 0 0' Ill• Or3r3rin On its f 1 •,i. 1. • i a fa: a, h" Le "Y o,ak t : Mar) es i le, G. 1., wilt Lc Inuans,di..t. ly 1,0110,1. .eta for, that Illy tie ffr.• • ' ' . , , ,' „ .:,... tt. , r.II, i... or Lt eal i 1311 , (2,1 grits t r ,S.O ow, 10 Vary to the {rods h:te w."' t. 1,"". 0° ' sett - ..- le r '''') .' • ------ re; ay the 000., f ; p.i.i.,.: 'to- rob.: lei WWII iil ~,.,,, i ..,. ~,,,,, ~,,,t b . ,lee chars - , ee , r4 It a. m ,.. tl'l. o 1... st - n lUllloU Sitting Perk. the htste. Ao . ttealpt Vdda tu .1 - on ill, li, urn. , „nd to inyt Is ii), ,, .. n•ar ,el I • O •'•'• v •• ere an attars::-. aoo is All who mi. tO enjoy the a. time anticipated •.. 1 oLlr. ''' Ca• "' ter :r ILL' e '''‘.' 10 ,.° 1. e'.lii.l.r• gOl 11, Civic 13. a 0 a S t• r• '.'''.' ' ~ ' Lee r.,1 ia Lich .Na. fo,eetn , i , I. ha'rDwin. Judge Cato r dap is en to .11 ~-. r•• l• P r'' d•I• ‘' at this pace . Christmas day, should cad on ',I In •oet FOR r i a .'"'" ... ' i or, 1, - ......' .d • i..,.. South and Boss, 63 Marten str.t, end secure a A L‘T‘UI•II.‘ , 111 ,, 0101, ' 'lOll :It aI f efliec s II r psis of bots, snots, balmor getters, sold to V . I'd."'•''.•••l'''' ! , sirs: 13 b- d • II •• •, , 5 • •• 'l.' . lte 3a' le, 3., .i• boots, felt or gum ove.haes, i sle, sieh are beteg sold th ee° , e: e:: if, 0 . 1,, t outs y. to 5 . ,. sf 1, s ...1 ,an ~, , ,,h , r, .. , „,. f , i ., ~,,,, .d a' , s.I coin' " 11 , r N T.... [tat 11... aeon id haw 1 noel., , iMe la .11, )i 3 , r3ll'• 3 3 3 at greatly reduced price. Now it the time and ~,..,,,,,,y, etd nl3, he d.a tdu td t!,. .. t .- GI Market atreet,la the place to scours berg int.. ~ . tr.at Dial, in 8a351.1 , T 311.011 lDi ill'intlUria a n w Ware, tr.... Ear , 1.01 ei. - Call artily. de - 33 2t m , 100 a ~ L hes; t tt.• - • 0. li :he w.ta ,y. Dr oh• tug 1.311 , it E!. .:,:sass tointd lit si-s:l , :tt It 0V: lea, Itti s: . ! , :a: 5 The 11,....e.0: ti j.q.nr.:."e of st , .. melon grows. tu Pet,m, ~.1 lb, :hurt 010.1 c Carr ~s ss soo, yv ,. , v . 2 01.00 of ~,,,,r ~1•-•-•• Its . ' ~.. t ri. !t.: ;.•:, • o , plan Sa, le letl t t , t co- Fc.• co, to'.. 1.• : • • the Fi!st A'flcittr ULM , h, .n tuts , ' ' s , , ' Tun to y s Pe. I ct.try has been heathy de- . 2 ,. , N t.,. n . • a r. b 33 , ri. aO3 ri.,li •i r Inouhred grail jut) who bare i lee o tng dry 1 5 • , s 5 • • sr , c s 0' is., 103°5 ' ~ ,,, ,,‘ „ 1. ,tstimv Is., bro. .).2.ii.' 0.. I , Y i• %I • ' mutt it. ltd. 11, 1 , Li roii , l and halt Judi jo b- , declaring that tins suitor 01 an ' .. 1.1., ; tt,i ,Lir f. O 3• lehment are the fiat of the, roropiatut. :151,00'' was without ita.ndatioo, . ' '1 Ist Kirin tad a . d loos il e rd rr ad v mph - earl[ e,,aor net ,' ;di g the Ito, war, j'°4' coo.pood,bbb Bettor ~,, ,,t ar) 0, b,- by, tar our that ,I,e nor ors Oil. 3 , sick add Jon . rd and Gal feller. Li irl,rl3 and rWr the Irdn. , , will carry no I: .• ela• from 1.• c: p est ut `" .1. yes. as pitsof ot tars[ d. Y . "Le , A .,:a.,„rosi alt 1, Ds, I.; •1 i e .s!: I tul the 15 b ~r Jasmary. csc 1 : ~;1•, ii. liti lic,ore the lass, 1. t, • : '-o ' ea ets: t so, . y , I.r. ell.. td •I. I'n. t. A hotastont 2 ira the '1 et re li ant, 'lt la Mond 1. , :0t. of e; , .•:s .5 sass, ho ears l''• •:- t!ou , s „. . ~,,, n o •i • t,., t „ not.' ~., a „ . . est Ido d a Il.di ,111q . uit. .41116, :Md, ecCOC I) 11/. 11,1 1 i a.. if e!yesi the art.l,o. tort Ores,: II di, r'-b• t a i .r.•, r.. ar, ,r • • Jotter the encinet r aad fireman. •• •••• s t r !Mts. the a.osi rum ht 6,d it. ...i. d. s.! 1.1; , - - s , "::f lit , • ! 't " A MU. is before the Georgia LeJslai 0:0 to t , tit , iii , i , josh rt ...,. ,„ n „, i ~,,,,, ,:,,,:s, 4 a . ~,.. et. tot ..t ths 1312 n. .1. ' 1 pr:YeLt. the imm...; a au.: of Vendiend of A - 1100., , ~ a, is a Vti 'IV. Mlri.. I i e thecent. r e -s•sciti r .ll6a Et a nal. , Si. terriLlA:. ~..„. 1 ... 1 ,.,.. , ' An st•eiript. ,4 lo' a Made lil 1i0..i.,•,..i.ar1d.1113 of ~al,, v. G ft. ~., ti.oo AlliT . Oge t / ales t the ,to ta i of Say!, J.w.th tl,s 1•11 , ..s?: to: , ' licuen r se , the . Ili, elf P. attri.t - r ul this e,:).' b r '' , l° l , , .:' h t ,' 1 i , n . 1 : 0 , , ,„ ' " ~-,,,. ~ 0 , , ,," , i, T_r lacatirg Calm: of Ilia inov.rmr nt is NI . tt.d to- 1.. , son: a: t r st. r,. Pc..l , cc's ads of sty of Oar , oriel tailrace, an" lie r , .. Sits W. .lossi.t. is .be large t income lox poser in lsoinnie,,,,,,a, toeing a n , n e tt tor 011,01,-• tombs , of that Common C oo' e l , ale , are la.- !a•Ele: ul '.i till'. liobett Patterson eore,e next, wilt 011 .11- lung toe lead in , t_e mal.ter,egpi et to acc.,tu,l sr. t..,, , ~ ., , n, ,i , tome °I 1 " 1,323 T 0 d " J • ''• i' ' I. who re . their pt rotate by i o itsinrttg the rrtstleset her, U“ - . locome Is CP.P3.550. Geo. 1. Tllor pap en , , . . , , ~, . C. D.+, S. (•., 0, ,• :,.. F 359,400, and lour o.ls r 11,soms .op,:rt trout h. 5 " .. ‘ 5 • l " ' 2 ' . a° " 1 of t ' e .Vt ' n ' M 1... w„,. thrsene,f, ~,1„, ~, , „ ,ii , Lao hundred to two latotrtd acid tlf y-el,ht citizens Who sited againtt negro stiff age on , n ,v,svta ~,,,., no , ss , v,.,, ,... , •'. 3 „ .. . ~ thotussaud.. lbusetiss. ! I; 0 0 ' ' - .I . rer Eli. return, .1 t • hie Liwr • ir We are In perseition r f I rule further feet --,—....---- ; Gi t i n. y out:ral ge e t cori for war .. 3 relative to the It of the su lat bat , ,' le- /RITA' , or lay. El Imom p ,,,,,, ito , n ,,,, I: „, ,„ 0 ,.„,,.„, ~, , i ,. - a re r T 'PLC nano , or the Mei, Wlii, ite3e lillrlit a.. 1 , 11• 1 1 1 • It o O....rare:ilia 1...a1 la r I; J 3.13, .1 aP. B. Robert G. lb, t ortgiroll, 01 Ce.Wro d , , --- I h.' routed la ollic ri, ,il,son „ • , vllle, Wm. Car e,, of Slieldletuoy, Vt , oat's , n ., nnn „ , 1 2.1 lu t' name 1 'haslet you, tor t. .... 0 , I:t 11. Eind Pa:ll , h Guinan, ut .st ention , Ile Is Found uouty and Slisper,uou , 1 vobd 10.0•,.1,,,1t ir i•I • 11”. I; Vort• N. Y., who mai a Visiger. One of the workmen Mrd•• rt e 0. , d ~t ,t' s ra lo ri It 11,0, • . • --_ h a ille•f• him la: finery hoe th e, ',DI 0 I n U",, at c` ,1.4.11 ~ 11 lei:, r br:nre he dust, o ) ed L 3 lir, and so oh time ou si,netal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. : rviocn at 10:0, i 0 . P.l 001 1,...1 bur day. I fare i , bi t Ice to •) I r mou se lof toy ClanlanaTi, Der. 25, 11115. u. eh:, i,c 11, ci 1 to ci 01 I .ng 11,c Dix.,aeh Pax, of Lavannsil • a. S..on• rr et b 1,,,,,, t,een aufstere• t o Crl ed S :tee, at rl in a •varre• county while er,,sio:.; w all 100 team 1.1 two , The CD.elanall Pi, sbytery, a Isle I, g ~,. , , . , 110103 , 1 the rahroud at Johnst , w 0 ro e , ::. u, , o 1, 0 ,0, sting the I barge of edrillt.ry c:lsis:a co t tho , c. ' `'"' : !D. • I 3.3,5,11.) 0 0 t.l the :flit ,am liAltim• fc E I ',read i lii In: a ...1 W. 1,. P. Tooeal ton, lan pastor of the derood i 6, if a strut k Die wagon, damaging ts eons id , . assiy /mil .I.tre, I, I reit. . l'••• rt. tettin Church, Closed its labor I Sat nrday, ; ;11,111 or ttf '4 it b d'e ..s. , badly t•reaSinu• the rtglit cg or Mr. I . ow 110. • .1 •• - rs's. , oo the ankle Joint. The bores, escaped un• am I the resua has been oflicially furnished fon , RaDlti. 01 0 , 1 all I ihei ,I, hart- pestle:A Ivo. . NE.. 1 i ni ~ da.-. I I 'I .d.. ANtoNo the ort,i.crtlen sm. r 111 selr.: . d by the Toe allteme crimp wet or t p roved LIG Le wars cart co , . 5, , , , ,v„, bee. 1,..e 'Ling of Lae:least , county, Pa., nod lo be uf. f on d guilty of Impiarlty, and idea of falsehood, ail h , Lon: i.. ,;,. no, tic , it .. . f ~., fund for sale, 16 Lost of the Lam:enter a • d duns ' - Is In ern . and Is suspended from the anlnistry. The coo - • tat` hilt , It., t le. 1 .., I. quebst.na ti!achwater ISLIVIDIE,3,O LOMpani. (rale are le , whole eon. t t., ....., r• V, (A Toe eatalo.,cie of the billet:es and students of het or tote aroo. , k of lb' , , b or c h I. rega rd to ern, ahem, ~ ~, ~ , , k, ~I ~ ~ ~ the llesne.rrlventa ultra le a• Uollei e. In Col ,he natter It eommendrd by the Prtsbytery. ! Toe A est.k. ti „., 0 , h ~, ~ , ,,n i d..i.., ;" ,,. ire LI•111.1.3, given one huts dao.d sod u.irty•vo , o a --.------....---- ' Mesh . " Ile- 1:: ! j n that ti, 1 t r.h. OA whole tiltnl.er or stuvents. Alleged Outr•,,;as Committed by Eenlane- - s'!..! humor !!:::' 1: I so' 1.... a. , I I . _ --.....-...--- t:ompromwe Between O'illaIr011) and the : 1, .. 011er0t au.; the Elnyrof 01 ....s OIL ITEDIS. Frt ob. Semite. No. 33, Ilennth• tf Run, struck cif laid weep, - New TOItKi De% 24.—A chn-de'tti teandalnc, ; and Is now &unit 153 barrels t:er day. T III I let and in idensl.l. ru rag 0 psrps,:tra ed by a Finii in else 0 111 Jer. , •0, . t ., . 1 un.Can'le w,ll, on bore No. 2S, Dai,ce!l Pet. sty 0,5. only' 510 ,4" ~,,d,. b y ~ 0 , 00 „,,,,,,, it ,;`.. ._ 1 -i 1... A ,00t 11 . 11 D 1,..11 r , - Fe." ' " C "'P "' ' 5 Welt 5 " "' 1 " :.1 1 " " *.k s .C . moles W. Newman, livng in :bat tows- lie ' ,„ "nr : f °'`. r:e.:••...: • re, etrit.e. a tow Ts:winces 100 barrels on la, day. a :l,,,ea that li i " Wlle nelzml on tat. :ore, on Fri- ~,; :o . it , `,..i.y1,....5... I. 1.... mg ! r I• , Ton E.; on & Shr p rye trek Compar y, it A . - 11,,y ri girl .01 erio r r.iirir Int ,a Fi 1,1. in It•dz, ro.tot, „,., ~,,, l es ' , alst. , tot ,0,10,111 n 1 a , I lea's Mrll, on toe I.:joh,:pi, usfeslng ore , I, 10 1111111Z,1 ,lb Le I g a 81111311 .1.3. put upiar ' d ti, ,ii.: .1: ,: ~ t ~,, Lew:el:100 Count), at a Detail 01 240 het. hate VI& and aubf.tml to Vel 11 or it distil Mien. Our- ll i, Ti ( U.. Cr 03 t,r-, 0 r , ,„ midst gold stnite of oil. 11 1 1 n. tru rifle width 0,00,1, Le ours coded di '''' ' • wore tor. vg lc, I. ce.l l•) I.E.W i Me. 1 V.O ter , Wells on the fin v•nron Farm, Oil mak I.'g his esseape. Creek, here In en sfruck during the past week. It is rarnered that the Sanatoria' D. psrtment Plie,T, ethtilit rears. 0, is a a firrmitor at i•• 749 fsi In de telt. nod of 1111 F. hiatus have dett ;Ittihad 110 a Clll' anian N, y„.l_„.. 0 . yields 100 barrels ;sudsy. It Is ow nisi b . ) l•- r. war immeliiately, !drawl , ri i.l own proton. f or , ti (Lb ~.,..,..r :• . 5 ,11,10 ,': ft:o Dark end Calk. tetween toti et.bintst and 8,55t0rn are LOW , i n. , ~,,,,,,,tl',.`e., 131 3 , 1. , i , t.,3 lil Tee Lehanni n (Tenn.) Afeci..tee says e rich nods[ &hate. 'floe riot!' 01 :he B.:eretery of ~t , „ a „,,,, t a n , 1 I' 1, .. 01 , . .• 01 'h. slob. sew hr.):tat 3 ot. , 0 , v r I vein of oil ban h.-, as stru , kin I ',ratan carats at NV 5r ' 5 s .'",'", ced •, I*-n 01 Its r " mbe " B e inin tint . , W 0,,,, ~.. [carat , II 0, : the depth of 'Mita , . The well teat the Lome id ft t rsdut tles ' I W''' l 'lth • Iti enle,..a. , .."..,•• ~, • . ulatinlaM 1,700 feat balk. li,opait h.!, Moo oleo been received toy the I e, t„,,,,v1,0: ra _ • at, LLll.kl , 11, -----..............----- - ,I'' 100 eet ely from the Ilead - Centre , Stephahs. .11 , •aaan tune, Secrete') McCulloch lu New York. yeilerWay. MO aro 11111,01lont mere thoy ton.ld• ° O. -snow -loan, ford 1.1 . Picitldent 0' Multotty, , II•t.Ie Cr once i r. n , Ka.4.,,,,•_,, , , , . . New Yong, De gem her V.l.—Secretary Me Cul. rod rod the - m tref-re gene , al OWeelli), l those thin t,t,,,„„,iii.; ttts, 1. . CI, loch eras entertain. d en the Atttor House IcAter- NV r, rep estitt whet i. Cello dst c deli Ale, sa ttk a boot , zeros ,no ter ~•,, „I . t ..:,,, ,r, 0. d a y by a select petty of !Ileitis. lir stele d that vi,.... to .. e . .u e thew riunlrementi et - unpile:l wl li , h,.,i ndr tf:: :I In the r,„,•„, , , a DU visit to this city wan eats rely I,loolBrial. He , on i • , , , . let •eto tn ,.,,,.. ..._ . , „ ~. cc Ihe mature „or the nispatenes ha not , ii ttended 'New F,ogland dinner hi the afters ef from Illto .1: „. ‘ “ ' '. ''' 's . :, 0 Ito Lade poblli. ' ItrriY:d Warn, 1,: . 0 d : (oath, have Ys • The Grover el: Baker Is the simplest, cheep' best in use. . No Sestina Machine WI embroider but the Waver a Ibtber. Shamus W • Pany di Co fraettul tlurte Roofer., and Dealers In *net," Shane of rations colors. llthce at e an,. Lana... Wee neer the Water Work.. I aulotah. Pa. Residence. No. 79 PU's etreet. Ordere promptly attended to. All icor arranted vett, proet. Repairing done at the shortest tootle... Se etwergettor nepalts, ptavlded the to. , to not Dowd after It IS Put on. ____ • None but the Graver Jr faker NW iull wet for all family Parra3ada• Carpenter Jobbing nhop, Having returned alter an almense of three peen in the army, I have ie, ,, ened mp ihop for all Kite of (obling in the earymuier line, at the old .tane, Virg In Alley, between Smathflaid erred and Cheri) alley. Orders mol/alted and promptly attended 1 o 1 Wu. Mae Y LIEUT. Pie Lana Sulphite of Lime, for preserving eider. For sale by Merles Super, Druggist, corner of Penn and . St. Clair affects, Titteburgn. Catching., Tartar. Megleet your teeth and you wilt .0011 catch a tartar therm Manipulate theca daily with that tare vegetable compound, Sozodont, and neither tartar nor canker, or any other dental &state can twee Infect or Injure theca o 'he red cushions I, rablch they are Inserted. North Carolina Tar Day plea IC< rib Carat, a Tar, cheaper than ela, where la the city, at Fleratag'a Drug 5t..., Do he Market street. Soda Ash and Potash. Hay the hest Sods Ash sod Potash In the city, st Fleming's Drug Store, No. 84 Market street. Sperm and Lard MI. Buy Sr arm .d Lent. Oil at eery low rites at Flemtog'a D/ug Store, No. 84 Market street. Dr. C. Sill Attracts teeth without pato, and aachao tee bcd for ten dollars a. est. Uatl at RU Pem street. I Dress Good■, At NM:Wand% sot .01 91 Filth Arra Buy Your `sate■ At Bowel, no woot-.t, tat. Overcoats. ♦t MieleVend% te sad 61 Fifth street Boy Your Fka Lev At r.w.. 9 1 , , 111 Wood street. fluy Your Skates At 11. wn`s, Is Wood ttreet. Buy Your Skates At Scim% no Wood street. Buy Your Ekates At Bown , e, lid Wood .trcet., Buy . Your t•ketee £$ Boum% ISO Wood ___.rtrort. Buy Tour :t. tate' CITY II EM: iglIN . 1 our I=ll II trls. At alctle;:and's, Al d Lcrtet Hoop t Atol2,,o,imoi a, tad 61 F 1., 6 eel flay Your !..kalen rlatt. PIA Boa., I= Bay four `kale, I=E! Itus 2,katt. =ll2 MI) r !Latt• I At ElowC., 134 V, 0.1 • .14...:1,1 MEI= Buy Your ekttes 6.t 13 ‘‘ - 'l.'s, 130 NV ood street. [llll=lB At Y.c( nn , LI 111.11 ,vlt Buy lour pt Buxr.'s,l36 Y'cod street Buy Shur !.+l,ate, At Wt ,t 1 stlett Buy YourlSksttA At 80% [CA, 136 V. 0061 atr. Ituy 1 our Sk.ites At Bown . r, 136 htlert ) trpc- ILL m 1 . . 4,-a " ••' r r e: LI , e I :• 'Fee k, 61T , lA, htla, 113 E! nal' c-a I ftuckots at lAA: Ciiivcrsity of M Liiigati - ISEMIE=I THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Our Special: Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON MLETI OF COLORED lIELEGAI Ed, National Backs and Tnasary C pEra ions Slain CZ BIN S hEHUSENTATION Virginia Negro Plot Ccuttaill.:ted to the Pitte CinzEtte ==l A-rents inert aro t,eig tneda fm the marllrg of a toon'.or of Colored t..eirgate.s fr.•m thud 11, r t r.t Slat. r, to urge ttpoaCo-Fran roprlely of gratgle,t: the tight of sue, g.• to lte r.l.•rtd ni,n or the Ur..ted :gate., A tee te•r.art the ”t 12,! Killfc 1.14 r • n.ll t• • h ti,c“ Fr. e. l/ eehos sod o n. to IA ea... siet try orators SCSIISIIOI to . 0; I L ^ evb. Clitl4 L-day but one ne t vnal bank was estiv.:llLcd, The total no ant, of tht an izstltutio, a LOA la of erst'on Is I 6_4 w , th an efiNtegate ea.,,,tal of 41u7.417 Nei ioral bark ur.en:i to the an nn,t a. „%. fvor I,eu dto ht L,th. du, Lt.c .day a dultarti. . bu,tt.ti ttt The Co - nnearriart r of It erual IL ,cuu, ha.. tr ,!. d rifled that twenty er., nu:. I> the ltintlrat rate tor. t'autp duty ta.inutd npun were loupe rtrtlt•,• 11,"“:,1%. whatever the value u! the ;11.Tertt dryoailel or to tr...a F r C r. IrS I=l 'cittT.ll.l sr • t• I 4 1 I P , , trt ,, : tie yr r MORE A 1"' "u ;ze l`upartm 11.• cl ! •!. or • "o"w:r;ct uf h .•t > Thr PITTS aurij PIINPJ L(11. M()NDAY, 1)ECD1.1;11, VI E .1;!•TINt: Fl:Usi n i\c, or, Dest,tutien anicny Indians O[ ink; 111 \is I i IWHICTIONS The French 'Munster Off.aded PiRUYIMi RZPLESitiTATiVEZ REC!.11:.5 I r h ;d1 hill i'w:res‘i lAOSLI Empocme:t Icr DuaLlcd E 01.i.e: s I,AW;; MIME A rllul • 4. of Weye and Mrar. , auk! .1; 11=1 , • •:4I r I Emil., nNpr ; 11 . :11. 0;1, or 1ne. , t ,,, t 11:013e.er Al 4: 4 the wmter. I•••t'in it - t' .t t I 1121 cec e, J. Went,n LP in.: in an err.!: vd•r: to thr :. • t:,-, I , — I 11. 1. 1 4 . 11 .1 IN 1 / ILO,I L L 13,3 P Lk' 11 6. cr.sl rL.II h W 1 t"' .. e. , 1 - . ti I% • . r n o 6,1 ra• r C.r.uto .t. r Rcp: , rt. of C'c u(1 Till t =MD 11 %V C .. tr . ../ hi,. 6:at•t, a. i 1,11 aDd 1 II pc.1.112 N .1 , r . 11.1,1 .a Ili ,•1 La. r,, 1 "1 111 \ I r z lIIMEM It I • I itt l a-n. In 1 C.,1( 1 • 1,14 t cusp ar I VII I . bone I II I'. V I NE Y , /1,, P • o. tLe I,lllt ul Fcbt v I) ... at a 1., occurred In Foe ru Lie. tlltcobelo. %I, Li 0.1 , .1. t • Itt Main et d yids Ter 1.. In ih. ‘., , re of Leta 140 Oct. “ In I 1.:11,M). Bonton lit;titre Le nad by Ills In Booth Hoy'rox, aud J. C.atk have leused tug B ,clo9 Thee r•_ ttic eLeu,ug year. 11...1 . 1 Schurz i... ...~}i ~. .V\ • w..a dbeat ea u•• arobut:L. ab L4e ear p I ./n A • L• 4 tad. T., Iv • ' n ,•••• Lo• n .of :6C r reilt nAc•t • r,ne,,C as cakila , , t,d,c11.1, ellen LO vt I 1 • .wit,t . .ve .1: ~ , :Le lLa• u 1 ,1.1 I be li. •' ,a•n• t , : u , :uiu.-el : 1. I r. • • In wetly t• them oltei to IL MIMI 'IHE NFW 102 K COLLEMRSHIP ~ , ,~~~ ~.. =MEM METE= =ME T.l .1 :at 1!11=!1111119 ...ht. a: t rr t. • tut, I.lr trete. telt I, the t. • r UZI ~ 111 characc, r. f:, , of L Lat c,. oily ac rep, to , ‘ it, t..r , t. t, • thn.. qt I t d 111 I e /ricer I:=Il =En l.a•al io ydt utticd t, t- Jen I , reial the •111.1(..try ( eel • A. U e. 23 —lb. otirt. , -ra r• ad •ae.! a d ;_ti; t r tu, y•tive ,t) t.. InIt• 1•1 nt.l est 11 I, tif:l 'lll ty wr nit n•' Ininli *co ling —A ti• i I m i.ii.q e ! • .11 , 1 r t 1 ~.. 1 L \!'[,\ ;Lou "lax Al M D. poh: . a B _.: L —1 n° the ~.t.t to lt:•. =lra INIMIMI at ) be d 4./3 re Pa• it I . zed at rot I:• duly, he Itay e:ther I t.d p. 1: ly =IEEE • ••• .• •• t at. tr. t r•otti al: tla• I• t• s• * a•, t • II••• W. La •• r. tt • S r • . ttl • t •• : .•I Ittlarc al It a. • t . I ( r • and • - l t • ti I. I • I I 'AL,. dtt Ina au , ...), • 111 !, ~. :13 • ( • a d I t.e •.;II 11.. , is C .rr ; t y 1.1 r ..r , ;ta.o. Rnt ; T. r h rt., 1,, the •;:; ;: y ..:1 1:11111111 IMENIZMIE 11119=1 t:. at t 0014 . :at n the , t,t _ ... Fish ' E r I IA lEEE ,t ‘+!t I•. .‘• t6r.o. or a dapt, . N ~re t u a p1A1 . 6100 .• I II e )17, rall , ng h , r i! • I I I nI IL.. a I rt LI tile tm!.r.lo Repto,l.e. , I. • r, pine, JOT tUch an indictment atr It tr f., •,• a 14: hetnnn tuuDe, 01 a mpuhli^ whir b lVelxuer,4ruiluz,cousplirqAud ban lag n,r Ito nurra , a• of In, null rug an lii vyl , o.nlintn. a pear..'nl Al rug tan.on, • :.1q e • 1.“:11)..e3 tout t e wh en ) tiatur., 11 e .Irev alit . . uouv,V! u( 11l V.. 1. :hero v it ~) "1:8.0 fa Y:..0 vrtrivnErmr , Br,J Is <II • Rtil . ht. ',u:u s' le.l , ws why ev:,,urttu. t.„l. / I •• L s ;I s. t.c k • to tho rasa ..,.N •e, our s Du. i• I 0 ., 0:. ,o N :1 11 I U. I ttn W,r ,, • t /I _e Lroy.••l z , •• . • .C.. 1 t 'or v 1, tart --IO,Ttl• A NIOIMII4 Mord,' ell by Iler Lover NEW Y , EL Def . . 2.4.—À L;., q ea.r w n alp ttur,:•.• ar d , nr-edur re ewrin,rted et, I ir i Ir. Fir, ' 12,6 :nu. 1.,- • tr. t,•• 111, et: I.:1• I.h 4 crutritd tLe int heel 111.: Of (bet frnt.d•, at that r I tha iady ta et .1 unimpairre. Ihrrr r aln• 6 arc W. It Irle teen, I • the odler at tl.lO Ntri...in Net, . l Lan C pan y, In thlrt roc - , and \USA Fret •• • NI. Dayton, nallre 01 Iratfaugtou • I.ltcr.rtel: county, C.•h. n•rt.rtn. The former. a laver of the latter, thmlorg he had thrn evreivid. or made It uy 001.1 • ur - I,uown minas, sasS.i e walftintf alto the lode o - ar Ltd rte Li etititittbly cr.., a rev ire., nsed ar its ,is at her. wssunelt, her asseerr' is 'los t,nd, or d then tarcsinw wear", ~,, I,tooor,f, asset two rhotr Into h. serf r'Sinfi. is leleieg the woman M.& Ise then ran 1- r,e. a: d .osew s Ito r, b„, a: 'Rot. erap d in•rn ft nisd wta y pen , sof. When to k•ol jute custody he hod the w'sef's I In LIS ritt t le•^it-h 11111 tie R4,1,:11 were 1,• - 11i:, Pi, els. The .e. 1.! la t Rues n 00...) .1 In its .1 us Wounds n C ntid:rcd din 13i=1!IIIIIIZIEll Nrw Vottx. L n fire .robe nt 179 FOL., stool. Ti, oitulat.:, of prul rrty by tire anti we Cr amoouts to attout 0.1 cu chous.ni Jul A Uwubctui Report SA FRANCI, n e 23. ,th.er, ree, m m e t. 1144 & revel 1.1 , 11 nEmt net NI ozooiliart or.d Lis racers town chtecn from rower. COSDEMbiD TELEGRAPEIC YEWS IMESEI r.r•• ese I. rei . ... me/mares for redress. At ,b, time time he pro .4 ..r.•r -t. • - IMIDE p rnt d i IIiriIEVIMIIIIIIIN=I L I::: a: y fr• :En• ••• - I tz•e r ta• 111”, , tad 1. r ca,ll Velal. c• It t\'n I, 'la ad., ata pa'al .11,1 a !,‘ p - e. 3 1,1 , ttirwy , f 0!. I , 1 1 ...1 — . LIIII rat , 1. 4 a I su day by In L I '• Lt. • ~s 1 !r• .7, .1., . .•: • ..f ih w.•-t 4 li. tr. •4L.: 4 4 4 - ri ' ..; r 1 Irr • t . .• E: E . • 'E.., • E e rL „L I e b.• o b ta•- :ra,the la: I r, aud ban ; • ; - act c d w :La 1:• : :,:jae de r 171.1.1 1!:, 811 ti., imp :e Pa! ur,lit ul cou:t.rfort. the utairua..ms 0 tr. r d U. La: 01: : 2 r. "n•., era : , :a I . it:••11,.:::d t:t• :•'a ;lug t, tt. :r e AC tUe t nws I.rvu • ca•I1. - ••ar• tro c al the: u:: • ,••• clt I I t .u. =MEE atet.t t.ct sr ‘l 2 r. 0. Tne'ricLal .1 lied to att3.l. ELECTIONS, THE srocEllioruLlis (~.E 11,!: Elect,: t • • , 1 t• I.{ 1 L. .0. I At , , •.on trt, s. I:LNA tot Itc :cc. Tu N 1 1 .1 ,4 i; A MIMME=II N NL. t. • • , clll J. N. I A1..1 =2= at!, b., th/r4l • tELECTP.,N Nll`..F. • :ILI., I tstNli w... • e I 11E. AT. L:: . . r:••i:A). .1.11,1130 3,, 114ai,. !. • 4 r• / . 111, NAT 15,1 i t•e ALusaii I JUN I , tt Itna 41:14 .•11 I I k,/,) , .14, • 1 It b ~ • 7.:44.1,.`1, ht, 12:11 . ; ANNL IoN I rt ( 1N FoiZ I • ... st ' .st :knit ot It A r 0 , I „ 1•. , r A.S.NC.II, L. oura of 11 • vi r ii r 1"1:h A fm A: , IJ eNv V - 4.‘zl ris EATON'S, 17 SSFS c Z J'U 'ls FA. 7.°E.1 I:1'r A Large and Desirable,lak uI <Cwr CD CD 13 .S; Suitable for Presents COMING HOLIDAYS POIN LA , E CUL LARS LIANINIL - LCHILE ril REA LAt 'L Anil. it Ar.lli , j•LL A 1.0 01 t.tr.l,ti II A AL:i.ttiLF's Es.hfoltirr , l late Ihnoredi Hornet , .n.l IiOX lAN , Y cAr.D HA , f. ET, ID= l'nc: (Inc L.n.ltn . , Mils., nod (.I'.l.lrtn's In t..:. Lao, t sacs'lpc nod font let Gents Furnishing: Goods. S , srfp. T Net tutee Sh l'o.Serc!othln, rrr a lott, I ilovrt. El •i II Ar, 1-Lato, annlerrd. ~. .mutitortecl ►sd ZEPHYR GOODS, 0a.% L.., . , f CAP tS, ULLA AND NVBIAS, HOODS AND SLATING °Are. Full naluncovot ell sizes 11.2.11:Lbb Jur loullt ►nd m. GM URA SKllirs, new styles, Just rarely s 4 thix cay. F. H. EATON, or to Earus, al.A.Ult U 3 •8. 00.1. dell" aQ. 17 VIRTU writs:LT. 320 V()LUMi', G F.., L. AND DBSIReiILI ::11; t r.-, Li EMEEII=I liir:. l 4 : ...L RIVLIE;) 'ILND RIPAIRED 18101 n ca c , nduct. of sic Frcnch . n : .1 M NI , p tth • ts, t ,Vat Concert Hail Shoe Store n, l pt tl.lUrt you tuadc us thiouctiout the State al td DIPVIUM OF Try tho Rubber Eole Boot vio.r. -,- -12. 50,00 lINEIEMII I' b. 11 olti 11N I'A lIY 13th, Id, TIOPMSTLY .1,. any' gal - M..l:a/ lioni our LA Y 11 t.:LAJTELIN ' ./1.40-tianol • IMEZII SLIGIITLF -6 0 /LIE D kI I H ii* I VER (1 Y 11:S1E:it' ,Tee I,: ,k . L i am .._._,. ....,,-,e...: . t•r.o . r ..•• - 141,1rHIAIGAPIAId0 3 .fre i . , 3 ~..... CLOTIIS iNi) 11E4 in I ont CET7EIt le REALVlF•iileAdai li pSll6 , °• , 1 , ,, the il , a , n•. we will torii" i 1 .....,,:it.hr r Evl IRE RATISFACTI ..,,.; li, , w fret Csa” I/kiln/IL Es , ,-, rrli A i,. ) , •u “c,.. libvor ...111 wlea yo.= afte. 1. ' ' I I - r /it '1:;1:, 11 )1.11JA.Y.1. NE W GOODS it sr OP.Eritils,--i WILLIAM SEAS ,E'; .4rie Oelalnes, Cloahs, „I taints, comforts, Charts,. handkerchiefs, G ery Plankrts,' ll'ltifr 1:cf,,, , ,t 11.1111 e 2.1 u bi Flail was, Ulf /I toa It'lastitets, Gi...fatdute6 . " Etc, Etc". Etc., I •• tcr as law pl tzes ae can he roliid inywhere. tat e... 01 - W4htLESALL.E.IJELLat arroted to thu 'toe 5.:7 • I. Writh- - REIVIRL. E, ' Federal Street;AnTe•tirtaXiamoSi eels • EiIENEEI MO6 C liE:ll A RR. RLK ARTICLE MU irtVE 'JURE FUR Scrofula, Rheumatism,Neuralgls, - Dyspepsia and Pimples, A N . L) At.,. DI- km.n TIIE Sire a. A n roor. appo.kgr, gait •14•Pii:i matures thtp.Sprua 1.0 .L 0 it MR• utal VC. 0 , vell+ sine t AuLoa cp. - M=t2INEMI I_ U 1" YOUR royg 4ND J.'G. LAUER' 8 "" VAY :so . 4 ".D3r bit ‘l3 M SrHrl'r. where h.I -Le lara C.t mialsif as , tan a iiii:44,baiha up t ~ .tt maces tree too ilittelTln an .4014[1. ben, 'halt ten be ciiii.rbo ...Woe I. elb WO, Karat teep •pri * lotiflui,teo .111111ot m.ke s roan sirs prjEat Vim =al Write (o territory Id , 2a. ,, Oituatt• tOon..ille le too volute'. It tad4oug • dell° km„;cFra• ANEOUS FRES 11, NEW AND PERFECT. E VERY PAIR WARRANTED, tt , e 11,0 rin,tptt! ItalnlWhiCh hi t Utz V . v., • Model Boot and Shoe AVin ter Groot OM= ONLY $4,50 A PAM, CLOTH NO ESTARLISHIIOSI4 Gi r l Filth Street. e Ira 'lr. CI p. was 420 Fans BARGAINS. IV t hnve come 6u meats % IiWIiI (o Y., riT our st: . gEdwo_ ISO am! IS2_Feetral:4 ALLEctiENY CITY: crcAr4i6 - ' rho e4titcest of LI, AND .11..VLX; , WAT43FIES, A J 'ever 'bromitm to Alit Oat', Mal titro seeka si LIM ,Toßk: of ^ - T. H. Er4Gl C ea r'octlarea. All'gra*". lea •el t, 91 the Mat iuicers 1 of taa arwaat stylea,-0.1.4"%.g.* 01:411aftr; a; ....A. A. “CrleSti Frectett AltkeP k - It ~tt, it .ft,,Nll t'LfiTZLKillt/tri. ar.a. ,aaaat •aa Hollur• YVare:, bObt h'rev2-., na 1 , sa• `,/ A 6630 t: ant. ter,•, *0 .1 artmlas tialoattiarta Malt W..tc . , ~ 1 1111.• aval at .4 great. ,s ec sv.tch otad ialagarjr 1(015 Cart a • c aLa r•pntre.L. 11.1.gbeni pr:ce •.., er html' acre. the p 1..; 41 I , CataillS cron F. (.1 li BUT PURIFIBIi I " HEEV3APANA!cik tilLopto utaE.,) c4i If 3 SOMPISTOR, Entail , 111, Santana...l and VOWth ad cit LDRE ogcliENTs. AT) IMPORT NT NOTI TO L.U.M :I hi • (.1 Ail/ tirtfEft-.—At the 1.4 , 4. •At t;rrat %Vent,. P . .7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers