SATURDAY, D FCRILBER 23, 1263 p:UtVELERS' GUIDE &Hirai and Depariure or Trains . ...-- Peungylvmala Central Railroad. Damns. Arrive& Mai Kaaren.— erase m;dialL-_ .. ..... lave a a aliminalimmda Tao • derma Line . .. ...... 2:14, a a ~ I tinetitnatlEzp.• Ste • ... Ist Well Aintom. Cie a a, a: .1.. ..... .._. II:is a AL igt I.t.i. Azzers. tin a ra etota. Camel._ am p a J.. 1 Wail Aecuna.. fa, a 'lt le, sae .., , Alen 4. 10 p n tensa's ase'n..lo.• 6a to ell 4 LUND........10= io ttil El le Mail 15.6 p lx. atetalltAosOna. 620 a r.. . altunure tap'. 1...1) p m);) la . 10:46 a nt.t. Accost,-eta, .i Wlll Acco eta, pa 441 .“- • e:n6 p la' Nat. Express.. tt 6p n. Cat (*Sr. Aoso'n.lnieJ p Penn .tecu'a. 4016 sa p 2:1 • • WOO pto A/tuons necom. 16. Ledo Triiialeto O. m 17'e cauria 'rain leaves Walls' amid.. •••.,, ilou IlloS at OAS a. at.; returning. loaves Planting:l. et lit. p. a. I' ittiburgit, Columbus Sad Cliachauati. *Awe. bus. Liae. . - 3,2 ae: P.& Lin* Aerteo ..-..... ail a a .11•11 6. - ..., ale ....Latl _ St., p t• klai 011.. ~...... 2:43 pr. Expren.---.....10a t: , a a at imiben•ttle a,. .. , .sube-aville Ato tanuctiodattou. 4:15 p.. 0mm.:434°11.10ra a I'l[ Fun Ville Sittt Cninb.S , ' Dqraru. gtt It.. ........ 83.5 a • Paprem.. Psi 1 .111............ 1:68 I , , eapresa.... tat raw.— ..... 256 p re 'Eames 31.0 7a,1 s L, 4011 li / Maui Cap's. tan p u. Net. Lirlesten Aloosauntodatlon leaves Allegrny 4.pot ar O.A. is. (lava.. m ., am al p. , ' , iv ....• p. t a. iitlneatA 2:15 p. ta.• New alastle, 5.20 r. • ''l P.coaomy, In= P. to.• Idenaville. Ste p es. .. i "Inaburigu, Cleaelaad and V. nenthast• .„. Departt. Arettea. : 1itie5a.......... 201.7 a ia..E.epieva•• •••••• • sta p a IP:3pm. ...... ... 250 p al Espies, ...... ... pas P ea Mau. saa a al ..Ypres, i tiii a 111 baulauville Amocamodsuou eazcv ?Wad fay al ftie p a. 'Pittaburign and ti , atiellaville. • 44 , 1 7:16 am sle_ll da1e,. ..1 p a 6or! ma — ' s,a y Expresso tOxs/ am t et s.lclieserport..llxa a m, Lai Aterix.seoport a m al " ..... aab • Le. jai " .... SW p as Allegheny Valley Bailroad. Depora. Anima. Ma 11... 6:45 a m Exp.......... 1110 a m Ploress &la is a aiatl 6 :10 a m Aaanamodattaa 1,40 pm I Aacatummlat'a. 91a a m S'ittsburgb and Lrie ltiailruad; to nil I and rratiklin, --- Arrive& I departs. Expre.a. 7:48 p miNo,47 Eiprt.•. 621 r a m Vta I,ll.taborga,lt Wayne & Gaiosio Beaver ovirusville Boat—Grant and Water N Arritara. Depart.. 6:00 p. --. too p. a...0.A; a. In tientloll9 Stage-14u Lion Hotel, S.. Clair Street.. , AMR.. • Departs. BSS p. m . i 6.1.• a. m. Hotter b tage— No . 6 St. Clair. !Areal, Asrival. Departs. 6 34 P. m. I 6 ;.,,, a xv. Waytitutrto. rite [st age--nar et v Hotel. Arrives. Departs I 1 1.4 to. 6.v0 4, m. EIOELBIOII MINIBUS Mill Llrlial BTAbLE, 4.10 1.E.43 - xxxx. Sitre“oi JAMES MAIN & SON, Proprietors s---- l/111NIMUSSES ANtt CARRIAGES fstrnteren lot all traits, .11.0, Carriages for Funerals, V,' ' d anip and Polite., atshort notice and rea.ttn m t ales. bIABLZ "YEN LAY AN LI NIGHT. no7nyd CITY AND SUBURBAN Criminal - Court BIEVOILEI JIII/lISS MLLIAN ran) Bnownr.—Court MI yesterday morning at.nine o'clock. The Brat ease taken up was: Commonwealth va Bernhardt Schmidt; indict ment, false pretences, on own of Frtdor:ok &bald. The prisoner wee charged with entain lag one - undred ant ergs iy bionele representh,g that it WAY fur U. Lisr. of :. y owl. forth, brewer, of AiIeyLAGLIV CR) . TV!, for hie nwn personal gem. A p,os ai,ry was entered by counsel for lioneoict; and tbe tinfortunatu young man was sent-need to on ; dergo pine months Imprisonment to tae t.•113.y jell. • Commonwealth re. Samuel M. 6i. r arid James Kennedy; Indictment, riu.sance. diet of suilly. rittntence doss reed. In the cases of Ci , rainou'realth Vs. ,surge -Imp and Ca'nmonwealth cr. .lohu James E.tan a d David Penn. tt -three .: the 4mm/teeny men—rep.mted yesterday, th , In• found Kornis...rola' of an so.ratnt n Be.. y and Bailey gull yof an ar.•ault 'Pot. her, , I. the.esse of Kemp tic Co,. !min..... tr. 110 and costs of prro. is,.' ~, 'wrote as he was lined 6%.5 at d p(ihrt2-...oewettlt! , vs. E!ljn... Hall. :A.A.:a! ; g 0,,, telling. Defends,. Kuray nod was cruet In the sum of $5O and COP a. Patrick Conner wss pia. ed on ato,;,• marred With a felurams at.sault and. Dice . .., on ',ate oi Panic. lif'Sialien. rt., :.• linemen. and alleges Lb. Coon. r e d ;id a pistol la ran fare. aid that o who e , c the party with hem rifest:sited ram with 1 , inks and other District t ttormy D.,1 ass pears for ihe Coturanu.sal.h, and he It Lame Inc the pets De.r1..1 Cr ern Ination of the 'rialtos., a tar,. bowl; 1 i i.O able time was the, wa an ay la uk. tog .1 quesidono, ouch all W. there step der I. the Pistol? was there ore pound is tne•, • key In Of was there a nail in 111 was wooden, ateel, Irma or ally.' ot , ttei. money," and every minute uselessly Frintiiierre, in a court of JuFtice Cat and, to Inc nu, F the hot eat tea payers. The erler net Ti cop eluded at the adjournment of the Cr u r Sab . mth School Concert Mn. EDITOR : It woe our pleasur. to t.e ent at a concert given by the cbu cn of It,. "Providence itlesbn Aabbath School' (af:rr. noon @anion) on Ther,Se3 neniou Lest jo "Union Church," on the enat end of Ohio street Allegheny City. The whoic affair was .0 . 1,11 Conducted, and was attended with ru much ear- OM. that we think tone ace 'OOl of it will be. Of Interest to MUM. of 3 - 4301 - readers. Although the evenieg was extremely cold and the church located at so great a duttauce from the centre of the clip, quite a large and respect able audience was present to glint,. the exrl CI us which were of the meet in terratinc nod e te . tAttfadni.ha , character, sufficiently so IrCetd to have dellghled any audience In the city. There b.,lng to ga the church, it erne heol.l comely lighted up with cacclleci nod ce,et the least interesung feature of the OCeetelol, wee the "Imposing appearance presented by neatly ene huedred children "La Suaday d esees neatly clad," each alternate one having a 1i,..h:e.1 can dle in heed. Thus la graduated older they Marched In single ale from tee A etalci mom below to their recpeetlye pc ccdone on the tune- Wily arranged stage, with the terrier cod prect— Ida of veterans. After prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Btoith, "Hail, Ell, t Is Happy Day"--the Mat piece on the pr gramme—was sung by the children talth en I much earnesthees and expression. that ore could not but tbrith that they were icapired by the sen timent, and fait the importance of what was to them a peat occasion- Each I leer of the ad mirable selection therewith In bwtury so I Inter• Bail from beginning ro end. Eddom, In ary I Lr.ot ec,teld to 'lei, 0 Cole Mutt of any class of children. mac lees te.,.,. In Xhislon Ecteola, be ~ to act ch e,, mac: gmlpriciy. sing en sweetly are a P rod . a au., clef rte of harmony. Tete ei (nes velum es for the cillce,rs and teachers of the sehoel, and 'she ws what may be actOtaylkdat d by, lick, t imming. Tbezmtheoce tca...Jl Inteuse:y inter ea , d throaffttuiv The exerelces were cot cla d by the mei a e.," that beautiful piece, ''Tia, Be tie-Hymn of the Republic," to at , mtrable sty a, by Mr. J. ::::'....,11y, to the cf.,. 01 wh en the whole cut: : jobs-d, coacludlog the whole en =nee WI.). , e• ' effeCL. of . 1 1 Instr ument onoon EI 0.3 used .in o d :. t:. e .rams locnabwi cabinet gen , kindly taraithet: i. , Mr. Charles Metlb.r, ' T and sduerubly playa. l by olle of the lady teach Or WAizeimomea 171113 en Mlrodnotery enep lAe on lb. e o njelology or Sleep. By Wm. A. Hisatonod, 61. D.. Fhtladelptlic J. eotl et Co. Many a sufferer (ram wakefuheu will peruse this work with interest, who are not the dical profession, to whom It is particularly addressed. Dr. Hammond is an acute otst rv er, and enters with erect vigor into the inrEsti eations of physiological subjects. The present little volume must prove of much value to the profession, and may be read with profit by say intrillgeot reader. For isle by Henry Miner, Fifth street, rear Maranonlee. W 11.311141 Eta War. By Charles Carleton t., f. na, Bonon: Ticknor k f lode." We have perused this rate .I.llg rim y va It ^ l'P".te l from mot th to mot th in "Our Fount F des," and are glad to Had It in book brut. It sae of the num, rota; uorieti growing eta of .11 , war. that ell:lewd-vs uree of supply for the noveluq, but a co.aldrrable part, of tt Is to k. u rip wi h s d.-scription of vidage. The and etenta prior to the war. I a casts objet la L. impress upon the winds of the count! that - Oh Mire of ..ven youth is to cultivate thrixio use ~, du a l affrctl-n, hot eety, uprit hem wand . a :tern O•votton to the ri.lht tinier all p. male and in this re•p et it la a aim- - ; cess The young Mike who have not read it should do so teal:tont delay. F..r sale by H. Miner, Fifth street, near. the Postoffice., •Hanawarin, the last of the Engl.ah. By Chteltti. Nangalay. Boston: Ticknor k. Irteldk" • The Hingeleys are a literary family. Three el the orothers of that name have written Tied all of them write readable books. The vole • time before Os is by the author of "Two Teats Ago;" and although it lacks,to us, the vigor and'. interest of - Alum Lr . eke," by another of de King.le3,a, it to still a work of much merit, natal evinced by the imprint of its publishers, whose select.oes of repnnte are always good. It 1... a tale of the Anglo Saxon ticare . Herewerd the roe of that queen Giddies whose ride through C ie 111 C.10t:13; and It la of his fortuntit, as the lest of hotly race, that the store tteatra:„ 'Elie I ender viii find It of absorbing Interest, as' Boon ae he gets throogh the Met chapter. • Fur sale by H. Miner. Presentation. to Teachers AM•CS. Some interesting proceedings Loos plackiel• rday alte.noon In the Third Ward School,. In ins olio with the closing, holiday exercises . : In the afternoon the teachers and sebolatS,:auu assembled in the kigir Hall on‘ected with the aches!, when Wet ral ite tertsting pitee.alll.l.3ll6 were made in the teach era by the pupils. Master R. E. Bradley, lot be ballot the atee pupils of room Yo . 14, preisask td to Mr. B. J. Gourley, Princb al, a beautiful] copy of Shakespeare's works, and Marah'sniee: tory of the English language, ascompeuilod bin ft w appropriate remarks. Miss Emma M. YolittA was made toe t eclpleut, by the pupils of VI- • same room, of a White silk fen ano a ailedtalmble. Miss Maggie ()heist Douglas madettt prrisentadon adoress. Miss Saran A. Wialace wu presectes: with a btaati'ul wel4 fau and a cologne bottle filled with Eau-de-cologne, Pre scsaation by Miss F. Aronson. A yelp fine Cabs and some other articles were press,uted to . 3168 M. J. Graham by Mls Motile M. Gouglas, In behalf of the pupils of Room No. 12 Mists M. Holmes presentee to Mies Salle fluster a silver table bell, a aoeation Loci the cehubare toseer her charge. to ttt aoorv, otht r prep-Llations Ware made M a more private Way In the setesol rooms. We ocdere•.and that mo , t, If oat an the teachers received some testimonial from their peptic, as a MS( la of th-1r affectmnata re grad. Principal Gourley made quite a ft aid leterestleg re ponce to the presenratlon wldtes.e. Me young Indict were so rl.r• piy ralect ely th e. unculetakcable evidence u. the high eat m Vaq: Ids they were tiLll ^r to e.r piolstt that they could do nutlitng rn, than bow Gaul: aC unowledipnents. Prult-sor titter, atl as presett act.; parted :eat interest to •.1 , !•, 7 t curia, ca 0.71 •L e ' ',•, tufo. '.tr. A 1. Dtgutotc., t tr.) Superi..n.!,it, de- I.v,rtd an icterestuu. addrts= at Lb,: c o ,,, p{the proctedicg6. The Ttird Ward school. of All.gteny. An Ihteretticg ft ature of ,h, cxereises r„ ttesc Eak,Oli.„ wag ILe p e,e1.a4“.0n of E.-a ware, of Excc,leec• to the, , ,, gcLoln,. , had aLamed a c-r;aln drgree of ; rutl lite, l.y tpe P, Ice!pel, sir. l,erce.l. L,L,-). _ . . the let ul tleintrubel, )L. 1.• key, av .1: the r.ecettol , y or-pe fieree. to i I==MEI .c 1111r•tt'l •It 0 . o. •I • la the sor4 r 01 a brat ar.d • liug forth tricir prolltaehey, etc. • praytd a I...trfra aua Ic a. a PO', that only az 1111 , 4211:1,, mm. hate !Mee here tt de •c:ac rharlpl,e. Be.ercen flEy nod etzty ••1 :be .1 a a 'a n d reepired randord. ady et rl_ey ternoon recoin d the r r. wart, In the , of :he Beard rf Threct re. Ihe 115; of their name,: . Haggle Ara...: r 11.1,-It, Aims. Bioa et, L. 1t eaie-. E. c .r e Eioc 1/..icort, J LI . • J.c. Hoyle, Chris,. IA .1,- . E. E ff. Loi r e. ',KC t, Laura I . .eirerei, !folio! LK.eli, ha r cie Charlotte Scott. Olive Mi - C•iy, Ca--i K Cahate $.-linuneuttier, Brown, Jacob Hoffman. Li.lite - ow - K. Mrs:, George Miller, Barre MeCnr,, lien ry Wisehie Citarlea Catnphell. Virgihim Ray. Jan - Jamita McCoy, Minzle Ray, Min, - el. %leVey Nellie Black, Willie Ho kert , Marta, 1- Sarah Ilercleoso, Marla Earteet. Ma, 4 E. oe.t, John R. Pler.on. John d - h-el le, G.- h.chodee, George R. Barclay . ••guatu- . f• nit crong, Henry Doret. M. B. . Goer. Crede. George Piero , n, E.,iar Sr ; Balzer, Jame, Tayli,r. =ITEM TILIATHZ.—AII the prates of MI • r Were Slimly attended last meet, ou •C ocL. the .-xtreme cold weather. Ma.datur apprarcd as Medelelue, sod In the F,r,.11 boy To-sight ends her engagemant, end Li, end bill will be presented. OPT-ns. Hocsa.—To-niglat is the last i Lziac the engagement of Mi., C.hman, and tonal, - fy her ;an amrearAnCe- Tbc _gnat nl.ln , Drama of tht tf sloe Boy w ! c p't 8 1 , , which Mies. Cotomnn wit ' rehearse nom* at adventures on the Cumberl find. "1 - ne ern ) , no. since concludes with the play of Hardy sly. This afteraoon there will be • Lieu 1 . r t benefit of ladles find children, when Do . , or the cricket on the Hearth will be pet upon the ; stage. Z.tarnirr.t.—The wonderful pantomlrcleo. the Lantz . . tie '. cre playing a brief et at Masonic Hall. Thaw .performaa;ie are truly wonderful and wortny a ylelt. 'IM•y maln but • abort time. Death of a Newsboy. On Thursday a bright, Intelligent little rellow . who had belonged to the Newsboys' H. toe, t'f this city, died at Paasavant's Infirmary. of Ty. {Mold Ynstimonla. His name was John Patton, and his age was 14 years. Homeless en: friend- ' less, like • waif upon Ito great era of Ire, he was found by the henevo.ent Christian !tulles and gr ntlemen o the Home and One to ref uliy ,ittend• rby thew Everything I hat Co aid re . done tur their -tie i.ufferrr, was done, he ; with out aced. Death had maimed hem fur i• a ,ur, and he was taken from a world where h.; br ew a• thing but Puverty and want. fie toild MI . Florence K'umer that he had neither fattier nor mother Lire=, b t I,yt an uncle of his resided in Butler Ihe Butler paters are reoriented to notice ins death, and should his relative desire SIGN ARTISTS dz /LOUSE, PAII%II.RE shy intormation rn r br , h i. , It sill be heel - fully siren ry • No. 60 Emit:l/hold fat.. Pittabut gf. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette Book Notion. Assault and Battery.—Alsydr Lowry had before him to-day a returned soldier named E i Casey, charged with assault and battery, nil oath of William Shore. The acdu.el was In toxicated, and while In this condition math. an assatot upon the prosecutor who is employed to preaeree order at the S Idlsrs l Horne. Sir. Shore bed his es en blackened and his tar - l.ruis ed somewhat, but he paid Casey a.f,w manta" which he will rffnetuner for bottle arse He was commd.ed to Jail for trial, to natter a charge of assault and butter). Two Policemen to Limbo.-01. Teu - sday morninr aPout four o'cloet, while billeei Camp bed, of the Allegheny night watch, w:s goon; WS rounds on Ohlo street. h,• saw two su.pi. einem I..oking men near the markel house, an . pn;rturing the a r ut. li,later. they attested the parties and ronveyed them to the leek-up. Th. y were Oischerged by law Captain Of the watch upon representh.g t benise's es as pollee officers from this city, and lent Ina that they were In search of a party for whom they hada Warrant, 'The Atlantic Monthly for January, has' been rreelred from the oubluhera• The oldiand now familiar, title-ras,e oh [b. toner hasbeen replace, be at moth h.•tter lookive one to our mind. The IRA: picture In th, nip!, of the page ores place to a neat table tents, and the whole is touch mere In I,e-p with the chancier of the Magazine l Itati One. Of the righ and dart-Ilea, !harmer Italiterary content; It Is unneceaary tc4 spot Dled f era Ms Inittries.— MI ism .theleughteer of No Ittl9, I",, In It -wldett t:ett nee, Ton ens tqatlon. day tu(A- dtei from the effect., .tt t. his at In.. ttzt L , TI o'clock the Flltte v i.Tttieetter Clawson has 1),•12 a held an luquertt oriSaturdn, eye7-(I.Z. et 11, on Grant street, Wilt f et...feted with the expio.,l'n (4111 . I Fated. Mont' NII4,EIAI, 6' .1 h-a leen rkr• rd,:, 'f (411aedlenny . No. -Cr Fl tre The Youug . Lan a Vrtca.4.— r, srd PriVaic Di!vaEct. r. 3 Aak tor tB, Young `.lzrj I ..2.iving the sytnpunne tren..l.,: 11eC:r•ee ac.tupunrc• tree ?r.eddreßinr! YUlAili.; .Alan • , Fr:el . Cluclunatit...ti: n, Jt.CDt. r-re• & W. F..a A .•tt'!' Forest ruy A a ,a 44119 No . Jul.% eugur I,2tu Armet.tok 'rho nver lc., 12,VecIP1 ect. —yr • d y nior .tht, L.Wlae a th cum 4,r1.• :I. ••.• •• • - tastaort.. Tr r. veto. ft c • I r. 4 t . Wiles boats 'at ;„ , [leek, •nle:y ry Urdu+ 15111=1 ENE )1 , :-(4.1_ lc al 1/. A : :••• n . sud •13 it v.!! /1 I .• 1 • •.:„ L,/ 14;1 tuuebtell via 0 ., e..c , +rtne., 1 - at.urgu. bee le, I: t)L , L.:, I A 1.1 bez weh il a l taeuiterst •s i...lf;. ' "• ::•• n:.. Peral a./ . h,net ekr•. : /1 I ",:•• by M.l[l:llcockshL“ .1 , /117' itrAt ,, t,irqn •cl.t. P.A4 111:1MATEI rtsfrus.s,. - runst. Silver 'rear] and Superior RuLi. aht LlBtdr , /IF. kr. ' • n/V • I j Oli (4, LA LI 1: 1.• Co. LCI A o.aurpnno city, nove kthxl I Tiri CAR!, ps;e.t cu1nra,,,, , 111.1 .1i t, • !e Qrl.ll suci aoto te ; the c, I .L . I - , •ect It In a 11 1H ,, ' ti t. J'Al:• 4fsr • • W 1 .1.,L1Ab. H. bit.i WN, t, L .. 0 E tr.. hr. u' Wanes a, trloal.r.o t. le Ir, o a.„, ituubi; .2,ND tau, L. PA-INTL/ ✓ a Au t;'riri: GEritatAL, DL.:I UGLY _CI LI 0 ()FFit.rif, Aat.y.t. • r , 1,10 jbarlry. t; +et., , anoka 11 >..-.,,1 • e • .t• -a , ;."; F F rr. N C ; . . ;'' bT. ,1 1.A.01 EfiErttZ.V. near FSWFpcsan. p la ift - 14%. ...• a. la H . r , If. P.' FV.l .l lol:3lLliliF, °ITU Ost A,13 to Ito ,is I t't • • l ' • • • all,te Ke•llertomi. I De2..r. _To " htt ' l; ,L ti .°L tt L rt:: L. :„ ."24 , o ,.,l - .. ' f. ` . ' , ' „ ' , ' g ' , SAAUEL ! t roll. 40 .44i. tata,t, pig. aehail y o bl i tflzi . af, taadoey Jr; £0 Rinlasiaie NO %Idler*, Meeting To..nliybi—Pmanant to adjournment a meeting. of return id soloiera nod gallons, will be held at Wilk rok lall, this (Fri day) turning, To e or.bcpal 'object of the meeting le the enrolment or men:them of the oArenern pe,,,ayerania tanldiera! League," and thane Who Centre to become member, Teen pro duce their dierharge papers or give other nettle, factory evdeuce or baying left the hon °ratty. In adtfitton to Wile, hamae.r . ,if.uu._ tlona Or ;.ermacet.t (facer, will he mad,. It le expected there will be a lull attGOAance. RIVER NEW ti ill Pv-6 LL,PcI:, w.~.tlSlt.i r a It r) t I Ls,:.) I=l I! ~i ~.~ MIMI 1' ~ 11~ ~.~. t.•.. •..I DISSULU l lo N. 5 P.l • . , l e I , YAII7LHS egnr t.o, ntPc rat. ROBINSON, MoCLEAN 8z co Bankers and Bro.kers. No. 7:: Fourth. Street llealets It all lcant!.. il.r.rala,nt , stAvcr, l't.cur:L/4 A °tea. D ce omestic Lae I REMIT. 1,,,at "Lilo '^ att. mud.. In ali trte,, ,te're le. orni , oe te • a t r. r rur ,.L. ; +dtc r . d tvl at ' raNew . : e phin nod 1'it.111,4, .;“ Brode' lio V ardd at,di on edd,leldod. Ur. e L.L.St , New Y0,,.1,1 • ...EL .o . t, :Urgers 01. C. H. F.F.1(5.1.N FINANCE AND TRADE f ltl l!. 1:1.. I~'tl /4A YLLF.i Orrlea or T.l 11 7 , - : F. C I I 4. r. S. lerlitiCtite \ /tvlzheny •, f . 4 nt.11,11 .... 0114,110% " 1, ti \ 0s ur " , Alunong.u. Allegheny Conuella, Oitizens Bat. it ESchengr Fourth Net. I nirtl Nntlol. •.I .nay Bnuk h tait hole Ittrin) A XI.. thhd kts Lam, i, ti:Ln vu MEZIONIT nee VI, i ,eotles e •t,:tone A I. .4, MIMIIIII I=! I I • 1, 1 •. IV li •"1.! I A • ur t , N. i MEI It/ erxr.: & lA., ft. Pop Zi 6o I feell: II te,adi , l,,l • Itihrwl hl uutunes, cao, Ia lye la Wni4nc• ; II & carol aartai, I al A Litaniti 10 bbl :liattaauy 77 TT - 9""'" , +I Hli ET 1, 1,1 , , or :KC Y• - r-r,in-R, Rrr,V.1.,,ett.1.• =MI tar/. /4 114.4 41,0.5 lIIMEIMITI ol qu,el 1 •, 7 lf /Ail,: ~ Tl, Iv 1) ,ill' / lor 11,Esse I. . ..... . 11=0 C: l ‘ l 4l,rti. pe *1.., t•r t..,• , I la r And EL ' R h:ll 7 L A., I , mir .. AN k =MEE! A2i S ht., 4 1 , 4/urtli t ••• tiSt! IN Pia( spa., I•let.or g Li. j • - 'Lair t7e-st. annnally b , •uGurait. ' I ft. J... W t-ek • ".`, ' • •).,_ ntruc t 1144 y o im of l a, 1.1 .41,, =Ur 1 - ', =REM =ME ES3IIII I,Tr , s• .- 1 1 .4N0 131111. A 1 . :.2411/1. a 10313 k: ; ' ; . P.. I.I(IV.ATIL , 4.4!,, 1' v. i.k.4 klas, • 4,i1 .41 t.b..c..,aLa ben'ut . Tr two t• - , hur any, by AL. t•ke.itel, ikno GLY GE Z tor cha; petl finale; ale . ,r, NI. bre, b r. 1.55.. remedy I" L.,br. ~• kat 'a oakhe....: toe !,' • !Iriz prerentlen and Uoia.; w .wanted vwto, and put tip IL • • Owe warranted bt wane y rel.dod. LotnA bot ra of tle., krr altio at the Barite Grotoi•ii dice Lours-7 iu , w„, 4, Los p. . JliliN A. Stisißlig. le Addis.. le t ter. W.• ,41, b Pula neve • oil that somas ishiszty sad 4/11111 WOOL. F'oß RENT • .• T R a , A N F.• 011 ..M.Ae11e , 15... - t. it. ci A r I A, A A ct•IC kl,',Atc,,,,r.em I.."vrt.; 1. EWA... .11 E.... 1 i1 , .5 , --Lca•c• I At :ow ...AzA A L.A.• • A.: . :! a-A I t.e it ;, AA .L.l n. n_AA.I New *2 or.. VIA YIIIII•41 .11A At W., CUM •.I.\ I.\:‘ ACi I.•cat ea Hitt.", 4.1 50 • it , IA; 10 .44. arty p. w h‘trlt..butit; tl6 p. to IttAl l'ittettri.] it 11.4 • •• .4/44. I. . 411 4t 1: •• talitrg it 1,21 , ci e..i4.34.i..1.4 :.1 , ELPHEN,S—Les - rn art. a:. , Li ft.1...1 itl 15401, 11.4:11.411argt,...3.5 zinttltit rt.• 0 1,3,1,4 o nta Wm. phin ILL ittui , ieeping t..4r4 0143 1 . 0 t. 4r. t: • , :o 4 1 . 1,11 r,• • I • °a. h. En., I. X lit', W,dp 0. : , di r , . . 1.511 5 i . iy l cu q-7,, otAel µr,dci,a ) / • • •1•1:.), I 4 • ‘.2.‘ tl.:1 • .1:114 CA • . 1 . 1.•'• A .t, closel Y 2.1•. U. 031 / Vo Cae./.l.a.S j r• nAk4.. 3. • tune b. IZIIIEMIII . 1 Jil r Wall'. : Ca a: aft. p. •a. ~t.. 1.1.1 •ant., 1 / 1 1441j al 10.1 Ia 1., L st , 4 l pirag a. al/ c•.^. I , a tallur, sad Ve..11. St • t ,r rrata It es t. IN=OI=!EMM 121E•11!1 %;1:4 s'l,; itill4.lll to t 01.1 /5 it t Ai;TICAI, uhL -itio Stealxi it ei 2 • Vti A I. t P i =lllll MIME er i wri,a . W Ur . t. E I PIM. • • T. OW, , ar..11 !tat Gt t'ANC 1 ANk 31 , 01,,-..0, wcN cvtaM t• i•• , I .~~~,,. , P.J n E. 6 . 1,4 , s rest.: =MU nit ?ea, !Tee', prom —• (It( a}. , 111110/1111 =TEE • , I.• .1t ~a 4 :~s~~::. ~act~~. k~:.b Q\7 it: .F'l =BEM re hAR L 11E2= .N 1) (.11 5 5 . 5 • •. I G At, le, uut ••tu•tllctt • .r:,'•• • till!. • f Ii e • out , t. et ;v., A., r , . . • 7• r , et. , y•yei eta 110.21a1f.., „, t 1 I ow< . .'he 0.1 Li la .r. • time It t ttLat a t tf t 4ra. .) „T be. 1 . 1- 1 • - 31,.. Y itc, ~ ••1. 14 :21:11,01. rot '•l' •tNu 1: Third, Wililazu. • •. as su ni 114 mo, ~y •etly eis C Ye • .1 Pieter Stilt.: of 51 ...11.111., 3. Y, a t. 4 4 n ,1 • ro. rare cure. of Pu.n.nany Ono. nalpiluu. hits net, rate IJ attnnieti b 7 4661015 r main and °Lae? WOU known, eittnend. nT ,I , ll' . 2 1.10.,,Lur . 1. ?TIE • Dr stal pruielpal ethos u at 11..15 si th • nrr • f MU" 1 . , 460.117. EIr)"I,I7PLAZ. . 1•11.111,14.21,•• •jd tqle az} a.. • sad , • 1.01 m. Lii. - DR. GEO. H. EETSRR, Nu. Uo 4 0 04,4 stns Pa% Whollimattextryt Alest ist W tat. or 1,10 ATE DIC AL. EEMi=l ! HOW TO CURE IT wire ex ma tto 2 cr, dm t 1 x-tis Slit sfiIiCNCK'S OWI CAtiE Writ s Labonag. Uudei that D P SL.afo.lrlC: BFR UP, L- 1) TON na. co. ra.circalz.c. e3PI-1-1. TIIB A 1576.11 11l egfilfili NU? ofl ORE*? YO YSHfs DENT I 1 progrituod grsE unity into Cie isst s at Poo:softer), Consumption.' L, hope• sty befog awipated,l was sort.. soy la, .1.:1.14, Jr. Parrish, to t 0114 4 ,1, 1121.43 Caolol-J li.tincetowo, Pi.. 1., about,' miles , - e place, sa tome Lost •44„.., tus [llll days Ile the tro.t.s.l4a •t 4,1 at. 1,,s 1.11,11, , /It e,l oat" 4 sled P ~ r uunty 1.,. Ist nrtt •L at Atttreb L.. %E. who isy tor ot-tny Weeks lu ,t 0.41 Was deeu,e4l • Al less ruslittor. Pi. ilattrutt•a. IntLq • taattly pt.. ).1.1•41, and 1,444 18 , 14.4,:ect bit I,ld laa ca t 1114(1.3. 1.0 bee SA. t a, zo•e stilt I; reacO., •lecttles L.,. court lie stal st.,s istel att - attb,e oty /Walt*. ,klO ecen sit .141111., tlte ttl eu ,4 sumeotion, an! theist coe. tleti LtA4l4l Irmo t, t• alt.:site Wolff MAO est I Gras t o irool4l sato l•ke here. t Lltla sprirektly itei ... ettetZttlot 1 srO tO toe ret1 , 4.1. a .1,11 I 4014 . near too seemed tu bat 1 leel therm, sPorkt/te t het r and e . .. nat.], e 4 err [terve, fibre st-te a il i i inoa, .% :.trace t,, eon 14.1 rylll J-. 4 .1 ,1••-t h • .. it ts7i.t; LW. ft, AM =ZEN :I ti n t. La, c• v.,. • 1...114 3,14 I", • i••• liareave ILL IA 11,4 3. N•• 1• t.. &a...W . 6111 WI VUICI / tie c://a/n.ticr/..r.: case:. late /. • Int op" eZ/A .• w /2/ , letxetuag the v•t•oh • tr ) eta., ID CO(1,1,00041 Li., L•t ec L sr f. :/ota 1 0r . .., titratall. ii4.11..L0t• LL. /./tI.IDUIKO. • r it, • art / Save iltanl// e ,e • , .• ~' :' •A o: el..eoi.neeyr .Writ tna u w uioa e.y ,ka rreLt., /,1•i viXlAc •. Sc. II; r /l 1 rt a VP,- g.ce:"... •...7...U111cs 1,..•• 111 ILA f>• .1 3,0 , .:.., Llie..l.•<, 1., tO ruAt'llice 14,e., [eta., . t,te Mimi} tul,:a it at err,. IoF II ~,e oee o .Ira: t,a .d., t..r., ..It:, . rublia....2 Isom time to .a, tltry 4 . ,1 000 LLAL tuu.r. ol sir a Otte trtra• perroc • v.,. t.e/a roollnetl t•• tdeir .Na 0041 .../ . 1., nt., t..., .o.d. at•l 05 LIIIS carerUi 5, drla.ea ..Id C..e....tre see . . • * — Geale•.l P . yelcinn. atlvla• Lesr to/ore/4,, 1., k e ~ , I And Latztle the 100.4 atr ...t do the) cute t.r .... doir/4 I rile /tIV/ttreda !tett.. Sy coultutoptiott in •very city unmet. e question. 1 te...u.1... rmt1...5 patiet.tWl, Volt 1 t:lsteu room, , brty 111 Uwe,/ go out Lou tare • 1 alight onto 11• , .y woo hnvt oten tolrtnl by my ti.te,,.:.e... W/leZ Sae abet., saes broae.ireto moonlit, tratt Lue could hardly teur..l•l la tie roe m. tad yet Lae ~• got welt without togt,aure to Lbe ores ! 3.1 r. • The arena reason. Why pay ale.haas /10 not .ore •Lutmurn,,lion is, that they try to do 100 tun ht, I hey s lea tuetllclue to •1•19 the couxh, to stop' at 1 ..,•tat sweamLeclic lever, nun by so Chang, they uerara, 11.0 a Lane tlage•Cale eyottitt, up 11•.1 1,01 ••• .•ols I, ~ L , euttially the patient alert hat , .••• :. L 0 tr.. wane • entelul ex•mulatloa ill. ley i ~.,c a .•.t. ei - r. ea., z, 1 lino lungs aoo•ag I...irart ~•• L.,, ,, hl pots to use the three re. eatea, naLL thha CU/ e 4102. 1 012 Our the *all t 1 ea .L , 11..,.•.,5,,0. to m•.:Lc ore/ IL. oca or ere. rent. al 1.4.4 /./••I,IIIL /., /./. Li ...Lt./yet rut • name at Ilay 1 satae Liu. Lc., cal / /,• 10 Lae Who flaid 11 re. to•ns in tn. laray • sea bronchial tuba{ •Sh ne cs.m,l, 004 ` Lilt turn L utes aro wrest "Sate proper • oi ' , hm:f.'s •• i'autacralc Sy nip," Sad "Man • - the Pam." wane: lie, are Oyttur Italy on IC , no -Lon, treatment of 14L..•Ittallit. .. a meat aliata, e 0013110. ti among io.y Malt. • et, a perboils, that toare are losaticlues mach ea! rill ltie Lit... 1,. kat! the blood is alattemea th ~ ...oL he pushed, It II then tar saute as °Leer 11.1 0 matter in toe system seal • OIL, • ve to toe esp. 1.8•1 out ul the system Dy the otgal.a IV/11CD 0, :•oar,,•al 1 , , chat ; ~.1. 1 .0ae ..1410 reptavad DV ea /I —.l, • hiah can Ire usil Dy Improving the 00 .I I ' . o , lloa. and se•taux the •haestive appirat. 1.• .ace humane Loan,. racetrammelh.llver too bun sla oce rest:oxen to • zeal lay conaltioth theau,Lll ...Lo .ro.. Lit good, two vials 100,1 lath taste .e - 1 .••..1 Um ; tvia , tic., vial, ru It were, allio take , i. .00 01 Um; 0 11101 A is oeseased,..hol Anus sU. 11, .1,.• moat 01 the Loon. Tax F,LLsoh it - .SI our la oue It Cue mast val.. •,a• naalLatrles kou. .. 11 /C nutloorat, powerfully • . anal he si., •. 'Atoll. ll is reaahly (Lg. NI uta ...• blood to 'toot it Isupsre• ~. . I 01.,0 zu OleOlottle Lag Lint to 0 reD.ll.lO. iltuttirtol3 .1013 a 01 the 11.1111. e.... , • .• Tosac Is am/tiled li. I. 0.00, ;001c atal attetal Mal a .....A. et . tut mass • 111 11 • • terrio, , Ltsasarous Mal ate , 0.. , , . - taluh...“e the Seam. ad ...-• : • . re...a. Lhurou•Lay Li% 1ay..0 .1 •. 0 .I..yel.l.tve ..).0.44.1.. .1 . ~ • •....1 mat, it.t.o heal y • ~,1 . •• ,y 08 use i for that pox. ...u... t. LE, is :L ea, that aNo/ 48 r.e.a,, t. r a , A-4 o ' Lltla• or ••:, altra,•• Lelll glee a Lane to the ••• ~es ,Los•ess the pOnsel •i • .n) tLI 6. ma en ..Ire s..c g wit -ye 4,orr.e pg. out t.W • Illcit , 1 uuts :tut% l'Uqll. le ‘,/ 0 1.1 .t cuace to cu.., tUuse J • IC ltte eta flobit) t , it tt :14.. thew." 4131 41t out vl ,•scupLi.orlaLe•4l •z• 01 /11 , ati, co.any rr• 'jL•N • ' •-•• w/.11 un. • :m • ttnlrreu. •If .•• e .• s, flay yys , u:az ...own 1• • ; Ad:avl •t• C .111 .1. kaL plot • 4 1..17 tut Cft •cr Paer.l4l.l. • • Yu?raa• • 41..131 61113 11 MIMI= r..n: Of h. i=g=N2l::2;l W ellv, Vt. •1A v.. 4 -0 et OM.. ut-441 et: • temple,* =Eel =ES
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