filisburgti ire. TUESDAY. .140Virad13ER 1865. • GAZETTE TERMS: ally sion2l4 eto Pee eAnu m do. do.. ,perved by Eudora, 45 oentig a week. EOelaidt • *LW Ger Yew. do. served "rrien4 to - oegoa 4 week. leCbly, eltda. ..... per y ear. tindle ..... • RATES OF ADVERTISING 471111114174 6 TAND1NG NATT/11l I t wiS t &wit vairiwia7 me time • ciro times.•• twee times.. ;par time,...lva times.... ;tae meek... 'we week.... lute weeks.. teodth... • s tee• mesas. ;Mee months moatta... ;be Months Ireat..... 910 2 I'S $ 1 • 4 1a 4 56 4CO 4262 50 2 1 55C0 8 . 21 ' 660 400 12 00 800 000 .14 00 , ICA •-. 700 -21 60 11.12. 060 si serf lo Is co so co • '0660 14 00 . Advent:entente one year may ae changed 3. the adrertiser a pl at a charge of in cents '42 empoiath for 2C, to paid at Ow time ' ) but hoot be eoke to the itatuedlate bcwincot Ovi the 'Outlier. , Advertisements contracted far otherwise than , eitst,ltill t be Welted on such days as Melodic,' : I M u g= each ington li. denials notices,.., r... .. 51) 75 item:shoat ads -.W, Laments, per trip i Co E.T.eataCCII! or M*nistrators , Notice.— .... I oo ut t s Y.f.ILULY ADYEUTISESO U& One sqUiire...condned to the slimed &m em tr the adectiees, and dot to .inolude die , lotion% *oath= of new firms, manta, ke.--o Useable Sane a week. new excess to be charged as tfan• Stmt marten! IS tissesl2 - ( time. Daily. la ansalcis week. [a meek. l'hree fioi gm oat $ ce • 900 six months •3000 • 18 00 , 1600 1 1060 Nine swaths.— 48 00 SS 00 7f 03 ta co 1.1a6 .. .. to Co S 3 03 26 00 18 00 ilar Met Notices donblittle above rates, It In. Sorted one month or more. For a lets period 20 vents s ocal apo actlos a% such rotes' as loxy be ageved a. Wed by tea unegPthrider'd as the of the ,paper. VARIOUS ITEMS. ' - Fitoninostr.—The Fenian movement seams to be on the decline at present, both in' Ireland and America.. Mere Is no excitement about the matter, and there Are no signs of any action of •asy kind in any , 'direction. Even Canada la. being quieted, and' the fear or insurrection or rumba is passing away.. lit 116.u:taro of Eng. slab -newspapers which we :mem:l by the• last mall; -thin - tabled is liardly , montioned. •The 'London !lase, has ceased ladulglat In either threats or,rhilcule aboatit. and.tha deli papers treat It already as a thing' of the Psa *Coin& Bannawri ' iino - it 'Froanrna.—The s teams* •Western Metropolis; Inihf. Apo,,ht : rola, 15t1rc instant,. 'has arrived at 'Yew York i• , with 30)00 bales of cotton,-.neighing 150,000 • ' perionde,'being the largest cargo ever taken from that port in a stripe, thud. There has already -beenshipped. some 10.000 bales,' with 10,000 on ''.. land, on the 15th instant, with some 40,000 ' bales's= up' the river, which whl come dawn hrheirWattrerll.l. permit,' Makirit In all soma 00,000baletithit4 Win lc; sitinea .WA Seaten. 1 "datijx.,Writeetre Cotr,srs . ,. Want Vi.- Mr; 13. - Duncan; . admiral' attieridendent •of the 1//oll!a Rm. and Dentrail,CreekEetralmart Co rti .loany, ontidesiiire, intbilied , toColt - thltunlay last thattlfey had made a mike of kohl quarts Pt d u i, c=•••mp . , well,. on the. TotinstoWo fac t . ' 'Near 11 --' Ille„ ''' ''''ia .• "a .ed' tres etraek at the depth of 514 feet; they hail .:passed Lire feetintothe rock when he lelt, and were continuing to obtain quartz.—lfergantaint .Fors. "" f, Tun New Orleans Pteaptore sap: "As evidence ;if the great business transacted In this city, we }nay state two recta. One house on Canal street, engaged in the wholesale and ready-made clo rthing business; sold for the month of October last goods to the pennant of t150;000. During bat month• one banking 'house paid over its Counter an ayerage of 11,00,000 per day. Last Saturday: at this bank, twelve hundred chocks Were paid-between bank hours,thenotal amount of which was $1,700,000. We doubt if as large a business as this was ever done be e fore in this city by one bank.". 1 1)n88 LADOIL COTON.—Tte Nashville Union Bays: The German farnMe of Texas have Sk swain raised a cotton crop of superior quality to any grawn by alive labor. It is of a clearer, I taker fabric, and will bring the highest market 1 price. When the farmer works its own cotton, It is tended &psi-bandit d at every stage with the Utmost care, and this Caro brings oat the great -Mt skill. , The .delasloa that cotton cannot be Cultivated by free labor la getting repidl y proved by :actual - experiment. It 13 probsble that free labor will produce more - afad better cot ton tltan has ever been *deed before. Of course • 1:13:LI0101:13 Ynasigurros rs Starrzsatasb.- 1 , In the canton Urt. Swltzetlette, a printer, named Renlelcer.wns recently sentenced to re- ri,.- '"trire= i r.,"'Lragtr'ijill.P°llrh% litiar.ked the Catholic religion Alts nnalaters and the Holy Eniptrireti. SnAtzarland teems to tune been =owed; and on 'ttio`..ift ultimo a • intro anceltalt was held ; at Scree, to . protest against - the sentezie.e or- the trihttiud or Uri,. which they declare win dldgraee to the coun , try. Anotheiineetni was Id behold, to-which On the cantons went tozeid-deptitica. Is a recent. number of the Pa' Cnicrirsari trhlelsts . occupied ,for the. moon part with tad !: unr.toly attempts at Jokes about the cholera, there is one picture representing the Queen of lagland'it arms, with only one supporter, the hisicortrhavine6e attacked with the tinder- Oat- Instead of being at his post by the lion, ' ha is depleted fasting mown in an arm chair, WithAs cotton nightcap drawn over his drooping bead dtfwato.his horn, while Britannia, with enelaneholy look, iningThios a cap of candle. !' Tan New COMN'izionerrs.—The Portsmouth (N. IL) Gazette says: "A grocer doing business in ads city bed occasion to. visit Boston one day last week to ptirchase goods, and prior to his departure one of our banks and drew MO to United States titles; bat, arriving • fn the city and pnrotutslng . st bill of goods It was found that they wouldn't stand the refining tiro 01 detective skill, ; seven notes out of the eight . krovlng to be worthless." THE hiends of ',Jeff. DISTIS are complaining about his It seems that he hes had his haircut twice since his Imprisonment, and they report , through Northern organs that General Mlles toot charge of -the Brat "shear log," but that Jeff. the last time destroyed ohs ?'capillary growth" before the officers could seize R. • Query: how did he make away with It? As It could not be found, are:we to presume • he swallowed 11l 1 Tim orders of the Bine and White Arrow held meetings at Chicago last week. They Are corn . posed of the officers and-soldiers of the Army -of the Tennessee.! It was announced by Gen. . Fairchild, on behalf of the "White Arrow," dad by_Gcneral Belknap, on behalf of the "Blue Arrow," . that the isextannual meeting of the two orders would be held at Cincinnati, on the 15th of November, ISGG, Trait London Spectator, la the cantos of a exhale and denunciatory criticism of a new Poet, remarked, "And this extraordinary pro duction , Mr. modestly conceives to be equal' to Goritio.”.' The audacious publisher Ftealiaged to make 'efaireiablo notice out of this ' , for ;his - advertlsenient, this: "Extraordinary reduction.. equal to Goet.lue...-ffireforor.' • ' &en:mai was Celled -twat two -- O'clock the • ether , .the ridging of the - night-bell. On opening the toorlie found 0 damsel, who told him tbet eke was going to a ',leak that mornhal end was Out of wage.- The impudent druggist turned her offwltit, an assurance that lie hadn't 'its stock as much' as would ' cover. a ToOlkeitici's. rin City Recorder of Memphis receatly shot arid killed.a.polleanum on the street, but held • his court next day as naps!. It was odd, says . filemidduPelfer,lo gee a man against whom an indictment for m urder was Pending, trying aid pausing= sentence upon bin fcllow-prbsotters "Of the 17tetinns • • . rlta new one cent pieces are legal hindea for any debt to , he amount of ten cents, the two- • cent pieces to - the amount of twenty cants, and the thra;ceet pieces to. the rtuncrunt of sixty .spate, so that a debt of ninety cents May be la• gaily liquidated Ir. copper 'mhos. ' ' An .A.Mernian ooltired man named Dancansos, aftist, - has been`very successful In Ens:load, Ad hiving painted a floe picture from Today - son's '!Lotus Eaters": hai • Invited to visit 'the Laureate at 134 house. , , ' Ovine fr 4.4000,000 worth of tallroad property; 'beictglegto the , Govenimetnt ; bas. been sold to southern railroads on credit, and their notes taken, game Of them to ran two VIM° . 'Tam United Butes Treasury was enriched by chnicience money,dmlng the year ending Jane e .30; to the xamant df 1120,870. The moat pfAihr, , sem came frOM Catholic contessicmals. , . , • Vros New Orleans '..incaporas any& that , sib' 111 trill of people, and that there Is &cataract or zathqitater-felt eltosatttyoa Canal street call Au. the conflated property la Norther:oas siostrad, toclndhog Hinds, Ratatta. Blmpsolt iz4t 'Cloak cOtradch bad bean restated to the CRON, ez•rebel soldier was cattalo, in the act of -eatoroltgoir baratarY InllMldolfoo a bight or tino Aga . • • Mut Ner Bedford Elaidard estlaidez-th damage to whaling interests by the 13htmandoah 11,050,000. .Th:Toxin iv About the ilzo of NivrEngland d 1 4 1 $ two and A hall ralilloub of inhabitant • , Ottege.taka bed widowez long berm 6 Istroaant tqloctis scratch. -- • -VMENSt 114 Roftp4A 4 bas joined the bar of Tsrla as iflairjer. , ILOtrut gatOtnott and his col:minors bocimlas ItiOCUCI • • The Revenue-Fr/IM. The Secretary of the United States Petroleum Company, in exonerating that cnmpany from complicity in the late Banda In the Revenue at Pltlible,Uayer - ' "The rettrus to the Revenue Collector are made by the sub-lessee; of the company, who were the sole custodians of the wells to (Renton, they making the same return to the company as ..they guide to the government. ho it a fraud Wm been eerpetrated, the company has been de frauded to a greater extent than the internal Revenue. This company for some time past, not being eatielled with the returea male by some of c l , th eut.lessees,- and being satisfied that they w being defrauded of their just rights, have be carefully inveldigating the subject, and h e rutted for the assistance of the goyelament In piecing an Inspector at every line of exit from Pi hole, requiring every teamster to tell what w 11 be got his load from. 'By the ryqrdreutenta of the leases given by th company, and also by the direction of the ' lector of the Internal Revenue, the sub les si are bound to return to the Collector a full an accurate statement of all the oil sold and d iveretf, and to pay the whole of the taxes, re c.:ering from the company their proportion of, said taxes. ' It will be aeon Rota the above that an ,attempt to defraud the gOvernment is follow ed end connected with au attempt to defraud the coMpany toe greeter extent. , nte report in reference to the arrest of the superintendent is false; and the despatch melt , ed from Meadville, dated November hid. states that 'the tax matter will be nettled without der, timent to our company."' Efts 17 .... 261 75 7 123 1 2 1 200 11, 9 25 211 a 731 43 , 4 51 626 600 19 00 5 071 rt 00 29 001 20 00 An English Sherman's Raid A British force la about to invade Bootan, and Jon been put in light marching order for. this ezpeciltion, which, after all, Is bat a abort one compared with Sherman's great march. Sher man's veterans will read with interest of the preparations : ` , The force Is to conshit of two wings of B rlt lab infantry, six regiments of native Infantry, one thousand &flied coollm, two batteries of artillery and two companies of sappers and ml. nem; or about nine thousand men in all. A greit effort Is being made to limit the number of camp followers, only one servant being al lowed to each .owner, but the number of bul locks, mules and ,vaboos required to carry am bulances, water, forage, ammunition and provl. elons for fifteen days will be enormous, and every pair of animals will require one man, Ten:, ore forbidden, and tee whole force Is to enter Boman, as far as an Indian force can, stripped far actlos. Extra blankets will be supplied to the men, bet that seems to be all the precaution taken against the cold, which by December will be bitter on the hills." A rinownin. erauv comes from Bautzen, In Saxony, concerning the execution of a man named 13ittme, who had been sentenced to death for Minder. It appears that at the time of ex ecution many thennandi of persons were pres ent, and watched while the condemned man mounted the scaffold. Arrived at the top of the steps to the guillotine. Mune, in sfeed of submitting to the attention of the axe entioner, engaged in a fiightfnl struggle with • him and Ids assistants. He bit all who came rear him and fought furiously, crying out frog tame to time tp-the public to save him, and at =tin hie lencoenco. A fresh batch of men came to the assistance of the executioner, but even then !twee lunposaibletoget the condemned Man tinder the fatal knife. At lest after a quar ter of aohour Peened ittlabettient struggles, an: exceptionally strong bole.= defiance. Seized lam by bin lndr anitthnaw him down. Howse tied with the leather dung' ustiall,y- employed for the purpose, bat more than once broke them to pieces. At lest be am eccured,rafter a terrible draggle, and Latvia beenrailienea to the was thrust under the blade of the wane, which fell immedhlely and. .eraled the strife. His last words were, "Human }intim in butch ery ?" LORD PALICZELITos,—The Natters tells a gaol story of Lord Palmerston. At the time that the Eehleswig-Bolsteln embrogila was just begin ning to bore the world, In the autumn of 1863, an eminent English diplomatist went to tall upon the Premier to ask for information on the subject. After bearing his request, Lord Pal merston thought a while, and then answered In his short, jerky manner, "Yea, quite right to come to me. Very dillienit question that of Schleswig-Holstein, and there never were but two people who really understood it—myself and —. But then yon see the misfortune Is, that is dead, and that I have forgotten it." Tax King and Queen of Portugal are much blamed for deserting their capital daring the cholera, and Charivari puts this epigram into their months : "As the reigning epidemic ,pre vails in our dominions. let ft reign In oar stead. AUCTION SALES - - FURNITURE, 'CARPETS, FRENCH VIA CiA SET AND SUNDIIIES AT ADC- Tlo3l.—Lin TEIUBSDAY diusbi tljp , 00th at 10 o'clock. at MU 'MC Rooms, 00 and 63 DIM !Met, Will be sold iguemptorily and Without reiterve, a quantity of Deuratiold rural. tore. new carpets wad laundries, enibracing 100- iirgany Side-Boards. Dresstng Bureau, Usti Seat Soisodido Tables, Walnut Lounge, Cans Seat Chairs, Stools. Cottage end Turnpost Bedsteads, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, Amid; Trunks, Venetian Mires, headings new Window Shades, Dlll'lloo Scrap Leather, Tea and Constar Scales (ones) 3 Frankllir Storm Wash:lnk Wactible, Wheeler tr. WI/SOll Seeing Machine. 'Tali a Cut lery, Curers, Butcher halves, 811Ver-Plated Spoons and Fork, Ike. Also. 100 pleeer elegant FreastiChina Ware. Also,newly:rain. bear-- Can, Sag end Bent, Caryts, Bap, Elms sad • lot recond.hand Wetting. See sale 0123.1021ret5, err- at 2p. m, nogg T. A. cII.LAND,Atietr. p1t42411. AliD INSIMELNCE STOCKS.- --TWDAY EVEN/NO, November 24th, at 7% o'clock, vall.he .old, on second door of am Com morclal Sales Sperm; lO6Smithdeld civet, opposite the Post (Bike, the follow/kV stocks: 20 ahem" Bank of Pittsburgh. 10 00 Allegheny National Bank. 20 do AM/betty lasoracee Company. 27 do Blnalogham Bridge Company. 21 do Citizens Bank (old stock.) n 027 A. BIeINWAINE, Anct'r. A rrratiOON S&L...EL—On Thumday, A Bor. 80th, at $ orelzelt, at Masonic Hall ittui. Bon Booms, 00 ;unlit Fifth street, hen be sold, 00 pain 104 White Sleeken; Ea do Pans large size and tenor Blankets; 75 do Brown Amy do 10 do Bine do do Bed Spreads, Horse oooers, Flannehe, Pant St tale, tre ht. Bee select Farnlturne, Su-. •t to so. non T. A. bIIOLELLAND, Anct'r. XAits, SEGARS, &a, AT AUCTION. 016 THURSDAY, nth ital., at It o'eleek, e. ID., at Masonic Hall auctlon Rooms. 65 and 67 kiftb street, wtll be gold, wireont ruerve, [lnce Hams; macs Cigars, amorted brands; a. cheats Black Tea; eases nettles, 11023 T. A. ZdeOLELLAND, Artat.r. u~: . ~ ADDY it EViEYB, MMUL PLUMBERS. Gas and Steam Fitters, No, 165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FIRST 01M1108.: Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG & BAR LEAD. Plumbers' Materials in General OIL REFIXERIES Fitted Up in the_ Most Approved Style, Tann lined with lead or frappes. Mum= Etna up. Ina IMILTOr gas Ti—AU oramwomptlyattended to. tu FLIJAISI;LiG, GAS AND - 53TEA.11 FIT TIXiG pi di its biomass martini attended to by expo. Planted and. practical sporktten. A Eno snort. mint of eAS ITXTUIIES, --O W 7 ATBR OLOSETS, ER ILYNTS, Constiuttly on band and rude to order. TATE & SEVILLE. X .41 FEDERAL STBEET,Allrgheny •- And 227 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, 101.11-147rdly 'PAINTERS purrs zote...4olitutaxi!....zoB7 nosmix: L° °' "LANE it BION ABTlSTiliti HOUSE Minas, •;, NchSmigataid Oki Pittibniel. —Prrnatigre 'ALL •=m - , smate ortpanet . with a=rimumra /demo& maxi. now CANDS elistettef pkWor tiIiotacitsisaGILTBIGNELCNOWL93 masattietarLd Neat* eltteate et the ecehltty; 40& W4MIGN6IS*44I"I tdelit ae , MOM P u7m.a Teti": to I/O"' ca leitag b ir t Is r grail s : l glaatilsu" 214"14 =WI Et. - BitowN, (Lite aft Era ot Hams k MUM) sown Am EUGN perm= Oeth P it ismer of TWA and Narket it., mar rannnracts rzr.nrreetrvirvs aIIANDOLEHLSEN BETROOFEF'S RAM TON/O. RETHOUFEE'B. - TUBE= BANDBLENIAIT , WE TONIC. 1 4 7 RETROUTEE'S TURKISH B DOLENIAIN HAIR TONIC: TURKISH BELEM, FRENCH BULGES, ENGLISH BELLES,- , HERSLIPI BPLI.r% AMER/OA N BELLES, AMERMAN BELLES - THE ELITE OF EVL'EY, COUNTRY, THE ELITE OF ALL IMITILIZED NATIONS tae that delightful !preparation, the extract of many flowers and herbs—that peat restorer of color and beauty. It makes the hair ATO9 11 the roots are not entirely lost. It will restore the color. It sill make the hair curL mllllreeP the hair In glue. It will add luxuriance of hair and beauty to aiL It is the greatest, dressing ever of fered to the nubile Its popularity on Mb continen exited, any other since the =Deduction of It here We are daily receiving unvoliciteri teatimonials of its virtues. It only require' a UM] to Insure its permanent receptioa in every fandly. Being en urea, free from sulphur or metalle , potions, ten. den it peculiarly adapted for the nurser?. In tact, no toilet 11 complete without It. For salt evershere. Wholesale, IL IL SELLERS fr, Corner Wood and Second Ste., Pittsburgh, Principal Depot for United States and Canada.. JAMES PALMERd el CO., nolommeodlawF phia. SPECIAL"_ NO'TICiIS tgrATRIVII CATHARTIC PILLS ARE ithe most perfect purgative which we are Chia to produce or which we think has ever yet been made by anybody. They effects have shoo /aptly Mown to the community how much they excel the Ordinary medicines to use. They are safe and pleasant to tate, but powerful to cure. Then penetrating properties stimulate the Intel activities of the body, remove the obstructions of Its elltene;.PUiry the blood. and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grew distemper, atlendrate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural Kenos, and Imparts healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they core ch.. every day complaints of everybody, but also formidable sod dangerous disuses. White they produce powerful 'dun, they are at the same time, to diminished doses, the eaten . and bon phial* that can he mapialyed for children. Doing sugardosted they are pieas ant to take; and, being purely vegetable, are tree from anynak of harm. Cons have been made which myna belief, acre they not subatanttatep by men ofsuch exalted position and character, sa te forbid the 4611;nolon of untruth Reny emleen t clergymen and physicians have lent their name* to certify. to the public the reliability of our rem • edies, while others hove sent us the usuntnee of their eonvict.on that. our Preparations Goethe. me Immensely to the relief of our alltkied. Dana ing The Agent fielder named le pleased to tubleh gratis curd...curium Almanac, containing direc tions for Me Pee and - cerlifloatos of theretrea, of the following tromplainta: Costiveness, llllloue Complain% Rheumatism, ProtelL Heartburn. Headache analog from Mid Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Mutton of the Bowels And pain Mining therefrom, Hat oleo ey. Lees of Appetite. all Musses which re quire an evacruant medicine. They also, by put tying the blood and stimulating the syntam sore many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, moo as Destntse, Partial Bain& nen, Ne unties and Nervous fintability, Derange wenn of the Liver and Dittoed% Gout, and other kindred ecimplaints arising Dom • low state of the body, or obetmotton Ulu functions. • Dp not be put oil by unprinsiple4 dialers with other preparntlime which they make MOM profit on. Demand Areal, CO others. take no The dot want the beat aid there DAY them, end thep should line It • Prepared WB.I. C. AYES & CO., LovLovell, mu, and sold b A. fAIINIO:TTOOS, SOS & SO. sad by all 000.1meodualor P171118138U11l SAW WOUSII. HUBBARD, ano &co. itannuortrasse es PATENT GROUND CIRCETLABS, warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. at every de. reziptlan. -- !Id1/4" , Nam Or Cut, Gans, and all Alikindaa aa&EEEUMIS mactiNt Sheet Out SteeAtra Refined i,a,WIRWIGNI do. . LTER. and A m. an Works, corner W SEOIVt STREETS. Pin.:_ Particular attenttEns Ores Co Smoothing, Goat P and fi_iralei.o.og Ciraulor Sam I Win, re. pairs of sit kinds. Poaching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. sTZdy E1A11.911.1142., di; CILN Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers Ate. 93, 23, et and= PENN =BRET. Having secured a Urge yard and trintiahed with the most Unproved machinery, we are= ed to manufacture every dacription of BO in the beta mansurr, and warranted g, mado in the country. eMIZINETS. BRI FIRE BElts. STEAM PIPEk woomtrrxvii BOILERS TANKS, bu. STILLS, AG TATORS, SET, TUNG PANS, BOILER IRON, BR= SUGAR PANS, and Sole ullaturem of HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairty . done Co the Shortest notice. Met rgirLiffik.lSUPElllol3 Copper t3lll and Smelting Work& PITTSBURGH.. PARK, McCURDY & CO libulufaataren of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS , h 131rLT COPPER, PRESSED (TUPPER BCC; TOtISILISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTER SO a Invertas and dealers to MET. ALS, T PLA SRSET LEON, WIRE, no. iloustautly on baud, ISLAMISM ard TOOLS. Ware:mem, No. IiOPILLST and 120 SEG. OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special Dal® ef Capper net to any desired patent. inyVklythmT y~~f3AHHHOODt HOW LOU, HOW RESTORED I—Just Pabilshed. la anal. d Envelop& Prior na seats. A LECTURE Off THE NATURE, rREATauENTiO.4 awilsal Curs of SpetTnaterrhars, or Seminal Waldman, Lava. votary Embralons, Sexual Debility ud ImN4t, meat. to Marriage generally; Nervousness— , Oon inampttrplionsy and Bits; Menial and Physi eal luea v, resulting from Salt Abuse, Ito.. by Rolm . Otravaawata., BED., Author of the Orin Book, &ea "A Boom To Taoraarros or Sunrazana.. Sent under Pool, In a plain easel ape., to any aurora jam paid, tetetpLof ail emits, or two postage stamp., by D. S. O. &Linz, Orr &Teary, New York. Post Ogle* boa AAA zoilarriater BOTHERVOS OUNTEIIIOIII SPZEIS.-A reverend psalm:tan tura In been restored to health s few days, atter us =Ana the usual rotithan and irreyeilaz espetaive of treatment without iruccesll,couldtn tt sacred duty to communicate to his &Misted fellow. creatures the means of cure. Elates, on the receipt of an addrested envelope, he will an,free d,, soapy of the prescription o. Direst to Dr. JOHN N. DAGNALIs, 1l Felten greet. N. Y. vdaser ORO. 8.1242 V. D. bitaLßS...../. r. ZigLIAILAS LA \ BELLE STEEL WOMBS. lU3ITIER & CO.. Manufacturer. of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STELT.; SPRER/S, AX LES, CROWBARS, (ta. SIP ()Moe, Nana %PATER BTBRE? (up stair.) PITTSBURGH. PA. ROBIAINON, REA dr 00.., (sureinisoll to Rosnrsoa, MUMS Washington iVorits, FOUNDERS AND DIACILIINLSTS, P Manufacturers of. BOAT AND STAMOIi r STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, BILL MACHINERY, GEARING,. SHAFTING, OAST. Mos OIL TANKS ea STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Sir Ageas for GIFFARIPS PATENT INJECT. OR. for (Wing boilers. - -JOHN COCHRAN - --...11A.19 BKO" Nunittise toren of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS., IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT MIS, WINDOW GUARDS, ite., Nos. Tl S MM and IS THIRD STREET, between Wood and Marhet, lave on hand variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, fulteble for all lar Particular attention paid C ul an=lig Green Lots. Jobblns done at short notice. THE BRIDAL CHAIIHEA. AN O. SAY OF WASHING AND INSTRUO. TION FOB YOUNG MEN. Also, Lew and rolls. blo treotlzUent of the Urinary and Sexual Syittetaa, AAdteso J. MILLEN HOUGHTON, How aid Anoelation.Pldlodelphis, &old, rgrOMIT FISEE.—* PAMPHLET Oi Immense importance to the °hi and young, marred add single of both salon will be sent free by ell With stamp enetointl, ndanY the, agente; .T. A. e. Mitt= k 00., Hoz, S, Batton Pori M nuneu BORING TOOLS JA.MES SOWN, MARI7FACITITREB 0, IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, Na 138 WOOD STREET Firrontruou PA. Tools warran{ed made of the very beat BLIOO AND Lb SY MOOR LRCM. WELL BORERS tumishod at Macrect'taint Clatish, i:Lriciess with such articles as are aeossaary to el:minuet op erations, viz, AVIVIGS HAYSEED, BELLO OS, HAWS VDJES ' MA I ISS , iBiEVICIES, limaregss, Ant aim* s, HIMMS, MA ma NES, PIERS, La, AXES,' • , FAIL% AA ' Rope r Leathe r and God &lint& . .. • c os nut at width/have ilaid • - • oziA.lo:yy..;tel & ma "' DRAIIGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT AGENCY mat ST. CLASS STRUT. me Sal Wagon 11.T.GIMOSUBILE, Stirs a Ammar. Bulditadi Ito, U siy .street. ATCUEIIIIIOiNTS --- - ()PERI. 1101 M. Lusa ¢lll.2.gereu, MISS All/iIB EBERLE Last Nights of the peat ofiginal Irish Bey and Yaakto 201. & KR& W FLORENCE'. • TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 43th, the enter. Woe:tent wilt commence wttb • slew and orb) , ised Wen Drams, in 4 !acts, purobased by Gtr. W. J. Florence. In London for two 'hundred antenna, endtled. LOOILOVO6 - 1 1 4 - Or, 6 W E E WEARING OF To roneladir wilt. Mr. W. .1. Florence , ' original comennnalitlnd tan 11 / 1 1913 1.1110VBEILEEREII. Saturem afternoon. by request of =imams lad re, DOT+ On TEX CRICKET UN THE 82.A.8.T . Atdmitidozi 26 cents to 011 parts oleo Roue. In reherasl, and !will be produced with new mines and appointments, the new and banuttnal drama of ICATHL.EXN tdAlltitrEElLEghl. pITTSBURGH THEATER. Lusa mad Atanagrr...,. WISL HENDERSON • Palms OP Anxtrearox—Dress cts; Pam ByIIS etc; Third Thy, 25 cts; Private Box es ;Noe; Singleeesta,Sl2& Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rise at 73. Deena appeirance of the celebrated tragedian MR. J. NE &FIE, Who will appear in the celebrated play of the TICKET OF LAW PE ..411.14: llobett. Ederly...• .Mr. T. Nestle. No Whet piece this evening. Will shortly beroduced STREETS Or NEW 'roux, and VNO LE TOM'S UP.BIN, with new and beautthat scenery, he. MASONIC HALL. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nave mbet . 211 h. 28th and 28th, TDB MAMMOTH MISTY WOW OP AMEBIC/. .1" 4 0117"2 - X.A.113,r0.1ELV3 COMBINATION TROUPE (Fnom fru, Oran..s. Room towsztr, N. Y.,) Will have the honor of appearing as above for Positively Ttaree Nights Only ! In their elegant and unequalled VARIETY ER. TERTAINDIENT, which embraces almost stelliV speciality to the cailenclar of amusement. Iva whole under the direattee of that Maw of Combs Vocalists, BILLY PASTOR, who Will appeareaok ev e ening la a ...Motion of 1:104V Songs, Comloaltlea. Ik A3' For full particulers, me emelt 011ie. Annie- Wiw s 6 cents itescr•eti c., Con Doom open et 7 o'clock commencing .16. ent 12010-91. J. W. ALLINSON, Agent. MASONIC HALL. Thursday and Friday Evenines, ROl7. 30 and DEC. lat. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Adam: . Ward's 'farewell Nights ix America. ARTEMUS WARD'S RUMOR! "More humorous than any other huostar. The grin le broader, under the mask of which nes, if not the ceepest wisdom, most eterltiut common seem Readers moot buy the book for alem selres.—atamber's Journal, London A. WARD ILAIONC+ TRH MORMONS. Thep:lDM are respectfully Informed that these will most poaltively be ARTEMIS WARD'S last eights in Pitt/bulge., prior to tits dapartnre for England, where arrangement' are raready being Hall, perfumed fo on. r his early eppearencs Eaptlan Lond Ebe pictorial pill of his entertainments em. braces EIGHTEEN COLOSSAL PAINT! RCS Faithfully photographing, on gigantic scale, the SfEEETS - OF SALT LA KE LAKE °ICY, and the lingo larly buttiful Tansy of Utah. The senompany ing desoriptive Lectures by Arianism Want will be abeerfut The InleVess.of Las eatertatamtat nal been so marked that U U Datums proper to refer to It bent Ooronleasing In the Otty of New York. lawea given at Dodworth Hell for ono hundred InnsecCli,7o fllytits to densely crowds( houses. Its morns Subsequently la Ramos. Baltimore, Washington, Micas°, and St. Louis was no less poetise awl brilliant. . . demLuton Ma. Reserved Besse. "Me. Betssiresl teats for tale et O. 0. Mellor's Musk Stdre, Wood street, where a plan of the ball can he wen. Sale of Eeeen-ed trate tall commence on Tuuday morning., Nov. 26th. rho PIA= cured Is one of Cblekoting's make, and kindly funnlaLed by Mr Mellor. Door. open at 7. Commence at 6 °Snivels. PARTIrtMLIL NOTICS —A..temos Ward will ap. Peat at in Clutha, Pa., an Wansnnss LIMN IECI, Nos. 4.9tt. . 11=! ! IBM 201k14 H I E ES NOW OM AT 10. 6 - 1 FIFTII STREET, UNDER TEL OPERA ROUSE. scakif CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ate Mc,FAFII,W;D t COLLINS, DIIIEGT 15170871:115, Are reielvicA by next roomer from Ltrerpool, a tholes tot of ENGLISH CARPETS, Suitable for Parton, T lulus Bowan, C flares, Hatt 11nimbus al , Worms orpreuly tor Nita- Dinah retail Wale, and °tared WROLEII3ALE AND RETAIL, AT TUE LOWEST MARKET PRICES, 34, 44 sod 34 EISOLLSLI TAPESTRY, V EL. YET'And BRUSSELS OA RPErs, enfilading many Ryles nerrer before offered In elite country. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next But Mills to the 1311Rai St etas (Peet° co 'louse and Poet Othee. nan FOURTH STREET' i pARPETS, &c., RECEIVED NEW. la addition to our previous a* ortmcni, we have Jest receive. tar th• following, in newest at aily. HIGELOW CA 'WETS, EXTlin 14 8 FLYS and LNG It Al Emelt. nufißEu PIANO OOT. EILS. 1108A10 HTICts. fJ stlEt , " " .ET 012;(2 - 1;0T1-1., tB and 21 ft wide extra pp Illy. wiNvow SHAM ES, stone, Drab ' Brown, Loathe, sad Gram , colon. ILAt!prtp!pnt of FAROS SHEEP -SKIN MATS, W. D. d H BIoCALLI7I2I can 87 1 , 1 , 7.1.1 . 1 let0:8 , CARPET STORE: I I ATTORNEIYB WHITE .4 BIAGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No., 1043 .16NIStla eltroot rirrsarnoli, Will attend to W btudoen in the line of their Prorogation, Including THE coLLEoriutt . 0 9 CLAIMS AGAINST THEOOVERNMEITT. Mr. SrtoceJ.haWnn been 41usterad oat I the Milted States Bereft" will hereafter lee ides, tlea to the bturlnese of the One. WOUNDED BOLDDIHE ili EITHER The First or Soma Three Yeats Service an twelve the full bounty the same uII ell Sea served the tall term of enlistment try "mans up.. • T. WALTER AY. Solicitor tot Bounties, Pennons and Pay. No. 103 FIFTH STREET, third Snot below the nedrai. IVY. V. If MVP!. aim ft. 000///38". M OFTE f T & 00011RIL1, .ELltteoriscry's ert Zan. Vin OMee-No. SO GRANT STREET, Pittibingb, Pb ?800. N. DAMS .71044 W. 1111A7/1 BArtiE BRAYER, .` ATTORNEYBAT-LAW No et DlazoND Elmo; Plitabiugth Po. Gantt paginui. Zwil=l"ttles, Oonoryalla mammy Attwoo so. all MIL Claltatlons. awl , ol.Lagal Basl le asla t -OLAIMB. PAINIOION ILSOK'PALY Ana XULITAftr MAUI& alainak a descitiPtion•colleapti br limbiratuttz f o r mfo , iifizatazz opppw:grag f. rr.—tva mutes ars nude tha cuita tow not aneetali saw all latbrassUaa given plait. ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, IT. B. Limns= scw.I2ILEY CLAIN AGENT. Wontleo ter Wm:4e4Solinert eSiectid la El " ten to twenty dim airolloo, No. ea Wawa mem Pit Onl3 ZIA Odor an 4 two %tame& 1821Bp FOR SALE---FOR RENT poR BALD, WITH IMMEDIATE PO3- gESS/ON, TH 4. MOUNT HOPE Pflug. e.a. TT,AT WOODS' HUN STATION; Tilteea agree Land, Back Dwelling With to rooms and target; Marty of eon. Triter and trait 'el all kind.; ten entrance walk - from Federal attest Depot, AIM. Enquire of the anbeeriber. as Ma MA AND 0114 TOOL WOEKS, al and el Ohio agree; A.Ueigheny ogstagul R. H. LECHT- SECOND fitTRAIST PROPERTY If UK FIA.LE,-L comfortable three story Blink Dletilin Bohn 01 hall, taro parlors, dicing room, knees, cellar, bath-room and di chambers, fa gwd location near Market mart. Fore ea and fermi, apply to S. CUTHBERT ts BONS. Et MArlort Stare. FOR BALE—ONE LARGE DOUBLE DOOR FIREILND R lIRGLAR PROOF GAFF, lined with Steel, and In complete order, intoly owned Si Robert,Annwortn, deceaaed. For par k tame, enquire of JAMES D. STRICKLER, Adm'r, no2l:tf No. i St. Muir street. FOB BALE ENGINE, BOILER, FLY WHEEL, raa, complete, ready ter putting up, suitable tor • !lace-mill or an . ); =pose requiring DL'SIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. —I offer for ante • Residence In A 01ty, situates on the unkind bank. 'llle l itt h lra y 4 feet front on the Second Bank, extending Back ion feet to Liberty street, on which Is erected a lab atantle/ Brick Rouse, inocorn style, contalirine 13 rooms; gas and watot up stake and down; Brick Stable and Carriage Haase In 'rear of lox in the L ees. is /URN D. B a grape arbor, :awry, peach end BAILEY Oade tr nolB Wllklaa Yrs% . L'p s A A I LE Aa'D the LIN t ILP T IO . PROPERTYFOR wveu Wier from UM city, - CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY sg ACIIEJ, Steam and Water Flouring and Saw DIM, and other flee Improvement& For further inforrostiOß lPP/Y to WILLIAM weal), (Opposite the Oathedral,) ire ,Grant sttnet, No. lid. M01:11 , 17 WASIIINGTON PROPF:RT . Y t•-•-• FOR SALT.--A vest Pottage House and Lot or 0 round, Fruit and Shade Tee., Snruebeu, etc. fronting on Illeh street ALIO. s.torte House, peony new; 13. i sere, of ground; errant of Berths and Man slreeta. Also, a double Fraboe Noose of Olt room' and large lot on Simile:LOCO O. Pere. 1,260. Akio, a Cottage douse of three rooms and lot oobeto7 Union street. Prtee,___,Etato. For sale by S. OUT LB , , al b T & SOB S ee, lerket strt.. DEISIR&BI, ' OITY•PEOPERTY ion nEar Ist LARGE omc HOOKS. No. SO Fourth Meet, or= e a &•111.. Baas , al:atm:de for a Inoue, a °Mau, 00., LAILuE PEIUTOOKAA'II 01.a.LLERY. VI A fl&LOO rf, In a good location for an azten• sloe Restaurant. E. D. GAZZAM. o. (*Youth and foi rem street 83 ,1 500 WILL, PURCHASS A NEAT TL&h!E noose, with SIX HOWLS, and, about TWO LOSES or LAND, situated to the village of Mount Wash• ingtoa. For furthat particulars impulse of O. H. TOWER, UM Fourth:Street VALUABLE COUNTRY ROME 1 4. 0 R BALE, situated ort the Parmaylima,' Ball. read, one-half mile from Wilklnebtath, end only three mimes walk from the newly granred Ste then on said road, celled EDGEWOOD sTATIVISs • LOTot esourd coatateing it sem tie pavans; thre Wirei 014 rorrest; lune Frame fiat/811w, loot new, _with 10 rooms, end cellar unisraeattt; bearing .Frult Trees; Water sod ether canyon imam These eintutds will divide handsontely. Fat farther information call Zia no7:dtt JAMES S. ELKO. No. We Fifth street. SPLENDID DWELLING FOR BALE, situated Ai No. its Rebacaa Mae; Allmsiliien7 City. The Lot Ilse • (mat on Rebeces gtrwat of .2.) feet, and extends IP, feet to Perk. 'treat, on whin,. ls created a nestle lialebed two story Rack tiwelllng with eeren comfortable rasing, tine kitchen. with range, bath house, gas, hot and cold wale: thronahouti marble mantles, stop heszths; grape arbor. Thls property Is oa,aa3 cheap. Apply to, not tdeL STNCO. FOB BALE. Well lihnizhed Frame Two-Story Dwelling, Qattng PVITICO,VIIDR a. A I T larTl=l P :ltAls tba Liotan. _ . THE LOT Is Fortynoo feet front; by Ono Hon trod trot deep. TINE GRAPE ARBOR, FRUIT TRZER, M. Postionton will be given on lbs Ist of April zeal Also. A coßNe_R_ 4_TQFtE-ROOM, WITH ONE I ow t HOU sE . Poesstaton sill be wen on toe tat of April next. The proprietor will either WI, or exchacge Ica Oonatry Property. Ter= eery. Inontre O. H. TQWE.E., No. lit Fourth street. I. T. S.LIIPI,E, Meer Txtete Broxer arta Insurene• Alert, 1.1/11211 , 4itt 63 IF eglatal gtreas, talcitiony. FOR REVT. THE TWO LARGE Front Rooms or Offices, NO. 60 FOURTH s rum Er. *LSO, A Photograph Gallery LAROD FIIRTTLSHIIb CELLA.R. ImmnUstio F.:menial:l ani. Erwinatm of GAZZUI & CO., 12015 Arnanarra, OS Grant Brea. GOAL, COAL AND LAND FOR BALE The very valuable FAR E to Elizabeth town 13 :uPt Alliehttay county, Pa" contng 173 acres of di/RFACE 31411 COAL, awl froattue oa the RI onoattahell River for mot* Rata half a ball. to Pool no In this tract there are IZS ems or tend mgr• chewable Ctr&L fronting on the river, with actp wafer 0 0 1 along the property, Thew acct 1. clever leas than frotol4 to 10 feet deep, amen the rivet lo et ita lowest stage. The Land to of the very beet quality of river bottom, ell In good ores:, and under good reneyng. wlth a large well entahol two story LIM fyg DprELLIN LD. , SIK, frame Barn, Frew. Stable 1.0 feet loins; flora trtb, Wagon Rouse a4d two Tenant Dwelluna The ateeostoare and Washington Turnpike runs threogh the faro: nob taking It altogether for CO6TODIVIICIII t 10.4.1011 and intrtnete Is oenelnly one 01 the very beat Investments now orered to tlits county. Payment, wit. be made to raft the puroh ;;;;; For partielltalil, ...Intro of 0. H. TUIVER, Heel Estate Agent, No. 161 Fourth sttset 171011,81 TARS! Poll BALE.— The subscriber will nSee at private Bale the I ARM ON WATCH DE NOW RESIDES, Situated to (leen Township, Washington Octunty, Rthe State Road loading from Pacaborgh to est Middletown, It miles from the former, end II mites Item the latter plenty, mintsinsaf 100 ettORES. The .Lanci is good, well waterea, lies well, with about 10 All/IE-S OF 01 OD - TIIISEIt. The leninovemesta are • good two store Prattle Dwells g Dote,, with kitchen, a Pram. Bank Hatt., 0•11017 aew , and other InteelLlMlr Forte buildings There are two Orcharda, of ablaut sin teciee nt choice selected fruit. Teo 101Atena is within tX of • tulle of Venice. and I miles of Mo- Donald's Station. on the Pittsburgh and Steuben ville This t arm le la •good neighbor toed Ann conrenient to Schools, 110burches, end Stores. 5024. I wil JAMES HELD. FOR BALE, TTIOSE TWO HANDSOSIE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSES, SOL so and 31, on the east Me of WEST (30h1. MON, near the corner of Ohio strut, built and finished throughout In a superior manner—finished with every modern ooavenierpie and improvement, atm at present In petite% oilier; one of the Masco est and meat desirable situations In Allegheny. Peneasion on the tat of April, IBM. Enquiry of JAMES T. SAMPLE, neat Estate Broker and lnaeratea agent, 0c2141 No. SS Fadaral at., Allegbeay - FAftE FOR BALE, CONTAINING 300 ACRES, Ali of whieh Is good Farming Land, and 2 urea eleared and under good [engem the remaining TO sores -that-rale timber. The land fa at pound mostly In grass,lsnd t orn good 000 dittos' tor aithel a SHEEP - FARM for ACIIIIOULTINIAL The neighborhood le good, and fri., of er= 7 l e tth sl i ctrorli e l ' wl3l°Mtrife landings on t h e Ohio river. It le near illenehoe. ter, the fonoty town of Hammett county, WIP/It Va , fix miles from Wellsville, and tlitrterm from steebeovilie, 0, The improvements AM a large Frame House, Barn, Wagon Shed, Ocrri Sheep Houser, and all ow:mm.l.y outholidlop. and a Steam hull aloes by. There ire two good veins of COAL, one of whisk 10 CANNEL, on the farm. The •profsertyls • well Worth the attention of genies desiring such property, being equally well adapted for wool growing, grazing or farming as the Washington :county land, which county Joins nonstick, Further particular' on appal. Uon to S. S. BRYAN, El FOURTH STREET, (Burice's Building.) nal FOE BALE.- A ream of IN acne within s mile, of Last. Anse fitetiao, aa tae Penna. Railroad. The tm. =WS an • hewed log house and ban. apple orchard) Dunn good; 100 acres clear. adtibe mann well Unbend. W AIN" 14" anail o sn i r ad the aptee ß T ' or = al 'lnennil L a the d -Vert beet Of rim bob anal,in a high sante of cultiratiOn. Also, A Nat non WI tram Itr o2 . ooo Laftia SOO Aares, elttaste to Cherry UM frocreatin. Jodi an county, Fa, cur the - einem of Greenville: . 'nu lattuonueests Si. a frame hone, the breed and beet barn In the flaunty) falloini Itaneralty 'Whr W re W d, l WThO Wes cle a o n s o r esound wo r w h a lsh mane finecr n op d 0 nay. , Le t s mM 'talent to churches, sehoo 4 m 1 I Mee eel es. Shia property Mill be sold wen near end on easy earns. • Also. a faro of Us Ame.lm hobo looniedp, Waahlyaattoa ootoity,lll. Nelll be sold &no. Also, tG best farm on thellionnyabela Rlrer about one toile from bleKearponJJlagbasy 00, Pa., contacting about lb Um. The Improraletielte ei• • timme Male az4barn4 See ern lad WZICIA shod. wi orchard g our en too and DOD Ailtar_tze T e.,..peizp..4 COO gash then. Tor farther =um w of IL. TOWER, R e alotsto Apa r . a2l i " Yerirtk auset. OILS STAND/01D PETROLEUM RJEFINERY. CLARK a SUMMER. Works dad 0111 m, CIOLLIIPS TOWNSHIP. 02140 th Plttatnnkhilll WOOD STREET. These works have the lined AteWdty to the country. The bland stands the =phut In Ws country and In Europe, for gpiallty and fire t.e and the ou la put In well seasonedbaiTeas prepared eag , 2:l for exonr °otlo I tIM "TANKS. and IMPROVED B lEfor%WOUS detect) TENANT FARM OIL COMPANY, Office Comer of Penn and Wayne Streets This Company vas organised an the Slittli lust, under tlei .Penneyleania Maws and blanotactur log Laws. The Territory of the Company Ls uated on Drinkard Creek, between the Lode of Um Drinkard Creek Onion Oil Company and the Dunk and Creek Petroleum Company. Capital .060,000 CO Working fund ti,ooo 00 Par value of each Share. t co S. A. TOEINSOIS, Prestdant. Ism.° NOCK, Secretary and Treasurer. 'IMO Graham, I . J. G. Weir, Stephan Lawson, H. W. Haabla. Frank Snyder, staott D --- INKARD. CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste Th.ts company was organised on the rich lost. ander the Pennsylvania Mhalng and idanufseta ring Trion The territory of the company pi joins dui lands of the Leinhard Creek Union 011 Company, of this city. Capita* Stock 0=5,000 Worlatnk Fund 25,000 Par Value of Each Share 01 00 °mos. Presient—S. A. JOHNSTON. Sea Lary And Treasurer—lSAAC NODE. 8. d JOHNSTON, L B. HINNON, Fa-um 82,021. JAXII2I ONLIL&A, F. D. 08.18 T, W. U. Kure, ja:tyl H. W. Totem Satkiedi 'OIL ENGINES. We are sonstrueting. sad will keep on Saud 111 superior style of CI =La EIMTC3rX:INTZI Either a Common or Tubular Boiler. We Invite partial needing engines tor. Otte pun pose to call and see thesis, corner of PIKE and OMAHA STREETS, naar City Water Wotan. Jell MACKINTOSH. HEMPHILL & 00. COIDIEROIAL OIL WORKS. Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly on hand. and for ago at THE LOWEST MARKET ELATES, B. C. & a SAWYER. atAlf No. 47W009 STREET JAMES W ILEUM% 11101:Xl. LSD DM= II CRUDE AND REMO OILS . 0111.• MOCK. Dnquasuo WAX, PlUaleitto Sir Speobl attention ppm to tho BM& AND SHIPIIMTT PhTBALE II IIT sad Its produota. Ck"'W 'ti 0 M ect1 21? "1. 42. T OZ 11220,Y J B No. 1 St. CLAIR ST., Pittsbailltll. rODWAIDING AND CON/41,5510 AND DEALER 13 01:103. ELLUIRMATZSG, LITORIAOLTIE CRUM PETROLEUM O ff, he, snartantly a bawl and for sale at tae nurkai p Cone/gas meats and orders solicited. apidm PATENTED OUTOI3I£II 8, 1 • DITHEEDOE'S PATENT Oral Lamp Utionosensa Id anufactured of XX Flint Glass. neat altatoraria are tritcoaso for to flat name, nesting all parts of the gists equal' not eaa pose It to tracking. E. D. If MOE, Fort Pitt Mau Worts, W o eras; &I'll • MUM PeoWa IF•1111110 arrt.ican W LUNG a BING, COMMISSION zzauluv-Tia, PETROLEUM Mai ITS PRODUCTS &ad dealer. In Eetning dr2l-17 MA REM - ST. B ltEnu u SE OF Pbenti Warehousing Company, root or ELMO e HALBISOR Sta-, nrooklyn. .TOLA■ 07 =MD PETROLEUM In Tank, and Barrels. S4re Caronlara. (Mee, No. 18 /IF.dEft SYNEET, New York. qty LUCENT OIL WORK& DIIIICAN. DUNLAP & CO., KA.11177•01 . 11EXE., 07 Pure White Hotbed Carbon Oils. No. XIII LIBERTY STREET. hIL Eat/WlS.—The undersigned will sale of at •-•• giro particular test ck to Clo Ms puratuiso sad Stock' of ALL RTMTART.R Campania InVltt bUyin WWI. J, K. 1110IIANOS No. le7 FOURTH STREET FOUNDRIES FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS, MANUT.O.CITIJIZIIIS 0 HEAVY ORDNANCE ADD ALL KINDS OF immixLizrgsr cf.zi.erwstvar. Special item:Aloe paid to ROLLING/ MILL BLAST Al AUELINL/11 AND nzrou. rs. £,PA IRS attended to promptly. Air heretofore, the beat materials will sheave be rued at tht. Foul:tore 1103Ipt pITTSBURGII FOUNDRY JOllll It. RIOUTSOS A. GARRISON & CO. usum.on, to Bolima°, Garrison, t C 0.,) FOUNDERS AND MACHINETS.I launifseturers of Chilled &Were of all rim, for Iron, Steel. Brass, Zlna, Copper, Silver, _Gold Straw Boards,_ papm and India Rubber Works also, Rollins Mill Cawing. of all description% Dark MLIi, Patent Double - Grinder, with a rarfro p or other patient; always on howl and attoo to vier on short notice and favorable tarma. Offlos nd Warehouso, 110 Smithllald street, Plitsbursi. Reid PENN -MACHINE WORSB FOLYNDET. MUNE BUILDER AND nrioarrtnr, LAcooit mum between Federal and Santlamp ALLIGIMIT Orre, PA. Illannheeturer of WTO HTM AN S PATENT PORTABLE OSOILLATMG STEAM EN GYRES, Shafting, Pullen, to. Repairing at an kinds attended to tetra) JOHN a HERRON & CO., AND IRON FOUNDERS, Mae and Sales Eosins, cud No. In LEBLETT SIZEZT g BEVERts2IOII, MO. 53 Water. St Pit r =Meta= of BOL/Xll JUT WS, WECI n gaT arrow, amaaidas sad tatlaMid. °f gaWtorispal SPLIKE nmiu tam ar sods IS cedar AS mart =ties A pod. sasertsada smut/mils ma Saadi. givltuu I R Iwr's WOODBiDIi di 'WALLACE, T/f7l3cclosszlo =llll-Ligganta MID DEALERS ES mu. Dead, Red Lead,ADhArs EWA% 01 py• sturs. window than *ad PO , POOrro_Beaugillgiutan OIL Als. ALo t h i pnata tor wbatehe =TABU Drams cr im l Due, Marla:Oak Vikloo azu i most} &Milton's OiSaluaLiA Mpg Drp: la Via aPkg - Mut ( Am • • No. 87 Imo, ITTBZET. torPosnv. TUE St cnagrms.ROTErta tnondlia rn:nrituaos:r.t. 5011001iMMESIt. Pittsburgh White loread Thai; , usz warm. BLUE LEAD GROUND ix 0/1.1 1 / 8 . ioirST nie cab Denim.% ' sell 20, el WOOD - slums BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK OUT FUR BARGAINS BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received • TREMENDOUS STOCK 07 I'4LL 8 IrI.TTER 90008, AT J, A. ROBLNSON & CO., 61 MARKET STREET, Next door to BAILHER'S Dry Good. Store. no 4 BOOTS 41 RD 13/10&B. JAMES ROBE, I2E1=13:11=1 Has Just returned from the EAST With a very I.krge and .I"w:table snook of J34:2OCYVIS 431%73C1 isticlNLis. of the VERY BFSY QUALITY. Hens' Boys' ►►d Youths' BOOTS AND SHOES la ail their varieties and styles. LADLES WORK of the U SW Sod best that I. manufactured, from the flee Polish te - the plain Calf Boots. Ohild.•ens' Boots sad mas laerery style ►ad variety. Our object is to sell such goods as will give sat isfsetban to the ptuceuer. —Please cell and examine, and you will be satisfied with the QUALITY andiPHICIE of goods. Remember the place. SAXES ROBS, on't No. Ti Market Street. ANOTHER A.RRIVAL of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Moots, Balmorals, Gaiters. Polish Boots and Gums of all styles and qualities Which win be mold at the lowest prices. ♦ few more pairs of those SOILED SHOES on hand at such low prices that all can be suited. OW early and often at the well known stand of J. H, HOLM, 98 Market Street, (2r03 door from Fifth.) NOTICE. I=l Boots and Shoes 68 MARKET STREET. 8017TH & ROSS. LADIES'. GENTS', MD3SEB' AND OBILDIUMS Boots, Shots and Ballets, 01 every Style, Maks end Yarn, al COYLE'S, rOoraar Fifth and Wylie streets. Prle tees mit everybody. sale CALL. AND BEE THE GENTS $,ll O XsCpyrs kariet names. J. W. OARNAHAH PIANOS, MUSIC, &c NOW,BEENG RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCKIOR CHICKERING PI/NOS, Selected personally by the eabserlber, daring ■ recent rat: to the Factory. are sod' open, and ready for enamlnatlon. • publls are Invited to call and sea tnenx. V7arronted for Five Years OIL&RLES Q. 11EL LOE I:1 Wood k ; lit c sal Selo /treat for the OhMenthe P o . pulios AND ORGANS. TICE CELERILLTED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND Schomacker & Go,, Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMP.EICAR ()ROAN, and LbaiS ()WS c,iyrrAGE OIZGAN, admitted by dealers, and all vim hare heard them, to Oa superior 12 tone to all other lothromenta of the tInA menu Lectured la the Dated Staler. We are prepared to furnish, at the shotest 'notice. Bran and German Silver Instrument', of every neeerlytion, for Than and 0011.1%M.120 at reduced. vibes. 3Laairatcd Oatalaves ISZCI Press Liot furniched on appLiestion. • Few and Seaand-haad Pisa. for Heat. • ALL TUE LATE SONGS AND PIECES Co.tastly on hand. wenatEnt a BArat, Ea 12 ST. CILA IR STREET KDUBE & CO.'s, HIGHEST PREIII um Grand, Parlor Omutd, Square and Up. right Pianos, with overtrain bass, agraTit treble, bell iron improved frame, and all the valuable Im provements. The tone b pure, brilliant, entirely musical character, of tall best workmanship; touch evenamer and quality of tone unsurpasaed by any. Each Plano guaranteed for eight years CHARLOTTE: BLUMH, No 43 FIFTH STREET, rate Second door above Wood Street ELOFFItLiIi, HOE & 63 FTPIII 6TIMEET, • • DeolLO:e.g. Z-Lemkza.cbas. BOOKS JUST FRAM BIE PRESS! ARTHUR MERTON, HELEN PIcOREGOR, GUTHRIE ON PARABLES. WANDERINGS OVER BIBLE LANDS, BIBLE HLEsSINGs, SOHONBERG OOTTA FAMILY, EARLY DAWN. DIARY OF Pa= TREY - I%4AM MARY THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD, VOWED or THE SOUL, LIVES MADE. SDBL/IdEt also PHOTOGRAPH ARBORS. SYDOW:SALE AND RETAIL, - STATIONERY. L READ'S, sale N 0.73 Fourth street. MAGITIFICZNT FAMILY BIBLES. READ, Feat Ho. t 9 Fourth 'tree k,,iL=vDorAoaßki l / 4 :1 JOHN. ROB B , Agent of the Equitablan. ammo oa.,•Kentingtonl'7reLasursaos and thereon Mutual IX. Won= o Co. of Plats didPfdo. W.. 43 Market 'treat , i' m, ,Itabursh;. fed, j GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for thr socaßU:V.l7d=titelrullsarl WOOL tl, WP. JONES, Agent Du North Amer .sa,Btato of aaplr►ala. ►od Hartford Oomy►la a. do WATER BULB= I 1 :4 : . 6 •4n9 "le aaoacomD4n and F4EM DRUM it GLACE, haie 621 bad 11 litts satortmeat of , MPWINI4 MACEUNES• straw ()antra, dames and Ray UAW, 11 7 tra sa and so ono nom. tizzoniny. DEnusiy. iv. RAILROADS WINTER afigaglia 1L1L75• A.KRA NOE. of ENT.-LPENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL B. 8.- -TWELVE DAILY TEAMS. WSmut .arnir MONDAY, Nor. 22. th, ISCl,traina lento the Ratan Passenger Depot, corner of la on and Liberty streets, es follows: Lox ,pab_S.--Lclves Pittsburgh at- 2.21 s. tstOpilibr 'at principal Stations. Arrive. at Altilona* • t :It a. In.. Tytony 5.23 , (Belle fonte 10,12 a. itG. - Lnalt 'llatata - 1.1.19 p. r en.,l flax. riatnirsi 1.00 p. go, Batalorcl S.= p. New 001 k 014. Allen . .own inta P. m., Philadelphia/ 6.464. mt," and New Torn, Via Philadelphia at 10.21 D. Va. CINCINNATI RICPRIISS-Leava Pittsburgh at SAO a. to., [topping at nearly Sal Stattals. Al toona( et 1.69 p. m., Radiant &LS p. arriv ing it P L atiadelphia at I.kl NAI TRAI .-Lesvos - Pittsburgb at DAD a. 13.. topping at nearly all Stations- aOS p. IS.. arriving et Ilarrisbnrg at 17.25 3. M., and Phlladelydta at 7.10 a. m P lI.AD TI.FHIA EXPEWSY-Learn Mu tt hat 166 p. m. acacia osi)itt priutipal Sts float. Arrives at Latrobe: 6.40 p. mt, Altoona 9.10 p.m., Rarrieburgh 2.13 a. in.. mailman* 7.03 4. nu, Now 'York, via Allentown 10.00 a. ml, dilate 2,10 1.. m., ;and New York, via Philadel phia at 1101 p. m. Sleeping Care ran Al:trough on Ws train from Idttsnargh to 13alt1)itoro and pkiladelphie, and to New York. via Allentown. PAST LINE-Leavas Pittaburgh at /0.00 p. m., stepping only at principal 'Stations. Antres at A icalons at 3.00 a. m.. ica*Msburs• 0.110. m., Sal- Umurer 1 2 ,30 p m.. New t.lrkt visAllenterwcrs.4s 13., Philadelphia} 1.00 p. so., and Now roes claPh ladeiphia at 5.42 p. Preec yea r. 'ter, VDcay, aft Mel .ralas Etcraayac.rteptcd. JOHNSTOWN AOOO.II3IODATION. dolly, ex cept Sunday. at 4.16 p. on., stOPPla at resuisr *La tina between Pittsburgh and Vocemach.llll4 con necting st Plararille Intersection with trams of the Indians Branch sad West Pelona icluita H. B. ALTOONA ACCOISIZIODA.TION, dal! ahaePt Sunday, at 7.10 a. m., stoppingat all -meat stations beereel Pittsbn..U“ and Litonna, and making alma connection with trains. on 1123.12na Branch, West Pearaylvania B. Yl,Ebeastitirg and Creison R. H., and liollidsysburg Branch. Etna AcconalaudatlOn •t'o 1A Zoo New% Station Isaacs daily (except Sunday) at 0.4715.. m. Setend Accommodation Train for WalPa Station leases daily (except Sunday) et 10.0 m. Penn Accommodation No. 1, liar. daily (except Srucillill at Lea p. m. 7141 rd Aceoremolation Traln for 10a1Ps Station 14 1 .0.4 daily (CY...Cept Sunday) at 1.00 p. m. Penn' AeltOnartiarin No. 2. /eaves daily (ax **Pt Sunday) at lo p. in., stopping at all stsiloos between Pittsburgh and Penn Strlons. Tbe Church Tram loaves VireLlP. S a taann ivory Suculay at 063 a. in.. pad-arrives in Pittsburgh at 10.45 a. no. Bear.= leaves Pittsburgh at. 12.00 p. m. and eztires at Wall' Station at 2.00 p.m. Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh at toilerwm man.- ... 1.67 a. sc. Fns/ Line... m. Pint Wll4 Statism Aecommodathan... •16271 a. Penn Accommodation. Val m. Second WalPs Station Accotwasuistlon alma. m. Johnstown Accommodation 10.09 a. m. Baltimore Express 1.29 p. M. Altdona Erman:iodation ant..l93dp,m. 9.41 VD. MIA Walls Station Aitointhodation.. 130 p.m. naladelplea. Espana - • LCb p. m. Pan; Accommodation No. 9 6.26 p. in. ' , DUMP gb and Erie Mali...— 1145 p. in. An Agent of the SneelidorOmsdhus thimpansr willcami Cannel tech train hatorereschlag tna Depo • take up cheeks and deliver baggage %) any L ay tad city. °Ma No. ea Pena eatetivPan and night, where al:larders for trm sanTement of passel:stun and bawngo recetvo prompt at. tentlon. - Baltimore enprem wIU lusty° With Pala&lad* Express at nso p. m. on Mondays. NOTICA—In cue of loss, the Company hold themselves responsible for personal boo il and for an amount not MAW I'a e W. EL iIEOIC Nato; At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Station. on Liberty and Washington street& 1865. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND 011cOLIVNATI BALILBOA.D. Tne Great Short Line Route Tin Stabtpille, TO COLUMBUS, CIIICIIIINATI, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOWS. T. WV/111 Lad all the principal Pities, WEST AND SODTH-WESr. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20th. 1881,. Trathz kayo sad lithe It tiu3 MON DEPOT AS folk:ma) DarAnis. AIZIIY Tart il l M. Sib a. in. Expren 2 . 3 0:1). .?!tii fa. Steubenville Aecommods'n.4.o6) ilkin a. a 3. S. Ir. souror, Gen I Ticket Aim, Steubenville, 0. M. 1). IllornEasenuclet, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. Plttethiliztt. ecily4 plirrt3BUßGHlazogia OONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. • IV' NTF.R A RUA 29 C E3IENT On end after Dt()til.).s.Y. Get Seth, 1562, Lba train/ an' leave the Depot, .raer of Eon and Watt. otreets, aa foUnnx /13371:1 Antral al Pfttaburgh. PittstOgb. DWI to and from raionlown. 1:15 a. on. IMO p. MIL. Fi xp rs Ereas " " . 1,30 p. et. 10M0 a. la. t McKee:rt po Ancom'n...lll o a. m. (JO a. M. Second ... 6:10 p. to. PM p. Di. Dlili 811.4DCDWIP U ... 790 a. ta. B• 10 n. tn. / 1. 4 .e0.d " • _ . ..: 4:1O p. MI. 15:15 R in. - Sunda). Clurret Train to end trod McKeesportp. m. tom for tut-a. sppLl Agent. m. EL STI,, tki • af;T•J: rzl6:V irAs KOI HENRY 0. HALE, Merchant Tailor, NORTLI,WEST CORNER OF VISE 0 T. CLUB ESL PITTSBURGH, PIL, Takes great pleasure L. announcing to bienniums cats customer and the puollo gonersß ,yr th at his purchases and arrangements for the FALL. SEA. SON are now .nooleted, Sevin; been aersOnally selected from the tlrst-etess cloth horses in the Eastern alike. Only wok a cLass of goods as eon really be recommended, will be oared, Walsh em. braces the nearest and most approved materials and styles, the entire stook being very large„varlol end rent Mr. Kale has much coned^^ egarzuri• ling an early Inspection. S D BLADE, COLORED mores. AND DOE SKINS, as tumal, warranted taxi la colors, Ina round texture. DIELTON CLOTHS and other new coating'. now style for entire Cutts. A great variety of FINE CASSE - RETIES for Pante and Feats, for Morning arid Evening wear. awe FASHIONABLE DESI.'7"n.AI3L,h; GOODS. For Gent's I Fouth's Clothing BLADE TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. L B. N0R1313. MERCHANT TAILOR. No. 79 FEDEILAI ST.. 9.11091 , 9197 nott-taNnl WflTln. OD7ER-00.ITIAGS: Blue Chinchilla, Black Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah FINE FRENCH BEAVERS, all Colors Wlalett pro will woke up to .order to a •cpular manner a= stile. POSSI EL it ItlLltilg o &tension to S. (MAT & sox, lOU MIULCIMIT TAILORS. NO. 63 rum a. B"L DRESS AND SOHOOL SUITS. A new loi of eholon goods. For Fall Wear. JUST RECEIVED UT GRAY & LOG 4 pl;', O. 47 , ST. CLA4R STREET FURS FIIRE3! FIIRSI zattszs, Nissns AND C/UU)It‘MM IF 11, S.. The Largest an d gall , Complate,usattatett LY oFFEILERINMS *WPM; MaCORD 'B2 . etea ill W • • N Tett. Plifibureti. UNDERTAKING.- - - A : : trzawzgrr.A.sratin, rto. tarllncrth i L , 114 0 4 xlr) t li T.t.tittV*„ tklrrati,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers