the ritsburgit Vie, . PIIIMMEEDsi . - tHAIAXIM.:FaMtai /41gOCUMOIC ' ,lll E l 3DATiliOnma7gt 28, 1885 • ZITO; iinl4 - 'IU;LeS: r itn . st; Winded ete„ Inserted under lllPPrOliftste beadlnds, oa this palm at 2111 =MTN PEIVILIME, each Insertion. ATEANTIE ,AND GREAT WESTERN : ;.- ,„ ~ f .;,- - • 1 1414 , WAT - ..., Vleilt Y. Beeittitg:Po;fl infra wombs since, in announcing that the English cap- , Lt_tplistilately in this Cowlitz-bad projected a new line (loin New 'York' tolls West, Stated that they bad purcheaed .or leased the Norris and Essei road, running from :PciAtt,:dsonit?ptiosiiis NeW: York,` to Bea ten, on the Delaware, In connection with` the Catawissa road, which °steeds from ' Easton to the Susquehanna, and - that they intended to extend the line ivest froM the Susquehanna across this State to a connec :ilonWilliti Atlantic and GieerWestern isitif, r 'ivilli 'tee purposis;' - all 'soon as the main line 'could be completedoteonstruct. lug Wenches to Pittabursh, end ether fi ' - Ire could not learn; "at the , how the_ ,„ company expected to get au° the conn .... Ali fit:midst Sump:Wm= to e *Allegue ay ; but we have , now esce ned hoW they intend to make up the line. The NeW:reriWrOadalltided to tends from the tlitdsOn to the Delaware; e Catawba.% road from the Delaware to the filmsonchan- J . na;:and - to continue the ctuda.on from the ‘western terminus of thci Catawlesa road to the Allegheny, the charter of the Lewis burg, c er a re ,k spruce Creek G 0... will first be heed. 4. Thiii latter company obtained a Charter last winter to connect with any , cosgany in Northumberland county, and " - 'lXimakitritielr c atastein- , termiens at Belle fonte. From Bellefon•e is the Snow Shoe lento). ~ to Phillipsburg—from Philllps-._ 'burg eitetherioute it secured - to Clearfield ; and"frOnx Clearfield another to Franklin en • the AneitheeT Aver, , Fran-this point le:" cbtimiction4N.Miasily . bo t • olitatued- with the. Atlantic and Great Western Railway, di. 4 .4 z constructed, thus _giving an entire '• 'ltierronie from the Wait to Nevi York, in. llependentof the Erie and alt other roads, antichttrely under the -centrol 'of the At lantic and GrearWestern Company. , From What point or- under what charters a branch road can-be extended from this - line to Pittobt.trZ4fr by this- company, rye stre,not able ts gen-but we may rest as.: tiered that this mainline wlit•be built; and Olt we camhavi;lfwo - will, a connection ; : with it, Gins giving use new and altogetii- ' er Independent both Philadelphia-- and New York, 'the Catawissa roailliavnig l emegal connections with lines ,waning to Philadelphia., . - ~. • i The people or Pittsburgh are thus di rectik fntareefed in this grand project, and it is worth their while to give the matter acme attention. We-know nothing off - the facts beyond what we find in the papers ; but as these are conclusive as to the early completion 'of the main line thus indi cated from New Tbrk to the west, oar ciii. tens can easily see' the opportunity that is thus opened up to Mem. A.ll '_OVEIISIGHT. The Bontbern emigrants to Brazil have overlooked; it edema, a fact essential to their future happiness, in selecting that country as their refuge- They knew it was a alaycholding nation and took everything else for granted; but It seems, from the Freeman'i .kurnat, that the cabinet, or ministry, of the Emperor of Brazil is ehicjiy leoniposed of vegrots, and that it sometimes happens that there is not one man of pure blopu in the ministry under hum, The, '3ndins, too, that preside in the courts, before which the southern emigrants will have' to n*ar, in civil or criminal suits, are as often, o: oftener, negmes, as white men. . The Ricbmcmd Whig, commenting upon these (I=6, :eye they could not possibly have been known to those who content plate migrating to - brazil. It would be a sad thing, Indeed, fisr the self.eztled South - Inman !c! J . aek - thari hls eagerness to get C 'itway 'franc( reign of Xbolitlonism he has taken cc-loge under a negro admlnts tration, and will be compelled to address the throne through a negro cabinet officer, we and be sued before a negro judge. TEE Louisville Journal thinks Gen. LEE should have -been permitted to have the • Government cannon ho asked for, to teach artillery practice to the young rebels un der his tuition at Lexington Virginia. It says that "Gen. 'LEE has taken nil the ~ o aths requited of him and been pardoned, -tad all thecadets of his school have taken 24 ,7 cath of allegiance and been recognized by our Gdvernment as loyal citizens of the United States. Therefore the Lexington 31.11italy LaStitnte is, in theory at least, a loyalinstibition, an institution for the edu. cation of young men for the Federal set— ilea." Not exactly. No one believes either • Gen Lga otitis pupils to be loyal, in any 'Proper _sense of that now much abused word. The Governatent very properly re fused the Übe c i f. Its ordnance under the - conviction that It ta not urine to afford any fsOlittes for the education of young rebel ighlTineryplactlee. , rt, 931780113, it seems, to ban a steel Wei*, aud 113 =dlstph;tickled ut the klig-tezieginithati he know Ightz to be ths' . 'lesdltigi_ruumfacturing •etty In the The irojeited steel lictel7,ll to ecuitsiLeverytblitt on Mit elde el the ?ti„lagnd is to be to this country, worn ..',-..told,'wfiatilLig.fiheilleki steel works are to England, We-are-not certabi,''kowever, whether this Ileirisburg enterprise is 'not valculate fo 'pi:trait' of Joh:VA') nose ' of 4fire Shit:field. factories, and renderlhkat -mere tfilititaries of the proposed manufac: tory cizi= the -banks of the Busquolutnna. Ellefilelduanst look to her laurels; and as Litho other steel works on this continent ' we ouppo)re they Will knock • under at once, and leave:cilia Werket clear fo!this gigantic, competipar-. • O IftI'HODYSIX AED - NEW. -A PrOPO- 'iation`liis tket alabtaitted to tho Virgin'. Coriferenca. of . ()Al the Ilethodist Episcopil .. 1 m Chad tiait, -to abolish the va of pm. ildlog e der; sitirogate the elasadeeetl4 test of - ' berablp,* Introdttea lay rept ,. ; l A ttli P t t ,:At4 ex # :4 t kL °4 ll4 : 4 !n ° 4 °l ter m .......syte,tuiste_tiOnt&threieyearii or more a:Al ,t t Slt le.. *X:P ec t. td, to favai , „ eg =with. bptgAkaaherenta of .. 1 . tittujealied:by - one of . tletsp . eskers, „., s. rom" .4are:;?iitilrpili, i stro , . .-tf4 Ett it'it.' -•- s-' .".',--..... ! fitticistmulAli Maas • illitithnlyß7.gil iraotitiifelv - throire. ,Triey'pret• rOlB ro maul' Envihd ilf0: 1 9 11 Only, of the Conettintioina loaakilinteibanshing els. ` ; tteennd lieCil4:nt which Car t olpodifteetkilisinciti. tied; te4itittin the lower to enlbicoltui tifef,thiiylm4 4 they can thus EiSseitt*iltlid tit!olition of els very without incurring thetsieli of #4'fblB tog' abOltttori .. enforce!. ffiiiiio "DWI and gliti too, beyond all queellon I WAGES IL TUE SOUTH The Southern papers aro co:Mrs:ally - clamoring for white laborers; and yet what encouragement do they ofibr to their mi gration? They lave not the least Idea of what free labor 113 worth. A company at Idontgomery, Alabama, has lamed a circu lar intended to encourage agricultural la borers to immigrate to the Southern Statea. The rates of wages are girenfa the follow ing e xtract: ICATIJ 0711210 Or WHIM LABOIt. lAm,, per $l5O women, per_lear...--- Gitildrea OP Is or IS years of age, per year—. 6o Maas towards. Der ... .. . . 16 Payable at theta of the year. , They =tract for one year, do the work as the negro; rive in - these:le .eabitut, ota the lame rations' clothe themseires,sigd ay their, own doctPes tax Time loraidmez, gegociect from wages. • •• • 'One - la every lax of Otratiae. agree Werta' Cob tausportatioa, afteen deism Kr had, to • accompany onlors, but to WI deducted from. vices. DnaagD, liohnprz,r k CO.. Asti. Au ca n win Do tonyatited to New Sock 00 .st' was}, the Mb Instant ' The Southerners'will have to raise their views considerably before they can lure white 'abort° their fields. Such a circu lar as this will be regarded as an insult by LitYlaborer at the north. LOOKING AHEAD The 'few 'Yort: Tribune is forecasting th future of American cities, and.predinta that by the year I.9oo—may w 9 be there to see—St. Lords will lend all the western cities. It says : We-never saw bt, Loafs, hare no special in terest In it, and few friends residing there; but we wish to record our conviction—with great respect for Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and Chicago, which we hare seen—that St. Louis is destined to have henceforth the most rapid growth of any American city, and to be recognized ea the chief inland emporium of our country within the-next twenty yearn. - We believe the COMM& of 1000 will rank the chief cities of the United States in this order : 1, Blew York; 2, Phila delphia; 3, Bt. Louis; 4, Chicago; 5, Cincinnati; 6, Ball Francisco; 7, Baltimore; 6, Boston; 2, Pittsburgh; 10, Richmond. We arc much obliged to oar New 'fork friend for serving up Boston, Pittsburgh and Rich mond is a sandwich, Pittsburgh being In the middle; but we have no Idea, out here, of tak ing so low a place is the catalogue. It is a good while yet to the year 1900; and although we do not make much fuss over our growth,' Yet, it we continue to grow In anything like!, the ratio of the list fiTO years wo 'bail scorn to' take low domain thollat of onto; ,atik.lio. 9. AV't ton:Lot-brag =eh of theiwknof 'oar city, It is true; but then, handsome Isis handsome does; and as figures alone are concerned in the Tribfou's prediction, we shall do our beet to falsify It. Tait Washington .6orrespondtmt o ( the Richmond Repo/die - tries to remove from ,from the gonthern &Ma the foolish ideathat -thetrational•7ntelligencer speaks the senti ments of *the • President generally. Mach Injury Ina been done to the Borah by .the =prevalence of this idea, the late rebels argu ing 'that the President sympathises with Mira because the Intalfgencer does. The isnresixnulent, adds: will" Certainly, as I have before said, there ll be no great difference between the President and Congress. Neither willtt be a csse of Mnhoniet going to the mountain or the mountain going to Mahomet. It will not do, probaldy, to say that the South, has entirely mistaken the policy of Mr. Johnson in all essentials, but does seem, from late manifestation, that such is the case. This much Is certain, that no man in the country world be less likely to prove false to the ides for which the North fought than Preiddent Johnson. The Monongahela Midge MUSES EDITOBS--AnOW Me to Jo:latest. In Madly spirit, to the airectore of the Mononga hela bridge at Smithfield street, an improve ment in the approaches to that fine structure on the Pittsburgh side. In muddy weather It is very unpleasant to use the left-hand approach, and the right-hand one Is not much bettor. A flag crossing on Water street, would be a great Improvement, and would title nicely with the new sidewalk In front of the Monongahela House- Bourn Sine. STATE RIGIITS.—The Southern newspapers. as they 'gradually regain their old impudence, be gin to advocate the old heresy of "State rights." The Richmond Esquire, of a recent date bad Jour coital., of editorial on the subject, the pith of which was that the old heresy which everybody thought was dead "still lives." "Let favor bo shown to the wicked," says the proph et, .y.t will he not learn righteousness." MINIMO7I.—The of majority of Mar shall (Rep.) for Governor to 3". The Renate stands, Republicans, 10; Democrats, T; the Rope, Republicans, 29; Democrats, I3—irivine Otljoint ballot a Republican majority of 23. Mr, Sumner's '- Clemency and Common The practical part of the moral of Senator Enamel's article tte.der this title in the Decem ber Atlantic is es follows .11 is easy for tne Initridual to forgive. leis eary also for the republic to be generous. Bat forabtenus of offnssea must not be a letter of license to crime, It must not be the recognition of an ar.ctent tyranny, and It MUat cot be a stu pendous Ingratitude. There Is a familiar say ing. with tte salt of ages, which is addressed to us now: 'Belot before you are generous.' Its Just to all before you are generous to the few. Be Jun to the millions only half rescued from oppreesbn, before yen are generous to their cruel tasit.masters. Do not imitate that precious chase mer In the galie.ty of old Tenement do rt.attx ' of whom-it was mild, that he built without paying his debts. Oar fore. meet dales now are to pay our debts, and these are two-fold :—fire], to the national freedman ; and, aeCOndly, to the national creditor, these obvious principles practically. A child can do it. No duty or clemency can Justify inf asticc. Therefore, in merchsteg the beautiful power of pardon at this moment In our country, etveral conditions must be ensured. .1. As ageneral rale, beigemat traitors, who have battled against the country, =IA not be permitted at once without proSation or trial, to resnom their old places of trust or power. Su'h a concession would be clearly against every sug• gestic:es of common ECUEO, and President John son clearly raw It to, when, addressing his fel low citizens of Ttni:RfaX.... /Mit 10, 1664. he said; 'I say that traitors should take • back teat in the work of restoration. If there be but five thoneepd men in Tennessee, loyal to the constlonlen;layal to freedom, loyal to Justice, these trim gad faithful men should coutrot the work bf reorgannatkm and reformation oho ltttely "ll.. Especially are we bound, by every obliga tion of Justice, and by everyaentimentof honor, to ace ft that belligerent traitors who have battled agalnat their country are not allowed to rule the =want loyalists, whether white or black, embracing the recent freedmen, Who ha ben our friends and allies. ly ' let belligerent traitors be received slow -6,'!"tli_ntlonsly back Into the sovereignty of • "Coe-.:1 It Is better that they should watt osocurity be Imperiled, or our sole= ob 0. whether to the natlOnlll frcol,lntan or the amioual creditor, by Impaired. g'4. Let pardons.tan. only OT, satisfactory n eurone° that the app 0 t who us been es., ga.. for four years hi uuw.„l„.thz our fellow damn; ebnll aaatala %los equal rights, civil arid political. of all men, a ccording to the prig ciPlea of the Declaration of Indep e wlenee; that be than pledge hi:wolf to the sqport of the flattop/114aq and, If he be amon g the largo holders of land , that be, °hall set apart me for all h is freedmen. • ~ " The true way- Is easy. Follow e ne ,i ssos sense. dcekiog to avoid one gall, do not rut, non; another... Consider bOr everythiag of worth or honer a hound op with the national seenrlty and the nagonal feign and that mall these are . died befOnd change, agriellltrire, commerce and Isdortry cif allklndsmuat suffer. Capital cannot etiy where lattice - Is denied. Enumatton 'mutt isvold stand blasted by the Obis of caste. (lotion Itself will refuse to I:relent - 1111 labor Is assursd.llf.justreWard: By sound coluseOnenceithat 'omelette:ism which , has drenched the land in blood will =nacho to prevail, with wrong, - outrage and, the instirree- Won Of. an -oppressed 'ram , thisintionalrmo vrifilicallitionpred;ontl the cottons; powe will' be weakened. Bat the way Ls Vali to Told Wad cabin:dna. Bollbw .common TilageN and' .iobtalof.guatmetlet - commensurate. 11 ) the danger,' DO thisivithent eogivisn tatty ,tea 4nicateAlatiop„ be '2pttst nez" day's: delay is :a ices to the: fiettonitt, wealth . and AtalDJOry to the national velem. But if Meting* Iguarsatteweinnot btobentned at cnett4 then at least pozzoone ell pronine any. render. to, tint oligarchy, tflutlbgincallw/Ple to protection, and fo r tune forthak awkward Vale .47,144titellgtHilt, which enunlektie en 4 ; 15forell.: Aid finnuri.tiikn eine At01 , 44r, rash troMPitarlbllia tO.Beflki." to getieridly believe& our itiorremtheAt -11 l •rOtaßb to *mein aurreadat gin, Shaun ' dull; - mama tls accompanied by compass- Sion in the damages oho has - biIiCELLMIF.ous ITEM! A Gramereaciartific vapor gives ea the fol lowing -teristical comfort as to the chelere..— From the foundation of some tip to the time of Augustus, In 732 years, there appeared thir ty-three epidemici; from the birth Of Christ up tO 1680,. ninety-sem; - fa the seventeenth cen tury. fourteen In the eighteenth century, eight; cid Sluce the beginning of the nineteenth cen tury the cholera has appeared three times. It in evident from these figures. that epidemics are deeming In numbers as well se intensity, Which pleasant fact to to be ascribed toluenes leg cleanlinesa lv dwellings sad clothing; to the Impressment of eastitary regulations; to the speedy remora] of mrasmatie substances, and to the peoneeto 01 : She Melted 'faience In general. Ton ease of the colored man who claimed ditaggef for ejectment from the Third and Fourth street Can, the opening proceedings of which were given in oar law report yesterday morning. was concluded yesterday, the plaintiff recovering 000. The regniatierte -of the vent pony required colored men to ride on the.front platform, while their wives and children were allowed Inside. The plaintiff wished to ride In aide the car, end for this was pet out. It will be seen. therefore, that the company's regale tine, which was the only defense offered, was regarded by the Pry as Illegal and no; nat.— , Cincinnati Gazette. IP Southern Illinois cotton has been cultiva ted quite extensively this year, and with grati fying reaults. The yield per acre bee been from one to two thousand pounds, mon of It first Clue quality—as good Indeed, as the beat "up land" cotton raised In the Sotithweat. In Union, Williamson, Perry, Jacktum, and Saline coun ties alone, at least one hundred thousand balm have been raised, and in other cconitles, where net es much lass been planted, the experiment has proved equally ouccassful„ Taw Nashvile Union has the following com pliment to the loyalty of a Tennessee- district : oAn Alabama paper enya D. Cdanorphreys was defcated for the Senate la liadisoa county by hi 'anpopularity.' But whet triads him unpon. der—because be has for a couple or years past sustained the Un'oe, and advocated In the can vass the ratification of the Constatuttlonal Amendment Tits Lonlaville.rowerial reports that on Rat. tuday evening some workmen, engeged In dig. ging a pit in New Albany. Indiana, discovered an. immense task, of pare Ivory, seven feet three Inches in length, and at the thickest part over eight. Inches in diameter. The tusk Is supposed.' to -be that of a Mastodon, and weighed nearly one htuidred pounds. 1w the year 1804, the abolition of serfdom was perfected in Russia. In tho same year, the .!furlllsh Pule secularized the immense proper ty invested In the mosques, and thus changed the title to three-fourths of the landed estates in-the Empire. while la our own country, tow millions of slaves were effulomijased. The hra. (orlon will always regard this u ono of the mora important epochs la the ChrLstlaa era. tnz Virginia papers are talking about the deer hunting now going on very succesaltuly to the mountains of the Shenandoah Valley, Ode party, In eight days, killed twenty-aix deer; end another party of twenty-three hunters and thlrty-four dcga seemed In tha North Mountain, In one week, twenty-eight deer, a wild-cat and some tnrincya and pheasants. Twe French do • grit tawny Wogs well. *Moog Me ran feeding passengers on fast trains that cannot stop for • leisure meal. Illsadteta with bat food, of three dishes, ball a bade of wine, bread and dower; are farldshad imam, gets at one atatltest and basket and dabs& are dropped at the OM ball an hoar after—sad all fof about fry acnta. ' ROIL, Joule A. Kassex,al lowa, jest returned from blv liOnrney acme - the Pidna, dellmed a lecture In Des Moines, lowa, on liaporiay night Lit, is which be said his experience led tam to agree with Major General Pope, that all Indian agents should se diamined, sad the sasis tan of Indian aftaks transferred to the War De- Nutmeat. Two more murders were committed at hub• Title Fridefeight, and the excitement of the tittle= rue higher than :ever. Ward meetings were held last night, and patmln °maraud. General Thomas lama reandrA clam order frohlb• Icing citizens from wearing elde•arma. Dna Providence .I"Aernai Daring suggested that Captain Waddell, of the. Shenandoah, should be left to the mercy of the Now Bedford whaling cadtains, the Sfortdaill of that city ex presses the opinion that, In that eau, ho never would waddle any more. Ca.urunsia. papers mention among the no ticeable features of the autumn fairs In that State, displays of silk oad elk cocoons. the manufacture of silk is beginning to attract much attention In some parts of the State, the climate being well adapted to its culture. Thom wbo love peanuts win be sorry to learn that Instead of 140,000 bushels per annum—Use regular product before the war, la North Care lina—there will be; only about 115,000 bushels to export from that State this year. Tim Kansas Lecislabare lately elected is solid Republican, and composed of men of more thaw ordinary ability. More than halt the number bare served in the war and among these Calo vela W. Blair, Phillips and dennLsoa, are prdmlrrect. THE Fenian sisterhood gave a Brent be.: in Butfa.o the other evenine, and amour 'he deco nalons of the hall .ras the Irish deg with the crow turned downward, with the motto. `'The Red Cross of England shall fall beneath the Eagle and the 'harp." So spring-like was the weather In October, in England, that a second crop of strawberries erns gathered from tnanT VIII., and a 1111D/bet' of Mae and chestnut trees came out In full bloom. Kimono= hart been introduced Into Harlin.. They arc Clam care, having etata on top with* a Moth cancpy. One car will carry gllty-one persons. Berlin, however, tuts only one green railroad ae yet. Paoracre has advanced In Steubenville to double that estimated beforothe war, and houses are ...ught for and purchasel freely. In no me casts the advance has beer:Lorca greater. Tuts Jackson, idlss Neal usges the Intrehan of a homestead for Jrffer.son Darts. It, prep.. Fitton Is that the • 8, widens soldiers" subscribe out; dollar coed to the fund. TIIEFM tea, a large fire In Chattanooga on last 1 ciebday morning. which destroyed a lot of (lovernia..dt and other property. Loss 81.%),(A0. extenf;ve nail factory i 3 to be rreeted in Kenturty, by aoule capitalists of that dry. POLITICAL. . _ MAYOR Cot. 1). W. MEGRA W, Late of the liett. P. V., will be • mut:dote for Mayor 01 Allegheoy City. su/Jeot to the Tinioo 000linetion. noll. to p^i7 ATTI CONTROLLER. SAISWEI. ALLINDER, Clerk In the City Trenrarer'n Office, at the @elle:- tattoo of his friends. Will offer hhoself es • ennui. Ante for the stove oID ce, eubj, et toe vote of this Union party at their enstitne prLenery election. nO/Cte ar•ror. nerog OF PIITNECIIti El SAMUEL KILGORE, LAG ca tlla 160th ritaganylvanlh Voluntsers Latta. rgirPOß lIATOIt. ' OAPI'LIN JAMES 3.1,21710K.E11, Of the Third Ward, ALLEGICEITY, will be • ean. dtdato Or Mayor, SUPJeCt to a VOll of the Union otera or Allegheny Oily, at the ensuhig printery eaten . 009d4 I -won MATOII. CAPTAIN WM. MAlfb, of tha &Tenth Ward aftithe •eannidate for MAYOR, ,OW) of to the nomination Of the Union party of - the city of WPittsburgh, to be hall prior to atm at% city oleo. O. , notrate TUE MAYOMALTT.~FAMF.B DON. 111LIMON • Aldennen of the Fourth Ward, at tbasolleitattonol friends, has consented ter al. lox Ina same to be used 10 connection with the twit Mayoralty, NM will be a emanate zakleet to the direst rote of the peopik in accordance with the recosimendatiOn of the tut Eepublinaa Municipal Convention.' °aide PUBLIC Noinow.. 1 40-sniscianzits TO OTOOIt OF FARMERS' aim mzeinatros, TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY. • .ItAxcheroby roquested can and PAY MI gnk "d tette iment tIO per abate no Moak. Stibsorthera who Aare talledlo respOnd to Conn. ,I,ll n, will please observe th at the whole amOnnt abet/*4 in now doe. 1J order or. the Board. Pm . JOHN B. SIMPLE, Trimmer. . Nov. o) NM..: dIW UMIITINGS A IMETI4O OF THE 13TOOKIIOLD- Ta b Zna trat Oo o Iiz piIt D3INSEARD CHEEK' PE. LASS , HALL, No. 84 j,,,„‘1 11 ,, be bele et _TADH.t. IFSWAY. Ls*. us, iiriV e r r ",, t. . P .," roar atrerlamo nb a c tiura ,i_spoliangfato.thlP • swab) airrr wilt be brOurrtit wore Sbamsoslne. . By Op alba lima at DG - SWAM 0-41. ixtuima, kbek.mid 12tiCOLKOMATip MIEINGI 09 , 2 " A ' ;_aiserortbr theStookholders. tr i o Vorrpaarrwiii Otibald at that Moe, s e , t ia,„ ELURSIYANs vor.IM at at o x. buaiaeu of rites inseort,esee will be b e 47,4 Mgr% ;tit!' itei l ereeea.`"! 4 " 4 . .n 023 lee , , mum. - mut; seer. TITA Atittiwer. 14LESTING OF f31.10011111:11,DE118 of Its F , ZIOSSTLVA & 'GALT stuivrecrronunt oostraurivi b• held at Metro , •,Ssiy No. 11l S. neat strew nth. terpbur, as th e , rx.DA.I . or - VOVEK ER Hit owesk,s.i tar as Erma= at Mtwara torAs koala =Wags moss 1#44 8 2.4 Whet business as oaf Ds thssn. colOSsa 011A13. LENNIO, Tnuum. FOUND F - _ ouna—zzl. DRABS NIGHT KEY emcee:LAU ISOPI KEY. Use be had by PIPIDg for this advertisement, at the ALLEGES. NY POST OFFICE. hret3 WANTS WAPTED—By a gentleman and wife, TWO MUM RIM 800m5,.. wtta Beafd, ',Mao a 1111, iihmter walk at the - Poet Ofkoe. Address, elating locallon and tams, H. P. air., thurrra owes Co7.*td WAN TED—TO EXCHANGE A FARM I of ever roar handfed ones In lowa, for ear Provorty. The owner ean be seen at the Gazers 0/171C11 hem 10 *At. until o or. w. eta day,. lA/ANTED—At - once, four or fire good • .BLAOILEIRIUTHS,Ao wort an HAIIIIIMI . 111:6 Mina C4aatast lastdaymenc. Enaatra BS WOOD-STREET. vivr ANTED--A. HOllB.ll, containing from zzar...t Beal no In Pittsburgh or Dlredt a note Box .F. Ol Gasirrix Orsrox. oottt "IVIT ANTED- GIRL. --A GOOD GIRL en homework, newt of December, to do gerers aabartdlarazia front CM airy. Malmo wilaea and synod No ma Maros soprani. tron at the O.IIZWITIIMIRCII. nofttt WANTED.—AIITs this city, as acUre, raergelle AGENT for a 71116 T - iILAA6IAPEINSUBANCE COMPANY. To the tlght'maa, who will g.lre his whole time and =mitt:Mein the work. a liberal compeumstieu Will be Oren. Address Pest Office Bek No. 337, New York. Emeibatd Wit-CITED—AG ENTB.—ENERGETIO wr DI EN uan make 50 to WO a day, selling the sheeted, Improved PATENT STAR NO•CIE131- O.ET BURDIEN for aaroecte DU Lamps. It M e , swll l e i n , lid of a couple of illimneys. Sample, poet-DX.2e CCDtI. Send for 01rendu and full partial:llx a. Miens. sive terntory Oven. JAMES EIJGAIL, Illaanfenturer, No. BS filolden Lone, New York. ANTE -- - - D—A G ENTS. —E PLOT BIEIiT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS AND ALL OTIIEICS.—Great Sale of Jewelry, Silver- Ware, Sc.. be The ILOSILVOII n Co.'s Goes, dire Dievunarnalf. Our agents are oraktoz from Fire to TLtrty dollar . , per day, aad we deed edit more. Late Invoices from Europe have swelled our stock to over Ole 91.11110 n Dollars. A spier). dldatsortment of Wertheil Rings, Ladles' and Gentlemen . . Jewelry of all kinds, of the most tuba losable patience, seillne at $1 each Stela 2.5 cants for certificate, mad Toy will see what you are en titled to; or send $1 for ere tertiew.taa, or 95 for thirty; or semi a three cent stamp for oar tenss to abort*. Whlsh are of the meet Iltrersi land. Now Is your time. Write nottsly year Name, Oly. County sad State to h 0ct..., Boa bell P. 0.. New York. Salesroom; ZS LAberty otte4 , New Totk. mania ANTED.—AGENTB FOR " THE EMMET SEELVKIE,TIiti YIELD, TUE GUPOSOK AVID THE ESCIAPE. , . ErALIMA7 O RifiLettheov, New York reams Convey° sot. The most Intetwitlng and ezaitkag look ever publiabed, embrsoli—g ldr. Elaherdsonie =party isled experience for four years, traveling through • Eolith to the scent et the Miaow at the outbreak lit the war, with our armies and iNta, both East end West, during the first two rears of the Rebellion% him thrilling septum; his sonOnament forth months to seven =went rebel Welegirelente, ameontelo moot of the wttt reat, hid. bast aid romance et WS: thee any other Work yet petathwL Searkars, te n t ed energatta omen wilist mid WIT* daily retterned 11171,1 disabled °Mears aud soldiers, te went of pordtable employe/rat, will end Ii pa. roller], iteaed to their. soodiiin , We tom spate - elai ego per mesoh, which we will wort thanydoubting opolleaut. Wend tor siren Ws Mane" JO/WM; mos.* WernenEinth and Acittandewi Eldiedatohis FOR SALE - - POE SALZ—BOTSL LEASE AND FIFAIrI/TURE, IN GALLIPOLI.% OHIO,— nova la well luld.abedi Baloitlard Table sad BoolJag "Wee attached; do a good bug- OW For Infocalatioo, &dam. JAB. MOIL. 2.IIDSON, elldo . noVl:nd von BALE—One three a'ory Brick DWELLING lIOUSE, No. 101 Beam atte AlTeghtniy. eatitatning eight tame, with • good cellar under thewhOle hottaze; all in good order, with a vacant Lat. rlJointag, 10 by GO feet. All will be man together. For further particulars, entuireef RAMSEY • lIALL. Real Natal& Agents, 91 8115441 . ' trod, 11 , - —. WWI SALL —A NO. i STOCK AND .• GRAIN PARK, thautning throat 2:10 wee, Waste lo Fallow :old townehlp. Washington atultY, Penasylvesda., On the noctougaltela nver, a:4lmile above loth No Ai 111 th ree of the beet felt bOttoa. ghe whole fermis tendon. • high rate off cultivation. Fins apple =bard, about 113 deem of coal with pit opened; the (=ethnic as good and logation beattUltl. Tor further partinnthre =Quite of G. H. TOWER, Era] Estee Agen t lie Fourth street. or to E. T. VA-NV(1011th, on the pito:rases. n0v151.1 FOR BALE-11E rIN R Y .—THE GLOBE OIL WORICEI, IN PITT TOWN. SNIP.— We oder these Works for sale at • were lc w pica, icwthe_pu , pose of 40. lag the bylaw, of 1 - .,e concern. Thee have • capacity, without Inning, for turning out between WO and $ bar rule Heinen Oil weekly. The Real Estate In very valuable. compriatng me tutu* square of stilton lying beneath Boundary and Wrson threats, and fronitue the Allen batty Valley R. H. Th• Works are is perfect ordf; i leave Tutting capitol. V.e r vir t g B f2c, r[Tar m re " ls C l n' tetineti i bif d iner b l a e u" P f o o : ..100 eve.% Vb. lextb, or . Tatthry let, loth hp., for further part looters to fiILEWLII, !WILKE h CCL, Duciocana Way, Corner of iiaraeoat watt. oceapreal at SALE—GLASS FACTuII —The intensive works, known as the kkifTlitif STATE rum' GLA.S4 WOUSS. Nears. Lai ninger, Thill K Co., with dockage for Uoal, as., and all the Improvements requisite [unwires. Ins on an elite/wive bostiwes Toots, Fixtures, he. The WM& now In eneeseslot operation, are One. ed to: s-Is at a /Q. figure. They •re eitouted at the comer of Kent Avenue and Taylor &trees. to the cite of Etranklya. E. D. N. Y, Aptly as abov •at the Factor e. Asp Laftenwistlua eau be had by calling ADA2f.S A. 130.4, Glaaa Blum rectums, PlusLursh. noldilwaci4 FOR SALE, 600 ACHES Or COAL LAND, Situate In Westumr•land county. Penna., on the North. Weatern Pennaytraala 6atlrpae , rontaintag two telee or t-oaL 1.40M111113 , 10 and lire thay. The COAL, LIAIFIFTONA and CLAY Tatae of the above tract of land wLLI be aohlon or hr (ore SATURDAY, DECEMBER scru, For turt`er particulars. Wyllie at tae Ls. MO (:.elm 1,25e9 of !IA Lt; ' PA TTERSCIN n 024 filo. 111 Fourth fit.. Pittsburgh. Pa. COBIFORTABLZ DWELLING FOR °Mu for e►te that well finishesd three chary Brick House and Ws Lottadjo.ning, on th corner of second and t eery atnete The house eont•tos aloe rootss beside wash-room and bath. room, and has ea. and water throughout. Thle property is convenient is. the gnat business cen tre, and yes from Its eurroundlogn retired and comparatively free tram smote. full puttitulara giveu on application to S. S. BRYAN, Stock .n! Real Estcri Broker, n 0 1 67 Yourthtit., (Burke'. Building.) DIVLDENIIS DIVIDEND (Jones or Morionoalert.• laeraases CO , November . .!fah. 16Ga e Doan] of Directory of Mi. Company have Lb's day fa clared • dividend on tie Capital Sta:a of the Oompaoy of FOUR DOLLARS PER SHARE, Out of Dormant, of Um oast .1O moordlo, psysbls ie ssalkon sad Atha Dem:abet tst, Hap of 0 overalaes t 0027;2 t d 7 oHri IL OLLIIET. &fey. k. V. 1,1 /14 Zio V 0:3 ti 031 k azumAx FIRE INI3IIIItaICE CO. On TUESDAY EVrAlltrk, Nov. 99th, cd 7 1 ,4 o'clock, *HI be sold on second door of Com. merslll Salo' Booms, 100 Bmltldleld sumo:, is N tikerasOBILOILN FLEE INSURANCE: 001114.- L. aIuLLWA.INE, nO2ll /motional/. Sugar Cured llama, Bacon Shoulders, Bacon Sides, rot We by RODE. D. TOWN SEND. PORN PACKER, 12 Fourth it. BOOTS AND BUDEA CALL AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny City, AND sEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES. I am lolling batter Goods and tot lan mosey than any other house In tba two titian NV, ft: ttouLtm.roog, rodetai street, &Mellor Our. ALL 000'111 WARRANTED. nos PEW RENTINO.--PLY MOIITH CON. OREGATIONALGIRIBUR...OO Hand street, Rey. Beery D. bloom, Pastor, Will be PO BLIOLT RENTED for one „yap, on TUESDAY. Z YEA. next, at 14 o cloak. The March will be open for as hour prerioliell, that those desiring it may bays en opportunity of examining theta extf OA slid the take of pews. The value Of tat pelyte hied At is ream:able rats, end the shale* mill bluetit -to the highest bidder. honin RVDiu2B. -•- . • wo ' Flint Ifonelay. Soo A. .Einnettlbler, • : !'.,Flakhgda Vinegar. AO Pleklee Labatt. Oolong; ion Seeks P.. 8. OOtatotir. Woe Ste Oodesh. 000 Packages fdarkerel, 2 and S. Iq atop and for mile be - cum. o. ostjranr. floe ' Ina Lthettyetneet. • and.-700 bob, primoVate, atm funk, FETZER. CLIIIIIIMSUMUL aornaf Blarkairand TIM/ stSO4l" sommum.-20 BBLEI VIHQII3III3 EiG• 1, - Mal NOLASSESIAtiI reisind And toe Wit by yentas tr. ARMST.IIOIIG, no:17 Corner blackst and First 'Zuni. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BY f.. 0...1331NRY . (r. CO., UNPRECEDENTED LARGE SALE Drn fp, Medicines, Instruments, Books. Stationery, Furniture & Appliances, A...r .t‘.Tylo.rx•okxg-. On TRIIBSDAT MORNING, DeesMber Is, et 10 otsiook, at the Medical Purveyors Warehouse, sooner of First and Maui streets, Louisville, Ry., ski be sold on account of the Medical Depart ment of the 11. B. L, the largest assettment of Druge, Medicines, &a., ever olltsed in the Wait. in balk. and In the 00/110al Packages, and In good gdbqu the surplus of the amount required by e e iltdscal Department, comprising as.lallow: 0,400 lb, ands, Instil; 1,810 lbs Ref. Borax; lit Alou, Pule; 2,200 Prep. Zinc; 970 " Alum; ARO ids Adhesive Mast? 3, :a0 " nap. Ammonts o,s 0 :sing 950 oz. ISitrebe Silver: 8,000 0 Red Flatus* CIO lb. Fowlers Solo 9,100 Itltudin; tlan ; 1 400 0 Prepared Chalk 090 " Pole. Osttuit-; 000 ° Bine Vitriol; ides; :10,80e 0 Med. Este ard SCO Citrate Oaths 2,030 Prep. Iron mato sides; 640 0 Pole. Liquor -600 " Pule. Capsicum Ice Root; 400 Osteghn; 4.t0 Olycerinel LOX " White Wax: ,6,000 ° Prep. Mercury; 7,040 " dimple aerate; 49 " lodine; 1,660 " Resin ° I 920 Ipecac, Pair; 960 Cali:aye Bark; 320 " Dover'. Pow -0,000 " Ghioch's Bulph dere; Low Chloroform; 18,400 " Flaxseed; 50 Uolloltion; 3,000 0 Ground: DSO " Pulver. Gum: 127 " Magnesia; Arabic; Vtat " Epsom Salts; 1,800 " Oopaiba; • 010 doz. Cod Liver Old, 4,000 oz. Creosote; IWO Olive 011•, 1,4/oNp ongs; lbs BoMmeirs Ano, IMO " Caster Didl; dyne; UR 1,800 " tweet Spirits l :oMo " Bahl; Nltte; 7,000 txt. oda; tg) dot Spirits Turpen.!l,6oo candles; • tine; I 340 gets. Ext. CoMie; 1,000 on. Croton 011; 1;700 Mx Corn Starr!: sat the Laudanum; sno " DMA, pond, 750 Paregoric; 111,893 Sagas, White 8,900 dog Camphor and Crushed; Oplmn Pills; 10,000 " Tee Bitit and 7,400 Osthattio Oreeo; 0.000 ORIZMI Par; Tapioca; 810 lbs Prep. Lead; 14400 " Dmicated Egg. 000 BliJerb Potash 140 " Padua; 1,01:0 °War. ydi.Gutta Perch& 1,(Wo lodide 0 Cloth; TOO' Rhubarb; I 6ro " Oiled Muslin; 0.000 Syrup tiqtdlD,.4,7oo " Oiled Silk; 1,600 " Com. Spill Lnr-'4,0 " Suep. Bandag's coder; ;4,803 lbs. Twine. C, cam Tartar, Saltpetre, Castile Soap, Mustard, Hi. Cart. Nods, Rochelle Salta, Purr. Cinnamon, Cocoa, Chocolate, (lelatine, Pulv. Cringer, Nut nog., •leo may be added Nuntleal Instrvinev Ls, Dressing., ha; Books, Stauenery, Furniture, and Ustalogues c►n be had ►t our Auction-rooms, or the Medical Purveyor's 011aca in jilu city, by IOU? 0? personal application. Terms cash In Government fonds. scrladeodtd CHECK BOOBS ON ALL THY Banks and Brokers. DLIEII3 FOB 1666, 111EN0111100111 BOOB', Pau Books, Blank Books, tesiviA.Tlcp pzia it Ir a NYERS, SCHOYKR tt CO.. THE TRIBUTE BOOK ♦ IZOORD 07 TIM lllutetium, Sclt-Sacrifire and Petri°litm -- i..iy. OF Till AMERICAN PEOPLE, I■ Defence 01 title integrity as • Mellon, duffel the War roe the Thelon. BY YRABX B. GOODRICH Actbor of "The ()mut of Aspoteoa,'• o ILLOSIRAT ED Vi 4031. DISIONS DT ova =ll=ll This maga/6cent •ork Is sold an IV DT sabserlp JOHN P. Min & CO. 0 Mill Si. OLASONIO HALL. 0021 SOLE LOOAL AGENTS. TIA BY TENDER, WALKER AND P IMIPTit• of Ihranta, providing tut their amusement for dee year.. INVALID CHAIRS. Fresh lot of the shove fOhalre. Also. 0 ENT'S /04.1) tat LLD/LENS' OAM.P WILMS &I styles. 648 STOVER For braticit Sato And other roan►—all Brea Aloe PLATE WARAIBB. 4 . 00AL VASES. HODS, YEN DZlttl, FLltz4aorirs. SKATES! SKATES!! Oszt's and Call Artur. SILATEtt—sII trtylea,Jcut rftelrett at it. HOUSE-FERRISEIING STORE OF GEORGE W. =BUR, So. 68 Federal Street, allegheni nett' itd pubuo aLLs of RIIILDING LOTS. I aril ogres at public sail, Ott the premises n eat 6felteeaport, on 11•11111 DA Y, DECEIIBISI3 od, 1903, al 10 O'Clock, A. lIIL, THIRTY BUILDING LOTS ! drear Ktesport, Being pert of the Slnaltur taro. Two Lot• oo Blot!, Street, to hi'Neesport. on wtiteh Is ereatod • Taw-star) , Brick douse wttl, nix Rooms and Ua t-Bully tags; also lour Lots near Walnut street, In sale Borough. Tops:--One. ball wish, the balance to two an nual paynaen • will Interest, tb. [molt payment• to to wanted by bond and rnos_tgaon nolintwd JOHN - W. PATTERSON. _ KNOW LE' 8 PATENT STEAM PUMP la olanno l conotrucUon, wall and durably made, really kept In order. and Is In all respects reliable when a large amount of work Is required. Quite a number ate In operation hate, giving eampleta tatislactlOn. Portico needing ► Pump will do well to call I!!Et=2l BAILEY, FARItELL & 00., Mole *amts. 167 111m1110161d Iltreel, SALE OP SERVICEABLE HOSPITAL PEOPEILTY AND 16E010 tNE WAGONS. 0. W. BOTELTII, Jay Auctioneer. literocat. Pintosmaa's Onto; W.rtmirrair, D. 0., November es, ttl6tl. i Will b. solo at potato auction in this city. at Judicial) Square Warehouses, FLU Red E on THURSDAY . MORNING, November ilk it le o'clock a.. 11,, it large lin ot 'minable Hospital Ae., Towels. einbruitif 1.009 Iso* Dirtalost Gowns. 6,000 Hale Pillows. 6,006 Pillow Oms. 6,000 Ertisaokla SAO Dkirartwa&re. 6,000 S 10,050 Omelets. MOW Shasta. 00,000 Blankets. At close of sale will be sOld 24 Medicine Waeon. runner" will be requtrea to pay for and ra mose property wttblo eye days Rots termination orsale, o. surRERLAno, r.calAtd Sun. 01. El. A..sort Dltd.Parrertsr. NEW CONBIGNIMPITES. fro ileka Potatoes; EGO Ulla prime Winter Velar; era boards Onions; NO bale. mime White Navy Bosomy SO do sh 05 pkgs.. Cora Mea aad.4 Pearl Harley; ioe boxn. Graben llbeeeer al).ooma "[solemn Clause; DO WI", Sall Pickles 20 balm. Cranbertlear Lafersi bbla..FrealiAggN Ite bap ••• Liter, and tot pie by 1 OItAIT k atITER., 800 Na fig Liberty stmt. 00K, BAWL Aruiti', 6 4o.7 4l ` 4 w 4 / 4 0 044 itc4k* ,nozwilsoiatritimv •4 , And W klub of NANEM Ma bp -, 201911, SCOT%' At hts New Cfroacry.Nl Matti sta corm rim 13T RHO ELVED.—TEN BARRELS store tr gNgt i ey Iwi tit t rea aunt, tale . 110 t Latillitrattat. • WCIBO 6 -5 . BlatßlLlati gads ; '/{131313, ••••• Jut itpaatred *ld Itre tale FACTXR & A TROAG, Cromer Matt add Yini etnew DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &C POSITIVE FiALIS - E. 3 N E W E ..F. I K NEW DRY GOODS, Gardner & Schleifer's, NO. 92 MARKET STREET Russia Crash. let pieces extra heavy at 12!4 ceote per yard sold everywhere for 20 <vote, except at clembriza n SORLEITER'S. Prints. One Cale St 20 cents, One ease at 25, one case at St. said everearbera at RI coats, except at GA.RDNER a 80H.LESTEEPS. 4-4 Bleached Shirting, 0., a ue very 9.e, only II cents per pun, cold everywhere for le ante, except et GAIII/h7III & 8011LEITER'S. 44 Shirting and Sheeting. 'Very extra quallt ), for r*i neat., sold emu where at 60 and 024 mints, except at GX.4I.D. NES k SOHLEITEICS. Printed Delaines. 5 11fl e tl:S e p s 'rraTs P oliffiltff.l ely 4-4 French thintzes. Only et y r2it n azll -` ,7rti r i e .ii n . T 'S. 7-8 and 4-1 Linen Sheeting. Only 'Nand 60 coats per yard—ebeaper than ootton—aan only be found at GARDNER a SCEILE/ Balmoral Skirts. Only t 2 sold everywhere at It 50 Black and Colored Silks, Cheaper than any house west of New York, to be ooftylnced, come and see. S. G. HENRY ti (1, A ugtloneu4 satin Plaid Poplins, Double Fold, Plaid sad Stripe, srr►t he, gains; only el% cents. Sold everywhere so 81 per yard. Plaid Satin Empres?, Book Fold, beautiful gocKln coup ►t n elk OASTINEII h SealLt/TER'S price only 6144 teal*. French Merinos, Poplin', Rayon, Emmen Cloths Bombs. Maim, (lorded Morino." and Dalalngs,mo -811k Lustros. French Plaids, Scotch Plaids, Paisley Plaid, black and orbits Malec all aim good. Cheaper than them all, for OrTE WEEK. or dorms this GREAT SALE at GARDNER & SORLETTEiPS. Cloth Gooks, Ww you buy at is 06, at El Mt at elo 00, at 1:11 00, at $l4 CM, at ele, at sr! Cs% at Ma 00, at pa so. nay .tyles to West {roi} . 1 9 1 . 6 001 (Soak, dulaper flan als•whare, at our Eqoah MA Shawl Scums., Id Market area. Table Linens, 11/}Oll mum.. Tweeds, lrg omits. Gaul mares, ling sesta and 11 • Mond. chop. Everything cheap daringhe mat eats roe one wank, at GARDNER S SOHLETTEJTS. EH gores. Eastquality. Mita/tad or plain, only 11 60. nolLitawdtt SKATES 10 FIFER STREET Ladles, S 1_ A 'T _IE, S FOR SALE. LOW BY THE PITTSBURGH PAPER MA NU ACITELCIO 00.1124L1TY velar tot eats 1.100 bells. Crown Wrapping Paper 1.000 Wis. D. C. mod D. EL do. They have also on hazel are aonataatly re [rem their 701 ANIMA PAPER c e r2 .nlirb• nue aline, HARDWAIIIS PAPER .1 all sleights and algae, Pll.lrfTS, DST and EILTU• RATED 1100 1./N0,1.1., no. WANTED, 1,000 TONS OP GOOD,RIXED RAGS. WAREUOESE SP. THIRD STEEL - 7, anal PLITSBILIIIGH, PA. - THE GREAT PURIFIER! HEMAPANAKA A MOST REMARKABLE ARTICLE AND PO5 ITIVE CURE FOE Scrofula, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Itch, Dyspepala end Pim THE SKIN. AND ALL DlorAtias OF KIN. As • Tort., It too oppoutoy panooted gestlon and wholly rertom ths abyrolts lump lad It ovals but • trial to prove tta virtu For solo by NIXON JOBNEITON. Drusztot, on unser arortaarte sad fourth drools. MEDICAL.—O. W. BUVIN GER, !LCD PH YSICIAN AND SCHOEON. Late Surgeon of the 91t11 Segment Maio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, :(Sherrm'e Army,) offers hie profeeelonal Berrien to the citizens of LAWRENCEVILLE AND VICINITY. •raczet.ll.lll.lTlo3 ram TO Surgery and to Muses of the Bye and Su, N. B.—The Doctor will keep on hind end fur nish, et ressoneble clisrges, all medicines to dB patrons. OFFICE ON BUTLER STREET, between Ewalt and Belletentelne streets. BEBIDENOE UN OIIESTNITT STREET. ninth house shore Butler street. no=lwd NEW TOYS, WHOLESALE ANH RETAIL. at Prrrantrizoli. PA- J. G: LAUER'S, VARIETY AND TOY STORE, No. 10l Market /Street. NEAR FIFTH. lieboletate bumsam Invited to call earlps to tntlt own advantage, beton buying 'bowline. Cola 7 1ONDE3 AND !STOOKS FOR BALE. Co shares Peoples' National Buds; AO " Columbia 011 Company; 000 " Oil 13amn do do 100 " Afleghesy and Pittsburgh 011 Co.; 000 " Phlla.; Lancaster t Marry Bun do; es,oce Allegheny O IL} alvalolpal Bona; 2,100 Allegheny Valley IL lahlßortfillgs S'e; 1,010 Butler County Vs; Ilultel States Bonds of all kinds. WANTED, 163 slums N. k M. National Bulky .to Exchange do do 600 o Fleming and Blood Ort Stocks; n Eldorado do 'I Paxton do Bonds reo Dounty, GOLL, AND COUPONS botight tt ttlabeat market rates. 11011INSON, NoOLEAN k 00., n02,1:1W4 • No. 76 Eoartli 4reet. AA SALE SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT BUR , Contng SO ieros.Aso aro la Timber, th e balance o AlgAttato ot Culttuo us and ontin soot foam_ TM Samovar:tont& us oroodont bullt,Eottosr, Unita Erra ta , StoMo ad - other °ono:Along". e. barn:ham:l 6: Os Out retrofit.* or fruit Theo in NI twirls& atm all kinds of stcualtrolt.ond arirtinrit iW oprisgs,„auustel Afters Wotan Attre boat ea toklay,StaUort. Tate suer thq .pleu4taat ,PsOrn now adored ., AppEr to . aosm 8. SrOLtatt SPEIWER ,;,- rAik.iikur.liii -- 'kk ALB Phattistr Meant in , -- &olds, -. • . , — mils tti iir • - T 4WBENCEYWIAB RAVI 68 BAAS.. 1, - , -;Perstersttesiropp o.trabiari? to tit* stork of - PIAWBANCEVIGLE Skil:NOß lierno Will end the books at Dr. Hanna , sloMae, enut kr. But. kr. greet. Moo . helm Clam it p. rr. to rp. t, snot Um I to r 1 , . ra. samin3 AT PRICES BELOW, SKA TES! SKATES !!! 2,500 PAIR Genla and CZ Ildren a J.1,17E8 BO 14'.1r, No. 136 Wood Street •a Itshi, do aesT7. (ILLOOD CURE.) FANCY CFCX)DS, 110 LIDA Y PILES EATS. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &O. AIiOTHER OfEM 0 J,,W, BARKER & CO,'S, 69 MARKET STREET. SILAS, SILKS, Plain, Ftruxed and Stri ped. ' Nolte Malone—all col VELVETS, SILKS, Blaek—Lll sridtt. EC= REPPS, XT.RI.rOS, 11,11 colon and style. 1 vcrytakei6p. All colors at sl,eo and up wards. CLO.4IES dXD C L MIMI." G. POPLIMS, Plsin u:ld pLsld—all col ors, ln all klida And ctyles— reducal PRIL/rlB, LUSTRE'S, At IS;c., formerly 3C. •nd et R6c., f 0r.. 1 7' very cheap-101 kinds. 3i305c.., yard w 16.• ditto, ain. formerly 666 j .)7VSL, DELAIXER, 1.1%c , forsseilY 25c , " tic, 31c., o Ws. At 2fie., formerly tB. At 21e., $. 4De BRAWLS, rita.rvirELs, Cashmere Long M reduo, Weilied, at 3710. el priers; 'Wool Long,' Plain, • reduced greatly. 'Heavy BITTed, at 61)(c EVERYTHING CHEAP IN PROPORTION COUNTRY RERCIUNTS Will Save Money by Examining OUR STOCK BEFORE' BUYEG MACRI7X, GLYDE Piz CO, Noe, 78 and 80 Market Street. r r 91 CM3I3EI TRIIIIISGS,NOTIONS YARMY GOOD Itespectfully call Ufa ottattion of WHOLESALE BUYERS To our LARGE .rd VARIED STOOK OF EV EBY /NINO PERTAINING to• WELL HEFT TRIMMING nous& Our Mr. lIAGAII Ls now lo the DLit buying and .ending borne ail the NOVELTIES That ere to be foto& Oar ►fn will be to SELL GOODS AS LOW AS SETUP THE ESETESN, JOBBERS, We can and will do tbli r as we - FIVT BY THE CASE from the WAIIIIPLOTUBERS and from /P7IIST HABIL& Please call 424 JIXAILIRE our GOODS And Compare Prices. MACEIIM. GLYDE & CO.. Nos. 18 and 80 Market Stree, AT RETAIL, BALMORALS. BALMORAL'S WI offer for tale a 1101 of VERYBESIIIABLE BALMORAL SKIRTS, wAlel ►ro ►er7 rromP, $ 1 follows: One Hundred $4 00 Sktrt4 for $3 00 One llandred and Fifty $3 for $2 . 50 PiIACEEIC GLYDE & 04, Nos. '7B and 80 Market Street BATES A BELL. COTTON COODS LI co WIN. NEW STOOK Or PRINTS. 1111,111011801113 MUSH AT THE Lowest Prices. 21 FIFTH srnmir. NSW GOODE, !HAMM & CARLISLE, HO. 19 FIFTH STMT. New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Rankles, Rich Silk lieltinf—a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Col ars and Setts' Needle Work Edgings arclinserting, Cambria and Hamburg Banda, RMagic Ruffling and Oasbs Fr il linga, eal:bread anarrenahva American and English Nadal% Gloves and Gatuttlettgistyles Ze vr, Wool and • Yarns, es and-Ohildrens' oan U Babolccal Skirts-:now Aides I , T iler Bkirts. hash Carn Tiea ets, Latlo33oll intirte Q , /an Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—au sues. AND.DZAWIB UM ticii sOiThirid uta will lad it to • van , las craitoaktrottre panatiaps. „ IdACRIM & exciters, NO.t.fIPTIL STBlSETt?Atitriagh. Pl6ll DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &e 17 Furl' STREET 17 FIFTH STICEET EMBROIDERIES 1:101.DAIII3 AND BETS LINEN ElaiD/LEROIIIEFS AT EATON'S. THREAD AND FRENCH viaLEl_ __r____ GLOVES AND HOSIERY AT EATON'S. LOOP SKIRTS (DUPLEX) AT EATON'S. DOMINO UNDERSHIRTS AT EATON'S. DRESS TRIDINJENti AT EATON'S. OLOAX TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS MILLINGS AND SEFFLINOS 4 ,7 AT Stamps. GENTLEMENS. SHIRT COLLARS AT EATON'S. BELT BUCKLES AT EATON'S. ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES AT ELTOIPS JOVIZIPS EIDS BONNET RIBBONS EC= FANCY NECK TIES ALPACCA ,BRAIDS The above la only a very mall part of the rtheit ered st the OLD STA ND. ' An usortment can now be erre*, not only to consumers, but to the Trade, that glll challenge competition with any stock ever brought to this shy. They were bought upon a fenny Ms/heti and will be sold at close Aguas. F. H. EATON, (Successor to EATON. MACEOU it 00.,) E=l JOSE.PH ROIME & CO., HAVE JUST OPENED NEW (31. 00 &•]DS, I) rem Trimmings, Cloak Ornaments, Beal Lace Goode, New Style Belt Buckles, Best Make gaff, Batt ings, Head Ornaments,.New Beck Beads, Hamblin flomichiss, Et.M!".. Handkerchiefs, Balmoral Skirl* Breakfait - Shawls, tante' Knit Hoods, Infante, Zephyr Leggin', New INeprese Bldits, Glories and Garmtlein, terUnderwear for Mao, Ladies and Chil dren, Jenvin end Alexandre Kid Gloves, Ladies' White -Castor Gloves: :The above and manj other Goods In Great Variety, at WHOLESALE AffD RETAIL: JOB HORNE it CO., 77 Ina 11 SLAHEET waotEsegt ROGOMS lIF stalks. eon No. 81 Market Street. You will fled II WI fine strortatent LADIES, GENTS' AND BUSSES' MMES.. wooilzilmobs, sorreas. mewls, on. EETtI, HOOP EGLERTS, EXCRO/DERIER. LACES. ae. AL/ if:LANGRES ETD GLOVES, INYANTS , EIRIVD ROSES momusorps b - r.ts smars, _ _ /./ERVE PATENT MOLDED COLLARS. w. w. noonlitazre et DIALKIEZT STREET SEWING MACHINES THAT ARE PREMIUMS. Read the List: The records of the 111401511 Imistrtint mecksolf cal and Loaf:sty lel affectations throughout the country are. strzificant of the popti.larity of the WHEELER & WILSON MAUliiiti.E. They hare damped upon ft RE PLUS ULTRA. The American Institute New 'York, reports : "This Machine makes the LOOK STITCH; and ranee highest on &coolant of the elsatldty, permanence, Meanie, and general deetranbleneas of the ettichlng.loon done, and the Wide range or Ha &pp:1.1111.n TA. report was to accordance wan the previous repeated eerards at the Pair a the-United States Agricaltural Society. et the Fain of tau American Insulate. N. Y. Aecaantes• Aso:icinglen, Boston. Franklin Institute. Phila. Kentucky 'magnate, Louisville, Boehanlea• 'mistime e, Baltimore. Boehmiw• Association, Cincinnati. fecaanirs• Asmiciation. Bt. LOS:It& ineelninics . Institute, Ban Francium. "Metropolitan Neel:wiles' Instigate, Weabbagton, And at sallUse State and County Faits whorevet Exbibilnd. The battle-fields of NapoMoe L were tamely more onmercal than the forelisteonteets of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. PARIS IN 1881, LONDON 1N1832. LINZ AND KOZNIGSSFRGIB62, DANTZIO, AQRSM & NR/DO /884, DUBLIN. STETTIN, COLOI:in AND MAN= 1865. Bent testimony to the irperlority Ord Braebllut and its eyorftistion abroad. At all theft Internee Mould Annlhitions, the bast- traits of loralga grains were snared against Ilt.; but litar, ea hem, NS star of its &Way is always in the astindant. thawse no human leap:way could be 'treater hat wlllerr Lae been aceorded this aliablue for superiority ova - 411431*ra far foosileuse sad for general staartfecturing yegyeses. A machine whose merit net ek ellemom mph a world wide re. mownaad ideates,- WARIZAZITEID- THREE MUMS. by a. responsibla soasysLay, brayed, to the hosts of the purchaser. insarnsUons_slyen -10. p without extra charge. and e&WWletioe . teas, it la to mammal:4 , lo boy,.aod there Ls as InTestsserialrblah pays a Ottros.intsrest ice briny mare sorafort, health, bapplaalS .aad toLef toads bouashobL and see Shemin operation, or send tot Carataars Sad temple of sows. - E• P. CARITNISR, Cikvizierahl .a.cozLt, .310.77 pwriz rirrastrituvr. sitetTlydawr • -• • • - DIBSOLUTIONS*-•= no_pAßTNalia/iIP 1T0r...A01., The %de,. t trirrEE RI has Wag I=lt aiarad tad a matter taat, is a ,oar an34,L• . a loyh Oat/ants thewag .1111 hen .170-bathatilliteith , thereetee belittle", will ocattnasa at at? .ZIEW. 5LW45711.. la-__ o ol4llllB ' • 'or 00BECT Mr= A.4taciaztry , I l lVEltialinv, - nawaHArriukairmAOS RlCati.Y railbrom-nt,-- aottlar; *. 18430LITTPON , OP TXXPART223III, s • elt[Pr6.22taTartoretly ihreetolooreeborlhe between Oa veareignot t ,erelve the Armee of CHIGUITOrrik w., tasluantftetiut WIN Pratt aid o th er Boom has this der - bolo by rattail temorraL ----- .07 4 Plttehtlighdllept.Bo; V3t4. memo?Rl3v ---- ,'Wll; =M At •• • 't ~7EcitorilaCitUNlV DT YNCO.,I ail Pearl and %ear Mtn 8008 eV Lrasarr aTa ; rrrrstram L . , At E&TON'S AT EATON'S. .6T ELTON'S. AT EATON'S. AT EATON'S. AT EATON'S. AT EATON'S AT EATON'S I=l I=l AT LATON'S AT EATON'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers