t. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ' 2 . . Dalin S flown !. Down Cotten Goods, at Bates and Bell'. R. 7.t rum street..— Neutral Sulphite of Lime, Fir prestreine cider. For sale by Or=lei toper, minnist, corner of Penn and St. C7lar street.% May the Beet Sod► Ash aid Pot►Sh la the city, ►t 'Leming , s Drug Stole; No. et, Market Street. Bny Pure Liquors, For Medicinal purposes only, at 'Fleming's Drug Mime, Mo. 64 Market street, and PM will get s re -11010 article. . The Gay and Fashionable, Are titildnit theta attention to the Favorite Bar bat'a Toilet Soap, made by IL C. it J. H. Sawyer. It is becoinierall The rage. 151:ay ao canto a cake HEror thef Army, for the ' havy, and tor Thei world ls so inundated now with medicines "ysiceiptescriptiOn ighlett.are warranted cures for every tnown and unknown specie; oi disease, flotilla Sufferer drift it ahnost impossible to dis tinguish 'between good and bal. Some of Ilidurpronderfal fluids profess to cure every corn pisint known to the ?detects Medics. In speak ing of Hostetter , . Bairn we refer to a prepare. 'tied Whitt' limits itself to one depstment of the bCdy—rhsi stomach—the Irregularities and disco. 'Ocelot Which it not only claims to cure, but does. is, retailalien has become world-wide, and from the-Pacific to the . Atinntle, in boil. nomtepherea Aladlincver , 7 latitude and - zone, it to knoienand `ezeplayed as it remedial Limit._ Posoas who lune been tipteitedli deee!ved, siesbaps. esnoot be constoced that Hostetter Bitten. tell! effect sure, rapid, and permanent - cuts, Bit-this assertion Is eoutirmed by tests. ffnizalal letter from the most distionished men in -the smutty. All who have muss used these Ble. tars keep them now by their aide as a safeguard, believing that "an ounce of prevention to worth a gourd of ann.". The digestive oxyarts which haist, bean violated and prostrated by excessive or irregular iaduli Wittieo.oXppetlte, will ha restored to that? normal ontulltleds oU thin wixuledul meth . Burton Traveler • " Neutral. Sulphite of Lime, preserving elder. For see by Charles Super, Druggist, *corner of Penn and St. Clair street., Fall and Winter Goode. It t great pleasure we call the stead:lon of lesslcla to the superb stook of Fall and Winter : r .tgingslejnst received be Mr. Joins Water Merchant Teller. No. Lhl Federal street, Allegheny. Rio otaaltsmarsoes some or the rarest awl moat beip sgalockt..4xLsasimf..rego.mrotuttn r sanaverti ng `;fienribninito,K Itintwsttant trutticas. no enact ment rumtininn Gonda. tom:Wain: Witt. lOrewen, Collars, Neck-tics, Hahnsachiste, cannel bean:tinned ant or wen A AMU stock etreadynaffe Pante, Coate, Pena and Onecoeta will sleohe found at hie establishm.....e panfous. hi want ofanYWngin the clothing ma stoma not tall to give ea. reeler a sell. , - heridilta ;W. Pam A; Oa, , Practical Slate) Roofers, and Dealers In 6.ll3CliClai Slate of varlone colon. Office at Alecumdet ltastanv,lnear Inc Water Works. iltutharalu P,O,Restillenele. NO; -78 Pita - duet: Orders Pkin4o4l4tended to, All work Warranted lista .prooc..iicons et theahortast Who: No ablip proopa the roof is not StinSe 4 /t 4SPUtt O34, ' ~ 'ltetiliiirSiilpiiito of Lime, Tor viiitr+Ois FO! - sale by Charles Super Ptivest; tornerof Penn . sod St. Clair streets !Coe'a DYBPepaLl Cure Mee not eibilaride and excite the patient miter ere; like . althertiolie bitters and bereasges, MI ad. ilisthted to tale Omelette, but It ie a medicine most wandeiduirse' 'adapted to all diseases of the stomach nail bowels. • Bold at Jensen Pranasto's Drug and Patent Net Value Depot, No. at Market street, corner of the Diamond, near Fourth street. Tahipertng with the Teeth -Is ' , millets:l ths ectrosts - a dentardees, sub. mit to no serspir.g, use.nsthtng but Sozoilonc. ~Crtlent herb - JOS:silts ingredients. It preserves the enamel. Wtemoves an impurities. It strength ens the mai. It deceerims abail:AUL breath, It Ii harmless As meter std mare valuable rhea It. weitat 123 gcikl. . Carpenter JoblAtis_SlloP. Slaving returned after an absence of three years In the arm? ; /hive liwpened my shop for all sorts of Jobbing to the empenter Mae. at the old stand. Virg loAtle4hettreen Southfield street and Cherry Alley, Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Virtues Faiitll37. 4ust °pried, -Our Saw Clotho; house, at 63 Filth street* whets to offer #2),C00 worth of clothing reganllast of ° 9 12 ...0.P 1 4 BalL,- noecim C. 1311.14Deattlat, 246 Penh Street, AttereLs proiciptlE to all bullpen la his proles slot VARIOUS ITEMS. Ton Strati illed by disease hronght on by CXCessive dissipation. It is but • short time since be was declared to be In the finest physic al health andeondithas of any man In England. • , • Bet befell into bad,habita. After his battle with '. - Heenan he threw off all restraint and plunged f ' Into all kinds of excesses of Hying and Of lire f" bones . • The result In a little while was the total a . 1• wreck of the once admirable physical man. EMAIL as tor b fond Its way into Nashville, . Tema., in a dangerous and even dreadful form. In a miserable building, on the bank of the riv i, es, erected as a temporary shelter for patients ;put Off from steamboats, now Ile over sixty , three human beings In all stages of this loath. I some disease, white and black mingled together, , no fresh air, no wholesome fool, no modielne, i no attendance. 'serge is a genuine "war of races,' , at New i Orleans,between the Creole and American cit- I irons, all about the teaching of French in the ••-• I ~ public schools. The American element has con - trol lathe city, and Is determined that French I shall not be taught, and that the next genera , • .. ~tion of Creolu will be thoroughly American ized.' • ON Thursday afternoon, -a fl - eight train from • . the west on the Toledo, Wabash and Great ! Western railroad Iran off the track at Island Grove station, in consequence of the displace -4 , meta of a switch, smashing up the teem:Retire , and several eats, killing the enalncer, Darn' Join:mon, and seriously injuring the fireman, a brother of the engineer. Tor..Eruldent has approved the death eau. lance of two citizens of Georgia, named Chris telpher C. R•ase and John - I.i. Brown, who were convicted by a come martial of the murder of a degro woman named Nellie West,in Tahaferrn County, in that State. The executions are to • = take place OD the drat Friday in January, I tAT SlanblnaVAlC, last Friday, a train ran into a funeral procession, passing over the track at Market atrect, The engine struck one of the 4 , carriages knocking it Into splinters,' but stranze to say, none of the Inmates were Injured. Carram Datums,* somewhat noted colored . , orator. died in Leavelivrorth a few days since, ! '. while alt fait warts 8 4 i-Ouls to, engazein the ' i ' ' Minims now being Inaugurated by the people of , _Missouri in behalf o; universal suffrage, • AN Investigation of cotton frandal• araba t z t „ shows that, of 90,000 hales of forfeited *oared; erase cotton, nine tenths, worth some 815.09.0.. COO. has be come the prey of swindles, official and nOtt official. , Ton Catholics of Chi l calm have formed an as :j i sedation with a tapital of $200,000, fur the purpose of building • hall to be called the Cali -1! site Hail. It will ho a stock association with shares of r-s each. • !EDWARD A roLlAnn, formerly editor of the Mel/mond Enquirer, but more recently of Fort Warren, Is about to become editor of the Rem, .phla Araimiche, In a receni chinch trial at Independence, Dia /Mal,, between. tiro Northerd and- Southern T-',4IN Methoditri„ the former , galned the 'an% and /ttliapoasesalemof the church property. 'A fatties who brought milt ;cellist a;l a i rail 'road hotapanyin Oinetrinatl, for being ected rrenn , one of Us Farlc-has recesered a et or r'. *Boo 43Thats: j, forgiving • - 'Alas ernatoserr has been indicted at Detroi j, 7. forgivingforgiving false Warne of the, recei t pts of hie' , • .4Peralln.ontertainments there. • ^, Qa elFetion day at °Pala; Ala., a hotlylf , ft , ro4 came to that swage, and informed _,... u& =plum that they 'sighed to Tote, T , Utz - total assessed:valuation of New. Orleana Ja49B,7BB,grs7pdgerease of four and a half millions slnee lastyear. • Air elfortie'lieing made In the Ind Lana Loth., _ latyrelo I Tpcid.4.fle,hlaek laws of that State. Tann la abillukthe exc. of „New England, and 'has two and a half Millions of Inhabitants. , pittsbuto elmdte. CITY XrESID3. Every One. -- • ---- DUMary Illaveme tin In the South West-. Preparations Against Penian Raid In Canada—nlarine Disasters. etc. NEW Yore; Nov. 25.—A letter to the Galvea ton_Texas News, dated -instils, Nev. 4th says, Gen. Dr to. an lye there on the evening of the 2nd. Gee Custer akb Me command of three Regiments of Cava'ry, would soon arrive; this is understood to be the bees of operations for defence of the frontier Counties. A letter from Montreal says, the inauguration tit Ottawa as the new Canadian Capital, was fairly completed by a meeting !there of the Executive Council on Tuesdsv !Ent. Arrangements of the Provlr clal Government for meeting the anticipated Fenian rat; are not relaxed, but no mere volunteers are to be sent to the frontier for the present.. The ship Thomas Denham from London for New York. went ashore au!Jonet Beech Long Mond yesterday. The strip Panama from New York for Galveston was wrecked on the 24th on the Grand Bahamas. The Captain and crew Were saved and arrived at _Nassau. The Brigs Weton and Mettelton had arrive:tin N algae on the 2nd Inst.. with damage (from the /ate gale. sixteen wrecking vestrels went ashore on South Berment Island and twenly-oaal went ashore inißerment Harbor, during the gale. Casey and hictiowou's Riede Jitetory and • large block of :buildings on 'Atlantic dock. Brooklyn, were destroyed by are this afternoon. Lots heavy. Six thousand emlgrauta arrived here during the week. Tbf Mew Ma 0.25 —Tbe t'emmeretal,t Washington special sem :As the _President coin ' pities a section of the meesage. It is Put in type at the confidential Printing office of the Treas ury Depollute= and proofs sent td bin for 'pe rusal. Tne steamer dram aalled 1044 for Europe, returning her regular trips that were suspended • In the-beginning of the we; when the rebel cruisers began Met operatione: List night the detectives arrested Henry pe ters at his gambling institution in this city, on a armee of robbing Mr. James Bell. of Wa verly,;.Tioga entuaty, - New York, of 55,027. The neb f berp, as alleged, was perpetrated on tlu3 :nth o Aogest List, at a house :Is:Mandy. Mr. Peters was formerly a deputy of Sheriff Lynch, of New York. lie is held to 'wait legal Pro eredhnra with • ylew of taking hint to lloga Coady for Mal. The steamers 13t. Patrlck;. naafi, City of Manchester: Arago, My. of Wastaegton, Scot• land, andburg, salted , for Europe today, tithing 5120.000 la spode. The chip 'Thomas Dunham; hetet. reported =bore, has got off and la being towed up. QUarteillialter FlllllO.ll. .LOVUntazi Nov. 2 4. - --lrauds' la the Quer. tormastorDerualmeat of topaz* 1100,000 have blion dirooSead, it is _ragweed that they will tleatfj , exceed amount The callltary ea thorltas base . ;appraised the mates for the mama. . . -. • Binnacle to Gcliertiiir' - Penton. • Yotic,,Npr. Jterneada:of Genets:for Fenton at the Flfth Avenue Hotel lest nyealng, a largo number wia'prosent. The'Goi ennar appes, on the balcony and mada.a beet tpeeibi !lab waa Latinist to witktnet often ft; • - • THE DAILY OIL INTELLIGENCE. We have received Intelligence of a strike hay ing been made on the A. Buchanan Farm, Oil Creek, within the past few days In which 'the Oil Basin Company of Philadelphia and same other cc inpanles, are Interested. The well k located on a high bluff near Rouserllle, and the oil was tapped at a depth of nearly eight, hun dred feet. The exact production of the well has not is yet, been ascertained, bet it is thought that It will be a good 0 1 1ie. "Casino" Wetts—A Goon MocEREET.— The "Bnchanal Fri.;m" and — oll l l3eudn" Petro leum Companies have concluded to have all the wells on the Buchanan Farm cased, which, it is claimed, will greatly Increase the production In the aggregate. The wells on the widow Mc- Cllntock Farm have already been eased, and the result is highly satisfactory, and a movement Is now on foot to have the wells on the John Mc- Clintock Farm cased. A Titusville correspond ent of the Erie Dispatch gives toe following interesting particulars of "casing i" "For the last two years many experiments hate been made on what is termed dry holes. The latest and most Important one Is that of casing. Thus far it has proved successful. No. 120, Holmden farm, owned and managed by Smith & Barnum, experienced operators en the oil regions, is the first well tubed in this man, err on Pithole. Tritscwell was cased, or in other words lined withettireo inch tubing, the fleet Fart of last week. and tubed on Saturday last, and commenced pumping Immediately after. It Is now producing 40 barrels per day. Before being cased It was thoroughly tubed and tested, and was pronounced a failure by many able judges. "The mode of operation Is as follows: TI4 rock underneath the third sand on Pithole, and second sand on Oil creek, Is free from water courses. A well made seed-bag Is fastened to the lower end of a three Inch tubing and low ered below all water courses. The well Is then tubed In the old way—wlth the exception of no need-bag—and ;.umping commenced immediate ly. Should the production not equal the Ex. cut tors of the operator, he can easily raise or lower the pump by Inches, and in this manner place it where the production is the largest. The Collins well, Blood farm, Oil Creek, when tubed in this manner, produced two hundred barrels per day. When tubed In any other way it will not pump over ten." Beaten OE STEWART'S ItCs. The Plttabtirgh and Stewart's Run Oil Company of this city have received intelligence of a strike having been made on their property. on Stew art's Run. It is located on what is known as the Dawson Farm, and only about half a tulle from the well struck by the United States Com pany some weeks since. The well at last ac counts was flowing salt water and oil, sad the idicatlons for a go3d well are considered highly sencourmanc. - “nro STROM” Olt TIM 111,E6ITENT RITEH• The Meadville Ropatlicau gives the following particulars In reference to the big strike on the Allegheny River some days sines On Friday. the 17th of November. about 3 o'clock r. this well, which la owned ofinel pally by a Mr. tones. of New. York city, and which had seen flowing some oil, was bored two feet deeper, when is immediately began to flow, throwing out a tremendous stream of gas and oh. Eye witnesses say that the oil filled a four inch pipe, and was thrown with great force. A 112.3 r. x. the gee took lira and a terrible con flagration ensued, destroying five tanks which contained six hundred barrels of oil. Two men et the well were severely burned. The fire wan finally extinguished after destroying about eight thousand dollars worth et property. The well Is on the Miller Farm, eight miles be low Franklin, and is 640 feet deep. Reports and estimates vary as to the yield of the well. Some estimate It at eight hundred barrels a day. It has created great excitement In that vicinity, and a large advance In the val uation of property there. It is now believed that by boring to the proper depth and reaching the third sand rock, as big wells will be obtained on the Allegheny river as na Pithole or 0.1 Creek. STRIELff AND Fin gnu or Prrliota Netts. The Titusville Herald of Saturday says, that hate of: the most Important items from Pabole la'that the Inland well was yesterday discovered to have stopped flowing. The stoppage of the Homestead, United States and Island wells, howt 'cr. are more than counterbalanced by the sew wens Constantly betel; struck. We hear of another to-day, viz: US, Holmden Farm. Her precise yield bas not beep aseartalaed, bat the bide fair to be a good well. Tun people of Nebraska are tardily waking up to the Importance ci having a State Organi zation, with Senators and a Representative la Congress to look after their interests, particu larly as regards the Pacific railroad. Colorado and Kansas - are cainblited In an effort to change the route, and bare four Senators and two Representatives to work together for that end, against whom Nebraska with equal population and superior clalata, has only one delegate. The enabling act of of 1864 gave Nebraska the right to form a State government. Her people bare hitherto refused the opportunity, fearing the cost. • A - 70C - Nc man and a young woman were burned to death OD' Thursday of last week, in Franklin county, SAO - ant, while trying to save some hay from being ,burned by a prairie fire. The young lady survived about three hours in terrible agony; the y'oung man was instantly consumed. Large numbers of prairie fires bare occurred in the newly settled districts of Kan sas, and a yeu considerable amount of proper ay has been destroyed. Govninon Crtrrrr has been confined to the rxeentire mamion aline Ids return DOM New York, nnt/I Friday when he took a short ride, and It Is reported he Ls mach Improved In strength. OVER $ 2 0.0C4),000 worth of rallroad property, belonging to the Government, has been sold to .southern railroads on credll, and their notes taken, some of them to run two years. is President's Kemp twin: Printed_ Robber Arrested—Dioseinenti of Steam. era. LATEST NEWS BY .TELEGRAPEr Our Special Dispatches. FROM WASHINGTON toldlers lb Government Employ MEMOBIAL IN Tara BEHALF. Proposed Reduction in Taxation. MODIFICATIUM OF THE HEVENER LAW Ingenious Smuggling Dodge EENTIME3IB OF THE BOILITHERE UNION M National Financial Affaire Fpccial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. The National Boldlers' and Ballots' Union, League, are preparing a memorial to Con— .geese, asking the repeal of the law passed last session, which deprives disabled soldiers' who accept employment under the Gov ernment, of the pensions to wench they would otherwise be entitled. The crippled clerks ar gue that they occupy only the poorer places, and If they perform their duties well, they know of no reason why they should lose the meagre Pea- Ilion, which, at the best, is but smell console. tins for:lifelong disability. A member of the Senate finance committee stated that he is in favor of a reduction of tax. ation to the amount of one hundred millions of dollars. The condition of the treasury next year he thought would justify this abatement though be was °noosed to the substitution of a tax on sales for the present income tax. Notwithstanding these semi-official declara tions as to what the licence committee Intend to do there Is good reason to believe that con-. grras will make Important modifications of the revenue laws In more then ens respect and es pecially In the Income sect lone. The Commissioner of Customs ha. received it formation from the Revenue detectives on the northern frontier, of the IlLscovery of an Inge nious scheme for smuggling spirits frem Cana da to the U ailed States, It consists of a mock baby, manufactured out of tin, which is ailed with whisky and swaddled so as to resemble in fantile humanity, and carried In a woman's arms. This is decidedly the sharpest as well as the most successful of the many dodges practiced In the evasion of the revenue on the Canada frontier. The attention of the detective -wh. discovered the ruse, was attracted by the (ac that out of thirty babies in the arms of female, on the Wain, only two gave signs of life by cry.. in. While the others, the tin ones, remained perfcctiy quiet, during a trip of over fifteen The following extract from ■ letter from a prominent Unionist of Richmond, Virginia, to a friend In this city, will convey 11013317 Idea of the fncling among the true loyalists of that State on the aublect of recOnstrnetion, "Let the southern delegations be thrown overboard and military rule continued, end all may yet wra well ," The Faculty of the Medical College of Vir ginia, locatcd‘t Richmond, has proposed to the Freedmen's Bureau to attend, free of expense, all toe freedmen to that city who may require medical attention. This Is done for the benefit of the students, and will be conducted under the supervision of our of the Faculty, who will act under the direction of the Freedmen's Burt, 2. General Howard has accepted the proposition and will immediately detail one of his officers to see that the freedmen are well treated. The number of negroes to and about Richmond is about thirty-five thousand, more than con -half of whom are receiving n:dical attention from the Government. Captain B. Phelps, of Ohio, has been appoint ed by Postmaster General Denniseo, special mall agent on the Pacific steam mall route, be tween New York and San Frenactsco. Captain Phelps, (or twenty-fire yearn past, has been in the navy. Daring the week ending yesterday prise claims, amounting to nearly thirty-two mil lions, were settled by the fourth Auditor. Certificates of Indebtedness to the amount of $9,5714..0 were redeemed by the Treuury last week, while $3,273,025 in national currency were leaned to the banks last week. The total amount now in circulation 141217.385,440. Only two National Banks were estabhabed last week, lie First Bedizen National Bank, capital, $75,000 ; First Nedlonal (lank Kansas city. Missouri, capital, $lOO,OOO. The number of Natrona! Banks now In operation 11 sixteen hundred and twelve, with a total author. 'red capital of $404.0/7.=. General Logan le expected here this week. Congressmen begin to arrive—..hreeor fora western Men came In to-day and a large num ber are expected cm Monday and Tuesday. DIE POSTMASTER GEAERAL'S REPO lams in the Money Order System Propasr 'HERB ip LMOEIT OF 1.100 ALLOWED Prcaldent•a Message its Type XPORTS AND MANUFACTURES DURING THE WAR, Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette- Wasamoros, November 25, 1..0:5. The proof sheets of the report of the Postmas .er General are now undergoing revision, and he expects to be able to place a copy on the desk of each member of Congress on the first day of the Session. Among - other Interesting matters, the report will recommend several Important changes in the posta, money order system. Mr. Dennison proposes to make the compen sation of postmasten of money order offices oniform,Lo proportion to the amount of butilaese done, by substituting fees for clerk bire In the larger offices, to exact no fees on duplicates Is sued In place of orders lost or destroyed, and to extend the limit of amounts which may be sent by a single order to one hundred &dare, ex. peering by these changes to make thelfoney Or der Raman, a source of revenue to the Govern , meetas well as a convenience to the people. The English money order system,-by the re port of Its chief, quoted by Mr. Dennison, has almost enperceded all other channels for the transaction of exchange by mall, in conse quence of Its superior convenience and safety. The Prealdent's messago Is all In type and theproof Ives sent to him to-day for revision and correction. mo receipts from Internal revenue to-day 'was seven hundred and fifty thousand.. dollars.. It has been discovered by the well kliOwn sta tistician of the Treasury Department, Dr. Wm. Elder, that while more than.i'million of men ware In the field, withdrawn from labor daring tbsillearYeers , /&09; '63:od , d 4, wa exported to foreign countries two and three quarter times ctlillt timeentors halo and ba con than in. 1559 '59 and 'CO. It Is remarkable also ihat aur leading manufactures lath; period of the rebellion had not increased over the pro duct of the previous years. _4l COppertiead . Murderer Acquitted. /Moron,. N0 7 . 2 5.—J0ha P. Read, Jr., in dieted for the murder of Jamb Crouse was ac quitted today in. Ma Cott:Cot Oyer aed Termi ner of this comity. The killing of. Cronie was mutt by political &agreement. irking out of tbe late Election. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. -1865 THE NEW ROLL OF THE HOME, Railroad case in the inpreme Court. FREEDMEN yN REDMOND AND MARYLAND. Nrry Tons, Nov. 23.—The Poses 'Mashie; ton special says: Part of , the Prtskient's mca sage was read to the Cabinet yesterday. Mr. McPherson, clerk of the Illouse * has sent the" new roll to the printer. The names of the members for the rebellions States appear on It. In the Supreme Court Chambers, before Judge Clarke this morning the case of floury Stevenson, agent of the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railroad Company was hoard. There was a motion in behalf of the company to dis solve an Injunction obtained at the special term restraining. them from issuing their common stock. The lolanetlon was obtained on the ground that this would be a violatiou of the rights of the owners ofthe preferred stockholders of the mortgages on the Milwaukee and Mississippi Railroad. On this motion the counsel for the railroad, urged that the common stock being higher In price than the preferred stock, the directors were eatitled to sell that as It would be preferable to all parties, and that the court had never obtained proper jurisdiction over that ac tion, and on these and other grounds, asked that the Injunction be vacated. The /Jerald's Washington special says medi cal officers of the Freedman's Bureau In the city of Richmond report the increase of disease among the colored population of that city now estimated at 25.000. It 13 becom ing more apparent that the major portion of the above number have their residence In the city, bile the residue are gathered an large rebel camps that everywhere envlron the town. The orphan asylum for blacks, instituted by the Bureau, has recently been tajon In chart, by the Society of Ftleada there, with about three hundred Inmates now tieing eared for. A rrorulnent lauded p - oprletor I n Mare hind, lately pardoned, was yesterday at the Freed man's Bnrean, applying for the restoration of his property, now mostly under cultivation by the freedmen. The property will be turned over with the zequlrrment that the owner shall pay a fair sum to the blacks now In occupation for the Improvements that have been added to the land, through their agency. This requirement, It Is understood, will be exacted from all owners who make: application under similar circum stances. The IVtrrhPx special says the Cabinet meeting to-day was attended blall the members. Daring Its continuance, all the visitors were excluded from the White Noose. It Is believed the Presi dent read the rough draft of hls mange to the meeting to-day. A Washington dispatch says : By order of the commanding General of the Department of Missouri, approved by the Secretary of War, It Is directed that the military poet established on Powder River, Dacotab Territory. by Brig. Gen. L. Conner, shall be designated and known e Fort Reno, In honor of Gin: Jesse L. Ram, who fell at the battle of Smith Mountain. An order from headquarters, Department of Florida, dire= that the sob -districts of Key West and Western Flarida shall be abolished, and all garrisons and poets comprising them added to the Department of Middle Florida, which will be named and known u the District of Middle Western and Southern Florida. ADVIOES FROM NEW ORLEANS. Imperialists Pire on an American Boat— Explanation Demanded—American Sym pathy for the Metals— Mcila's Non- Interceairse Orders —Gen. Thomas at Mobile—Healthy Condition of Central Misalsalppi —Stealing Mania Tales— Loubilana Legislature Organized. Nrw Oritix, Nov. U.—The raw,' Browns . . Nike letter of the 15th inst., corroborates the statement of the imperlallata firing on a Federal boat delftlagdown the river. The crew ran ashore anti took to flight. The Imperial fire was harmless. The captain of the boat narrowly escaped; a musket ball haring, passed through hiir hat. It is understood that Ilea. Weitzel lieu de- • mended an erp`anatinn of the affair. It Is also understood that there has been a correspon dence between Weitzel and Italia, relative to firing front the American side on the Imperial gunboat Elautona, and the evident sympathy shown (or the Liberals, the nature of which has not transpired. Media's order pmhlidting Intercourse with Brownsville raunot last Irmy, as the Libc . als again surround tic city, and they will be rom• yelled to draw supplies from Brosmarille as berctolore, It is suprnsed the order was issued to prevent lie spies . to Niatanforas. tillourtr.,—General Thomas arrived here this afternoon. fps mission Ia purely on mitten esinneeted with his department and not on State Government. ! Intalilgence from Central lfbudselppi report a healthy condition existing. Personal eaterpriee active, Provisions Plentiful, the negroes well disposed and returning to their former homes, A Columbus.. (Miss.) newspaper la learn:tea that of $8.0.000 collected by a Government agent, but 16000 has been acetimoted (or. lie says the stealing mania Is rempest. In accordance with the law lust now passed by the lightsissipt I Leers Ware, the Tax Collec tor at Vlekstnirg has given notice that he will collect tax to the of two dollars each. The Louisiana Lightlature has been (ally organised. The Governer Informed the body to-day that he waareadi to proceed with tininess. Nothing eLse transpired. W 101Ik REPUILICAN NOMINATIONS. arifir Railroad Commissioners Appointed MEXICAN AFFAIRS IN THE CABINET. Liberals Again Advancing on Nataatoras Nnw Yonx, Noe. 2 3 .—Marshall D. Roberta was nominated for Mayor last everting by the licpublicau City Convention, and Murray Rof man for Col poraticro Counsel. The T - dme's dispatch says: Gen. S. tie, of lowa, Wta. Prescott Smith , of the IIalti• more rt. Ohio Railroad. and CoL J. 11. Simpson. United States Engineers. nave oven appOwled Commissioners on the Kansas branch of the Pa cific Railroad. The Trifor...er special says . Mexican ►@'airs occupied a goad share of the cabinet session for to-day. A Columbus, (Ohio,) dispatch states Coze's ofcial majority over Morgue la 29,933, The fkrald's special says: Conway, late freed men's agent in Louisiana has been ordered to report to (Ritual Flake. The Havana correspondence of the Ileraid has itencan items stating that 81hola le still occu pied by the Liberal". Several imperial succes sor ore reported. The Liberals are agam repor ted to be adranchig on Matamoros. r Visitors at the White liouse.::-Parragut Court Martial, etc. WAMITNOTON, Nov. 2; —among those who called at the Executive Mansion to-day were Lieutenant General Grant, Maier General Ovary, andSecator Johnson, of Arkansas, who was a member of the Untied States Senate with Presi dent Johnson and who is now BOCkilL2 Darden 'for his participation In the rebellion, atrifipeak er Colfax. A number of ladles were also pres ent, urging the claims of Mends for amnesty. One of them was exceedingly earnest la behalf of Marry Selman, of Ma7land. Mts. Bishop daughter of th e late rebel Secretary of the Navy, , Mr. Mallory, is here endeavoring to obtain her father's release on parole. Besides the above named persons, some came seeking office with no recommendation but their own oral state ments and claims un intense loyalty, while oth ers had business of so trifling a character that It could have been attended to by the humblest servant at the White Rouse. The members or the Fermat Corm Martial visited the Rebel. Ram Stonewall today, for the purpose of Semmering her, and of trying the Calling :capacity of that vessel in connection with the trial of Commander Craven, charged with failing to engage the Stonewall In the harbor of Ferrol. Tao Star says that the statement that Judge Magrath and the Rebel Secretary of War Seddon have been released from Fort Pulaski, and Goy. Lubbock frem Fort Delaware, on their pa role, is without foundation and that there is no probability that either will very th en be set at liberty. From California and iVestern , lllestee. Inn Femmes), Noe. 25.—There is a !lair trade for the season. The most important change In prices this week la the fall in pa troleum to eGige7j.l. consequent upon receipts via the isthmus. Breadatuffe moderately AG-. She for export: Wheat, 'two dollars. Stocks, Improved. Money abundant at II h'(3 , ll,ii per cent: • month. Foreign tonnagn plenty at low rates. Prime letters front commercial anus Its Ma zatibi and other, Mexican, Poitils, reached the steamer Joke 8. Stevan, report the feell br ag against the French as becoming 'Wen e*” a gainst the day. • L amtparchases IS wine aid mom commo ties, made to San Promoter° during the soma:l di er onFrench aecount, • have teen rejected by re sorting to the anbterfhge of short weights. EaTment on goods to the amount of 8200 .000. Imparted from Walnuts°, on account of the French la Menke have also been reel:Whited, to o the 'disgust of the parties immallately Interested. VESSELS DESTROTED BY MEL PIRATES. Supreme Court to Sit 'at Norfolk. II TEREBTENG FROM • MEIIOO. Brooklyn Murder Confessed New Tony, Nov. 28.-4 complete list of rebel cruisers, and of vessels ' destroyed by them, has been prepared by the Secretary of the. Ameri can. Shipmasters' Association, and published to day. Altogether there were twenty of these pi rate vessels whose career commenced In Jane, 1161, by the sailing of the schooner Savannah from Charleston, and ended on the sixth of the present mouth by the ordvalet the Shenandoah at Liverpool. Those cruisers captured two hun dred and seventy-ilve merchant vessels, of an aggregate tonnage of nearly ono million tons, which wens either burnt or sunk. The Herald says a ses.slon of the United States Circuit. Court, with either Chief Justice Chose or Judge Underwood presiding, has been ordered to commence at Norfolk, Va., to-mor row. It Is thought by some that its business will be trial of Jeff. Davis. A letter from El Paso, Mexico, dated Oet. 2Gth, says : News had been received there that Gen. Brincourt, commandhig the French In Chihuahua, bad Issued an address to his com mand to make necessary preparations for evac uating the city, preparatory to concentrating his forces at Durango. The writer of the letter expected the State of Chihuahua to be free from the French by the Ist of November. He says Joan, has received reports from special commanders of the army of the Republic that ow, nine thousand Mexicans have heed sum marily tried by the court mania's of Maximil ian, and condemned to desth, sentence In every ruse was speedily executed, and there is no In stance known In which mercy was extended. A letter from Rio Janeiro says that there Is a strong tlde of emtmation from the United Statea to Brazil. Nearly all are refugees from the late rebellion; States. A letter from Georgia says that the late rebel General Gordon la practising law in Atlanta. General Wheeler Is In the commission business at Augusts. General Gartrell Is pramming law In Atlanta and Is a candidata for Congress. General Andenon is In the commission business at the name place. General Hardee Is at Bs vaiseab. and Howell Cobb Is a Macon. The Elerecr, correspondent. who recently vis ited Meant Cents tunnel, says the statements that work had been euspended at any time are untrue. The whole length orehe tunnel will be Ilftteundlee, of which nearly halt Is -com pleted. Pellicle!, arrested for the murder of Oteiro, at Brooklyn, confessed yesterday and Ove In formation which led to the discovery of Bon sales, another murderer. The money was re covered, being in drafts, only one hundred dol lars being In gold and bills, amounting In the enteral° to about $5,000. RIERESTING FROM WILSHINGTON The Speakerahip—McPherson Arranging Preliminaries—New Tort Collectorship —Unexpended fialanceo—The ••Shensu. doeh "...Interview nettVETO the alealcan 'ulster and Gen. Grant—Small Pox Among Freedmen—Disoilawd the Ser viee—Mrs, Sivisittelm's New Papet— Soldlerat Home—The Richmond Prison ers—Cleat Illsanissed—New Reciprocity Treaty—Carpet tor the House or Repre sentatives from England, NEW 'folic, Nor. 25.—The Times Washing ton speetalsays lion. Edward Merherson, Clerk of the iidose, has arrired, mad h derotatz him self to arratt,ng the prelintinarics for the ses sion. Under his direction the Rail of Repre sentatirts is being handsomely refitted. There are few, if any. calls upon the Presi dent in .reference to the New York Collector. ship. The Secretary of the Treason requests the heads of Departments to inciode unernended balances in their estimate., In order that he may apprise Congress as nearly as possible of the amount necessary for the tine of the Gov ernment for the ensuin g years. The e4to Department received adviees Tester turday mornin: tram oar Consul in Liverpool, In reference to the suritudcr of the Shenan doah. The Attorney General has not yet received tLo mbek pirotoe-apPliCatical (Or VW 1 10:6 Senor Romero , Mexican minister, had a lengthy interrle, with General rant y,..ter, day. The irortere Washington dispatch uye that there seems to be rlo oppOSitIOU to Schuyler Colfax's re-election to the speakership. Yesterday evening's Itepicnn says that he has received letters from Henry .1. Raymond and General Banks, announcing that they will not be candidates. The small pox is prevailing to a great extent among the freedmen of Alabama, Georgia and Virginia. Than is eo truth in the report that Assistant Secretary Otto, of the Itterlor Department, is about to be removed or intends to resign. Major Boarnestein. of S . - Loads, has been sentenced by a court-martial bore to be dis missed the service for unottleer•like conduct. Gov. Morton leaves WaShington (or Europe to-morrow. The Trioue's \Vastly gton special save A new Do P ej „_ t ° . b° called Dia Reconsfreectiseed, edited by su ► . elm, is to be tame dintely ..ctuneziced here. -no Tmeis' special says: Colonel Morgan, Superintendent of the New York Soldiers' Agen cy, has been in Washington severed days, and ecernmamtleg arrangementa with the vO. anthontice, for the careof dlaahloi Nernllle w Fork soldiers. It Is coutemplated to lit up at once the Ira Harris Hospital, at Albany, for temporary nag as a Soldiers' Home. .MaJor W. H. Gibbon and George E. Taylor, neemen;jl Quartermasters, and Itrocrt Huh, private, In the reset service on the breaking u of Leo's army, p were In ni r ',,,zend, and had about forty-seven thousand dollen In gold, belonging to the rebel Grvernment, in their possession. Alter leaving Richmond, teeth, tin der 'orders from Taylor and Gibbon, nettled about twenty thousand dollars of the amotiat, near the Dan river. In North Carolina, which they subsequently dug an and spent freely in and about Riche:lona. The lad e becoming known to the government, Taylor and teeth about taro weeks ago were ar rested In Richmond and brought to trilseity and placed In the Old Caoltot. It is supposed that nearly ad the money has been spent by throe, hot the Government has succeeded In obtaining possession of about $l,OOO of The prisoners are still held to await further developueente. A Tribune special says . The German witness Beanme, who figured extensively to the Wirt trial, has been diendued from the laterior De partment, It having been shown that he was a deserter from the 7th New York (Sienben) Reg iment. His real name la Felix OesaeL The World's special says The British Mto later tics been Instructed to urge upon our Gov unman the propriety of making a new Cana dian Reciprocity Treaty. Negotiations to that end will be Opened at as early s day ere possible. The Government of the United States have been for some time obtaining information relative to that matter. ... Colonel Edward M. Lee, late of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade, has been breveted Brigadier General of Volunteers. Lieut, Col. 0. H. Han, Adjutant General for merly of the 3d Army Corps, has been breveted Brigadier General, and is now on the staff of GeneralOid, at Detroit. The ireralet'• oppthtl save: One Of the late ac quisitions to the House of Representatives Is a carpet Imported from England, costing the round sum of $7.000. It Is very elegant In t. tern end of the Lineal quality, but the opinion pa ls not wanting among the crowds of people that daily visit the Capitol and examine the splendid anPoirnmenta of the Represertative Chamber, that the fabric In question could with greater propriety have bean had from an American loom instead of beyond the seas. • plczielin News by Imperialist Channels,— :Evacuation piffle Frontiers Contradicted. ' New Yon[, Nev. 25.-8 y way of Havana we ham advice* fmm the city of Mexico to the Bth and Vera Cruz to the 12414 which say several additional small victories over the Republicans are claimed oy the Imperialists to the 'hue* at Oejaco and Michoacan. It q said that the lat ter has been nearly cleared of Republicans and gambles, a force 0f4300 of them having recent ly meta severa.defeat there. In the state of Gu anajuato, General Gunman and *arty under him are reported to have been completely anal- Wats& Them Is nothing to daffy the Wen , Con of withdrawing the Imperial troops frets the& frontier position, as beregotorn reported, nor Is any reference ped* to the rumored la- Perial evacuation of the Northern and States. It being amends! ghetto Senora and Bina* the condition of affairs remains unchanged. Alleged Embezzler Acqultted—ylnletde. Pmuranwuze, Nov. a—Edward Ellmpacm, late master caulker at the navy yard, &amid by the goratment with a sales of embezzle,. meats eaverlag s long period, woo. doped to. day by, sits: In the Halted Mato Dlistrlst A Prieslea tamed Hedmaa Powell. a' aul t : facture? algae orals committed 'Meld° to•nr at his dike wet 'Walling litreectif 40414 him- , golf wltb a carbine. ORN. ORAN TO VISIT RICHMOND Case -,of Rebel Secretary Mallory DETECTITE FORCE TO BB RETAINED • JHinerai plches of aintscaola elbow dila.. ettc. ' New Tone, Nov. 53.—The EiraklWWaih ington special di.patches contain the folfowing. General Grant and part of his stall' will leave here on Monday to visit Richmond and other Southern cities. They will be absent about Len days. It will be remembered that Gen. Grant has pot visited Richmond since its surrender. Among those. awaiting laterviews at the White House on Saturday were Albert Pike and Mr. 6 thannainge of Utah. The latter Joined the rebellion, but la reported to have Just had hie claim allowed for about tie thousand:dollars back pay due him al4thecommeneement of hostil ities and the restoration of his library valued at thirty- thonand dollars now in federal piseess lon. Neither of his requests have yet been gran ted, but be is permitted to locate in Memphis for the practice of law. The daughter of the rebel Secretary 'gallery has not succeeded In obtaining her lather's release. It is reported that on Secretary Stan ton's trip enotwerd, he visited MaFory In Fort Lafayette. and requested some information con cerning the [archives of the rebel navy. Mr. Malloy declined to give It. Caleb Ctush• lng afterwa.d anode the same solicitation, but Mr. Mallory denied oil knowledge of their cus tody. Inthnationa ore reported to have been given his daughter by our authorities that Mr, Mallory mast vindicate himself under oath, as a condition precedent to his release. This, it Is believed, he can and will do. Mrs. Clement C. Clay has been informed that her husband cannot be paroled, but will he held for trial. Among the pardons granted to-day, by the President, was a special one to stator Ecnola, a graduate of West Point, and an Engineer °dicer of the old army. Echols was Chief Engineer of the rebel defences of Charleston, and wu pitted against Gen. Gilmore, who scientifically besieged that city. Ills Ia the drat Matsuura of a pardon to any one of that class of men who Aire educated at their country's expense, and who plunged into rebellion at the first bugle call. It was granted on the recommendation of the Attorney General, the young man having an invention which is likely to he of great benefit to the Government, and which he could not get patented without a pardon. Hitherto the President has steadily refaced to pardon men of this class, but old army offl• cers vouch thaCho Ls not mistaken In this case of clemency. The Government detective force, so far Crone being disbanded, so was Interaded, bat now an Impottant citi es ima work lald.ont for It In the chief of the Upton and along tee borders,Ao assets and apprehend countertelters of greenbacks, emniglere and defrauders of the Internal Revenue. Bina palms to the detective Journal.; are doubLlese darned to no-of:dela' Itaforsoatim to regard to Feel= movements about which the authorities are merely =lions to satisfy their corieelty.. ADM the middle of last month Gonnrnor of .Mlnnesota, made application to Sec reigry Harlan for an Immediate survey and sales of public lands In 86 Louts and Lske ceitnlies in that Shute. In response to thz Sur veyor General of Minnesota, they reported tjy letter to the general land ofil:e that the t lluntry Mentioned abounds In mineral deposi4 of un doubtcdrlchnees. amend Whitt la Wll 4 -. - quartz. ace.. range! of als been found in this part of the lron State lehave anitty equal to any other le the wintery. ft Is supprse I that • surrey will be ordered Immediately, and that the lands will be placed In the market. About forty-one millions of the recently con verted 5-BO's had been dellverni to subscribers at the close of business Liners in tae Treasury department this evening. The remaining nine millions will POOH be lamed. It hoe been deckled la the Treasury Depart ment that banks which enter Into the purchase of mutilated national currency will not be al lowed to receive at the redemption bureau any advance upon the sum at which It was bought, and no packages of mutilated nosy co.ntaining less than live hundred dollars are redeemed. The Freedmen a Bureau have recently author ized the faculty of the Medial Calm, in Rich mond fo take charge of the hospitala In that city, devoted La the use of the blacks. The physicians of the above Institutions are permitted to lecture to the students upon ouch subjects as are brought under treatment, no far As Is not lueompatible with the comfort of the -mttleofti:• to-etterenettlionseccmtpsedoi thin privileze, the Barran Mere!: furnishing the medical stores for the hospitals. There are about one hundred Leacher. In the eokor. , sancta of the city, which have an avers, .., kndance of • little upwards of 3 , 0 00 FR(II TOE socuilVE.,v, AND ligNim, Got. Parson's Favors Freedmen's -flights. ATTAtK ON A FRENCH STEAMER AT MATANWRAS New , o ykLnaye. NOT. 26.—The what - Vet And _.ogs hate been relinquished to the city an• thoriCes.:tbe G0117131X1. at reserving one thou sand feel of the levee, for Its own use. Governor Hamilton's proclamation calling the Tessa Convention says that all qualified voters having taken the amnesty oath, or being par doned, are eligible, even If the oath was taken or the,y were pardoned setecquentiv• Governor Wells has appointed an agent to seize eight hundred bales of cotton In Galveston and dor the came to this city as the property of Louisiana. The steamer Everman, from Galveston to New Orleant, was caught in a tale on the at and lost her redder, She drifted to Pass Cavallo. Goy. Parsons, of Alabama, recommends en en act aeGaring that the freed men shall have the same proteetlon now Retired to the white population. The Ilatamoraa Ranchero, of the 10th Inst. gays: The firing on the almoner Antonio from the north bank on Tue sd ay last was one of the greatest outrages ever perpetrated on the fron tier. The Actoelo, having on board a detach ment of French marines and two Gad pieces, was forcing her way tie the river under a heavy Gre from a combined force of Liberals. Sbe grounded seven miles below the city, and while engaged with the enemy on the Mexicali aide, a furious tire at long range was opened on her from the neutral bank, which was effective, wounding two marines. The Liberals on north bank were dressed In Federal uniform. The French commander refused to return the fire from the Texas bank, The same paper says: It appears to be the settled purpose of some men to bring on a war between the United States and Mexico. It says the outlaws have been on the American aide In force, where orders have been leaned for I maiming reenata, .te. The Antonia was tired „ upon nom the Texas shore near where Cortinas " bad been camped. at P, 'resident's ?Message to be Seat out by Spe ed.' pi lemengers—Prqlector of Alsatian American T elegraph—Falling stria Rev enue Receipts. Scar Tuna, Nay. 20—A Wuhltgton epodel says the greatest portion of the President's Mstsag:a was In type to-day. It will be com pleted in ample time to be delivered to distant titles bY • gavial measenger to be handed to the preen on the day it is presented to Congrem. The Reports 01 the Secretary of the Treasury and Interior are completed and are being placed In type. P. M. Collins, originator 'and prosecutor of Collt 'e Overland Rttssinn.Amerlean Telegraph line had an Interview with the Postulant to-day. It Ls said the coral any desire the government to subscribe They have already been Innththed within aday or two with a yawl belonging to the Navy. the Internal Revenue receipts are falling Mt Yesterday they reacted but 'even hundred and QRy thoutand dollars. From Callfornia—Death 01 Gen. Prince Dusway—The Storm Abated—Tele graph Across the Selene of Fuca. Baer plasma% Nor. =.--Gen. Prince De R um of the Corps of EZlgiatterS, died to this city to-day, aged 75 years. After a closing up shower last night the storm abated, and today throughout the State the weather is clear and pleasant. The recent thorough drenching of the agri• cultural lands tenures a large planting of grata, and probably an abundant yield next season. ble Tblrtpfortr mite -of submarine telegraph ea &sults of Fuca. 13 0 / 11 ff es alp board, to be laid across the Meeting of North Carolina Leglelature. Nov. Leglesdnia mute tolaOrruw..- A lariroPeumber of member° bun arrived. 'Governor, Hoiden is condned to lasted from sickness. Dr. Powell the State al:Mat Washingroo ttu arrived with &Snatch es to the Goverment but they &Mean yet made ;albite. Ideure.Paol, Heade. Bolden and others 1111111pOkell of la eartnettlern with the Senator-. shin. It IS thought - that • aril Conethotionni Amendment will beratided by the. Legislature. Prominent gentlemen who had been to. With innton are act Very hopella tO the titan of the mato and reconsttuctlon, BELIONSTRIJOTION IN INISSISSIM President's Instructions to GOT. Humphreys Nt'sina_vororr, Nov! 2.5. L-0 wind to the I:an gers:ere of the statencent in the dispatch from Mississippi. published Yetterclaropurporuni to , give the substance of President Johnson't, &unctions to Governor litunphrey.: the NatiOnal &publican gives a toll copy of the dimple In Moire :' Wasumovos, Nov. lt", 1865.—T0 C. G. Him- Phraya, GI/Tumor elect; Jackson, kilos :—The _troops will be withdrawn ikons 311- . 11,11 PP1 when In the opinion of :he Government, peace and older. and Ida civil authority has been restored and can be maintained with= them. Every step will be taken, while they are there, to en. forte serfekdiselpline and subordination to the civil authority. • There can be no other or great er assurance given Than has heretofore been on the part of the President or Government. There iano„conceselon required on the part of the people of Mississippi, or the Legislature other than. a compliance with the lawn and constitution of the UnitetfAtatea, and the adoption of rush meas ures, giving protection to all freedmen or free. man In parson or property, without !regard to color, as will entitle them to resume all their conatltioloral relations In the Federal Union. The people of :Mississippi may well ere eared that there U no disposition arbitrarily On the part of the Government to dictate what action should be bad, but on the contrary td simply and kindly advise a policy that it is be lieved will result in restoring all the relations which should exist between the States rain prising the Federal Union. It to hoped that they will appreciate and feel the suggestions herein made, tot they are offered in that spirit which ahould pervade the bosom of all non who desire peace and harmony and a thorough restoration of the U nion. There most be con fidence between the Government and the States, and while the Government confides its the pee pie, the peoPle must have faith In the Govern ment. This must be mutual and reciprocal, or all that has been done will be thrown away. (Signed,) Asetmcw Joussorr, President of the United States. From Florida—AdJournment of the Cos ventJon—Governor •Addrees— Negro Riot. New Tons, Nov. 2G.—A Tallahassee con es pondent to the Times, of the 7th Inst., states that the convention adjourned sine di, that day. Governor Marvin, In his address on tilt aciimm ment of the convention,. after congratulating them upon LllO measures adopted, advised them to give the negroes full liberty to an where they pleased at Christmas to make new engagements for the coming year, and Stated that 'after the middle of January, those .not having made en gagements and being idle and dissolute, would be treated by the authorities as vagrants. All colored troops are to be withdraw; Lrom the In , . texlor to the sea board. The riot at Marianas: ;realm:lly reported by the Ravel:malt Herald, caused serious apprehensions. but . Gen. Foster had sent a company of the - l"th Regulars to quell the disturbance. Gov. Marvin stated that the action of the Florida Convention , was free and uninfluenced by any other. consideration than justice and sound policy. November 24th has bee; appointed for the eltrition of the State officers. Fenian Headquarters In New York—The AndersonstUe Prison. NEW Yoka, NOT. al.—The g was raised yesterday over th; 7ieni su Headquarte rs In Union So the erargayan ;' lnr . n l, be. °T ?rt., telebrraUon of , LAB ^ :,7y by the British in the geof `'"" flagstaff Is the highest in the "'I. The FenlaeLlisadquarters are now un der full headway, and - business Is beteg transacted with all the rcgnlnrlty of an organized govern ment. The Buenos of the Secrerary Of Warr Secretary of the Treasury , . Sectetary of the Navy and other departments aft , properly or ganized and at work. The building Is one of the handsomest in the city- Ito- Interior ar rangments, tartan:lre. carpeting, desks, the. ars of an elegant description. The edifice Is leased at $l,OOO per month. The Hotra contains a letter front the Ander sonellle stockade, Georgia, of tite;:llst nil, show ing some farther revelationa as to Its barbari ties. Evidence of the lahomanities practiced ' there and details of Ito repulsiveness. Interview with the Prmldeut—General Butler. W I.IrINGTON, Nov. 24.—MV Prescott, of South Carolina. Governor Perry's delegate to loolt alter the Affairs of that Stain, had an in terview with the President to-day, and starts for home at once. General Butler. who arrived bare to - 'ay, h. Congress who are now Ilex been clostted With the mile., members of l'Av" 11.111I1ED, • Thioaday, 2.3,1 inaL, by Rey. O. Slattery, at the residence of the brioe'a father, Ma LAVED TAYLOR, of liyeasoro, fooL to Miss SISAN KYLE. of Pittsburgh, Pa, CIASKILL-110PEWELL—On Thareday era nit& Nov. =I. a/ tte,residenoe of Mr. William I tampion, l'lttaboxib, by the Bar. Wm. Moore, of Olt City, WILLIAM GASKILL, of Mount Holly, N. .1.. sad Miu !HATTIE HOPEWELL. of OR Oily. No cards. • at DIINN—In Larertilsekille, Sunday afternoon, ato o'clock. at th• residence of her brother, Wallace Dunn, of typhoid fever. Miss JINFRE Dvicv, Li the 19th year of her age. 'I he friends and Sorstaintenees of the family are respectfully ► invited to attend the fir ceral Tars •i - rentrootr, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her brother, putter street. Lesefesicevliie. TTILLDALE CEMETERY—A rural and most pleturergge place of Sepulture, sltuste on the upnds, Ira mlietely north of Allegtene City, co the New Brighton Bilsd. Persons wsh ing to arleet Burial Lot. applr at the Suinsemeents Once, et the Cemetery.. Title De ed., eds, Permits and ell other business will he attended st M the Drug Warehouse If the undersigned, earner of erril and Leactak streets, Allegheny. ro2rlyd GE C' A. 'KELLY, Secretary end Treasurer. • G HOVER a BAKER'S SEWINC MACHINES Have be.] awarded the FIRST PREIIIIIRIS the following Alia for the year 1865: First - Premium for best blackball work at Penns; State Fair. First Premium (or best Machine work at Nate York State Fear. First Premium for best Family Machine at OniO, State Fatr, First Premium for best !Manufacturing Machine. at Ohio State Fair. lint Premium for best Manufacturing Machine, at Mithigart Stare Fair. First Premium for best Manufacturing Machina • at Whwonain State Fair. Firm Premium for best Manufacturing flashing at 1 awrenoe Co., Fair, P. Fint Pseud= for beat Machine for general pus pose*, at Laurence Co. Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Family Mackine at fluelt• Co. Pair, P. First Premium (or bent Manufasturing Meth In at Backs Co. Vale Pa. First Premium for beat Manufacturing and Fans Machine •t SpringiLield Fair, Onto. lint Premium for best Manufacturing and Fam y ElacAlun at Palmyra Fair, N. Y. Flint Premium for best Manufacturing and Fam y_ Machine at Sufbalk Co. Fair, N. Y. By Premium for s best Stan ofacturtm and Fact "ltatapltaltigten't Co N. In arpoaea At Allegheny Co. hair. Pa- Filet Prestattai for best Manufacturing Illaohina at Allegheny Co. Fair, Pa gbra Flnt Co. F air, Premium for best Jidar.htne work at Allyy Pa. And wherever exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY. GENIMAL AGENT, oc7f:eodX•z Fifth at., Pittsburgh • SILVERt stock of QOLD AND WATOIM3,. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY eras broxi ot brought SO Alla- chesty City can now be sews at the • T. H. IMAGES. No. EMS 3Paelerail Where WAIVE:ES of the best makers JEWEL. filf of the newest style; ULOUES of every dz. al_ptlos of best American and French makers, PURE SILVER AND PLATED'S:IOOD% Inch aa Parks, Spoons and Hollow Wark rtatutmlan and French Cans and Ci/alm VASES of. armload patterna: and all ankles belonging , Lo atyle of Inatome, Istria be sold at airress REDUC TION: Pine Watch and Tewelry work carefully mate mid Tared. Highest Prorripild for Old weer. Dan angst the plaae, ea nadirs* streak; AOo#bent. rolinyd SHAW at CLARA'S $26. and $33 IfEWINC 'MACHINE& WM( TABLIOSIXIXpratFF. lasi neared another letotaitl reed/ to pyly those that have been wrath( the them. n 'they will do vicuraralAN l ALLAINDEI OF FAMILY SEW.IIIO. xvray ascranvE wasnArcrEn. • sena Au eintair, antathus 1411 pattieultze. No 98 Fourth Street, , notoaaeod PPITSBEratiEt. P4L 1191&bEnm pre gents ak eseglngand ibr tau by &MASS MIR VOLUME LXVIII--NO. 296. Al , l3J3.vatiil3laoll,l THE ortr w r POPULARITY Concert Hall Shoe Store IS PRINCIPALLY OWING TO THE Astonishingly low Prices BOOTS & SHOES ARE SOLD FOR, And .to the fact that they always retain their shape, and never lIIIRT TIRE FEET, But Give Perfect Satisfaction is all. GIVE THEM A TRIAL, AS THEY ARE WAEBANTED, AND ARE RUDE UPON PATENT LASTS. Tirotaterts 9 Rubbers, . - $1 M. n 025 0&& HALL OLOTELIptG HOUSE,, leo. a FITZTI STREET DEW GOODS Rh E oi,ora ours SAIDK COLTS, ErtGLISH WMJUV OVERCOATS Of A.LL AMID% PAIN:CT CAP PANT& SIND BLACK PANTS PF.O TOP PANTO GLOTHING, EGAJIDLLS3.OI" 003 FOR THE NEXT 110 DA73 J. H. SMITH. & . CLOTHIEE.S., OLK HALL, a rural 52. ; Oppeatte the Opera Heine, old', i SUPPLY YOUR WANTS BOOKS AND ALBUMS BOOK PUBLISHERS' PRESES4IIIOI DUO? , 1 74 FIFTHS WrIBEETs For the following reasons ion have the finest stock in the City to select from. Fon only pay the Pithlishen price far Book& ton also receive at time of punkase a present. your present will be worth from 60e. to 3100. ton will be entirely satisfied with bath Boot • and Present. All we ask, Try us, CALL OR SEND FOR A CALTALOOUE mon COME ORE, COME ALL I GE na:ups nniiiTtril sircort. Nos. 18 St Olaip St. • •. The attention of the pohlle to ea/led to the Urn and estesunee stook of GENTLItyumS Fl7B. NISILING GOODS, Ars (Team st.m. mentioned place, whist 1 am =worming &ham bargains. Any one la want of the above Goof% will End It to Duds advaataye to Ore me esti, p end examine my stock before ozehildes; else hh,e. Thiry ean ded the largest ameba/ waged stotk of Fine White Wilts, extra mitt 6/eAterse Shirts, Woolen, Cotton and Lisle-Thread Una". shifts and Drawer; Tletdoellsos GI& penders, Itattardles, and e the Gentlemen's lfnmlshing 414tVses:friii to Besseerther the :daANEmn sad 16 IR. Olidt street. Bs LEV= It ft A large noels of 11 One, artri 450 i. LOCarleryxhri. UnlTersal. Enateelse &ad lytldywsess will be sold lower than Net. QALE OF SERVICEABLE HOSPIM PEOPESTY AND MEDICINE-WAGONS. C. W. ZOTE2III3, Jay Auctioneer,. Peravirreal Osiroz, • Wasremovos, D. C., November Will be sold :t x publlo anctioo ta this my, at ' J l a t d Plins S rA ar Y Alta= tlvhe aefet,t &ditch A. ie., a large lot ox serviceable Hospital Beddftg, am, Mb:MUT 1,000 ToWes. 1.000 ThetshoPilg loGows.wns. 6,C00 Halt • 6,000 Mow C6/55. 5,003 Bedsacka. ' Cow 6,000 Drawers. Skins. 10,000 Coverlets. 10,000 Sheets. ho,OX) Ittanktte At aloft elate will be sold 24 Hetheinit SV Pturbssirs will be reeitUterl toPallor re move.property within Ave days froca temitsatlon of eale. nc O. SUTfteme,Aavo, e.4Ald Sorg. U.S. A. and Het. Pttrveyor. 11.1LNII.ETB, SHAWLS, natssiooppp,,..?LanTE4s, . . 11 DHY GEWSDS. And an bnmenia'stiek of BOOMS ARD SROEI, AY " 1 1 7.44 sArc&T EnrMum _attaisrLeYtirrtratersi A ppz, - Wpaur-Ap•, .kl 4. store and foral4lsl, ' 4 Lam CCM XAZILit Vann -F_II -('
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